A totem animal named Vick. Beautiful name Victoria: meaning for a girl, girl, woman

Victoria is one of the most beautiful names for a girl, which sounds gentle and light. The fate of the girl is in direct proportion to how her parents named her at birth. The name Vick significantly affects behavior in various life situations and the character traits of its owner. The name also affects the girl's health. The energy of the name leaves an imprint on Victoria's personal life and her penchant for different types activities.

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    General characteristics of the name

    The name Victoria is of Latin origin and originates from the word victoria, which in translation means "victory", "winner". This name is found in Roman mythology: Victoria was the goddess of victory. The ancient Greeks also associated the name with victory, but the name of the goddess sounded somewhat different - Nika.

    The name is not very common. In villages there are only 4 owners of this name per thousand girls, and in cities - about 19–20 people.

    The name Victoria has its own synonyms: these are names such as Victor, Victoria. There are many short forms that can be used to address a girl: Vika, Vikusha, Vikulya, Vitulya, Vitusya, Viki, Torka, Vikta, Toriya, Viktorka, Viktosh.

    In the calendar of the Orthodox Church, the name Victoria is absent. It corresponds to the name Nick. Therefore, name days are celebrated in March - on the 12th and 23rd, in April - on the 29th. It is customary to celebrate name days in May - on the 8th, in September - on the 12th, in October - on the 24th, in November - on the 17th, and in December - on the 23rd.

    A similar name for the boy is Victor.

    The spelling of the name is different in different languages:

    How to determine if a guy is right for a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage

    What will bring luck to Vika?

    There are certain favorable factors that Victoria needs to keep in mind in order to be successful:

    • The most successful day of the week for Victoria is Friday. Don't schedule important meetings for Wednesday.
    • You can safely count on fortune in areas of life where numbers are used, using the number 4.
    • The most important and significant years- 14, 38 and 54 years old.
    • The patron planet is Uranus.
    • The colors that will bring good luck to Vika are purple and yellow.
    • The tree mascot is a cedar.
    • Totem plants - gentian, mimosa.
    • Totem animals - bumblebee, toad.
    • The stone that will accompany success is lapis lazuli.

    Spelling the name

    You can find out about the character traits that are inherent in a person according to which letters are part of his name:

    Letter Meaning
    V People whose name begins with the letter "B" are the life of the party. They are very sociable, they always have many friends.
    AND Those who have the letter "I" in their name are very good people who are not alien to sympathy. They are also romantic. These are quite peaceful people who do not like to sort things out. Girls, whose names include the letter "I", carefully monitor their appearance. They are excellent hostesses. Most successfully they are given scientific activity and work that requires permanent contact with people
    TO They are shrewd people, a little nervous, hardy. They have a strong-willed character, stubborn
    T Quite vulnerable people, sensual, comprehensively developed. They love justice, they often show generosity. Their "sixth sense" is very developed, which often helps in everyday life.
    O People in whose name this letter is present love life, are optimistic about all the events taking place around. They are able to think strategically. In friendship, they prefer trusted people
    R These are people who do not like lies and hypocrisy. Responsibly treat all tasks that they need to complete
    I AM They are excellent psychologists, thinkers, with high self-esteem. They care about the love and respect of others.

    Personality traits depending on the date of birth

    The character of a girl named Victoria differs significantly depending on when she was born.

    1. 1. Women who were born in winter are quite ambitious, arrogant persons with high self-esteem.
    2. 2. Vika, who was born in the fall, is characterized by composure and practicality in everything. They are excellent secretaries-assistants, programmers, trade workers.
    3. 3. If a girl's birthday falls on the summer, then these are rather unpredictable persons. "Summer" Vika is quite amorous, she likes to communicate with the opposite sex.
    4. 4. Girls with the name Vika, who were born in the spring, are mysterious and sometimes insidious. They are suited to work related to the service sector. Do not engage in medicine and pedagogy.

    Character traits

    Women named Victoria are assertive, stubborn, can show cunning and firmness of character to achieve the desired goal. At the same time, they are vulnerable, shy and sometimes extremely indecisive. This contributes to the fact that outwardly Vika looks timid and withdrawn, but this opinion is deceptive. In fact, this woman has a rather strong inner core, she stands confidently on her feet. She likes to surprise people with harsh and rash actions. She has a strong will, endurance and a masculine mindset. She is always confident that she is right. A feature of her character is her constant struggle with men for gender equality. She challenges not only the representatives of the stronger sex at work, acquaintances, but also to my own father, husband, brother and other male relatives.

    There are frequent cases when Vika looks like her dad. She loves to repeat his speech and demeanor. As a child, she has a hard time getting along with children of her age. For this reason, little Vika often plays alone. She is headstrong and stubborn. Parents should not try to bring her up in strict restrictions, as this will cause a storm of protest. She doesn't like haste. In games, she likes passive roles. She doesn't like learning to read, so she can often ask her parents to read aloud to her. Victoria is balanced, likes to be quiet.

    In her youth, Vika begins to carefully monitor her appearance. This helps her to assert herself among her peers. In order to overcome her inner complexes and self-doubt, the girl dresses defiantly, puts on bright makeup, and can behave rudely. Such character traits as demonstrativeness and perseverance appear in Vika precisely in her youth. Thanks to them, she can achieve her goals. She learns to communicate with people. Thanks to her sociability and erudition, Vika becomes a rather interesting interlocutor. She is educated, well-read, has a good memory.

    Adult Victoria is more daring and active. She can easily organize a noisy party. She likes flattery, but she hates criticism. She is incredibly charming, beautiful, well-groomed, feminine. But Vika herself does not think about it at all. The girl likes to hear compliments and nice words. She is capable of charming men.

    Victoria can be a good educator, educator, musician, theater actress or organizer of fun activities.

    Choosing a life partner

    The second half of Victoria should be an empathetic, attentive man who is responsible for his words and deeds. This will give Vika confidence in herself and she will respect her life partner. If Vika really falls in love, then she will be able to give her husband love, affection, tenderness. Vika will be faithful, honest and open with him, ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved. She will respect all her husband's relatives, even if their relationship is a little strained. But if she sees any flaws in her man, she will openly say about it. If her man cheats and betrays her, then she will never forgive him.

    Also Victoria will be a good mother. She loves to pamper her child very much.

    Good compatibility and successful marriage with a man named Albert, Valentine, Valery, Irakli, Mark, Christopher. A man named Agathon, Victor, Vladislav, German, Innokenty, Nikon, Trifon is not suitable for creating a marriage union with Vika.

    Health Wiki

    As a child, Victoria is no different good health... She often suffers from respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, bronchitis. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out hardening procedures.

    Nervous system The wiki can also crash. She throws unreasonable tantrums, is restless and capricious. There is a tendency to develop enuresis.

    V school age It is difficult for Vika to get up in the morning, it is advisable to try to get enough sleep. Susceptible to colds. With a minor ailment, bed rest should be observed, since high fever the girl suffers heavily. The development of complications in the form of ear diseases, leg diseases is possible.

    Victoria may have a poor appetite in middle age. Old age is accompanied by such ailments as polyarthritis, hemorrhoids, cholecystitis, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus.

When a baby appears in the family, he is sure to be given a name. The choice is always approached with special care, parents want the name not only to sound beautiful, but also to have deep meaning and beautiful value. One of the most popular and beautiful names for girls around the world is the name Victoria.

Everything about the name Victoria

According to Mendelev, the name Victoria is light, gentle, feminine, charming and modest. According to Higir, it is bright, eccentric and individual. According to Rouge: the owner of the name is vulnerable, mysterious and intellectual.

Origin of the name

Popular feminine name, related, comes from ancient Latin and in translation means "victory". In Roman mythology, Victoria is the goddess of victory.

Table: Victoria name forms

Table: analogues of the name in other languages

Name days and patrons

The name Victoria was not included in the calendar until 2011, so Vic was baptized earlier under the name Nick, which is the Greek equivalent of Victoria. Saint Nika became the patron saint of Victoria. But since 2011, Victoria has been celebrating her own name days on June 7 and 14, November 6, 17 and 30, December 21. The patron saint of this name is Victoria Kordubskaya (Cordoba).

The patroness of the name Victoria was the holy Martyr Victoria of Kordubskaya (Cordoba)

Characteristics and influence of the name on a person

Victoria captivates and conquers, Victoria only excites with a glance. In her blood the fire of love burns - If you surrender to her - do not call for help.


In childhood

Vika is a strong-willed child who is not so easy to force to do anything. It is necessary to instill in little Vika from childhood a love of work, perseverance and attentiveness. If a child with this name is interested in something, then it is almost impossible to stop him in an effort to get it. She loves the attention of other people, both adults and peers. She always strives to show herself and she succeeds, since from an early age she knows how to present herself correctly, almost on an intuitive level feeling the mood of both the team and one person.

Victoria is a beauty, She is always famous for her smile, Responsive, faithful, And in every business she is the first, Always knows everything, knows, And life is full of victories, We are proud of our dear Vic - Simple and many-sided.

Unknown https://rustih.ru/viktoriya-krasavica/

At school, Vika is rather frivolous than diligent. For her, lessons are not the main thing. But if she really wants to learn, then her success will exceed all expectations. If she sets a goal for herself, then she will achieve it at all costs. Victoria has an average memory, it is difficult for her to keep several things in her head at once, so knowledge must come consistently and dosed. For Vika, assessment is much more important than knowledge, so it is important to explain to the girl their value. Victoria is balanced at school age, does not like to talk a lot, is calm, often withdraws into herself, but just like in early childhood, she loves attention. Her distinctive qualities in her youth are adventurism and originality. This translates into experimenting with your appearance.

Inside Victoria, despite the relaxedness, courage and extravagance, complexes and shyness are hidden. Her attempts to surpass them often result in a bizarre form: Vika can differ in overly defiant behavior, and wear too revealing clothes, and dye her hair poisonous pink. Her behavior in her youth can rarely be called exemplary: Vika believes that she is always right, and it is not easy to come to an agreement with her. Maximalism, a thirst for adventure, a desire to stand out from the crowd - all the traits characteristic of adolescence are very pronounced in Victoria. Assertiveness, demonstrativeness, self-will are present in Victoria's character at any age.

In her youth, Victoria loves to experiment with her appearance.

In adulthood

V mature age Victoria changes, more often in better side... There is more firmness in her character. The girl becomes a practical and strict realist, the meaning of the name is fully expressed in her. Its goal is success in the financial field, such qualities as down-to-earth views come to the fore (in good sense of this word), strength of character, assertiveness and energy. She does not understand poetic personalities, dreamers and dreamers, it is better to communicate with her from the point of view of an earthly person, romanticism and excessive sensitivity are alien to her. Also, Vika does not understand people who do not strive for material wealth, for her any goal and idea has only a monetary background.

Outwardly, Victoria is charming, feminine and very beautiful, as if from the cover of a fashion magazine. She carefully monitors her appearance, but does not try to flaunt herself. Vika can be ambitious, she loves compliments, especially about her extraordinary mind and well-groomed appearance.

Despite her sociability, Victoria does not trust people too much, so she has few real friends.

Victoria has an analytical mindset, she can patiently and thoroughly study the details of any case, perform painstaking or monotonous work. Victoria has willpower, but often it is not enough to achieve the goal.

A girl with this name is distinguished by sociability, but she is also very selective in relationships - she has very few real friends; It is difficult for Vika to communicate with narrow-minded, ignorant and shameless people. She appreciates trust and warmth in friendship. Sincerity in communication even with strangers, a sense of humor, sincerity make Victoria a pleasant companion. Sometimes Victoria can withdraw into herself, internal complexes and fears do not leave her even in adulthood, but she successfully fights with them, showing herself as a responsible and successful worker, an exemplary daughter, wife or mother and an outgoing, sincere woman.

Talents and careers

Victoria possesses aptitudes in various fields of activity. Given such traits of her character as hard work, sociability, eccentricity, the profession that is associated with interaction with people is suitable for her. Victoria is bad at planning, so she mostly relies on inspiration. Thanks to her creativity, she can find herself in writing and acting, music, dancing or painting. Since Victoria prefers that the result of her work depends only on her efforts and abilities, the professions of a doctor, cook, and hairdresser are also suitable for her. Attention to detail and patience allow Victoria to achieve success in the professions of engineer, architect, programmer.

If Victoria really likes the job, she will do it responsibly and conscientiously.

Combines with the character of the girl and the profession of a model. Victoria is often found to have outstanding talent for the exact sciences. She can become a chemist, mathematician, biologist or even archaeologist - this unusual profession will satisfy her love of travel. Victoria copes with the role of a housewife with no less success. A talent for pedagogy allows her to become an educator or teacher. Shows Vika and ability to languages, so that the professions of a linguist, philologist, translator are suitable for her. Thanks to her friendliness and organizational skills, Victoria can also be a talented leader, so you should pay attention to entrepreneurial activity, the profession of a manager or marketer. Just remember that she is proud and treats people with respect, these qualities will not allow her to achieve her goal by any means, as is often necessary. Whatever profession Victoria chooses, parents should not persuade their daughter - Victoria achieves significant success only in what she really likes. Victoria as a whole is a responsible and executive employee, the management appreciates her for her hard work, perseverance and creativity.


Thanks to such qualities as responsibility, diligence and decency, Victoria has every chance of becoming a successful business woman, provided that it will be really profitable and interesting for her to run her own business. For a successful business, Vika also needs to learn how to fight laziness and be more decisive in defending her point of view. Victoria prefers to do business alone, she is used to keeping everything under control. Success in business does not come to her immediately, but Victoria achieves it in any case thanks to her hard work and perseverance.

Thanks to hard work, perseverance and the ability to convince people, Victoria can achieve considerable success in business.

For subordinates, Victoria will become a strict but fair boss, sometimes prone to dictatorship. Victoria has a talent for persuasion; from the first minutes of a conversation, she unmistakably identifies the strengths and weaknesses of an opponent. Despite the excessive haste and impulsiveness, she is able to win people over to her side. In financial matters, Victoria is lucky, she knows how to competently manage money. These qualities allow her to achieve considerable success in the field of business.


Victoria's health can be called average, it needs to be monitored from childhood. Fresh air, long walks, sports are essential for wellness Wiki. There is a predisposition to viral diseases. It is necessary to strengthen the bones, otherwise problems of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis and osteochondrosis may appear. Any injury needs to be treated, as later it can result in much more serious illness... Frequent and nervous disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Victoria is prone to dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system

Victoria in love and family

Victoria catches men with her seeming fragility and defenselessness, she allows a man to feel like a knight, and she herself plays the role of a defenseless princess, while in fact she may well stand up for herself and achieve her goal. Victoria rarely opens her soul to any of the men. A series of frivolous novels loses its meaning for her when she finds that one, the only one. Her loving nature is immediately transformed, Victoria becomes a faithful and devoted companion. In choosing a spouse or partner, Victoria is very picky, but this is due to her indecision. She creates a family late, even after the wedding, she can doubt the correctness of the choice for a long time. The ideal for her is an understanding and sensitive man who gives her support and confidence. For a man who truly loves and respects her, Vika will become the most loving and faithful wife, she will be ready for anything for him, but she will never forgive betrayal or lies. She is able to turn the head of almost any man thanks to her natural charm, beauty and temperament.

Victoria, trouble or victory? Long ago I was defeated by you. I once lived, I did not know about you. You were presented to me by Fate! My fate, seemingly quite simple, Once quietly prompted me: Open your eyes, because the golden maiden Has been sad for a long time, dreaming of you ... This time fate did not joke: I met the one whom I had long dreamed of. Beauty and strength lived nearby in her, I saw her alone in sweet dreams.



Victoria is a wonderful housewife and caring wife, she loves to pamper household members with delicious food. Raising children for her is an exciting and interesting process, she likes to spend time with children. Even with all the difficulties of family life, Victoria does not forget to take care of herself. Even having tied the knot, Victoria remains freedom-loving and independent. Victoria is very jealous, she will not tolerate even a glance from her husband towards another woman. At the same time, most often he hides his jealousy deep inside, not wanting to reveal true feelings. A husband must first of all earn Victoria's trust, only in this case she will become the most sensitive and loving wife.

Table: name compatibility Victoria

Parsing a name spelling

V. Honest, cheerful, sociable, scrupulous. Passionate personality and monogamous at the same time. It attracts people to itself with its charm and an extraordinary sense of humor.

I. The letter is a symbol of harmony, grace and spirituality. Caring for appearance, mystery, thinking outside the box, straightforward skepticism, honesty - these people are not always liked by others. Indiscriminate ties or frequent divorces are possible.

K. Maximalism, sexuality, spiritual strength, diplomacy and discernment. Extreme attraction to those around it due to its beauty and grace.

T. Abilities for creativity, originality, ingenuity. Passionate and amorous. They love variety. Their goal in itself is the search for the truth. Frequent health problems.

A. Symbol of infinity, mystery. Rich inner world, into which no outsider is allowed. The letter endows a person with strong intuition, the ability to see the essence of things and the ability to deeply feel and empathize.

R. Dogmatism, but not religiosity. The ability to see the essence of things, the ability to physical labor, compliance and patience. Their feelings are easily hurt, then they ardently defend their rights.

I. The main thing in life is self-esteem. Correct assessment of your own feelings, capabilities and aspirations. Diversity and wealth of the inner world. They badly need attention, admiration from other people, but dignity and self-respect are more important for them than compliments. Sexual liberation and passion of nature.

Table: name matches Victoria

Character by the seasons

Her temperament and behavior also depend on the time of year when the girl was born:

  • winter Victoria is stubborn, freedom-loving, ambitious and proud. The aggravation of these qualities does not reflect too well in communication with men, so she is often unhappy in her personal life.
  • mysteriousness and unpredictability distinguish spring Vika. Eccentric, loves attention, for which she is ready for a lot. Can be two-faced and insidious, you need to be careful with her. Thanks to cunning and seeming defenselessness in her personal life, she has no problems. A loving mother and wife are responsible for choosing a husband.
  • summer Victoria is frivolous and amorous. She loves men for their very nature, is very promiscuous in relationships, often falls in love and just as often is disappointed in love. Each time it seems to her that this love is for sure for life. Responsive and kind person, does not tolerate deception and betrayal, and she herself is not capable of them. She is very kind and sympathetic, always helping those who are weaker than her.
  • autumn Victoria is ashamed of such qualities as sensitivity and tenderness, hiding them under the mask of severity and rigidity. This girl is organized, assertive, practical and considerate. Her character is very tolerant and understanding, she is a wonderful housewife, wife and mother. Strives for tenderness, warmth, love and affection.

Victoria, born in summer, does not tolerate resentment and betrayal

Table: horoscope name Victoria

Victoria AriesThe personality is eccentric, always active in its life position. She always knows everything, always up to date, always in the spotlight. She can often impose her personal opinion on others, she has a personal point of view on everything. She has a lot of ambitions, very straightforward. In her personal life, she is fickle, each of her chosen ones seems to her the very man who will love her forever.
Victoria TaurusThis girl is tactful, confident in her abilities and balanced. She seems to live according to a pre-formed plan. With difficulty she gets used to changes, stability in life is important to her. She ties the knot quite early and almost always manages to build strong family... Victoria Taurus is honest and open, but she lacks femininity.
Victoria GeminiResponsive and kind, she is always ready to help other people. She is condescending to the imperfections of others, but does not see her own, extremely painfully and sharply endures criticism. Temperamental, active, readily participates in any activities. It is easy and good for men with her, so Victoria Gemini does not lack male attention.
Victoria CancerShe is somewhat romantic and dreamer. A timid, charming girl. Often she cannot fully realize herself due to her passive nature and insecurity, although her potential is enormous. Family life is developing perfectly thanks to her kindness, thrift, non-conflict and complaisance. The Victoria Cancer family is her main value.
Victoria LeoPrudent, self-confident and elegant, she definitely knows her own worth. She comes out of the most awkward situations with her inherent dignity, is very smart. She is honest in achieving her goals, but she may well sacrifice the interests of others. Pragmatic. She loves male attention, but it is very difficult to win her: a man will have to make many sacrifices for the sake of Victoria the Lioness.
Victoria VirgoPractical, she looks at life extremely real. She needs guarantees in everything, she will never take unnecessary risks. She will only take on a project that will definitely become profitable, dubious enterprises are not for her. Such prudence contributes to her climbing the career ladder, but in the family life of Victoria-Virgo, she lacks sincerity and warmth.
Victoria LibraCalm, peaceful, open person, with an excellent sense of humor. She easily overcomes life difficulties. The gift of persuasion helps her to reconcile enemies and convince people of her opinion. She is popular with the stronger sex and, although at first glance she is frivolous and amorous, she sincerely dreams of a bright and great love.
Victoria ScorpioImpulsive, impressionable. Her life consists of mood swings from apathy to fun and constantly changing black and white stripes. But, no matter how difficult it may be for her, she never devotes her loved ones to her problems because of pride. Love for her is a sea of ​​burning passion, without this relationship she quickly gets bored. A passionate, temperamental and strong man suits such a woman.
Victoria SagittariusA strong-willed, decisive leader and a defenseless, fragile lady are constantly fighting in it. She is imposing and domineering, these qualities do not always allow her to easily get along with other people, and therefore she has very few friends. Men, fearing the fate of the henpecked, also do not favor Victoria-Sagittarius with attention. Those who nevertheless decided to achieve her location need patience, since Victoria-Sagittarius is very selective and will check the chosen one for a long time before reciprocating his feelings.
Victoria CapricornHer equanimity knows no boundaries, so she does not show violent passions and feelings. Doesn't like to give advice, restrained. People easily trust her with their secrets and secrets. In the relationship, Victoria-Capricorn is suspicious, very much afraid of disappointment, looks closely at the chosen one for a long time.
Victoria AquariusShe is witty and energetic, has many friends, whom she still very rarely admits to her inner world. It is difficult for her to survive betrayal or resentment, she closes in herself for a long time. The attractiveness, charm of Victoria-Aquarius attract men, her life often consists of many stormy romances. It is difficult for a man to keep her, because she hates routine, she needs to be surprised with something new every day.
Victoria PiscesGentle, sensitive and empathetic, she sees the world with her originality in mind. She is not a consumer, but a creator. A refined personality with a developed mental organization, she is often susceptible to neuroses, self-critical and touchy. For her, the ideal chosen one will be a romantic, to whom she will gladly become a muse.

Famous people named Victoria

There are many famous girls named Victoria in history:

  • Victoria Yagling - cellist from the USSR;
  • Victoria Abril - actress from Spain;
  • Victoria Daineko - actress and singer;
  • Victoria Perez is a human rights defender from Argentina;
  • Queen Victoria - Queen of Great Britain;
  • Victoria Kovalchuk - writer and artist;
  • Victoria Nikiforova is a Russian playwright.

Image Gallery: Famous Victoria

Victoria Bonya - a famous TV presenter, participant of the show "Dom2" Victoria Yagling - an outstanding cellist, laureate of international competitions Victoria - the English queen who made her country one of the world's leading powers Victoria Abril - an actress from Spain Victoria Daineko - a popular Russian singer Victoria Tolstoganova - a Russian actress theater and cinema

Victoria is a name with deep meaning and beautiful sound, it gives a person many qualities necessary in life. This beautiful feminine name will endow your child with leadership qualities, hard work and perseverance, making him a real winner.

Has a Latin origin. Its source is Roman mythology. That was the name of the goddess of victory. Thus, Victoria means "winner", "victory", so this is a woman who walks through life with her head held high. Today this name is especially popular in Europe and Russia. This name has a paired name- Victor.

Name Victoria in other languages

Victoria Astrology

Auspicious day: Saturday

Years later

As a child, Victoria is always stubborn and wayward. Parents have a hard time with her, because in this case, aggressive methods and any pressure cannot be shown. Otherwise, the girl will protest and will not allow the closest and dearest people to achieve their goal for nothing. But if you can find mutual language with a child named Victoria, you can only thank fate for such a gift. At an early age, she is able to be an excellent helper and loyal friend. School teachers praise her for her responsiveness and diligence.

Self-affirmation for the girl Vicki plays a big role, the recognition of not only relatives, but also the whole environment is important. Therefore, she often takes rather strange, as it might seem from the outside, steps to attract attention and gain recognition. This girl has many friends from school, with some of them she continues to communicate closely into adulthood.

In her youth, Victoria is always active and energetic. Easily accepts any challenges of fate.

Starting from adolescence, there is a desire to resist men and their attitudes in life. In addition to her father (if he managed to become a close person to her in childhood), she does not recognize anyone of the opposite sex.

She is always ambitious, she sets herself the task of proving that she can and can do absolutely everything. And it is important that those around you notice this and be sure to note it properly.

Extravagant clothes, bright nail polish and makeup are the must-have attributes of Vika in her youth and ways to satisfy her ambitions. The manner of communicating with the environment directly depends on how infringed on her pride. The characteristic behavior at parties is a defiant tone bordering on vulgarity. Some girls with this name, due to their impulsiveness at a young age, are prone to fascination with subcultures.

With age, Victoria's ambition does not diminish a drop, but a woman with that name already begins to act deliberately and finds the right ways to throw energy in the right direction. Since she has an analytical mindset more characteristic of men, she will always find a way out of any situation.

Even into old age, he continues to be assertive and authoritarian. Therefore, only those whom she is able to subjugate to her will will be able to get along with her on the same territory. She simply does not pay any attention to other people, she is interested in conquering and breaking through.

Throughout her life, Vika strives to achieve her goals by any means. A woman named Victoria is not an eccentric, but a calculating and reasonable person who will never allow herself to be used by anyone.

Victoria's character

Justice is her strong point. You will not meet a single Victoria who will be ready for deception and betrayal, albeit for the sake of her own interests. Women with this name are characterized by hard work and openness. It is always easy and calm with her, despite the fact that the character is usually Nordic.

Victoria always knows how to plan everything carefully, so employers are lucky with such an employee.

Rare outbursts of anger can occur, this negatively affects the relationship with her. But if you know about such a feature of women with this name, then everything is guaranteed to be in order.

Victoria loves to be ironic. Many people may not like this, since he directs his poisonous remarks not only to himself, but also to his close circle. She is straightforward, she says everything head-on. This, too, often turns people off. But since Victoria loves only real people, she does not accept hypocrites in her environment.

The fate of Victoria

Victoria's fate is usually good, without great difficulties. All this thanks to a strong and energetic character. Victoria does not even suspect that something may not work out for her. If it is not possible to achieve the set goal in one way, Vika will certainly come up with another option. Since she is used to doing everything on her own, she always relies exclusively on herself. She is the blacksmith of her own happiness, and therefore perfectly understands that fate is in her hands. This is not to say that Victoria is always lucky in everything, but she, like no one else, accepts losses with honor only in order to recoup after a while.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

For her, individuality is fundamentally important. The templates and the adopted charter of the company are not for her, but the ability to attract people to her side, value money and make correct calculations allows us to speak of Victoria as an employee whom any successful entrepreneur would like to see in the ranks of his company.

Victoria is making good progress in her work, because career growth is important for her! She will never sit and wait for a miracle. Vika will definitely make every effort to obtain a positive result, because she simply set a goal for herself, which is a priori impossible not to achieve.

Marriage and family

Victoria is a very loyal person, sincerely loves, tries to protect her other half. But men rarely appreciate this, since on the surface you can more see the manifestation of a woman's rather aggressive nature. Few understand that her rigidity in behavior is aimed at maintaining and improving relations within the family.

She is very friendly with children, she immediately protects them, but patience is not always enough to teach a child something new.

Victoria does not always have good and warm relations with her parents. The reasons lie in childhood. If at that age she was loved and pampered, she in maturity will certainly thank her mom and dad. But if vanity was infringed and Victoria did not receive the proper amount of love and attention, then in the future, relations with her parents will be cool and strained.

Sex and love

It is not so easy to become a life companion for Victoria. This woman is used to subordinating to herself, but not to obey. And if there is a desire to please such a person, you should be ready to make concessions absolutely in any situation. Then there is a chance to please a person with this name.

Victoria herself is quite amorous, but she can hide her feelings. I like to play and conquer, but after she succeeds, she will certainly lose interest in a man.

Vika is not prone to cheating. Will go for it only in case of complete misunderstanding on the part of a loved one. Sex plays for her important role, but not the primary one, more attracted by the candy-bouquet period. In relationships before marriage, he manifests himself as an active, egocentric, emotional person. In sex, he prefers standard, classic. Therefore, a man next to her should be without unnecessary fantasies of an erotic nature. Otherwise, they will not be able to find a common language.


In childhood, girls with this name may sleep and eat poorly. Such children are weak, unstable to viral diseases, so parents should temper Victoria from early childhood. If you don't do this, doctors will prescribe bed rest often enough.

In adulthood, rarely complains of malaise. Can catch cold, but infrequently. Due to her capricious nature, she is prone to stress. Victoria often has stomach and intestinal problems, and her lungs are often affected.

Hobbies and hobbies

Likes to be in the spotlight. She is characterized by enthusiasm and initiative. Therefore, often hobbies are the organization of all kinds of events, it can be children's parties or weddings. The organization of the process is always interesting for her.

He is often fond of cooking delicious food. Victoria can usually be found studying some exotic recipe with which she wants to impress others.

She is cold to creativity and art. Therefore, if you meet a girl Victoria somewhere on stage, you can be sure that this is not her choice, but her parents.

The name Victoria gained popularity in the pre-revolutionary years, after which it became firmly rooted in the Russian nomenclature.

The secret of the name Victoria is closely related to its origin, according to the legends of Ancient Rome, they were called the goddess of victory. Therefore, the etymological translation of this name is the winner. It came from male name Victor.

The secret of the name lies in the following: amber, lapis lazuli can become a stone talisman for Victoria, with them you need to wear jewelry for the amulet. Lapis lazuli will bring the girl good luck in all endeavors, get rid of blues and depression. Amber will save a woman while traveling, it is a symbol of love, fidelity, happiness.

The name corresponds to the zodiac signs Libra, Taurus and Virgo. It is under the auspices of Uranus. The most successful time of the year for Vikuli is winter., and all important decisions can be taken on Saturday. She suits white and purple colors, the favorable ones include yellow, brown, steel and blue.

Totem animals - bumblebee and toad. Bumblebee is associated with hard work and health, it brings good luck in business. The toad gives financial well-being, it is a symbol of the birth of a new life, long years and prosperity in the material sense. The mimosa flower talisman means sensuality, modesty, even shyness, and the cedar tree gives the name dignity and grandeur.

Victoria celebrates her birthday on October 24, September 12, March 12, November 17 and December 23. Affectionately this girl's name is Vika, Vikulya, Vikusik, Vikusya, Vikochka, Vikusha, Vikonka, Viki, Vik, Vikulechka, Tori, Toria... The Orthodox form of the name is Quiz.

Meaning of the name

Each name carries a certain charge, which determines the appearance of certain character traits in a person. Victoria has both positive and negative characteristics. It also influences fate.


The characteristics of the name appear regardless of whether the girl is called the full name or the abbreviated one. In childhood, Vika is always modest and shy, she is not confident in herself and is constantly shy. Has the ability to create problems from scratch, and parents should be penetrated, even if at first glance it seems to them that this is a trifle.

Vikula is characterized by accuracy, cleanliness and commitment, great value has peer recognition. It's easy to hurt or hurt a little girl. With age, Vika becomes bolder, strives to assert herself and gain firmness and self-confidence. Which means her attempts to achieve the goal through desperate actions, sometimes she goes too far. For example, in adolescence, he may over-wear makeup or dress provocatively.

Conflict-free, tries to avoid scandals, does not participate in showdowns. Respectfully communicates with the spouse's relatives, pays great attention to communication with parents and relatives. Despite the firmness of character and the ability to achieve the set goals, he often doubts the decisions made. If you are not sure of your righteousness, you can retreat. But if Victoria is firmly convinced that she needs something, she will achieve her goal.

A strong will is combined with a small sense of purpose, so often Vika does not finish what she started to the end. Phlegmatic by nature, which means some laziness and a slow reaction. Little emotional, rarely panics and does everything thoroughly. Everything is carefully planned, this woman does not rely on inspiration and luck.

Victoria has few friends, but they are loyal, as she is always devoted to her friends. Many note her observation, ability to listen and hear, to draw the right conclusions. But she rarely shares her thoughts, which is explained by her secrecy. Feels the mood of others. Low deeds, gossip, rudeness - this is not about Vikula.

The mood is changeable, her memory is good, she has great patience. She reads a lot, her thinking is developed, Vika knows how to compare facts, delve into all the details. In any team she can find like-minded people, colleagues love her. Her nature is active.

Victoria prefers a male environment; in her life, a constant confrontation with the opposite sex is clearly visible. Victoria throws a challenge to men constantly, at work and at home, in personal relationships. This allows her to assert herself, thus she fights with her insecurities. This is evidenced by both a slightly sloppy appearance and a noticeable eccentricity in behavior.


Since childhood, Victoria gravitates towards male society, makes friends with children, plays boy games. Mobile and sociable, she sometimes withdraws into herself, thinks and becomes silent. Parents need to praise this girl as much as possible, even for minor achievements, so that she gains self-confidence.

Vika will believe in herself at an older age. He will begin to watch himself, wanting to attract attention. But often attempts at self-affirmation will not be crowned with success. Throughout her life, this woman will fight with herself and look for her place in the sun.

Her hobbies include theater, art, visiting various parties and exhibitions. She is often taken to extremes, and informal culture is just for her. Vikusha's preferences are constantly changing. But the main hobby of a matured girl is indulgence. She does not seek to get married, start a family, she just spends all her money on entertainment, clothes, adventures.

Growing up, Victoria will change, calmness and prudence will appear in her. She will lose the desire to stand out in any way. Like a flower, she will open up over time, becoming a passionate business woman. The fate of the owner of this name will not be easy, but this will not make her life less interesting and eventful.


Victoria is revealed in love, but her constraint, modesty and tendency to doubt prevent her from doing this early. She very carefully chooses a life partner, an easy fleeting marriage is not for her. Despite such a serious approach to finding a candidate for her heart, she may doubt her choice even after marriage.

A woman is attracted to strong and decisive men who are confident in themselves. They can give her attention and care, boosting her self-esteem. But the last word should always be with the husband. Often dissatisfied with her husband, she openly and directly points out to him the shortcomings. But as soon as Vikulya realizes that next to her is the same person who can be trusted, with whom she will be in complete safety and comfort, the attitude will change and Vika will become white and fluffy.

This woman will respect and honor her husband, for her family is, first of all, coziness and comfort. Quite organically, she feels herself in the role of a housewife, and with all her might she demonstrates her talents to friends and acquaintances. He loves children very much, raising them, tries to inspire them that the family has the most main person- father.

Supports her husband's relatives a good relationship, a big role is played by her desire to get together with her family as often as possible. There is a tendency to sacrifice a career for the sake of the family. As a wife, Victoria is simply the ideal of a man, despite the complexity of her character. She will always be faithful to him, loyal. This expresses her maximalist views.

Name compatibility will help Vikule with the choice of a partner. The best spouse for her can be Vladimir, Arkady, Valery, Valentin, Mikhail, Semyon, Lev, Sergey, Savely. In order not to be disappointed in family life, she should avoid relationships with Vladislav, Victor, Dmitry, Yuri, German, Grigory, Alexander.


Career building for Victoria is somewhat different, as she is endowed with limitless hard work, and any leader will appreciate this potential. It is important to choose right direction to make work a joy. Vika gives all her best, she easily copes with any assigned tasks, which allows her to become an excellent subordinate and an excellent responsible leader.

Thanks to developed feeling beauty, Vikusha is waiting for success in such fields as design and modeling, she can try herself in the modeling business, entertainment, management. As a rule, a woman with this name is looking for herself for a long time, trying this or that activity until she finds a job in which she will be comfortable.

Victoria will make a good hairdresser, educator or teacher, she gets along easily with people, and she is infinitely kind to children. This woman can opt for non-creative professions, thanks to the male mindset, she will like the work of a research assistant, designer, engineer or service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Despite the ease of communication and the ability to work in a team, Vika prefers work that does not require constant contact with others. It is important that the result of the work depends on her. Victoria's financial issues are always resolved well, money loves her.

Victoria is one of the oldest female names on our planet. In popularity, only Maria and Anna can compare with him. The owners of the name Victoria can be found in many countries of the world. There are wikis even in China (Weikatolia) and Japan (Viktoria). But not only girls are given this beautiful name. The name Victoria is a waterfall and lake in Africa. And in Australia, they called the whole state and the river flowing in it. Victoria is the perfect name for the city. Exploring geographic map, you can find several dozen settlements with this name.

The meaning of a name for a person

People from time immemorial were sure that the name given to a person at birth has a direct impact on his character and destiny. For this reason, his choice was approached with special attention... Let's see what the name Victoria means. The secret of the name will help us determine the features that distinguish Vika from the rest of the fair sex, and even predict her fate.

Origin of the name

Victoria is the female form of the male name Victor. It is translated from Latin as "winner". The name has a mythological origin. The first woman to wear it was the ancient Roman goddess of victory. In ancient times, she enjoyed great respect among the people. On the Palatine - the central Roman hill - a temple was erected in honor of Victoria, the ruins of which have survived to today... The goddess, symbolizing victories in wars, was often depicted on ancient imperial coins.

Astrological and numerological subtleties

Victoria is not as simple as it seems. The meaning of the name, character and its fate are directly dependent on Mars and Uranus. From the first planet, she inherited uncompromising, determination and a masculine mindset, and from the second - uncontrollability, unpredictability, eccentricity and love of freedom. Astrologers believe that it is best to call Victoria a girl born under the sign of Aquarius. All Vic's lucky color is purple. The number that patronizes them is 5. It symbolizes the desire for freedom.

Vika in early childhood

Let's try to understand what is the secret of the name Victoria? A child named in this way usually inherits the paternal physical traits. Little Vicusies rarely cause problems to their parents with their pranks. They grow up as shy, calm and assiduous girls. Victoria's moms and dads are often worried about their withdrawal and reticence. But you shouldn't worry, as almost all little Vic's like to spend time alone more than with their friends. Girls do not like moving and noisy games. Instead, they prefer to play with dolls, do needlework and paint pictures. Victoria as a child cannot boast of a good appetite. They only eat what they like. It is almost impossible to feed them with cottage cheese, milk porridge or other healthy dish.

School performance, relationships with classmates and teachers

Now let's see how the meaning of the name Victoria changes with the growing up of the baby. The mystery of the name Victoria testifies that in school years the girl has a hard time studying. Her academic performance is below average, new material in the classroom, she listens superficially and is often unable to understand him, homework does it reluctantly. In lower grades, adults will have to spend a lot of time to get Vika to read, but her love of books will never become her. hallmark... Teachers are often unhappy with Victoria because of her poor academic performance, but they cannot complain about her behavior.

Victoria rarely finds friends among her classmates. With her schoolmates, she keeps aloof and slightly wary. But, despite the isolation, classmates like the owner of this name due to her calm disposition and ability to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Wikis really don't like social assignments. They do their best not to take responsibility for them. If it was not possible to avoid this, and Victoria is nevertheless imposed an important assignment, she will try to transfer it to another person or carry out somehow in order to quickly forget about him. Because of this, the girl is treated as a non-executive and optional person.

Transition period

The nature of Victoria's name adolescence changes markedly. Closed earlier, she becomes more open to communication with others. But Vika chooses her friends very carefully. Usually she has 2-3 best friends to whom she can entrust her secrets. Trying to hide her innate shyness from prying eyes, the girl picks up frank and overly bright outfits, does provocative makeup, and behaves too demonstratively. This tactic helps her to assert herself among her peers. Often, even in adulthood, Vika will hide her shyness behind defiant clothes and an abundantly applied layer of makeup.

Professional preferences

The mystery of Victoria's name will shed light on her choice of profession. Considering the fact that Vika cannot boast of communication skills, she should not choose a specialty where communication with people comes to the fore (teacher, salesman, journalist, psychologist, etc.). Victoria will achieve great success in professions that require perseverance and concentration, where the final result depends only on her. These include accountants, economists, programmers, cooks, artists, researchers. Vika tries not to conflict with her superiors. Among her colleagues, she is respected, they always listen to her opinion. Despite her closed nature, she can safely try her hand at modeling and acting. But to dream about leadership position the owner of such a name is not worth it: her business qualities and organizational skills to manage the team are clearly not enough for her. If Vicki doesn't need to work, she can make a wonderful housewife.

Victoria: the meaning of the name, character and fate in dealing with men

In relationships with the opposite sex, Victoria is very demanding and selective. She doesn't have many lovers. Vika does not like sex for the sake of carnal pleasures. It is very important for her to have feelings for the man with whom she enters into a close relationship. In her personal life, Victoria is secretive, she does not devote anyone to the details of her novels.

A girl will never marry the first person she meets, she will not waste time with a person who does not correspond to her ideal. Often because of this, Victoria is sent down the aisle closer to 30 years. But even after the wedding, she often has doubts about whether she chose the right spouse for herself. If she is convinced that she was not mistaken with her husband, then she will become an ideal wife, lover and friend for him. Victoria is jealous. She will be extremely painful to experience the betrayal of her beloved and will never forgive him.

Victoria is in no hurry to have children immediately after marriage. She is not confident in her own abilities, doubts whether she can become a good mother for a child. After Vika nevertheless decides to have offspring, she will become more concerned about the material well-being of her offspring than about their moral character and upbringing.

Compatibility with male names

The secret of the name Victoria will help you choose a suitable life partner. Vika is compatible with Alexei, Eduard, Vladimir, Lev, Artyom, Sergei, Mikhail, Semyon, Valery, David. For a chosen one with one of the names mentioned, a girl can marry without fear. She needs to be more careful with Yuri, Alexander, Vitaly, Dmitry, Grigory, Andrey, Igor, Nikita. Marriage with the owners of the listed names promises many problems that can lead to separation.

Physical and mental health

Victoria is of average health. In childhood, a girl with that name is often sick. To strengthen immunity, parents need as much time as possible to walk with her on fresh air... At school age, Vika needs to go in for sports. He will help her to improve her health and become hardy. Vicky's adults most often suffer from osteochondrosis and catarrhal-viral ailments.

Victoria cannot boast of a strong psyche. She is very worried about relationships with the opposite sex, becomes hot-tempered. Vika is prone to mood swings. If now a girl bursts into laughter, this does not guarantee that after 5 minutes she will not close in her room in a depressed state.


For Victoria to be lucky in life, she needs to take care of the talisman. The best amulet for her will be a toad figurine. By placing it in the southeastern part of the living room or other non-living room, the girl will be able to attract wealth and good luck to herself. Victoria's plants are patronized by mimosa, cedar and gentian. The lucky stones in the girl's life are lapis lazuli and amber, metal is copper. All important matters for Vika should be postponed until Saturday, then luck will be on her side. But Sunday is the most unfavorable day for a girl, so she cannot plan any serious undertakings for this weekend.

The mystery of the name Rose-Victoria

Today it is fashionable to call children by double names. But in order for the child's fate to be successful, they must be selected correctly, paying attention to the fact that their interpretations do not contradict each other. For example, Rose goes best with Victoria. Why is this particular combination of names advised by experts? Both Rosa and Victoria are purposeful, freedom-loving and eccentric girls. They love order, know how to work for the result, strive to search ideal spouse and charm others with their external charm. With such a similarity in the interpretation of names, Rosa is more active, she is devoid of shyness, which often prevents Victoria from achieving success in life. That is why the middle name helps to balance Vicky's shortcomings and make her fate happier.

We got acquainted with the name Victoria. What it means is no longer a secret to anyone. Of course, all Vik have their own differences, and the description presented only summarizes the main traits of their character, life preferences and aspirations. Having learned the secret of the name Victoria, you can understand what to expect from its owner and how to build a harmonious relationship with her. It is important to remember that almost all women named after the ancient goddess of victory need a secure shoulder. Only next to a worthy life partner will they be able to truly open up and become happy and cheerful.