Unborn children (from spiritual psychology). Where do babies go when they die in the womb?


From January 6 to 7, the most festive night for the entire Orthodox world, Katya held her newborn daughter, Masha, in her arms. In the ward, where all the women in labor were already asleep, and their babies were peacefully sniffing - having done the first and most Main way in life - from her mother's tummies to the wide world, Catherine spent the first hours with her long-awaited, so hard-won, so desired baby.

She sat, not letting go of her hands, as if afraid that Mashenka (as she called her pride) would suddenly disappear. In the light of the lantern that shone through the hospital window, Katya looked with emotion at her tiny face, small nose, cheeks, closed eyes with beautiful eyes. long eyelashes, sponges, everything seemed so perfect. "I was waiting for you for so long!",- holding back tears, whispered a happy mom. And lifting up her eyes, she mentally said, "Thanks to!!!" the one whom she accused, and cursed, and asked, and thanked all these years. Pictures of past years, trials passed, stories of despair and humility flashed before her eyes. All this, now that the most important gift presented by fate, was snuffling in her arms, did not seem to be an accident. Now everything experienced was revealed in a different light, like the road along which she had been led to make her stronger, wiser and more tolerant. But the most important gift that she received with her baby is the ability to appreciate such a gift from heaven as the birth of a Child.


Katyushka grew up as an obedient and sweet girl, making her mother and father happy. After graduating from school, she left for another city, entered the institute, after which she returned to her parents. She met her one and only - Slava, got married.

Everything was going great - she and her husband bought an apartment, Katya had an interesting and well-paid job, with the prospect of career growth. The relationship between the young developed perfectly, it seemed they were simply made for each other. They always had many friends in the house, in the summer they preferred outdoor activities - rafting down rivers, climbing mountains. Life was interesting, but at the same time without presenting any unpleasant surprises.

Having lived together for 3 years, the young couple thought, as it should be about children. Katerina would have made an excellent mother, she was calm and very kind, no one ever saw her irritated or angry. It seemed that such a woman was simply destined to become a wonderful mother.

When the test showed the coveted two stripes, everything in the life of Slava and Katya changed. They read books about pregnancy, ate only healthy food, did gymnastics, walked a lot. Every evening, going to bed, they talked about Svetochka (Katya, for some reason, was sure that Svetochka was waiting for her). They imagined what she would be like, how they would walk with her, bathe, feed.

Katya spent hours talking with the baby, repeating how she was waiting for her and loved her. Together they went swimming in the pool, listened to the classics and children's fairy tales. Watching her friends who had children, she noted that since Lena, she would not talk to her baby, would not punish like Tanya, was not going to celebrate birthdays like Oksana. Even on the street watching mothers with children, she always knew what she would not be - especially if a scene with a roar or punishment unfolded before her eyes. Although the belly was not yet noticeable, all the acquaintances immediately understood, although they did not show the appearance, that Catherine was pregnant. She radiated such light and calmness, her face was so spiritual and happy that there was no doubt.

At 12 weeks, Katyusha and her husband went for their first ultrasound. It's one thing to imagine that a little man is growing in your stomach, another to see it with your own eyes. It is so surprising that the “button” the size of a strawberry already had legs, arms and even fingers, a heart was pounding. Katya even burst into tears, it turned out to be so exciting to see her little MIRACLE floating inside her. The doctor assured that everything is normal, the fetus is developing, according to the development schedule and there are no pathologies. The word is a fruit, somehow Katya's ear even hurt - for her it was not a fruit, it was her little princess, her Svetochka.On the way home, happy parents bought a cake and in the evening, over tea, they only discussed what kind of legs and what kind of arms their baby had, and what a nimble little Svetochka they were.


At night, Katya woke up from a dull aching pain in the lower abdomen, woke up her husband. Slava called an ambulance and tried to calm his wife. Katya could not find a place for herself, such fear rolled over her in waves that her heart began to beat quickly, quickly. She grabbed the printed prayers for pregnant women from the table and began to read them non-stop. arrived Ambulance, Katya was taken to the hospital, and Slava, not finding a place for himself, went after him.

Already in the hospital, Katerina had a miscarriage, she was cleaned and left until the morning. Either when she was recovering from anesthesia, or in a dream, Katya saw a little girl walking along the road somewhere up, who turned around, and smiling, waved her hand. The next morning, Katya woke up in the ward where three women were lying on the conservation, they all looked at her sympathetically, said some words to her. But she, turning to the wall, wept, mourning her unborn girl, whom she would never braid, never put on. Nice dress who will never sing a lullaby. Katya felt such pain and emptiness that it seemed to her that the women who sympathized with her rejoiced in their souls, each thinking at the same time - "Thank God it didn't happen to me."

Katya lay and dreamed of only one thing, that Slava would take her home as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor discharged Katya, and she returned home. The first thing that caught my eye were books and magazines about pregnancy and motherhood, little booties that I bought on a whim from some grandmother in the market, and an ultrasound photo of their little Sveta. Slava brought a box from the balcony, put everything there, seeing the state of his wife, he decided to remove things reminiscent of this tragedy.

Katya went to the doctors, trying to find out the causes of the miscarriage, took tests - there was only one answer - "You're fine, we can't determine the cause..."

After talking with her husband, they decided to undergo an examination in the capital's clinic. Before leaving, Katya, while cleaning the apartment, went to her neighbor, grandmother Raya, to give some food.

Grandmother Rai had 5 children and 7 grandchildren, who often came to visit, visited the old woman. She was a very kind and very believing woman. After drinking some tea, Grandmother Ray blessed Katya, sympathizing and very sympathizing with this young, cheerful woman. Already leaving, Katya stopped on the threshold and asked: “Grandma Raya, where do unborn children go?” And she told her a dream she had seen in the hospital. “Oh, baby, I don’t even know, but the priest in our church probably knows”- she answered and began, as always, to talk about the new priest, in whom, judging by the stories, the whole flock doted on. Katya politely interrupted the conversation, referring to the fees.

In an expensive clinic in Moscow, after a complete examination and all kinds of tests, the verdict was the same as at home - "Are you OK. But we recommend careful monitoring during the next pregnancy.

Katya and Slava returned, gradually the pain from the loss subsided, life went on as usual. At work, Katya was promoted, everything went well.


A year has passed, Katya and Slava decided to try one more time. As soon as his wife had a delay, Slava rushed to the pharmacy for tests. Coming out of the toilet, Katya said with tears in her eyes - "Happened!".

Now Katya took care of herself like a porcelain vase. Glory bought her even dishwasher to somehow protect the woman he loves from worries. They waited very anxiously for 12 weeks, with bated breath, fearing a repetition. This time, Katya did not give her baby a name, afraid to get ahead of herself.

At the second ultrasound, she was told that she was expecting a girl. Fears were left behind, and Katyusha began to call her girl Anechka. She looked at women with children, and repeated to herself: "Anechka, I'll be the one for you the best mom in the world".

The baby has already begun to move inside, for Katya it was just a miracle, she always froze at these moments, afraid to miss even the slightest push. She learned Anechkin's daily regimen, tried when her daughter was sleeping or at rest, to go to bed herself, so as not to suddenly wake up the baby.


Everything happened unexpectedly: on the 22nd week, contractions began, Katya was admitted to the hospital. With eyes full of horror, she grabbed the hands of the doctors and shouted: "Save my child!!! Save Anna!!! Help my baby!!!" Unfortunately, they could not stop the sudden onset of labor activity. Anechka was born a stillborn child.

Katya begged to see her daughter, but they wrapped her up and took her away, explaining that she was not supposed to. She was left alone, lying on the birthing table in the delivery room, having not given birth to a child. The nurse, who washed the floor, for some reason opened the window and left, it became very cold, and Katerina felt how this cold penetrated into every part of her soul, heart, freezing her feelings.

The chilling truth that she had lost her second child slowly crept into her mind. Suddenly, unable to restrain herself any longer, she sobbed, wailed out of pain, resentment, pity for herself, for Anechka, for Slava. She so wanted to become small, climb into her mother's arms and hugging her, forget about everything.

Katya was injected with a strong sedative and at night she saw the same dream again, her girl, her little Anya, was leaving her forever. But instead of waving her hand, the girl said: "Please understand!"

Returning from the hospital, Katya did not want to stay at home for a day, went to work. Tactful colleagues tried not to touch on the topic of children at all in her presence. Katya, no matter how hard she tried, could not cope with her pain. She stopped communicating with her friends who had children, switched the TV if they suddenly showed a glorious little one. Slava saw how his wife was tormented, more than once offered to discuss everything, advised him to speak out, to cry, but she only answered him: "You can not understand!" Thus erecting a huge wall between them.


It's been 3 months. One Sunday morning, grandmother Raya rang at the door, she said to Katerina: "Get dressed, let's go!" Katya, without asking, got dressed and went.

Grandmother took her to church, to the service. Father Mikhail, the same one that the neighbor constantly talked about, met them at the entrance. He greeted Katya and smiled, and her eyes even stung from welling tears - there was so much warmth and so much love and kindness in the father's look that Katyusha's frozen heart responded. She read stories about saints, but here she saw with her own eyes how a person seemed to glow from within.

During the entire service Katya had involuntary tears flowing, purifying her soul, washing away despair and pain. Then, going up to Father Michael, she asked:

- Father, tell me, where do unborn children go?

“Sinless souls go to Heaven. Become angels,” he replied and smiled.

The first night after the tragedy, Katya slept sweetly, without nightmares. She began to come to church often - either just to sit, or light a candle, or listen to the priest. My heart became calmer. She again went through all the examinations and this time the doctors suggested that perhaps premature labor was caused by weakness in the muscles of the uterus, which could not hold the growing baby.


Another year has passed. Slava and Katya bought a new 3-room apartment and a car. Slava defended his dissertation, Katya was made the head of the department. They went to church together every Sunday. Only sometimes, when meeting with couples with strollers, Katya's heart ached. Still, Katerina decided to take a chance.

She often went to church, talked with Father Michael.

Everything went well, without pathologies, the baby moved, hour X approached (the period at which she lost Anechka). Father Mikhail said that one must believe - and Katya believed. She was registered with the best clinic, the entire pregnancy took place under the vigilant supervision of doctors. Katya believed when the contractions started again ahead of time, she believed that she would certainly be helped, she believed to the last.


The baby was born alive, but premature at such a time that no one began to resuscitate her. Katya saw how her blond girl was dying on the next table for 3 minutes. She screamed, rushed towards her, bit the doctors, she fought, scratched like an animal, but realizing that it was all over, she fell into unconsciousness.

And again the vision was repeated, for the third time her girl left her, now the baby was crying herself, repeating: "You will understand!"

It was the last, it seemed the most cruel blow, Katya withdrew into herself. When her husband came for her, holding back tears with difficulty, she asked to be taken to church, right now. Slava even rejoiced, thinking that it was good, maybe her faith would help her.

Katya, getting out of the car, ran to the door of the church, ran inside, not seeing anything around, she, pushing the parishioners, rushed to the altar. Running up, looking at the icon of the Savior, she screamed at the top of her lungs so that He would hear:


Her husband and father Mikhail ran up to her, they tried to drag her by force, but Katya pulled away without hearing anything. She turned to the numb people who had come to the service and shouted to them:

Who are you praying to? Who are you asking? He plays with us like with dolls, tearing off legs, tearing out hearts!!!

She was nevertheless taken to the priest's room at the church. Katya cried for a long time, whispering: "For what? For what? For what?"

Father Mikhail stroked her head, knowing that any words were now useless. How much grief he saw every day, how much pain people bring to the temple ... After all, when everything is good, they don’t often come with it, and when it’s bad, the soul looks for answers and leads a person to God. Once he, having lost his family, came for answers. Then, his future mentor said:


The first thing Katya saw when she woke up was the priest's eyes glowing from within. She vaguely remembered what she had done in church, but it was enough to make her blush with shame. "Yes, it's enough for you, the Lord has seen nothing like that," Father Michael said with a smile, "People will forget, don't worry." Here he repeated to Katya word for word what his mentor had once told him.


Katya searched for an answer for a long time, knowing that she was not destined to give birth to a child until she found him. She got up with this question and went to bed with it, sometimes it seemed to her that she was about to understand why it happened. And somehow, watching some kind of program, briefly hearing the phrase: "Don't think that you are better than others..." it suddenly dawned on her: PRIDE! and DISCLAIMER!!! That's what they punished her for, that's what they wanted to show - she remembered how she condemned all her friends for mistreating children, she remembered her conviction that only she would be the best mother, that God, they say, distributes children to women unworthy of this gift.

Katya rushed to confession and told everything to father Mikhail, she was so happy that she found the answer, that she finally understood what her soul of a little girl asked for, choosing Katya as her mother (for some reason she really wanted to believe that 3 her unborn babies were one soul).

Father, after Katya left, he sat and smiled for a long time, he blessed Katyusha and knew that now everything would be fine. "God works in mysterious ways!" - he thought, as he always admired the deeds of the One in whom he so believed.

Seeing Katya's husband from afar, the priest understood everything and once again thanked the Creator.

After 5 days, the happiest mother and her little Masha were discharged home, the proud father, without holding back tears, with trembling hands for the first time in his life, took his long-awaited daughter.



Children who were not allowed to be born

Monument to unborn children in Slovakia

Considering the question of the most intimate, connected with the other world processes of creating a new person, it is impossible to avoid the problem of artificial termination of pregnancy, or, more simply, abortion.

What is an abortion in terms of esoteric knowledge?
What are its consequences for the woman who decided to take such a difficult step, and for the unborn child?

Responding to letters from collaborators and followers of the Living Ethics teaching, H. I. Roerich wrote:

« You touched on the most painful issue of our time, the issue of the legality of abortion. Of course, there can be no two opinions here - abortion is the most definite murder. Therefore, it can only be allowed where the life of the mother is in danger.
The teaching says, “As hunger pushes for food, so a ready spirit, to which the time has come, strives for a new incarnation.” Therefore, one can imagine what sufferings are sometimes experienced during a violent break. The spirit gets in touch with the fetus from the moment of conception and begins to gradually enter into it in the fourth month, when the nerve and brain channels are formed. Therefore, abortion is permissible only in exceptional cases.

The words of E. I. Roerich about the connection of the spiritual beginning of the future personality with its physical embryo are especially significant. Speaking about the formation of nerve and brain channels, He. I. Roerich also means special psycho-energetic channels of higher centers of consciousness, called chakras in yoga.
Thus, in the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus is no longer just a biological organism, but also a kind of spiritual entity.

The opinion expressed by esoteric teachings about the problem of abortion, of course, contradicts the ideas prevailing in society until recently that abortion at a gestational age of no more than three months from the point of view of morality does not represent anything terrible, since a three-month-old embryo, they say, does not spiritual and personal beginning. However, the esoteric system of knowledge suggests that, as H. I. Roerich wrote, the spiritual principle has a connection with the fetus from the moment of conception. It cannot be otherwise, given the fact that the Monad of man first creates the mental and astral bodies corresponding to his spiritual and karmic accumulations, and only then the etheric body and its dense material physical counterpart.

And if we also take into account the karmic connection of the incarnating soul with its future parents, and the special astrological dates necessary for the appearance on the earthly plane of this particular, and not any other personality, it is easy to understand what a terrible mistake an abortion made only from -for the unwillingness of young parents to burden themselves with a child at the “inappropriate” time.

Modern medical research using ultrasound and other advanced technology has also disproved the notion that the destruction of the human fetus is not murder in the full sense of the word. A three-month-old embryo is an already formed living being with the ability to sense the approaching danger.

In the West, with the participation of well-known medical specialists, a documentary was made about what abortion really is. With the help of advanced ultrasound devices, the most horrific details of the extermination operation were filmed with a dispassionate movie camera. human being in the mother's womb: film footage confirmed the words of doctors that a three-month-old fetus during an abortion makes an instinctive attempt to avoid the surgeon's scalpel or vacuum curette (with which the embryo is destroyed) and opens its mouth in an attempt to scream in the same way as an adult screams at the moment of mortal danger. This film, terrible in its veracity, was called by its creators "The Silent Scream".

The forcible expulsion of the fetus from the mother's womb is terrible not only by the fact that in this case the parents kill their own child. Abortions practiced for more than one century violate the natural laws of the cyclical nature of births and deaths, in other words, the arrival of human consciousnesses in the physical world and their departure to another world.

A. Klizovsky wrote about this: “We need to think what kind of perturbation this introduces into the laws of the development of life, into the astral world and into the fate of many thousands of beings, for whom the time has come to incarnate again, who have already clothed themselves in subtle bodies - mental and astral, who have ended their stay in these worlds and who need to receive only a physical body from their earthly parents. Here they choose the family in which they are supposed to be born, they are born, but they, as unnecessary, are expelled back. Thus, they were not truly born, nor did they truly die, but are in some kind of middle state between birth and death.

It is known that children who die in infancy are reincarnated very quickly, literally within a few months from the moment of death. As a rule, they are born in the same family where their previous incarnation, interrupted by death, passed. But in the event of an abortion, the circumstances of their new birth will be significantly hampered. The state of the energy complex of children (more precisely, subtle embryos) who were never allowed to be born can be so painful that the Living Ethics teaching says about it: “To stop the birth of children is worse than murder.”

About what exactly the soul of an unborn baby experiences, a soul forcibly expelled into the astral world, indirectly confirms the real case cited by Peter Garyaev in his interview to one of the scientific publications. Working in the field of psychogenetics, P. Garyaev also considered the problem of transplanting donor organs to patients in need of them. The scientist was interested in what kind of energy background is brought into the recipient's body by organs taken from another person (especially an animal), who, perhaps, has a fundamentally different level of spirituality and, accordingly, psychoenergetics.

In the case that Garyaev spoke about, a patient who lost a finger as a result of an injury was transplanted with a finger of an embryo that died as a result of an abortion. Doctors believed that the tissue of the embryonic finger, grafted onto the patient's hand, would later be able to grow and form a normal-sized adult finger. However, this experiment had an unexpected result. The patient, shortly after engraftment, began something like mental disorder: he began to hear an incomprehensible children's voice, as if saying something to him, and then it began to seem to the patient that a living boy was growing on his hand instead of an engrafted finger, who was also trying to contact him telepathically.

Analyzing this case, Garyaev suggested that it could not be about the excessive impressionability of the patient - a completely balanced person, but about the so-called "settlement" of the consciousness of an unborn baby to the biofield of an adult wearing a tiny piece of his body on his hand (in the form of a grafted finger). Forcibly expelled into the astral plane, but not adapted to exist in it, the soul of a child who was never born, but did not really die, "infiltrated" into the biofield of another person, finding at least some temporary refuge in it. The poor patient really had something to go crazy with, hearing the voice of an invisible child in his mind! This situation turned out to be close to what is called obsession in esotericism, that is, the introduction of an alien astral entity with its own consciousness into the subtle complex of an incarnated person.

Abortion, committed only because of the unwillingness of parents to burden themselves with the birth of a child, always has negative karmic consequences. One amazing case was told in her letter to the newspaper by a woman who, in her youth, had an abortion at the insistence of her adored husband. Being a scientist, he did not want to disturb the peace and quiet of his scientific studies by the birth of a third, moreover, as usual, a noisy and time-consuming creature. Like the vast majority of women, the heroine of our story really did not want to have an abortion, but in order not to upset her beloved, she nevertheless went for it. Immediately after the operation, returning to the ward, the woman experienced a strange condition: as if some invisible and “not physical” thread was torn in the sternum in her body. And then she saw a little boy standing next to her bed. The baby seemed close and dear to her, and somehow she realized that something torn connected them both. The boy said something like: "Goodbye, mom! I'll never come back to you..."

The woman felt a strong desire to detain him, to make sure that he did not leave, and therefore began to talk to him. At this point, worried neighbors in the hospital ward began to ask her: “Who are you talking to there?”, apparently perceiving her condition as delirium or hallucinations caused by the operation she had just undergone. Then the woman realized that the child that appeared next to her hospital bed was nothing more than a ghost, but the ghost of her lost son ...

Life severely punished a woman who never became a mother for her mistake: she could no longer have children. But throughout her subsequent life, she had several amazing dreams in which she saw the image of her son, as it were, gradually growing up. In these dreams, a young man came to her, calling her "mother" and outwardly similar to her husband in his youth. Each time he told her something important about the future events of her life. All these predictions have come true.

A few years after that tragic mistake, the husband, due to whose insistence the woman once sacrificed the child, left her, motivating it in the same way that he had previously explained his demand for an abortion - the need for complete solitude and peace, which his scientific research allegedly demanded. research. However, shortly after the divorce, he married another woman. But he did not live long with his new wife. Once, the soul of her lost son once again came to the heroine of our story in a dream and in a symbolic form warned her about the imminent death of “dad” (as the young man from dreams called the husband of that woman). This prediction also came true...

What strange connection existed between the heroine of this true story and her unborn child? Was this story based on an attempt to incarnate a personality highly developed spiritually in a pre-selected family? Or, in this case, there was simply a strong karmic connection between the members of a so sadly and absurdly fragmented and disintegrated family? One can only guess about this. But one thing is certain: by unjustifiably yielding to a man in her demands for an abortion and not believing the voice of her spirit, the heroine of this story made an irreparable mistake both in relation to herself and to her unborn child.

Artificial termination of pregnancy has negative consequences not only for the soul of a child who has become a victim of parental frivolity or ignorance of the true laws of nature. Of course, in the conditions prevailing in the modern world, and especially in Russia, there are rarely any women who have not resorted to artificial termination of pregnancy. And one can hardly blame them for this, because the reason for this sad act is most often not only the lack of knowledge about the spiritual and karmic side of this problem, but, above all, elementary financial difficulties that do not allow most Russian families to have more than one or two children. And yet, women who abuse the possibility of terminating a pregnancy and thereby condemning many beings striving for incarnation to unjustified torment involuntarily create heavy karma for themselves, regardless of whether they know about it or not.

A woman who has had too many abortions, in future incarnations, may not only share the sad fate of her children, whom she never allowed to be born, but also be unable to have children, no matter how much she would like to. Abortion has another negative consequence. As you know, the violent deprivation of life of any living being leaves an indelible energy trace in the surrounding space (as, indeed, any action in general). Where the murder took place, the so-called "space of death" is formed, the energy of which has negative character, which has a corresponding effect on everything around. In the case of an abortion, this "space of death" becomes the mother's womb, capable of giving life to more than one child. And if a woman's first pregnancy ended not with the birth of a child, but with an abortion, it is easy to understand what energy impact will subsequently produce a mother's womb for subsequent children, whom this woman still wants to have someday.
Information about the murder of their predecessor, even if on a subconscious, instinctive level, will affect the formation of their character and psycho-emotional warehouse in the most negative way.

P. Garyaev believes that the "phantom of death", remaining in astral body woman who has had an abortion distorts not only her own genetic code, but also the genetic code of a man who will subsequently have an intimate relationship with her ...

How to avoid the tragedies associated with the murder of parents of their unborn children, even if modern facilities contraceptives, reliable enough, yet do not provide one hundred percent protection against pregnancy?

E. I. Roerich wrote about this: “For this, in family life there is the most natural abstinence, which can be fully regulated and thereby give a norm to the growth of the family. This is quite possible when high interests occupy the head and heart. Of course, I foresee many objections to this, but, nevertheless, I will stand my ground. Undoubtedly, in the present moral state of society, this is difficult, but nevertheless there are such families, and in the future they will multiply. In ancient times, people knew how to normalize the birth rate according to the phases of the moon. Then it was considered as a kind of magic, but in our age, even such an action would be better than terrible abortions that cripple a woman, and therefore future offspring.

In some countries of Indochina, since ancient times there has been (and still exists among the people) an amazing tradition that helps young parents prevent the “untimely” birth of a child, without taking what is called a sin on the soul. The originality of this tradition also lies in the fact that it once again proves on concrete facts that the embryo in the mother's womb is not an unconscious clot of matter, but rather a spiritual entity capable of consciously responding to the world. essence ancient tradition consists in the fact that when signs of pregnancy appear in a woman in a family who, for financial reasons, was not ready to have a child, the head of the family kneels in front of his wife sitting opposite him and ... aloud addresses the soul of the baby in her body. He apologizes to the incarnating soul for the fact that his family, due to poverty, cannot yet afford the pleasure of having children, and sincerely convinces the soul of his unborn child to wait a little with the birth, until at least a little money is added to the family ...

Folk tradition claims that if the appeal of the father of the child to his soul was sincere (like his love for him), then the results of this conversation affect very quickly: the signs of pregnancy disappear! Is the spiritual principle of a person really able to “transfer” the dates of his birth, and at the same time also “dissolve” his physical shell that has already begun to form? The inhabitants of the East, who have absorbed the basics of esoteric knowledge with their mother's milk, really know how to do a lot that is inaccessible modern people West, cut off from nature and centuries-old folk traditions.
Be that as it may, for both the East and the West there is a universal remedy that alone can help people not complicate their lives with tragic mistakes - this remedy is called Knowledge. Helena Roerich, answering the questions of the followers of the Living Ethics, mentioned in her letter that only enlightenment and education can truly solve the problem of abortion, as well as dozens of other most painful problems of modern society. I must say that in the ancient bygone civilizations, sacred knowledge about the laws of creating a family, about the birth and upbringing of a future person was given incomparably greater value than in our era.

In esoteric teachings, it is repeatedly mentioned that in ancient times there was a special system of initiation of everyone into the foundations of esoteric knowledge. Women of bygone eras received the knowledge necessary for the birth and upbringing of healthy offspring from dedicated priests and priestesses who created special schools of esoteric knowledge at temples. In addition to ordinary knowledge, women of antiquity could also receive initiation into the secret higher knowledge, which took place in the form of mysteries.

A. Klizovsky, in the work we mentioned, notes that special systems of education and initiation of women into higher knowledge existed in India, in Vedic times, in Ancient Egypt(this function was performed there by the mysteries of Isis), in Greece - in the Eleusinian mysteries, in Rome - also during special rituals and mysteries dedicated to female deities and taking place in the temples of Juno, Diana, Minerva and Ceres.

The Living Ethics and H. I. Roerich’s “Letters” said about what the esoteric knowledge about the foundations of married life, the birth and upbringing of children was accessible to women of ancient epochs: “Initiation consisted in symbolic rites and ceremonies, in night festivities, and then in special teachings that were given by senior priests or high priests and which concerned the most intimate aspects of married life. Advice and rules were given concerning the relations of the sexes, seasons and months, which favor a happy conception. The greatest importance was attached to the physical and moral hygiene of a woman during pregnancy, so that the sacred work of the creation of a new man was carried out according to divine laws. Thus, in the women's mysteries, the science of married life and the art of motherhood were taught.

Acquaintance with the basics of esoteric knowledge made the attitude of people of previous eras to the problems of marriage, matrimony and the birth of a child more meaningful and serious. This knowledge helped people avoid mistakes that could complicate both their personal karma and the karma of their children, the clan and the entire nation as a whole. As noted in esoteric sources, “for a man and a woman who are truly initiated, the creation of a child has an infinitely more beautiful meaning and greater significance than for the uninitiated. For the father and mother, who know that the soul of a child exists before its earthly birth, conception becomes a sacred act, the call of the soul to incarnation. There is almost always an affinity between the incarnating soul and the mother. Therefore, bad and corrupt mothers attract dark and evil souls to themselves, while gentle and pure mothers attract pure souls to themselves. Holy and beautiful is the task of the mother, who creates a new dwelling for this soul, facilitates its imprisonment in carnal limitations and softens the trial that lies ahead.

About the great significance of the initiation of a woman into esoteric science, about sacred meaning family and motherhood A. Klizovsky, citing esoteric sources, writes: “Due to the fact that a woman with full awareness performed the duties of wife, mother and priestess, which in ancient times were looked upon as divine, she really was the priestess of the family, the keeper of the sacred fire of Life, the Vesta of the hearth. The initiation of a woman in the ancient world was the true cause of the beauty of the race, strong generations and longevity of the family in Ancient Greece and in ancient Rome.

First seven years

But back to the process of forming a new personality.
The birth of a small person is a complex and mysterious process, far from being fully understood. modern science. What is Small child spiritually and mentally? By what laws do his physical organism, psyche and mind live and develop?

As already mentioned, the formation of the organism of a future person is influenced not only by external factors, but also by the karmic accumulations of the incarnating individual himself. These accumulations are expressed in the level and state of the spiritual and mental development of the higher energy bodies of the future person. A. Besant writes in his works that through the mediation of the astral body the mental sheath influences the organization of the nervous system of the future individual, thus preparing an instrument for its future expression. This influence of higher principles and their corresponding subtle bodies on the physical appearance of a child begins before the birth of a person and continues until the age of seven. Only at the age of seven does the final connection of the fine-material complex of a person with his physical body take place. In the same period - that is, in the first seven years of life - the astral and mental bodies of the child are brought into relation with the nervous organization of his physical body. Parallel to this is the final formation of the physical structure of the brain and nerves.

Naturally, the task of forming the physical body falls with all its weight not only on the builder elemental, but also on the incarnated soul itself. Esoteric sources say that the constant screaming and crying of some babies is caused precisely by the fact that their mental body is struggling to cope with the task of creating its physical body. Although early childhood is considered to be the golden time of a person's life, but in itself the period of getting used to the spirit and the energy complex to a new, moreover, still developing physical shell is a rather difficult period for a child.

As E. Barker writes in the book “Letters from the Living Dead”, any fall and physical pain are a real shock for the baby. Adapting to a new, tender and vulnerable body causes mental confusion and moral suffering in children. These inconveniences and experiences of children are much deeper than adults think, who do not know about the “other”, subtle side of the process of growing up.

Paramahamsa Yogananda recalled: “The amazing helplessness of childhood has not disappeared from memory. I was resentfully aware of my inability to walk and express myself freely. From the understanding of bodily weakness, waves of prayer rose in me. Mental fermentation and helplessness of the body provoked bouts of screaming. With my grief, I caused general confusion among family members.

During this period of a child's life, the activity of his soul takes place more in the Subtle World than in the physical. Until the age of seven, the consciousness of children half lives in the Subtle World, and this is precisely what makes possible those unusual manifestations that almost always baffle parents. Children often see the Subtle World and its inhabitants, hear voices inaudible to adults, recall episodes from their former lives.
The first three years of a child's life are especially important for the formation of his spiritual and mental sphere. At this time, the spiritual and mental image of the future person is laid. During the first three years of life, the child's natural connection with the Cosmos has not yet been interrupted, the chakras - accumulators of subtle energies - are still ajar.

What are the chakras, or centers of higher energy in the human body, we all know thanks to the teachings of Agni Yoga.
It is the ajar chakras that give a person parapsychological abilities - clairvoyance, astral vision, clairaudience, memory of previous incarnations, etc.
After the age of three, the activity of the higher chakras is less active. This is due to the fact that rough and heavy energies physical world(more precisely, human society with its ever-increasing psycho-spiritual troubles) suppress high-vibration impulses of higher centers, their energy is muffled.

But during the whole life of a child, the higher centers can periodically open slightly, obeying their mysterious inner rhythm. Despite the fact that not all children's chakras remain ajar, many children still have astral vision and a special, natural connection with the inhabitants of a different plane. When children say: “Mom, when you left, little girls came to play with me” or “And I saw gnomes on the closet” - these are not just fantasies. Children really see a lot that is invisible to adults. Astrologer Tamara Globa, for example, recalled that when she was a child, she saw in dark room bear invisible to adults. And the appearance of a bear (as well as a cat) is often taken by astral creatures, which the people traditionally called brownies. But the mother convinced the girl that there could be no bears in the house and that it only seemed to her.
The girl believed her mother and ... really stopped seeing them. Firmly ingrained in the minds of “this cannot be”, so characteristic of the world of adults, it is in this way that programs the future perception of the child. From birth, children can do a lot that adults cannot. But with their distrust, skepticism and ignorance, adults, as a rule, quickly deprive them of the ability to perceive another world, imposing their worldview and perception of the surrounding reality on them - very far from the objective picture of the world, often intuitively accessible to children...

Secrets of former lives

Another mystery with which a new man comes to Earth is the mystery of his past life. Every small child is a real alien from the Subtle World. Where did he travel, with whom did he meet, with what mission did he come to Earth? This is his secret, and no one can know this in advance. Only combinations of planets at the time of the birth of a child can hint to an astrologer about his future destiny, a magical thread of samsara and karma associated with the past. Spontaneous "memories of the past" are often available to young children.

“I see how my earliest memories embrace the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear pictures of memories came to me from a distant life when I was a yogi in the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, thanks to an immeasurable connection, made it possible for me to see the future as well. My highly emotional life was expressed mentally in the words of many different languages. In the midst of such inner confusion, the ear gradually became accustomed to the surrounding sounds of the Bengali language of my people. The sphere of the mobile mind of a child who sincerely considers himself limited by toys and toes!”

Such memories of infancy were preserved in the memory of the Indian spiritual Master Paramahamsa Yogananda.

How different these sensations are from those qualities attributed to newborn children by traditional medicine and psychology! What is a newborn baby in terms of psychology? Tabula rasa is a "blank slate", a reflexive organism devoid of any experience with innate subconscious instincts - and that's it! But are babies really like this? AT recent times Both here and in the West, alternative theories to traditional concepts have appeared, borrowed by modern scientists from Eastern esoteric sources. These theories allow us to look at children differently.

Psychologists are encouraged to revise the traditional point of view by many examples of unexpected manifestations of child psychology. Passing with parents past the monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, a four-year-old kid suddenly declared: “Mom, this monument was built for me too. I used to be an adult and fought with enemies and they killed me!” Children's fantasy? Maybe. But cases of memories of former incarnations have become so frequent and, moreover, provable on concrete facts, that scientists are now seriously studying the problem of reincarnations. Very often children - "aliens" from other worlds and other incarnations - remember much from their previous lives and from wanderings through the Subtle Worlds.

Modern studies of prenatal development of infants are carried out using equipment so advanced and highly sensitive that thanks to it, scientists have been able to record rapid eye movements in babies in the womb at certain periods of time. Such eye movements, as scientists have established, occur in adults during dreaming sleep. Therefore, newborns can also dream. But, according to the official theory of dreams, sleep is primarily a reflection of a person's earthly experience and the events of his earthly life. If we share the narrowly materialistic point of view of a person as a creature that lives on earth only once, then we have to admit that an embryo having no experience of earthly life in the womb should not see any dreams. But the experimental data say otherwise! What can unborn babies see in a dream? Nothing but their previous lives.

However, it should be noted that the information about previous incarnations, preserved in the subconscious of children, is very different in its spiritual content. The successive connection with past lives is manifested not only in the memory of some details and events, but also in the very behavior of the child. And if a child from childhood shows incomprehensible cruelty towards, for example, animals or his peers, this should be a wake-up call for his parents. It is quite possible that in the body of a charming baby, not very much came into this world. kind person. And in order to prevent a tragic turn of events in his future life and in the life of his parents, the development of such children must be vigilantly monitored, not allowing the slightest manifestation of cruelty and injustice towards others on the part of the child.

The idealistic perception of babies as "angels", still devoid of any shortcomings, is far from the real state of affairs. Another thing is that the true nature of the child in moral terms will begin to appear a little later. But even at the age of three or four, her inclinations can already be seen. In one family, a four-year-old kid, after watching Kashpirovsky's sessions on TV, began to “give out” such things to his parents that they simply grabbed their heads. It was not only about tantrums and the desire to do deliberate nasty things, which the child had not had before. Aleshenka told his mother: "I want to become a black man." And to the frightened question: “Why?” he replied, "To kill people."

The child has not just seen enough "horror" on television. Parents began to notice that their beloved child is doing strange things - knocking over chairs, scattering clothes and things on the floor, and at the same time saying to the family: “Don’t touch it, let it lie like that.” Angry at some member of the family, the baby began to walk around him counterclockwise, clearly following the route and muttering something rhythmically at the same time.

All this, of course, the parents considered childish whims, but one day Aleshenka's mother opened the book of either Papus, or some other magician and read with amazement that, wanting to bring misfortune to someone's house, the sorcerers imperceptibly penetrated into it in their astral body and scattered objects on the floor, overturned chairs, disturbing order and "destroying" space. The same goes for the counter-clockwise circle, an ancient magical technique designed to "charm" the sorcerer's victim. Having made this discovery, the boy's mother turned to an astrologer, asking him to explain the strange behavior of her son. In her heart, she was sure that Kashpirovsky had "jinxed" the child. However, the matter turned out to be more complicated. In the cosmogram of the boy, there was a black moon on his ascendant. This combination is regarded by many astrologers as an indication that in a former life the child was a black magician. And the TV sessions of another magician-hypnologist awakened the information of the previous incarnation. Yes, in addition to the one that should not be awakened at all ...

Between past and future

But here's a difficult one the period of formation of a new body is completed. subtle body getting used to his newphysical shell. Nervous system and the cerebral cortex receivefinal design in accordance with karmic baggage and creativepotential of the subtle complex.

How does human development proceed?farther? The child grows up, learns the world. It starts to show up in him.individuality. But, as a rule, until the age of fourteen, the aura of children is almostcolorless or colored by accumulations of past lives. Only at the age of fourteena teenager, his “own ray” appears, the color of the aura becomes definite,a teenager becomes a person in terms of energy as well. Of course, that hispersonality still retains a successive connection with spiritual accumulationsprevious incarnations. This connection, in fact, has been manifesting since the age of three. Butat the age of three to ten years, the accumulation of past lives manifests itself spontaneously andunconscious to the child. This is something like an automatic mode, which is notcontrolled by consciousness.

Another thing is the age of a teenager. Here alreadya new individuality has been formed, and the consciousness of the child, which has already known the differencebetween good and evil, can make a conscious moral choice in their behavior.
The personality of the new incarnation comes into its own, and the aura of a teenager receives itscustomized beam and color.
But this does not mean that its connection with the other worldstops. The connection of man with the invisible world always exists. In anyage, each of us has invisible helpers and Guardian Angels, and there areenemies and tempters from another world. Special attention creatures from parallelplan manifest specifically to teenagers. Ufologists have long noted that the phenomenonpoltergeist is usually associated with adolescent children, 11-15 years old.

A teenager can be a carrier of a poltergeist, in other words, an object of increasedattention from the spirits, and, most likely, unfriendly ones.(Otherwise, how to explain pillows and chairs flying around the rooms, pogroms in the kitchen,falling cupboards and refrigerators?) While ufology has no convincing explanationsuch a phenomenon. It is believed that the physiological restructuring that occurs inbody of a teenager and reflected on energy level, promotesbuilding a strong energy field in the physical space whereteenager is. And this increased energy background in some casesattracts noisy dimensional neighbors to the given space. HoweverI think the real reason for the poltergeist harassment of some teenagersdeeper. It is associated not only with the restructuring in the body of a growing child,but also with karmic terms.

As already mentioned, in adolescence there is a switch of karmic mechanisms - the teenager "leaves" the "field"his parents and begins to form a new, his own "field". In thatperiod, that is, in adolescence, the main connections and trends of the formerincarnations are strained with special force. It is known that, for example, practicing magicassociated with subordination to the will of the magician of various elemental spirits, with the help of whichmany magical actions are performed. However, not one in any wayan intelligent being in the Cosmos does not like to be deprived of his freedom and forced toobey someone. Meanwhile, magic itself is based on violentmastery of some subtle energies and will less intelligent than a person,creatures. If a person in a past incarnation was a magician and forced to serve himselfinvisible elemental spirits, whose lifespan reaches hundreds of years, it is possiblethat in the next life, at the age of adolescence, when the first summing up occurskarmic accounts, his past assistants are trying to let him know about theirexistence, and maybe take revenge in your own way for many yearsforced service.

However, the poltergeist phenomenon can becaused by various reasons, and you should not look for its culprits only amongteenagers. The disembodied entities of the astral plane play a certain role inthe lives of each of us. And we would do well to know that their interest in usis determined primarily by the spiritual and moral level of our thoughts, feelings and deeds.

In general, the question of the moral orientation of any rational being inCosmos - whether a person, an inhabitant of the physical plane, or a disembodiedessence astral world— is a matter of great importance. In the endAs a result, it is the spiritual and moral orientation that determines karma and fate asindividual being - whoever it may be - and the entire planet as a whole. not without reasonthe eternal struggle of two opposites - good and evil - has always been one ofcentral problems of all esoteric philosophies.
Involvement man to the forces of any one of the two eternally struggling camps of light and darknessdetermines his fate for many incarnations to come.


From the sixth to the seventh of January, the most festive night for the entire Orthodox world, Katya held her newborn daughter, Masha, in her arms. In the ward, where all the women in labor were already asleep, and their babies were sleeping peacefully - having made the first and most important journey in life - from their mother's tummies to the world, Ekaterina spent the first hours with her long-awaited, so hard-won, so desired baby.

She sat, not letting go of her hands, as if afraid that Mashenka (as she called her pride) would suddenly disappear. In the light of the lantern that shone through the hospital window, Katya looked with emotion at her tiny face, small nose, cheeks, closed eyes with beautiful long eyelashes, lips, everything seemed so perfect. "How long I've been waiting for you!" - Whispered a happy mom holding back tears. And looking up, she mentally said, “Thank you!!!” the one whom she accused, and cursed, and asked, and thanked all these years. Pictures of past years, trials passed, stories of despair and humility flashed before her eyes. All this, now that the most important gift presented by fate, was snuffling in her arms, did not seem to be an accident. Now everything experienced was revealed in a different light, like the road along which she had been led to make her stronger, wiser and more tolerant. But the most important gift that she received with her baby is the ability to appreciate such a gift from heaven as the birth of a Child.

Katyushka grew up as an obedient and sweet girl, making her mother and father happy. After graduating from school, she left for another city, entered the institute, after which she returned to her parents. I met my one and only - Slava, got married. Everything was going great - she and her husband bought an apartment, Katya had an interesting and well-paid job, with the prospect of career growth. The relationship between the young people developed perfectly, it seemed they were simply made for each other. They always had many friends in the house, in the summer they preferred outdoor activities - rafting down rivers, climbing mountains. Life was interesting, but at the same time without presenting any unpleasant surprises.

Having lived together for three years, the young couple thought, as it should be about children. Katerina would have made an excellent mother, she was calm and very kind, no one ever saw her irritated or angry. It seemed that such a woman was simply destined to become a wonderful mother.

When the test showed the coveted two stripes, everything in the life of Slava and Katya changed. They read books about pregnancy, ate only healthy food, did gymnastics, walked a lot. Every evening, going to bed, they talked about Svetochka (Katya, for some reason, was sure that Svetochka was waiting for her). They imagined what she would be like, how they would walk with her, bathe, feed. Katya spent hours talking with the baby, repeating how she was waiting for her and loved her. Together they went swimming in the pool, listened to the classics and children's fairy tales. Watching her friends who had children, she noted that since Lena, she would not talk to her baby, would not punish like Tanya, was not going to celebrate birthdays like Oksana. Even on the street watching mothers with children, she always knew what she would not be - especially if a scene with a roar or punishment unfolded before her eyes. Although the belly was not yet noticeable, all the acquaintances immediately understood, although they did not show the appearance, that Catherine was pregnant. She radiated such light and calmness, her face was so spiritual and happy that there was no doubt.

At twelve weeks old, Katyusha and her husband went for their first ultrasound. It's one thing to imagine that a little man is growing in your stomach, another to see it with your own eyes. It is so surprising that the “button” the size of a strawberry already had legs, arms and even fingers, a heart was pounding. Katya even burst into tears, it turned out to be so exciting to see her little Miracle floating inside her. The doctor assured that everything is normal, the fetus is developing, according to the development schedule and there are no pathologies. The word is a fruit, somehow Katya's ear even hurt - for her it was not a fruit, it was her little princess, her Svetochka.
On the way home, happy parents bought a cake and in the evening, over tea, they only discussed what kind of legs and what kind of arms their baby had, and what a nimble little Svetochka they were. At night, Katya woke up from a dull aching pain in the lower abdomen, woke up her husband. Slava called an ambulance and tried to calm his wife. Katya could not find a place for herself, such fear rolled over her in waves that her heart began to beat quickly, quickly. She grabbed the printed prayers for pregnant women from the table and began to read them non-stop. An ambulance arrived, Katya was taken to the hospital, and Slava, unable to find a place for himself, followed.
Already in the hospital, Katerina had a miscarriage, she was cleaned and left until the morning. Either when she was recovering from anesthesia, or in a dream, Katya saw a little girl walking along the road somewhere up, who turned around, and smiling, waved her hand. The next morning, Katya woke up in the ward where three women were lying on the conservation, they all looked at her sympathetically, said some words to her. But she, turning to the wall, wept, mourning her unborn girl, whom she would never braid, never put on a beautiful dress, whom she would never sing a lullaby. Katya felt such pain and emptiness that it seemed to her that the women who sympathized with her rejoiced in their souls, each thinking at the same time - “Thank God, this did not happen to me.”

Katya lay and dreamed of only one thing, that Slava would take her home as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor discharged Katya, and she returned home. The first thing that caught my eye were books and magazines about pregnancy and motherhood, little booties that I bought on a whim from some grandmother in the market, and an ultrasound photo of their little Sveta. Slava brought a box from the balcony, put everything there, seeing the state of his wife, he decided to remove things reminiscent of this tragedy. Katya went to the doctors, trying to find out the causes of the miscarriage, took tests - there was only one answer - “You are fine, we cannot determine the cause ...”
After talking with her husband, they decided to undergo an examination in the capital's clinic. Before leaving, Katya, while cleaning the apartment, went to her neighbor, grandmother Raya, to give some food.
Grandmother Rai had five children and seven grandchildren, who often came to visit, visited the old woman. She was a very kind and very believing woman. After drinking some tea, Grandmother Ray blessed Katya, sympathizing and very sympathizing with this young, cheerful woman. Already leaving, Katya stopped on the threshold and asked: “Grandmother Raya, where do unborn children go?” And she told her a dream she had seen in the hospital. “Oh, baby, I don’t even know, but the priest in our church probably knows.” - she answered and began, as always, to talk about the new priest, in whom, judging by the stories, the whole flock doted on. Katya politely interrupted the conversation, referring to the fees.

In an expensive clinic in Moscow, after a full examination and all kinds of tests, the verdict was the same as at home - “You are doing well. But we recommend careful monitoring during the next pregnancy.
Katya and Slava returned, gradually the pain from the loss subsided, life went on as usual. At work, Katya was promoted, everything went well.

A year has passed, Katya and Slava decided to try one more time. As soon as his wife had a delay, Slava rushed to the pharmacy for tests. Coming out of the toilet, Katya said with tears in her eyes - “It worked!”. Now Katya took care of herself like a porcelain vase. Slava even bought her a dishwasher in order to somehow protect the woman she loved from worries. They waited very anxiously for 12 weeks, with bated breath, fearing a repetition. This time, Katya did not give her baby a name, afraid to get ahead of herself. At the second ultrasound, she was told that she was expecting a girl. Fears were left behind, and Katyusha began to call her girl Anechka. She looked at women with children, and repeated to herself: “Anechka, I will be the best mother in the world for you.” The baby has already begun to move inside, for Katya it was just a miracle, she always froze at these moments, afraid to miss even the slightest push. She learned Anechkin's daily regimen, tried when her daughter was sleeping or at rest, to go to bed herself, so as not to suddenly wake up the baby.

Everything happened unexpectedly on the twenty-second week, contractions began, Katya was hospitalized. With eyes full of horror, she grabbed the doctors by the hands and shouted: “Save my child!!! Save Anna!!! Help my baby!!!" Unfortunately, they could not stop the sudden onset of labor activity. Anechka was born a stillborn child. Katya begged to see her daughter, but they wrapped her up and took her away, explaining that she was not supposed to. She was left alone, lying on the birthing table in the delivery room, having not given birth to a child. The nurse, who washed the floor, for some reason opened the window and left, it became very cold, and Katerina felt how this cold penetrated into every part of her soul, heart, freezing her feelings. The chilling truth that she had lost her second child slowly crept into her mind. Suddenly, unable to restrain herself any longer, she sobbed, wailed out of pain, resentment, pity for herself, for Anechka, for Slava. She so wanted to become small, climb into her mother's arms and hugging her, forget about everything. Katya was injected with a strong sedative and at night she saw the same dream again, her girl, her little Anya, was leaving her forever. Only instead of waving her hand, the girl said: “Please understand!”.

Returning from the hospital, Katya did not want to stay at home for a day, went to work. Tactful colleagues tried not to touch on the topic of children at all in her presence. Katya, no matter how hard she tried, could not cope with her pain. She stopped communicating with her friends who had children, switched the TV if they suddenly showed a glorious little one. Slava saw how his wife was tormented, more than once offered to discuss everything, advised him to speak out, to cry, but she only answered him: “You don’t understand!” Thus erecting a huge wall between them.

Three months passed, one Sunday morning, grandmother Raya rang at the door, she told Katerina: “Get dressed, let's go!”. Katya, without asking, got dressed and went. Grandmother took her to church, to the service. Father Mikhail, the same one that the neighbor constantly talked about, met them at the entrance. He greeted Katya and smiled, and her eyes even stung from the welling tears - there was so much warmth and so much love and kindness in the father's look that Katyusha's frozen heart responded. She read stories about saints, but here she saw with her own eyes how a person seemed to glow from within.
During the entire service Katya had involuntary tears flowing, purifying her soul, washing away despair and pain. Then, going up to Father Mikhail, she asked: “Father, tell me, where do unborn children go?” “Sinless souls go to Paradise. become angels." he answered and smiled.

The first night after the tragedy, Katya slept sweetly, without nightmares. She began to come to church often - either just to sit, or light a candle, or listen to the priest. My heart became calmer. She again went through all the examinations and this time the doctors suggested that perhaps premature labor was caused by weakness in the muscles of the uterus, which could not hold the growing baby.

Another year has passed. Slava and Katya bought a new three-room apartment and a car, Slava defended his dissertation, Katya was made head of the department. They went to church together every Sunday. Only sometimes, when meeting with couples with strollers, Katya's heart ached. Still, Katerina decided to take a chance.
She often went to church, talked with Father Michael. Everything went well, without pathologies, the baby was moving, the X-hour was approaching (the period at which she lost Anechka). Father Mikhail said that one must believe - and Katya believed. She was registered in the best clinic, the whole pregnancy took place under the vigilant supervision of doctors. Katya believed when the contractions started again ahead of time, she believed that she would certainly be helped, she believed to the last. The baby was born alive, but premature at such a time that no one began to resuscitate her. Katya saw how her blond girl was dying on the next table for three minutes. She screamed, rushed towards her, bit the doctors, she fought, scratched like an animal, but realizing that it was all over, she fell into unconsciousness. And again the vision was repeated, for the third time her girl left her, now the baby was crying herself, repeating: “You will understand!”

It was the last, it seemed the most cruel blow, Katya withdrew into herself. When her husband came for her, holding back tears with difficulty, she asked to be taken to church, right now. Slava, even rejoiced, thinking that it was good - maybe her faith would help her.
Katya, getting out of the car, ran to the door of the church, ran inside, not seeing anything around, she, pushing the parishioners, rushed to the altar. Running up, she, looking at the icon of the Savior, screamed at the top of her lungs so that He would hear: “Why are you doing this to me? What have I done so terrible that you punish me like this? Why are you killing my girls? You, who do not hesitate to give children to drug addicts, who immediately throw them in the trash!!!” Her husband and father Mikhail ran up to her, they tried to drag her by force, but Katya pulled away without hearing anything. She turned to the numb people who came to the service and shouted to them: “Who are you praying to? Who are you asking? He plays with us like with dolls, tearing off legs, tearing out hearts!!!”
Nevertheless, they took her to the priest’s room at the church. Katya cried for a long time, whispering: “For what? For what? For what?" Father Mikhail stroked her head, knowing that any words were now useless. How much grief he saw every day, how much pain people bring to the temple ... After all, when everything is good, they don’t often come with it, and when it’s bad, the soul looks for answers and leads a person to God. Once he, having lost his family, came for answers. Then, his future mentor said: “Do not look for answers from God, look for them in yourself. Seek the kingdom of heaven within yourself. And pain - it always cleanses, it tears off unnecessary growths from our soul. Sometimes the point is just to bear your burden. And remember, the Lord always gives a person exactly as much as he is able to endure - both good and bad.
The first thing Katya saw when she woke up was the priest's eyes glowing from within. She vaguely remembered what she had done in church, but it was enough to make her blush with shame. “Yes, it’s enough for you, the Lord has seen nothing like that,” Father Michael said, smiling, “But people will forget, don’t worry.” Here he repeated to Katya word for word what his mentor had once told him.
Katya searched for an answer for a long time, knowing that she was not destined to give birth to a child until she found him. She got up with this question and went to bed with it, sometimes it seemed to her that she was about to understand why it happened. And somehow, watching some kind of program, having briefly heard the phrase: “Do not think that you are better than others ...”, it suddenly dawned on her. Pride! and judgment!!! That's what they punished her for, that's what they wanted to show - she remembered how she condemned all her friends for mistreating children, she remembered her conviction that only she would be the best mother, that God, they say, distributes children to women unworthy of this gift.
Katya rushed to confession and told everything to Father Mikhail, she was so happy that she found the answer, that she finally understood what her soul of a little girl asked for, choosing Katya as her mother (for some reason she really wanted to believe that her three unborn babies were one soul). Father, after Katya left, he sat and smiled for a long time, he blessed Katyusha and knew that now everything would be fine. “The ways of the Lord are inscrutable!” he thought, as he always admired the deeds of the One in whom he so believed.

Five days later, the happiest mother and her little Masha were discharged home, the proud father, without holding back tears, with trembling hands for the first time in his life, took his long-awaited daughter!!!

I am 24 years old. This story began many years ago. At the age of 16, I had a young man, everything was like everyone else: flowers, sweets and the first sex. After school, I went to college and left my native village, he stayed ... After a while, I realized that I was pregnant, my studies had just begun, it was a shame to return to my native village, and the young man was already dating another. I went for an abortion, I clearly remember my feelings and thoughts. There was no pity, I did not understand what motherhood was, it was scary that later I would not be able to give birth. On the New Year holidays came to visit her parents, met with that guy and we started a new romance. Six months later, I find out again that I am pregnant (they were protected, I drank pills). The young man refused me, said that he needed me, but the child did not. I decided clearly that I would give birth, but the first ultrasound showed anomalies in the fetus, froze in development, the main vital organs were not developed, they sent me for an abortion for medical reasons for a long time. I cried for a long time, but there was nothing to be done, I had a second abortion ... Several years passed, I married a wonderful man, he really wanted children, but I was silent, I was afraid to tell about my past, I thought I would not understand. But still there is a God in this world, I am pregnant again. She carried this child very carefully, walked slowly, was afraid to breathe once again. In the eighth week of pregnancy, I have a dream. The basement of a room, there are many different nooks and crannies in it, in one of these nooks and crannies there are two children: a girl and a boy, holding hands, and all the walls are covered in blood, I immediately realized that these were my unborn children, they were very similar on that guy, a girl of about four years old in appearance, a boy a little less. They stand and look at me, and I roar and then they say: “HERE WE WERE KILLED”. I woke up in a cold sweat, I feel my lower abdomen pulling, and it's wet between my legs, I put my hand in - blood! As I screamed then, my husband jumped up, understood everything right away, ran to start the car, I got dressed quickly, went down, then the hospital, the ward ... And the wild fear of losing him ... My baby ... I sobbed out loud, prayed to all the saints to save the child ... He succeeded save, the gynecologist said that this was a miracle, you can’t call it otherwise, and that in his 10-year practice there had never been such a miscarriage with such bleeding and the child was alive. We had a wonderful baby, we love him immensely, as soon as he was born, we baptized him, she began to go to church herself. I slowly began to forget about sleep, until today ... My child is sitting today, playing, I call him for dinner, and he says to me: “Wait, mom, I’ll finish playing with the children,” I say: “What kind of children, there’s nobody here No". And he told me: “Yes, here they are,” and points to an empty place near him, I took him in my arms, carried him out of the room ... Now he is sleeping next to me, and I am sitting, writing and crying ... Girls, dear, do not have abortions, you won’t be able to bear this sin… Our children are even worse responsible for our sins….

It is no secret that abortion is considered murder in almost all religious denominations of the world, and many spiritual practices open the veil on what happens to the mother-child bond and what happens if parents decide to get rid of the one who was given life.

© Pino Daeni

It is no secret that abortion is considered murder in almost all religious denominations of the world, and many spiritual practices open the veil on what happens to the mother-child bond and what happens if parents decide to get rid of the one who was given life.

Many of us are children Soviet Union, and I, as an obstetrician by first education, know firsthand that many women used to consider abortion as a means of contraception. Accordingly, there are few people who are over twenty years old and who do not have unborn brothers and sisters. And if the church claims that an aborted child is a sin carried by the parents, then I want to direct your attention to how the unborn children affect the born.

From a systemic point of view, a family is a system consisting of its interconnected representatives who influence each other, regardless of whether they are alive or not. So, we can have a good strong connection with our deceased grandmother, pay off the debts of our great-grandfather, repeat the fate of our mother's older sister, which everyone forgot about and not allow ourselves development and well-being in memory of repressed relatives. Everything that is not laid to rest, not mourned and forgotten, one way or another affects our lives.

The strongest and most enduring bond is the bond between parent and child. Every child carries his family in his heart. And often he does not know where his feelings come from - we call this "weaving". The child is, as it were, woven into the events and destinies of people that he may not even know about. Basic rule family relations states: all relatives have the right to belong. If one of them is excluded, then the fate of the excluded person may be reflected in another family member in the next generation, and this may manifest itself in depression, unmotivated attacks of aggression, unwillingness to live, phobias, irrational behavior patterns and diseases. And until the right of the excluded is restored, until he is given his due, the invisible threads of the living are connected with those who have long been gone.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to offer you a clear structure of who and for what reasons gets into this or that interweaving, because each fate is unique, since each system is unique, and nevertheless, we can see certain patterns, but not probabilities, we can see.

Let's try to make some classification of what problems a person who has unborn children faces, and one who has unborn brothers and sisters.

By the word “unborn”, I mean: aborted, stillborn, miscarriage, fertilized eggs during artificial insemination, as well as embryos that are “frozen”, and children who were not born if the mother used the “spiral” contraceptive (then the woman, as a rule, does not know how many times she became pregnant, and this needs to be clarified through constellation or other types of work with the unconscious).


Abortion has a profound effect on the soul. Parenthood occurs at the moment of conception, it cannot be canceled by abortion.
The consequences of an abortion for parents, as a rule, are much more difficult than if they gave birth to a child.
The blame for what happened cannot be shared - everyone has their own.
If a woman, having become pregnant, did not tell her partner about this, her responsibility and guilt are aggravated.
With every abortion, part of the relationship is aborted. Physically, this may be the cessation or disruption of sexual relations, but in reality this separation occurs at the level of souls. The situation remains so until each of the parents admits their guilt, until they mentally look at the child and give him a place in their hearts. Then both can be together.
Relationships in a couple cannot be completed if they have unaccepted unborn children. On the subtle plane, this connection remains as long as they are alive.


The mother's soul experiences the abortion as if she had lost a part of herself. She is attracted to a dead child, she is drawn to death. The pain from this is so great that in most cases this movement goes into the realm of the unconscious and a woman can feel a breakdown, a lack of energy, as if her life is leaking somewhere.
The mother's heart remains with the first unborn child until he is mourned for her, she is "closed" to other children. A child who is born later may unconsciously feel fear towards the mother.
A man who has aborted children has certain financial problems.
Living children can be restless, ill, study poorly, and have accidents. The parent may feel that they do not have a real good contact with the child.


If you have an unborn brother or sister before you, then this child “gave up” his place in the system to you, because, most likely, you would not exist. Then often such people do not have life itself: they may feel that they do not have the right to live, feel that they live several lives at the same time, have financial difficulties. It's like they can't afford a full-fledged happy life. Usually such people have difficulty choosing a profession, they complain about the inability to find their way. They have several formations in their arsenal, they often change jobs, their personal relationships are complex and diverse, and among their friends there are many different and radically different people.

There are two scenarios in their interaction with their mother: detachment, sometimes aggressive excitation in cases when the mother demands something or teaches something, “sticking” in relationships - such a child feels that he is given too much (for two, or even for three). And the second option: inside him there is not a need, but a sense of duty - he must be successful, famous, leave his mark in this life. It is as if a person in his heart looks at unborn brothers and sisters and says to them: “I will live my life for all of us!” - and this is the reason for many of his failures.
If there are unborn children after you, then the dynamics are less diverse, but, as a rule, the sphere of family relations suffers. Even having created our own family, we feel that we are in the service not only of her, but also of our friends, and at work - for the reason that our soul becomes a “mother” for our brothers and sisters, because our mother does not look at them.
If you have unborn brothers and sisters both before and after you, then it is often difficult for such a person to do anything with his life. In describing their life, they can use the phrases “I do not feel support under my feet”, “the earth is slipping from under my feet”, “I don’t know who I am and what I want from this life”, “I have no taste for life”, “It’s as if I live, but I’m not here”, “I have a feeling that I’m not living my life” ...
If there are unborn children between living brothers and sisters, then they feel estrangement from each other, sometimes this detachment turns into an abyss.

There are many other nuances, each of which has its own patterns and patterns in different cases. So, for example, men who have artificially conceived children almost always face serious financial problems. And the point is not only that several embryos are used in this procedure, and success is not always achieved the first time, which means that all these children were not only brothers and sisters, but often twins or twins, and such a connection is even stronger than the bond between mother and child. In this case, such a system can be affected by large forces, I would say, the forces of nature. We have a saying “God gave a child, he will give for a child”, but if you “bought” it, it ceases to cooperate, and here it is practically impossible to do without serious work to correct this situation.

You may ask: what does it have to do with miscarriages and stillborn children, no one killed them? This is true, but often the pain of loss is so great that the couple is unable to truly mourn and let go of such a child. At first, they look for someone to blame, explicitly or implicitly trying to shift the blame on each other, on doctors, and even on God himself. But if such a child is not talked about, if he is forgotten, or there is pain when remembering him, then he is still not mourned, excluded, which means that there will be someone who will partially or completely take his place.

Here are some examples of client work.
A young woman complained that no one wanted to be friends with her five-year-old son in the kindergarten. Parents have already changed the third kindergarten, they are trying their best, buying toys and sweets for the baby, teaching him to share them with other children, but all in vain. According to the mother, her child is a kind, nice boy who suffers greatly because of the current situation.

In the arrangement, she was asked to choose substitutes for her son and for other children and arrange them the way she feels. Immediately everything looked normal, except that the boy's deputy had discomfort in the body, unclear perception of reality, sore throat. The mother recognized all these symptoms. But when the baby's substitute began to approach other children, they felt fear and looked not at the child, but at the places next to him. We introduced additional deputies into the arrangement and placed them to the right and left of the boy, and from the feedback we found out that these were also children, this is how they perceived themselves and the boy's deputy. The client said she had two abortions before her son, a miscarriage, and two more after he was born. When the missing number of children was introduced, everyone felt better. The substitute child looked at them with love, he was very happy and felt absolutely happy. The mother recalled how her son had repeatedly communicated with invisible friends in his games, and she was sure that they were figments of his imagination due to the lack of real friends, and now she was able to see how things really are.

She was asked to enter the arrangement herself, look at her children, and it was clear how difficult it was for her every step, but when she was able to say: “You are my children, and I am your mother,” the “children” rushed to her, and she I was able to fully surrender to my feelings. While she was crying and hugging her unborn children, her son cautiously approached the other children, and this time they let him.

Another client asked that her partnerships were not working out in any way, and her relationship with children was not the best. When she, with the help of deputies, arranged her family, it became obvious that the woman was the focus of attention in a completely different place - she was looking at a place on the floor; when a substitute was placed in this place, the client's substitute approached him, lay down beside him, hugged him and closed her eyes. She hugged him the way a mother hugs a child, and the deputy lay down in the fetal position. The eldest daughter quietly approached them and lay down beside them. When the son also wanted to follow them, his father stopped him.
It turned out that it was the stillborn child of this woman from her first marriage. She only knows that it was a girl and the doctors didn't even show her to her mother. When the woman was able to look at her child and admit that she did not cry for her from the bottom of her heart, the atmosphere of tension and pain that all the substitutes felt began to change. The client gave her daughter a name and promised that she would give her one day of her life: she said that she would take her hand and show her Kyiv, that they would go to a children's store, and she could choose a toy for herself, and then they would go to the circus (namely an unborn girl wanted to go there). And only after that the woman was able to truly see her daughter, son and husband, before that she felt like she was in a veil. The first husband of the client was introduced into the arrangement, the son from his second marriage felt connected with him. The woman said that indeed he behaves as if he were her partner, not her son. He tried to look after her, always paid attention to how she was dressed, once even announced that when he grew up, he would marry her. The first husband in this system was also excluded, and the client's son took his place. The children did not know about the first marriage of the client, as well as about their stillborn sister.

The woman was able to look into her eyes ex-husband and say that now their daughter has a name, thank him for everything and turn to his family.

The husband stood with their two children and was glad that now she would be with them. In life, he really told his wife that he did not feel her, that she was somewhere not here, which caused her irritation and misunderstanding. In this arrangement, we saw that a part of the client's heart remained in her past, which was closed and forgotten along with the pain that remained unlived. The eldest daughter followed her and for this reason she had poor health and a weakened immune system. The son took the place of the first husband, thus the entire former family was "in the collection." And only the current husband was left alone - there was no place for him, which affected the partnership.

In fact, the topic of unborn children is much deeper - it is boundless, like life itself in all its manifestations. And each story requires its own approach and its own unique solution. One thing is important: everyone in the system has their own place and we must live our lives, being exactly on it - this guarantees us support and the ability to cope with everything that is destined for us by our destiny. To do this, you need to open your heart to all who have ever belonged to our system and give them a place. Then the dead will remain in the world of the dead, and we will not have the need to live someone else's life.