Rocket furnace from an oxygen cylinder: step by step instructions. How to make an efficient stove from an old gas cylinder What is from an oxygen cylinder with your own hands

Many of us often have gas cylinders left in our homes. They are made of fairly high-quality metal, which is sometimes just a pity to throw away. In order to get started, you will need a similar capacity of 50 liters. It often remains from propane.

A little about security measures

You may not even suspect it, but there will be gas residues inside. Of course, you can’t start working with them, you need to get rid of them. To do this, simply open the container and leave it for a few hours. Just make sure there is no fire nearby. Also, after all this, rinse the container with water. It will completely rid the balloon of gas residues. You can also use chlorine or lime for cleaning. The truth may remain after this bad smell. But it's easy to remove. It is enough just to hold the product over the fire for a while. Wait for the paint to burn off.

Work process

From the resulting cylinder, it will be possible to make a portable compressor station without any problems. Surely you have in your household a large number of wheels. They need to be pumped up from time to time. So what is homemade invention will be most welcome. Small wheels will make such a station as mobile as possible, you do not have to carry heavy tires with you.

In order to get started, you must first find a gearbox, the maximum pressure of which will be 2 atmospheres. With it, even children will pump up the wheels without any problems.

Next, you can easily build a stove. It will do an excellent job of heating the workshop. To create it, you need only one burner, which can heat up to 140 degrees and a small chimney. By the way, with such a device it is possible to easily dry nuts and do many more manipulations. Look at the pictures below to see what it looks like.

Of the interesting, it should be noted the skating rink for the garden. It can also be used as a track leveler. To do this, it is enough to simply prepare a special iron base, which you can easily hold on to. You can make such a skating rink in just an hour, or even less. It all depends on how quickly you find the iron handle.

Lovers of outdoor recreation can also be satisfied. In particular, you can make a quality barbecue. To do this, simply cut off the top. By the way, it is possible to make a smokehouse without any problems by combining several cylinders at once. Look at the photo below. Looks attractive enough.

By the way, if you have any parts from the cylinder, then in no case throw them away. From the half it is possible to make a stand for the burner. Just need to attach a few small legs. You can also use part of the sidewall. It should be used as a protection for the sharpener.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. If you have no desire to do something complicated, then you can, for example, make an ordinary urn out of a balloon and decorate it. In general, it is enough just to show your imagination. Do you have piglets? Then just make a feed trough for them. This is a great opportunity to save money.

If you have gas-cylinder pneumatics, then there are probably a lot of empty cans. The author of the article suggests not to throw them away, but to make a durable case for a flash drive.

Attention!!! Before cutting the can, make sure that there is no gas left! Canister under high pressure and its dismantling can lead to explosion of the canister!

So in our hands empty can (or better two) imported from under carbon dioxide(CO?). You can also use domestic cylinders - their wall thickness is even slightly larger (although these are quite thick), but, unfortunately, they are shorter, so long flash drives run the risk of not getting into them.

Next, we need to cut the can into two parts, of which one will become the body, and the second - the lid. Although I personally did not like the option of a cap in the form of a standard neck, so the cap was made from the semicircular bottom of the second cylinder. I draw your attention to the need for a very precise cut perpendicular to the axis! Even minor errors can lead to the fact that when connecting the body and the cap, the wall will acquire a quite noticeable “kink”. Naturally, the ends of the sawn off parts must be evenly sanded with a “sandpaper” on a flat surface, for example, glass. In principle, this can be finished - the flash drive will turn out to be concise and brutal, but I decided to slightly embellish the case and made three oblique cuts on both sides with the help of two folded together, hacksaw blades. After that, he again aligned the cuts with a needle file and a “skin” (but not very fine - we will have micro-scratches on the walls of the slot) wrapped around a plastic card.

Naturally, it was impossible to leave holes in the case just like that, so I began to think about how to cover them. After sorting through several solutions, I came up with a rather tricky option. To do this, a ruler of the desired color is bought at the stationery store - I chose UV-active (fluorescent) orange, as it blends well with brushed metal. It is also necessary to check that the thickness of the plastic approximately coincides with the thickness of the slot, or rather slightly exceeds it.

A small piece of colored plastic is cut out of the ruler in such a way that it can be inserted into this slot with a margin in length and height. Just in case, I remind you that in thickness it should be a little more than a slot and not fit into it. The butt is ground to a semicircular profile - in order to fit snugly against the "bottom" of the slots.

We will need dichloroethane, which is widely known to plexiglass modders and commonly sold on radio markets. Using a brush or cotton swab, moisten quickly and abundantly side surfaces and the end of a piece of the ruler, wait a few seconds until the dichloroethane softens the surface of the plastic and insert it with force into the slot until it stops (you can help yourself with a hammer). Check that there are no gaps anywhere.

Now we put it aside and go to drink tea (not forgetting wash your hands well after dichloroethane). We need to wait until the dichloroethane has completely evaporated and the plastic has acquired its original hardness - do not touch it for at least a few hours, otherwise you risk loosening the tight fit. When everything is dry, you can cut off the excess plastic from the outside, being careful not to touch the metal, and sand it flush with the case.

It is also possible to grind the plastic flush with the metal case from the inside, although this is not necessary. It is possible that without this operation, the plastic will even be more secure in the groove, but most likely it will interfere with the installation of the flash drive board a little.

The plastic was surprisingly well fixed and was not going to fly out, despite the small thickness. Since the technology was successful, I did the same with all the other slots, naturally this time "wholesale". Of course, after that the body was finally polished.

Next, it was necessary to think over the technology for attaching the flash drive board in its new case. To do this, three washers were cut from the same line to fit the inner diameter of the case, after which slots were made in them for the flash drive connector. Two of them will be glued together and will firmly hold the board in the case, and the third will become a mating part in the cover.

After that, the question arose of organizing the backlight. It was a sin not to take advantage of the UV activity property of the plastic, and therefore a 3 mm ultraviolet LED was chosen as the backlight. When trying to directly connect it instead of the standard LED indicator on the board, it turned out that there is not enough power for it and it barely glows. The only power source is 5 volts from the USB connector, but in this case we will lose the read / write indication function.

Memories of the basics of electrical engineering suggested a solution in the form of a transistor. The first element that came across was found on an old board from hard drive and soldered from there, I confess - I did not make any selection by parameters and did not even make out the marking, but surprisingly the scheme worked! In short, power is directly taken from those same 5 volts through a resistor, and the “ground” is connected to the transistor, and it appears exactly when the transistor fixes the voltage at the contacts of the LED indicator. A simple diagram is attached.

Design rocket oven is no secret to experienced craftsman. But today we will see an unusual rocket stove made of oxygen cylinder.

Rocket stove, due to its parameters, has gained popularity all over the world. Unpretentiousness to fuel, good heat dissipation, ease of manufacture are the main advantages of such a furnace. By the way, a rocket stove is also made in residential premises for heating and cooking, and not only as a "camping" or "street" option.

Do-it-yourself rocket stove from an oxygen cylinder

  • Step one: cutting the balloon
  • Step two: loading chamber
  • Step three: loading hole
  • Step four: ash pan
  • Step Five: Vortex Flow
  • Step six: welding work
  • Step seven: insulation
  • Step eight: afterburning system
  • Step nine: cover
  • Step ten: support

There are several options for building such a furnace. The master combined two such variants of photo 1, and 2., and made his own photo 3.

For the manufacture of the master do-it-yourselfer used the following

Tools and materials:

  • Oxygen balloon;
  • Cardboard;
  • Marker;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Magnetic square;
  • Welding machine;
  • profile pipe;
  • Band-saw for metal;
  • Channel;
  • Roulette;
  • Metal brush;
  • A hammer;
  • Clamp;
  • Metal container;
  • Pliers;
  • Bolt;
  • Two bushings;
  • Perlite;

Step one: cutting the balloon

For proper functioning of the furnace, its vertical part must be 2.5 times longer than the fuel chamber. With this in mind, the master makes the layout of the cylinder. For an even cut, wrap a piece of cardboard around the balloon, align the edge and outline with a marker. When marking volumetric parts in this way, you can be sure that the cut point will be even.

Step two: loading chamber

Now you need to properly cut off the edge of the loading chamber. The master makes a template from paper. Transfers the template to the workpiece.

Cuts according to the markup.

Step three: loading hole

With the help of a magnetic square, it fixes the loading chamber on the workpiece. He outlines it along the contour from the inside and outside.

Checks fit, adjusts if necessary.

Step four: ash pan

The ash pan provides access to the combustion chamber, and it can also be used to control traction. The master made the ash pan from a profile pipe 100 * 100 mm. Cut off the right size.

Adjusted to the radius of the pipe.

Cut a hole in the pipe.

Step Five: Vortex Flow

To ensure greater traction, the master makes forced ventilation. The pipe will draw in air, and as it passes through the curved pipe, it will increase the draft.

Cuts the shelves of the channel.

Bends the edge of the workpiece around the pipe.

Step Six: Welding

All parts are prepared and you can start welding.

Welds the loading chamber.

Now you need to measure where to cut the hole for supply ventilation. The master applies the workpiece to the ash pan and circles the place where the curved part belongs.

Welds the workpiece, scalds the ash pan.

Step seven: insulation

For thermal insulation of the upper part of the riser, the master uses a barrel. Cuts a hole in it. Makes petals.

In many private households there is an old liquefied gas cylinder. Many useful things can be made from this object, for example, a simple heating device.

If there is a desire and a welding machine, then a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands can be made without any problems. Of course, some Additional materials.

A potbelly stove is a primitive version of a metal one. Such a device works extremely simply: firewood is laid in the furnace, they burn out, the furnace body heats up and gives off heat to the surrounding air. Smoke gases are removed through the chimney, and the ash is poured through the grate into the ash pan, which should be cleaned periodically.

They heat a potbelly stove and other combustible materials: diesel fuel, coal, peat, household waste etc. If desired, on such a stove you can cook quite successfully. This point should be considered even before the start of the manufacture of the structure in order to make a smooth hob.

The potbelly stove is a combustion chamber made of thick metal with a loading door, a chimney, a grate and a blower. You can use an old gas cylinder as a housing

For a potbelly stove, you need to choose a special place, finished with fire-resistant materials. It is desirable that she stand to the side, where no one accidentally touches the body and does not burn herself.

If desired, the upper part of the vertical potbelly stove from an old gas cylinder can be turned into a hob of modest size

Weighs such metal structure a lot, so there is no question of any mobility of the device. Move potbelly stove for heating different rooms it will be difficult.

Such stoves are usually used to heat utility rooms in which there is no electricity or where it is supplied intermittently: a garage, a barn, a workshop, etc.

Of the two gas cylinders connected perpendicularly, you can make an improved version of the potbelly stove, which allows you to save more heat and get high returns when burning fuel

Another problem is the low efficiency, since part of the thermal energy during the combustion of wood literally flies into the chimney. Exist various ways keep warm and slightly modify the potbelly stove to make it work more efficiently.

Finally, you need to take care of good ventilation of the room in which the potbelly stove is installed, since such a device burns a large amount of oxygen during operation.

So, a potbelly stove consists of a metal case, the role of which is usually “invited” to an old gas cylinder. In the case it is necessary to make two doors: large and small. The first serves to load fuel, the second is needed as a blower through which air enters the combustion chamber to ensure the combustion process and traction.

To begin with, it is recommended to open the cylinder and bleed off the remaining gas. Of course, this should be done outdoors, not indoors. Then you need to drain the remaining liquid from the cylinder, condensed inside. This substance usually has a pungent and unpleasant smell, so it is best to prepare a small container with a lid for it in advance so that it can be neatly packaged and discarded immediately.

There are no particularly strict requirements in terms of parameters for the design of the potbelly stove. The larger the combustion chamber, the more spacious the room will be able to heat the unit

If the condensate is accidentally spilled on the floor in the room, the specific aroma may remain for a very long time. After all these operations, the balloon is still not ready for contact with welding machine because residual gas vapors remain inside.

It is necessary to fill the cylinder with water to the very top in order to completely expel all the gas from it. After that, the water is drained, now the balloon can be cut without problems.

Stage number 2 - manufacturing and filling the case

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A large company that has come to the country needs a solid brazier. Standard designs made of thin steel, offered in stores, are not suitable for this.

It is inconvenient to fry kebabs and steaks on a fire, placing them on bricks. Not everyone will dare to build a stationary barbecue structure with a stove and a roof.

After reflecting on this, the home craftsman comes to the conclusion that the best option- make a brazier from a gas cylinder with your own hands.

The thick walls of such a container will last more than one year. Its dimensions are optimal for laying out skewers. It is easy to choose the height according to your height so that during the cooking process you do not have to bend your back.

There are many varieties of braziers and smokehouses made from gas cylinders. Let's get acquainted with them and talk about how you can independently implement the option you like.

It all starts with cutting the balloon

Regardless of the design chosen, the first step in making a brazier is cutting an old propane tank with a capacity of 50 liters. We do not recommend immediately rushing at him with a grinder. In this case, you must follow the safety rules. Residues of gas contained in each container may explode on contact with sparks and air.

Therefore, you first have to manually unscrew the tap. Removing the fitting on an old cylinder is not always an easy operation, since it “sticks” firmly to the body. You can try to move it with the help of a carob wrench by hitting the handle with a hammer.

If the tap does not give in, then use another tool - an adjustable water wrench and steel pipe as a lever.

Under the influence of such a powerful force, any thread gives up. In order to prevent the container from turning, on the other hand, a stop corner is attached to its bottom.

To facilitate unscrewing, you can apply "Vedeshku" to the place of contact of the tap with the body and wait a couple of hours until the thread sags.

After that, the container is slowly filled with water. It displaces a combustible gas-air mixture, eliminating the risk of an explosion when cutting.

After that, the water is not drained, but the tap is put in place and the body is marked out.

There is a long seam on one side of the cylinder body. It will be a "beacon" for the first cut line. The second line is drawn on the other side so that it is opposite the first one and recede from it upwards by 8 cm. This will be the second cut line. If you do not make such an amendment, then the brazier will turn out shallow.

Having made the markup according to the drawing, they take the grinder and cut through the walls, separating part of the body. It will be used as a flip cover.

An important nuance! The body must be cut carefully next to the seam so as not to damage steel ring which is below it. It will serve as a stop for the lid so that it does not fall into the brazier.

In the lower photo on the left side of the container you can see the ring. If the master had passed the grinder next to the seam, then it would have remained in place and served as an emphasis. Correcting the mistake made is easy: you need to weld steel strips on top of the lid.

The next step is to remove the fitting. It is cut flush with the body.

Burrs are removed with a grinding wheel.

The further order of work depends on how you intend to use the brazier: only for frying or combine it with a smokehouse. We will consider these operations after reviewing the finished structures.

Examples of barbecues from gas cylinders

The easiest way to turn a gas container into a brazier is to cut it in half, drill air holes in the sides and weld four legs to the bottom.

We divide the balloon in half and get two braziers

The most popular option among craftsmen is cutting out the sidewall of the case and turning it into a door. It will help you keep longer. high temperature charcoal when roasting.

For ease of transportation, two legs must be equipped with wheels, and the third one should be used as a stop. The transport handle can be made longer and a plate for dishes and seasonings can be fixed on it.

The best brazier bed comes from an old bed sewing machine. It lowers the center of gravity of the structure, preventing it from tipping over.

Forged decor and side smoke pipe improve appearance and functionality of the grill.

Having made a smoke umbrella over the brazier, two tables on the sides and planting it on bent steel legs, we will get a more solid structure. There is no special need for an additional canopy, however, its presence improves the appearance.

Our review continues with a home-made brazier smokehouse from gas cylinders. It is a combination of two containers: 50 liters and 20 liters. The smaller one is placed below the main one, connected to it through a small window and used as a smoke generator. To improve draft, the chimney is made higher.

A more advanced option is to install a third vertical tank. It hangs products for cold smoking. The total capacity of this design is sufficient to prepare meat and fish delicacies in reserve.

Occupying a place of honor on the site, the brazier becomes the subject of general attention. Knowing this, many craftsmen decorate it according to their imagination.

The most popular option is the design in the form of a steam locomotive. The fire and smoke emanating from the brazier fit perfectly into this image.

The smoke generator can be placed crosswise in the "driver's compartment", or it can be naturally incorporated into the overall locomotive design.

The streamlined shape of the tank is reminiscent of a submarine. Present to your attention interesting example implementation of such an idea.

To one master, the gas container reminded an underwater ship, and to another, an association with a piglet came to mind. To embody it in metal is not difficult.

Having become acquainted with the samples of folk "mangalo-creation", let's move on to consideration practical question how to make a barbecue from a gas cylinder and a smokehouse based on it with your own hands.

Step-by-step instruction

We described the initial operations for marking and cutting the balloon at the beginning of the article. Now we will supplement our instructions with photographs and explain further steps.

It is more convenient to weld the hinges to the body of the brazier until the lid is separated by cutting a line on reverse side corps. In this case, they will fall into place without distortions. On the other side, a steel bar handle is welded to the lid.

If you do not put a limiter on the side of the hinges, then the door will fall back when opened and it will be inconvenient to get it out. Can be used as stops short cut corner, welding it in the middle between the loops.

Blower holes can be drilled, but it is easier to make them with a grinder in the form of vertical slots.

To install skewers on the ribs of the brazier, triangular cutouts are made or holes are drilled in the body in increments of 5-7 cm.

Barbecue legs can be made in two ways:

  • "In a simple way" from pieces of reinforcement or pipes, welding them to the bottom;
  • Making a stand out of profile pipes and a bent strip on which the balloon will lie.

Close the lid to speed up the frying process. In this case, to remove smoke at the end of the container, you will have to make a hole and weld a pipe into it.

The brazier-smoking shed differs from the usual brazier in the presence of a smoke-generating compartment. For this purpose, a cylinder of 20 liters is most often used. Having outlined a hole for passing smoke, it is cut out with a grinder.

The same operation is done with a large capacity. After that, they are joined by welding. A large balloon is placed on legs.

Having drawn the contours of the covers, they are cut out of the cases and put on hinges. At the end of a large capacity, a hole is made for the chimney and welded in.

Inside the cylinders, shelves are made from a corner and gratings of thick wire are placed on them. At the back, holes are drilled in the smoke generator housing and a rotary damper is installed to adjust the draft. A similar damper is attached to the pipe.

Experts strongly advise to put a temperature sensor on the body of the main chamber (upper limit of measurement +350 C). It will help to precisely control the smoking process and get products of excellent quality.

Finishes painting the structure with a heat-resistant composition.