Tests shall numeric and verbal. Example of verbal test: description and preparation methods

Scale:intelligence Level (IQ)

Purpose of dough

The technique is designed to evaluate intellectual abilities, the definition, to what extent test has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years, having an education not lower than the average.

Instructions for test

Performance is given exactly 30 minutes. Do not delay too long over one task. Perhaps you are on a false path and better go to the next task. But do not give up too easy; Most tasks can be solved if you - show some perseverance. To continue to reflect on the task or refuse to attempts and go to the next one - tells common sense. Remember at the same time that by the end of the task series becomes more difficult. Every person is able to solve a part of the assigned tasks, but no one is able to cope with all the tasks for half an hour.

The answer to the task consists of one number, letters or words. Sometimes you need to choose from several features, sometimes you yourself must come up with an answer. Answer write in the specified location. If you are not able to decide, the task is not to write the answer at random. If you have an idea, but you are not sure of it, then the answer is still idle.

The test does not contain "tricky" tasks, but always have to consider several solution paths. Before embarking on the decision, make sure that you correctly understood what is required of you. You will lose weight in vain if you take a decision without understanding what the task is.


The points indicate the number of letters in the missed word. For example, (....) Means that the missed word consists of four letters.
. To solve some tasks, you will need to use the sequence of the letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter "E".


1. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Fabric (....) State of matter

2. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Go (...) Cat

3. Decide anagram and eliminate the unnecessary word.


4. Find the overall end for all listed words.

5. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Animal (...) Monk

6. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Sleep (...)

7. Exclude the unnecessary word.


8. Find general Beginning For the three words.

9. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Spring (...) Mock

10. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ne (...) Ol

11. Exclude an excess word.


12. Find a common start for the following three words.

13. Find a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

That (...) At

14. Find a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Battle (....) Rugan

15. Exclude the unnecessary word.


16. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ball (...) Food

17. Find the overall ending for the following words.

18. Exercise unnecessary word.


19. Find the overall ending for all listed words.

20. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Fish (....) Inclined surface

21. Find a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Dick (....) Ec

22. Exclude an excess word


23. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Mound (...) Rotating rod

24. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

25. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Sa (..) He

26. Exclude the unnecessary word.


27. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Part of clothes (......) Lifting mechanism

28. Insert a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Y (....) B

29. Exclude the unnecessary word.


30. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

31. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

32. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Animal (....) Tenderness

33. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Carpet (...) Summer

34. Exclude the unnecessary word.


35. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

36. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Kab (...) Oshko

37. Exclude the unnecessary word.


38. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Self-dollar care (.....) Young branch

39. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

40. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Preposition (.....) Belt zes

41. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

C (...) Window

42. Exclude the unnecessary word.


43. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Finger bone (......) Spider-shaped

44. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ha (...) Rail

45. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

46. \u200b\u200bExclude the unnecessary word.


47. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

48. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

G (...) Rya

49. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

50. Exclude the unnecessary word.


Processing and interpretation of test results

The key to the test

1. Gas.
2. Fight.
3. Belly. (All other words are denoted sport games: Hockey, Tennis, Football.)
4. Spruce.
5. Lama.
6. Row.
7. Pushkin. (All other words - singers surnames: Sobinov, Shalyapin, Caruso.)
8. Black.
9. Key.
10. Juice. .
11. Flower garden. (All other words indicate the means of communication: mail, radio, telegraph.)
12. Water.
13. Pier.
14. Brand.
15. Cherry. (All other words contain the letter A: orange, cabbage, zucchini, pear.)
16. Bes.
17. Ol.
18. Chair. (All other words indicate flowers: buttercup, tulip, violet, rose.)
19. Ohm.
20. Skat.
21. Image.
22. Walnut. (All other words denote dog breeds: Shepherd, Bulldog, Poodle.)
23. Shaft.
24. There is.
25. Paradise.
26. Paris. (All other words - the names of the rivers: Thames, Volga, Niger.)
27. Gate.
28. Treasure.
29. Belgrade. (The remaining words contain the letter O: Oslo, Tokyo, Toronto.)
30. Aka.
31. Ina.
32. Lask.
33. Cat.
34. Dolphin. (Other words - Eagle, Sparrow, Lark.)
35. From.
36. Onions.
37. Einstein. (Other words - the names of famous writers: Dickens, Chekhov, Balzac, Tolstoy.)
38. Escape.
39. Ena.
40. reason.
41. Tol.
42. TV. (Other words - Mosquito, Termitic, Mosquito.)
43. Falang.
44. Mac.
45. Point.
46. \u200b\u200bSemaphore. (Other words - goat, beaver, horse.)
47. Phan.
48. Horn.
49. Ol.
50. Violin. (Other words - brother, sister, mother, granddaughter.)

Processing test results

Set the number of correctly solved problems on the horizontal line of the corresponding schedule. Then swipe the vertical to the intersection with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, swipe the horizontal line to the left. The point on the vertical axis corresponds to your ki (intelligence coefficient). The most reliable and reliable results indicating about your specialities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points, outside these limits, the results of the results are not reliable enough.


Verbal Intelligence Test Aisenka (test IQ) / Almanac of psychological tests - M., 1995. p.35-46

The SHL verbal test is usually given a small text excerpt with subsequent statements. Only one answer can be correct. In the following SHL test, you need to read the text and answer whether the statements are loyal, invalid or cannot answer those. :

A - Vero (Approval is true, it is clearly stated in text or logically follows from it) Choose it if we agree with the statement.

B - incorrect (Approval is incorrect or cannot logically flow out of the text). Choose it if you do not agree with the statement

C - Cannot answer (It is impossible to determine whether the approval is correct or not correct without additional information). Choose it if if you can not attribute the approval loyal neither k invalid.

Now read the passage:
... Many organizations consider the beneficial staff to summer period. The staff staff prefers to take another vacation in the summer months, accordingly, additional employees are needed. In addition, some companies are most downloaded in the summer. Employment for the summer, also involves students who can return to qualified personnel after a successful graduation. Making sure that the student works and learns properly, the organization encourages his work on a permontent basis. The company pays the student a fixed rate without additional payments to sick leave and vacation ....

Statement No. 1. . For the period of vacation, the work of staff personnel may be temporarily assigned to students.

Verbal test (verbal ability test, verbal analysis test) - What is it and how to pass it? We will tell about all the nuances and help you prepare in the successful passage of verbal tests if you participate in the contest of Russia's leaders or are arranged in one of the companies conducting verbal tests.

Why verbal testsneedemployer

All major employers in Russia and the world use verbal tests for the primary selection of applicants for vacancies. These are mining and energy companies: Gazprom, Rosatom, Rosneft, LUKOIL, Bashneft; Retailers: Pyaterochka, Magnet, X5 Retail Group, Metro, IKEA; Consulting and auditing companies: PWC, Deloitte, E FMCG sector companies and many others.

Before the interview for the position of you and other candidates may ask for a number of tests. Tasks for verbal thinking make it possible to estimate the ability to the right perception of written information, its analysis and interpretation.

Test results reveal a candidate's ability to:

  • do logic conclusions From business reading materials (reports, practical guidelines etc.);
  • create independently organizational documentation and reports;
  • to the exactly formulate business questions and submit information to colleagues, managers, customers.

How is the verbal testing

A certain time is given to the passage of each test. Usually, at the rate of 30-60 seconds per question. Only 1-2% of unprepared respondents can answer all the questions during the period.

The basis of verbal tests are fragments of text. Excerpt themes can be from the field of social, physical or biological sciences, business areas (marketing, economics, human resource management, etc.). You need to read short text, understand what this is speech, and answer a number of questions.

Employers use 2 main types of verbal tests:

  1. tests "True - incorrectly - I can not say"
  2. verbal Analysis Tests

Below you will find examples and answers to both types of these tests.

An example of a verbal test "True - incorrectly - I can not say":

Read the passage and tell whether the statements are true.

"In the UK, there are 7 species of wild deer. Red deer and roe deer - related species. Fale deer brought the Romans, and from the seventeenth century, three other innovative species joined them: Sika (spotted Japanese), Muntyak ("barking" deer) and the Chinese water deer that escaped from the parks.

Most of the red deer in the UK was found in Scotland, but in the eastern, southern and northwestern parts of England, as well as in the northern part of Midland, there are significant wild populations. Red deer can be crossed with a Japanese cickey deer, in some areas hybrids are common. "

  1. All red deer in the UK found in Scotland.
  2. Red deer can be crossed with spotted.
  3. The United Kingdom is not a birthplace spotted deer.

For each of these statements, you can select only one answer option:

  1. A) True - conforms to the information presented in the passage.
  2. B) incorrectly contradicts the information obtained from the text.
  3. C) I can not say - in a fragment there is nothing about it or not enough information to make such a conclusion.

The correct answer for this example Verbal test See at the end of the article. Try first to determine the answer yourself. The solution of such a test is usually given 30 seconds.

Tests for verbal analysis is usually more difficult. They can have 3 and more answer options. Your task is to determine which of the statements given in the task answers the question of the test. Below you will find an example of a verbal test in one of the FMCG companies:

Example test for verbal analysis:

The correct answer for this example of the verbal test see at the end of the article. Try first to determine the answer yourself.

Important! When answering questions, do not use your knowledge, oriented only on information from the text. Carefully read the text to understand the general meaning. After that, try to apply each statement from the question relative to the appropriate part of the text.

For different positions HR agents constitute tests of different levels difficulties. It is clear that tasks for junior specialists will be much easier than for the leadership. Tests for verbal analysis for managers and top positions can be very complex.

How to successfully pass verbal tests

  1. Do not rush to give an answer.

Text passages are intentionally written in difficult style, Therefore, it is easy to perceive information not quite right. Before choosing need option, carefully read the approval of 2-3 times.

  1. Keep calm.

Anxiety interferes with concentration and directly affects the success of the passage of the test. It is difficult to keep calm during an oral test or in a noisy office. Before an important date We recommend to sleep well, and on this day to take a light soothing and tune in to a positive wave.

  1. Pass as many training tests.

The secret of success and confidence is to prepare. Training testing will help you familiarize yourself with the style of text passages. During the preparation, you will learn to "unravel" complex fragments for a while. So you will know exactly what you expect.

  1. Keep track of time.

In most cases, the passage of verbal tests is given 30-60 seconds per question. Do not waste time! You just look at how many questions are associated with one statement in order to correctly distribute precious minutes.

  1. First, go through simple tasks.

Remember! For the time that you have to try to understand difficult questionYou can respond to several others. Therefore, first pass clear tasks. To statements that cause you difficulty, you will return at the end.

If you are "stuck", re-read the offer from the end. Separate complex suggestions for separate small statements in order to understand the essence of each of them and make a logical output.

Sometimes the number of texts you need to process, more than you can have time for a certain time. Therefore, just try to give a maximum of the correct answers and in no case do not act "for good luck."

If you have the opportunity to get a test online at home, then you will not interfere with the excitement due to an unfamiliar situation of someone else's office. But here there is a temptation to use a friend. We do not recommend this. First, you lose time, arguing due to the replies. And secondly, even a friend who successfully passed 10 such tests may be wrong. Rely only on yourself.

What result should I seek?

It is difficult to answer this question, since your test results will be compared with the results of competitors. The threshold of entry is calculated based on the results of the majority. You can respond correctly by 75% of the questions and turn out to be among the leaders, because the main part of the applicants to recruit 60-65%. And you can pass by 80% and stay "overboard", because your competitors turned out to be stronger.

Results evaluates a special program. HR agent sees only the result in percentage and percentages *.

* Percentle is an indication of how this result is often found among others obtained in the sample. Its value allows to divide the results of testing to ranks - high (75 and more percentile), medium (\u003e 50 and up to 75) and the lowest (< 25 и до 50). Числовое значение интерпретируется так: «55 перцентилей - кандидат сдал тест лучше, чем 55% других претендентов».

What conclusion can be made of this? Do not strive for some specific result, just try to answer most of the questions correctly. Any educated person can pass tests for verbal thinking.

If you are a participant in the contest of Russia's leaders or arrange to work, then most likely, in addition to the verbal test, you have to go through a numeric test and an abstract-logical test. Read more about these tests in our Special Articles:

Your main enemies - excitement and lack of time. So as not to be confused in the right momentPrepare in advance and practice at verbal, numeric and logical tests from the site. So you can identify your weak and strengths, and also remove the fear of unknown.

Start preparation right now or see examples of free verbal tests:

Answers to test examples:

The test "True - incorrectly - I can not say":

C - I can not say. Direct about this in the text is not said, and we can use only this information.

Verbal analysis test:

To analyze the abilities of candidates for various positions, HR specialists use SHL tests. In this article, we will tell you the ability tests, for which it is useful and how to apply them to evaluate applicants.

Using SHL tests, you can estimate the level of development of abilities. of different types: Abilities for abstract thinking, processing numerical and verbal information, understanding the principles of mechanics and a number of others. For example, managers of any level it is very important to be able to evaluate the data of the charts, especially since they are confronted with information from this kind. Classic tests of SHL are usually imposed by a candidate for positions in a limited time. Analysis of the information obtained as a result of passing tests helps companies to select suitable specialists for posts, which contributes to the future of labor efficiency of employees and profits of the company.

SHL tests are most often used to assess the following abilities:

processing numerical information

processing verbal information

systemic thinking.

Most organizations use a combination of tests. For example, a combination of verbal and numeric test shows in the complex the ability to process information, which is the basis of trainee. In each case, the test of the desired level should be selected - the same "verbal" test can be aimed at different complexity of tasks: from understanding text to its processing and interpretation. For some tasks, there is enough understanding of the written instructions, and for some required conclusions from the text and build logical connections.

When HR-y apply SHL tests

HR specialists make sense to use SHL tests when evaluating potential candidates, when there is a need to analyze their abilities - for example, to process large volumes of numerical and text (verbal) information, check numbers and symbols, think abstract and logical, as a whole to estimate their learning.

Testing should be carried out before interview as a cutting step of selection of applicants. Such an assessment makes it possible to determine how much the applicant is prepared for solving the tasks of the vacant position, and to what extent the level of development of its abilities meets its requirements.

The SHL Candidate Assessment System is accurate and sufficiently objective when analyzing the abilities: the applicant cannot prepare in advance for this test. Here will not help the jar of books.

Testing can be aimed at determining the various clauses of the candidate's abilities:

  • Understanding or interpretation of textual information;
  • Spatial thinking;
  • Reconciliation of information, its classification or coding;
  • Numerical thinking, calculation or oral account, evaluation or interpretation of numerical information;
  • Analysis of charts or systemic thinking.

SHL tests allow you to show a reliable level of development of the specific applicant's abilities. In this sense, the results of SHL tests give an objective assessment of candidates. HR managers helps hiring to work best specialists, in advance to determine their strengths and insufficiently developed skills.

Conducting tests before the interview saves the time of recruiters, which can cut off candidates who do not reach a certain plank. According to statistics, 70-80% of applicants reach the interview. However, in the remaining sample, HR-y has to work no longer with random people, but with serious experts, from which it is much easier to choose an employee to a vacant position. Thus, the task of SHL tests is to cut off knowingly unsuitable applicants without free.

Implemented this system in the enterprise, for a short time You can get significant results:

created pool of applicants for the posts that have passed the selection stage;

decision making becomes more objective and fair;

the risk of adopting incorrect decisions during the selection is reduced;

4. The cost of recruitment is reduced due to the narrowing of the selection funnel.

SHL tests to assess the ability to process verbal information

The complexity of the verbal test, like any other, is selected taking into account the future position of the candidate. The essence of the test is to determine the ability of a candidate to perceive text information. The verbal test is a set of text fragments on a certain topic, usually associated with the sphere of the future activity of the applicant. The text provides 2-3 statements regarding which the decision to truth or falsity should be made.

  • "Right" - Approval is true, it is clearly stated in the text or it logically follows from it;
  • "False" - the statement is false or cannot logically flow out of the text;
  • "Not enough information" or "Unable to answer" - It is impossible to determine if presented in the text of the information, is the approval of faithful or false. Additional information is required.

Only one answer can be correct.

The meaning of verbal testing is to determine how quickly the candidate can read the text, to understand logical connections and give an answer to approval. One of the pitfalls testa - The answer is "little information" - often confused with "falsely", and only a truly competent specialist can feel the difference.

Examples of verbal SHL test

Example 1.

Source condition: Smoking can cause problems in working groups. Smoking at the workplace can not only provoke hot spores, but also lead to a health problem.

Statement: Smoking can turn offices into more comfortable space to work.

Correct answer: Falsely.

Example 2.

Source condition: « Many companies hire students for temporary work for the summer time when regular employees take leave. In addition, it is in the summer period that many organizations increase the load, and they need additional employees. Also temporary employment in the summer attracts students who receive certain skills and after graduation, they can return to work in the same enterprise. Companies seek to give students as much information as possible to motivate them to continue cooperation on an ongoing basis. Payment of work for students is standard, but they have no right to take a sick or paid vacation. "

Approval 1: The work of full-time workers who are on vacation can be performed.

Correct answer: Right.

Approval 2.: Students temporarily hired for the summer receive holidays as additional payments to the main salary.

Correct answer: Falsely.

Approval 3: Students are subject to standard complaint procedures and disciplinary penaltiesoperating in the organization.

Correct answer: Not enough information.

Approval 4.: Some businesses are more downloaded in the summer when it is possible to attract students.

Correct answer: Right.

SHL tests to assess the ability to process numerical information

Such a test involves solving mathematical problems of different levels of complexity. Nevertheless, the integrals, derivatives and system of the equation are not specified here, but the ability of a candidate "see" numbers is checked - quickly solve the fractions, to look for an unknown or determine the percentage ratios.

A feature of numerical tests is that the information for the decision is not submitted to by the usual form. it math problems with source conditions in the form of charts, graphs and tables with some values. When this test passes, the candidate needs to analyze the presented table or the schedule and answer the questions. Here you will need to resort to calculations, the definition of interest, and it is necessary to do it quickly. In addition to the ability to decide, the ability to understand graphical and tabular information is determined in numeric tests.

Each question is given a few options for an answer, from which you eventually need to choose the right one. The step in the answers is small, so guess the faithful of the candidate will not work.

Examples of SHL Numeric Test

SHL tests for determining logical thinking skills

Logical SHL tests are designed to estimate the abilities important to solve problems. They are also often called tests on abstract thinking, induction or diagram tests.

Logic tests allow HR-y to determine the applicant's ability to handle unfamiliar information and find a solution. Candidates showing good results on such tests, as a rule, have abilities to analytical and abstract thinking, have increased interest in learning.

Logical tests are often the most severe for applicants, since here it is required to correctly determine the pattern at the first view of unrelated drawings. and find an answer. However, for the head and HR specialist, the logical test is extremely important, as it helps to know how to test the information from abstract symbols, and whether he can see in them patterns. A logical or abstract logical block of questions is used by all major companies when receiving employees.

Without logical tasks It will not fully determine the skills of applicants in the field of solving comprehensive problems. The execution of such tests will require some skills from candidates for several skills: logic skills, accounts and abstract thinking.

Information in logical issues may be represented as an allegation, numerical sequences, set of abstract figures. Among them, it is necessary to determine the pattern, answer the question and choose proper option Answer from several.

Example of a logical SHL test

The simplest task on logic may be like this: the applicant is given a number of simple figures: a triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, pass, sevenginous.

Correct answer: Missed figure - hexagon.

On real SHL testing, everything is much more complicated. Meet the very different combinationsAnd it is difficult to find addiction, especially for a short time. Often such tasks are solved by experts. high-class Intuitively, it allows you to quickly determine the candidate you need.

SHL tests for understanding instructions

On the manufacturing enterprises To reduce risk dangerous situations All employees must be committed to training. As a rule, to follow the established requirements for labor protection and security, employees need to understand and learn a number of instructions and regulations. Only then will be able to admit an employee to equipment by law.

However, the degree of learning received from the information instructions in all people is different. And determine the clarity of understanding of instructions and the correctness of their application, the ability to assess the consequences of actions when working with equipment can still be at the stage of personnel selection. These skills are largely dependent on the personal characteristics of the candidate. It is for this purpose that recruiters are important to conduct SHL tests to understand the instructions.

The SHL test system offers a comprehensive solution for recruitment of personnel on the production position of the milling machine, a locksmith repairman, an electric and gas welder, a plot masters and others. Tests on the understanding of the textual instruction include the analysis of verbal information, a test for understanding the information presented in the form of deployed texts and instructions.

Tests to understand the instructions will reduce the risks of the enterprise:

  • Associated with error selection for working with traumatic equipment;
  • Reputational risks;
  • The decline in the efficiency of the company as a whole.

How to carry out shl testing

SHL testing is conducted for a candidate who has not been prepared purposefully to check, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee the accuracy of the results. Therefore, when testing failure, it is worth installing breaks between attempts. Let the applicant passes the same test in the company only six months or a year.

SHL testing is divided into several blocks. Major tests - three:

Working with numbers, diagrams, tables;

Analysis of texts;

Checking logic and abstract thinking.

In the first numeric unit, there are usually 30-50 questions to which 20-30 minutes are given. The second verbal part takes up to 25 minutes - here, as a rule, is given by 14 texts, 3-4 approval to each.

When SHL testing, the process must be complicated: enter a rigid time limit, ask the applicant does not exit the room to the end of the test. In some cases, psychological pressure from HR specialists is justified, for example, when the test candidate claims a position associated with an elevated level of stress.

Create an environment as close as possible to real. The candidate needs not only to make a correct logical conclusion, but also to meet the limited time, which is usually missing in working situations. Therefore, select the subjects from different areas, insert synonyms, refer to different parts Text - intentionally confusing the applicant to check it in practice.

When passing numeric SHL tests, as a rule, candidates can use a draft, in separate tasks - a calculator.

In logical tests, as a rule, the time of passing each question is limited: from 30 to 60 seconds. During this period, the candidate needs to understand the patterns of changes in the figures, understand the patterns and give the correct answer.

Many companies today enable candidates to pass the SHL test remotely. In this case, the applicant provides a link to the online page and the time to which the test must be performed. This allows you to significantly unload HR. But remember that in this case, third-party prompts are possible even if there is a timer.

1. Use versatile tests in one set, it will determine different types Thinking man.
2. Pay attention, whether the applicant has a slightly noticeable inscriptions in the task, use them to turn the entire course of the solution.
3. Evaluate the possibility of a candidate to perceive the large amount of information, intentionally overload the text of the data that is important to remember.
4. Analyze how fatigue accumulates quickly and the stupor comes in the work of the candidate, to do this, increase the number of tasks.
5. Does it know how to competently filter unnecessary data that interfere with the search for the solution? Define this parameterUsing a lot of unnecessary data in the original condition of the tasks.
6. Apply tasks with complex logic connections when the correct answer is required to build a long logical chain.
7. Determine the extent to which the candidate owns a specific vocabulary, make up tests so that without ownership of the terminology, many tasks were incomprehensible.

How to analyze SHL test results

When analyzing the results of SHL tests, it is important to rely on the quality of answers, and not the amount of response data. For example, the first applicant filled the counts of answers to all 50 questions, but at the same time only 25 of them were correct. And the second candidate answered only 25 questions out of 50 and everything gave the right answer. The result of the second candidate will be preferable and more valuable, as the probability of accidental guessing of the right answer is eliminated here by simply stailt the ticks in the test. The question left without a response, in any test block should be regarded as incorrect.

Analyze the tests of future employees in terms of strong and weak Parties. For this, the HR specialist needs to clearly know what qualities a candidate for one position should be posted. Verbal tests make it possible to estimate the rate of assimilation of textual information and the ability to think logically. When passing a verbal test, in addition to the correct answer, it is worth assessing the ownership of technique. quick reading And to put an additional plus candidate for it.

When conducting abstract logical tests, it is necessary to analyze applicants' ability to make logical conclusions based on non-verbal information, usually represented as abstract symbols.

SHL test alternative

Currently, various methods are used by HR specialists to determine the skills, knowledge and competencies of applicants when taking work. An alternative to existing SHL tests today can be called a similar solution from Talent Q.

In World Practice, in addition to SHL tests, methods for evaluating staff of such companies such as The Psychological Corporation, Opp, CPP and Wonderlic are widely used. 7. In the Russian market, the largest alternative to SHL tests in the region quality tools Personnel estimates can be called Thomas International products. 8. However, this market segment continues to actively develop, producing increasingly perfect methods and tools.

In addition to various kinds of testing, an alternative to such methods for diagnosing abilities, personal qualities and motivation of candidates can also be a structured interview, including projective issues and other methods of express evaluation of personnel.

Check yourself

For what purposes are SHL tests are used?

  • To assess the qualifications of employees in certification;
  • To assess the mental abilities of applicants;
  • To evaluate professional candidates.

What kind of SHL testing has not yet come up with?

  • Test for understanding instructions;
  • Test for logic and abstract thinking;
  • Test for knowledge of corporate rules.

What is worth considering when holding SHL tests?

  • It is necessary to create an environment close to the work situation;
  • Testing should conduct a specialist with psychological education;
  • The applicant must be left one to pass the test.

What is important to remember when analyzing the results of SHL tests?

  • Answers to tasks must be given in a row;
  • The more tasks the candidate managed to solve, the better;
  • It is worth analyzing the compliance of applicants' abilities with the requirements of the vacancy.

What evaluation methods can replace SHL tests?

  • Questioning when receiving work;
  • Projective issues;
  • Interview for competencies.