Steam turbine pt 80 130 brief description. Steam turbine operation

Specific consumption heat at two-stage heating of heating water.

Conditions: G k3-4 = Gin CSD + 5 t / h; t k - see fig. ; t 1v 20 ° C; W@ 8000 m3 / h

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; t 1v 20 ° C; W@ 8000 m3 / h; Δ i PEN = 7 kcal / kg

Rice. ten, a, b, v, G


Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) on deviation pressure fresh pair from nominal on ± 0.5 MPa (5 kgf / cm2)

α q t = ± 0,05 %; α G 0 = ± 0,25 %

b) on deviation temperature fresh pair from nominal on ± 5 ° C

v) on deviation expense nutritious water from nominal on ± 10 % G 0

G) on deviation temperature nutritious water from nominal on ± 10 ° C

Rice. eleven, a, b, v



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) on shutdown group LDPE

b) on deviation pressure spent pair from nominal

v) on deviation pressure spent pair from nominal

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; G pit = G 0

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C

Conditions: G pit = G 0; R 9 = 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm2); t pit - see fig. ; t k - see fig.

Conditions: G pit = G 0; t pit - see fig. ; R 9 = 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm2)

Conditions: R n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); i n = 715 kcal / kg; t k - see fig.

Note. Z= 0 - the regulating diaphragm is closed. Z= max - the control diaphragm is fully open.

Conditions: R wto = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2)



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2) at Gin CSD ≤ 221.5 t / h; R n = Gin CSD / 17 - at Gin CSD> 221.5 t / h; i n = 715 kcal / kg; R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); t k - see fig. ,; τ2 = f(P WTO) - see fig. ; Q t = 0 Gcal / (kWh)



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 1.3 (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; R NTO = 0.06 (0.6 kgf / cm2); R 2 @ 4 kPa (0.04 kgf / cm2)



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° WITH; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R NTO = 0.09 MPa (0.9 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° WITH; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0; τ2 = 52 ° WITH.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° WITH; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO and R NTO = f(Gin CSD) - see fig. thirty; R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R NTO = 0.09 MPa (0.9 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0; Q m = 0



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0; τ2 = 52 ° C; Q m = 0.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); R WTO and R NTO = f(Gin CSD) - see fig. ; R 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2); G pit = G 0.



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

Rice. 41, a, b



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) minimally possible pressure v upper T-selection and calculated temperature reverse network water

b) amendment on temperature reverse network water



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

1 Based on data from POT LMZ.

On deviation pressure fresh pair from nominal on ± 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm2): To complete expense warmth

To expense fresh pair



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

1 Based on data from POT LMZ.

On deviation temperature fresh pair from nominal on ± 10 ° C:

To complete expense warmth

To expense fresh pair



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

1 Based on data from POT LMZ.

On deviation pressure v NS-selection from nominal on ± 1 MPa (1 kgf / cm2):

To complete expense warmth

To expense fresh pair

Rice. 49 a, b, v



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) ferry production selection

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; P n = 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm2); ηem = 0.975.

b) ferry upper and bottom heating selections

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; R WTO = 0.12 MPa (1.2 kgf / cm2); ηem = 0.975

v) ferry bottom district heating selection

Conditions: R 0 = 13 MPa (130 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 555 ° C; R NTO = 0.09 MPa (0.9 kgf / cm2); ηem = 0.975

Rice. 50 a, b, v



Type of
PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

a) on pressure v production selection

b) on pressure v upper cogeneration selection

v) on pressure v lower cogeneration selection



Typical energy characteristics were compiled on the basis of reports on thermal tests of two turbine units: at Chisinau CHPP-2 (work performed by Yuzhtekhenergo) and at CHPP-21 Mosenergo (work performed by MGP PO Soyuztekhenergo). The characteristic reflects the average efficiency of the turbine unit that has passed overhaul and operating according to the thermal circuit shown in Fig. ; with the following parameters and conditions taken as nominal:

Pressure and temperature of live steam in front of the turbine stop valve - 13 (130 kgf / cm2) * and 555 ° С;

* In the text and graphs - absolute pressure.

Pressure in the controlled production extraction - 13 (13 kgf / cm2) with a natural increase at an inlet flow rate of more than 221.5 t / h;

Pressure in the upper heating bleed - 0.12 (1.2 kgf / cm2) with a two-stage heating system for heating water;

Pressure in the lower heating extraction - 0.09 (0.9 kgf / cm2) with a one-stage heating system for heating water;

The pressure in the regulated production extraction, the upper and lower heating extractions in the condensation mode with the pressure regulators turned off - fig. and ;

Exhaust steam pressure:

a) to characterize the condensation mode and work with extractions with one-stage and two-stage heating of heating water at constant pressure - 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2);

b) for the characteristics of the condensation mode at a constant flow rate and temperature of the cooling water - in accordance with the thermal characteristic of the condenser at t 1v= 20 ° C and W= 8000 m3 / h;

Regeneration system of high and low pressure fully switched on, deaerator 0.6 (6 kgf / cm2) is fed by steam from production extraction;

The feed water consumption is equal to the live steam consumption, the return of 100% of the condensate from the production extraction at t= 100 ° C carried out in a deaerator 0.6 (6 kgf / cm2);

The temperature of the feed water and the main condensate behind the heaters corresponds to the dependences shown in Fig. ,,,,;

Enthalpy gain of feed water in the feed pump - 7 kcal / kg;

The electromechanical efficiency of the turbine unit is taken according to the test data of the same type of turbine unit carried out by Dontekhenergo;

Extraction pressure regulation limits:

a) production - 1.3 ± 0.3 (13 ± 3 kgf / cm2);

b) the upper heating plant with a two-stage heating system for heating system water - 0.05 - 0.25 (0.5 - 2.5 kgf / cm2);

a) the lower heating plant with a one-stage heating system for heating system water - 0.03 - 0.10 (0.3 - 1.0 kgf / cm2).

Heating of heating water in a cogeneration plant with a two-stage heating system of heating water, determined by the factory design dependencies τ2р = f(P WTO) and τ1 = f(Q T, P WTO) is 44 - 48 ° С for maximum heating loads at pressures P WTO = 0.07 ÷ 0.20 (0.7 ÷ 2.0 kgf / cm2).

The test data used as the basis for this Typical energy characteristic were processed using "Tables of thermophysical properties of water and steam" (Moscow: Standards Publishing House, 1969). According to the conditions of POT LMZ, the return condensate of the production selection is introduced at a temperature of 100 ° C into the main condensate line after the LPH No. 2. When drawing up the Typical energy characteristic, it is assumed that it is introduced at the same temperature directly into the deaerator 0.6 (6 kgf / cm2) ... According to the conditions of POT LMZ, with two-stage heating of network water and modes with a steam flow rate at the inlet to the CHSD of more than 240 t / h (maximum electrical load with a small production output), LPH No. 4 is completely switched off. When compiling the Typical Energy Characteristics, it was assumed that when the flow rate at the inlet to the CSD exceeds 190 t / h, part of the condensate is sent to the LPH bypass No. 4 so that its temperature in front of the deaerator does not exceed 150 ° C. This is required to ensure good deaeration of the condensate.


The turbine unit, along with the turbine, includes the following equipment:

Generator TVF-120-2 of the Electrosila plant with hydrogen cooling;

Two-pass condenser 80 KTsS-1 with a total surface of 3000 m2, of which 765 m2 falls on the built-in beam;

Four low pressure heaters: LPH # 1 built into the condenser, LPH # 2 - PN-130-16-9-11, LPH # 3 and 4 - PN-200-16-7-1;

One deaerator 0.6 (6 kgf / cm2);

Three high pressure heaters: LDPE No. 5 - PV-425-230-23-1, LDPE No. 6 - PV-425-230-35-1, LDPE No. 7 - PV-500-230-50;

Two circulation pumps 24NDN with a flow rate of 5000 m3 / h and a pressure of 26 m water. Art. with electric motors of 500 kW each;

Three condensate pumps KN 80/155 driven by 75 kW electric motors each (the number of pumps in operation depends on the steam flow into the condenser);

Two main three-stage ejectors EP-3-701 and one starting EP1-1100-1 (one main ejector is constantly in operation);

Two heating water heaters (upper and lower) PSG-1300-3-8-10 with a surface of 1300 m2 each, designed to pass 2300 m3 / h of heating water;

Four condensate pumps for heating system water KN-KS 80/155 driven by 75 kW electric motors each (two pumps for each PSG);

One mains pump I lift SE-5000-70-6 with an electric motor of 500 kW;

One mains pump of the II rise SE-5000-160 with an electric motor of 1600 kW.


In condensing mode with the pressure regulators turned off, the total gross heat consumption and live steam consumption, depending on the power at the generator outputs, is expressed by the equations:

At constant condenser pressure

P 2 = 5 kPa (0.05 kgf / cm2);

Q 0 = 15,6 + 2,04N T;

G 0 = 6,6 + 3,72N t + 0.11 ( N t - 69.2);

At constant flow rate ( W= 8000 m3 / h) and temperature ( t 1v= 20 ° C) cooling water

Q 0 = 13,2 + 2,10N T;

G 0 = 3,6 + 3,80N t + 0.15 ( N t - 68.4).

The above equations are valid within the power range from 40 to 80 MW.

The consumption of heat and live steam in the condensing mode for a given power is determined from the given dependences with the subsequent introduction of the necessary corrections according to the corresponding graphs. These amendments take into account the difference in operating conditions from the nominal ones (for which the Typical characteristic has been drawn up) and serve to recalculate these characteristics for operating conditions. When recalculating, the signs of the corrections are reversed.

The corrections adjust the consumption of heat and live steam at a constant power. If several parameters deviate from the nominal values, the corrections are algebraically summed up.


With regulated extractions turned on, the turbine unit can operate with one-stage and two-stage heating systems for heating system water. It is also possible to work without heating extraction with one production unit. The corresponding typical diagrams of modes for steam consumption and the dependence of the specific heat consumption on power and production selection are given in Fig. -, and specific electricity generation based on heat consumption in Fig. -.

Mode diagrams are calculated according to the scheme used by POT LMZ, and are shown in two fields. The upper field is a diagram of the modes (Gcal / h) of a turbine with one production extraction at Q m = 0.

When the heating load is turned on and other unchanged conditions, either only the 28-30th stages are unloaded (with one lower network heater turned on), or the 26-30th stages (with two network heaters turned on) and the turbine power is reduced.

The power reduction value depends on the heating load and is determined

Δ N Qt = KQ T,

where K- the specific change in the turbine power Δ determined during the tests N Qt / Δ Q t, equal to 0.160 MW / (Gcal · h) with one-stage heating, and 0.183 MW / (Gcal · h) with two-stage heating of heating water (Fig. 31 and 32).

Hence it follows that the consumption of live steam at a given power N t and two (production and heating) takeoffs will correspond to some fictitious capacity along the upper field N ft and one production screening

N ft = N t + Δ N Qt.

The inclined straight lines of the lower field of the diagram allow you to graphically determine the value N ft, and according to it and the production selection of the consumption of live steam.

The values ​​of the specific heat consumption and specific power generation for heat consumption are calculated according to the data taken from the calculation of the regime diagrams.

The graphs of the dependence of the specific heat consumption on power and production selection are based on the same considerations as in the diagram of the LMZ POT modes.

A schedule of this type was proposed by the turbine shop of MGP PO Soyuztekhenergo (Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1978, No. 2). It is preferred over the charting system q t = f(N T, Q m) for different Q n = const, since it is more convenient to use. The graphs of the specific heat consumption for reasons of a non-fundamental nature are made without the lower field; the method of using them is illustrated by examples.

The typical characteristic does not contain data characterizing the mode at three-stage heating of network water, since such a mode at installations of this type during the testing period was not mastered anywhere.

The influence of deviations of parameters from those adopted in the calculation of the Typical characteristic for the nominal is taken into account in two ways:

a) parameters that do not affect heat consumption in the boiler and heat supply to the consumer at constant mass flow rates G 0, G n and G t, - making corrections to the specified power N T( N t + KQ T).

According to this corrected power in Fig. - live steam consumption, specific heat consumption and total heat consumption are determined;

b) amendments for P 0, t 0 and P n are introduced to those found after making the above amendments to the live steam flow and the total heat flow rate, after which the live steam flow and the heat flow (total and specific) for the given conditions are calculated.

The data for the live steam pressure correction curves are calculated using the test results; all other correction curves are based on LMZ POT data.


Example 1. Condensation mode with disconnected pressure regulators in the outlets.

Given: N t = 70 MW; P 0 = 12.5 (125 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 550 ° C; R 2 = 8 kPa (0.08 kgf / cm2); G pit = 0.93 G 0; Δ t pit = t pit - t npit = -7 ° C.

It is required to determine the total and specific gross heat consumption and live steam consumption under the given conditions.

The sequence and results are shown in table. ...

Table P1


Method of determination

The resulting value

Live steam consumption under nominal conditions, t / h

Live steam temperatures

Feed water consumption

Total correction to specific heat consumption,%

Specific heat consumption under specified conditions, kcal / (kWh)

Total heat consumption under given conditions, Gcal / h

Q 0 = q T N t10-3

Corrections to steam consumption for deviations from nominal conditions,%:

Live steam pressure

Live steam temperatures

Exhaust steam pressure

Feed water consumption

Feed water temperatures

Total correction to live steam consumption,%

Live steam consumption under specified conditions, t / h

Table P2


Method of determination

The resulting value

Underproduction in ČSND due to heat extraction, MW

Δ N Qt = 0.160 Q T

Approximate fictitious power, MW

N tf "= N t + Δ N Qt

Approximate flow rate at the entrance to the CSD, t / h

G CHSDvkh "

1,46 (14,6)*

The minimum possible pressure in the heating extraction, (kgf / cm2)

R NTOmin

0,057 (0,57)*

Power Correction for Pressure Conversion R NTO = 0.06 (0.6 kgf / cm2), MW


Adjusted fictitious power, MW

N tf = N tf "+ Δ N RNTO

Adjusted flow rate at the inlet to the CSD, t / h


a) τ2р = f(P WTO) = 60 ° C

b) ∆τ2 = 70 - 60 = +10 ° С and G CHSDvkh "

Power Correction for Pressure Conversion R 2 = 2 kPa (0.02 kgf / cm2), MW

* When correcting the power for the pressure in the upper district heating outlet R WTO, different from 0.12 (1.2 kgf / cm2), the result will correspond to the return water temperature corresponding to the given pressure along the curve τ2р = f(P WTO) in Fig. , i.e. 60 ° C.

** In case of noticeable difference G CHSDvkh "from G CHSDvh all values ​​in pp. 4 - 11 should be checked according to the specified G CHSDvkh.

The calculation of specific cogeneration workings is carried out in the same way as in the example. Generation of cogeneration extraction and correction to it for actual pressure R WTO is determined from Fig. , b and , b.

Example 4. Regime without heat extraction.

Given: N t = 80 MW; Q n = 120 Gcal / h; Q t = 0; R 0 = 12.8 (128 kgf / cm2); t 0 = 550 ° C; P 7.65

Pressure in the upper heating extraction, (kgf / cm2) *


Rice. on G CHSDvkh "

Pressure in the lower heating extraction, (kgf / cm2) *


Rice. on G CHSDvkh "

* The pressure at the ČSND sampling points and the condensate temperature according to the HDPE can be determined from the graphs of the condensation mode, depending on G CHSDvh, with the ratio G CHSDvh / G 0 = 0,83.




Power, MW:

electric at the generator terminals

N T, N tf

interior high pressure


inner part of medium and low pressure


total losses of the turbine unit

Σ∆ N sweat

electromechanical efficiency

High pressure cylinder (or part)

Low (or part of medium and low) pressure cylinder


Steam consumption, t / h:

to the turbine

for production

for heating

for regeneration


through the last stage of the CVD

G ChVDskv

at the entrance to the CSD


at the entrance to the PND


into the capacitor

Feed water consumption, t / h

Returned condensate flow rate of production extraction, t / h

Cooling water flow through the condenser, m3 / h

Heat consumption for the turbine unit, Gcal / h

Heat consumption for production, Gcal / h

Absolute pressure, (kgf / cm2):

in front of the check valve

downstream of control and overload valves

PI-IV cl, P lane

in the chamber of the regulating stage


in chambers of unregulated extraction


in the production selection chamber

in the chamber of the upper heating extraction

in the chamber of the lower heating extraction

in the condenser, kPa (kgf / cm2)

Temperature (° С), enthalpy, kcal / kg:

live steam in front of the check valve

t 0, i 0

steam in the production selection chamber

condensate for HDPE

t To, t k1, t k2, t k3, t k4

return condensate from production extraction

feed water for LDPE

t pit5, t pit6, t pit7

feed water behind the installation

t Pete, i Pete

network water at the entrance to and exit from the installation

cooling water when entering and leaving the condenser

t 1c, t 2c

Increase in the enthalpy of the feed water in the pump


Specific gross heat consumption for electricity generation, kcal / (kWh)

q T, q tf

Specific cogeneration power generation, kWh / Gcal:

ferry production selection

steam extraction

Conversion factors for SI:

1 t / h - 0.278 kg / s; 1 kgf / cm2 - 0.0981 MPa or 98.1 kPa; 1 kcal / kg - 4.18168 kJ / kg

Heating steam turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 with industrial and heating steam extraction is designed for direct drive electric generator TVF-120-2 with a rotation frequency of 50 r / s and heat supply for production and heating needs.

The nominal values ​​of the main parameters of the turbine are shown below.

Power, MW

nominal 80

maximum 100

Steam ratings

pressure, MPa 12.8

temperature, 0 С 555

Bleed steam consumption for production needs, t / h

nominal 185

maximum 300

Limits of change of steam pressure in regulated heating extraction, MPa

upper 0.049-0.245

lower 0.029-0.098

Production sampling pressure 1.28

Water temperature, 0 С

nutritious 249

cooling 20

Cooling water consumption, t / h 8000

The turbine has the following adjustable steam extractions:

an industrial one with an absolute pressure (1.275 0.29) MPa and two heating extractions - an upper one with an absolute pressure in the range of 0.049-0.245 MPa and a lower one with a pressure in the range of 0.029-0.098 MPa. The heating take-off pressure is controlled by one control diaphragm installed in the upper heating take-off chamber. The regulated pressure in the heating extractions is maintained: in the upper extraction - with both heating extractions turned on, in the lower extraction - with one lower heating extraction turned on. Mains water through mains heaters of the lower and upper heating stages must be passed sequentially and in equal quantities. The flow of water passing through the mains heaters must be controlled.

The turbine is a single-shaft, two-cylinder unit. The flow path of the HPC has a single-row regulating stage and 16 pressure stages.

The flow path of the LPC consists of three parts:

the first (up to the upper heating outlet) has a regulating stage and 7 pressure stages,

the second (between heating extractions) two pressure stages,

the third is a regulating stage and two pressure stages.

Solid forged high pressure rotor. The first ten discs of the low-pressure rotor are forged integral with the shaft, the other three discs are mounted.

Steam distribution of the turbine - nozzle. At the outlet of the HPC, part of the steam goes to a controlled production extraction, the rest goes to the LPP. Heating extractions are carried out from the corresponding chambers of the LPC.

To reduce the warm-up time and improve the start-up conditions, steam heating of the flanges and pins and the supply of live steam to the front seal of the HPC are provided.

The turbine is equipped with a barring device that rotates the shaft line of the turbine unit with a frequency of 3.4 rpm.

The turbine blades are designed to operate at a mains frequency of 50 Hz, which corresponds to a turbine unit rotor speed of 50 r / s (3000 rpm). Allowed long work turbines with a frequency deviation in the network of 49.0-50.5 Hz.

Assignment for a course project



Initial reference data



Calculation of the boiler installation



Construction of the steam expansion process in a turbine



Steam and feed water balance



Determination of steam, feed water and condensate parameters by PTS elements



Compilation and solution of heat balance equations for sections and elements of PTS



Energy power equation and its solution



Calculation check



Determination of energy indicators



Choice auxiliary equipment




Assignment for the course project
To the student: Onuchin D.M.

Project theme: Calculation of the thermal circuit of the PTU PT-80 / 100-130 / 13
Project data

P 0 = 130 kg / cm 2;



Q t = 220 MW;



The pressure in unregulated withdrawals is from the reference data.

Additional water preparation - from the atmospheric deaerator "D-1,2".
The volume of the calculated part

  1. Design calculation of the STU in the SI system for the rated power.

  2. Determination of the energy performance of the vocational school.

  3. Selection of auxiliary equipment for vocational schools.

1. Initial reference data
The main parameters of the PT-80 / 100-130 turbine.

Table 1.


The magnitude


Rated power



Maximum power



Initial pressure



Initial temperature



Pressure at the outlet of the HPC



Temperature at the outlet of the HPC



Superheated steam temperature



Cooling water consumption


m 3 / h

Cooling water temperature



Condenser pressure



The turbine has 8 unregulated steam extractions intended for heating feed water in low pressure heaters, deaerator, high pressure heaters and for powering the drive turbine of the main feed pump. The exhaust steam from the turbo drive is returned to the turbine.
Table 2.


Pressure, MPa

Temperature, 0 С


LDPE No. 7




LDPE No. 6




PND No. 5







PND No. 4




PND No. 3




PND No. 2




PND No. 1



The turbine has two heating steam extractions, upper and lower, designed for one and two-stage heating of heating water. Heating taps have the following pressure regulation limits:

Top 0.5-2.5 kg / cm 2;

Bottom 0.3-1 kg / cm 2.

2. Calculation of the boiler installation

WB - upper boiler;

NB - lower boiler;

Arr - return mains water.

D VB, D NB - steam consumption for the upper and lower boilers, respectively.

Temperature graph: t pr / t o br = 130/70 C;

T pr = 130 0 C (403 K);

T arr = 70 0 C (343 K).

Determination of steam parameters in cogeneration extractions

We will accept uniform heating at VSP and NSP;

We accept the value of subcooling in network heaters

We accept pressure losses in pipelines

The pressure of the upper and lower sampling from the turbine for VSP and LSP:


h WB = 418.77 kJ / kg

h NB = 355.82 kJ / kg

D VB (h 5 - h VB /) = K W SV (h VB - h NB) →

→ D WB = 1.01 ∙ 870.18 (418.77-355.82) / (2552.5-448.76) = 26.3 kg / s

D NB h 6 + D VB h VB / + K W SV h ​​OBR = KW SV h ​​NB + (D VB + D NB) h NB / →

→ D NB = / (2492-384.88) = 25.34kg / s

D WB + D NB = D B = 26.3 + 25.34 = 51.64 kg / s

3. Construction of the process of steam expansion in a turbine
Let us assume the pressure loss in the cylinder steam distribution devices:




In this case, the pressure at the inlet to the cylinders (behind the control valves) will be:

The process in the h, s-diagram is shown in Fig. 2.

4. Balance of steam and feed water.

  • We assume that the steam of the highest potential goes to the end seals (D KU) and to the steam ejectors (D EP).

  • The spent steam of the end seals and from the ejectors is directed to the stuffing box heater. We accept heating of condensate in it:

  • The exhaust steam in the ejector coolers is directed to the ejector heater (EH). Heating in it:

  • We accept the steam flow rate for the turbine (D) as a known value.

  • Intra-station losses of the working fluid: D UT = 0.02D.

  • Steam consumption for end seals is assumed to be 0.5%: D KU = 0.005D.

  • The steam consumption for the main ejectors is assumed to be 0.3%: D EJ = 0.003D.


  • Steam consumption from the boiler will be:
D К = D + D УТ + D КУ + D ЭЖ = (1 + 0.02 + 0.005 + 0.003) D = 1.028D

  • Because the boiler is drum, then it is necessary to take into account the boiler blowdown.
The blowdown is 1.5%, i.e.

D prod = 0.015D = 1.03D K = 0.0154D.

  • The amount of feed water supplied to the boiler:
D PV = D K + D prod = 1.0434D

  • Add-on water quantity:
D ext = D ut + (1-K pr) D pr + D c.r.

Condensate losses for production:

(1-K pr) D pr = (1-0.6) ∙ 75 = 30 kg / s.

The pressure in the boiler drum is about 20% higher than the pressure of live steam at the turbine (due to hydraulic losses), i.e.

P k.v. = 1.2P 0 = 1.2 ∙ 12.8 = 15.36 MPa →
kJ / kg.

The pressure in the continuous blowdown expander (RNP) is about 10% higher than in the deaerator (D-6), i.e.

P RNP = 1.1 P d = 1.1 ∙ 5.88 = 6.5 bar →

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg;

D P.R. = β ∙ D prod = 0.438 ∙ 0.0154D = 0.0067D;

D B.P. = (1-β) D prod = (1-0.438) 0.0154D = 0.00865D.
D ext = D ut + (1-K pr) D pr + D c.r. = 0.02D + 30 + 0.00865D = 0.02865D + 30.

Determine the flow of heating water through network heaters:

We accept leaks in the heating system of 1% of the amount of circulating water.

Thus, the required performance of the chemical. water treatment:

5. Determination of the parameters of steam, feed water and condensate by the elements of the PTS.
We assume the pressure loss in the steam lines from the turbine to the heaters of the regenerative system in the amount of:

I selection



II selection



III selection



IV selection



V selection



VI selection



VII selection



The definition of parameters depends on the design of the heaters ( see fig. 3). In the calculated scheme, all HDPE and LDPE are surface.

In the course of the main condensate and feed water from the condenser to the boiler, we determine the parameters we need.

5.1. We neglect the increase in enthalpy in the condensate pump. Then the parameters of the condensate before the ED:

0.04 bar,
29 ° C,
121.41 kJ / kg.

5.2. We accept heating of the main condensate in the ejector heater equal to 5 ° C.

34 ° C; kJ / kg.

5.3. Heating of water in a stuffing box heater (JV) is taken equal to 5 ° C.

39 ° C,
kJ / kg.

5.4. PND-1 - disabled.

It is powered by ferry from VI selection.

69.12 ° C,
289.31 kJ / kg = h d2 (drainage from PND-2).

° C,
4.19 ∙ 64.12 = 268.66 kJ / kg

It is powered by a ferry from the V selection.

Heating steam pressure in the heater body:

96.7 ° C,
405.21 kJ / kg;

Water parameters behind the heater:

° C,
4.19 ∙ 91.7 = 384.22 kJ / kg.

We preliminarily set an increase in temperature due to mixing of flows before PND-3 on
, i.e. we have:

It is powered by steam from the IV selection.

Heating steam pressure in the heater body:

140.12 ° C,
589.4 kJ / kg;

Water parameters behind the heater:

° C,
4.19 ∙ 135.12 = 516.15 kJ / kg.

Heating medium parameters in drain cooler:

5.8. Feed water deaerator.

The feed water deaerator operates at a constant steam pressure in the housing

P D-6 = 5.88 bar → t D-6 N = 158 ˚C, h ’D-6 = 667 kJ / kg, h” D-6 = 2755.54 kJ / kg,

5.9. Feed pump.

We take the efficiency of the pump

Discharge pressure: MPa. ° С, and the parameters of the heating medium in the drain cooler:
Steam parameters in a steam cooler:

° C;
2833.36 kJ / kg.

We set the heating in OP-7 equal to 17.5 ° C. Then the water temperature behind the PVD-7 is ° C, and the parameters of the heating medium in the drain cooler:

° C;
1032.9 kJ / kg.

The feed water pressure after PVD-7 is equal to:

Water parameters behind the actual heater.

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In this term paper the calculation of the basic thermal diagram of the power plant based on the heating steam turbine

PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 at temperature environment, the system of regenerative heating and network heaters was calculated, as well as the indicators of the thermal efficiency of the turbine unit and the power unit.

The appendix contains a schematic thermal diagram based on a PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine unit, a graph of heating water temperatures and heating load, an hs steam expansion diagram in a turbine, a PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine unit regime diagram, a general view of the heater high pressure PV-350-230-50, specification general view PV-350-230-50, longitudinal section of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine, specification of the general view of the auxiliary equipment included in the TPP scheme.

The work is compiled on 45 sheets and includes 6 tables and 17 illustrations. 5 literary sources were used in the work.

  • Introduction
  • Review of scientific and technical literature (Technologies for the generation of electrical and thermal energy)
  • 1. Description of the thermal diagram of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine unit
  • 2. Calculation of the schematic thermal diagram of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine at the increased load mode
    • 2.1 Initial data for calculation
    • 2.2
    • 2.3 Calculation of the parameters of the steam expansion process in the turbine compartments inh- Sdiagram
    • 2.4
    • 2.5
    • 2.6
      • 2.6.1 Network heating installation (boiler room)
      • 2.6.2 Regenerative high pressure heaters and feed unit (pump)
      • 2.6.3 Feed water deaerator
      • 2.6.4 Heater raw water
      • 2.6.5
      • 2.6.6 Make-up water deaerator
      • 2.6.7
      • 2.6.8 Capacitor
    • 2.7
    • 2.8 Energy balance of the turbine unit PT-80/100-130/13
    • 2.9
    • 2.10
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction
  • For large factories of all industries with high heat consumption, the optimal power supply system is from a regional or industrial CHP.
  • The process of generating electricity at CHPPs is characterized by increased thermal efficiency and higher energy performance compared to condensing power plants. This is due to the fact that the waste heat of the turbine, taken away to a cold source (heat receiver from an external consumer), is used in it.
  • In this work, the calculation of the thermal diagram of a power plant based on the production cogeneration turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13, operating at the design mode at the outside air temperature, has been performed.
  • The task of calculating the thermal circuit is to determine the parameters, flow rates and directions of the working fluid flows in the units and nodes, as well as the total steam consumption, electric power and indicators of the thermal efficiency of the station.
  • 1. Description of the thermal circuit diagram of the PT-80/100-130/13

The power unit with an electric power of 80 MW consists of a high-pressure drum boiler E-320/140, a PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine, a generator and auxiliary equipment.

The power unit has seven withdrawals. The turbine unit can be used for two-stage heating of heating water. There is a main and peak boiler, as well as a PVK, which is turned on if the boiler cannot provide the required heating of the network water.

Fresh steam from the boiler with a pressure of 12.8 MPa and a temperature of 555 0 enters the HPC of the turbine and, having worked out, is sent to the PSD of the turbine, and then to the LPH. Having worked off the steam is supplied from the LPHP to the condenser.

The power unit for regeneration is provided with three high-pressure heaters (HPH) and four low-pressure heaters (LPH). Heaters are numbered from the tail of the turbine unit. The condensate of the heating steam VDP-7 is drained in a cascade into the VDP-6, into the VDP-5 and then into the deaerator (6 ata). Condensate draining from PND4, PND3 and PND2 is also carried out in cascade to PND1. Then from PND1 heating steam condensate is sent to CM1 (see PRTS2).

The main condensate and feed water are heated sequentially in PE, CX and PS, in four low pressure heaters (LPH), in a 0.6 MPa deaerator and in three high pressure heaters (HPH). Steam supply to these heaters is carried out from three regulated and four unregulated turbine steam extractions.

On the block for heating water in the heating network, there is a boiler installation, consisting of a lower (PSG-1) and upper (PSG-2) network heaters, fed by steam from the 6th and 7th selection, and the PVK, respectively. Condensate from the upper and lower network heaters is fed by drain pumps to the CM1 mixers between PND1 and PND2 and SM2 between the PND2 and PND3 heaters.

The feed water heating temperature lies in the range (235-247) 0 С and depends on the initial fresh steam pressure, the amount of subcooling in the HPH7.

The first steam extraction (from the HPC) is used to heat the feed water to the LDPE-7, the second steam extraction (from the HPC) - to the HPH-6, the third (from the HPC) - to the LDPE-5, D6ata, for production; the fourth (from ČSD) - to PND-4, the fifth (from ČSD) - to PND-3, the sixth (from ČSD) - to PND-2, deaerator (1.2 ata), to PSG2, to PSV; seventh (from PND) - in PND-1 and in PSG1.

To compensate for losses, the scheme provides for the intake of raw water. Raw water is heated in a raw water heater (RWH) to a temperature of 35 ° C, then, after passing chemical cleaning, enters the deaerator 1.2 ata. To ensure heating and deaeration of the make-up water, the heat of the steam from the sixth bleed is used.

Steam from the seal rods in the amount of D pcs = 0.003D 0 goes to the deaerator (6 ata). Steam from the outer seal chambers is directed to the CX, from the middle seal chambers to the PS.

Boiler blowdown is two-stage. Steam from the 1st stage expander goes to the deaerator (6 ata), from the 2nd stage expander to the deaerator (1.2 ata). The water from the expander of the 2nd stage is supplied to the mains of the network water to partially replenish the losses of the network.

Figure 1. Basic thermal diagram of a CHPP based on TU PT-80 / 100-130 / 13

2. Calculation of the schematic thermal diagram of a turbine plantPT-80/100-130/13 under increased load

The calculation of the basic thermal diagram of a turbine plant is based on a given steam flow rate for the turbine. As a result of the calculation, the following is determined:

? electric power of the turbine unit - W NS;

? energy indicators of the turbine plant and the CHPP as a whole:

b. coefficient useful action CHP for the production of electricity;

v. coefficient of efficiency of CHP for the production and supply of heat for heating;

d. specific consumption of equivalent fuel for electricity generation;

e. specific consumption of equivalent fuel for the production and supply of heat energy.

2.1 Initial data for calculation

Live steam pressure -

Live steam temperature -

Condenser pressure - P k = 0.00226 MPa

Steam extraction parameters:

steam consumption -

serving -,

reverse -.

Live steam consumption per turbine -

The values ​​of the efficiency of the elements of the thermal circuit are given in Table 2.1.

table 2.1. Efficiency of thermal circuit elements

Thermal circuit element




Continuous blowdown expander

Lower network heater

Upper network heater

Regenerative heating system:

Feed pump

Feed water deaerator

Purge cooler

Purified water heater

Condensation water deaerator


Seal heater

Seal ejector



2.2 Calculation of pressure in the turbine extraction

The heat load of the CHPP is determined by the needs of the industrial consumer of steam and the supply of heat to the external consumer for heating, ventilation and hot water supply.

To calculate the characteristics of the thermal efficiency of a CHPP with an industrial cogeneration turbine at an increased load (below -5 ° C), it is necessary to determine the steam pressure in the turbine outlets. This pressure is set based on the requirements of the industrial consumer and the temperature schedule of the network water.

In this course work, a constant steam extraction for the technological (production) needs of an external consumer is adopted, which is equal to the pressure, which corresponds to the nominal operating mode of the turbine, therefore, the pressure in unregulated extractions of the turbine No. 1 and No. 2 is equal to:,

The steam parameters in the turbine extraction at the nominal mode are known from its main technical characteristics.

It is necessary to determine the actual (i.e. for a given mode) pressure value in the district heating extraction. To do this, the following sequence of actions is performed:

1. By given value and the selected (set) temperature schedule of the heating network, we determine the temperature of the network water behind the network heaters at a given outdoor air temperature t NAR

t BC = tОС + b CHPP ( t P.S - t O.S.)

t BC = 55.6+ 0.6 (106.5 - 55.6) = 86.14 0 С

2. According to the accepted value of the underheating of water and and the value tВС we find the saturation temperature in the network heater:

= tВС + and

86.14 + 4.3 = 90.44 0 С

Then, using the saturation tables for water and steam, we determine the steam pressure in the network heater R BC = 0.07136 MPa.

3. The heat load on the lower network heater reaches 60% of the total load on the boiler room.

t HC = t O.C + 0.6 ( t V.S - t O.S.)

t НС = 55.6+ 0.6 (86.14 - 55.6) = 73.924 0 С

Using the saturation tables for water and steam, we determine the steam pressure in the network heater RН С = 0.04411 MPa.

4. Determine the steam pressure in the cogeneration (regulated) outlets No. 6, No. 7 of the turbine, taking into account the accepted pressure losses through the pipelines:

where losses in pipelines and turbine control systems are taken :; ;

5. According to the value of steam pressure ( R 6 ) in the cogeneration bleed No. 6 of the turbine, we clarify the steam pressure in the unregulated bleed of the turbine between the industrial bleed No. 3 and the regulated cogeneration bleed No. 6 (according to the Flyugel-Stodola equation):

where D 0 , D, R 60 , R 6 - flow rate and pressure of steam in the extraction of the turbine at the nominal and calculated mode, respectively.

2.3 Calculation of parameterssteam expansion process in the turbine compartments inh- Sdiagram

Using the method described below and the pressure values ​​found in the previous paragraph, we construct a diagram of the steam expansion process in the turbine flow path at t bunk=- 15 є WITH.

Intersection point on h, s- the diagram of the isobar with the isotherm determines the enthalpy of live steam (point 0 ).

The pressure loss of live steam in the isolating and regulating valves and the steam start-up path with the valves fully open is approximately 3%. Therefore, the steam pressure in front of the first stage of the turbine is equal to:

On h, s- the diagram shows the point of intersection of the isobar with the level of enthalpy of live steam (point 0 /).

To calculate the steam parameters at the outlet of each turbine compartment, we have the values ​​of the internal relative efficiency of the compartments.

Table 2.2. Internal relative efficiency of the turbine by compartments

From the obtained point (point 0 /) vertically downward (along the isentrope) a line is drawn up to the intersection with the pressure isobar in bleed No. 3. The enthalpy of the intersection point is.

The enthalpy of steam in the third regenerative bleed chamber in the actual expansion process is:

Similarly on h, s- the diagram contains points corresponding to the state of steam in the chamber of the sixth and seventh extractions.

After building the steam expansion process in h, S- isobars of unregulated extractions to regenerative heaters are plotted on the diagram R 1 , R 2 ,R 4 ,R 5 and the enthalpies of steam in these extractions are established.

Built on h, s- in the diagram, the points are connected by a line that reflects the process of steam expansion in the turbine flow path. A graph of the steam expansion process is shown in Figure A.1. (Appendix A).

According to the built h, s- in the diagram, we determine the temperature of the steam in the corresponding selection of the turbine by the values ​​of its pressure and enthalpy. All parameters are shown in table 2.3.

2.4 Calculation of thermodynamic parameters in heaters

The pressure in the regenerative heaters is less than the pressure in the take-off chambers by the amount of pressure loss due to the hydraulic resistance of the take-off pipelines, safety and shut-off valves.

1. Calculate the pressure of saturated water vapor in regenerative heaters. The pressure loss through the pipeline from the turbine take-off to the corresponding heater is assumed to be:

The pressure of saturated water vapor in the feed and condensation water deaerators is known from their technical characteristics and is equal, respectively,

2. According to the table of properties of water and steam in a state of saturation, according to the found saturation pressures, we determine the temperatures and enthalpies of the heating steam condensate.

3. We accept underheating of water:

In regenerative high pressure heaters - WITH

In regenerative low pressure heaters - WITH,

In deaerators - WITH ,

therefore, the temperature of the water leaving these heaters is:

, є WITH

4. The water pressure behind the corresponding heaters is determined by the hydraulic resistance of the path and the operating mode of the pumps. The values ​​of these pressures are accepted and shown in Table 2.3.

5. According to the tables for water and superheated steam, we determine the enthalpy of water after the heaters (by the values ​​of and):

6. Heating of water in the heater is determined as the difference between the enthalpies of water at the inlet and outlet of the heater:

, kJ / kg;

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg;

kJ / kg,

where is the enthalpy of condensate at the outlet of the seal heater. In this work, this value is taken to be.

7. Heat given off by heating steam to water in the heater:

2.5 Steam and water parameters in the turbine unit

For the convenience of further calculations, the parameters of steam and water in the turbine unit, calculated above, are summarized in Table 2.3.

Data on the parameters of steam and water in drainage coolers are shown in Table 2.4.

Table 2.3. Steam and water parameters in the turbine unit

p, MPa

t, 0 WITH

h, kJ / kg

p ", MPa

t " H, 0 WITH

h B H, kJ / kg


p B, MPa

t NS, 0 WITH

h B NS, kJ / kg

kJ / kg

Table 2.4. Steam and water parameters in drain coolers

2.6 Determination of steam and condensate consumption in the elements of the thermal circuit

The calculation is performed in the following order:

1. Steam consumption per turbine at design mode.

2.Vapor leaks through seals

Accept, then

4. Consumption of feed water to the boiler (including blowdown)

where is the amount of boiler water going to continuous blowdown

D NS= (b NS/100)·D pg= (1.5 / 100) 131.15 = 1.968kg / s

5. Steam outlet from the purge expander

where is the fraction of steam released from the blowdown water in the continuous blowdown expander

6.Purging water outlet from the expander

7. Consumption of make-up water from the chemical water treatment plant (CWO)

where is the condensate return coefficient from

production consumers, we accept;

Calculation of steam consumption in regenerative and network heaters in the deaerator and condenser, as well as condensate consumption through heaters and mixers is based on the equations of material and heat balances.

Balance equations are drawn up sequentially for each element of the thermal circuit.

The first stage in the calculation of the thermal scheme of a turbine unit is the compilation of heat balances for network heaters and determination of steam consumption for each of them based on the specified heat load of the turbine and the temperature schedule. After that, heat balances of regenerative high pressure heaters, deaerators and low pressure heaters are compiled.

2.6.1 Network heating installation (boiler)

Table 2.5. Steam and water parameters in the network heating installation


Bottom heater

Upper heater

Heating steam

Extraction pressure P, MPa

Heater pressure P ?, MPa

Steam temperature t, єС

Heat output qns, qws, kJ / kg

Heating steam condensate

Saturation temperature tн, єС

Enthalpy at saturation h ?, kJ / kg

Mains water

Underheating in the heater Ins, Ivs, єС

Inlet temperature tos, tns, єС

Enthalpy at the entrance, kJ / kg

Outlet temperature tнс, tвс, єС

Output enthalpy, kJ / kg

Heating in a pre-heater fns, fvs, kJ / kg

The installation parameters are determined in the following sequence.

1. Consumption of heating water for the calculated mode

2.Heat balance of the lower mains heater

Heating steam consumption for the lower network heater

from Table 2.1.

3.Thermal balance of the upper mains heater

Heating steam consumption for the upper network heater

Regenerative heaters for high pressure and feeding unit (pump)


The heat balance equation of the PVD7

Heating steam consumption for LDPE7


Heat balance equation for PVD6

Heating steam consumption for PVD6

heat removed from drainage OD2

Feed pump (PN)

Pressure after PN

Pump pressure in PN

Pressure drop

Specific volume of water in PN v PN - determined from tables by value

R Mon.

Feed pump efficiency

Heating water in PN

Enthalpy after PN

Where - from table 2.3;

Heat balance equation for PVD5

Heating steam consumption for LDPE5

2.6.3 Feed water deaerator

The steam consumption from the valve stem seals in the DPV is taken

The enthalpy of steam from the valve stem seals is

(at P = 12,9 MPa and t = 556 0 WITH) :

Evaporation from the deaerator:

D vol=0,02 D PV=0.02

The fraction of steam (in fractions of the vapor from the deaerator going to the PE, the seals of the middle and end chambers of the seal

Deaerator material balance equation:


Deaerator heat balance equation

After substituting into this equation the expressions D CD we get:

Heating steam consumption from the third extraction of the turbine at the DPV

hence the consumption of heating steam from selection No. 3 of the turbine at the DPV:

D D = 4.529.

Condensate flow at the inlet to the deaerator:

D CD = 111.82 - 4.529 = 107.288.

2.6.4 Raw water heater

Drainage enthalpy h PSV=140


2.6.5 Two-stage purge expander

2nd stage: expansion of water boiling at 6 atm in quantity

up to a pressure of 1 ata.

= + (-)

goes to the atmospheric deaerator.

2.6.6 Make-up water deaerator

Posted on

Equation of material balance of reverse condensate deaerator and additional water DKV.

D KV = + D P.O.V + D OK + D OV;

Consumption of chemically treated water:

DОВ = ( D NS - D OK) + + D NS.

Heat balance of the purge water cooler OP

condensate turbine material

where q OP = h h heat supplied to the make-up water in the OP.

q OP = 670.5-160 = 510.5 kJ / kg,

where: h enthalpy of blowdown water at the outlet of the OP.

We accept the return of condensate from industrial heat consumers? K = 0.5 (50%), then:

D OK =? To * D P = 0.5 51.89 = 25.694 kg / s;

DОВ = (51.89 - 25.694) + 1.145 + 0.65 = 27.493 kg / s.

The heating of the additional water in the OP is determined from the equation of the heat balance of the OP:

= 27.493 from here:

= 21.162 kJ / kg.

After the blowdown cooler (BP), the make-up water is fed to the chemical water treatment plant, and then to the preheater of chemically purified water.

Thermal balance of POV chemically purified water heater:

where q 6 - the amount of heat transferred in the pre-heater by steam from the selection No. 6 of the turbine;

water heating in the water treatment plant. We accept hОВ = 140 kJ / kg, then


The steam consumption for SOM is determined from the heat balance of the chemically purified water heater:

D POV 2175.34 = 27.493 230.4 from where D POV = 2.897kg / s.


D KV = D

The heat balance equation for the deaerator of chemically purified water:

D h 6 + D POV h+ D OK h+ D OV hD Kv h

D 2566,944+ 2,897 391,6+ 25,694 376,77 + 27,493 370,4= (D+ 56,084) * 391,6

From here D= 0.761 kg / s - consumption of heating steam for DHW and selection No. 6 of the turbine.

Condensate flow at the outlet of the DKV:

D CV = 0.761 + 56.084 = 56.846 kg / s.

2.6.7 Low pressure regenerative heaters


Heat balance equation PND4


Heating steam consumption for PND4



PND3 and mixerCM2

The combined heat balance equation:

where the condensate flow at the outlet of PND2:

D K6 = D CD - D Kv - D Sun - D PSV = 107,288 -56,846 - 8,937 - 2,897 = 38,609

substitute D K2 into the combined heat balance equation:

D= 0.544kg / s - heating steam consumption at PND3 from selection No. 5


PND2, mixer SM1, PND1

Temperature beyond PS:

1 material equation and 2 heat balance equations are compiled:




substitute in equation 2

We get:

kg / s;

D P6 = 1,253 kg / s;

D P7 = 2,758 kg / s.

2.6.8 Capacitor

Equation of material balance of a capacitor


2.7 Checking the calculation of the material balance

The verification of the correctness of accounting in the calculations of all flows of the thermal circuit is carried out by comparing the material balances for steam and condensate in the condenser of the turbine plant.

Exhaust steam flow to the condenser:


where is the steam flow rate from the turbine selection chamber with number.

Steam consumption from extractions is shown in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6. Steam consumption for turbine extraction

Selection number


Steam consumption, kg / s

D 1 = D P1

D 2 = D P2

D 3 = D P3+ D D+ D NS

D 4 = D P4

D 5 = D NS + D P5

D 6 =D P6+D Sun++D PSV

D 7 = D P7+ D HC

Total steam consumption from turbine extractions

Steam flow into the condenser after the turbine:

Steam and condensate balance error

Since the error in the balance of steam and condensate does not exceed the permissible, therefore, all flows of the thermal circuit are taken into account correctly.

2.8 Energy balance of the turbine unit PT- 80/100-130/13

Let's determine the power of the turbine compartments and its full power:

N i=

where N i OTS is the power of the turbine compartment, N i OTC = D i OTS H i OTS,

H i OTC = H i OTC - H i +1 OTS - heat drop in the compartment, kJ / kg,

D i OTS - steam passage through the compartment, kg / s.

compartment 0-1:

D 01 OTC = D 0 = 130,5 kg / s,

H 01 OTC = H 0 OTC - H 1 OTC = 34 8 7 - 3233,4 = 253,6 kJ / kg,

N 01 OTC = 130,5 . 253,6 = 33,095 MVT.

- compartment 1-2:

D 12 OTC = D 01 - D 1 = 130,5 - 8,631 = 121,869 kg / s,

H 12 OTC = H 1 OTC - H 2 OTC = 3233,4 - 3118,2 = 11 5,2 kJ / kg,

N 12 OTC = 121,869 . 11 5,2 = 14,039 MVT.

- compartment 2-3:

D 23 OTS = D 12 - D 2 = 121,869 - 8,929 = 112,94 kg / s,

H 23 OTC = H 2 OTC - H 3 OTC = 3118,2 - 2981,4 = 136,8 kJ / kg,

N 23 OTC = 112,94 . 136,8 = 15,45 MVT.

- compartment 3-4:

D 34 OTC = D 23 - D 3 = 112,94 - 61,166 = 51,774 kg / s,

H 34 OTC = H 3 OTC - H 4 OTC = 2981,4 - 2790,384 = 191,016 kJ / kg,

N 34 OTC = 51,774 . 191,016 = 9,889 MVT.

- compartment 4-5:

D 45 OTC = D 34 - D 4 = 51,774 - 8,358 = 43,416 kg / s,

H 45 OTC = H 4 OTC - H 5 OTC = 2790,384 - 2608,104 = 182,28 kJ / kg,

N 45 OTC = 43,416 . 182,28 = 7,913 MVT.

- compartment 5-6:

D 56 OTC = D 45 - D 5 = 43,416 - 9,481 = 33, 935 kg / s,

H 56 OTC = H 5 OTC - H 6 OTC = 2608,104 - 2566,944 = 41,16 kJ / kg,

N 45 OTC = 33, 935 . 41,16 = 1,397 MVT.

- compartment 6-7:

D 67 OTC = D 56 - D 6 = 33, 935 - 13,848 = 20,087 kg / s,

H 67 OTC = H 6 OTC - H 7 OTC = 2566,944 - 2502,392 = 64,552 kJ / kg,

N 67 OTC = 20,087 . 66,525 = 1, 297 MVT.

- compartment 7-K:

D 7k OTC = D 67 - D 7 = 20,087 - 13,699 = 6,388 kg / s,

H 7k OTC = H 7 OTC - H To OTC = 2502,392 - 2442,933 = 59,459 kJ / kg,

N 7k OTC = 6,388 . 59,459 = 0,38 MVT.

3.5.1 Total power of the turbine compartments

3.5.2 The electrical power of the turbine unit is determined by the formula:

N E = N i

where is the mechanical and electrical efficiency of the generator,

N E = 83.46. 0.99. 0.98 = 80.97 MW.

2.9 Indicators of thermal efficiency of the turbine unit

Total heat consumption for the turbine unit

, MW


2. Heat consumption for heating


where s T- coefficient taking into account the heat loss in the heating system.

3. Total heat consumption for industrial consumers



4. Total heat consumption for external consumers

, MW


5. Heat consumption for a turbine plant for the production of electricity


6. Coefficient of efficiency of a turbine power generation unit (excluding its own power consumption)



7. Specific heat consumption for electricity generation


2.10 Energy indicators of CHP

Live steam parameters at the steam generator outlet.

- pressure P SG = 12.9 MPa;

- Gross steam generator efficiency s SG = 0.92;

- temperature t SG = 556 о С;

- h PG = 3488 kJ / kg at the indicated R PG and t PG.

Steam generator efficiency, taken from the characteristics of the E-320/140 boiler


1. Thermal load of the steam generating plant

, MW

2. Coefficient of efficiency of pipelines (heat transport)



3. Coefficient of efficiency of CHP for electricity production



4. Coefficient of efficiency of the CHPP for the production and supply of heat for heating, taking into account the PVK



PVC at t N=- 15 0 WITH works,

5. Specific consumption of equivalent fuel for power generation



6. Specific consumption of equivalent fuel for production and supply of heat energy



7. Fuel heat consumption for the station



8. Total efficiency of the power unit (gross)


9. Specific heat consumption for the CHP power unit



10. Power unit efficiency (net)



where Э С.Н - own specific power consumption, Э С.Н = 0.03.

11. Specific consumption of "net" equivalent fuel



12. Consumption of equivalent fuel

kg / s

13. Consumption of equivalent fuel for the generation of heat supplied to external consumers

kg / s

14. Consumption of equivalent fuel for power generation

V E Y = V Y -V T Y = 13.214-8.757 = 4.457 kg / s


As a result of calculating the thermal scheme of a power plant based on a production cogeneration turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13, operating at increased load at ambient air temperature, the following values ​​of the main parameters characterizing a power plant of this type were obtained:

Steam consumption in the turbine extraction

Heating steam consumption for network heaters

Release of heat for heating by a turbine

Q T= 72.22 MW;

Heat release by a turbine unit to production consumers

Q NS= 141.36 MW;

Total heat consumption for external consumers

Q TP= 231.58 MW;

Power at generator terminals

N NS= 80.97 MW;

Efficiency of a CHP plant for electricity production

Efficiency of a CHP plant for the production and supply of heat for heating

Specific fuel consumption for electricity generation

b NS Have= 162.27g / kWh

Specific fuel consumption for the production and supply of heat energy

b T Have= 40.427 kg / GJ

Full efficiency of the CHPP "gross"

Full efficiency of CHPP "net"

Specific consumption of equivalent fuel per station "net"


1. Ryzhkin V.Ya. Thermal power plants: Textbook for universities - 2nd ed., Revised. - M .: Energy, 1976.-447s.

2. Alexandrov A.A., Grigoriev B.A. Tables of thermophysical properties of water and steam: Handbook. - M .: Ed. MPEI, 1999 .-- 168p.

3. Poleshchuk I.Z. Compilation and calculation of thermal power plant thermal diagrams. Methodical instructions to the course project on the discipline "TPP and NPP", / Ufa State. Aviation tech.un - t. - Ufa, 2003.

4. Enterprise standard (STP USATU 002-98). Requirements for construction, presentation, design.-Ufa.: 1998.

5. Boyko E.A. Steam-tube power plants of TPPs: Reference manual- CPC KSTU, 2006.-152s

6.. Thermal and nuclear power plants: Handbook / Ed. Corresponding Member RAS A.V. Klimenko and V.M. Zorin. - 3rd ed. - M .: Publishing house of MEI, 2003. - 648p .: ill. - (Heat power engineering and heat engineering; Book. 3).

7.. Turbines of thermal and nuclear power plants: Textbook for universities / Ed. A.G., Kostyuk, V.V. Frolov. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Publishing house of MEI, 2001 .-- 488 p.

8. Calculation of thermal circuits of steam turbine plants: Educational electronic edition / Poleshchuk I.Z .. - GOU VPO USATU, 2005.

Symbols of power plants, equipment and their elements (includingtext, figures, indices)

D - feed water deaerator;

ДН - drainage pump;

K - condenser, boiler;

КН - condensate pump;

OE - drainage cooler;

PRTS - thermal circuit diagram;

LDPE, PND - regenerative heater (high, low pressure);

PVK - peak hot water boiler;

PG - steam generator;

PE - superheater (primary);

PN - feed pump;

PS - stuffing box heater;

PSG - horizontal network heater;

PSV - raw water heater;

PT - steam turbine; cogeneration turbine with industrial and heating steam extraction;

PHOV - heater for chemically purified water;

PE - ejector cooler;

R - expander;

CHP - combined heat and power plant;

CM - mixer;

CX - stuffing box cooler;

HPC - high pressure cylinder;

LPC - low pressure cylinder;

EG - electric generator;

Appendix A

Appendix B

Diagram of PT-80/100 modes

Appendix B

Heating schedules of quality regulation of the supplyheat according to the average daily outdoor temperature

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Description of the object.
Full name:
"Automated training course" Operation of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine ".
Year of issue: 2007.

The automated training course on the operation of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine was developed for the training of operating personnel serving turbine plants of this type and is a means of training, pre-examination training and examination testing of CHP personnel.
The AUK is compiled on the basis of the normative and technical documentation used in the operation of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbines. It contains text and graphic material for interactive learning and testing of trainees.
This AUK describes the design and technological characteristics of the main and auxiliary equipment of heating turbines PT-80 / 100-130 / 13, namely: main steam valves, check valve, control valves, steam inlet of HPC, design features of HPC, HPC, LPH, turbine rotors , bearings, barring device, sealing system, condensing unit, low pressure regeneration, feed pumps, high pressure regeneration, cogeneration plant, turbine oil system, etc.
The starting, standard, emergency and stopping modes of operation of the turbine are considered, as well as the main criteria of reliability during heating and cooling of steam pipelines, valve blocks and turbine cylinders.
The system of automatic regulation of the turbine, the system of protection, blocking and signaling are considered.
The procedure for admission to inspection, testing, equipment repair, safety regulations and fire and explosion safety has been determined.

AUC composition:

An automated training course (AUC) is a software tool designed for initial training and subsequent knowledge testing of power plant personnel and electrical networks... First of all, for training operational and maintenance personnel.
AUK is based on existing production and job descriptions, regulatory materials, data of equipment manufacturing plants.
AUC includes:
- section of general theoretical information;
- a section that deals with the design and operating rules for a specific type of equipment;
- self-test section of the trainee;
- examiner's block.
AUK, in addition to texts, contains the necessary graphic material (diagrams, drawings, photographs).

Informational content of AUC.

1. The text material is compiled on the basis of operating instructions, turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13, factory instructions, other normative and technical materials and includes the following sections:

1.1. Operation of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine unit.
1.1.1. General information about the turbine.
1.1.2. Oil system.
1.1.3. Regulation and protection system.
1.1.4. Condensing device.
1.1.5. Regenerative installation.
1.1.6. Installation for heating network water.
1.1.7. Preparing the turbine for operation.
Preparation and commissioning oil system and VPU.
Preparation and commissioning of the turbine control and protection system.
Testing protection.
1.1.8. Preparation and commissioning of the condensing device.
1.1.9. Preparation and putting into operation of the regenerative installation.
1.1.10. Preparing the installation for heating the heating system.
1.1.11. Preparing the turbine for start-up.
1.1.12. General instructions to be followed when starting the turbine from any state.
1.1.13. Cold start of the turbine.
1.1.14. Hot start-up of the turbine.
1.1.15. Mode of operation and change of parameters.
1.1.16. Condensing mode.
1.1.17. Regime with extractions for production and heating.
1.1.18. Load shedding and shedding.
1.1.19. Stopping the turbine and bringing the system to its original state.
1.1.20. Examination technical condition and maintenance. Terms of verification of protection.
1.1.21. Maintenance lubrication systems and VPU.
1.1.22. Maintenance of the condensing and regenerating plant.
1.1.23. Maintenance of the installation for heating network water.
1.1.24. Safety precautions when servicing the turbogenerator.
1.1.25. Fire safety when servicing turbine units.
1.1.26. Safety valve testing procedure.
1.1.27. Application (protection).

2. The graphic material in this AUC consists of 15 figures and diagrams:
2.1. Longitudinal section of the turbine PT-80 / 100-130-13 (HPC).
2.2. Longitudinal section of the turbine PT-80 / 100-130-13 (TsSND).
2.3. Steam extraction pipeline diagram.
2.4. Turbine generator oil lines diagram.
2.5. Diagram of steam supply and suction from seals.
2.6. Stuffing box heater PS-50.
2.7. Characteristics of the stuffing box heater PS-50.
2.8. Diagram of the main condensate of the turbine generator.
2.9. Scheme of pipelines of network water.
2.10. Diagram of pipelines for suction of the steam-air mixture.
2.11. LDPE protection circuit.
2.12. Scheme of the main steam line of the turbine unit.
2.13. Turbine unit drainage scheme.
2.14. Scheme of the gas-oil system of the TVF-120-2 generator.
2.15. Energy characteristics of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 LMZ tubing unit.

Knowledge check

After studying text and graphic material, the learner can run the self-test program. The program is a test that checks the degree of assimilation of the material of the instruction. In case of an erroneous answer, the operator is shown an error message and a quote from the instruction text containing the correct answer. The total number of questions for this course is 300.


After passing training course and self-control of knowledge, the student passes the examination test. It includes 10 questions, selected automatically at random from among the questions provided for self-examination. During the exam, the examiner is asked to answer these questions without prompting and without the opportunity to refer to the textbook. No error messages are displayed until the end of testing. After the end of the exam, the student receives a protocol, which sets out the proposed questions, the answer options chosen by the examiner and comments on the erroneous answers. The exam is graded automatically. The test report is saved on the hard disk of the computer. It is possible to print it on a printer.