How to take Xenical for weight loss. Xenical is a medicine that has earned the best reviews of losing weight

Weight correction is a difficult and lengthy process. Some people are forced to control body weight throughout their lives.

To lose weight, you need to change your diet and lifestyle. If this is not enough, diet pills are required.

Unhealthy diet, overeating, lack of physical activity, metabolic disorders, hereditary predisposition, chronic stress and fatigue lead to the accumulation of extra pounds.

Slimming drug Xenical blocks the absorption of fats in the body. As a result, there is an expenditure of one's own fatty tissue, the weight gradually decreases.


Xenical is produced by two large pharmaceutical companies ROCHE in Switzerland and Italy.

The release form of the drug is a bluish hard capsule of 120 mg of the active substance each.

Marking is in English XENICAL(Xenical), packing in blisters of 21 pieces, there can be 1-4 blisters in a package.

The main active ingredient of Xenical is orlistat , an inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases.

When taking this medicine, the human body does not produce specific food enzymes that decompose fats. As a result, triglycerides contained in food do not enter the bloodstream and are not stored in reserve, but are excreted directly with feces.

There is a lack of energy, which leads to the consumption of the body's own fat reserves. The concomitant positive effect is manifested in lowering blood cholesterol, normalizing insulin levels.

Experts compare the mechanism of action of Xenical with the effect of fat-free low-calorie diets.

Excipients are binders that provide the shape and stability of the granules, fillers and disintegrants that contribute to better dissolution of the drug in the stomach. As a dye, finely dispersed titanium dioxide and indigo carmine are used.

There are food preservatives - gelatin, starch, talc, natural dietary fiber in the form of microcrystalline cellulose.

The drug is not absorbed into the blood, so it does not have any effect on the internal organs, it is not addictive.


Xenical was developed with the aim of reducing weight and maintaining weight loss results in overweight people.

In Europe, this drug is sold in pharmacies Requires a doctor's prescription .

It is possible to buy Xenical without a prescription in Russia, but it is better to contact a specialist who will sensibly assess the figure, health status, help draw up a nutrition plan and exercise schedule, and prescribe pills if necessary.

How much Xenical costs depends on the location of the pharmacy, pricing policy, supplies. The average drug price is from 1000 to 2000 rubles . You can buy it.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of Xenical is overweight, if it is more than 30 kg.

The presented medicine is used in the treatment of diseases in which obesity is a common symptom.

Xenical is prescribed for diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders.

Medical assistance in losing weight becomes necessary when the deposition of fat occurs on the internal organs, secretory glands. Most often, this is evidenced by a large, hanging down belly.

Instructions for use

For proper and long-term weight loss, experts recommend switching to a healthy and balanced diet, giving up bad habits, and playing sports.

At the same time, Xenical will help move the weight off the ground, teach the body to get energy from the right foods, adjust the calorie content of the diet.

An important rule is the intake of a sufficient volume liquids .

Water is necessary for Xenical to work efficiently and quickly in the body. It prevents dehydration, suppresses appetite, promotes cleansing.

The manufacturer warns that dose increase the drug does not affect its effectiveness.

How to take Xenical:

  • a single dose is equal to 1 capsule-tablet of the drug;
  • reception is carried out during meals, or after, no later than an hour later;
  • per day, it is permissible to use from 1 to 3 capsules, at each meal;
  • if the amount of fat in the diet is reduced, then the dose may be minimal;
  • the medicine is drunk for a three-month course.

The instructions for the drug contain information that Xenical, along with fats removes fat-soluble vitamins from the body necessary to maintain health, maintain normal life.

On the advice of experts and, given this fact, together with Xenical should take a multivitamin complex.

It is desirable that beta-carotene, vitamins A, E and D, group K be present in the vitamin complex.

Reviews of losing weight

Natalia, 42 years old, Vladivostok city:

Being overweight has been my biggest problem since childhood. In my life, I have tried everything - diets, from simple to extreme, fasting, special clothes that promote weight loss, weight loss earrings, pills, hypnosis.

I bought Xenical on the advice of a nutritionist friend. The weight came off slowly but steadily. I liked the drug, I lost 9 kg in 3 months.

Of the side effects were loose stools, increased gas formation. Now I will take Xenical to maintain weight.

Zhanna, 34 years old, Voronezh:

Recovered after pregnancy and breastfeeding. I hardly ate anything, and the weight stood still. Met a friend, was surprised at how beautiful she looks. She said that Xenical helps her lose weight.

Decided to try it too. The result on the scales is minus 4 kg in 3 weeks. It's just great! I'm losing weight further, because I have 16 kg extra. Together with the medicine, I switched to proper nutrition, I run in the morning, I almost completely excluded sweets and alcohol.

Irina, 28 years old, St. Petersburg:

I have congenital diabetes mellitus, by heredity there is a predisposition to be overweight.

I heard about Xenical from Malysheva's program on Channel One. I bought it in a pharmacy, I started taking it. The weight began to decrease gradually, I noticed that the intestines worked better, the effect of the pills is obvious. In one week, she lost 2 kg, cheered up.

Now my result is minus 14 kg in 2 months. I am satisfied with the medicine and myself. Xenical really helps to lose weight.

For weight loss, there are many drugs of natural and synthetic origin. Xenical has gained wide popularity among the most effective remedies, which acts on digestive enzymes, and thereby prevents the deposition of fat and the development of cellulite on the legs and hips. For those who are just going to use this medicine to reduce weight, let's take a closer look at its effect, indications and contraindications. And also let's get acquainted with what the reviews about Xenical for weight loss say.

The active ingredient in this drug is orlistat. The release form is turquoise gelatin capsules, each of which contains 120 mg of an active agent that blocks the activity of lipase. This enzyme is secreted by the pancreas and stomach, performing the function of splitting and assimilating fats in the body.

In order to understand whether it is possible to lose weight on Xenical, you should understand the principle of its action. When ingested, it exits into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and combines with the active part of the lipase enzyme. As a result, all the fats that come with food are not absorbed. Orlistat does not enter the bloodstream, so it does not have a systemic effect on the body. Begins to function after 1-2 days after administration and stops 72 hours after cancellation. It is excreted with feces by 80% unchanged.

Indications for the use of Xenical is a significant weight gain with a high risk of complications. The tool is also used together with hypoglycemic drugs for type 2 diabetes and obesity.


Weight loss with Xenical is not indicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug or additional components in its composition;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • chronic malabsorption syndrome;
  • dysfunction of the biliary tract with cholestasis.

Important! The drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the lack of an experimental base with evidence of its safety and the possibility of penetration through the placenta and breast milk.

How to apply for weight loss

In the case when Xenical is used as a medicine for weight loss, it should be borne in mind that it is not suitable as a drug that allows you to immediately lose 3-4 kg per week. It is recommended for severe obesity for long-term use and the availability of time. This result is more physiological and will not lead the body to stress due to a sharp decrease in nutrient intake.

Many are interested in whether Xenical helps to lose weight, because reviews about it are often contradictory. But negative comments are written mainly by those who did not use it correctly. To obtain the result, the agent is taken orally one capsule with food or no later than 60 minutes after a meal. If for some reason the meal is canceled, then the drug is not recommended to drink, it is skipped even if the dishes do not contain fat. Xenical should be taken for a long time, the course of treatment ranges from 3 months to several years, only in this case the result will become noticeable.

Side effects

Xenical diet pills have positive reviews, but many note that there are a number of side effects of the drug:

  1. The stool changes its composition and consistency. It becomes liquid, there is swelling and discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Increases peristalsis. Usually after a couple of months from the start of taking such symptoms completely disappear. Doctors recommend reducing the amount of fat in the diet, then it will be possible to avoid negative phenomena from the digestive organs.
  2. Headache. It develops as a result of the restructuring of the body to a new mode of assimilation of food, it does not pose a danger and completely disappears over time.
  3. Sometimes allergic reactions are observed - rash, itchy skin. In this case, you should immediately stop using and take an antihistamine.

Other undesirable symptoms (colds, back pain) did not find evidence. Since the Xenical slimming agent should be taken for a long time, the likelihood of hypothermia during this period increases. And discomfort in the spine can be explained by an increase in physical activity of a person who wants to lose weight.

Xenical is a potent, specific and reversible inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases with a long lasting effect. Its therapeutic effect is carried out in the lumen of the stomach and small intestine and consists in the formation of a covalent bond with the active serine site of gastric and pancreatic lipases. The inactivated enzyme loses its ability to break down dietary fats in the form of triglycerides into absorbable free fatty acids and monoglycerides. Because undigested triglycerides are not absorbed, the resulting decrease in calorie intake leads to weight loss. Thus, the therapeutic effect of the drug is carried out without absorption into the systemic circulation.

Judging by the results of fat content in the feces, the effect of orlistat begins 24-48 hours after ingestion. After discontinuation of the drug, the fat content in the feces after 48-72 hours usually returns to the level that occurred before the start of therapy.


Patients with obesity

In clinical studies, patients taking orlistat experienced greater weight loss compared to patients on diet therapy. Weight loss began already within the first 2 weeks after the start of treatment and lasted from 6 to 12 months, even in patients with a negative response to diet therapy. Over the course of 2 years, there was a statistically significant improvement in the profile of metabolic risk factors associated with obesity. In addition, compared with placebo, there was a significant reduction in body fat. Orlistat is effective in preventing re-gain of body weight. Re-gaining of body weight, no more than 25% of the lost, was observed in about half of the patients, and in half of these patients, re-gaining of body weight was not observed or even its further decrease was noted.

Patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes
In clinical studies lasting from 6 months to 1 year, patients with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus taking orlistat experienced greater weight loss compared to patients treated with diet therapy alone. Weight loss occurred mainly due to a decrease in the amount of fat in the body. It should be noted that before the start of the study, despite the use of hypoglycemic agents, patients often had insufficient glycemic control. However, with orlistat therapy, a statistically and clinically significant improvement in glycemic control was observed. In addition, against the background of orlistat therapy, a decrease in doses of hypoglycemic agents, insulin concentrations, and a decrease in insulin resistance were observed.

Reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in obese patients

In a 4-year clinical study, orlistat was shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (by approximately 37% compared with placebo). The rate of risk reduction was even greater in patients with baseline glucose intolerance (approximately 45%). The orlistat group experienced more significant weight loss compared to the placebo group. Maintenance of body weight at a new level was observed throughout the entire study period. Moreover, compared with placebo, patients treated with orlistat showed a significant improvement in their metabolic risk factor profile.

Pubertal obesity

In a clinical study lasting 1 year in obese adolescents, when taking orlistat, a decrease in body mass index was observed compared with a placebo group, where there was even an increase in body mass index. In addition, patients in the orlistat group showed a decrease in fat mass, as well as waist and hip circumference, compared with the placebo group. Also, in patients treated with orlistat therapy, there was a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure compared with the placebo group.

Preclinical safety data

According to preclinical data, no additional risks for patients regarding the safety profile, toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity have been identified. Animal studies have also shown no teratogenic effect. Due to the absence of a teratogenic effect in animals, it is unlikely to be detected in humans.



In volunteers with normal body weight and obesity, systemic exposure to the drug is minimal. After a single oral dose of the drug at a dose of 360 mg, unchanged orlistat in plasma could not be determined, which means that its concentrations are below the level of 5 ng / ml.

In general, after taking therapeutic doses, it was possible to detect unchanged orlistat in plasma only in rare cases, while its concentrations were extremely low (<10 нг/мл или 0.02 мкмоль). Признаки кумуляции отсутствовали, что подтверждает, что всасывание препарата минимально.


V d cannot be determined, since the drug is very poorly absorbed. In vitro, orlistat is more than 99% bound to plasma proteins (mainly lipoproteins and albumin). In minimal amounts, orlistat can penetrate red blood cells.


Judging by the data obtained in the experiment on animals, the metabolism of orlistat is carried out mainly in the intestinal wall. In a study in obese individuals, it was found that approximately 42% of the minimum fraction of the drug that undergoes systemic absorption falls on two main metabolites - M1 (four-membered hydrolyzed lactone ring) and M3 (M1 with a cleaved N-formilleucine residue).

Molecules M1 and M3 have an open b-lactone ring and inhibit lipase extremely weakly (respectively, 1000 and 2500 times weaker than orlistat). Given this low inhibitory activity and low plasma concentrations (average 26 ng/mL and 108 ng/mL, respectively) after therapeutic doses, these metabolites are considered to be pharmacologically inactive.


Studies in individuals with normal and overweight have shown that the main route of elimination is the excretion of unabsorbed drug with feces. Approximately 97% of the administered dose was excreted in the faeces, with 83% being excreted as unchanged orlistat.

The cumulative renal excretion of all substances structurally related to orlistat is less than 2% of the administered dose. The time to complete elimination of the drug from the body (with feces and urine) is 3-5 days. The ratio of orlistat excretion pathways in volunteers with normal and overweight was the same. Both orlistat and the metabolites M1 and M3 may be excreted in the bile.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical groups

Plasma concentrations of orlistat and its metabolites (M1 and M3) in children do not differ from those in adults when comparing the same doses of the drug. The daily excretion of fat in the feces was 27% of the intake with food with orlistat therapy and 7% with placebo.

Release form

Hard gelatin capsules, No. 1, turquoise, opaque; on the body there is an inscription in black "XENICAL 120", on the cap - "ROCHE"; the contents of the capsules are white or almost white pellets.

Excipients: talc - 0.24 mg.

* The composition of the pellets: microcrystalline cellulose - 93.6 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch (primogel) - 7.2 mg, povidone K-30 - 12 mg, sodium lauryl sulfate - 7.2 mg.
The composition of the capsule shell: gelatin, indigo carmine, titanium dioxide.

21 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
21 pcs. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.
21 pcs. - blisters (4) - packs of cardboard.


Long-term therapy in obese or overweight patients, including those with obesity-associated risk factors, in combination with a moderately hypocaloric diet in adults and children over 12 years of age, the recommended dose of orlistat is one 120 mg capsule with each main meal (during meal time or no later than one hour after the meal).

In combination with hypoglycemic drugs (metformin, sulfonylurea derivatives and / or insulin) or a moderately hypocaloric diet in overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: in adults, the recommended dose of orlistat is one 120 mg capsule with each main meal (during meal time or no later than one hour after the meal).

If a meal is skipped or if the food does not contain fat, then Xenical can also be skipped.

The drug should be taken in combination with a balanced, moderately low-calorie diet containing no more than 30% of calories in the form of fat. The daily intake of fats, carbohydrates and proteins must be divided into three main meals.

The efficacy and safety of Xenical in patients with impaired liver and / or kidney function, as well as in elderly and pediatric patients (under 12 years of age) have not been studied.


In clinical studies in people with normal body weight and obese patients, single doses of 800 mg or multiple doses of 400 mg 3 times / day for 15 days were not accompanied by the appearance of significant adverse events. In addition, obese patients have experience with the use of orlistat 240 mg 3 times / day for 6 months, which was not accompanied by a significant increase in the frequency of adverse events.

In cases of overdose of the drug Xenical, either no adverse events were reported, or adverse events did not differ from those observed when taking the drug at therapeutic doses.

In the event of a severe overdose of Xenical, it is recommended to observe the patient for 24 hours. Based on human and animal studies, any systemic effects that could be associated with the lipase-inhibiting properties of orlistat should be rapidly reversible.


No interactions with amitriptyline, atorvastatin, biguanides, digoxin, fibrates, fluoxetine, losartan, phenytoin, oral contraceptives, phentermine, pravastatin, warfarin, nifedipine GITS (Gastrointestinal Therapeutic System) and slow-release nifedipine, sibutramine or alcohol (based on drug interaction studies). However, it is necessary to monitor the INR indicators during concomitant therapy with warfarin or other oral anticoagulants.

When taken simultaneously with Xenical, there was a decrease in the absorption of vitamins D, E and betacarotene. If multivitamins are recommended, they should be taken at least 2 hours after taking Xenical or at bedtime.

With the simultaneous administration of Xenical and cyclosporine, a decrease in plasma concentrations of cyclosporine was noted, therefore, more frequent determination of plasma cyclosporine concentrations is recommended while taking cyclosporine and Xenical.

With oral administration of amiodarone during therapy with Xenical, a decrease in the systemic exposure of amiodarone and deethylamiodarone (by 25-30%) was noted, however, due to the complex pharmacokinetics of amiodarone, the clinical significance of this phenomenon is not clear. The addition of Xenical to long-term amiodarone therapy may reduce the therapeutic effect of amiodarone (no studies have been conducted).

Simultaneous administration of Xenical and acarbose should be avoided due to the lack of data from pharmacokinetic studies.

With the simultaneous administration of orlistat and antiepileptic drugs, cases of seizures have been observed. A causal relationship between the development of seizures and orlistat therapy has not been established. However, patients should be monitored for possible changes in the frequency and/or severity of seizures.

Side effects

Clinical Study Data

The following categories are used to describe the frequency of adverse reactions: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100,<1/10), нечасто (≥1/1000, <1/100), редко (≥1/10000, <1/1000) и очень редко (<1/10000), включая отдельные случаи.

Adverse reactions to orlistat arose mainly from the gastrointestinal tract and were due to the pharmacological action of the drug, which prevents the absorption of dietary fats. Very often there were such phenomena as oily discharge from the rectum, gas with some discharge, imperative urge to defecate, steatorrhea, increased defecation, loose stools, flatulence, pain or discomfort in the abdomen.

Their frequency increases with increasing fat content in the diet. Patients should be informed about the possibility of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract and taught how to eliminate them by better dietary compliance, especially in relation to the amount of fat contained in it. The use of a low-fat diet reduces the likelihood of gastrointestinal side effects and thus helps patients control and regulate their fat intake.

As a rule, these side reactions are mild and transient. They occurred in the early stages of treatment (in the first 3 months), and most patients had no more than one episode of such reactions.

When treated with Xenical, the following undesirable effects from the gastrointestinal tract often occur: “soft” stools, pain or discomfort in the rectum, fecal incontinence, bloating, damage to the teeth, damage to the gums.

It was also noted very often: headaches, infections of the upper respiratory tract, influenza; often: lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, dysmenorrhea, anxiety, weakness.

In patients with type 2 diabetes, the nature and frequency of adverse events were comparable to those in people without diabetes with overweight and obesity. The only new side effects in patients with type 2 diabetes were hypoglycemic conditions, which occurred with a frequency of > 2% and an incidence of ≥ 1% compared with placebo (which could result from improved carbohydrate metabolism compensation), and often - bloating.

In the 4-year clinical study, the overall safety profile did not differ from that obtained in the 1- and 2-year studies. At the same time, the overall incidence of adverse events from the gastrointestinal tract decreased annually over a 4-year period of taking the drug.

Post-marketing surveillance

Rare cases of allergic reactions are described, the main clinical symptoms of which were itching, rash, urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm and anaphylaxis.

Very rare cases of bullous rash, increased activity of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase, as well as individual, possibly serious, cases of hepatitis have been described (a causal relationship with taking Xenical ® or pathophysiological mechanisms of development have not been established).

With the simultaneous appointment of the drug Xenicali anticoagulants, there have been cases of a decrease in prothrombin, an increase in the values ​​of the international normalized ratio (INR) and unbalanced anticoagulant therapy, which led to a change in hemostatic parameters.

Cases of rectal bleeding, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, and oxalate nephropathy have been reported (frequency unknown).

With the simultaneous administration of orlistat and antiepileptic drugs, there have been cases of seizures (see section "Interaction with other drugs").


  • long-term therapy of obese patients or overweight patients, incl. having obesity-associated risk factors, in combination with a moderately low-calorie diet;
  • in combination with hypoglycemic drugs (metformin, sulfonylurea derivatives and / or insulin) or a moderately hypocaloric diet in overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


  • chronic malabsorption syndrome;
  • cholestasis;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug or any other components contained in the capsule.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In studies of reproductive toxicity in animals, the teratogenic and embryotoxic effect of the drug was not observed. In the absence of a teratogenic effect in animals, a similar effect in humans should not be expected. However, due to the lack of clinical data, Xenical should not be given to pregnant women.

The excretion of orlistat in breast milk has not been studied, so it should not be taken during breastfeeding.

special instructions

Xenical is effective in terms of long-term weight control (weight loss and maintenance at a new level, prevention of re-gain of body weight). Treatment with Xenical leads to an improvement in the profile of risk factors and diseases associated with obesity, including hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, impaired glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia, arterial hypertension, and to a decrease in visceral fat.

When used in combination with hypoglycemic drugs such as metformin, sulfonylurea derivatives and / or insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are overweight (body mass index (BMI) ≥28 kg / m 2) or obese (BMI ≥30 kg / m 2), Xenical in combination with a moderately hypocaloric diet provides an additional improvement in the compensation of carbohydrate metabolism.

In clinical studies, in most patients, the concentrations of vitamins A, D, E, K and betacarotene during four years of orlistat therapy remained within the normal range. A multivitamin may be prescribed to ensure adequate intake of all nutrients.

The patient should receive a balanced, moderately low-calorie diet containing no more than 30% of calories in the form of fat. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is recommended. The daily intake of fats, carbohydrates and proteins must be divided into three main meals.

The likelihood of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract may increase if Xenical is taken on the background of a diet rich in fats (for example, 2000 kcal / day, of which more than 30% are in the form of fat, which equals approximately 67 g of fat). Daily fat intake should be divided into three main meals. If Xenical is taken with a meal that is very rich in fat, the likelihood of gastrointestinal reactions is increased.

In patients with type 2 diabetes, weight loss during treatment with Xenical is accompanied by an improvement in carbohydrate metabolism compensation, which may allow or require a dose reduction of hypoglycemic drugs (for example, sulfonylurea derivatives).

Registration of a pharmaceutical product as a drug allows you to be sure that it has passed clinical trials. In turn, this means that the drug has been tested by the experience of several thousand people, contraindications to its use and possible risks associated with its use have been fully investigated.

Multilevel tests of "Xenical" confirmed that this tool can be used for weight loss as one of the most effective. In favor of its use is the characteristic of complete safety - "Xenical" does not have a systemic effect.


The main indication for the use of the drug "Xenical" is obesity. Doctors clarify this point a little - obesity is the weight at which the body mass index exceeds 30. It is acceptable to use Xenical for body shaping when overweight. With it, the body mass index exceeds 25.

Doctors cannot forbid everyone to use the drug, but they say that taking Xenical to get rid of several kilograms of fat is inappropriate. Still, the remedy belongs to drugs and was created for the treatment of patients of a special group. Privately, "Xenical" can be prescribed as part of the complex treatment of the following diseases.

  • Type 2 diabetes. In diabetes, disorders of the body's cells' tolerance to glucose are noted. In some cases, normalization of weight contributes to the stabilization of tolerance, which reduces the need for taking lipid-lowering drugs.
  • Hypertension. Hypertension always "walks alongside" obesity, acting as its negative consequence.
  • atherosclerosis. The use of "Xenical" in atherosclerosis helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of treatment and prevents serious changes in the vascular walls.
  • With hormonal disorders. Doctors prescribe "Xenical" to overweight women when planning a pregnancy, when infertility is provoked by hormonal disruptions or there is a risk of being unable to bear a child due to obesity. For example, after multiple miscarriages in a full lady.

All the mentioned indications are listed for reference, and the use of the drug in similar situations necessarily requires agreement with the attending physician.

How the drug works

The active substance of the drug "Xenical" - orlistat, is a white crystalline powder, enclosed in a blue gelatin capsule. The dosage of one capsule is 120 mg. The chemical belongs to the group of lipid-lowering agents. "Xenical" has a number of pharmacological actions on the body that contribute to weight loss, namely:

  • prevents the accumulation of new deposits;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • provides normalization of cell sensitivity to glucose;
  • reduces the internal secretion of insulin.

All these pharmacological effects are based on a single principle of action of Xenical. The drug begins to work actively in the lumen of the small intestine, inactivating the enzyme lipase of gastric and pancreatic juices. Due to this, there is no splitting of large fat molecules to monoglycerides and fatty acids, which means that fat from food is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, passing through it as a “transit”. Other actions of the drug come from this.

  • Influence on cholesterol. Without fat, low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) cannot be absorbed from food, which leads to a decrease in their levels in the blood.
  • Influence on insulin. A decrease in the concentration of lipids causes the normalization of cell tolerance to sugar. This leads to the full absorption of glucose by them, which means that the body requires less insulin to process sugars.
  • Effect on fat. A chronic calorie deficit when taking Xenical causes the body to use body fat.
  • Influence on weight maintenance. When taking the drug, the patient gets used to eating less fatty foods, which ensures weight stability after the end of the course of treatment.

You can fully describe the effect of the drug as follows: taking Xenical requires reducing the amount of fat in the diet. Otherwise, you will have to face side effects in the form of leakage of fat from the anus (steatorrhea) and frequent stools. This forms healthy eating habits in the patient.

From the food that a person consumes as part of a diet, 30% of fats are not absorbed at all, leaving the intestine unchanged. This creates a permanent deficit of calories, the number of which the diet has already reduced. The use of "Xenical" for weight loss gives a result - a person loses about 10% of body weight, without suffering from radical food bans, comprehensively improving the body, smoothly switching to a healthier diet.

About security

The drug "Xenical" is considered the safest of the existing weight loss products on the market. The reason for this is the local action of the remedy, exclusively in the intestinal lumen. The absence of a systemic effect significantly narrows the list of side effects and contraindications for use, which cannot be said about herbal preparations. Contraindications include:

  • obvious violations of the function of absorption of the intestine;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 18 years.

The harm that accompanies the use of the drug is malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, K. Therefore, for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, doctors recommend using special preparations for the duration of treatment with the drug, as additional sources of the listed nutrients.

An additional advantage of the drug "Xenical" is the absence of the risk of overdose and the negative impact of the use of high doses of the drug. Clinical trials using high doses have confirmed the invariability of the effect of losing weight compared to standard therapeutic dosages. This indicates that there is no point in taking more capsules in order to enhance or accelerate weight loss.

The remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation due to the risk of vitamin deficiency, which can adversely affect the condition of the mother and child. Complete elimination of Xenical from the body occurs within three days, which indicates the possibility of using the drug when planning conception.

Instructions for use "Xenical" for weight loss

To achieve a noticeable effect of losing weight, it is important to take Xenical for weight loss correctly. Comprehensive information is provided by the doctor, however, some patients misunderstand it. Typical errors in treatment are as follows.

  • Reception time violation. Xenical should be taken with food. If for some reason this could not be done, it is necessary to swallow the capsule within an hour after eating. This approach will ensure uniform distribution of the active substance in the food bolus, as well as effective blocking of lipase. If you take the drug before meals, the composition of the capsule will simply enter the large intestine prematurely and will be excreted from the body without having any effect.
  • Frequency of use. Capsules are taken one to three times a day. The Xenical regimen is flexible and depends on what and when the patient eats. Doctors recommend taking the remedy with every meal if the dish can be classified as fatty. For example, after breakfast of porridge without oil and coffee, there is no need to drink Xenical. If the morning meal consists of a sandwich with butter and cheese, one capsule is required.
  • Diet violation. The effectiveness of Xenical treatment depends on a balanced diet. If the patient does not reduce the concentration of fats in it, one should not expect amazing effects. The drug neutralizes only 30% of fat, the rest will be absorbed for physiological reasons.
  • Early termination of the course. Most obese patients expect immediate results. Not noticing it after a couple of weeks, they stop taking the drug. However, the minimum course of treatment is two months, and the maximum is six months. The effectiveness of losing weight directly depends on compliance with the duration of the course. Doctors recommend continuously drinking Xenical for three months.

A frequently asked question in patients is the compatibility of Xenical with alcohol. Orlistat does not react with alcohols, therefore it does not interact with alcohol in any way. Moderate use of it will not affect the result of losing weight with the drug.

The drug is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. Anyone can buy it, however, nutritionists strongly recommend using weight loss medications only as directed by a doctor, with strict adherence to his instructions.

Are the side effects so bad?

All side effects of "Xenical" are due to a change in the contents of the intestine, namely, the inclusion of pure fat in the feces. This may cause:

  • pain in the abdominal region;
  • uncontrolled discharge from the intestines;
  • flatulence;
  • increased stool;
  • liquid stools;
  • oily faeces.

Doctors focus the attention of patients on the fact that Xenical for weight loss will not cause such troubles, if you strictly follow the nutrition instructions. Eating excessively fatty foods will provoke not only steatorrhea, but also involuntary defecation, since fatty secretions will simply drain down the intestinal walls.

Violation of absorption of vitamins is a serious side effect that can be corrected. You can use vitamin supplements a couple of hours after the weight loss product. Taking vitamins is mandatory for women during menopause, since for them the sufficient presence of each nutrient in the body is especially important.


The drug "Xenical" has analogues:

  • "Orlip";
  • "Xenistat";
  • "Xenalten";
  • Orlimax.

Their reception requires compliance with the same conditions and recommendations, accompanied by similar side effects. Xenical is an original Swiss-made drug with the widest evidence base that has passed the necessary tests.

Currently, one of the most effective and simple ways to lose weight is the use of additional products and dietary supplements that have a direct effect on the breakdown of fat or dull the feeling of hunger. One of the popular remedies is pills. Xenical for weight loss and the acquisition of a toned figure. This tool has been popular since the late 90s. During this time, the composition of the product has undergone changes more than once, improving the composition and features of its action.

Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores, you can find Xenical capsules with an updated formula that have a complex effect on weight loss. According to the indication for the remedy, its main action is to act on an enzyme called lipase, which is responsible for the production and breakdown of fat cells in the body. Thus, a course of taking the drug can help to effectively get rid of body fat, and repeated intake of pills will help prevent the re-formation of fat and keep your figure in shape. Before taking Xenical, it is necessary to carefully study its composition and features, action, contraindications to taking the drug, which you can read below.

A weight loss drug called Xenical® is a popular tool for fast and effective weight loss in today's market. The product is available in convenient capsules, 42 pieces in one package. The capsules are developed by Swiss specialists in the field of nutrition and medicine and are indicated for use by people who are overweight or obese. The action of the drug is to block the activity of the production of lipase - a natural enzyme in the human body, which is responsible for the breakdown of fats and the growth of fat cells. However, in order for the capsules to give the proper result, body weight must be at least 20-25% higher than normal.

Important! Despite the active effect on the process of splitting fats, Xenical can help to lose weight exclusively for overweight people with excess weight of 5-10 kg. If you have a couple of extra pounds, but with a thin physique and normal weight indicators, the effect of the drug may be imperceptible.

It is worth noting that, like most dietary supplements, Xenical capsules have a diuretic and laxative effect and can help cleanse the body, bring weight back to normal for people whose weight has become in one position and has not been reduced for a long time.

The composition of the drug

The manufacturer of Xenical® capsules positions this agent as a harmless drug. The main active substance in the composition of the tablets is orlistat and iobitridol, due to which the effect on adipose tissue is carried out. Orlistat can be contained in capsules in different quantities, which will affect its action. Today on sale you can find a drug with 100 and 120 mg of the composition of the active substance in capsules. When buying a drug in the form of tablets or pellets, this number can be increased to 240 mg.

The composition of the drug also includes other active ingredients:

  • povidone K-30;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • talc;
  • cellulose;
  • indigo carmine.

To create the shell of the capsules, gelatin, talc and titanium dioxide were used, which quickly dissolve in the stomach. According to the instructions, the Xenical medicine is taken whole, washed down with a tablet with a small amount of water.

Mechanism of action

According to the instructions of the drug, Xenical is indicated for various forms of obesity, for normalizing weight, as well as for patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, for normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system in the presence of problems.

As for weight loss, taking Xenical can have a complex effect on the human body:

  • prevent the deposition of fat;
  • reduces the number of calories by pre-processing them;
  • reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • interfere with the absorption of fats received by the body;
  • promote the removal of fecal deposits;
  • have a diuretic effect.

For weight loss, Xenical capsules must be taken in courses, alternating reception with rest. Since the action of the tablets is directed directly to the work of the digestive system and the processes of accumulation, removal of fat in the body, it does not enter directly into the blood.

Therefore, taking capsules is not accompanied by addictive effects. The drug is produced by prescription and can only be prescribed by a specialized doctor. It is better not to use Xenical on its own for weight loss, since improper dosing, use or insufficient amount of excess fat can cause side effects and harm the body.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

Doctors do not advise losing weight with Xenical. This drug really helps to reduce weight a little, because it blocks the enzyme that breaks down fats, and they are simply not absorbed, but excreted unchanged. A side effect is fatty stools that are poorly washed off, the intestines are often irritated, and reflex diarrhea occurs. The weakening of the stool, associated with its excessive fat content, worsens the conditions for the existence of normal microflora in the intestine, and with increased peristaltic activity, dysbacteriosis often develops while taking Xenical, especially for a long time. In addition, relying on a miracle pill in no way contributes to the formation of a person’s concept of a healthy lifestyle and striving for this ideal. It has long been known that if efforts and means are expended to achieve a goal, then the goal is actually more achievable. In the same case, if weight loss occurs with the help of pills, a person is poorly able to repeat the results on his own. Therefore, only those people who have signed their own impotence to improve their health can use Xenical and its analogues, and especially for a long time.

How to take Xenical for weight loss

For weight loss, Xenical should be taken only carefully following the dosage instructions in the instructions. It is best to start using the capsules after consulting a specialist who can determine the optimal regimen. According to the instructions, you need to take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with a small amount of liquid. The optimal regimen for taking Xenical for weight loss is one tablet per meal. Xenical is recommended to be taken directly with food, as this allows the capsule to quickly dissolve in the stomach and regulate the amount of fat that enters the body with food.

It should also be borne in mind that when skipping a meal or when only low-calorie, low-fat foods are included in it, the drug can be excluded. To increase efficiency, it can be combined with regular sports, aerobic dances, long walks in the fresh air and additional beauty treatments. However, following the indications in the instructions, it is not recommended to combine Xenical with other drugs for weight loss, since in this case there is a high risk of an allergic reaction and side effects.

Contraindications for use

First of all, before deciding to use an additional tool for weight loss, it is important to study the features, indications and contraindications for admission. Instructions for use indicate that this remedy is indicated for use by people suffering from excessively high weight, at different stages of obesity, with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drug Xenical is not recommended for use by pregnant women and during lactation, as well as during the onset of menstruation, as this may disrupt the cycle.

Reception of the specified means should be canceled in such cases:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with problems with the gallbladder;
  • with violations in the work of the intestine;
  • in case of disruption of the exchange processes;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Important! In addition, it is important to consider that the remedy can help reduce the amount of fat and normalize weight only when the total body weight exceeds the norm by 20-30%, which means at least 7-10 kg of excess weight.

In other cases, the drug will not have the desired effect, and if the initial weight is too low, it will be harmful to health. Since the product is available by prescription, before using it, it is recommended to visit a specialized doctor who will help determine the amount of extra pounds and draw up indications for the use of the medicine.

Side effects

With improper use, overdose, low initial weight or self-administration of Xenical diet pills, there is a high risk of side effects. The negative effects of using the remedy can be mild or severe, depending on the cause of their occurrence.

The most common side effects after taking the capsules include:

  • stool problems;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of secretions in the rectum;
  • flatulence;
  • unpleasant sensation in the stomach;
  • increased gas formation;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • violation of menstruation.

According to reviews, more than 25% of those who tried this drug for weight loss experienced similar side effects in the first month of taking Xenical. The most common causes of their manifestation, as a rule, is an incorrect or irregular intake. In addition, the use of capsules without food or without liquid can also cause problems and discomfort in the stomach, as the tablet does not completely dissolve and is poorly absorbed. On the Internet, you can find out a lot of useful information about how to use weight loss pills correctly, how much the drug costs, where it is better to buy it, and how to avoid negative consequences.