Tests for verbal perception of information. An example of a verbal test: description and preparation methods

Man is the subject of study of many sciences, and one of them is psychology. The hero of the famous film "Formula of Love" very aptly described the particular complexity of the tasks facing this science: "The head is a dark object and cannot be studied." Nevertheless, the psychologist constantly has to investigate what is going on in a person “in the head”, ie. in the psyche. For this, many psychodiagnostic techniques have been invented, among which tests occupy an "honorable place" in psychology.

There are a lot of tests in the arsenal of psychology, which gives rise to the need to classify them. This is done on the basis of various defining characteristics, and one of these criteria is the form in which the subject is presented with the stimulus material. On this basis, tests are divided into verbal and non-verbal.

The scientific term "verbal" comes from the Latin word "verbalis", which translates as "verbal". "Verbal communication", for example, is communication through words, speech, and verbal tests, respectively, are tests related to words and language. The opposite is non-verbal tests.

You should not think that words can be completely dispensed with in non-verbal tests. Take, for example, such a well-known test as "Rorschach spots". If the psychologist does not know the language in which the subject is able to express himself, he will not be able to conduct this test - after all, the subject will not be able to explain to the psychologist what images he sees in the spots. Nevertheless, we cannot call this test a verbal one. The defining feature here is precisely the form of the stimulus material - everything that the subject deals with in the process of completing the task. If the stimulus material is pictures, drawings, diagrams, three-dimensional figures, etc. Is a non-verbal test. If the material is presented in verbal form, this is a test belonging to the category of verbal.

Example verbal test- test of speech abilities. The subject is given a text followed by a set of statements. The subject's task is to determine the truth or falsity of these statements, based on the content of the text.

Another verbal test is the unfinished sentence technique. Completing the proposed phrases, the subject demonstrates his attitude towards himself, towards others, towards work and other "components" of his life.

Verbal assignments, along with numerical ones, are included in intellectual tests. Tasks can be as follows: name a noun to which the adjectives "wooden" and "grocery" are suitable (the correct answer is "shop"); name a word that denotes both a data storage device and a firearm ("Winchester"); "Aero ... ret" - insert a word instead of an ellipsis, which will be the end of the first word and the beginning of the second ("port"), etc.

Verbal tests are the most difficult to adapt, because they are largely associated with a specific linguistic community, the culture in which they were created. It is not always possible to apply such a test to people with low level education.

Dear friends!

  • If soon you will have "Verbal-Numeric" testing SHL, Talent-Q, Ontarget Genesys,
  • If you are afraid not to pass and are looking for how to prepare
  • If time is short

then I hasten to inform you that there is an opportunity to prepare online professionally.

Fast and easy using effective online training, You will train your skills in 2-3 days and pass the tests the first time! A stable skill appears after solving 30-40 tests.

Listen to a 6-minute interview immediately after testing and preparing in our system.

In the interview, we talked about online program Roboxtest V.8, which is a platform for versions MAXIMUM 875, BIG4, FMCG, NGK.

Our team has developed a unique computer program Roboxtest V.8. It is as close as possible to real testing - the process itself takes place right in the browser, with a limited amount of time. I invite you to take a trial verbal test and see everything with your own eyes. Complete database of tests (more than 100 tests for this moment- about 1500 questions) is also available. To do this, contact me. Contacts are below.

All preparation will take place online. Each test has correct answers and solutions without time limit. The program works directly from the browser Google chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.

Attention! At the moment, the program is not “friends” with Internet Explorer (not all functionality).

(Works with Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.)

At the end, you will see a report similar to what employers see - in percentages and percentiles. This will allow you to soberly assess your strength. Since the preparation takes place online - there is an opportunity to compare yourself with other people who passed this test - this is important, because this is how employers look at you.

Also, the system will identify your strengths and weaknesses and tell you what to pay more attention to.

Now there are more than a hundred in the database different tests(more than 1500 questions) - mainly, ability tests - verbal, numerical, abstract-logical. But, most likely, you do not decide the whole base. Here, another thing is important - skill.

Experience shows that it is enough to reach the level of 80-90 percent and at least 60 percentiles for each type of test in order to successfully pass the real test the first time.

People who prepared according to our system solved an average of 30-40 tests. Here again individually, one candidate really wanted to get the position - he made 152 tests !!! And passed the real testing successfully !!!

There are also tests of knowledge - English - 2 levels, RAS, IFRS - to prepare for the big four.

If you are interested in training in our system, please contact me. Without payment, the system will block you within a few hours after registration.

Respectfully yours, Stanislav Panteleev.

[email protected]

The tasks that you will solve cannot be called difficult. These are not matrices and integrals, not complicated mathematical logic. The purpose of testing is to measure your psychometric data.

The whole difficulty lies only in the time that you are given and in the passing points that are assigned by employers and test companies. You do not know anything about them, you do not know about the types of tasks either. In this article, we will open the veil of secrecy and show you what will await you during testing.

Example of a test company report for an employer

Your results will be compared with those of other candidates. Here is what the test result looks like for an employer using the example of testing the Talent-Q system.

Draw conclusions. You will be compared to the normative group and, based on these results, they will invite you for an interview or not.

To get to the interview - be sure to train hard! See what types of problems exist, find your own materials or use ours. The formula here is simple "Workout = Success"

Numerical test and its varieties. Examples and solutions

Example of a task with a schedule

How many thousand more cars were imported in the second quarter of the second year than in the first year over the same period?
The graph shows that in the second quarter of the second year, 600 thousand cars were imported, in the second quarter of the first year - 425 thousand.
We calculate the difference 600-425 = 175 thousand cars
175 thousand cars

Example of a task with a diagram

It's no secret that the power level financial system any country is evaluated based on the size of its gold and foreign exchange reserves. Of course, the larger the reserves, the higher the level of the economy's resilience to various financial shocks.
The charts below show the change in the size of such reserves (in billions of US dollars) of the five largest economies in the world: China, the United States, Japan, the European Union in aggregate (EU) and Russian Federation... Note that the considered data relate to the period 2010-2013.

How many times are China's foreign exchange reserves in 2010 greater than Russia's in 2011?


China's gold and foreign exchange reserves in 2010 amount to $ 2,000 billion, the Russian Federation in 2011 - $ 400 billion.


Example of a task with a table
At the 2004 Olympic Games, most of the gold, silver and bronze medals were won by athletes from five countries: the USA, China, Russia, Australia, and Japan. Question: How many gold medals did the Russian national team lack to take the first line in the overall team standings in terms of the number of gold medals, not counting silver medals?

Commentary: places in the standings are distributed according to the total amount of awards


For Russia to take first place in gold medals, it needs to overtake the United States and collect 36 medals. That is, we lacked 36-27 = 9 medals


Example task for interest

In January 2012, the price of a men's suit increased by 25%, and in March 2013 on sale it decreased by 16% from the raised price and is currently $ 336. By what percentage has the overall price of a suit dropped or increased over the period mentioned above?


Let's denote by x - the initial price.

Then the price in January 2012 is 1.25 * x;

Price in March (1-0.16) * 1.25 * x = 336 dollars

1.05 * x = 336 dollars


The price went up by 5%.

Example of a problem on a mixture

With two salt solutions - 10 percent and 15 percent, you need to create 40 grams of a 12 percent solution. How many grams of each solution should you take?


Let us denote by x - the mass of a 10% solution, by y - the mass of a 15% solution.

Then we can make 2 equations:

The total mass of the solution is 40 grams, that is

The following equation will determine the salt content in solutions:

0.1x + 0.15y = 0.12 * 40

So, we have a system of 2 equations. Express x from the first equation and substitute it into the second.

0.1 * (40-y) + 0.15y = 4.8

4 - 0.1y + 0.15y = 4.8


10 percent 24 grams, 15 percent 16 grams.

Verbal logic test. Example and solution.

An example of a verbal logic problem

There is accepted all over the world international classification diseases (ICD-10), it includes hundreds of different diseases. Many psychiatrists from different countries all over the world (for example, the American doctor Kimberly Young) require the inclusion of cyberdiction (computer addiction) as a disease in the next edition of the ICD. At the moment, the closest existing diagnosis is gambling addiction, however, the description of this disease deals exclusively with the use of slot machines, there is no talk of personal computers.

Question 1: Cyberadication is a disease recognized all over the world.

Answer: False.

Explanation: since psychiatrists from different countries require the inclusion of cyberdiction in the next edition of the ICD, it can be concluded that this disease has not yet been recognized worldwide.

The story of Stanislav Panteleev. P&G tests

I will tell you about my experience, and you yourself will draw conclusions from this. In 2008 I graduated from the Ural State University majoring in economist-manager with specialization in crisis management. In our last courses, we had a powerful Big Four ad (E&Y KPMG Deloitte PwC). Many people from my course went to work there. 90% left within the first year. I chose a different path for myself - sales. The first company I joined was P&G. I filled out a questionnaire in the Taleo system, uploaded my resume, waited for the call, and here I am at testing at the P&G branch in Yekaterinburg. The first impression is that the tasks are easy, but time passes inexorably. There were three of us candidates for the Sales position at P&G. I carefully resolved everything, hanging on some tasks. I remember there was some task for how many and what items different sizes will fit into the warehouse - I sat on it for about 10 minutes and realized that I could not decide. At one point, my rivals asked me - "Will you be in time?" I said that I would be in time, but in the rest of the time I just stumbled on answers from the bulldozer. The results were in 20 minutes. Stanislav "No." I was very upset then. I have never had any problems with such simple tasks, and then take and fail and ruin your career. A few days later, I reanimated and realized this simple idea - I will find textbooks, download tests, start preparing. But it was not there. Tutorials on the network to prepare for seemingly such simple tasks practically none. Tests too. As a result, there are scarce resources for preparation. And my career meant a lot to me at that time. This is money and professional growth and social significance. There was a resource by Vadim Tikhonov, but I did not want to pay for tests at that moment. It seemed to me that everything can be downloaded. As a result, I spent a lot of time, began to compose my tasks on the basis of what I remembered and what else I met. I began to ask my friends and acquaintances who also faced this problem. This is how I met Marina Tarasova, who greatly helped me in preparation. At that time, she already had extensive experience in developing tests for assessing and qualifying personnel, including training tests for admission to international companies. Then there were the companies Mars, KPMG, E&Y, Unilever. Everywhere I passed these tests with a bang! It was only necessary to master the principle. The training has helped me, it will help you too. Our tests are paid because we do a lot of work to create them - work for the result. You've probably come across the fact that there is very little information on preparation for testing. We are filling this gap. A lot of new things come from you, dear clients and readers. Every month we update the tests in accordance with new information and trends in the candidate testing market. These are new tasks, and new types of tasks, examples of solutions and other updates. As a result, we have created a small but very useful resource for your preparation for testing. We are ready to hear your wishes, comments and feedback on our website. To do this, contact the "consultant" and we will contact you.

It can be difficult for a beginner to grasp the meaning logical tasks, and you can talk about them for a long time - everything will be ineffectual. It is better to pass the verbal test once. than listen to or read hundreds of times.

Testing verifies:

  • reading speed;
  • perception of information;
  • logical thinking.

The check is carried out in a complex manner, there are no separate tasks for logic or speed reading. The subject sees each time a new text, large enough taking into account the time to solve, and it is necessary to read, assimilate, process the information in order to give an answer. If it seems to the candidate that there is no ability to analyze verbal information, more time should be devoted to practice, to decide maximum amount available examples.

Verbal and numerical tests are developed by several companies, among which the leading ones are SHL, Talent q, Ontarget... Regardless of different creators, verbal tests with answers similar in structure and the wording of the assignments.

The proposed text is about a third of A4 sheet. The information is varied, but non-trivial, and the topics are science, medicine, education, business. The text is self-sufficient, at least it should be considered that way, even if a passage is used. One or more statements are attached to the data. In the first case, it is necessary to mark the statement as "false", "true", choose the option "no answer", in the second - a suitable statement is selected to the question. Also, the answers can be synonyms, definition of the meaning of a word, or it is required to draw a logical conclusion.

The test for the analysis of verbal information is quite difficult, and experienced specialists are not insured against failures. The main difficulty is the lack of experience in the solution, plus little time for reflection. When a verbal test is taken online, there is a stopwatch on the screen, but 30-60 seconds per task not enough to study the text and statements for a long time.

Experienced job seekers recommend starting your search for an answer by reading the question, and then moving on to statements. The advantage of this approach is that it is more convenient to keep the question in mind in order to find the answer immediately. Other candidates look through the information, then study the question and return to the text, but then you need to have a good reading speed.

It is easy to understand how good a decision skill is, for this you need to study the only example verbal test... There are trial options on the Internet, and you can read about the necessary skills on highly specialized forums. Free examples have a drawback - simplicity. Verbal tests provided free of charge are much easier than real-life problems and will not help you get a high score.

Good grades can only be guaranteed by constant practice, and if you prepare for the test regularly, you can simply update your skills, but beginners will need to find answers to dozens, or better yet, hundreds of problems. You can get verbal tests for preparation from professional developers, while at the same time developing the skills of speed reading and logical thinking.

The verbal test is perhaps the most difficult of all those encountered in employment. Difficulties are not due to impossible tasks, but due to the unusual presentation of the material. Such tests are just beginning to be given to our students, and even then not everywhere, what to say about the older, but active generation, who are now "over thirty". Those who studied in Soviet schools and universities received a good education, which was proved by thousands of emigrants who became successful engineers, businessmen, scientists abroad, although our former fellow citizens had to compete with specialists who graduated from Ivy League universities, prestigious European universities, etc.

Now our standards are approaching Western ones, and this is correct, because best conditions for work and career in foreign transnational corporations with representative offices in Russia, CIS countries. Many domestic companies also use testing when hiring new employees, and critical stage selection - verbal and numerical tests.

HR professionals use SHL tests to analyze the abilities of candidates for a wide variety of positions. In this article, we will explain what aptitude tests are, what they are useful for, and how to use them to evaluate applicants.

SHL tests can be used to assess the level of development of abilities different types: Ability for abstract thinking, processing numerical and verbal information, understanding the principles of mechanics and a number of others. For example, it is very important for managers of any level to be able to evaluate the data in the charts, especially since they are faced with this kind of information on a daily basis. The classic SHL tests are usually presented to a candidate for a job on a limited time basis. Analysis of the information obtained as a result of passing tests helps companies select the right people for positions, which contributes to the future efficiency of employees and the company's profit.

SHL tests are most commonly used to assess the following abilities:

numerical information processing

verbal processing

systems thinking.

Most organizations use a combination of tests. For example, a combination of verbal and numerical tests shows in the complex the ability to process information, which is the basis of learning. In each case, a test of the required level should be selected - the same "verbal" test can be aimed at different complexity of tasks: from understanding the text to its processing and interpretation. For some tasks, it is enough to understand the written instructions, and for some it is required to draw conclusions from the text and build logical connections.

When to HR-y to Apply SHL Tests

It makes sense for HR professionals to use SHL tests when assessing potential candidates when there is a need to analyze their abilities - for example, to process large amounts of numerical and text (verbal) information, compare numbers and symbols, think abstractly and logically, and generally assess their learning ability.

Testing should be done before the interview as a cut-off stage in the selection of applicants. Such an assessment allows you to determine how well the applicant is prepared to solve the problems of the vacant position, and to what extent the level of development of his abilities meets its requirements.

The SHL assessment system for the candidate is accurate and fairly objective in the analysis of abilities: the applicant cannot prepare for this test in advance. Memorizing books won't help here.

Testing can be aimed at determining different kinds of candidate abilities:

  • Understanding or interpreting textual information;
  • Spatial thinking;
  • Verification of information, its classification or coding;
  • Numeric thinking, calculating or verbal counting, evaluating or interpreting numerical information;
  • Analysis of diagrams or systems thinking.

SHL tests allow you to show the reliable level of development of the abilities of a particular applicant. In this sense, SHL test results provide an objective assessment of candidates. It helps HR managers to hire the best specialists, identify their strengths and underdeveloped skills in advance.

Taking tests before the interview saves recruiters time, which can weed out candidates who fall short of a certain bar. According to statistics, 70-80% of applicants reach the interview. However, in the remaining sample, HR has to work not with random people, but with serious specialists, from whom it is much easier to choose an employee for a vacant position. Thus, the task of SHL tests is to weed out obviously unsuitable applicants without unnecessary labor costs.

By introducing this system at the enterprise, for a short time you can get significant results:

a pool of applicants for positions that have passed the screening stage is created;

decision making becomes more objective and fair;

the risk of making wrong decisions when selecting is reduced;

4. the cost of recruiting is reduced due to the narrowing of the selection funnel.

SHL tests to assess the ability to process verbal information

The complexity of the verbal test, like any other, is selected taking into account the future position of the candidate. The essence of the test is to determine the candidate's ability to perceive textual information. A verbal test is a set of text fragments on a certain topic, usually related to the field of future activities of the applicant. 2-3 statements are given to the text, regarding which a decision should be made about the truth or falsity.

  • "Right"- the statement is true, it is clearly stated in the text or it logically follows from it;
  • "False"- the statement is false or cannot logically follow from the text;
  • "Not enough information" or "Unable to answer"- it is impossible to determine from the information presented in the text whether the statement is true or false. Additional information is required.

There can only be one correct answer.

The point of verbal testing is to determine how quickly the candidate was able to read the text, understand logical connections and respond to statements. One of the pitfalls this test- the answer is "Little information" - is often confused with "False", and only a really competent specialist can feel the difference.

SHL Verbal Test Examples

Example 1

Initial condition: Smoking can cause problems in work teams. Smoking in the workplace can not only provoke heated debates, but also lead to health problems.

Statement: Smoking can turn offices into quieter places to work.

Correct answer: False.

Example 2

Initial condition: « Many companies are hiring students for temporary work in summer period when staff members take time off. In addition, it is during the summer period that the workload of many organizations increases, and they need additional workers... Also, temporary employment in the summer attracts students who acquire certain skills and, after graduation, can return to work in the same enterprise. Companies strive to provide students with as much information as possible in order to motivate them to continue collaborating on an ongoing basis. Payment for work for students is standard, but they are not eligible to take sick leave or paid leave. "

Statement 1: The work of full-time employees on vacation can be performed by students.

Correct answer: Right.

Statement 2: Students hired temporarily for the summer period receive vacation pay as an additional payment to their basic salary.

Correct answer: False.

Statement 3: Students are subject to standard complaint procedures and disciplinary action operating in the organization.

Correct answer: Not enough information.

Statement 4: Some businesses are more busy during the summer, when there is an opportunity to attract students.

Correct answer: Right.

SHL Tests for Evaluating Numeric Processing Abilities

This test involves solving mathematical problems. different levels difficulties. However, integrals, derivatives and systems of equations are not specified here, but the candidate's ability to "see" numbers is tested - to quickly solve fractions, search for the unknown, or determine percentages.

A feature of numerical tests is that the information for the solution is not presented in usual form... it math problems with initial conditions in the form of diagrams, graphs and tables with some values... When passing this test, the candidate needs to analyze the presented table or graph and answer the questions. Here you will need to resort to calculations, determining percentages, and this must be done quickly. In addition to the ability to solve, numerical tests also determine the ability to understand graphical and tabular information.

For each question, several answer options are given, from which, in the end, you need to choose the right one. The step in the answers is small, so the candidate will not be able to guess the right one.

SHL Numeric Test Examples

SHL tests to determine the skills of logical thinking

SHL Boolean Tests are designed to assess abilities that are important for solving problems. They are also often referred to as abstract thinking tests, induction tests, or diagram tests.

Logic tests allow HR to determine a job seeker's ability to process unfamiliar information and find a solution. Candidates who perform well on such tests tend to have the ability to think analytically and abstractly, and have an increased interest in learning.

Logic tests are often the hardest for applicants, since here it is required to correctly determine the pattern of seemingly unrelated drawings and find the answer. However, for a manager and an HR specialist, a logical test is extremely important, as it helps to find out to what extent the tested person is able to operate with information from abstract symbols and whether he can see patterns in them. A logical or abstract logical block of questions is used by all large companies when hiring employees.

Without logical problems, it will not be possible to fully determine the skills of applicants in the field of solving complex problems. Performing such tests will require candidates to possess several skills: logic skills, numeracy and abstract thinking.

Information in logical questions can be presented in the form of statements, number sequences, set of abstract shapes. Among them, it is necessary to determine the pattern, answer the question and choose correct option answer from several.

An example of a boolean SHL test

The simplest logic task can be as follows: The applicant is given a series of simple shapes: a triangle, a quadrangle, a pentagon, pass, heptagon.

Correct answer: the missing figure is a hexagon.

In real SHL testing, everything is much more complicated. The most different combinations, and it can be difficult to find addiction, especially in a short time. Often such tasks are solved by specialists. high class intuitive, allowing you to quickly identify the candidate you want.

SHL Instruction Comprehension Tests

On manufacturing enterprises to reduce the risk dangerous situations all employees must undergo safety training. Typically, in order to comply with established health and safety requirements, employees need to understand and learn a number of instructions and regulations. Only then will it be possible by law to allow the worker to access the equipment.

However, the degree of assimilation of the information obtained from the instructions is different for all people. And it is possible to determine the clarity of understanding of the instructions and the correctness of their application, the ability to assess the consequences of actions when working with equipment, even at the stage of personnel selection. These skills largely depend on the personality traits of the candidate. This is why it is important for recruiters to conduct SHL tests for comprehension of instructions.

The SHL-test system offers a comprehensive solution for the selection of personnel for the production positions of a milling machine operator, mechanic-repairman, electric gas welder, site foreman and others. Tests for comprehension of textual instructions include analysis of verbal information, a test for comprehension of information presented in the form of expanded texts and instructions.

Instruction comprehension tests will help reduce enterprise risks:

  • Associated with selection errors for work with traumatic equipment;
  • Reputational risks;
  • A drop in the efficiency of the company as a whole.

How to conduct SHL testing

SHL testing is carried out for a candidate who did not prepare purposefully for the test, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee the reliability of the results. Therefore, if testing fails, it is worthwhile to set breaks between attempts. Let the applicant pass the same test again in the company only after six months or a year.

SHL testing is divided into several blocks. There are three main tests:

Working with numbers, diagrams, tables;

Analysis of texts;

Testing logic and abstract thinking.

In the first block of numbers, there are usually 30-50 questions, which are allotted for 20-30 minutes. The second verbal part takes up to 25 minutes - here, as a rule, 14 texts are given, 3-4 statements for each.

With SHL testing, the process must be complicated: introduce a strict time limit, ask the applicant not to leave the premises until the end of the test. In a number of cases, psychological pressure from HR specialists is justified, for example, when a candidate being tested applies for a position associated with an increased level of stress.

Create an environment that is as close to reality as possible. The candidate needs not only to make the correct logical conclusion, but also to meet the limited time, which is usually not enough in work situations. Therefore, select texts from different areas for the subjects, insert synonyms, make references to different parts of the text - deliberately confuse the applicant in order to test it in practice.

When passing numerical SHL tests, as a rule, candidates can use a draft, in some tasks - a calculator.

In logic tests, as a rule, the time for passing each question is limited: from 30 to 60 seconds. During this period, the candidate needs to understand the patterns of changes in figures, understand the patterns and give the correct answer.

Many companies today allow candidates to take the SHL test remotely. In this case, the applicant is provided with a link to an online page and a deadline by which the test must be completed. This allows you to significantly unload HR-s. But remember that in this case, third-party hints are possible even if there is a timer.

1. Use versatile tests in one set, this will allow you to determine Various types thinking person.
2. Pay attention to whether the applicant notices slightly noticeable inscriptions in the task, use them to turn the entire course of the solution.
3. Evaluate the candidate's ability to perceive a large amount of information, deliberately overload the text with data that is important to remember.
4. Analyze how quickly fatigue builds up and stupor sets in in the candidate's work; for this, increase the number of tasks.
5. Does the test taker know how to correctly filter out unnecessary data that hinders the search for a solution? Define this parameter using a lot of unnecessary data in the initial condition of the problems.
6. Use tasks with complex logical connections when a long logical chain is required for the correct answer.
7. Determine the degree to which the candidate has a specific vocabulary, make tests so that without knowing the terminology, many tasks would be incomprehensible.

How to analyze SHL test results

When analyzing the results of SHL tests, it is important to rely on the quality of the answers, not the quantity of the given answers. For example, the first applicant filled in the answer boxes for all 50 questions, but only 25 of them were correct. And the second candidate answered only 25 out of 50 questions and gave the correct answer to all of them. The result of the second candidate will be preferable and more valuable, since it eliminates the likelihood of accidentally guessing the correct answer by simply ticking the checkboxes in the test. An unanswered question in any test block should be considered incorrect.

Analyze the tests of future employees from the point of view of strengths and weaknesses... To do this, an HR specialist needs to clearly know what qualities a candidate for a particular position should have. Verbal tests make it possible to assess the speed of assimilation of textual information and the ability to think logically. When passing the verbal test, in addition to the correct answer, it is worth assessing the mastery of the technique quick reading and give the candidate an additional plus for it.

When conducting abstract logical tests, it is necessary to analyze the ability of applicants to make logical conclusions based on non-verbal information, usually presented in the form of abstract symbols.

Alternative to SHL tests

Currently, HR specialists use different methods to determine the skills, knowledge and competencies of applicants when hiring. An alternative to the existing SHL tests today is a similar solution from Talent Q.

In world practice, in addition to SHL tests, personnel assessment methods of such companies as The Psychological Corporation, OPP, CPP and Wonderlic are widely used. 7. On the Russian market, the largest alternative to SHL tests in the field of quality tools staff assessments include products from Thomas International. 8. However, this market segment continues to actively develop, releasing more and more advanced methods and tools.

In addition to various kinds of testing, a structured interview, including projective questions and other methods of express assessment of personnel, can be an alternative to such methods of diagnosing the abilities, personal qualities and motivation of candidates.

Check yourself

What are SHL tests used for?

  • To assess the qualifications of employees during certification;
  • To assess the thinking abilities of applicants;
  • To assess the professional suitability of candidates.

What kind of SHL testing hasn't been invented yet?

  • Instructions comprehension test;
  • Logic and abstract thinking test;
  • Test of knowledge of corporate rules.

What should be considered when conducting SHL tests?

  • It is necessary to create an environment close to the work situation;
  • Testing should be carried out by a specialist with psychological education;
  • The applicant must be left alone to pass the test.

What is important to remember when analyzing SHL test results?

  • Answers to tasks must be given in a row;
  • The more tasks the candidate managed to solve, the better;
  • It is worth analyzing the suitability of the applicants' abilities to the requirements of the vacancy.

What assessment methods can replace SHL tests?

  • Employment survey;
  • Projective questions;
  • Competency interview.