Portrait of a character Mikula Selyaninovich. Heroes of Slavic mythology: Mikula Selyaninovich

Early in the morning, the early sun gathered Volta to take Dani-Podachi from the cities of the shopping Gurchevtsa yes Orekhovts.

The village of Druzhina in good horses, at Kauryh stupid and went to the road. Well done in the pure field, in a wide detriment and heard in the pahahar field. Plows Pakhacar, pushing, the lemroys on pebbles are removed. As if the Pahohamber is somewhere in the next morning leads. Well done to Param, go day until the evening, and can not worry about it. You can hear how the PAKAR launches, heard how the sump shaves the lemshki, and do not see the pahahar himself and the eye.
Well done the other day before the evening, the whole Pahohar insters, the soshenka creates, the lemshki is removed, and there is no pahahar.

The third day goes in the evening, here only well done before Pahamar rehearse. Plowing Paharus plows, it takes his feet on the mare. The furrow puts how the Rips are deep, out of the ground, the oaks pulls out, the boulders' stones are discarded. Only Kudri Pahar swing, they scattered on his shoulders.
And the Fallet has a pahahar nudder, and Soka has a maple, silk juggles. Moved on him Volga, bowed to the courteous:
- Hello, good person, In the field of harder!
- Health if, Wolga Vslavshevich. Where do you hold the way?
- I'm going to the city of Gurchevts Yes Orechovets, to collect from trading people Dani Podachi.
"Eh, Volga Vseslavvich, in those cities all the robbers live, fight the skin with a poor pahahar, they collect duties for travel on the roads. I went there to buy salt, I purchased the salt three bags, every bag of a hundred pounds, put a gray hat and went home to myself. People surrounded me, trading, began to take from me. What I give more, those they want more. I got angry, he was angry, paid them a silk rull. Well, who stood, he sits, and who was sitting, he lies.
Wolge was surprised, Paharla bowed:
"Ay you, a glorious pahacar, mighty bogatyr, go with me for a friend."
- Well, I will go, Volga Veslavievich, it is necessary for them to give them - other men do not offend.
He took off the Pacquer with the sochs of the gear of the silk, straightening the felon gray, sat down on her with a ride and went to the road.
Specked well done half the way. Says Pakhaar Volga Veslavievich:
"Oh, we did something wrong, I left Karozde. You went the warroduks, so that the sushka from the grooves were pulled out, the land would have been shaken with her, they would have hooked under the Rakilan bush.
I sent Wolga to three warriors.
The tower they and so and the Syak, and they cannot raise the sushka from the ground.
Wolga sent ten Vityaze. They are twenty-hands, they are twenty-hands, and they can not contemplate.
Here I went to Wolga with all my friend. Thirty people without a single shuffled sushka from all sides, they were picked up, he left the knee to the ground, and did not move on the hair and on the hair.
Tears from the Falquet here, the Pacquer himself, took up the tower with one hand, he pulled it out of the ground, out of the lemshkov, the land looked out. Grass lem people cleaned.
The case was done and went warriors on the way, expensive.
Here they arrived under Gurchevets and Orekhovets. And there people are trading cunning: as a pahahar saw, the birch of oak on the bridge over the river Orekhovets.
Slightly squirmed on the bridge, broken oak, became well done in the river sink, began to die squirrel brave, were horses, people to go to the bottom.
Increased Volga with Mikula, they accepted, whipped their good horses, in one tube the river was jumpled. They jumped onto that abrahe and began to celebrate villains.
Pachacar beats, senses:
- Oh, you, greedy trading people! Guys of the city of bread feed, honey will sing, and you are sorry for salt!
Wolga Paletsu sinks for the warriors, for the heroic horses.
Steel people Gurechetsky repent:
- Forgive us for the villain, for tricks. Take from us Dani-Podachi, and let Pahary ride for salt, no one will count with them.
I took Wolga with the Dani-Podachi for twelve years, and went home.
Asks Pahar Wolga Vslavievich:
- You tell me, Russian Bogatyr, what is your name, are dominated by patronymic?
"Go to me, Volga Veslavievich, on my peasant yard, you will find out how people honor me."
We arrived a hero of the field. Pulled the Pacquer Soshenka, scorn with a wide pincer, sowed the golden grain ...
It is still burned, and a pahar field has a cooler with noise.
Dark night goes - Pacquicker Bread crams. In the morning I got excited, I shouted to the noon, namolol flour, pies started. In the evening we called the people on the honors feast. Steel People Pies are, BRAGU Drink Yes Pahar praise:
- Ay thank you, Mikula Selyaninovich!

Report Grade 7.

Mikula Selyaninovich - Character of Russian epic, Bogatyr, legendary Pahohamber. He personifies the peasant power, the strength of the Russian people. Mikula Selyaninovich is found in two eponsions: about Volga and Svyatogore. In the eponym, he is a carrier of a wonderful handbag, in which the garment is lies; In the eponym about Volga, he is a wonderful pahacary, whose squad cannot move from the spot the whole squad of Volga. Mikula Selyaninovich, according to Folklore, there were three daughters: Vasilisa, Marya and Nastasya. The first and last (Wives of Stavra and Dobryni Nikitich) are also central heroines of the epic.

According to one of the epic, he asks the giant of the Sochar, to raise the bag fell on the ground. He does not cope with the task. Then Mikula Selyaninovich raises the bag with one hand, saying that it is "all the earth's whole burden", which is only peaceful, hardworking Param.

It is interesting to trace the emergence of the image of Mikuly Selininovich in the folk mind. The people imagined the Gucching Flood to the sky - lightning dissects the sky as Plow Earth, that is, the labor of the Mikula landpasher compares with the work of a certain divine force. The name of Mikula itself is borrowed from St. Nicholas, but under it is hidden an ancient deity of thunder and lightning. Mikula Selyaninovich (what he appears in the eponym) strongly resembles the German god of Torah, who is also a patron of farmers. The terrible power of Mikuly, a comparison with Svyatogor and other features, which he is endowed, show that the type of it, as well as the type of the Siberiana, was under the influence of the image of some titanic being, the former, probably the personification of the Earth or God - the patron saint of agriculture. This is especially indicated by a handbag with the land of land, which is depicted Mikula and which, obviously, there is nothing but the image of the Earth. But he himself is no longer Earth as an element, but the idea of \u200b\u200ba settled agricultural life in which he prevents its power and meaning.

The interpretation of the image of Mikuly in science is very different. The famous Russian scientist Buslaev, who studied Russian folklore, believed that Mikula was a representative of a settled, agricultural life, and at the heart of his image lies an idea of \u200b\u200bthe titanic being: the Deity of the Earth or agriculture. Another folklorist scholar Ores Miller sees a stormy deity in Mikula and compares him with the Scandinavian God Tor, who is the patron saint of agriculture. Mobile Mikula on Ores Miller - cloud. Another Russian scientist Vladimirov doubts the existence in the image of Mikuly any borrowed features and considers it the poetic idealization of Pakhania, believing that the agricultural myth is based on the Mikule of Mikule, the agricultural myth is about the fact that Pahar labor is the difficulty of the breadwinner, closest to Earth, to natural roots.

In the most famous from the reached before us, "Wolga and Mikula Selyaninovich" Mikula in his luxurious outfit is not a man's pitfall, but rather some Tsarevich or boyar, who have taken to see the housing and playing an agriculture. Having learned from Volga that he was going for the tribute, Mikula says that he himself recently faced men and-Orekhovtsov, when he went for salt, and calls them robbers. In other options, it is very briefly referring to the help rendered by Mikula Volga upon receipt of Dani from the recalcitrant citizens who wanted to destroy the squad of Volga, piling bridges across the Volkhov River. Large results in science reached the study of the household side of the epics, discovered its north-Russian (probably Novgorod) origin. For household traits include: 1) Picture of the northern plowing in the provinces of Novgorod, Pskov, Olonetsk and others, where Pashnyi is sometimes completely littered with boulders, then small, about which are constantly struck by Omeshiki Sokhi, then large, which you have to go about PAKHAN (compare the description of Mikula's plowing Selinianovich); 2) consumption of soy, and not a plow;

3) sow of rye, and not wheat; 4) Riding Mikuly Selinianovich for salt, explained by Novgorod living conditions;

5) a clash of it with nuts sometimes because of the salt: the walnut-ancient name of the current Shliselburg on the Neve, where the Novgorod residents had to buy a susceptible salt;

6) the mention of the Volkhov River in one epine variant; 7) Finally, the Personality of Mikuly Selininovich is known exclusively in the Olonetsky epic repertoire, and there is not a single epics about it recorded in other parts of Russia. The study of the vocabulary of the episodes shows that the option of the folklore product read by us appeared not so long ago, in about the XV century. Scientists learned about this, based on the analysis of such an episode: Mikula buys salt on silver pennies, namely in the XV century, ingenic money went to the place of the old monetary system: the artics, pubis and pennies are Lithuanian.

Questions on the report:

1) Who appears in the epons of Mikula Selyaninovich?

2) What epic stories about Mikule Selinianovich reached us? Retell one of the plots.

3) What images contracted in the folk consciousness the image of Mikula?

4) Why do folkloristic scientists believe that the eponym "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich" appeared in the north of Russia, most likely in Novgorod?

5) When did the version of the epics "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich appeared before us?" Your point of view is explaining.

The legendary Personality of the Russian Pahatary Bogatyr Mikula Selininovich is known from the epic of the Novgorod cycle. The image of the main character is filled with spiritual strength, courage, love for native land.

Historic image of the hero

Mikula Selyaninovich was a pahara, endowed with raw power and, according to the episodes, he was the only one who could raise the "craving". It is embodied collective image Russian peasantry where main role Play hardworking, respect for homeland, durability and unshakable before enemies. The main life value for the People's Boyty is his instrument of labor - soha, and the favorite occupation is Pakht. The witchcraft and power of the princes are blown before the power of the pahacar. Labor valor Mikula Selyaninovich glorifies simple Russian people who are alien to laziness and weakness that work with a scope of dawn to dawn.

The main life value for the People's Boyty is his instrument of labor - soha, and the favorite occupation is Pakht. The witchcraft and power of the princes are blown before the power of the pahacar.

Characteristics of basic qualities

The main qualities of the peasant Mikula Selyaninovich are incredible physical strength, dexterity, love for work, spiritual purity, concern for the land of Russian, tirelessness. Unlike famous images Hearters-defenders, Mikula directs his immense power in a peaceful direction, in fertile soil.

He proudly performs his work and joyfully sings during a pashnya. For a glorious hero. Highly honored every day to handle the land-mother, so it comes to the field in an elegant attire and is always tidy. Mikula is thrifty. Forgetting one day in a furrow hustle, it returns for her, the host worker is going to pass it out.

Hero epic has expressive appearance: dense curls, black eyebrows, clear falcony eyes. For Pahar, it is characterized by a reverent attitude to his mare, he raised her with a foal and cares about her, cares daily. Differs the peasant with hospitality: he and joy at the end of the arable season will gather at home of the guests, proof by peasants own cooking. In the description of the abilities of the worker, the hyperbolicization of the qualities can be noted, these exaggerations once again emphasize the love of the people to Mikule.

Character of Russian epic

Novgorod epics, chanting the image of Russian pahacar, are known to many since childhood. It is "Wolga and Mikula Selyaninovich" and "Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovich".

According to the story of the first epics, Prince Wolga with a friend is sent in Russian cities transmitted to his ownership of Prince Vladimir. Having met in the field with a paham Mikula, admires his strength and power, suggests going with them to resist the split. The peasant agrees. In the end of the episodes, the prince's strength and his squads were opposed, which could not stretch her soup from the furrow, and the heroic power of a simple Mikuly, who had hoody playing. There is an alternative version of the ending, where Mikula, going to the road, becomes a governor in one of the cities, saving the life of Wolge.

In another eponym, the unusual power of Russian worker is compared with the abilities of the giant of the Soch. The epic character of the ancient Russian mythology Svyatogor is many times superior to Mikula in size and power, but it is not able to catch up with a pahaper in the field at work and does not cope with his earthly burden.

Personality epic heroes Mikula Selyaninovich takes a worthy place among the works of Russian folklore and causes pride in contemporaries for the unshakable spirit and the diligence of the Russian peasantry.

The characteristic of Mikulya Selininovich is studied in the framework of the program in the literature in the seventh grade. It is during this period that the guys get acquainted with the epic genome. Read more about this Bogatyr later.


The epics in their content very much resemble a fairy tale. In them we find the fictional event by the event, but it is impossible to say that the main character I never existed. If you think about etymology this word, then we will find a common root with the word "excellent". This means that this character once really hit his strength and power of his contemporaries. Such was Mikula.

But Zsotin in the eponym informs us at all about him: the first, who meets the reader - Prince Wolga. He is strong, wise, has a huge army. Uncle Vladimir gives three cities at his disposal. Now the prince rides with his buddy to check its new ownership. On the way, they meet a pahahar. Wolga really wants to meet him, but three days and three nights they can not get to him. This is so huge that this is visible from afar, but quite difficult to reach. The characteristic of Mikuly Selininovich should include this moment. The people hyperbolizes their hero, deliberately allocating him among ordinary people.

First meeting

Finally, the prince with his army approaches this hero. In surprise it is no limit: Ostay (so in Russia called Pahar) cultivated the Earth. But he has a non-good force: it easily irrespenses the stumps from the trees, and huge stones throws into the furrow. The reader immediately understands that it is not a simple person before him, but heroes. It is given to him with ease, he misses himself under his breath, not feeling fatigue.

It may not surprise Mikula's instrument. He has no ordinary sump, which is plowing the earth. It is decorated with expensive metals: yellow and red gold. Omeles on it are made of bulb, strong and reliable metal. The dip gallez, which helps Param performs land work, with silk lugs, which was at that time a very expensive cloth.

The external characteristic of Mikuly Selininovich from the epics "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich"

Undoubtedly, the prince struck and the robe's robe. The most ordinary plower looks rich. He has chic curls that people compare with pearls. The eyes of the warrior as if falcony. As you know, Falcon is a bird that has excellent vision and strength. The eyebrows Mikula black, as if Soboliy. The reader immediately imagines a serious and strong husband.

Clothes are sewn from expensive fabrics. For example, caftan is made of expensive and luxurious material - black velvet. Not every rich could afford it. But he warmer and cannot be dressed differently. His boots on his heel, which was considered very fashionable and prestigious at the time. The material from which they are made - Safyan. This is a very high quality and expensive thing. External characteristic Mikula Selininovich from epics is very important in the description of the image of this hero. It's not enough for a good and gorgeous: the people represent the heroes ideal in all plans.

Feat the hero

Volga spoke to Oret, told where he holds the way. In response, Mikula tells him about his exploits, warns him from danger. However, we do not observe any boasting. The characteristic of Mikuly Selininovich from the eponym "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich" necessarily contains information that herris does not notice its strength, considering their feats with ordinary affairs.

Ostay told the prince of the story about how he went to the city for shopping. He bought three bags of a hundred pounds of salt. The simple calculation will show us that in the aggregate the mass of its product is more than five tons! Of course, the intake of so-called hyperbolization is used here. The author deliberately exaggerates his ability to reflect the warmer power.

When Mikula is going home, it is suitable for robbers and require money. But the PAKAR does not enter with them in Sklock, he gives them "penny". However, men do not retreat, they ask also. Mikule has to deal with them with the help of fists. It turns out that the bogatyr laid more than a thousand gangsters. This story was impressed by Wolga. He wants to see such a strong husband among his squad.

Power and power

Analysis of the Bogatyr capabilities of Mikulyu continues the characteristics of Mikuly Selininovich. A brief certificate of this Hero gives us an idea of \u200b\u200ball ordinary peasants of that time. It was on them that the Russian land was held.

Pakhar agrees to go with the prince "for the profit." However, he is sorry for his sushka.

The characteristic of Mikulya Selinianinovich with quotes reflects his speech: he leaves his labor tool "not for a pass-pass", and for the usual "village-rusty". These words reflect the attitude of heroes to their peasants brothers.

In order to hide the tower "For Rakita Kush", sending Volga five of its most powerful warriors. But these strong guys can not cope with this task, it is not possible to raise the sushka from the ground. " Then, according to the principle of trolling, Wolga sends his guys twice twice, but even their inconspicuous amount could not do what the Russian peasant is capable of.

Mikulah sushka "took one hand" yes pulled her without difficulty.

Special features

The characteristic of Mikulya Selinianovich will be incomplete, if not to tell about his horse. Like any hero, the horse is the first assistant in labor. As we learn at the very beginning, the mare from our hero "Solovy". This epithet designates its light color. She is the same strong as her master. The author intentionally compares Wolga and Mikula horses. The hero has a horse already "quickly" goes, and the prince barely sleeps behind her. The first one already dispersed yes, "breast" went, the second lags. Volga and here does not cease to be surprised. He estimates the Mikula horse in five hundred rubles, only if it was not a mare, but a horse. What an innocent peasant replies that he himself focused and raised it, and therefore there is no price.

Characteristics of Mikuly Selinianovich reflects this hero as a very good-natured, simple and responsive person. He never praises his feats as if not noticing them.

He promises to treat all the peasants with rye beer of his own preparation, which speaks of his generosity.

In conclusion, Volga is so imbued with a delete and sink of this man, which decides to make it a governor in donated uncle cities. Robbers, born three days ago, jerked and came to Bogatyr with apologies.


We have been presented full characteristic Mikuly Selinianovich. Grade 7, which studies this product according to school Programwill be able to use our advice and describe the own impression that this epic hero produced.

Name:Mikula Selyaninovich (Mikula Selyaninovich)

Country: Rus

Creator: Slavic epics

Activity: Bogatyr, Pakhac

Family status: Married

Mikula Selyaninovich: character history

The famous fabulous characters, whose images seem familiar since childhood have a centuries-old history. Warriors and warriors from legends and legends who told her grandparents, are not just representatives of the traditional folklore, and the characters who personify the spirit and traditions of the Great Russian people. Heroes of the epics are endowed with non-Ravy talents to protect their native land. In the Renice of Mighty Warriors is a place and Mikule Selininovich.

History of creation

Mikula Selyaninovich - Hero, Summary in the episodes called "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich". We have been composed for several centuries, since the legend has undergone changes and passed from the mouth to the mouth in various interpretations. The characteristic of the heroes is accurately transferred in the version folded in the north of the country after decay. Kievan Rus. It is not known how the description of Mikula was composed, but Wolga (Oleg) Svyatoslavovich is a real historical person. Prince accounted for a cousin of the king and grandson.

There is no unity of place, time and action. It involves a description of the fictional events with the participation of fabulous characters, but the etymology of the word indicates that some episodes were actually actually.

The story describes the meeting of two heroes: Prince and Peasant Pahar. The first goes to war, and the second, Bogatyr-Plow, cultivates the Earth. A simple peasant is represented in noble appearance. This is a well-kept man in clean clothing and painted caftane. On Mikule, green boots with a heel and a fluff hat. Such a robe did not fit the usual clothes of the pahar, accustomed to work with the earth and exhausting work. But the statute hero should, according to the traditions of the epics, have a beautiful outfit, and this rule is observed.

The specifics of the epics "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich" lies in artistic techniques. It includes elements of the archaic language and numerous reasons. Through colorful epithets, details of the robes are described, the characteristics of the character of heroes surrounding their life. The images of the peasant and warrior are opposed to each other.

At the same time, the labor of a simple landpash is put above, because the pahahar could call on the defense of the Motherland at any time, and not everyone was given to work on Earth. There is also a version that the tendments are opposed to images of two deities, patrons of agriculture and hunting.

The motive of the praise of labor by Parames is brightly described in the episode, when Prince Wolga orders the squad to take up the sushka. Warriors can not master it, and Mikula Selyaninovich copes with the task at time.

Bogatyr, capable of bypassing a squad, is a real defender of the Earth Russian and its cultivator. Welcome writers are kindly good, with caresses respond about the hero. It is noteworthy that during the story of the hedge, they are not called anything otherwise. And only in the final, the name of Mikula is revealed. The hero tells about their achievements, not be bought.

Biography and plot

In the eponym of the Mikule Selyaninovich, two characters were the main actors: he himself and Prince Wolga. The first meeting occurs when, on the Testament of Vladimir Monomakh, Oleg moves three degrees. The prince is heading for the examination of possessions. On the path of the squad, there is a state bogatyr, which is seen from afar, but getting to a curious character is obtained only after three days and three nights. The hyperbole of this kind shows the folk admiration to the rich.

Mikula - PAKAR. It will easily cultivate the earth, irradiating stumps and stones with a wooden dear, decorated with precious stones. Mobile Mikula is hunted with silk lugs, and the Outfit itself is not like a simple peasant dress. It becomes clear that in front of the reader, the hero, for which a diligent plow is entertainment.

Mikula Selyaninovich is presented in the image of the hero, revered in Russia more than anyone. The holidays related to the land were dedicated to the holidays, traditions and legends were conjugate. Mikula - folk heroHis prototype was considered the patron of the peasantry.

This image was the personification of the Russian landpash. Therefore, the creators of the epics do not mention the name of the father of the hero: Selyaninovich combines the word "village", which means that the parent was a simple Russian people.

Mikula is the owner of a priest character and a good soul, a generous and hospitable person. Without it, the princely warriors are not able to even pull out a lightweight tower, which means that the royal power is based on the power of the pahacary. Rus stands on a simple rustic man who feeds the people and protects their homeland from the attack.

Bogatiry force does not make a mikule Box. The hero is modest and calm, does not climb on the Rogger and simply communicates with the prince. Unconfluous character - everywhere your own. He pleases others knows how to work and relax for glory.

Orthodox Russia is famous for humility and forgiveness, but always able to defend his honor and protect the neighbor. In the episode of the attacks of robbers, requiring pennies, it is clear that the righteous Mikula is ready to endure and exercise loyalty to the last. Coming out of himself, he will be able to enjoy the rivals by force. Biography of Bogatyurians is rarely described in detail. Often it is unclear who was the hero before he woke up in him the Bogatiry force. Sometimes it is unknown even where he was born. But the main features that the characters became famous were transferred to the details of the mouth to the mouth, believing the national heritage, and supported the spirit of the Russian people in need of defenders.

Bogatiry force is among the favorite scenes of the visual art. Pictures written in the same manner, narrated the exploits and travel of Russian heroes. Among the fans of Russian folklore were painters and Ryabushkin.