How to glue paper to plastic without glue. Bonding various materials: specialist advice What glue is better for plastic and paper

It would seem that to solve the problem of restoring a broken plastic thing simply - for this it is necessary to connect its broken parts and glue. But not always the use of glue gives an expected result. And all due to the fact that all adhesive compositions for plastics are different. To answer the question than to glue the plastic tightly, the features and properties of the most popular compositions should be studied and choose the best among them.

Types of plastic glue

It is sometimes more difficult to glue the material from synthetic polymers than ceramics and metal. The structure of plastics is distinguished by a smooth surface and, accordingly, low adhesion. In industrial production, welding is used to connect plastic parts. Plastic gluing at home is impossible in this way, so the repair is carried out using glue.

The main component present in most adhesives is a special mixture dissolving synthetic polymers. To give the compositions of viscous properties in them, liquid polystyrene is added.

The principle of the action of such compositions is to dissolve parts of different surfaces. After compressing them, under pressure, there is a solid adhesion of gluable parts with each other.

Depending on the composition, all adhesives are divided into the following types:

  1. termoklay;
  2. contact;
  3. liquid;
  4. reactionary.

To figure out what glue is better to glue plastics, it is necessary to study the properties and features of each type of glue.


Such connecting formulations are solid rods. To impart gluing properties, they need to be heated to a certain temperature. For this purpose, special pistols use.

As a rule, thermoclauses are used in creativity, as they differ in low connection strength and are poorly suitable for accurate work.

In stores you can also find the thermoclauses that are intended for use without a gun. Their advantage is simplicity to use and fairly rapid solidification.


Those who think how to glue the plastic at home simply and quickly, it is worth paying attention to the contact adhesives. Complete with some of them they sell a special hardener. Getting Started, you need to mix two compositions according to the instructions on the package.

Such formulations are able to rigorously connect plastic parts, but they differ in high toxicity. Use contact glue for plastic, strictly adhering to instructions.

Before connecting two parts to which the contact glue is applied, you should wait at least 10 minutes until it snacks, and only after that it is tightly pressing the two parts to each other.


Liquid substances are characterized by simplicity and accessibility, but at the same time they have the lowest quality of the compounds of parts of plastic. They can be made on a water basis, or have a solvent.

It is recommended to apply them to work with minor items that will not be exposed to loads. Liquid adhesives are not inclined to the destruction of the structure of the plastic. This is very important when working with small details, since glue that dissolves plastic can deform them. They solidify long enough, so after repair work it is necessary to leave glued parts for at least a day.


Such household formulations are considered the most reliable, and at the same time they are among the most affordable. It should be noted that many of them have their own features of application.

So, when working with some of them, connected parts must be left for drying outdoors. Other formulations require the effects of ultraviolet rays, and the third works only under water.

Reaction adhesives can be:

  • One-component.
  • Two-component.

Both one-component and two-component glue for plastics may include components such as polyurethane, epoxy resins, polyesters.

The best waterproof adhesives

The waterproof formulations are used to connect parts that are under moisture. For example, such adhesives join PVC pipes and other plastic materials in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

The best plastic glue, according to many, this is the moment of plastic. It refers to contact and perfectly connects almost all types of plastic. Due to the presence of harmful substances in its composition, it is not recommended to glue items in contact with food or human skin.

The moment of plastic dries very quickly, it is characterized by high strength even under the influence of moisture, temperature fluctuations, alkali, acids.

This epoxy glue for plastic is distinguished by a super-fast clutch - it is frozen after 20 minutes after applying. The composition is simple and easy to use, it is good to close cracks and fasten the sloping parts. It is suitable for all the main types of plastic.

Loctite 406 is a waterproof plastic glue, which is quite convenient in application. When applied well distributed over the surface. Loctite 406 is distinguished by high strength characteristics when gluing both glossy and rough surfaces.

The best heat-resistant adhesives

When the question arises than you can glue plastic to plastic in places where high temperatures are affected, it is worth paying attention to heat-resistant compositions. Such substances are capable of long-term time to withstand high temperatures without losing their initial strength.

Rexant - transparent glue for plastic, produced in rods intended for pistols. This manufacturer also produces rods of green, blue and other colors that are used for visual disguises when gluing colored parts.

This heat-resistant and moisture-resistant adhesive sealant includes silicone, which solidifies under the influence of wet air. The glue is characterized by high heat resistance and is able to withstand temperatures up to 300 ° C.

When using a thermoclayer to connect plastic, it is necessary to remember that the plastic materials themselves are not able to withstand high temperatures.

Elite Drakon is a polymer glue for plastic, parquet, ceramics, wood and other materials. With this tool, you can glue different materials according to the composition, not fearing for the quality of gluing. The dragon has high adhesion and heat resistance.

With the right choice of glue and its optimal use, you can successfully glue any part of the plastic. Compliance with the recommendations specified in the instructions will allow you to restore the broken thing without excess material costs.

Dear friends, I have a question again to the audience, "because you know everything." Not that I do not know how to glue the paper. :-) But progress moves forward, the market is littered with a million glue varieties, and the task is serious.
Imagine some such postcard:

Paper - 300g. On it - glossy print plotter. those. The surface is fairly smooth. And this postcard ideally will be opened and close in life and close, i.e. This will move, and I would like it to fall out of it.

In this postcard, I specifically constructed everything so that the ride was glued with large planes. But when somewhere it is necessary to glue a very small "sweep" (and the gluing plane is some 5 mm, and at the same time there is a certain tension, and this place will be subject to some load) it falls apart with even more readiness.

I have children's books, such a bulk, which will soon be 30 years old. And they still did not fall apart (not counting those places that the children tear off with their hands). What makes them glue?

For me, today the most reliable glue, this is an old good PVA. He, if he dry and grab, keeps tightly. But he has two drawbacks: if it is smeared with a more or less noticeable plane, it can give a wave. And he also highlights a lot of moisture when drying. Sometimes put something freshly under the press or in the frame, and in a couple of days it gets from there - wet! Those. It is impossible to glue and give it so easy - it is necessary to dry. Well, this is okay. I mainly confuse the waves in PVA.

And all the others ... There is a so-called "hot gun" with such plastic tubes that melt and glue. It allegedly holds well. But the layer is too thick, and it is falling off too.
There are all sorts of sticks, they are often praised. But I also do not believe. After some time, all them glued together is collapsed.

Of course, it would be nice that the glue does not get dirty. That's what another PVA is - he becomes transparent after drying.

Many praise rubber glue. But he first sometimes suddenly gives fat stains. And secondly, over time, too, weather and evaporates.

There is still a normal one, which is boiled out of the starch. This is:
But he did not convince me.

Assocatively: What is the best glue for paper? To keep well. Even if the gluing area is small, and some existing load? And so that there is not a lot of dirt (and all fat stains). And in order not to worry paper, all the wet. And for a long time. To a year or after five, it also kept.

Well, maybe just someone knows than in industrial production (in printing houses?) Glue volume books and volume postcards?

Plastic products are widespread in everyday life. In case of their breakdown, you need to know which glue for plastic will be needed for repair. In order for the bonding result was durable and safe, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the types of plastic and the rules for selecting the adhesive composition.

What does marking on plastic mean

Since some adhesives may not be bonded, but dissolve plastic, it is recommended to study the labeling on a broken product. The icon with the type of plastic looks like a triangle formed from the arrows (a symbol of recycling). Inside it has figures from 1 to 7, and below is the inscription. According to these identification signs, the material belongs to one or another species of plastics, which will make it possible to choose the glue.

What types of plastic exist:

  • 1 (PET) - deciphered as polyethylene terephthalate. It produces food packaging for liquid products.
  • 2 (HDPE) - high density polyethylene, designed to produce packages and shrink film.
  • 3 (PVC) - polyvinyl chloride, better known as PVC. Plastic windows, linoleum, etc. are made of it.
  • 4 (LDPE) - low-density polyethylene, make toys for children, pipes, bottles, packaging containers.
  • 5 (PP) - polypropylene, heat-resistant material. It is used to produce food packaging, medical disposable tools, household appliances, pipes, thermal windows.
  • 6 (PS) - polystyrene. From it make disposable dishes. Foamed polystyrene is widely used in construction.
  • 7 (O) - This type of plastic is not amenable to recycling, consists of a mixture of polymers, paper, foil.

Glue labeling

The main difficulty is that the glue marking does not coincide with the symbols of the recycling of plastic.

How the glue is labeled for plastics:

  • PE - polyethylene;
  • PC - polycarbonate;
  • PP - polypropylene;
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride;
  • PMMA - organic glass;
  • PUR - polyurethane;
  • PA 66 - polyamide.

It is sometimes easier to find a clear instruction in Russian than the marking icon. But if there is no recommendations on the package, the designations will help make the right choice.

Types of glue

Plastic is distinguished by low adhesion due to smoothness, because it is harder to glue it than other materials. In industry, such products are tightened by welding. At home this method does not apply, but you can choose good glue. The principle of action of composition is: it dissolves the surface, and with a strong compression of the part connected. Therefore, the main component of plastic glue is a solvent of synthetic polymers. For viscosity, there is a liquid polystyrene.

Liquid glue for plastic and moment plastic

The adhesive group for plastics can be divided into the following types:

  1. Termoklay. It is a solid adhesive rods. Before applying, they must be heated. There are special, there are also types of glue for use without a pistol. Such a composition is suitable for minor work, since it does not have a special connection strength.
  2. Contact. Often, sold complete with a hardener to be mixed with the bulk of the proportions specified on the pack. This type of glue can be glued to glue plastics, but there is one minus: the product is toxic. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment. For better fastening of parts after applying glue, it is necessary to wait 10 minutes, and only then to squeeze them hard.
  3. It is manufactured on a water basis and is considered to be the least effective way of fastening. He dries off for a long time (at least a day). It is used to repair small objects that are not exposed to high loads. But liquid glue samples do not deform plastic, it is very important for working with small details.
  4. Reactionary - Reliable and affordable option for plastics. There are several types of such compositions: Some are intended to work under water, others are frozen under the influence of ultraviolet, others are triggered outdoors. There are one-component and two-component.

Tip! Do not use toxic contact glue to gluing children's toys.

Examples of products

What can be found on the shelves of construction and housekeeping stores:

  1. « Moment plastic" - type of glue, which connects many types of plastics. It has a transparent foundation, quickly grasps and forms a strong connection. This is a waterproof and heat-resistant composition. However, it has toxic substances, and it is not used to repair products that are in contact with food or skin.
  2. "Super moment"- Second glue.
  3. - Epoxy glue, hardens in 20 seconds. Simple and easy-to-use composition.
  4. "" - a brand offering several types of plastics glue. Among them adhesive sealant for transparent plastic, composition Plus. for PVC, PMMA - glue for polystyrene and acrylic surfaces.
  5. « Second»- Superchalters for solid plastics. One of the fastest compositions.
  6. For small car repair, special car sealants for plastic are sold.
  7. Rexant. - Termoklay, produced in the form of rods. It can be transparent or color (for disguise the joints, if color parts are connected).
  8. AKFIX HT300. - thermo- and waterproof composition. Withstand temperatures up to +300 degrees. This glue sealant contains silicone. It reacts to wet air.

This is not the entire range that the adhesive industry offers. It is impossible to say that some glue is better or worse. Each composition is designed for special types of work. Read the instructions carefully and fulfill all the recommendations.

How to glue plastic

The type of plastic is installed, the desired glue is selected. How to glue plastic objects:

  1. Details should be cleaned. If necessary, the subject is deguted with soap solution or ethyl alcohol. A clean surface has greater adhesion, and it will be easier to glue items.
  2. It does not hurt a slightly to treat the surface of the sandpaper to give them a roughness. So the glue is better to take.
  3. Two-component compounds are mixed only after surface preparation.
  4. If the parts are covered with a brush, then an artificial bristle is taken.
  5. The glue is applied in such a quantity so that when it is compressed, it does not spoke to the surface.
  6. Squeeze the items with each other need to be firmly, but neat.
  7. The duration of the holder of materials depends on the selected glue.

Tip! Use the needle to glue the fine crack.

Sometimes you need to attach the most different materials to the plastic: wood, glass or metal. In this case, the glue must take into account the features of two connected surfaces, and not just plastic.

Glue super moment

Tips for work with plastic:

  1. Waterproof glue is used for external work.
  2. Despite the high temperature that glue withstands, the plastic items themselves are not subject to it.
  3. When working with contact glue, it is necessary to air the room.
  4. The best glue for marking 7 (O) - epoxy. This type is suitable for polystyrene.
  5. If there is no marking on the product, then repel from this: for plastic toys and artificial glass, it is built mainly polystyrene; For bottles, buckets and boxes fit adhesive for polypropylene and polyethylene.

Do not be lazy to explore the marking of plastic products and glue. If the repair of small toys like "Lego" is a simple process, then for more serious work, all the glue "second" may not come up.

You will definitely take this trick if you did not know her before. We will discuss how to very reliably glue plastic or plastic parts with conventional second glue, using one small secret, which increases more than 10 times the strength of the connection of two parts.

What is the trick?

So, the secret is that around the seam of glued parts we will apply the usual soda with superclaim. As a result, it turns out the fastest thickening around the seam.
The fact is that cyanoacrylates from which glue consists, interact with soda. It is interact that, and not the usual filler. When mixing these two components, an instantaneous reaction occurs and the simplest composition is obtained, which can be completely glued not only plastics, but also metals. A peculiar similarity of cold welding. Second adhesive itself does not have half strength, if used alone. It is not surprising that everyone did a badly hold and fall apart. But with the use of this technology there will be no such technology.


  • Any super or second glue.
  • Baking soda.

Glue plastics

Let's proceed. I broke the sleeve, which turns the screw. And, accordingly, all this I will restore it.
At the beginning, everything is as usual. Lubricate the glue.

At one and the second part.

Connect them.

Now the soda is going to work. In the contact of the parts, extra glue was squeezed, it should be sprinkled from soda abundantly.

After 5 seconds, you can be blown unnecessary.

Then around the cracks, we rush to the superclaim and immediately fall asleep soda.

Excess again blowing up again.

We repeat the process again.

Right sprinkle.

As a result, a durable influx was formed around the sleeve, which will be reliably held everything.

Although it all hardened in front of the eyes, it is recommended to let stand for about 24 hours, before using the product.

Pros and cons of the method

  • Instant curing. Even large droplets are frozen immediately.
  • Very durable monolith is as a result.
  • Glue almost any plastic.
  • You can even take holes and holes.
  • Instant hardened can act as a negative factor, as a result of the fact that the composition cannot be pouring into the center of the glued parts.
  • The reaction occurs with heat isolating, which in some cases can be negative.
  • Unfortunately, such a composition may be applied only to the surface, but there are cases when it is not possible to get.
I especially recommend to take this recipe for the note by motorists, since it has not been uniquely glued to the instrument boards and light filter glasses in this way. Holds tight!

Often we need to glue a broken or cracked plastic product - from the handle of glasses to the car bumper. It also happens to stick the hook in the bathroom or the holder for the garden sprayer. The essence of the gluing process consists in dissolving the surface layer of two blanks and the formation of a layer of plastic from this solution, in common for both parts. After the frozen part, the part form a single whole, or, as they say, "glued tightly".

Determine the type of plastic

to reliably glue the plastic, first of all, it is necessary to find out which plastic is made from the subject. Knowing plastic, you can pick up for it the most suitable adhesive agent.

All manufacturers are applied to their plastic products with recycling symbols - this is a well-known Recycling Triangle - a triangle with arrows on the sides symbolizing the reuse of materials.

In the triangle - numbers from one to seven. Often the figures are complemented by an abbreviation. According to these notation, the type of plastic is determined.

What does marking on plastic mean

  • PET low pressure polyethylene or polyethylene terephthalate. It is used mainly for packaging or packaging food. Available in film, packages or transparent packaging for liquid and bulk goods, as well as beverages.
  • HDPE Filed low pressure polyethylene. Used to release a shrink film and package packages.
  • V (PVC) Polyvinyl chloride -Nipic plastic is used for the manufacture of durable and durable objects, such as economic buckets, metal-plastic windows, linoleum.
  • LDPE high pressure low density polyethylene. It is used in the production of bottles for drinks and dairy products, packages for packaging, toys, cold water pipes.
  • PP polypropylene. Plastics is chemically not active, heat-resistant (up to 150 ° C), widely used in the production of medical goods, heat-resistant dishes and homemade utensils, toys, pipes and fittings for hot water, and much more.
  • PS Polystyrene. Also food plastic, it makes one-time dishes, homemade utensils, kitchenware hulls. If it is combined, forms a beautiful porous thermal insulator - foam used in everyday life and in construction work.
  • O Other (Others) - materials not intended for recycling, for example, with metal, paper or other substances). This also includes plastics that are not related to one of the six groups.

PS - Polystyrene.

To reliably glue the plastic, you need to carefully consider the marking on the product and select adhesive for polymers of this group. There is another way to determine the type of plastic - a small piece need to be treated. Each type is on with a challenge characteristic of it and a flame species. To reliably apply this method at home, a considerable experience should be born.

Glue labeling

Tubes with glue are also marked, it is a pity that the designation system does not always coincide with the designation in the triangle on the plastic product. Most often on the tube you can see the following characters:

  • PC polycarbonate (used to overlap greenhouses and canopies).
  • ABS-Copolymer Acrylonitrile.
  • PP polypropylene.
  • PPMA Organic General Purpose Glass.
  • PE-familiar polyethylene.
  • PVC is another familiar vinyl, or polyvinyl chloride.
  • PS -Polistics.
  • PA 664 polyamide.
  • Pur polyurethane.

If you are not a specialist in organic chemistry, then, most likely, the further study of the labeling at home is not crowned with success. It is better to read in the user manual, which must be attached to the tube, which plastics can be glued.

Types of glue

A variety of applicable plastics applies to no less wide variety of produced components of their use.

Than glue plastics

To dissolve the surface layer of material, you need to destroy chemical links between molecules. For this, special substances are strong solvents. Each solvent is suitable for its group of plastics, and on the material from another group may not even leave the trace. At the heart of each adhesive composition and lies such a solvent. In addition, the composition may include:

  • hardener contributing to drying it;
  • filler - dissolved molecules of that substance for which the adhesive is intended.

One of the strongest solvents is dichloroethane. It is used to glue polystyrene and plexiglass.

Depending on the method of use, the funds are divided into several groups:

  • liquid;
  • contact;
  • reaction;
  • thermoclays.


Liquid widespread in everyday life, they are easily and simply used at home for plastic gluing having a porous structure. They are produced both on the basis of an organic solvent and water based. They are applied on the surface, which pressed together for a while sufficient to evaporate the base. After that, the adhesive layer harvested, forming the connecting seam. A characteristic example is PVA glue, they can be glued at home not only linoleum, but also wood.


Bonding takes place in two stages:

  • the glued surfaces are lubricated with a thin layer, which dissolves the surface layer of plastic, softening it and alleviating contact with the other surface;
  • after a few minutes, the parts with force pressed to each other, the softened layers are mixed, the solvent evaporates and shaped seam.

So work the moment, BF-2 and others. They can be glued at home polystyrene and other plastics. They include poisonous substances, therefore it is necessary to work in a well-ventilated room and prevent droplets on the skin or mucous membranes.


Single-component jets are very quickly dissolved by the bonded material and are as quickly solidified. These are such well-known brands as second, superciles and their analogues. Seams turns durable and hard.

Two-component consist, respectively, of two components stored separately from each other:

  • hardener;
  • fixer.

The components are mixed immediately before use and apply on the surface where the mixture solidifies, forming a connection. The basis is epoxy or polyester resins. Seam at home is extremely durable. A characteristic feature is that complete solidification goes long enough, and seam gradually increases both strength and fragility.


This group includes substances that show their properties when heated to 110-120 ° C. For use, you need a special adhesive gun with a heating element. Capacity accuracy. In addition to plastic, they can be glued at home wood, fabric, paper.

How to glue plastics tight at home

After the type of plastic was determined and the corresponding substance is selected, follows:

  • carefully degrease gluable surfaces. For this, alcohol, degreaser or soap solution (only economic soap) are used;
  • to more reliably glue items, you need to increase wettability. For this surface, handle velvet supphyl or fine skin;
  • two-component jet substances are mixed only upon completion of parts preparation;
  • do not use brushes with genuine bristles;
  • adhesive agent to apply so much so that when pressed billets, the surplus is not squeezed out of the bonding zone.

Details should be pressed so as to eliminate their offset in the gluing plane relative to each other.

How to achieve maximum effect when gluing plastic parts

To glue the plastic at home the maximum effect, follows:

  • accurately determine the material and pick up a suitable adhesive to it;
  • carefully follow the requirements of the instructions for use;
  • watch the last time of the durability set and do not try to use the product ahead of time;
  • for external work or for items used in high humidity, you need to choose a waterproof brand;
  • despite the declared heat resistance of the adhesive, the parts themselves can not survive this temperature;
  • if there is no marking on the product, you can try to drop the drip of the adhesive substance in a small place, and see whether the material dissolves.

Epoxy glue gives one of the most durable compounds and compatible with many types of plastics.

What affects the reliability of gluing

The reliability of the seam affects a number of conditions. All of them are important, and non-compliance with any one can lead to the fact that glued at home will fall off, despite the observance of everyone else. So:

  1. Compliance of the material of the product and adhesive composition.
  2. Compliance with the type of adhesive composition of the magnitude of the effort that will experience the connection. Equally important and the direction of the action of these efforts. Thus, the compositions that give rigid seams are not suitable for repair, such as shoes - after all, the sole during operation will be curled and twisted, despite the fact that the effort to the gap will be small. At the same time, this composition can be successfully glued, say, the hook to the glass, and hang tens of kilograms.
  3. Compliance with application technology. It is all important here - and how many seconds or minutes need to squeeze the surface, and how to degrease them, and how much to keep parts pressed to each other. All this depends on the properties of a specific pair of "plastic glue", described in detail in the instructions and must be literally executed. Deviation for a second in exposure time or premature start to use the product can lead to secondary breakdown.
  4. Mechanical process. It is important to carefully clean the surface from dust and give it a roughness. In addition, the direction of climbing parts to each other should be perpendicular to the glued surfaces. It is impossible to allow mutual displacement of parts after pressing - this will also fail to fail.

Glue plastic tightly - not so easy. Carefully following the homemade master with simple rules will allow to get durable and durable compounds. The main thing is not to forget about the safety technique: do not breathe a pair of adhesive composition and prevent it from entering food, skin or mucous membranes. In case of accidental swallowing, immediately consult a doctor, be sure to grabbing a tube with him.