Do-it-yourself palm tree for the street. Do-it-yourself palm tree from plastic bottles: a master class with a photo and step-by-step instructions

The desire of a person to decorate his home is not limited to the area of ​​\u200b\u200ban apartment or house. Going out into the street, it is embodied in flower beds and front gardens, in garden bushes and trees. But seasonal changes in nature constantly make adjustments to the beauty we have created.

But how to create such a picture from improvised means that can please the eye for many years? We will tell in this article.

artificial palm material

The raw material for the manufacture of man-made palm trees will be plastic bottles. This is one of the most common containers on the planet for various drinks.

To create a palm tree, you will need a large number of the same type plastic bottles two colors:

  • brown: from kvass or beer - for a tree trunk,
  • green: from under the sprite, tarragon or the same beer - for its leaves.

There may be several forms, in which case you will have to alternate them during assembly, but it is better to have the same ones that match both in color and shape.

Procurement of material and will be the most hard work in the process of "growing" palm trees from plastic bottles with their own hands. But, if you have children and they have friends, then all work can turn into an exciting cultural and educational event with a small palm grove in the end.

Or not end with some palm trees.

Before use, the bottles should be washed so that the remnants of the drinks in them do not become an adhesive base for dust, and the labels and residues of the glue with which they were stuck should be removed.

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles - step by step for beginners

Manufacturing options plastic palm- a lot, consider the most common.

1. Barrel.

It can be based on:

  • metal rod or fittings;
  • wooden pole;
  • dried tree.

Consider options for manufacturing a palm tree trunk. Various technologies have been applied to make the trunks of these palms.

AT first case the top of the bottles was simply cut off, and they were strung on a rod, inserted into each other. This only vaguely resembles the trunk of a palm tree, but it is done simply and does not require as many bottles as other methods.

Second option resembles the first, but in it the tops of the bottles are carved with a crown, the teeth of which are slightly turned outwards.

Third- requires a fairly large number of bottles, but in this way you can decorate very thick bases, imitating real views palm trees with thick trunks, or turn into them the trunks of dried trees, freed from excess branches.

Sometimes, in order not to look for such a huge number of brown bottles of the same type, they collect white ones of the same shape, and after screwing their bottoms with self-tapping screws to wooden base trunk, painted with him in one Brown color.

You can make it resistant to fading acrylic paints or automotive enamels, although some use cheaper nitro paints from aerosol cans. Sometimes with a brush, after the first layer has dried, the recesses are painted in more dark color, is more realistic. It is better to cover everything with a colorless frost-resistant varnish after painting.

On the formation of the texture of the trunk fourth way a fairly large number of bottles also go away, but such an imitation looks even more believable and beautiful. Such scales are obtained using the curvature of the legs of the bottles.

Unlike previous options formed from below, such a “bark” is assembled from the upper part of the “trunk” when fasteners upper layers(self-tapping screws, nails, staples) is covered by the lower ones, and the very bottom is dug into the ground or sprinkled with it.

Similar to the same method fifth option, only it imitates the appearance of palm trees, the bark of which is formed by leaves that have died off during the growth of the tree, leaving behind protruding thick parts of the cuttings. We will not describe the method of its formation, it is clear from the photo.

Let's illustrate step by step photos the simplest of textured ways, only unlike the photos that show it, and where only the bottom halves of the bottles are used, we will use the entire material. We took a white bottle so that the markings were more noticeable.

To enlarge the image, click on it.

The upper part of the bottle, after cutting and bending the tips, is unfolded and inserted into the lower one. Both are mounted on a metal rod that forms the barrel and bends to your liking. To do this, holes of the desired diameter are drilled in the bottoms of the bottles, as in the photo.

It is not that big: for a 3-meter barrel you will need 19 - 20 two-liter bottles.

For massiveness and resistance to crushing of plastic in the future, during the typing, the insides of the bottles can be covered with sand.

2. Leaves.

Some of them only in a very large distance resemble palm trees, but they are easy to manufacture.

It is more difficult when you have to work extra with scissors.

To enlarge an image, click on it.

Above the edges of the leaves, you can slightly conjure open fire, as in last photo this selection, and they will take on a more natural look, because in nature there are no leaves with rectangular ends.

Reliable fastening will be if a washer with tubes is welded to the metal rod of the trunk, into which metal rods of palm branches are inserted. Such a washer can be screwed to a wooden trunk or simply drilled into it and inserted scraps of metal tubes.

You can collect branches using the corks of the bottles themselves.

And you can, cutting off the threaded necks, use a stapler. Or, inserting bottle leaves one by one, fix only the last one on the rod.

The video shows step by step manufacturing palm trees from plastic bottles:

Minipalm from plastic bottles, video

If you're not ready for a global take on planting palm trees from plastic bottles like the one in the first photo, then you might like this minimalist idea.

To enlarge an image, click on it.

We described the method of making the leaves of one of these homemade palm trees, and a video instruction for making such a composition can help you in making it:

It is also interesting in one of the methods for making a trunk, which can also be used in the production of a larger palm tree for placement in the yard, and also a method heat treatment plastic we mentioned earlier.

Artificial coconuts, bananas and other fruits of palm trees can be made from Styrofoam, covered with paper and painted. If you paint them several coats with outdoor acrylic paints, they can last quite a while outside.

And finally another video:

Dear readers, if you still have questions, ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)

Every gardener dreams of making his garden well-groomed and beautiful. But it is much easier to cope with the task of landscaping than with its decoration, because garden decor is not cheap and does not always look appropriate. Yes, and why the extra spending, if the material for original crafts lies right at your fingertips. In this article we will tell you how to make a real masterpiece out of a plastic bottle and what you need in order to make a truly exotic decoration for the garden - a palm tree.

Crafts for giving, what you need to create a palm tree

A plastic bottle is a practical and multifunctional thing with which you can turn your garden into a "decorative museum". Anyone who says that this is “garbage and bad taste” simply has not seen really good DIY garden crafts. Hand-made is not only fashionable, but also in demand, because what is done with one's own hands is valued many times higher than factory items.

In fact, inexpensive and affordable materials for country handicrafts lots of. But among them, plastic bottles are leading in terms of practicality, durability and unpretentiousness.

Decorative elements for the garden, made of plastic bottles, not only attract admiring glances with their non-triviality, but also have an unlimited shelf life - they are not afraid of either snow or heat.

Did you know? The plastic container maintains temperature range from -40 °C to +200 °C.

In addition, plastic bottles are like plasticine in the hands of a sculptor - malleable, elastic, and allows you to do almost everything with yourself.

In order to make a palm tree from bottles, you will need:

  • plastic bottles of several colors;
  • sharp knife (clerical or construction) and scissors;
  • adhesive tape and / or construction glue;
  • barrel base (metal pin or hollow plastic tube);
  • strong rope;
  • wire.
For trunks and leaves, you need to select bottles of the same size so that ready product looked complete. For maximum realism decorative palm you should look for green and brown material, but this is not at all necessary.

Instructions for making leaves

At first glance, it may seem that making a tree from plastic bottles with your own hands is very difficult. But if you act in stages, it turns out that it is not only easy, but also very exciting.

First of all, let's start making the crown of a palm tree. Take a plastic bottle and cut lower part, about 1/3 the length of the bottle. The bottom will no longer be useful, and the part with the neck will become a blank for foliage. Palm leaves can be of two types: fluffy and tulip-shaped. In the first case, using a clerical knife or scissors, we make longitudinal cuts towards the neck, without cutting 3-4 cm to it. The width of the strips can be arbitrary, but the crown of small leaves looks most spectacular.

The second version of the leaves is made in the following way: the blank is cut into four equal parts (cuts towards the neck of the bottle); we bend each of the parts and with the help of scissors we give the shape of a needle-shaped, figured sheet.

How to make a palm tree from bottles, the first or second way - Decide for yourself, it's a matter of taste. Ready leaves will need to be collected into a branch. To do this, take a rope or cable and alternately string all the workpieces in one direction so that the neck enters the cavity of the previous bottle. About 5-7 finished blanks will take one branch of a palm tree. Be sure to screw the cork onto the neck of the first “sheet” - this is necessary to fix the rope. Remember to leave a long edge so that you can collect all the branches together later.

Important! If you have a child, and the palm tree will be within his reach, then the edges of the slices of plastic bottles should be melted so that the baby does not get hurt.

How to create a trunk for a palm tree

We proceed to the next stage of making palm trees from plastic bottles - stem assembly.

The trunk of a palm tree can also be made in several ways, and here are some of the best ones:

Did you know? One of the palm-record holders is decorative tree, the trunk of which reaches 4.5 m in height.

Connection of the trunk and crown of an evergreen tree

The final step in assembling your craft will be the connection of the finished parts: branches and trunk. This is a very important and crucial part, because the stability of the entire structure depends on how correctly everything is done. We will tell you how to make a tree from plastic bottles safe and reliable.

Here the rest of the inventory will come to the rescue: adhesive tape, construction glue and wire.

To begin with, we connect the left edges of the rope on which the leaves were strung into a bundle and wrap them with tape. If additional fixation is needed, we tie the branches of the leaves with wire, wrapping it around the bases of the necks. The resulting bundle is connected to the tree trunk with glue (or construction foam). If necessary, at the junction, we make a few more skeins of tape.

A palm tree made of plastic bottles will take its rightful place on your backyard and will delight the eye at any time of the year. Making a plastic tree is not difficult, the main thing is to find a sufficient amount of material. We offer step by step instructions for beginners how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles.

Step by step guide: How to make a plastic palm tree

First you need to prepare the materials. You can use brown and green bottles or clear ones and then paint them. You will need:

  • Plastic bottles of various sizes
  • Wooden stick or reinforcement for the frame
  • Tight rope or wire.

Conditionally palm making can be divided into three steps:

  1. Making palm branches
  2. Creating a tree trunk
  3. Combining all parts into one tree.

Step 1 . To keep the leaves wide, use two-liter green bottles. To do this, cut off the bottom of the bottle and cut the bottle lengthwise into 7 pieces. Give each leaf suitable shape and make a fringe. For one leaf, you will need about 10-15 bottles. Connect them through the neck with a rope or wire. You can make small cuts along the bottles, then the leaves are more fluffy.

Step 2 To make the tree trunk, you will need brown beer bottles. Now you have to cut off the neck, and work with the lower half-bottom. Make triangular cuts on each blank from the bottle, then gently bend the edges outward. In the center of the bottom, you will have to burn a hole with a heated metal rod, the diameter of which depends on the diameter of the base for the frame. The number of bottles depends on the desired height for your tree. Insert them one into one on the frame, and you get a trunk.

Step 3. Now you can proceed to the full assembly of the tree. If you strung the leaves on a metal cable, then you can simply weld them to the trunk. To prevent the palm tree from flying away, make a foundation and dig deep into the core-trunk. Try to make a small palm tree first, and then plant some more plastic trees next to it.

Palm tree from plastic bottles

Imagine, then your tree will be unique, and the site will be the most beautiful. Involve family members in the preparation of blanks for palm trees, then you will spend interesting leisure time together. We hope that our article is about how to make a beginner palm trees from plastic bottles yours was helpful household territory will change significantly.

Summer residents who spend the summer on their garden plots face the problem of recycling by autumn plastic containers from all sorts of soft drinks. A plastic bottle palm tree can be an unexpected way to turn trash into a garden ornament.

How is this possible? It is very simple, if you carefully study the instructions for making palm trees from bottles, prepare all the necessary tools, expendable materials, and be sure to stock up on a good mood.

Bottle palm tree: possible benefits and methods of application

As you know, the plastic used for the production of food packaging does not decompose for hundreds of years when it enters the soil. Centralized removal of this kind of garbage is not established everywhere, and no one wants to litter nearby territories with plastic waste. What should a summer resident do in such a situation? Is it really necessary to carry used plastic bottles to the city?

Don't rush! If you carefully collect bottles of brown and green plastic, in the off-season, the whole family can turn this container into an unusual evergreen tree in an evening.

A palm tree from bottles will perfectly decorate:

  • house territory;
  • unsightly corner of the garden;
  • plot next to outbuildings;
  • playground;
  • a border of land near an open .

A palm tree made from plastic bottles according to the instructions below can become spectacular decoration at any party, wedding, themed party or children's party.

Making an original decor item will not cause difficulties even for people who are far from this kind of creativity. The main thing is to prepare everything you need before making a palm tree out of plastic bottles.

What is required for a palm tree from plastic bottles?

What should be stocked up before starting work? Primarily, home master you will need plastic bottles of green and brown. Green ones are blanks for the foliage of a tree, and brown ones are the future trunks of an evergreen beauty. At the same time, the height of the plant and the splendor of the crown directly depend on the amount of collected containers.

Scroll necessary materials and tools for creating a palm tree from bottles includes:

  • plastic container;
  • sharp clerical knife and scissors;
  • strong tape;
  • metal bar or plastic tube for the barrel;
  • thick rope or braided wire for the base of the leaves.

When choosing plastic bottles for palm trees, you need to take into account that trunks and leaves made from containers of the same diameter look better. If there are smaller green bottles in stock, they can be used for leaves in the middle of the crown, but brown small vessels will have to be used for tree trunks of a different type or size. Different shades of plastic are not a hindrance. They will only give the man-made plant liveliness and brightness.

Bottle palm tree: instructions for making

A step-by-step description of all the intricacies of creating a plastic tree will help you quickly, literally in an evening, step by step a palm tree from plastic bottles of the intended height.

The process consists of three steps:

  • leaf assembly;
  • creating a trunk of a plastic plant;
  • connection of all parts and installation of the finished tree.

Before making a palm tree out of plastic bottles, the container must be washed and all paper and film labels removed from it.

Although there are a lot of options for creating a plastic tree, the most lush long leaves with any chosen method, they are obtained from large, for example, two-liter bottles.

Making a palm tree crown from bottles

For prepared green bottles, the bottom part is cut off with a clerical knife or scissors. It is no longer needed, and the upper half will become a blank for the sheet.

It is carefully cut into thin longitudinal strips towards the neck. The larger the diameter of the plastic bottle, the thicker and more magnificent the green palm leaves will turn out.

These are not the only option for creating leaves. If you cut the top of a plastic bottle, as in the photo, into four “petals”, and then cut each of them several times, you will get beautiful feathery foliage.

The resulting leaf fragments are sequentially strung on a strong rope or strong electrical cable. A lid is necessarily screwed onto the first blank in order to fasten the “petiole” of the sheet at the top with a knot. The last part of the bottle is twisted in the same way.

A palm tree made of plastic bottles can have a top of any size, but trees with a crown of at least 5-7 leaves look better.

At the base of the finished palm leaves there should be a long stalk in order to assemble and securely fix the entire structure later.

Assembling a palm tree trunk from bottles

To get a tree trunk that looks like a natural tree, you will need almost the entire bottle, except for the bottom itself.

From the bottom, almost to the very neck, longitudinal cuts are made on brown bottles, dividing the container into equal petals.

Only a small fragment of the bottom goes to waste

This is how the finished part of the future palm trunk from bottles looks like.

The assembly is carried out in the same way as the green leaves of the tree were collected. To secure a palm tree in an upright position, its trunk will need a strong, rigid core. It can be made from a metal bar of suitable length and diameter or a tube.

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles

Finished palm leaves are attached with glue or adhesive tape to the top of the tree so that they form a uniform, diverging crown on all sides.

This is what the top of the tree looks like.

The structure is quite heavy. Therefore, it is desirable to fix it with such a heavy base. If it is not possible to make a welded platform or suitable material, a hard plastic or metal base of the stem is buried at least half a meter. Such a kind of "root" in the pit is strengthened with brick chips and compacted after filling with soil. Large trees are better to be concreted.

Video on how to make a palm tree out of plastic bottles for personal plot, will explain all the nuances of the creative process, will help turn a yard or a corner of the garden into a real oasis with your own hands.

One of the options for making palm trees from bottles - video

A palm tree made from plastic bottles creates an unusual harmony in the garden or on the plot. It seems that you are relaxing on the seashore, and around are palm trees and sand)))). Today, dear friends, we will consider two interesting master classes on making a beautiful palm tree from plastic bottles with our own hands, the author of these master classes is Olga Akimova and Safter Eshilev. It's no secret that the plastic bottle has won over many of us because it's a clean material that's very light and easy to use. Moreover, and more importantly, it is cheap material which is of great importance to many. Bottle crafts will last a very long time, because we all know that a bottle decomposes for a very long time. Therefore, by making crafts from them, we clean environment and create something interesting and beautiful for ourselves. If you suddenly have accumulated a lot of plastic bottles, then it means the time has come to use them for their intended purpose, which means you can make a beautiful palm tree out of them, for example.
Probably many of us want the summer to last longer on their site, that's just the palm tree from the bottles and will become a decoration on the site and extend us in our imagination at least a little summer period. Making a palm tree says Olga is very easy, even a beginner can handle this task.

* Scissors.
* Metal rod.
* Drill.

How to make a palm tree from bottles:
Before manufacturing, it would be good to understand first what size we will make a palm tree and where we will install it with you. If you have children, then make them such a palm tree on the playground. Believe me, children really like such crafts and they are happy to play near them.
We take plastic bottles and see that we have them all clean, if there are dirty ones, then they need to be washed. Be sure to remove all labels from the bottles and then you can start manufacturing.

We take brown bottles and cut off the bottom of them to the height we need.

Now we need to make the branches of our palm tree, for this we take a green plastic bottle and cut it lengthwise almost along its entire length and then cut it along the edge (as if we were making strips-mushrooms).

We take a drill and start using it to make holes in each blank from a brown bottle. The holes should be the same diameter as a metal bar.

We have all done the blanks, we proceed to the assembly of the palm tree, we will make the trunk. We take brown bottles and bend the teeth from them outwards, and then we start putting them on a metal rod. In turn, insert the bottle into the bottle, look like in the photo.

From above, when the trunk is ready, we put on the leaves that were made from a green bottle. We fix the leaves on the tree like this: when the mode is the last bottle on the leaves, we leave the neck with the cork. we make a hole in the cork the size of a metal rod and tightly fit it, it holds perfectly, no other fasteners are needed.
That's all, the palm tree from plastic bottles is ready. Look at what beauty Olga turned out to be, and most importantly, such crafts will last you a very long time and they are not afraid of rain or frost.

Palm tree from plastic bottles with coconuts

Different palm trees are needed, different palm trees are important. Sasha got a slightly different but also very interesting and beautiful palm tree, moreover, with coconuts. Let's also consider the process of making it, because someone will like this palm tree and someone else, everyone has different tastes.

To make a palm tree, we need:
* Green plastic bottles.
* Brown plastic bottles.
* Scissors.
* Metal rod.
* Drill.

How to make a palm tree with coconuts:
Let's make a barrel first, take 20 brown beer bottles. So many bottles Sasha needed to make one palm tree 1 m high.

Cut off the bottom of the bottle closer to the base. We cut the bottle then into five parts.

Now we will make the bottom foliage from the green bottle. We cut off the bottom and cut it into 5 parts, you will need 3 of these blanks.

Then we cut out the foliage on it as shown in the photo.

We bend the foliage as shown in the photo.

This is how it should work for you.

We take 2 liters. green plastic bottle.

Also cut off the bottom.

Cut almost along the entire length into thin strips. The ends need to be sharpened.

Here is such a blank for making palm trees turned out.

We begin to collect the lower leaves on the iron rod. First, insert the blanks that are cut into strips.

Then we insert the blanks on which the foliage was cut.

We continue, cut from 2 liter bottle makhrushki

This is how the blanks should turn out.

From a 1.5 liter bottle, it is also a makhrushka mode.

For the manufacture of palm branches, blanks from 1.5 liter and 2 liter bottles will be required.

If you do not have a lot of green bottles, then transparent bottles can be painted with green paint.

Cut all bottles into strips.

We put caps on all bottles and drill 8 mm.

Bottle necks can be inserted between bottles to save bottles.

0.5 l. we cut the bottles to size and insert them at the ends of the branches.

Here are our blanks before assembly, you can get to work.

First we collect 1.5 liter bottles, and at the ends of the branches 2 liter bottles.

It remains to make coconuts, because we have a palm tree with coconuts. For this, Sasha used old balls, obliged them thin wire so that later there is something to attach to.

We paint them brown. When dry, hang them on a palm tree.

Instead of a trunk, we use an old unnecessary pipe 15 and 2.5 meters high. We drill two 8 mm holes in it. Branches - wire rod 7 mm. 2 meters 1 meter in each direction.

Everything palm tree with coconuts is ready.

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