Parrots. The most intelligent birds

Alex (1976 - September 6, 2007) - African gray parrot, which received fame because of the experiments of Dr. Sciences Irin Pepperberg. The parrot was named after Avian Language Experiment (later Avian Learning Experiment).

The essence of the experiment

Jaco Alex, or - African Gray Parrot, became the subject of scientific discussions and research for thirty years. Animal experiment was carried out by a psychologist, Dr. Nauk Irene Pepperberg (I. Pepperberg) at the University of Arizona, and then at Harvard and Brandeis Universities. The parrot was purchased at the pet shop at the age of about one year. The name of the bird - Alex, has become the abbreviation of the name of learning experiment with animals. Alexa's successor was a parrot Griffin.

Prior to the work of Dr. Pepperberg, the widespread opinion of the scientific community was told, that the birds are stupid and are capable of parody or imitation of sounds and human speech, however, an experiment with a parrot Alex demonstrated and proved that birds can analyze and logically arguing at the base level, creatively Using the words I. short phrases Human speech. The psychologist wrote that Alex was the "first swallow in the study of intellect" standing at one level in experiments with dolphins and man-like monkeys. The researcher demonstrated to the scientific world that the intellectual development of the Alelex parrot reached the level of development of the five-year-old child, and this is not the limit. In the process of experiment, Pepperberg found out and reported that at the time of death, the bird had the level of emotional development of a person at the age of two-year-old kid.


IN 1999 year Dr. Pereperberg published the achievements of Jaco, which says that Alex could define up to fifty various objects And identify at the same time up to six items, it can distinguish between seven colors and five figures, and also aware of the concepts of "more", "less", "same", "different", "for" and "under". The parrot vocabulary was about 150 words, but what is the most exclusive in the experiment and the parrot, this is what he understood what he said. For example, when Alex was demonstrated by the object and set the question of its form, color or material, he gave faithful answers. If the parrot asked about the difference between the two objects, he answered the same or different ("Yes / no"), and what the difference. Alex is able to lead a simple mathematical calculation. When he once tired of the experiment once, he stated: "Wanna Go Back" (I want to leave), wanting to go back to my cage. If the researcher demonstrated irritability and denial, Alex said: "I'm sorry" (I apologize). When the parrot was offered a nut, he affirmatively asked: "I want a banana", and, having silently waiting - again asked bananas. When he was given a bolt, instead of food, he launched them into a researcher. During research work with a parrot, 80 percent of the answers were logically correct.

Experiments have shown that Alex may distinguish the items of the same color, but different materials from which they were made. Dr. Pepperberg taught the parrot to find out and call written numbers.

In July 2005, Pereperberg reported that Alex realizes the meaning of the concept of zero. In July 2006, she discovered that Alex also perceives optical illusions - similar to human perception.
When learning a parrot reading, Dr. Peppenberg trained the bird to distinguish between some letters, as a result, Alex began to determine the combination sounds when merging the letters of the English alphabet - such as SH and OR.

Death Alex

Alex died on September 6, 2007 in Vorasta 31 years. The death of Alex was unexpected, since the average life expectancy of African gray parrots is about 50 years. In the previous day, he looked healthy, but he was found dead in the morning. According to the press release published by the Alex Foundation, "Alex was healthy at the last annual medical examination two weeks before his death. According to the vetertainer, which carried out an autopsy, there was no obvious cause of death. " According to Pepperberg, the loss of Alex will not stop the research, but it will be a big step back. There are two birds in the laboratory, but their skills do not reach Alex skills.

On October 4, the Alelex Foundation published the conclusion of pathology: "Alex died quickly. He had a sharp, unexpected catastrophic outcome due to arteriosclerosis (blockage of vessels). " This was a fatal arrhythmia, a heart attack or a blow, which is observed to die quickly, without torment. His death could not be predicted. All his tests, including cholesterol, returned to the norm of the week before. His death could not be associated with his current diet or age. The veterinarian said she saw similar cases in young birds (under 10 years old) with proper nutrition. Most of all it seems that the reasons for genetic, or it is some kind of hard discovery inflammatory disease (it is impossible to detect in birds), human heart disease in humans.

The last words that Alex said to Pepperberg, were: "You be good. I Love You "(" Be good. I love you. ").

Bright coloring, ability to copy a person's speech and interesting hagging parrots with long ago Made these birds of human pets. Together with representatives of the family of Varanov, parrots are the smartest birds on Earth. They are sociable, do not tolerate loneliness, and feel comfortable in the company of a person. Currently there are about 300 species of parrots. About the most interesting of them and will be discussed in this article

What kind of birds are Parrots?
Of the 40 detachments and 100 billion of individuals of birds living on Earth always allocated one, whose representatives can be recognized instantly. And in fact, there is not a single person who does not recognize the parrot at first sight. So, what features make it possible to count the bird to the detachment of parrots?

First of all, a special beak is a massive, short, slightly similar to the beak of a predator. Parrots very skillfully own them. It serves both for the capture and grinding of the feed, and for the lasagna on the branches of the trees. In addition, this is a very dangerous weapon, since it is unusually strong. A large parrot is not tightening capable of snacking steel wire with a thickness of a couple of millimeters, hurry a person, and a small animal even kill. But at the same time, the beaks of the parrots show to each other tenderness, demonstrate the location to the owner, turning through his hair with his beak

The second feature is a language, short and meaty. In many species, he has a depression on cochka, allowing you to conveniently straighten with the branches and seeds. The brush-speaking parrots of the language from the bottom ends with a special cogot, and from above has a brush of solid bristles for collecting nectar and tropical fruit juice

Third - legs. Popters from parrots are very strong, but rather short. Four fingers. The first and fourth are directed back, respectively, the second and third - forward. Claws are short, highly curved, pretty sharp. Each foot has a lot of independence of movements. In addition, the paws help to hold the produced fruit or nuts, they make the bird to the beak. Flexibility and plasticity fingers surprise. Parrot can take a major paw walnut and small oats grains. Many types of parrots on the ground move awkwardly, they are very clouded. The only exception is an earthen parrot that quickly and deftly runs.

And finally, the luxuriously rich colors of the plumage. In all airfunu globe It is unlikely that there is a rival color of the detachment of a squad, except, except that the churched (pheasants, peacocks and other birds).

Noble parrots refer to the subfamily of real Parrots "Psittacinae". It is characterized by a sharp difference in coloring between males and females, which at one time introduced researchers in delusion: birds counted two different species - Lori Green and Laurie red. This error was held in the literature for quite a long time, until during the collection of collective material during research on New Guinea, did not find that all the produced green birds were males, and the red - females. Later, in the nests found in nature, different painted chicks were found, which made it possible to finally solve this riddle. For noble parrots, a strong, native body with a short square tail and rather long, rounded wings. The beak is large, with a very smooth and brilliant impression, which gave reason to allocate it, along with some other species, in a special group of wax parrots. Feathers are amazingly painted, thin, gentle, with light glitter. The noble parrot forms 9 subspecies, differing in the details of the painting (mainly in females) and dimensions, which is caused by the habitat of individual, often small, bird populations on numerous isolated islands. Signs of different subspecies are often insignificant and distinguishable only for specialists, so lovers in drawing up couples are better to focus on the geographical origin of birds from one region.

The main color of the male is herbal-green, with a slight yellowish tint on the head. Body red sides. Primary fly feathers blue, minor - blue with a green outer edge. Fold wing and upper small crumbling feathers of wings - blue. Shoulder wing red. The tail is green with blue on extreme feathers, on the bottom side - matte-black. The lower crumbling tail is yellow-green. Wrong from yellow to coral-red color with a lighter tip, connecting black. Feet dark gray. The color of the eyes varies from black and brown to brownish red. Body length in different subspecies from 35 to 45 cm, the length of the wing from 24 to 27 cm, body weight from 360 to 400 g.

The female plumage is preferably red, on the head and neck with a carmine tint, on the back and wings are darker and brownish. Breasts, belly, transverse strip below the nape, and some subspecies and the ring around the eyes - purple-blue. The fold of the wing of purple-blue, primary flying and their crumbling - blue with green outer cuts. The middle and the ends of the secondary flying blue, the outdoor edge is reddish, inner black. Shoulder wing blue. The tail is brownish red, and some subspecies are yellowish-orange, brighter at the end. Sword red with yellow drills of feathers or yellow. Eyes from light yellow to whitish. Bear black. Feet dark gray. Young painted in the same way as adults, already in the nesting dress, but they have a grayish-brownish, dark yellow at the end. Natural deviations in the color are also known: the island of Halmahruer saw a yellow noble parrot.

The distribution area of \u200b\u200ba noble parrot covers the island of New Guinea and numerous surrounding islands: Waygeo, Mr., Mios, Salavati, and others, Chinese Islands, Molukkie Islands (in particular, the island of Halmahrah, by whose name is sometimes called the parrot and Palau archipelago Solomon Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, York Peninsula in Australia. A noble parrot in thick virgin forests with palm trees, casuarines, fig trees (the recent fruits are a favorite food of many species of parrots) and a thick undergrowth. They usually meet him alone or in pairs: seen rarely in the packs. But collective nights were observed in the dupes of groups to 6-8 individuals. It is powered by fruits, nuts, berries, a variety of seeds, trees kidneys, flowers, nectar. In places makes serious damage, attacking corn fields and plantations of oil palm trees. In nature, flying parrots often publish a high shrill cry "Krak-Krak", repeated 3-4 times. When feeding on the trees of birds: talking to pleasant flute sounds of "Chuvi Chuvi". It was noted, in the shocking, the maiden makes a ringing "Chi-Tsong", Chi-Yong, when feeding the female during the courtship period, the male published a quiet "current-current" (in another interpretation of "Gong Gong"). The male caused a female from the heap sounds of "Kra-Kra". The period of reproduction does not coincide in time on different islands within the range; On the new Guinea, the noble parrot nests from August; On the York Peninsula in Australia - from October to January. The nests suits high trees in the hollow trees in the forest fields and forest edges. The nests found and the studied nests were located at an altitude of 14-22 m, the inlet holes of the hollow had a diameter of 25-30 cm, the depth of the heap is 30-60 cm. The heap is lined with wood trough. In the masonry, usually two eggs and calls it only the female. The male does not accept participation, but it keeps close to the nest and periodically feeds the female. Wood attends very rarely and immediately leaves him.

During the battery acclimatization, it is better to contain room temperature. Birds are generally very sensitive to cold, especially to drafts, and therefore it is better to contain them in a heated room all year round. In the outer avoir, you can only contain the warmer weeks of summer. The room should be more or less large, as the female can be rather aggressive. In one room, you can contain a pair, two males, but in no case of two females. During this period, the birds are very reluctant to go down to the bottom of the Waller, so the feeders should be located next to the piping. Food should be the most diverse. At the beginning of the acclimatization it is necessary to give soft feed; A variety of fruits (grapes, sweet cherry, apples, pears, etc.), germinated sunflower, dried cookies, boiled rice. Eagerly take the corn of milk-wax ripeness, carrots, salad, chopped egg. To the solid feeds need to be accepted gradually. In the future, food can be diversified by boiled beans and lentils, green peas, sunflower, peanut, small amount of hemp seed, canary seeds, oatmeal, wheat and oats in a dry and germinated form, with different nuts. From the feed of animal origin, you can give egg food (mixtures of grated cool-welded eggs with grated carrots, breadcrumbs and several drops vegetable oil), a piece of chicken meat and boiled low-fat beef. A noble parrot is a typical forest resident and does not tolerate overheating in the sun. Drinking quite a lot of water, especially if there is a lot of sunflower and other dry seeds. Watchingly bathes, but the buying on the bottom of the Woller does not recognize, preferring water from the sprayer, wet leaves. Drawing up pairs is a well-known difficulty and continues sometimes for quite a long time. When selecting partners, it should be paid to ensuring that both birds are in the same condition. The beaks of young birds are painted in adult colors in 12 months in females and after 9-12 months in males. Shortly after the departure of chicks, it is necessary to separate from their parents, since at this time the birds begin to re-lay and become aggressive in relation to the young.

The noble parrots are calm, rather silent, surpite and quickly accustomed to the owner of the bird. Ability to sound is small: Birds are able to learn only to several words or sounds. With proper content and feeding, these parrots are able to live in captivity dozens of years, glad the owner with beauty and calm temper.

Parrots (Ordo Psittaciformes), a detachment of birds. Hours 1 family. 316 species, mainly in the tropics. Length from 9.5 cm to 1 m. Momens less than males. The plumage is bright, the sexual dimorphism is missing (except for the red-born parrot from New Guinea). Not uncommon feathers in the form of khokholkov. Pasta fingers are able to occupy the position three against one or two against two. Thanks to this, the parrots are manipulated with their fingers almost like hands. For all parrots, a massive beak is characteristic. Many have good memory and ability to sound. Large hemispheres of the brain from parrots are larger than other birds, they are even called primates among the feathers. Their natural language is most developed among the feathers. MONOGAMES, but outside the reproduction period live with flocks. In large parrots in masonry 2-3 eggs, in small - 5-8. Exchange lasts 2-4 weeks. Chicks appear bare and blind and change the fluff outfit 2 times before putting the feathers. 27 species and 14 subspecies in the Red Book of the International Union of Nature Conservation and natural resources. Many especially beautiful and fun parrots have died out due to their reinforced catch.
The oldest center of the emergence of these non-similar on other birds is apparently located in Australia, but the parrots are widespread on all continents, except for Europe and, of course, Antarctica. Most species nests in the voupels of trees, some in the crevices of the rocks, there are those that dig holes. Most parrots live in nature with large flocks or groups, couples are connected only in the marriage period.

Parrots are kept in captivity with deep antiquity and are very valued. Pioneers were probably the ancient Indians here, in whose representation every noble man should have learned to speak at least one parrot. The Europeans first met with parrots in India. The first were the warriors of Alexander Macedonian. Birds quickly won popularity in Greece, and later in Rome. With the onset of middle ages, information about manual parotes in Europe disappear and appear again during the times of crusades (11-13th century). The amazing abilities of the parrots to the imitation of human speech made an impression on the Western Church, and the parrots declared those who stand closer to God than other animals. With the conquests of the geographic discoveries, new types of parrots from the new light appeared. These birds, to their misfortune, were "in fashion", their stuffeds were decorated with high hairstyles, adiputing, as a symbol of loyalty, were certainly given by the beloved, etc. Many species disappeared irretrievably. In Russia, in our time there is a real boom of passionate parrots. They are brought with sleepy, feeding them the most incredible and unsuitable for birds of shelter. Many birds die. Therefore, before purchasing a bird, you should find out where it is from, do not support smuggling fishing.
Many types of parrots have long been domesticated, and their content does not represent much difficulties. The cell is selected for the parrot in size, the enclosures are often suitable, where you can contain different types together. By moving in a new cage, birds are stressful, often cease to eat. It is necessary to give parrots to fly around the house: this inquisitive bird needs not only to smoke the wings, but also look around. In the cells are provided for all sorts of jersoes, rings and swing. Such as the cacada is useful to exercise foots with all sorts of shells. If the reproduction is planned, the couples put the nest houses in the form of dupes. Young shoots of willow, linden, apple trees, maple should be in the cell all year and replaced as coming. In addition to fresh water in the drinking, it is necessary to give honey water 1-2 times a week (1 part of honey for 1 part boiled water; This also add a tablet of polyvitamins). Alternating with honey water, give water with black and red currant juice, cranberries. For mineral subcord use score for 5 minutes egg shell, chalk, shell, charcoal, calcium gluconate and glycelophosphate tablets and even old stucco. IN warm time The year in the cage is put a piece of meadow or forest turf, sometimes - slices of forest rot. Parrots love to swim, but water should not be cold.

The natural variety of feed for parrots in the conditions of home maintenance is not fully reproduced. Birds that fell in unheated adults is particularly difficult to get used to the power change. Having bought such a bird, it should be offered to her feed and again, seeking maximum variety. The major parrots in the preferences are pronounced individuality, and what another bird eats is, yours may not accept.

Hard food - Power base. It should be in excess. This is a mixture different varieties millet, oats, wheat, cannabis (a little, since it is fat from it), canary seed, sunflower, corn. Nuts are added to the mixture (walnut, forest and hazelnuts, almonds, cedar nuts). If there is no complete mixture, then separate components can also be given, part of the grain is necessarily crude, in spring and winter germinated. When grain ears on the fields reach the stage of milk-wax ripeness, they are put on parrots. Corn need to be boil (but not from the can, but only the pillars!). Parrots love fresh cottage cheese, gladly eat a white bunch, especially operated in milk or tea. The egg is finely chopped, mixed with grated carrots and white breadcrumbs (1: 1) and give about a day (large and medium parrot can be given simply chopped egg). Should not be bidding meat, sausage, ham, butter And so on. In nature, the parrots eat a lot of fruits, drink their sweet juice. In our conditions, they are suitable for sweet varieties of apples and pears and bridal tropical fruits, carefully soaked. A ripe strawberry and strawberry are suitable from berries, raspberry, black currant, rowan fresh and dried (black-free can also be given in small quantities), figs (can be operated in milk). Give slices melon, watermelon. Find a parrot pieces of carrots, pumpkins, raw potatoes. For many parrots, flowers are needed as feed flowers (marigolds, dandelion, rosehip, velvets, etc.; It helps to keep the painting of the plumage). Like greens put letters of salad, dandelion, cabbage. Favorite candy parrots should be given very limited, using them as encouraging during training.
Many small parrots multiply well in captivity, even with cellular content. The basic difficulty for most species is not feeding and creating special conditions, but the selection of pairs, as some species are very picky and for nothing to create a family with an unsalted partner. The reproduction of large parrots is associated with significant difficulties.
All the parrots are vital, especially large, the lifeful rays of the Sun. In winter, it is irradiated with a quartz lamp bird, installing the lamp so that the light falls on the cage, reflected from the walls and the ceiling.

Parrots, especially medium and large, living singular, is vital to communicate with man. Having loved the person, the parrot seeks to "brush his feathers", adores when it is stroking and scratch, reminding many cats in this respect. The main condition for training a parrot of human speech - he must be without a pair. Young birds naturally study faster than adults. Among the parrots there are individuals intelligent and stupid, unable. Wanting to teach a parrot, you need to say words in many ways, clearly. However, the parrot can remember and said once. Many birds clearly do not just repeat words, but also understand their meaning, the owners are taught, they warn about the danger (for example, the cat came). Although parrots often get along well with cats, dogs, rodents, should not risk. Many parrots are surprisingly vigorous. Often, having loved someone from family members, the parrot cannot tolerate other home, but it is jealous of the spouse, for children (large parrots sreeus). Fix the flaws of this bird is not easy.
The fixed maximum life expectancy in captivity is 60 years. Existing legends about 200- and even 300-year-old Cockada and Jaco only fiction.
What happens types of parrots? Parrots are divided into small (wavy parrots, loves, nymphs-Corella, herbal parrots, Roselala), medium (necklace parrots, Laurie, Wedge-tailed parrots), large (Ara, Jaco, Cockada, Amazon parrots or Amazon).

Amazon parrots are considered one of the best imitatives of human speech and belong to the group "Speaking Parrots". They quickly master in a new setting and are very attainable to a person, but less mobile than Jaco, more calm, prefer the human company. Amazons are famous for a good appetite, a slight friendly character with a minimum of psychological problems and can live to 80 years. Intellect They have a drip lower than, say, Jaco, but the ability to imitate speech are excellent. Bird Govorun is distinguished by intelligence and smartness. This is about Jaco. In second place with a small margin go amazons. Note that by law, the living product is not subject to return or replacement. Therefore, when choosing a feather friend, you need, what is called, to look into both. The first parrot health indicator is his plumage. Rugged, Linner, Feather to Pyushku Operation - a faithful sign of great health. If the bird is sick or stress, it often begins to sharpen the feathers. We will reassure the feathery from this habit, will be quite difficult. Of the major parrots, Amazonian parrots are most often found among the birds, which are about 26 species. Their homeland is the tropical part of America. Most Amazonian parrots are found in the Forests of the Amazon River Basin. Neither they transfer easily. Like gray parrots, are beautiful indoor birds. Quickly masterful in the new setting, unpretentious to the stern, they are strongly tied to the person, cakes, miles and are capable of learning. These are very capable birds, and there are often individuals that utter 80 words and phrases.

To date, there is no unambiguous answer to the question of which parrots are the smartest in the world. This is due to the fact that in captivity survive, and, accordingly, are subjected to a detailed study of no more than one third of all existing types of numerous detachments. In addition, few scientists are asked to study the intellect of parrots, and in the world only a few cases of successful practice of developing the mental abilities of the feathers are known.

The ability to reproduce human speech has several types of parrots. So, Kakada can remember up to two tens of words and several proposals. Laurie is distinguished by the ability to reproduce fifty words and four or five sentences. And some are capable of repeating about 100 words, but very rarely talk to suggestions. But the breed of parrots of Jaco is considered the smartest and capable of learning.

The smartest view of the parrots

Parrots differ not only with the ability to repeat up to 1000 human words. This breed can be fully realized to support a conversation with man. There are cases when Jacob remembered the order of three hundred proposals, and it was quite appropriate to use them in speech. In addition, these features are very successfully imitating various sounds, including the voices of birds and animals.

The most famous and smart parrot in the world is a Jaco parrot named Alex. In addition to him, not a single parrot managed to learn to count to eight. And Alex fully succeeded. But on this Alex achievements did not end. It completely successfully determined the colors and the form of objects, it was able to unite the figures in the group, distinguished the materials from which items are made. During the years of his studies, this parrot managed to achieve the level of development of a five-year-old child than and won universal respect.

Bird in a cage - the symbol of the capture. But not all feathered exactly so perceive such a neighborhood with a person. Many contain houses canary, beautiful singers who prefer loneliness. Popular as pets and finch. These birds are unpretentious and quickly become manual. But out of competition, of course, parrots. And what parrots are the smartest? We will try to find out.

Mind or beauty?

What are the smartest and talkative parrots? If you are attracted by beauty, brightness, then look at the aratings. They do not shine with the mind, but beautiful and quickly get used to their owners. Just keep in mind that if you are a lover of silence, their loud voice will soon begin annoying. Do not be afraid of big birds, Get Aru. Very bright, with a powerful beak. In handling such a pet does not prevent caution. Amazons are much smaller, gentle and sociable. In addition, never against chatting. These parrots are easy to teach, and in case of a move, they will quickly get used to the new habitat. If you need a feathery satellite for life, pay attention to the cacada. With good care, he will live with you dozens of years. Cockada - intellectual, besides can be capricious, so do not be lazy to engage in its upbringing. The more you will talk to him, the more words will remember, and if you can reclaim the guests. But if intelligence is the main thing that you are interested in the parrot, you need Jaco.

Talented "smuggler"

This parrot is talent. There is such a genre on stage - sound impact. So, the smartest parrot (the breed is Jaco) here can compete with any artist. He is able to remember until one and a half thousand words, not counting other sounds. One of them became known for the whole world by pronounced suggestions on different languages. Others were noticed for the performance of songs that often sounded in the house. Such abilities played in the fate of this type of parrots not the most positive role. Despite the fairly inconspicuous look, it is almost the most popular parrot for keeping in captivity. This led to a decrease in population in nature. Now selling jaco, withdrawn from their natural habitat, you can only with a special permission. There are few people in Russia that would be professionally engaged in their breeding, so most parrots are smuggling to us.

Parrot education

Self smart parrots In the world, not just mindlessly repeat the sounds that hear. Studies have shown that they may understand what subject this is speech, distinguish colors, shape and even sequence numbers. In nature, you will immediately understand that you are approaching their stack. Whistle, cry and screams are heard from afar. Houses for this can be added the phone or alarm ring. This will have to put up. Try not to show next to Jaco that you are in a bad mood, annoyed or offended. Parrot will copy your behavior. This is the element of upbringing. They need to do immediately.

Beautiful family man

For some reason, it is believed that Jaco is a single. But if you grant it yourself, it will not lead to anything good. Parrot can even fall into depression. To avoid this, it needs to provide a large enough cell, and regularly "walking". It is advisable to equip a space for a pet that he could consider his own. Ropes, some wooden items, things with which you can play. And more: a parrot from time to time it is necessary to "straighten the feathers", that is, at least a little fly. They are very sociable in nature. In addition, Jaco is a wonderful family man. But if you do regularly with it, you do not need a couple. He will be quite human communication. Yes, and for the owner, such a bird can become not only an interesting living toy, but also the interlocutor. It is noticed that the words that knows, the parrot does not use the speed, but to the place.

Jealous jacob

Jaco is the smartest among parrots. Among the animals Alfred Borm found him only one correspondence: a monkey. Sometimes his level of intelligence is the same as a three-year-old baby. Such a high opinion about the bird is based on the many years of observations of his habits in nature. So they show highly intelligent behavior not only at home. But when communicating with a person, it, of course, manifests itself more. For proper upbringing And the owner is perceived by the parent, and later both the family partner. Therefore, another parrot such a jaco can "take in bayonets". Yes, and people too. Therefore, if guests came to you, talk first a few minutes with a parrot. Such conclusions are made on the basis of a millennial experience of their content in captivity. If you believe legends, it was a favorite poultry of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. But if you decide to like the rulers of the Nile, then compare them living conditions with their. A close apartment for such a tenant will not work. In addition to the fact that there will be no living corner, he simply does not have enough space for the flight.

Capricious pets

It is well known that Jacob is very talkative. But it is not a fact that yours will become exactly the same. One may read about it out loud, "Ruslan and Lyudmila" and he remembers to break into the hearts of obscene expression or fyrchane motorcycle, which neighbor each morning gets under your window. These parrots are very attached to a person, but at the same time with great difficulty leaving for training. Require a lot of time to pay. And require - in the literal sense of the word. They are able to be offended, like people. Consider this if you are going to have an exotic friend. Well, if you decide, you first find out about Jaco as much as possible.

Expensive pleasure

You already know how the smartest parrots are called. And male or female? In the case of these parrots it is non-nourispically. On mental abilities, the floor does not affect. But if this for some reason is important for you, then consider: to distinguish, the boy in front of you, or the girl is not easy. The most reliable is a veterinarian, and that is the test for the definition of DNA. This, of course, is not suiced. Yes, and Jaco himself costs a lot of money. Be prepared to post a few tens of thousand rubles. Subsequent content will also get in a penny. Still, this is not a wavy parrot. And how much will you have to pay, depends on where the foreign guest arrived from. Called at home as low, but first time will be very afraid of you. But health, like a hero. The most precious thing is Jaco, who began to raise and feed parents, and they finished people. He got used to man, affectionate and sociable. But for the health of such a squeezing need to follow more intently.

Dangerous individualist

Jaco - individuality, and he chooses himself with whom will be more willing to communicate. This person can well become and not you, but another family member. And if you still make friends with him, know that on his part it will be "love to the coffin." If you are leaving, there should be one at home, with whom the parrot communicates no less willingly. And do not leave for a long time! All as with a child. Only this "baby", besides ordinary whims, can be dangerous. Kapel, tweaked, biting - in his nature, nothing can be done about it. Just be careful. And in no case do not let him sit on her neck. Previously, no vain was mentioned about the upbringing. The parrot should have a regime and rules of behavior, which he will get used to adhere to. But from bruises and bites it will not save you anyway.

Get ready if you decide to start Jaco, another change in life. If you like to soak in bed, he will quickly disappear from it. The first ray of the sun can cause the bird of joy, which will appear in a loud cry. The same manifestation of emotions can cause very many reasons. Boredom if you forgot to talk with your "tenant", hunger or thirst. Constantly hearing such screams, think about whether you installed the cage correctly. Unsuccessful place can cause stress.

In nature

Jaco is the only one in his form. There are only a boring and red-minded. The difference is only in the color of feathers. At home, such a bird hold, of course, I wonder if you are ready to deal with it for several hours a day, but no less interesting and observe them in nature. Their nests are in the wrappers of trees. Live with flocks, but still divided into couples. And one family may be for life. They fly to the feed early in the morning, and returned in the evening. Tens of kilometers can fly. A pair of parrots will not get without a marriage dance. It may continue all day, for a few minutes. If the puppy punching the puppy comes from the flock, then this is not a dog at all. So the gray loving lists females. And at this time do look as if they ask for food. Then their chicks will behave. But first the female is about the month sits on the eggs. She and then does not immediately leave their kids. Protection and feed provides father. Everything is almost like people.

Parrots are chosen as pets for their cheerful, mischievous, restless temper, the ability to learn speech and tricks. By purchasing a parrot, you get not just a bright exotic bird, but a full-fledged family member who can socialize and communicate with you. However, intellectual abilities different species Parrots differ, so if you want to acquire a really intentional pet, you will be interested to know who among these feathers is considered the smartest.

The smartest parrots

Further considers 6 varieties of birds from the parrot family, which really have uncommon's intellectual abilities and talent for learning. They can not only remember several tens of words, but also analyze them, skillfully applying in everyday life. Understanding what is capable of such a breed, it will be easier for you to make the right choice.

Important! The most outstanding communicative abilities and intelligence have representatives large breedsTherefore, when choosing to focus it is necessary for them.


A gray African parrot, or Jaco, rightfully ranks first in the ranking. Jaco is recognized as the most talented and intelligent among the parrots for the ability not only to memorize and reproduce human speech, but also to associate words with objects that are denoted.
They can even understand the concept of form, sequence number, colors. It is believed that the most gifted representatives of the species can memorize up to one and a half words. In natural conditions, Jaco constantly copied the surrounding sounds - various screams, grooves, squealing and shocking, which publish other types of animals.

Did you know?Jaco's parrot named Alex (1976-2007) was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as the smartest of the parrots. He learned about 150 words, 7 colors, 5 species of figures. Researchers argue that the parrot understood what he said, and 80% of his answers during the studies were logically justified.

In captivity, the bird will also obey the instinct and repeat everything that hears: the sounds of the intercom, calls mobile phone, Gul washing machine, creaking doors. A pet will also imitate the emotions of the owners: joy, irritability, and so on.

Get ready for the fact that the bird will constantly create a sound background of different volumes, will often try to shout the TV, prevent your telephone conversation. Sometimes the owners of Jaco joke, that this bird is more difficult to make silent, rather than talk. Well-trained Jaco may even become a teacher for another type of parrots.
Teach a pet is necessary every day for a few minutes. The words for memorization must comply with the situation and be spoken with emotion. The advantage of this bird is that even in the absence of special colloquial workouts, the bird will still begin to communicate with you sooner or later.

Jaco can be described as independent, wayward, self-confident birds and even a little egocentric, as well as very social and jealous. They are strongly tied to family members and require a lot of attention from the owner, endless patience and strength.

It is very important to buy a pennate in early age (up to 4 months) or already an adult pussy pet. If you are not lucky to buy a bird caught in adulthood and brought illegally, it can be extremely difficult to find an approach - on its part, removal, closure and even aggression is possible. Therefore, buying these birds in nurseries.


Unprotected merchants with an endless margin of energy, optimism, cheerfulness and artistry - so you can characterize the second parrot from our rating, Cockada. In addition to high intelligence, the parrots have an excellent feeling of rhythm, in view of which they love to sing and enjoy.

They can learn a couple of dozen phrases and words, speak very quickly, by nature their extremely sociable. But this feature has the reverse side of the birds so much require the attention of man that can be very obsessive.
Speech training should be done daily, short lessons for 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening. A couple of times a week (on weekends) you can deal with a parrot longer, until half an hour. Bird has strong innate curiosity, loves to explore the worldIn most cases, tactile (beak, claws).

In order not to give a cacatoo to get bored, it needs to be provided with enough toys, puzzles, a mirror - during your absence, the bird will talk with its reflection. However, the parrot one is extremely not recommended for a long time, because even a day without communication with the packs (with its owner) will be the strongest stress for pet.

Important!Proved learningit is bettercomes with women and children because high votes Perceived parrots better than lower.


These parrots are the largest representatives of the family, possess extraordinary beauty and as outstanding intellectual abilities.
The successful learning will directly depend on the age of the first and your relationship towards it: if you take a young pet, treat him with patience and care, pay a lot of attention, - he will begin to communicate quite easily and quickly.

But in the manifestation of cruelty or indifference, a pet can respond to a counter aggression, and in some cases it will even become dangerous. Communicative abilities from Ara are somewhat lower than that of two previous species, but its intellect specialists often compare with such cats and small dogs.

There are gifted representatives of rocks that can remember 50-100 words and several proposals, as well as learn funny tricks. Therefore, it is very important before buying to watch the parrot and explore his character, habits and willingness to come to contact.

Having accepted his owner once, the parrot exhibits the strongest attachment to him, but to other family members, there is distrust and hostility.
With regular training and attentive, affectionately, ARUs can be trained very interesting things:

  • spoon
  • pretend to be dead
  • play hide and seek and ball
  • cloud by rope
  • roll a miniature trolley
  • and even ride on the rollers created specifically under the pennate!


These parrots in terms of intelligence occupy the fourth place in the ranking, however, they have a truly outstanding ability. In addition to imitation of animal sounds, musical instruments, human words and songs, they can also be trained with simple tricks.

Amazons are relatively well tamed, easy to come to contact, without constraints, they demonstrate their talents even before the big public. Amazons can memorize up to hundreds of words.
Training should be carried out daily 3-4 times, at the same time (preferably before feeding), the duration of one lesson is within 40 minutes. At the time of classes, it is possible to provide silence in the room. After completing the parrot, you need to praise, give a snack and scratch your head.

Amazon males are more capable of sound resistance, although females can be very capable student. When learning, prepare for the fact that the first words of the bird will remember with difficulty, but when the first ten words have already been learning, further training will be much easier and efficiently.

Important! Especially actively amazon show their conversational skills in the early morning and evening. Buying a pet, you need to be ready to wake up under the sounds of a barking dog, violin or sirens who love to imitate the bird.


The parrot monk (Quaker or Kalita) occupies an honorary fifth place in the ranking of the most intelligent birds. Like other relatives, it is curious, energetic, clever.
Given that permanent training, patience, effort and positive reinforcement of results, he can learn to reproduce human speech, as well as perform tricks.

Monks are perfectly adapted to the conditions of the capture and quickly tied to the owner. Can no problem learn a dozen words and phrases. However, before buying this species, it is worth it to listen to his voice: For many, the monk's parrot cries are very sharp, hoarse and loud, almost unbearable, for others are comparable to gentle bird twitter.

The advantage of this species in a completely non-conflict, friendly and peaceful character of these birds. They easily get used to all family members, quickly learn their names, get along well with other pets.


Separately, it is worth mentioning Parrots KEA, which, although not homely, but have very high intellectual abilities. This bird can be called unceremonious, overly curious and even pendant.
At the Motherland Parrots KEA, in New Zealand, they earned a very unfinished reputation due to their excessive curiosity, the need to actively explore the world around the world (including the contents of cars, houses, garbage tanks and landfills), as well as due to the huge harm caused to animal husbandry and rural parrots Economy.

That is why birds for a long time Shot, as a result, their number catastrophically decreased. In 1970, Kea's extermination was banned, and now the feathers are listed in the International Red Book.

Did you know?KEA parrots are excellent predators. In exceptional cases, experienced and strong feathers can attack sheep, as they love to be touched by a sheep lady. The bird brazen on the back of the sheep's body, and if the animal is started into flight, the parrot pursues it to complete exhaustion. After the death of the sheep, the whole flock flies to enjoy the fresh car.

But tourists gives great pleasure to watch inventive birds, in view of which they were even called the "clowns of the mountains" (this specification lives at an altitude of 1500 m).

Wavy parrot: smart or not

Many are interested in the intellectual abilities of the wavy parrot - a very popular feathered pet. In various specific individuals, intelligence and abilities will be different, but in general, all representatives of this species have good memory.

Unlike larger fellow, the wavy parrot behaves less aggressive, it is much more relaxed, friendly and affectionate. Conversational abilities and sound-resizing is very good.

It was the pennate of this breed named Pak in the Guinness Book of Records, as a parrot with the largest vocabulary in the amount of 1728 words, which corresponds to the full dictionary stock of a 5-year-old baby and far exceeds the average number of words used by man in everyday speech.

It should also be noted that the wavy is included in the top five of the most talkative species of parrots. However, the pet is unlikely to communicate with you meaningful - several dozen of the rational words and phrases will be pronounced, most likely, without a logical justification.
A more successful speech lessons are held with young males - to teach the senses to speak much more difficult, as well as adult invalid individuals. Thus, parrots are not just beautiful chirling birds, but intellectually developed feathers whose intelligence is sometimes comparable even with chimpanzees.

All this makes them with full-fledged family members who will need high-quality communication and joint pastime.