Steel ring story. Paustovsky. Steel ring

Topic: K.G. Paustovsky " Steel ring».

Target: 1. learn to work with the content of what you read, make up a characterization of the hero, define the idea of ​​the work;

2. to develop memory, speech, imagination;

3. to cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for nature, respect for elders.

1.Org. moment:

Tell me guys, how do you understand the word "Happiness"?

2. Introductory conversation and message of the topic of the lesson:

What piece did we get acquainted with in the previous lessons?

Who is the author of this work?

Tell us about the life and work of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky.

Autobiography of K.G. Paustovsky:

The childhood of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was spent in Ukraine, it was there that he learned many tales and legends from his grandfather, a former soldier.

In Kiev, Paustovsky entered the university. Soon the first one began. World War and then the revolution. Konstantin Georgievich changed many professions - a tram conductor, a worker at a military plant, a hospital attendant.

He traveled a lot and wrote a lot. All stories and stories of the writer are filled with love for nature.

The favorite hero of Paustovsky's fairy tales and stories is a sympathetic, sensitive person, capable of seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary, loving the Motherland.

Today we will read the tale "Steel Ring" in a special way. We will learn to see the drawn images behind the lines of the story. Let's understand why the great nature lover K.G. Paustovsky wants to draw our attention to the little girl Varya. Let's find out whether she is happy, whether she loves nature, whether she loves her homeland. For

"To love nature means to love the Motherland."

K.G. Paustovsky.

3.Verification homework:

At home, you had to describe the character of Varyusha.

(read by 2-3 pupils "What?")

In today's lesson we will continue talking about the character of Varya, and at the end of the lesson we will see if we can work together to increase your individual records of the qualities of her character.

4. Work on the work:

Fairy tale plan:

In the last lesson, we made a plan for a fairy tale:

(reading plan)

1. Gift of a fighter.

2.Varyusha lost her ring.

3. Disobedient Sidor.

4. The arrival of spring.

5.Thank you ringtone!

6. Miracle in the forest.

Content Conversation and Selective Reading of Passages:

Who are the main characters of the tale?

Why is this a fairy tale?

Where did Varya and grandfather live?

What time of year do the events described to us take place?

Read the passage "Winter." (p. 179)

Why do wolves howl in winter?

Where did Varyusha decide to go in this cold?

Was she scared?

What is she like? (brave)

Did Varya take care of her grandfather?

What is she like? (Thoughtful)

And after I bought the makhorka, where did she go? What for?

What is she like? (curious)

Who did she meet at the station?

Dramatization of the excerpt "Meeting with the fighters":

(actors - children)

Varyusha bought makhorka, tied it in a calico bag and went to the station to look at the trains.

Two fighters were sitting on the platform. (recording - wheel rattling and beep)


Look girl, she'll blow you off the train. Fly away to heaven.

What is that in your bag? Not a makhorka?


Maybe you can sell it? Smoking is a big hunt.

Grandfather Kuzma does not order to sell. (Strictly)

This is for him from a cough.

Oh you, a flower-petal in felt boots! It hurts serious!

And you, take as much as you need (holds out a bag).


The soldier poured a good handful of shag into the pocket of his greatcoat, rolled up a thick cigarette, and lit a cigarette.

Oh you, pansies with pigtails!

How can I give you away? Is it this?

The soldier took out a small steel ring from the pocket of his overcoat, blew off the makhorka and salt from it, and put Varyusha on middle finger.

Wear it in good health! This ring is absolutely wonderful.

Look how it burns!

And why is he such a wonderful uncle?

And from the fact that if you wear it on your middle finger, it will bring health.

Put on a nameless one - there will be great joy.

And if on the index - you will see the whole world, with all its miracles.


Trust him, he is a sorcerer.

Have you heard such a word?

I've heard.

Well, that's it! He's an old sapper. Even the mine did not take him!

Thank you!

Varya thanked her and ran to her place in Makhovoe.

Read the excerpt - What did Varyusha cry about? (p. 181) An excerpt from the cartoon "Lost the Ring".

(Was she crying because she was in pain from the cold or because there would be no health for grandfather Kuzma now?)

What is she like? (kind)

Was grandfather Kuzma makhorka happy?

What did grandfather say about the ring?

Whom did grandfather advise to turn to for help in finding the ring?

Who is Sidor?

Did he help Varya?

Read a passage about Sidor's character. (P. 181)

What did Varyusha notice in the state of his grandfather, did he feel better?

What is she like? (attentive)

Let's see the following excerpt:

An excerpt from the cartoon "Life in the Country".

Was life in the country easy for a little girl?

What is she like? (hard-working)

With the heroine of what fairy tale does the author compare Varya?

Why does Paustovsky compare Varya with Cinderella? What do they have in common?

Varya fell asleep, she has a dream: an excerpt from the cartoon "Wari's Dream"

The only close person for Varya was grandfather Kuzma. She was very upset about her grandfather's ill health, but one day ... What woke her up?

Phys. One minute:

One morning Varyusha woke up from the fact that Sidor jumped on the window and banged on the glass with his beak. - Guys, show how Sidor jumped. Music.

Why did Sidor jump so much fun?

How does Paustovsky describe the arrival of spring?

Let's read part 4 in its entirety, "The Coming of Spring". (p. 182)

Has Varya lost hope of finding the ring?

What is she like? (strong in spirit) An excerpt from the cartoon "The Coming of Spring".

Tell us what Varyusha did when she found the ring?

(retelling of part 5)

Was Varya happy that her grandfather felt better? (happy)

Where did the girl go early in the morning?

What great joy did she find in the forest?

What rang in the forest?

What time was it? How did she know?

Who passed by Vary in the forest?

Read the excerpt - How spring flared up in the forest. (p. 184)

Relaxation minute:

( close your eyes and imagine the images that the music will paint for you)

Did you like what you heard?

Do you think Varyusha liked what she saw and heard in the forest?

Did she love everything beautiful? (love for beauty)

Could she see the extraordinary in the simple, ordinary?

What other finger did Varyusha want to put on the ring, but did not wear?

Why? Read it. (p. 184)

Guys, did Varyusha love nature? (Loving nature)

And “where does the Motherland begin” for Varya?

Will a person who is so tenderly touchingly in love with his little Motherland love his big homeland? (Loving homeland).

Definition of the idea of ​​the work "What does this tale teach us?":

KG Paustovsky's fairy tale "Steel Ring" teaches us respect for elders, love for nature, love for the Motherland. And it shows us that each person has their own happiness, you just need to see and feel it.

5.Work in notebooks:

Tell me, guys, a person with this characteristic - which hero is a positive or a negative one?

And now turn to your notebooks again, write down in the second column those character traits of our heroine that you do not have. And do not forget to check the box with a plus next to the Vari characteristic.


Creative work.

At home, draw a drawing for the fairy tale and sign it with lines from the text.

Which passage did you like best, what will you draw?

7.The bottom line. Grading.

Summing up the lesson, I want to thank the guys for Good work, and wish everyone to be happy. Happiness is different for every person, you just need to see and feel it.

Grandfather Kuzma and granddaughter Varya lived in the village, near the forest itself.

When winter came, my grandfather ran out of tobacco, he began to cough and complained about his health all the time. He said to make it easier, you need to drag on. Then the granddaughter went to the neighboring village to bring the makhorka to her grandfather from there. And there was Railway and, as soon as the girl bought a makhorka, she decided to stand at the station - to have a look at the trains. There she met two fighters. The bearded one asked Varya to sell him a makhorka, but she said that it was impossible, since it was for a sick grandfather. But after thinking, she allowed him to take a handful from there.

In gratitude, the fighter handed the girl a steel ring. He said that it would bring health to grandfather and granddaughter - you need to wear it on your middle finger. If worn on a nameless one - it will bring great joy; on the index - will allow you to see all the white light.

Varya went contentedly to her grandfather, but on the way she wondered what would happen if she put it on her little finger. As a result, the ring fell off his finger and plunged into the snow. She looked for him, but could not find him, because her fingers were frozen. Then she stuck a branch in that place and went home with tears.

At home I told my grandfather everything, and he, smoking makhorka, said to send the sparrow Sidor there - you look, and he will find the ring. But the sparrow did not search.

My grandfather was getting worse, he coughed a lot and by the spring he got over to the stove, but he practically did not go down from it.

Once Varya woke up early because Sidor knocked on the window - spring had come. The snow melted and the girl, returning to the forest, where she left the branch, began to look for the ring again. I found the ring and immediately ran home. I came, and my grandfather had already gone out into the yard, said that he had recovered.

Then Varya put the ring on her other finger in the evening and began to wait for joy. In the morning I found the first snowdrops.

The forest seemed so beautiful to her that she decided: no on earth better place than here. And she did not put the ring on the other finger.

The main idea nowhere will be better for a person than in his native place.

Picture or drawing Steel ring

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Konstantin Paustovsky. Steel ring

Grandfather Kuzma lived with his granddaughter Varyusha in the village of Mokhovoye, right next to the forest.

The winter was harsh, with strong wind and snow. Throughout the winter, it never got warmer and fussy melt water did not drip from the cliff roofs. Chilled wolves howled in the forest at night. Grandfather Kuzma said that they howl with envy of people: the wolf also wants to live in the hut, scratch and lie by the stove, warm the icy shaggy skin.

In the middle of winter, my grandfather came out with a makhorka. Grandfather coughed violently, complained of poor health and said that if he took a drag once or twice, he would immediately feel better.

On Sunday, Varyusha went to the neighboring village of Perebory to get some makhorka for her grandfather.

A railway passed by the village. Varyusha bought makhorka, tied it in a calico bag and went to the station to look at the trains. They rarely stopped at Busting. They almost always darted past with clangs and crashes.

Two fighters were sitting on the platform. One was bearded, with a cheerful and gray eye. A steam locomotive roared. It was already clear how he, all in a pair, furiously rushes to the station from the distant black forest.

- Fast! - said the fighter with the beard. - Look, girl, he'll blow you off by train. Fly away to heaven.

The locomotive hit the station in a big way. The snow whirled and covered his eyes.

Then they went to knock, to catch up with each other's wheels. Varyusha grabbed the lamppost and closed her eyes: as if she really hadn't been lifted above the ground and dragged behind the train. When the train swept by, and the snow dust was still spinning in the air and landing on the ground, the bearded fighter asked Varyusha:

- What's that in your bag? Not a makhorka?

- Makhorka, - answered Varyusha.

- Maybe you will sell? Smoking is a big hunt.

- Grandfather Kuzma does not order to sell, - Varyusha answered sternly. - This is for him from a cough.

- Eh, you, - said the fighter, - a flower-petal in felt boots! It hurts serious!

- And you just take as much as you need, - said Varyusha and handed the fighter the bag. - Smoke!

The fighter poured a good handful of makhorka into the pocket of his greatcoat, rolled up a thick cigarette, lit a cigarette, took Varyusha by the chin and looked, laughing, into her blue eyes.

- Eh, you, - he repeated, - pansies with pigtails! How can I give you away? Is it this?

The fighter took out a small steel ring from the pocket of his greatcoat, blew off crumbs of shag and salt from it, rubbed it on the sleeve of his greatcoat and put Varyusha on his middle finger:

- Wear it in good health! This ring is absolutely wonderful. Look how it burns!

- And why is he, uncle, so wonderful? - asked, flushed, Varyusha.

- And because, - answered the fighter, - if you wear it on your middle finger, it will bring health. And you and grandfather Kuzma. And if you put it on this one, on the nameless one, - the fighter pulled Varyusha by the chilled, red finger, - you will have tremendous joy. Or, for example, you want to see the white light with all its wonders. Put the ring on your index finger - you will certainly see!

- What? - asked Varyusha.

- And you believe him, - boomed another fighter from under the raised collar of his greatcoat. - He's a sorcerer. Have you heard such a word?

- I heard.

- Well, that's it! - the fighter laughed. - He's an old sapper. Even the mine did not take him!

- Thanks! - said Varyusha and ran to her in Mokhovoye.

The wind blew off, and thick, dense snow fell down. Varyusha kept touching the ring, turned it around and watched how it glittered from the winter light.

“What did the fighter forget to tell me about the little finger? She thought. - What will happen then? Let me put a ring on my little finger and try it. "

She put a ring on her little finger. He was thin, the ring on it could not resist, fell into deep snow near the path and immediately dived to the snowiest bottom.

Varyusha gasped and began to shovel the snow with her hands. But there was no ring. Varyusha's fingers turned blue. They were so brought together by the frost that they could no longer bend. Varyusha began to cry. The ring is missing! This means that grandfather Kuzma will no longer have health, and she will not have tremendous joy, and she will not see the white light with all its miracles.

Varyusha stuck in the snow, in the place where she dropped the ring, the old spruce branch and went home. She wiped her tears with a mitten, but they still ran over and froze, and it hurt and hurt her eyes.

Grandfather Kuzma was delighted with the makhorka, smoked the entire hut, and said about the ring:

- Do not grieve, you fool! Where it fell, it lies there. You ask Sidor. He will find you.

The old sparrow Sidor slept on a pole, swollen like a ball. All winter Sidor lived in Kuzma's hut on his own, as the owner. With his character, he forced not only Varyusha to reckon, but also the grandfather himself. He pecked the porridge directly from the bowls, and tried to snatch the bread out of his hands and, when they drove him away, he was offended, ruffled and began to fight and chirp so angrily that neighbor sparrows flocked to the eaves, listened, and then made a noise for a long time, condemning Sidor for his bad temper ... He lives in a hut, in warmth, in satiety, but everything is not enough for him!

The next day Varyusha caught Sidor, wrapped him in a scarf and carried him into the forest.

Only the very tip of the spruce branch was sticking out from under the snow. Varyusha put Sidor on a branch and asked:

- You look, rummage! Maybe you will find it!

But Sidor squinted his eye, looked incredulously at the snow and squeaked:

"Look you! Look you! Found a fool! .. Oh you, oh you! " - repeated Sidor, fell off the branch and flew back to the hut.

The ring was never found.

Grandfather Kuzma coughed more and more. By the spring, he climbed onto the stove. I almost never came down from there and that's it

more often asked for a drink. Varyusha served him cold water in an iron ladle.

Snowstorms circled over the village, brought the huts. The pines got stuck in the snow, and Varyusha could no longer find the place in the forest where she had dropped the ring. More and more often she, hiding behind the stove, quietly cried out of pity for her grandfather and scolded herself.

- Fool! She whispered. - I got spoiled, dropped the ring. Here's to you for that! It is for you!

She beat herself on the crown of the head with her fist, punished herself, and grandfather Kuzma asked:

- Who are you making noise with?

- With Sidor, - answered Varyusha. - Such became inaudible! Everything strives to fight.

One morning Varyusha woke up because Sidor was jumping on the window and banging on the glass with his beak. Varyusha opened her eyes and closed her eyes. Long drops were falling from the roof, overtaking each other. A hot light shone in the window. Jackdaws screamed.

Varyusha looked out into the street. A warm wind blew into her eyes, disheveled her hair.

- Here comes the spring! - said Varyusha.

Black branches gleamed, rustling, sliding from

roofs, sleet, and important and cheerful noise outside the outskirts damp forest... Spring passed through the fields like a young mistress.

As soon as she looked at the ravine, a stream immediately began to gurgle and overflow in it. Spring was coming, and the sound of the streams grew louder and louder with every step she took.

The snow in the forest darkened. First, brown needles that had flown over the winter appeared on it. Then a lot of dry twigs appeared - they were broken by a storm back in December - then last year's fallen leaves turned yellow, thawed patches appeared and the first flowers of the mother-and-stepmother bloomed on the edge of the last snowdrifts.

Varyusha found an old spruce branch in the forest - the one that had stuck in the snow, where she dropped a ring, and began to carefully rake off old leaves, empty cones thrown by woodpeckers, branches, rotten moss. A light flashed under one black leaf. Varyusha screamed and sat down.

Here it is, a steel ring! It hasn't rusted in the least.

Varyusha grabbed it, put it on the middle finger and ran home.

Still from a distance, running up to the hut, she saw grandfather Kuzma. He went out of the hut, sat on the blockage, and the blue smoke from the makhorka rose above his grandfather straight to the sky, as if Kuzma was drying out in the spring sun and steam was smoking over him.

- Well, - said the grandfather, - you, spinner, jumped out of the hut, forgot to close the door, and blew the whole hut with light air. And immediately the disease released me. Now I’ll smoke, take a cleaver, prepare some firewood, we’ll light the oven and bake rye cakes.

Varyusha laughed, stroked his grandfather's shaggy gray hair, said:

- Thank you ring! It cured you, grandfather Kuzma.

All day Varyusha wore a ring on her middle finger in order to firmly drive away her grandfather's disease. Only in the evening, going to bed, she took the ring off her middle finger and put it on her ring finger. After that, tremendous joy should have happened. But she hesitated, did not come, and Varyusha fell asleep without waiting.

She got up early, dressed and went out of the hut.

A quiet and warm dawn broke over the ground. The stars were still burning out at the edge of the sky. Varyusha went to the forest. At the edge, she stopped. That it is ringing in the forest, as if someone is carefully moving the bells? Varyusha bent down, listened and threw up her hands: the white snowdrops swayed slightly, nodded to the dawn, and each flower rang, as if a small bell ringer beetle was sitting in it and hitting a silver web with its paw. A woodpecker struck at the top of a pine - five times.

"Five hours! - thought Varyusha. - What a wound! And be quiet! "

Immediately, high on the branches in the golden dawn light, the oriole sang. Varyusha stood with her mouth open, listened and smiled. A strong, warm, gentle wind swept over her, and something rustled nearby. Hazel swayed, yellow pollen fell from the nut catkins.

Someone walked past Varyusha invisible, carefully pulling branches away. A cuckoo barked and bowed to meet him.

“Who went through this? And I didn’t see it! ” - thought Varyusha.

She did not know that spring had passed by her.

Varyusha laughed loudly, at the whole forest, and ran home. And a tremendous joy - such that you cannot grasp it with your hands - rang, sang in her heart.

Spring flared up every day brighter and more cheerful. Such light poured from the sky that grandfather Kuzma's eyes became narrow, like slits, but they laughed all the time. And then through the forests, through the meadows, through the ravines at once, as if someone had sprinkled magic water on them, thousands of thousands of flowers bloomed.

Varyusha thought to put a ring on her index finger in order to see the white light with all its miracles, but she looked at all these flowers, at the sticky birch leaves, at the clear sky and the hot sun, listened to the call of the roosters, the ringing of the water, the birds whistling over the fields - and did not put the ring on the index finger.

I'll be in time, she thought. - Nowhere in the world can it be so good as here in Mokhov. This is what the beauty is! It's not for nothing that grandfather Kuzma says that our land true paradise and there is no other such good land in this world! "