Money tree and signs. Money tree: the best signs

In popularity, thanks to unpretentiousness, a fat man (Crasusla) enjoys in care. Because of the leaves of a round shape resembling coins, this plant was called the monetress. The people exist different signs associated with the money tree.

Money tree - a popular and unpretentious plant


The best leaf or sprout, which was stolen. It is advisable to cut off the sprout of Crasus in financially prosperous people.

There is a belief that it is necessary to plant a coinnik at night on a growing moon - the energy of the moon increases the influence of the bush on the growth of the main state of the owners.

One of the main takes when landing is three coins at the bottom of the pot. The larger the coin, the more material goods bring the house a plant.

The flower pot color and material plays an important role - it is desirable that the container is red (to attract energy). It is worth making a choice in favor of natural materials, such as ceramics or clay.

Examples of conspiracies:

  • "Money come, money grow, money will find money in my pocket";
  • "Grow, my flower. Bring me money bag. "

After that, it is recommended to bind bills to branches each month. They need to be updated regularly and spend.


The thickness does not require careful care. In order to grow a healthy plant, enough:

  • regularly water the land;
  • wipe the leaves with a wet cloth;
  • provide access to direct sunlight.

According to Feng, it is best to choose a window sill on the southeastern side of the house - this side of the world is responsible for well-being and wealth.

It is necessary to communicate with your money tree. If a person can establish a good relationship with this financial talisman, will regularly talk to him and thank for help in financial affairs, it will definitely make it richer. Such "conversations" advise on Wednesdays.

Negatively, dust and electrical appliances affect the energy sector. You need to choose a place remote from the TV, refrigerator, computer and other equipment.

If from the branches without any causes fall leaves - it is considered a bad admission. The owner is waiting for damages and material losses. This may indicate on the negative energy of the house.

As Tolstanka grows it, it takes it from time to time to transplant more in a pot. If the pot does not approach it in size, it can dry, which will negatively affect the supply of families.


The cracks rarely blooms, but with good care and care, this process can be accelerated.

If a monetary tree bloomed in the house - this is a very good sign. This is a sign that the stage of financial well-being came for the family. These days, you can make wishes related to material benefits, making money reserves for the future.


The worst sign for the well-being of the family is if the Crassus grown them was dried, it was damaged or broken by negligence.

The cause of natural death can be:

  • poor-quality care;
  • the absence of the required level of moisture or sunlight;
  • insufficient fertilizer.

If, after improving the care and conditions, the monet ministers did not recover - the financial sphere of the owners is in decline. You can cut off the sprout of Tolstanka to grow a new bush, or return it to nature and bury into the ground.

If the Crassus was bought by "adult" and dried at home, then it is not necessary to be afraid, because, unlike the coin bush grown with his own hands, this plant did not have time to absorb its owners. Such a Tolstanka can be calmly throw away or give another family if they want to "revive" this tree.

Fat as a gift

Tolstanka consider a good gift, because She can bring happiness and wealth to their new owners. It is better to give a plant grown in his own home. Hand the gift is needed with love and open heart.

There are a number of superstitions related to the Gift in the form of Crasus:

  • A lush plant will bring wealth and success to the owners.
  • Little tree - the growth of the material condition will be gradual.
  • Sick tree - a person someone envies. But if he can cure a bush, then soon in his life will be financially prosperous times.
  • The death of a presented plant indicates difficulties in cash.

Under the gift, the trunk of the money tree is tied up with a red thread or ribbon, which will strengthen the positive energy.

The fall

If the fat man fell:

  • If the trunk was brought after the fall - the period of financial difficulties occurs.
  • If the fastest fell along with the pot, but it remained intimacy of material success.
  • If the pot crashed - someone envies the well-being of the family.

If the plant brought down the trunk, financial difficulties are expected


Crasus helps to improve the material condition of the house in which it is located. Signs and superstitions associated with different periods of Crassula's life helps to properly press and plant a sprout, care for the tree, explain what it means that the plant died or bloomed. The fat manner is undemanding in care, but many use its artificial imitation, which gives the same effect.

The money tree is a popular plant that is distinguished by the unpretentious care. Since the flower grows quite a long time, there are various signs and superstitions about the money tree.

What symbolizes the plant

The money tree has several titles, for example, Crasusla (fat from the Latin language) and a fat man. Flower titles illustrate its appearance. Crasusla is a succulent that has a massive trunk and rounded dense leaves. When growing a house, the crack can reach one and a half meters. Crasusul has blossom periods. However, inflorescences are characterized by pale color.

The fat man was known in ancient China. One of the imperial tombs is decorated with images of monetary wood from bronze. In Russia, it was believed that the fat man was - the process of sunny tree. And if a person in the world is generous, he is waiting for him in the afterlife.

The birthplace of Crassus consider Africa, Madagascar and South Arabia. The fat man is cultivated more than one and a half thousand years. For the first time in reference books, the flower is mentioned in 1687. The spread of the plant begins in the 19th century. In other countries, Crasus falls together with various tropical colors.

The popularity and prevalence of money tree is associated with the peculiarities of the care, favorable signs and superstitions. Money tree is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Reference! The flower called the money tree merchants from the Middle East. Leaves of the plant in appearance resemble a silver dinar.

Money tree is also called nephite or greedyite plant. It is known that the jewels always symbolized power and wealth. According to the signs and superstitions, Krasul gives his owners youth.

Magic properties of Tolstyanka

Currently, more than 200 types of money trees are cultivated. Flowers differ in size, tint sheets. When the Crasus is not crowded for a long time, it does not die due to the accumulation of moisture in the sheets. This property is compared with man reserves for a black day.

The flower can multiply and germinate even under adverse conditions of its content. This is also considered a symbol of enrichment. Of the small initial capital, the profit is growing in the same way.

It is believed that Crassula not only attracts wealth, but also gives the owner of the flower confidence, develops leadership qualities. Tolstanka is sometimes called dollar, mint tree. Crassula on signs and superstition symbolizes good luck and happiness.

To whom and why you can not keep the monetary tree at home

Crassus is a symbol of stability and financial well-being. The plant, according to superstitions, attracts the energy of money. Feeding leaflets resemble silver coins. The money tree is not recommended for cultivation if the flower can not provide sufficient care and care.

Signs and superstition about flower Money tree

Most plants are quite ordinary care, which consists in feeding and irrigation. However, a monetary tree, being a succulent, can transfer a temporary lack of moisture. According to the signs and superstitions, the Crasus needs attention and communication, without which it will just perish.

The money tree should be told about their material plans. To this end, choose the most active day from the point of view of energy potential, that is, Wednesday. It was on this day that the plants are asked to support the plant.

During the removal of dust leaves need to be recalculated. This is due to the superstition that I like the money.

To attract wealth, the money tree, in accordance with the signs, plant exclusively in the red pot. If the Crasus is grown in a conventional pot, it must be tape with a red ribbon. You can also decorate the pot with red lines. Such a decor is a rapid cash flow.

Tolstanka can not be placed in close proximity to electrical appliances. This sign is due to an obstacle to free circulation of wealth energy.

The money tree at which a significant amount of dust was copied cannot bring financial well-being. That is why flowers are recommended to periodically remove dust with a wet napkin. In accordance with the superstition, many dense leaves indicates a good atmosphere in the house.

After another profit, it is necessary to arrange several coins with a slide near the pot with Crassula. According to signs and superstitions, coins are a powerful magnet that increases the effect of the flower.

Superstitions say that by tosing banknotes to Tolstanka, wealth can be attracted. Money is attached to the trunk with a red thread or ribbon. In order not to have a stagnation of "money" energy, old banknotes are desirable to replace new.

Attention! Decoration of money on candies in Golden Foil is read by a new year. Binding candy is recommended with red threads or ribbons.

Superstition says that Krassulu can be replaced by a coin by a tree. Such a magic talisman is recommended to people who do not like to care for plants.

Money tree signs at home

According to the signs to attract money, you need to grow your own pain. Thus, initially, it should be purchased and rooted by a small sprout. Superstitions say that it is advisable for communication with the monetary tree at least a few minutes every day. It is advisable to wipe the dense leaves with a wet cloth, mentioning about wealth.

There are several basic advantages of growing Tolstanka at home:

  • attracting well-being and good luck;
  • cleansing an apartment from the stagnant negative energy;
  • absorption of negative in household diseases;
  • lack of allergic reactions;
  • useful bactericidal properties.

Crasusla not only attracts financial well-being. Plant is used for skin disease therapy, arthritis. Legs from leaves are used for herpes virgin infection and sore throat. The juice is useful in injuries and stretching, which soak the bandage and tie up the place of defeat.

Fresh leaf can be used immediately after the bee bite. The leaf is cut and then applied fresh cut directly to the wound, fixing the plaster. This tool contributes to the elimination of swelling.

Is it possible to cut a money tree by signs

Trimming is needed to give the shape of Crown. For this purpose, the secateurs takes and cut off twigs for 2 cm. The slice should be above the sleeping kidney. This is required for subsequent growth of branches on the side.

Young plants do not need trimming. If intensive growth is noted, you can re-jeep off the twig with the help of nails at the growth point, which is located on the top.

Attention! It is impossible to allow foreign people to the money tree so that they cannot pick up part of income.

What the money tree fell according to the signs

Withering a money tree indicates the need for careful care. It is advisable to transplant it to another Vase. The root inspects on the subject of rot. The affected areas are trimmed with a knife and process coal.

To strengthen the energy of money, the fallen leaves are collected and folded into the wallet. If the tree died, it does not talk about bad superstitions and signs. The deceased village takes a process for rooting.

According to some signs about the money tree, if the plant begged, it is necessary to wait to reduce the profits. The fallen sheets can also fill financial losses.

The money tree fallen with a pot is good. According to superstitions, the financial position of the family will strengthen.

If a pot is broken with a pot, superstition predicts envy of friends. Broken trunk - adverse superstition. Stability and well-being will be broken. Specialists advise to put the pot in the most sustainable place.

Signs if the plant is blooming

It is noted that the money tree is distinguished by rare flowering. When flowers appear, you need to make a material desire. Superstitions and signs indicate their emergency implementation.

The presence of flowering can also be the approach of the unexpected receipt of funds, as well as the receipt of inheritance.

Signs, if you gave a money tree

The village is given, for example, for a wedding. At the same time, you need to wish young prosperity. There is a superstition that the trunk must be tied up with a red ribbon, to tie on the branches rolled up the banknote tube.

It is noteworthy that not only a living tree is given. The flower can be made of stones, seashells, metal. Such a talisman is located on the southeast window.

Superstition states that it is impossible to give adult Tolstanka, as you can become bankrupt. If the plant was donated to the wedding, this is a good sign for both sides. If you give a cash church, it should be put separately from other domestic flowers. Complete for Tolstanka need coins. You can sell exceptionally young processes that cannot be accepted. This is due to the fact that they bring income to their future owners.

Attention! Damage is allowed exclusively excess processes.

Is it possible to throw out a money tree

From the tree you can get rid of if it dried. However, the flower needs to thank for the assistance rendered to attract wealth. It is necessary to dig a coin, which implies communication with the house.

The dried tree is not a magnet for enrichment, but inhibits cash energy. If there are at least one alive branch, it should be rooted.

Attention! Some experts believe that throwing a sick flower, which means to attract failure. Worsening worsening can be expected if the purchased plant quickly died.

If a person grown a monetary tree for a long time, in accordance with superstitions, it cannot be thrown out. The faded flower should be buried.

Where to put a plant better

The pot should be located on the southern or south-oriental window. It should be borne in mind that dense leaves are susceptible to sunburn burns. In sunny weather, the money tree must be dialed.

According to superstitions, when landing the money should be observed the necessary conditions:

  • it is forbidden to acquire an adult plant in the store;
  • only a small sprocket is allowed to landing;
  • in order to maximize the well-being, it is necessary to steal the leaf of Crassus, which grows in a rich family;
  • sprout for landing can be purchased for several coins;
  • the pot for Tolstanka should be expensive and necessarily red;
  • so that the vase is charged with financial energy, placed coins on the bottom;
  • the plant is transplanted into a larger pot as they grow;
  • about my desires need to tell the flower, periodically rubbing the leaves.

To avoid tolstanki fading, you can not talk about bankruptcy. The conversation should be in a positive way. Wealth is desirable to describe in detail.

Attention! The money tree is also recommended to have a workplace for career growth and wage.

The money tree does not like straight sun rays, but the room should be quite light. It is allowed to put Tolstanka to the colors stand.

The pot can be placed near the aquarium or in the bathroom. This is due to the fact that Crassus prefers increased humidity.

Attention! Before location in the bathroom you need to check the pipes. When water leakage, cash will leave the house.

The air temperature should be permanently different and range 19-24 ° C. Dry air is not suitable for money.

Rituals on Tolstanka to attract money

A monetary tree is a powerful monetary charm who relieves fatigue and returns strength. According to superstitions and signs, special rituals can be used to raise profits:

  1. On Wednesday night with a full moon put in a red pot of 8 coins. Before planting a stolen sprout, it must be stroke and ask for wealth. The planted plant is located on the South East window.
  2. Near the village put 7 candles in a circle and asked in a whisper of financial well-being.
  3. If the trunk is shaking, the plant gives money.
  4. The thicker leaves, the more wealth. To grow the state, you need to dig coins into the ground, decorate the sprigs with red ribbons.
  5. According to signs and superstitions, a dragon can be put on Tolstanka, which attracts well-being. Instead of owls, the owls also have a salary. To strengthen the beneficial properties, it is installed at the base of 3 red lamp.

Important! The money tree is not located near the cacti, as they absorb various radiation.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in the signs

The appearance of the flower indicates a cash flow. Small leaves and fading speak of ambulance and poverty. If the fat man is characterized by a good condition, one can judge a favorable financial atmosphere in the family.

To avoid negative consequences and superstitions, you should carefully care for the plant. Adequate care will not only allow air to be saturated with useful connections, but also ensure the well-being of households.

Do not take a sick tree as a gift. This suggests that the family had ill-wishers. If the new flower owners can cure it, you can expect a profit as good signs.


Signs and superstitions about the money tree claim that the plant helps to get rich. Crassula can become a kind of financial talisman only subject to the rules of care. It should be timely watering, feed and replant. Fat helps to smooth out conflicts in the family and get well-being. Flowers use a tree for medicinal purposes.

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The monetary tree (Crasus, the FAST) is braided by folk signs and superstitions. This is a unique flower controlling energy of money, bringing wealth and comfort. For 1500 years, its cultivation and breeding continues, and the questions about its possible benefits do not subside. Understand whether it is possible to keep it in the house, how to plant, care, cut and what to do if it died you can be lower.

The money tree fell but all the whole - this sign predicts the opposite growth, takeoff income. However, if at the same time the pot collapsed or most of the land was poured - to trouble. Feed and broke - money strings leading to you will fail and finances will sing romances.

A tree as a gift - the signs are interpreted here in different ways. If the village is large, then the big ladies are promulit. If a small (sprout) - everything just begins, but will definitely. If you brought a sore tree as a gift, then such a gift should not be taken at all, because with his diseases you will come to you the problems of the presented and success will leave you for a long time.

Artificial sorny - will also work if it is slightly watering it with a water and wet the leafs of the coin. Also, you can attach a couple of bills with a clip, but once a month they will need to spend.

Crassula bent - wait to loosen the drain flow.

Feed leaves - to losses in finance. How many leaves opens, your profits will fall for so much percent.

Is it possible to keep at home: signs

If you still do not have such a beautiful and useful flower in your house - then correct it as soon as possible. After all, a monetary tree (fat man) is not just a flower - this is some kind of money generator. It helps to attract financial well-being and can adjust the aura in the house so that any life in it will experience the life of life and inspiration.

It is very important to talk with your plant, share with it with his joys and problems, then it will share with you. There are signs that recommends each Wednesday to tell the plant about its income. It will work with you depending on your words and will help protect yourself from unnecessary spending.

The property of Tolstanka in addition to the harmonization of the financial sphere is also the healing of space and others - improving the mood and normalization of life. It is always nice to see how it is heated in the sun.

Also a very good sign will be the solution to place a money tree at work - this will provide you with some growth and just a pleasant mood.

Is it possible to throw out a money tree: signs

This is a rather subtle question and signs in different ways refer to such actions:

  • On the one hand, if the tree really died, he wanted to throw away anyway. In this case, do not forget to dig a coin that I was buried. She reflects the connection with you and your home and so you can interrupt it.
  • On the other, if the plant fell ill, then it should be treated and not to throw away. Perhaps it has already helped you more than once and protected until he had forces. Now he needs help. And if you throw a fearful flower - it will attract negative karma.
  • If the plant is great, but you do not need it, or you cannot raise it anymore - then sell it for the symbolic price on free classifieds board. Someone is probably useful.

Money tree died: Signs

If your flower has completely faded, then this is a bad bad sign. The money tree is a magic plant and if you themselves raised, it is firmly related to your financial position.

When it dies, it may mean that your cash flow dries up and the plant lacks feeding.

On the contrary, the recently purchased a plant, which faded for several months after the acquisition does not promise anything bad. Just maybe you didn't care about him quite correctly, or it has already come to you sick.

Is it possible to cut: signs

Cash trimming is not such a frequent phenomenon. Signs about this say that it is possible to carefully dispersed the tops so that the plant is better branched and gained strength. However, it is not necessary to get involved.

Also, according to the verified accept, in no case cannot be allowed to be allowed to your village of outsiders. Their hands can break part of your profits and carry into their home.

How to put a money tree

However, it is not always possible and the time to wait for the leafle to the roots in the water (about two weeks) before planting. You can purchase a young church in the store.


It is advisable to buy or plan the Crasus on the growing moon in the ground. The pot is better to choose from natural clay with red patterns, or that color. Capturing coin (1 or 5 rubles) on the most bottom and read plot:

To grow my flower, bring me money the bag. Such is my will. Ankiermo!

After that, do not forget to water your plant on time, take care of him and give your warmth.

Is it possible to buy a money tree

Let the traditional method of breeding this plant be to steal a piece of leaf, but the signs do not prohibit the purchase. Especially if you have not so much experience in how to convince him to let the roots in the water. When purchasing, do not forget to thank the seller and give a few more money than you need. You need to purchase on a growing moon, ideally - a young month.

Can I sell a money tree

If the money in the money is raised independently, it is configured to your home and it should not be sold.

If you initially raised it for sale and did not invest our aura into a flower, you can sell without problems. The future hostess itself charges him and will use as his own talisman.

Is it possible to give Tolstyanka's process

The process is the basis of the plant, its seed. It is not possible to give such seeds not only, but also need. However, this does not mean that you can break down any leaf and give away - it's not at all.

The plant itself will solve whether it is possible to share the proceedings now, and if one or more of them can be stopped. The torn leaflet or the process should not disturb the total composition of the plant, you can give only unnecessary.

If there is no "extra", then the time to share has not come yet.

What flows money tags

The crack of the plant, though not whitewally, but it is difficult to catch it for flowering. The appeared buds sign that in your life comes a nice, financially most prosperous stage. Take advantage of them to stock investment in Cash, make some reserves (financial airbag) and then it will be much easier for you to live.

Have questions about money trees? Can you decide whether to keep it in the house? Set them in the comments and I will definitely answer you. Author of the article: extrasens, parapsychologist and magician Boris Shabrin.

I wish your plant to always feel beautifully and gave you wealth and well-being.

A monetary tree is a special, mystical plant. It is associated with the appearance of money in the house, well-being and family heat. In addition, it is easy to care for Tolstanka, it easily sees and does not require special care conditions. But it is impossible to just plant a succulent in a pot and wait for a miracle. Signals and superstitions are associated with the money tree that must be followed to preserve the magical power of this plant. It is easy, the main thing is to understand overall logic and philosophy.

How the fat man got his mythical meaning

For the first time on the mystical features of the money tree, they paid attention to ancient China. In the era of the development of art Feng Shui, there was a legend of "money rain". This story told about the magic tree, on which coins grew up instead of leaves. It was worth shaking a wonderful plant, as a person felt with money from the legs to the head.

Of course, there are no such plants in the real world, but in the art of Feng Shui in this image appeared Crasus. If you correctly care for the money tree, comply with the necessary rites and follow the signs, then, according to followers of this teaching, it really will bring prosperity and prosperity to the house.

Origin and brief description

The crack is brought to Europe from China. This succulent became a famous indoor plant in Asia in the Middle Ages. He won special popularity in the CIS countries in the last twenty years.

Crasusla is a plant of succulent type. A monetary tree is one of the few succulents with a thick and strong barrel, covered with a dense layer of the crust. The thickness grows up to 1.5 meters at home (in nature up to 2 meters). Shees of her big, fleshy, bright green.

The main feature of the Crassus is its structure and form. Without additional trimming and direction of the branches, this plant looks like a tree, although in itself is considered a shrub. In addition, its height and thickness are easily adjustable. If you do not increase the size of the pot, then the growth will gradually slow down. So the gardener gets the perfect plant for the Bonsai technique.

History of the name

Why did Krassul, thereby become the legendary tree? The fact is that the form of the leaves of this succulent is similar to the coins, which in those days were paid in China. This feature was noticed by Master Feng Shui, and Tolstanka made a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Of course, the plant itself cannot attract money. It does not have any kind of magical properties, if they do not believe in them. Only when the Crassula is kept correctly, they put a special meaning in it and all the rites are observed, it becomes a real good luck symbol.

Excellent signs and superstitions

Signs and superstitions surrounding Tolstanka are extremely diverse. They are associated with the rules for disembodies and further care for the Succulent on the canons Feng Shui:

  1. Signs say that throwing out a monetary tree is strictly prohibited. Even if the plant has already died, it is impossible to just be sent to the trash can. Crasusulus can only be "buried" in the open soil. It is believed that if the flower is just throwing out, then weakness will be offended by the owner of the house and will no longer visit it.
  2. If the plant fell and broke, you can save both parts. It is better to plant all the resulting seedlings into a new soil, even the part that remains in a pot. If the money tree broke down because it will not be possible to make new seedlings, from pieces that are not subject to recovery make a fertilizer for soil at home.
  3. Throw out an old plant that is tired, too. It is not recommended to sell it. It is best to leave the flower in a prominent place in the office or the entrance (if weather conditions allow) and inform the neighbors and colleagues that it can take home by anyone. Then the ritual with "theft" of Tolstanka will be observed.
  4. Succulent, which is planted to raise profits, can not be decorative to cut. You can trim the crown only strictly according to branches, and all separated cuttings should be placed in water for forming roots. If it did not work, they can only be allowed to fertilizer.
  5. Tolstanka blossom is a special period with a lot of superstitions. It is believed that at this time the succulent is especially vulnerable before evil spirits, so a red thread should be tied to the trunk. It will save both Crassus and prosperity in the house.

Also, the Feng Shui masters believe that the monetary tree absorbs the negative. In order for this process to take place as efficiently as possible, it is best to install a pot with a plant in those places where the family is going most often, or at the workplace, where a person often experiences stress.

Is it possible to keep at home money

Not everyone, even superstitious, people believe that Feng Shui can benefit them. Those who have no problems with money, doubt whether they should raise the Crassus. Can this plant harvest?

Breeding in the apartment of Tolstanka is absolutely safe. In its botanical properties, it is not poisonous, and its mystical features also do not have a negative effect even for fairly secured people.

In addition, according to the extensive beliefs, the fat man, which was planted with the whole family together, strengthens the relationship between relatives and serves as a symbol of the house, protecting it from the evil eye and third-party intervention. The main thing is that all relatives who were involved in the process make it voluntarily and with a good mood.

Can I give a money tree

It is believed that the best thing is growing in the event that it "stolen". A bought or presented flower does not possess such force. It is not necessary to actually steal someone in a room plant, you can simply pretend that "take someone else's".

If you present Tolstanka to someone for my birthday, it's best not to just give the plant to the new owner, and ask him to "buy out" for this coin of any nominal. This ritual helps both sides to save their prosperity and well-being.

How to choose a place for a plant in the house

According to the signs, the money tree should be so that its mystical properties revealed as much as possible, fruitfully affecting the inhabitants of the house. To do this, you need to find a zone of wealth. According to the instructions of Feng-Shuya, it is located in the south-east of the apartment, in the lower right of its corner.

At the same time, the place in which the Tolstyanka is planted must meet the requirements for caring for it. It can not be too humid here, the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees. In addition, it is impossible to put a monetary tree on drafts - it will quickly destroy it.

If the family wants to attract money to the house, it is best to install Crasus in the bedroom. It is commonly in this room the money and valuable things of the family are stored, so the succulent will be saturated with this energy and multiply it. If another room turned out to be in the south-east, there is no problem in this. Tolstanka can be placed in any room, except for the bathroom (due to high humidity).

Ritual landing of money

To plant a money tree so that it brings money is easy if you comply with the usual rules for the care and transplantation of the plant.

First of all, you need to correctly pick up a pot and soil. The soil must be loose, with low nitrogen content. Pot - be great, preferably square shape. The angles symbolize the rigor and orderliness, which often lacks money.

For a succulent landing, you should choose the right stalk. It is best to use a baby that formed from the air process. Such seedlings are suitable in a new place with a practically one hundred percent probability, and the plant is experiencing less stress when separating.

The landing of Crasus is accompanied by a conspiracy for money. While the plant falls into the ground, the garden plant must repeat the following phrase: "The money come, the money is growing, money will find money in my pocket." Conspiracy should be read at least three times.

Also important condition for transplanting a money tree - to plant it at night during the phase of the growing moon. In the full moon replancing or planting a thickness strictly forbidden.

Coins are placed in a pot with a plant. They fit on the bottom as a drainage. It helps to strengthen the effect of Crasus. It is valid only if all other signs were taken into account.

Secrets of care to attract good luck and money

Careful for money tree so that the money was found quite simple. First you need to follow the standard rules. In addition to them, there are several non-good secrets that will help make gardener's life easier:

  1. Like any room plant, the crack need regular watering. It is possible to irrigate the soil of this succulent with warm water. If a liquid is used from under the tap, it is best to give it to stand up before you water the money tree. During this procedure, you can put a coin water vessel. This will help properly charge fluid on wealth.
  2. Another rite is associated with making feed. Conspiracy, which is read during the planting of Crasus, is recommended to repeat once and then when the fertilizer is mixed into water for watering.
  3. Special attention should be paid to the health of Tolstanka. When this succulent is coordinated for revenue, he begins to spend his life forces not only on growth and development, but also to maintain a positive atmosphere in the house. Because of this, Crasus is becoming more vulnerable to various diseases and the negative effects of pest insects. Treat the money tree is needed quickly and radically using pesticides and insecticides. Danger of pests and diseases are much higher than from chemicals. After treatment, the plant needs to speak again.

If a person is experiencing material difficulties and wants to have a mascot, a money tree is an excellent choice. Caring for Him teaches liability and organization, aesthetics and the correct forms of Tolstanka help to collect thoughts and decompose them on the shelves, and compliance with the norms of Feng Shui will help to charge the plant with the necessary energy and set up their lives to good luck and profit.

Often people hold houses at home that have a certain magic value. They are planted to attract joy in the house, happiness, wealth. In order for the apartment in the apartment, magic professionals and florists recommend landing a tree called a fat man. In the people, it is also called the money tree, the signs about him are rich.

How to land

Superstitions read, if you steal the sprout from the maternal tree, then ingrown out of it in an adult, you need to gently tear or cut off a twig or leaf. If it is possible, after this manipulation, you need to sprinkle a scene in the main plant with chopped coal. So the wound will heal faster. Before planting a sprout to the ground, you can process it with fertilizer: just to dip it with the tip in the stimulating growth of the liquid.

Allocate five main rules for landing money on wealth:

  1. To make money in the house just inhabit, it is necessary to plant a plant at dusk should not do it when it is declining, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect, and the money will begin to flow from the family.
  2. To enhance the flower action, you can use ribbons and. The ribbon can be tied to the base or consolidate the plant to the support. Coins stick to the edge into the ground parallel to the plant.
  3. To strengthen the action of the coin, it can be put on the bottom of the pot when planting a plant. It is better to take a foreign coin of a large nominal value with a number 5: 25, 50, etc. This figure may lure wealth.
  4. Before boarding, you can put in a pot of some precious metals or broken jewelry.
  5. You need to read three times over the plant. It is necessary to do it quietly, but clearly:

"Money come, the money is growing, Money will find money in my pocket."

What to choose a pot

In order for the tree to bring wealth to the house, it is not only necessary to plant it correctly, but also to choose a vase for him:

  • so that the fat man felt comfortable and grew well, she needs a beautiful pot that looks richly;
  • the pot is desirable to acquire not artificial, but from natural materials (ceramics tree or stone), the purchase will no longer, but all expenses will pay off;
  • it is better to purchase a vase without a pattern, then you can add it to your discretion;
  • an ideal color that makes money is scarlet, this color can be a container or tape tied around it.

Where to put

With the help of simple manipulations, after a few weeks later, you can expect an improvement in the financial situation. To the plant even more helped, he needs to choose a good place in the apartment.

  1. Do not put a flower where it will be little of the world, it will begin to stick and wither.
  2. The most favorable both for the plant itself and for its energy is the window overlooking the southern or eastern side. These parties are able to strengthen the properties of the flower.

How to strengthen the properties of the plant

So that the fastest blooms faster, you need to care for her with love. You can moisten the leaflets from the sprayer every day, wipe the barrel from dust. From time to time you need to cut lateral shoots so that the plant has a symmetrical shape.

Money tree flowering - good sign

Superstitions that can be used to strengthen the action of money trees:

  • it is worth trying to get sprouts from the flower whose host can boast of prosperity;
  • no need to take a plant from poor people, in stores, hospitals - it can attract negative energy into the house;
  • every day you need to talk with a flower at least 5 minutes.

If the money tree died

When a monetary tree dies, wait for negative leaders and consequences. If it has grown out of a very small leaflet, it may mean that the material benefits from the family will begin to leave. The reason for this may be loving: the car breaks, the crane will leak off the neighbors, household appliances will begin to work.

If the plant does not take root, which bought and planted quite recently, then this does not mean anything dangerous for the well-being of the family. In this house, it is too early to come to material benefits. It is worth thinking about to start such a tree a little later.

When a monetary tree begins to feel or walked, it is worth thinking not only about the conditions of its content: perhaps in the house that sucks the strength from the plant.

If it is necessary to get rid of the plant, for example, when moving, it is not necessary to throw it out. This flower absorbs the entire energy, then directing it to receive wealth, so so that no one can redirect it to another bed, you just need to transplant the plant into another land and give friends or relatives. If a plant give a certain, it is best to land it somewhere in the forest. So you can protect yourself from a negative effect. This needs to be done only with those plants that you yourself were raised from a small leaflet or twig. The money bought in the store can be thrown into the garbage bucket or put it where it can pick it up.

You can try to resurrect the tree if the root system begins to die. To do this, it is necessary to tear off the leaflet and put it into the water, with a drop of growth stimulator. So the plant will not perish, and the positive energy will remain at home.

If still you have to dispose of a money tree, before that it is necessary to talk to him, to explain to him the reasons for such an act, ask for forgiveness and only after that throw away.

If the plant fell

There is a great set of adopted with money tree, but not all of them are really good things.

  1. If something happens to the flower in the house, it may mean trouble.
  2. If the fat man fell, and she crashed a pot, this is a sign that the family began to be attentively treating people who have access to the house.
  3. If the pot has not suffered, but the tree itself has damage, it foreshadows the problems of a material nature.
  4. If neither a pot nor a plant during falling is injured - you can be calm, it is only joy and happiness, it is a sign of the fortress of prosperity in the family.

So that the plant does not dilute, and you did not have to think about negative signs, you need to follow the flower and give him your love and care.