What fertilizers can be used for root formation. Rooting stimulants for cuttings

Hello dear friends!

Preplant processing of cuttings special means to stimulate the formation of roots is carried out in order to:

The appearance of roots on plants that are difficult to root;

Acceleration of the formation and growth of roots;

Obtaining a more powerful root system on cuttings for increased consumption nutrients from the soil and rapid growth plants;

Increasing concentration organic matter in places where roots appear.

In addition to ready-made growth stimulants used for successful propagation of trees and shrubs, for example, beta-indolylbutyric acid or, experienced gardeners folk cuttings have been used with success for a long time.

Natural root stimulants

1. Water from under the willow. Put willow branches in a container with water, wait for the roots to appear, remove the twigs. The remaining water with substances released during the germination of branches is an effective growth stimulator. A hard-to-root cutting (cuttings) is placed in it. The water cannot be changed; during evaporation, it can only be topped up to the previous volume. Instead of willow, you can use twigs of pussy willow, poplar or wild rosemary, the effect is the same.

2. Bee honey. For three liters of water room temperature take 2 teaspoons of natural honey, which is rich in a whole complex of mineral components necessary for the growth and development of plants. In addition, honey exhibits pronounced antimicrobial, antiseptic and immunomodulatory properties, which are very important during rooting. The cuttings are immersed in the solution overnight, the liquid level should be up to 1/3 of their height.

3. Potato tubers... Choose a large root vegetable, remove the existing eyes from it, make a longitudinal incision into which to insert the cutting. The tuber needs to be watered daily. In addition to starch and vitamins, the stalk receives from potatoes a lot of valuable substances necessary for rooting.

4. Agave juice (aloe)... Aloe is an effective growth stimulant by inducing active cell division. The sap of the plant helps to stimulate not only growth, but also protective functions plants. The immune system of the cuttings is increased, and root system is formed much faster. It is enough to add about 5 drops of freshly squeezed juice from aloe leaves to the water with the cuttings.

5. Another great natural stimulant for root formation is baker's yeast... Before putting the cuttings in water for germination, they are soaked for 24 hours in a yeast solution rich in B vitamins and nutritious phytonutrients useful for the root system. In 2 liters of water, 200 g of fresh yeast are diluted, the cuttings are immersed in liquid, after 24 hours they are washed and placed in fresh water in a container half-filled. Yeast water can be poured onto the beds with garden crops or in a flower garden - this is an excellent organic dressing.

Data natural stimulants of root formation tested many times, but it is up to you to decide whether to use chemical growth stimulants or to use folk wisdom- only you. Good luck in laying and renovating the garden and good harvests!

Only the lazy one does not know about root and heteroauxin, and when rooting cuttings, he uses only them, not even suspecting that there are natural stimulators of root formation at home, which are no worse, and maybe even better, than purchased preparations. This article contains the simplest yet effective root formation stimulants that you can prepare at home.

Rooting cuttings with potatoes.

If the plant is poorly cuttings (that is, root is problematic), then a great solution will use a simple potato. It is necessary to remove all the eyes from it, make an incision and insert the handle into it. Don't forget to water! The secret is simple - the stalk receives various nutrients from the potato.

Important! Remove absolutely all the eyes, because if the potato begins to sprout, then your plant will not take root, but will die.

Honey for rooting cuttings.

You need to use it like this - 1 teaspoon of honey per 1.5 liters of water, stir well until the honey is completely dissolved. Leave the cutting in this solution for only 12 hours. It is not necessary to wash the stalk after the honey solution. Just root it in the way you are used to.

Yeast is a root stimulant.

The proportions are as follows - dissolve 100 mg of yeast in 1 liter of water. Cuttings are placed in the solution for no more than a day (24 hours). Next, they need to be washed and rooted in the usual way.

Aloe for rooting cuttings.

Another ingenious way, both to stimulate root formation and to strengthen the plant's immunity. Add a few drops of aloe juice to the water in which the cutting takes root. The result will not be long in coming!

Many shrubs, herbaceous perennials and some trees multiply. In order for the roots to form on them more quickly, special root-forming stimulants are used.

... Most of them contain phytohormones that speed up the metabolism near the cut site. As a result of their activity, a large amount of nutrients are sent there.

The phytohormones of the root former help the phytohormones found in each plant to form callus and roots faster. This is especially evident on cuttings. conifers, fruit trees.

It is advisable to use root formers for cuttings in such cases:

  1. For better rooting of perennial crops (herbaceous and trees).
  2. To eliminate the impact of stressful situations.
  3. To save dying plants. This method is used in exceptional cases.

It is impossible to use root formers systematically. After all, this is a very powerful remedy.

Most popular drugs

Among industrial root formers for cuttings, the most popular are:

  • "Heteroauxin" - powder white, which contains phytohormones of the auxin group (beta-indoleacetic acid). It is sold as a potassium salt in powder or tablet form. To reduce the likelihood of counterfeiting, it is best to buy pills. They, like powder, are quite difficult to dissolve completely. To do this, place a tablet in a gauze bag, a dropper filter and dipped in soft water. Dissolve the tablet in 0.5 l of water. This amount is enough to process 50 cuttings. Plants should not be pollinated with this drug. You can dip the cuttings in powder for a couple of seconds or soak them in a solution. The drug works better in the dark. Therefore the cuttings herbaceous plants soaked overnight until 16 o'clock, lignified - up to 20 o'clock. The dosage for each of the plants should be seen in the instructions. But the amount of the drug, the shelf life of which has exceeded 2.5 years, is doubled. The prepared solution can be stored for 2 days.
  • "Heteroauxin" belongs to the 3rd hazard class. A tablet of "Heteroauxin" or "Kornerosta" is dissolved in 5 liters of soft water. Cut the cuttings, if possible, just before processing. Greens are soaked for 10 ... 16 hours, lignified - from 16 hours to a day. Immediately after processing, the cuttings are planted in the ground. The root former not only stimulates the rooting of cuttings. After treatment with the drug, flowers and seedlings take root better.
  • "Kornevin" has another active ingredient, indolylbutyric acid. It is powder beige colour... The ends of the cuttings are dipped in it immediately before planting. Do not take more of the drug, you need to shake it off the handle. An excess of "Kornevin" can lead to the death of the plant. To protect the cuttings from too strong a biostimulant effect, you can mix it in equal proportions with crushed activated carbon. Indolebutyric acid irritates surface tissues and promotes callus formation. Once in the soil, it is converted to heteroauxin. If you add ascorbic acid or vitamin B1 to the preparation, the shoots formed then will also grow faster. To soak the bulbs, use the Kornevin solution. The tips of the cuttings can also be immersed there. But more often powder is used for this. "Kornevin" refers to drugs of the 3rd hazard class. You need to work with it with gloves, do not use food utensils. When the drug enters the body, they take activated charcoal and drink a lot of water. You can drink a mild manganese solution and induce vomiting. Store "Kornevin" in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. When buying a product, they carefully look at the date of manufacture and expiration date. After all, it is usually used infrequently, so there should be a margin of time for storage.
  • "Epin" is used for fast rooting of cuttings, protection from frost, drought, disease and other stresses. Dissolve 0.5 ml of the drug in a liter of water. Cuttings are soaked in solution before planting.
  • "Zircon" refers to multifunctional complex preparations. It accelerates the process of root formation, enhances flowering, helps to cope with fungal and viral diseases, to adapt to natural conditions... A remedy is prepared from Echinacea purpurea. Dissolve 1 ampoule in a liter of water. Used for soaking for 14 hours. The drug is compatible with Heteroauxin.
  • "" Is created on the basis of ginseng. The effectiveness of the drug reaches 100%. 1 ml of the drug is enough to prepare 10 liters of an aqueous solution. Promotes rapid acclimatization of transplanted plants and wound healing.

An industrial root former is not always at hand. But it can be successfully replaced using substances that are in the house:

  1. Aloe juice stimulates the plant's immune system and promotes rapid root formation and growth. Use 30 ml of juice per liter of water.
  2. Honey is an excellent immune stimulant. A teaspoon of honey is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water. The shank, immersed in a third of the length, is kept for 12 hours.
  3. (100 g) is dissolved in 1 liter of water, the cuttings are immersed for a day. Before planting, rinse and place in a jar with clean water for .
  4. Willow, willow, sprouting in a jar of water, creates conditions for the rapid formation of roots. After the sprouted willow branches are taken out of the water, cuttings of other plants are placed in it. Keep them until roots are formed.
  5. Rooting cuttings in potato tuber is becoming more and more popular. This is very convenient way which can also be used for rooting cuttings of other plants. You just need to cut out all the eyes of the potato so that it does not germinate, dig in the ground, cover with a jar and water it periodically.

Despite the fact that each of the drugs has its own characteristics of use, there are general rules:

  • The root former is prepared immediately before use.
  • Cuttings are processed immediately after cutting. Better take them from young tree, giving preference to the lower ones located at the beginning of the branch.
  • The temperature in the room or outside where the procedure is carried out should be in the range of 20-23 ° C.
  • To soak the cuttings, use glass, enamel or porcelain dishes. Do not use metal.
  • The amount of water in the dishes should be small so that all of it is saturated with oxygen. Do not forget that the roots are formed on the verge between water and air. Therefore, a lot of water should not be poured.
  • The water is not changed during germination. If there is very little of it left, add fresh. If you pour out the old water and pour in new water, the formation of roots may stop and the plant may die.
  • Green cuttings are immersed in a third, lignified - in half or two-thirds.

More information can be found in the video:

It is customary to call chemical substances of various origin, which are used to improve the growth and rooting of cuttings, which is especially important for vegetative propagation whimsical and difficult to grow species. Substances of this kind stimulate the accumulation of important organic substances in the place of rooting, which helps to improve the processes of cell division.

Preparations for plant growth have been quite common in the domestic market for more than one year. Among them, you can find both the long-popularized expensive potent chemicals and folk remedies, the costs of which are minimal. But, optimal choice among the stimulants of root formation, it is not easy to do, and today we have to figure out what each of them is, to find out all the advantages and disadvantages.

Folk remedies

The main indication for the use of folk growth stimulants is unfavorable period for propagation and difficult rooting of the plant. Also, stimulants are simply irreplaceable when the cutting is taken from a weakened plant or it is necessary to restore the damaged root system due to the death of the plant, as well as during transplantation. Let's consider in detail some of the most popular tools.

It is one of the oldest known rooting stimulation methods. Since ancient times, water has been used as the best rooting agent, which has practically reduced the amount of pernicious vegetable garden to zero.

The main essence of the method is to place several twigs in ordinary tap water and wait until roots grow on them, after which they can be removed - willow water is ready.

The process is quite long, in some cases of rooting, you need to wait about 2 weeks. It is recommended to choose young branches, no more than 6 mm thick. The main secret of the preparation of this stimulant is the pretreatment of the fragments. In order to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the water, the cuttings must be treated with an alcohol solution.

The essence of the action of this water is that it is natural source salicylic acid. This natural coagulant is a blocker of the stress hormone in plants, which is released when the cuttings are cut. As a result, the rooting processes are instantly started in the plant. Also, water is very effective when watering seedlings, which further affects the general immunity of the plant organism.

Just like willow water, it is an equally popular plant root stimulant at home. Its main plus is ease of use and preparation. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1.5 liters of warm water.

A cutting is immersed in the resulting solution and soaked for 10-12 hours. Rich in a whole complex of nutrients, it has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect on the plant. Also, the solution provides mineral nutrition to the body during the stressful period of cuttings.

The method of root stimulation with the help is very popular among lovers of non-traditional management and. The essence of the method lies in the fact that it is necessary to cut out all existing "eyes" from a large and healthy tuber. After that stick the stalk into the prepared tuber, bury it all in and cover with a glass jar or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse greenhouse effect.

With regular watering of plant fragments, they instantly give a root, and cuttings planted in this way develop well. With the help of this method, it is possible to root even weakly cuttings, and this is not accidental. This method is scientifically substantiated, the inserted fragment of the plant organism, together with water from the tuber, receives nutritious starch, vitamins and minerals, which is especially necessary for the cutting organism during the growth period.
Experienced gardeners also use potatoes as a preservative for cuttings. To do this, fresh plant fragments are stuck into a regular tuber, wrapped in paper, after which everything is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator. In this state, the cuttings retain their vital activity until spring.

The simplest stimulant for plant root growth, prepared from improvised means, is aloe leaf extract... The juice of this flower is considered one of the most effective natural substances that cause active cell division.

As a result, the root system in cuttings develops much faster, even after using some chemical stimulants. In addition, it enriches the plant organism with nutrients and also stimulates the immune system.
To prepare an organic stimulant, you need to cut off a few leaves from the room right at the base, wash thoroughly and dry with a towel.

Then, in an ordinary kitchen mortar, the leaves are crushed, and the resulting gruel is filtered through ordinary gauze or bandage. 5-7 drops of the resulting juice are diluted in a glass of ordinary tap water, and then plant fragments are placed in the liquid and kept in solution until roots are formed. The resulting solution can also be fed to transplanted seedlings.

Important!To make aloe juice, take only the oldest (but not sluggish) leaves, only they contain maximum amount useful substances.

Bakery is quite unusual, but one of the most effective ways accelerate the germination of cuttings. Before soaking the plant fragments in a regular tap water, their day is soaked in yeast water... This solution is rich in B vitamins and microelements important for the cuttings.
To prepare the extract, 200 g are diluted in 2 liters of ordinary tap water. After that, the cuttings are soaked for 24 hours in water, and then soaked for root formation in clean water, or they are immediately planted in the substrate. Yeast solution can also be used to nourish already planted plants.

Important!To prepare a yeast-based cuttings rooter, use boiled water, this will protect the nutrient-rich solution from the development of bacteria harmful to the plant organism.

Growth stimulants

Natural plant growth accelerators have recently been replaced by chemicals synthesized from natural components. The undoubted advantage of such drugs is the ease of preparation of the solution and the relatively inexpensive price. Also, chemical growth stimulants are capable of accelerating cell division and the metabolism of a plant organism with almost 100% efficiency, this is their main advantage over folk remedies.

Heteroauxin ("Kornerost")

Belongs to a group phytohormones high biological activity. The main active ingredient of the drug is β-indoleacetic acid. The role of a substance in the life of plant organisms is varied, from stimulating cell division and stretching to the regulation and growth of the fetus.

Long-term studies have shown that even a one-time treatment of a plant with a substance contributes:

  • stimulation of root formation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • improving tissue fusion;
  • improving survival rate;
To do this, the cuttings are soaked 1/3 in an aqueous solution of heteroauxin for 18-20 hours, after which the plant fragments are ready for planting. The remaining liquid can be used for watering. Depending on the type of cuttings and the degree of its lignification, the dose of heteroauxin ranges from 50 to 200 mg / l of aqueous solution. The substance is produced in the form of a tabletted powder or capsule.

Important!Do not exceed the maximum allowable dose of heteroauxin, which is indicated on the product packaging. This can lead to inhibition of the growth of the cuttings.

A broad-spectrum biostimulant. The main active ingredient of "Kornevin" is indolylbutyric acid.
The tool is used to stimulate root formation in both garden and indoor species plants. Getting on the surface of the cut, the active substance of the agent causes slight irritation in the tissues, which in turn stimulates the growth of "living cells". Once in, the substance is naturally transformed into heteroauxin, which stimulates further development roots and cell reproduction.

The drug is produced in powder form. To prepare a solution, 5 g of "Kornevin" is diluted in 5 liters of tap water, after which the cuttings are soaked in the solution for 24 hours. After use aqueous solution heteroauxin can be watered. Although the drug is considered harmless, it is recommended to work with it with gloves and accompanying protective equipment.

it chemical preparation which in its origin is hydroxycinnamic acid synthesized from biological material. This biostimulant acts on the plant organism as an inductor that triggers growth mechanisms at the cellular level, while the drug does not act as a stress factor. According to the principle of action, "Zircon" belongs to the section of immunomodulators that soften the load environment on the body and help to use internal reserves more efficiently.
Zircon is produced in the form of an ampoule with concentrated liquid. In order to prepare the solution, it is necessary to open the ampoule and dilute it in 1 liter of water. After that, fresh cuttings must be placed in the resulting preparation for 10-12 hours, after which they can be planted in

It is not necessary to use chemistry to accelerate growth and root formation in shoots! This information will be useful to all gardeners: with the help of natural remedies, you can achieve wonderful results on your site.

Root growth stimulant will help the formation of roots on cuttings of really difficult rooting plants. Strong roots will allow young seedlings to get more nutrients from the soil, they will grow faster, bloom and bring a good harvest.

Root growth stimulants

  1. Honey
    Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 1.5 liters of water. Dip the stalk in honey water for 12 hours (about one third of the plant should be in the water).
  2. Potato
    Remove the eyes from a large potato, make an incision in it and place a stalk in it. Don't forget to water the potato! The stalk will give roots very quickly, because potatoes are an ideal breeding ground.
  3. Aloe juice
    Place the stalk in water and add 7-10 drops of aloe juice to it. Aloe juice will not only help the roots grow, it will provide the future plant with good immunity.
  4. Willow water
    Put a few willow twigs (you can also use wild rosemary and poplar) in the water and wait for the roots to appear. Take out the branches and place the cuttings in the same water. This tool works great!
  5. Yeast solution
    Prepare a yeast solution: 100 mg yeast per liter. Soak the cuttings in it for a day, then place them in plain water.

After stimulating root growth, plants can be safely planted in the ground! These are folk remedies tested by more than one generation. Young shoots of plants will delight you with their strength and magnificent view!

Gardening requires not only skill, but also inspiration! Plants planted with love will produce the best fruits ... "So simple!" gives some inspirational ideas to all garden lovers.