Interesting games on PC strategy. Top step-by-step strategies for PC

From the beginning of the 90s and until the middle of the 00 strategy, the players robbed over the minds, receiving honored honor and respect. Alas, but their golden time passed: RTS (real-time strategies) cannot compete in entertainment with the next Battlefield, with the Overwatch dynamics or the plot of Witcher 3. Therefore, the gamers have to be content with the next overpower of the old-kind classic or expect the release of a new "civilization".

However, not everything is pessimistic. Our rating of the best strategies will allow you to establish the most worthy representatives of the genre, as well as learn about the latest releases that have given some classical strategies to the second life. We hope this top 10 will be informative. If not: comments and voting at the bottom of the article to help.

Rating of the best strategies

Stronghold was published in the RTS Golden Epoch - in 2001. At that time, most strategies tried to imitate either C & C, or Warcraft, but Stronghold had other plans.

The game had a well-developed economic component. Although the number of available resources is not far from standard "Wood / Iron / Gold / Stone / Food", an unusual parameter appeared - "Popularity". She provided the influx of new residents to the city and depended on many factors: taxation, diversity of accessible food, entertainment.

To hire soldiers, it was not enough to build a barrack. It was necessary to build buildings producing weapons. Provide gunsmiths with the desired building material. Wait while the chromasant grandfather of the Valya-gait takes a focused onion to arsenal ... you can now hire one archer. And so with all types of troops! It is impossible to simply put the barracks and "promote" any units - this was preceded by the organization of a full cycle of weapons and ammunition production. It is not surprising that the game had a number of economic missions that were not inferior by the complexity of the military.

Normal serene morning in Stronghold Crusader

However, it was not particularly popular in the first part, but its continuation: Stronghold Crusaders, which appeared next, 2002. As follows from the name, the game was devoted to the confrontation of Arabs and Crusaders. Unfortunately, the mode of attack / protection of the castle (the only thing, for which it is worth paying attention to the first part), but more units appeared, some of which could be hiring for gold without weapons production. For the money hired exclusively warriors of the desert, while European soldiers were further equipped with arms of their own production.

The game remains popular so far thanks to the multiplayer and exit enclosage Crusaders Extreme. It also contributes to this simple, but a fairly diverse system of building fortifications: Stronghold allows you to damage the castle with gear walls and high towers, equip them with protective guns and archers, set additional traps and dig up with water.

The first part of Command & Conquer was published in 1995, becoming a real breakthrough of the genre at that time, and a major competition of Varcraft and Dunes. Many of the most familiar gameplay features at that time looked revolutionary:

  • Allocation and direction of a group of units with only one click;
  • The presence of neutral units, buildings and other objects with which you can interact (read "spread in trash");
  • Unit division system by classes. The principle of "stone, scissors, paper" appeared - the first type of unit is effective against the second, but vulnerable to the third, etc.;
  • The game began to use videos and animated screensavers. In a pair with a cool soundtrack, they allowed players to "penetrate" the history of the Universe C & C, and not to perceive it as another nameless chessboard to catch up with their tactical abilities;
  • The presence of just one resource, Tiberius is precisely for it and all wars in the universe of this game are being conducted.

C & C was gained popularity with all the resulting: many elements of the gameplay were separated by other games, becoming familiar elements of most strategies. In addition to the classic C & C series, which pleases their fans with new releases so far, two "alternative" versions of the Universe game appeared over time. This is Command & Conquer: Generals (2003) and has become a very popular RED ALLERT game line.

  • Red Allert.

Tips as it were to transmit the flame hello old man Einstein

Red Allert fully deserves a separate article. This game absorbed an incredible amount of madness and "cranberries" on the topic of the Cold War and the confrontation of NATO and the USSR. Here is a brief description of the prehistory of the Universe Game: After watching the horrors of the Second World War, in 1946, the old man Einstein decides to make a time car and return to the past to retrieve Hitler. As a result, the scale of the scales swung on the other side: Comrade Stalin decides to build his own, Communist Reich, and Europe, together with allies, have to fight.

As far as the game was successful, judge by ourselves: 35 million copies were sold throughout the world. In the book of Records, the Guinies appeared an entry that assures that RED ALLERT is the most-selling RTS in the world. In 2000 and 2001, RED ALLERT 2 and RED ALLERT 2 came out: Yuri's Revenge, which still remain a classic choice of Oldfag. However, for admirers of more modern graphics, there is a third part of the RA.

Warhammer is an extensive fictional universe, on the basis of which many books, comics, films, computer and board games are built. There are two versions of this universe: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000. In the first case, as follows from the name, Varhammer is faithful to the canons of fantasy and pleased the fans of Tolkien and other "elves". And Warhammer 40,000 creates a certain mix of fantasy and, pushing the confrontation closer to the stars.

Games associated with Warhammer 40,000, you can count about 20. But only one of them from any fan of strategies is always associated with the word "Warmmer": this is the only and unique Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, released in 2004.

Strategies, in the usual understanding of this word, the place is not given and much: the tactic is in the spotlight. Buildings are built quickly, and resources are provided for only 2: the energy for which the generators should be built, and special scores that can be obtained by holding the check-point under the Nachis enemy.

The creators of the game as if from the first minutes directly declare: Leave all this from building a base and economic development for nerds. The WH40K Universe is created solely in order to force paratroopers to fight various monsters in the lats (from orcs to more exotic creatures). So no long-term economic development in it is foreseen: only battles from the first to last minute.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 It seemed to be created for Jeremy Clarkson from the "Top Gir": with the scream "Power !!!", the player hooks all enemies on his way. Tactics? No, have not heard.

In 2009, the release of Warhammer 40 000: Dawn of War 2, which received high players' grades, was thoroughly praised by many playing publications, but ... Suddenly it was not a strategy. The faithful fans of the first part with horror found that the long-awaited Dawn of War 2 became more reminding RPG type Diablo than the same 5 years ago. True, it did not prevent the game to find his fans who assure that the multiplayer saved all the necessary elements of RTS and is quite satisfactory.

7. Total War.

It's funny that Total War and Warhammer 40 000: Dawn of War are located next to the ranking of the best strategies, because at once in May this year, Total War came out: Warhammer is the first TW dedicated to the Warhammer Universe. True, not Warhammer 40.000, and Warhammer Fantasy - so it will, first of all, will have to taste fans of fantasy worlds. However, let's be about everything in order - after all, the release of this game was preceded by 9 other parts, which brought TW worldwide fame.

The main distinguishing feature of Total War is a successful compound of step-by-step mode and RTS: the level of each of them is selected separately. The main action unfolds on the global map of the world, in which everything happens step by step. But battles are loaded separately and rapidly develop in real time. Players will have to use the field features and various types of units, which allows you to get an advantage even over the superior enemy forces.

The first TW came out in 2000. But the world's world fame brought her third part, Rome: Total War, in which a three-dimensional engine was used. As follows from the name, the action took place during the Roman Empire. In addition to the "classic" European nations, the Arab Empire (Egypt) and even barbarians were available in the game. Depending on the chosen side, not only units were different, but also the architecture of cities. The popularity of this part of the subsequent TW was never able to flip.

In 2013, Rome was published: Total War II - initially amateur, but later brought to mind with the help of numerous patches. Probably inspired by the "civilization", the developers of Rome 2 added the ability to win not only by conquest, but also with the help of culture and trade. However, this is not the only part worthy of attention: Napoleon, Attila, Shogun 2 and previously mentioned Warhammer is also interesting in its own way.

If I managed to create such a successful product like Warcraft, I would have reached 20 years on laurels, keeping all the money any absolutely meaningless way. But the guys from Blizzard are not like that: thoring deserved ovations after the output of Warcraft 2, the little closures took up work on space RTS. True, as a result, they still turned out Warcraft: beta version was mercilessly criticized and perceived as "orcs in space." Fortunately, the developers listened to criticism and completely redesigned the graphics engine and setting. So in 1998, the legendary Starcraft was born.

The game presents 3 races: zergs, protosss and terrans, which are borrowed from the Universe of Warhammer 40.000 (Tiranches, Eldars, Imperial Guard). However, the similarity is exceptionally superficial: appearing on the light, Starkraft went on its own development - the universe of this game has covered with its own characteristics and now has little in common with Warhammer.

In most strategies to preserve a fragile balance, all nations have the same set of units and buildings + several unique buildings / soldiers who make a certain variety, but do not fundamentally affect the tactics of the game. Starcraft has shone on these canons. All 3 races are absolutely different:

  • Mergi. far from technology and science, seeks exceptional superiority.
  • High-technical protoss They are the complete opposite of the Zerg: Each Protoss changes an important person with a rich inner world, so there are quite a few resources, but also beats, respectively, hurts and strongly.
  • Terrans (From the word "terra") represent in the game of people. Are "golden mid" between the mings and protosss.

Beautiful lights Star Craft 2 lure the gullible schoolchildren and cause a skeptical smile of Oldfag

Such stripping differences between the races gave the game a solid advantage over the rest of the RTS, won it by the reputation of the "smart" strategy, in which it is necessary to not just "slip" as much as possible army, but to think over its actions in advance, showing strategic and tactical skills. The microcontrol is also played by the microcontrol: if the protosss are not particularly demanding on the accuracy of the control, the success of the offensive operations of other races, especially the zergs, directly depends on the speed and accuracy of the player's response.

In 2010, Starcraft II came out. Modern graphics and an excellent multiplayer allowed the game to return to the former glory and take his right-handed place in cybersport. Although Oldfagi assure that the unique balance of the first SC is partly lost, Starkraft 2 received high estimates of a variety of gaming publications (on average 9 out of 10) and presented her second life.


In 1997, the first part of the Age of Empires was published: all the same Varcraft, only in the profile. Instead of fantasy races in the game, 12 human nations were presented, which could develop from the Stone Age to Antiquity. Furora In the game world, this game did not accomplish, but in general was perceived favorably that inspired her creators to start working on the second part.

Two years later, Age of Empires II came out: The Age of Kings, which became truly legendary. She overshadowed not only the first part, but also many then "whales" of this genre, having assured himself a decent army of fans. In 2000, Addon Age of Empires II appeared: The Conquerors, which added 5 new nations to the game with unique units, as well as additional missions and technologies. It is this part of the game that has become the most popular in the Age of Empires series. What is the reason for her success?

  • Variety of nations. The Conquerors numbered 18 nations, many of which were pretty exotic: Gunns, Teutons, Sarazin, Celts, Persians, Aztecs, Maya, etc. In fact, it was this game that laid a fashion on strategy with many different civilizations.
  • The possibility of development. The second "chip", which was for the first time among the strategies implemented precisely Aoe 2 - the transition from one historical era to another. All this was accompanied by a rather extensive tree of technology, for which it was necessary to build various buildings and spend resources.
  • Balance. Of course, the nation was distinguished not only by color and different designs of buildings. Each of them had its own bonuses and unique units. Some had an economic advantage, other stronger cavalry, third cool siege guns, fourth long-range fleets, etc. All this variety was rather balanced without explicit favorites. As a result, Age of Empires 2 attracted many lovers of network battles.

As it turned out, a beautiful picture cannot replace an interesting gameplay.

In 2005, AGE OF EMPIRES III was published. She was good, but until the success of his predecessor and did not reach closely. As a result, after several addons, Microsoft surrendered and, on the joy of fans, returned to Age of Empires 2. In 2013, they released Age of Empires 2: HD Edition, and then 2 more addon: The Forgotten (5 new nations, including Slavs) and The African Kingdoms (4 more nations and "African" campaigns). So today AoE 2 continues to develop and delight fans with new additions.

4. Cossacks

The success of Age of Empires attracted the attention of many Izrodelov: they stopped trying to create their own "Varcraft", switching to the Epoch of Empires (which undoubtedly was created under inspiration from Warcraft). Here are the guys from the Ukrainian company GSC Game World created RTS, which conceptually has a lot in common with AOE.

The game "Cossacks", published in 2001, was so successful that in the eyes of many domestic strategists, the "era" was overshadled. If you believe "Game", then in one time the "Cossacks" became the most sold domestic game (more than 1 million copies).

"Cossacks" continued the idea of \u200b\u200bnumerous gaming nations. In the second addion of the first part, which was called "Again War", 20 different countries were available. And if there was no Slavic nation in the "epoch", not only Russia was available in the "Cossacks", but also Ukraine (which is logical, following the names and geographical location of the developers). There were also more refined nations, such as Piedmont and Saxony.

Unlike other strategies, in the "Cossacks", resources were spent not only for the acquisition of units, but also on their content. No meal began hunger, and mercenaries acquired for gold raised the uprising, it was worth the execution of the execution. To use firearms, iron and coal were needed - without them arrows and artillery turned out to be defenseless.

Also in the game it was possible to capture some enemy buildings, artillery and peasants (except Ukrainian, with them as usual: the will of Abo death). In comparison with the "Epoch of Empires", "Cossacks" seemed more dynamic, allowing you to create an incredible amount of some insane and fearless units - in a network game, the fighting of such pollens looked epic and exciting.

  • Cossacks 2.

In 2005, "Cossacks 2" were released: despite the high estimates of many gaming publications, the game did not cause that delight that the first part. It was reworked absolutely everything: it became more realistic and thoughtful. No "controversial" nations, raids of the Horde of fearless madmen and upgrades of ancient rifles to such an effectiveness that even Kalashnikov becomes envy.

The battles in the "Cossacks II" were forced to take into account the peculiarities of the terrain, to recharge the guns for a long time and follow the combat spirit of soldiers who can join and rush into the scattering. It sounds, it seems, not bad, but there is no trace in the network game from the former fun.

  • Cossacks 3.

And on September 21, 2016, the long-awaited "Cossacks 3" came out, which no one had ever dreamed of. And everything would be fine, if it were not for the number 3 in the title - everyone expected the continuation of the series, and Remastering the first part. The old game was transferred to a new graphic engine, the gameplay was completely taken from the original "Cossacks". Add to this a decent number of bugs that GSC Game World have been actively corrected after the release with the help of various patches, and you will understand why many gamers felt deceived. Still, GSC cost to declare that the game is remastering the first part before release, not afterhis.


The first part of the step-by-step strategy of Heroes of Might and Magic was back in 1995. Its predecessor was King's Bounty, which appeared back in 1991. But universal love and recognition to HOMM came gradually, covered by Heroes of Might and Magic III with a head somewhere closer to 1999.

The action of all "heroes" occurs in a certain fantasy universe. There are races, but the player is not tied to them: the hero can conquer the locks of any fractions and hire any available units. So, under some banners, the most diverse and wild brothers can be gathered: elves and skeletons, centaurs and dragons, people and elemental.

Battles occur on the field divided into tiles (hexagons). The units of one type occupy one cell, regardless of their quantity. The moves are carried out in turn, the hero looks at this action from the side, from time to time trying to help his army, Casta various spells. Gradually, the hero receives experience, studies new skills and collects various artifacts that make it better and higher.

Homm IV came out in 2004 and were perceived, to put it mildly, ambiguous: too much innovations turned out. The main and key innovation concerned the heroes: they turned into active participants in the passive observers, which could move, apply damage and put an attack like the rest of the units. Heroes could travel at all without troops: one by one or having gotten into a gang of 7 characters. Having rolled down as it should, the lonely hero could independently endure the numerous army.

There was a reverse side of the medal: if you managed to kill the enemy hero at the beginning, it was possible to get a solid advantage. For example, it made sense to organize a sabotage attack on the enemy, to put the leader of the troops and retreat - the declined army lost the opportunity to seize the mines and castles, which made her retreat and drag a homemade carcass home.

All these innovations gave rise to immeasurable expanses for disputes and hollyarov: since 6 years have passed from the output of the third part, the new generation of gamers appeared, which did not see the "heroes" before - Homm4 had to do. But those who grew up in previous parts, tested Batthert mixed feelings.


Disputes between supporters and opponents of the fourth part stopped the release of Heroes of Might and Magic V, which took place in 2006: yesterday's opponents united their efforts in the general tool to express complaints about the cartoon charts for anime lovers. If you close your eyes to the picture, the Gameplate "Heroes 5" was a reasoned copy of the third part - obviously, the developers did not experiment in order to ease on the nostalgia of the series fans.

This is the classic "heroes" and something completely incomprehensible begins. HOMM 6 and 7 turned into a certain alternative product, so far from the original that, on their background, even "Heroes 4" looks the berrystone. Therefore, most "heroev" fans prefer to play earlier versions, from 3 to 5. But the most popular remains third chiron. Moreover, in 2015 the HD version of this game was released.

2. Civilization

The first "civilization" appeared in Lohmat 1991 and, as they say, was a digital version of the same name of the table game of the early 80s. Since in those days, computers have no hard mortals, a few of the strategic toy were suspected of a new strategic toy: mainly employees of the Research Institute and other interesting enterprises.

Nevertheless, the game turned out to be quite successful: what engineer could resist the temptation after a tense work shift to try on the role of Stalin or Gandhi? The presence of a civopedia, a detailed game encyclopedia, favorably distinguished Civilization from other strategies of those times.

  • Civilization II.

In 1996, LED Meyer and the company released the second part of Tsiva, which, thanks to the greater prevalence of computers, became a completely successful commercial product. Despite the mediocre schedule, there were cool moments in the game: for example, when building a miracle of the world, a video firm of a real newsreel was played. It was possible to see the launch of Apollo or Nuclear Rocket, the shooting of the Sistine Chapel or Notre Dame de Paris. In the subsequent parts of the movie replaced the usual animation.

  • Civilization III.

2001 marked with the release of Civilization III: the first tie with nice graphics. Even now it looks quite attractive, and in 2001 this picture caused real delight. Gameplay also underwent certain changes. In CIV 2, players tried not to collect many units on the same cell, because In the case of enemy attack and the death of one of them, everyone who stood on the cage died. In CIV 3, nothing like this happened: to clean the cell from the host, it was necessary to destroy them all.

Therefore, the obvious and only tactics of war in the third Tsive: the creation of the so-called stack - the crowd of various units on the same cell. From time to time, a leader appeared, which could combine 3 units under his own banners. This formation was called the army and was a kind of fat unit from the 20n rubles. With the help of the army, almost anything could be cut off.

The city window is the best thing in Civilization III

The signature chief of the second and third Tsiva was the situation in which technologically backward unit, having more combat experience, could calmly destroy some wonderful weapon of the future. For example, in the order of things there was a situation where a copier with an accurate blow to the shreds enemy tank or an archer, as he should pull the tent, he knocked up an enemy bomber. Particularly amused by the fact that the plane was shot down the same successfully not only an archer, but also a sword. In subsequent parts, this problem was partly solved, but in front of the heads such events generated many attacks of hysteria.

Civilization III was a number of innovations that moved to all subsequent series of the series: a variety of resources on the map, the golden age, cultural influence on neighboring cities, with which it was possible to assimilate the neighboring settlement, technology tree (in previous parts I had to remember or write a sequence in previous parts discoveries of various sciences).

  • Civilization IV.

Civilization IV, published in 2005, acquired a three-dimensional image. Players who are accustomed to the third Tsive, walusedly perceived the unusual schedule, so not similar to the previous part. The game appeared religion and espionage (Addon Beyond The Sword), and the actions of aviation became more realistic: the aircraft made raids from the city and could not be shot down by some kind of harsh speaker. The problem of clusters of a large number of units on one cell partly decided by aviation or artillery: damage from their attack received all units in the stack.

Civilization V has come in 2010 and came out Civilization V. More convenient and practical hexes came to replace the square cells: with them the boundaries of states got rid of strange linear angularity and became more believable. The system of accumulation of a huge number of units on the same cage was demolished under the root: now only one military unit could be placed on one hexagon. At the same time, they were made more efficient and stronger.

The content of certain units was required to spend strategic resources: horses, iron, oil, coal or uranium. Without having them at hand, the state risked to remain without cavalry, battleships, nuclear weapons and aviation, which not only added realism, but also forced players to carefully dispose of resources instead of sticking in incredible quantities all that wakes up.

Building tactics as much as possible cities also talked their own: large empires received fines on culture and science, and the population began to show discontent. So there are several different tactics: development through 4-5 cities with a large number of people or the construction of more settlements, but with a smaller number of residents in cities. It became possible to victory and with one single city (hello from Venice).

Another innovation: the emergence of cities - states that do not claim world domination. Friendship with them brought various bonuses: resources, science, culture, culture or religion glasses, units and additional voices in Congress.

It is worth noting that many of the functions, as in previous numbers, were added in addons: religion and espionage, caravans, the opportunity to take various resolutions in Congress and the UN - in the initial version without adduction there was no whole. Therefore, reading reviews about the game is not difficult to trace how the anger of the fans of the series gradually replaced by mercy.

On October 21, 2016, Civilization VI release was released. Among notable innovations: 2 wood technologies, cultural and scientific, which open independently of each other. Cells around cities need to be built up with special areas: scientific, cultural, military, religious, industrial, etc. It will not be enough to build everything - trite not enough cells. Moreover, each miracle of light also requires a separate tile.

Describe all the innovations and features of the sixth tsiva is difficult due to its freshness. But the game has already received the highest assessments of various gaming publications, and incentive reviews, in more account, very positive. And it is despite the fact that usually the first version of Civilization turns out to be damp and only with time, with the help of several addons turns into a masterpiece. But, apparently, the sixth civilization can be the first representative of the series, which is good initially.

The plot Warcraft: Orcs and Humans tied at the confrontation of people and orcs. As in the film, the orcs fall into the world of people from the portal and between them begins the struggle for the place under the sun. However, the first part attracted not so much attention - all glory went to her Sikwell, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, which was released in just a year. But only see what changes in the chart occurred during this short period! Add interesting videos and a good plot to a pleasant picture, and all - the masterpiece is ready.

As if "before" and "after" - the year was not in vain
  • Warcraft III

But the continuation of the banquet had to wait a long time - as many as seven years. And the first response of the game community was ambiguous: too many suspicious innovations appeared in the game:

  • Three-dimensional engine;
  • 2 races grew into 4 (night elves were added and undead);
  • Many neutral units and monsters appeared on the maps;
  • The characters who accumulated the experience were added to the game, pumped skills and told all sorts of pieces (than not rpg?);
  • Rollers have become also brighter and more beautiful;
  • The plot is still twisted and pappy.

The vertex of the third part of the third part was the output of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne in 2003, which gave rise to everyone a commemorative dot (I can hardly open America, if I remind you that Dota was created in the usual editor of Warcraft 3 cards and was not considered a full-fledged independent game).

Was Warcraft by the RTS genre? Of course not. Is it possible to say that this is the best strategy in the world? I am sure that many will not agree with this: C & C and Civilization, Homm and Total War have solid fans armies. But, undoubtedly, Varcraft made a significant contribution to the genre of strategies and, since it turned out to be in the first place of our rating, it means ... * There should be a life-affirming thesis, but I do not have a single similar thesis associated with Warcraft. Syan, boys. There will be options - Write in the comments *

Below the selection of historical PC strategies. I constantly follow the novelties and therefore I add new ones that come out or which I find. Only strategies are collected here, there is separate.

Civilization series

release date: 1991-2016

The events of the game will tell about the formation of the first empires, ranging from their origins and ending with the full decay. The player takes control of one of sixteen warring factions, each of which has its own plot, campaigns, architecture, type of troops, units, etc. Fractions are conventionally divided into five civilizations: Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon and Asia. The project has a single-user game, as well as online battles with support for up to eight players.

The gameplay process, will be able to carry the gamer after a whole millennium. Starting from the Stone Age, the player must develop his empire, explore new technologies, to impede the army, build cities and fight with enemy fractions. In the course of the research, the city of the player will go to new historical era, which in turn will be able to open access to new samples of weapons, equipment and technologies.

EUROPA Universalis Series

release date: 2000-2013

Genre: Historical Strategy in Real Time, Global Strategy

The project will be able to postpone the player in the time interval between 1444 and 1821. This time covers the period of the most high-profile geographical discoveries, the formation of the modern world, the active development of science, the transition from medieval technologies to more modern production methods. The player will be able to take on the role of the ruler of one of the European countries, and try to create the most powerful empire from his state.

The game implemented complete freedom of action, but at the same time, there are real historical events, such as wars, crusades, revolutions, etc. The player takes control of any of the European countries and begins to create a global empire, annexing the territories of neighbors, absorbing weaker countries entirely and creating unfavorable conditions for the existence of competitors. Each player's effect will be reflected in the world of the game. I cut off one of the countries from the securities deposit, one can observe how it fades its economy and deteriorates the standard of living. During the exit, the game received many positive feedback from gaming critics and journalists. The project was praised for extensive political and diplomatic opportunities, as well as a large amount of DLC.

Total War Series

release date: 2000-2016

Genre: Step-by-step strategy, RTS, Global Strategy,

The events of the game occupy a time interval between 270 years BC and 14 a year of our era. This time covers the formation of the Roman Empire and multiple civil wars, which happened between various factions, who wish to solely rule the huge territories.

The project combines such genres as a step-by-step global strategy and a real-time strategy. In the global strategy mode, the player will be able to make large-scale and significant things in step-by-step mode. For example, in this mode, you can declare war, to start capturing enemy territories or produce other global actions. In real-time strategy mode, the player receives control over the groups of units that need to be managed on a detailed area map.

Series of Cossacks

release date: 2001-2016

Genre: RTS.

The game is in temporary framework that cover the time interval between the XVII and XVIII centuries. The plot of the gaming company, completely depends on the selected fraction. A player will be able to participate in such historical events as the Ukrainian war for independence, the Russian suppression of raisins, as well as the Great Northern War, French participation in the thirty-year war, etc. The project has a single-user company and online battles that support up to four players.

The main essence of the game is to complete the destruction of all the buildings of opponents. The player begins his way with a small settlement, which you need to improve and develop as quickly as possible. To do this, you should send workers to cutting down the forest, mining ore and field work. This will help ensure the city the main resources needed for normal development and troops. Also there are several fractions in the project, each of which has its own positive and negative parties. For example, the Ukrainian cavalry is very mobile and causes a lot of damage, but at the same time has a reduced margin of health and weak protection. In general, due to the large number of units, a variety of gameplay for each of the factions, as well as for historically reliable events, the project was greatly popular with all lovers of Real-Time strategies.


release date: 2003


Starting from 1900, the player has about 100 years to create its own business, to improve production and create a whole industry from it, able to affect the development of cities. Gamer will be able to choose any direction of production and try to create a truly profitable case that will be able to bring huge money.

The project is an advanced economic simulator with great attention to small details. To create a successful business, the player must calculate every little thing that will be able to influence income. For example, frequent vehicle breakdowns, due to poor-quality road surface, will be able to significantly increase the cost of transporting finished products to the place of implementation. It is worth noting that the project is tied to time, so the goods will be opened in a trace of development and needs. The game will be able to please all lovers of economic strategies, as well as advanced business simulators.

The Entende Gold.

release date: 2003

Genre: Strategy in real time,

The actions of the game occur during one of the most cruel wars in the history of mankind - the First World War. The player will be able to become a warlord of one of the five sides of the conflict and try to rewrite the story on his way. The gameplay will postpone the player in all key places of battles, like the battle at Verden, Somme, Brusilovsky breakthrough, etc.

The game has five members of the participants, each of which is distinguished by its technique, infantry, weapons and equipment. Each fraction has its advantages and disadvantages, which is building the balance of the game. England and Germany, have heavy tanks, France excellent aircraft, and the Russian Empire is an improved connier and infantry. The project also has tactical tricks, the use of terrain and relief, the use of mortars and hazardous chemical weapons.

Pax Romana.

release date: 2003

Genre: Real Time Historical Strategy, Economic Simulator, Ancient Rome

The player will be able to feel himself as a real Roman emperor, who must make Rome the most prosperous and developed empire worldwide. To do this, you need to cover all areas that will be able to influence improvement, namely policies, economics, development of technologies, as well as defense and strong army.

At the beginning of the game, the gamer will be given a weak country with minimal income, weak army, low science, technologies, etc. To get out of the current situation, the player must properly distribute labor, to establish the production of resources, resume the construction of cities, as well as train the army. In the process of passing, new territories will be opened, units and other possibilities, and military power will be subjected to constant raids of nomadic tribes.


release date: 2003

Genre: Real-time strategy, about the ancient Rome,

The events of the game are transferred during the reign of Julia Caesar, who engaged in defense cordons from the nomads tribes. The player will be able to visit one of the legates - professional military leaders and strategists. In the process of the game, Gamer will be able to survive such historical events as: the beginning of the Civil War, the war with Gallia and other German tribes, the formation of the Roman Empire, etc.

A player will be able to take control of whole legions hardened in the battles of Roman soldiers. Management is made by groups. Each group has a total stamina and health. Tits can be divided or combined to achieve a tactical benefit in battle. There are also special warriors who possess inspiring auras. Auras are able to significantly increase protection, level of health and efficiency of legionnaires. The project will be able to enjoy all the fans of Real-Time strategies, as well as history lovers, since the game has historically reliable equipment and weapons implemented.

Blitzkrieg series

release date: 2003-2017

The plot of the game is fully dedicated to the Second World War. The project events occur in a temporary framework from 1939 to 1945. Three sides of the conflict are available to the choice: countries of the axis, the USSR, Western Allies. Each faction has its own companies, scenarios, locations of hostilities, as well as historical weapons, technology and commander-in-chief.

The project is a tactical Real-Time strategy in which the player takes on the role of commander-in-chief. The main task of the gamer is to fulfill the task with minimal loss of personnel. The project presents the relationship between missions. This means that in the next task, the player will have the same soldiers as in the previous one (the dead soldiers are replaced by weakly trained recruits). From the main advantages of the game, it should be noted: a large set of historical equipment, weapons and techniques, three single companies, more than 50 missions, large-scale and dynamic battles in multiplayer mode.

Crusader Kings.

release date: 2004

Genre: Historical global strategy,

The game is in temporary framework, which will be able to postpone the player in the main battles that occurred during the Middle Ages. Gamer will be able to take an active part in the third crusade, a century war, as well as in the battle of Hastings. The main essence of the game lies in full territorial dominance over other countries and factions.

The project has the development of technologies that do not depend on the player's actions. You can choose only the basic orientation of development for the main areas. Also in the game there is a modeling of historical events. So the player will be able to get into the midst of a cross campaign or in difficult times of age war. The main gameplay innovation of the project was random events. For example, you can build other countries and provinces, but the more the player will have controlled territories, the more difficult to manage them, and this can lead to rebellions and rebellies. In general, the project will be able to enjoy all the fans of the genre, as well as lovers of games about the Middle Ages.

Knights of Honor

release date: 2005

Genre: Real-time strategy, global strategy about the Middle Ages,

The actions of the game unfolds on a huge map of the medieval world, which has 100 different states that really existed in those times. The player will be able to choose any and countries and take part in the development and formation of a new large-scale empire. The main task of the game is to suppress all competing countries, destroy enemies and keep power.

The game is made in the form of a real-time strategy with elements of a global strategy. On the big map, the player will be able to watch the state and political actions of other countries. In strategy mode, the player must control the troops and lead active fighting with the enemy. The project implements the system of court knights. Each knight is a separate core, which affects military power, construction, trade, military intelligence and religion. Knights will pump up in the game process, allowing you to improve all aspects of the country as a whole. The project boasts wide opportunities, fascinating battles and high attention to small details, such as religion, treasury, construction, etc.

Rise and Fall: Civilizations at war

release date: 2006

Genre: RTS, RPG, Ancient Rome, about ancient Egypt

The events of the game will tell about the confrontation of the four civilizations that lead permanent wars for control over the territories and valuable resources. The player will be able to become a warlord of Egypt, Greece, Persia or Rome and bring his faction to a complete victory over competitors. For Greece and Egypt, their single companies and scenarios are available in which the player can personally manage Alexander Macedonian or Cleopter.

The project has two gaming components - strategic and role. In the role-playing - gamer should manage the hero, perform various tasks, apply special skills, collect the army, etc. The strategic component is represented by the classical construction of the base, the improvement of technologies, the hiring troops and the attack on the enemy database. In addition to historically reliable types of troops, equipment and equipment, the elements of mythologists and fantasy are present in the game.

Golden Horde

release date: 2008

Genre: Real-time historical strategy, RPG, Made in Russia

The plot of the game is built on the confrontation of the three factions - Tutons, Rusich and the Golden Horde. The player can take control of any of them and participate in mass medieval battles. Each fraction has its own storyline and a company, which allows you to immerse yourself in the historical battles on behalf of each part of the conflict.

The project combines such genres as strategy and RPG. The role component is represented by heroes that have unique talents and significantly enhance the surrounding troops. The main strategic component is represented by the classical construction of the base, the development of industry, the construction of defense and buildings, the collection of the army and battles. Because, playing is historical, real equipment and weapons are modeled in it, each of the parties to the conflict. The project will be able to please all lovers of classic real-time strategies in historical networking.

XIII century. Glory or death

release date: 2007

Genre: Historical Strategy in Real Time, Middle Ages, Pro Rus

The events of the game covers the entire XIII century and talk about the bloody confrontation between the 21 fraction. The player will be able to take any side of the conflict and try to lead to a complete victory one of the medieval states. The game has 5 companies and about 30 battles, each of which simulates real events that happened in those times.

The project is made in the form of real-time strategy with all the characteristic features of the genre. The player must build a base, study technology, to collect resources, pumping weapons and equipment and creating a powerful army. After that, you can send an army into battle. From the key moments of the game, it is worth noting a wide variety of troops, reliable equipment, many unique factions, sieges of castles and massive multiplayer battles.

Imperium Romanum

release date: 2008

Genre: RTS, Urban planning simulator, Ancient Rome

The player will be able to visit Rome ruler, which places the city to his taste and discretion. Build new streets, improve technology, create legions of professional warriors, and also fight the enemies with the help of the cavalry, siege guns and gastats detachments.

The project allows you to take the construction of Rome under your own control. The player begins his way with the simplest buildings, gradually developing the city, strengthening the infrastructure, studying more advanced technologies and collecting the best army. It does not work out and without military shocks with the enemies of the empire, which constantly encroach on the territorial integrity. In general, the project will like all lovers of strategies about Rome, as well as fans of urban planning simulators.

Victoria 2.

release date: 2010

Genre: Historical Global Strategy, Pro First World, Economic Simulator

The project is in time frame from 1836 to 1936. The player becomes the leader of one of the 271 states that really existed in those times. The main task of the game is to create the most large-scale empire in the world, suppress all competing countries and win in Perov World War.

The game implemented complete freedom of action, the player will be able to choose one of the countries and bring it to full victory. The complexity of the game directly depends on the choice of the country. A small and underdeveloped power is difficult to capture stronger competitors, which will require workshop knowledge in politics and economics. Also, real historical events are simulated in the game, such as the murder of Franz Ferdinand, revolutions, epidemics, etc.


release date: 2011

Genre: Historical Global Strategy, RPG, Economic Simulator

The events of the game are transferred to Japan XVI century. The player acts as an influential feudal, which should combine all the eastern countries under the flag of one powerful empire. For this, the player must become a strong leader of his clan, wise ruler and the best commander.

The game is a global strategy in which all actions occur on one big map. The playing field has more than 350 different provinces. The player must manage his clan, build up military power and gradually take control of scattered clans, creating a powerful empire. Also, the game has the opportunity to create a family, appoint receivers and encourage vassals that should obey orders. From the main features of the project, it is worth noting a large variety of types of troops, broad political and economic opportunities, diplomacy, historical events.

HEGEMONY GOLD: Wars Of Ancient Greece

release date: 2012

Genre: Real-time strategy, about ancient Greece

The events of the game are talking about internal conflicts that occurred in the times of ancient Greece. The player will be able to take an active part in mass uprisings, the struggle for power, civil wars, etc. A few fractions are available in the project, with which you can capture power in Greece and completely rewrite the story.

The project is a classic real-time strategy with the construction of the base, the collection of the army, the construction of defense and reserves, as well as the battles of the wall on the wall. The game has tactical capabilities and various military tricks. You can use the relief and features of locations. From the main features worth noting: a large set of different types of units, detailed historical equipment, battles on the water.

Alea Jacta Est.

release date: 2014

Genre: Global Strategy, Ancient Rome

The project is in time frame, starting from the first century BC. And ending with the third century AD. This time coincides with the period of formation and development of the Roman Empire. The player will be able to take an active part in the main battles and civil wars, which occurred during the first centuries of the most powerful empire in the world.

The game is made in the form of a step-by-step strategy that most likely resembles a classic show. The game implements a large-scale global map, covering the territory of all Roman lands and provinces. The player will be able to create his army and try to influence the course of history, overthrowing emperors, concluding unions with German tribes, opening new fronts and exciting all the large territories. The project will be able to please all lovers of global strategies about the ancient Rome, as well as fans of such games as Total War.


release date: 2014

Genre: Real Time Strategy, RPG, Ancient Rome

The plot of the game will allow you to hover the player in the events that developed during the reign of Julia Caesar. Under his beginning, Gamer must conquer the Militant German tribes that became a real "bone in the throat" for the Great Roman Empire.

The project is focused on tactical battles using various types of infantry and cavalry. Military tricks are available, such as impacts in the rear, baits, the use of terrain and weather conditions. In addition to the battle itself, the player must follow the supply of food, ammunition and recruits. To do this, you need to create entire networks of logistics support routes. In general, the project will have to taste all lovers of dynamic strategic games with a developed tactical component.

Urban Empire.

release date: 2017

Genre: Strategy in real time, urban planning simulator, economic simulator

A player will be able to try on the role of the urban ruler, which develops his metropolis throughout two hundred years. During this time, cataclysms will affect the city, political intrigues, technological progress, world wars, etc. The main task of the player is to become a wise and strong ruler, as well as choose the desired course of development of the whole city. You can do this in various ways, becoming a good mayor or despotic tyrant.

The game implemented the development of epochs that does not depend on the player. The introduction of new technologies, historical events and other factors strongly affect the gameplay and will be able to sharply drive the budget of the city in a strong minus. What to cope with non-standard situations, the player must think over each next step and develop the city in various directions. This may prevent the city council, which rejects or takes risky decisions. As in real life, the opinion of the Council can be inclined to their side by deception and corruption.

Historical online strategies

Imperia Online 2.

Release date:2014

Genre:Browser strategy

The colorful browser historical strategy in real time, in which players starting from the lowest and developing in the three main directions (economics, diplomacy and army) are trying to seize power in this fascinating world of kings, knights and crusades.


The main game feature here is the presence of the imperial dynasties. So, each player has its own "great people", which have unique talents and help in various aspects of the development of their own empire. At the same time, all of them mortals and in the game of the game can be observed a change of not one generation of the imperial family. Otherwise, everything is standard - we build and develop the city, hire the army, we capture cities and do not allow the looting of our own possessions. For lovers of clan activity in the game, alliances and global wars are implemented.

Stronghold Kingdoms.

Release date:2014

Genre:Economic strategy

The historical strategy, which is the first game in the Stronghold series, made in the Mmorts genre. The project is made in the stylistics of other games of this franchise, but the gameplay is "sharpened" by the online game. For example, buildings are not immediately built immediately, but after a certain time, trade is also not instantly, and in battles the player can affect only the arrangement of troops and the use of one of several tactics.


However, many processes in the game do not differ much from similar in the series. Still players earn popularity and honor, many economic aspects also remained unchanged (nutrition of peasants, arms production, etc.). In general, this project will fall to taste, both lovers of the original games of the series, and all those who love online historical strategies.

Forge of Empires.

Release date:2012

Genre:Historical town planning strategy

The historical browser online strategy in which the players are engaged in the development of their own city, starting from the Stone Age, and ending with a distant future. The territory for the construction is initially very limited, but in the process of the game it can be expanded by filling new territories by various buildings, buildings and decor elements.


We start traditionally for such games with a small village, developing which, gradually seize new territories and create your own empire. There are several eras in the game, each with its buildings and features. The transition from the era to the epoch opens not only new buildings, but also new technologies in the tree of research. There are battles here, as well as diplomacy (for example, new territories can be conquered, but can be exchanged for resources).

Real Classic is the first three-dimensional game from Blizzard and one of the best strategies in principle.

At the time of release in 2002, Warcraft III was all. Wonderful graphics, which, thanks to a unique style, looks good even now, fascinating gameplay with role-playing elements, which influenced the entire RTS genre, a gorgeous plot in the well-thoughtful universe and support for mods.

If not Warcraft III, there would be no Dota, nor the Moba genre as such.

2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Tactical strategy on a PC in which you need to protect the Earth from the aliens.

The main thing in XCOM is a constant need to take difficult. Who to send to a difficult mission: Veteran who will have more chances to win, or a beginner who is not so sorry to lose? Which of them give more powerful armor or gun? Order fighters to attack the strongest aliens or first to deal with small enemies?

Each aspect of the game - the base management, the change in the execution of the characters and the battle themselves - incredibly fascinates.


It seems that this is the most ordinary strategy about, but in fact Company of Heroes - one of the most humane games about the war. All because under the start of the player, more than several detachments are rare (unlike several dozen units in traditional RTS). For the fighters are worried about how for themselves and build tactics in such a way as to ensure their survival.

Thanks to the best for its time, the graphic engine and thoughtful missions of the company of Heroes shows all the cruelty of war. No matter how hard you tried, people still die - this is the price of victory.

4. Starcraft II.

STARCRAFT II - Main Celebration Strategy in the World. Each millimeter card, each character's special ability, each building, available for construction, is mathematically verified to generate the most exciting matches. No wonder the tournaments on the game take place almost every couple of weeks, and the prize funds reach 700,000 dollars.

If you do not like a microcontrol and multitasking, then in Starcraft II there is also a gorgeous single campaign. There is an excellent plot about the confrontation of three races and a variety of types of missions. Plus, for her passage, it is not necessary to climb so much to the mouse.

5. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak


The spiritual heir to Total Annihilation, which improves and expands the ideas of the original. In essence, this is a game about non-refining battles of huge on giant maps.

Matches in Supreme Commander rarely last less than an hour. This time is needed to build a base with a balanced economy and prepare enough combat units to destroy the enemy.

SUPREME COMMANDER in all senses large-scale strategy. The number of fighters of one side sometimes reaches thousands, and it is necessary to think over the actions at least 10 minutes forward.

7. Total War: SHOGUN 2

Among the games of the Total War series it is difficult to choose the best, but the lifechaker stopped on Shogun 2. From all the modern parts, it is probably the most suitable, concentrated and understandable even beginners.

In Total War: SHOGUN 2 Player assumes the role of the clan head in medieval Japan. The goal is to capture the whole country. To do this, you can use diplomacy, economy and even intrigue - send murderers and spies.

But the main thing is, of course, the epic battles, in which it is very important to correctly post their troops on the location.

8. Age of Empires II HD

In Age of Empires II, the player needs to hold a civilization through several epochs: dark centuries, feudalism, the castle era and so on. You can play for one of several fractions such as Japan, Mongolia or Celts.

The main feature of the game is a combination of resource management with military operations. During the battle in Age of Empires II, it is not enough to simply assemble the army, you need to build a powerful economy, removing the houses, quarries and sawmills and cultivating fields.

Series Warhammer 40,000

Release date:1992-2011

Genre: Real-time strategy

The Warhammer 40,000 series is the most popular and one of the best-selling games. Fans are constantly waiting for the release of a new game. The most famous is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player chooses a race (imperial guard, cosmodeant, tau, necrons, orcs, chaos, eldars every game appears all new races) for which he wants to play, after which it chooses the place that wants to capture and fights with that race that owns this Earth. Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War is included in.

The battle occurs in real time on the terrain on which the battle occurs. Players capture special points that give influence and build generators giving energy, buildings, troops are built on these resources, improvements. Each race has its own troops, super units and heroes and abilities. The goal of the game in the campaign to capture all the land and become the patron saint of all lands.

Civilization series

Release date:1991-2013

The game has 4 races: alliance (people), undead, hordes (orcs) and night elves. Each race has its own unique heroes, which in battles receive experience and a new level. With each level, new Hero's abilities are opening. Also, the heroes can buy or lift the objects from the mounted mobs that improve the combat characteristics of the heroes and the surrounding troops. On different cards, players capture mines with gold and extract the forest, these resources are building base and units and improve their characteristics.


Genre:Step-by-step strategy, RPG

The player travels on a global map heroes that manage the mythical creatures, exploring new lands capturing cities and fighting enemies. On the map, the player moves only one hero and can only go through a certain distance or to make one or more actions, after which he misses the move and already enemies under the control of the computer make their move. Attacking the enemies you move in combat mode, the army of enemies and your army of creatures stand opposite each other, moving in turns of the combat units need to destroy enemies. With the development of cities, you can open up new features and spells. Hiring troops.

Starcraft II.

Starcraft II is the second part of the cult first part of the first part of the 1998 part of the game became the most anticipated game of the year due to the great popularity of the first part and fully justified their hopes from the players. Many gaming Russian and foreign portals put the game with an estimate of over 9 points out of 10, 9.3 points received in the player ranking.

The plot of the game and all actions occur in the distant future, and the most accurates of the XXVI century in the distant part of the Galaxy Milky Way. Three races terrans, zergs, and protozes oppose each other. Players produce two types of mineral resources and gas supplies to which after which build buildings and hire combat units. The main task is to destroy the base of the enemy. Each type of units has its strong and weak parties, so to destroy certain types of troops of the enemy, you need to hire troops that are well destroyed.

Total War Series Best Rome: Total War

Release date:2000-2015

Genre:step-by-step global strategy, real-time strategy

Total War Rus. "Total War" series of games that has already seven games and various additions. Different games cover different temporary historical periods and states. The most popular and cult is Rome: Total War released in 2004 the actions in which occur in the period of the republic from 270 years before. e. until 14 years old e. For example, Shogun actions: Total War occur in. Shogun: Total War in the XVI century where the ruling dynasties oppose each other. Empire: Total War - during the days of European colonial wars and so on.

Gameplay games are very similar to Civilization. The player manages troops, cities and settlements at the global point. After completing all actions, the player misses the move after which competitors managed AI make their move. If you or your enemy attack each other, then you move to the tactical map, where you are managed in real mode by all your troops, attacking them and placing in convenient positions on the map.


Release date:1995-2009

Genre:Real-time strategy

Red Alert - the game released in the last century and capturing the minds and souls of gamers around the world, thousands of people are still playing in it, more than 30 million copies sold. The action of the game unfolds in an alternative story, where allies troops protect Europe from the aggressive Soviet Union. The player can choose one of two warring parties: Alliance or USSR. Accordingly, the goal of the game for the Allies is to stop Stalin, until he seized the whole world, for the USSR - to achieve full seizure of Europe. Depending on the side of the selected side, the victory of the player leads to one of the two alternative endings.

The battles in the game are held on the ground, so on the water and in the air. Each party can have its base and can train land forces, air force and navy. Each party also has unique features. Game mechanics is that now even a simple infantryman can destroy the tank. The tank can easily destroy the machine-gun dot, a small group of grenadeometers will also easily cope with the tank, if it is not covered with anti-personnel technique or infantry, which forced various types of troops in battle.

EUROPA Universalis Game Series

Release date: 2000-2013

Genre:step-by-step global strategy

Continuing a series of global EUROPA Universalis strategies. Like previous games of the series, the third part invites you to head one of the states of the world . The essence of the game: Develop national ideas that give the game powers of certain advantages; As new state technologies are discovered, it is possible to choose one of the national ideas. The action of the game takes place in real time, but the reaction speeds from the player is not required, since at any moment the game can be paused. The game occurs on a schematic shown world map, broken into more than 1,500 marine and ground provinces.

Playing can take control of any country from those who existed in this historical period (about 200 states). Under his control is the country's economy, the formation of armies and fleets and the management of them, diplomacy, the introduction of new technologies, the internal policy of the state, the change in the state religion and the colonization of new lands.

The feature of the game is to bind to real history (I note that in the third part of the series is no longer attached to the history and gameplay more free); There are predefined historical rulers in advance for each country, each of which has certain abilities affecting the game that existed in reality of the commander (such as Suvorov or Napoleon I Bonaparte), pioneers, researchers and navigators (such as Columbus, Ermak and Fernan Magellan ), as well as historical events that usually occur in the same country and at the same time as in real history (for example, in 1517 an event occurs, which gives you the opportunity to go to Protestantism)

Company of Heroes 1,2

Release date: 2006

The Gameplay of Company of Heroes is very similar to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player commands whole detachments of fighters, but there are separate unique units. Each detachment has a scale of lives (not a separate fighter) and if during damage to the detachment of life ends, the whole detachment dies. A player can equip various weapons, fading of infantry, choosing some weapon for a promising in battle. After the death of the detachment there is a weapon that can be chosen and arm a different detachment. This also applies to the stationary type weapon, such as anti-tank guns, machine guns and mortars.

Each party in the game is divided into three unique direction-infantry, landing and tank Americans and defensive, offensive and propaganda in Germans, the promotion of which gives access to new combat units and attacks (for example, attacks of attack aircraft). Another important difference is that squads and units in the game have three levels of experience. After the destruction of the enemy, a new level is obtained which increases damage, speed, health, armor, or a combat units overview, depending on its type.

The game has three types of resources: weapons, fuel and personnel. Personal composition is used to build buildings, hiring new combat units, both infantry and armored vehicles, fuel, in turn, for building buildings and armored vehicles, and weapons - to provide detachments with additional weapons, for example, a grenade launcher, for artillery and air strikes or for In order for your technique to receive new opportunities. Resource replenishment is carried out using checkpoints.

Age of Empires III

Genre:Real-time strategy

Age of Empires III Strategy deserved worldwide recognition due to its innovative and fascinating gameplay. Age of Empires received large ratings on gaming portals and magazines. A feature of this game is a competently worked artificial intelligence (the opponent whom the computer manages). The player manages one of the powers (United Kingdom, Prussia, Holland, Spain, Portugal, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, France), which went to conquer the New World (America).

The main action takes place in the colonies, on the map usual for such games, but now each power has a native city in the old world. He serves the only goal - the help of his colony. In the game three resources: food, tree and money. Which produce various buildings. Transitions between epochs, five era: research, colonization, fortresses, industrial and epoch of the Empire. Military Academy training, bandages sends soldiers in colonies. The infantry depends on the national affiliation of the city, the Spaniards will have Rovelero, and the Russians - Sagittarius and Cossacks. The Academy also has improved troops.

Battles occur in real time. The maximum number of squad and a group of soldiers allocated by the "Frame", - 50 units. The shooting infantry has four buildings: ordinary Sherga, which is convenient for firing salvo, rarefied system, reduced losses from artillery fire, hand-to-hand combat and kara. There are three buildings of melee, two of the same, the same neighbor and kara, and a circular construction for the cover of the shooters. Cavalry learned three buildings - all the same short battle and kara, as well as the onset of low speed, but with damage to the area.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Genre:Step-by-step strategy, tactical RPG,

The game is a remake (alteration) of the popular and old X-COM game: UFO Defense released from 1993. Aliens attack the planet and the aliens begin to the alien invasion. The game is being conducted on behalf of the commander of the secret international organization XCOM (division to combat aliens), which has the most advanced technologies, weapons and scientific developments of humanity. It employs the best specialists in the world - military and scientists. The organization should conduct combat actions against aliens, threatening the existence of human civilization.

The player is provided by the central base of XCOM, which is carried out by strategic management of the organization: observation of the actions of the aliens on the global world map with the help of a satellite network, the distribution of funding for the development of scientific and technical potential, weapons and placement of interceptors for the destruction of flying plates, as well as carrying out combat operations against Aliens by the forces of existing fighters in ground skirmishes. The base is represented by the player in the form of a "ant farm" - the slicer of the soil, allowing to look at the room "side".

In the tactical battle fighters to perform up to two steps in turn - a run, shot, throwing grenades, the use of a first-hand aid kit. Each fighter has only three characteristics: accuracy, willpower and health glasses. After the first progress in the rank of soldiers receives a specialization. It can be an attack aircraft, sniper, heavy infantryman or support soldier.


Genre:real-time strategy

Early graphics and three-dimensional gaming space - the implementation of six degrees of freedom (you can consider the battlefield, a combat fleet at different angles) movement of gaming objects and the presence of a thought-out fleet control in three dimensions. A rich and complex plot, gradually dropping directly during the game. In the next gaming mission, the player receives that fleet that completed the previous one.

At the beginning of the game, the player can choose a fleet of two races, either Taidan: on the future plot it is not reflected in any way, only combat units are changing. The key feature of the fleet both Kushan and Taidan is the presence of the main parent ship that performs the role of the main base of operations. The maternal ship has its own armament, and a hypervigator that allows you to overcome a significant space.

The entire space fleet is divided into a combat fleet and a support fleet. The support fleet includes special ships, such as a collector and resource controller, research ship, probe, ship detector of invisible ships, gravitational well generator. The combat fleet is divided into classes: Small ships are fighters, corvettes, heavy ships - frigates, superheassed ships, flagships.

Series of Stronghold Games

Release date: 1993-2014

Genre:Real-time strategy

The game system of all games of the series is based on an economic simulator of a medieval city or castle. The games have a number of unique parameters characteristic only for games of the Stronghold series. So, in the first stronghold, the "Popularity" parameter was introduced for the first time, affecting the performance and number of the population. The combat system is standard for strategies - direct management of groups of units. Economic component is one of the main games in the Games. There are quite complicated and long production chains. As a rule, in the Games series, the greater attention is paid precisely the economic, not military component of medieval castles.

In all the games of the series, except Stronghold Kingdoms, there are campaigns (series of plot-related missions) and map editor mode. In Stronghold, a single campaign, in other games there are several campaigns.

In all games, except Stronghold and Stronghold Kingdoms, there is an opportunity to play against computer opponents on the selected map. In Stronghold and Stronghold 2 there is a mode of siege (siege or lock protection without conducting the economy). In the first games of the series (to Stronghold 2 inclusive) there is a free construction regime (economy without war).


Spore game is a simulator of the evolution of life on the planet, as well as a strategy and space simulator. The goal of the game is to develop a creature from a microorganism to an advanced space race. During the passage of the game, it is possible to make changes to the creature, improving its characteristics. Also, as far as development, the player will independently create various equipment and buildings, or choose ready-made options from the catalog.

At the beginning of the game, a microorganism living in aquatic environment falls on the player's control. At this stage, the game is to survive, the microorganism must be eaten by pieces of meat or algae, and try not to eat other carnivorous creatures. With eating food cell grows and turns into a microorganism. After that, the creature is chosen on the ground, where it also develops. Over time, under your leadership, a tribe, civilization and space that you will have to manage.

Ground Control 1,2

Release date: 2000 g, 2004

"Deity: original sin" - With a speech step-by-step RPG with a top view. The actions of the game occur in a fictional fantasy universe, where two heroes are sent to a dangerous adventure in search of a mysterious order called "Source". Adherents of the Order use prohibited magic and practice sacrifices for their dark purposes. One of the best indie projects has recently. The game was made for money from donations of players and thanks to this it turned out a piece project made with a soul.

The project is characterized by a good graphic performance, a large and interesting universe, as well as many quests and side tasks, but the main feature was the interaction with the surrounding world. The player can combine various items, use them in the role of barricades and weapons, or use the power of elements. I became the best indie projects according to many game magazines.

Cities: SkyLines.

Release date: 2015

Genre: Urban planning simulator

Town planning strategy with elements of economics and logistics. The game is an advanced simulator in which the player must build a modern megapolis and create the best conditions for the comfortable life of citizens, having in stock limited finances and resources.

The game will be able to please the wide opportunities in building buildings, creating communications, as well as in the development of the infrastructure of your city. Special attention is paid to small details like electrification of houses, laying water supply and sewage, as well as creating good conditions for business.

Xcom 2.

Release date: 2016

Genre: Step-by-step strategy, RPG

XCOM 2 is a step-by-step tactical strategy with RPG elements. The plot of the game will tell about the land that aliens captured. The interventories broke the resistance and fully colonized the planet setting constant surveillance and control over the remnants of humanity. But on one of the outskirts of a big city, the XCOM organization again starts. This game was very waiting for this game and she succeeded. Most game magazines recognized her best game of the year, as well as the best strategy of the year.

Gameplay as in the first XCOM. Swing the flying base is planted on the tasks with your detachment and on hexagonal maps in step-by-step mode, we destroy all aliens we get experience, fighters and swing their peppers. In the process of passing, you can try out a large set of alien weapons, pump skills and specialization, as well as to fight with superior forces of cosmic invaders.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Global Space Strategy.

Cosmic 4X real-time strategy. The plot of the game lies in the opposition of extraterrestrial civilizations, which explore the cosmic depths, colonize new planets, produce valuable resources and strive for complete dominance in the entire galaxy.

A player will be able to choose one of the many races, identify political views and main directions in development, and then bring the created civilization to world domination. Key features of Stellaris are generated galaxies and planets, a wide arsenal of warships, as well as the ability to use military force or diplomacy.

Paradox interactive continues to create integrated worlds in the field of Grand Strategies and Global Strategies. Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings, created by these developers, struck the audience and acquired a large number of fans all over the world. Applying all his experience, the developers went to the stars, along with their next project - Stellaris, inviting players to a more ambitious gaming theater than before.

Stellaris, this is a strongly customized hybrid of real-time strategy and global strategy. From the very beginning of the game, you can customize your interstellar people, ranging from their appearance and flag, to philosophy and behavior manners. In some form, customization is present in many aspects of the game. The manner with which you explore nearby planets and star systems are studying science, expand the possessions of their race, and also interact with other races. Gradually, Stellaris accelerates from a slightly slow start to a numerous and comprehensive race for control over the universe.

The game does not forget his roots. Stellaris borrows socio-political and economic systems from other Paradox games, makes players balancing between the internal struggle and external influence and pressure. In Stellaris, you can play a great one, but the multiprlier, it is exactly the place where the game begins to shine even brighter. Game online, against friends and enemies, a great pastime that stretches in many hours of pleasure from the game.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is one of the modern offers in the Warhammer 40K Universe, tactical RTS with spacecraft. Refusing to the ground battles of previous games in the Warhammer 40K Universe, Battlefleet Gothic draws his attention to the stars to fight in the desperate war against galactic enemies.

Acting according to the standards of the Laura Universe Warhammer 40K, in a tour of the plot player takes control of the fleet of imperial warships, the plot will post you forehead in the forehead with the familiar opponents: chaos indivisible, orcs and elders. Survival in battle depends on timely use of tactics, with a support for a slowing down mechanic, known as TACTICAL COGITATOR (Russian, at the time of writing this text, the game is not supported). Meanwhile, your task is to competently spending all resources, to weapons and customization of your ships to get the maximum performance in your chosen tactics.

In addition to a single game, the multiplayer mode will allow the use of many ships of different fractions and participate in multiplayer fights. Each victory and defeat in a single and multiplayer game, you earn "fame", which you can spend on the upgrades and improvements, and defeats in campaigns affect your promotion through the story campaign. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is a bit difficult in learning, but from this game you can get the most interesting and comprehensive Warhammer 40K Exprices, not to mention the game as a whole, it is an outstanding tactical RTS on spacecraft.

The best strategy where Montesum (Emperor Aztecs) can fight Gandhi (philosopher of India)

Civilization is a step-by-step strategy about human history: you send the race of people from the Stone Age to modern times and beyond its limits. This is a global strategy (capture, explore, use and destroy) and the most beautiful - you start from scratch, and grow up to a global power. Or fuss in an attempt to make it.

Decisions with whom you have to face in the game: political, economic, military and even social. You can become a friendly neighbor or invader. Center for commerce and tourism, or the state-oriented state. Freedom of choice, this is the best asset game - where will you move? What are you going to do? What path to victory you will be avoided? Now in the game more than 20 fractions, and each inherent in a certain game style, but you will always have freedom of action.

Civilzation is a well-established series of games. The game has a strong set of tutorials and pop-up tips that help you with decision making. Fights are good than ever before, thanks to rethinking in the CIVILZATION V system of the grid. Having support for Steam Workshop means that you will have an endless stream of mods and cards.

This is a series of games that came up with the term "one more move, and sleep" - this strategy is addictive, it is an exciting and exciting game.

Best Total War Strategy

Total War game of managing the whole empire, in the intervals between armed clashes on the way to domination. Now you are with taxes and construction of baths, and already next moment shoot from guns and breaking your head on the enemy.

The game passes in two different modes: management of the empire in step-by-step strategy mode, and tactical battles in real-time strategy mode. The key to victory is the interaction between two modes, for example: to arrange a cavalry attack against the enemy army, knowing that he commands the king of the opponent and his murder will cause the collapse of the empire.

Whenever two armies meet, the game goes into tactical battle mode. You are playing like a general, hero - you manage your units, make up combat and strategy, and fight your enemy to the last person. Not always the best option is the choice - the right area and the right tactics, a small superiority in force can withstand almost any difficulties, and the most powerful army can be broken down with the help of a good ambush.

Total War: Shogun 2 still, the best game in the series. If its period covered (16th century feudal japan), you do not taste, try Napoleon: Total War - a game focused on the famous general campaign. Total War Deep, tactical and thoughtful game: Campaigning in Total War can take you a week or so.

Buyer's Guide: SEGA often makes discounts on Total War, and you can purchase SHOGUN 2 and its additions in Steam cheaper.

Almost a half decades after the release of the game, the original Stronghold is still the best game in the series of the castor from Firefly. The combination of RTS with creative, strategic construction, missions and battles, sometimes distracted by the visor of the game - a simple, but effective medieval construction set.

The campaign is not particularly memorable, and fights are slow, and can confuse, but the game in free construction mode is very exciting pleasure as a game in lego or a sandpaper of sand in childhood sandboxes. Of course, the tide always destroys the fruits of hard work, but to watch how everything falls apart, this is part of pleasure.

Buyer's Guide: Stronghold HD is available in Steam

The best strategy allows you to kill your spouse

Crusader Kings 2, it is bloodthirsty bastard global strategies. You play for medieval Lord trying to get more power, influence and territories in historically reliable medieval Europe. The game offers a comprehensive gaming mechanics instead of a beautiful picture. You manage the economy, army and people.

Personal element, makes Crusader Kings 2 very convincing game. You are part of the family dynasty, not an abstract nation. You can marry and have children when you die, your heir will take the brazers of the board and everything will begin again. In the breaks between all this, you can use intrigue or gross power to increase your possessions, but the key is that you develop real personal contact with your characters, your avatar. You will mourn my death, you will applaud every triumph.

As a graph or duke, you can arrange a coup and rebel against your lord to increase your power. Being a king, it is quite easy to lose the kingdom due to invasion or uprising. But while the member of your dynasty is still alive, you will always have a chance to play everything back. Do not scare seeming difficulty, the more you play, the more you learn.

Buyer's Guide: Choose a bundle to purchase with most of the packages of additions, including the latter (Old Gods).

Best Strategy for E-Sports Lovers

Starcraft II Scientific fiction strategy about armored cowboys fighting against xenomorphic aliens and cosmic elves. This is a classic real-time strategy, where you collect resources, build an army and kill enemies before they kill you, you need to make quick solutions and quickly click the mouse.

Multiplayer is a huge part of Starcraft II. Your enemies will be people; They will be able to click on the keyboard faster than you and give orders faster than you. You are probably lost a lot of nerve cells, but get the best game entertainment, and you will be good enough will be able to compete with players for the level of cybersport.

A single campaign is also very interesting - Blizzard combined the insane action with RPG elements, and the history of the feats of Jim Reynor's mercenary. You will fight in a series of missions, many of them will have unique goals - for example, try to collect resources on a map of periodically filled with lava, to protect against the waves of the zerg during the allotted period of time. In the interruptions between the missions, you explore the similarity of the RPG-hub, where you can talk to people, explore new technologies, and solve what mission to visit the next one. It is very difficult to realize an interesting story story in a real-time strategy genre, and many are limited to rollers and dialogues in missions, but Scii, forcing you to interact with the world in a battlefield, actually makes the game plot interactive.

Buyer's Guide: Blizzard is one of the few companies that do not really "make" DLC. Starcraft II has one addition at the time of writing the article - Heart Of The Swarm, the second addition (Legacy of the Void) should go out at some point in the future. The addition as a whole brings several new units and tricks for a multiplayer, but mainly promotes the story for one player. In the original game, you played terranoes. In Hearts of the Swarm you play, for the zerg. LEGACY OF THE VOID You will play for proto.

Best dressing strategy to dress up with your dolls

XCOM has become an unexpected hit. Step-by-step strategy, it takes from you to reflect the alien invasion in the dynamic single-user campaign. This is a remake of the classic X-COM, and as a remake, it is ODA from the best.

You send a group of up to six soldiers into battle against small gray aliens, robots, insects, etc. .. Tactically rich shootouts on urban maps, countryside, on board of the aliens ships, and all this keeps on a slight strategy. The player base is represented as an ant farm, where you will explore new technologies, conduct openings, and ask for funding from a shadow government agency.

In short, it is fantastic.

Customization of characters really clings. You can give your war names and faces while you play the campaign they grow in your consciousness, they receive prehistory and fake accents. It depends on you to live with these soldiers or die, and you feel every step, you feel every plasma bolt, which falls into them, you feel their pain as your own. When they fall to death, grieve, and the new guy is sent as a replacement ... Well, he (or she) will not receive a name until it shows himself.

Tactical battles are the essence of the game, and if you never checked your commander's skills against real people, then XCOM offers to try them out in a multiplayer.

This real-time strategy about the Second World War throws you directly at the height of the battle occurring during the invasion of the allies in Northern France. Starting from day to d, you pave your way through several cards divided into tactical zones. You must create a database for operations, protect resources, and fight for a just case.

It's hard - you must make sure that all the corners are covered, and that your front line is safe, because if there are gaps, nothing will prevent the enemy to sow chaos in your rear. The infantry can build defense and / or garrison buildings, and engineers can set traps or put obstacles. Tanks and other vehicles will provide you with rough strength, but they are quite expensive in order to build them in a massive order. You like the commander has support abilities that give you an additional advantage.

This game is the highest-rated strategy of all times - a single-user campaign that resembling the film Brothers in arms makes a story campaign more than just learning for online, and the Internet community itself is well developed. Two factions (or four, if you have additions) are well balanced so that you need more than ordinary maneuvering or simple distant battle with the opponent. For nine years, starting with the first release, the modding community flourishes, which means that you can get even more interesting gameplay.

Buyer's Guide: Company of Heroes has two additions - Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valour. OppoSing Fronts is the only addition to really worth the purchase. At the moment, a sequel has already been released, covering Russian and Eastern Front.

The best strategy where elephants and sports cars may be collied in battle

Age of Empires is a classic real-time strategy series, easy to teach, charming and can challenge the player if you wish. You choose your civilization, create your own city and your army, and fight with other civilizations on the map. You are moving through various "century" or technical levels to improve troops and buildings.

This game is half resource management, half tactical battles, like Warcraft or Starcraft. You always start the game from your city center and a small number of civilians, but by the end of the match you can grow up to the metropolis, with walls, fire tower, and a big army. Age of Empires. light before the start of the era Multiplayer games on the Internet, so the main component of these games is single-user campaigns and a battle with artificial intelligence. Presenting a series of specially created cards (with customizable purposes), with a well-known person or a group of people from history. These missions should not be historically accurate, but they involve you in history, and each battle provides a unique scenario of confrontation.

Age of Empires 2 covers an abstract period of time starting in the Middle Ages, and goes the way to the early era of the Renaissance. How do you: Celtic duke raiders with his Persian elephants and medieval peaks near the Japanese fortresses? And the one who knows the cheats will always be able to play with sports cars with installed machine guns.

Buyer's Guide:In January 2013, Microsoft released "HD" version of Age of Empires 2 , Including the main game and addition.

Best Wargame Hybrid (Wargame) and RTS

Game in the genre Vagaim. She will save you from unnecessary concerns related to the construction of the bases and will focus solely on battles. You command your own custom army consisting of tanks, infantry, artillery, and even combat helicopters and aircraft. The battles occur in very detailed parts of the European countryside, which can reach up to 150km2.

Attention to items is what Wargames drives, and this is what Wargame: Airland Battle is a brilliant game. Your tanks can walk along the highway or trample on the fields various agricultural crops, your infantry can crawl through the forests or hold an important intersection ... But the tanks need fuel, and the guns need a bullet. If you do not support your troops with supplies, with the help of a logistics system, your combat group will literally stuck.

To play a high-level strategy, a surprisingly a lot of atmosphere. If you bring the chamber to the "level of the earth", the camera will shake from the artillery shells cut into the ground. The forests will burn around you, and if things are going on very badly, retreating, behind you are to get the ends of the fallen tanks and BMP.

Wargame offers a brilliant dynamic single-user campaign. You will be able to play NATO or the country of the Warsaw Treaty, and you will have to fight for control over Scandinavia, using the battle units existing in reality, support outside the card ... Even randomized political events. If you prefer the game with real people, there is a great Internet community. Also, Wargame in Nalia has many multiplayer cards, and there are support for battles in matches 10 by 10.

Buyer's Guide: At the time of writing, the Wargame series consists of three games, the last Wargame: Red Dragon, with an alternative history of the narrative conflict in Asia

Best strategy for ambitious dictator of the Caribbean

Tropico is essentially a town planner, but what makes it cool, it is charm. You play a dictator with the Caribbean theme of the banana republic, and your task to direct your island from the modest beginning to greatness.

How you do it depends on you. You can exploit the natural resources of your island and turn it into an industrial center, or you can use the beauty of the nature of the island and try to become a holiday destination for ignorant white tourists. Or even. In Tropico, there are many options where to put a residential complex or plant, whether to prescribe a pension or call for military service. You attract immigrants to the island, and they all need accommodation and workplaces, and you will need to create your economy and services. Throughout the game, your actions are wonderfully told on the Tropico radio show, the lead tries to give even the most figs with a positive color.

As your island grows, you will get the opportunity to start doing business with - America, Russia, or even with China and Europe, everyone will want to influence you. They will offer you money and wealth, unless you allow them to build a military base on the island, or let them export their waste towards you. If you are not careful, you will have to deal with the uprising or invasion. In any case, your mode will be overtaken.

Tropico is just a fun game: this is a town planner with a healthy dose of economics, trade and politics.

Best Space RTS

SINS OF A SOLAR EMPIRE - This real-time global strategy focuses on the construction of a large space empire. You have planets that can colonize, and develop industry and trade on them, but when things are bad, there are always groups of ships of throwing bullets, lasers and rockets in each other in an endless struggle for domination.

There is a lot of things typical for the SINS series: your scouts will be worn from the planet on the planet in search of new worlds for conquest. Your shopping fleets will move the goods from place to place, moving the wheels of the economy, and your mighty combat fleets will rush out of one crisis to another, because if not pirates knock on your door, so this is some kind of fraction came to declare rights to Your property.

There is no single campaign in the game: you simply play an infinite amount of skirmis against AI using a wide range of cards from a set, each with its own quirks and strategies. You can also create your own card using the editor and of course you can start the game online and play against real people.

Buyer's Guide: SINS OF A SOLAR EMPIRE has three additions. Last, Rebellion is an offline extension, including all previous updates and functions. There is also a DLC for the game, called "FORBIDDEN WORLDS", it adds new types of planets, new equipment and several heroes.

The best strategic game with nuclear weapons

Defcon is a game of war in which it is impossible to win - about the nuclear war. You are presented on a simple vector map of the world (in the style of Wargames film and other classic films), you give you a bunch of military property, and the world begins to slowly count the time to Armageddon. You need to best use everything you have to get out in the first place in a short-sighted desert world.

Easy and abstraction of Defcon is its greatest advantage. You will not be able to stop all the rockets, and you will not be able to win in every conflict. Regions will be destroyed, whole fleets will be lost, but ... all you see are statistics on the screen. You get glasses for killing more people at a time, you lose points for every percentage of your initial population. The player with the greatest points at the end will receive a "victory". Congratulations.

Defcon is an interesting game, but what makes it so exciting?! This is what the game is actually the battle of the minds, akin to chess. The match will always start with Defcon 5, and will count the level of danger in the allotted time. The closer to Defcon 1, the more you are allowed to do, but mostly everything comes down to the successful placement of your assets - your fleet and submarines, bombers and fighters, rocket mines, radar. You and your enemies (up to 6 players or AI can play in one match) will do the same actions, so that you will need a premonition and the ability to guess the next enemy's move.

The default game lasts no more than 45 minutes, although you can configure this parameter. Game great entertainment for clean strategists, it is quickly and easily loaded. We strongly recommend playing against other players.

Buyer's Guide: There are no additions or DLC, and the game itself is very cheap.

This space global strategy will drop on you: cosmic beetles, raid workman, asteroids, even alien probes ... And now, you accidentally meet with another space empire. This is a dangerous universe and Sword of the Stars it wonderfully reflects, and also gives the player an exciting and complex game.

This living universe really creates wonders at an early stage of the game, where in global strategies almost nothing happens before you encounter other fractions. In addition, Sword of the Stars makes something that will not often meet in the strategies of this genre, does not create all the gaming fractions equal. Of course, it all starts from the same resources and planets, but each race behaves a unique way - they have their own unique travel methods through space. Also binds the technologies system to factions: the game technology is randomized for each new match, and each race has preferences in relation to certain technologies.

Settings of ships occupy most of the game, and you will spend some part of the time just on setting up various designs of ships. As in the Total War series, this game goes into real-time strategy mode when shooting begins. You can give orders to your fleet, set combat order, and observe how two groups of ships erase each other into cosmic dust. Nice.

The Soviet Union invades America, and your task is to discard them back. There were those times when it was necessary to build a database and manage the resources, you have team points and goals. If your units are destroyed, you can use command glasses and cause reinforcements, and you should use the strengths of your wise division, along with an impressive set of abilities outside the card.

The single-user campaign is very cinematic, and really captures you with a narrative. I almost wanted to join the Red Army, seeing the result of how the advice stormed Western Berlin, and there is one scene in the middle of the game ... Well, I will leave you the opportunity to find out everything yourself. You are mostly playing, for the US Army officer to help reflect the invasion, but the Supplement Soviet Assault adds mission from a Russian point of view, and it has critical importance for the prehistory.

The game is an excellent example of tactical battle, the use of terrain's relief in its own interests, micro-control troops, and everything becomes even better when you go online. Players can fight in matches with participation up to 16 players, and unlike a single company, you must choose one of the four roles for yourself, this will affect the units available to you and auxiliary abilities. Some roles will certainly be weaker against a certain tactic, so you have to make sure that you work with your teammates.

Nevertheless, there is no such problem that would not be solved by carpet bombing.

Buyer's Guide: At the game World iN. Conflict. There was only one addition - Soviet Assault. Supplement adds new missions to a plot company for the USSR.

Best large-scale RTS

Supreme Commander was a game, "broken" PC, was so highly high processors. This game, about the war of the future robot-strategy in real time, it simplifies resource management and more focuses on creating a wonderful military machine. You start with one indispensable device - command car, from it you build plants producing units, they are necessary in order to lead the war with your enemies.

The player's army can potentially reach 1000 units, on Earth, on the sea and in the air. You must carefully organize a ballet of production, movements and attacks, grinding your opponent, while your team unit, as well as your factories and power systems should be safe, so that they can create more deaths. This is a brilliant and stunning game, and it is not for casual gamers.

Oddly enough, it was one of the few games, officially supporting work with two monitors, which means you could have a scalable card on the second screen. This is a find, allows you to keep your eyes on a "common picture" of battle, and recommended if you are going to play seriously. Little games allow you to play on the same scale as Supreme Commander, and when you go to the War on the Internet, then there are real difficulties for you. Playing such as Starcraft require rapid thinking and reaction rate, but they allow you to be controlled only with a pair of tens of units no more. Supreme Commander requires dealing with thousands of units. Think about it.

Buyer's Guide: The DLC for this game is not, only the autonomous package of Forged Alliance add-on. It is better to purchase Forged Alliance, it corrects many problems of the main game, and also introduces an additional fraction.

Best license strategy

If you are a Star Wars fan, then this game is for you. Empire At War allows you to take responsibility for the Galactic Empire or the insurgents alliance and fight for galactic domination. You take command of the powerful fleet and the army; Even send noticeable heroes into battle, such as Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader. You can also build a star of death.

Of course, the best element of the game is tactical space battles. On one map can fight up to four players (the card can have such dangers as asteroids or gas clouds), each player with its own space station, and the goal of the game is to just knock out his opponent, destroying his base . Large ships, unlike small, have the possibility of targeting, and can shoot down our weapons or shields and many ships (and heroes) have special skills that can help break the situation.

In addition to space battles, you can participate in battles on land, lead a squadron of soaring tanks or AT-AT goalkeys. This mechanic game looks like Total War in the sense that there is a separate campaign interface where you manage the empire and on your own, and then load separately on the battlefield. The only difference is that everything happens in real time, and there are no queues.

This is a pretty big game that will be even better for you if you are a fan of the star wars universe.

Buyer's Guide: There is no DLC, and only one addition is called Forged Alliance - adds a third fraction that is completely different from two existing, and also adds new units, abilities, etc.

Very long ago, when Westwood Studios masterfully created a real-time strategy, they wondered, "What if there were no Nazi Germany?" Script they were issued in the original game Red Alert.In which the Soviet Union becomes omnipotent and unhinderedly conquers all Europe. The original game sets a high bar, presenting two amazingly a variety of sides of the conflict, a dangerous arms arsenal, and a heavy techno / metal soundtrack and history, told by video with alive shooting between missions. The second game in this series has reached an even higher quality bar, possibly rummaged higher than almost any other game from Westwood Studios.

Red Alert 2. He followed the idea that the Allies defeated Stalin and his troops, after which, by installing their puppet government in the USSR. Unfortunately allies, the advice did not speak very well their humiliation. They restored their strength and attacked Americans for all fronts. The plot of the game is a bit contrived, but it draws a background for an incredible series of game campaigns for tips and allies, complete with a lot of impressive technologies for both sides.

If this is not enough, you can enter the Internet by calling with you to the battle up to 7 of your buddies. The game allows each player to choose a nation, with its own special units that make additional facets of the strategy into each skirmis. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 did not become the "swan song" Westwood Studios, but the game was possible, their main work. After the Red Alert 2, they will have other good games, but nothing also passed the Spirit of Westwood, as their second part of the RTS for advice / allies.

Best Grand Strategy (Grand Strategy)

Mighty flagship from Paradox Development Studio. The Europa Universalis series has always been a strong, impressive, confusing and with the strategy sandbox approach. But with this confusion, many problems came. Errors, blunt interfaces and poorly explained mechanics can push the players before they annex their first nation.

Europa Universalis IV changed all this. The game is still a strong nut and will require a lot of effort from players, but today it is the most convenient game in the series. And while its countless systems still lead to confusion, it is quite possible to simply jump and cut a niche in history.

This is a game from the "What if?" Series. What if, if Italy rolled through the Ottoman Empire with a huge hired army? What if England and France became best friends and shared Europe, and did not fight with each other? What if Scotland rules would be the world? What to do, if.

Buyer's Guide:Europa Universalis 4 has a lot of DLC, and unfortunately they are not all collected in one package. You can buy them in parts on Steam, however. Packages and other auxiliary elements can be ignored if you wish, but still it is necessary to grab Wealth of Nations and Conquest Of Paradise.

Best 4x (Global) Strategy

The best game for 4x lovers with goblines fanatics and half amenities wizards

It is a desire to resurrect and give the classic series a new life. This is a fantasy global strategy.

There are several, scripted campaigns for passing, but all meat in randomly generated maps and custom fractions. Goblin fundamentalists can fight - with the help of holy military engines - Elf industrialists, while the army of terrible penguins are marched by frozen empty. It's all amazingly stupid.

The game makes damn big fights. Several units can be tied together, creating giant armies. Reminded siege in Total War in terms of scale, but with a thoughtful step-by-step combat system and magic.

While diplomacy and city management is a weak game, Age of Wonders shines during battles. The abundance of magic and special abilities, a varied list of units and battlefields littered with obstacles make every battle with an excellent puzzle.

Buyer's Guide: You can buy Age of Wonders 3 on Steam, Gog, etc., there is a DLC expanding construction mechanics and introduces rosy chobits.

Best Warhammer 40K Strategy

Dawn of War fascinates. In many ways, it is felt like a very traditional real-time strategy, with a large number of buildings, strategy and resource management. But looking at the predecessors, the game looks like Company of Heroes. We see, Relic is beginning to experiment with martial spirit, shelters, detachments and radically characteristic fractions.

Tensions underlies the entire game. All game of promotion, capture and retention of the territory. And all the time, resources are terminated faster and the generators come into decay. But the military machine is constantly needed to feed.

Supplements expand the game by introducing more fractions with their unique mechanics. There is a slim eldars, bloodthirsty orcs, numerous imperial guardsmen - each faction offers various ways, play in the same game. A total of nine fractions were added.

Dawn of War 2 received many changes, battles have become less and focused on tactics above the strategy. It is still an excellent game, but by going away from the tradition of the genre, Dawn of War lost part of her magic.

Buyer's Guide: Basic game and all additions were collected in Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War Master Collection.

The best scientific fiction economic strategy

Anno 2070 said goodbye to the historical setting and a voluptuous series of Economic strategies from Ubisoft, sent to the post-ecological disaster of the future. The game is still about making money and expand its influence on the islands, but instead of a medieval or colonial power, the game flounders with the eco-fraction and polluting industrialists.

An unpleasant feeling of despair permeates throughout the game. The world fights to survive and hoping to make a profit, the decisions made can put the world in an even worst position. And social and environmental problems add a new dimension of complexity.

Technology has a huge influence. The fractions are not limited to their island houses, and can build under water, creating algae farms or dirty oil tower.