Why the intimate part of the body itches is a sign. Cheeks itch - why

Fate often gives us signs and warns of future events. There are a number of popular signs according to which these signs of fate appear in our lives and try to convey important information to us. Often we think about why the left hand or nose was suddenly combed back. All this for a reason. And what such signs portend, find out right now.

There is a sign that if your hands itch, then this promises either profit or loss of money. This is not entirely true. According to superstitions, if the right hand itches, then someone has to say hello to someone. As a rule, this portends a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time. If the left hand itches, this is a sign of separation. It is likely that soon you will have to lose touch with a loved one for a long time.

If the left palm itches- this is at a loss. This popular omen can portend theft, an imminent crisis, loss of money, debts. In this case, touching the palm is not recommended. The more and harder you scratch, the more money you will lose.

If the right palm itches- this is for profit. A quick receipt of money, a big win, a valuable find, debt repayment and so on awaits you. With the help of this sign, you can attract money. To do this, scratch your right palm properly, then the profit will follow faster and in much larger quantities.

There are many signs associated with the nose. It is believed that if your nose itches then this is for a drink. A feast with a lot of alcohol awaits you. Even if you do not plan to drink that day, it can still happen. The nose smells everything and does not deceive in such things as alcohol. Also, this fact may mean that you will be beaten or scolded. So that the omen in this case does not come true, ask a loved one to click on your nose, then nothing terrible will happen.

If the nose itches from the side, then this is to the news. What kind of news it will be - good or bad - folk wisdom, alas, is silent about this.

If your cheeks itch or burn- this means that someone thinks about you, and the thoughts of this person are not the best in relation to you.

Itchy left eye- this is a sign of tears. If the right eye itches - to joy or good news.

If your ears itch- this is either for the news, or for a change in the weather. Earlobes itch - to warmth if you were born in summer or spring; to the cold if you were born in winter or autumn.

If it itches under the knees- for a quick trip. This sign, as a rule, portends a long journey, a business trip or a trip.

Itchy left foot- soon you will be messing around. This sign portends a carefree life. If the right foot itches, this is a hassle, problem and fuss. It is likely that you will soon be spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

Itchy upper lip- you will kiss. The lower lip itches - to a serious conversation.

Tongue itches- Bad sign. This is a warning that it's time to stop gossiping and intrigue.

Eyebrows itch to the meeting. The right eyebrow portends a meeting with a friend or boyfriend. Left eyebrow - to a meeting with an enemy or an envious person.

Itchy chin- to an important decision. This sign is a hint that helps you make a decision or make a choice. If you are thinking about what to do, and suddenly your chin is combing, then do exactly what your heart tells you.

To take these folk signs seriously or as a joke, it's up to you. However, if you observe their execution, you can conclude that a greater number of such superstitions always come true. And so that you are surrounded only by good omens, do not forget to press the buttons and

15.01.2014 10:11

According to numerologists, numbers have special vibrations that affect each person. Numbers can us ...

There are many ways to know your future. One of them is the use of an ancient table of predictions. This...

According to folk signs, a knowledgeable person will not have any difficulties in making a forecast for the near future. Such people will immediately answer the interlocutor to the question: what is itching for? The nose, neck, arms, abdomen, like other parts of the body that are suddenly combed back, can be harbingers of success, profit, failure or tears. On the body or inside it, there may be sensations when you want to scratch. What signs does fate send through this category of folk signs?

Why does the head itch

What will the folk interpretation tell a person who is interested in what and what itches when it comes to the head? The common interpretation predicts a quarrel. Any pretext can serve as a pretext, therefore, knowing the interpretation of folk signs, you can avoid an unpleasant moment. If it itches near the right ear, then useful advice will be expected from you, near the left one - someone older will give it to you, the back of the head - portends difficult thoughts. Intensity also matters: the more it itches, the harder it will become to resolve the conflict.


Along with when the ears are burning or the tip of the nose itches, this folk omen is included in the list of the most popular and familiar to many. A symbolic omen promises those who have itchy eyes, cardinally opposite states - from tears and grief to joy and a date with a loved one. The reason that the eye twitches is overwork or strong nervous tension, and if it begins to itch or water, it is necessary to exclude inflammation or the ingress of a foreign body.

If you want to scratch your eyes spontaneously and this action is of a short-term nature, then the popular interpretation of the omen says that the right eye itches to tears, and the left one to joyful events. The days of the week can influence the interpretation of the omen. The approach is simple: if the letter "r" appears in the name, for example, Wednesday, but not Friday, then itchy eyes promise joy, and the rest of the week prophesies tears. Good news at work - that's what the left eye itches on on Tuesday.


When the earlobe itches, the omen predicts a worsening of the weather: wait for a strong wind or bad weather. The people's forecast regarding personal life promises to replenish the family or receive unexpected news. When interpreting, it is worth paying attention to which ear itched: if the right ear is being spoken about by hard-hitting words or scolded, and the left ear traditionally itches or burns for those who have received praise from unfamiliar people, work colleagues, and bosses.


Often the appearance of this sign is felt so that the bridge of the nose is itching, so you want to scratch your nose. Popular belief says that good news will soon knock on your life. If the right nostril is unexpectedly combed out, then this portends the birth of a son from someone from good friends, and the left nostril itches for the appearance of a girl. Those who itch under their noses should be wary, as this portends ingratitude. A combed nose tip - this sign is familiar to many: get ready for a feast with strong drinks.


Expect a guest who will come from far away to visit you - this is the most common interpretation when itchy eyebrows. This visit is connected with the best intentions, therefore the guest will come with gratitude for the kind attitude that you once showed. For a girl or woman, an itchy right eyebrow predicts a meeting with a man, the left - communication with representatives of the same sex. If it combed between the eyebrows, then you have to communicate with a married couple.


A sure sign of why your forehead itches is that the moment has come in your life to make a serious decision. Prepare for an unexpected conversation with the opposite sex should be those whose forehead is combed hard. There is a chance that your soul mate has decided to break up and end the relationship, while determined to do it decisively. Such a sign warns about an unpleasant meeting with a door jamb, so if you do not want to get bruises, then be careful. The nicest interpretation is that your dream will come true soon.


Time for kissing is coming soon for those who suddenly feel like scratching their lips. Signs indicate that another person will become the initiator of a pleasant event. If a girl's upper lip is combed, then a prominent man will kiss her, and the lower one portends that a woman, for example, a mother or friend, will kiss her. According to folk signs, it matters not only when the lips itch, but are still burning or begin to twitch. Get ready for a serious conversation if the tip of your tongue itches.


Flaming cheeks predict tears, resentment and negative statements about your person from loved ones. Unpleasant events should be expected if the left cheek itches, because this indicates an imminent division of property, quarrels over the will, but everything will be resolved peacefully. For pregnant women, such a sign announces the birth of a girl. When the right cheek itches, this sign is positive, because a loved one thinks about you, whose intentions are the most sincere.

Signs of what itches on the body

What and what itches on the body - these superstitions are constantly transmitted from generation to generation. Popular predictions associated a sudden impulse to scratch a particular part of the body with upcoming possible events. Like the urge to scratch your beard, chin, or little finger, these sensations come suddenly. The symbolic interpretation of what and why was combed on the body provides for such phenomena as melancholy, joy, money, adversity. The wrist, lower back, armpit, groin, soles of the feet - all can give an idea of ​​the future.


The largest number of signs are associated with this part of the body. Many people believe that if the right palm is combed out, then one should expect a profit or a large amount of money, but the left one predicts expenses. A combed right palm will tell you about an imminent meeting with someone whom you have not seen for a long time. You should be on your guard if you involuntarily scratched your elbow or fist. This popular omen predicts extremely unpleasant events.

Expect huge profits if your left middle finger itches. A good interpretation carries a sign for those who have itched their index or ring finger: get ready for a quick advancement up the career ladder or for academic success. The thumb, like the part of the hand to the elbow, itches in people who are facing life changes. If on the right hand, then soon there will be an acquaintance with a person who will change your life, on the left - a feeling of disappointment will come about your half.

If your chest itches

The fair sex will be able to judge about the events of the near future when their mammary gland unexpectedly itches. Communication with the subtle world informs about a violation of harmony, possible anxiety if there is a tingling or itching sensation in the sternum. If only the left breast was combed, then the sign indicates the longing of a loved one for you, the right one - for betrayal on the part of the chosen one.


Did your right foot itch for no particular reason? A journey awaits you, a long road - this is what the popular omen predicts regarding the desire to scratch your foot. Superstitions arose when cars and paved roads were out of the question. Travelers had to cover distances on foot, because only wealthy people traveled on horseback. The interpretation of signs is positive, because overcoming the path is associated with a joyful feast upon arrival.

A combed heel portends a change in the weather, and the desire to scratch your knee promises good news. When the right leg itches (foot, knee, thigh), then most of the positive predictions are associated with this. The left one always warns of negative events: a person needs to be attentive, careful on the road, he is in danger of loss and even betrayal.


Changes in the weather and not the best events in life promise folk omens for those who have an itchy stomach. Movements from top to bottom predict that possible events will occur in the very near future, and from one side of the abdomen to the other are the harbingers of circumstances that have been delayed in time. It is considered a good omen when the navel itches - it portends a holiday or fun.


Longing in my soul, sadness and not at all rosy prospects carries with it a sign of a combed back. Puzzled by the question regarding the zone, it is easy to see: the lower back is unfortunately, and the shoulder blades itch to bad weather. All superstitions associated with the area below the shoulders impose a negative character on the predictions. Only those who have an itchy tailbone will be able to dodge trouble, because the lucky ones will be able to escape in time or simply avoid a collision. A quick feast awaits those who have itchy neck.


Very soon you will have to go on a date - that's what the popular omen says. Also, the subtle worlds make it clear that in the coming days an important mysterious event will occur that will affect the course of fate. The fifth point begins to scratch before good events related to personal life. If itching sensations have arisen only in the area of ​​one buttock, then the right one predicts about envious women or rivals with malevolent intentions, and the left one should be more careful, stay away from dubious adventures.

The head is one of the most important parts of the body. It's believed that an itchy head portends a quarrel... To avoid swearing, it is recommended to wash it to wash away bad thoughts.

The area near the temples itches to failure in seemingly win-win situations. There is also a positive sign. The head may itch for purchases or gifts.

Why does the left or right eye itch?

From a physiological point of view, the left eye is responsible for performance, and the right eye symbolizes the emotional side of a person. For left-handers, omen works the other way around.

According to popular wisdom, the right eye itches for positive changes in personal life... At this time, you can safely make appointments and make acquaintances. In the evening, the omen promises a prophetic dream.

If the area near the right ear itches, then you should wait for wise advice. And itching around the left ear, on the contrary, promises a willingness to help loved ones in solving impending problems.

According to European experts, the right eye itches to material benefits.

Why does the left eye itch? Alternatively, to hard work.

The left eye is a harbinger of hard work., which will take a lot of strength and energy. In the west, it is believed that the left eye itches due to overwork or latent diseases.

Also, the omen speaks of ill-wishers and evil eyes, which should be feared. In the east, on the contrary, they believe that the left eye itches for changes and new discoveries.

If your eyes itch at the same time:

  1. You need to beware of betrayal of loved ones.
  2. Emotional upheavals are possible.
  3. The long-awaited meeting will happen soon.

Itching right or left eyebrow - a sign

In the old days it was believed that itchy right eyebrow portends happy events, such as the birth of a child, recognition of success, fateful meetings.

The left eyebrow, on the other hand, warns of danger. You should be attentive to those around you.

Unfavorable acquaintances are possible, which will lead to misfortune in the future. It is not recommended to plan long roads.

Good omen when both eyebrows itch. This heralds a replenishment in the budget, cash gain, salary increase.

Why does the forehead itch

The forehead area is associated with human mental activity, which explains the rubbing of the forehead while pondering any questions.

The upper part of the forehead itches for treason. There is a belief that "horns grow". If the second half is not there, then betrayal by the people around you is possible.

Itching in the bridge of the nose promises a successful solution to long-standing issues... And if the forehead itches in the middle, then you need to be prepared for important meetings and negotiations.

Ear itches - what does it mean

Ears belong to the organs of hearing, which justifies the connection of signs about them with discussions and negotiations.


  1. Right ear lobe... Itches to a big quarrel. It will be possible to smooth it out with the help of restraint and weighty arguments. Itching can also indicate worsening weather.
  2. The right ear is inside. People around them will learn the truth, which will excite them and entail gossip. Do not focus on the situation.
  3. The right ear is outside. Pleasant surprises and profits can be expected. Free girls will meet the second half.
  4. Left ear lobe. It scratches to the conflict, in which it is necessary to play a conciliatory role. The scandal may affect relations with colleagues, which will entail problems with the authorities.
  5. Left ear inside. Indicates squabbles in the environment for which you will have to make excuses. On the other hand, the situation will show the true face of friends.
  6. Left ear outside. Foreshadows cash costs and the return of old debts. Clarification of relations with relatives and friends is not excluded.

The nose itches - a folk omen

Why the nose itches, according to popular belief, is judged on the basis of the combed area. The tip of the nose itches for fun gatherings.

The left wing bodes bad news. But you shouldn't worry about them, the situation will be resolved in a positive way.

The right wing, on the other hand, bodes well for good news. Itching of the bridge of the nose portends a serious illness or death. Trouble possible.

Each nostril also has its own meaning. The right one itches for joyful events, and the left one portends misfortune.

For couples who are expecting a baby, the itching of the right nostril foreshadows the birth of a girl, and the left nostril foreshadows the birth of a boy. The whole nose itches for a fight or conflict.

Itches over the lip - meaning

If itching place above the upper lip, then it is worth waiting for condemnation and betrayal. You will also have to face the ingratitude of acquaintances.

In people dependent on meteorological indicators, the upper part of the lips itches to a change in the weather for the worse.

Why do the upper and lower lips itch

According to popular belief, if lips itch, wait for kisses... But few people know that this only applies to the upper lip.

Also, an itchy upper lip portends a romantic date that will mark the beginning of a strong relationship. In the east, it is believed that the omen speaks of receiving a sweet gift.

Lower lip itches to praise, after which it is possible to improve at work and consolidate status in society. If there is a task that has been postponed many times, then it's time to take up its implementation.

In the case when the lip itches after a romantic evening, it is worth waiting for the successful development of the relationship.

Cheeks itch - why

According to the teachings of Buddhism, the right cheek itches for a long journey... For the patient, a sign promises a speedy recovery.

Couples will have a conversation that will help to find out the reasons for the dissatisfaction. After that, the long-awaited reconciliation will come.

The right side of the face is filled with good energy, which means an overabundance of emotions in the body. At this time, it is necessary to restrain oneself so that the surge of energy does not entail a misunderstanding of loved ones.

The area of ​​the face on the left side is responsible for the romantic mood. A sign promises a lonely sign of success in communicating with the opposite sex, and a wave of positive emotions for lovers.

For those who are far from home, the omen predicts a quick return. Both cheeks are itchy to tears, but they won't necessarily be from grief.

Why does the tongue itch

Language and talkativeness can be equated with synonyms, so all signs about itchy tongue are associated with communication.

An itchy tip of the tongue speaks of gossip behind your back.- at this time you need to be careful, as ill-wishers are planning to spread rumors; the middle - about the desire to slander an innocent person himself; the root of the language is conflict.

It is important not to succumb to provocations and to keep your feelings in check.

Itchy mouth and teeth - which means

A sign indicates an ill-wisher who wants to specifically slander. In doing so, he will act behind his back, and his name will remain a secret.

What does it mean when your chin itches

Since ancient times it is believed that the chin itches in jealous people... Over time, this omen was really confirmed. If a loved one behaves in an unusual way, then you should think about his loyalty.

Free people will get a long-awaited vacation at home. If you fail to plan your vacation, then pleasant news is expected.

Why does the neck itch

First of all, the omen warns of upcoming events. What they will be depends on the person. By carefully studying the surrounding factors, impending troubles can be avoided.

In front, the neck itches for a fun feast. Even if there were no events planned in the near future, then it is worth preparing for unexpected invitations. A festive meeting is inevitable.

The back of the neck promises unfair punishment. At this time, you should not tempt fate and get involved in dubious companies.

Elbow itches - a sign

According to Russian omens, it was considered a good sign, when both elbows itch. This meant that global changes in life were approaching..

In most cases, positive events are expected, but situations are possible in which you will have to fight for happiness.

The right elbow portends auspicious moments. Free girls will receive gifts and tokens. Lovers of the fair sex can get ready for the trip.

A sign of men warns of the appearance of envious people. In both sexes, itching of the right elbow may indicate a move.

The left side of the body is considered a harbinger of misfortune, therefore the left elbow itches to the appearance of problems... It is necessary to establish relations with relatives, their help will be needed to eliminate troubles.

What does it mean when your finger itches

Left hand:

Why does the wing of the nose itch: Left - portends bad news, Right - promises good news.

Right hand:

  1. Thumb... For girls, tickling the thumb speaks of receiving gifts, perhaps even an engagement ring. In the near future, salary increases or bonuses are foreseen.
  2. Forefinger. The outcome of newly started cases depends solely on the person who has an itchy index finger. It is worth preparing for the envy of ill-wishers.
  3. Middle finger. As well as on the left hand, it portends a profit.
  4. Ring finger. Itches to big waste that will bring emotional satisfaction. The ring finger is associated with marriage, which explains the sign of receiving an offer for girls.
  5. Little finger. It is recommended to postpone important matters.

The hand itches - folk signs

The left hand is a harbinger of material well-being. The more it itches, the more profit you can expect.

In order not to miss the opportunity to get rich, you should clench your hand into a fist, put it in your pocket and open it, imitating folding money.

The right hand itches for successful negotiations. The omen is justified by the fact that at a meeting or a successful deal, the right hands are shaken.

Itchy right or left palm - meaning

What the palm itches for according to the Russian folk version is known to everyone. The left palm itches for money, the right palm itches for acquaintance. These are the most popular interpretations of signs.

The sign of the left hand warns that you will have to part with loved ones.

What does it mean if your wrist itches

The left wrist itches for trouble. An emotional attitude will push a person to rash actions. It can be a fight, a fight, relationship problems, even arrest and jail.

Sign associated with right wrist, portends praise and well-deserved awards. You may have to make serious decisions. But do not be afraid, in the future they will bring joy.

Chest itching - why

For both men and women itching of the left breast predicts changes in communication with a loved one... Free people should take a closer look at their surroundings. Recent acquaintances can turn into a serious relationship.

The omen for men promises financial well-being.

For women, a sign about the right breast indicates relatives who are waiting for support. Girls who are in a quarrel with the other half can expect an early reconciliation. For men, itching indicates excessive rudeness.

Itching in the armpits - folk signs

The time has come for beginnings - this is what the left armpit itches for.

For shy people, this is a sign that it's time to gain self-confidence and achieve success. Now is the right time to analyze your personality and deal with your shortcomings.

The armpit sign on the right side warns of new clothes. Also, the right armpit can itch in a person who cannot defend his point of view.

Why the stomach itches - a sign

There are two opposite interpretations of this sign. On the one side itchy stomach symbolizes dissatisfaction.

Bad mood leads to conflicts in the family, misunderstanding at work, deterioration of the general condition.

These problems can be solved by taking control of your emotional state. The second option insists on the arrival of great happiness and prosperity in all areas of life.

What does it mean if your back itches

Regardless of which area is combed, itchy back is due to the prediction of sadness and disappointment.

Perhaps the appearance of melancholy for no apparent reason and the development of depression. This does not apply to back moles. They are considered lucky charms. The spine itches to a change in the weather.

Butt itches - why

No wonder they say "find adventure on the fifth point." Popa warns of unplanned trips. The sign warns of deception for selfish purposes.

Why do the thighs itch

The sign foreshadows the arrival of guests. If for a long time it was not possible to visit old friends, then they themselves organize a meeting.

You should be careful in money matters. Possible deception or unforeseen waste. Bad news may also come.

Knees itching - what does it mean

The more itching in the left knee, the more radical the weather will change.... In the near future, they will have to do uninteresting work, but they will pay generously for it.

The sign of the right knee says that all old issues will be resolved soon. At the same time, participation in the decision is practically not required. Good news is also to be expected.

Why do legs itch below the knees

Most of the signs about the legs are associated with movement. Left leg warns of unsuccessful trips, demotion, material and emotional losses.

The right leg predicts exactly the opposite. It is necessary to open up to new acquaintances, accept invitations to events. All this will entail endless possibilities and discoveries.

Itchy foot - meaning

In women, the feet itch for marriage and pregnancy. This is due to the fact that soon you will have to run a lot after the child.

For men who are not burdened with a serious relationship, a sign portends thoughts of treason. Whether it will actually take place depends on the endurance of the person himself.

For married guys, fate has a pleasant surprise in the form of a promotion at work.

When the left foot is combed, a busy day with the second half is expected. Itching is also observed when there are unfinished business that will entail losses.

Before talking with an influential person, the right foot itches. Following the meeting, important issues will be resolved in a positive way.

The heel itches - a Russian omen

Both heels itch to the change in weather. In summer, rain is expected, and in winter, on the contrary, warming.

Also, heels are considered harbingers of a long journey. How the path goes depends on which heel was combed.

NS Heel, as a harbinger of good luck, promises a successful journey, which will bring both moral and financial satisfaction.

For girls and guys who are not burdened with relationships, the right palm itches for a romantic date. For family people, a sign predicts success in business.

If your left heel is itchy, you should avoid any travel.... They can cause material losses.

What to prepare for if this or that part of the body itches, are told by numerous popular beliefs. Someone unquestioningly believes in omens, while someone does not even think about it.

In any case, a person's life is in his hands and even the worst prediction can be corrected by positive actions and thoughts.

What's itching for (folk signs):

Why does the left, right hand itch:

There are events in the life of every person when some part of the body itches or tingles. The people say that this is something, yes it means. Every person's chin itched, I think.

If combed chin, then the people say that it has something to do with a romantic date. What could be better? So if you decide to invite a girl out on a date and hesitate, and your chin is itching, then do not hesitate, you can safely take the initiative.

There are some pitfalls in this sign. For example, if the chin itches on the right side, then you should expect trouble. And most likely, she will fall on her head very soon. There is even an expression "get in the jaw" - so be careful and see this as a warning. It is likely that there will be no fight itself, but some kind of conflict is brewing.

If the chin itches on the left side, then this suggests that you can expect good news or the question that has long tormented you will be resolved with a positive result for you.

Neck itches- to hard drinking or beatings.


Eyes always itchy unfortunately and tears. True, our ancestors also invented an "antidote" to this sign from undesirable consequences. It is necessary to simultaneously scratch both eyes and cross them three times. It is believed that in this case there will be no tears.


The top of the head itches- to a meeting with the Teacher.

Itching in the leg- to the good news.

Right eyebrow itches- to a date (meeting) with a friend, left- with a secret enemy, or someone at this very time scolds you.

To what itchy or twitching left eye.

Different people know different interpretations of this sign, and some believe that the meaning of both itchy and twitching eyes will be the same, while others are convinced that these phenomena should be interpreted differently. However, if we talk about the most common meanings of the omen, then it can be noted that most of our contemporaries are convinced that the left eye itches:

  • to disappointment;
  • to tears;
  • to good news;
  • to a pleasant meeting;
  • to a romantic date.

Moreover, it is the negative interpretations of omens that are most common.

But if you are interested in why the right eye twitches, then you will find out the following options:

  • to tears;
  • to a conflict with a loved one;
  • to unexpected news;
  • to profit;
  • to luck.

Moreover, in this case, it is the "positive" interpretations that have become more widespread. In particular, it is believed that a quarrel or tears await a person only if his right eye itches simultaneously with his left, and in all other scenarios of the development of events, good news should be expected.

Therefore, if your right eye twitches, there is especially nothing to worry about, but if both eyes are combed, and this bothers you, perform the following simple ritual. Lower your eyelids and rub them with both fists at the same time, and then cross your hands and repeat the procedure, and all this time you should read any prayer. This is exactly what our ancestors did to ward off possible troubles, and you, too, if you are a superstitious person, can take advantage of their experience.

Itching in the nose (itchy nose) - to drunkenness

A) to good news; if itching for a long time - to a runny nose, a cold.

B) I must say that the sign associated with scratching the nose is special. In this case, the nose is not considered completely, its individual components are often taken: the tip of the nose, the nostrils - right or left, the bridge of the nose. The people say in a simple way: "The nose is combed - you will drink wine!"

But it was not there. It turns out that only the tip of the nose itches when drinking and drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages. But if the nostril is combed, one of the relatives or friends will invite you to the christening. If the nose itches on one side or the side, wait for good news. Worst of all, if the bridge of the nose is suddenly combed back, they say, this is to sudden misfortune or death, not necessarily some of the relatives, maybe some of the distant acquaintances.

There may be just unpleasant sensations in the nose - always to good news. When the right wing of the nose itches, very pleasant and unexpected news awaits a person. If the left wing is combed, the news will be from afar and not very good. In the morning, the nose itched up - there will be a guest in the evening, perhaps a close friend will drop in for a minute to spend the evening with a friend, or a neighbor will come in for something and stay to sit and chat.

Before the salary, the nose of factory workers is itching: therefore, in the evening they will always celebrate the event of receiving the next salary. It goes without saying that if a great party or feast is expected, such as a wedding, your nose will itch in just a week.

Sometimes the nose can itch in people with allergic reactions. It can be poplar fluff, dog hair, and even the most fragrant French perfume. However, if a person has any allergies, this phenomenon is far from pleasant. It is better to immediately seek help from an allergist and urgently take certain precautions to protect yourself from further complications.

It scratches under the nose I am combing refusal or someone's ingratitude.

It hurts in my throat- to sore throat; gargle with sea salt, maybe it will.

The back of the head itches- be sad. The forehead itches - be puzzled.

Tongue itches- as a rule, this is not good. Sometimes it means that the bosses will soon have to lick the ass, and sometimes because someone licked it, literally or figuratively. The poorly brought up - from the desire to spit at the interlocutor, the nofigists - from the desire to spit on everything.

Itching in the groin- to the doctor

Ears itching

Ears itching- a warning, someone wants to deceive or fool you

Left ear itches- this sign suggests that someone is scolding you.

Right ear itches- to swearing.

The auricle itches- then expect condemnation.

If auricle right, then close people will condemn.

If leva I am outsiders.

Itchy soles- to the road to the government house. It is possible that to a doctor, from a fungus to be treated

Itchy lips- to kisses. Lips itch after kissing- to a bad disease

Left hand itches- to money, itchy nose- to drink, if both- for a drink for free

Itching in the crotch- Bad sign. Beware lest you fall prey to medical errors, intrigue, or rape. You may have become the object of someone's secret desires.

Back itches- be careful, you are being watched or followed

Pubis itches- if there are no known problems with insects, then to a romantic date.

Itchy heel- to defeat, loss, annoyance. Someone either wants to reveal your secret, or brazenly fuck

The scrotum itches- to scientific discovery

Itchy leg- stumble on level ground

Itching to copy a page without a link- to troubles, headaches, possibly to the imminent loss of a tooth or an eye

Ears itch- TV overdose. Stop watching TV and shake off the noodles

Itchy right palm

B) As an example, we can cite a well-known observation: the right palm itches - a sign indicating an upcoming meeting with a good acquaintance or an as yet unknown person who may become a good friend in the future. What other signs and beliefs are associated with human sensations?

According to old beliefs, the palm of the right hand can be combed shortly before certain events (usually of a positive nature). According to the most famous sign, such an event is an early meeting or acquaintance, since it is with the right palm that we conclude a friendly handshake.

A number of will also indicate that the palm of the right hand can be combed to perform certain operations with money (or to receive or to return one's own debts). In order for the belief to acquire a positive character, and contribute to receiving money, and not parting with it, it is recommended to scratch the bottom edge of the table with your palm or rub any red object with it. In this case, it is advisable to mentally or aloud say "Rub your palm on the red, so that it is not in vain." Another way to attract money is to grab a handful of change or pinch a bill of any denomination, as soon as your right palm begins to itch.

The left palm itches?

BUT) I congratulate you - money is scraping towards you. This is money, if, of course, you follow all the following steps exactly with the instructions *).

*) And the instruction says: you need to mentally imagine the money in your palm. This, I must tell you, is not difficult at all. Then make a raking movement towards you with your palm and clench your hand into a fist. Have you presented?

That's the whole procedure.

B) L new palm, according to ancient beliefs, has to do with receiving money. Thus, briefly answering the question of what the left palm is scratching for, popular wisdom laconically says - "to profit."

In order for the omen to come true, and in the very near future to improve the financial situation, you should grab your pocket with your left palm and say to yourself: “To money! So be it. "

It should be noted that the indicated sign also testifies to the fact that the more the left palm is combed, the more profit a person should expect. So why not take advantage of the old wisdom when the opportunity arises?

If itchy left breast, then this means that your young man thinks about you, you can also allow memories of you or melancholy. No wonder the left breast is meant - the one that is on the same side with the heart.

Also the left breast may itch for money. There is a belief that wealth is if your left breast itches. But you will most likely have this position only in the first half of your life. You can also notice from your personal life: the left breast itches, which means that everything will be fine, but only at the beginning of your life.

Right chest itches... The most widespread belief is that your beloved is cheating on you at this moment (though who it is and how it is verified is a mystery). Also, such an event may mean that at your early time, you had a lot of suffering. But according to the law of logic and the principle of belief, all adversity should disappear and there will be only light and happiness ahead.

There is also a belief that both breasts itch the same... Still, it doesn’t interfere with washing. But if this did not help, then this is a good omen that promises a good, quiet, but prosperous life.

Head itches- you will be scolded.
The stomach itches- to sadness.
The back of the head itches- to sadness.
Elbow itches- to grief, someone else's bed, quarrel and even a fight.
The shoulder blades itch- this sign of bad weather.
The palate and gums itch- you will be strongly condemned, and the ill-wisher will remain unknown.
The nostril itches- for christening.
Fingers itch on both hands- this sign speaks of a clear sign of anemia, and you urgently need to be treated.
Groin itches- expect trouble.
The bridge of the nose itches- this omen, as our ancestors believed, suggests that soon you will hear about the deceased.
It itches under the knee- to a change in the weather, and in the warm direction.
Armpits itch- this sign portends a mild illness: on the right side - yours, on the left - the illness of someone close to you. Or have you recently shaved your armpits ...
Generally anything below the shoulders, usually itching is not good.
Booty itches- this sign means that someone praises you

Left buttock itches before the illness.

Itching of the right buttock portends selfish intentions on someone's side.
Small of the back itching to bad weather.
A heart- itches in the area of ​​the heart, which means combing annoyance
Back according to folk omens it itches to sadness.
The foot itches- this sign prepares a certain road for you.

Itchy cheeks- this omen promises tears. If the cheeks do not itch, but burn, then in this case there may be another option for signs - they are discussing you. Moreover, to find out whether they say good or bad about you, you need to hold a gold ring on your cheek. If the mark from the ring is black, then they say bad about you, white - good.
The tongue itches or the tip of the tongue itches- this is a sign of unkind gossip and atrocities against you. However, there is a way to "return" these troubles back to ill-wishers. To do this, you need to prick the tip of the tongue with a needle or something sharp, or sprinkle with something tart, such as pepper. Or you can just tie a strong knot somewhere. In this case, the mouths of ill-wishers will also be "tied" ...


Folk omen itches the eye (left or right) Itches the eye - this is one of the most common signs about scabies of parts of the body, and it promises tears. The left eye usually itches for joy, and tears are the itching of the right eye. There is also a belief that the right eye can itch and to joy. It all depends on the day of the week on which he combed. If the name of the day of the week contains the letter "p" (for example, Tuesday), then the eye itches to joy, on other days - to tears. True, if you rub both eyes at the same time and cross them three times, there will be no tears.

Sign: ear itches

When itching in both ears, expect bad weather or wind. A more joyful interpretation of this sign speaks of the appearance of a newborn in the family. If your right ear is combed, someone scolds you, the left one praises you. Itching in the auricles means condemnation, moreover, on the left - strangers, people distant to you, condemn, and on the right - close and dear ones. If the whole ear is combed and flamed in winter, there will soon be a thaw, and in all other seasons, you will receive unexpected news.

The eyebrow itches