Wooden fuum tool with high voice. Group of wooden wind instruments

The orchestra is a big composition of musicians consisting of groups. In these groups, musicians play unison. There are various compositions, musical directions of the orchestra. It can be: symphonic, brass, string, pop, jazz, military, school, folk instruments.
The symphony orchestra tools are combined into groups: string, brass, drums. In turn, the wind instruments are copper and wooden - depending on what material they are made.

About wooden wind instruments in general

The brass wooden tools of the symphony orchestra is a baroon, oboe, flute, clarinet and, of course, their varieties. The brass wooden includes a saxophone and a habit with their own options, but they are extremely rarely used in this orchestra.

Mostly, any of these tools fulfills its batch. It is generally accepted that the parties of wooden wind instruments must be placed on the top lines of the scores. The overall timbre of wooden wind instruments is very born, compact, but also powerful. This sound is more like a person's voice.

The name of the wooden wind instruments itself happened as a result of the fact that they were initially all made from the tree. Over time, another material began to be used in their manufacture, but the name of the wooden was preserved.
The shortening of the sounding pillar through the opening of the holes is the principle of sounding of these tools. Holes are located on the housing.

Wooden wind instruments according to the direction of the jet of air, in turn, there are two types: labial - flute and duduk - and the tongue (with a single cane - a saxophone, clarinet - and with a double cane - Duduk, Zurna, Oboe, Fagot, Shalme).

And now in more detail.

The flute

Flute - Labital Wooden Fuch Tool. It appeared a long time ago, when people on a cut-off cane with a closed end made holes and removed sounds from it. In the Middle Ages, two kinds of flute were common: straight - it was kept straight, as clarinet, and the transverse one, which was kept at an angle. Over time, already on the threshold of the 19th century, it became more popular and eclipsed with his practicality straight.

In the group of wooden wind instruments, the flute has the highest sound. This is the most mobile tool in technical terms. It is difficult to perform slow melodies and sustained notes, since a large amount of air is used when playing on it (the air on the sharp edge of the hole is broken and partially disappears). So the sound characteristic for the flute is formed. Range of transverse flute - from the first to the fourth octave.

Major varieties of flute

Blockflate - longitudinal flute family of whistle. Inserts are used in the headset. Distinctive features - 7 + 1 finger holes. The timbre is soft.

Flute Piccolo - transverse flute. Twice as short as ordinary. It has the highest sound. The timbre is very bright, and with Music Dynamic Forte.svg - very piercing.

Swirl - Russian Wooden Fuch Tool, Longitudinal Flute. May have two barrels of different lengths, configured among themselves into pure quarts.

Sirring - longitudinal flute. There is a single-tissue and multiform. In ancient times they played shepherds.

Paflata - Multi-Rubber Flute. This is a bunch of several tubes of different lengths.

Di is an old chinese wooden brass instrument. It is transverse and endowed with six holes.

Ken - longitudinal flute from the cane. Used in Latin America's music.

Irish flute is widely used in the execution of Irish folk motifs. This is a transverse flute.

All these varieties of flutes are wooden-brass tools. The list can also be replenished by such representatives of the family like pijature, Wastl and Ocarina.


The next tool from the partition of wooden windows is oboe. It is known that the oboe does not lose its setting and therefore the entire orchestra is configured to the attitude that this tool submits.

Oboe is also a wooden brass instrument, with a double cane. Like an old representative of the family of swirls. His ancestors were a bombard, a floly, duduk, Zurna. Oboe, thanks to his singer and soft timbre (although he sharp), is a favorite tool as professional composers and musicians and lovers. In technical terms, it is also moving, but inferior in this matter flute. Outwardly, this is a tube in the form of a horse, the upper end of which is a double cane, and the bottom end is the fallen in the form of a funnel.

Basic varieties of Goboy

Modern Oboe: Muzett, Oboe with a conic socket, baritone horn, English horn.

Baroque Oboe: Baroque Oboe d "Cupid, Oboa yes Kachche or Hunting Oboe.


Clarinet is the most common tongue wooden brass musical instrument. It has a single cane and a wide range of sound. In appearance it is a wooden tube in the form of a cylinder, at one end of which a single cane, and the other end - a wengically shape.

The timbre of the tool is soft and somewhat dramatic. No other ovens of the Symphony Orchestra Tools do not have such an opportunity to change the power of sound as clarinet. Thanks to this quality, the clarinet is considered one of the most expressive instruments of the orchestra. The scope of the clarinet in Music is wide and diverse. In addition to the symphonic, brass and military orchestra, it is actively used in jazz, pop and even folk music.

The main varieties of Clarinet

Large or sopranne clarinet is the main variety, tool of alto and sopranas registers.

Small clarinet - it rarely applies, has a crushing timbre.

Bass-clarinet - its sound to octave below the large clarinet. This wooden ovens, which sounds in a low register, is often used in the orchestra to enhance bass voices. It has dramatic power. Bass-clarinet is widely used in jazz.

Bassetgorn - to expand down the range of ordinary clarinet. He has a calm and solemn timbre.


Bassoon - Tongue Wooden Floor Tool. Its range covers low registers: incomplete altom, tenor and bass. Fagot changed its predecessor - an old bass swirl bombard. Unlike a bombard having a hoarse sound, a baroon has a gentle, melancholic sound.

The barrel of the fag wooden, long and therefore folding. The metal tube with a cane is attached at the top of the barrel. He hangs on the neck of the musician with a lace.
In the Orchestra, the Fagot can serve as support for bass and have an independent batch. A large-scale air flow is required when playing on this tool, especially in a low register with loud sound.

The only variety of Fagota

The only variety of modern fagot is counterfeit. This wooden brass instrument is considered the lowest in the range of the orchestra tool and is only inferior to pedal bass organ. It has a thick organ timbre.


The above tools with their varieties are wooden-brass tools. The list can be replenished except another representative of this group - saxophone.

Saxophone is rarely used in the symphony orchestra. It often plays in the spirit of the orchestra. It has a powerful sound. This is one of the central tools in jazz and pop music. It has a singery timbre. From a technical point of view, it is very moved. It reaches from 15 centimeters to 2 meters. The saxophone is made of copper, and this is another proof that the name of wooden wind instruments does not always coincide with the material from which they are made.

The main varieties of saxophone

Soprano saxophone. May be straight or curved. Not recommended for beginners. It has a piercing and strong timbre.

Alt-saxophone or classic saxophone. Curved, frequently used type of tool. It is recommended to those who are just starting to study the game. It has the smaller mouthpiece. Endowed with a bright and expressive challenge. Mainly this solo tool.

The view more than the rest is used in jazz. Its size, the size of the mouthpiece, the holes and rods is greater than that of an alt-saxophone. It has a hoarsal, juicy timbre. It is easier to play technically difficult passengers.

Bariton Saxophone. Maximum size in size, so more than others are subject to damage. It has a thick and strong timbre.

The range of any saxophone is two and a half octaves. With good technical training It is possible to extract higher notes.


Magnia is a kind of traditional brass instrument. The type of booby is a leather bag covered with fur and filled with air. A few wooden tubes are inserted into it. One of the tubes has holes, it is played by a melody, the other (smaller in size) is used to injected air. The rest ensures the continuous sound of several sounds, the height of which remains unchanged. It has a strong shrill sound. The voyage is accompanied by the fulfillment of many European (and not only) folk dances.

Thus, wooden wind instruments are different, with different timbres and range used in various musical compositions tools.

The main information of Avlin is an ancient brand wooden musical instrument. Avlin is considered the distant predecessor of the modern oboe. Was spread in front of Asia and Ancient Greece. The artist usually played on two Avloshs (or Double Avlin). The game in Avlin was used in the ancient tragedy, with a sacrifice, in military music (in Sparta). Solo singing, accompanied by the game in Avlin, was called Avlodia.

Basic information English horn - a brazing wooden musical instrument, which is an altuminous oboe. The English horror received its name due to the erroneous use of the French word Anglais ("English") instead of the correct angle ("Curved angle" - on the shape of a hunting oboe, from which an English horn occurred). The device on the device English horn is similar to the bob, but has a larger size, pear-shaped

Basisu Basic Information - Ancient Indian Floor Wooden Music Tool. Bansumi is a transverse flute made from whole piece bamboo It has six or seven gaming holes. Distributed bansers in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Bansuaries are very popular with shepherds and is part of their customs. It can also be seen in Buddhist painting about 100 years

Basic Clarinet (ITAL. CLARINETTO BASSO) - a brand wooden musical instrument, a bass variety of clarinet, which appeared in the second quarter of the XIX century. Bass-Clarinet Range - from D (Large Octave; On some models, the range is expanded down to B1 - SI-BIMOL countercondition) to B1 (SI-Bar of the first octave). Theoretically, it is possible to extract higher sounds, but they do not apply.

Basters Bassetgorn - a brass wooden musical instrument, a variety of clarinet. Bassetgorn has the same device as the usual clarinet, however large lengthwhich sounds lower. For compactness, the Bassetnun tube is slightly curved in the mouthpiece and in the squabble. In addition, the tool is equipped with several additional valves that expand its range down to the note before (by writing). Tembre Bassetgorn

Basic information, a story of a blockflite - a brass wooden musical instrument from a family of whistle brass tools, such as a sweater, Ocarina. Blocking is a variety of longitudinal flute. Blockball is known in Europe from the XI century. It was widespread in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Used as a solo instrument, in ensembles and orchestra. A. Vivaldi, F. Teleman, F., wrote for the blockbiles.

Basic Breet - Russian People's World Wooden Music Instrument, existing in former times in a shepherd environment, and now occasionally appearing in concert venues in the hands of musicians of folklore ensembles. The bracket has a strong sound of very bright and light tone. Break in its essence is nothing more than an ancient version of the oboch, however, compared to the shepherd pity,

Basic information Vastl - brass wooden musical instrument, Celtic folk twink. Wests are made, as a rule, from tin, but there are also rustic, plastic and even silver tool options. Vastl is very popular not only in Ireland, but also throughout Europe. Most Wistlov, however, is done in England and Ireland, they are most popular among Wistler. Wastiers exist

The main information of the oboe - the brass wooden musical instrument of the sopran register, which is a tube of a conical shape with a valve system and a double cane (tongue). The tool possesses singers, but somewhat betented, and in the upper case - a sharp timbre. Tools that are considered direct predecessors of the modern oboy are known from antiquity and preserved in pristine form in different cultures. Folk instruments such

Basic information Oboe d'amur - a brass wooden musical instrument, very similar to ordinary oboe. Oboe d'amur slightly more than ordinary oboe and, compared to it, gives less energetic and softer and relaxed sound. In the gobike family, it is placed as mezzo soprano or alto. Range - from salt of small octave to the third octaves. Oboe d'amur

Basic information, the origin of Di (Hangchui, Handy - transverse flute) - ancient Chinese brand wooden musical instrument. Di is one of the most common wind instruments in China. Presumably was brought from Central Asia between 140 and 87 BC. e .. However, in the course of recent archaeological excavations, bone transverse flutes of age were discovered about

Basic Didgerida (Engl. Didjeridoo) - ancient brand wooden musical instrument of Aboriginal North Australia. One of the most ancient musical instruments on Earth. Didgered is the European-American name of the ancient musical instrument of Australian Aboriginal. In the north of Australia, where the Diderid appeared, it is called Idaki (yidaki). The uniqueness of the Diderid is that it usually sounds on the same note (the so-called

Basic Dudge - People's World Wooden Musical Instrument, consisting of wooden (more often ease) strap or reed and has several side holes, and to enjoy the mouthpiece. There are double twin: in two folded tubes blow through one common mouthpiece. In Ukraine, so far the name has been preserved (nozzles), in Russia, it is rare, in Belarus

Basic Duduk (Ciranapoch) - a brand wooden musical instrument, is a tube with 9 gaming holes and a double cane. It is common among the peoples of the Caucasus. The most popular in Armenia, as well as among Armenians living beyond its limits. The traditional name of the Armenian Duduk - Ciranapoch, which can literally be translated as an "apricot pipe" or the "soul of an apricot tree". Music

Basic Rhinestone - Vintage Russian People's World Wooden Musical Instrument - Wooden, Reed or Rogo Tube with Roaster from Horn or Beresta. A pity is also known as a plaring. Origin, PRESENT HISTORY The word "regret" is not found in any old Russian monument of writing. The first mention of the pity is in the records of A. Tuchkov, belonging to the end of XVIII

Basic information Zurena is an ancient brand wooden musical instrument, common among the peoples of the Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Zurena is a wooden tube with a fool and several (usually 8-9) holes, one of which is located on the opposite remaining side. The range of Zureny is about one and a half octaves of a diatonic or chromatic sound. The timbre of Zuren is bright and shrill. Zurena is in close

Cavival basic information is a shepherd-brazed world musical instrument. Cavival is a longitudinal flute with a long wooden barrel and 6-8 gaming holes. At the lower end of the trunk there may be up to 3-4 holes intended for adjustment and resonation. Cavala Sound - Diatonic. The length of Cavala reaches 50-70 cm. Cavival is published in Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania, Macedonia, Serbia,

Basic information, Camomile Device - Adygei Brass Wooden Musical Instrument, Traditional Adygh (Circassian) Flute. The kamil is a longitudinal flute made of metal tube (most often from the rifle barrel). At the bottom of the tube there are 3 gaming holes. Perhaps initially the tool was made from the cane (as indicated by the name). Camel's length is about 70 cm. Kamyl socket

Kena Basic Information (Š. QUENA) - Duchow Wooden Music Tool - Longitudinal Flute Used in Music Andean region Latin America. The Ken is usually made from the cane, six upper and one lower gaming hole. As a rule, the Ken is made in some G (salt). Fleute Kenacho is a variant of the Kena with a lower sound, in strictly D (RE).

Basic information Clarinet - a brass wooden musical instrument with a single cane. The clarinet was invented around 1700 in Nuremberg, in music is actively used from the second half of the XVIII century. It is used in a wide variety of musical genres and compositions: as a solo tool, in chamber ensembles, symphonic and spirit of orchestras, folk music, on stage and in Jazz. Clarinet

Basic information Clarinet d'amur (ITAL. CLARINETTO D'Amore) - a brass wooden musical instrument. The device is like a species tool, Clarinet d'amur had a single cane and a cylindrical tube, but the width of this tube was less than that of a conventional clarinet, the sound holes were also narrower. In addition, a part of the tube to which the mouthpiece was attached was slightly curved for compactness - body

BACKGROUND BRAKE - DUCH WORDAL MUSIC TOOL - Old Russian variety of longitudinal overton flute without gaming holes. For the manufacture of barns use dried stems of umbrella plants - Borshevik, shepherd duddy and others. The role of the whistle or the dinner performs the language. The height of the sound is achieved due to the passage. To change the sound, the bottom hole of the tube is also used, which is clamped with a finger or

Basic details of the counterfagot - a brass wooden musical instrument, a variety of fagota. Contrafagot is a tool of the same type and device as a fagot, but with a large twice by the pillar of the air enclosed in it, which comes to the octave below the Bassoon. The counterphagot is the lowest tool in the tool of a group of wooden winds and executes a double bacasic voice. The names of the counterpart

Basic Curly Kuhiklas (Kuvikla) \u200b\u200b- a brass wooden musical instrument, a Russian variety of multiform Pan flute. The device cungc kuongly is a set of hollow tubes of various lengths and diameter with an open top end and closed lower. This tool is usually made from the stems of Kuga (Cantham), cane, bamboo, etc., the bottom of the trunk was served. Nowadays are used plastic, ebonite

Basic information Kurai - National Bashkir brass wooden musical instrument similar to flute. Kuray's popularity is connected by his timbre wealth. The sound of the poetic and epically elevated, the timbre is soft, the game is accompanied by a throat bardon sound. The main and traditional feature of the game on the Kurae is the ability to play a chest voice. A light whistling forgiven just novice artists. Professionals perform a melody

Basic information MABU - Traditional brass wooden musical instrument inhabitants of Solomon Islands. MABU is wooden pipe With a fool, issued from the cutting of the tree trunk. To the upper end, the half of the coconut was attached, in which the playing hole was done. Major copies of the MAPA could reach a meter in length with a raster width of about 15 cm and wall thickness about

Basic information Map (Map) is a traditional Tibetan brass wooden musical instrument. Translated from the nose "MA" means "bamboo", and "bu" - "Spere", "Cane Flute". MABU has a bamboo trunk with a single under-cut tongue. In the trunk, the flutes have been done 8 gaming holes, 7 upper, one - the bottom. At the end of the trunk there is a small horny fool. MABU is also sometimes done

Basic information, features Small clarinet (clarinet-piccolo) - a brand wooden musical instrument, a variety of clarinet. Small clarinet has the same device as the usual clarinet, but smaller sizes, which will sound in a higher register. The timbre of a small clarinet is rescued, somewhat shrieking, especially in the upper case. Like most other tools of the clarinet family, small clarinet is transponing and applied

Basic information, device Nai - Moldavian, Romanian and Ukrainian brand wooden musical instrument - longitudinal multi-flute. Nai consists of 8-24 tubes of different lengths, reinforced in an arcuate leather clip. The height of the audio depends on the tube length. Sound diatonic. The folk melodies of various genres are performed on Na - from Doyna to dance motives. The most famous Moldovan Naist:

Basic information is an ancient brand wooden musical instrument, a clay whistle flute. The name "Okrina" translated from Italian means "husokok". Ocarina is a small chamber in the shape of an egg with holes for fingers in the amount of four to thirteen. Usually performed from the ceramics, but sometimes it is also made of plastic, wood, glass or metal. By

Pincalo's main information (Pinggulo) is an ancient brand wooden musical instrument of Indians-Kechua, reed transverse flute. Pinkeno is distributed among the Indian population of Peru, Bolivia, Northern Argentina, Chile, Ecuador. Pincalo is the ancestor of the Peruvian Ken. Pinkeno is made of cane, according to the tradition of cut "at dawn away from prying eyes." It has 5-6 side gaming holes. Pinggulo Length 30-32 cm. PingGulo Range

Basic information, the use of the transverse flute (or just flute) - the oven wooden musical instrument of the sopran register. The names of the transverse flute on different languages: flauto (Italian); Flatus (Latin); Flute (French); Flute (English); Flote (German). The flute is available to the most diverse technique of execution, orchestral solo is often charged it. The transverse flute is used in the symphonic and spirit of orchestras, as well as, along with the clarinet,

Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Foundation The Russian horn has different names: besides "Russian" - "shepherd", "Song", "Vladimir". The name "Vladimirsky" horn acquired relatively recently, at the end of the XIX century as a result of success, which had the speeches of the child's choir under the control of Nikolai Vasilyevich Kondratyev from the Vladimir region. Rhygeons are divided into 4 genre varieties: signal, songs,

Basic information Saxophone (SAX - surname of the inventor, Phone - sound) - a brass wooden musical instrument, on the principle of sound removal belonging to the family of wooden, despite the fact that it is never made of wood. The Saxophone family was constructed in 1842 by the Belgian musical master by Adolf Sax and patented them four years later. Adolf Sax called its first designed tool

Basic information Swirl - an ancient Russian oven wooden musical instrument such as longitudinal fuel. Origin, the story of the swirls The Russian sweater was not yet sufficiently studied. Experts have long been trying to correlate extinguishing whistle tools with old-Russian names. Most often, the chronicles use three names of tools of this type - a sweater, nozzles and a grip. According to legend, the son of the Slavyan goddess of love Lady played

Basic Suling - Indonesian Brass Wooden Musical Instrument, Longitudinal Whistle Flute. Suling consists of a bamboo cylindrical barrel, about 85 cm long and is equipped with 3-6 game holes. Sulling sound is very gentle. Usually there are sad melodies on this tool. Suling is used as solo and as an orchestral tool. Video: Sulingn video + sound thanks to this video you

Basic information, device, use of Xiakhakhati - a brave wooden musical instrument, a longitudinal bamboo flute that has come to Japan from China during the Nara period. Chinese name Flute Xiakuhachi - Chi-Ba. Standard Length Flutes Xiakuhachi - 1.8 Japanese feet (which is 54.5 cm). This determined the very Japanese name of the instrument, since "Xlyaka" means "foot", and "Hati" - "eight."

Basic information Tilinka (calf) - Moldavian, Romanian and Ukrainian folk spirit wooden musical instrument, which is an open tube without gaming holes. Tilinka is common in a rustic household, most often used by the peoples living near the Carpathian mountains. The sound of Tinginka depends on how much the musician will close the open end of the tube. The transition between notes is carried out by perevali and closing / opening the opposite

Wooden winds

The flute

The flute (from German - Flote.), Wooden brain musical instrument, in its way of sound recovery - the most primitive of the wind. Numerous flute varieties, starting with the simplest whistles, are known from antiquity. That is, on the other hand, a modern flute is one of the species whistles, only very complicated, equipped with valves, levers and made of metal.

Spreading in Europe in the 17th century longitudinal flute (now it would be called blockflete Although it was a slightly different tool) was displaced transverse, which in the 18th century became not only a solo and ensemble tool, but also a permanent member of the orchestra. The modern type of the transverse flute was invented by the German master of the Bem in the twenties of the 19th century, the flute got more fluency, the sound became stronger, brighter and very spectacular. It was necessary for the orchestra - just at that time there is an increase in its composition, an increase in the tempering.

Of course, it was impossible to do without loss - in this instrument, the chamber of chamber sound, baroque softness and intimacy was missing. Currently, there are the following varieties of flutes: malaya (or Piccolo), alto (Flauto Alto) and bass flute (Flauto Basso) - the last is very rare, there is only a few orchestras and, as a result, rarely involved in the works (for lovers of large flutes - http://www.contrabass.com/pages/flutes.html). Large relatives flute are extremely numerous - starting from pan flutes (Leitetema is immediately remembered from the film "Once in America") and ending with an edible mutant - jazz flute With a scene (like Trombone, i.e. with the possibility of glissando).

Flute by nature sound - cheerful and cheerful toolHowever, she can portray and light sadness (" Prelude for the afternoon rest "Debussy) and a disobedic longing (Final 4 of the Symphony of Brahms) and fantastic moments (there are many examples in" Magic Arrow "Weber)

In the modern orchestra, there are usually 2 flutes + Piccolo, however, in large writings, their composition can be significantly increased (up to 4 flutes, 2 Piccolo and alto-flute - 6 Symphony of Kancheli)

Big collection of references on the topic

Notes for flute do not want?


Uh ... this is a separate conversation

Notes for oboe do not want?


Clarinet (from French clarinette , in turn, which occurred from Lat. cLARUS. - Clear sound), wooden brass tongue musical instrument. Designed at the beginning of the 18th century.

In the orchestra, Haydn and composers of the Maintenance school were introduced, and as soon as he appeared among the winds, all composers recognized his undeniable value. As you know, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart reinstalled his late symphones (including the most famous - No. 40) by adding clarinets to the brand group (and almost all SOLO gave them, by the way).

Clarinet has perhaps the largest range of expressive means. In the early symphones of Scriabin, for example, it is penetrated Cantilene, protected by negroe and purity expression. In the symphones of Shostakovich (as for example, in the development of 8th), these are sarcastic clamps, evil swaps. Richard Strauss (in " Til Ulenenspigel ") - colorful laughter. It is perfect for all sorts of figures and unobtrusive accompaniers (so favorite Gustav Malem). An excellent model of meditative lyrics can be found in 5 Sylvestrov Symphony.

Sopran clarinets, clarinet-Piccolo (ITAL. Piccolo) - in a or in es, altovor (so-called Bassetgorn), Basvoy - colorful member of the clarinet family of the lower notes of which are a wonderful bass for any ensemble (I personally, Immediately remembers the middle of the 1st part " Symphony dance "Rachmaninova (Listen to Real Audio), where he creates a velvet background, going down to the lowest notes).

Clarinet resources:
Clarinet - Links to Yahoo



Bassoon (from Italian fagotto. , literally - knot, bunch) Wooden brass musical instrument. Originated in the 1st half of the 16th century. It has the largest range of all wooden windows (more than 3 octave). It must be said that in general, as a rule, low tools, the range is great due to the fact that their overtones are not so high, and therefore they are not so hard to extract. The phageotists are sitting in the second row of the spirit group, next to Clarnets, usually in the orchestra 2 lads are used.

For large essays common and counterfeagot - The only widespread type of Fagota. This is the lowest instrument of the orchestra (not counting the exotic doublebasic clarines and saxophones or the organ - a non-permanent participant of the orchestra). He can take notes for a quart below the double bass and for a second below the harp. Only a concert piano can "be proud" - its lowest note, la Subcontrolls, is a record. True, as on a standard - for a split second , and on musical - on half-tone .

However, perhaps, I was too fascinated by orchestral records. According to sound capabilities, Fagot is in the last place among the winds - fluency average, dynamic capabilities average, the range of images used is also small. These are mainly either angry or persistent phrases with a typical slow motion attack (the most characteristic example - the image of the grandfather from " Petit and wolf. "Prokofiev), or sorrowful intonation, most often in a high register (such as in the side part of the reprise of the 1st part 7 of the Symphony of Shostakovich - it is more known as" Leningradskaya "). The usual case for the feed group is the duplication of string bass (i.e. cello and double bass), it gives a melodic line a greater density, connectedness.

From combinations of tools are characteristic of the most characteristic - fagot + Clarinet (Start " Romeo and Julietti "Tchaikovsky - Choral 4 tools), bassoon + horn (This was especially popular in those days when only 2 horsavers were sitting in the orchestra - classical harmony requires four votes, and this combination is perceived as completely uniform sound). Naturally, the remaining combinations are not excluded - each " mix "It is useful and used in a certain place.

(Generic tools: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Fagot)

A group of wooden wind instruments is very heterogeneous in its timbre and technical capabilities. Possessing much less flexibility, less mobility, more limited features in the nuanxidation area than string tools - a group of wooden winds plays a significantly smaller role in the orchestra than the bottom tools. Starting from the first quarter of the XIX century, the value of this group of tools increases, and the orchestral literature is enriched with a number of expressive solo and episodes for wooden winds. Approximately from the same time, the orchestra systematically appears so-called species wooden wind instruments (see Table of Orchestra Ch. 2nd (possibly typo, the table of the composition of the orchestra with species instruments is located in Chapter III - Musstudent)).

The timbre of each of the wooden wind instruments is very uneven. Throughout the range (skew), each of the wooden wind instruments can (conditionally) distinguish three "register timbre". This circumstance allowed many composers to finely use various timbreous possibilities of each of these tools, mixing in various combinations of two, three or more tools timbers, different cases comparison, etc. Pointing on these features of wooden brass, N. A.

Roman Korsakov ("Basics of Orchestra") notes that each of these tools have its own area of \u200b\u200b"expressive game", in which this tool is most capable of shades, changing the dynamics, a thin nuanxion, etc. This area lies mainly in The range of the average instrument register. Outside the "area of \u200b\u200bthe expressive game", it can provide an orchestrator in solid paints, with more limited dynamic shades.

The sounding body is a vibrator - in wind instruments is air that fills the case of this tool. Under the influence of a special (causative agent (sound-eagle), an air post concluded in the instrument begins to perform periodic oscillations, creating a musical sound of a certain height. This kind of sound occurrence can be observed when the wind is bunting in the chimboard, in the fans, etc. The timbre of this The tool depends on:

1. Forms of air volume enclosed in instruments that give different look;

2. From the type of sound-forming;

3. And partly from the material from which this tool is made.

All the tools of a group of wooden windows consist of a wooden tube (a gragadile or coconut tree) with holes drilled along the tool housing. Some of the holes are closed with valves. With all the closed holes, the tool gives the lowest sound - the main tone of its range due to the fact that this moment hesitates ("sounds") the entire air column enclosed in the instrument. With a gradual opening of the holes of the air post, enclosed in the instrument, shortening, and we get, using a well-known aplishness, a full chromatic sound speaker, within the octave (for example, in the flute) or within the duodeticism (in clarinets).

To get higher sounds, within two, three or more octave, the reception is applied.

The height of the main tone of the tool is determined by the length of the tube, that is, the longer the tube, the sound tool will be lower. Air blowing can be done strongly and weakly. If you blow the air strongly, the air pole, a prisoner and tool comes to a significant oscillation and disintegrates into two, and with even stronger intake of PA three and more parts, which is why the main sound rises to the octave interval (at first handoff), duodeticism ( With the second handoff), etc., respectively, a natural scatter. Thus, the full volume of the tool is obtained.

Wooden windows are divided into two main types:

1. Labital ("Light").

2. Lingval ("Language").

In tools with a labial sound-forming (flute), the sound is obtained from the friction of the air jet about the strained lips and the edges of the opening drilled in the instrument head. Thus, there is no additional "meal" for the formation of sound in flute tools. Sound formation in this case is completely similar to getting a sound with a whistle in the drilled door key.

The tongue sounds are built, basically, like a children's toy, a meal made from acacia pod.

With not quite dense adjacent to each other two elastic records, a jet of air is broken into a narrow slot with force, forcing sharp edges of the plates. So built a sound-former called "cane" (from a special type of cane, from which the canes of wooden windows is manufactured). For the oboe and the fagota, a double cane consisting of two plates; At the clarinet, one reed plate is attached to the sharp edge of the tool head. The principle of sound formation here remains the same.

The high sound of the meal leads to the oscillation of the air post in the instrument and makes the latter fluctuate and make a musical sound.

On the brass tool simultaneously you can publish only one sound. In the future, when familiarizing with wind instruments, students will not have to meet with the concept of the so-called "transpositioning tools". For a variety of technical considerations and in connection with some historical prerequisites, some of the tools are read below or higher on a certain interval compared to his record on notonic. The volume of the textbook does not allow you to tell in detail about the circumstances that forced to this time to apply such an uncomfortable to the beginner tool to record some tools. But the study tool should be learn from the first lessons to learn how to transpose on F-p. Parts of such tools.

Flaute (Flauto); Volume

The artist holds a horizontal tool. Flute is a very mobile tool that allows you to write quick gamot sequences for it, wide jumps, arpeggio, trill and other passes. The fuel flute timbre (especially in the middle), somewhat dull, cold and weakly sounding in the lower case, bright and somewhat sharp, "whistling" in the upper case. Middle and upper registers of flutes were constantly used by all orchestral composers with long ago. Lower register, with rare exception, has not found a long time. But, starting (approximately) with J. Bize (1833-1875), a number of French composers (Delib, 1836-1891), (massacre, 1842-1912), behind them and many later composers both French and outstanding orchestors among Russian and German authors write a number of interesting solo for flutes in a low register. On the flute there is a special effect, achieved, double-impaired language (rapid sound interruption - staccato).

Small flute (Flauto Piccolo). Volume:

It is written as an octoise below the actual sound. Used in orchestra mainly like additional tool, increasing the volume of a large flute in the upper case, or to double the batch of a large flute into an octave (for example: in large "tutti"). Small flute has a sharp and strong sound. In Russian and Western orchestral literature there are a row solo for Piccolo Flute.

Altovy flute, sounding on a quart or quint below a large flute, began to appear in the orchestra relatively recently and has no large distribution.

Oboe (Oboe), volume: the performer holds a tool at an angle down. The oboe is less moved than flute, and it is more inherent in cantileneous (singeling) melodies. Nevertheless, short passengers, Trel, Arpeggio in a fairly moving pace are quite accessible to him.

The gobouse's timbre in the lower case is somewhat sharp, the medium register is soft, light, top - sharp. Goboy Tombre is peculiar to some bellows, resembling the sounds of a shepherd horn. It is these tempecological features of the oboy that the composers are often used in the image of the paintings of nature, the shepherds, talkers, etc.

English Horn (Corno Inglese), Volume:

sounds on Kwint below no sound sounds. The second gobist or special performer playing in English horns (with a threefold composition: two gobbins and English horns). The timbre of the English horns is even more condensed-beacon than at the oboe. His sound reminds the timbre of some oriental wind instruments.

The English horn in Russian composers was greatly distributed, starting with Glinka, who often resorted to a specific timbre of this, tool for an oriental flavor.

Clarinet (Clarinetto), Volume:

tool. The clarinet has a great beauty of the tone and significant flexibility in the nuunting. Arpeggio, gamma, trill and a wide variety of passengers are perfectly sounding at the clarinet. The average clarinet register is soft and juicy; Lower - somewhat deaf, gloomy; Upper - piercing-sharp. The clarinet began to apply in the orchestra relatively recently. Its invention relates to approximately 1700. Only from the second half of the XVIII century, the clarinet became a permanent member of the orchestra. Haydn and Mozart used it with great caution (some works of these composers are toolless without clarinets), and just starting with the time of Weber, the clarinet began to take almost one of the main places in the family of wind instruments.

Thanks to the special device of the valves, the clarinet is inconvenient to perform plays with a large number of characters. To avoid this inconvenience, the modern orchestra uses two buildings of the clarinets: for the dizard tonalities, the clarinet in strictly A, and for the chemicals - in strict V. Thus, the clarinet is a transposher tool.


on the clarinet in strict but it will sound:

and on the clarinet in a row to sound:

When modulates in the play in the Clarinet batch, the system (clarinet change) is given several pauses. (In the party is written: "Muta A in B", i.e., replace the clarinet and on Clarinet V.)

Clarinet Basso (Clarinetto Basso), Tool transposter. Some less movable than clarinet. Used in buildings A and B (last more often).

To facilitate the game on it, his batch is written in a violin veneer.

Volume of writing:


Tombre bass clarinet sullen, gloomy; Sound strong.

Small clarinets (Clarinetti Piccoli), starting with Berlioz, are sometimes introduced into a symphony orchestra. Small clarinet timbre - sharp, shrill. Used in D and ES builds.

Fagotto, volume:

playing with a curved metal tube. The Battery of the Fagota is written in the bass and tenor keys.

The lower and middle registers are most beautiful and consuming. Higher sounds - a few dims. Bassoon can perform rather fast passengers, especially Arpeggio. Very used racing almost any interval, trill, stack technique, etc.

Contrafagotto, volume:

It sounds an octoise below no sounds. Very bulky tool, little mobile, with a powerful sound. It is used in some cases for doubling in the large orchestras of the Fagota party to octave (in large tutti), to enhance the bass group, etc.

In addition to those discussed here, the main and most used species tools of the group of wooden winds (in the western and Russian composers, new and more new and our contemporaries - western and Russian composers), found and finding a number of instruments, or absolutely not used in modern musical practice, or not Found an even place, quite strong in orchestral score. Such tools include the ancient basket horn, the Oboe d "Amur or, for example, saxophones, a hekkelphone, etc., the task of our brief course does not include the consideration of these rare participants of the symphony orchestra.

The group of wood winds in its main composition as well as the string group gives a complete harmonic complex: flutes play the role of soprano votes, goby - altovogo, clarinets - tenor, bassomas.

This is how the "quartet" of wooden winds will sound, if you place the tools at a nominal height:

But, as it will be seen from further, any of the instruments of the brass group can perform the role of a soprano voice, and the remaining accompaniment.

Species Tools (Flute Piccolo, English Horn, Bass and Piccolo-Clarnets, Counter-Fagot) serve mainly for special effects, to enhance a group of wooden and to increase the volume (main speaker) of generic tools.

In the days of Viennese classics, a group of wooden winds was only installed in their pair; But often, these composers used an incomplete pair of composition, which is released in the score of the 2nd flute in the partition, it does not use the clarinets at all, etc.

The parties of each pair of the main tools of the group of wooden windows are usually written on one line (one notonic) and only occasionally on two, applying the following conventions. When both tools play in unison, they write on top: "A2", which means together. If two tools play different parts, their notes are written by calm in different directions. Instructions "1 Solo", "2 solo" indicates solo execution of this place with one of two tools

The list of them will be given in this article. It also contains information about the types of wind instruments and the principle of extracting sound.

Wind instruments

These are pipes that can be made of wood, metal or any other material. They have a different form and make different music sounds on the timbre, which are retrieved by the air flow. The voice of "Voice" of the brass tool depends on its size. What he is more, the more air passes through it, from which the frequency of its oscillation is less, and the published sound is low.

There are two ways to change the tool published by the instrument:

  • adjusting the air volume with the fingers, with the help of the scenes, valves, valves, and so on, depending on the type of tool;
  • increase the strength of blowing the air column into the pipe.

The sound completely depends on the air flow, hence the name - the wind instruments. The list of them will be given below.

Varieties of wind instruments

There are two main types - copper and wooden. It was originally classified in this way depending on which material was manufactured. Right now in more than The type of tool depends on the method that sound is retrieved from it. For example, the flute is considered a wooden brass tool. It can be made of wood, metal or glass. The saxophone is always produced only with metallic, but refers to the class of wooden winds. Copper tools Can be made of various metals: copper, silver, brass, and so on. There is a special variety - keyboard brass instruments. The list is not so great. These include phasharmonium, organ, accordion, melody, bayan. Air in them comes with special furs.

What instruments relate to the wind

We list the brass tools. The list of them is:

  • trumpet;
  • clarinet;
  • trombone;
  • accordion;
  • the flute;
  • saxophone;
  • organ;
  • zurna;
  • oboe;
  • harmonium;
  • balaban;
  • accordion;
  • french horn;
  • bassoon;
  • tube;
  • bagpipes;
  • duduk;
  • harmonica;
  • macedon Guide;
  • xiakhatati;
  • ocarina;
  • serpent;
  • horn;
  • helicon;
  • didgerida;
  • kurai;
  • trembit.

You can call some other similar tools.

Copper brass

Wind copper musical instrumentsAs already mentioned above, made from various metals, although in the Middle Ages there were those that were made of wood. The sound of them is extracted by reinforcing or attenuating the air intake, as well as by changing the position of the musician lips. Initially copper brass reproduced only in the 30s of the 19th century, valves appeared on them. This allowed such tools to reproduce the chromatic sound. Trombone has a retractable scene for these purposes.

Copper-brass tools (list):

  • trumpet;
  • trombone;
  • french horn;
  • tube;
  • serpent;
  • helicon.

Wooden winds

Musical instruments of this type initially produced solely of wood. To date, this material is practically not used for their production. The name reflects the principle of recovery of sound - inside the tube there is a wooden cane. These musical instruments are equipped with holes on the housing located on a strictly defined distance from each other. A musician during the game with fingers opens and closes them. Due to this, a certain sound is obtained. For this principle, wooden wind instruments sound. The names (list) included in this group are:

  • clarinet;
  • zurna;
  • oboe;
  • balaban;
  • the flute;
  • bassoon.

Language musical instruments

There is another variety of winds - the tongue. They sound due to a flexible vibrating plate (tongue), located inside. The sound is extracted by exposure to it with air, or pulling out and offsetting. This feature can be made a separate list of tools. Window tongues are divided into several types. They are classified by the method of extracting sound. It depends on the type of tongue, which can be metallic (for example, as in organ pipes), freely slipping (like Vargan and Harmonic), or beating, or cane, as in co-wooden winds.

List of tools of this type:

  • harmonica;
  • vargan;
  • clarinet;
  • accordion;
  • bassoon;
  • saxophone;
  • kalimba;
  • harmonic;
  • oboe;
  • hulus.

The wind instruments with a free skipping tongue include: Bayan, the air in them is injected with the help of blowing the musician's mouth, or furs. The air flow leads to the fluctuations of the tongues and thus the sound is removed from the tool. Vargan also includes this type. But his tongue fluctuates not under the influence of a air column, but with the help of the hands of a musician, through its replication and pullback. Oboe, baggage, saxophone and clarinet belong to another type. In them, the tongue is hitting, and it is called a cane. The musician blows the air into the tool. As a result, the tongue fluctuates and the sound is extracted.

Where are the wind instruments

Wind instruments, the list of which was presented in this article are used in various orchestra. For example: military, oven, symphony, pop, jazz. And also occasionally, they can perform in the chamber ensemble. Extremely rarely they are soling.

The flute

This list relating to this was given above.

Flute is one of the most ancient musical instruments. It does not use the tongue, as in other wooden winds. Here the air dishes about the edge of the tool itself, due to which the sound is formed. There are several varieties of flutes.

Sirring is a single-tissue or multi-duty tool of ancient Greece. Its name comes from the name of the bird's voice organ. The multi-sized Sirring later became known as Flute Pan. In this instrument, peasants and shepherds played in the ancient times. In the ancient Rome Sirring accompanied presentations on the stage.

Blockball - wooden tool belonging to the whistle family. It is close to her with a drink, sweater and whistle. The difference between its other wooden windows is that an octave valve is present on its back side, that is, a hole for closing a finger, on which the height of other sounds depends. They are removed by blowing air and closing with fingers of the musician 7 holes on the front side. This kind of flute was the most popular in the period from 16 to 18th century. Her timbre is soft, singeling, warm, but at the same time its possibilities are limited. In many of their works, such great composers such as Antonia Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Handel and others were used. The sound of this tool is weak, and gradually its popularity has decreased. It happened after the transverse flute appeared, which is currently the most used. Nowadays, the Block is used mainly as an educational tool. Beginner flutters are mastering it first, only then go to the longitudinal.

Flute Piccolo is a variety of transverse. She has the highest of all windbrecks. The sound of her whistling and piercing. Piccolo is twice as shorter than its normal range - from "re" second to "up to" fifth.

Other types of flutes: transverse, Paflata, Di, Irish, Ken, Swirl, Prawn, Wastl, Ocarina.


This is a copper brass tool (a list of those in this family was presented in this article above). The word "Trombone" is translated from Italian as a "big pipe". There is from the 15th century. From other tools of this group, Trombone differs in that it has a snap-tube, with which the musician extracts sounds, changing the volume of the air flow inside the tool. There are several varieties of trombone: tenor (the most common), bass and altom (applied less often), double bass and sopranne (practically not used).


This is a Chinese brand tongue tool having additional tubes. Another name is Bilandao. Total tubes has three or four - one basic (melodic) and several bardon (low sound). The sound of this tool is soft, melodic. Most often, hoolus are used to perform solo, very rarely - in the ensemble. Traditionally, men played on this tool, explaining in love with a woman.