White flare on cedar needles. Diseases and pests cedar

Withering (drying)

- The shoots become sluggish, then dying. Mushroom organisms penetrate the vessels of stalks and roots and clocked them, and poisons (toxins) are distinguished.

Withering the vertex shoots of pine mountains (diplodiosis) - mushroom Diplodia Pinea..

At the ends of the pine escapes, dry brown bundles of needle appear. In the fall on the needles, black brilliant points appear - picnides (spacing argument). Droplets of resin are noticeable on infective shoots. The shoots perish can dry the whole pine.

Wadings of needles and branches on blue spruce - Mushroom Acanthostigma Parasitica..

Infection by this mushroom occurs in the spring. Usually in the middle of the summer, the needle becomes yellow pink. Then the escape twists and dries. On the korea escape there are pitches of resin. May die all fir.

Drying of the needles and shoots juniper skyrocket - Mushrooms Stigmina Deflectens. and Phoma Juniperi..

In June, the needles pale, loses juicy, yellowing, then covered with brown spots and dries together with the ends of the shoots. Between the scales of the needle appears dark points -piknides with disputes. Mushrooms cause the death of needles and shoots, juniper often dies.

Drying of the escape shoots Western Brabant - Mushrooms Macrophoma Mirbelli. and Pestalotia Funerea..

Needles and tui shoots are covered brown spots, Ends of shoots dry. Over time, dark points appear on the needles - the union of mushrooms, the dead needle becomes gray.

Protection measures: Preventive spraying in early spring Range (0.7% solution), when treating spraying alternately strides (0.04%), foundazole (0.2% solution), Bayletone (0.15%), with the addition of zircon (0.01%). The soil strait is also possible under the Fundazole plant (0.3%) with zircon (0.01%). Pruning and burning of infected plants.

Fusarious drying, trachemic and fading

Pathogen- Mushroom Fusarium.oxysporum.on the shoots of juniper gave abundant raid in a wet chamber.

At the same time, the diseases of the needles of young plants of coniferous breeds yellow, blushes and falls, the crown is radically, and the plants themselves are gradually dry. The causative agent of soil penetrates the roots, which will be drunk, partially reappear, and then the mushroom penetrates the vessels. On the cross section of the affected branch, a well-marked dark ring. Treatment is problematic.

Coffee diseases and spider - The needles on coniferous trees turn yellow, boil or becomes grayish, falls. Dark pads are formed on the needles of different shapes - Rounded or elongated. This is a spacing argument of mushrooms. The shoots die away, can die all tree. Examples:

The death of pine needles - Mushroom Sclerophoma Pithya..

Happing needle takes a grayish color. Black, rounded points (picnides of the mushroom with disputes) are formed on the needles. Infection occurs usually in August. The disease is manifested immediately or the next year.

The defeat of the needles on Tsuga Canadian - Mushroom Leptothyrium pseudotsugae..

The needles at the ends of the shoots shine, then dries. It forms small dark points (picnides of the mushroom with disputes). The development of the mushroom causes fuses of shoots, the whole plant is often dying.


- Also, the disease of the needle caused by mushrooms. Signs: Changing the color of the needles, the appearance of black dots, premature dying, the dejunation of the needles immediately or vice versa, a long stay on the branches. Different types of spit are affected by pine, cedar, spruce, fir, juniper, larch.

Young pine plants are affected. During the spring and early summer, the needles becomes a buroy and falls. Already at the end of October, small yellowish spots appear on the needles or at the ends of the quail. Immediately after the snow removal, the in the spring of the needle dies and blushes (raging). In early May, black points appear on the needles (picnides with mushroom disputes). During the summer, the needles fall, pine is weakened and can perish.

Ordinary spider pine- Mushroom Lophodermium.pinastri.

In the autumn or more often in the spring of next year, the needles turn yellow or becomes a buroy and dies. The fruit bodies of the mushroom are formed on the courtying in the form of small black strokes or points. Infection promotes warm and wet weather. More often and dying and dying and young pines die.

Present Spines -mushroom Lophodermium seditiosum.

From spring and before July, the needles becomes a buroy and falls. Little yellowish dots are noticeable on the living needles, and the dotted black fruit bodies are noticeable. Basically amazed young pines and weakened trees.

Spit juniper- Mushroom Lophodermium.juniperinum

The disease is in the beginning of summer on last year's needle, which becomes yellow or drow. At the end of the summer, round black to 1.5 mm fruit bodies appear on the cheops. The most affected by weakened plants, which in wet conditions may die.

Shew larch - Mushroom Meria Laricis

In May, brown spots appear on the tips of the young needles that quickly grow up. Soon the whole needle is slightly twisted and drill. The spioning of the fungus on the needles is very small, they can only be seen in the magnifying glass as the smallest black grain grain. Patients of larch branches dry, can die all the plant.

Protection measures:high-quality care for plants, regular feeding of mineral fertilizers. In the snowy winter scattering peat crumbs for accelerated snow melting. Spraying in late autumn and immediately after the snow gathering the spacecraft (0.7%) or copper chlorokis (0.5%). Spring spraying every 10-12 days Fundazole (0.2%), Bayletone (0.15%), strides (0.04%), with the addition of zircon (0.01%). Strait of soil under the plant with a terminator (0.05%) with a zircon (0.01%). Mandatory collection of infected needles; Burning of the needles and dead plants.


in the spring of the needles pale or yellowing, falls. Suffering decorative View coniferous plants (they are mainly sick, spruce rarely). On five-walled pines (cedar, the pine weemtech) rust leads to cancer tumors on the branches or trunk and often to death.

Rust needle on the pine ordinary - Mushroom ColeOSporium tussilaginis.

In May, yellow flakes (container arguments) appear on the needle pines of the ordinary. The needles prematurely yellow and falls, pines "bald", losing decorativeness. Next, the fungus moves to the next host - the mother and-stepmother and develops on it. Late autumn mushroom "returns", infecting pine.

Rust on cedar. - Mushroom Cronartium Ribicola.

Bubble rust on pine - Mushroom Cronartium Ribicola.

In the fall, the tips of the needle drill. In the spring of the needle pale, dries, on the branches or trunk there are thickening, then cancer ulcers from which resin flows. Fresh-orange bubbles protrude from breaks of the cortex, while touching spraying argues of mushrooms in the form of "haze". If the trunk is amazed, the plant quickly dies. The second master of the fungus is a black currant, which mushroom infects in the summer. At the end of summer or in the fall, cedars are infected with a dispute formed on currant leaves.

Protection measures:spraying in October and in the spring after snowing with a tilt (0.25% solution) with epinoma (0.01%). Watering under the root of the Fundazole (0.3%) with a zircon (0.01%).

On the cedar and the pine Waemutov at the first signs of withering the needles (change in color, pale) - pruning these branches. When orange bubbles appear on the branches - trimming branches; On the trunk - urgent sprinkling and burning plants. Mandatory treatment black currant In June and August, Topaz (0.05%), strides (0.03%). Burning the amazed leaf currant. If possible, plant currant as far as possible from cedars. The destruction of weeds is a mother-and-stepmother, an alien.

Smolyan Cancer Pine, Cancer Series

This rather common disease cause mushrooms CRONARTIUM.flaccidium.and Peridermium.pini.. In the development of the first fungus, the intermediate hosts of the Mattish Mattling and the Lady are participating. The second mushroom applies only from pine to the pine.

The mushroom penetrates through a thin bark on the top of the tree in the wood cells and resten moves, destroying them. The affected part of the tree is abundantly soaked with a resin and acquires a grayish-black color. When the resin ulcer completely stresses the barrel, all living branches above the ulcers die.

Non-infectious diseases of conifers:

Sunny burns.

If winter begins with strong frostsAnd the snow does not fall at once, then the soil is deeply freezing under the plants. And if in the future in winter there is little tall, then the snow is dazzling white. Then in January-February, in frosty sunny weather begin sunny burns. The needles in the cold and the sun loses moisture, and the plant cannot fill it at the expense of the roots - root system quenched. By the spring, the plants are already standing with red cheese, especially from the south side.

Enemora-resistant plants are especially affected, as well as plants in the first year after landing, which did not have time to develop the root system.

Sunburns on ate Serbian

On juniper Strickt

Protection measures:

- moisture-loading watering in dry autumn, mulching for the winter layer of peat 10cm under the plant,

The shelter from the fall by the underfloor material of the most "roasting" plants (spruce of cone, Juniper Chinese Strict, Juniper Blue Alps, Maei, generally column juniper, Tui Smaragd, Brabant, Pine Yellow Panderoza). In unfavorable winters (for example, winter 2009-2010), there were even bodies of burns and pine Austrian. Current winter is also unfavorable for plants - burns began in early February!

Shading by a grid of large plants,

- peat crumb flushing or ash to reduce the reflection of sunlight and acceleration of snow melting,

- In the spring it is important to reveal the plants in time - immediately after the snow saving, and start watering, so that the root system will know how to make a moisture of needle.

- Making potash-phosphoric fertilizers in late August - early September.

- spraying of plants with epic (0.01%), watering under the root of the zircon (0.01%).

Dog's urine hiton coniferous plants. It is necessary to immediately wash it off with the needles with plenty of water, then pour the plant for the root 10 l water with zircon (0.01%).

Lack of irrigation - Sleeping of needles because of drought, especially on sandy soils. It is necessary to follow the state of plants, do not forget to start watering in the spring plants in time, placed last year. By the sultry summer of 2010, watering was especially relevant for all plants!

Mechanical damage to the roots, trunk. Coniferous plants need to dig up with a large roomTo save the bulk of the root system. In addition, useful mushroom organisms (mycorniza) live in the soil of coma, without which the plant cannot effectively absorb nutrients. This primarily concerns pine, cedar, juniper. If the roots are strongly brought, the earth with the roots sat down or the trunk is badly damaged around the circumference - there are few chance of the plant in the plant.


Coniferous plants, as well as deciduous, are also affected by various pests.

Sucking insects damaging cheva: Tsley, flashers, shields, ticks, hurmes.

Pine Tlla (Cinara Pini.) damages young, well-growing pines. The larvae suck juices at the base of the kidneys, later between the kingdoms of young shoots.

Fir-fed fail(Mindarus AbiInus)at Stage Tli the founder sucks on the shoots between the chevings, and before the wrinkle goes to a cheva.

Pine shields

Juniper Shield -Carulaspis Juniperi.

Various conifers decorative plants Damage other types: fir Floor -Physokermes Piceae.damaging fir;

Flasky Flodstockovka

On shoots at the end of May, brown "balls" are glued with a size of approximately 3-5 mm. These are females of fir falsist. The females are postponed in June under the shield up to 2000 eggs, of which are derived in a month of the larvae, also sucking cheese. The needles turn yellow.

on Tue harmful toy false schoolParthenolecanium Fletcheri)

on tees - teisova Flapshitovka(Parthenolecanium Pomeranicum)

in the Caucasus and Crimea cypressian shield(Carulaspisjuniperi.)hurts cypress, juniper, thus, pine:

Measures of struggle with them similar as on deciduous plants and roses (see). It should be sprayed with Bi-58 (0.2%), clipper (0.02%).

And there are pests leading a secretive lifestyle (cores, hurmes, sophisticated moths). The fight against some of them is very difficult.


This is the smallest (0.5-1mm) sucking insects whose bodies are covered with a wax fluff.

Different types of hurmeses harm on ate, fir, larch, pine, cedar.

The greatest problem is the pine hurmes on the cedar.

ELO-Larch HermesSacciphantes Viridis(on the different types ate and larch)

ELOVO-FIKHT HERMES(APHRASTIA Pectinatae)(on ate and fir) and others;

Pine Hermes.(Pineus Pini) and hermes Waemobyosna(P. Strobe)(on pine)

General form

Cocoon with egg layout with an increase in a microscope

In May, a white "gun" appears on the base of the cedar on the base of the cedar branches, sometimes very abundant. This is the masonry of the eggs of a pine church, which also harms and pine. Hermes larvae suck the juice from the needles and shoots, the needle is popped. The decorative appearance of cedars suffers, they are "bald", and also amazed with mushroom infections. Eggs and larvae of pine hurmes are protected by a wax fluff, and destroy them chemical preparations difficult.

Protection measures: In early May, a proactive spraying of Bi-58 (0.25%), decides should be carried out. (0.02%). It is possible to use mineral oil with a suffocating effect. Under the root can be carried out by watering Bi-58 (0.3%), confidor (0.15%) with a zircon (0.01%) for system protection of the plant. Processing should be repeated until the "gun" is completely disappeared.

Cheering insects:caterpillars of butterflies of scoop and silkworms, larvae of peelers.

Pine sawdle

Pillars pine redheadNeodiprion sertifer.

Ordinary pine sawlist Diprion Pini.

Females lay eggs into a cheva on the shoots of this year. False guns are bodied by a cheva, completely barbed branches. Red pine sawder damages pines, as well as cedar.

Spruce sawer

Similarly, harmful Spruce sawerPristiphora abiiina.: At first, the eggsheklad's female damages the chevings when laying eggs, and then the larvae are more seriously harmful on shoots.

Pests of shoots and stems: Beetles: Coroes, weevils, Usachi; caterpillars of shooting moles, escapes;


These are small beetles of brown or black color, the size is usually 2-6mm, attackers on pine, spruce, cedar, larch. They tear down under the bark (less often in the wood) of different shapes, laying eggs. Numerous larvae disconnecting their moves are derived from eggs. As a result, infectious trees die within a month.

Coroes are dangerous for large seedlings in size over 2.5m and for adult trees on your site, especially if it is located near the forest or injecting last year's planting of trees. The attack (LET) is usually occurring in the spring, but during the years of massive reproductions there may be the second invasion of the summer (for example, in 1999 in the suburbs at the Koroeda-typography, there were two years - in May and July).

Coroed Typographic(IPS.typographus.) (on ate and other conifers)

Engraver (PityogeneschalcoGraphus.) (on ate, pine, cedar)

Engraver (PityogeneschalcoGraphus.) (on ate, pine, cedar)

Large pine Louboe(Blastophagus.piniperda.) (on pine).

Large pine Louboed attacks pine at the end of April-early May, breaking always vertical moves up. From the moves, the drilling flour is partially poured, which is assembled at the base of the branches, under the tree trunk.

Protection measures:

At the end of April 2005, I had to defend twelve 5-6-meter pines, which I planted as a winter landing in Valentine, in a cottage village near the Elk Island. From the nearby forest, there was a massive fly of the Koroeda (Big Pine Louube), although the snow in the forest did not quite reach the forest. Zhukov was so much that they were on the shoulders of all people located on the site. Right in front of the eyes they were embedded under the bark, especially in places attaching branches, where the bark was thickening.

The search and the fight against this core was facilitated by the fact that the large pine Loubohed always breaks the vertical moves under the bark upward from the inlet, from which the resin flows and the drilling flour is poured. I had to manually open all moves with knife And to choose beetles. But at first I made full spraying of pines B-58 preparations (0.25%) and decis (0.02%). Processing I repeated three more times weekly, using more and confident (0.1%), karate (0.02%), with the addition of zircon (0.01%) - the zircon reduces the negative impact of chemicals on the plants.

If I arrived at the site for a couple of days later, it would be too late. And so all the trees managed to save. During the summer, I went intense care for pines, and they all gotat, giving an average of 25 cm by the end of the year. I watched these pines for two more years, keeping early in spring preventive spraying.

The fight against the core-typographer on the ate also comes down to prophylactic spraying of the trunks and crowns of early spring. In addition, all the injectable and dead trees in the area should be burned together with the roots and faded cheese.

In May 2004, I encountered the attack of the koroeed-typography by 9 pieces of 7-meter firings in the cottage village Metropol on the Yaroslavl highway. At the same time in the cottage village near Timoshkin (New Riga direction), the koroeda attacked 5 pieces of 7-8 meter firs. All ate me sled as a winter landing in February-March.

It was also necessary to carry out a complete spraying with chemicals of all firs. In addition, I used injections to the inlet holes of the beetles - The same drugs, but in a stronger concentration. The coroede-typograph, unlike the Big Pine Loudbo, cleans his moves, throwing out all the sawmills - drilling flour. Therefore, to open the knife for its moves: the solution of drugs under pressure penetrates well to the beetle itself. Thus, on both sites, I managed to destroy pests and all the trees were accustomed. Of course, the main role in successful struggle was played by the fact that I expected the invasion of coroes from the forests located right along the border of both sites, and conducted a prophylactic spraying.

In principle, it is possible to water in the root of large-scale seedlings with solutions of system insecticides, the same Bi-58 and confident. Moreover, the beetles winter in the litter of the needles under the trees or under the crust of the roots. But in all cases, the success of the struggle depends on the prevention and permanent supervision, especially in the spring, behind the condition of trees.

Drying of shoots and yellowing of conifers Siberian fir - Fir shooting mole.

The larvae of this moth swollen the canal inside the escape, and he dries. In addition, in the channel of the larvae discovered when analyzing the disputes of a malicious mushroom Verticillium Albo-Atrum.

Protection measures:spraying Bi-58 (0.2%), Aktar (0.04%), with the addition of zircon (0.01%). Trimming and burning safe shoots.


For example, the pine harms Wintering escape(Rhyacioniabuoliana.)

Damage to escape

Pupa Evregovo

Lictery of Ezhevovo

These are small brown-gray butterflies in the scope of the wings of about 20 mm. Brown caterpillars stretch the kidneys and the core of growing shoots. This leads to the curvature of shoots and stems, their rudder, alternateness. The caterpillars of the wintering escape feed on the bottom of growing shoots. The shootware-Smolevizer causes the formation of a smallest influx that covers the place of introducing the caterpillar on the shoot.

The main signs of the lesion of the trees with this pest is the appearance of a characteristic soft white or grayish floor, similar to the mold on the above-ground parts of the plants (but, for example, on a spruce of the flying may not be) and the gradual wilting of trees. The fibrous cooler serves as an insect larvae from environmental protection.

Rock on cedar (cedar Siberian pine)

Signs of damage to cedar hurmes - the presence of a white gun on the needles, shoots and plant barrels. With a strong damage to pests, the flare can appear on the entire aboveground part of the plant: both on the needles, and on shoots, and even on trunks. The old gun covers in this case the shoots of a solid veil, poorly removed from the plant, as if "glued". On the photo on the left is the case of chronic damage to Hermes, which is ongoing for several years. And at the very beginning of the pest settlement, only shoots of this year are affected. Fresh guns soft, easy to remove with her fingers. When rubbing the fluff between the fingers, sticky yellow-brown spots remain, poorly washed with water. This sticky fluid is formed after the crushing of the pest larvae, poorly visible to the naked eye and reliably hidden in a white fluffy shell.

The needle of the affected cedar slows down its growth, often twisted, young affected shoots become lighter and shortening. The growth of the plant as a whole is oppressed. The decorative qualities of the tree suffer greatly. Gradually, the plant dries. According to the quality of growth gains of previous years, it can be concluded that an infection occurred, and in terms of this year's growth, you can make a forecast for the development of the disease. The stronger the growth of the year is oppressed, the worse the forecast. If the escape of the current year is noticeably different from the previous ones - the needles are lighter, thinner, and the escape itself is much shorter, then the forecast is unfavorable. The most striking the weakest trees are affected - growing in the worst conditions. For example, a cedar growing in a lowland, on the overwhelmed soil, will lose its decorativeness first, while a tree growing on well-drained soil can successfully resist pest attacks for several years.

Hermes on Fir and Larch

The main sign is the crown's degree. The needles gradually falls, the crown is rare, becomes an openwork, acquires an untidy look. The color of the needles changes markedly. Crown becomes dim, reddings or yellow. Especially suffering the lower branches and branches in the shade of other trees. Under the closer look at the top of the needles, inhomogeneous spots are clearly visible. brown colorFrom the reverse side - whiten convex splashes. The fallout can be seen on the cheops themselves on the reverse side, and at the points of attaching the chewing to run, and at the base of escape. Trees gradually dry. You need to be attentively with the inspection of old shoots. It is on them, and in the depths of the crown, traces of Hermes are more common.

The yellowing of the needles of fir can be caused by other reasons, despite the fact that the attack of Hermes was earlier and still visible traces of its livelihoods in the form of a white or sulking gray. In this case, the assignment of incorrect treatment can only worsen the state of the tree.

If a larch grows next to the fir, then it is necessary to carefully examine it. When pest detects, it is necessary to process it. The color of larch's needles often remains bright green and does not change during the summer, and on the reverse side of the needles you can find only single characteristic tubercles. Children's larches cause less harm, since their needles are updated annually, but also, as with other coniferous trees, Hermes can become a peddler of dangerous fungal or viral infections on larch.

Hermes on the fir is harder to notice than on cedar Sine. On cedars, as a rule, plump balls of cotton plates are always present, while the fir chops are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, especially if the pests are a bit. On the fogging for clarity, the extremely neglected case of infection by pest is represented. In addition to white balls on the reverse side of the cup, the characteristic redheads and yellow spots are clearly noticeable on top of the indoors. The danger lies in the fact that insects are almost always the cause of drying in the FIKT from secondary reasons - from diseases of the difference in hurmes. It is necessary to conduct comprehensive detailed diagnostics for right choice Tactics of treatment. Diseases of coniferous trees, especially in a launched form, are seriously treated.

Signs of defeat by Elov Hermes - the presence of gallins on the shoots of the plant. Gall is the unnatural growth of the tissue of the shoot of ate, which in shape resembles a bump. Galla serve as a kind of "home" to ripen insect eggs and exit them for subsequent nutrition. When laying eggs, adult insects highlight peculiar chemical substanceprovoking the abnormal growth of escape tissues and postponed eggs. By the time of ripening, Gall eggs is already formed and begins to perform its function to protect the larvae insects. In the photo on the left - the needles of ate infected with Hermes. The needles begins to crumble, loses painting, but adult insects with a fluid look is not visible.

The struggle is aimed at full destruction of pests. Since the presence of surviving pests remains often developing resistance (stability) to drugs. Processing should be made in spring and, depending on the insecticide used, repeat them every 2-5 weeks throughout the growing season. Treatments are carried out by insecticidal preparations of a pyrethroid or nononicotinoid row. For independent treatments, such drugs like a tank, a spark of gold, confident.

The best result is handled by the method of cold or hot fog. The penetration of large-dispersed drops through the plaque is difficult, therefore, in its practice, plant protection specialists use professional equipment - Ranger motor sprayers (cold fog formations) and steam plants of hot fog.

A positive result can be achieved in the independent use of these insecticides and handling with a manual sprayer, but provided that the entire plant is processed entirely, and the multiplicity of treatments does not change. It is impossible to leave the unprocessed inner part of the plant or bypass the top of the tree. This can lead to resistance. If these rules are not followed, in the subsequent, the active drugs will be much more complicated.

And a manual sprayer, and cold, and the hot fog process all the plant entirely, carefully work out all branches, the inner part of the crown, the trunk. It is advisable to spend work and neighbors - to treat all the boys, who can get used - spruce, pines, fir and larchs. The more plants in the area will be disinfined, the higher the chance that the pest will not return again.

To reduce the number of treatments, injections are used by trees. This method allows you to destroy insects completely, in all hard to reach places. At the same time, poisoning substances apply to all parts of the plant, and insects, feeding in poisonous juices for them, die. It should be noted that the injections do not act on the masonry of the eggs of Hermes, so the best result is achieved with a combination of sprayings confined to the moment of ripening of larvae from eggs and system injections that are made only once.

The main plus of injection is that there is no harmful effect on the ecosystem. Poisonous substances are not sprayed outside, and their number is minimal. The method is completely safe for pets and people. If the injections are carried out according to the arborgore system, then nothing is "sticking out" from the trees, it is impossible to accidentally tear off or eat capacity with the active substance, as often happens with the injectations on the MAUGET system (Mauget) - the dogs are biting the bottle-sticking bottles. We recommend the arbor system also because it is best suited for coniferous treesbecause Preparations are introduced under the crown under pressure.

Strait soil insecticides against Hermes is useless. This method causes plants and man more harm than good.

It is worth mentioning about improving trees growing conditions. Healthy and severe plants are less likely to attack pests. This should be taken back at the landing stage - the better the conditions of the plant (moisture and soil fertility, illumination, mechanical composition of soils, etc.) will be suitable, the stronger will be the tree and the less effort will be required to maintain his health and decorative qualities.

White raid on the branches, the needle - the right sign of the attack of the insect pest, tribe called Hermes. He leaves his larvae in comfortable sinuses between needles. They are small, but are visible due to the high crowding and long hairs with a glossy overflow. All together form that the most white cotton raid. It is easy to see the naked eye.

The larvae are on the tree all winter, and with spring warming turn into insects. While the pest lives on the pine, he sucks the juices out of her. As a result of the needles yellow. Prepress the appearance of the hurmes is difficult if other pines, ate or cedar are growing. Insect colonies are easily propagated by the coniferous forest and infect extensive areas.

What measures are taken when Hermes are detected:

  1. Ignore it. The failure is unable to destroy an adult healthy tree. Unless ruined appearance, slow down its growth and development will increase vulnerability to other missticks. But the young trees risk perish.
  2. Processing pine folk remedies. The method is effective with a minor scale of infection. Spraying is carried out with soap, tobacco, ash or garlic.
  3. Use insecticides. The result gives a 2-time spraying of the tree with an interval per month. So you destroy the pest at different stages of development. Preparations:
  • Spark - 1 tab. bred on 10 liters of water;
  • Carbofos - 90 g per 10 l;

  • Commander;
  • Actara;

Attention! After any processing white flag Does not disappear. But this does not mean that Hermes are still alive.

Diseases Schute

The term "spindle" denote a group of fungal diseases of coniferous trees. They have different pathogens, but symptoms and treatment of monotonous. On the greens of pine, dark stains appear, the needles are covered with sticky black or brown pads and fall. Fungal organisms spread from several cups onto all wood. As a result, it dies. Saplings, and adult pines are susceptible to dangers, but more often - copies under the age of 6 years.


  • The present. The spring and the first weeks of summer is manifested. But the first symptoms are still autumn, in the form of small yellow dots. The needles with such a pine sousic will raw and falls.
  • Ordinary. In the fall or immediately after wintering, the pathogen destroys the needles from the inside. Other needles becomes red-drier. Mushrooms grow on it. Spruce ruffles whole branches. The greatest risk of death from this pine sinful disease and young seedlings to 3 years.

  • Snowy. The most dangerous to the pines. Mushroom breeds in winter when low temperatures (But not lower than 0 ° C). An important condition for its development is high snowlessness. The affected pine needles will boil and dies. Another part of the greenery changes the color on the redhead, then gray and becomes a house for a new dispute. The needles do not disappear entirely, but crumble. It is transferred late autumn with a wind on a healthy tree.
  • Brown. Mycelium also extends in the fall, and multiplies under the snow. Loves long melting. Covers whole branches from the lower to the top.
  • Schute juniper. Noticeably on last year's chessings in the form of dirty yellow, brown plates

Bordeaux liquid, a solution of copper sulfate, HOV, ABIG peak, lime-sulfuric decoction will help in early stages of infection, in the fall or in March after melting of snow. In summer, processing can be repeated. But the fight against pine progressive disease with the help of universal fungicides is ineffective. In nurseries and leshozes use special systemic drugs According to a special method.

Ways to deal with spit

A good way to avoid spit - warn it. Methods:

  • preventive pine spraying copper and sulfur-containing mixtures;
  • regular cleaning of the entire area, cleaning from fallen needles (both sick and healthy);
  • trimming dried branches;
  • timely rehabilitation of landing from Samosov;
  • snow cleaning with branches and under the tree.

Council. Space on top of a snow cover ash or peat crumb. Such a measure will give a tree additional protection and accelerate the melting of snow in the spring.

Many fungal infection problems are eliminated at the plant planting the plant. There are sustainable causative types of conifers - fir european and pine twisted. They are rooted instead of the usual pine terrain with an increased risk of infection. Special trees landing also becomes a natural barrier to spread dispute.

Do not give plants the opportunity to multiply yourself. Place pines as far as possible from each other. First, the distance will slow down the flight of infection from an infected instance to healthy. Secondly, detached Christmas trees are growing faster and before forming immunity.

Rust Nonland

  • Coniferous rust. Mounts on young pins and in dense landings of nurseries. Shows the spring in the form of bubbles on the needle. As a result of the neglence of pine sickness, shores, loses their cheese and decorativeness. Transmitted from coltsfoot, bell and other herbs.
  • Rust bumps. Forms dark brown mushrooms on fir scales. Rubit seeds, settled in cones that become permanent home fungus and do not fall out for several years. Sometimes pine's disease is manifested in curvature of shoots. The main owner is a cherry.


  • Pine Vertune. Caused by several fungal species. Transmitted from Osin. Also deforms shoots. Yellow-orange mushrooms breaks the bark on the trunk, causes an intensive mixture. Transmitted from gooseberry and currant.

Adult pine parasites and fungal infections will not destroy, although they damage decorativeness. Diseases are more dangerous for young trees. Conduct prevention, take care and treat them until the pines do not find sufficient immunity.

The most common coniferous diseases on household plots Middle strip Russia. Description of diseases simple and affordable, without unnecessary details. This will allow you to determine the nature of the disease and take simple actions to our arrival. Men's diseases later consider it later, the name is similar to them, but the symptoms are different.

* Rust larch and pines - Yellowish-orange stains appear on the chewings at an early stage (spring), after spioning - brown spots. Conductors are dirty, i.e. Separate stages of fungus develop on herbatous plants.
*Rust bubble pines Weimutov and Cedar - I am striking mainly trunks and branches. It begins with the needles, then the trunks are formed in the trunks and springs of yellow-orange color. When the branch or the trunk is solved, the upper part dies. If under the crown - the plant dies.
Rust is good "removed" on the conifers "Topaz" (" soon ") And" strides. "To enhance the effect, you can make the following mixture: to a working solution with" fast / topaz " katocid (According to the instructions) - the result is stalking. Affect differently, as if complementing each other. Puffy dew on fruit and berry and decorative cultures.

*Spit ordinary (spruce, pine, fir ) - the needles will boil in May, next year a large amount appears in the spring black brilliant elongated points (pads) on the bottom.
The disease is common everywhere and especially dangerous in nurseries, where landing are thickened, strong shadensiness.

Spit ordinary on the pine.

* Spiritte Brown (spruce, pine, fir ) - The spring of the needles turns yellow, then covered with a white and gray spider mushroom, with a dark-gray time, as if overlapping chew. The needles will boil, dry, not crept for a long time.

* Sowing green needles on ate - I appeared for the first time on the ate of "Inversa", allowing that connected with bacterial infection - vascular bactariosis (With fuzarium blushes needles). Symptoms: A minor loss of intensity intensity of the painting of the needles (faded), begins to focus the cupboards without changing the color, with a strong lesion or not in time a treatment carried out - when touched by the massacifia. Important - the color of the needles does not change. Cuts of branches and trunk clean, damage or other formations on the root was not observed

It was cured as follows: a) the ground "Fundazole" (during starting), on the rest of the seals, the soil spilled "Maxim" (1 time). b) after 3-4 days the shedding of the soil (2-3 times) phytoosporin. To restore the root system 2 days after watering the phytoosporin, spilled the "zircon" (2 times). Unfortunately at that moment was notmattotside, if it is presence, part of the unchecked treatments would fall.

Outcome: All ate alive, except one.

Sowing needles on ate.

* Shingle Snow (spruce, pine) - on young couplers in autumnappear red-brown spots , in spring (still lies the snow) develops on them White dense flaw (Mycelium), which over time dries. Gradually, a lot of fine black spots (fruit bodies) are formed on the couch.

The photo is provided by the subscriber of the site.

The photo shows a great resemblance to Fusariosis, but it is precisely when spitting can die separate shoots. There is some similarity and with damage to firing religion moth, but there is no place inherent in this pest.
The reasons : the overall weakening of plants, planting thickens, abundance of precipitation in some years.

* Trachemicosis or fuzariosis (spruce, pine, fir, larch) - Redness of the needles, her sweeping.
The pathogens belong to soil pathogens causing the root system . The disease occurs at low areas, heavy clay soils and bad dr yenazha . In addition to the necessary chemical processing, a good result gives the following method. We have repeatedly applied on different plantsIt is simple, but effective: plastic tubes 15, 20, 30, 30 cm long driven around the affected plant in the ground. This allowed the roots to breathe and cleaned the extra moisture. Simultaneously shed the root system katocomide, Fundazole or Maxim ("Phytosporin - M, Gamiir, Alin - B" - biopreparations).

The feature of the fusariosis is in the defeat of the middle part of the crown in all conifers and only on pines it is manifested by the yellowing of individual shoots.
From the rest of the disease (cr. Fusariosis) it is necessary to spray plants in spring and autumn, with severe defeat and summer, drugs: Abiga - Peak / Hom, potatoeside

fusariosis on blue spruce .

Shew larch - the needles begins to turn yellow from the ends with small areas, and then bulges and falls entirely.Adult plants can be sick. Development promotes increased humidity, shading. (HOM / ABIG peak, potatoeside)

shew larch

increment on larch after treatment

Biaathereellic cancer juniper - it appears only in mechanical damage to the branches and then with time in the crust and wood, pathogens, causing necrosis of the bark begins to develop. The mushroom develops in the tissues of the cortex, the bore will rake, dries, cracks. Wood gradually devies, and longitudinal ulcers are formed. Treated, checked ! Treatment - Cut all the bad damaged branches, smeared the cuts of oil paint, spray for a long time and stubbornly (at least 4 times per season). His juniper did not cut, sorry, shed the soil and sprayed them with potatoeside. In the photo, just the consequences, healing wounds.

Biaathereellic cancer, visible longitudinal ulcers across the fingers.

Spit juniper - The needles will rage on last year's shoots (in May) and long does not appear. The infection is maintained in amazed khvinki and plant residues. Treatment - Crop the affected tips and spraying by potatocomation or other copper-containing drugs

Spit juniper

Schuce Brown Tui

Schute Brown (Thuja, Spruce, Fir) - I got sick in the fall, the main danger of this infection is that the plants are possible, both in nurseries and in the gardens. Infection is maintained in plant residues and affected by needle, can fly from forest coniferous trees. The nastiness is unpleasant, decorative is lost, but not deadly. I will treat, in the fall I will lay out the photo what happened in the album (alas, it would not work out, the Tui became healthy with a good increase, they bought them immediately, did not have time to do a photo), by the way, and small trees "Nidoformis" were infected. Passing the needles in the top of the plant. Treatment : trimming dried branches, cleaning plant residues, spraying by potatocomotes or abiga peak / Hoome from 3 to 5 times per season, on degree of lesion. In my case at least 4 times per season.

Fusariosis young pine mountain

Restoration of ate Canadian on a strain after fuzariosis

Spring yellowing of the Tui and other conifers

At the Moscow Zoo

Coupling from the bottom side of the green, when touched sued. There was not enough moisture, despite the rainy 17 year.

This happens on sunny places from temperature fluctuations or dehydrated from frost, which then leads to a drying of the entire plant. It is most often the conifers from dehydration and die. This is due to the fact that very often, almost always, the trees in the comma (dug apart before November) and in decorative containers are not poured. Trees are still dry before landing, while the air temperature is still positive and the vital activity of the plant continues. including And the work of the roots (which remained). Lack of moisture in the plant itself and leads to such a sad result; The sun, the wind - all this reduces the water content in the plant, and the root does not work yet. It is difficult to explain to not understanding people that plants in the capacles require additional watering, despite rainy weather. Rainy water still need to get into the container, rolling in wax journals.

* When buying, check the coma, it is best if the trees with a closer touch or there is an appearance of watering, sprigs elastic. After landing, the Tui with a coma, about a hundred Waterproofing watering for the winter and does not interfere with still spraying with water in Crown. So make with all plants leaving for wintering, even foliageeloquent.

*** When and from what sores to handle conifers are in the article "Simple definition of diseases"!

*Of all these drugs, the most effective was the potatocide, especially on coniferous. In order for the plants to do not hurt, it is necessary to process 3 times for the season (in detail in Art. " simple definition of disease"). Important! Having made a wicked mixture of "Catotsid +" Spark Golden "Get a stunning result, the entire season will be protected from 3 main treatments.

Studies at the Institute for Protection of C / X Plants showed a multiple excess of the effectiveness of this tank mixture in comparison and cypermetry, hereinafter - zetacyipermetrines. These are not final conclusions, in the summer of 2016 there will be further experiments to improve efficiency with other D.V. Various drugs, interesting results will be reported in a timely manner in this article.

GOOD NEWS: The water mixture can now be done with the actar (allowed by 8 multiple doses exceeding) potatoeside + actara \u003d super ! Especially for those who do not like foreign odors when processing the garden. By the way, this tank is also a soil to shed. Attention : sadness !!! The actar relates to those drugs, which disappears bees (alas, proven fact, France 2017-18). Change in tank mixtures neonicatinoids (Aktara, Regent, Confan, Calypso) On Pyreteroids or Malaytion (phosphoric, improved carbofos), or do not use the actor during the flowering period and the problem of the problem.

*** In field experiments, he surpassed Fundazol several times, in terms of quality and speed of influence on bacterial and fungal diseases And copper cunery many times also, plus and safety for health. At the same time, the copper cunery is pathogenic, protective masks are not saved from harm.

+++ pot mixture katotside + Epin / Zircon a great double Effect : Stimulator increases the stability of the plant, the potatocid destroys anybody at this time. (More in the article (potatocid ")

++++ Top mixture Katotside + Sorrow - excellent result! There is no more need to abide by the period of expectation of one drug. To handle others.

Conclusion: Of all the distinguished fungicides, katocid showed itself more efficient, works perfectly in the tank mixture.

*** If coniferous is sick, then the processing of their fungicides is 2-3 times not a panacea, they need to be processed 2 times a month. Conifers are treated enough hard, this explains such a number of treatments and so full of recovery.

Slices to lure must "rob" or a similar means from "Etisso", to restore the overall state of conifers, they spill and processed in the crown "Super Gumisol" + HB 101. Best mineral fertilizer He became "Nutrisol" (Pucchioni S.P.A, Italy) ", actually works on conifers. Now sold as"nutrisol for conifer . I strongly recommend that I have not met yet.

*** Minded all coniferous when landing and spring Treat, alternateadaptogen Antistress Epin Extra with inductor disease resistance and root formation with zircon. It is enough for one time by each of the drugs.

Photos of some diseases and pests are in the album (plants protection)


The first spraying of trees with maximum effect There will be only B. phase of the separation of flower kidneyin fruit. This is when you can distinguish floral kidneys from vegetative. This period is called the "blue" spraying, i.e. Apply from diseases copper-containing drugs (potatoeside, Hom, copper sulphate, Abiga peak). Do not forget to remove the main sources of diseases (cropping of sick branches, affected by chevy, amazed leaves and fruits, etc.) Be sure to carry out a complex of agrotechnical measures to increase the vitality of trees and resistance to disease. The main thing in combating diseases is high agricultural engineering and sanitary and preventive measures, but do not forget to observe in everything."Perenchable" plants suffer as well as people with overweight. Soil pathogens causing root rot and affecting the vascular system of trunks and branches. Stops access nutrients To the young branches, the leaves will boil and dry, kidneys and shoots also dry, the plants die.

It's a beautiful leaf of an apple tree - Phosphorus deficiency.Approximate coloring is the other plants (with color variations). It is removed by spraying potassium monophosphate or orthophosphoric acid (dilute of course, otherwise there have been cases), or a root superphosphate, as an option with complex water-soluble fertilizers on the leaves (aquarin, nutrisol and analogs)

Read the part II there is also interesting, there is a "new" pest for coniferous south of Russia ...

Cedar is a representative of the coniferous trees of the Pine Family. It is presented with four types. It is a large, up to fifty meters, a tree, with a wide and powerful crown, which, depending on the species, may have a pyramidal or umbrella form. The needles on splashing branches is located beams.

The cedar wood exudes beautiful flavors. therefore essential oil Cedar enjoys great popularity. Cedar nuts and cones are also actively used.

In addition to decorative external data, cedar has a lot of other useful applications.


The majestic and powerful cedar for a long time is grown in our gardens. He decorated the noble estates, the foundation of monasteries and churches. Today, this tree can be found in any garden and park zone. His growing has become widespread. Correct care and elementary knowledge allows you to create everything the necessary conditions For cedar, which will decorate the garden for many, many years.

Unfortunately, cedar, as well as other representatives of the garden and park flora, are subject to a number of diseases. Therefore, before planting on the site of representatives of this kind, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with what diseases and pests are subject to, find out how to deal with them and explore the methods of prevention.


Adult cedar who grows for several years in the garden is sufficiently resistant to different types Diseases and pests. He has a well-developed root system, a strong trunk and a powerful crown. Almost impossible to overcome it. But with young seedlings, who only landed or the sides of the first years of life it is quite different. Due to the fact that when transplanting to a new place residence, cedar is experiencing severe stress, it becomes weakened and he takes some time to restore his forces, it becomes vulnerable to garden pests and various ailments.

The most common diseases is:

  • rust;
  • sawnka or resin cancer.

Rust settles on the needles. Initially, yellow bubbles can be seen, which are gradually turning into a powder that spreads on the trees and amazes them. Rust is a spore fungus, which actively multiplies in a warm and humid environment. Most often this species The fungus is formed on herbs and weeds that grow near the cedar, and even then with favorable conditions for them, spread throughout the tree. Therefore, in order to prevent prevention, it is necessary to regularly spoil the weed grass around the tree.

When rust appears on a cedar, the affected parts are laid out and burned.

Rust is not too dangerous for the tree, which you can not say about SERYANK.

Sawnian or resin cancer occurs due to the appearance of a rust mushroom. He is dangerous because he is striking chew, Corre, Lob, Cambier. His actions too undermine the immunity of cedar and is actively starting to attack various garden pests.

All parts of the tree are destroyed by destroying, which were amazed by a rust fungus.

Since this disease, first cases appear on the gooseberry and currant bushes, it is recommended to prevent such a neighborhood for prevention. It will save cedar from infection.

Diseases of cedar trees, makes them too attractive for insect pests.

Weed cedar, most often attack:

  • ordinary engraver (cored beetle);
  • pine hurmes;
  • tLL pine;
  • ordinary shield;
  • pine spine.

Beetle Coroed, begins to act in the late spring. He damages the cedar bark, making there moves in order to postpone his larvae there. They can be vryatli can be seen with an external inspection, but a dead bark and holes in it are difficult not to notice. Next to holes, light brown powder and partially residual deposits appear. Thus, cedar tries to get rid of the pest. But he needs additional help gardener. After all, without fighting the core, the tree by the end of the year will just die. Therefore, cedar, especially at a young age (two years of life) it is necessary to process special drugs to protect against cored beetles.

Pine Hermes is a variety of Tly. The appearance of its appearance is evidenced by a white bloom on the needles, which is formed as a result of a large cluster of Hermes larvae.

The wave attacks his chew and young shoots. She actively populates them and sucks juice from them, as a result of the branch lose vitality, they begin to shut up and fad.

Therefore, as soon as the white bloom on coniferous branches was revealed, they need to immediately remove from the tree and burn.

White raid (pine hurmes) quickly spreads on a tree, especially in young, so in addition to the removal of affected branches, their (cedars) need to be treated with special drugs. Such actions will help rather get rid of the Tly and give wood additional forces for further growth.

And so with the tool you need to fight as follows:

  1. It is necessary to make a barking preparation "Aktara". It gives additional cedar forces and acts as a disinfectant.
  2. Treat the crown special insecticidal means. You can use "Aktellik", "Decis", "Fufan", "Carbofos", "Commander", etc., apply them to according to the instructions. Spray the tree once every three weeks until it gets rid of the hurmes.

The waves pine, unfortunately, loves cedar. She is gray with hairproof. Ajust these insects young shoots. They tightly cut the branches and feed them with juice. What natural leads to death. Fight with pine throat with a spraying carbofos. They are also recommended to spend in spring and prophylactic spraying.

Not so often, but still you can meet on the cedar and the tape of ordinary. This is a white pest insect or brown. Their vital activity leads to the loss of needles, it just crepts. Fight with a shield with insecticides. You can use the same drugs as when combating Hermes.

Pine spine is a butterfly, which appears at the end of May and actively postpones his eggs on coniferous branches, of which caterpillars appear in the middle or late August. They are very loved by a chew and kidney. Caterpillars are actively eating everything in their path. If not taken effective methods Fight, the tree may die. When the pine spiders is detected, it is necessary to process the lepyocid preparation or other effective insecticides.

As we see, pests and cedar diseases are abuse. But if the weeds are timely removed in a timely manner (they are many diseases of many diseases), to abide by the garden neighborhood, to conduct timely preventive treatment of insecticide trees, you can avoid many troubles when growing a cedar.