Conspiracies for a strong family and love in the house. Prayer for family peace

Live in harmony with the family thanks to conspiracies for peace

In this article:

A person cannot be in a state of eternal peace and happiness for a long time. To "accelerate the blood", to change the emotional rhythm, all living beings are drawn to some kind of extreme. Someone finds him at the risk of his life:

  • extreme sports;
  • Various trips and travels to unknown corners of the globe;
  • Risk game.

If, for some reason, a person cannot find such entertainment in order to relieve tension and restrained stress, a chaotic flow of energy pours out on the family and showdown with a loved one because of any little thing. A conflict ensues, leading to disagreements.

Shards of pink glasses

Many young couples who rushed to marry did not have time to live together and see each other without embellishment. It is clear that in the first months everyone tries to please their soulmate, behaves many times better. Looks at some bad habits, as a light whim that you can put up with. But time after time, with a clash of interests, there is a small disappointment in a person and his bad habits become more irritable. As a result, the overflowing cup of disappointment cracks at the most inopportune moment on a mere trifle and people part.

The habit of speaking out

Another frequent case of discord in the family is a conversation with a loved one in a raised voice. Complete confidence in close person can be regarded as aggression and cause a response that you yourself did not expect. You scream and cry, crying for help, because you are tired of being the strongest hero on earth, and the wrath of the one you came to for peace falls on you. It undermines health too much and takes away positive energy for a long time.

Evil eye from the side

For all the reasons for parting, there is a conspiracy.

Conspiracy for strong peace in the family

Most effective conspiracy to reconcile with the family contains only a couple of sentences and a simple ritual of kissing the bridge of the nose of a loved one.

“Lord, protect my fate, save my love, give us long life and one happiness for two.”

You can talk about yourself.

And repeat the kiss constantly, as you part at the door and meet.

conspiracy for food

Prepare food with love and joy. Imagine how your loved one will enjoy the food and be grateful for your efforts. Delicious food is the key to a good life. When a person is full, he does not want to swear. In any cooking, you say:

“I brew - I brew a brew, for my whole family for health and wealth. Let's be full and happy in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Speak special words on food - the old fashioned way work in family magic

A plot on the canvas (decor) in the house

So that evil and unintentional intent does not sneak into the walls of your house and does not cause a senseless divorce, make a charm for peace in the family on a conspiracy.

Ready-made paintings or hand-embroideries with various images are suitable for amulets:

  • Broom;
  • Bouquet of wildflowers with butterflies;
  • A pair of swans on the lake;
  • Runes of the world on a black background;
  • Branch blossoming apple tree or lilac;
  • Pictures of nature, pleasing to the eye.

You can place images in any part of the house, make repairs with drawing a picture on the wall or ceiling. You can store the image on the fabric, but preferably in a conspicuous place so that everyone who comes to visit can see this decoration.

A conspiracy for peace in the family on the picture

“Our world - our home - paradise. Each guest is welcome, they agree to share happiness. Let's divide - enough for everyone, but we don't need someone else's. Whoever comes to our house - the world - paradise with his own intent, to grab happiness in a bag and drag him into a corner, he will leave with his thoughts and go back, he will not find a way back. And we, as we loved each other, as we respected, so it will go on.”

Conspiracy for a church candle

This conspiracy is for those who go to church and worship religion.

As always, the Christian egregore is the strongest helper for Christians.

Come to the temple of God, bow to the icon of the Savior and the icon of the Mother of God. Ask for peace in the family and health to your loved ones. Buy 3 candles, leave one to the Savior, for protection and peace in the family, and the second to the Most Holy Theotokos, take the third home. Prepare a family lunch (dinner), put yourself in order and read the following words on a candle:

“As this candle melts, so it melts between me, the servants of God (name) and my husband, my servant of God (name), ice and misunderstanding. As wax spreads from a hot fire, so a quarrel and tears flow between us like a river, and God's warmth and light remain on the way. Let's join hands and go one way, looking in one direction, and all troubles will be left behind, thanks to God's providence. In the name of father, son and holy spirit. Amen."

For love and harmony in the family

If the husband is rude and you can’t please him with anything

On a small piece of paper, write a conspiracy:

"Holy martyrs and confessors, pray to God for the forgiveness and healing of the servant of God (husband's name).
From bad language. from a malicious disposition, from a violent will. from impatience, from insult,
from whining and lies, from arrogance and laziness, from a blasphemous demon.
Saints, pray to God for him every minute and every hour.

Sew a piece of paper with the words of the conspiracy into the seam of the pillow on which the husband sleeps, sprinkle with holy water and cross three times.

Go to church and bring two candles. On the waning moon in the evening, fold the candles in a cross and light them. In the photo of the brawler (he should be alone in the photo), drip candle wax and whisper 12 times;
"As wax pours from a candle in the Mother Church, so the soul
the servant of God (name) is not given to demonic evil.
How the throne stands in the church, does not stagger, does not cry,
does not swear, does not rush at people,
so you, servant of God (name), be quiet and calm.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Extinguish the candles with two fingers, hide the cinders, and put the photo in a clean envelope and put it between the pages of the Bible.

On a scandalous man

For three days in a row, go to church and put three candles at the icon of the Mother of God, and three candles at the icons that your heart tells you, for example, one candle for Nikolai the Pleasant, one for Jesus Christ and one for the Matrona of Moscow, or which icons will be at your discretion in the temple. Mentally ask for mercy from the face of the saint. And when you leave the temple, each time say three times:

"How I came out of my mother church,
so anger came out of the servant of God (name)
on the black breath, to the church doorstep
on a dusty road.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Cross yourself three times and go home.

You also need to protect yourself, perhaps your husband is a vampire and feeds on your energy. Cut off a small piece of green woolen thread, dip it into a clean cold water and say seven times:

"I freeze every evil,
I stop every black message.
May it be so!"

Tie the charmed thread around your wrist.

To build a relationship between you, do this.
Set to cook kissel from any red berries, and when it is almost ready. read over it three times a conspiracy for peace and harmony in the family:

"I remember, the servant of God (your name), with jelly quarrels, offensive conversations.
Remember the Mother of God for the health of the servants of God (your name and the name of your husband).
Be my words strong, strong.
Key. lock. language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The husband should drink the first cup of jelly, and then you. Boil jelly on an even day, but not on Wednesday and Friday, and the moon should be waning.

How to create peace in the family

Speak for tea, for water and let your husband drink:

Mother Holy Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but I return life. So that such a pure life is like the water of a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For a spouse to miss home

Take your husband’s boots, hit them with the sole on the sole and read the following conspiracy three times in a row:

Wherever you've been

Everyone would grieve about their home.

Walking from me

And to me, to God's servant (name), run.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the wife will always be sweet to her husband

When your husband is eating something meat, go up to him, kiss him on the right cheek and say to yourself:

How are you, servant of God (name),

Eat and drink with gusto

So you to me from this hour

You give all your love.

How do you like this food?

So I would be nice to you, God's servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

A conspiracy to love a husband (for a gift)

V even number(for example, on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc. of any month), if it falls on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, you can read a special conspiracy on the gift you just bought for your spouse that will save you from cheating on your husband. The words of the conspiracy are:

I will rise, God's servant (name), blessed,

Pray before the holy icon.

I look into my bright window -

Outside, it's dark outside.

Oh you, month-brother, be my matchmaker,

Help me in my girlish business,

Bless a gift.

How will he take my present?

So let love come to him

To me, to God's servant (name).

So that he misses me fiercely,

Every hour and minute I yearned.

And be you, my words, indestructible

And invincible by no word

For all days, for all hours,

For years, for centuries, for all good times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

It is absolutely not in vain that experts in various fields say that family well-being is achieved only by very hard, constant work. Here, as they say, all means are suitable.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: many different factors influence the family aura.

These are its members themselves, with their own characters and habits, hobbies and preferences.

And still outsiders intervene, trying to inspire their opinions and views.

All this makes up a kind of "garbage bin", which begins to rot and decompose the atmosphere.

If the rubbish is not removed, then you can wait for trouble. , of course, will help prevent this.

It is very good that only “white” means are used to establish a family atmosphere.

They will clean out the superfluous and attract the good, restore the harmony of relationships, increase any little joy, laying it, like a brick, in the foundation of peace.

Any rite can be performed by any member of the family.

In ancient times, such rituals were performed by an older woman. She had such a duty.

But now her role can be entrusted to someone who sincerely believes in magic, is interested in rituals, and tries to understand them.

And if not the right person, then let anyone conduct. The main thing is to do it with love, without excessive and, in this case, extremely harmful skepticism.

Just keep in mind that the magic broom is not used for intended purpose. Only for rituals and ceremonies!

It would be nice if each family performed the following rite. People would live a completely different life! Joyful!

And so we pass on all sorts of troubles to each other, adding our own to other people's problems.

One can imagine this as if the people are passing a suitcase from house to house, putting old holey socks and other unnecessary junk in it. Such "good" does not disappear anywhere. Wandering from one family to another.

Imagine how the world would change if all these "suitcases" were burned at the same time! How much space would be freed up for good.

And you need to do so.

  1. Buy "". It can be a vase or a beautiful figurine. A similar thing that everyone will like will not cause rejection or negativity.
  2. On the new moon, put this little thing under the open sky.
  3. Read the following words above it:

“Home is not a battlefield, but a good nest. The house is not a fiery desert, but a piece of warmth. Home is not a place to fight, but a haven of fate! It’s okay to be here, but there’s no need for grief! Amen!"

Now choose (better all together, with other members of your family) a place of honor for yours. Make sure it is clearly visible.

And yet, it is very useful to perform this ceremony together.

Then the energy of the ritual will be so strong that it will spread to the neighbors.

Try it, you will see for yourself!

Getting married (starting to live together) is very simple. But to make coexistence truly beautiful, comfortable, convenient, desirable, is quite difficult.

There is no magic here. Moreover, it will help save strength, maintain health, nerves for sure.

And save happiness not for one person, but for a whole family! There is something to spend a few minutes on the ritual!

  1. Buy the Faith, Hope, Love Icon.

By the way, it is desirable to have it in the house. It in itself brings peace and harmony.

Well, if you remember the rite on the thirtieth of September, on their day. Then the ritual will gain special power. If you forget, then spend another day.

The Lord will surely hear your prayers.

The plot is read near this particular icon twice: in the morning and in the evening.

  1. Light a candle or lamp.
  2. Say these words:

“In the waters of the sea-okiyana, the raft fish splashes, does not find a place for itself, plays joyfully, knows no troubles. It’s bad for her if you pull her out onto land. Do not live a raft fish without clean waters. No wandering through the fields and meadows. So the enemy does not reign in my strong family, do not bring misfortune on him. Let his path lie by the side, so that later he does not show offense. The race is strong and strong, the Lord is blessed. And whoever wants to destroy it, the raft fish is waiting for him. The enemy will taste her flesh, he will not live a day, he will die in agony. Christ's name does not break my family. As fish scales lay down on the skin in rows, so we are destined to unite! Amen!"

And if you all read this spell together, then already.

So that the husband and wife do not quarrel, say three times: “Just as the Trinity does not quarrel within itself, so do not you quarrel. Amen!"

For any drink or any food that all family members will consume, read Our Father three times, and then the conspiracy itself:

“As here everything that is inseparable, so in life (names of all family members) we will all be inseparable. May it be so!" And cross your food or drink three times.

If relationships with loved ones do not add up in your house: you often quarrel, scandal, or money does not hold in your house, then buy three Bibles (three New Testaments are possible).

Give these books to people who do not believe in God (or doubt). Then the Holy Trinity will take care of your family.

On the growing moon, go to the church and buy three candles. Take two candles with you, and put one on the health of your spouse.

When leaving the temple, make a small donation for its needs and give sweets to all those who ask. At home, at midnight of this day, blow the candles together.

At the same time say:

“I twist the candles, I connect two destinies (the name of the husband and wife). For good, for love. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Light the candles with new matches and say to them three times:

“I light candles, I connect hearts (names of husband and wife). May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Wash yourself with spring water, mentally saying:

"As the last drops of water go, so do the last drops of my tears."

Take an old frying pan, heat it up and throw in some church incense. Fumigate all corners of the room with this incense, going around the housing in a clockwise direction. And read the following plot:

“Like the night with the moon, like a star with a star, so am I with my family. As Christ loves his mother, so we would love each other, would not squabble, and would not beat each other. Frankincense, give me peace, peace and treasure. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If you quarreled, then light a candle in the evening, when all the household members go to bed, and go around the whole house, reading "Our Father".

Every Thursday sweep the corners of the house with a broom, sweep the cobwebs. At the same time, mentally read "Our Father." After that, pour boiling water over the broom and shake it off the threshold with the words:

“Where it came from, it went there, it went to the owner!” After that, wipe the dust with a damp cloth and throw it away at the crossroads, saying: “Everything bad has floated, rotted, floated away!”

Buy salt from nine merchants, mix in one container. This is done on a young moon, Thursday, before noon. After mixing the salt, read the plot itself:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! I will rise, the servant of God (my name), blessed! I'm going to cross myself! From door to door, from gate to gate, to the open field, under the east side. I will pray to the Lord our God and the Holy Archangels and angels Gabriel and Michael, six-winged seraphim. Evangelists Luke, Mark, John the Theologian and Matthew. As the demonic force is afraid of you and the heavenly arrows of your army are afraid, so let it be afraid, the servant of God (husband's name) will be afraid of my conspiracy-sentence. My word is strong and stucco! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Food is salted with this salt until it runs out. Then, according to the same scheme, you can prepare a new slander salt.

As soon as the conflict begins, mentally read: “Lord, have mercy!” The conflict will gradually settle down.

If your family has too much contention, then use this slander:

“Scream and noise, go away from here, to the swamp water, to the house of the snake underground! You live there from now on and forever, there you have freedom and life! And we, the servants of God (the name of the spouse and our full name), wow, good life! May it be so! Amen!" Read this on the water, on the afternoon of Saturday. Wash the floor with this water and, pouring into latrine, say:

“As the month wanes, so my family troubles float away with this water! May it be so! Amen!" For the next three days, do not give anything from home and try not to take any treats from anyone.

This conspiracy is read into the water three times, but before it it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father".

“Peace, salvation and grace to this house and to all who live in it. Sow, Lord, in this house the spirit of piety, the spirit of meekness and the spirit of humility. Drive out of him all the power of the devil and every enemy visible and invisible enemy.

Oh, Most Pure Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on you, strengthen me in the fight against all enemies, visible and invisible, carnal and spiritual observance and temptation. Amen".

Spoken water should be sprinkled in all corners of the house. Pour the rest of the water under the threshold.

Most Full description in all details - a love spell for peace and harmony in the family with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

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  • Administrator


I want to offer you a very effective ritual for marriage.

And it works very fast.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon.

All actions must be done in one day.

Take three fresh beans.

- Cook one of them and eat,

- throw the second one out the window at midnight,

- and plant the third in a clay pot and pour water over it.

As you plant the bean in the ground, say:

“Jesus Christ and Everlasting Mary walked through the sky and saw me. They see - a red-haired girl is sitting at home, all alone, homeless. I’m good to everyone, I took it to everyone, I’m beautiful, I work around the house, I’m an entertainer at dances, I’m a friend to my girlfriends, but no one takes, she doesn’t call for marriage. And Jesus Christ and Everlasting Mary said: “When the bridegroom comes to them, he will marry you.” Bob will grow up, and I will get married. Key. Lock. Language. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Water the plant every morning, reading a prayer three times over it.

If the bean rots and does not germinate, then you have energy negative and first you need to remove it, and then again carry out the ritual to find the second half.

  • Administrator


Many people have a hard time quarrels or parting with their loved ones.

Therefore, I want to talk about a ritual that will help return the beloved man. The ritual is very powerful.

If everything is done correctly, it works very quickly.

If you quarreled with your beloved man or something went wrong in your relationship, but you feel that this is exactly the person you need, perform the following ceremony.

The ritual is performed on the 24th lunar day.

Take any coin with a male profile.

Imagine that this is the face of a loved one.

Hold the coin under your arm for a few minutes, and then throw it away at the crossroads where no one can see.

At the same time, say


Then, without looking back, leave.

Don't talk to anyone along the way.

Your relationship will improve very soon.

  • Administrator

Conspiracy from a harmful mother-in-law

It is read on the waning moon so that quarrels subside. It is advisable to have some personal thing of the mother-in-law or a gift given by her. Read on it. “The moon is waning, the mother-in-law is silent. Scolding on the wane, the world in profit.

So that the mother-in-law does not interfere in your life

Read at full moon. It is advisable to have some personal thing of the mother-in-law or a gift given by her. "The moon is high - the mother-in-law is in her house, the moon is far away - and she does not need anything to us."

For peace between neighbors

Read on the waning moon. “A dog sleeps in a booth - it doesn’t bite, and no one barks in our house. Peace reigns, order, everyone is silent, they don’t shout at each other at all. It makes no sense to find fault with each other, we will smile at each other.

For reconciliation with relatives

Invite them to your home and prepare a treat. Speak to him (before and during meals): "They tasted bread and salt, forgot anger."

If there is trouble in the family

Say a conspiracy to the waning moon: “Go unclean from the threshold, forget the way here completely. Here you have no peace and shelter, and only your anger is fierce. This house is closed to you forever, people do not believe in you.

Check damage to home and family

Take a church candle and walk around the house with it. Pay close attention to corners and mirrors. If the candle begins to crackle strongly, it means that you or the whole family have been damaged or cursed. If possible, invite a magician to eliminate the consequences. If this is not possible, a conspiracy can help for the first time: “Clean floor and ceiling, clean every corner, evil spirits get out of here, this is not hell and not your home. And from now on and forever there is no place for dark demons here.

For peace and harmony with her husband

Take three church candles. Light them up. Place a glass of water between them. Speak to him, and then let your husband drink (you can make tea or coffee from this water): “The water is clean, and we are clean, the water is light, and we are light. Water to the stomach and peace to us - here.

So that the husband stops being a sissy

It is read on the growing moon on the husband's thing, which he wears all the time. “There was a baby - he became a man, he doesn’t run to his mother according to his order, he doesn’t go for advice, he manages himself - that’s why. He will respect his mother, but her husband will become his own.

From a grouchy wife

Read on the waning moon. Buy a mirror for your wife and, before giving it, say a conspiracy: “My (name) admires in the mirror, my (name) no longer frowns, she doesn’t grumble, she doesn’t get mad, but she is always friendly with me.”

From the greed of his wife

Read on the waning moon. “Does not languish over silver, gold and copper, does not look like a witch greedy for money, meets with a smile, feeds guests, then puts me to bed with affection.”

From quarrels between the young

“We live together and do not grieve, we live together - always be friends. Trouble is closed our door from now on forever now. We will live in love and peace, and there are no quarrels in our apartment.

Conspiracy for bread, salt

Read on bread and salt. It is intended for peace and harmony in the family and so that guests cannot do harm, wish something bad. “Bread and salt in Russia is honored everywhere, you ask anyone, he knows - the unkind eye and tongue are defeated with bread and salt, every guest in Russia is accustomed to honor with bread, just don’t bring evil and darkness into our good house, we all live peacefully in it” .

From unjustified jealousy

If you are unjustifiably jealous and turn your life into a hassle, say this conspiracy to the water and let's drink to the betrothed (you can use it in the form of tea or compote): “The suspicion of the jealous heart does not gnaw, it does not torment. As the surface of the lake is quiet, so is my husband (name), calm. The lake does not storm, the waves do not worry, and my husband (name) does not worry, does not rage, does not torment me (name) with suspicions. Our life does not break, does not break, but everything in it takes place in its own way, from now on and forever, so be it, as I said.

Requests to the brownie

It is known that the brownie helps in the family, takes care of the household. He can help and keep the peace in the family. To do this, you need to treat him kindly, put milk in a saucer and cookies for him at night, or you can also ask: “Father, brownie, master of the head, take care of the house, guard the rest, protect us from the evil of someone else, whether your own, from the heart I ask your . I promise to feed you and thank you for everything.

  • Administrator

Love spell during a feast

They pour from their glass to the chosen one and say to themselves: “Drink, drink up, love, do not forget”

Love spell while dancing

Look the guy in the eyes and say to yourself: “We are like yin and yang, two halves of one whole. We cannot be torn apart, we will always stand together, love each other, raise children.”

Love spell on the wind

Looking out the window, whisper:

“Come to me (name), to my doorstep, my god, my hut, on the floor. I won't give it to anyone, I'll never betray it."

So that the betrothed does not look at others

It is necessary to enter last where everyone has gathered, including the dear one, and say to yourself or in a whisper: “You are all chickens, little fools. I am one beauty, red for the whole world. I swim like a pavushka, but like a swan. Everyone will part, hatch at me, and I will smile at him, sit next to him, hide his heart, for everyone I will mean: do not take, do not touch, do not shake the rye, this is my fellow and I am with him down the aisle.

Spell for a treat

When treating a guy with what he likes best, say: “Eat tasty, think sadly - miss me, there is no sadness with me. As the food is delicious, so am I cute.”

Conspiracy for a gift

Before giving a loved one a thing, say to it: “I give a gift, I love you. You take the thing, you take me. There is no peace without me, you know and you know the light.

Conspiracy on a pin

Wear it on yourself for three days and three nights, and then speak and pin it to your husband in an inconspicuous place from the inside of your clothes: “Don’t lose it, don’t forget me (name).

Candle conspiracy

Light a candle and whisper to it: “Fire, light, wind, breeze, dry my dear (name), dear beloved. How do you wind, fire, let it wind behind me, twine, without me (name) toils.

Conspiracy to return her husband

The conspiracy must be pronounced on the water, which the husband must then drink.

“You drink water, you drink me, you take in yourself, you don’t forget me. If you go to another - you will get confused, you will quarrel with her. Come back to me, then you'll laugh."

Conspiracy for a thing

Take a thing of a husband or friend, put it under a mattress or under a pillow and say a conspiracy at exactly midnight for 12 nights in a row: “I hug you (name), I attract you, I warm you, I caress you. As soon as you wake up, come back to me."

They read at midnight on the waning moon: “My dear (name) is cold, my dear is hungry, in a strange house he does not drink, he is not fed, he is not supposed to sleep, he owes everything to everyone. The rival is (name) a snake, moreover, not laughing, squinting severely, and besides, she is unhealthy. How can you want it when you don't want to see it. The husband will turn away, he will return home.

Damage to a rival

He slanders fire - a candle on the waning moon: “The snake is a bastard, she ruined her husband, lured her to her. Let the devils dream about you, they fuck with you, and your husband is not a fool, he is going home. So!"

So that the husband does not change

To slander at night when he sleeps: “Just as the sky does not converge with the sea, so my (name) husband does not communicate with others, he does not succeed. Neither with a beautiful, nor with a wretched, and with a slutty, with a touchy, with a complete fool, smart herself, with short or long hair, with a fat woman, with a thin woman, a blonde, a blackie. Only I am handsome to him, everything is worth it - it’s understandable. ”

Love spell on a girl

You can make sweets, talk and give to your beloved. “You can’t have a dove without a dove, you can’t (name) without (name). Tasted the sweetness, fell in love with me. The night did not sleep, everyone called me. And the other will not fall asleep until he comes to me.

Conspiracy at the stake

Go to the forest, kindle a fire, loosen your hair. Take off your clothes (you can stay in a nightgown or T-shirt). Walk around the fire and say: “My soul (name), love me, my soul, moan without me, my soul, die without me. Love me like firewood, love me like I love you. Bring the wind to your beloved whip from my fire, burn it, twist it, screw it. Until (name) comes to me, he will not find peace.

Salt Conspiracy

Take the salt, speak to it, and then take it and pour it to the threshold of the beloved: “The salt of the earth - I am for you, the salt of love - I am for you, you are insipid without me, you feel cramped without me. With me at ease, and I am satisfied.

Conspiracy during a thunderstorm

“Thunder blazes, lightning flashes, dear remembers me with a kind word, a wise word, without me he is foul. The storm will pass, the darling will come. Repeat 12 times during a severe thunderstorm.

Conspiracy for the first snow

“As the snow falls, all traces will be swept away, only one trace has not disappeared, my dear has come to me. How dear came and the snow passed, all traces were covered, no one found them. My dear stayed, did not say goodbye to me, melted in his arms, praised me.

“On a dark night and in the full moon, a snake crawled under the sand on the desert, crawled to the red maiden (name) and stung her in the zealous heart at my (name) at the request. The red-haired girl is drying up, she can’t do anything without me, she doesn’t see the white light.

Widow's conspiracy for her betrothed

The widow must choose the person she likes and pronounce a conspiracy on a lit red candle on a full moon. “My light, father, have pity on the poor widow, the poor widow, the sinful widow, dry the red young man (name) to her, so that he covers her head not with a widow's scarf, but with a wedding veil, so that he yearns for me (name), not looking at others , do not want anyone. Let it be so from now on and forever, like cold water in a well, and a bright moon in the sky.

A widower's conspiracy for a bride

The widower chooses the girl he likes and pronounces a conspiracy on a lit red candle on the new moon. “Kurlyk chicken, purring cat, he came himself, he brought the hostess. The hostess is good, blushed from the crown, married a widower.

Conspiracy for an intractable girl

“The girl was walking through the meadow, she suddenly saw an arc, an arc of a rainbow, and that rainbow arc led straight to me. The girl blushed, she wanted to love. She gave a pen, went down the aisle. She loved me more than a clear day, more than a starry night and at midnight. And by the same fate we are engaged to you, you (name) and I (name) are one family.

Sometimes it also happens that someone's crazy passion begins to weigh you down. In this case, this conspiracy will help you. It must be pronounced at midnight on the waning moon with a lit black candle. “Just as I don’t need an uninvited guest, so I don’t need an unequal one, I don’t like it, disgusted, like a stump in a cold weed, as if he were yesterday’s snow, an empty man. Get rid of forever soon, forget about the blue of your eyes. Look elsewhere, your bride is standing there.”

"I'm scary and crooked and you never love, look for yourself another, sweet and young." Say this conspiracy to the waning moon, and then the girl will really see that you do not suit her at all.

Change your mind, drive away from the girl

Put snow in your bosom and say to yourself: “She is cold as ice, the people see it, and you look at her, wipe your tears, I will warm you, I will kiss you, I, only I am, in your thoughts forever.”

To drive a husband away from a rival

Seeing animal excrement on the ground, say: “The husband walked, walked into shit and got his sight. The rival (name) is as old as a grandmother, terrible as death, stupid as a cork, nauseating as shit. It's disgusting to see her, it's disgusting to sleep with her, there is only one thing left - to go home.

Scolding a husband with a rival

“In the black room, a black cat and a black dog squabbled not on the stomach, but on death. Shreds flew, they screamed, they did not let me sleep. Just like a cat and a dog were squabbling, so my husband (name) and his rival (name) are squabbling, fighting, they don’t go to bed, they just want to fight. My husband will return to me, then everything will turn out good.

Conspiracy on the trail

Take the earth from the trail, sew it into a linen bag. Put three church candles, put a bag next to it and say: “The trail burns, dear runs, runs to my house, like a dog to the owner. The trail will turn away, longing will bite, it will come to me and everything will pass.

Put three church candles and between them a glass of spring water. Speak into the water, then wash her face and go on a date, success is guaranteed: “I am a beautiful girl, sweet to all passers-by, the braid is rus, long, and I am good. I swim like a swan, I laugh like a bell. Whoever walks by will follow me with his gaze.

Conspiracy for tears

If it has become so hard for you that you are crying and cannot stop, this conspiracy is for you: “My tears are burning like a salty sea, my grief is bottomless, like a deep sea, my tears are desperate, like sailors on a boat, turn my tears into the most burning love spell! On the one who did not notice, on the one who did not notice, about whom she cried out her eyes, about whom her heart suffered!

Conspiracy on the web

If you feel that your husband is looking to the side, find a spider and plant it over the door to weave its web there. On the waning moon for three nights in a row at midnight, read the plot: “Spider spider, catch your husband in your net, don’t let him out of the house, your husband will fall asleep, he will suddenly be too lazy, he wants to forget himself in sleep. In the morning he will wake up, just smile, forget about her, be a homebody.”

Conspiracies in the family

So that the husband and wife do not quarrel, say three times: “Just as the Trinity does not quarrel within itself, so do not you quarrel. Amen!"

For any drink or any food that all family members will consume, read Our Father three times, and then the conspiracy itself:

“As here everything that is inseparable, so in life (names of all family members) we will all be inseparable. May it be so!" And cross your food or drink three times.

If relationships with loved ones do not add up in your house: you often quarrel, scandal, or money does not hold in your house, then buy three Bibles (three New Testaments are possible).

Give these books to people who do not believe in God (or doubt). Then the Holy Trinity will take care of your family.

On the growing moon, go to the church and buy three candles. Take two candles with you, and put one on the health of your spouse.

When leaving the temple, make a small donation for its needs and give sweets to all those who ask. At home, at midnight of this day, blow the candles together.

At the same time say:

“I twist the candles, I connect two destinies (the name of the husband and wife). For good, for love. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Light the candles with new matches and say to them three times:

“I light candles, I connect hearts (names of husband and wife). May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Wash yourself with spring water, mentally saying:

"As the last drops of water go, so do the last drops of my tears."

Take an old frying pan, heat it up and throw in some church incense. Fumigate all corners of the room with this incense, going around the housing in a clockwise direction. And read the following plot:

“Like the night with the moon, like a star with a star, so am I with my family. As Christ loves his mother, so we would love each other, would not squabble, and would not beat each other. Frankincense, give me peace, peace and treasure. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If you quarreled, then light a candle in the evening, when all the household members go to bed, and go around the whole house, reading "Our Father".

Every Thursday sweep the corners of the house with a broom, sweep the cobwebs. At the same time, mentally read "Our Father." After that, pour boiling water over the broom and shake it off the threshold with the words:

“Where it came from, it went there, it went to the owner!” Then wipe the dust with a damp cloth and throw it away at the crossroads, saying: “Everything bad has floated away, rotted away, floated away!”

Buy salt from nine merchants, mix in one container. This is done on a young moon, Thursday, before noon. After mixing the salt, read the plot itself:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! I will rise, the servant of God (my name), blessed! I'm going to cross myself! From door to door, from gate to gate, to the open field, under the east side. I will pray to the Lord our God and the Holy Archangels and angels Gabriel and Michael, six-winged seraphim. Evangelists Luke, Mark, John the Theologian and Matthew. As the demonic force is afraid of you and the heavenly arrows of your army are afraid, so let it be afraid, the servant of God (husband's name) will be afraid of my conspiracy-sentence. My word is strong and stucco! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Food is salted with this salt until it runs out. Then, according to the same scheme, you can prepare a new slander salt.

As soon as the conflict begins, mentally read: “Lord, have mercy!” The conflict will gradually settle down.

If your family has too much contention, then use this slander:

“Scream and noise, go away from here, to the swamp water, to the house of the snake underground! You live there from now on and forever, there you have freedom and life! And to us, the servants of God (the name of the spouse and our full name), good life! May it be so! Amen!" Read this on the water, on the afternoon of Saturday. Wash the floor with this water and, pouring it into the latrine, say:

“As the month wanes, so my family troubles float away with this water! May it be so! Amen!" For the next three days, do not give anything from home and try not to take any treats from anyone.

This conspiracy is read into the water three times, but before it it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father".

“Peace, salvation and grace to this house and to all who live in it. Sow, Lord, in this house the spirit of piety, the spirit of meekness and the spirit of humility. Drive out of him all the power of the devil and every enemy visible and invisible enemy.

Oh, Most Pure Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on you, strengthen me in the fight against all enemies, visible and invisible, carnal and spiritual observance and temptation. Amen".

Spoken water should be sprinkled in all corners of the house. Pour the rest of the water under the threshold.

A conspiracy for peace in the family, love and harmony

It is absolutely not in vain that experts in various fields say that family well-being is achieved only by very hard, constant work. Here, as they say, all means are suitable.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: many different factors influence the family aura.

These are its members themselves, with their own characters and habits, hobbies and preferences.

And still outsiders intervene, trying to inspire their opinions and views.

All this makes up a kind of "garbage bin", which begins to rot and decompose the atmosphere.

If the rubbish is not removed, then you can wait for trouble. Magic, of course, will help prevent this.

It is very good that only “white” means are used to establish a family atmosphere.

They will clean out the superfluous and attract the good, restore the harmony of relationships, increase any little joy, laying it, like a brick, in the foundation of peace.

Conspiracy for peace in the family

Any rite can be performed by any member of the family.

In ancient times, such rituals were performed by an older woman. She had such a duty.

But now her role can be entrusted to someone who sincerely believes in magic, is interested in rituals, and tries to understand them.

And if there is no suitable person, then let anyone conduct it. The main thing is to do it with love, without excessive and, in this case, extremely harmful skepticism.

A conspiracy is read for food, which the family has gathered to feast on at a common table.

“Lord, forgive and encourage. Let the fret into the house. So that goodness flows like a river, leaving only peace, so that love sparkles with diamonds, so that it does not deteriorate under the eyes of others! Let family happiness sparkle, without time through generations! Amen!"

Conspiracy for peace in the family

If it seemed that there was tension in the house, then start ... cleaning.

This activity is a great excuse to throw the dirt out of the house and do magic.

  1. Go to the store and buy a new broom (even if you are used to vacuum cleaners).
  2. It is necessary to tie a bow of fiery color to it. And a simple broom will turn into a magical attribute.
  3. When you have finished washing the floors and wiping the furniture, then take your "magic tool" in your left hand.
  4. Walk with him around the house, pretending to be sweeping. This must be done from the windows to the doors. Wave your magic broom and say the words:
“I scatter fiery lava, drive away evil and pain. Not from the devil and Satan, but from the Lord and the Angel, who know good, who own love. I disperse evil and resentment so that they do not have views on the family. I remove the darkness in hell, the devil will be like a brother. I lure joy into the house, so that everything is fine in it! Amen!"

Finish, go out the door, shake your broom there to remove what is "stuck" and hoist it to the "place of honor."

Just keep in mind that the magic broom is not used for its intended purpose. Only for rituals and ceremonies!

Conspiracy in the family

It would be nice if each family performed the following rite. People would live a completely different life! Joyful!

And so we pass on all sorts of troubles to each other, adding our own to other people's problems.

One can imagine this as if the people are passing a suitcase from house to house, putting old holey socks and other unnecessary junk in it. Such "good" does not disappear anywhere. Wandering from one family to another.

Imagine how the world would change if all these "suitcases" were burned at the same time! How much space would be freed up for good.

And you need to do so.

  1. Buy a talisman. It can be a vase or a beautiful figurine. A similar thing that everyone will like will not cause rejection or negativity.
  2. On the new moon, put this little thing under the open sky.
  3. Read the following words above it:
“Home is not a battlefield, but a good nest. The house is not a fiery desert, but a piece of warmth. Home is not a place to fight, but a haven of fate! It’s okay to be here, but there’s no need for grief! Amen!"

Now choose (preferably all together, with other members of your family) a place of honor for your amulet. Make sure it is clearly visible.

And yet, it is very useful to perform this ceremony together.

Then the energy of the ritual will be so strong that it will spread to the neighbors.

Try it, you will see for yourself!

Conspiracy to save the family

Getting married (starting to live together) is very simple. But to make coexistence truly beautiful, comfortable, convenient, desirable, is quite difficult.

There is no magic here. Moreover, it will help save strength, maintain health, nerves for sure.

And save happiness not for one person, but for a whole family! There is something to spend a few minutes on the ritual!

By the way, it is desirable to have it in the house. It in itself brings peace and harmony.

Well, if you remember the rite on the thirtieth of September, on their day. Then the ritual will gain special power. If you forget, then spend another day.

The Lord will surely hear your prayers.

The plot is read near this particular icon twice: in the morning and in the evening.

  1. Light a candle or lamp.
  2. Say these words:

“In the waters of the sea-okiyana, the raft fish splashes, does not find a place for itself, plays joyfully, knows no troubles. It’s bad for her if you pull her out onto land. Do not live a raftfish without clean waters. No wandering through the fields and meadows. So the enemy does not reign in my strong family, do not bring misfortune on him. Let his path lie by the side, so that later he does not show offense. The race is strong and strong, the Lord is blessed. And whoever wants to destroy it, the raft fish is waiting for him. The enemy will taste her flesh, he will not live a day, he will die in agony. Christ's name does not break my family. As fish scales lay down on the skin in rows, so we are destined to unite! Amen!"

And if you read this spell together, then no enemy is terrible.

Family conspiracy - protection of family relationships

Family conspiracies - very useful tools white magic. They are always on the defensive. family relations from any external influences. There are a huge number of such rites, but there are also universal rituals. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right impact for the current situation.

Popular family rituals

Almost any family plot is read independently at home. For such a ritual, it is important positive attitude, in a fit of anger or against the background of irritation, use such magical influences it is forbidden. V best case, they will simply not be effective, but very often negative emotions can only harm family relationships.

Any ritual related to family magic should be performed in complete privacy with subdued lights. It is important in the room not only to create a comfortable environment, but also to make sure that no one and nothing interferes with you when performing magical actions.

Plans and the fact of the ritual must be kept secret from other people. The fact that you have read a directed family conspiracy cannot be told even to the closest people, including your soulmate should not be informed about this.

Ritual for reconciliation of spouses

Conspiracies are very popular, the action of which is aimed at reconciling spouses, because, as you know, minor quarrels and disagreements are quite common in family life.

A strong conspiracy to reconcile sounds like this:

To remove resentment from the soul

When the peace in the family suddenly shook, you can use another conspiracy. With it, you can not only make peace with your loved one, but also remove unnecessary grievances from the soul. But such a ceremony is important to carry out in a good mood. To achieve such a state, you need to retire to a separate room, and force yourself to remember the brightest moments. living together filled with positive emotions. In order to get rid of internal irritation, you can light a candle and, looking at the flame, imagine that all the negativity surrounding you is burning in it.

Conspiracy after a major conflict

Unfortunately, only minor disagreements do not always arise in the family, there are also serious conflicts that can even lead to parting. Usually in such situations people do not want to understand each other and do not seek reconciliation.

It is important to understand that in order to save the family, one of the spouses must take the first step. Well, if you can’t make peace in a domestic way, then you definitely need to use magic. Via strong conspiracy reconciliation can bring peace to the family and understand each other.

The ceremony is performed in complete seclusion in private room. It is important to ensure complete silence there and make sure that no one interferes while reading the plot. Magic words on the chosen day are pronounced twice in the morning and in the evening for twelve days. Twelve candles are installed in candlesticks in front of a pair of icons in the room.

Before them, the following magic words are pronounced clearly, but in a half-whisper:

Each time after the completion of the rite, the candles are extinguished with the fingers, and all the attributes are left intact. After twelve days, the candle ends are removed and hidden behind the icon. Mother of God, which from now on should always be in your home.