Online equation solver program. Equations

The use of equations is widespread in our life. They are used in many calculations, building construction, and even sports. Man used equations in ancient times and since then their application has only increased. Power or exponential equations are equations in which the variables are in powers and the base is a number. For example:

Solving the exponential equation comes down to 2 fairly simple steps:

1. It is necessary to check whether the bases of the equation on the right and on the left are the same. If the grounds are not the same, we are looking for options to solve this example.

2. After the bases become the same, we equate the degrees and solve the resulting new equation.

Let's say given exponential equation as follows:

Start solution this equation stands with a baseline analysis. The bases are different - 2 and 4, and for the solution we need to be the same, so we transform 4 according to the following formula - \ [(a ^ n) ^ m = a ^ (nm): \]

Add to the original equation:

Take out the brackets \

We express \

Since the degrees are the same, we discard them:

Answer: \

Where can an exponential equation be solved with an online solver?

You can solve the equation on our website https: // site. A free online solver will allow you to solve an equation online of any complexity in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is just enter your data into the solver. You can also watch a video instruction and learn how to solve the equation on our website. And if you still have questions, you can ask them in our Vkontakte group Join our group, we are always happy to help you.

Let us consider two types of solutions to systems of equations:

1. Solution of the system by substitution method.
2. Solution of the system by term-by-term addition (subtraction) of the equations of the system.

In order to solve the system of equations substitution method you need to follow a simple algorithm:
1. We express. We express one variable from any equation.
2. Substitute. We substitute the obtained value into another equation instead of the expressed variable.
3. Solve the resulting equation in one variable. We find a solution to the system.

To solve system by term addition (subtraction) necessary:
1.Choose a variable for which we will make the same coefficients.
2. We add or subtract equations, in the end we get an equation with one variable.
3. Solve the resulting linear equation. We find a solution to the system.

The solution to the system is the intersection points of the function graphs.

Let us consider in detail the solution of systems using examples.

Example # 1:

Let's solve by substitution method

Solving a System of Equations by the Substitution Method

2x + 5y = 1 (1 equation)
x-10y = 3 (2 equation)

1. We express
It can be seen that in the second equation there is a variable x with a coefficient of 1, from which it turns out that it is easiest to express the variable x from the second equation.
x = 3 + 10y

2. After we have expressed, we substitute 3 + 10y in the first equation instead of the variable x.
2 (3 + 10y) + 5y = 1

3. Solve the resulting equation in one variable.
2 (3 + 10y) + 5y = 1 (expand brackets)
6 + 20y + 5y = 1
25y = 1-6
25y = -5 |: (25)
y = -5: 25
y = -0.2

The solution to the equation system is the intersection points of the graphs, therefore we need to find x and y, because the intersection point consists of x and y. Find x, in the first paragraph where we expressed there we substitute y.
x = 3 + 10y
x = 3 + 10 * (- 0.2) = 1

It is customary to write dots in the first place we write the variable x, and in the second the variable y.
Answer: (1; -0.2)

Example # 2:

Let's solve by the method of term-by-term addition (subtraction).

Solving a system of equations by the addition method

3x-2y = 1 (1 equation)
2x-3y = -10 (2 equation)

1.Choose a variable, say, choose x. In the first equation, the variable x has a coefficient of 3, in the second 2. It is necessary to make the coefficients the same, for this we have the right to multiply the equations or divide by any number. We multiply the first equation by 2, and the second by 3 and get overall ratio 6.

3x-2y = 1 | * 2
6x-4y = 2

2x-3y = -10 | * 3
6x-9y = -30

(2) Subtract the second from the first equation to get rid of the variable x. Solve the linear equation.
__6x-4y = 2

5y = 32 | :5
y = 6.4

3. Find x. Substitute the found y into any of the equations, let's say in the first equation.
3x-2y = 1
3x-2 * 6.4 = 1
3x-12.8 = 1
3x = 1 + 12.8
3x = 13.8 |: 3
x = 4.6

The intersection point will be x = 4.6; y = 6.4
Answer: (4.6; 6.4)

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The free calculator presented to your attention has a rich arsenal of possibilities for mathematical calculations. It allows you to use the online calculator in various fields of activity: educational, professional and commercial... Of course, the online calculator is especially popular with students and schoolchildren, it makes it much easier for them to perform a variety of calculations.

However, the calculator can become useful tool in some areas of business and for people different professions... Of course, the need to use a calculator in business or labor activity is determined primarily by the type of activity itself. If the business and profession are associated with constant calculations and calculations, then it is worth trying an electronic calculator and assessing the degree of its usefulness for a particular case.

This online calculator can

  • Correctly execute standard math functions written in one line like - 12*3-(7/2) and can handle more numbers than we can count huge numbers in an online calculator We don't even know how to call such a number correctly ( there are 34 signs and this is not the limit at all).
  • except tangent, cosine, sinus and others standard functions- calculator supports calculation operations arctangent, arc cotangent and others.
  • Available in the arsenal logarithms, factorials and other cool features
  • This online calculator knows how to build graphs!!!

To build graphs, the service uses a special button (gray graph is drawn) or a letter representation of this function (Plot). To build a graph in an online calculator, just write a function: plot (tan (x)), x = -360..360.

We took the simplest graph for the tangent, and after the decimal point, we indicated the range of the X variable from -360 to 360.

You can build absolutely any function, with any number of variables, for example this: plot (cos (x) / 3z, x = -180..360, z = 4) or even more difficult, which you can think of. Pay attention to the behavior of the variable X - the interval from and to is indicated using two dots.

The only minus (although it is difficult to call it a minus) of this online calculator it is that he does not know how to build spheres and other three-dimensional figures - only a plane.

How to work with the Math Calculator

1. The display (calculator screen) displays the entered expression and the result of its calculation in ordinary symbols, as we write on paper. This field is just for viewing the current operation. The entry is shown on the display as you type a mathematical expression in the input line.

2. The expression input field is intended to record the expression to be calculated. It should be noted here that the mathematical symbols used in computer programs do not always coincide with those that we usually use on paper. In the overview of each function of the calculator, you will find the correct designation for a specific operation and examples of calculations in the calculator. On this page below you will find a list of all possible operations in the calculator, also indicating their correct spelling.

3. Toolbar - These are calculator buttons that replace manual input of mathematical symbols to indicate the corresponding operation. Some calculator buttons (additional functions, unit converter, solution of matrices and equations, graphs) supplement the taskbar with new fields where data for a specific calculation is entered. The "History" field contains examples of spelling mathematical expressions as well as your six most recent entries.

Please note when you press the call buttons additional functions, unit converter, solving matrices and equations, plotting graphs, the entire calculator panel moves up, covering part of the display. Fill in the required fields and press the "I" key (highlighted in red in the figure) to see the display in full size.

4. The numeric keypad contains numbers and symbols for arithmetic operations. The "C" button deletes the entire record in the expression input field. To delete characters one by one, you need to use the arrow to the right of the input line.

Try to always close parentheses at the end of an expression. For most operations, this is not critical, the online calculator will calculate everything correctly. However, in some cases, errors are possible. For example, when raising to a fractional power, unclosed parentheses will cause the denominator of the fraction in the exponent to go into the denominator of the base. On the display, the closing bracket is indicated in a pale gray color, it must be closed when the recording is finished.

Key Symbol Operation
pi pi Constant pi
e e Euler's number
% % Percent
() () Open / Close brackets
, , Comma
sin sin (?) Sine angle
cos cos (?) Cosine
tan tan (y) Tangent
sinh sinh () Hyperbolic sine
cosh cosh () Hyperbolic cosine
tanh tanh () Hyperbolic tangent
sin -1 asin () Inverse sine
cos -1 acos () Inverse cosine
tan -1 atan () Reverse tangent
sinh -1 asinh () Inverse hyperbolic sine
cosh -1 acosh () Inverse hyperbolic cosine
tanh -1 atanh () Inverse hyperbolic tangent
x 2 ^2 Squaring
x 3 ^3 Cube
x y ^ Exponentiation
10 x 10^() Exponentiation in base 10
e x exp () Exponentiation of Euler's number
vx sqrt (x) Square root
3 vx sqrt3 (x) Root 3rd degree
y vx sqrt (x, y) Extracting the root
log 2 x log2 (x) Binary logarithm
log log (x) Decimal logarithm
ln ln (x) Natural logarithm
log y x log (x, y) Logarithm
I / II Collapse / Call additional functions
Unit Unit converter
Matrix Matrices
Solve Equations and systems of equations
Additional functions (call with the II key)
mod mod Division with remainder
! ! Factorial
i / j i / j Imaginary unit
Re Re () Selecting the whole real part
Im Im () Exclusion of the valid part
| x | abs () The absolute value of a number
Arg arg () Function argument
nCr ncr () Binomial coefficient
gcd gcd () Gcd
lcm lcm () NOC
sum sum () The total value of all decisions
fac factorize () Prime factorization
diff diff () Differentiation
Deg Degrees
Rad Radians

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You can solve any equation online on our website absolutely free. The service is completely automatic, you don't have to install anything on your computer, you just need to enter the data and the program will give you a solution. Any calculation errors or typographical errors are excluded. It is very easy to solve any equation online with us, so be sure to use our site to solve any kind of equations. You only need to enter the data and the calculation will be done in a matter of seconds. The program works independently, without human participation, and you get an accurate and detailed answer. Solving the equation in general view... In such an equation, the variable coefficients and the desired roots are related. The highest power of the variable determines the order of such an equation. Based on this, for the equations use different methods and theorems for finding solutions. Solving equations of this type means finding the desired roots in general form. Our service allows you to solve even the most complex algebraic equation online. You can get both the general solution of the equation and the particular one for the numerical values ​​of the coefficients specified by you. To solve an algebraic equation on the site, it is enough to correctly fill in only two fields: the left and right parts given equation... Algebraic equations with variable coefficients have an infinite number of solutions, and after setting certain conditions, particular ones are selected from the set of solutions. Quadratic equation. The quadratic equation has the form ax ^ 2 + bx + c = 0 for a> 0. Solving equations of a quadratic form implies finding the values ​​of x at which the equality ax ^ 2 + bx + c = 0 is fulfilled. For this, the value of the discriminant is found according to the formula D = b ^ 2-4ac. If the discriminant is less than zero, then the equation has no real roots (the roots are found from the field of complex numbers), if is zero, then the equation has one real root, and if the discriminant is greater than zero, then the equation has two real roots, which are found by the formula: D = -b + -sqrt / 2а. To solve a quadratic equation online, you just need to enter the coefficients of such an equation (integers, fractions or decimal values). If there are subtraction signs in the equation, you must put a minus in front of the corresponding terms of the equation. Decide quadratic equation online is also possible depending on the parameter, that is, the variables in the coefficients of the equation. This task is perfectly handled by our online service for finding common solutions... Linear equations. For solutions linear equations(or systems of equations) in practice, four main methods are used. Let's describe each method in detail. Substitution method. Solving equations by substitution requires expressing one variable in terms of the others. After that, the expression is substituted into other equations of the system. Hence the name of the solution method, that is, instead of a variable, its expression is substituted through the rest of the variables. In practice, the method requires complex calculations, albeit easy to understand, so solving such an equation online will save time and make calculations easier. You just need to indicate the number of unknowns in the equation and fill in the data from linear equations, then the service will make the calculation. Gauss method. The method is based on the simplest transformations of the system in order to arrive at an equivalent triangular system. Unknowns are determined from it one by one. In practice, it is required to solve such an equation online with detailed description, thanks to which you will have a good grasp of the Gaussian method for solving systems of linear equations. Write down the system of linear equations in the correct format and take into account the number of unknowns in order to accurately solve the system. Cramer's method. This method is used to solve systems of equations in cases where the system only decision... The main mathematical action here is the calculation of matrix determinants. The solution of equations by Cramer's method is carried out online, you get the result instantly with a complete and detailed description. It is enough just to fill the system with coefficients and choose the number of unknown variables. Matrix method. This method consists in collecting the coefficients for unknowns in matrix A, unknowns in column X, and free terms in column B. Thus, the system of linear equations is reduced to a matrix equation of the form AxX = B. This equation has a unique solution only if the determinant of the matrix A is nonzero, otherwise the system has no solutions, or an infinite number of solutions. Solving Equations matrix method is to find inverse matrix A.