Dream strawberry red in the garden. Big strawberry according to the dream book

One of the sweetest and most delicious berries often appears in dreams (especially often in women's dreams). She is a pleasant symbol associated with the love and sexual spheres of life. To more accurately figure out what strawberries are dreaming of, the information from this article will help.

Dream interpretation: why is a woman dreaming of strawberries?

V modern dream books special attention is paid to strawberries.

Information about it can be found in the work of almost every interpreter:

  1. Hasse suggests that a woman who sees strawberries in a strange place in a dream will meet her soul mate in reality under completely unexpected circumstances. She has not long to wait for personal happiness.
  2. According to the Exoteric Dream Book, ripe strawberries symbolize the opportunity to improve your relationship with your soul mate. You should definitely use it. Harmony in love will allow the girl to fully focus on self-improvement and development of other areas of life.
  3. In Miller's dream book, the discussed berry is associated with wealth. If the fruits were very large, the dreamer will be able to significantly increase her income. If you are small, you will have to interrupt with small side jobs.
  4. The female dream book suggests that strawberries indicate nostalgia for the old days and youth. Persistent memories of the past greatly disturb a woman. You need to get rid of them and learn to live exclusively for today, without regretting anything.
  5. V Eastern dream book it is noted that the fair sex, who saw strawberries in a dream, will open up tempting prospects regarding work and finances.
  6. V The newest dream book it is noted that eating berries without restrictions promises bright sexual adventures.
  7. Freud notes: plucking strawberries right from the bush is a sign that the young lady is constantly striving for carnal pleasures. The main thing is to think about your own reputation and not go all over the place.

I dreamed of a big red berry

If a young lady dreams of a big red strawberry, then the first thing to do is to remember under what conditions it appeared in night dreams. Had to just look at her from the outside? Such a plot can be considered a harbinger of imminent happiness. Feelings will arise in a woman's heart that will bring her pleasure and joy.

The dreamed strawberry has many interpretations. Depending on the color, taste, actions that concern it, the sign can portend good luck and misfortune, love and disappointment, defeat and victory. You can find out why a big strawberry is dreaming from several dream books.

According to the Love Dream Book

If you want to find out why strawberries are dreaming, then look into a love dream book. She dreams of pleasure, if she is eaten - love will be long and happy, the sweet taste of berries is waiting for a loved one. Sour, fermented strawberries - loss of interest in steam, coldness.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book believes that strawberries are a symbol of love, happy and lasting, strawberry jam is a passionate romance; spoiled berries, dried out, with mold - parting with unpleasant consequences in the form of illness, abortion or mental suffering.

According to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Strawberries in a dream means the promotion of affairs with someone's help, eating berries means joyful events.

Jewish dream book

There are berries, especially in a dream from Thursday to Friday and in the spring months - a very advantageous offer, if you dream in the summer - to unexpected pleasant gifts, in the fall - news that will turn out to be fiction, in winter to see strawberries is unexpected good news. Collecting strawberries in the spring - to dreams and hopes that are unlikely to come true, in the summer - you will not waste time in vain, but do important things, the autumn harvest is a misconception about old acquaintances, the winter is a reminder of pleasant and long past events.

Home dream book

Why is strawberry dreaming? First of all, this is the possibility of temptations in reality, but if the berries are immature, tasteless or simply do not like, temptations can be avoided.

Miller's dream book

You can find out why a red strawberry is dreaming from Miller's dream book. Ripe, juicy berry - to achieve goals or interesting prospects, a job well done and pleasure from the result. Eating strawberries - for mutual feelings, a wedding, selling - for the harvest, growing - surprising acquaintances, making others envious. But it is impossible to boast of achievements in order not to get ill-wishers. Crushing strawberries is an insult to a friend who, in revenge, will ruin your business. You can correct the situation in reality by asking for forgiveness.

According to Felomena's dream book

Large berries in the dreams of young people - to gain authority among their peers, but for adults, such a dream is unfavorable. The second meaning is that others will turn away if you continue to brag about your successes in your personal and life and work. Berries on the bushes - romance in a relationship, experiments in bed or a date with loved ones, family joys.

Other interpretations of dreams about strawberries: jam - for love and happy events, picking fresh strawberries from the garden - desires and hopes will come true, planting and caring - boredom and monotonous work, buying - someone else will do all the work, a lot of berries - for money.

We all love the taste of ripe juicy strawberries - a healthy and appetizing berry. Sometimes the desire to enjoy sweet fruits turns out to be so strong that people see them in a dream, and then try to correctly interpret it. Why is strawberry dreaming? Our subconscious mind works in such an amazing way that sometimes it tries to convey some information to us through dreams. It remains only to reliably interpret everything you saw in order to be ready for possible changes in your life in the future.

Perhaps such dreams are not just a consequence of an insane love for juicy berries? And the subconscious, using a similar image, is trying to warn about something? In this article, we will tell you what a big red strawberry usually dreams of and what life changes you should prepare for.

Studying the dream book, you can see that the same dream can have a dozen different interpretations in terms of meaning. How, then, can you find the correct explanation?

In fact, looking for a clue to a dream and rereading several interpretations of its meanings, each person will only intuitively be able to choose the only correct interpretation among them. The answer will be prompted by the subconscious itself, which will immediately indicate the correct answer as soon as the correct answer appears.

It is not difficult to explain this amazing brain function. Just different interpretations serve as specific clues that allow us to interpret all the images we see. At the same time, our subconscious knows exactly what exactly this or that dream wanted to tell us. The man is left with the most difficult task- trusting own feelings, with the help of prompts, find and pull out the correct explanation of the pictures seen.

Using the same algorithm of actions, you will be able to independently find the clue you are interested in, and the data of the dream book will act as information leading to it. How more interpretations presented there, the more likely you will find correct option clues.

Seductive berries in a dream

Most often, strawberries in a dream symbolize tempting prospects and pleasant pleasures that will accompany you in life.

  • If you dream of bright red ripe strawberries ...
    1. This promises you: strong love and happy family ties.
    2. For those who have not yet had time to start a family, such a dream promises a quick meeting with a long-awaited soul mate or significant changes in relations with a loved one that will tie the knot.
    3. If there are some misunderstandings and conflicts between lovers, such a dream portends an early resolution of all troubles and a favorable outcome of the dispute.
  • If you saw in a dream a whole field of ripe berries, then in reality all kinds of everyday joys and joys will distract you from more important serious matters.
  • A big red strawberry is dreaming ...
    1. For unforgettable love pleasures that promise a sea of ​​passion and pleasure.
    2. Large berries also symbolize the ardent passionate feelings of people in love with each other.
    3. However, certain dream books decipher such dreams as a harbinger of the early start of a stormy love affair, which will remain in your memories for a long time.
  • If in a dream you have to pick strawberries ...
    1. This can mean unrequited love or monotonous routine work that will not bring you any moral pleasure.
    2. If a completely different person picks berries, then you will be able to avoid performing complex uninteresting work.
    3. There are interpretations in which picking strawberries is interpreted as non-standard and creative thinking, allowing a person to generate and implement unusual ideas and ideas. The same interpretation is possessed by dreams in which you care for strawberries in the garden or water them.
    4. Still, such a dream can mean recently experienced experiences caused by unrequited love feelings.

Dreams with berry fields

  • Dreams in which you observe huge fields with big amount berries portend family well-being and prosperity.
  • In the event that in a dream you deliberately trample and spoil the beds with strawberries, in reality you should look around and think: perhaps you do not notice the happiness that is nearby, and go on about your own illusions. Perhaps you should take a closer look at the people around you and appreciate those who are sincerely disposed towards you.

Eat strawberries in a dream, see berries of various qualities

Berries in the kitchen

Did you see ripe berries in the house? Such a dream is an auspicious symbol of success in any endeavors and deeds.

  • If you dreamed of a plate with a lot of strawberries, prepare yourself for a significant event that will change in better side your whole life.
  • If there was only one berry on the plate, then expect a speedy career takeoff and great achievements in the professional field.
  • The dream you enjoy delicious strawberries with cream or savoring a sweet strawberry dessert, means a lack of love sensations in your life.
  • Making strawberry jam is a daily chore and household chores.
  • Finding ripe berries in the refrigerator is a long-awaited meeting.
  • To hold strawberries in hands - to pleasant changes in life.

Some sources even help decipher certain strawberry dishes:

  1. Strawberry pie - for pleasant events;
  2. Jelly from berries - to quick changes in your personal life.
  3. Strawberry drinks - for a fun and positive pastime.
  4. Berry chocolate cake - to fulfill all your cherished desires.
  5. Semolina porridge with slices of strawberries - to a declaration of love.

Miller's dream book and strawberries

In Miller's dream book, you can find several more interpretations of such dreams:

Sweet delicious berry in a dream, it is always a harbinger of good and pleasant events in life. Therefore, such dreams can be interpreted exclusively in a positive context.

The very first berry, delighting with its taste and unusual smell, leaves few people indifferent. Strawberries are loved by adults and children. Fragrant berries are considered a strong aphrodisiac, and are even a household word for spicy topics in movies and photos.

In search of an answer to the question of what strawberries are dreaming of, it is worth considering whether the day before was dedicated to it. If you had to collect, buy or process crops, the plot of the dream is just a memory of reality.

Dream interpretation: seeing strawberries in a dream

According to Miller's dream book strawberries are interpreted as an amorous adventure. Jam from it - raging passions. To be engaged in the preparation of delicacies yourself is a symbol of the manifestation of initiative in relationships. Dry or rotten - a painful love affair. It can result in a sexually transmitted disease or termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Dream interpretation of Wangi interprets strawberries as promising projects, pleasure. Eating it is a harmonious relationship.

Modern dream book suggests that strawberries and raspberries portend sexual contact.

Cooking strawberry jam - communication with an unpleasant interlocutor. Cooking compote is a warning that you should not conflict with those who are higher in social status... Buying berries means avoiding work and shifting your own responsibilities onto colleagues. The dream book warns that this behavior of the sleeping person causes discontent and can lead to a quarrel.

Intimate pleasures - this is what strawberries and strawberries dream of in the opinion Sigmund Freud... The quality of the berries reflects the existing relationship: fragrant and pure - idyll, spoiled - disharmony.

Where the strawberry dreamed in a dream

When strawberries dream in the garden, the dream is favorable, but has a warning value. A dizzying whirlpool of amorous adventures, into which the dreamer falls, will distract from important matters.

Garden beds strawberries are a reminder of the importance of being able to manage your personal time. Too much passion for the personal sphere can damage the job.

Big field strawberries, dotted with berries, promises a lot of attention of the opposite sex. The sleeper attracts attention and arouses sympathy.

Also, a lot of strawberries symbolize the success of the business started. Good luck seems to come unexpectedly, but in fact it will be the result of previous efforts.

A dreaming bucket of strawberries tells about the activity of sexual life. In the coming period, it will be very busy.

An unusual plot when dreaming about strawberries on the tree, means misunderstanding with others. Quarrels can occur.

Finding berries in the forest is a harbinger of new love. The meeting will happen unexpectedly and the relationship will be a lot of fun.

Why do you dream of a big red strawberry

A pleasant relationship with a lover means a red big strawberry a woman... The partner will be very passionate. For a married lady, berries promise the harmony of married life.

The pleasure of intimate contacts portends man red big strawberry in a dream. It is a symbol of relaxed connections and pleasure.

A dreaming red huge strawberry is considered a good sign. pregnant girl... A happy life and love of others awaits the kid. It is also a reflection of the longing for a variety of intimate activities due to certain restrictions.

Interpretation of sleep by type of strawberry

Understanding what strawberries dream about, attention should be paid appearance... If the berries have been tasted, it is advisable to recall the taste as well.

For lonely dreamers fresh strawberries portends that soon their life will change acquaintance with interesting person and the subsequent love affair. Families, even with solid experience, can count on a flash of passion.

Large strawberry and in a dream is a symbol of pleasure. The dreamed berry prophesies the pleasure of adult entertainment.

Big strawberry means intimate harmony. It is also a sign of attention of the opposite sex.

Incredible huge strawberries warn that amorous adventures will soon begin. New acquaintances will develop into a vivid love story.

Intimate entertainment in reality means ripe strawberries in a dream. Relationships will delight.

Fragrant strawberries also bode well for great personal events. Falling in love and sensual pleasures can develop into a serious relationship.

Green strawberries are a signal that not everything in life suits you. First of all, this is displeasure from the actions of the partner.

Besides white strawberries symbolize disappointment in the business that you have to do in reality. Lack of understanding in communicating with others will bring certain troubles.

But blooming strawberries are a great sign. Soon you will have to experience the tender feelings of falling in love.

Warns of the danger of being carried away by promiscuous intimate relationships rotten strawberries in a dream. Complications in the form of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies may occur.

Fragrant forest strawberries in a dream portend good events. Sleeping in reality will rejoice.

Sweet strawberries promise pleasure from communication. Relationships will be harmonious and easy.

If you dream of a strawberry that tastes sour, you should take a closer look at your partner. Because of your own indifference and habit, you can lose love.

An insincere relationship symbolizes frozen Strawberry. Take a closer look at the one who confesses violent feelings in order to recognize the falsehood in time.

Dirty strawberries warn of unpleasant situations in the personal sphere. In this way, bad talk about the sleeper can be projected.

Seedling strawberries mean unexpected events. You will have to quickly respond to changes in relationships with others.

Numerous berries strawberries on the bushes - a desire to refresh intimate relationship... Unrealized passion in separation from a loved one.

Actions with strawberries in a dream

Plant strawberries in the ground - a symbol of a lack of tenderness. The dreamer wants to feel the passion from the other half. Take care of the bushes - hard work... It will be boring, but necessary.

Finding new relationships or ways to renew faded feelings means plot collect strawberries. It's good if the berries are clean.

Tear indiscriminate strawberries are not mutual love. Attracting partners is not entirely worthy methods.

Picking strawberries very large and fragrant - auspicious dream... A love affair will delight.

If you dream of strawberries in the garden, there is a danger of forgetting about fulfilling duties due to happy moments next to a loved one. The dream encourages you not to lose your head, otherwise problems may arise at work.

Eat delicious strawberries - a great harmonious relationship. Sour or tainted berries symbolize an emerging misunderstanding.

Treat strawberries - a new mutual sympathy. The person will be fascinated as well as the sleeping person. Sharing berries and eating them with your beloved is a pleasant joint leisure, travel relaxation.

Buy strawberries - the desire to achieve reciprocity by any means. The dream warns against deception, which will surely be revealed.

Attempts to take possession of a stranger means a dream plot steal strawberries. This is how the desire to break up the family is displayed.

Well-being is what the strawberries dream about, which they had a chance to sell. A wonderful harvest awaits for farmers and gardeners.

The fragrant berries that have fallen into the world of dreams have mostly pleasant meanings, but also the symbolism of dreams reminds of the need to maintain a balance between personal and work spheres. Good night!

Judging by the fact that for most people, strawberries evoke pleasant associations with childhood, summer and sweet jam, dreams about it are downright bound to mean something pleasant. Although ... A notorious allergy sufferer will hardly be pleased with a berry dream, but an enthusiastic summer resident, who has been standing over the strawberry beds "with the letter siu" all summer, will remind him of the lower back breaking apart from fatigue. However, why wonder why the red-sided berry is dreaming? Let's turn to the professionals!

Interpreting sweet dreams about strawberries

Most often, the red berry is associated with a series of major or minor victories for the dreamer.

  • Dream interpretation of Wangi. A person who dreams of strawberries is heading straight for their happiness. And no one can stand in his way.
  • Dream interpretation Hasse. A whole string of small, but very good events awaits ahead.
  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter. You are about to spend an enjoyable but useless day. Not bad too, you need to relax sometime!
  • Dream interpretation of a gypsy. Dreams of strawberries predict unexpected wealth at home or business success.
  • Oriental female dream book... Soon, tempting prospects will open before you.
  • Dream interpretation of lovers. Whatever your thoughts are now, you will achieve the intended goal.

Oh, how often strawberries are associated with tender feelings

And if, by chance, you are unlucky in business, it means that fate has already prepared for you a seductive "strawberry" in the form of a new romance, or at least a pleasant pastime with close friends.

  • Children's dream book. A meeting with friends at the club is planned.
  • Dream interpretation of Felomen. You will be given the opportunity to have fun in a large company with your beloved (or beloved).
  • Miller's dream book. Meeting with a delicious berry in a dream foreshadows a sweet love story in reality.
  • Freud's dream book. Strawberries represent sexual pleasure, passion and satisfaction. Hurry to harvest fragrant berries and cream! It looks like you and your loved one will figure out how to use them.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer. Dreamed berries predict an exciting love adventure.
  • Esoteric dream book. New ones will be tied romantic relationship that will bring you only joy. No acidity, no regrets!

Blooming strawberry bushes embody a flourishing relationship. Perhaps the matter will not go further than light flirting, and maybe it will result in something interesting in the future. Find out over time.

Who dreams: a girl or a man?

What did you dream about: red, green, large, rotten?

A dream of ripe, juicy, bright red berries signals:

  • married couples - that their love boat is in perfect order and moving on the right course. Most likely, there is enough love, passion, and warmth in your relationship. Do not set sail, you are made for each other;
  • to bachelors and unmarried - about the possibility of starting a family. If you are already dating someone, but do not dare to transfer the relationship to new level, here's a good reason for you to do it. The marriage can be extremely successful;
  • lonely dreamers are promised the most ambitious changes. You have a chance not only to spin a new romance, having received a sea from it positive emotions, but also to meet the main love of your life.

Single or married, the berry will give everyone a chance for happiness

It is believed that the larger the dreamed berries turned out to be, the more weight the upcoming events will have. Small strawberry predicts minor changes and cute, but not burdensome flirting. Dreamed of incredibly large, giant berries? A wave of stunning feeling will overwhelm you, but will not drown you, but will lift you to the seventh heaven and even higher.

Those whose berries in a dream had a clear flaw were less fortunate.

  1. Seeing green strawberries is an advice not to rush to fulfill your plans. Either you do not have enough knowledge, or preparation, or the time has not yet come to put your bold plans into practice. In short, be patient and move forward, carefully checking every step.
  2. If the berries taste bad - sour, unripe, rotten - think about your personal life. What does not suit you about it? Coldness and lack of sincerity in your relationship with your current partner? Have you been alone for too long? Be that as it may, it's time to pause your career and put things in order in the sphere of feelings. You need it.
  3. Frankly spoiled, dry strawberries are considered a symbol of "dried up" feelings and a harbinger of betrayal or quarrels up to the end of a relationship.
  4. Worming predicts numerous misunderstandings based on jealousy. A worm of doubt has settled in one of the partners, which undermines the trust in the couple.
  5. Rotten berries with traces of mold embody sexually transmitted diseases, misfortune and even a threat to life.

The meaning of actions with a berry: the opinion of dream books

If in a dream you looked at a plate with an appetizing slide of ripe berries, you can rejoice - this is a symbol of joyful changes in your personal life. And one, but a beautiful and large strawberry, marks a career, slowly but surely moving uphill. Interpreters attach the same meaning to dreams of berries lying in the dreamer's palm.

Sweet dreams will bring good luck

Strawberries in the refrigerator predict a meeting with a person with whom the relationship was "frozen" for some time. Whatever the reason, there will be a chance to resume communication, which will make you happy.

And the one who wandered through the berry field in a dream:

  • or he soon learns something pleasant about himself;
  • or will gain family well-being and prosperity;
  • or small joys and pleasures will drag him into their sweet nets, distracting him from important worries. Don't give in!

Here is a basket of berries, alas, an offensive sign. She is considered the embodiment of unsatisfied desires that your memory diligently accumulates. To prevent the blues from getting overwhelmed, make a list of what interests you and try to bring even a small part of it to life. Moreover, do this if in a dream the basket overturned, and its sweet contents rolled on the floor. This is considered a sure sign that you will be able to realize your desires, including erotic ones.

For enthusiastic gardeners born from September to December, sleep can be in the hand. The strawberry harvest on your site promises to surpass all expectations!

In whatever form does the berry appear in our dreams

If in a dream you happened to ...

There is

You will have a pleasant time in the company of a nice person of the opposite sex ... But only on condition that you celebrate your birthday on the right day. It's a shame, but the dream books of those born from January to April claim that your joy will be as fleeting as warm summer days. And some even scare you with an attack of toothache!

Sell ​​or buy berries

According to Vanga's dream book, a person who traded strawberries in a dream so generously shares his warmth with others that he will definitely receive a reward from the Universe for this. But those who decide to buy sweet berries should rethink their behavior. It seems that you too often try to surreptitiously shift your responsibilities to others and use others for your own purposes. If you do not correct, you will get a conflict with colleagues, and deservedly so.

But for some reason, stealing berries in a dream is not punishable. On the contrary, you are about to experience a delightful love adventure.

Plant or weed bushes

A person who was engaged in planting and caring for strawberries in a dream is distinguished by original convictions, which does not always meet with understanding even among his loved ones. Don't be upset, your soul mate wanders somewhere nearby!

Your hard work will be rewarded with a generous harvest

At the same time, the work itself in the beds symbolizes the painstaking and monotonous work that you will have to do without any hope of decent pay. But every cloud has a silver lining. If in a dream you worked thoroughly with a hoe, freeing the bushes from the grass, there is a chance that in reality you will finally be able to put your life in order, separating the weeds from truly valuable things. If fresh berries have grown among the leaves right in front of your eyes, prosperity and family happiness will come to your home.


Ripe strawberries predict mutual love, green and small - an unrequited feeling. If at the same time the berries grew on the trees above your head, teasing, but not giving in to your hands, do not expect success: now is not the most successful period in your life. But those who easily plucked fragrant fruits from the branches will be able to fulfill their secret desires without making serious efforts.

Treat and treat

The dream in which you fed your partner ripe berries or received a treat from him, speaks of a harmonious relationship. But if at night you handed your chosen one a green and sour berry, analyze your feelings for him. Perhaps you suspect your betrothed of infidelity or are you afraid that his crush on you is false and covers up a mercantile interest?

  • Offering strawberries to a stranger means gaining a new admirer, loyal and affectionate.
  • If in a dream an elderly person handed you a berry, expect positive changes.
  • And if it was a child, good news will come.


Killing strawberries means with my own hands destroy your happiness and alienate people who are sincerely disposed towards you.

What does it mean to see strawberry dishes in a dream

Dreams about berry delicacies also have their own interpretations:

Without exaggeration, strawberries can be called one of the most successful symbols in the dream book. She has a minimum negative interpretations! Yes, and bad, but by and large, you can wrap yourself up to your advantage. If the subconscious mind really "threw" a rotten or wormy berry into your dream, and not a random coincidence, think - what is going wrong in your life? By heeding the warning of intuition in time, many troubles can be avoided.