Real actions of damage to the death of the enemy. Using a photo of a person

The question of how to spoil death is of interest to many of us from time to time. It should be said that this is a very dark section of magic and many people cannot perform such a ceremony. In addition, do not forget that in the end you can expect a rollback of black magic back, which will hit you as a performer. Therefore, we advise you to think carefully whether you hate a person enough to wish him death, and yourself retribution for witchcraft.

Hatred is rightfully ranked second among the strongest human emotions, second only to love. A person is ready for anything, just to win the heart of a loved one or cause trouble to the enemy. Love spells are a relatively harmless thing, which cannot be said about damage to death.

Corruption to death is the highest point of black magic, witchcraft is no longer stronger than it. It is imposed on an enemy with only one purpose - to kill a person, and this is equated to murder. Such rituals do not pass without leaving a trace for your energy field leaving an indelible mark on it. In addition, you may suffer from a return blow, which overtakes you in the event that all the conventions of the ceremony were not followed or your damage to death was safely removed.

Types of spoilage

There are many ways to bring taint to death on your enemy. Some of them are less painful, others imply death in torment. Many ancient rituals of such a curse have already been lost to our generation, but they are being replaced by conspiracies using modern technologies.

The most common types of death damage include the following types of rituals:

  • Damage to death from the photo.
  • Corruption using graveyard items.
  • Damage to death by phone.

Damage by photo

Damage to death with the help of photography has long been considered the easiest rite to perform, but, at the same time, the most effective. Also, get hold of a photo of your enemy in modern world will not be difficult at all, which greatly facilitates the process of cursing.

The simplest ritual for death, which does not require additional knowledge and skills from you, is considered to be a ritual during which a photograph of your foe is placed in the coffin of the deceased, right during the burial ceremony. This method is most often used by beginners in magic.

You can put such a photo anywhere in the coffin, but highest efficiency achieved if it is placed near the heart of the deceased. It will be quite difficult to remove such a curse.

Another way, how damage to death is created from a photo, is to bury a photo of an enemy in the ground at a grave.

To perform the ritual, you will need the following items:

  • The headscarf is black.
  • A photo of your enemy, preferably a recent one.
  • New needle.
  • Wax candle.
  • Several coins.

You will need to find in the cemetery the recent grave of the deceased, whose name coincides with the name of your enemy. Such a burial should not be older than one month, otherwise its strength will significantly dry out.

Take a handful of earth from the burial mound and pour it into the handkerchief you brought with you. Use a needle to make an odd number of punctures on the victim's photo. It is not necessary to accompany them with spoken words, but it is worth investing in each blow all your hatred of a person.

Now you need to fill the entire photo with melted wax, as if sealing the photo together with the earth in a scarf. Tie all items in cloth and bury them on the same grave. Now you need to leave the cemetery without looking back and without talking to anyone. Choose a road that is not the one you came here by.

Count three crosses along the way and on the last one, throw the prepared coins over your left shoulder and say one word:

"I paid off (sia)."

Thus, you will put a strong damage to your enemy, but at the same time you will protect yourself from a negative return blow.

Corruption through the graveyard

All methods that involve the use of elements of a cemetery and burial have long been considered the most powerful in Russia. As such linings, tapes, water, with which the deceased was washed, or bread from a ritual burial can be used.

More experienced magicians use more strong rite, during which the icon from the hands of the just deceased person is placed in the bed of the enemy. The most important thing is to observe the rule so that the object of the conspiracy does not find this lining.

The spirit of the deceased will pursue your foe, driving him crazy and dragging him along. But if a person prone to damage manages to find this little thing and return it to the grave of the deceased, then the damage will automatically move to the performer.

Such damage to death is most effective if the name of the deceased coincides with the name of your victim. After such a ritual, the fate of the deceased and your foe turns out to be closely related and, if this connection is not severed, then the person will rot alive along with the coffin.

Another ritual of bringing damage to death through the grave can be a ritual with an abandoned burial, which is carried out for three weeks.

To do this, you need to go to the cemetery and notice a grave that no one has looked after for a long time. It is desirable that even the nameplate not be preserved on it. Now you will need to visit it again on Friday evening, bringing with you a wooden stake made of aspen.

Drive it into the very center of the grave and say these words:

“Friday-Friday, the conductor of all unlucky affairs. This is her plan, and the nameless one. I drive a stake to the pernicious, I drive death with a stake. Through the nameless suicide bomber, through the aspen stake I chase the slave (the name of the enemy) into trouble. Everything has been done. Amen".

The phrase is pronounced at least three times, after which the stake is left in the grave for a week. You will have to repeat similar rituals for two more Fridays in a row, after which the same stake plotted to death is driven into the ground, as close as possible to the home of your enemy.

The effect will be achieved quickly and efficiently.

Modern ways

The technical progress of our time makes it possible to apply previously inaccessible methods in magic. One of them was mobile phone... With its help, you can easily achieve the same thing as with the help of a photograph of a person: unity with his energetic essence. The availability of this approach in targeting corruption provides new horizons in the magical realm.

For the ritual, you will have to prepare in advance. Buy two candles, it is better that they are made of black wax, but this does not matter, any will do. In addition, before the ritual, you should go to the cemetery and find the grave of the deceased, whose name coincides with the name of the victim of the curse. This burial must have a photo of the deceased. You will need to take it for a while. To do this, you should leave a ransom on the grave itself (for example, money or food), and for the deceased himself say the following phrase:

"I will soon return what I took from you."

Now you can carefully extract the photo and take it with you. You will also need a lot of land in this same grave. Grab a small handful. To take it without consequences, you must also leave the ransom and say the following words:

"Take this for yourself."

It should be noted that you should not skimp on the ransom: the deceased must like him, otherwise he will pester you, and getting rid of him is not so easy.

When you come home, you should prepare workplace... To do this, set up a table in an empty room and place both lighted candles on it. Place the photo taken in the cemetery between them, and pour the earth from there. Put your phone in front of the photo. Both mobile and stationary will do. The main thing is that you know for sure that it is the victim of the ritual, and not a stranger, who will pick up the phone. The telephone receiver should be directed so that the voice of the person cursed to death sounded directly on the photo of the deceased.

Speak the black words of the conspiracy:

“By mighty and secret forces, in the name of the Spirit of Death, I appeal to the Soul (the name of the deceased, whose photo is). Take to you the one whose voice you will hear after mine. Call him to you! Interrupt this life for him! Suppress his will! Carry out my Will! May it be so!".

Immediately dial the phone number and, while the beeps are ringing, quickly swap the burning candles, while saying the following phrase:

“I don’t send it, but you take it”.

You should not hang up the phone until the interlocutor himself hangs up the call. Talking to him is also not required, as well as turning the phone away from the photo.

Now you need to correctly complete the damage to death. To do this, you need to extinguish the candles in any way other than blowing them out. Cemetery soil must be removed from the house and scattered at any intersection. Actions should be accompanied by a mental image of the victim and the words:

The next step will be to return to the place of the photograph of the deceased. Attach it securely back in place, you can not spare money for this either. When finished, say the words of ransom:


The candles that remained from the rite must be divided: leave one of them on the grave of the deceased, whose spirit was used in the ritual, and take the other to the church and place in front of the corresponding icon for the repose of the victim's soul. If black candles were used, then it is best to let them burn to the ground during the very rite of curse on death.

To eliminate possible consequences for yourself, order a magpie in the church in your name.

The negative impact on a person, which is carried out using a special rite, is called damage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and frightens many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program inherent in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks beneficial energy and replaces it with negative one. And the most powerful effect and, naturally, the most dangerous is black damage to death. This ritual assumes a lethal outcome for the person to whom the ritual is directed.

Black envy and hatred are as strong feelings as love. And, if a person in love, to achieve a goal and tie a beloved, makes a love spell, then hatred or envy can push a person to perform such a rite as damage to death or loneliness.

Depending on the area in which troubles for a person should begin to occur, black influence can be of several types:

Black corruption to death

The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends with a lethal outcome for the victim. However, it is dangerous not only for the "spoiled" one, but also for the person who performs the ritual. The performance of such a rite can lie like a black seal on the performer.
negative health effects.
If a person does not want another death, but only big problems with health, then this ritual is done. Although it is believed that such exposure can also lead to lethal outcome.

Runic corruption

This kind magical influence can destroy any of the areas of human life. The correct combination of runes will worsen health, make the house cursed, or lead a person to death. Runic damage can also be used as a rite of passage for loneliness.

Damage to relationships

This rite allows you to destroy even the most strong families... Often such an impact is done by a mistress with only one purpose - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife, whose husband another woman wants to take away.
damage to loneliness.
Such a ritual is usually done out of revenge on an abandoned lover or beloved.

Business corruption

This impact is on business competitors or more successful partners, whose success can harm a person in the field of work.
a rite of passage for good luck.
As a rule, such a ritual is done out of envy, in order to destroy the happy coincidence of circumstances for a particular person.

Damage to money

It can be done as damage to business, or simply for failures in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person's life.

The above are the most common types of negative impact on humans. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic for possible consequences... Less commonly, rituals for loss of beauty, insanity, drunkenness or miscarriage are performed. Runic damage can be considered separately as a type of negative impact.

Damage to poor health

Runic damage can be induced on a person who is very far away, affecting his well-being and causing an exacerbation of chronic diseases. For the ceremony, you will need 3 runes: Halagaz, Evaz and Laguz. In addition, you need a photo of the victim and a needle.

Write the names of the three runes on the photo and focus on the image as you picture the person as sick. To make the ceremony work, we pass the needle through the picture in the very center and repeat the names of the runes three times.

After completing the ritual, the photograph is removed to a place inaccessible to strangers, and after nine days it is burned. Black rune damage refers to very strong influences, the influence of which is difficult to prevent. Therefore, before performing such a rite or love spell using runes, assess the situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Lethal damage

To death, damage is considered the most dangerous ritual, the implementation of which is tantamount to killing a person. Take a very responsible decision, because it will affect two lives: both yours and the person on whom the ceremony is being done.

Any rituals have an impact, be it a love spell or damage to loneliness, but the ritual for health or death is considered the most unpredictable.

If for you damage to death is the only way out of this situation, then pay attention to the implementation process.

Head to the cemetery on Friday night and find an abandoned grave that no one looks after and has no nameplate. A small aspen stake is driven into the center of the grave with the words:

“Friday-Friday, the conductor of all unlucky affairs.
This is her plan, and the nameless one.
I drive a stake to the pernicious, I drive death with a stake.
Through the nameless suicide bomber, through the aspen stake
I am in trouble with the slave (name of the enemy).
Everything has been done.

Black damage to death is read three times. After reading, you need to leave the stake in the grave for a week, and next Friday with the same peg repeat the ceremony. The ritual should be repeated three Fridays in a row, after which the stake must be driven into the ground near the enemy's house. Corruption to death on the enemy is a powerful and dangerous type of magic, the consequences of which can be reflected in the performer of the ritual.

Damage to relationships

If damage to business is done to worsen things in the work sphere, then damage to relationships is done to destroy interpersonal ties between people. The most frequent ceremony is the needlepoint. To complete it, you will need one new needle on which the plot is read:

“I read strong words with the needle, I speak it.
The discord between the slaves (names of people) will be strong.
To the dark forces I entrust their life,
So that there is no peace and quiet for them.
May it be so.

The plot is read nine times. After reading, the needle must be driven into doorjamb where people live whose relationships need to be destroyed. Such a rite is usually done to quarrel lovers: damage to a rival by a jealous wife or damage to a relationship with an abandoned mistress.

The effectiveness of the needlepoint ritual is very high, which is evidence of the popularity of this ritual. However, remember black damage to relationships, like any other type of dark magic can be dangerous for all participants in the ritual. Also consider the following point - neither a needlepoint ceremony, nor any other damage to loneliness or discord guarantees love from a man. It will be possible to achieve reciprocal feelings only by using a love spell. The right combination black rite on relationships and the used love spell guarantee the desired result.

Black damage to hair can be done in various directions: to problems in business, to loneliness, and so on. In addition, any love spell can be done using the victim's genetic material, damage to death is also done.

Hair damage involves the use of several hairs for the ceremony and one candle. Sit down at the table late in the evening, light a candle and take the victim's hair. Hold for a couple of minutes while introducing the person. After that, set fire to the hair from the candle with the words:

“Love spell, lapel now does not work on you.
You will be alone forever and ever, and loneliness is an eternal companion.
As your hairs burn out, so my words will receive strength.
Nobody can remove the conspiracy now.

Ashes from the hair are thrown away, after which the damage to loneliness is considered completed. If this rite is done out of revenge on the unfaithful lover, then it is often better to first try to mend the relationship using love magic. A love spell can help solve your problem without using spoilage.

A negative effect on a person is black magic, which can affect both the loneliness of a person and bring him to death. Various types magical rites of this type act on different spheres.

Quite often, damage to the hair or a needle is used, the runic damage used suggests some knowledge of the use of runes. However, it must be remembered that by causing harm to another person, you are committing a sin and the seal of misfortune can also fall on you.

In your environment there is human who brought a lot of bitter events into your life? You think that the only payback for enemy can only be atonement death?

Here you will find out:

  • how to punish the offender,
  • hasten his death
  • the consequences for this.

What are the negative impacts on people happen?

To get revenge on your the enemy , people use all sorts of different ways:

  • verbal abuse, both in private and in public;
  • damage to property;
  • spreading gossip in his environment.

Often, such a confrontation for both sides of the conflict ends with assault and physical injury.

To avoid this result, you can use moreeffective method - ancient rite of black magic which will have a strong negative impact at your enemy ... You can at a distance direct to sacrifice the most terrible troubles, thereby not only spoil his life, but also bring him closer death .

First, let's see what negative impacts can be made on human:

Remember: If any ritual of black magic is performed incorrectly, then not your victim will be negatively affected, but you or your family!

  • Curses, corruption - intentional negative impact on human ... For its implementation, it is necessary to carry out special rituals, after which a variety of troubles will fall on the victim: illness , family scandals, bankruptcy, lack of privacy and even death ... It is very important to carry out the rituals without deviating from the instructions, otherwise there is a risk of turning this negative impact on yourself and your family. Therefore, it is better to induce damage or curse with the help of a strong magician.
  • The evil eye - most often it is an unconscious effect on the energy human ... This effect can be exerted by people with their own strong energy. If you do not belong to them, then you can try to find in your environment someone who can jinx for you enemy.
  • Love spells - impact on will human ... This is not only the famous love spells or cuffs, but also the zombie of the victim. Having carried out the necessary result, you can force your enemy to do whatever you want: from transferring property in your favor to committing suicide. To carry out such rituals, you will need your blood or blood your opponent. Thanks to her, you can install strong energy connection between you and achieve desired result;
  • The curse of the clan - if human you are very annoyed in life and his whole family supported in this, you can impose a curse on the whole family. From such black magic not only the offender himself will suffer, but also the descendants.

As you can see, there are ways to spoil life man who offended you or to whom you strongly envy enough.

Damage guidance methods fatal

Any impact on the will and health human described above can lead your foe to of death but not required. If your hate or resentment is so much strong to bring a man down to the grave, it is better to use one of the many rituals damage to death.

In black magic these rituals are considered special. To carry them out, you need to have strong energy, experience and be able to put protection against the consequences. Despite the risk, we still decided to carry out this ritual, I can offer several rituals foraiming deadly spoilage.

Damage to death with photographs, cemeteries and cemetery paraphernalia

The most common way spoil death is the use of a photo of your enemy, coffin with a “fresh” deceased, earth from a fresh grave or funeral attributes. It is very important that the name of the deceased matches the name of your abuser.

  • Option 1 - usecoffinwith a "fresh" deceased . To carry out such a ritual, you do not need read any conspiracies. Find out where the funeral is coming soon human with the name you want. Take a photo with a picture of your opponent and, at the first opportunity, put it on the deceased. The location is not important - you will achieve the desired result. But if you want the offender to be unable to get rid of your curse, put the photo of the deceased under the arm, as close to your heart as possible. All the while coffin will rot, your foe will suffer from diseases , and will eventually die.
  • Option 2 - using land from a fresh grave. Prepare in advance black a headscarf, a fresh photo of your foe, a new needle, a wax candle and a few coins. The ritual should be performed on a fresh grave. It is important that from the date death of a person not more than a month has passed. Name on the plate and your name enemy must match. Pour the dirt from the grave into the handkerchief. Pierce the photo with a new needle an odd number of times and place it on top of the ground. When manipulating the image, it is optional read some conspiracies. It is enough to accompany each puncture with your anger and hatred for it. man ... Light a candle and sprinkle wax on the photograph. By this you hold human with the deceased. Tie up all the items that were used in this ritual in a scarf and bury the bundle on the grave. Leave the cemetery quickly and silently. Choose a path that is different from the one you came from. At the third intersection, which you will meet on the road from the cemetery, throw the prepared coins over your left shoulder with the words: “I bought it off”. In this case, you must not turn around. This is one of the few rituals that allows not only spoil death , but also to protect you from the consequences.
  • Option 3 - using funeral attributes. During the funeral, take something from coffin ... It may be something insignificant: a ribbon from the head of the deceased, a handkerchief from his pocket, an icon from under his hands. Now this item needs to be placed on your the enemy ... This ritual does not require read some prayers, but the lining should be hidden very carefully. If human detects this object, then all the impact spoilage will turn on you.
  • Option 4 - a conspiracy on an abandoned grave. The ritual should be performed on Friday night for three consecutive weeks on an abandoned grave without a sign. Prepare a small aspen peg in advance. Drive the brought stake into the center of the grave mound. This action must be accompanied by the following words:

Friday-Friday, the conductor of all unlucky affairs. This is her plan, and the nameless one. I drive a stake to the pernicious, I drive death with a stake. Through the nameless suicide bomber, through the aspen stake I chase the slave (the name of the enemy) into trouble. Everything has been done. Amen.

  • Option 5 - a charmed mirror. Find the grave where the name on the plaque matches the name of the “victim”. From this grave, you need to collect some plants and pieces from the funeral wreath. Burn whatever you find and collect the ashes. This should be done at midnight of the same day. Pick up the ashes with your finger and draw a cross on the mirror, reading the following lines:

Alive - alive. Dead - dead! Draw (victim's name) the way to the threshold of the grave! The churchyard is ready, the door is open! The life of (victim's name) is forever closed! I lock all his light in the looking glass! (Victim's name) will be gone before the deadline, there is no turning back!

It is very important to observe the following conditions for the ritual to work: You must go to the cemetery in clothes black , purple or gray; so that the ritual works for the right human - it should be reflected in the charmed mirror.

I have provided a variety of rituals to choose from targeting damage to death that you can do yourself.

After carrying out one of them, you can watch the next day as the victim wastes away. Constant health or life problems will force him to die prematurely.

If you want immediate results, you should turn to a very strong magician , who still needs to be persuaded to perform this rite.

The consequences of damage to death for the customer of the ritual

Any kind of witchcraft ( spoilage , conspiracies, curses, love spells ...) is black magic , which affects not only the victim, but also the customer. Before performing any ritual against enemy or a competitor, be prepared that you will have to pay with your own well-being or the well-being of your descendants. Believers should especially think about the consequences, because the church has a very negative attitude towards everyone who uses black magic.

The most serious consequences await the customer damage to death ... Since the world of magic such witchcraft is considered the most dangerous because of the consequences, not everyone is taken for its execution magician ... Of course, you can independently carry out the corresponding ritual, but can you protect yourself and your heirs from the opposite effect.

Before casting damage to the death of an enemy, study how this can backfire on you and your family:

  • Rollback is the most common type of customer impact. Possible in the case when the victim turned to magician to remove all types of negative impact from it and install protection from all magical future encroachments;
  • If at the customer spoilage did not affect in any way, then it is too early to calm down. There is a high probability that his children or grandchildren will be seriously ill. diseases or lose their mind altogether;
  • For damage to death the customer can get ancestral curse that will be passed on to future generations. The longer you pull with its removal, the stronger it will act until it completely exterminates the entire clan of the customer a deadly ritual;

The gender of the victim plays an important role in the imposition of fatal damage. Depending on who became the victim of damage (man or woman), children of the same sex will suffer in the customer's family:

  • men will suffer from impotence in bed, alcohol or drug abuse, serious illnesses, failures in business;
  • women will suffer from infertility, lack of a normal family, frigidity, cancer.

Consider whether you are willing to pay such a price for your desire to take revenge or receive material benefits that were not intended for you.

Is it possible to avoid the consequences of damage to death

It is almost impossible to avoid the consequences after such a ritual. Especially if you spoiled on your own - not having enough knowledge and experience in this matter, you can make irreparable mistakes and then all magic will turn against you.

But, if you entrust the matter to an experienced and strong magician , then the consequences can be minimized and it will not be difficult to eliminate them in the future.

Where to find such magician ? You can ask your friends or on the city forums of the relevant topic. Or you can immediately contact me. I will select the most effective ritual, carry out all the necessary protective actions and perform a ritual, after which your victim will leave this world as soon as possible.

If you notice symptoms of any negative impact on yourself, then I will help take off all kinds of you and your kind black magic and put up protection against witchcraft attacks in the future.

Contact me and I I will help solve your problem, whatever it may be.

Damage to death is the strongest negative energetic impact per person. The victim in this case is programmed to be fatal in shortest time, but from the outside it looks as if the person himself seeks death.

Before taking an interest in the question of how to make damage to death, one should realize that such a destructive effect is very dangerous for both the customer and the performer of the negative message. In the world of magic, they say that the damage done to death lays down a black seal and can lead to the most unpredictable terrible consequences.

Methods for targeting fatal damage

Interested in the question of how to make damage to death, one should realize that this negative impact is akin to killing a person. In addition, it should be understood that this ritual in the magical world is considered the most unpredictable. Most black magicians who have sufficient strength and knowledge turn out to be corrupting death, as they fear the consequences.

But if for you, damage to death on a person is the only way to solve problems, then you should exactly follow the conditions of the chosen rite. You should be aware that most of the rituals, during which the sending of a deadly negativity is performed, are carried out in the cemetery.

The most common way to target damage to a person is to order a funeral service for his enemy in the church. The magpie, which provides for the commemoration of a person's soul for 40 days, can greatly weaken the immunity of a living. In addition, often, in an effort to damage death, many pour earth from the grave under the threshold of the enemy's house. But such a method can harm and tune into lethal outcome only a weak-minded impressionable person. As a rule, ordinary people clean up the lining and easily get rid of negative effects using simple white magic rituals. The maximum trouble they face is a slight discomfort for several days.

But there are more strong rituals which, of course, should be done by professionals. They will be able to put up protection against a reverse blow, although it is very difficult to foresee everything, performing the rite of black magic with the promise of damage to death.

The following types of rituals can be distinguished, which are very dangerous:

    Negative program for imminent death using a snapshot of a person; Powerful damage to death with the use of cemetery land; Deadly harmful effect using the victim's thing.

All methods that are used to send a negative message to death involve carrying out certain actions with dead matter. Thanks to this, the most powerful energy is called from the other world, which is capable of absorbing the living energy of a person in the shortest possible time, and provoking death.

A demanded rite of passage for self-fulfillment is the next one. On Friday evening, you need to go to the cemetery and find an abandoned grave there. It is desirable that there is not even a sign on it. Further, so that no one sees, you need to drive a previously prepared aspen stake into the center of the grave.

While pronouncing the magic words three times:

“Friday-Friday, a companion for all unlucky affairs. This is your plan, executed by me, your nameless helper is. I drive the evil aspen stake, drive death to my victim. Through an unnamed dead man, with an aspen stake, a misfortune to the Slave (s) of God (s) (the name of the victim) I send. Everything is done as it should. Amen".

The stake must stand on the grave for a week. Next Friday, you need to repeat the spell, driving the stake deeper, and repeating the magic words. The ritual is repeated for three weeks in a row, after which the stake is pulled out and driven in next to the enemy's house.

Using a photo of a person

You can also use a strong rite to send a negative program to death using fresh photo victims.

In addition, the following attributes will need to be used in the ritual:

    Black New Cloth Patch; Regular Sewing Needle; Wax Candle; Coins.

The ritual is performed at the cemetery. Arriving there, you need to go to a fresh grave, and the name of the deceased must match the name of the victim. From the grave, you need to take a small amount of earth and put it on a black piece of cloth spread on the ground. After that, you should take a photo and make several punctures in it with a needle. You need to invest in such an action maximum amount negative energy... To do this, try to awaken all the hatred and evil that is in the soul towards the person to whom you are planning to send a death message.

After that, the picture must be placed on top of the ground that was poured onto the flap. Next, a candle is lit and after the wax begins to melt, it must be held so that it pours onto the victim's picture. When the photo is completely filled with molten wax, then a piece of cloth must be tied in a knot, which should be buried directly on the grave.

After that, you need to quickly return home in a different way, different from the one by which you came to the cemetery. You can't talk to anyone on the way. When you cross the third crossing of the cemetery paths, you need to throw the prepared coins over your left shoulder.

And say:


Having completed the ritual with such an action, one can, to some extent, minimize the reverse negative, which always occurs when targeting damage to death.

Without visiting the cemetery

You can send a strong message to the death of another person without visiting the cemetery. But this requires a lot of energy. Such a ritual, for example, can be performed by people who are able to manage a team. For the black rite, you will need to pre-purchase four black roses.

You will also need to use for the ritual:

    Fresh photo of the victim; Two black wax candles.

The magical action takes place in complete privacy. V separate room an altar should be organized. To do this, cover the table with a dark-colored tablecloth. You need to install the icon of Jesus Christ upside down on it. Black candles are placed on both sides of the image. The prepared photo is placed in front of the icon, and black roses are laid out crosswise on top of it. Such an installation should be left untouched for 3-4 days. The main thing is to make sure that no one enters the room during this time. When the roses wither, you can begin to perform the ceremony. The ritual should begin exactly at midnight.

To do this, a black spell is read over the photo:

“I deny you, my enemy (the name of the victim) from Jesus Christ. I deny you, my enemy (name of the victim) from the Holy Mother of God. I call on the Almighty Satan, enter the soul of my enemy (name of the victim) and take it. The table is ready for this and the throne is properly set. Do that, I conjure and command. Take the soul of my enemy (name of the victim) to hell. Payment for this has already been prepared. Get it. "

After pronouncing such a spell, you should tear off the withered petals and stick them with wax to the photo. You need to do this until the rock, until the image of the person is completely covered. After this, the photo, along with rose petals, should be buried on the street in a deserted place.

After this is done, you must say:


As soon as the attributes of the rite begin to rot, the damage to death will begin to work. The candle stubs should be taken to the churchyard the next day, where they inconspicuously burned and thrown away.

Using a shirt

Damage to the quick death of a person involves the use of the victim's shirt.

During the ceremony, the following actions are carried out:

    The shirt is spread on the table; At midnight during the waning moon above it, a black rooster should be killed with a knife, while blood should be sprinkled on the victim's thing; During the sacrifice, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

"Like a black rooster at the moment of his death, unclean spirits are summoned from the other world, and by his blood, the devils who have come to the Servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the victim), let them be attracted."

    All Attributes magic rite, including the knife, are wrapped in a shirt; After the sacrifice, you must immediately go to a busy intersection and bury all objects there, while there should be no witnesses; The same conspiracy is read again; You should leave the intersection quickly, without looking back.

Strong ritual

Strong damage to death can be induced with the help of water that was used to wash the deceased. It is poured into a separate container and added to the drinks consumed by the victim within 3 days after the funeral.

After that, you need to stick a knife into the bread and say the following magic words:

“I am changing my Nav to Yav by my actions. The deceased will find a victim in the world of the dead, and Reveal will turn to Nav. "

The bread must be buried at the grave of the deceased. After that, the victim will die within 40 days.

To take revenge on the enemy

There is a powerful rite of passage that can be fatal. But if a person naturally possesses strong energy, then such a directed message will give him many unpleasant minutes and harm, but it will not be fatal. That is why such influence is often used to take revenge on the enemy.

To make your enemy regret what he did, you need to send a curse, which can eventually disappear on its own. To do this, you first need to go to the place where your enemy is walking. It is necessary to follow in his footsteps, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to follow him in the immediate vicinity.

It is necessary to take six steps and, in the process, utter the following conspiracy in a whisper six times:

“Let the devil run in your footsteps, my enemy (person's name), let him stick to you forever and drink all your blood. May it be so!"

The ritual continues next Tuesday. To do this, at 6 pm you should go to the cemetery. It is necessary to find the grave of a person who, during his lifetime, bore the same name as the victim.

You need to stand next to her and pronounce the following spell six times:

“I bind you to this grave, my enemy (person's name), I tie you, my enemy (person's name) into a coffin and leave you forever in this cemetery. I bury your health, your joy in the cemetery soil. Time will pass and all yours vitality will go to hell. "

Despite such scary words, the message is rarely fatal. But at the same time, when the damage begins to work, then it will seem to the person for some time that death is close. After pronouncing the words, you need to take a handful of earth from the grave and quickly leave the cemetery without looking back. This land must be immediately taken to the house of your enemy and thrown under the threshold. As soon as the stew steps on the charmed ground, leaving the house, the corruption will start working.

There is a very simple ritual that allows you to send damage. Its main difficulty is to be at the funeral and discreetly make a lining for the deceased in the coffin. To do this, you can use a photo of a person or some kind of genetic material, for example, pieces of nails or hair. You can also use any personal item of the victim for this, but in this case, the strength of the negative impact will be weaker.

Before throwing a thing, photo or genetic material into the coffin, the following spell should be cast over the attribute:

“I speak a word and conjure, I want to bring damage, so that my enemy (name of the person) may be calcified. I curse him, let bad weather add to his life, let troubles and grief pursue him in everything. Let him dashingly surround him from all sides and life will not be sweet to him. Everything will be bad for him. "

After the thing is thrown into the coffin, all that remains is to wait. It is believed that the time will come and the deceased will attract a person to afterworld... It should be understood that such damage is unlikely to be removed, therefore, before performing such an action, it is necessary to weigh everything.

Very often a ritual is performed, with the help of which damage is sent to death from the cemetery land. There are many different and rather simple, at first glance, rituals. But their simplicity is deceiving. For their success, it is necessary not only to exactly comply with the conditions of their conduct, but also to hate your enemy so much as to organize a strong surge of negative energy during magical actions.

Powerful lethal message

One of the strong rituals that allows you to make a strong negative message to death is to do the following:

    It is necessary to get a fresh photograph of the victim, in which the person is depicted alone; Go in the afternoon on one of the days of the waning moon to the cemetery and dig a photo on an unmarked grave; Take some earth from the selected grave and go home; At home at midnight of the same day you need to speak the cemetery land with the following words:

    “This night is clear, but the day was dark, the water in it was dirty, like a swill like tasteless. I will take seven pieces of rusted locks, chains, knives, seven pieces of axes that are not sharpened, and nine coffins made of oak planks. I will come to the cemetery, here I knock on the coffin to the nameless three times and scream loudly: “Open up, appear the nameless dead man and take death to the ground with you, and let one devil be linked with you. And I will turn around myself three times and twist on my leg. Take away the dead man awakened by me by seven rusty locks and chains. Circle them around the legs and arms of the Slave (s) of God (s) (name of the victim). Let the fierce disease bind him with pain, the unthinkable, the bright sun for him will forever be closed with clouds, and the healing water will become a swill. And you, death, take seven rusty-coated knives, and in addition to them, seven not sharpened axes. Chop, cut the Slave (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) into nine bloody pieces. And let this day be the last for my enemy. You, devil, alone, summoned to finish off a man with your horns, and trample your shaggy feet with hooves. Take the servants of hell human pieces, and put them separately in nine coffins made of oak planks, and then hammer them down securely and forever. " My strength is strong and my words are strong. The soul of the Slave (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) will fly away and set me free. My conspiracy is terrible and will not change. May it be so!"

    The charmed earth must be sprinkled in a small amount into the victim's food.

Such damage is very strong and acts quickly, but at the same time the ceremony requires very large energy costs. Therefore, the performer of the ritual will feel very bad for a long time.

Using a knife

This rite is very powerful. In order to minimize its negative consequences for oneself, the performer must follow the recommendations exactly. The main attribute of the ceremony is a knife with a black handle.

It should be purchased without change, and at the time of payment, you need to mentally pronounce the following phrase:

“I take a magic knife not for myself, but for sending damage to my enemy (name of the person).

The ceremony is held on Thursday during the waning moon.

To carry out a magical action, you should go to the cemetery, taking with you in addition to a knife:

    Four plastic bags; Payoff with a lot of different sweets.

First you need to go around the cemetery or go around, if it is very large. At each graveyard corner, you should take three handfuls of earth. Subsequently, having entered the cemetery, it is necessary to pour out the collected earth in the middle of any cemetery intersection.

On the resulting mound of earth, you need to draw crosses with a knife, and in the process say the following spell:

“The earth is white and black, I cut you with a magic knife, I put up disastrous crosses, black, not church ones. With these crosses I call upon myself to help the dead lying in the corners of the cemetery. I direct them with a black grave arrow right into the heart of my enemy (name of the victim). Let them torture him, twist his arms and legs, twist his body as if into a pool, let him replace blood with water in his veins. Let them torment him, and take the body apart. I fix my words with cemetery soil. I call on Satan himself to help me. Let the horns of the unclean pierce my enemy and shake the whole soul out of him. Let them take all the forces and scatter them in the corners of the cemetery and confuse them, so that they cannot be collected. May my enemy fear death day and night. With a magic knife, I cut and cut into small parts the life of my enemy (the name of the person), and I throw his body into a pit and sprinkle it with cemetery earth. Amen!"

Further, with a cross-like movement, it is necessary to divide the earth into four parts and pour each into a separate bag. The knife, together with the ransom, should be left at the intersection. Then you should go to an intersection, where a lot of people usually pass.

There you should empty the earth from the first package, pronouncing the following words:

“I order the Black Mother to go around all four lean corners and get to the body of my enemy (name of the person) in order to drive him into the coffin. Amen".

The earth from the second package should be poured into a natural flowing reservoir and the following words should be pronounced:

“Leave with running water, a quarter of the cemetery land, and take the soul (name of the person) with you, drag the black ribbon of death with you. Amen".

The third package should be freed from the ground on the grave of the deceased, who bore the name of your enemy during his lifetime.

In the process, you need to say the following words:

“One deceased is lying, and soon another deceased will be lying next to him. The enemy cannot avoid his death, just as this deceased, his namesake, never stand up. A terrible death will be accepted by my enemy. Amen".

The earth from the fourth package must be poured out in the place where your enemy will pass on it. As soon as a person steps on the charmed land, damage to death will begin to work.

When pouring out the earth, you should say the following magic words:

“With a magic knife, everything has been cut and marked with cemetery corners. Black longing will descend from all the dead and my enemy will forever be attached to you. You will not be able to fight off her, and you will not resist, but with her you will go to the grave. Amen".

This is a very powerful ceremony. Such damage can only be removed by a professional magician. But if this can be done, then all the negative will return to the performer and cause him irreparable harm.

The consequences of damage to death

Corruption to death is a powerful energy program that aims to eliminate the victim from life forever. According to professionals, in the magic book of life there is not a single point that would justify this negative impact, therefore the consequences of damage to death can be the most terrible and unpredictable for the customer and the contractor.

A performer who seeks to take revenge on his offender by sending damage to him must remember that such a magical act will not remain unpunished. The punishment will be especially strong for believers. After such an action, they will not be able to forgive such a sin, which means they will not go to heaven. By sending damage to another person, the performer not only causes a flow of negative negative energy back on himself, but also endangers his loved ones in future generations. The children of a person who used damage for revenge can be seriously ill, and traces of such an act will have traces in the family for many generations.

How to carry out the ritual correctly

To minimize the negative consequences of damage to death associated with rollback, you must strictly follow the rules that are prescribed in the rite.

Most often, a ritual is performed independently using a photograph of the victim. A visit to the cemetery is also a must. And sometimes this needs to be done in the afternoon, but for a strong energy message to death, a visit to the cemetery at midnight is required. You may also need a voice communication with the victim of damage to death. To do this, you need to use a mobile phone that does not know the person to whom the negative impact is directed. Since the ritual does not require a conversation, but only the victim's response, the call should be associated with a random call.

A person who has been targeted for death and everything is done correctly will soon fall ill with an incurable fleeting disease or die in an accident. And from that moment on, the performer or customer must understand that it is a sin to fall on him.

To reduce the strength of the reverse negative, it is recommended to make sure to pay off. As a rule, it is the end of the ritual and provides for special actions at the intersection. For each specific rite, its own ransom has been developed, and it cannot be replaced by any other actions.

After the ritual has been performed to induce damage to death, the customer must stop communicating with his victim, even if it is a close friend or relative. This will reduce the negative effects. And, of course, you shouldn't tell anyone about the ceremony. You should know that the dark forces, which contribute to the success of the death damage, value the vow of silence and, to a certain extent, in this case, can protect the performer from negative consequences.

If damage to death was performed by an experienced magician - a professional, then, of course, he will put special protection to protect himself and the customer from a backward wave. But at the same time, there is still no 100% guarantee that there will be no rollback. But if the ceremony is carried out independently, then we can confidently say that in most cases, descendants will have to pay for the sin for many generations.

Damage to death does not differ in special signs, they coincide with symptoms that cause other types of damage. The main difference is that all signs work harder and, as a result, a person can die at any moment. Corruption to death can be compared to an avalanche of negative energy that very quickly destroys all systems of the human body. The main symptom of a negative program aimed at death is an unexpected serious illness that occurs in a practically healthy person. Moreover, despite the constantly worsening condition, difficulties arise in establishing a diagnosis using the methods of modern medicine. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in the later stages. At the same time, treatment with traditional medicine methods turns out to be ineffective. Another clear sign is constant fatigue, which does not leave a person for a minute. Against this background, thoughts of suicide arise. A person under the influence of damage to death is also constantly tormented by nightmares that do not allow you to fully rest. Trying to relax, the victim begins to drink alcohol and quickly develops an addiction that leads to alcoholism. Pets, which begin to behave restlessly and do not want to approach the owner or mistress, can also warn about damage to death. They react especially painfully to a change in the energy of a cat. If the fears are confirmed, then you need to urgently remove negative program... It should be remembered that it is very difficult to remove damage on your own, therefore, in order not to waste time, it is better to turn to a professional magician.

Sorcerers and fortune-tellers often diagnose negative energetic effects in their clients - corruption. Enemies and evil people do it, for the destruction of personal life, problems at work, or in an effort to achieve deterioration in the health of their victim. There is damage done to death. It is important to recognize such a misfortune in time, clear your energy from negative influences and protect yourself from further attacks. To diagnose damage, remove it and protect it, specially designed magic rituals can be performed at home.


With the help of energy impact and magic rituals you can spoil a person. It disrupts the functioning of the human biofield and causes a breakdown in strength and immunity. As a result, those diseases to which there is initially a predisposition are exacerbated. Depending on how the negative energy impact is produced, damage can attract various dangers to the victim, cause accidents and conflicts with other people.

If the ritual was performed for death, events will be arranged in such a way that the one who was spoiled dies. Death occurs from natural causes: from an accident or from a sudden exacerbation of the disease. Strong spoilage made to death, not every defense will stop, especially if the enemy is stubborn and performs the ritual over and over again. They usually point her to a photograph, tossing a spoken object into an apartment, through a made human figurine, or by feeding a spoken food.

Spoilage induced by food is most pronounced and acts very quickly.

Induced damage can be recognized by the following signs:

  • The state of health worsens for no apparent reason, doctors cannot make a specific diagnosis.
  • Psychological condition. Constant depression occurs, sleep is disturbed, nightmares are constantly dreaming.
  • Prostration. There is neither the strength nor the desire to do anything.
  • Animal behavior. Cats and dogs feel fatal damage and try not to approach such a person.
  • Cravings for alcohol. Often there is an irresistible desire to go into a binge, there is a desire to constantly risk their health.

Fatal corruption can be detected by fortune telling on tarot cards and runes.

If these symptoms are found, it is necessary to urgently carry out a complete diagnosis, and if the effect is detected, it is necessary to immediately cleanse itself of foreign magic.


To find out if there is damage to death, you need to take three matches and a bowl of water. A lighted candle is placed on the table, a bowl of water is placed between the candle and the person being diagnosed. You need to take a deep breath, dip your fingertips into the water and exhale very slowly. Take a match in left hand, light it while holding it twenty centimeters above the water, and while it burns, say:

  • "Fire is alive, fire is pure, fire is hot, tell me: is there corruption on me?"

Intercept the match right hand so that it completely burns out. When the fire goes out, they unclench their fingers so that the match falls into the water. The ritual is repeated three times. If all three matches have sunk, this means that there is damage to death. If all three matches float in the water, there is no damage.

For complete confidence, you can diagnose church candle... It is impossible to do it yourself, you will need close person... The one who diagnoses cannot be intoxicated, if this is a woman, she should not have menstruation during this period. Light a candle and check three points on the body as follows:

  1. 1. Bring the light to the top of the head and lead it up and down.
  2. 2. Then they bring the candle in front of the solar plexus and pull it towards you.
  3. 3. Lastly, check the base of the neck at the back.

In all three cases, a trail of black soot should be trailing behind the candle fire. The presence of damage at all three points indicates a lethal effect. If the negative is found only at one point, it means that it was done not for death, but only for illness, or the sorcerer did not succeed in doing harm to the fullest.


It is quite difficult to remove damage done to death at home. Especially if, when aiming, black magic was used with a doll or a ritual was performed in a cemetery. To reliably get rid of the negative impact, you will have to carry out several different cleansing rituals, you will need to repeat them several times. It should be borne in mind that Islam has its own methods of removing damage, if you belong to this religion, you need to use them. In any case, before starting cleaning, you need to remove strangers and pets from the house. You should not smoke or drink alcohol for several days.

Limit the consumption of meat. Spend time in meditation and prayer, setting yourself up for a successful deliverance from everything evil and alien. Prepare everything in advance necessary tools and ingredients. If possible, learn the texts of conspiracies and prayers necessary for rituals.

Egg rolling

To clean it from spoilage with a chicken egg, you will need:

  • three as fresh as possible chicken eggs;
  • a wide glass or porcelain bowl without patterns;
  • Holy water;
  • candle.

Light a candle and place it in the center of the room. A bowl of holy water is placed on the floor near the feet of the person from whom the spoilage is being removed. They take the first egg, and while reading the prayer "Our Father", they begin to roll it over the head around the crown of the head. After reading the prayer, the egg is broken into a bowl of water. Without looking into the water, they take the next egg and, repeating the same prayer, roll it in a clockwise circular motion, gradually descending from the throat to the solar plexus. At the end of the prayer, they send an egg into the water. The chakra in the groin area is cleared in a similar way. They extinguish a candle by dipping it in the same water. The contents of the bowl are carefully examined. If the yolks have burst, the ritual should be repeated three days later.

Wax casting

For this ritual, they take a good, large wax candle and warm it in their hands, roll it between their palms, saying:

  • "Hand washes hand, spoilage sticks to wax, out of my blood, out of my bones, out of my body, go out the spoilage!"

The plot is repeated until the wax warms up and rolls into a round ball. Then put a small saucepan on water bath and until the wax is completely melted, repeat the plot:

  • "Bee foundation, take my torpor, bees sting spoilage, they drive it out of the body. Damage will enter the water, find freedom for itself, wherever it goes, and away from the slave (name)!"

When the wax has completely melted, put a bucket of water at the bottom at the feet, hold the container with melted wax on slightly outstretched hands, raise it to the level of the head and pour it down, so that all the wax gets into the bucket of water. The third conspiracy is read:

  • "I bring my misfortune, I will take death from the body, I will take it out of the house, it will not come back again."

They take a bucket, take it out into the street and pour it along with the wax where people will not step - into the bushes or into the trash can. You need to endure in silence, on the way back, too, without talking to anyone. In order to get rid of the fatal damage, the ritual is carried out at least three times, and, if necessary, large quantity- nine or twenty seven times.

According to Islam

Removal of damage according to the Muslim tradition is carried out after sunset. They acquire in advance kyst al-Hindi - an incense for cleansing from spoilage. Prepare a bowl with clean water.

Being alone, they turn their faces to the east and read the surah "Al Fatiha" first:

  1. 1. Bismil-lyaakhi rrahmaani rrahiim.
  2. 2. Al-hamdu lil-layahi rabbil-alamayin.
  3. 3. Ar-rahmaani rrahiim.
  4. 4. Myaliki (Maliki) yaumid-diin.
  5. 5. Iyyayakya na'budu wa iyyayakya nasta'iin.
  6. 6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustakyim.
  7. 7. Syraatol-lyaziina an'amta ‘alayhim, gairil-magduubi‘ alaihim wa ’lad-doolliin.

After that, the room is fumigated by kyst al-Hindi and, holding a bowl of water with both hands, they read into the water:

  • "Bismillahi urkik min kuli dain yuzik min sharri kuli nafsin av 'ainin hasidin allahu yushfik bismillahi urkyk".

The charged water is drunk. The entire ritual is repeated every night after sunset for seven consecutive nights.