Spider mite on hibiscus. Measures to combat spider mites

Leaf bronze virus. The leaves are covered with yellow spots and small tears, in some places coarse and wrinkled.
Control and prevention measures: Diseased plants are removed, and blue sticky traps for thrips, which spread the virus, are hung in the greenhouse.

Ring spot virus. Yellow, often ring-shaped spots appear on the leaves.
Control and prevention measures: Do not use diseased plants for cuttings. In case of severe damage, the plants are destroyed.

Greenhouse and tobacco whiteflies. On the lower surface of the leaves, adult white-winged insects 2-3 mm long and their wingless pale yellow larvae are visible. In the tobacco whitefly, the wings are folded in a "house", while in the greenhouse whitefly, they are more flat. With a strong Defeat, the leaves turn yellow. They have sticky discharge.
Control and prevention measures: They are treated with preparations based on potassium soap or preparations such as Aktara, Actellik, Iskra, Inta-Vir, Karbofos, Fufanon, Tanrek, Zubr, Biotlin, etc.

Spider mite. Yellowish speckles appear on the leaves, later - extensive discolored and dried areas. Small (0.2-0.5 mm) mites live on the underside of the leaves among the cobwebs. The appearance of ticks is promoted by high temperature and dry air.
Control and prevention measures: With a slight lesion, plants can be treated with soap or mineral oil. In case of strong treatment with Fitoverm, Akarin, Vertimek, Lightning, etc.

Aphids. The leaves curl, turn yellow, with a strong lesion, sticky secretions of aphids are visible on them.
Control and prevention measures: On solitary plants or with a weak infestation, aphids are washed off with water and soapy water; in case of severe damage, they are treated with Antitlin, Tobacco dust, Actellik, Fitoverm, Akarin, Aktara, Decis, Tanrek, Spark, Bison, Biotlin, Commander, etc.

Brown rot. It mainly affects seedlings and cuttings at the age of several days or weeks. The base of the stem turns brown and thins. Under fallen leaves, long threads of mycelium develop.
Control and prevention measures: Spray cuttings immediately after planting with Rovral. Seedlings should not be planted too deep. After planting, spray with low pressure to keep the base of the stem well moistened.

Worms. White waxy secretions appear on leaf veins and petioles, in which colonies of mealybugs live.
Control and prevention measures: Affected plants are removed. When spraying foliage with mineral oil (M-30, M-50), the insects suffocate under the oil film. Such treatment is carried out with protection from the sun and not too often.

Bacterial spotting. On the leaves, most often along the edges, yellow rotting spots appear with an oily border.
Control and prevention measures: Plants are regularly examined and, at the first signs of the disease, are treated with Cumulus, Euparen, Rovral, Fundazol and others.

Shields and false shields. Whitish or golden-brown tubercles are visible on the surface of the stems. Usually insects can be picked out with a needle.
Control and prevention measures: You can remove pests from single plants and with a small lesion with an old toothbrush, and then wipe the stems with a cotton swab dipped in kerosene. Insects suffocate under a kerosene film. You can also try leaf gloss sprays (oil-based). If there are many plants or they are severely affected, they are treated with an insecticide, such as mineral oil.

Known to most indoor flower lovers Chinese rose or hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is considered an exquisite and luxurious plant and is grown by many gardeners at home. This indoor pet attracts attention with its unusually bright and large red, pink, lilac, yellow or white flowers against the background of juicy rich green foliage.

Hibiscus is a capricious plant, it is necessary to care for it strictly according to certain rules. Indeed, with the slightest change in favorable conditions, the Chinese rose responds with the loss of its decorative qualities. Then suddenly the leaves begin to turn yellow, and then a real leaf fall happens. This behavior of an indoor flower must have an explanation. It is possible that this is due to a disease or the appearance of pests, or maybe the hibiscus is under stress. It is important for the flower grower to quickly establish the cause of the negative changes and take urgent measures to save the plant.

Violation of the irrigation regime

Hibiscus over the age of four to five years needs a lot of irrigation water every day, as its root system requires it. Between waterings, the soil flower pot should not be wet, but always slightly moistened. An excess of moisture in the soil can lead to compaction of the soil and poor air permeability, which will lead to rotting of the root part and waterlogging of the soil surface.

In stagnant water and marshy soil, favorable conditions are created for the appearance of harmful bacteria and various fungal diseases. Under such conditions, the root system of the plant begins to slowly die. She already misses nutrients for the growth and development of the flower, so the leaves begin to turn yellow and gradually fall off. This process must be stopped at an early stage, then the hibiscus can still be saved.

Usually does not cope with abundant watering young plant. It is recommended to urgently remove it from the flower container, rinse the roots, all rotten and blackened parts must be completely cut off. Then it is necessary to treat all the places of cuts and the remaining roots with fungicides, sprinkle with Kornevin and transplant indoor flower into a new flower container and a fresh substrate. Immediately after planting, it is necessary to spray the entire crown of the Chinese rose with a solution based on Epin.

In an adult hibiscus, the foliage often turns yellow and falls due to a lack of moisture in the soil. Constant overdrying of an earthen coma depletes not only root system, but leads to wilting of the entire leaf mass. In this case, it is almost impossible to save a houseplant.

Insufficient lighting

A rose can thrive in bright sunlight and grows well in shady conditions. But sudden changes in light levels (for example, moving hibiscus from outdoors to indoors and vice versa) can lead to yellowing and loss of foliage.

When a flower moves into a poorly lit room, it is necessary to use fluorescent lamps and illuminate it for some additional hours a day to prevent the plant from falling into a stressful state. When transferring hibiscus from the house to the street, it is very important not to immediately put it in direct sunlight, but to do it gradually. First, you need to shade the flower at noon and protect it from sunburn.

Violation of the temperature regime

Chinese rose prefers to be kept in warm conditions with a temperature of 18 to 30 degrees Celsius. Lowering and raising the temperature beyond these limits adversely affects the plant. It is also not recommended to allow cold drafts and sudden changes in temperature. In a cool room, you need to put a heater, and in a hot room, use spraying and raise the humidity level.

When fertilizing the soil with indoor plants, you need to know exactly which nutrients are important for a given specimen. An overabundance or lack of certain substances can harm a pet. For example, elements such as magnesium and potassium are very important for the development of hibiscus and should be present in an increased amount. But a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus can cause a discoloration of the leaves and lead to complete yellowing. There is even such a thing as a “nitrogen burn”. That is why experienced growers it is recommended to choose such top dressings that contain a lot of potassium, and without nitrogen-containing and phosphate fertilizers, the Chinese rose will not disappear. The nutrient mixture should only benefit the indoor flower.


One of the most dangerous and common hibiscus pests is the spider mite. It is almost impossible to notice its appearance at first. The leaves of a houseplant turn yellow, wither and begin to actively and in large quantities fall off and it is not immediately possible to understand that the reason is the appearance of a pest. Only after some time, with the naked eye, you can see small black dots (with barely noticeable movement) on thin threads of the web.

There is no way to do this without the help of various chemicals. Specialized retail chains for gardeners and florists offer to combat spider mite drugs such as Fitoverm, Aktara, Aktellik. With their help, the crown of the shrub and the whole plant as a whole are processed.

The appearance of the disease - chlorosis

This disease is capable of a short time completely destroy the plant. First, the leaves die, and then gradually the shoots and the whole flower. Hibiscus suffers from chlorosis when the soil is moistened with hard irrigation water, with a large amount of alkali in the soil, with not enough fertilizers and fertilizing, as well as with a lack of iron. You can save an indoor flower by transplanting it into a new soil mixture and adding iron fertilizers to it.

natural causes

Some lovers indoor plants they begin to panic, even if one or two leaves have fallen from the hibiscus, or they have turned a little yellow. This happens when the hibiscus is actively developing, it has a lot of new leaves, and the old ones die off. There is nothing terrible in this process, natural changes occur in wildlife.

Prevention of hibiscus diseases and preventive pest control measures (video)

Hibiscus diseases occur when the care of the plant is violated, it is improperly grown or infected with pathogenic viruses, fungi, and pests. The article describes in detail the problems of hibiscus cultivation, its diseases and methods of their treatment.

The main diseases of hibiscus

The plant is quite unpretentious, so even serious oversights, if they occur in a single amount, cannot cause significant harm to it. But a systematic violation of the conditions of agricultural technology will definitely provoke troubles, the plant will begin to wither, feel bad, get sick. All known hibiscus diseases can occur due to such phenomena:

  • Stay in a hot, dry area.
  • Lack of spraying, especially in the summer.
  • Being under the wind, draft, under direct sunlight.
  • Dustiness, contamination of hibiscus.
  • Excessive watering, which led to rotting of the roots.
  • Watering Chinese rose bad water(not settled, containing a lot of harmful impurities).
  • Infection by pests as a result of contact with diseased plants.
  • No transplants, fertilizing with fertilizers.
  • "Overfeeding" hibiscus with nutritious fertilizers.
  • Poor lighting, or a flip of the flower on the other side to the sun.

If the living conditions of the Chinese rose are favorable, then it grows for a very long time, and blooms from March to October and even longer. But the violations described above, subject to their regular influence, can provoke various diseases. Below are the most common ones.

Name of the disease Cause Description of features
Non-infectious chlorosis Malnutrition of a plant is a lack of nitrogen, iron, potassium, magnesium, or starvation of one of these elements due to an excess of another. Thinning branches, weak color of flowers, lack of flowering (potassium deficiency), leaf spotting (magnesium, nitrogen deficiency), abscission, yellowing of leaves (iron deficiency)
infectious chlorosis Infection of hibiscus with viruses, fungi, microbes and pests Falling off, yellowing of leaves, lack of flowering, general weakness of the plant
Sunburn Hitting the flower in direct sunlight, an unexpected change in lighting The appearance of white burn spots on the leaves of the plant
Vascular (tracheomycosis) wilt Infection of a Chinese rose with mushrooms of the genus Verticillium or Fusarium, the development of Fusarium or Verticillium diseases, as well as infection with certain types of viruses Drying, wrinkling of branches from the ends, rapid transition of the process to the trunk, death of the plant

leaf diseases

Separately, I would like to dwell on the problems and symptoms that arise when there are violations of the vital activity and development of the flower. Leaf diseases in most cases are provoked by chlorosis - a decrease in the production of chlorophyll in the green part of the plant. Below are the main symptoms of trouble in the hibiscus state, as well as their possible causes:

  1. Yellowing of the leaves - pest infestation, plant root diseases, leaf chlorosis, poor indoor air humidification.
  2. Falling hibiscus leaves low humidity, lack of spraying, a sharp change in lighting, drafts, other types of stress for the flower.
  3. Yellowing, coupled with falling leaves - waterlogging of the root system in winter, stress, low humidity in the room.
  4. Twisting the leaves into tubules is the defeat of aphids or some other pests.
  5. Withering of the tips of the leaves - lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, other nutrients, the complete absence of complementary foods for hibiscus.
  6. The general wilting of the leaves and the entire flower is the excess of the temperature in the room above the norm, the decrease in humidity to low levels.
  7. Dropping leaves and buds by a plant - no the right amount potassium in the soil, damage to the leaves by midge gall midge, high temperature in the room.

Treatment of diseases

Most of the problems of the plant are solved by normalizing its content. To do this, it is important to ensure the following conditions:

  • Do not water the flower too often, but do not forget to do it regularly, without drying out the earthy coma
  • Remove the flower from the direct rays of the sun, put it in partial shade
  • Fertilize hibiscus once a week until about mid-August, then once a month
  • The number of waterings in autumn and winter should be reduced, and the plant itself should be placed at a temperature of up to 15 degrees.
  • Spraying a flower should be daily, regardless of the time of year
  • Provide good drainage, transplant Chinese rose

Treatment of hibiscus diseases is carried out depending on the problems. To avoid sunburn, those plants that are grown in greenhouses must be taken out in the sun for an hour and a half a day, and only then begin to leave them for a longer period. Leaves that have already become covered with burn spots will fall off, and new ones will grow to replace them.

Against non-infectious chlorosis, regular feeding of the plant with fertilizers, which can be found in any gardening store, is excellent. Before watering, water with iron deficiency should be flavored with iron chelate. Timely transplanting, avoiding contact with diseased plants, cleaning from dirt and dust, and fertilizing will help prevent infectious chlorosis. Periodically, the flower should be washed in the shower, covering the ground with cellophane. Temporary quarantine is mandatory for all new plants.

It is very difficult to treat vascular wilt of hibiscus, it is not always possible to cure it. Many plants die quickly, sometimes they do not even have time to fall off the leaves. You can try to get rid of the problem in the following ways:

  • Cut off all dry areas, grabbing a little healthy parts of the flower
  • Treat the entire plant with special antifungal drugs (Dezavid, Thunder-2, Domotsvet, Cytovit, Alirin-B, etc.)
  • Sprinkle a Chinese rose with a solution of Trichopolum (2 tablets per liter of water) - a folk method


Plant pests settle on it after contact with diseased flowers, or when transplanted into infected soil. Most often placed on the Chinese rose such pests:

  1. Aphid. A small insect that settles on buds, young shoots. It multiplies rapidly, creates colonies, destroying young leaves and unopened flowers, which initially become sticky.
  2. spider mite(red pouch). Invisible without a magnifying glass, lives at the bottom of the sheet, enveloping it with a shell that looks like a cobweb. It breeds best in warm, dry air.
  3. Greenhouse whitefly. Causes yellowing of the leaves, covering them with sticky secretions. The insects themselves or their yellow larvae can be seen from the bottom of the leaf.
  4. Worms. They manifest themselves as waxy white secretions on the cuttings, in the axils of the leaves.
  5. Shields, false shields. After their colonization, brown tubercles are observed on the stems.
  6. Gallica. This midge causes fall, yellowing of leaves and buds that do not have time to bloom. Inside the buds, you can find small midge eggs, from which worms appear. They eat the buds from the inside, which together with them fall to the ground.

What to process

The question of how to treat hibiscus for diseases, in the presence of pests, is very relevant. If the prevention of diseases caused by pests turned out to be ineffective, then the following treatment methods are carried out:

  • From aphids - flower treatment with Anabasin, Nicotine sulfate. It is recommended to change the drug more often - to Decis, Fitoverm, Intra-vir, Tobacco dust. With a single defeat of the leaves of aphids, treatment with a soapy solution helps well.
  • From scale insects - spraying with a solution of Actellik or other insecticides.
  • From the worm - the treatment of leaves with mineral oil, which is done only when the plant is in the shade.
  • From the whitefly - treatment with drugs Aktara, Karbofos, Iskra, Tanrek, Biotlin, Bison, applying potassium soap.
  • From spider mites - washing the plant with soapy water, treatment with Lightning, Vertimek, Akarin, Fitoverm.
  • From gall midge - collection of affected buds, preventing them from falling to the ground. The soil itself must be treated with any medicine for soil pests.

Of the folk remedies that can be used to combat plant pests, the following are popular:

  • Pour dry red pepper with water (1: 2), boil for an hour, strain. 10 gr. dilute the resulting solution in a liter of soapy water, treat the plant. This method helps well against ticks, aphids
  • Boil dry mustard (50 gr.) in a liter of water for 15 minutes, let cool. Dilute the product in 20 liters of water, wash the leaves of the flower from aphids, scale insects

If all the conditions for growing a plant are observed, then it is unlikely to have problems in the form of diseases and pests. A healthy hibiscus will bloom for a long time and delight its owner.

Hibiscus - beautiful and spectacular home plant, which has bright and big flowers. Without a doubt, many flower growers breed hibiscus in their home. However, hibiscus care must also be appropriate.

With proper care, hibiscus do not suffer from pests and diseases. But mistakes also happen to a grower with experience. The influence cannot be ruled out external factors: for example, the purchase of an already diseased plant in a store.

In contact with

Why indoor hibiscus does not bloom and what to do in this case

One of the common problems with hibiscus is the lack of flowering.
It may be related:

  • with a lack of lighting - to lay buds, the plant must be in direct sunlight for at least 4 hours a day,
  • lack of timely pruning - buds appear only on new shoots,
  • pest damage,
  • food shortage,
  • lack of a dormant period in winter. From October to February, watering and top dressing are reduced, the temperature is lowered to 15-18 degrees. It is believed that flower buds are formed under these conditions. But the plant can bloom in winter, with sufficient lighting.

In order for the hibiscus to bloom, it should be provided with a sunny location, timely pinching and pruning of shoots, peace in winter and abundant top dressing in summer. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the plant in order to notice pest damage in time.

Hibiscus pests

spider mite

One of the main enemies of indoor hibiscus is. Collectors of varietal hibiscus are constantly at war with him, coming up with more and more new ways to fight. There are many drugs for the destruction of this pest, but the problem is that with regular treatment, ticks get used to them very quickly. Spider mite on hibiscus: photo The most popular insecticides: Fitoverm, or Kleschevit, which are quite safe for humans. Flower growers often use Actellik, but its vapors are poisonous, therefore this remedy is not recommended for use in indoors. Preparations Sunmite and Neoron differ in that they destroy not only the mites themselves, but also their eggs, but these products are not sold in ordinary flower shops and often do not show much effectiveness.

Oddly enough, it is precisely " folk ways» . For example, spraying plants with water, with the addition of a few drops of any essential oil(5 drops per 1 liter of water). You need to do this regularly, every week. The method is safe for humans and destructive for ticks. But it is worth skipping one or two times of such processing - and the pests return.

By the way, if you add growth stimulants (for example,) or leaf fertilizers with each spraying, the result will be even better. Of course, drugs need to be alternated. Regular bathing of plants under a hot shower works in much the same way. Some hibiscus collectors spray the plants several times every day. warm water and wipe window sills with soapy water.

From the outside, these methods seem too energy-intensive, but when hibiscus collections are large and expensive, it is better to set aside one day a week for spraying or bathing in the shower than to lose plants due to a pest invasion.

Aphids on hibiscus

Such pests as are attracted by soft succulent shoots, its appearance on the plant immediately becomes noticeable due to sticky secretions and deformation of the foliage. Remove insects mechanically with a cotton swab and soap. Then the hibiscus should be treated with special chemicals: , Biotlin, Iskra or any others. Can be used folk methods, but they may not be effective enough. Processing is repeated several times, according to the instructions. Usually the plant is re-sprayed after 2 weeks.

Gallica: why hibiscus buds fall

The fact that the hibiscus sheds buds may indicate an infection with a midge of gall midge. These pests lay their eggs in the buds, therefore, as a preventive measure, all yellowed buds must be removed before they themselves fall to the ground. The soil in a pot of hibiscus is treated with a soil pesticide.

The problem with buds can also be related to lack of lighting, uneven watering, lack of nutrition, drafts, and moving the hibiscus pot around the apartment.

Diseases of indoor hibiscus

Chlorosis or why hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off

One of the problems of hibiscus is leaf chlorosis, that is, loss of color. The leaf plate becomes pale green, almost yellow. The leaves may also begin to fall off. This is a sign of iron deficiency. The easiest way to return the crown saturated color Spray the plant with iron chelate. You should also change the fertilizer if it does not have enough microelements necessary for hibiscus. Chlorosis in hibiscus: photo Pick up good feeding for these plants it’s really not easy, because you often have to sort through various options.

Nutrient deficiencies (potassium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur)

The appearance of yellow spots, for example, after transplantation into new ground, may be caused by its lime content or lack of nutrients. Then you should replace the soil or use special preparations to make up for the lack of certain substances.

  • With a lack of zinc, the leaves become smaller, specks appear on them.
  • The lack of sulfur is expressed in the browning of the edge of the sheet.
  • When there is little magnesium, chlorosis occurs between the veins - the so-called "marbling" of the leaf, sometimes with the appearance of dark spots.
  • Potassium deficiency is expressed in the death of the edge of the leaf, which looks like a burn.

If the above methods do not work, the chlorosis may have been caused by viruses. Infections are carried by various pests, if such symptoms occur, you need to get rid of insects, and treat the hibiscus with fungicides.


Hibiscus usually tolerate direct sunlight well. But if the plant stood in the shade for a long time, and it was placed in the sun without an adaptation period, sunburn may appear. They look like yellowish or red dry spots. Burnt leaves will have to be removed, and the flower should be accustomed to the sun gradually. It happens that the foliage is pressed against the glass - then a burn may also occur on it.

Also, sunburn is the main reason why hibiscus leaves curl.
Sunburn on hibiscus: photo The pledge of health hibiscus - proper care. Strong immunity allows the plant to cope even with pests and provides an attractive appearance and abundant flowering.

See also a useful video about caring for hibiscus in winter and summer:


Chinese rose, also known as hibiscus, is quite unpretentious, but it also has its enemies in the form of various pests and diseases that annoy it. Knowing about the causes of damage to any ailments, you can completely prevent the disease of this plant. And if such an attack has befallen a Chinese rose, then you need to know about how to deal with it.

Most of the diseases of the Chinese rose are associated with improper care for it. And in second place in terms of the number of diseases and the frequency of their manifestation are cases of infection with fungi and pathogenic viruses. But, by the way, the defeat of a rose by most of these ailments also depends on the correctness of its cultivation. After all, when a plant does not receive proper care, it becomes weakened and, as a result, more susceptible to infection by fungi and viruses.

Chinese rose

Hibiscus is resistant to the vicissitudes of fate - it is not very dependent on how it is grown. It means that even serious flaws in caring for it cannot cause significant harm to the Chinese rose. However, this plant "forgives" such negligence only if they are allowed in a single amount. A systematic violation of any requirements of agricultural technology will certainly provoke certain troubles and diseases. Hibiscus will begin to feel bad at first (weaken), and then it will wither and get sick.

So, all currently known diseases of the Chinese rose can affect it due to the following care errors:

  • placing the plant in a draft, under the wind or direct sunlight;
  • excessive watering, resulting in rotting of the roots;
  • placement in a dry or hot room;
  • contamination and dustiness of the plant, especially its leaves;
  • lack of spraying or when they are extremely rare, especially in summer;
  • watering with poor quality water (containing a lot of harmful impurities or not settled);
  • poor lighting, and sometimes the turn of the flower with the back to the sun;
  • "overfeeding" with fertilizers;
  • lack of fertilizing with fertilizers and transplants;
  • allowing contact with already diseased plants, as a result of which the hibiscus is affected by diseases and pests.

All these violations in care, subject to their systematic impact on the Chinese rose, provoke various diseases in it. If favorable conditions are provided for this plant, or at least it is not injured by a careless attitude, then it grows for quite a long time and always pleases with its flowering every year from April to October, or even longer.

The first signs of a deterioration in health or disease of the Chinese rose in most cases are any changes in the condition of its leaves, as well as some of the other symptoms listed below. In each individual case, the plant may become unhealthy, usually for one of several reasons. The following are the main symptoms and the most likely causes that caused their appearance.

yellowed hibiscus leaves

If the hibiscus has leaves:

  1. Turned yellow - the plant is infected with pests (spider mites or aphids), its roots turn white, leaf chlorosis or the room is not enough wet air.
  2. Turned yellow and fall off - stress (occurs when adverse factors occur or a sharp change in conditions of detention), drafts or insufficiently humid air in the room, and in winter also from waterlogging of the roots.
  3. Fall off - insufficiently humid air in the room, stress, a sharp change in the intensity of lighting or drafts.
  4. Wither at the tips - the plant lacks phosphorus and nitrogen, and also, most likely, some other nutrients.
  5. Twisted into a tube - pest damage, most likely aphids.
  6. They fall along with the flower buds - it is too hot in the room, the plant lacks potassium, or it is affected by a pest (midge gall midge).
  7. Wither along with the whole plant - the room is too hot or the humidity is below critical levels for the Chinese rose.

What exactly is the cause of the appearance of most of these symptoms must begin to be clarified by identifying possible shortcomings in care. That is, we determine whether the temperature and humidity in the room, the frequency and amount of watering, as well as spraying and fertilizing with fertilizers required for hibiscus. Then, by the method of elimination, we determine the possible, and, most often, real causes. If they consist in improper care, then we eliminate the mistakes made. And how to deal with other causes will be discussed later.

The most common hibiscus diseases will be described below. Most of them are manifested in the change appearance leaves. Let's start with these ailments in order of their prevalence. Leaf diseases in the vast majority of cases are provoked by chlorosis. This is a disease in which the plant disrupts the formation of chlorophyll and reduces the activity of photosynthesis. The main characteristic signs of this disease in hibiscus are yellowing and/or leaf drop. Chlorosis is of two types - non-infectious and infectious.

Non-infectious rose chlorosis

Most often, the Chinese rose is affected by non-infectious chlorosis. The causes of its occurrence lie in malnutrition: insufficient or excessive supply of nitrogen, potassium, iron and magnesium. Moreover, it should be noted that magnesium and potassium are inherently competing elements. That is, an excess of one causes a deficiency of the second. Symptoms of non-infectious chlorosis in Hibiscus are as follows. With a lack of iron, the leaves turn yellow, and then the leaves fall off. If thinning of the branches is observed, the plant does not bloom at the right time, or its flowers have a pale color (not bright enough), then this indicates a potassium deficiency. When a rose lacks magnesium or nitrogen, the leaves become stained: yellow, whitish or lemon-colored.

Infectious chlorosis, as its name implies, affects the hibiscus due to its infection. The causative agents of this are fungal microorganisms, viruses and even pests. The symptoms of infectious chlorosis are as follows: yellowing and subsequent fall of the leaves, as well as general weakness and lack of flowering of the plant. Perhaps the next most common disease is sunburn. Signs of this disease are the appearance of white spots on the leaves, as in the photo. They result from the partial destruction of the chloroform of green tissues under direct sunlight. This usually happens with plants for which the light intensity has changed dramatically - they have been transferred from a less lit place or from a greenhouse to bright sun.

Vascular wilt is the result of infection of hibiscus with fungi of the genus Verticillium or Fusarium. With verticillosis, the leaves of the plant begin to curl from the bottom of the trunk and turn yellow. This process then moves up the stem. In a severely affected rose, only the very top will remain green. If the room is hot, then the leaves wither very quickly, not having time to curl, causing the plant to look like it has been scalded. Fusarium manifests itself in the slow wilting and subsequent death of the leaves without changing their color, that is, they remain green at the same time. The upper leaves may become watery at the edges, and some areas may acquire a pale green or light yellow tint. In both cases, after the defeat of all leaves, the trunk quickly dries up and the plant dies.

Bacterial spotting

Bacterial spotting is a disease, the manifestations of which can be observed not only on the leaves, but also on the shoots. Basically, this ailment in Hibiscus is caused by bacteria of this kind, such as Xanthomonas. This disease most often affects young shoots and leaves. Depending on the specific type of pathogen, the symptoms of the disease may vary slightly. The most characteristic and common picture is when watery yellow small spots first appear on the stems and leaves (seen in the photograph), which gradually turn black. The shape of the spots is most often irregularly angular, and a light green or yellow border is visible along their contour. The spots gradually increase in size and then merge. As a result, the entire sheet turns black. So the disease progresses throughout the plant and eventually it dies.

Another variant of spotting caused by bacteria is bacterial burn. Its causative agent is other bacteria belonging to the genus Pseudomonas. Most often, a bacterial burn begins with young shoots, leaves and flowers. Its symptoms are as follows. It is not spots that form on the plant, but immediately rather extensive shapeless blackening areas (as in the photo), which soon dry out. Outwardly, such areas on the sheet look as if it was burnt in this place. The progression of a bacterial burn causes first the death of individual parts of the plant, and then its death. Under favorable conditions, this disease develops very quickly.

When affected by brown rot, the hibiscus stems turn brown and thin at the very base. The rose is greatly weakened and may die. Most often, this disease affects young seedlings and plants.

Most of the problems that have arisen with hibiscus are solved by normalizing the conditions of its maintenance and eliminating errors in care. Since the purpose of this article is not to consider exactly how to care for the Chinese rose, all these points will be omitted. Let us dwell only on the elimination of a number of specific omissions in care, indicated above in the chapter on the main symptoms of plant deterioration. In case of insufficient humidity in the room, the plant should be sprayed more often - not once, but several times a day. At the same time, waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed - so that after such a “shower” the water is already standing in a pot. If the Hibiscus is hot, then in the room with it, you should try to lower the temperature, and you should also shade it and spray it.

Chinese Rose Fertilizers

When a plant lacks some nutrients, then, of course, it is necessary to feed it with appropriate preparations, which include exactly the missing elements. If the roots become waterlogged in winter, then watering should be temporarily reduced in quantity and volume, and the plant itself should be sprayed instead, making sure, again, that less water gets into the soil and it does not turn into a liquid slurry. What to do in case of drafts is clear and so - it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their occurrence or move the Chinese rose to another, more peaceful place.

Now about the treatment of diseases. Non-infectious chlorosis can not only be defeated, but also prevented by regular feeding of Hibiscus with fertilizers. If, nevertheless, this misfortune happened, the emphasis should be placed precisely on those dressings that contain the missing elements. It should also be noted that the symptoms of iron deficiency (yellowing of the leaves) appear against the background of a lack of nitrogen and an increased content of chlorine and calcium in the water used for irrigation. Therefore, before watering, the water must be defended, and then a microfertilizer such as iron chelate should be added to it. The latter should be done if there is indeed an iron deficiency. And you need to monitor the sufficiency of the amount of fertilizing containing nitrogen.

Infectious chlorosis is best prevented. To do this, contact of the Chinese rose with diseased plants should not be allowed, it must be timely transplanted and fertilized, and it must also be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt. The latter is best done by washing the hibiscus in the shower. At the same time, the soil in the pot must be covered with cellophane. And yet, all new plants brought home must necessarily undergo a temporary quarantine procedure. That is, for several weeks they must be placed separately and away from existing flowers. In case of hibiscus disease, use appropriate preparations (designed to combat identified diseases and pests) to treat it.

To prevent sunburn, Chinese roses grown in greenhouses and growing in a darkened room should be accustomed to changing lighting gradually, taking them out in the sun for an hour and a half a day. Then we gradually increase the duration of the plants' stay in bright light, and only after full adaptation to it do we change their “place of residence”. If, nevertheless, the hibiscus got burned, it's okay. He quickly gets used to the change in lighting, and the leaves that have received burn spots simply fall off, giving way to new normal ones that soon grow.

Zircon for rose processing

Vascular wilt is very difficult to treat and it is not always possible to heal hibiscus from it. Often he quickly dies and at the same time it happens that he did not even have time to fall off the leaves. To fight this disease should be as follows:

  1. We cut off all the affected (dried) fragments of the plant, while slightly capturing its healthy parts.
  2. We process the whole rose with special antifungal compounds: Fundazol, Topsin, Dezavid, Alirin-R or others. You can also use the drug Rovral, the solution of which must be poured under the root. There are also folk remedy- spraying the plant with a solution Trichopolum(for 1 liter of water 2 tablets).
  3. Additionally, you can stimulate the protective mechanisms of the rose by treating it with drugs. Appin, Zircon, House flower. You just need to make sure before that that the selected composition can be used in combination with the antifungal agent used.

If at the initial stage it was not possible to cure vascular wilt, and the hibiscus continues to hurt and wither, it will have to be destroyed. Bacterial spot is remarkably cured by spraying the plant itself while watering the soil in the pot with a solution. Trichopolum(for 2 liters of water 1 tablet). Also effective are such well-known copper-containing preparations as blue vitriol and Bordeaux mixture. Not only for treatment, but also for prevention can still be used Fundazol, Euparen. To prevent damage by brown rot, hibiscus cuttings and seedlings must be treated with a means Rovral. In addition, seedlings should be planted shallow, and after planting, carefully sprayed with the same preparation.

When a plant is stressed, the first thing to do is try to figure out what caused it. If the reason is the onset of a strong deviation of the conditions of detention from those necessary for hibiscus, then it must be eliminated. The plant is unlikely to adapt to this, especially if the changes that have occurred are in principle unacceptable for its life. Stress can also occur due to the fact that the rose is greatly disturbed, for example, they often change her “place of residence” (they are constantly transplanted or transferred from one place to another, which usually happens during repairs and relocations) or do not monitor the behavior of children and pets that show excessive curiosity about houseplants.

Signs of Stress in Hibiscus

Such impacts on the plant must also be immediately stopped. In the first case, the hibiscus should, at least for a while, be left alone until it copes with stress (stop transplanting or choose the most suitable place for it from which it is relatively for a long time does not need to be transferred). In the second, to forever protect the plant from domestic "robbers", that is, for example, to find a place inaccessible to them.

Stress can also be caused by minor changes in the conditions of detention, when their main parameters are within acceptable values ​​(associated: with the transfer from one room to another or from a greenhouse to permanent place a habitat; with slight deviations from the previous care), seasonal changes in environment(for example, a decrease in the level and duration of lighting in winter), any damage, transplantation or flowering (also stressful for young and weakened plants). In this case, no drastic measures will have to be taken.

Well, with the stress itself, the Chinese rose, as a rule, is able to cope on its own. In the first two cases, this will happen after the elimination of the causes that provoked it, and in the last - due to adaptation to new conditions. But in order for the plant to successfully and quickly cope with stress, it is necessary for it to provide peace, spray more often and more carefully monitor compliance with the schedule and norms of watering and feeding, as well as the quality of the water and fertilizers used for this.

In addition, hibiscus can be helped to stimulate adaptive processes in it with the help of anti-stress drugs, especially if the stress state does not go away for a long time and the plant is severely weakened. These include: Zircon, Fitosporin, Planriz, Epin-Extra, Planriz, Krezatsin. Such preparations have an immunostimulating and anti-stress effect on plants. It is necessary to choose and use the desired “drug” in accordance with the instructions for it.

The most common pests and their control

Pests start on a plant in two cases: when they are transplanted into infected soil or as a result of contact with already diseased flowers. Hibiscus is most often affected by the following pests.

Aphid. This small insect settles primarily on young leaves and shoots, as well as on plant buds. It multiplies very quickly, creating entire colonies. It is able to completely destroy unopened flowers and young leaves, which at the initial stage of the lesion become sticky and deformed. It is necessary to fight aphids by treating the plant with drugs Akarin, Fitoverm, Biotlin, Intra-Vir, Decis. Also good help Nicotine sulfate and tobacco dust. In the early stages and in cases of a single partial defeat of the leaves, it is sufficient to confine oneself to processing with an ordinary soapy solution.

Spider mite. You cannot see this pest without a magnifying glass, especially since it settles at the bottom of the leaves. The latter, when struck by a tick, first fade and become covered with small yellow specks, which is clearly visible in the photograph. The pest envelops the underside of the leaves with a dense web, in which it lives. Subsequently, if measures are not taken immediately, extensive dried patches form on the leaves. The fight against a tick includes washing the leaves with soapy water or mineral oil and then treating the plant with preparations. Akarin, Lightning, Vertimek, Fitoverm.

Whiteflies. They usually hide on the underside of the leaves, where you can find their adults and pale yellow larvae (shown in the photo). characteristic feature defeat of the plant by the whitefly - the appearance of a shiny sticky coating on the upper side of the leaves. These are pest excrements. After some time, sooty fungi develop in them, due to which the surface of the leaves becomes first white and then black. It is these fungi that can cause severe damage to the plant, and not the whiteflies themselves. In addition, this pest is a carrier of various viral infections. The symptoms of whitefly-borne diseases can be very different. This is chlorosis, and the leaves may turn yellow, deform, curl.

It is necessary to fight this pest by treating the plant with a solution of potassium soap or Aktara, Admiral, Biotlin, Bankol, Spark, Appleud, Fufanon, Tanrek preparations.

Worms. Signs of plant damage by them: waxy lumps and powdery coating appear in the axils of the leaves and on the cuttings. white color as in the photo. Methods of struggle: treatment with the same preparations as for the whitefly.

Shields and false shields. Signs of damage: pale brown or brownish rounded scales (tubercles) appear on the stems and leaves of the rose, which can hardly be separated from the plant. These are adults of the pest. With a slight lesion, we clean the scales with a cloth or a toothbrush dipped in a soapy or alcohol solution. A kerosene-soap emulsion also helps well. In case of severe damage, we use one of the above insecticides.

Midge gall midge. Signs of defeat: leaves and still unblown buds turn yellow and fall off. It is necessary to inspect the buds and identify all the affected ones. Small eggs of the pest will be visible in them. All these and yellowed buds must be cut off. They must not be allowed to fall to the ground. Then we cultivate the land with one of the above insecticides.