How to run a disk check from BIOS. How do I run CHKDSK? Hard drive recovery

The hard drive is one of the essential elements in a PC and its timely check helps to eliminate many troubles, for example, the loss of all the information available on it and the work done. Do not wait for the consequences of disk problems in the form of slowdowns and the inability to start Windows 7.

It is better to periodically resort to preventive measures and, if possible, correct the resulting disk errors. For these purposes, the "chkdsk" application built into the "Seven" serves.

What is this program?

Users who are familiar with English language, already by the name of the utility, they can guess that the developers simply assigned a name to it, having reduced the words (eliminating the vowels) "check disk", that is, "check disk".

The application is a built-in Windows 7 utility designed to detect file system errors and, if necessary, fix system crashes.

Incorrect shutdown of the PC, incorrect use of programs to optimize the disk, infection with malicious applications, etc. sometimes lead to the automatic start of the disk check utility.

But often the application does not manifest itself in any way, even in the presence of serious problems. All actions of the program are recorded in a special journal. Windows 7 users can find it along the following path:

If some files do not start, the OS starts to slow down and often freezes, or Windows 7 cannot boot at all, then it is recommended to first run a disk check using "chkdsk".

Startup procedure using the graphical interface

You need to do the following:

Starting procedure using the command line

There are more quick method start the program. To do this, you will need to perform the following actions:

Note: In the command entered in the KS, the character "c" must correspond to the letter of the analyzed disk. Specifying the "/ f" parameter in the request will provide automatic elimination of detected system failures after diagnostics.

  • When you finish typing the command, click "Enter";
  • In cases where the user has performed the above actions for a logical volume that is not a system one, the analysis will start immediately after clicking on "Enter". In this case, the report on the performed diagnostics will be presented directly in the CS window. If an OS is installed on the diagnosed volume, a menu will be displayed warning the owner of the PC about performing the check during the next OS reboot.

When the user needs to test quickly, the "/ i" parameter can be entered. The analysis will take much less time, however, the diagnosis is not so thorough.

If you need to detect bad sectors and recover, it is recommended to enter the "/ r" parameter.

Startup procedure using bootable media with Windows 7

The following steps must be taken:

  • First, you need to set the priority for booting the system from bootable media in BIOS;

Note: Instructions for entering BIOS are included in the accompanying documentation for your computer. The process may vary slightly for each PC model. In the "Boot" tab, the priority of starting the system from the media is manually set.

Scenario: You have system errors and need to be fixed.

The Microsoft hard disk check and fix utility CHKDSK (“check disk”) was introduced over 30 years ago but is still in use today. Even users latest versions Microsoft operating systems can use this command to check their hard drives for errors and fix them if necessary. Below is the instruction to run CHKDSK on Windows 10.

If you still get errors after using CHKDSK, try it.

First select “Search Windows” and search for Command Prompt by entering “cmd”. Right-click on the shortcut and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

After logging in as an administrator, you will find yourself in the Windows Command Prompt, familiar to users of operating systems prior to Windows NT. Enter the command “chkdsk”, press the spacebar followed by the letter of the drive you wish to check or fix. In our case, it is external drive“L”.

Executing the CHKDSK command without arguments will only show the state of the disk and will not correct any errors present on the partition. To ask CHKDSK to fix disk errors, you need to specify parameters. After entering the drive letter, enter the following parameters, each separated by a space: “/ f / r / x”.

The “/ f” option tells CHKDSK to fix any errors found; “/ R” tells the program to detect bad sectors on the disk and recover information that can be read; “/ X” forces the disk to be unmounted before starting the process. Additional options are available for more specialized tasks, and are detailed on the Microsoft website.

As a result, the complete command that is required by entering the Command Line looks like this:

chkdsk [Drive:] [options]

In our case:

chkdsk L: / f / r / x

It is worth noting that CHKDSK must lock the drive, so it will fail to check the system boot drive if the computer is running. In our case, the target disk is external, so the process will start immediately after entering the command. If the target disk is bootable, the system will ask you if you want to run the command before the next boot. Enter “yes”, restart your computer, and the command will run before the operating system boots, gaining full disk access.

The CHKDSK command can take a long time to complete, especially on large disks. When finished, the program will summarize the results such as overall volume disk space, byte allocation, and most importantly - information about found and fixed errors.

The CHKDSK command is available in all versions of Windows, so both Windows 7 and Windows XP users can follow the steps above to initiate a hard drive check. In case of using old Windows versions, you can do the following:

  1. Click "Start - Run ..."
  2. Enter cmd
  3. Enter chkdsk [Drive:] [options]

Stages "CHKDSK"

The 5 main stages are described below:

Stage 1. Checking the basic structure of the file system ...

At the first stage, the files with records in the MFT (Master File Table) are compared and verified.

Step 2. Checking file name associations ...

At this stage, the directories and structure are checked. They are checked against the file size and information timestamp.

Stage 3. Checking security descriptors ...

At the last stage of verification (3), files and folders are checked for the presence of security descriptors, including information about the owner of NTFS rights.

The fourth and fifth steps are performed only with the / r argument!

Stage 4. Searching for damaged clusters in the data of user files ...

Cluster sectors, including data, are validated for usability.

Stage 5. Search for damaged and free clusters ...

In the fifth step, the sectors of the cluster are checked for lack of data.

If it is impossible to solve problems with hard disk when using “CHKDSK”, it is recommended to use the respective manufacturers.

Also on Windows you can access the CHKDSK GUI

To perform a check using the graphical interface, do the following:

Right click on the drive you want to check. Select Properties - Tools - Run Check.

This is the graphical interface “CHKDSK”. The two options correspond to the “/ f” and “/ r” parameters.

How long does it take for Windows to boot? Sometimes it seems like it takes forever. There are several methods to speed up system boot, but the problem may be that your computer is performing the CHKDSK function on every boot.

Have you noticed the filling bar while you wait? Does she appear often? Ever wondered what it is, what is causing this, and whether Windows really needs to do it? Read this article, and together we will answer all these questions.

Imagine that the drive is a room filled with filing cabinets. Sometimes files end up in the wrong boxes, and sometimes those boxes break. Suppose the person who used the room yesterday took some files and put some of them in the wrong places, and left some of them lying on the floor. Perhaps he was not very careful with the boxes. This is exactly what happens when you turn off your computer using the power button, instead of doing it through the Start menu. Most people do this because their Windows takes too long to shut down.

Now you need to go there again and do some research. You open the door and freeze in place with your mouth open. And then you think, "I just can't do it today." This is exactly what happens to your computer when its file system is in a mess. Now imagine that you have a colleague whose sole task is to sort files and fix boxes. This colleague will be called Check Disk.

Let's continue our analogy with a room filled with wardrobes. Can Check Disk do its job when there are several people working in this room? Of course not. He also will not do this after 5 o'clock when everyone goes home and the power is turned off. Therefore, Check Disk comes early in the morning, a little earlier than everyone else, and checks if everything is in order.

This is why Check Disk fires when your computer starts up. Unfortunately, Check Disk is a bit lazy and won't fix errors and restore files unless you explicitly tell it to. This is done by adding command line flags such as / f to fix disk errors and / r to recover information from bad sectors.

Why does CHKDSK run on every boot?

It means that something is wrong with your disk. This is the short answer.

What the real problem is is not easy to say. An important system file may have been damaged or deleted. Maybe there are too many bad sectors on the disk, with which nothing is done. Remember, Check Disk will not fix errors unless you give it such a task. Until the problem is resolved, Windows will try to determine the cause by running Check Disk on every boot.

CHKDSK takes forever to work. What to do?

Just wait. On Windows 7 and earlier, it could take hours or even days to complete a full scan. The utility checks every file on your computer, and the larger the disk, the longer it will take. By interrupting this process, you are preventing the program from doing its job. Therefore, the next time you turn on your computer, Check Disk will start checking from the very beginning.

How to disable CHKDSK launch at every boot?

The answer is simple - fix your Windows problems. Perhaps there is only one problem, but there may be a dozen of them. It is not known in advance what actions you will have to take, so let's look at the easiest and most commonly used solutions.

Make sure CHKDSK is not a scheduled task

Although the likelihood of this is low, this is the easiest to verify. Start Task Scheduler by opening start menu and entering in the search bar " task Scheduler". The utility should appear in the search results. Click on it to open it.

Most likely, you will have to tinker to check if Check Disk is in the list of tasks. In the screenshot below, the utility is easily visible because I added it myself. Right-click on the required line and select " Delete". That's all. But if that didn't work for you, read on.

It may seem that we are repeating ourselves, but this is not so. A single run of Check Disk can be scheduled for the next boot. To verify this, you need administrator rights and command line... Click on the button Start and find Command Prompt. It should appear in the search results as cmd.exe».

This article assumes that your hard disk volume label is C:... Please take this into account before proceeding.

When Command Prompt starts, enter

and press Enter... If you see the following message, then Check Disk is scheduled to start at the next boot.

File system type: NTFS.

The Chkdsk utility for volume C: is manually scheduled for the next boot.

If you receive the following message, it means that starting the program not planned and that's good. However, you can still execute further instructions to make sure everything is okay with the disk.

File system type: NTFS.

Errors in C: not found.

You should let Check Disk do its job, but if the utility is causing you too much inconvenience, cancel the launch. In the Command Prompt window, enter

then press the key Enter... This will prevent Check Disk from starting the next time the system boots.

Run CHKDSK with correct flags

If Check Disk starts anyway, you can order the utility to fix all found errors and try to recover data from bad sectors. To do this, you need administrative rights. The following are instructions for Windows 7 and earlier, and then Windows 8 and later.

If you are not sure which drive you have installed, check if it is a solid state drive ( SSD) or hard disk ( HDD). If your computer has an SSD, you can still use Check Disk, but it is not necessary to run the check with the flag / r... There are some differences between SSD and HDD, in particular, SSD has no moving parts.

The SSD does not include a physical disk, so it does not need to be checked with the chkdsk c: / r command. However, Windows uses the same file system on both the SSD and the HDD, so you can fix file system errors with chkdsk c: / f. Other than that, Check Disk is unnecessary.

On Windows 7 and earlier, the check may take some time. Maybe an hour, sometimes a whole day or more, so make sure you have some free time. Do not interrupt Check Disk after it has started.

To run the utility, click on the Start button. In the search bar, enter “ command line". It should appear in search results. Right-click on the command prompt and select " Run as administrator».

After the command prompt window appears on the screen, enter the command

and press the button Enter... Thanks to the / r flag, the program will try to recover information from bad sectors, as well as fix all errors on the disk, so you do not need the / f flag.

Command line will inform you that it cannot perform this action, because the specified volume is currently in use. It then asks if you want to schedule a volume check for the next boot. Enter Y and press Enter to schedule Check Disk to run with error fixing option.

Restart your computer and wait for the utility to do its job. After the check is complete, all errors should be fixed and Check Disk will no longer start at boot unless, of course, there are other problems.

Windows 8 deals with these issues in a more efficient way. The file system constantly checks itself for errors. Errors that do not require unplugging the disk are fixed immediately. The fix for other errors, which can only be performed at boot time, is scheduled for the next system startup.

Since the system only needs to fix those errors for which you need to unplug the disk, Check Disk gets it done in a few seconds or minutes. To do this, click the button Start... Enter " cmd"In the search bar for programs and files. The topmost search result will be cmd.exe... Right-click on the line and select " Run as administrator».

To make sure all other issues are found and resolved, first run a disk check by running the command

chkdsk C: / scan

and pressing the key Enter... During the scan, the utility will fix everything that does not require unplugging the disk. After the verification is complete, enter the command

chkdsk C: / spotfix

and press Enter... You will see text informing you that this volume is occupied by another process. The command prompt will then ask if you want to schedule a disk check for the next system boot. Enter Y and press Enter to schedule Check Disk to run. Now restart your computer.

This time Check Disk will run and fix any errors found during the scan. And since the utility only needs to fix errors that require unplugging the disk, it will only take a few seconds or minutes.

Your filesystem should be fine by now. Check Disk will no longer run when you turn on your computer unless there are other issues.

Check if it helped

After Check Disk finishes, there is only one way to check if the utility has completed its task - to restart the computer. Hopefully, the program will no longer start and you can continue your business. If Check Disk keeps running, you may have more serious problems with the file system, or errors related to the registry or the operating system itself. You should consider the option of a system restore or a complete reinstallation of Windows. Maybe it's time to change your hard drive. Of course, this is a last resort, but it definitely solved your problems.

Did this article help you fix your issues? Have you found any other ways to stop Check Disk from running on every boot? Do you have any questions? Share them in the comments and we can help each other.

CHKDSK is an internal Windows 7 operating system utility that is used to verify local disks created during hard disk defragmentation for errors in the selected file system (NTFS, FAT32). The name itself is an abbreviation of the two English words"Check" and "disk", which together translate into Russian, as "check disk". Not all users know how to run CHKDSK on Windows 7. Therefore, consider detailed instructions on how to do it.

Note that this subroutine allows not only finding, but also fixing found errors in the file system. It can also recover bad sectors of the local disk. It can be launched in two different ways.

Directly through "Computer"

To run this subroutine in this way, you must do the following steps, described below, in order:

  1. It is necessary to double-click the left mouse button, hovering the cursor, on the "Computer" icon on the desktop or through the "Start" menu:

  1. As a result of clicking, a dialog box will open, which will show the existing local disks, each of which can be checked using the subroutine in question:

  1. Next, move the cursor over it, left-click to select a disk. Then we right-click without removing the selection from the disk. As a result of clicking, the following context menu will appear:

  1. Next, in this menu, you must click on the "Properties" item:

  1. After clicking, a dialog box will be displayed, in which you need to go to the "Service" tab and click the "Check" button:

  1. By clicking, another dialog box will appear in which you can put a checkmark in additional options check the disk, and then click the "Run" button:

Note! If you are checking a local disk on which Windows 7 is installed, the check will only start the next time you turn it on or when you reboot, since this disk is accessed by all OS processes during operation.

As a result of the actions taken, the selected disk will be checked for errors, which will be corrected if the corresponding option is selected.

How do I run CHKDSK from the command line?

To run a subroutine in this way, the following steps must be performed sequentially:

  1. We go to the "Start" menu and in the "Find programs and files" field, type the line "cmd" on the keyboard (without quotes):

  1. As a result of the input, the corresponding internal service routine of the OS will be found:

  1. Next, right-click on the found subroutine and in the menu that appears, select the item "Run as administrator":

  1. At this step, the following functional window will appear on the monitor screen:

  1. In this dialog box, using the buttons on the keyboard, type the line “ chkdsk c: / f"(Without quotes), where c is the name of the local disk being checked, / f is a built-in command that initiates elimination of found errors. After entering, press the "Enter" button on the computer keyboard:

  1. As a result of clicking, the corresponding process will start.

Note! If an OS is installed on the local disk being checked, the check will be interrupted and you will be prompted to perform it on reboot. If the disk is normal, then the check will start and in this dialog box the entire check process will be displayed.

Checking the hard drive for errors necessary in case slow work or freezing of the computer, as well as failure of the operating system. Often, many users try to resort to third-party software, which is inconvenient for simply checking the hard drive for errors. Therefore, we will consider in this article “ how to check HDD for mistakes»Using two methods integrated into the Windows operating system.

There are two ways to run a disk check:

  • launching the chkdsk utility using the command line (be sure to run with administrator rights);
  • checking the disk using standard tools in the Windows graphical interface, or rather through the "disk properties".

Checking the hard disk for errors using the command line (I method)

To run the built-in utility CHKDSK you must run the command line console with administrator rights. To open it, use the "Win + R" key combination, in the "Run" window, enter the "cmd" value in an empty field and run. More detailed information see: Windows Command Prompt.

As shown in the figure, we have entered one command with additional parameters that will check the hard disk for errors - CHKDSK C: / F / R, where:

Chkdsk- the name of the utility for checking the hard disk is indicated;

C:this parameter means that we will check the C partition (system drive);

/ F- this parameter will fix errors on the disk.

/ R- search for bad sectors and recovery of the surviving information.

After entering the command, a message will appear that the disk will be checked for errors the next time the system is rebooted. Agree, enter "Y" from the keyboard and restart the computer to start the test.

Additional information on utility parameters сhkdsk can be obtained by running it with key "/?".

Checking the hard disk for errors using the graphical interface (method II)

Regardless of the operating systems used - Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 8, you need to go to the icon on the desktop "My Computer" - "This Computer" - "Computer".

Next, select the desired disk, right-click and select "Properties". To check the hard drive, go to the "Service" tab. In the window that opens, click the "Check" button. When you click on the button, a special window will appear, move the cursor and click "Check Disk".

After clicking, a scan window will appear, which notifies you about the analysis of the hard disk check for errors. The disk check process may take some time.

If successful, the above image will appear.

And if there are indeed errors on the scanned disk, the program will offer to restore this disk. Therefore, you need to click on the "Recover disk" button and if operating system will not be able to fix errors, usually this is found on the system drive C, then the error checker will offer "Recover disk on next reboot", click this button, the program will close and you will need to restart the computer.

After rebooting, during the start of your computer, a special application will open that will check and fix errors on the tested hard disk. Here are two easy ways that can check any local disk for errors.