Crassula flower (money tree, crassula, crassula), home care, photo. Crassula (Money tree, Crassula) home care Crassula flower or money tree how to care

If you prefer beautiful plants for your home that do not require special care conditions, then the money tree was created just for you. It will not only delight with its appearance, but, according to the signs, will increase the flow of cash receipts to the house. For a long time, the money tree (fat woman, she is Crassula) is considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

Description of the plant

Fat woman (money tree) refers to the shrub form, although the plant looks like a tree. V natural conditions the fat woman grows up to two and a half meters in height, at home the tree is much lower.

For home cultivation a type of crassula is used with fleshy round or oval leaves that look like coins. That is why the flower was called the money tree. The juicy pulp of the leaves is covered with skin. The color of the leaves can be very diverse: dark green, light green, silvery, striped, with dots.

The root system of the bastard lies shallowly into the ground, so it is easy to damage it when loosening or replanting a flower. The roots of the tree require careful handling.

Gallery: money tree (25 photos)

Money tree care

The plant does not require special conditions. At correct selection location, lighting and temperature conditions, care will be reduced to watering and feeding. Several rules must be followed so that the tree does not hurt and grows properly.


Crassula prefers good lighting but not all the time. It is better to put it on the sunny side of the windowsill and shade it a little. Ideal option there will be south and southeast windows. If the plant turns yellow, it means it needs more light.

Temperature and humidity

The fat woman does not require increased air humidity. She feels great both in the bathroom and in the living room. It will be enough to spray the leaves from time to time. At the same time, this will prevent spider mite infestation. It is also recommended to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

As for the temperature, the money tree is unpretentious to the temperature regime. Room temperature is fine. The main thing is that there are no sharp drops. Minimum comfortable conditions for a fat woman - 10-12 degrees... In summer, the plant can be sent to the balcony. This will allow not only to provide a comfortable temperature for the plant, but also to refresh it outdoors.

Care rubbery ficus at home


Recommended in summer water the fat woman often and in moderation... Typically, watering time is when upper layer the soil has dried up. In winter, the flower is watered sparingly on the third or fourth day after the previous watering. It is better to use settled water for irrigation. From September to February, the plant is dormant. At this time, watering is greatly reduced. In addition, it is better to rearrange the flower in a cooler and brighter place.

Top dressing

You should not get carried away with frequent feeding, this can be detrimental to Crassula. Cactus feed can be used as fertilizer. The fat woman is fed with a mixture once every twenty days in warm time year (spring-summer) or once a month.

In the cold season (dormant period), the flower does not need fertilization. If desired, you can apply the same fertilizer for cacti, but its concentration should be two times weaker. Top dressing is done every two months. Fertilizers are applied only after the watering procedure so as not to burn the root system.


With the right approach to pruning, you can achieve the desired shape of the crown of the tree. It is recommended to trim the lateral processes until the fat woman reaches the desired height... Usually a flower grows up to 30 centimeters in height with a bare trunk up to 15 centimeters.

As soon as the tree is stretched up, pin the top of it. In this case, the side branches will grow, and the crown will acquire volume. The flower lends itself well to pruning, so it is easy to give it the desired shape... With proper care, the tree grows well and takes on a healthy look.

In order for the crown not to turn out to be one-sided, the plant must be regularly turned in different directions towards the sunlight.

Caring for a fat woman at home requires some knowledge. General Tips for the care of the money tree are as follows:

Growing heuchera: planting and caring for a plant

Fatty transplant

It is better to transplant the fat woman in the period from late April to early May. With active growth and proper development of the tree, the next transplant will be needed in a year. The pot should be chosen shallow, in width - depending on the diameter of the crown.

With each subsequent transplant, a wider and more stable flowerpot will be required. Moreover, the older the money tree, the more stable the pot will be required. Ceramic and clay pots are best for this plant.

The soil for the money tree must be loose... For planting or transplanting, it is better to use a ready-made commercial mixture. If you want to make the soil yourself, this will not be difficult. Required proportions:

  • 3 parts deciduous soil;
  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • 1 part peat soil;
  • 1 part turf soil;
  • as a baking powder - brick chips.

The sequence of actions for a transplant is as follows:

  1. Remove the tree from the pot.
  2. Carefully separate the roots from the ground, being careful not to damage them.
  3. Prepare the soil in a new flowerpot and make a hole.
  4. Place the flower in the hole.
  5. Fill up the earth and crush it, water it.

Reproduction of the money tree

The jumbo flower can be easily propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • sheet;
  • seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

Cut reproduction- the most popular and frequently used method for a fat woman. In summer, the tops with two or three leaves are cut off from young shoots. The stems are cut just below the growth of the leaf. For cuttings, you need to prepare a mixture with growth stimulants and put them there. A month later, roots appear on the processes. After that, the cuttings must be transplanted into flowerpots 8-10 centimeters high in the prepared soil.

Seed propagation

Optimal time for propagation of the money tree by seeds- winter or early spring. The planting mixture should be a mixture of sand and peat. The pot is filled with soil, sown with seeds and covered with foil. It is necessary to maintain a temperature regime around 26 degrees and air the plantings. Sprouts appear in the second week. They are exposed to light, and when two or three shoots appear, they are planted in the soil.

Diseases and pests

Some growers complain that Crassula does not grow and develop well or that its leaves are falling off. This may be due to the conditions of existence unsuitable for a flower or the appearance of diseases and pests.

So, leaves can fall off for the following reasons:

  • the plant is exposed to direct rays of the sun;
  • too wet ground;
  • flower watered cold water taken from the tap;
  • watering is insufficient.

If Crassula grows poorly or does not grow at all, this may indicate one of the following factors:

  • the flower does not like the size of the pot;
  • the plant was poured;
  • the plant has too much sunlight;
  • the fat woman lacks nutrients;
  • affected by a sharp temperature drop;
  • the appearance of pests.

The fat woman is very common houseplant among florists. Such popularity is justified by unpretentious care and extremely attractive appearance... Spreading home tree with proper care, it can complement any interior. The scientific name of the plant is crassula, it comes from the Latin word "crassus", which means "thick" in translation.

The fame of this indoor flower can also be explained by another name, popularly his name is money tree... Many people believe that it able to bring money into the house.

Description of the plant

This houseplant is a member of the bastard family. To date, more than three hundred species of Crassula are known. There are both large varieties - up to fifty meters in height, and small ones, whose trunk has a length of three centimeters. Low trees are planted as ornamental plants, because their unusual appearance they are able to enliven the interior of any room. Large fat women are quite problematic to keep at home, since it is not known how big they can grow.

Among the representatives of the Tolstyanka family, there are a wide variety of plants: creeping herbaceous flowers, tree shrubs and succulents, aquatic plants. The main feature that all these varieties have in common are thick, fleshy and juicy leaves.

The leaves of the bastard grow on stems in a criss-cross pattern and can have different shapes:

  • Oval.
  • Diamond-shaped.
  • Cylindrical.
  • Lanceolate.

Florists gave this plant many names: tree of happiness, money tree, breadfruit. If you believe the Chinese philosophical doctrine of space - Feng Shui, the fat woman is able to bring peace, prosperity and wealth to the house. It is believed that a favorable atmosphere will always reign in the place where Crassula grows.

The birthplace of fat women is South and South-West Africa. In nature, this plant grows on mountain slopes, mainly on gravel.

Many novice flower growers ask themselves the question: how to properly care for a fat woman? The most important thing to learn is that you must not allow the gulf of the money tree. If there is too much water, then the plant will begin to shed foliage, and the roots will rot. To prevent this from happening to your tree flower, make small holes in the bottom of the pot and place it in the tray.

Excess moisture will stop accumulating in the soil, as it will drain into the pan.

When transplanting into a new planter, remember to put a layer of drainage in it. Watering the fat woman with tap water is strictly not recommended. But if you do not have other sources, then tap water will need to be collected in a separate container and let it stand for several days.

Since the leaves of the bastard are quite large, dust constantly settles on them, so from time to time they should be wiped with a damp cloth and sprayed with water from a spray bottle. In the warm season, arrange a warm shower directly in the bath for Crassula, she will like it. In winter, this procedure should be carried out no more than once a month. Make sure the water is warm, not hot. Moisture should not get into the soil, the shower is intended only for plant leaves, so to make it easier for yourself, cover the ground with a regular plastic bag or cling film before washing. Do not take the wet fat woman to its place immediately after water procedures, leave it in the bath for a while so that the water can drain.

To avoid problems with watering the plant, do not place the flower pot in direct sunlight. Otherwise, the topsoil will dry out very quickly, while the bottom will remain moist. Before you start watering, check how moist the earth ball is at a depth of three to four centimeters. If the soil is dry, then you can safely water the tree-like bastard. If it is wet, then you should wait with watering.

Money Tree- this is decorative flower, which does not require much effort in caring for it at home. But do not forget the main rule - do not overdo it with watering! Too wet soil can lead to rotting of the root system and leaves.

If you still did not observe the correct watering regime and excessive humidity has led to the defeat of the roots by the fungus - do not despair. The plant can still be saved. This will require:

  1. Remove the fat woman from the pot along with the earthen lump.
  2. Dry the plant and soil thoroughly.
  3. Treat the root system with a special antifungal agent.

Required temperature conditions

In summer, Crassula feels great at twenty-twenty-five degrees of heat.

V winter time the plant goes into a dormant state and it will need a decrease in temperature.

The optimum winter temperature is ten to fifteen degrees. If you are unable to provide the plant with the necessary temperature conditions, keep it away from heating appliances.

Failure to comply with the temperature regime can lead to such negative consequences as stretching the trunk and falling leaves. Also, a fat woman can periodically drop foliage if drafts constantly walk into the room where it is kept.


The bastard flower needs good lighting, but it should not be placed in direct sunlight. A southeast-facing windowsill can serve as a great place for this plant. With this arrangement, the money tree will have enough sun, and it will not overheat.

In the summertime, Crassula can be taken out onto the balcony and the plant pot can be placed on the floor. In such a place there will be enough air, and exposure to direct sunlight will not be able to harm. In winter, the fat woman will feel good on the window on the south side.

This decorative flower does not require constant moisture, so it does not need to be sprayed with a spray bottle every day. But the dust brings discomfort to the plant, so when it appears, wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

The fat woman needs regular airing, but drafts will not benefit the plant, but only harm.

So that your house tree only brings you joy and did not cause problems, pay attention to fat woman care tips for beginner florists.

  • If in winter you kept the money tree in the shade, then in the spring it will need to be gradually accustomed to sunlight. Otherwise, out of habit, the fat woman may begin to feel bad in the sun. First, put the crassula in the shade, slowly moving it to low-light places.
  • In summer, the fat woman will be very comfortable in the fresh air - in the garden or on the balcony.
  • Since the money tree is a representative of succulent plants, from September to February it goes into a state of reduced activity and requires rest.
  • It is best to transplant the fat woman in the spring.
  • Fertilizers are applied only during the period of active plant growth.
  • Spoiled and withered leaves should be removed on their own, and not wait until they fall off by themselves.
  • If the fat woman has a very elongated stem, this indicates a lack of lighting.

For a money tree, soil is perfect, which is intended for growing cacti. It contains the following ingredients:

  • Clay-sod land.
  • Leafy land.
  • Sand with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.
  • Humus.
  • Ash.
  • Brick chips.

The bastard is transplanted as needed, if its root system becomes cramped in the old pot. It is enough to carry out this procedure once a year. But this is individual and depends on the growth rate of the plant.

Sometimes you can face such a problem - root system can't cope with holding large tree in a pot. Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the issue of choosing a new pots. It should be heavy, roomy and, most importantly, the same size as the fat woman. Since Crassula cannot boast of long roots, you should not take too deep pots for planting.

Crown formation at home

Crown formation- one of the most important parts in caring for a fat woman. It is thanks to this procedure that a house tree can be given a neat rounded shape. Otherwise, the top of the bastard will grow in different directions, and the branches will be located in a chaotic order.

Crassula is a large and sturdy tree-like plant, so each flower should have its own separate pot. If you plant several representatives of this species in one container, they will not have enough space and instead of a beautiful composition you will get a couple of sloppy shapeless bushes.

Before proceeding with the formation of the crown, you should wait for the appearance of a new bud and four fresh leaves. The kidney will need to be pinched off by carefully twisting it with tweezers or hands. Keep in mind - no more than three or four pairs of leaves should grow on one branch of the jersey. When the crassula grows up, its top should also be pinched off.

So that the tree grows evenly, periodically turn it in different directions to the light source... If you missed the moment and four new leaves have already grown, and fresh leaves have begun to appear, circumcision will come to your aid. Just cut a twig over the fourth pair of leaves and immediately sprinkle the cut with ground activated charcoal or charcoal.

The method presented above will help you form a crown and grow your neat and small home tree.


Not all amateurs indoor plants know that fat woman is able to bloom... The fact is that it is very difficult to achieve this at home, so few could see such a phenomenon. That is why there is an opinion among the people that the money tree is not capable of blooming, but this is not so.

The main reason that prevents Crassula from blooming in an apartment is a lack of light. This is a feature associated with the climatic conditions of the natural environment of the flower.

The fat woman comes from the tropics, and there it blooms much more often than as a houseplant. The flowering of the bastard appears during the period of active growth of the tree.

Diseases and pests

The fat woman is an unpretentious and resistant to many diseases plant. But there are not a small number of pests, whose gaze is fixed on Crassula:

  • Spider mite- it weaves thin cobwebs in the gaps between the stem and leaves. You can lime with the help of garlic, soap or tobacco infusions by treating the leaves of the plant.
  • Shield- forms yellowish or brown spots on the leaves of the bastard. You can cure the plant with soapy water or drugs such as "Fufanon" and "Fitoverm".
  • Mealybug- a sign of its appearance is a plaque white on the axils of the leaves. Use insecticides to get rid of it. If the plant is recently infected, a solution of laundry soap can help.

Also, a fat woman can pick up a fungal or bacterial infection. To get rid of such a misfortune, complex preparations are suitable.

The plant is losing leaves

Some growers may find that the plant withers and leaves fall off... With proper care, this should not happen. The following factors can cause such a reaction:

  • The plant is exposed to direct sunlight.
  • The fat woman is located near heating appliances.
  • The soil is too wet.
  • The plant lacks moisture.
  • Watering with cold tap water leads to loss of leaves.

Useful and medicinal properties of the fat woman

The fat woman has long been famous for her useful properties, it is often used in recipes traditional medicine... Crassula juice can help cure facial herpes, arthritis, sore throat, and tonsillitis.

In addition to all this, the money tree is used for stomach ulcers.

Young plants - annually in April, adults - once every 3 years 20-25, in winter 10-15 Once a week in summer, once a month in winter Does not need Well lit place It is good to have a rest period in winter.


The fat woman needs a bright light. Treelike varieties withstand direct sun for several hours a day.

Some herbaceous species, for example, the lymphatic jellyfish, can burn in the strong sun, so they need to be shaded in summer.

In winter, the fat woman should be kept in the most lighted place.... Additional electric lighting can be used.

Since Crassula prefers good lighting, a southeast or southwest window will be optimal for her. The plant should be protected from the scorching midday rays of the sun, as they can cause the leaves to burn and turn brown.

With a lack of light, the tops of the fat woman stretch and lean to the ground, which noticeably spoils decorative view plants.


The best temperature for succulents is 20-25 ° C.... But the plant is able to withstand prolonged temperature rise up to 30 ° C. In winter, it is useful to arrange a dormant period by lowering the temperature to 10-15 ° C.

Cool wintering is not necessary for the fat woman.

However, tree varieties that are kept at room temperature in winter may begin to shed their leaves.


How often to water the money tree: Once a week in the summer and once a month during the winter.

The soil should dry out between waterings. Trees are very sensitive to excess moisture and moisture stagnation in the soil. They can start to rot, and if this is not detected in time, the plant dies.

Herbaceous species need to be watered more frequently. In the warm period, the soil is moistened 2 times a week, and in winter - 2 times a month. The clod of earth must not be allowed to completely dry out when growing herbaceous ground cover bastards.

Water the plant with a settled tap. Its temperature should be room temperature.

The soil

Fat women grow best on light, water-permeable soils.

In order to make the soil for planting the fat woman, you need to mix in equal parts turf, peat, humus, and a baking powder (sand, perlite or vermiculite).

Also, all types of fat women grow well in purchased land for cacti and succulents..

Another option for preparing a soil mixture: one part of deciduous land, sand and humus and 4 parts of sod land. As a baking powder, you can use brick chips or birch charcoal.

Very important for the fat woman good drainage so that the water does not stagnate in the pot and cause rotting of the roots. Expanded clay, clay shards or pebbles are suitable as drainage.


It is desirable to feed succulents with liquid complex fertilizers for cacti. They are diluted with water in accordance with the instructions and the plant is watered 2 days after the main watering.

Fertilize the soil for the fat woman 2 times a month during the growing season of the plant... Top dressing is carried out from early May to late September. From the beginning of October, the plant is gradually transferred to wintering, and feeding is stopped.


All types of fat women are adapted to living in low humidity conditions. Therefore, it is not required to specially humidify the air in the room where they grow. They feel great in normal air humidity in city apartments.

Excessive hydration is always bad for succulents.

Trim / Support / Garter

Herbaceous species do not need pruning. They themselves branch well and acquire a decorative lush appearance. Treelike varieties need pruning to form beautiful small trees.

Young fat women very often grow upward without branching.... Therefore, to start forming the tree, you need to cut off the top of the cutting. This is done at a distance of 15 cm from the ground with a sharp knife.

The cut must be covered with crushed activated carbon. Shortly thereafter, on the handle appear side shoots.

Pruning is carried out annually in the spring in mid-April.... Cuttings are not thrown away, but rooted to obtain new plants.

To make the crown of the tree lush, in addition to pruning, pinch the side shoots. This gives rise to many new sprouts.

Now you know how to trim a jerky.


Caring for a fat woman at home rarely includes treating diseases. But if there is an excess of moisture, root or stem rot can hit the fat woman.

With root rot, the leaves of the bastard turn yellow and fall off... He can only be saved by an urgent transfer to new soil with the removal of all rotten roots.

Stem rot is very dangerous because it is not visible at the initial stage. Often it is only detected when the tree falls, as its trunk becomes soft inside.

Such a plant can no longer be saved. It must be destroyed by cutting off all healthy shoots from it for rooting.

Pests rarely settle on a fat woman... Only sometimes it amazes her. But on this flower, the pest multiplies slowly, so you can get rid of it by simply washing the plant with soapy water.


In addition to fungal diseases of the plant (which are easy to prevent if watered correctly), there are very few problems when growing a fat woman. Sometimes inexperienced growers observe rapid leaf fall. Trunks and branches are exposed, the plant loses its beauty.

The fat woman can lose leaves due to drafts.... If the plant is in a draft, this negatively affects its growth and development.

Therefore, you need to place the flower in a quiet place with minimal air movement or remove it during airing.

Leaves can fall off when Crassula is kept in winter at normal room temperature.... If it is not possible to organize a rest period, you need to choose the coolest and lightest place in the room for the fat woman.

In winter, it is advisable to put the fat woman away from heating appliances.

Sometimes the leaves begin to fall off due to lack of nutrition, if the plant has not been transplanted for a long time. Top dressing cannot solve this problem. It is recommended to transplant the flower into new fresh soil.


Flowering money tree

Crassula bloom is a rare phenomenon. It can be observed in plants that have reached 7 years of age, subject to all recommendations for maintenance and care.

As a rule, the fat woman opens its buds in late autumn - early winter. Duration of flowering is 2-3 months. Small flowers, similar in shape to a star, are collected in umbellate or paniculate inflorescences, located at the ends of young shoots. They are white, green-white or light pink in color. Flowers exude a sweetish aroma.

To achieve blooming crassula, you must follow some recommendations:

  • An important condition for the appearance of buds is a long daylight hours. To achieve this, the plant is recommended to be placed on the lightest window in the house, preferably facing southeast. In this case, it is important to ensure that the scorching midday rays of the sun do not hit the leaves, as they can cause burns.
  • Often the fat woman pleases with flowering after periods of stress for her. Therefore, the stimulus for the appearance of buds can be a transplant into another pot or in open ground in the warm season.
  • It is important to observe the rest period - in winter it is important to give Crassula a rest, maintaining the temperature and watering regime that is optimal for this time. In winter, you should not form the crown of the flower crown of the money tree and take care of it in a timely manner.

Name money tree

In the people, the bastard plant is very often called the money tree. Where did this name come from and does it have any grounds?

The magical properties of Crassula began to be attributed in ancient China, where the plant was considered a symbol of wealth. Most likely, it is a matter of the appearance of the plant. Some believe that its leaves look like small coins, and its thick, fleshy stems look like expensive wallets. There is an opinion that building the crown of Crassula promises financial well-being, at the same time, shedding leaves - to money problems.

Another property of the bastard is to accumulate moisture in the stems and keep it for a long time.... This ability has been compared to the prudent man's thrift and saving money.

Believe these signs or not - everyone decides for himself personally. After all, if financial well-being depended only on the growth and flowering of a plant ... One thing can be said with certainty: the money tree is a very effective and tenacious plant that will decorate any interior.

In addition, it emits special substances that have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Such air purification will prevent many diseases, and, accordingly, will save the family budget!

Description of the plant and species

Crassula belongs to the Tolstyankov family, tropical forests are considered her homeland South Africa... Some types of bastard grow in Madagascar and Australia. About 300 plant species are known. Some of them in natural conditions reach a height of only a few centimeters, while others - several meters!

The money tree is a shrub... It has a tree-like stem covered with a brown film, resembling a trunk. The leaves are small, fleshy, located opposite each other on the stem. Their color, depending on the species and variety, can vary from gray to various shades of green, there may be red spots or red edging.

In indoor floriculture, the following types of money tree are most popular:

Now you know everything about caring for a money tree (crassula) at home.

Crassula (bastard) is a plant from the Fat family.

More than 300 species of this plant grow in natural conditions.

They differ in a variety of forms: ampelous, ground cover, bush, tree.

In indoor floriculture, this succulent has become popular for its unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance.

The following species are cultivated at home:

Tree fat woman known as the "money tree". Subject to necessary conditions it can be grown up to 1.5m in height. After reaching the age of 10, it can bloom with white or pinkish flowers.

Spatulate fat woman has tetrahedral creeping stems on which aerial roots grow. This species needs regular watering. all year round.

Fat Cooper- undersized herbaceous species of Crassula with thin shoots forming curtains. Flowering occurs in summer. The pale pink flowers exude a sweet scent.

Fatty woman lyciform (mucous) is a highly branching dwarf shrub. The decorativeness of the plant is given by its small pointed leaves, located on the stem in the form of tiles. Shoots of young plants are erect, and with age, they lodge. This crassula blooms with single, nondescript flowers of a pale yellow color. It grows very quickly, easily propagates by cuttings.

Purslane fatty known as the oval or ovoid jerky. It can grow up to 1 m. It blooms with pink or white flowers.

Although Crassula is not demanding of care, still knowing her biological features will allow you to create conditions suitable for its cultivation.

Money tree - home care: reproduction

The money tree at home is propagated by cuttings and seeds. The vegetative method is the easiest and most acceptable option. You can cut a fat woman all year round. To do this, select a ripe shoot or a large leaf, separate it from mother plant and leave it to wither for 1-2 days.

Money tree cuttings

Cuttings are rooted in water or soil. Charcoal is pre-added to a container with water for disinfection. The stalk will take root within 14-20 days.

When rooting in the ground, drainage is placed in a prepared pot and a substrate from garden soil and sand is added in equal proportions. The planted stalk is covered with a jar or glass. Every day you need to ventilate the seedling. Water it in small portions or spray the ground from a spray bottle as it dries.

Seed propagation rarely used at home because of the time and painstaking care... This process is performed like this:

Crockery for sowing is selected from clay without glaze, which prevents air and moisture exchange;

Sowing soil is made up of leaf or garden soil and sand in equal proportions;

Crassula seeds are small. After sowing, they are sprinkled with sand;

Cover the plate with seedlings with foil or glass;

The plantings are aired daily (the soil should be moist, but not wet);

The emerging seedlings dive and put in a well-deliberate place;

When the seedlings grow to 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into separate pots.

Crassula transplant

The fat woman is transplanted as the roots of the earth are entwined once every two to three years. Doing so better in spring by transshipment method. The pots should be wide and stable, since the ground part of the plant is quite massive and heavy, and the root system is weak. Be sure to make drainage at the bottom of the new pot to prevent root rot.

Money tree - home care: watering, feeding, lighting, humidity

Location and lighting

The fat woman, like all succulents, needs a bright and diffused light. For this, the plant is placed on the southwestern and southeastern windows. In winter, on the contrary, they rearrange the crassula pots to the south side or use additional lighting, otherwise, with a lack of light, the plant will stretch out and the leaves become smaller. In the summer she will like Fresh air on the balcony or terrace. In this case, it is necessary to provide shading from direct sunlight.


The root system of the money tree is small and sensitive to waterlogging, and the crown is quite weighty due to the accumulation of moisture in the leaves. Pots should be selected based on these characteristics of the plant. For the stability of the fat woman, the containers for planting should be wide, shallow, heavy with drain holes. Drainage from expanded clay or clay shards is required.

Temperature regime

In spring and summer, the optimum temperature for the fat woman will be + 19-25 ° C. In autumn and winter, the plant will be comfortable at + 14-17 ° C. Therefore, it must be rearranged away from the batteries. central heating... Maintaining such a regime helps to stimulate the flowering of the money tree.

Air humidity

Fat women are not demanding on air humidity, but its sharp fluctuations affect the appearance of the plant: the leaves will turn yellow and begin to fall off. Crassula is sprayed on hot summer days for hygienic purposes - to wash off the dust. In other seasons, you can wipe the leaves with a soft, damp sponge.


The money tree easily tolerates rare watering due to the moisture reserves in the fleshy leaves. Excessive soil moisture leads to decay of the root system. In the spring-summer season, Crassula is watered once every 3-5 days. In this case, the earthen lump should dry out to half. In winter, 1-2 single watering per month is sufficient. Water for irrigation is used at room temperature.

The soil

A fat woman can grow even on a poor one nutrients soil. Best suited for growing it ready mix for cacti and succulents, which can be purchased at flower shop... If this is not possible, then it is made from sod or leafy soil, sand and humus (4: 1: 1).

Top dressing

Crassula is fed monthly in spring and summer with fertilizers for cacti. This is done only after watering, otherwise there is a high probability of burning the roots. In the cold season, feeding is reduced to half the dose recommended in the instructions.

Pruning and pinching

So that the money tree pleases its lush crown, it is necessary to do the pinching of the shoots. This procedure is quite simple: 3-4 pairs of leaves are left on the stem of a young fat woman, the rest is pinched off. Branching will start at this point later.

If pruning is carried out for an adult overgrown plant, then the cuts are made straight along the knot (in the place where the leaves grow) and treated with charcoal. For uniform development of the crown, the pot with the bastard is turned from time to time.

Money tree - home care: why doesn't it grow and die?

With proper care, the fat woman is rarely affected by pests. Among them, the most frequent uninvited guests of Crassula are scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids.

Defeat by the scabbard characterized by the appearance of yellow-brown spots on the leaves. The affected areas are wiped with an alcohol solution at intervals of 5-7 days.

When the appearance spider mite the leaves first turn yellow, then a brown crust forms on them. The insects themselves are noticeable - these are small reddish-brown spiders. To combat them, plants are sprayed with soapy water, and in case of severe damage with insecticides (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Karate).

Mealybug washed off from the leaves with a sponge dipped in garlic tincture or alcohol. If the roots are damaged, then the plant is spilled with Mospilan, Fitoverm or Vermithek.

Much more harm to the money tree does not bring proper care.

If the money tree stops growing, then you need to find out the reason: examine the root system for the presence of rot, pests. When the growth of a young plant stops, it is transplanted into a small pot: until the entire earthy clod is assimilated by the roots, the ground part of the bastard will not grow.

Lack of lighting makes the plant stretch, its stems bend, the leaves shrink and fall off.

If the fat woman is in direct sunlight, then leaf burns are inevitable - they turn black.

Excessive soil moisture- one of the most dangerous factors in the death of Crassula. At the same time, the leaves change their color (darken), become lethargic, fall off. Root decay begins, the signs of which are the appearance of a white-pink bloom on the root collar and softening of the trunk. In this case, it is necessary to inspect the root system of the plant. If it is not completely damaged and healthy roots are preserved, then the plant is transplanted into new pot... In this case, the rotten parts are removed to healthy tissue and the wounds are sprinkled with charcoal. If the plant withers early, then the only option is to cut the cuttings and grow the plants again.

Moisture deficiency and prolonged heat also cause leaf fall of the fat woman. At the same time, the leaves wrinkle and dry, become flat, and brown spots appear on them. When the correct watering regime is resumed, the plant recovers.

Are the leaves reddened or have a clear red border on them? This phenomenon, with the exception of varietal characteristics, is typical under prolonged and bright lighting (often observed in spring). For the plant to turn green again, it must be removed away from the window.

Crassula does not bloom? For home plant this is normal. At indoor growing the fat woman rarely pleases with her flowering. To do this, she must be at least 10 years of age. It is also necessary to ensure winter period rest with a decrease in air temperature and limitation of watering. Some growers using known fact the fact that, with the threat of death, the plant begins to multiply intensively, stress conditions are arranged for it to stimulate flowering (inappropriate air temperature, prolonged absence of watering).

Crassula is an unusual houseplant native to the subtropical forests of South Africa. It is a perennial succulent plant, reaching a height of 3-4 meters in natural conditions. In apartments, it often grows in the form compact bush or trees. Caring for a fat woman at home does not require too much investment, although some points still have to be taken into account.

People call this plant a money tree for small thick rounded leaves, and among botanists - Crassula. According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, it is the fat woman who attracts luck, wealth and prosperity to the house.

Temperature features, lighting, humidity

The fat woman is photophilous, but it is better not to take it out into direct sunlight. The best option- these are east, west, south-east or south-west windows. You can shade it with mesh material or a very thin fabric. The fat woman will respond well to moving it into open ground. They put it in a semi-shaded place, where direct sunlight hits only in the early morning or evening.

They bring the money tree into the house with the onset of cool August nights (usually this is the middle of the month).

  • Crassula hibernates in a cool, light room with an air temperature of 10-15 degrees. The minimum duration of cold wintering is 1.5 months. If it fails to provide such conditions, then one can expect slow growth, and sometimes leaf fall, in the future. To avoid the loss of green mass during a warm winter, the bastard should, at a minimum, be set aside from the heating batteries, and also humidify the air.
  • In summer, the humidity of the air is not critical for the fat woman, because it is a succulent that accumulates water in its fleshy leaves and trunks. During the summer period, you can expect an intensive growth of shoots, and often even flowering!

And yet, if possible, it is better to place containers with water and other indoor plants around the pot, the leaves of which evaporate moisture. On the hottest days of July, it is recommended to additionally spray and rinse the fat woman under a warm shower. At the same time, they try not to fill in the earthen lump.

Soil requirements

Domestic producers produce special soil for succulents, suitable for the money tree. Unless you can add a little ordinary garden soil and coarse sand to it. If you wish, you can make your own potting mix.

To do this, take:

  • leafy soil - 1 part,
  • turf - 4 parts,
  • humus - 1 part,
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

It is recommended to choose an earthen pot, although succulents grow well in plastic ones. The main thing is that there is a drainage hole at the bottom, because stagnant moisture is destructive for the money tree. Before backfilling the soil to 1/5 of the height, a layer of pebbles, expanded clay or at least small stones is laid. The plant is placed in a pot with straightened roots and carefully covered with soil along the root collar.

Watering and feeding the money tree

The fat woman has special conditions for watering. Its root system easily rots from excessive soil moisture, so watering is carried out only as the earthy coma dries out. Moreover, it is better to underfill than to pour: wait until the earthen coma dries to a depth of 2-4 cm.

In winter, watering becomes very rare. During cold wintering, it is enough to moisten the substrate 1-2 times a month, depending on the temperature and the rate of moisture evaporation.

Too often it is contraindicated to feed the fat woman. It is enough to apply special fertilizers for succulents once every 1-2 months in the warm season. You can periodically change the topsoil, replacing it with a new, fertile one.

In winter, any feeding is stopped.

Pruning and shaping the crown

A fat woman at home is usually formed as a shrub or a small tree. The formation of the crown begins as early as early age... With a thin blade, with pinpoint accuracy, you need to remove the growth point of a young seedling after 3-5 pairs of leaves appear. Soon, the money tree will give branches of the first order. They also pinch the tops when they grow 3-4 pairs of leaves. Do the same with the following branching orders. With this approach, a compact spherical crown is formed.

Plant transplant

A fatty transplant is not performed as often as in the case of many other and indoor exotics. The root system of the money tree must completely cover the earthen lump. But once every two years, it is usually transplanted into a slightly larger pot. An extraordinary transshipment can be carried out if the roots are clearly cramped in the current container: the earthen lump is completely braided, and the roots are visible through the drainage hole.

Blooming fat woman

Zealous flower growers can achieve blooming of a fat woman even at home and see with their own eyes its white or light blue flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences. The key to success is proper care of the money tree, infrequent feeding and a cool winter.

The surest way to wait for the first buds is to plant the fat woman in open ground at the beginning of summer.

Houseplant propagation

The easiest way is to propagate the fat woman by cuttings that take root easily even in water. They take root a little faster in coarse sand, perlite or sandy light soil. The best time for this is the first half of spring. Having carried out the procedure in March-April, there is a hope to wait for the first flowering already in the current season.

The length of the cuttings can be from 5 to 15 cm. To accelerate root formation, the cuttings are kept in a weak solution of "Kornevin" for a day, and after planting in the substrate they are covered with a transparent bag or plastic cup... Although, even without these tweaks, the success rate tends to 100%. Cuttings are planted in pots with soil when the roots reach a length of 2-3 cm.

The seed path is somewhat more complicated and already requires skills and adherence to technology. Shallow dishes with drain holes fill with light earth with a sand content of 50-70%. The seeds are sown on the soil surface and moistened with a spray bottle. Cover the container with glass or plastic wrap, placed in a room with room temperature and are waiting for shoots.

They appear in two weeks, after which the film is gradually removed. Humidification is carried out by spraying. After 2-3 months, the seedlings will grow up, get stronger and become suitable for picking into small pots.

Pests and diseases of the fat woman

Indoor flower bastard is rarely affected by pests.

But sometimes she is attacked:

  • mealybugs;
  • scabbards;
  • spider mites.

Industry is releasing a ton of funds against these uninvited guests. One of them is Aktara, which expels scale insects and mealybugs. The leaves are first sprayed with the drug, then the soil is watered. The remains of the scabbards can be carefully scraped off with a knife.

Spider mites are more difficult to remove. In addition, it is a fairly unobtrusive pest. People with poor eyesight, most likely, will detect it only when it has time to cause significant harm to the plant: the affected leaves are covered with small pale dots that form patterns.

Insects look like small red balls, which, when sprayed from a spray bottle, begin to move along the surface of the leaves. Of the widespread inexpensive drugs, it is not taken by anything except Fitoverm. Only the treatment needs to be carried out twice at intervals of a week, and sometimes three times.

If after two procedures the tick continues to appear, then the dose recommended by the manufacturer should be doubled.

It should be especially noted that no folk methods against red ticks are not effective! Don't waste your time on this!

What problems can a florist face?

  1. The most common attack that lies in wait for flower growers is the decay of the roots of the money tree. Most often this occurs due to excessive watering, but sometimes it becomes too cold water... If this happens, you need to remove the plant from the pot, clear it of the soil, cut off the rotten roots with scissors and plant in a light permeable substrate. But often the problem is noticed only when the root system is already in a terrible state. In order to save the species, you can immediately cut off several cuttings from it and put on rooting.
  2. With insufficient illumination, the stalks of the bastard stretch out, become thin, and the internodes increase. Remember that in the back of the room, almost any plant will suffer from a lack of light, even shade-tolerant ones. Only window sills are suitable for green pets!
  3. Drying and wilting of leaves testifies to the dryness of the air. For the purpose of resuscitation, you can tightly put a plastic bag on the crown for several days, airing the crassula once a day, and in the future, it is necessary to ensure sufficient humidity in the external environment.

In general, the bastard among all indoor plants occupies an intermediate position in terms of the degree of unpretentiousness. However, it is so much unusual plant that every second grower grows it. Many people strive to achieve its flowering, even just out of sports interest, and if desired, everyone can do it. You just need to try a little, and the money tree will actually bring good luck!