Do I need to cut off faded flowers from tulips. How to care for tulips from the first sprout to wilting flowers

Florists are often interested in the question of what to do with tulips after flowering. After the tulips have faded, the hassle does not end with them. In order for them to please with colorful flowering in the new season, a number of actions will be required. Necessary:

  • Water tulips abundantly after flowering;
  • Bring in ;
  • Dig up and store the bulbs properly.

How to care for tulips after flowering outdoors

So the last petals from the tulips fell, but this does not mean that the planting can be abandoned without leaving. Good quality bulbs will require favorable conditions to form. However, caring for tulips after flowering in the garden is quite simple, even a schoolboy can handle it.

Do tulips need to be cut after flowering?

When are tulips after flowering? Cut off the flower stalk first: cut off the flower stalks after all the petals have crumbled. If you leave the flower stalks, the bulb will release nutrients for the formation and maturation of seeds. If you cut off the ground part completely, the bulb will also not receive the necessary amount of nutrients, so be sure to leave the leaves. When the leaf plates turn yellow and dry on their own, it means that the bulbs are ripe and can be dug out.

Watering tulips after flowering

Within 1-2 weeks after the flower stalks, it is necessary to water the plantings abundantly, loosen the soil and remove weeds.

How to feed

Immediately after flowering, feed tulips with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer to prepare for future wintering and flowering, you cannot add nitrogen.

Tulips after flowering what to do video:

When to dig out tulips after flowering outdoors

Should tulips be dug up after flowering?

You don't have to dig up tulip bulbs for several seasons in a row. Dug out the bulbs if it is necessary to plant less often when the lawn has become thickened. It also has to be dug in regions with harsh winters for storage indoors until spring.

When to dig up tulip bulbs after flowering?

When to dig out tulips after flowering in Siberia and the Moscow region? Dig the tulip bulbs when the leaves are completely yellow and dry. Stick to the following order:

  • To dig up the bulbs, it is better to choose a warm sunny day so that the bulbs can dry out normally;
  • Work with a shovel carefully so as not to damage the roots and bulbs of tulips;
  • After digging, carefully examine the bulbs. Painful-looking, rotten throw away;
  • If you have to dig up the bulbs in rainy weather, rinse and dry them in a warm ventilated area;
  • If there are signs of disease (fungus, spots, dots), treat the bulbs with a fungicide, then store them separately from the bulk.

When to replant tulips after flowering

When to dig up and plant tulips after flowering? Transplanting tulip bulbs that have just faded is not worth it. You need to wait until the ground part begins to turn yellow and dry (it is advisable to cut off the faded peduncles immediately after the leaves fall). By this time, all the nutrients have transferred to the bulb and it will be ready for the new growing season. Tulips are planted after flowering or in June, immediately after digging, or in mid-September to mid-October... In regions with harsh winters (for example, in the Urals), many growers plant tulips in the spring.

Transplanting tulips after flowering in June

The leaves should lie down and dry, then proceed to. This is quite simple: dig up the bulbs and plant them less often, keeping the same planting level. You do not need to dry the bulbs on purpose, but plant immediately after digging. You can trim dry tops after transplanting, so it is more convenient to control the planting depth. But if you're sure you can't go wrong, you can prune the leaves right away.

How to store tulips after flowering

How to store tulip bulbs after flowering? After the dug out tulip bulbs have been dug up, dried and sorted, proceed to storage. It is best to use mesh boxes, the bulbs can be laid in 1-2 layers, so they will not rot. In addition to sorting and unfolding properly, proper temperature control is an important part of storing your bulbs correctly. So:

  • Store at 24-26 ° C in July;
  • In August, lower the mark to 20 ° C;
  • From September, a temperature of 17 ° C will be required if you are planning a spring planting;
  • In the following months (up to spring planting in open ground), store at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

It is very important to observe the correct temperature regime when storing the bulbs, since during this time buds are formed, leaf plates and flower stalks are laid.

Store the bulbs in a dry, ventilated area. Periodically look at the bulbs, throw away the spoiled (rotten) so as not to destroy all the planting material.

How to dig up and store tulips before planting in the fall, look at the video:

Dug up tulips can also be planted in autumn, in the middle to the second half of September, until mid-October. How to dig up and save tulips before planting in autumn, learn from the video.

To grow a large bulb or propagate a variety, on the 4th-8th day of flowering, you must cut off the flowering head. This measure helps to increase the mass of the bulb.

Remove crumbled petals, yellowed leaves from the garden - they will rot, which contributes to the development of pathogens in the area.

To greatly facilitate the work of caring for tulips, plant them in plastic baskets (there are also special containers for this). After flowering, dig out the containers with the bulbs and move them to a secluded spot for the bulbs to ripen.

How do you know if a tulip bulb is ripe? Dig up one of them and examine carefully. The ripe bulb has superficial scales of a pleasant rich brown color, with a slight glossy sheen.

It is impossible to imagine spring without tulips blooming in the front gardens with different flowers. For inexperienced gardeners, after the tulips have bloomed, the question arises of what to do next with it. Just forget until next spring or just dig it up? No, even after the end of their flowering, tulip care must be continued in order to form good bulbs for the next year.

Care for faded tulips occurs in the following stages:

Top dressing and enhanced watering

Immediately after the flowers wither, the peduncle should be removed, the tulips should be watered for another two weeks and must be fed, since it is during this period that the bulbs accumulate nutrients.

How to feed tulips after flowering:

  • phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with the calculation of 30-40g per 1 m2, for example, aquarine, solution, crystallin;
  • fertilizers with chlorine and nitrogen cannot be used.
Cutting leaves

Cutting tulip leaves after flowering is possible only when they completely turn yellow. If you do this earlier, then the bulbs will stop developing. Experienced gardeners, in order not to lose their location, recommend leaving a leaf with a mark.

To prevent yellowing tulip leaves from spoiling the view of your front garden, you can press them to the ground with something.

Digging the bulbs

After the leaves are completely dry after flowering, the tulip bulbs are dug out, approximately in late June - early July. You can find out if the bulbs are already ready by carefully digging one of them, the presence of formed roots and brown spots on the scales will indicate its readiness, or if the ends of the stem and leaves of a tulip can be easily wound around a finger.

Basic rules for digging out bulbs:

  • it is better to dig out on a sunny day to dry immediately;
  • if in damp weather, then immediately rinse with water and dry;
  • in order not to injure the roots, the shovel must be lowered deeper into the ground;
  • process with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate;
  • select and dispose of diseased and non-germinated bulbs;
  • it is better to dig out by varieties, starting with the earliest.

There is no unequivocal opinion about the need for annual digging of tulips; there are recommendations to do this every two years and even after a longer interval. But to keep the flowers large, beautiful and disease resistant, it is best to dig up the bulbs every year.

Storing the bulbs
  1. The dug out bulbs are sorted by grade and laid out in 1-2 layers in boxes with a mesh bottom so that they do not rot.
  2. 3-4 weeks (in July) are dried at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C with good ventilation at a humidity of up to 70%.
  3. Then the temperatures of the content are reduced: in August - to 20 ° С, and in September - to 17 ° С.

In how to store tulips after flowering, it is very important to observe this temperature regime, since it is at this time that the most important processes take place: bud formation, laying of leaves, flower stalk.

Throughout the entire storage period, the bulbs should be examined to identify cases with their subsequent destruction.

Transplanting tulips

At the end of September, choosing good weather (it is considered optimal at 5-7 ° C), the remaining tulip bulbs are planted again in the soil, soaking them once again in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to choose a new place for planting, since at the previous place of residence the soil is depleted and the number of pathogenic bacteria increases. After planting tulips in the prepared area to a depth equal to five times the size of the bulb itself, they must be watered abundantly. A little later, feed with ash, and with the onset of cold weather with a thin layer of peat or humus.

Following these steps in post-flowering tulip care and replanting it to a new location will keep you blooming in spring!

After a long, cold winter, I want to add some bright, rich colors to my life. How to care for tulips after flowering, so that they annually delight with their abundance of colors? We need a comprehensive and competent approach. This is practically the first garden flower, so you need to take care of it in the fall. Caring for tulips after flowering is necessary in order to get good planting material for the next year.

There is one incredible legend about the yellow tulip. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, the gods hid happiness in the middle of a yellow tulip. They promised that it will go to whoever manages to open the yellow flower. Many tried to do this in order to take happiness for themselves, but nothing worked for them. One day a little boy ran up to the flower. He took a yellow tulip bud in his palms and, rejoicing at the flower, laughed loudly and lively. And then a miracle happened, the flower opened, obeying the magic of children's sincere laughter.

For many people, the tulip is a symbol of spring and celebration. I would like these incredible flowers to delight with their beauty every spring. Like other plants, tulips require good and proper care.

Many gardeners believe that this is an unpretentious flower that does not require special attention. Therefore, they are looked after only during the flowering period. This is a misconception. How to care for tulips after flowering can be roughly divided into several processes.

The need for love and care

After the tulips have fulfilled their decorative function, the entire peduncle should be removed. Then, for another 2 weeks, they continue to be fed and watered. Fertilizers, which are based on potassium and phosphorus, are perfect as a recharge.

You can cut the plant only after all the leaves on the stem turn yellow. It is not recommended to cut tulips immediately after flowering, as the bulbs will stop developing. When digging up the bulbs, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1 It is better to dig out in sunny weather. This will allow them to dry out faster.
  2. 2 If it happened that the tulip bulbs were dug up in damp weather, be sure to watch them dry.
  3. 3 When digging, drive the shovel into the ground as deep as possible.
  4. 4 After the bulbs are removed, it is necessary to carefully review all material and remove diseased specimens.
  5. 5 Early tulips are dug up first.

Some growers believe that it will be enough to extract a plant from the ground once every 2 years. To make the gardener happy with a blooming tulip carpet in spring, you need to dig it out annually. So, you can provide young bulbs with good conditions for the formation of flower buds.

If you leave it in the ground, it will be susceptible to various infections that will have a bad effect on the formation of a full-fledged bulb, and in the worst case, the planting material may die. We must not forget that high-quality and healthy planting material is a guarantee that magnificent tulips will bloom again in the garden or flowerbed next spring.

How to properly collect and prepare planting material? This issue should be given special attention. The most common mistake all budding gardeners make is leaving tulips in the ground for the entire summer. This is done only with some varieties of red flowers. All the rest must be dug up annually, otherwise the flowers will become smaller each time.

The mother's bulb, in the process of separating the babies, sinks lower into the ground, thereby pushing the young specimens upward. An un-dug tulip will contribute to the fact that the babies will bloom next year, and the mother's bulb will go lower into the soil.

There is no exact time when you can dig up tulips. This can be defined as follows: if the dried stem of a tulip is easily wrapped around the finger, then the tulips can be dug up. The ground part of the plant must not be allowed to dry completely. If you miss this moment, digging the onion with the children will be problematic. Having matured, the babies move away from the mother's bulb, and when they are dug up, they can be damaged with a shovel or not noticed and left in the soil.

Growing tulips, caring for them is quite troublesome. After the planting material is removed, you need to ensure it is properly stored. The bulbs dug up and washed with running water are disinfected with a solution of karbofos for preventive purposes before drying.

Dry the bulbs. To do this, they are spread in a thin layer in a well-ventilated room. The air temperature must be maintained in the range of 25-30 ° C.

If the process of digging the bulbs took place in hot summer weather, you can omit the rinsing. At this time, lumps of dry earth and roots are removed from the dried tulips. It is also recommended to treat the bulbs with a potassium permanganate solution before sending them for storage.

Before leaving them for the winter, the plants must be sorted, placed in boxes made of boards or boxes made of cardboard. Spread out in no more than 2 layers. If there is a need to preserve planting material until spring, then for these purposes it is better to select bulbs 3-4 cm in size. So you can be sure that tulips will give a large flower next year.

The bulbs selected for storage are spread in a container. It will be nice if the bottom is made of mesh material. This will provide better air access to the stored bulbs. Sometimes gardeners scatter them in small batches in fabric bags or nylon tights, which are then hung up.

Sprinkle the bulbs with dry sawdust to keep them safe. If the batch is small, wrap each onion in a newspaper.

If one rots, the newspaper prevents the others from infecting. It makes sense to periodically review the stored material and discard rotting bulbs. You also need to be sure that there is no access to rodents in the room that was taken away for storage. For mice, the tulip bulb is a delicacy, they are able to exterminate most of the planting material.

Autumn period

If the gardener does not plan to store them, but prefers to plant them in the fall, he will be interested in the following recommendations for planting tulips in open ground. It is necessary to break up flower beds for tulips in areas where there are no large depressions. These flowers do not like the wind and prefer to grow in well-lit areas. Tulips are planted not only in flower beds, they look great as a garden flower.

The landing site is chosen dry. Stagnant water at the roots can provoke plant disease, as well as lead to rotting of the bulbs. To provide tulips with more favorable conditions for growth, drainage is made from broken brick or sand.

For normal growth, they need to be planted about 15 cm apart. To form a beautiful flower garden, the following technique is used: large bulbs are planted in the center of the hole, and small ones on the sides. Before disembarking, it is necessary to carefully review all the material. Bulbs with various flaws, cracks or cuts are removed. Only 100% quality material is planted.

Blooming tulips - a triumph of spring. For the holiday to come every year, these bulbous plants will need special care.

Caring for tulips after flowering

When the tulip petals fade, it is necessary to cut off the flower so that no energy is wasted on setting the seeds. Leaves should not be cut off, they participate in photosynthesis, providing nutrition. Now the main thing is to create conditions for the development of a young replacement bulb, because the old one dies off after flowering.

It is better to break off rather than cut the flowers with a pruner. Diseases of tulips, for example, variegation virus, are easily tolerated in the latter way.

After flowering, only the flower head breaks off, the entire peduncle does not need to be removed

In order for the onion to be larger, the plants, after flowering, are fertilized to choose from:

  • daily infusion of ash;
  • potassium magnesium;
  • potassium nitrate.

Top dressing is done on wet soil. During this and other stages of growth, it is not recommended to fertilize spring flowers with manure or fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. This can lead to rotting of the bulbs.

Don't forget about soil moisture. While the leaves are green, water the plants abundantly once a week if the spring is dry.

Watering tulips, you need to soak the soil to a root depth: 35-40 cm

Digging the bulbs

So that the flowers do not become smaller, and the bulbs do not get sick and do not degenerate, all kinds of tulips are dug up every year. This is usually done in late June - early July. An exception is tulip babies, they are dug up once every two years. Experienced florists advise:

  • host the event in dry weather;
  • immerse the shovel deeper than you planted the bulb, as they grow, they deepen;
  • destroy all diseased specimens;
  • etch the dug out planting material in a disinfecting solution.

Digging too early leads to underdevelopment of the bulb and babies. In addition, the decorativeness of future flowers will decrease. If you dig up late, when the shoots dry out, there is a risk that the bulb will have time to become infected with the fungus or the protective covering scales will crack. This can lead to spoilage of the planting material during storage.

If the leaves turn yellow and wither, try winding the stem around your finger. If the shoot does not break, it turns out to be plastic, dig up a control copy. If the scales of the onion turn light brown, it is time to dig.

Do not immediately cut off the stems of dug tulips, let them dry out, and the nutrients will transfer to the bulb

Once I was presented with a dozen bulbs of peony tulips. The stunning double flowers were blooming for a long time thanks to the cool weather. But after the tops turned yellow, I forgot to dig them up. Not one rose the next spring. Neighbors say that their rare new varieties are degenerating and do not sprout if they are not dug out every year.

Signs that it's time to dig up tulips - video

Drying and disinfection

Dug out tulips are laid out under a canopy in 2 layers for two days. After this time, the bulbous nests disintegrate easily. The bulbs are cleaned of dead roots and husks and disinfected in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. The procedure will destroy pathogens of rot and nourish the tulip with microelements. Then the bulbs are dried again, sorted by size and placed in open wooden boxes or baskets, preferably in one layer.

In order not to get the bulbs one by one, it is convenient to disinfect them by placing them in a gauze bag


During summer storage, the bud and buds of future bulbs are finally formed. In order for the aging process to take place correctly, they are first kept for a month at a temperature of about 25 ° C in a well-ventilated room. The optimum humidity is 60–70%. In August, the temperature is lowered to 20 o C, in September and further - to 15 o -17 o C... If these rules are not followed, tulips may not bloom or give “blind” buds.

Periodically, the planting material is examined and discarded by sick or moldy ones. Most often stored tulips are affected by gray rot and fusarium. At the first disease, the bulbs become covered with a gray coating and gradually rot. In the second case, brown spots with a brownish border are formed, the bulbs exude an unpleasant odor and also decompose. If the lesion is small, the rot is cut off with a sharp knife, the onion is pickled, as usual, then sprinkled with ash and dried.

Poorly dried and not disinfected bulbs are often affected by gray mold

Landing in the ground

Ideally, tulips are planted in the soil in the fall., in late September - early November. Spring disembarkation is also practiced, in April. But then the tulips will bloom much later, because they will need about three weeks to root. It is advisable to change the planting site every year so that pathogens do not accumulate in the soil.

Where spring flowers will grow, moisture should not stagnate. The future flower bed is prepared in 2 weeks so that the earth settles evenly. The bed is dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet and compost, ash or superphosphate are added. Lime if necessary. On clay soils, the introduction of peat is encouraged. In the absence of rain, the area is spilled with water.

Before planting, the bulbs are sorted out again and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. The planting depth of the bulb is three times its height. For large specimens, the distance between the bulbs is 15 cm, for medium ones - 10 cm, small ones - 5 cm. 25–30 cm are left between the rows.

Advanced flower growers plant tulips in special baskets for bulbs, they are very easy to dig

Do not cover the flower beds with organic matter so as not to attract rodents. With the onset of unforeseen frosts, agrofibre is spread on the flower bed, which is pressed by boards.

On the advice of an experienced grower, when planting, I put a handful of sand mixed with ash in the hole. I put an onion on this "slide" and cover it with earth. Now the loss of tulips from various rot on my heavy loam is minimized. And the bulb comes out larger, due to the fact that the sand loosens the soil and the roots develop freely.

Top dressing immediately after flowering, disinfection of bulbs and warm storage with a subsequent decrease in temperature - these are the three whales of the grandiose spring flowering of tulips.

The flowering of tulips is ending, the petals are flying around and more recently such an elegant flower bed loses its attractiveness. What to do with tulips after they have faded? How to care for them after flowering? Do I need to dig them out? What to do with dug up tulip bulbs? When can they be planted again? You see how many questions arise about caring for such an unpretentious flower. We will try to tell you in detail and give step-by-step instructions on what to do next after the tulips have faded.

Fertilizing and watering tulips

As soon as the tulips have faded, all peduncles are cut off, leaving one or two leaves on the plant. Tulips are watered for another two weeks. After flowering, tulips must be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: "Crystallin", "Aquarin" or other similar fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen and chlorine.

Digging tulip bulbs

It is recommended to dig up tulips annually, after 2/3 of the leaf plate turns yellow (but you can dig it out less often: once every 2-4 years). At this time, the bulb was almost ready for hibernation, but the nest itself had not yet disintegrated. This time usually coincides with the end of the school year: late May - early June. The dug tulip bulbs should have brownish scales already formed.

The dug out tulip bulbs, together with the remnants of the leaves, are put into boxes and sent to a well-ventilated, dark room, sorted by varieties. After a week or two, when the earth and scales dry out, the bulbs are easily separated from both the ground and the foliage. The peeled bulbs are sorted out, the sick are discarded, treated with a 5% manganese solution, put back in a separate container and sent for storage.

Storing tulip bulbs

  • Tulip bulbs are sorted by variety
  • Placed in boxes with a mesh bottom no more than 2-3 layers
  • The first 3-4 weeks are kept at a temperature of + 23 + 25 ° С in a dark ventilated room
  • Then the temperature is lowered to + 20 ° С, and 1 week before planting to + 17 ° С

During the storage period of the bulbs, you not only store them, but give it a good rest and form a bud, peduncle and leaves.

Planting tulips

In September, it is time to plant tulips. Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in any fungicide preparation for 1 hour.

  • It is better to choose a new place for planting tulips so that the bulbs do not become infected with diseases, the spores of which could remain in the previous bed.
  • Planting depth of tulips should be equal to the height of 3 bulbs.
  • After planting, tulips are well watered with plain water.
  • A week later, a bed with planted tulip bulbs is spilled with a solution of ammonium nitrate and ash (1 tablespoon of saltpeter and 1 glass of ash in a bucket of water).
  • Before the onset of cold weather, a flower bed with tulips can be mulched with a layer of peat or any mulch.

In early spring, tulip sprouts will begin to appear from the still almost frozen ground, so that in a month they will bloom in large bright flowers.