How to sing at home. Regular practice will help develop a beautiful and pleasant voice.

In fact, almost anyone can sing. But someone has more natural data for this, while someone, on the contrary, has less of them. If your voice is not very well set, then this problem can be corrected with the help of regular classes. In order to sing better, you need to work hard on your respiratory system. It is important to pay attention to your posture as well as your breathing. Once you learn the basics, you can sign up for further training with professionals.

Many would like to know how to sing beautifully at home. From this article you can learn how to learn to sing beautifully on your own.

Part one of three: how to learn to sing beautifully― correct posture and proper breathing

In fact, in order for your lungs to work well, you need to ensure that you always have an even posture. In order for your body to learn what a straight posture is, stand with your back against a flat wall. Then roll your shoulders back as if you were trying to touch the wall with them. The head should seem to reach for the ceiling. Fix this position of your body. Try to walk in this position for some more time. After a while, repeat the original position of your body, which you fixed against the wall.

Stand up and try to find a position of your body in which you will feel as confident as possible. Only in such conditions will you be able to reveal your potential, if any. Try a variety of poses until you find the one after which you can feel like a real star.

If you really want to learn how to sing well, then you have to work hard on your breathing. Try taking a deep breath in and then exhaling it slowly. For a few seconds, first inhale air into your lungs, and only then inhale it back for a few seconds. This exercise is also beneficial in that it helps to calm down and relieve stress.

I have the following exercise― take a lying position. Next, you need a book. It will need to be placed on your stomach. Then you will have to sing this or that note in such a way that the book rises.

If you notice when singers sing fast, they exhale air very quickly. In order to learn how to sing, you also need to learn how to exhale quickly in order to have time to pronounce the words of the song and at the same time hit the right note.

In order to learn how to sing better, you need to learn how to exhale the air softly and for a long time from the lungs. In fact, this is a really necessary skill in order to learn how to sing well. While singing oneoh lines singer iland the singer first at the beginning of the line captures the air with her lungs, and then exhales it towards the end of this very line. It is necessary to learn how to do it smoothly and gently so that it is invisible. You can use the practice pen for this. Just blow on it slowly to make it move.

Part Two of Three: Do Vocal Exercises and Work on Technique

You should, before you start performing a particular song, first do a little warm-up. This is necessary, first of all, in order for your voice to warm up, the vocal cords to be prepared. As a warm-up, you can, for example, hum notes one after another. A warm-up at its core can consist of very simple exercises. On the Internet you can find a large number of the most different options warm-ups.

Make sure that when performing a particular composition, yourvoice changed slowly. The more you train with your voice, the louder, but at the same time softer you will be able to sing in the future. In order for your classes to actually have some result, it is necessary to conduct training not from time to time, but regularly in order to consolidate the achieved result.

To improve your singing skill, simply hum one note after another. You need to do this smoothly, without sudden changes in your voice. Sing the notes from the beginning to the end and vice versa from the end to the beginning. This exercise can be done at home. It will help you learn to sing better. With this exercise, your voice will become more flexible.

Vowel sounds are divided into several types. In order to learn how to sing, you need to know how to pronounce one or another type of vowel correctly.

Many vocal teachers believe that you need to tone your voice every day. To do this, you just need to allocate about twenty or thirty minutes of your free time to devote it to vocal training. Under such conditions, you will be able to strengthen your vocal cords, which obviously will not be superfluous if you really want to learn how to sing well and beautifully. Before you start working with scales, you first need to decide which of the ranges your voice belongs to. Once you figure this out, you can start working with scales.

Part three of three: practice

In order to achieve any results, you need to regularly train on your voice. You will need to work with it every day. Only with the help of regular training will you be able to achieve your goal, that is, to learn how to sing beautifully. You can sing, for example, while driving to work in the car, while preparing homemade lunch, dinner, or just while doing some homework. Some people even prefer to sing in the shower. It is advisable to practice every day at the same time.

You are not a professional, so you should not devote several hours a day to training, otherwise you will simply get tired, which may negatively affect your motivation to continue training in the future. Your voice training should last from about thirty minutes. Its maximum duration― it's one hour. In the event that you feel that you are tired, it is worth postponing the workout for a while and not torturing yourself. It is better to return to them when you really have the strength for this.

On the this moment A large number of training videos can be found on the Internet. The same applies to vocal training, of course. You do not need to pay money to watch the training video. In addition to videos, you can also use books for your self-study process.

Please note that not all of the information that you can find on the Internet will be reliable. The best teacher for you will be a professional in his field― vocal teacher.

Alternatively, you can try to improve your vocal skills with audio tutorials. Before making your final choice in favor of one or another course, it is worth knowing in advance which of them are actually effective so that you do not waste your time and your money.

No one will teach you how to sing beautifully and correctly like a vocal teacher. In fact individual sessions vocals can be very expensive. Before deciding what to study with a teacher, you should first think again about how much you really need to learn how to sing beautifully.

If there is a choir in your city, then you can join it too. This will be practice for you. Very often, before accepting a person into the choir, they first arrange an audition for him. You don't have to worry about this. It is better to calm down, relax and show everything that you can do. Even if the answer is no, it does not mean that you should quit singing.


If you smoke, then you should quit this bad habit, as it negatively affects the vocal cords.

If you feel thirsty, then you should quench it with the help of plain water room temperature.

Don't overstretch your ligaments. Before you actually start singing, it is always necessary to warm up. For this, even the most simple exercises for your voice.

If you want to improve your vocal skills, then you can sing in unison to musical compositions. Just choose the songs that you like the most, and then try to sing them in unison with the performers. This to some extent can help you learn how to hit the notes.

In order to improve your vocal skills, you need to practice regularly. If you do this only from time to time, then in this case you will not be able to consolidate the results from the ongoing training.

If you have the opportunity to take individual lessons from teachers with vocal education, then you should definitely take advantage of it. Only a professional will be able to help you put your vote, find strengths and weaknesses.

in front of you detailed material about singing for beginners. We will tell you how to learn to sing on your own, what exercises to do, how to avoid mistakes or correct them, overcome fear and find a teacher. Each article block is independent of the others, so you can read it in any order.

What helps to sing

If you can talk, then you can sing. Physiologically, singing is slightly different from speech, but the pattern of voice formation remains the same.

The person speaks and sings on the exhale. Air passes through the closed vocal cords, they vibrate and create sound. By itself, the sound from the ligaments is very weak, but in the mouth or nose, it is amplified to a normal volume. Lips, tongue and teeth help shape speech.

Resonators are responsible for the quality and volume of singing. Resonance is the reflection of sound. The guitar has a soundboard resonator, the string sounds quiet separately from it, but the soundboard amplifies the sound, makes it deeper. Our body is like the soundboard of a guitar. Its resonators are the chest, head, oral and nasal cavities. The room is also a resonator. First, the sound resonates inside a person, and then outside. Therefore, we like to sing in the shower so much - the acoustics are good there.

We have acoustic hearing. With it, we hear noise, sounds and words. But besides external sounds, we unconsciously listen to ourselves. It helps us control voice and speech. Almost all deaf people can speak. Them speech apparatus in perfect order, but the lack of hearing prevents them from managing - the speech turns out to be illegible.

To fully listen to and perform songs, you need a well-developed ear for music. It helps to distinguish sounds by color, pitch, loudness and duration. There are many types of musical ear and each is important in its own way.

To sing well, you need to train your breathing, ear for music and sense of rhythm, and plan your classes correctly. We will tell you more about these things.

Practice breathing

Exist different types breathing, but for a start it is enough to feel the difference between the chest and abdominal. With the chest, the chest expands, the exhalation is sharp - it is difficult to control it. During abdominal breathing, the chest does not move, but the stomach inflates and the lower ribs expand. This type of breathing is better for singing because it gives us more control over our exhalation.

We breathe with our belly while we sleep, but we don't realize it. One of the first tasks is to learn how to breathe in the belly consciously, especially while singing. Watch your breath when you lie down - it's easier to feel the work of the diaphragm. There are no secret methods here, you just need to accustom the body.

Develop an ear for music

Musical ear can be absolute and relative. Absolute pitch is the ability to name the note of each sound from memory. Relative - the ability to determine the distance between two notes by ear.

There are no people who have absolutely no ear for music. Some people just don't develop it at all. If you can listen to a tune and then repeat it with your voice, congratulations, you have the ear. And the more nuances you hear and realize, the better.

If you are not able to understand whether you hit the notes or not, your ear for music is probably poorly developed. In this case, you need to start from the basics. That is, from one note. You need to find a note that you can hear and sing well (at least everyone has one) and gradually add neighboring ones to it. In this situation, the help of a teacher is needed.

And if you perceive music well and hear falsity in someone else's voice, but you yourself cannot sing well, then you have poor coordination between hearing and voice. You have the ability to perceive music, it remains to teach the vocal apparatus to make the correct sounds.

Develop a sense of rhythm

Rhythm in simple terms is the duration of sounds and pauses. He tells the vocalists when to start and end the sound. The sense of rhythm can also be trained.

When listening to a song, try to understand its rhythm. Clap and stomp to the beat. If you are walking down the street, walk or click. For example, a song lasts four minutes - go exactly at this pace and click on the same beat. It helps.

Rhythm is not only in music. Text, verse, simple speech and singing have it. To sing well, you need to learn to feel the rhythm of the song with and without the melody. When you are learning a song, try to keep the rhythm without the music. Download the metronome to your phone and read it like a poem. Then, under the metronome, sing the melody of the song separately from the words. Each sound of the voice should fall into the beat of the metronome, and not hang between clicks.

Can be practiced at home

Beginners in any occupation have one problem - they need more and faster. More plates on the bar to get stronger faster. More things in hand, so as not to walk twice and get home faster. Load your voice more to learn to sing faster. But the result is always the same - broken backs, torn packages and a broken voice.

If you want to learn how to sing with the help of video lessons, choose a teacher you trust. It won't work quickly, don't even try. But there are ways to safely speed up learning:

Always warm up

Raise the Difficulty

Gradually go beyond the limits and shake the boundaries. But do not overstrain: excessive stress will deprive you of your voice, and then you will have to leave classes for a while. After tense moments, do a comfortable exercise so that the ligaments calm down and come to a natural position.

Alternate exercises

For example, a breathing exercise with an exercise for the development of resonators or the position of the larynx. And always after something difficult, give yourself the opportunity to take a breath, stretch your muscles so that they come to a natural position.

Follow the progress

Record your singing with a voice recorder or camera. Look for mistakes, see where you're pushing yourself too hard, where you're singing off note or rhythm. Compare records with each other to understand what has changed.

Forget talent and age

Talent is knowledge that we receive unconsciously. For example, from parents, friends or acquaintances. If someone lives in a family of singers, he gets an advantage. He sees how his parents sing, remembers and learns better. But no one can sing well from birth.

A child learns any new knowledge better than an adult - this is a fact. It is easier for him to develop diction and hearing, to train breathing. But adults can learn to sing too. It will be a little more difficult, but still possible. Desire is much more important than your age and talent.

There are medical restrictions on singing lessons. Doctors do not recommend teaching children to sing in a choir during the period of voice mutation (13-15 years). Can't sing along high temperature body and high blood pressure, heart and respiratory diseases. But these are restrictions only on targeted vocal lessons. Everyone can sing for the soul.

stop worrying

We usually get nervous when we have to sing in public. Some at home we sing to the fullest, but as soon as an outsider appears, the voice disappears. Confusion overtakes in the classroom. But after all, the teacher is an experienced person, he knows how natural excitement is, and will help you overcome it.

Here's what we do in class, and what you can repeat at home with loved ones.

Warm up

There are exercises that relieve physical clamps and liberate. In our school, the lesson always begins with light chants and warm-ups. So we warm up the vocal apparatus and just the muscles. We wave our arms, legs, walk and clap - it helps to tone up.

getting used to

The practice room needs to be mastered like a singer masters the stage. Walk around it, open or close the windows, make it comfortable. This will help you get used to the room and relieve excess stress.

We are shy

Being shy is normal. At the first lesson they say: “I am shy. Now I will laugh, hiccup or even cry. We treat this kindly - be shy about your health. All you need to do is to overcome yourself a little and take the first step. Then things will go very differently.

Don't repeat mistakes

The main mistake is thoughtless and disorderly training. If you do not understand what you are doing and why, you will learn wrong. AT best case, will have to be relearned. At worst, you will lose your voice and enthusiasm. Briefly explain what to do so as not to be mistaken.

Strengthen your foundation

Train your breathing, develop an ear for music and a sense of rhythm, plan classes - this is the base. You can sing well and not know the notes, but how stronger foundation, the better it will be.

Take care of your voice

Ligaments are muscles and can be easily overstretched or torn. Do not meddle in those lessons that are not yet for you. Do a warm-up, alternate exercises, increase the difficulty gradually - all this will make training more effective.

Practice More

Theory - explains how everything works, but does not help much in practice. This does not mean that you should not read. The theory will help to understand teachers in a lesson or in a video school. But the main thing is practice.

Use devices

You can learn to sing without anything at all. But such training will be long and useless. Good learning requires a metronome, feedback, theory and some music, of course. A tuner or piano may also come in handy.


Helps keep the right rhythm. They are used in lessons and speeches. It develops a sense of rhythm. It's cheap, but very useful. Turn it on in class. Teachers usually have their own, or you can just download it to your phone: we can safely recommend iMetronome for iOS and MetronomeBeats for Android.


Usually a teacher helps with this. He evaluates the singing and says what you are doing well and what is bad, suggests how you can do better. You can record yourself on a voice recorder or camera and evaluate yourself. Of course, this is not as efficient, but without feedback at all it is much worse.


Turn on your favorite songs and sing along. But you need to hear yourself, so try to listen to music from speakers, not headphones. This will help you remember the rhythm, key and mood of the song. Yes, and words can be learned faster.


Without practice, theory makes no sense, but as an addition, it is useful. There are many articles about singing on the Internet, but they are usually written by non-professionals. It is better to read books that are taught in music colleges, they can be found on websites or in college libraries. More theory can be learned from video tutorials. There are many of these on youtube. There are also plenty of practical exercises, but you need to choose them carefully.

Tuner or piano

With the help of the piano, they determine the range of singing, learn to hit the notes, train the ear for music. The tuner shows how accurately you hit the note, where you overestimate, and where you underestimate. Try to move the voice so that the tuner accurately shows the desired note. And yes, there are online tuners too.

Do the exercises

There are too many singing exercises on the Internet. To start, you need breathing, diction, musical ear, rhythm and voice exercises. But you have to choose carefully. According to the video lessons, you can absolutely calmly do exercises for breathing, diction and a sense of rhythm. But the musical ear and the production of the voice are very individual. In the absence of other options, you can also try to develop them using video, but this is unlikely to be effective.


Do slopes: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. When bending over, actively inhale through your mouth, straighten up - calmly exhale through your nose. You need to do twelve sets of eight inclinations every day. This is good for breathing.


Good old tongue twisters will help here. It is necessary not only to read them at breakneck speed: it is important to do it legibly and clearly. To do this, start at a slow pace and gradually accelerate. Different tongue twisters work for different sounds. Alternate them.

Sense of rhythm

Listen to music and tap or slap the rhythm. You can just go to the beat, you get training on the go. Try to repeat the rhythmic pattern of the song without music. Tap only on the strong beats, then only on the weak ones. Then just one.

Ear for music

To develop an ear for music, you need to listen to music, dance, play musical instruments or sing. In order not only to hear, but also to understand what you hear, you need to learn solfeggio. This can be done through video tutorials or with a teacher.

Voice setting

You can learn from video tutorials or books, but it's very dangerous path. Voice production is an individual process. You need to correctly determine the range, develop the mobility of your voice, learn to hear yourself, look for your resonator, reveal your own timbre, and most importantly - do it right. Without an experienced teacher, this is almost impossible.

Find a teacher

If you are serious and want maximum results, do not engage in amateur performances, look for a teacher. He:

Fix bugs

The teacher looks at you from the side, and this is his main role. He evaluates the singing and notices mistakes. Tells you how to fix them. Singing theory can be found in books and videos, but without practice it is of little use. You can practice by yourself, but without observation it is easy to learn wrong. A professional teacher will help you achieve results faster.

Teach the listener

In class with a teacher, you get used to singing for someone. This prepares for future performances. And it doesn't matter if it will be performances on stage or in the company of friends. The computer will not teach you this.

Organizes the system

If you mindlessly watch videos or read articles, you can get into followers different systems learning. Each has its own methods and emphasis. Classes with one teacher guarantee integrity and consistency. He purposefully leads you to the result. Home schooling is usually unsystematic, and therefore takes more time and effort.

To find a good teacher, come to the school for a trial lesson. See if you are comfortable with the person. But to understand whether this teacher helps you or not, you can only after a few lessons. The main thing is that he does not force and does not force him to sing for a break. If after the lesson you have physical discomfort or too much fatigue, then something is going wrong.

At the initial stages, the vocal apparatus is heavily developed and it is physically exhausting. But fatigue should be natural, like after the gym, and should not torment you. If something constantly hurts after class, share it with the teacher, and he will correct the program or point out the mistake. The more comfortable you feel, the more results you will achieve.


  1. First practice, then theory.
  2. Train your breathing, sense of rhythm, ear for music.
  3. Plan your classes wisely, don't force yourself.
  4. Always warm up first.
  5. Sing more.
  6. Be ashamed if you so desire.
  7. Follow development.

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They say that every person has a hearing and a voice, but some have developed this ability, while others do not. Is this true, and how can I fix it? In this article, Learn It will talk about exercises aimed at learning to sing and give many useful recommendations.

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First you need to understand that people who have a natural talent for singing learn faster. That is, the learning process is directly envy from natural data. However, this does not mean that only such people can learn to sing, since the vocal technique plays a big role, and everyone can learn to control the voice as an instrument.

Do not believe if you are told that it is impossible to learn to sing from scratch! Everyone can achieve what they want! Even those who were asked not to spoil the sound of a song and shut up. But prepare for difficulties. You will need a lot of time, patience and strength.

  • The first thing a beginner vocalist needs to do is to stop being afraid to control their own voice and learn how to “feed” it.
  • Worth learning correct breathing belly! While singing, do not try to take in a full chest of air. Imagine that you have a light rod inside you from your stomach to your throat, the base of which is in your stomach. When you make a sound, the stomach should not retract, it should grow. Don't forget to learn to sing, you need to breathe correctly! In addition, if you develop the respiratory system, it will help strengthen the blood vessels, and this will help you get less colds, and the immune system will become stronger.
  • If you have speech therapy problems: incorrect pronunciation of sounds, stuttering, etc. - vocals can overcome this effectively and quickly. He perfectly copes with congenital and acquired speech defects and develops diction. The main thing is your desire!
  • Recitative reading of texts and tongue twisters will help develop the correct declaration. Golden Rule art - consonants are pronounced, vowels are sung.
  • In addition to notes, there is also musical notation (musical signs, the duration of notes, the size of the work - bekar, sharp, grace notes, pauses, notes, tonality, etc.). It is quite difficult to master all this, but in order to easily read musical texts, it is necessary.
  • Well, if you have, in addition to the desire to sing, there will also be a desire to play a musical instrument. Thanks to this, the question “how to learn to sing beautifully” is solved twice as fast.


  • To sing beautifully, it is not at all necessary to attend singing schools and generally leave the house. You can learn this with the help of fairly common and popular distance trainings and online classes. Especially if you are not going to attend professional classes. Therefore, if you decide to dedicate a song to your beloved or beloved, but at the same time want to look decent, UchiEto picked up a few tips:
  • Stand in front of a mirror and do these exercises. Start singing the vowels: e, s, u, o, i, e, a. On “s” - imagine that you are painting your lips - the mouth should be half open so that a noticeable smile can be seen. On the “o”, make a bagel with your mouth. On “and” - the corners of the lips begin to reach for the ears, so that it looks like you are smiling. On “e” and “e” - remember opera singers, an open mouth with a noticeable smile. On “a” - the mouth must be opened wide so that the lower jaw conditionally reaches the chest. Now sing all the vowels in a row, considering singing on the stomach and how to open your mouth. Do this every day, and when it works out, you can move on to the works. But remember that everything should have a golden mean, do not overdo it.
  • Before you learn how to sing beautifully, for yourself or professionally, you should learn a couple of chants. You probably remember them from your school days. Popular “mi-me-ma-mo-mu” and others. This is necessary to warm up the ligaments and prepare them for prolonged singing. After all, if you do not prepare, the voice can simply wheeze, break, and more.
  • When choosing a song to sing along with a backing track, you need to consider that it is in your key - so that it is convenient to sing (not high and not low). Even if you learn to sing beautifully, but choose a work not in your key, everything will be in vain.
  • Don't sing outside, especially when it's cold. Before singing, do not eat cookies, bread, chocolate and do not drink cold drinks.

As they say, everyone has a voice and hearing, but some have these abilities developed, while others do not. Is this really so, is it possible and how to learn to sing? Let's talk about useful tips and exercises that will help you realize your desire.

First of all, note that people with natural singing abilities will learn to sing faster. That is, musical development certainly depends on natural data. But this does not mean that only such people can learn to sing, because vocal technique plays an important role in beautiful singing. Learn the technique of vocals, control your voice as musical instrument any person can.

How to learn to sing on your own

Have you heard that learning to sing from scratch is unrealistic? Don't believe! According to the experience of a simple layman who dreamed of learning to sing on his own. He was able to achieve it! Although earlier he was asked to shut up and not spoil the sound of any song. But be prepared, it will take a lot of effort, patience and time.

The person we talked about above claims that the most main step is to learn to sing in unison with someone, that is, to adjust the sound of your voice to any sound. How to do it? To start, practice on a monotonous sound, such as a held down piano key or a normal phone beep. Being close to such a sound, by trial and error, try to make a similar sound in different ways. Sooner or later you will get there. Believe me, you will know exactly the moment when you achieved the result, because according to the laws of physics, when 2 sounds merge into 1, the sound is amplified by 2 times. This phenomenon is called resonance. Then practice on other sounds, moving from the simplest and most monotonous to more complex ones.

Learn to sing at home: practice

Let's move on to the exercises themselves, with which you can feel how to sing correctly. These exercises bring into working condition all the organs responsible for breathing and sound production, namely the diaphragm, vocal cords, lungs, muscles of the larynx. To begin with, let's learn the rule: during the exercises, train the breath through the nose, it should be noisy, short and sharp.

  1. Should start with preparatory exercise"pump". You should stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms along the body. With a round back, you need to make a slight bow, as if you are pumping something up with a pump. From the second half of the bow, begin to take a short breath through your nose. Do not straighten up to the end, repeat bows 12 times. Exhalation is made through the mouth without any effort on your part.
  2. The next exercise will be called "hug your shoulders." Raise your arms to shoulder level and bend them. The essence of the exercise is to throw your hands towards each other, hugging your shoulders. Inhalation must be done at the moment of "embrace". It is not necessary to spread your arms wide, and also during the exercise do not change their places. Repeat the exercise 12 times.
  3. Now we will perform light bows like the first exercise, but at the same time it will be necessary to put the palms of the hands on the abdominal press, tighten the stomach when bowing and make certain sounds. The palms on the stomach are needed to slightly press down on it from top to bottom during the bow. Bow sounds: ri-ru-re-ro, mi-mu-me-mo, li-lu-le-lo and so on. Such an exercise is necessary to create a special "support", without which it will be impossible to set the voice.

How to learn to sing beautifully

If you are serious about this issue and want to learn how to sing beautifully, then you should remember the well-known truth... Singing, like any other science, has a theory besides practice, and without theory it is unlikely that you will be able to practice effectively. Without a specialist who will correctly put your voice and will develop your abilities, it is difficult to manage. Do not spare money for a musical institution, for a specialist, in order to learn how to sing beautifully.

Before learning to sing, you need to decide what it is for. Because singing in different styles differs in much the same way as driving a truck from racing a kart. By by and large, there are two main schools: Old Italian and Western. Italian is classical vocals, learn it yourself on good level almost impossible.

In addition, the classics are highly specialized: you can only sing what is intended for your range (tenor, baritone or bass). You cannot change the tonality of the work and even the strength of the sound - as Tchaikovsky or Wagner wrote, they wrote it. Western is more about pop and rock, which means it is suitable for karaoke or a rock star career, if you have something in mind.

Learning folk vocals on your own is almost certain to break your voice: there is a more active and sharp beginning of the sound, which means that the load on the ligaments is very large.

Physical training

Swim. First, it's just useful. Secondly, while swimming, you can hum something, and then be surprised to find out that you did one of the best vocal exercises. When swimming, the press and diaphragm are tensed, and these are just those parts of the body that should be loaded with proper singing. Therefore, swimming with a song reinforces the correct intercostal-diaphragmatic type of breathing.

Lean in. When tilting, take a deep and quick breath in through your nose, and when straightening, slowly exhale. This will teach you the correct pace of breathing while singing.

Hug yourself. Extend your arms, bent at the elbows, in front of your chest parallel to the floor. Now sharply hug yourself with a sharp breath at the same time. This exercise develops the lower part of the lungs, which singers really need in their work.

Snort like a horse. Or like a jockey when he says "trrrrrroo". That is, let the air out of your mouth with force so that your lips smack funny and quickly against each other. With such a sound, the ligaments close correctly. This exercise, invented by the famous teacher Seth Riggs, who taught all the greats from Michael Jackson to Hvorostovsky, helps to develop the range. If, for example, some note is not given, you must first sing it with such a snort, and then try to take it as usual.

Mychi. When you wake up in the morning, hum some tune. Firstly, a friend will consider you eccentric and creative, which has never bothered anyone. Secondly, you train your vocal cords in this way and learn to feel your voice better, and therefore use it.


Relax. Before the vocal class, stretch, stretch your neck from behind, shake your arms and legs. Singing is physical labor, and if the body is tense somewhere, especially the neck, then at high notes there is immediately a clamp in the throat. If you watch artists perform, you will notice that they often hit a high note along with some kind of action - for example, throwing a hat aside or clapping their hands. This is because for a short abrupt action Immediately there is relaxation and muscle clamps are removed.

Improve your hearing. Even if Shufutinsky came into your ear, your ear for music can be developed to an acceptable level. Get yourself a piano, or at least a simple keyboard synthesizer. You take a note and try to get in unison with it. Then another. If you can’t hear well, whether you hit it or not, record yourself on a voice recorder and correct it.

Sing along. This is necessary to prepare the bundles for work. You can sing by “snorting a horse” a simple melody or by doing the ear exercise described above. You can hum notes from the lowest you can play to the highest. Or in the same way, from the bottom to the top note, sing “ma-me-mi-mo-mu” and then from top to bottom “mi-me-ma-mo-mu”. At the same time, you will practice diction.

Choose a sample. You need some pretty simple songs, better on English language. Suitable, for example, Bryan Adams, Limp Bizkit, Metallica. In English - not out of snobbery, but because Western singers usually have a better sound extraction technique. Then you learn the text and start singing along with the plus, that is, together with the performer. Your task is not to sing perfectly, but to feel how you sound and copy intonations. Bands with a sharp sound, such as Korn, should not be taken at this stage in order to avoid injury to the ligaments. Matthew Bellamy also needs to grow up.

Stick to your gender. Boys should imitate boys, girls should imitate girls. And there is no intolerance here. It's just that if an experienced singer understands that Rihanna should be sung like Phil Collins, and Seal sounds like Sade, then a novice singer will easily be knocked down by gender inconsistency. When you learn, then you can sing anything. Well, except for Zemfira, who has all the songs from the first, female, person.

Improvise to the backing track. Having learned to more or less copy the singer, start a backing track - a recording of a song without vocals - and sing along to it. Again, the task is not to sing perfectly, but to develop skills and musical thinking. To do this, improvise, add your own, mutter in recitative, insert additional musical phrases - the main thing is to match the tone. And record on a tape recorder: a singing person often does not hear himself correctly.

Pick a tone. Your key is the range in which you are comfortable singing. If the song does not suit you in key, take the backing track to a recording studio, where for one hundred and fifty rubles they will rewrite it in the desired key. Or go to - there you can remove the voice from the song to make a backing track, and change the key.