Sign if the front door opened in the afternoon. Protective household magic

The door is, perhaps, the most reliable and strong protection of the house. In ancient times, people attributed many mystical properties to it. It was believed that the door protects the house from otherworldly forces and evil people. Even in fairy tales, they have magic spells, they can only be opened in a special way, for this you need to cast a special magic spell.

In the modern world, the door is also an integral part of the home interior. Among the wide variety of doors, you can find not only the entrance, which is the hallmark of your house, but also the interior, which has a number of positive properties, such as sound absorption, thermal insulation, tightness and aesthetics. How to choose the right interior doors that will satisfy all your requirements? The answer to this question can be found in various magazines, books, Internet sources, on television (there are many TV shows about repairs, where there is quite a lot of useful information), or maybe on the advice of friends who have knowledge and experience in this matter.

As already mentioned, the doors appeared a long time ago. But what signs exist about this subject - we will now tell you. It turns out that you cannot open the front door and the interior door at the same time, since evil spirits could enter the dwelling, then move into all the rooms in the house. This sign was formed in ancient times, when people worshiped Gods and were very afraid of dark forces. The servant at the door was not a guard at all before, as many of us believe, he watched the crossing of the threshold. It was believed that it was possible to cross the threshold only with the right foot, otherwise misfortune could happen in the house. You cannot sleep with your feet to the doorway, this has a very strong effect on a person's health, his strength runs out, he becomes lethargic, he loses interest in life. If one of your relatives goes on a long journey, you need not only to "sit down", but also to close all windows and doors for a while, so that the path is successful and happy. A creaking door was considered a harbinger of grief and misfortune, even today they are trying to lubricate them as soon as possible in order to get rid of this unpleasant sound.

In ancient India, it was forbidden to slam the door, it supposedly could frighten off luck and wealth, and in Greece, on the contrary, the louder you slam the door, the sooner you can drive evil spirits out of your home. To protect their home from troubles and troubles, people hung horseshoes over the door, icons, garlic, and buried mustard seeds under the threshold.

Today, each of us decides for himself - to believe these signs or not. Maybe someone will follow the fashion trends of the upcoming 2014 blue wooden Horse. All colors of blue, light blue, green are welcome on the eve of this time, and wooden objects will be a symbol of goodness and prosperity, therefore high quality interior door from this material will become not only a piece of furniture, but, possibly, will bring good luck to your home!

Observing the signs and following the trends of fashion, a person is kind of programmed that everything will be fine with him, but with all this, you should not forget to believe in yourself, then there are more chances to get everything you want from life.

The first cork maintenance procedures can be started 24 hours after the end of the installation.
First, you need to clean the floor surface from the remnants of glue and dirt that inevitably appear during the installation process. For these purposes, IPOKORK recommends using the IK REMOVER detergent and cleaner.
Before use, it is diluted with water in the following proportion: 2-10 parts of water are added to 1 part of the detergent (depending on the degree of contamination). A rag in this composition is moistened and wrung out thoroughly. The entire surface of the floor is treated. After that, after 2-3 minutes it is necessary to wipe the floor with a cloth soaked in clean water and wait until the floor is completely dry.

For weekly maintenance, a simple wet mop can be done.
General recommendations for the operation of cork coverings:
In order to protect the floor from scratches (damage), pieces of felt can be glued onto the legs of tables and chairs from below (rubber cannot be used).
Do not lay rugs on the floor that have a rubberized or latex base on the back, as stains that are difficult to remove may appear on the floor covering.
Do not use metal brushes to remove dirt.

The cork floor can not only be wiped with a damp cloth, but also washed with various detergents (with the exception of solvents and products containing abrasives). In addition, special cork care products are available. For example, self-shine emulsion - a preparation that protects the floor and gives it shine; active detergent that removes any dirt, including grease.

As the varnish wears off, you can restore it yourself using a special polyurethane varnish. In this case, it is necessary to first remove the old layer of varnish using a hand grinder or manually with sandpaper.

Vinyl-protected floors periodically (once a year for commercial premises and once every 2-3 years for residential premises) require replacement of the mastic. Replacement is carried out using special solvents.

In order to extend the life of the cork floor and protect it from damage (scratches), it is necessary to stick pieces of felt or cork on the legs of tables and chairs from below (rubber cannot be used). It is also recommended to use anti-dirt floor mats at the entrance doors.

Do not lay rugs on the floor that have a latex or rubberized backing on the back, otherwise hard-to-remove stains may appear on the flooring.

It is believed that if someone takes the doorknob with bad intentions, then they are neutralized as soon as that person crosses the threshold of your home.

2. When you begin to receive the keys to a new (different) apartment, then at this moment mentally say: "Live, live, make good!"

3. Before leaving the house - at the opening doors: "The way is ahead, clear the way!" or "God is my way!"

4. Whisper on the key from the front door three times, when you leave the house, on the key with which you then close the lock: “I have to open it, but tati * will not take you. Amen".

5. If the handle of the front door is painted red, then a person entering this house and opening the door on their own will not be able to cause energy harm to its residents. The same function will be performed by a threshold rug lying immediately at the entrance to the hallway, which has a red color ...

6. Before leaving the house - at the opening doors: "The way is ahead, clear the way!"

7. At the entrance to your home, in order to leave a possible negative behind the threshold, imperceptibly whisper at her, as soon as you grab the handle: "Not homely outside the door, I enter the house with God."


Folk signs and their interpretation

Eating from cracked, broken dishes - unfortunately, to a “cracked” life.

Do not take someone else's handkerchief - with it, other people's tears will pass to you. If you are presented with a new handkerchief, give a symbolic ransom, at least a pretty penny.

If you carry around a rich man's wallet a little, then your wallet will learn how to store money from him.
If you want to donate a wallet, put a coin or a bill in it so that it is never empty. For money to be found, one must look at the month that has just been born, while holding on to money or to gold.

It is impossible for two to look in the mirror at the same time: they will love and suffer the same person.
To dry off together with one towel - soon quarrel.

After sunset, they do not lend money or things: there will be no return.
Do not keep an empty bottle on the table - there will be no money.

I accidentally put on my linen inside out - ask your family to knock on the back, otherwise you will be beaten.

If you want to protect yourself from the evil eye, wear a pin on your clothes. If you want to save the house, stick a needle and thread above the door or in the door.

It is impossible for the baby to see himself in the mirror: he may be frightened. If he has already begun to speak, he will become a stutterer. If you haven't started yet, you may not learn from fright.

I borrowed a saucepan (frying pan, plate, glass, bag, etc.) - do not return empty, otherwise your dishes will also be empty.

Having sold the first thing assigned for sale, touch the rest of the money with money - then they will be bought quickly and profitably.

Giving sharp (a knife, pin, scissors, etc.) - to a quarrel. We must take a ransom - then it will cost.
If you give someone a knife, scissors, a needle (everything that cuts and pricks) - smile so that there is no quarrel, hostility.

You can't sit on the table - this is the death of a loved one.

If the clock did not stop by itself at the moment of a person's death, then it must be stopped.

If any thing is missing, you need to tie a handkerchief to the chair leg and tell the brownie: “Play, play and give it back!” Soon the lost thing will be found.

To find a horseshoe is fortunately. We need to hang it over the front door.

If you often lose your house keys, it means that they will soon be robbed.
Putting the keys anywhere - to a quarrel.

Wearing other people's things means changing your destiny.

Losing a belt from a dress, coat - to an illegitimate child.
To lose a glove is unfortunately.
Finding a button is a recipe for trouble.

Whoever twists his hat in his hand will feel dizzy; whoever plays with his hat will have a headache.

Inadvertently breaking the chain that you wear around your neck is to free yourself from heavy duties, fetters; the bonds are broken.

Open scissors (hanging or lying) - to a quarrel in the house.

You can't sew anything on yourself or on someone, sew - memory, you will sew up the mind; if it is impossible to do without this, take a thread in your mouth and hold it until they sew, the omen will not come true.

The mirror broke - to trouble; it is imperative to take the fragments out of the house and immediately buy a new one.
To break the mirror - to separation.
Broke the mirror - he won't marry for seven years (the same for a woman).

The door, like a border, separates the family from society. She is perceived as the face of the family.

Houses are built above ground level so that qi can freely enter the door, like a person's mouth and nose. For the well-being of a family, the size and location of the door is very important. If the apartment is small and the front door is large, then qi leaves the apartment along with money and wealth. If the apartment is large and the front door is small, then little qi enters the house, and family members get sick from the lack of energy. If the landlord belongs to the eastern group (it depends on the date of birth and gender), he must find the center of the apartment and, with the help of Lo Pan, divide it into 8 sectors.

Its prosperous directions are east, south, north and southeast. The front door must open in one of these directions. If the owner of the apartment belongs to the western group, then his prosperous directions are northeast, northwest, southwest and west. Consider the option of mismatching your gua and the location of the front door of your house or apartment. For example, if you are a person of the eastern group, then the door should open to the east, south, north or southeast: these are four lucky directions. All other directions will be unlucky for you. However, if the front door faces west, this corresponds to Metal (white).

To remedy the situation, you can paint the door red or blue (black) - Fire restricts Metal. And Water (blue or black) will drain his energy. If you are a person of the western group, then your door should go to the northeast, northwest, southwest and west - these are four lucky directions. And if your door faces east, then it is better to paint it white or red, thereby protecting your family. If the location of your front door matches your gua, but you want even more well-being and good luck, you can put a mat of a suitable color on the floor next to it.
For example: door facing east or northeast is black; door to the south or southeast - green; the door to the west or southwest is yellow; door to the north, northwest - white.

If you can choose an apartment, then it is better to know in advance which direction of feng shui is good for you. Those born in the spring have too much of the influence of the Tree, it helps Fire and Metal, so it is better to have a house or apartment (choose) doors to the south or southwest. Those born in summer have an abundance of Fire, which helps Metal and Water.

It is better for such people to have an entrance door in the northwest or north. Those born in the fall experience an excessive influence of Metal, which can be limited by Fire. Better if the front door is located in the south. Those born in winter have an excess of water, it is limited by Wood and Fire.

It is better for such people to live in the south or southeast. Feng Shui front door and windows. Window. The eyes are the windows of the soul. Losing your eyes means losing hope. Windows play an important role in the apartment. Human health depends on getting enough sun and air.

If a person is in a dark room and does not get fresh air, he is sick and his business is on the decline. The location of the windows is also very important - they should be located either on the north and south wall, or on the west and east wall, to ensure free movement of fresh air.

The relationship of the front door and windows is similar to the relationship between parents and children. Doors are like the mouths of parents, and windows are like the mouths of children. The number of windows and doors in the house should be in a ratio of 2: 1.

If there are too many windows in the house and they are too large, then there will be no friendship in the family and the children will not obey their parents. For a family to consist of like-minded people, the windows must be made of solid glass, window sashes can be imitated by gluing wooden (bamboo) sticks.


Do not clutter your hallway with unnecessary things and furniture! If at the very beginning of the path, the life energy of Qi stumbles upon various obstacles, this has a bad effect not only on the success of well-being, but also on the health of all members of your family.
To improve your financial situation, put three Chinese coins under the rug by the front door, connected by a red silk cord. If you are renovating, these coins can be embedded in the floor by the front door.

The hallway should not sink in darkness; it should have a bright "face" - after all, this is the hallmark of your home.

Mops and brooms should not be located opposite the front door, this can scare off favorable energy entering the house.

If the hallway is planned in such a way that the wall is too close to the entrance and you gaze at it from the doorway, hang a beautiful photo, a picture with lighting or a flowerpot on this wall.

If you have parquet or linoleum with a pattern to match the parquet, then the herringbone pattern should be directed only towards the inside of the house. This attracts success and wealth to him. Do not choose drawings depicting cracks for linoleum and tiles, because this is an element of destruction.

Any body of water in the hallway, and especially a fountain at the entrance, can bring many benefits to your home. Just do not put water bodies in the hallway to the right of the main entrance, looking towards the exit. Such an arrangement brings not only money, but also adultery.


Choosing a carpet for your home

Carpets, which have been used as flooring for many centuries, have not lost their relevance today. And if large carpets for the living room, bedroom or nursery are produced on a large scale, and differ in a wide variety of shapes, colors and materials, then small "bedside" rugs are not so popular with manufacturers. However, you must admit that it is so nice to put your feet out of bed in the morning on a soft fluffy rug, or use it in the bathroom, toilet. Well, there is no need to talk about the rugs near the front door - often it is just a rectangular product of a dark color. However, this is the first thing that your guests see when they enter the house. So why not make original, funny, and most importantly unique rugs?
Today, with some imagination and improvised materials, the manufacture of an exclusive rug is quite within the power of everyone.

Option one - a rug, woven in the "marine style". It is made from a simple twisted nylon rope, which is approximately 2 cm thick. For a rug measuring 85 by 40 cm, you will need 50 meters of such rope. The essence of the process of making a rug is that the rope is twisted in the form of eights in a special way. Before you start making a large rug, it is recommended to practice with a thinner rope and make a small version. If you are ready to start making a full-fledged carpet, take a sheet of Whatman paper and draw a diagram on it, the dimensions of which will correspond to the dimensions of the future carpet. Take the rope and make a simple loose knot (to fit the outer dimensions of the carpet), leaving the loose ends and ears of the loops. Next, the loops must be turned over and put right on left. After that, we braid them with the free end of the rope in a special way (detailed weaving patterns can be found on specialized sites on the Internet). To give strength to the entire structure, the contact points of the ropes can be glued with glue.

A rug made of old things will turn out to be no less original and beautiful. Any products are suitable for him - T-shirts, T-shirts, blankets, etc. Children will also take part in the manufacture of such a rug, because the process is extremely simple. It is necessary to cut old things into strips of the same width, and then roll them into a tube. Next, you need to come up with the shape of your future carpet and start connecting the tubes together with glue or sewing them together. Choose the colors according to your preferences. The result is a very funny multi-colored carpet that will fit perfectly in both the nursery and the living room or hallway.

Everyone sees their door at noon
French proverb

The door at all times and among all peoples was considered a mystical object, a kind of portal between spaces, parallel worlds, the transition from the world of the living to the otherworldly nonexistence. Perhaps that is why so many of the superstitions associated with doors have been invented by people. Let's talk about some of them, and it's up to you to believe or follow them.

There are a lot of interpretations of dreams about doors. So, keep in mind, if you see an open door in a dream, then you will be mutually loved and generously gifted. If you dream of a closed or creaking door, you are in for disappointments, obstacles, or meetings with unpleasant people. If in a dream you are looking for a door in vain, this also means an obstacle on the way to achieving the goal, a burning door - a visit of friends, a new one - to the birth of a son, wide open - success in all deeds and undertakings. If the door unexpectedly breaks off its hinges, a dream can portend danger to your friends. And one of the most favorable and joyful interpretations - if in sweet dreams you enter the doors of the parental home, then you will be happy surrounded by loved ones and relatives. And the doorknobs seen in a dream will bring you new acquaintances.

No less interesting and varied are beliefs associated with doors. In Russia, before leaving the house, they closed all the doors, thus protecting their hearth from evil spirits that could enter the house during the absence of the owners. The Jews, on the other hand, left the doors open so that all the evil spirits could go home. In the north, there is an opinion that a man must close the front door at night, otherwise scold him all night with his wife. It is also not recommended to plant a doll in front of the door, since the father of the family can leave the house, leaving his family to the mercy of fate. The symbolism of the door is very closely related to the world of the living and the dead. For example, it is quite common that the doors in the house where the deceased is located are not closed so as not to prevent the soul of the deceased from moving to the other world. And if on March 10, on the day of St. Tarasius, the door in the house breaks off its hinges, then this is a harbinger of imminent disaster: the death of one of the relatives, illness or fire.

And about the good: if the family is waiting for replenishment, then at the time of childbirth in the house it is necessary to open all-all doors, even the doors of dressers and wardrobes. This promises to make labor quick and easy.

Signs about the doors play an important role for people of some professions, for example, casino guards specifically drive children away from the doors of the establishment, and if they do not keep track, the casino will lose on that day. For the cosmonauts, everything is much more serious: before the flight, they must sign on the doors of the hotel rooms where they spent the "last" night. And the staff is strictly forbidden to wash off these autographs, as this is a kind of guarantee that the astronauts will return home safely.

And here are a few more signs that are quite famous among the people and, as they say, work for sure. Going from home on a long journey, it is necessary to temporarily close all windows and doors, so that the mouths of enemies are also closed, who, with their gossip and gossip, can prevent them from fulfilling their plans. If the door fell off its hinges, there was a fire, the doors began to creak - this portends an exit, but if someone slams the door hard, then this is a clear sign of a desire to marry. But whatever dreams, omens and beliefs promise, you should know that a good and high-quality door will never fall off its hinges, at the right time it will protect you from enemies and hide from immodest eyes in moments of peace and harmony in your family.

Doors, windows, keys and locks have long attracted the imagination of magicians and mystics. In protective household magic these things have unique properties, for they are designed to protect the house from the penetration of all unclean things.


The door is a symbol of the entrance to other dimensions. Many protective rites are associated with doors and door thresholds. The most popular are protective door decorations: onion and garlic plaits, plant wreaths, bags of herbs and salt, bells, and salt scattered on the threshold under the rug, which drives away evil.

There are other techniques for protecting the house from evil forces: two crossed needles placed under the rug, mustard seeds, a knife under the threshold. Three nails, driven into the upper part of the door in the form of a triangle, pointing upwards, have magical protective properties.

The door is capable of both averting and attracting certain energies. Five coins put under the threshold, attracts money.

To get rid of the enacted brownie or ghost, there was such a ritual: you need to stand on the threshold from the inside of the house and slam the door loudly several times in a row. Then the entity will be trapped between the door and the jamb, or it will immediately leave. And vice versa, if the owners do not want to lose their brownie, then you should not slam the door.

There is a type of people who open the door wide and move their bags or talk for a while before closing it. This is a bad omen, since there is a belief that someone who does not close the doors behind him attracts unwanted entities into the house and releases the most favorable energy from the home.


Ancient priestesses were often depicted holding keys. This symbolized the connection with the subtle world and deities. Keys are a symbol of wisdom and comprehension of secrets.

A number of spells and magical rituals are associated with keys.
When worn around the neck, a small silver or gold key can replace a talisman.

The iron key, like a phallic symbol, helps against impotence if it is placed under the mattress.

Several old house keys can be collected in a bunch on a red ribbon. This will be a talisman against thieves, the so-called - constipation from thieves. You need to go around your home and jingle the keys near every corner of the house. Then the constipation from thieves is hung on the front door, like an amulet decoration.

A key that fits one of the locks of the house, placed upside down next to the bed, will ward off nightmares and promote peaceful sleep.

But the key found on the street is not worth dragging into the house. This is perhaps the most damaging find, after needles, pins and coins.


Windows are the same doors, only without keys. In ancient times, windows were called the eye of the wind, since the slots in the walls, made for ventilation from smoke, often whistled from the wind.

Curtains hung on the windows acquire a protective function if they are white, but since light curtains do not cover from the sun, white curtains or tulle help from negative influences. It is still customary to hang white curtains in the kitchen.

Today's modern design ideas are so diverse that they can help those owners who would like to provide their home with the greatest protection. Which windows are most effective in a magical context?

These are stained-glass windows, as glass of different colors refracts light and emits ... The patterns on the windows cast colored rays into the room, creating luminous fragments on the walls and on the floor - a crystal effect.

The door and threshold are the symbolic border between our home and the outside world. At home, we are protected, we are surrounded by a welcoming atmosphere. This is our little fortress, and only we decide who to let into our little comfortable world, and who not.

If they try to get into our home against our will, this causes a protest and a desire to fight back. Everything related to the native walls is important for a person, therefore, signs and beliefs about the threshold have survived to this day, and many of our contemporaries try to observe ancient traditions.

Two different worlds

Why is it impossible to greet each other across the threshold and why is it impossible to transfer things through the threshold? Many, not even knowing the answers to these questions, try not to break the two named rules.

  • The threshold has long been considered the border between the worlds of the living and the dead. These worlds have different energies, so if you do not want to lose a person, quarrel with him or lose mutual understanding, it is better not to communicate over the threshold.
  • For the same reason, one cannot shake hands across the threshold.
  • So that luck and happiness do not leave the house, it is impossible to transfer a thing through the threshold. Moreover, such a thing will not bring anything good to the person who received it.
  • If you give money over the threshold, material well-being will go away.
  • Why it is impossible to kiss through the threshold, it is already unnecessary to explain: you can destroy the connection with your loved one, love will leave the relationship, quarrels will begin.

What else cannot be done through the threshold?

  • It was believed that one should not disturb the spirits, which is why one should not stand on the doorstep.
  • Even if something is disturbing or the wait is too long, you cannot sit on the doorstep. You need to enter the house or go outside.
  • All issues need to be resolved in the house or outside. Saying goodbye through the threshold is unacceptable if you want to see this person again.
  • You cannot talk from opposite sides, this can lead to a quarrel.
  • It was believed that on the day the bride should not step on the threshold and even step over it. Otherwise, she will not be happy with her husband. Apparently, it was no accident that the tradition of bringing the bride into the house in her arms appeared.
  • It was recommended, leaving the house, to cross the threshold with your right foot, then the day will definitely be successful and you will be lucky in everything.
  • It was also not recommended to spit over the threshold: you can inadvertently drive away luck.
  • It was considered an alarming sign if a dead woman appeared on the doorstep. However, everything is not so scary, because she could have been thrown or she was frozen. In any case, it was recommended to bury the bird and go to church for your own peace of mind.

Protecting yourself from negativity is very simple: you need to listen to the signs, do not transmit anything through the threshold - neither objects, nor emotions, nor feelings.

On the other side

In the house we feel safe and secure, but what awaits outside of it is unknown. Perhaps that is why the signs associated with the door are shrouded in mysticism. The door is the main symbol of home protection. It is no accident that ill-wishers throw various objects under it, wanting to spoil it, and the owners, on the contrary, place various amulets in front of the front door or above it.

1. Since ancient times, it has been used as a protection over the door. She is still considered a symbol of good luck in all matters and promises the owner a successful completion of all matters.

6. Another sign is a knock on the door. This sound may be related to someone's visit, and is nothing special if you are expecting guests. But if you hear a knock, go to the entrance, and there is no one outside - not everyone will perceive such a situation calmly. Some superstitious people then cannot sleep at night, tormented by bad thoughts. It's so easy to really attract bad things into your life. The best possible option is not to react to the knock and not go out into the hallway. If someone really needs to talk to you, they will knock again.

7. The creaking door never boded favorable events either. But at the same time, in ancient times it was believed that it walks. It was necessary to appease him with a saucer of milk or honey.

8. To bump his forehead against the jamb foreshadowed that the owner would find an excellent solution that would help get rid of the problems weighing him down or find a way out of a difficult situation that seemed insoluble.

9. If the cat sits at the front door, you can rejoice. The black stripe has come to an end, there is an improvement ahead in all matters. If it lies on the doorstep, and there is a young girl or a single boyfriend in the house, there will soon be a wedding.

Knowing about the signs and their meanings, you need to remember that unfavorable signs can always be neutralized and wrapped up in such a way that the bad will bypass the house, and the good will surely linger in it.

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