Why do small children dream? What does it mean to hold a child in your arms in a dream? What is the dream of a guy with his child. Dream Interpretation from A to Z: what do babies dream of in their arms

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing beautiful children in a dream portends extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good. For a mother to see her child in a dream as easily ill means that he will always have good health, but she will be bothered by other minor annoyances associated with him. Seeing how children work or study portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have reason to be afraid, as terrible threats to his well-being arise. see in dream of the dead child - to anxiety and disappointment in the near future. Grieved by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious forebodings, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends. Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve the goal in all commercial and love affairs.

Why do children dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

kiss - calmness; hitting children is success; fooling around - happiness in the personal, in the family; own - can mean the dreamer's eyes; others - new opportunities.

See children in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Children are an image that deserves special attention because it conveys the true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; they also tend to frankly express their feelings to objects of both adoration and hatred. Do you dream of friendship with a child? The interpretation is ambiguous. If this child exists in your real life, then it's just a projection of your desire. If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how you are connected with this child. If in a dream you become a parent and see your own children, it is likely that this is the usual embodiment of desire. However, this may also be an indication that relationships with your parents or other important people are not going well. In addition, seeing yourself as a parent means the need to realize the desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone close to you is out of control and you want to get everything back to normal. And since most of us have experienced parental dominance, we can do the same thing in our dreams as adults. One more possible variant- this is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others show their authoritarianism towards you and try to control you. For example, you dream that you, like in childhood, play dress-up at work, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this may mean that your colleagues are more authoritative than you.

Why dream about children

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you will have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet. If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you behave not in the best way. Your childish antics are highly inappropriate and offend the people around you. To see crying children in a dream - a dream portends a world danger. There will come a time when the men will go to war, the women will be busy with things that are unusual for them, and the children will shed many tears. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or children of close relatives. If you dreamed of disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of those around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies ecological catastrophe on the planet. If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in dealing with your family. It is possible that by your actions and words you greatly offend them. Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles. Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job to your liking, but, despite your search, you will have to spend some more time in an old unloved job that deprives you of your last strength.

Why is the toy dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

deception; buy - lead.

I dreamed about pregnancy

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast for her successful resolution of the burden and an early recovery of strength.

Why dream of pregnancy

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); see a pregnant woman - trouble; if she gave birth (for a girl) - a fun life; mother's grief; for a man to give birth is the completion of affairs; son - quick profit, gain; girl - a new unexpected relationship to happiness.

Dream about pregnancy

according to Loff's dream book

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a “push event” and sets its certain content. Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation. If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection. One of the archetypes according to Jung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct for the preservation of the family. To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the stage of a child and the transition to an adult level. If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, anxieties of the “what if” type may arise, which require reflection and resolution. A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as a compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world. The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, the death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, as well as increased fertility, where conceptions and gestation occurs more often and regardless of protection. Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative volition, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position. Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of mother. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

The meaning of sleep about pregnancy

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event would not be long in coming. For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Why is the doll dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

strange addiction; strange relationship.

Seeing a child in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

As the object of your dreams, the child is something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or it is imposed from outside. A dream involving a child can be dreamed of by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

child in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The child is a symbol of hope, the future. If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple. Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world. If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will very much need his help. To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease. If you dreamed of a child who had no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Because of Environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders. To see a healthy smiling child in a dream - lucky sign. On Earth it will finally come happy time when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children. To dream of a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity. A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war. If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life. To see a crying child is to jeopardize your future. To look for your child in a dream is to try to find lost hope. Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment. To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

Dreamed of a child

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing crying children in a dream is a sign of poor health and disappointment. A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disdain for unworthy opinions. If a woman sees in a dream that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts the most. A bad sign is to see in a dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream portends mental suffering and sadness.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

If in a dream you are nursing a child, then this may indicate the approach of grief and sadness. If you dream of a sick child, then this may prophesy the death of a relative.

Dreamed about school

according to Miller's dream book

Going to school in a dream is a hallmark of your unconditional literary talent. If you dream that you are young, and the school of your dream is the school of your youth, then you will find that the vicissitudes of fate will make you yearn for the simple truths and unpretentious joys of the old days. If you dream that you teach at school, it means that you will be attracted by a liberal education, but the severe need for daily bread will change everything. If you visit the school of your childhood in a dream, it means that some unfortunate incident will overshadow your life today. Seeing a school and children in its yard in a dream promises you a gradual ascent through the ranks.

What is the dream of school

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

anxiety; to be in it is a reproach.

Dreamed offspring

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your own offspring in a dream means cheerfulness and constantly cheerful voices of children and neighbors in your house in the future. To see the offspring of domestic animals in a dream means an increase in your well-being.

The meaning of sleep about getting pregnant

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed that she became pregnant, in real life this promises her an acquaintance with a new admirer, relations with whom will be much more productive than those that connected her with her previous partner. If a man suddenly had such a dream, then he promises trouble in relations with women. Your current union may be complicated by undesirable consequences.

Having noticed a man with a baby in a night vision, be sure to look into the dream book. In it you will find very interesting and useful interpretations that almost always come true. Therefore, when you wake up, try not to forget even the most insignificant of the dreamed details - they will help to reveal the secret of sleep.

Miller's predictions

Changes will occur in the life of the sleeper, which, according to Miller, is what a man with a child dreams about. For example, a dream that you are lying with your loved one in bed, and a child is sleeping between you, is an indication that the dreamer (or dreamer) will soon go down the aisle and become a dad (mother).

A dream about a dirty, untidy tramp with a child, according to an American psychologist, reflects the inner desire of the sleeping woman for adventures, her desire to communicate with dangerous, unpredictable personalities. Is it worth reminding that such behavior is fraught with disaster?

Character personality

The interpretation is also influenced by the person who dreamed in a dream, as well as by who he is sleeping. For example, if a former spouse was noticed with a child, then you suffer from the fact that you did not dot the “and” when parting. Between you remains a certain connection, interdependence.

What did the military man dream about with the baby? Such a vision is a warning about possible dangers on the road, on the way. Especially if a little boy appeared in a dream.

What if you saw a friend leading a baby by the hand? You will hear from this person soon. Great when in night dream a colleague communicates with the child. In reality, this means that you have an excellent fruitful relationship with your colleagues, and together you will cope with a complex project that will bring excellent income.

How then to treat the boss who appeared in a dream with a child? Positively, says the dream book, as this is a sign of a promotion, an increase in wages.

Man in labor?

A fantastic vision that the representative of the stronger sex gave birth to a child, comments Eastern dream book, pleasing the sleeper with the fact that he will actually give birth to ... a brilliant thought, a brilliant idea.

If you had to be present at the painful male birth in the nocturnal phantasmagoria, then you can easily find a way out of the impasse.

It is curious how the famous Freud interprets the dream that the beloved of the sleeping woman gave birth to a female baby. It turns out that this is a sign that the dreamer and her partner will plunge into the power of sensual pleasures, discovering new ways to satisfy passion.

If the newborn in the dream was a boy, then the sleeping beauty will soon find herself a new heart friend.

Surprises of fate

A man and a child are standing side by side while you are experiencing labor pains? Why dream of such a plot? Gypsy dream book gives the answer: if it was a boy, then in the dreamer's life there will be a series of joyful, pleasant hassle, and if it's a girl, get ready for amazing surprises and unexpected twists of fate. Serious changes will occur in the life of that dreamer, whom in a night dream a man only asks for the birth of an heir. First of all, these changes will affect personal life, family status.

Intruder or soccer player

The accuracy of the prediction also depends on the actions of the characters in the dream. According to the dream book of the sorceress Medea, a man playing with a child is a sign of future joy. If the baby is in his arms, then you can hope for additional profit. But if you scolded, then in the near future you will be very offended by someone in reality.

The Modern Dream Book says that an adult football player teaching a child to play is a harbinger of soon meeting a new fan who will become a faithful husband to the dreamer.

A dream with a clearly criminal plot - you are watching an intruder who has stolen a child, warns you about the tricks and intrigues of competitors.

Family Predictions

A married man sees himself in a dream next to a boy? Such a vision promises family happiness, harmony in relations with his wife.

Then why did you dream that you were driving away the unfortunate baby? Dream Interpretation Longo warns against conflicts with your soulmate, threatening scandals and even divorce.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 02/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

If you dreamed of a man with a child, then take the interpretation of what this dream is about with all responsibility. Dream Interpretations claim that such plots are not in vain, and everything that they predict usually comes true. Therefore, remember all the nuances you saw in a dream, arm yourself with several interpreters, and guess what this vision prophesies.

Miller's interpretations

How tends to count Miller's dream book , a man with a child seen in a dream is a kind of signal that changes await you. Here, for example, if you see in a dream that you are lying in bed with a guy, and a baby lies between you, then this means an early marriage and the birth of your own baby.

But, a dreaming bum with a little ragamuffin means the dreamer's irrepressible craving for unpleasant and dangerous personalities. This can be very dangerous, the interpreter warns.

Who was the man

An important factor in interpreting a dream about a man with a child is the fact of who exactly the subject seen in the dream was. For example, here are the options:

  • ex-husband - there is an understatement between you that bothers you;
  • charming stranger - you crave now unknown entertainment;
  • military - be careful on the way, especially if the child was male;
  • friend - to unexpected news about this person;
  • colleague - fruitful cooperation awaits you and, as a result, a good income;
  • boss - to increase either in position or in salary.
Man giving birth If you dreamed of a man who gave birth to a baby, then you can count on insight into an excellent idea, says Eastern dream book . Seeing in a dream how a representative of the strong half of humanity gives birth is a sign that you will be able to find a way out of an impasse.

But what the dream prophesies in which your beloved gave birth, according to vision Freud's dream book : if he gave birth to a girl - you will find new ways to satisfy your sexual desires and your partner; and if you dreamed of a pregnancy as a boy and his subsequent birth, then this could promise the emergence of a new relationship.

Favorite person

If you dreamed about the birth of your baby, then this is what it means in a dream, according to the version gypsy interpreter . You see that a beloved man with a child is standing next to you, then pay attention with whom exactly: with a boy - to joyful worries, with a girl - to amazing changes.

And if you dreamed that a loved one only asks to give birth to his son or daughter, then this is a symbol of serious changes associated with family status.

stranger with baby

If in a dream you see an unfamiliar man with a child whom he holds in his arms, then remember what he did with him, recommends dream book of Medea : played with him - to joy; scolded - to resentment; fed, holding him in his arms - for profit.

And according to the version Modern dream book , interpreting what a dream is about, in which a man with a child plays football - this is a sign of an early acquaintance with a person who will become a spouse. Do you see the stranger holding the baby he stole in his arms? Beware of falling for the tricks set by competitors.

Married man with a child

A married guy sees a boy next to him in a dream - a symbol family happiness and strong relationship with his wife. But why dream that you drive the baby away from you: you should beware of family conflicts, they can lead to divorce, broadcasts Longo's dream book.

Dreams with a beautiful healthy baby usually turn out to be a favorable harbinger. They promise a man or woman the meaning of life or promise a serious career advancement. And why the child is dreaming of a boy is described in this article.

What is the dream of a child boy - interpretation from dream books

In order to correctly understand any dream with a child that appeared in it, you must first of all remember what the baby looked like and what mood he was in. Miller notes that a very handsome alien boy turns out to be a harbinger of financial success. If the baby also handed some object to the sleeping person, then it can be expected at all that the money will literally fall on the person’s head.

Had to play with a boy in a dream? In Tsvetkov's dream book, it is noted that such a plot promises the dreamer a favorable life period. It will be quite lengthy. It is interesting that a person will be lucky literally in all spheres of life, without exception - in love relationships, in a career, in finance, etc.

Vanga's work explains that meeting an unfamiliar boy on the road in a dream indicates the sleeper's insecurity in himself and in his future. If these experiences prevent a person from living and developing, then it is better to deal with them with the help of a psychologist.

The meaning of sleep depending on the dreamer's gender

Most often, babies of both sexes dream of girls, but also in male dreams they appear periodically. The interpretation of the plot may also depend on the gender of the sleeper.

If a woman sees a newborn crying in a stroller, then she has long dreamed of marriage. The subconscious mind signals to the dreamer that she should start looking for her soulmate. Only by finding love and a family, the young lady can become truly happy.

Did you have to look for a lost boy in a dream? Awakening needs to be careful. There is a possibility that because of her frivolity or naivety, the girl will get into trouble.

what is the dream of a man with a child boy

A man with a child, a boy, who appeared in a dream to a woman, indicates the upcoming changes in her life, which will directly affect relationships with the opposite sex. The interpretation of sleep largely depends on who the senior night guest is and what emotions he evokes. appearance. The repulsive appearance of a man promises undesirable turning points, and the disposing, on the contrary, promises happy surprises. The presence in a dream of a former spouse with a boy indicates a woman’s internal doubts about the validity of a divorce and a desire to restore lost family relationships. If you recognize your own colleague or leader in the child’s companion, you can safely count on professional success and unplanned financial receipts. Stranger man with a boy for unmarried girl may portend the creation of a family.

man with a child boy in a dream

A man with a child a boy from a woman's family indicates that some of her actions harm loved ones, offend their feelings. If the adult and the baby are unfamiliar, it is worth thinking about their behavior: the boy’s tears warn of the likely insults that the younger members of her family will inflict on the woman. Threesome games talk about searching best use their professional skills, which may result in a change of job.

dreamed of a man with a child boy

A man with a child boy guarantees well-being in business matters for representatives of his gender. And promises women more wide opportunities feel satisfaction. Even if she experiences real life unrequited affection for the person he saw, the presence of a boy in a dream symbolizes favorable changes for the better. A blond child paired with a man portends a new love. Only red-haired guests should beware. Their nocturnal visit symbolizes deceit and the trouble that follows.