Damage to death at home. Common signs of spoilage

Consider in detail the damage to death consequences for the customer - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Corruption to death is one of the most dangerous and terrible rituals in black magic. If the ceremony was performed correctly, then eerie magic will soon take the person to the next world. Remember that such rituals can be dangerous not only for the victim, but also for the magician himself.

Corruption to death - simple rituals for beginners

There are various rituals that can take a person's life. For rituals, various attributes are used:

All rituals are of different complexity, so even novice sorcerers can cope with some of them. Most often, such rituals consist of only 1 action. The magician should take the image of the victim and put it in the coffin to dead man.

This does not require additional attributes or spells. As a result, the deceased will not rest until he takes the victim of corruption to himself - to the other world. You can put a photo under the head or clothes of the dead. But damage will work best if the image of the victim is placed next to the heart.

Often as lining use an icon that previously lies between the palms of the deceased. The task of the sorcerer is to remove it and place it under the victim's bed.

In this case, the dead will also come to the person, trying to return what belongs to him. The soul of the deceased cannot go to another world until it takes with it the one to whom it is attached. You can enhance the ritual by choosing a deceased with the same name as the victim.

Performing such a ritual is quite risky. If the victim finds an icon under his bed and takes it back to the dead, then all the magical curse will fall on the one who made it.

If the magician uses the thread that tied the hands of the deceased, and throws it to the living namesake, then the deceased will not just come for the victim. As the corpse decays the vitality of the victim will also fade away.

How to spoil death

Even an inexperienced magician can make damage to death. But for this you need to have a sufficient supply of energy. There are at least two fairly simple rituals that an inexperienced magician can do. In order for them to work, you need to concentrate all your hatred for a certain person and the desire to harm him.

Black magic - corruption to death with the help of dead water

Among the people dead water is called the one with which the deceased was washed. It will not be difficult to pick it up if there are a lot of people in the house. The main thing is that no one should notice that you poured this liquid into a vessel and took it for yourself.

If it is not possible to get the necessary liquid, take plain water and wash 3 crosses with it in the cemetery. Then collect in a container.

This liquid should be given to the victim for three days. During this period, you need to use up all collected water... And at the commemoration of the deceased, who was washed with the water used for the ritual, take a loaf of bread and, thrusting a knife into it, whisper:

Changing Nav to Yav. You, deceased, find a victim, and turn Reveal to Nav.

The knife must be rotated in the bread 3 times counterclockwise. In order for the damage to death to act faster, take a tablecloth from the commemoration and shake off all the garbage from it on the back of the cursed person.

Black cock ritual

For the ceremony, the sorcerer needs a T-shirt or shirt of the victim. It is advisable to get the one that he most often wears. At midnight, spread the shirt on the ground, take a live black rooster and slaughter the bird just above the victim's clothing. The bird's blood must be poured over the grunt. The more blood the better. Then whisper:

As with a black rooster unclean spirits are summoned, so demons are attracted to the name of the river by its blood.

Put on the shirt of the slain rooster and a ritual knife, tie everything tightly in a knot. Now go to the intersection of the paths and bury the package there, accompanying the action with the already known words. You need to leave the place of the ceremony without turning and not talking to anyone.

Death rite using photography

Damage to death from photography is often used by sorcerers with different length of service. There are not very energy-consuming rituals that an inexperienced sorcerer can afford.

For the successful imposition of damage on the photo on death, only a fresh photo is needed. If you don't have one, then you can do it yourself. An important condition: in the image the victim should be one... If there are other people or animals in the picture, the ritual will not work.

Damage to death by photo - simple and effective

To carry out the ceremony, the witch needs the following attributes:

A ritual is performed at the cemetery. There, find a completely fresh grave (the names of the deceased and the victim must be the same) and take some earth from it. Place it on the prepared black cloth.

Place the cloth on the ground and hold the image of the victim in your hands. Make several punctures with a needle, putting all your negative energy into them. With these movements, convey all the hatred that you have for this person.

After that, place the image on the collected grave ground. Light a candle and let it burn well. Aim it so that all the wax pours onto the victim's photo. When it is completely covered with wax, tie all the attributes with a cloth and bury it on the selected grave.

Return home without talking to anyone, and choose a path that is not the one that you took to the place of the ritual. Stop at the third intersection of the paths, turn your back to it and, throwing the prepared coins over your left shoulder, say:

This will give you an edge, and you can reduce the destructive power of the rollback. If the ceremony is carried out correctly, then it will lead to the fact that the victim will soon die.

Cemetery ground for the death rite

Corruption to death with the use of cemetery soil is very strong, and it is almost impossible to remove it. It is advisable to use this method only if you already have experience in conducting simpler rituals.

This ritual is not only very strong, but also difficult, therefore, a very powerful supply of negative energy will be required from the magician. To begin with, the sorcerer finds an abandoned grave in the cemetery. It is best if it is an unnamed and long overgrown grass.

The ceremony is held only on the night from Friday to Saturday. In the middle of an unmarked grave, the sorcerer drives in an aspen stake and begins to repeat the spell:

Friday-Friday, the conductor of all unlucky affairs. This is her plan, and the nameless one. I drive a stake to the pernicious, I drive death with a stake. Through the nameless suicide bomber, through the aspen stake I chase the slave (the name of the enemy) into trouble. Everything has been done. Amen.

After the ceremony, the stake is left stuck in the grave. You can return to the place of the ritual only after a week. The entire rite is repeated in full on 3 Fridays in a row, after which the main attribute - the count - is pierced under the threshold of the enemy's house. This is a powerful enough curse, and this damage is very difficult to remove.

Consequences for the customer of damage

The damage done to death will have consequences for both the customer and the victim. This magical effect is directed at the destruction of the body's energy defenses and the targeted deterioration of health.

  • depressive state;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • the formation of new diseases that do not respond to treatment;
  • the development of chronic diseases;
  • fear;
  • yearning;
  • failure in all endeavors;
  • as a result - death.

If you did damage to death on one's own then the impact on you can take different forms. The main thing is that any ceremony takes your strength. Therefore, after performing the ritual, you may feel a strong breakdown.

The more difficult the ritual was, the more energy you spend, the longer it will take to recover. But the worst consequence that can await you is a rollback. Basically, it happens if you did not pay off after performing the ritual from the Dark Forces, or if the corruption was removed.

In this case, the negative program launched by you will come back. Disappear to nowhere like that more quantity negative energy cannot. Rollback can work in different ways. If you can protect yourself in time, then you will limit yourself to poor health or illness.

If you remain unprotected, then it is not excluded fatal outcome... Do not forget that the effect of a rollback can spread not only to you, but also to your relatives. The magic rollback is not limited to the defeat of brothers, sisters, parents and children.

Often, even several subsequent generations pay for the magical rituals performed by their ancestors. Descendants of the same sex as the victim of your witchcraft will suffer the most. The consequences are manifested as:

  • celibacy;
  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • serious diseases that cannot be treated.

Corruption to death is the witchcraft of boundless, destructive power that will overtake its victim. Be very careful when performing such rituals, as they can have a negative impact not only on the victim, but also on you.

Damage to death: fear, customer, the terrible consequences

Corruption is called the detrimental effect of the strongest negativity on a person from his worst enemies. That is, when someone strongly envies and hates a person to the depths of his soul, then after completing a certain magical ritual, a powerful charge of negative energy is sent to his opponent, it is called damage.

What types of damage to death are there? Today we are talking about damage to death, but in general there are a very large number of types of damage. This is how it happens:

  • to death;
  • to part with a loved one;
  • loss of health;
  • poverty;
  • obesity (mainly for women);
  • loss of mind;
  • loss of work;
  • infertility and so on.
  • Each type of damage is induced by a special magic rite using certain items. It can be some kind of internal organs of animals, or ordinary bread, water or other food.

    How to recognize spoilage?

    Finding out that you are corrupted is very easy. In addition to the signs that I have already described (problems in the family, at work, with health, and so on), you can see damage in a glass with water and an egg.

    What awaits the messenger of corruption to death?

    The consequences will certainly reach the customer. Anyone who decides to send damage to his enemy must remember that this matter will not pass with impunity. This is especially true of people who believe in God, because for them the punishment will be very harsh and it is not worth relying on the fact that after their death they will go to heaven for them.

    How to protect yourself from damage?

    Methods of protection against evil eye yes there is a lot of spoilage. I'll tell you about a few of them. The most common way to protect yourself is with a pin.

    Removal of damage to death: ritual and consequences

    In everyday life, people are increasingly faced with black magic. This is quite reasonable. After all, information about various methods of influencing a person is now widespread. It is used by everyone, at times, thoughtlessly and irresponsibly. The victim is faced with an urgent and urgent question: how to remove damage to death? In fact, the conversation is complex, albeit optimistic. Let's take a look at what to do and how to be successful.

    What is damage to death

    Let's start by describing the problem. After all, the removal of damage to death is impossible without a complete understanding of its network. This is a negative impact, carried out on purpose. That is, the one who wishes the victim to die performs a complex ritual. In it is laid a black intention to destroy a person, to prematurely interrupt his earthly path. As a rule, such non-contact exposure does not lead to success. Each person has their own protection. Mages use carriers of corruption. There are many of them. For example, death can be received with a gift or a treat, it is poured under the door with charmed water or salt. The corruption will begin its effect as soon as the victim touches the wearer. It is like a computer virus. Many make this comparison. Corruption encourages the victim to make destructive and dangerous decisions. It clouded the brain and clouded the eyes. A person ceases to adequately react to events, to perceive reality. Here he would have to carry out the removal of damage to death. However, the victim herself is often unable to understand what is happening to her. Help from outside is required. This is the business of close and loving people. Only they see and understand that trouble has come. And you have to act very quickly. If you do not remove damage to death, then the person will die.

    How can you solve the problem

    The most important thing, oddly enough, is diagnostics. If the negative impact is identified in time, then the rest will no longer present any particular difficulties. Removal of damage to death is carried out by magicians who advertise their services on almost every corner. With this problem, you can turn to the rural witch grandmothers. They are experts in extracting negativity from the victim's aura. In addition, anyone has the opportunity to work on their own to clear the field. After all, many sources disseminate information not only about spoilage rituals. There are also ways to get rid of such a "gift". There are many of them, for almost every taste. Don't laugh at the last comment. Try to understand its deep essence. The fact is that not every ritual will help get rid of spoilage. You can do everything exactly as it is written, meticulously repeat actions and pronounce words, but you can achieve absolutely nothing. Cleansing from negativity is a delicate matter. Success here depends on inner trust in the ritual that one has decided to use.

    Choice of rite

    When you start to study how you can get rid of induced damage, then read the texts with your soul. It is important to catch the response from the depths of the subconscious. It is recommended to monitor your own mood. If the oppressive state has receded a little, it means that you are studying exactly the ritual that will definitely work. In addition, many are helped by the traditions of their ancestors. Christians prefer to work with prayer, Muslims - to read suras. Every religion has texts designed to combat devilish temptation and witchcraft. For a true believer the best medicine does not exist.

    For other victims of corruption, ceremonies based on the life-giving energy of nature are more suitable. When there is confidence in its invincible power, then stop at those. Sometimes it is recommended to send damage to the one who initiated it. For this, they resort to the rites of black magic. However, you should be careful with them. For example, removing damage to death in a cemetery is not suitable for someone who has a subconscious fear of this place. In general, you should listen to your intuition when choosing the appropriate ceremony. Yes, even less doubt. They are the main cause of failure. You will not be able to get rid of spoilage by prayer - you will conduct a different ritual. What else do they exist for?

    Carrying out the ritual "Removal of damage to death"

    We will describe general rules concerning all known rites. It is necessary to prepare for the ritual. The description of each contains those items and texts that need to be purchased or found. Our conversation is not about that. It is best to remove spoilage after a week of fasting. That is, the victim should suspend or seriously restrict the flow of energy coming with food, information, emotions. If possible, you should be alone, do not use gadgets, a computer, watch TV shows and movies. Food is accepted only that corresponds to the Holy Week of Orthodox Lent. That is, they exclude meat and fats, sweets and alcohol. Plenty of vegetables, some fruits, porridge on the water, and so on. Unloading the body and helping the soul. You also need to get the victim of damage to leave any negative emotions. And she has them at every step. In communication with family members and colleagues, on the street and in the yard. Something constantly happens that plunges the victim into anger or depression. Therefore, it is advisable to be bored alone. Let the black egregors look for another source of nutrition. The last statement is worth deciphering.

    What are black egregors?

    V thin world everything is much more complicated than it seems to us. All people, animals, plants, elements and even planets with stars are interconnected. They are shrouded in invisible energy currents. If, for example, some feeling or thought takes possession of the masses, then a certain entity appears. It is nourished by adepts who emit the appropriate energy beams. In our case, egregor (and this is how they decided to call this entity) collects the emotions of death: fear or worship, grief or relief. He does not care. He is in charge of death. The damage directed at the victim is no longer guided by the intention of the customer, but by the orders of this egregor. She, as a faithful and devoted servant, closes all energy channels in a person's aura. There is only one left - the one that connects it with the black egregor. From him, it is necessary to disconnect a person in the first place. For this, all the rituals are carried out, the description of which can be found. Let's take a look at some of them.

    Orthodox way

    A believer uses prayers to remove damage to death. You can learn about them from a spiritual mentor. Clergy recommend reading Psalm 90. This prayer is intended to combat the devil's servants. The ceremony itself is held in the Temple. You need to buy forty candles. Light them one at a time, holding them in your hands, read the indicated prayer, then set them for your own health. This is repeated forty times. Then you need to buy another candle. She is placed in front of the Icon of the Virgin for the health of the customer of damage. At this moment, it is necessary to sincerely forgive the enemy and wish him cleansing from sin.

    This is a special witchcraft technique. The removal of damage to death through Kabbalah is carried out in a special rite. It requires living water and olive oil. Also prepare two bowls made from natural material. It is desirable that they turn out to be wooden. Pour water into one. The second is oil. A special formula should be spoken on liquid. It is as follows: “Adoniy Elya Shandaye tsavoat emanu mezga lenu Elooay Yaavok syule. Adoniy ashrey edam bateh beha. Adoniy tsivaot oshiya amilikh yaanenu bey root! " Now dip the fingers of your left hand in the oil and bring them to a container of water. When a few drops of olive "fat" have got there, splash the water on the ground. The bowls should be burned after the ceremony.

    Rite of passage based on the magic of nature

    You know, perhaps an ordinary chicken egg is the most effective way to combat a negative program and its leader - egregor. With its help, it is quite possible to carry out the removal of damage to death on your own. It will take a dozen fresh eggs, prayer texts, willpower and the perseverance of a terminally ill person. Also, of course, it should be understood that the ceremony will take a lot of time. It is not recommended to interrupt it. Therefore, you need to set aside a few hours for yourself, disconnecting from the outside world. The egg is rolled over bare skin, saying prayers aloud. Among them there must be three: "Our Father", Psalm 90 and "May God rise again." The rest - according to preferences. Once the egg is heavy, set it aside and take another. The ritual is considered complete when the entire surface of the body has been processed. The eggs should be taken to the churchyard and broken there. They say that then the spirits will take the corruption to hell, and it won't harm anyone anymore.

    What happens after the removal of damage to death

    The victim, if the ritual is done correctly, will feel a kind of devastation. It comes necessarily and speaks of disconnection from the egregor of death. If the victim does not feel dizzy and lightheaded when removing damage to death, what happens next does not matter. The ceremony should be repeated. Otherwise, it will not bring the desired effect. After the ritual, the aura of the former victim will gradually begin to fill with the purest universal energy. The person will return to their usual way of life. But the consequences of removing damage to death for the customer are terrifying. The negative program will hit him with double power. He wished death to another - so you yourself will get it. Moreover, everything happens so rapidly that the villain does not have time to realize the meaning of the development of events. He dies. However, this only happens when the damage is sent to the customer in a special rite. Sometimes the negative is returned to hell (or annihilated, as you like), then an even more difficult fate awaits the customer. He will work out his crime, enduring hardships and hardships, struggling with troubles and misfortunes.

    Should I return the damage to the customer?

    People do not ask this philosophical question. They read that it is quite fair to give negative to someone who wanted evil. However, think about it. You have already suffered corruption. Another person will fall under her blow. He will try to get her back. This will create a vicious circle. But relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances are also involved in it. Returning corruption, you only increase the total amount of evil on the planet. Isn't he already enough in our magnificent world? Maybe we should do our bit to destroy it? The question is rhetorical.


    We have covered only a few aspects of this vast topic. In fact, you can get rid of damage to death in at least a thousand more ways. Each nation has contributed to the development protective magic... This positive experience is now available to us. But it should be noted that the best way not to deal with the problem is its absence. And corruption does not stick to the Angels. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for the purity of the soul. And then there will be no need to look for ways to combat damage or other witchcraft attacks. Good luck!

    Put mortal damage on the photo

    Black magic, or as it is commonly called in professional circles, dark influence, is a purely personal choice of each magician. You don't need to believe that someone's strength is initially dark, while someone's is light, the fact is that it is One power. Strength is energy. Energy is a general concept. But the fact of how to use this energy with the thought to help or harm, here, as I said, is a matter of choice.

    Damage to death is a punishment according to professional magicians

    Professional magicians know that damage to death with the help of photography is more often not an attempt to harm, but a desire to punish. We will not discuss the morality of this choice, it is not so important. We all sometimes find ourselves in situations where the opponent turns into an enemy, and his actions deserve death.

    In addition, as a practitioner I will say, "turn your left cheek" is according to God's law, but such obedience is rather a status of humiliation. In order not to be a silent animal in the face of the enemy, you need to know how to damage death correctly and effectively.

    Simple damage to death

    The easiest way, available not only to a magician with special knowledge, but also to an ordinary person, a death ritual, mortal damage, is to give the enemy to the dead as a neighbor.

    This damage to death in the photo is carried out quickly, and the consequences of its action are simply disastrous. Such damage to death in the photo is made as easy as shelling pears. All that is needed for such a ritual is:

    • have fresh photographs of the enemy;
    • and the knowledge of which house the deceased is in.

    There is one more important detail, you need to have direct access to the coffin of the deceased, because you will need to capture the moment when no one will be around to perform the ritual. What to do:

    1. Take a photograph, and put it in the coffin of the deceased, preferably at the feet.
    2. Speak quietly:

    “Don't go by yourself, take your neighbor with you. Amen. May he rest in peace and rest in peace. "

  • And now, if possible, you need to leave the memorial service, leave the house of the deceased, under any pretext. And at home you need to arrange a commemoration for the enemy. Drink three glasses to calm your enemy.
  • From this point on, witchcraft will take effect.
  • The peculiarity of this ritual is that now the deceased will not rest until he takes his promised neighbor with him.

    Experienced practitioners advise to enhance the effect of the ritual by choosing the deceased with the name of the victim. But this is sometimes not so easy to do. Therefore, you can not complicate the ritual, but make a connection to any deceased. The consequences of such a ritual are illness and, as a result, the death of the enemy you have condemned.

    Enemy funeral service

    The ritual with the funeral service for your enemy in the church is also called the most effective and efficient. In this case, a simple natural law is triggered: the soul was buried, the soul was released, it is not attached to the body and goes into afterworld... And along with it, the body will leave this world. To perform this ritual, you will need:

    To celebrate the enemy, you need to know the date of birth.

    • have two absolutely identical photographs of your enemy;
    • know the surname, name, patronymic of the enemy, date of birth;
    • to be able to go to another city or village to the church and there to order a service for the repose of this person and give a photo;
    • arrange a funeral improvisation somewhere, preferably not at home.

    In this case, it is very important to follow the procedure:

    1. If you only have one photo of the enemy, make a copy, two identical images are required. Remember the photo is personal, that is, one person, without friends, relatives, animals, etc.
    2. Take one photo and leave for another city. Find a church or Temple of God, preferably an old building. Give the photo and order the funeral service for the enemy. But in no case let it slip that the person is alive. Prepare for questions about how you died, suicide, violent death, or natural death. Don't make up tragedies. Natural death and that's all, due to illness.
    3. When you have ordered the service, light a candle for your health, for your children’s health, and for your relatives, go home.
    4. Now we need to hold a commemoration for the enemy. There is also no need to invent anything grandiose. It's simple: go to any cafe, order a sandwich, and three times 100 grams of alcoholic drink, better than vodka. Have a drink, a snack, remember your enemy. And forgive him all the bad things that he did to you.

    Everything from that moment on the ritual took effect, and the consequences of the funeral service will not be long in coming.

    Pictured ritual and the murder of a black rooster

    Our ancestors believed that animals are able not only to exist next to us, but also to have the most direct impact on our lives. It is to the evil and vengeful gods Slavic Pantheon a bloody sacrifice was brought. Most often, livestock or poultry were killed as a victim.

    The black cock is a demonic guide

    Black cock in Slavic mythology personifies a demonic guide, they say that demons live on his tail. One of the most effective and simple rituals for the death of an enemy was witchcraft on the blood of a black rooster. Modern magic suggests enhancing the ritual with photography. What is needed for the mortal corruption ritual in the photo:

    • live black cock;
    • ritual knife (knife with wooden handle, new);
    • enemy clothing;
    • photo of the enemy.

    There are several features to be observed here:

    • a photo of the enemy, as fresh as possible, that is, clearly not childish;
    • the knife must be new and have a wooden handle;
    • clothes should not be new, but worn;
    • it is better to take an old, strong rooster.

    How to perform the ritual itself

    The ritual is performed at midnight on the full moon. Ancient magicians are advised to time the ritual to the month of the birth of the enemy. According to legends and ancient teachings, this will enhance the effect of the ritual.

    At midnight, take a pre-prepared rooster, a knife, clothes and a photo of the enemy and go to the field or forest, you can land. Some sources indicate that the ritual should be done at midnight in the cemetery. But practitioners advise such a condition to be fulfilled only if you are a strong and experienced magician.

    Beginners, students and those who do not know how to protect themselves from bursts of negative energy have nothing to do in the world of peace. There is a risk of acquiring an unpleasant and unfriendly comrade from the other world, restless souls often wait with someone to feed themselves with the energy of life.

    The otherworldly soul does not always want to harm

    I will digress a little from the topic and tell you about this. You do not need to think that if a restless soul clung to you, then it wants to harm you. In fact, it’s not like that. In the other world, information, including energy, is perceived by souls in a completely different way, and it so happens that this soul simply does not realize the change in its status. By nature, she is looking for a source of replenishment, and does this not out of malice, but out of necessity.

    Most often, such a fate, let's call it that, awaits the souls of suicides, the hangers who at the last moment realized that they were committing a sin against God, or the souls of people who died by coincidence, or forcibly.

    Returning to our topic, I will say that it is very important to follow the order of actions here:

    • spread the enemy's clothes on the grass;
    • put his photo on top;
    • take a close look at the picture, make sure that your terrible desire to put this person to death is justified, and you are firm in your decision;
    • take a rooster, put it directly on the photo and slaughter;
    • it is necessary for his hot blood to flood the clothes of the condemned person and his photo;
    • utter a conspiracy.

    "As a black rooster invokes unclean spirits, so demons are attracted to the name of the river by its blood."

    • rooster, put directly on the photo;
    • put a ritual knife on top of the rooster;
    • now tie your clothes crosswise;
    • take the bundle and carry it to the intersection;
    • bury the lining there, and repeat the words of the conspiracy.

    From the moment you perform these actions, the ritual will take effect and take effect.

    Deadly corruption ritual on a fresh grave

    Refers to rituals simple execution but it is efficient and effective. Damage in the photo using the grave carries almost the same meaning as the ritual for binding to the deceased. For the ritual you will need:

    A black wax candle is required for the ritual.

    • a piece of black silk or satin;
    • fresh photo of the enemy;
    • black wax candle;
    • a set of new needles;
    • yellow coins.

    The ritual can be performed at any phase of the moon and on any day. Not necessarily at night, but also during the day. How damage is done:

    1. The magician needs to know where in the cemetery there was a recent burial process. Because a fresh grave is needed to carry out the ritual. Especially experienced magicians who do their work responsibly and with a high degree of probability say that it is best to give preference to the grave where the enemy's desires are laid to rest.
    2. Having found such a grave, the magician lays out a piece of black cloth next to it, takes a lump or handful of fresh earth from the grave, and sprinkles it on the cloth.
    3. The magician picks up a photo of the victim, and prepared needles. You need to pierce the face and body in the image.
    4. The chipped photograph is placed at the cross.
    5. A ritual candle is lit, you need to hold it so that the wax falls directly on the photo, the more wax pours out, the better. In the process, as the magician pours wax in the photo, he must say a prayer for the dead in the name of the victim.
    6. When the candle burns out, it must be put on a handkerchief to the ground, and a photo of the victim filled with wax and punctured with needles is sent there.
    7. The material with ritual things must be tied in a tight knot.
    8. The knot is buried in the grave mound at the feet of the deceased.

    It is very important to finish the ritual correctly so as not to receive a retaliation from the keeper of the cemetery for using its territory for personal purposes. You need to pay off. This is done like this:

    You must leave the cemetery immediately.

    1. Having buried the package, leave the cemetery immediately, not paying attention if something strange starts happening around you. As soon as you leave the gate of the churchyard, everything will stop, there is no need to be afraid.
    2. Choose your way home so that you can return in a completely different way.
    3. After passing two crossroads, cross on the third, and throw the prepared coins on the ground, with the words:

    “Pay off! Thank you for your help! "

    From this moment, the action of the ritual will take effect and the effect on the victim will begin.

    A little about what awaits the victim of the ritual

    When doing a deadly ritual, you should not think that your victim will definitely die. First, your enemy can figure out in time that his troubles are not of this world and cleanse the damage, remove it.

    Guardian Angel can take part of the rollback

    Second, a strong guardian angel will take part of the blow, and a person may just get very sick. Whether he gets well or not, it depends on him.

    Third, most often such rituals bring suicide if a person is energetically weak. Possibly dementia and so on. A person will be punished by you for the harm done to you, but how he will be punished, death or torture during his lifetime is not up to you.

    A little about what awaits the customer and the contractor

    There is no need to harbor illusions that since the victim deserves such a fate, then the customer will not be punished for the actions they have taken. As for what the victim deserved, this is your personal, purely personal opinion and with the opinion of the Universe and the Higher Power, it does not coincide.

    Well, this punishment is strongly said. The customer is waiting for a rollback, waiting for a rollback and the executor. The contractor will be hit a little more, the customer will be less. But this will not be avoided.

    Depending on the situation, the kickback may be illness, loss of money, or some kind of trouble. High power fair, you should not be afraid that your children or grandchildren will be responsible for your actions, it is not so.

    On the psychological aspect of damage to death in the photo

    Most professional magicians are primarily good psychologists. They know that nothing ruins a person like self-hypnosis, so to speak "self-promotion". And it's a sin not to take advantage of this.

    Many magicians advise not to go to such extreme measures, and not to do a ritual to the death, but to play on the psychology of your enemy. Here you can take a purchased cemetery wreath to work. That is, you do not need to take it from someone's grave, buy it on the market. And throw your enemy to the house.

    Even the most callous skeptics will react badly to such an incident. And then the very subconscious will come into force, at the level of which the victim knows, heard, read about damage to death. And as any living person is afraid of magic. And it will begin, psychological self-destruction. More often this leads to suicide or mental disorders. But we do not care how the enemy will be punished, it is important for us that he be punished.

    All material contains for informational purposes only provided by our visitors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not fall for the bait of scammers.

    What is death damage? An induced negative program can worsen the victim's well-being, make her life unbearable. People learn about how to spoil death for various reasons. Some want revenge, others are looking for ways to free themselves from resentment. The result of the curse depends on how and why the damage was induced.

    How to remove damage to death? First of all, a man or woman needs to be aware of what a curse is and where it manifests itself. The first signs of damage to death will allow you to avoid serious consequences in the future. How do you know that death damage works and destroys life?

    How death damage works

    What is death damage? You don't need to be a magician to know how a negative attitude is dangerous to any living being. The work of damage to death is not always noticeable to the common person. If it systematically destroys life, it is difficult to imagine it as the root cause of all troubles. Corruption to death is the result of human hatred and anger. It is this effect that can harm the minions of fate. In damage to death, there are many dangers that lead creature to the grave.

    If a man or woman is damaged to death, every day of delay costs them health and well-being. Such a curse affects both the physical benefits and the psychological state of the victim. Damage to death is a misfortune that a person does not expect and does not know how to deal with. It is not necessary to know how to induce such an evil eye, but to deal with the induced negativity you will need inner strength and magic.

    Who can bring damnation to death

    Damage to a quick death is caused only by the interested party. If a person does not spare himself, induces a curse, he has a penalty from a risky event. The enemy can order the black evil eye for illness and constant failure.

    Special magical rituals will allow you to find out by whom damage to death can be directed with the help of a photo or a victim's thing. If you can find an enemy, you will be able to protect yourself and your own family.

    Signs of damage to death

    If damage is directed to death, every day the personality weakens and it can no longer see the cause of suffering. If life gets worse, it is worth considering the possible "symptoms" of the curse. A symptom of the strongest cemetery damage to death is often noticed by the victim's close people, who do not understand the changes in a loved one, friend or spouse.

    It is not easy to conjure up a strong black evil eye, the customer puts his own strength and feelings into black magic. Acting program under the icon of Cyprian, a voodoo doll for death, runic becoming to death - the reaction of a person also depends on the type of evil eye. Simple signs of the presence of a strong negativity in the house will help to see the curse at home:

    • inside a person there is a constant malaise, a painful condition;
    • a premonition of trouble in a person, constant causeless fear and nervousness;
    • a husband or wife has obsession(fear in a person develops into panic);
    • the person feels pressure (moral);
    • symptoms appear without illness, and chronic ailments are sharply exacerbated;
    • the psyche, and then the body, suffers from corruption first.

    A ritual is read to death, which day after day attracts death. It can be both health problems and stress that a person cannot withstand. If the detention is not done, the person cannot return to his old life. Destructive situations arise around her.

    The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova and her book (a collection of tips and rituals) offers many rituals for home diagnostics. The first signs of a curse on death push you to anxious thoughts, and the ceremony performed will make you understand how serious the situation is. An experienced witch or magician will immediately recognize the evil eye made to death, and will be able to roll out the negative with an egg or remove it through special magical attributes.

    Damage diagnostics

    Faith in magic is required to accurately diagnose a curse. Without trust in the forces to which a person appeals, it will not be possible to free oneself from the shackles of corruption. For a quick diagnosis of the house (living space) or the body of the victim, you will need an ordinary church candle. A church candle will indicate damage that portends death. For the ceremony, you will need a simple chicken egg and holy water. All the attributes you need are easy to find.

    Negative relief rituals are not performed without diagnostics. Removing fatal damage to death is dangerous for a person who does not suffer from a curse. There is no point in risking your own safety. Water and a candle must be brought from the church, and then charged with the words of the prayer "Our Father". Magic diagnostics is carried out in several stages:

    1. To find deadly damage, you need to clean the house. To do this, a large amount of salt is diluted in holy water. A concentrated saline solution is used to wash the floor and furniture in the house. To remove the evil eye, such cleaning will also be useful.
    2. After cleaning, you need to light one candle and go around the whole house with it. While the fire is burning, the prayer "Our Father" is recited. The words of the prayer should sound sincere and calm. If there is a lining in the house, through which damage was induced, the candle fire will indicate the place where the dangerous curl is hidden. It is necessary to observe how in different rooms a candle is burning at home. If the wax starts to smoke, there is spoilage.
    3. After praying against negativity, you need to read a spell on a potential victim. For the second part of the ritual, you need an egg and a glass of holy water. The victim should lie down, and the assistant (if the person is very weak), under the words of a special prayer-appeal to the Mother of God, “roll” an egg over the body of the victim. After the procedure, the egg is broken into a glass of water. If the yolk is normal and without dots (clots or spots), then there is no need to worry about spoilage.

    You can carry out diagnostics on your own without resorting to the help of experienced magicians. Such a check should be done by everyone who is often sick and, despite all efforts, cannot be realized in life. To confirm guesses, tarot cards are often used that predict the coming negative.

    The most powerful damage done to death carries a very powerful charge of negativity, the duration of its action is minimal, and the person will die quickly and scared. Even a simple domestic trauma can become the cause of an impudent death. If strong damage was brought to the cemetery from an interested customer, its signs will immediately be noticed by close victims. A person's will is literally suppressed, he loses all interest in life. A strong negative program does not go away on its own, so you need to remove it yourself.

    Ritual "to see the corruption"

    Unpleasant symptoms can lead to the most unexpected thoughts. If a person cannot get rid of constant health problems in any way, rituals can be done that will either dispel doubts, or will allow you to deal with the problem that has arisen in completely different ways. The ceremony is carried out at home in a comfortable environment for the victim. With the help of simple attributes, it will be possible to see the corruption:

    • salt;
    • matches;
    • a glass of holy water.

    The rite of "seeing the corruption" acts unconditionally, it can be carried out by both an experienced magician and a beginner. With the help of a new box of matches, damage is diagnosed from a photo (at a great distance). Different types Negatives work in different ways, so the symptoms of a curse do not always manifest themselves in dramatic changes in the victim's behavior. It is possible to carry out a ritual with matches for prevention purposes.

    Photo rituals are carried out in complete solitude without witnesses or assistants. The victim's photo must be one of the last to get an accurate result. As soon as the sun sets, salt water is diluted in a vessel, and a conspiracy is read in the photo or victim:

    "Lead me out with fire, lime the ashes where my life goes (the name of the person in the photo)."

    Three matches are set on fire and thrown into the water, but this does not help to understand how they managed to bring negativity to you or at what time, and does not help to remove it, only to define the program. If they drown, there is no need to look for corruption, it is already working and destroys the victim. With the help of matches that come up, a person can calm down - there is no effect on him. An experienced magician or novice conducts the "see the spoilage" ceremony on the men's days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

    How to find the customer of spoilage

    Who brought damage to death? The customer's name will help the victim free himself. Without the name of the customer, the magician will remove the damage, but you should not risk performing rituals at random. Strong magic will make it possible not only to determine the name of the customer (conspirator or customer who was able to make a curse through the sorcerer), but also the types of negativity that affect a person.

    Damage to death from a photo or personal thing after casting a spell leaves traces. These are unique pointers to the enemy. For a person who could do damage to death. You can find out who dared to make trouble instantly if you carry out simple rituals at home. An experienced magician and a novice magician can perform the ritual with wax. Such rituals are especially useful for women, because they do not carry any terrible consequences for the expectant mother:

    1. The rituals are performed at home with a small handful of cemetery soil. In the future, if necessary, the conspirator will use it to remove the damage. You should not take a lot of cemetery land, for the spell to identify the enemy you need only one handful.
    2. At home, you need to pour holy water into a glass of water. Graveyard earth should be poured around the glass. It is not so important how much land the conspirator prepares, it must be done carefully (everything that keeps the cemetery is dead, visiting the cemetery, a person must be neat and collected as much as possible).
    3. In a water bath, you need to melt a little wax from a church candle. Strong diagnostics on plain paraffin will not work.
    4. While pronouncing the words of the spell, the person carefully pours the wax into the water:

    “I am as strong as the earth that lives in a cemetery, I am not looking for consequences, but I want to know the truth. As I pour out wax, so I want to know the name of the enemy ”.

    From the cemetery land, which will show and remove the curse, you must immediately get rid of, as soon as possible. This must be done carefully, but it is better to carry out rituals with attributes that are taken from the cemetery, on the street. There is no need to jump to conclusions. So that the consequences do not affect the victim of the curse, it is necessary to put protection before the ceremony. Rituals, even for diagnostics, are not performed without preparation.

    By the shape of the wax, you can judge who and when brought the evil eye. If the figure looks like a letter or is associated by the conspirator with certain things or professions, it will be easier to find the culprit. What types of curses did not worry the victim, no matter what the consequences of damage were manifested, further purification rituals will help save the victim from the curse. If the enemy managed to damage to death, he should return such a gift.

    Universal conspiracy from damage to death

    Guiding the evil eye (the enemy managed to impose damage) does not get away with anyone. Never to anyone. Before imposing a charm (black witchcraft) on another person, you need to think about who gets out of such a situation as a winner. If the victims, on whom it is possible to induce negativity, die, the customer will soon have a lot of troubles. If you curse someone with knives, a photograph or a doll, then you need to wait for a response. If you do not waste time, so as not to incur more more problems(manifests itself at once several dangerous symptoms), you can free yourself from damage yourself, and also bring it to the enemy in the form of a return gift (return).

    You cannot help yourself with just words, especially if the damage to death, taken on a photograph, works. Through witchcraft, black magic is destroyed, the words of the spell destroy the curse. A universal ritual is done for a child, but such a cleaning will be useful for an adult as well. The text with magic words must be memorized (even if it is in Latin). A person is obliged to help himself not only with words, but also with actions. When the time comes, no one will be able to hide from damage.

    What is needed for the ritual

    The enemy always has little suffering in another person. Any victim can punish his mistress himself or through a magician. For a wife, such rituals are the easiest option, how to destroy a rival on their own. Magic, like throwing boomerangs, like a curl in fate, in which everything returns to the sender. Simple attributes will help to release the black magic "bunny":

    • knives;
    • Holy water;
    • pectoral cross.

    The ritual is held for exactly 7 days in a row. You can do it yourself, this magic works even for beginners. As soon as the signs of curse appear, the victim must go to church. You need to go to the shrine yourself, otherwise the magic will not work. If the enemy managed to bring damage (someone offended the enemy and received damage for their own actions), it is possible to stop the mortal danger only during the day in the temple.

    The conspirator takes a knife with him to the temple and costs the entire service. If the enemy managed to curse the whole family (put a curse to death on all members of the family), the conspiracy should be read to all household members:

    “Salvation comes, the pain subsides. Salvation comes, negativity disappears. Salvation comes, an enemy with a black soul gets what he deserves. Let the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit hear our words. Let them help and save. Amen".

    “I cut off the trouble, I cut off the pain. As the wind is heard in the distance, so I decrease from the black field. From grief. From the devil. I cut off everything that is easy on my fate. So be it, Amen. "

    When targeting damage to death, the enemy should be more careful, because his negative will soon return, and it will not be possible to defend against the return.

    Corruption Conspiracy

    So that the consequences of damage to death do not affect a loved one, you need to try hard. The disease will go away if you follow the very simple advice of experienced magicians. If it is not necessary that strong damage to death on a person returned to the customer, an additional ritual is performed to the one who dared to decide the fate of another person.

    The black evil eye is a disease, it is an effective seal that bears on everything good in a person. Any inexperienced person can do damage (with the help of white ritual everyone can use, so you need to put a block on the curse).

    Preparing for the ceremony

    The ritual is performed in a church (in an ordinary church or temple). Only in a place among the shrines will the ritual of mortal corruption be carried out. If they put the evil eye on a family in a church, it will work for a very long time. They remove damage to death on days when the moon is waning, but they bring negativity to the growing month. Damage to death made in the photograph is not carried out on major Orthodox holidays.

    To bring trouble in the temple, a special conspiracy is read near the icon close to the soul:

    “Black icons became, black stripes bloomed with the servant of God (the name of the victim). Not to be nice to him, not to be lucky, as a candle burns out, so his life leaves. Amen".

    “I want to bring trouble to you, to break your life, as branches break from the wind, as stones are covered with water near the coast. You do not know happiness, do not know salvation, as a candle never burns out, so you suffer from misfortune. May it be so. Amen".


    Damage to death refers to the type of magic that is used only in extreme cases. If a person has offended or behaved dishonestly, it is not worth risking his health in order to induce a reciprocal curse. From damage to death, it can become bad for both the customer and the victim, and the people who are next to the cursed person. Removing this influence from oneself is the primary task of both men and women.

    Magical protection is needed for both adults and children, therefore, an ambulance is placed before the ritual of liberation. The black evil eye does not remove protection, but it protects from the consequences of damage to death. Everyone can get rid of trouble. From corruption to death, which will bring the victim to the grave. The cleaning result will be visible immediately, even if it is carried out from a photograph and from a distance. Selected video instructions will help beginners understand the rituals.

    You can believe, you can not believe, but magic exists! Each person has faced the consequences of someone else's energy intervention - damage, evil eyes, linings, haircuts, love spells. How to damage a person, what the results will be, is it possible to eliminate the consequences and much more - this is what is important to know if, for some reason, it becomes necessary to negatively affect someone's life.

    Damage is deliberate or unconscious energy harm inflicted by one person to another. This can be done using different systems magic, accordingly, different attributes will be used.

    The evil eye is a lighter impact that goes through the eyes, but multiple evil eyes will have a moderate damage effect.

    In principle, you can spoil anything, so there are many types of spoilage:

    • to health;
    • suffering;
    • for loneliness;
    • to death;
    • for well-being;
    • on property, etc.

    Hover result

    If a person is spoiled, then first of all, his physical condition will worsen. Malaise, general weakness will appear, chronic diseases will worsen. A person will feel instability, which will affect his psychological state.

    At the same time, various troubles will begin at home, at work, in financial matters, in personal life. The problems will be stronger in the area at which the damage is directed. If you are on health, then, naturally, diseases will have a stronger manifestation, and various troubles at home and at work will remain less critical. If you are focused on financial well-being, then the malaise will be mild, and the loss of money will be huge, up to ruin.

    There are also ancestral curses that can be traced back to the lineage.... For example, boys in the family are haunted by the same disease, which has been transmitted for more than one generation. Or girls of the same kind are doomed to loneliness, and no matter how they try to arrange their personal life, everything is in vain.

    It is difficult to recognize skillfully induced damage, and it is almost impossible for an ignorant person. This is a lump of black energy that is introduced into the human biofield and destroys it slowly, but surely.

    Preparation for work

    If you decide to lime someone, then before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with the general set of rules in magic so as not to harm yourself and your family. The first rule is “not knowing the ford, do not go into the swamp,” yes, it is the swamp, because magic does not forgive mistakes.

    Whatever system of work you choose, be it a cemetery, cathedral witchcraft, conspiracies or volts, you must definitely familiarize yourself with what exactly you will be dealing with, and only then you can start targeting damage. In order for the work to be as successful as possible, it will not hurt to read the information, which is abundant on the Internet.

    Before starting work, you need to protect yourself and weaken the enemy. Beginners in magic will not be able to establish a complex defense, so they are advised to make at least a reflective one. Reflective protection can be energetic (cocoon, cap) and installed with the help of any objects (mirror).

    Weakening the enemy, removing the defense from him will help to get a better result. The most common way is a candle for the repose of the soul of a living person in the church. More effective will be "Sorokoust" for the repose, but then problems may arise, since the church specifies the date of death of a person, and you cannot answer this question.

    Anyone who was already interested in how to make damage to a person must have heard about kickbacks. Rollback is the return of what you sent. According to the laws of nature, nothing appears out of nowhere and disappears into nowhere. Targeting damage is a negative action, so if a person you spoiled recognizes someone else's influence on himself and turns to a specialist to get rid of him, then everything you have done will fly back to you. Very few magicians send messages to infinity, as a rule, they are sent back to the customer.

    In order to soften the return blow, protection is needed.

    Options for influencing the enemy

    Almost all people have enemies. Sometimes it happens that damage is the only way to take revenge on the offender. Unlike a curse, it is better to spoil with a cool head, having already thought about the causes and effects many times. First, study your enemy well and strike at the most expensive. If a person loves money - make him poor, wants a big family - lonely, most of all values ​​his health - sick.

    Do not undertake complex rituals, because you will not be able to perform them correctly, and this is fraught with consequences for you. There are many simple and effective ways.

    Salt spoilage

    One of the most reliable custodians of information is salt. Take a new linen bag, put a handful of salt in it, tie it and take it to where the victim walks. The bag should lie there for a day.

    Take the bag and already at home draw a face on it, pretending that this is your abuser and write the name. Then read the conspiracy over it, putting all the energy of your resentment there: "as salt dries, so do you dry (name)." The conspiracy text should be short, compose it yourself, this one is given as an example. Then put the bag in an inaccessible warm place so that the salt dries, for example, on a cabinet or behind a battery.

    On health from a photo

    Get a fresh (no later than a year) photo of your enemy, preferably in full height, but also fits to the waist. Take a wax candle, heat a needle on its flame and pierce the places in the photo with it, while pronouncing the wishes of illnesses. A person will get sick what you pierced with a needle, for example, legs, throat, stomach, and doctors will not be able to make a correct diagnosis.

    After the ceremony, you need to get rid of the photo, and hide the rest of the candle and the needle in a secret place.

    On the withering beauty

    If you have a rival, then you can spoil her beauty. Take a photo of a woman, preferably a face photo, and throw it in the mud. Any stagnant bodies of water that are nearby are suitable for this. How big photo will rot in mud, the more the rival will hurt and lose beauty.

    Rite of passage for illness

    The question of how to send a disease to a person is asked by many. If you have no knowledge of magic, then the most in a simple way will simply bury a photograph of a person in a cemetery. At the same time, he will not die, but he will be ill for a long time and strongly. A photo is an energy imprint of a person, and the necrotic field near the graves is so strong that, even if you don’t know how, destruction will still occur.

    If you feel strong enough, you can perform a more serious ceremony. To do this, you need to make a small coffin, install it on a pedestal, for example, cover the table with a shroud and put a coffin on it. Put a photo of the victim in it and read spells for certain diseases. There are universal conspiracies that force the energy of the victim to flow to the customer.

    In order to deliver information to the victim, a guide is needed. One of the strongest conductors is salt. Before starting the ritual, put salt in the coffin, and then throw it on the person's doorstep. As soon as he steps over it, an energy leak will immediately begin, and the victim will become very sick.

    Death ritual

    If you have a photo of the enemy, then it is not very difficult to carry out a ritual for the death of a person at home. Just before you do this, think a hundred times. After all, it may happen that you change your mind or circumstances turn out differently, and this person will become your family and friends. Without a certain experience and strength, you will not be able to fully eliminate the consequences of your deed.

    Considering that everything is natural in the Universe, it is impossible to take life with impunity. Therefore, after such a ceremony, be prepared to lose something very dear to you.

    If you do decide, then a very effective ritual will be to put a photo of a person in a coffin next to the deceased. For this you need:

    • have a photo of the victim;
    • know the time and address where the funeral will take place;
    • to be able to approach the coffin and discreetly put a photo, preferably at the feet of the deceased.

    As soon as the deceased receives a gift, he will immediately want to drag the victim to him and will do this until she is next to him.

    Other rituals that are associated with the cemetery are best not performed on your own. Not knowing the rules of work at the churchyard, you risk dragging "guests" into your house and incurring the wrath of the Cemetery Master.


    A curse differs from damage in that the emotional background of the curse is important for its guidance. The stronger the hatred for the overlaying object, the stronger the curse will be. It is imperative to remember that, as a rule, curses are passed on by genus, so it is not worth performing such a ritual if you do not wish evil to descendants.

    Curses are:

    1. programmed
    2. non-programmable.

    An experienced magician can inflict a programmed curse, but an amateur can do an unprogrammed one.

    How to put a curse on a person and not suffer yourself? Based on the fact that a verbal spell carries tremendous power, it is virtually impossible to defend against a return blow. If suddenly, in a fit of anger, you nevertheless uttered terrible words and realized how dangerous what was done, then you need to sincerely apologize to the person, specifying what exactly. In this case, there will be no kickback.

    When resorting to the help of dark forces, remember: the consequences can be the most terrible, so be aware of what you are doing and weigh the pros and cons.

    You probably know that damage to death is a deliberate evil of the performer to the victim. In magic, there are many ways to eliminate a person and some of them are presented below. And also advice that you should be on your guard in search of a suitable deadly ritual, because the result will affect its performer.

    Damage to death, consequences for the customer

    This is the worst kind of negative influence. A kind of information program, the goal of which is irreversible physical elimination. And before moving on to the very methods of damage to death, the consequences for the customer should be taken into account in advance.

    The signs of a returned negative to the customer may not differ from the symptoms of the victim. Therefore, you can find out the one who made you damage to death, or you can use the following parameters:

    • Changes in the behavioral reactions of an individual in everyday everyday life (aggression arising from nothing, unwillingness to communicate, withdrawal, constant irritability and nervousness).
    • For a start, he will feel a colossal breakdown - since any dark ritual must be energized to activate. Then the victim will appear: incomprehensible calls, voices, dreams, hallucinations.
    • Nightmares (literally every night, terrible dreams begin to torment - the effect of destruction, which is brought to another).
    • , an amulet or a protective amulet, as well as any breakage of something dear to your heart. Maybe the ear of the baptismal pendant breaks off, the icon falls and breaks in the house.
    • If everything went more or less smoothly, you should not relax. A rollback can overtake the performer at any time, or it can manifest itself on the successors of your clan up to the 3rd, 7th, 9th generation (depending on the power of magic). You will watch how your children and grandchildren remain lonely, suffer, infertility, drug addiction, suffer from incurable diseases, die in accidents.

    To find out the presence of witchcraft from you or loved ones, several effective methods will help, for example, described in the article “.

    The splash of negativity on the one who brought the destruction is like a natural disaster. Just imagine what kind of anger and rage a person is shrouded in, who has trampled on the main biblical commandment and corrupted another!

    It is reckless to think that by driving the abuser into the grave, you can find peace of mind and happy life... After all, the demon who makes him fall into sin will not go anywhere after he has achieved his goal. He does not so much need the soul of the one whom you will live with the light - as your divine light.

    The features of the impact directly depend on the chosen sacrament: magical harm can be instant or long-term, causing illness or accident, attracting murderers or developing the idea of ​​suicide.

    There are several well-known effective methods of targeting a deadly blight:

    1. Damage to certain death from the photo.
    2. Severe damage to death from cemetery soil.
    3. Fatal harm done to the victim's item.
    4. Slavic blight on the icon.

    All methods of inflicting murderous damage are based on actions with dead matter (bodies of the deceased, earth from the churchyard, gravestones, coffins, and others). This is how the most powerful dead energy is called, which in the shortest possible time absorbs the living energy of the victim.

    To understand in more detail the mechanism of action, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in more detail with the technology for conducting such rituals. Do not take them as a guide to action, since such magic will not bring you good to anyone.

    You may encounter several versions of the death ritual yourself. However, whichever option is encountered, the main attribute of the black sacrament will always be a photograph of the victim.

    The ceremony does not require special preparations and special timing. It is enough for the performer to simply be in the right moment(during someone's funeral) in the right place (in the cemetery where the deceased will be buried). The snapshot is secretly placed in the coffin (in the legs, under the head or on the chest of the dead man).

    It is believed that sooner or later the deceased will drag the soul of the person depicted in the frame to the next world.

    You can just take the offender's card, take it to the churchyard and bury a person on the grave, whose name coincides with the name of the victim. That's all - damage to death according to the photo is aimed.

    Surely, you have heard stories from grandmothers more than once, how people found clods of earth at the doorstep of their home and soon one of the household members was dying. The classic, and according to the testimony of sorcerers, a very strong version of damage to death involves the use of soil from the churchyard.

    For the ceremony, one should find an unmarked grave on the night of the full moon, collect earth from it into the bag brought with you, tie it in a knot and bury it on another grave (where the name of the victim is on the tombstone).

    After 9 days, you need to return to the cemetery, always with a ransom for the deceased (sweets, cookies, a shot of vodka), dig up the bag and go with it to the intersection forgotten by people. Here it is worth pouring out the earth, and then the main thing begins:

    Hit the scattered earth with three pre-prepared rods (aspen, birch, willow). Read the conspiracy at the same time:

    “The personal destiny is written in the book
    Buried unnamed in the grave
    I went to visit one another
    She rewarded her with a different strength
    Ambulance nameless, long and nameless
    One for the night and one for the day
    Where the wormwood blossomed, there was a gap, the grass died.
    Black to white
    White and black
    Where is the turn
    There is a devil now by god
    The lamb is a sacrifice today
    Yes altar sacred to blood
    Trampled covenant, chain
    Torn between the no-man's and the personal.
    Its strength is hidden
    Yes, sent down to earth.
    We cut it in two, but we chase it with a rod.
    I beat you with an aspen, a nameless force, but I send you to a nameless one.
    Already the one named (name of the victim) is doomed
    Yes, for the coffin, it was a long-standing measure of martyrs.
    I hit you with a rustling birch twig
    A cloudy tear, a miserable tear
    I'm letting you (victim's name).
    You will live in tears, you will sing to your father and mother
    Yes, howl like a wolf.
    All brothers-in-law and relatives he will sing,
    Until the whole family goes to the ground
    Then (the name of the victim) himself will take the venerator.
    Ivushka - black maiden
    Yes, by the nameless
    Hit you last.
    May the inevitable death be born with every battle
    May she go looking for you (victim's name)
    Yes, a nameless grave has been prepared for you.
    As thunder breaks out, it will whisper with prayer
    Hitherto unnamed covenant over you (victim's name)
    May the earth rest in peace
    And the fluff is death itself.

    Having finished reading, the performer throws back the branches. Leaving the ransom, he raises a handful of the charmed piece of land - it must be added to where the enemy (victim) walks.

    Inflicting life-threatening damage to an enemy through witchcraft on the icon is the traditional Slavic method of damage. In the old days, ancestors used necessarily a family heirloom - an image prayed for by more than one generation of the clan. Since such a rarity is hardly kept in modern families, it is permissible to use a simple icon that was bought by the church and consecrated.

    Before starting the ceremony, a prerequisite is observance of the nine-day black fast. The performer should keep it in the waning phase of the moon, refusing any kind of meat, delicacies, alcohol, celebrations, merry parties, intimate relationships.

    So, what is being prepared for the sacrament? The list includes:

    • the iconographic face of the saint named as well as the name of the object of destruction;
    • grass "bird highlander", she is "bird buckwheat" - seeds;
    • a sharp blade with a black handle;
    • black tall candle;
    • axe.

    In the morning of the ninth day of fasting, without washing or combing his hair, the guide approaches the mirror and says:

    Hey devil, you bad Devil Seed!
    Help me in a dashing black business!
    Lead the slave (called the name of the victim).
    He will not be buried, he will not defend himself,
    Yes, black death cannot be bought off.
    The little death will find him, overcome him with a black pestilence.
    So be it.

    Now the hardest part (step by step):

    1. The performer goes with the icon in turn to nine churches, always old and prayed, where he orders the funeral service for the offender.
    2. Every time, leaving the church, he says, holding the icon in front of his face: Curse you, slave! - not forgetting to say the name. All visits must, according to the ritual, take place on the same day.
    3. After the ninth temple, the administrator of the sacrament goes with the icon to the cemetery, taking the rest of the attributes.
    4. There, a person finds a burial, on the tombstone of which the name of the victim is carved, lights a candle and places it on the tombstone. The icon must also be placed on the grave. The words of the curse are spoken again.
    5. Next, the gunner of the blight must stick a knife into the icon, and then cut it in two with an ax.
    6. To top it all off, knotweed crumbles to the ground, while the rite of passage says:

    “Crop bad, trouble, crop failure your slave (again naming the sacrifice). May it be so!"

    Official medical statistics do not take into account the death of patients from damage to death, the symptoms of which resemble acute systemic diseases. When suddenly a young man, full of energy, passes away from life, burning from an aggressive form of cancer or acute heart failure, the first thought that comes to mind is: "Someone has done a fatal damage to him." People most often die prematurely because of a negative program, in which information was laid on the closure of the chakras, damage to the psyche and internal secretion organs, which leads to death. Ordinary people often refuse to believe the symptoms indicating the targeting of fatal damage, try to treat the emerging diseases with the help of traditional medicine and lose this battle for their happy life, despite the fact that the signs of black spoilage can be seen and neutralized.

    What is spoilage?

    Damage to death is one of the most dangerous types of negative programs that are introduced into the human biofield with the help of magical rituals. From the very beginning of civilization, an irrational fear of magical manifestations has been in the human subconscious. Many different stories about supernatural beings living in the Lower Astral and devouring the energy of a spoiled person cause fear of incomprehensible phenomena in people far from esotericism. All incomprehensible incidents associated with devilry and causing negative emotions stimulate the instinct of self-preservation and contribute to the production of adrenaline. Every unexplained incident that has occurred in a person's life forces us to analyze the current situation in search of signs of induced damage to death.

    Black magic has mechanisms with which you can break through any energy protection... To work on the task, one master or a group of magicians can work, who decided to join their efforts in order to prove to themselves and to people what energetic power they have. To induce fatal damage, the following are used:

    • things and objects taken from the world of the dead;
    • binding of a living organism to a deceased person;
    • dolls with organic inclusions of the victim;
    • runic formulas;
    • linings;
    • rituals involving the Lower Powers;
    • zombie;
    • conspiracies of the victim's things.

    The resettlement of a demon from the Lower Astral, pushing a person to commit suicide, refers to the professional work of a black magician. Such a ritual cannot be performed by an elderly woman who has read various recommendations and decided to take revenge on her neighbor.

    As a result of the work of a black magician with spoiled people, fatal accidents, suicides caused by an unexpected clouding of the mind, and terrible accidents occur. The magician who caused the damage must be strong enough and know all the subtleties of the process, because such work is difficult to superimpose. It requires summoning the spirits of death using magical tools, which not everyone is allowed to do with impunity.

    How to determine the presence of fatal corruption

    The evil caused by the Lower Forces is multifaceted, but where there is death that does not come from old age, everywhere one can suspect the negative impact of damage done to death. Black magic always affects the psyche, which leads to inhibition of personality development, degradation and suicide, as the final chord of the destructive program.

    A person who suffers from such vices as greed, deceit, fierce hatred of the people around him, is possessed by demons. Such personal characteristics indicate that he suffered from damage done to death while still in the womb. Negative programs aimed at the fetus strongly affect the formation of the personality. Pathologies of mental development are often observed in children whose mothers tried to get rid of the fetus, but they did not succeed for reasons independent of them.

    Accidental murder in everyday life is often caused by damage done to death. A corrupted person attracts robbers, thieves, hooligans, whose consciousness has long been enslaved by the Lower Powers and is in a changed form.

    Important: A person who has clean, well-pumped energy, who actively believes in God, will always get away from mortal danger, because his inner strength felt at a distance and stops the villains.

    In order not to allow the mechanism of fatal damage to completely destroy the body systems responsible for the vital activity of the body, you need to learn how to diagnose negative programs with the addition of larva according to the primary symptoms.

    Signs of induced damage to death

    It is possible to determine the presence of fatal damage only if a person is used to listening to his intuition, inner voice, and leading healthy image life. Anyone who monitors the state of his body and soul will not be able to ignore the initial attack of an unknown disease that struck the body.

    Negative programs most often cause diseases resulting from damage to the chakras that are responsible for the endocrine system. A person's biochemical processes are disrupted, and he experiences strong torment from this. One of the signs that indicate fatal damage is the lack of a confirmed diagnosis during the onset of acute symptoms of an unknown disease. At the same time, doctors assume several diseases, but gradually exclude them, because the main symptoms do not correspond to the preliminary diagnosis.

    Application traditional schemes cures for such diseases are useless, and a person gradually fades away, until someone guesses to send him for diagnosis and treatment to a proven magician. He diagnoses magical effects and selects a way to remove damage to death. With a strong biofield, which is difficult to immediately strike, which happens in men of reproductive age, insomnia is observed. It is accompanied by periodic lapses in sleep, where a person is haunted by the same type of nightmare.

    One can suspect that they have caused damage done to death by the sudden appearance of suicidal thoughts. If depressive thoughts were previously absent, then their presence can be explained by the negative impact of a subunited entity. Constant failure in everyday life should alert you. These can be signs of the evil eye, which should be distinguished from induced damage to death. The evil eye can be washed off with holy water by washing. He is removed after listening to the mantra, or sounding the sound "Om".

    It is not so easy to get rid of damage to death. With her, a situation arises when everything that has been done before is falling apart, there is a feeling that the created world is crumbling, and the feeling of hopelessness is so deep that thoughts appear that push towards suicide. The loss of a loved one who suddenly broke off the relationship and left without explanation can also indicate damage. If a relationship was dear for a woman and a man, and everything suddenly became bad, it may be the intervention of a negative force, which is trying to lead the person to death by any means.

    Emotional outbursts, usually not inherent in humans, must be analyzed. Under the influence of damage, the psyche always becomes unstable, because disturbed metabolic processes interfere nervous system work with signals correctly. The spoiled person has unexplained outbursts of rage or fear.

    How to confirm or refute doubts

    To understand how correct the suspicions about the existing damage are, you need to carry out a diagnosis. The first way is very simple. With its help, you can find out if mortal damage is aimed at you. For work, you need to take a glass of salted water and extinguish three burnt matches in it. They are thrown into the water and watched: if they drowned, then damage was induced, or there were attempts to negatively interfere in the biofield.

    The second method gives a more complete picture of the state of the energy shell. To obtain information, you will need 1 fresh fertilized egg and a stable glass of salt water. Take a container and fill it two-thirds with salt water, then break the egg there, checking that the yolk is intact. Then sit up straight with your spine straight. The head is held as if it were suspended by the crown of the head to the sky. This posture promotes the most complete circulation of energy throughout the body.

    Place a glass of water and an egg on the crown of your head and sit for three minutes without moving. During this time, the protein must absorb information from the upper chakra, which is blocked by a curse in case of fatal damage. Then the glass is removed from the head and its contents begin to be examined:

    • A clear, transparent white and not broken yolk can be considered an excellent result, as this indicates that no magical effects were performed.
    • The columns in the glass mean manipulations with subtle bodies.
    • Poorly visible vertical bars indicate insignificant magical influences.
    • Volumetric dark pillars indicate a strong negative program.
    • The cobwebs speak of weak magical effects, including the targeting of damage by a weak, inept magician.
    • Bubbles in a protein indicate that the energy field has been manipulated that could lead to illness or business failure.
    • Black dots in the yolk of an egg are a bad sign. It can be assumed that a form of damage to death was used with the use of cemetery paraphernalia, and the ritual was performed by an experienced and strong magician. The action of such corruption is delayed in time, but it can bring to death if left unattended.
    • If the protein forms many filaments and bubbles, then the tested person has several negative programs, following one after another, introduced to increase damage to death. The thicker the threads, the more slander was made.
    • When the squirrel covers the yolk with a dome, it can be assumed that there is a generic curse that blocks the paths of life and interferes with reaching the final goal. With such damage along the cursed line, in men or women, there are always deaths that have occurred for one reason.
    • Green and gray spots in proteins are cause for serious concern. It is necessary to sound the alarm and contact specialists. Damage could be caused by a very powerful dark magician who specializes in curses and the whole mechanism of damage to death is well known to him.

    This diagnostic method allows you to determine the source of damage and its strength, which makes it possible to quickly contact a specialist for qualified help. If you try to remove the damage done to death yourself, you will waste time.

    Removal of damage to death

    There are many rituals for removing spoilage. They differ in methods and methods of application, but real damage with the infusion of essences can be removed only if complex treatment is used. The Lower Forces can be expelled not only with the help of ritual fire, conspiracies, traps, but also with the use of Christian prayers, the sign of the cross and the cross.

    The priests support the townsfolk in the opinion that there is damage to death, and the essences are to blame for this, which are attached to a person who is far from Faith and God's Arbitrariness. Freeing from the negative attachments of corruption to death takes a lot of time and long-term work to purify the aura and return to the protection of the Almighty.

    Rituals for removing heavy damage to death exist in black and white magic, as in all religions. A corrupted person must choose between a black magician, a healer and a church. The Christian religion declares that only within the walls of temples it is possible to completely save a person from demonic obsession. The Holy Fathers believe that a frightened, but not expelled demon will bring with him several more like him, which will worsen the mental state of a person. Then the person affected by the damage develops symptoms of a split personality, strange visions, and the addiction to drugs and alcohol increases.

    White magic rarely helps in eliminating essence. The white magician's job is to normalize energy flows using a variety of methods. Fighting aggressive larvae is beyond him. Success in treatment will be achieved if the healer possesses several well-developed gifts, knows the basics of black and white magic. Then he will be able to solve all the tasks assigned to him.

    Black magicians believe that their experience with evil spirits allows them not only to release evil spirits and catch it on the right person, but also to remove it and drive it back to the Underworld. Dealing with fatal spoilage at home is difficult and dangerous. A person who does not know the intricacies of work can transfer damage to himself and then get sick. When self-cleaning, it is not enough to remove the spoiled aura like a stocking and burn it on fire. It is necessary to break the bindings and shift them to the one who did it. If the master is hiding in the shadows and it is impossible to identify him, then the negative program must be transferred to a dry tree, a black animal, or your enemy. Often mortal corruption with the help of a conspiracy is driven into a swamp, but all this can be done by a knowledgeable person.

    If u energetically strong man who owns the secrets of a black magician, there will be an increased interest in the victim, he will constantly repeat his ritual, increasing the number of negative attachments, making a return of damage. In this case, a person must energetically hide, and he can only do this himself, using special techniques that are used when working with chakras.

    If you find yourself showing symptoms of mortality damage, decide as soon as possible who you need to go to for help. If you use the data on our website contacts for this, then you will receive qualified assistance in getting rid of entities and you will have the best protection against the return of damage.