The advantages of using a grain extruder. Homemade Extruder for Feed: Step-by-step Instructions Extruder Grain DIY

Extrusion is a popular method of obtaining semi-finished products or goods produced from polymers of any length, so made an extruder with your own hands in some cases will save you money. This process is used in the food industry or in the production of feed. The process is true: the polymer melt is extruded with the extruder head into the forming head with a necessary profile. This method of production along with casting plastic materials under pressure is now one of the most popular. Almost all polymers may be extruded: thermoplastics, elastomers and other materials.

Extruder technology has already been applied more than sixty years. For this long period, a sufficiently large number of machines appeared, which are made specifically for the use of this technology. If you consider in detail the extruder, then you can understand what it is. The extrusion process is quite complicated, it is based on physical and chemical laws. The process runs directly under the influence of mechanical actions when exposed to high temperatures and moisture. Due to the fact that the mechanical energy is applied to heat that is allocated due to internal friction, the material is heated during processing.

When processing extrusion equipment, there are several replaceable characteristics: the composition of the provided raw materials, the percentage of its humidity and nature. During production, pressure, temperature, etc. may vary.


  • feed processing;
  • production of plastic and polyethylene;
  • manufacture of pipes;
  • food production.

A bit of history

The extruder began to apply in the distant nineteenth century. And the serial production of this equipment began in the twenties of the last century. Now extruders are significantly different from those that were before.

In the modern industry, extruders are very popular, and you can choose from a wide variety of species. Buy a new extruder is quite expensive pleasure. But there are extruders that can be made with their own hands.

The most simple in the manufacture are extruders for clay and fodder. To independently make other types of this equipment, you must have at least some basic engineering knowledge. And for the manufacture of these extruders, not so much time is required, and the materials are inexpensive.

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Details of extruders

  1. Extruder head. It consists of a housing that is heated, and a tool forms with a hole. The housing is attached to the extruder. The hole of the tool can be tuned to the center or in the form of a circular channel. Be sure to be a distributor in the form of a spiral.
  2. The crown or activator improves the adhesion of the surfaces of the materials. Activators are different, they differ in power, width, are filtering the one-sided and bilateral or with a changing width of surface processing.
  3. Hot knife. A hot knife is simply arranged, but it needs to be correctly directed relative to the sleeves that move. This element increases the yield of production almost twice. Hot knife is used for economical purposes.
  4. Auger may be missing in the equipment. It is intended to have a great performance and good homogenization of the melt of the material being processed polymers.
  5. Embossing knot. It is needed to give the film with a special rigidity and commercial beautiful view.
  6. A knot to rotate the head. The rotation of the extruder head places constant irregularities of the film, while the quality of the roll is done better, but the quality of the film does not increase.
  7. Folding device equipment.
  8. Pulling extruder device.
  9. Winding equipment.
  10. Clamping ring extruder.

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Extruders for clay do it yourself

For the manufacture of the simplest extruder for clay, a conventional plastic bottle of any shape will be required.

Such extruders call extruders for modeling. With their help you can work with a variety of clays and plasticine. These extruders allow you to make various parts and figures. For example, you can make human hair or distinctly draw grass.

The basis for this extruder is a simple plastic bottle of transparent color. It must be well to wash and dry, and the lid too.

From the cover from the inside, you need to remove the plate. You can do it with a needle or pin. Next, it needs to make a hole from which clay will be squeezed. Its diameter should be such as the thickness of the desired lines. This is done with a sharp knife. The edges of the hole are made smooth.

Next, it is necessary to take a disc from the metal to which you need to attach the handle in the form of the letter "T". The resulting extruder should be similar to the syringe. The plate must be prepared from durable material so that during operation it has not changed its form under pressure.

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A little about the extruder for welding

Thanks to the manual welding extruder, you can make many types of various works with polypropylene and polyethylene.

At first it may seem that these materials are not very common and rarely used.

But in reality they are used in many spheres. From such materials, using this type of manual extruder, systems make systems for purifying water, various types of capacity, etc. Preferably, these materials will go as auxiliary, but without them you can not do without them.

The welding hand extruder has a number of advantages. Any chosen extruder model for extrusion welding will be much better than others.

The main advantage of such equipment is the simplicity of operation.

A similar extruder can work absolutely in any room and under various conditions. Simply put, it is not necessary to prepare a specially equipped space or a working workshop for work.

Manual extruder for welding can be made of seams on a variety of forms and structures. It is quite convenient, because you can independently control all the work. It often happens that in one area of \u200b\u200bthe seam you need to do thin, and a little further - thicker. No equipment can do this automatically.

In addition to the above, it is worth considering that this device is not too expensive. Its price will be acceptable for almost any person. Extruder welding is not necessarily applied during production. Quite often uses at home. Further care and service will not take a lot of money. This extruder can produce its work for many years, and it always remains relevant and necessary adaptation.

Manual welding extruders are such species:

  • fierce;
  • screw;
  • combined.

Combined extruders are appropriate to apply when processing composite goods. These devices use a disk zone and a screw part. This equipment is also called the worm-disk. In addition, this type of extruders has an excellent mixing feature.

Extruders who do not have auger are used to produce a solution of polymers having elements of high quality.

Usually, purchasing this product, in the kit, the buyer receives several special nozzles and stands, but the manufacturers are different, therefore, the equipment is also different. The welding manual extruder can operate at temperatures from 180 to 260 ° C. To drive a device, you must connect it to the electrical network. It is advisable to connect it to voltage in 220 V.

Extrusion welding is a rather complicated process, so to make an extruder with your own hands, you need to have certain knowledge and skills. It will be wiser to purchase equipment from a reliable manufacturer.

The extruder is a tool that allows you to recycle large volumes of cereal, fruits and vegetables that turn into a full-fledged feed. In the farm, such a device is indispensable, especially when a feed is needed for normal growth. But, the problem is high prices.

Not all farmer can afford to buy such a tool. As a solution, you can make an extruder for feed with your own hands.

1 How does the feed extruder work?

Before making an extruder with your own hands, you need to deal with the principle of its work. The principle of an extruder includes such steps:

  • cereals, vegetables and fruits are loaded into the device tank;
  • here they fall into the compartment, where high pressure acts on raw materials (about 60 atmospheres);
  • further feed is treated with high temperature (in most extruders it reaches 1.5 thousand degrees);
  • the resulting composition is compacted and comes out in the form of a long rod with a thickness of 3 cm;
  • the rod cuts into smaller pieces, after which is fully prepared for use.

The main advantage of the feed, which was reworked by such a device, is that it is very fast and maximally digested by animals. Under the action of high temperatures and strong pressure, the structure of the initial components is disintegrated into simpler components that are separately absorbed much better. For such a principle.

1.1 What is the Corporative Codeter

The structure of this device is quite simple. It is based on a frame that connects all the aggregates and ensures the stability of their work. A bunker is installed on the frame, which includes everything and the mechanism drive.

Then there are a screw of the dispenser and the injection auger, through which small portions of the cereals are served in the receiving chamber. The whole process organizes the engine with the gearbox. When leaving the device, the finished feed rods are automatically cut off with a special knife or manually.

2 What is the self-made feed extruder?

The main harness when assembling the device at home is the need to purchase most of the details, as the design is quite complicated here. First of all, an accurate drawing is required.

It can be either downloaded from the Internet (here you can find all imaginable models) or use the finished instructions from the factory model. The drawing must maximize the size of the components and all the necessary material. After the drawing is ready and all important points are thought out, you can proceed to the collection of materials.

2.1 Build homemade extruder

First of all, begin to make a screw for the device. It consists of a cylinder and body. To make the cylinder are used gear from the tractor transmission. They are tightly welded. If standard gears were used, the diameter of the obtained part should be somewhere 62 mm.

Further we work with the body. The basis for it will be prepared earlier, rod from the hydraulic cylinder. The wire is wound on the rod in the form of a spiral (if there is a fairly long spring corresponding to the diameter, it can be used). Wire on the stock must be placed so that the distance between the spirals is gradually reduced by the end of the part. The initial lumen is 25 mm, after a gradual decrease in 20 mm.

As soon as the wire (spring) is properly fixed, grabbing it with the welding machine. Welding should be very durable, as the item will succumb to serious loads. The screw is carefully examined for the presence of irregularities and unnecessary protrusions.

All identified marriage is erased by a file or grinding machine. A screw can also be chopped on the lathe if there is such. The item will get better, and work is much smaller. In addition, the channels will turn out much deeper that it will simplify the grain supply.

How to make a cable for auger? Any piece of pipe suitable for the diameter is suitable as this component. The cylinder of the screw is stacked inside it. It must be connected to the extruder head and, leading a screw into action, gearbox. To do this, you drast two sleeves on the lathe. After connecting all parts. At the junction between the gearbox and the shaft of the auger, it is necessary to additionally install the bearing.

First of all, it is necessary to make a solid frame on which the device will be installed. There are no specific instructions here. Its design depends on the characteristics. The main requirements for the frame is stability, stability and durability. The first two points can be ensured by making a broader basis that, after the assembly, is screwed to the floor bolts with a large diameter. You can assemble the frame from the corners cooked with each other.

On the frame we install the engine and a gearbox with a screwdriver to it and the head. The transmission of torque on the gearbox will be carried out by a belt. It connects the starting mechanism, gearbox and electric motor.

At the installed auger fix the bunker for grain. Any metal container with a hole at the bottom can be used as this detail. For the lack of such, the usual iron bucket is suitable. The bunker is fixed so that the grain is easy to go into auger, where it pushes and presses. The peak reaches in a die, which gives ready-made feed. The thickness of the resulting stem feed will depend on the diameter of the filler.

We install the frame in the selected part of the room, after which we weld all parts of the device. Made with your own hand extruders ready.

2.2 Latest checks and first launch

The resulting extruder is a rather powerful electrical device, which in front of direct work needs a thorough check of all nodes and aggregates. For security reasons, you need to adhere to the following check plan:

  1. The first point is re-checking the reliability of all seams and connections. If individual components are connected using bolts, drag them as much as possible.
  2. Further goes checking the surface levels on which the device is installed.
  3. The next stage is coming running the mechanism. For a while, the mechanism should work in idle. This will warm it up before work. To check whether the extruder warms up enough, you can run flour into it. It is possible to determine the readiness of the device to work in the form of recycled raw materials.
  4. If all the preparatory processes passed normally, can go to check with grain. In the bunker feed the cereals need gradually and stable. Breaks in the feed lead to a negative idle, which harms the car. But, and surplus raw materials will lead to the work "through force", which can damage the mechanisms.
  5. The finished product should be constantly twisted. This will allow you to remove the lumens in the movie and increase the density.
  6. In no case can not dramatically stop the device after active work. If the desired amount of grain is already recycled, spread to the hopper again flour or waste from sunflower seeds. In the process of processing, such material collects, isolated during the processing process, cereal oil and non-transparent residues that pollute the mechanisms.
  7. Gradually, the speed turns are shown until it cools. After the stop, you still need some time so that the car is cooled, otherwise there is a risk of burning about the hot mechanisms of the extruder.

2.3 work homemade grain extruder (video)

An easy-to-eat extruder for feed allows you to independently make animal feed. This apparatus is considered an indispensable assistant both in a large-scale agricultural sphere and in a small farm for the cultivation of animals and birds. In specialized stores such equipment is worth a decent money. To save the unit, you can collect your own hands, drawings and recommendations of specialists will serve as a subsidiary informant in this matter.

What it is

The extruder is used for processing grain crops in the feed, which is absorbed in the stomach in animals is essential. Treatment is carried out using a press under pressure 60 atmospheres and at high temperature. As a result, the product is obtained, in shape resembling corn sticks 20-30 mm, but with a dense structure.

Food preparation devices exist with different power indicators, the volume of the output product depends on it. For a small farm, a productivity with a capacity of 25-45 kg / h is perfectly suitable - the price of such a device starts from 47 thousand rubles. But in a large farm, more powerful models can produce up to 1.5 tons per hour and they cost from 160 thousand rubles.

Extruder device

Due to the high prices, the equipment for processing products in the feed is even used in the used circle of consumers. But if you make an extruder for feed with your own hands, you can save well. Only in this case it is necessary to study the unit of the unit, the principle of operation, and also have all the necessary spare parts.

The design of the device includes the following items:

  • rama - serves as the basis, all the details are fixed on it;
  • drive unit;
  • belt;
  • loading capacity;
  • cuff;
  • screw-dispenser with separate drive;
  • gearbox;
  • receiving reservoir;
  • motor;
  • pumping screw conveyor;
  • control block;
  • carved blade;
  • washer;
  • key for adjustment.

Operating principle

In the homemade extruder, the main function produces the pressing mechanism. The element includes an injection screw node mounted in a cylinder. The block with the blade gives the product the form of oblong chopsticks.

The functions of the electrical appliance are not limited only by pressing feed. With it, it is possible to grind grain, to carry out heat treatment and disinfection of feed, mix different components into a single mass.

The design of the injection screw includes:

  • external part;
  • internal;
  • heating washers;
  • avenue.

Each node is mounted on a heel with a threaded part of the left type and is covered with a casing made of metallic material. Thanks to the swords, turns come from the main shaft to the combined screw. All components are firmly fixed on the frame.


The housing element is equipped with a hole, the receiving part is mounted. The inner region is equipped with longitudinal grooves, due to them, all components of the feed are mixed along the longitudinal side of the axis.

A regulator of the granules is installed on the output part; it includes:

  • matrix block;
  • output housing;
  • the blade pressed by the spring element to the matrix block.

Rolls of the shaft with the blade are carried out by means of a reason. You can track the temperature mode with the thermocouple installed on the frame. Functions a grain extruder from electrical voltage. But there are already modifications that are fuel.

We make an extruder for feeds do it yourself

If you have the necessary material, parts and tools, you can make an extruder with your own hands. Consider how to get a model of small performance.

This will require:

  • electric engine with a capacity of 2.2 kW at 3,000 rpm;
  • gears from the tractor box - the details from YuMZ will serve as an excellent option;
  • spring 8 mm;
  • rod with a cross section of 5 cm;
  • welding equipment.

Phased work on making feed extruder with their own hands:

  1. To get the cylinder, you will need to weld the tractor gears among themselves. As a result, a spare part should be released with a cross section of 625 mm. Next, a spring with a diameter of 8 mm is mounted on a hydraulic cylindrical rod. Make all the details, with uneven seam, process the grinding site.

  1. With the help of turning equipment, I drew 2 traps to be destroyed for a screw and gearbox. Cook auger, gross element and letters to a single detail, do not forget to insert the bearing between the last spare parts.

  1. The head of the equipment is mounted on the auger, it will act as a regulator of the die, to which the nozzles are boiled.

  1. The auger is covered with a case, all parts are collected and fixed to the frame, an electric motor, belts and a starting part are mounted. The loading capacity is installed on top.

In general terms, the homemade extruder on external and functional characteristics has similarities with a household meat grinder of electric type.

Video: Production of a screw granulator with their own hands (Part 1)

How to apply homemade design

The grain granulator collected with their own hands before large-scale production, needs preliminary testing and verification. Test equipment follows in safe conditions.

  1. The first thing to check is the quality of all connections, as well as fasteners and the maximum level of raising until it stops.
  2. Further, the device is fixed on a flat, stable surface. If the coating is mad, the device may incorrectly perform its functions.
  3. Connect to the power source, start and leave for several minutes to complete the system warming up. In order for the elements to rotate, you can skip through the mechanism a light product in the form of flour or cake from sunflower seeds. According to the correctness of the form, it is determined whether the device was sold enough.

When the shape of "sausages" becomes smooth and dense, then the unit is ready to work with grain

  1. After the feeding combs the right form, you can float the grain product. The grain feed must be regular without stopping, one cannot allow that the mechanism functions to be frightened. You should also fall asleep raw materials with uniform portions so as not to load the system and not to create a jam.
  2. At the output, you need to adjust the feed fraction, periodically screwing the bolt and reducing the hole of the filter plate.
  3. At the time of completion of the productive process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the internal nodes from the product residues. To do this, you do not need to disassemble the device, it is enough to fall asleep to the equipment shell from seeds. This raw material can well collect grain particles due to the oils contained.
  4. Reduce the level of rotation for the gradual cooling of the mechanism nodes. If you need to parsing the device, it is necessary to wear heat protection gloves, there is a risk of getting an iron.

The device made with your own hands is capable of producing up to 40 kg / h feed. The performance level is completely dependent on the degree of power of the motor, which consists in the design of the equipment. For personal use of such efficiency, the processing will be enough.

The mechanized processing of raw materials allows you to fully ensure animal animals, while reducing the cost of buying a factory feed. In the process of preparing feed granules, you can use a variety of grain products with additives, enriching food with various world and macroelements that are so lacking in the usual feed.

Video: Production of a screw granulator with their own hands (Part 2)

Extruded feed for appeared on the market relatively recently. However, among the livestock breeders, they immediately received recognition and began to enjoy wide popularity.

The thing is that when extruding the usual feed, some non-digestible grain enzymes (for example, starch) are cleaned (for example, starch) on those that are absorbed by both animals and a bird (sugar and simple carbohydrates). Such feed is not only more useful, but also, by increasing taste, much better eaten.

Almost all animals know the benefits of extruded feeds. But to afford to buy an extruder itself for grain may not be far from its very high cost. To help those who "want, but cannot", we offer the options for making an extruder with their own hands.

1 What is an extruder?

The extruder is a device that allows us to turn ordinary feed into extruded. In other words, a grain mixture is covered at the entrance to the unit, and at the output it turns out, a kind of granulated feed.

Depending on the unit of the unit, sausages are with a diameter of up to 3 cm.

You can process in extruder any, even slightly tied grain. This device processes a high-pressure feed to 60 atmospheres and at high temperatures up to 180 degrees.

With this physical effect, enzyme splitting occurs. Of these, sugar and carbohydrates are distinguished. In addition, the finished feed is obtained not only sweetish, but also acquires the aroma of freshly baked bread, which significantly improves both absorbability (from 60% to 90%) and eatencability.

Extruded feeds significantly reduce energy costs to animals on their use. Due to this, with a smaller feed flow rate, the farmer receives a much greater increase in muscle mass in the farm. In addition, such food completely protects the birds and animals from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ingress bacteria.

The grain extruder can be different power. Each chooses what needs to him, based on personal demands and the size of the economy. For example, an extruder of grain cache has a capacity of up to 20 kg of finished feed per hour, while the extruder of the grain expiration produces 1.5-2 times less than the product during the same time.

1.1 Extruder functions

This unit is needed not only for the conversion of simple grain into granular feed. Its tasks include:

1.2 What is the aggregate?

This unit, despite the difficulty of the process being performed, has a fairly uncomplicated complete set:

  • frame base, which is the basis of the unit. All other components are fixed on it;
  • drive driven mechanism;
  • bunker. It is loaded with raw materials that will be processed (grain, meals, etc.);
  • the reversar screw feeds raw materials at a certain speed and in certain quantities;
  • auger-supercharger;
  • the cylinder is a housing in which the processing of raw materials occurs;
  • receiving chamber;
  • cutting knife;
  • die;
  • engine;
  • gearbox;
  • belt and cuff.

1.3 How does it work?

All manipulations on the conversion of grain in extruded feed occur in. I.e all work performs a pumping auger, closed with a cylindrical case. The pumping auger, in turn, consists of 3 parts (input, output and medium) and a warming washer.

Above the input part of the auger in the case there is a hole through which the raw material is coming. On the housing inside there are longitudinal ribs, helping to mix grain to create a homogeneous mass. Due to the constant rotation of the auger, a high pressure occurs in the housing, which breaks the grain. After high-temperature processing, the finished product in the form of sausages comes through the die.

Extruder heating occurs gradually. The grain load can only be performed after a complete heating of the mechanism, otherwise it will not take place. When starting, you can download the flour or meal bunker.

2 how to make an extruder do it yourself

Production of grain extruder with their own hands - the task is not simple. But it is difficult - does not mean unreal.

In addition, many elements of the aggregate will still have to buy. But, if you consider the cost of the factory device, it will cost much cheaper.

And so, in order to make the aggregate with your own hands, you will need:

  • engine, at least 2.2 kW with a speed of 3000 revolutions per minute and above;
  • springs or rods, a diameter of 10-12 mm for the manufacture of the sleeve;
  • rod, for example, from a hydraulic cylinder with a diameter of at least 50mm;
  • wire, with a diameter of 8 mm or a cone spring;
  • welding machine and lathe.

2.1 Making a granulator

Making sure all the necessary elements, proceed to the assembly of the unit.

2.2 Collect extruder

2.3 We start

Launch an extruder made by your own hands, you need gradually. After starting the engine, let it work for 2-3 minutes in good. Then, we begin to gradually flood small raw materials (flour, macuhu, meal) so that the unit warms up, the matrix filled and the necessary pressure was created.

When the finished feed starts to go through the filler in a granular form, you can fill in a bunker with solid grain.

Making an extruder with their own hands - the process is long, costly and time consuming, but it is worth it. Now you can prepare a full balanced feed at home.

2.4 Production and launch of grain extruder (video)

The grain extruder is one of the most significant devices to improve grain quality. The need for its acquisition is justified by many factors. The extruder allows you to increase the qualitative characteristics of cereals several times. The feed that has been processed by an extruder is more economical, it is easier to digest and completely safe.

This technology is used both in agriculture, helping to significantly reduce feed consumption and in the food industry to improve the qualities of the final product.

Extruding today is the most effective way to increase the nutritional value of cereals!


Grain extruders are intended for the rapid manufacture of feed, the absorption of which is 90-95%, though the absorbability of raw grain does not exceed 65%.

As a result of a short-term increase in temperature, as well as mechanical exposure and artificial pressure drops, structural and chemical changes occur in the grain.

Starch, which is 50% grain and is pretty seriously absorbed by animals, and grain protein acquire a structure, lighter than the organism perceived.

Starch breaks into simple sugars, complex proteins and carbohydrates are split into simple, and the fiber is converted into secondary sugar. Since the temperature exposure lasts only a few seconds, useful vitamins and minerals are fully preserved, and fungi, pests and bacteria die.

In the process of processing, the grain seems to explode from the inside, becoming more air and acquiring the necessary plasticity and porosity. The volume of recycled grain increases by about 15-20% compared with the initial one.

For the manufacture of animal feed with extrusion, even affected by insects, fungi or mold of grain are suitable.

Feed after processing is much easier perceived by the body, since most of the work of the stomach has already spent the device. Thanks to this, the animal spends 2 times less energy for food processing. As a result, with the same volume of foaming feed, weight gain increases to 40%, overheads up to 35%, and bird egg production is up to 30%.

Principle of operation of the extruder

After the grain is supplied to the bunker, the processes inside the device pass without outside interference. With vibration, the material is fed to the working area of \u200b\u200bthe unit, which is subjected to three-phase processing.

The material being processed does not need to be poured or subject to any additional processing!

After entering the extruder, the grain passes the heat treatment at a temperature of from 110 to 160 degrees under pressure to 40 atmospheres. When the grain is released from this compartment, the pressure drops sharply, the water contained in cells turns into steam and increases in a volume of 1000 times. As a result, an explosion occurs inside the grain, so it is exhausted, acquires a porous structure, increases in volume and is better than amenable to molding.

After compulsing through the profiling tool from the extruder, the stronger is extended, having a shape of a harness. In the presence of a comparter, the fraction value is about 10-50 mm.

The extrudation process occurs in about 30 seconds, which provides high performance with minimal energy costs. Heating and grain compression passes without beans and hydraulics, only at the expense of the electric motor.

These extrusion methods are used:

  • Cold molding;
  • Warm processing;
  • Hot extrusion.

The foundation for installing an extruder is not needed. It is installed on any flat surface, even on the earthen floor!


Extruders are used for the manufacture of animal feed. The use of this technology can significantly reduce the costs of fattening animals. In addition, when translating animals to food with extruded feeds, the power of the young is reduced.

Food made with the help of extruders, have the ability to prevent gastrointestinal diseases in animals and significantly improve the digestive process!

Extruders and food industry are used. With their help, dry breakfasts, corn sticks, chips, crackers, baby food, diet loaf are made.

Two-screw extruders are used in the manufacture of polymers: films for packets, polystyrene and polypropylene.

However, the use of an extruder is most common to improve the feed qualities of grain crops. As a material for the manufacture of feed, any cereal crops, soybean, legumes can be used.

After processing, the taste qualities of grain are significantly improved due to the separation of oils. Food acquires a pleasant aroma and bread taste. At the same time, animals are faster.

Separate models of extruders allow recycling waste of meat and fish production. Also use extruders for processing oil-containing products before spinning. This process facilitates the spin and increases the finite volume of the oil obtained.

Extruder E-500

The device is designed for the manufacture of animal feed, cleaning grain from harmful microorganisms. It is also used to prepare soybean, rapeseed, sunflower to an oily oil.

With the help of the apparatus, you can process wheat, rye, corn, barley, peas, amaranth, lupine, soy and sunflower. The extruder funnel is installed magnetic metal particle catcher, which avoids unnecessary impurities to the apparatus and, later, in food.

Performance when processing soybeans reaches 500 kg. per hour, when processing cereals up to 300 kg. at one o'clock. In this case, the power consumption is 55 kW / hour.

Extruder dimensions:

  • Length - 230 cm;
  • Width - 210 cm;
  • Height - 170 cm;
  • Weight - 1400 kg.

A distinctive feature of this model is the presence of humidification node in the working area. This guarantees a soft and uniform processing of grain, and also provides reduced wear of working parts.

ES-1250 Extruder

Powerful unit for use in large and medium-sized farms. The performance of this model comes to 1250 kg / hour. In this case, the extruder is able to work around the clock. Equipped with a side supply of raw materials from the bunker directly to the working area. This makes it possible to eliminate problems in the work, which are present in the processing of wet grain or complex mixtures in extruders with an upper feed.

In addition to standard materials for extruding (wheat, oats, millet, barley), this model is suitable for processing bioewberries, meat-bearing minced meal, flour and other waste. The device is equipped with two hydraulic cylinders with which automatic damage is taken when disassembling the working part of the extruder or replace the screws. This greatly simplifies a long and labor-intensive process of maintenance and repair, especially in emergency situations.
The weight of the extruder is 2130 kg, and the power consumption is 110 kW.

This model allows you to adjust the gaps inside the working part of the extruder, thereby becoming possible to carry out accurate settings of the device for each raw material.

Extruder PE-900 UCHK

Equipped with a system of conditioning and steaming grain. This technology allows you to give the processed material softness and elasticity, which significantly reduces energy consumption for processing. In addition, it helps to increase the service life of the main nodes of the extruder.

It is used for processing wheat, soybean, barley, corn, and pea. Performance from 1300 to 1800 kg / hour. Power consumption from 97 kW / hour. Steam consumption of approximately 100 kg / hour at a pressure of 0.4-0.6 MPa. Sizes 280 * 256 * 255 cm. At the same time, the weight of the unit is 2500 kg.

The extruder of this model is characterized by high performance and can be used to prepare soybeans and sunflower to an oily oil.


The acquisition of an extruder is undoubtedly a profitable investment. In addition to the fact that the amount of animal feeding feed decreases, and its nutritional value increases, the extrudation allows you to make high-quality feed without chemical impurities. Extruders made with extruders make it possible to increase the productivity of farms without adding animal and hormonal drugs to food.

Extrudation allows you to add to 30% of impurities (hay, silo, straw, meat processing) to the initial raw material, without lowering the quality and energy value of the feed produced.

In addition, the acquisition of an extruder will have a positive effect on the economic condition of grain producers. The finished high-quality feed is far surpassed at the price of raw grain, and the demand for it is practically not reduced.

That is, the extrudation allows you to increase the cost of the final product without large energy and labor costs. The process is fully automated and passes literally in a few seconds!

In the manufacture of feed on this technology, you can use the grains affected by mold or insects to obtain an affordable final product. This avoids harvest losses, which even with proper storage of grain make up at least 20%. This is one of the few technologies that allows you to get high profits at minimal costs.