Turbine weight pt 80 100 130 13. Steam turbine operation


PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 LMZ.

The instructions should be known:

1.head of boiler and turbine shop-2,

2.Deputies Heads of Boiler and Turbine Shop for Operation-2,

3. senior shift supervisor of station-2,

4.shift supervisor of station-2,

5.shift supervisor of the turbine department of the boiler-turbine shop-2,

6.TsSCHU machinist steam turbines VI category,

7. operator-lineman for turbine equipment of the V category;

8. Engineer-lineman for turbine equipment of the IV category.


OJSC Energetiki and Electrification Kamchatskenergo.

Branch "Kamchatka CHPPs".


Chief Engineer branch of OJSC "Kamchatskenergo" KTETs

Bolotenyuk Yu.N.

“ “ 20 g


Operation steam turbine

PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 LMZ.

Validity of the instruction:

from "____" ____________ 20

by "____" ____________ 20

Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky

1. General Provisions…………………………………………………………………… 6

1.1. Safe operation criteria for a steam turbine PT80 / 100-130 / 13 ………………. 7

1.2. Turbine technical data ……………………………………………………… ...… .. 13

1.4. Turbine protection ………………………………………………………………. ……………… 18

1.5. The turbine must be shut down with a manual vacuum breakdown ………… ...... 22

1.6. The turbine must be stopped immediately ……………………………………… ...… 22

The turbine must be unloaded and stopped during the period

determined by the chief engineer of the power plant …………………………… .. …… ..… 23

1.8. Allowed long work turbines with rated power ………………… ... 23

2. Short description turbine structures ………………………………… ..… 23

3. Oil supply system of the turbine unit ………………………………… ..…. 25

4. Generator shaft seal system …………………………………… ....… 26

5. Turbine regulation system ………………………………………… ...…. 30

6. Technical data and description of the generator ……………………………… .... 31

7. Technical characteristics and description of the condensing unit…. 34

8. Description and technical specifications regenerative installation ... ... 37

Description and technical characteristics of the installation for

heating network water ………………………………………………… ...… 42

10. Preparation of the turbine unit for start-up ………………………………………….… 44

10.1. General provisions ………………………………………………………………………… ...… .44

10.2. Preparation for putting into operation of the oil system ………………………………… ... …… .46

10.3. Preparation of the control system for start-up ………………………………………… .. …… .49

10.4. Preparation and start-up of the regenerative and condensing unit …………………………… 49

10.5. Preparation for putting into operation the installation for heating network water ..................... 54

10.6. Heating up the steam line to the GPP ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..... 55

11. Start-up of the turbine unit ……………………………………………………… ..… 55

11.1. General instructions ……………………………………………………………………………… .55

11.2. Starting the turbine from a cold state ……………………………………………………… ... 61

11.3. Starting the turbine from a cold state ……………………………………………….… ..64

11.4. Hot start-up of the turbine …………………………………………………………. 65

11.5. Features of turbine start-up on sliding parameters of live steam ………………….… ..67

12. Switching on the production steam extraction ……………………………… ... 67

13. Shutdown of production steam extraction …………………………….… 69

14. Switching on the cogeneration steam extraction …………………………… ..…. 69

15. Shutdown of heating steam extraction ………………………….… ... 71

16. Maintenance of the turbine during normal operation ………………….… 72

16.1 General provisions …………………………………………………………………………… .72

16.2 Condensing unit maintenance ……………………………………………… ..74

16.3 Maintenance of the regenerative plant ……………………………………………….… .76

16.4 Oil supply system maintenance ………………………………………………… ... 87

16.5 Generator maintenance ……………………………………………………………………… 79

16.6 Maintenance of the installation for heating network water …………………………………. …… 80

17. Stopping the turbine ……………………………………………………………… 81

17.1 General instructions for stopping the turbine …………………………………………………. …… 81

17.2 Shutdown of the turbine in reserve, as well as for repairs without cooling down …………………… ..… 82

17.3 Shutdown of the turbine for repair with cooling down ……………………………………………… ... 84

18. Safety requirements ……………………………………. …… 86

19. Measures for the prevention and elimination of accidents at the turbine …… 88

19.1. General instructions ………………………………………………………………………………… 88

19.2. Cases of emergency shutdown of the turbine ……………………………………………………… ...… 90

19.3. Actions performed by technological protection of the turbine ……………………………………………………………………………………… 91

19.4. Personnel actions in case of emergency on the turbine …………………………… .. …… .92

20. Rules for admission to equipment repair ……………………………….… 107

21. The order of admission to the tests of the turbine ………………………………… .. 108


22.1. Turbine start-up schedule from a cold state (metal temperature

HPC in the steam inlet zone less than 150 ˚С) ………………………………………………… ..… 109

22.2. Turbine start-up schedule after 48 hours downtime (metal temperature

HPC in the steam inlet zone 300 ˚С) ………………………………………………………………. 110

22.3. Turbine start-up schedule after 24-hour downtime (metal temperature

HPC in the steam inlet area 340 ˚С) ………………………………………………………… ..… 111

22.4. Turbine start-up schedule after 6-8 hours downtime (metal temperature

HPC in the steam inlet area 420 ˚С) ……………………………………………………………… .112

22.5. Turbine start-up schedule after a downtime of 1-2 hours (metal temperature

HPC in the steam inlet zone 440 ˚С) ………………………………………………… .. ………… 113

22.6. Tentative schedules of turbine start-up at nominal

parameters of live steam ………………………………………………………………….… 114

22.7. Turbine longitudinal section ……………………………………………………… ..….… 115

22.8. Turbine regulation diagram ……………………………………………………… ..… .116

22.9. Thermal diagram of the turbine plant ………………………………………………………….… .118

23. Additions and changes ……………………………………………… ...…. 119


Steam turbine type PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 LMZ with production and 2-stage cogeneration steam extraction, rated power 80 MW and maximum 100 MW (in a certain combination of controlled extractions) is designed for direct generator drive alternating current TVF-110-2E U3 with a capacity of 110 MW, mounted on a common foundation with a turbine.

List of abbreviations and legend:

AZV - automatic shutter high pressure;

VPU - barring device;

GMN - main oil pump;

GPZ - main steam valve;

KOS - check valve with a servo motor;

KEN - condensate electric pump;

MUT - turbine control mechanism;

ОМ - power limiter;

LDPE - high pressure heaters;

HDPE - heaters low pressure;

PMN - starting oil electric pump;

PN - cooler for steam seals;

PS - steam seal cooler with an ejector;

PSG-1 - bottom bleed network heater;

PSG-2 - the same, top selection;

PEN - electric feed pump;

RVD - high pressure rotor;

RK - control valves;

RND - low pressure rotor;

RT - turbine rotor;

HPC - high pressure cylinder;

LPC - low pressure cylinder;

РМН - reserve oil pump;

AMN - emergency oil pump;

RPDS - oil pressure drop relay in the lubrication system;

Рпр - steam pressure in the production selection chamber;

Р - pressure in the chamber of the lower heating selection;

Р - the same, upper heating selection;

Дпо - steam consumption in production selection;

D - total consumption for PSG-1,2;

KAZ - automatic shutter valve;

MNUV - generator shaft seal oil pump;

LOG - generator cooling pump;

САР - automatic control system;

EGP - electrohydraulic converter;

KIS - executive solenoid valve;

TO - heating selection;

PO - production selection;

MO - oil cooler;

RPD - differential pressure regulator;

PSM - mobile oil separator;

ЗГ - hydraulic shutter;

БД - damper tank;

IM - oil injector;

РС - speed regulator;

РД - pressure regulator.

1.1.1. By turbine power:

Maximum turbine power when fully switched on

regeneration and certain combinations of production and

heat extraction ………………………………………………………………… ... 100 MW

Maximum power of the turbine in condensing mode with switched off HPH-5, 6, 7 ………………………………………………………………… ... 76 MW

Maximum power of the turbine in condensing mode with switched off LPH-2, 3, 4 ………………………………………………………………… .... 71 MW

Maximum turbine power in condensing mode when switched off

PND-2, 3, 4 and PVD-5, 6, 7 ……………………………………………………………………… .68 MW

which are included in the work of PST-5,6,7 ………………………………………………………. 10 MW

Minimum turbine power in condensing mode at

which turns on the drain pump PND-2 …………………………………………… .20 MW

The minimum power of the turbine unit at which they are included in

operation of regulated turbine extractions …………………………………………………………… 30 MW

1.1.2. Turbine rotor speed:

Rated speed of the turbine rotor ……………………………………………. 3000 rpm

Rated speed of the turbine rotor barring

device ………………………………………………………………………… .. ………. 3.4 rpm

Maximum deviation of the turbine rotor speed at

which the turbine unit is shut down by protection ……………………………………. ……… ..…. 3300 rpm

3360 rpm

Critical rotational speed of the turbine generator rotor …………………………………… .1500 rpm

Critical speed of the turbine low pressure rotor ……………………. …… 1600 rpm

The critical speed of the turbine high-pressure rotor …………………….… .1800 rpm

1.1.3. By the consumption of superheated steam per turbine:

Nominal steam consumption for a turbine when operating in a condensing mode

with a fully activated regeneration system (at rated power

turbine unit equal to 80 MW) …………………………………………………………… 305 t / h

Maximum steam consumption per turbine when the system is switched on

regeneration, regulated production and heating extractions

and closed control valve No. 5… .. …………………………………………………. 415 t / h

Maximum steam consumption for the turbine ……………………. ………………… .. ……………… 470 t / h

mode with switched off PVD-5, 6, 7 ………………………………………………………. 270 t / h

The maximum steam consumption for a turbine when it is operating on a condensing

mode with disabled PND-2, 3, 4 ……………………………………… ... ………………. 260 t / h

The maximum steam consumption for a turbine when it is operating on a condensing

mode with disabled PND-2, 3, 4 and PVD-5, 6, 7 ……………………………………… ..… 230 t / h

1.1.4. According to the absolute pressure of the superheated steam before the AZV:

Nominal absolute pressure of superheated steam before AZV ………………… .. ……… .130 kgf / cm 2

Permissible decrease in the absolute pressure of superheated steam

before AZV during turbine operation ……. ………………………………………………………… 125 kgf / cm 2

Permissible increase in the absolute pressure of superheated steam

before the AZV during the operation of the turbine. ……………………………………………………………… 135 kgf / cm 2

Maximum deviation of the absolute pressure of the superheated steam before the AZV

during the operation of the turbine and with the duration of each deviation no more than 30 minutes ... .... 140 kgf / cm 2

1.1.5. By the temperature of the superheated steam before the AZV:

Nominal temperature of superheated steam before the AZV .. ………………………………… ..… ..555 0 С

Allowable temperature reduction of superheated steam

before AZV during turbine operation .. ………………………………………………………. ……… 545 0 С

Allowable temperature rise of superheated steam before

AZV during turbine operation …………………………………………………………………… .. 560 0 С

The maximum deviation of the temperature of the superheated steam before the AZV at

operation of the turbine and the duration of each deviation no more than 30

minutes …………………. ……………… .. …………………………………………………. ……… 565 0 С

The minimum deviation of the temperature of the superheated steam before the AZV at

which the turbine unit is switched off by the protection ......................................................................... 425 0 С

1.1.6. According to the absolute steam pressure in the turbine control stages:

with the consumption of superheated steam per turbine up to 415 t / h. .. …………………………………… ... 98.8 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute vapor pressure in the HPC control stage

when the turbine is operating in condensation mode with switched off PVD-5, 6, 7 .... ……….… 64 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute vapor pressure in the HPC control stage

when the turbine is operating in condensation mode with switched off PND-2, 3, 4 ………….… 62 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute vapor pressure in the HPC control stage

when the turbine is operating in condensation mode with switched off PND-2, 3, 4

and LDPE-5, 6,7 ……………………………………………………………… .. ………. ……… ..... 55 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute vapor pressure in the transfer chamber

HPC valve (for 4-stage) with superheated steam consumption per turbine

more than 415 t / h ……………………………………………………………………………………… 83 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute vapor pressure in the regulating chamber

LPC steps (for 18 step) …………………………… .. …………………………………… ..13.5 kgf / cm 2

1.1.7. According to the absolute steam pressure in the regulated turbine outlets:

Permissible increase in the absolute vapor pressure in

adjustable production selection ……………………………………………………… 16 kgf / cm 2

Permissible decrease in absolute vapor pressure in

controlled production selection ………………………………………………………… 10 kgf / cm 2

The maximum deviation of the absolute vapor pressure in the controlled production extraction at which the safety valves…………………………………………………………………… ..19.5 kgf / cm 2

upper heating extraction ………………………………………………………….… ..2.5 kgf / cm 2

upper heating extraction …………………………………………………… .. ……. 0.5 kgf / cm 2

The maximum deviation of the absolute vapor pressure in the controlled

upper heating extraction at which the

safety valve ……………………………………………………………… .. …… 3.4 kgf / cm 2

The maximum deviation of the absolute vapor pressure in

controlled upper heating extraction at which

the turbine unit is switched off by protection ………………………………………… .. ………………… ... 3.5 kgf / cm 2

Permissible increase in the absolute vapor pressure in the controlled

lower heating extraction …………………………………………………………. …… 1 kgf / cm 2

Permissible decrease in the absolute vapor pressure in the controlled

lower heating extraction …………………………………………………………….… 0.3 kgf / cm 2

Maximum allowable pressure drop between the chamber

lower heating extraction and turbine condenser .............................................................................. ... up to 0.15 kgf / cm 2

1.1.8. According to the steam consumption in the controlled extractions of the turbine:

Nominal steam consumption in the regulated production

selection ………………………………………………………………………………………. …… 185 t / h

The maximum steam consumption in a regulated production ...

rated power of the turbine and off

heat extraction ……………………………………………………………. ……… 245 t / h

The maximum steam consumption in the regulated production

selection at an absolute pressure in it equal to 13 kgf / cm 2,

reduced to 70 MW turbine power and switched off

heat extraction ……………………………………………………………… .. …… 300 t / h

Nominal steam consumption in the adjustable upper

heat extraction …………………………………………………………………… ... 132 t / h

and disconnected production takeoff …………………………………………………… 150 t / h

The maximum steam flow rate in the adjustable upper

cogeneration extraction with reduced capacity to 76 MW

turbine and disconnected production extraction ………………………………………. …… 220 t / h

The maximum steam flow rate in the adjustable upper

cogeneration take-off at the rated power of the turbine

and reduced to 40 t / h steam consumption in the production selection ......................................... 200 t / h

Maximum steam consumption in PSG-2 at absolute pressure

in the upper heating extraction 1.2 kgf / cm 2 …………………………………………….… 145 t / h

Maximum steam consumption in PSG-1 at absolute pressure

in the lower heating extraction 1 kgf / cm 2 ………………………………………………. 220 t / h

1.1.9. By steam temperature in the turbine outlets:

Nominal steam temperature in a controlled production

selection after ОУ-1, 2 (3,4) …………………………………………………………………………. 280 0 С

Permissible temperature rise of steam in the controlled

production selection after ОУ-1, 2 (3,4) ……………………………………………… .... 285 0 С

Permissible decrease in steam temperature in the controlled

production selection after ОУ-1,2 (3,4) ………………………………………………….… 275 0 С

1.1.10. By the thermal state of the turbine:

Maximum rate of metal temperature rise

… .. ……………………………… ..15 0 С / min.

bypass pipes from AZV to control valves of HPC

at superheated steam temperatures below 450 degrees C. ……………………………………. ……… 25 0 С

Maximum permissible temperature difference of the metal

bypass pipes from AZV to control valves of HPC

at a superheated steam temperature above 450 degrees C. ……………………………………. …… .20 0 С

Maximum permissible temperature difference of the top metal

and the bottom of the HPC (LPC) in the steam inlet zone …………………. ………………………………………… ..50 0 С

The maximum permissible temperature difference of the metal in

cross section(in width) of horizontal flanges

cylinder connector without turning on the heating system

flanges and HPC studs .. …………………………………. ………………………………………… 80 0 С

HPC connector with heating of flanges and studs turned on ………………………………… ..… 50 0 С

in cross section (width) of horizontal flanges

HPC connector with heating of flanges and studs turned on ………………………………. …… -25 0 С

The maximum permissible temperature difference of the metal between the upper

and the lower (right and left) flanges of the HPC when the

heating of flanges and studs ………………………………………………. ………………… .... 10 0 С

Maximum permissible positive difference in metal temperatures

between the flanges and pins of the HPC when the heating is on

flanges and studs …………………………………………………………. …………………… .20 0 С

Maximum permissible negative temperature difference of the metal

between the flanges and pins of the HPC when the heating of flanges and pins is on ……………………………………………………………………………………… ..… ..- 20 0 C

Maximum permissible temperature difference in metal thickness

cylinder walls, measured in the zone of the HPC regulating stage .... ………………………… .35 0 С

bearings and thrust bearing of the turbine ……………………………………. …… ...… ..90 0 C

Maximum admissible temperature bearing liners

generator bearings ……………………………………………………. ………… .. ……… ..80 0 C

1.1.11. By the mechanical state of the turbine:

Maximum permissible shortening of the RVD relative to the HPC .... …………………………………. -2 mm

Maximum permissible elongation of the high pressure hose relative to the high pressure cylinder .... ………………………………. + 3 mm

The maximum permissible shortening of the RND relative to the LPC .... …………………… .. ……… -2.5 mm

Maximum permissible elongation of RND relative to LPC ……. …………………… .. ……. + 3 mm

Maximum permissible curvature of the turbine rotor ……………. …………………………. 0.2 mm

Maximum permissible maximum curvature value

shaft of the turbine unit when passing critical speeds ...................... 0.25 mm

side of the generator ………………………………………………………. ………………… ..… 1.2 mm

Maximum permissible axial displacement of the turbine rotor in

side of the regulation unit ……………………………………………. …………………… .1,7 mm

1.1.12. By the vibration state of the turbine unit:

Maximum permissible vibration velocity of turbine unit bearings

in all modes (except for critical speeds) ………………. …………………… .4.5 mm / sec

with an increase in the vibration velocity of the bearings of more than 4.5 mm / sec ..................... 30 days

Maximum permissible operating time of the turbine unit

with an increase in the vibration velocity of the bearings of more than 7.1 mm / sec ………. …………………… 7 days

Emergency increase in the vibration speed of any of the rotor supports .................................................... ............................................................. 11.2 mm / s

Emergency sudden simultaneous increase in the vibration velocity of two

supports of one rotor, or adjacent supports, or two vibration components

one support from any initial value …………………………………………… ... by 1mm or more

1.1.13. By flow rate, pressure and temperature of circulating water:

Total consumption of cooling water for the turbine unit …………. ………………………… .8300 m 3 / hour

Maximum flow rate of cooling water through the condenser .... …………………………. 8000 m 3 / hour

Minimum flow rate of cooling water through the condenser ………………. ……………. 2000 m 3 / hour

Maximum water flow through the built-in condenser bundle ………. ……………… 1500 m 3 / hour

Minimum water consumption through the built-in condenser bundle ………………………. 300 m 3 / hour

Maximum temperature of cooling water at the inlet to the condenser .... ………………………………………………………………………………… ..33 0 С

The minimum temperature of the circulating water at the inlet

condenser during subzero outdoor temperatures ……… ... ……………… .8 0 С

The minimum pressure of the circulating water at which the ATS operates circulation pumps TsN-1,2,3,4 …………………………………………………………. 0.4 kgf / cm 2

Maximum pressure of circulating water in the pipe system

left and right halves of the condenser ………………………………………. ………. ……… .2,5 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute pressure of water in the pipe system

built-in condenser bundle. ……………………………………………………………… .8 kgf / cm 2

Rated hydraulic resistance of the condenser at

clean tubes and the flow rate of circulating water 6500 m 3 / hour. Art.

Maximum temperature difference of the circulating water between

its entrance to the capacitor and its exit .............................................................. 10 0 С

1.1.14. By flow rate, pressure and temperature of steam and chemically demineralized water into the condenser:

Maximum consumption of chemically demineralized water into the condenser ……………… .. ……………. 100 t / h.

Maximum steam consumption to the condenser in all modes

operation ……………………………………………………………………………. ……… 220 t / h.

Minimum steam consumption through the LPH of the turbine into the condenser

with closed rotary diaphragm ……………………………………………………. …… 10 t / h.

The maximum permissible temperature of the exhaust part of the LPC ………………………. ……. 70 0 С

Maximum permissible temperature of chemically demineralized water,

entering the condenser …………………………………………………………. ……… 100 0 С

Absolute vapor pressure in the exhaust part of the LPC at which

atmospheric valves-diaphragms are triggered ……………………………………… .. …… ..1,2 kgf / cm 2

1.1.15. By absolute pressure (vacuum) in the turbine condenser:

Nominal absolute pressure in the condenser ………………………………. ……………… 0.035 kgf / cm 2

Permissible vacuum drop in the condenser at which the warning alarm is triggered ………………. ……………………… .. ……… ...- 0.91 kgf / cm 2

Emergency reduction of vacuum in the condenser at which

The turbine unit is shut down by protection …………… …………………………………………… ....- 0.75 kgf / cm 2

dumping hot streams into it .... ………………………………………………………….….-0.55 kgf / cm 2

Permissible vacuum in the condenser when starting the turbine before

by pushing the turbine unit shaft ……………………………………………………………… .. …… -0.75 kgf / cm 2

Permissible vacuum in the condenser when starting the turbine at the end

shutter speed of its rotor rotation with a frequency of 1000 rpm ……………. …………………… .. ……. -0.95 kgf / cm 2

1.1.16. By pressure and temperature of the turbine seal steam:

Minimum absolute steam pressure at the turbine seals

behind the pressure regulator ……………………………………………………………… ... ……… .1,1 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute steam pressure at the turbine seals

behind the pressure regulator ………………………………………………………………………… .1,2 kgf / cm 2

Minimum absolute steam pressure behind the turbine seals

up to the pressure maintenance regulator ……. ………………………………………………….… .1,3 kgf / cm 2

Maximum absolute steam pressure behind the turbine seals ...

before the pressure maintenance regulator ……………………………………………………… ..… .1.5 kgf / cm 2

The minimum absolute vapor pressure in the second seal chambers ......................................................................................................................................... 1.03 kgf / cm 2

The maximum absolute vapor pressure in the second sealing chambers ...................... 1.05 kgf / cm 2

Rated steam temperature at the seals ………………………………………………… .150 0 C

1.1.17. According to the pressure and temperature of the oil for lubricating the bearings of the turbine unit:

Rated overpressure of oil in the bearing lubrication system

turbine to oil cooling. ………………………………………………………………… .. …… ..3 kgf / cm 2

Rated overpressure of oil in the lubrication system

bearings at the level of the turbine unit shaft axis ………… ... ……………………………………… .1kgf / cm 2

at the level of the shaft axis of the turbine unit at which the

warning alarm ……………………………………………………… .. ………. 0.8 kgf / cm 2

Excessive oil pressure in the bearing lubrication system

at the level of the axis of the turbine unit shaft at which the RMN is switched on ………………………………… .0.7 kgf / cm 2

Excessive oil pressure in the bearing lubrication system

at the level of the axis of the turbine unit shaft at which the AMN is switched on …………………………… ..… .0.6 kgf / cm 2

Excessive oil pressure in the bearing lubrication system at the level

the axis of the turbine unit shaft at which the VPU is switched off by the protection …… ……………………… ..… 0.3 kgf / cm 2

Emergency overpressure of oil in the bearing lubrication system

at the level of the turbine shaft axis at which the turbine unit is switched off by the protection …………………………………………………………………………………. ………… ..0 , 3 kgf / cm 2

Nominal temperature of oil for lubricating the bearings of the turbine unit ……………………… .40 0 С

Maximum permissible oil temperature for lubrication of bearings

turbine unit …………………………………………………………………………………….… 45 0 С

The maximum permissible oil temperature at the drain from

turbine unit bearings …………………………………………………………………… .... 65 0 С

Emergency oil temperature at the bearing drain

turbine unit ………………………………………………………………………………. ……… 75 0 C

1.1.18. By oil pressure in the turbine control system:

Excessive oil pressure in the turbine regulation system created by the PMN ……………………………………………………………… .. …………… ..… 18 kgf / cm 2

Excessive oil pressure in the turbine regulation system created by the HMN ………………………………………………………………………… .. …… ..20 kgf / cm 2

Excessive oil pressure in the turbine control system

At which there is a ban on closing the gate valve on the head and on switching off the PMN .... ... ... ... .17.5 kgf / cm 2

1.1.19. By pressure, level, flow rate and oil temperature in the turbine generator shaft seal system:

Excessive oil pressure in the turbine generator shaft seal system at which, according to the ATS, the alternating current backup MNUV is switched on ………………………………………………………………… 8 kgf / cm 2

Excessive oil pressure in the turbine generator shaft seal system at which the ATS switches on

standby DC MNUV …………………………………………………………… ..7 kgf / cm 2

The permissible minimum difference between the oil pressure on the shaft seals and the hydrogen pressure in the turbine generator housing .............................................. 0.4 kgf / cm 2

Maximum permissible differential pressure between oil pressure on the shaft seals and hydrogen pressure in the turbine generator housing ......................................................... ... ..... 0,8 kgf / cm 2

Maximum differential between oil inlet pressure and pressure

oil at the output of the MFG at which it is necessary to switch to the reserve oil filter generator ………………………………………………………………………… .1kgf / cm 2

Nominal oil temperature at the outlet from the MT ………………………………………………. 40 0 ​​С

Permissible increase in oil temperature at the outlet from the MTF ………………………. ……. …… .45 0 С

1.1.20. By temperature and flow rate of feed water through the turbine HPP group:

Nominal temperature of feed water at the entrance to the LDPE group .... ……………………… .164 0 С

Maximum temperature of feed water at the outlet of the LDPE group at the rated power of the turbine unit ……………………………………………………… ..… 249 0 С

Maximum flow rate of feed water through the LDPE pipe system ………………… ...… ... 550 t / h

1.2.Turbine technical data.

Turbine rated power 80 MW
Maximum turbine power with fully switched on regeneration at certain combinations of production and heating extractions determined by the regime diagram 100 MW
Live steam absolute pressure with automatic stop valve 130 kgf / cm²
Steam temperature before the stop valve 555 ° C
Condenser absolute pressure 0.035 kgf / cm²
Maximum steam flow through the turbine when working with all extractions and with any combination of them 470 t / h
Maximum steam flow into the condenser 220 t / h
Consumption of cooling water into the condenser at a design temperature at the inlet to the condenser of 20 ° С 8000 m³ / h
Absolute vapor pressure of controlled production extraction 13 ± 3 kgf / cm²
Absolute steam pressure of the controlled upper heating extraction 0.5 - 2.5 kgf / cm²
Absolute steam pressure of the regulated lower heating extraction with a one-stage heating system for heating water 0.3 - 1 kgf / cm²
Feed water temperature after LDPE 249 ° C
Specific consumption pair (guaranteed POT LMZ) 5.6 kg / kWh

Note: Start-up of a turbine unit, stopped due to an increase (change) in vibration, is allowed only after a detailed analysis of the causes of vibration and with the permission of the chief engineer of the power plant, made by him in his own hand in the operational log of the station shift manager.

1.6 The turbine must be stopped immediately in the following cases:

· Increase in speed above 3360 rpm.

· Detection of a rupture or through crack on non-disconnectable sections of oil pipelines, steam-water duct, steam distribution nodes.

· Appearance of hydraulic shocks in live steam lines or in a turbine.

· Emergency vacuum reduction to -0.75 kgf / cm² or activation of atmospheric valves.

A sharp decrease in the temperature of fresh p

Steam turbine PT-60-130 / 13- condensing, with two regulated steam extractions. Rated power 60,000 kW (60 MW) at 3,000 rpm. The turbine is designed directly to drive an alternator type TVF-63-2 with a capacity of 63,000 kW, with a voltage at the terminals of a 10500 V generator mounted on a common foundation with a turbine. The turbine is equipped with a regenerative device - for heating the feed water and must work with condensing unit... When the turbine is operating without regulated extractions (purely condensing mode), a load of 60 MW is allowed.

Steam turbine PT-60-130 / 13 designed for the following parameters:

  • live steam pressure before the automatic shut-off valve (ASK) 130 ata;
  • live steam temperature before ASK 555 ºС;
  • the amount of cooling water passing through the condenser (at a design temperature at the inlet to the condenser of 20 ºС) 8000 m3 / h;
  • approximate maximum steam consumption at nominal parameters is 387 t / h.

The turbine has two adjustable steam extractions: industrial with a nominal pressure of 13 ata and district heating with a nominal pressure of 1.2 ata. Production and heating selection have the following pressure control limits:

  • industrial 13 + 3 ata;
  • cogeneration 0.7-2.5 ata.

The turbine is a single-shaft, two-cylinder unit. High pressure cylinder has a single-row regulating stage and 16 pressure stages. Low pressure cylinder consists of two parts, of which the medium pressure part has a regulating stage and 8 pressure stages, and the low pressure part has a regulating stage and 3 pressure stages.

All high pressure rotor discs are forged integral with the shaft. The first ten discs of the low-pressure rotor are forged integral with the shaft, the remaining four discs are oversized.

The rotors of the HPC and LPC are interconnected by means of a flexible coupling. The rotors of the LPC and the generator are connected by means of a rigid coupling. nRVD = 1800 rpm., nRND = 1950 rpm.

Solid forged rotor HPC turbine PT-60-130 / 13 has a relatively long front shaft end and a petal (sleeveless) labyrinth seal design. With this design of the rotor, even minor grazing of the shaft by the scallops of the end or intermediate seals cause local heating and elastic deflection of the shaft, which results in vibration of the turbine, triggering of the belt studs, rotor blades, and an increase in radial clearances in the intermediate and overhead seals. Typically, the rotor deflection appears in the operating speed range of 800-1200 rpm. during the start-up of the turbine or during the run-out of the rotors when it is stopped.

The turbine is supplied barring device rotating the rotor at 3.4 rpm. The barring device is driven by a squirrel-cage electric motor.

The turbine has steam nozzle... Fresh steam is fed to a freestanding steam box, in which an automatic shutter is located, from where the steam flows through bypass pipes to the turbine control valves. located in steam boxes welded into the front of the turbine cylinder. The minimum steam passage in the condenser is determined by the mode diagram.

The turbine is equipped flushing device allowing flushing of the turbine flow path on the fly, with a correspondingly reduced load.

To reduce the warm-up time and improve the conditions for starting the turbine, flanges and pins of the HPC are provided, as well as a live steam supply to the front seal of the HPC. To provide correct regime work and remote control system during start-ups and shutdowns of the turbine, group drainage is provided through drain expander into the capacitor.

3.3.4 Steam turbine unit PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Heating steam turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 with industrial and heating steam extraction is designed for direct drive electric generator TVF-120-2 with a rotation frequency of 50 rpm and heat supply for production and heating needs.

Power, MW

nominal 80

maximum 100

Steam ratings

pressure, MPa 12.8

temperature, 0 С 555

Bleed steam consumption for production needs, t / h

nominal 185

maximum 300

upper 0.049-0.245

lower 0.029-0.098

Production sampling pressure 1.28

Water temperature, 0 С

nutritious 249

cooling 20

Cooling water consumption, t / h 8000

The turbine has the following adjustable steam extractions:

an industrial one with an absolute pressure (1.275 ± 0.29) MPa and two heating extractions - an upper one with an absolute pressure in the range of 0.049-0.245 MPa and a lower one with a pressure in the range of 0.029-0.098 MPa. The heating take-off pressure is controlled by one control diaphragm installed in the upper heating take-off chamber. The regulated pressure in the heating extractions is maintained: in the upper extraction - with both heating extractions turned on, in the lower extraction - with one lower heating extraction turned on. Mains water through mains heaters of the lower and upper heating stages must be passed sequentially and in equal quantities. The flow of water passing through the mains heaters must be controlled.

The turbine is a single-shaft, two-cylinder unit. The flow path of the HPC has a single-row regulating stage and 16 pressure stages.

The flow path of the LPC consists of three parts:

the first (up to the upper heating outlet) has a regulating stage and 7 pressure stages,

the second (between heating extractions) two pressure stages,

the third is a regulating stage and two pressure stages.

Solid forged high pressure rotor. The first ten discs of the low-pressure rotor are forged integral with the shaft, the other three discs are mounted.

Steam distribution of the turbine - nozzle. At the outlet of the HPC, part of the steam goes to a controlled production extraction, the rest goes to the LPP. Heating extractions are carried out from the corresponding chambers of the LPC.

To reduce the warm-up time and improve the start-up conditions, steam heating of the flanges and pins and the supply of live steam to the front HPC seal are provided.

The turbine is equipped with a barring device that rotates the shaft line of the turbine unit with a frequency of 3.4 rpm.

The turbine blades are designed to operate at a mains frequency of 50 Hz, which corresponds to a turbine unit rotor speed of 50 r / s (3000 rpm). Long-term operation of the turbine is allowed with a frequency deviation in the network of 49.0-50.5 Hz.

3.3.5 Steam turbine unit R-50 / 60-130 / 13-2

The steam turbine with back pressure R-50 / 60-130 / 13-2 is designed to drive the TVF-63-2 electric generator with a rotational speed of 50 s -1 and supply steam for production needs.

The nominal values ​​of the main parameters of the turbine are given below:

Power, MW

Rated 52.7

Maximum 60

Steam initial parameters

Pressure, MPa 12.8

Temperature, о С 555

Exhaust pressure, MPa 1.3

The turbine has two unregulated steam extractions intended for heating feed water in high pressure heaters.

Turbine design:

The turbine is a single-cylinder unit with a single-row control stage and 16 pressure stages. All rotor discs are forged in one piece with the shaft. Bypass turbine steam distribution. Fresh steam is fed to a free-standing steam box, which houses an automatic shut-off valve, from where the steam flows through bypass pipes to four control valves.

The turbine blades are designed to operate at 3000 rpm. Long-term operation of the turbine is allowed with a frequency deviation in the network of 49.0-50.5 Hz

The turbine unit is equipped with protective devices for joint shutdown of the high pressure pump with simultaneous activation of the bypass line by giving a signal. Atmospheric valves-diaphragms installed on the exhaust pipes and opening when the pressure in the pipes rises to 0.12 MPa.

3.3.6 Steam turbine unit Т-110 / 120-130 / 13

The cogeneration steam turbine T-110 / 120-130 / 13 with heating steam extraction is intended for direct drive of the TVF-120-2 electric generator with a rotational speed of 50 r / s and heat supply for heating needs.

The nominal values ​​of the main parameters of the turbine are shown below.

Power, MW

nominal 110

maximum 120

Steam ratings

pressure, MPa 12.8

temperature, 0 С 555

par 732

maximum 770

Limits of change of steam pressure in regulated heating extraction, MPa

upper 0.059-0.245

lower 0.049-0.196

Water temperature, 0 С

nutritive 232

cooling 20

Cooling water consumption, t / h 16000

Steam pressure in the condenser, kPa 5.6

The turbine has two heating outlets - lower and upper, intended for stepwise heating of the heating system water. With the stepwise heating of the heating water by the steam of two heating outlets, the regulation maintains the set temperature of the heating water behind the upper network heater. When heating the heating system with one lower heating tap, the temperature of the heating water is maintained behind the lower network heater.

The pressure in the regulated heating extractions can vary within the following limits:

in the upper 0.059 - 0.245 MPa with two heating extractions turned on,

in the lower 0.049 - 0.196 MPa with the upper heating selection turned off.

Turbine Т-110 / 120-130 / 13 is a single-shaft unit, consisting of three cylinders: HPC, TsSD, LPC.

HPC - single-flow, has a two-row regulating stage and 8 pressure stages. The high-pressure rotor is one-piece forged.

TsSD - also single-flow, has 14 pressure stages. The first 8 discs of the medium pressure rotor are forged together with the shaft, the remaining 6 are mounted. The guide vane of the first stage of the CPC is installed in the housing, the rest of the diaphragms are installed in the cages.

LPC - two-flow, has two stages in each flow of left and right rotation (one regulating and one pressure stage). The length of the working blade of the last stage is 550 mm, the average diameter of the impeller of this stage is 1915 mm. The low pressure rotor has 4 top discs.

In order to facilitate the start of the turbine from a hot state and increase its maneuverability during operation under load, the temperature of the steam supplied to the penultimate chamber of the front HPC seal is increased by mixing in hot steam from the control valve rods or from the main steam line. From the last compartments of the seals, the vapor-air mixture is sucked out of the seals by the suction ejector.

To reduce the heating time and improve the turbine start-up conditions, steam heating of the HPC flanges and pins is provided.

The turbine blades are designed to operate at a mains frequency of 50 Hz, which corresponds to a turbine unit rotor speed of 50 r / s (3000 rpm).

Long-term operation of the turbine is allowed with a frequency deviation in the network of 49.0-50.5 Hz. In case of emergency situations for the system, short-term operation of the turbine is allowed at a network frequency below 49 Hz, but not below 46.5 Hz (the time is indicated in the technical conditions).

Information on the work "Modernization of the Almaty CHPP-2 by changing the water-chemical regime of the make-up water treatment system in order to increase the temperature of the supply water to 140-145 C"

STEAM TURBINE PLANT PT-80 / 100-130 / 13


The steam condensing turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 (Fig. 1) with adjustable steam extraction (production and two-stage cogeneration) with a rated power of 80 MW, with a speed of 3000 rpm is intended for direct drive of an alternating current generator with a power of 120 MW type TVF-120-2 when working in a block with a boiler unit.

The turbine has a regenerative device for heating the feed water, network heaters for stepwise heating of the network water and must work in conjunction with a condensing unit (Fig. 2).

The turbine is designed to operate with the following main parameters, which are presented in Table 1.

The turbine has adjustable steam extraction: production with a pressure of 13 ± 3 kgf / cm 2 abs; two cogeneration extractions (for heating network water): the upper one with a pressure of 0.5-2.5 kgf / cm 2 abs; lower-0.3-1 kgf / cm 2 abs.

Pressure regulation is carried out by means of one control diaphragm installed in the lower heating extraction chamber.

The regulated pressure in the cogeneration extractions is maintained: in the upper extraction with two heating extractions turned on, in the lower one - with one lower heating extraction turned on.

Heating of feed water is carried out sequentially in LPH, deaerator and HPH, which are fed with steam from the turbine extractions (regulated and unregulated).

Data on regenerative selections are given in table. 2 and correspond to the parameters for all indicators.

Table 1 Table 2


Steam parameters in the extraction chamber

Quantity selected steam, t / h

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 abs.

Temperature, С

LDPE No. 6


PND number 2

PND number 1

The feed water coming from the deaerator to the regenerative system of the turbine unit has a temperature of 158 ° C.

With nominal parameters of live steam, cooling water flow rate 8000 m 3 h, cooling water temperature 20 ° C, fully switched on regeneration, the amount of water heated in the HPH equal to 100% steam consumption when the turbine unit operates according to the scheme with a deaerator 6 kgf / cm 2 abs. with stepwise heating of the network water, with full utilization of the turbine's throughput and minimum steam flow into the condenser, the following values ​​of controlled withdrawals can be taken: nominal values ​​of controlled withdrawals at a power of 80 MW; production selection 185 t / h at a pressure of 13 kgf / cm 2 abs; total heating extraction 132 t / h at pressures: in the upper extraction 1 kgf / cm 2 abs. and in the lower selection 0.35 kgf / cm 2 abs; the maximum value of the production selection at a pressure in the selection chamber of 13 kgf / cm 2 abs. is 300 t / h; with this value of production extraction and the absence of cogeneration extraction, the turbine capacity will be 70 MW; with a nominal capacity of 80 MW and the absence of cogeneration extraction, the maximum production extraction will be about 245 t / h; the maximum total value of cogeneration withdrawals is 200 t / h; with this amount of take-off and the absence of production take-off, the capacity will be about 76 MW; with a rated power of 80 MW and no production extraction, the maximum heating extraction will be 150 t / h. In addition, a nominal capacity of 80 MW can be achieved with a maximum cogeneration extraction of 200 t / h and a production extraction of 40 t / h.

Long-term operation of the turbine is allowed with the following deviations of the main parameters from the nominal ones: live steam pressure 125 - 135 kgf / cm 2 abs .; live steam temperature 545-560 ° С; an increase in the temperature of the cooling water at the inlet to the condenser up to 33 ° C and a cooling water flow rate of 8000 m 3 h; simultaneous decrease in the value of production and heating extraction of steam to zero.

When the pressure of live steam rises to 140 kgf / cm 2 abs. and temperatures up to 565 ° C, the turbine may operate for no more than 30 minutes, and the total duration of the turbine operation at these parameters should not exceed 200 hours per year.

Long-term operation of a turbine with a maximum power of 100 MW at certain combinations of production and heating extraction depends on the amount of extraction and is determined by the regime diagram.

Turbine operation is not allowed: at a steam pressure in the production selection chamber above 16 kgf / cm 2 abs. and in the cogeneration chamber above 2.5 kgf / cm 2 abs .; when the steam pressure in the chamber of the overload valve (behind the 4th stage) is higher than 83 kgf / cm 2 abs; when the steam pressure in the chamber of the LPC regulating wheel (behind the 18th stage) is higher than 13.5 kgf / cm 2 abs; with the included pressure regulators and pressures in the production selection chamber below 10 kgf / cm 2 abs., and in the lower heating selection chamber below 0.3 kgf / cm 2 abs; for exhaust into the atmosphere; the temperature of the exhaust part of the turbine is above 70 ° C; on a temporary unfinished installation scheme; when the upper heating extraction is turned on with the lower heating extraction turned off.

The turbine is equipped with a barring device that rotates the turbine rotor.

The turbine blade unit is designed to operate at a mains frequency of 50 Hz (3000 rpm).

Long-term operation of the turbine with deviations of the mains frequency within 49-50.5 Hz, short-term operation at a minimum frequency of 48.5 Hz, start-up of the turbine on sliding steam parameters from cold and hot states is allowed.

Estimated duration of turbine starts from different thermal states (from push to rated load): from cold state - 5 hours; after 48 hours of inactivity - 3 hours 40 minutes; after 24 hours of inactivity - 2 hours 30 minutes; after 6-8 hours of inactivity - 1 hour 15 minutes.

Turbine operation is allowed on Idling after load shedding no more than 15 minutes, provided that the condenser is cooled by circulating water and a fully open rotary diaphragm.

Warranty heat costs. Table 3 shows the guaranteed specific heat consumption. Specific steam consumption is guaranteed with a 1% tolerance above the test accuracy.

Table 3

Power at generator terminals, MW

Production selection

Heating selection

Network water temperature at the network heater inlet, PSG 1, ° С

Generator efficiency,%

Feed water heating temperature, ° С

Specific heat consumption, kcal / kWh

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 abs.

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 abs.

The amount of extracted steam, t / h

* Extraction pressure regulators are off.

Turbine design. The turbine is a single-shaft, two-cylinder unit. The flow path of the HPC has a single-row regulating stage and 16 pressure stages.

The flow path of the LPC consists of three parts: the first (before the upper heating extraction) has a regulating stage and seven pressure stages, the second (between the heating extractions) has two pressure stages and the third has a regulating stage and two pressure stages.

The high-pressure rotor is one-piece forged. The first ten discs of the low-pressure rotor are forged integral with the shaft, the other three discs are mounted.

The rotors of the HPC and LPC are rigidly interconnected by means of flanges, forged together with the rotors. The rotors of the low-pressure cylinder and the generator of the TVF-120-2 type are connected by means of a rigid coupling.

Critical speeds of the turbine and generator shafting per minute: 1 580; 2214; 2470; 4650 correspond to I, II, III and IV tones of transverse vibrations.

The turbine has a steam nozzle distribution. Fresh steam is fed to a freestanding steam box, in which an automatic shutter is located, from where steam flows through bypass pipes to the turbine control valves.

After leaving the HPC, part of the steam goes to the controlled production extraction, the rest goes to the LPP.

Heating extraction is carried out from the corresponding chambers of the LPC. At the exit from the last stages of the turbine LPC, the exhaust steam enters the surface-type condenser.

The turbine is equipped with steam labyrinth seals. Steam is supplied to the penultimate compartments of the seals at a pressure of 1.03-1.05 kgf / cm 2 abs. temperature of about 140 ° C from the collector fed with steam from the equalizing line of the deaerator (6 kgf / cm 2 abs.) or the steam space of the tank.

From the outer compartments of the seals, the vapor-air mixture is sucked by the ejector into the vacuum cooler.

The turbine fixing point is located on the turbine frame on the generator side, and the unit expands towards the front bearing.

To reduce the warm-up time and improve the start-up conditions, steam heating of the flanges and pins and a live steam supply to the front HPC seal are provided.

Regulation and protection. The turbine is equipped with a hydraulic control system (Fig. 3);

1- power limiter; 2-block of spools of the speed regulator; 3-remote control; 4-servo auto shutter; 5-speed regulator; 6-safety regulator; 7-spools of the safety regulator; 8-distance servo motor position indicator; 9-servo motor CVD; 10-servo motor ČSD; 11-servo motor LPH; 12-electrohydraulic converter (EGP); 13-summing spools; 14-emergency electric pump; 15-standby electric lubrication pump; 16-start electric pump of the control system (alternating current);

I- pressure line 20 kgf / cm 2 abs .;II- line to the valve of the HPC servo motor;III-line to the spool of the servo motor H "SD; IV-line to the spoolat the servo motor PND; V-line suction of the centrifugal main pump; VI-line of lubrication to oil coolers; VII-line to automatic shutter; VIII-line from the summing spools to the speed regulator; IX-line of additional protection; X - other lines.

The working fluid in the system is mineral oil.

The rearrangement of the control valves for the fresh steam inlet, the control valves before the CSD and the rotary diaphragm of the steam bypass in the LPHP is performed by servomotors, which are controlled by the speed regulator and pressure regulators of the extracts.

The regulator is designed to maintain the rotational speed of the turbine generator with an unevenness of about 4%. It is equipped with a control mechanism that is used to: charge the safety regulator spools and open the automatic live steam shutter; changes in the rotational speed of the turbine generator, and it is possible to synchronize the generator at any emergency frequency in the system; maintaining a given generator load while the generator is running in parallel; maintaining the normal frequency during single operation of the generator; increasing the speed when testing the safety regulator strikers.

The control mechanism can be operated either manually, directly at the turbine, or remotely from the control panel.

Bellows pressure regulators are designed for automatic maintenance of steam pressure in chambers of controlled extraction with unevenness of about 2 kgf / cm 2 for production extraction and about 0.4 kgf / cm 2 for heating extraction.

The control system has an electrohydraulic converter (EHC), the closing and opening of the control valves of which is influenced by the technological protection and emergency automation of the power system.

To protect against an unacceptable increase in the speed of rotation, the turbine is equipped with a safety regulator, two centrifugal strikers of which instantly operate when the speed reaches 11-13% above the nominal, which causes the automatic shutter of live steam, control valves and the rotary diaphragm to close. In addition, there is an additional protection on the speed regulator spools block, which is triggered when the frequency is increased by 11.5%.

The turbine is equipped with an electromagnetic switch, when triggered, an automatic shutter, control valves and a rotary PND diaphragm are closed.

The influence on the electromagnetic switch is carried out by: an axial shift relay when the rotor moves in the axial direction by an amount,

exceeding the maximum permissible; vacuum relay in case of an impermissible vacuum drop in the capacitor up to 470 mm Hg. Art. (when the vacuum drops to 650 mm Hg, the vacuum relay gives a warning signal); live steam temperature potentiometers in case of impermissible decrease in live steam temperature without time delay; key for remote shutdown of the turbine on the control panel; pressure drop switch in the lubrication system with a time delay of 3 s with a simultaneous alarm signal.

The turbine is equipped with a power limiter used in special cases to limit the opening of the control valves.

Check valves are designed to prevent the turbine from accelerating by a reverse steam flow and are installed on pipelines (regulated and unregulated) steam extractions. The valves are closed by the counterflow of steam and from the automation.

The turbine unit is equipped with electronic regulators with actuators to maintain: a given steam pressure in the end seal manifold by acting on the steam supply valve from the equalizing line of the deaerators 6 kgf / cm 2 or from the steam space of the tank; the level in the condensate collector of the condenser with a maximum deviation from the specified ± 200 mm (the same regulator turns on the recirculation of condensate at low steam flow rates in the condenser); the level of heating steam condensate in all heaters of the regeneration system, except for HDPE No. 1.

The turbine unit is equipped with protective devices: for joint shutdown of all HPH with simultaneous activation of the bypass line and signaling (the device is triggered in the event of an emergency increase in the condensate level due to damage or violations of the density of the pipe system in one of the HPH up to the first limit); atmospheric valves-diaphragms, which are installed on the exhaust pipes of the LPC and open when the pressure in the pipes rises to 1.2 kgf / cm 2 abs.

Lubrication system is designed to supply oil T-22 GOST 32-74 to the control system and the bearing lubrication system.

The oil is supplied to the lubrication system before the oil coolers by means of two injectors connected in series.

To service the turbine generator during its start-up, a starting oil electric pump with a rotational speed of 1,500 rpm is provided.

The turbine is equipped with one standby AC motor pump and one standby DC motor pump.

When the lubricant pressure drops to the corresponding values, the standby and emergency pumps are automatically switched on from the lubricant pressure switch (RDS). The RDS is periodically tested during the operation of the turbine.

When the pressure is below the permissible one, the turbine and the barring device are disconnected from the RDS signal to the electromagnetic switch.

The working capacity of the tank of a welded structure is 14 m 3.

To clean the oil from mechanical impurities, filters are installed in the tank. The design of the tank allows for quick and safe filter changes. There is a filter for fine oil purification from mechanical impurities, which provides constant filtration of part of the oil consumption consumed by the control and lubrication systems.

To cool the oil, two oil coolers (surface vertical) are provided, designed to operate on fresh cooling water from the circulation system at a temperature not exceeding 33 ° C.

Condensing device, designed for the maintenance of the turbine unit, it consists of a condenser, main and starting ejectors, condensate and circulation pumps and water filters.

The surface two-pass condenser with a total cooling surface of 3,000 m 2 is designed to operate on fresh cooling water. It provides for a separate built-in bundle for heating make-up or network water, the heating surface of which is about 20% of the entire surface of the condenser.

An equalizing vessel is supplied with the condenser for connection of an electronic level control sensor acting on the control and recirculation valves installed on the main condensate line. The condenser has a special chamber built into the steam part, in which the HDPE section No. 1 is installed.

The air removal device consists of two main three-stage ejectors (one standby) designed to suck air and ensure the normal heat exchange process in the condenser and other vacuum heat exchange devices and one starting ejector for quickly raising the vacuum in the condenser to 500-600 mm Hg. Art.

Two condensate pumps (one standby) of vertical type are installed in the condensation device for pumping out condensate, supplying it to the deaerator through ejector coolers, seal coolers and HDPE coolers. Cooling water for the condenser and generator gas coolers is supplied by circulation pumps.

For mechanical cleaning of the cooling water supplied to the oil coolers and gas coolers of the unit, filters with rotary screens are installed for flushing on the fly.

Launch ejector circulation system It is designed to fill the system with water before starting the turbine unit, as well as to remove air when it accumulates in the upper points of the drain circulation pipes and in the upper water chambers of the oil coolers.

To break the vacuum, an electric valve is used on the air suction line from the condenser, installed at the starting ejector.

Regenerative device is intended for heating feed water (turbine condensate) with steam taken from the intermediate stages of the turbine. The installation consists of a surface condenser of the working steam, the main ejector, surface steam coolers from labyrinth seals, surface HDPE, after which the turbine condensate is directed to the surface HPH deaerator to heat the feed water after the deaerator in an amount of about 105% of the maximum steam consumption by the turbine.

HDPE No. 1 is built into the condenser. The rest of the HDPE are installed by a separate group. LDPE No. 5, 6 and 7 - vertical design with built-in desuperheaters and drainage coolers.

LDPE are supplied with group protection, which consists of automatic outlet and check valves at the water inlet and outlet, an automatic valve with an electromagnet, a pipeline for starting and shutting down the heaters.

LDPE and HDPE are equipped with each, except for HDPE No. 1, with a condensate drain control valve controlled by an electronic "regulator."

Heating steam condensate drain from heaters is cascade. Condensate is pumped out of LPH # 2 with a drain pump.

Condensate from LDPE No. 5 is directly directed to the deaerator 6 kgf / cm 2 abs. or in case of insufficient pressure in the heater at low loads, the turbine automatically switches to drain to the LPHE.

The characteristics of the main equipment of the regenerative installation are given in table. 4.

A special vacuum cooler SP is supplied for suction of steam from the end compartments of the turbine labyrinth seals.

Steam is sucked from the intermediate compartments of the turbine labyrinth seals into a vertical cooler CO. The cooler is included in the regenerative heating circuit of the main condensate after LPH # 1.

The design of the cooler is similar to that of low pressure heaters.

Heating of the heating system water is carried out in an installation consisting of two network heaters No. 1 and 2 (PSG No. 1 and 2), connected by steam to the lower and upper heating extractions, respectively. Type of network heaters-PSG-1300-3-8-1.

Equipment identification

Heating surface, m 2

Working environment parameters

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 abs., at hydraulic test in spaces

Water consumption, m 3 / h

Resistance, m water. Art.

Built in capacitor

PND No. 2


PND No. 3

PND No. 4

PND No. 5


PND No. 6


PND No. 7

Steam cooler from intermediate seal chambers


Steam cooler from the end chambers of the seals

Specific heat consumption for two-stage heating of heating water.

Conditions: G k3-4 = Gin CSD + 5 t / h; t k - see fig. ; t 1v 20 ° C; W@ 8000 m3 / h

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; t 1v 20 ° C; W@ 8000 m3 / h; Δ i PEN = 7 kcal / kg

Rice. ten, a, b, v, G


Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) on deviation pressure fresh pair from nominal on ± 0.5 MPa (5 kgf / cm2)

α q t = ± 0,05 %; α G 0 = ± 0,25 %

b) on deviation temperature fresh pair from nominal on ± 5 ° C

v) on deviation expense nutritious water from nominal on ± 10 % G 0

G) on deviation temperature nutritious water from nominal on ± 10 ° C

Rice. eleven, a, b, v



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) on shutdown group LDPE

b) on deviation pressure spent pair from nominal

v) on deviation pressure spent pair from nominal

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; G pit = G 0

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C

Conditions: G pit = G 0; R 9 = 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm2); t pit - see fig. ; t k - see fig.

Conditions: G pit = G 0; t pit - see fig. ; R 9 = 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm2)

Conditions: R n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); i n = 715 kcal / kg; t k - see fig.

Note. Z= 0 - the regulating diaphragm is closed. Z= max - the control diaphragm is fully open.

Conditions: R wto = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2)



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2) at Gin CSD ≤ 221.5 t / h; R n = Gin CSD / 17 - at Gin CSD> 221.5 t / h; i n = 715 kcal / kg; R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); t k - see fig. ,; τ2 = f(P WTO) - see fig. ; Q t = 0 Gcal / (kWh)



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 1.3 (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; R NTO = 0.06 (0.6 kgf / cm2); R 2 @ 4 kPa (0.04 kgf / cm2)



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° WITH; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R NTO = 0.09 MPa (0.9 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° WITH; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0; τ2 = 52 ° WITH.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° WITH; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO and R NTO = f(Gin CSD) - see fig. thirty; R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R NTO = 0.09 MPa (0.9 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0; Q m = 0



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0; τ2 = 52 ° C; Q m = 0.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO and R NTO = f(Gin CSD) - see fig. ; R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Rice. 41, a, b



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) minimally possible pressure v upper T-selection and calculated temperature reverse network water

b) amendment on temperature reverse network water



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

1 Based on data from POT LMZ.

On deviation pressure fresh pair from nominal on ± 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm2): To complete expense warmth

To expense fresh pair



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

1 Based on data from POT LMZ.

On deviation temperature fresh pair from nominal on ± 10 ° C:

To complete expense warmth

To expense fresh pair



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

1 Based on data from POT LMZ.

On deviation pressure v NS-selection from nominal on ± 1 MPa (1 kgf / cm2):

To complete expense warmth

To expense fresh pair

Rice. 49 a, b, v



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) ferry production selection

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); ηem = 0.975.

b) ferry upper and bottom heating selections

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; R WTO = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); ηem = 0.975

v) ferry bottom district heating selection

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; R NTO = 0.09 MPa (0.9 kgf / cm2); ηem = 0.975

Rice. 50 a, b, v



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) on pressure v production selection

b) on pressure v upper cogeneration selection

v) on pressure v lower cogeneration selection



Typical energy performance was compiled on the basis of reports on thermal tests of two turbine units: at Chisinau CHPP-2 (work performed by Yuzhtekhenergo) and at CHPP-21 Mosenergo (work performed by MGP PO Soyuztekhenergo). The characteristic reflects the average efficiency of a turbine unit that has undergone a major overhaul and operates according to the thermal scheme shown in Fig. ; with the following parameters and conditions taken as nominal:

Pressure and temperature of live steam in front of the turbine stop valve - 13 (130 kgf / cm2) * and 555 ° С;

* In the text and on the graphs - absolute pressure.

The pressure in the controlled production extraction is 13 (13 kgf / cm2) with a natural increase at an inlet flow rate of more than 221.5 t / h;

Pressure in the upper heating bleed - 0.12 (1.2 kgf / cm2) with a two-stage heating system for heating water;

Pressure in the lower heating extraction - 0.09 (0.9 kgf / cm2) with a one-stage heating system for heating water;

The pressure in the regulated production extraction, the upper and lower heating extractions in the condensation mode with the pressure regulators turned off - fig. and ;

Exhaust steam pressure:

a) to characterize the condensation mode and work with extractions with one-stage and two-stage heating of network water at constant pressure - 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2);

b) for the characteristics of the condensation mode at a constant flow rate and temperature of the cooling water - in accordance with the thermal characteristic of the condenser at t 1v= 20 ° C and W= 8000 m3 / h;

The high and low pressure regeneration system is fully switched on, the 0.6 deaerator (6 kgf / cm2) is fed with steam from the production extraction;

The feed water consumption is equal to the live steam consumption, the return of 100% of the condensate from the production extraction at t= 100 ° C carried out in a deaerator 0.6 (6 kgf / cm2);

The temperature of the feed water and the main condensate behind the heaters corresponds to the dependences shown in Fig. ,,,,;

Enthalpy gain of feed water in the feed pump - 7 kcal / kg;

The electromechanical efficiency of the turbine unit is taken according to the test data of the same type of turbine unit carried out by Dontekhenergo;

Extraction pressure regulation limits:

a) production - 1.3 ± 0.3 (13 ± 3 kgf / cm2);

b) upper district heating with a two-stage heating system for heating system water - 0.05 - 0.25 (0.5 - 2.5 kgf / cm2);

a) the lower heating plant with a one-stage heating system for heating water - 0.03 - 0.10 (0.3 - 1.0 kgf / cm2).

Heating of heating water in a cogeneration plant with a two-stage heating system of heating water, determined by the factory design dependencies τ2р = f(P WTO) and τ1 = f(Q T, P WTO) is 44 - 48 ° С for maximum heating loads at pressures P WTO = 0.07 ÷ 0.20 (0.7 ÷ 2.0 kgf / cm2).

The test data used as the basis for this Typical energy characteristic were processed using "Tables of thermophysical properties of water and water vapor" (Moscow: Standards Publishing House, 1969). According to the conditions of POT LMZ, the return condensate of the production selection is introduced at a temperature of 100 ° C into the main condensate line after the LPH No. 2. When drawing up the Typical energy characteristic, it is assumed that it is introduced at the same temperature directly into the deaerator 0.6 (6 kgf / cm2) ... According to the conditions of the POT LMZ, with two-stage heating of network water and modes with a steam flow rate at the inlet to the CSD of more than 240 t / h (maximum electrical load at low production extraction), LPH No. 4 is completely switched off. When compiling the Typical Energy Characteristics, it was assumed that when the flow rate at the inlet to the CSD exceeds 190 t / h, part of the condensate is sent to the LPH bypass No. 4 so that its temperature in front of the deaerator does not exceed 150 ° C. This is required to ensure good deaeration of the condensate.


The turbine unit, along with the turbine, includes the following equipment:

Generator TVF-120-2 of the Electrosila plant with hydrogen cooling;

Two-pass condenser 80 KTsS-1 with a total surface of 3000 m2, of which 765 m2 falls on the built-in beam;

Four low pressure heaters: LPH # 1 built into the condenser, LPH # 2 - PN-130-16-9-11, LPH # 3 and 4 - PN-200-16-7-1;

One deaerator 0.6 (6 kgf / cm2);

Three high pressure heaters: LDPE No. 5 - PV-425-230-23-1, LDPE No. 6 - PV-425-230-35-1, LDPE No. 7 - PV-500-230-50;

Two circulation pumps 24NDN with a flow rate of 5000 m3 / h and a pressure of 26 m water. Art. with electric motors of 500 kW each;

Three condensate pumps KN 80/155 driven by 75 kW electric motors each (the number of pumps in operation depends on the steam flow into the condenser);

Two main three-stage ejectors EP-3-701 and one starting EP1-1100-1 (one main ejector is constantly in operation);

Two heating water heaters (upper and lower) PSG-1300-3-8-10 with a surface of 1300 m2 each, designed to pass 2300 m3 / h of heating water;

Four condensate pumps for heating system water KN-KS 80/155 driven by 75 kW electric motors each (two pumps for each PSG);

One mains pump I lift SE-5000-70-6 with an electric motor of 500 kW;

One mains pump of the II rise SE-5000-160 with an electric motor of 1600 kW.


In the condensing mode with disconnected pressure regulators, the total gross heat consumption and live steam consumption, depending on the power at the generator outputs, is expressed by the equations:

At constant condenser pressure

P 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2);

Q 0 = 15,6 + 2,04N T;

G 0 = 6,6 + 3,72N t + 0.11 ( N t - 69.2);

At constant flow rate ( W= 8000 m3 / h) and temperature ( t 1v= 20 ° C) cooling water

Q 0 = 13,2 + 2,10N T;

G 0 = 3,6 + 3,80N t + 0.15 ( N t - 68.4).

The above equations are valid within the power range from 40 to 80 MW.

The consumption of heat and live steam in the condensation mode for a given power is determined from the given dependences with the subsequent introduction of the necessary corrections according to the corresponding graphs. These amendments take into account the difference in operating conditions from the nominal ones (for which the Typical characteristic has been drawn up) and serve to recalculate these characteristics for operating conditions. When recalculating, the signs of the corrections are reversed.

The corrections adjust the consumption of heat and live steam at a constant power. If several parameters deviate from the nominal values, the corrections are algebraically summed up.


With the regulated extractions turned on, the turbine unit can operate with one-stage and two-stage heating systems for heating system water. It is also possible to work without heating extraction with one production unit. The corresponding typical diagrams of modes for steam consumption and the dependence of the specific heat consumption on power and production selection are given in Fig. -, and specific electricity generation based on heat consumption in Fig. -.

Mode diagrams are calculated according to the scheme used by POT LMZ, and are shown in two fields. The upper field is a diagram of the modes (Gcal / h) of a turbine with one production selection at Q m = 0.

When the heating load is switched on and other unchanged conditions, either only the 28th - 30th stages are unloaded (with one lower mains heater turned on), or the 26th - 30th stages (with two mains heaters turned on) and the turbine power is reduced.

The power reduction value depends on the heating load and is determined

Δ N Qt = KQ T,

where K- the specific change in the turbine power Δ determined during the tests N Qt / Δ Q t, equal to 0.160 MW / (Gcal · h) with single-stage heating, and 0.183 MW / (Gcal · h) with two-stage heating of heating water (Fig. 31 and 32).

Hence it follows that the consumption of live steam at a given power N m and two (production and heating) takeoffs will correspond to some fictitious capacity along the upper field N ft and one production screening

N ft = N t + Δ N Qt.

The inclined straight lines of the lower field of the diagram allow you to graphically determine the value of N ft, and according to it and the production selection of the consumption of live steam.

The values ​​of the specific heat consumption and specific power generation for heat consumption are calculated according to the data taken from the calculation of the regime diagrams.

The graphs of the dependence of the specific heat consumption on power and production selection are based on the same considerations as in the diagram of the LMZ POT modes.

A schedule of this type was proposed by the turbine shop of MGP PO Soyuztekhenergo (Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1978, No. 2). It is preferred over the charting system q t = f(N T, Q m) for different Q n = const, since it is more convenient to use. The graphs of the specific heat consumption for reasons of a non-fundamental nature are made without the lower field; the method of using them is illustrated by examples.

The typical characteristic does not contain data characterizing the mode at three-stage heating of network water, since such a mode at installations of this type was not mastered anywhere during the testing period.

The influence of deviations of the parameters from those adopted in the calculation of the Typical characteristic for the nominal is taken into account in two ways:

a) parameters that do not affect heat consumption in the boiler and heat supply to the consumer at constant mass flow rates G 0, G n and G t, - making corrections to the specified power N T( N t + KQ T).

According to this corrected power in Fig. - live steam consumption, specific heat consumption and total heat consumption are determined;

b) amendments for P 0, t 0 and P n are introduced to those found after making the above amendments to the live steam flow and the total heat flow rate, after which the live steam flow and the heat flow (total and specific) for the given conditions are calculated.

The data for the live steam pressure correction curves are calculated using the test results; all other correction curves are based on LMZ POT data.


Example 1. Condensing mode with disconnected pressure regulators in the outlets.

Given: N t = 70 MW; P 0 = 12.5 (125 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 550 ° C; R 2 = 8 kPa (0.08 kgf / cm2); G pit = 0.93 G 0; Δ t pit = t pit - t npit = -7 ° C.

It is required to determine the total and specific gross heat consumption and live steam consumption under the given conditions.

The sequence and results are shown in table. ...

Table P1


Method of determination

The resulting value

Live steam consumption under nominal conditions, t / h

Live steam temperatures

Feed water consumption

Total correction to specific heat consumption,%

Specific heat consumption under specified conditions, kcal / (kWh)

Total heat consumption under given conditions, Gcal / h

Q 0 = q T N t10-3

Corrections to steam consumption for deviations from nominal conditions,%:

Live steam pressure

Live steam temperatures

Exhaust steam pressure

Feed water consumption

Feed water temperatures

Total correction to live steam consumption,%

Live steam consumption under specified conditions, t / h

Table P2


Method of determination

The resulting value

Underproduction in ČSND due to heat extraction, MW

Δ N Qt = 0.160 Q T

Approximate fictitious power, MW

N tf "= N t + Δ N Qt

Approximate flow rate at the inlet to the CSD, t / h

G CHSDvkh "

1,46 (14,6)*

The minimum possible pressure in the heating extraction, (kgf / cm2)

R NTOmin

0,057 (0,57)*

Power Correction for Pressure Conversion R NTO = 0.06 (0.6 kgf / cm2), MW


Adjusted fictitious power, MW

N tf = N tf "+ Δ N RNTO

Adjusted flow rate at the inlet to the CSD, t / h


a) τ2р = f(P WTO) = 60 ° C

b) ∆τ2 = 70 - 60 = +10 ° С and G CHSDvkh "

Power Correction for Pressure Conversion R 2 = 2 kPa (0.02 kgf / cm2), MW

* When correcting the power for the pressure in the upper district heating outlet R WTO, different from 0.12 (1.2 kgf / cm2), the result will correspond to the return water temperature corresponding to the given pressure along the curve τ2р = f(P WTO) in Fig. , i.e. 60 ° C.

** In case of noticeable difference G CHSDvkh "from G CHSDvh all values ​​in paragraphs. 4 - 11 should be checked according to the specified G CHSDvkh.

The calculation of specific cogeneration workings is carried out in the same way as in the example. Generation of cogeneration extraction and correction to it for the actual pressure R WTO is determined from Fig. , b and , b.

Example 4. Regime without heat extraction.

Given: N t = 80 MW; Q n = 120 Gcal / h; Q t = 0; R 0 = 12.8 (128 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 550 ° C; P 7.65

Pressure in the upper heating extraction, (kgf / cm2) *


Rice. on G CHSDvkh "

Pressure in the lower heating extraction, (kgf / cm2) *


Rice. on G CHSDvkh "

* The pressure at the ČSND sampling points and the condensate temperature according to the HDPE can be determined from the condensation mode graphs, depending on G CHSDvh, with the ratio G CHSDvh / G 0 = 0,83.




Power, MW:

electric at the generator terminals

N T, N tf

high pressure interior


inner part of medium and low pressure


total losses of the turbine unit

Σ∆ N sweat

electromechanical efficiency

High pressure cylinder (or part)

Low (or part of medium and low) pressure cylinder


Steam consumption, t / h:

to the turbine

for production

for heating

for regeneration


through the last stage of the CVD

G ChVDskv

at the entrance to the CSD


at the entrance to the PND


into the capacitor

Feed water consumption, t / h

Returned condensate flow rate of production extraction, t / h

Cooling water flow through the condenser, m3 / h

Heat consumption for the turbine unit, Gcal / h

Heat consumption for production, Gcal / h

Absolute pressure, (kgf / cm2):

in front of the check valve

behind the control and overload valves

PI-IV cl, P lane

in the chamber of the regulating stage

P r.st

in chambers of unregulated extraction


in the production selection chamber

in the chamber of the upper heating extraction

in the chamber of the lower heating extraction

in the condenser, kPa (kgf / cm2)

Temperature (° С), enthalpy, kcal / kg:

live steam in front of the stop valve

t 0, i 0

steam in the production selection chamber

condensate for HDPE

t To, t k1, t k2, t k3, t k4

return condensate from production extraction

feed water for LDPE

t pit5, t pit6, t pit7

feed water behind the installation

t Pete, i Pete

network water at the entrance to and exit from the installation

cooling water at the inlet and outlet of the condenser

t 1c, t 2c

Increase in the enthalpy of the feed water in the pump


Specific gross heat consumption for electricity generation, kcal / (kWh)

q T, q tf

Specific cogeneration power generation, kWh / Gcal:

ferry production selection

steam extraction

Conversion factors for SI:

1 t / h - 0.278 kg / s; 1 kgf / cm2 - 0.0981 MPa or 98.1 kPa; 1 kcal / kg - 4.18168 kJ / kg