Sacral concept. Sacred meaning of the word

sacred, primarily related to religious worship and ritual. In a general cultural sense, it is used in application to cultural phenomena, to spiritual values. Sacred values ​​are values ​​that are enduring for man and humanity, such that people cannot and do not want to sacrifice under any circumstances.

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from lat. sacrum - sacred) - everything that relates to a cult, worship of especially valuable ideals. Sacramental - sanctified, holy, treasured. S. is opposite to the secular, profane, worldly. That which is recognized as a shrine is subject to unconditional and reverent veneration and is guarded with special care by all possible means. S. is the identity of faith, hope and love, its "organ" is the human heart. The preservation of a sacred attitude to the object of worship is primarily ensured by the conscience of the believer, who values ​​the shrine more than his own life. Therefore, in the face of the threat of desecration of a shrine, a true believer rises to its defense without much thought or external compulsion; sometimes he can sacrifice his life for this. S. in theology means subordinate to God.

The symbol of sacralization is consecration, that is, such a ceremony as a result of which the everyday worldly procedure acquires a transcendental meaning. Dedication is the elevation of a person through an established sacrament or church rite to one or another degree of spiritual service. A priest is a person who is at the temple and performs all ordinances except the priesthood. Blasphemy - property encroachment aimed at sacred and consecrated objects and accessories of the temple, as well as insulting the religious feelings of believers; in a broader sense, it means an attempt on a shrine.

In addition to the theological understanding of S. as a derivative of God, there is an expansive philosophical interpretation of it. For example, E. Durkheim applied this concept to designate the natural-historical basis of truly human existence, its social essence, and contrasted it with the concept of individualistic (egoistic) existence. Some religious scholars regard the sacralization procedure as essential distinctive feature any religion - pantheistic, theistic and atheistic: religion begins where a system of sacralization of especially valuable ideals takes shape. The church and the state are developing a complex and subtle system of protection and transmission of the sacred attitude of people to the basic ideals of the established culture. The broadcast is carried out by coordinated methods and means of all forms of social life. Among them are the tough rules of law and the soft techniques of art. From the cradle to the grave, the individual is immersed in the C system generated by the family, clan, tribe and state. He is involved in ceremonies, ritual actions, performs prayers, rituals, observes fasts and many other religious prescriptions. Sacralization is primarily subject to the norms and rules of the relationship to near and far, family, people, state and the absolute.

The sacralization system consists of. a) the sums of ideas sacred to a given society (ideology); b) psychological techniques and the means of convincing people of the unconditional truth of these ideas?) specific symbolic forms of the embodiment of shrines, sacramental and hostile symbols; d) a special organization (for example, a church); e) special practical actions, rituals and ceremonies (cult). It takes a long time to create such a system, it absorbs past and newly emerged traditions. Thanks to sacred traditions and actual the existing system sacralization, society seeks the reproduction of a certain religion in all its horizontals ( social groups, classes) and verticals (generations). When the chosen object is sacralized, they believe in its reality more strongly than in empirically given things. The highest degree S. relationship - holiness, that is, righteousness, piety, pleasing to God, the penetration of active love for the absolute and the liberation of oneself from the impulses of self-love. All religiosity is associated with S., but not every believer in practice is capable of becoming a saint. There are few saints; their example serves as a guide for ordinary people. Degrees of S. relationship - fanaticism, moderation, indifference. S. feeling is whole, and the poison of doubt is mortally dangerous for him.

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(from Latin sacrum - sacred) - everything that relates to a cult, worship of especially valuable ideals. Sacramental - sanctified, holy, treasured. S. is opposite to the secular, profane, worldly. That which is recognized as a shrine is subject to unconditional and reverent veneration and is guarded with special care by all possible means. S. is the identity of faith, hope and love, its "organ" is the human heart. The preservation of a sacred attitude to the object of worship is primarily ensured by the conscience of the believer, who values ​​the shrine more than his own life. Therefore, when there is a threat of desecration of a shrine, a true believer stands up to its defense without much thought or external compulsion; sometimes he can sacrifice his life for this. S. in theology means subordinate to God. The symbol of sacralization is consecration, that is, such a ceremony as a result of which the ordinary worldly procedure acquires a transcendental meaning. Dedication is the elevation of a person through an established sacrament or church rite to one or another degree of spiritual service. A priest is a person who is at the temple and performs all ordinances except the priesthood. Blasphemy - property encroachment aimed at sacred and consecrated objects and accessories of the temple, as well as insulting the religious feelings of believers; in a broader sense, it means an attempt on a shrine. In addition to the theological understanding of S. as a derivative of God, there is an expansive philosophical interpretation of it. For example, E. Durkheim applied this concept to designate the natural-historical basis of truly human existence, its social essence, and contrasted it with the concept of individualistic (egoistic) existence. Some religious scholars regard the sacralization procedure as an essential distinguishing feature of any religion - pantheistic, theistic and atheistic: religion begins where a system of sacralization of especially valuable ideals develops. The church and the state are developing a complex and subtle system of protection and transmission of the sacred attitude of people to the basic ideals of the established culture. The broadcast is carried out by coordinated methods and means of all forms of social life. Among them are the tough rules of law and the soft techniques of art. From the cradle to the grave, the individual is immersed in the C system generated by the family, clan, tribe and state. He is involved in ceremonies, ritual actions, performs prayers, rituals, observes fasts and many other religious prescriptions. Sacralization is primarily subject to the norms and rules of the relationship to near and far, family, people, state and the absolute. The sacralization system consists of. a) the sums of ideas sacred to a given society (ideology); b) psychological methods and means of convincing people of the unconditional truth of these ideas?) specific symbolic forms of the embodiment of sacred objects, sacramental and hostile symbols; d) a special organization (for example, a church); e) special practical actions, rituals and ceremonies (cult). It takes a long time to create such a system, it absorbs past and newly emerged traditions. Thanks to sacred traditions and the currently existing system of sacralization, society achieves the reproduction of a certain religion in all its horizontals (social groups, classes) and verticals (generations). When the chosen object is sacralized, they believe in its reality more strongly than in empirically given things. The highest degree of S. relationship is holiness, that is, righteousness, piety, pleasing to God, the penetration of active love for the absolute and the liberation of oneself from the impulses of self-love. All religiosity is associated with S., but not every believer in practice is capable of becoming a saint. There are few saints; their example serves as a guide for ordinary people. Degrees of S. relationship - fanaticism, moderation, indifference. S. feeling is whole, and the poison of doubt is mortally dangerous for him. D. V. Pivovarov

Definitions, meanings of a word in other dictionaries:

A large dictionary of esoteric terms - edited by Dr. med. Stepanov A.M

(from Latin sacrum - shrine), sacred. In theology, the sacred means submission to the divine, unconditional adherence to any tradition of knowing God through belittling one's own desires.


from lat.- "dedicated to the gods", "sacred", "forbidden", "damned".

sacred, sacred, the most important worldview category, highlighting the areas of being and the state of being, perceived by consciousness as fundamentally different from everyday reality and extremely valuable. In many languages, this meaning is originally embedded in the semantic. the structure of the word adopted for the name of S .: lat. - sacer, Hebrew. - gadosh is associated with the meaning of separation, concealment, inviolability. For glory. * svet-, dating back to Indo-Europ. * k "wen-, the meanings" increase "," swell "are set, in a more specific cultural context -" filled with a blessed inhuman strength. " of the world and their hierarchy is taking shape.In axiology, S. sets the vertical of value orientations.

Historically, in all cultures without exception, the complex of ideas and feelings, the subject of which is S., has found its most complete expression in religion. spirituality. The belief in the existence of S. and the desire to be a part of him is the essence of religion. In religion S. is presented in its ontological aspect as miraculous; German theologian R. Otto in classic. work "Holy" (1917) indicated that for relig. S.'s consciousness is "completely Other". Religious culture S. is not just another reality, but also an absolute reality, eternal and in relation to the perishable world, primary, in other words, S. is thought of as the substance of being. This substance is preceded by such attributes, usually taken in a superlative degree, such as rationality, immateriality, spirituality, power; in developed religions self-sufficiency is added to them. Being for religions. ontology, the "alpha" of being, the source and basis of existence, the S. at the same time turns out to be its "omega" - the eschatological is closed on S.. perspective of the created world. Therefore, in the context of religious culture, S. is executed soteriological. meaning: the acquisition of holiness is an indispensable condition and goal of salvation. Already in ancient cultures, the perception of S. as an ontological and soteriological value was added to the perception of S. as perfect beauty and truth. At the same time, however, beauty and truth are not obligatory signs of S in ancient cultures: S can remain outside the positive ethical and aesthetic characteristics. S.'s isolation from the vicissitudes of a profane, earthly life and endowing it with the quality of truth puts S. in the position of an unshakable ideal, an elevated and faithful role model. Religious spirituality, ideas about S. are concretized by sacred images and sacred word, Logos... In this case, however, the religion. mentality is characterized by a deep conviction based on these religions. experience and supported by the idea of ​​S.'s transcendence, in the inexpressibility of the true essence of S. and the experience of contact with him by direct transfer of knowledge into the language of "this-worldly" reality. Therefore, when describing S. in relig. cultures, it is customary to use allegories and ami - verbal, muses., graphic. and others. The desire to convey a complex range of impressions from communication with S. moved the gifted to religion. and artist. the attitude of people to the improvement of the forms of expression of thoughts and feelings, to the complication of metaphors. methods of presentation, what does it mean. the least enriched the language and the content of the culture.

Lit.: Bart R. Zero degree of writing // Semiotics. M., 1983; Frank S.L. Op. M., 1990; Vinokurov V.V. The Phenomenon of the Sacred, or Rise of the Gods // Sociologos. Issue 1. M., 1991; Barthelemy D. God and His Image: An Outline of Biblical Theology. Milan, 1992; Schmemann A. The Eucharist: The Sacrament Of The Kingdom. M., 1992; Existence of culture: sacred and secular. Yekaterinburg, 1994; Benveniste E. Dictionary of Indo-European social terms. M., 1995; Toporov V.N. Holiness and Saints in Russian Spiritual Culture. T. 1.M., 1995; Durkheim E. Les formes elementaires de la vie religieuse. P., 1912; Otto R. Das Heilige. Gotha, 1925; Leeuw G. van der. Einfuhmng in die Phanomenologie der Religion. Gutersloh, 1961; Zaehner R.C. Mysticism, Sacred and Profane. N. Y., 1961.

SACRAL SACRED (from the Latin sacralis - sacred), designation of the sphere of phenomena, objects, people related to the divine, religious, associated with them, in contrast to the secular, worldly, profane. In the course of history, the process of sanctification, sacralization is opposed by desacralization, secularization of various aspects of human existence.

Modern encyclopedia. 2000 .


See what "SACRED" is in other dictionaries:

    - [lat. sacer (sacri)] sacred; relating to faith, religious cult; ritual, ritual. Dictionary foreign words... Komlev N.G., 2006. sacred 1 (lat. Sacer (sacri)) sacred, relating to a religious cult and ritual; ritual. 2 (... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (from Novolat sacrum sacrum, from Late Latin os sacrum, literally sacred bone), sacral, referring to the sacrum. For example, S. the vertebra is the sacral vertebra, S. the region of the sacrum area. . (Source: "Biological encyclopedic Dictionary. " Ch. ed. M ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    - (Latin sacer - sacred) - relating to faith, religious cult, for example, rite, prohibition, subject, text, etc. Big explanatory dictionary on cultural studies .. Kononenko BI .. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    1. SACRED, oh, oh; flax, flax, flax. [from lat. sacer sacred]. Book. Religiously related; ritual, ritual. C. the nature of the dances. 2. SACRED, oh, oh. [from lat. os sacrum sacrum] Spec. Sacrum; sacral. WITH.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    SACRAL- 1. S. (from Lat. Sacer dedicated to God) sacred, relating to a religious cult and ritual; ritual. Wed sacramental. 2. S. (from Latin os sacrum sacrum) is an anatomical term with the meaning "sacral, relating to the sacrum." Big… … Big psychological encyclopedia

    Sacral- (from the Latin sacralis sacred), the designation of the sphere of phenomena, objects, people related to the divine, religious, associated with them, in contrast to the secular, worldly, profane. In the course of history, the process of consecration, sacralization ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    sacral- I. SACRED I th, th. sacral, it. sakral sacer (sacri) sacred, holy. Concepts about the land right of the church, about the sacred, special, and part. Kartashev 2 440. Lex. SIS 1949: sacred / linen. II. SACRED II th, th. sacral, German ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    sacral- oh, oh; flax, flax Relating to religious worship and ritual; ritual. To a large extent, it [the festive culture of the Middle Ages] goes back to the traditional sacred actions of the era of mythopoetic pagan beliefs (Darkevich). Sacred and ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    I adj. Relating to a religious cult; ritual, ritual. II app. Sacrum [sacrum I 1.]; sacral. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


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  • Sacred oracle of the American Indian,. Sacred Oracle of the American Indian. The tradition and symbolism of ancient wisdom will help us find clarity and understanding. Package contents: 33 cards + ...

The meaning of the word sacred can be found in ancient literature. The word is associated with religion, something mysterious, divine. The semantic content refers to the origins of everything on Earth.

What do dictionary sources say?

The meaning of the word "sacred" carries the sense of inviolability, something irrefutable and true. Calling things or events with this term, they imply a connection with unearthly things. There is always a certain cult, holiness in the origin of the described properties.

Let's trace what the word "sacred" means according to the existing dictionaries:

  • The semantic content of the word is opposed to the existing and the worldly.
  • The sacred refers to the spiritual state of a person. It is assumed that the meaning of the word is learned by the heart through faith or hope. Love becomes a tool for understanding the mysterious meaning of the term.
  • Things named by the word "sacred" are carefully guarded by people from encroachments. The basis is laid by an undeniable holiness that does not require proof.
  • The meaning of the word "sacred" refers to such definitions as sacred, true, treasured, unearthly.
  • Sacred signs can be found in any religion, they are associated with valuable ideals, often spiritual.
  • The origins of the sacred are laid by society through the family, the state, and other structures.

Where does the mysterious knowledge come from?

The meaning of the word "sacred" is passed down from generation to generation through sacraments, prayers, through the upbringing of growing offspring. The semantic content of sacred things cannot be described in words. This can only be felt. It is intangible and accessible to people only with a pure soul.

The meaning of the word "sacred" is contained in scriptures... Only a believing person has access to tools to achieve knowledge of the omnipresent knowledge. An object, the value of which is undeniable, can be sacred. For a person, he becomes a shrine, for her sake he could give his life.

A sacred object can be defiled by word or action. For which the culprit will receive anger and curses from people who believe in the sacraments. Church rituals are based on ordinary earthly activities, which acquire a different meaning for the participants in the process.

Religion and sacraments

Sacred acts can only be performed by a person who deserves the recognition of believers. He is a link with a parallel world, a conductor in other world... It is understood that any person can be enlightened and introduced to the mysteries of the universe through a ceremony.

The more accessible the sacred meaning is, the higher the person's level of the spiritual component. The priest refers to the bearer of the sacrament, and they turn to him in order to approach God, who is the source of everything sacred on Earth. One way or another, all people strive to learn and join the clergy, following the established canons.

Additional definitions of the term

Historians and philosophers use the meaning of the definition of sacredness in a slightly different sense. In the writings of Durkheim, the word is designated as the concept of the authenticity of the existence of all mankind, where the needs of the individual are opposed to the existence of communality. These sacraments are transmitted through communication between people.

Sacredness in society is preserved in many industries human life... The knowledge base is formed thanks to the norms, rules, general ideology of behavior. From an early age, every person is convinced of the immutability of true things. These include love, faith, the existence of the soul, God.

It takes centuries to form sacred knowledge; a person does not need proof of the existence of mysterious knowledge. Confirmation for him is the miracles that occur in daily life thanks to rituals, prayers, actions of clergy.