Office work memorandum sample. Memorandum on the absence of an employee in the workplace: how to correctly draw up

Registration of a memorandum on the fact of insult or boorish behavior in the workplace has a number of features and nuances that must be taken into account. Since insult is an administrative offense, a well-written document will bring the rude person to justice.

In accordance with the law, an insult - a humiliated honor or an expression of an indecent form - entails the imposition of a fine on the guilty citizen. Various kinds of threats are punished not only by financial, but also by physical sanctions: correctional labor, restriction of the will or capabilities of an individual.

A memo to a colleague for insulting at the workplace or boorish behavior is, first of all, informational and reference in nature. Document preparation helps management to obtain valuable information about rude, offensive, inappropriate actions of the worker. The content of the memo should include not only a description of the situation, but also a request for measures to be taken in order to prevent the occurrence of similar manifestations in the future. We suggest downloading a sample memo on the boorish behavior of an employee and insult in the workplace in this article below.

Registration of a memo

Registration of the fact of offensive behavior on the part of a colleague takes place on a paper sheet of A4 format. Be sure to include information:

  • the name of the structural unit in which the fact of insult and boorish behavior was revealed;
  • title of the document - Memorandum;
  • current date and number of the memo;
  • data of the addressee: surnames and initials, official position of the person to whom the document is addressed;
  • a heading that reads as follows: "On workplace abuse" or "Regarding ...";
  • the content of the document, which includes information about the incident, information about the guilty party, as well as a specific search for retaliatory measures regarding the employee's inappropriate and rude behavior;
  • conclusion indicating the official place, full name, signature of the addressee.

To write a memo about an employee's boorish behavior and insult, use the following template:

Department accounting
Head of LLC "NIRK"
G. A. Kravchenko

02.04.2016 №11

Workplace abuse

I draw your attention to the fact that on 04/01/2016 the accountant, Sumets Maksim Viktorovich, used obscene words that were offensive in nature, pointed to social status and directly threatened.
Please consider the possibility of bringing Sumts M. V. to administrative responsibility.

Auditor of the accounting department (signature) Fedorov F.F.

Other samples of memoranda:

You can download samples of the memo for free below.

It should be noted that failure to take measures to prevent insulting or public humiliation of employees is punishable by administrative fines.

Correct design

Workplace insult memento sample - (employee insults another employee of the same organization).

Report on insulting a client of a company by an employee of an organization sample -

The memo is normative official document... It refers to the organizational and reference documentation used to carry out management functions at the enterprise. The memo is used along with other information notes, but unlike them, its structural design is strictly regulated by labor legislation.

General concepts

The main purpose of drawing up a memo is to inform about the situation and incidents in the organization, about cases of violation of labor discipline or failure of employees to fulfill their duties. It can be sent to the head of a structural unit, the entire company, or a superior organization. The memo is drawn up in such a way that it encourages action to eliminate the situation.

Difference between memo, service and explanatory notes

The memo was assigned the OKUD code 0286041. That is, according to All-Russian classifier management documentation, it is included in the list normative documents, the structure and design of which are determined by law.

The service note is drawn up in any form, and its form is not provided for by any OKUD code. It is usually written by an employee of the organization on his own initiative and concerns information disseminated "horizontally" between staff of the same level, and not "vertically", like a memo.

For explanatory note the OKUD code is also provided, and, like the memorandum, it gives information "vertically", that is, from the subordinate to the boss. But it is written exclusively at the direction or request of the head. The content is limited to an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the disciplinary offense.

Classification of memorandums

Depending on the method of classification, memoranda can be divided into types. If we take the initiator of the design as a basis, then we can distinguish:

  • memoranda drawn up at the direction or request of the management;
  • reports drawn up on the personal initiative of the submitter of the document.

If you accept the content as a principle, then informational and reporting memoranda are highlighted.

It is important to separate the memorandums based on their addressing to external and internal documents.

The structure of the memo

The construction of a memo is primarily determined by whether it is a document for internal use (internal memo) or transferred to a higher organization (external memo).

The main requirements are for the content of the document. The text is divided into two parts. The first part contains the information that caused the writing of the document, and an analysis of the situation that has arisen. In the second part, the compiler of the note should indicate his conclusions and proposals for optimizing the events that have occurred.

External Memorandums

External memoranda are drawn up for the management of the parent organization on the official letterhead of the lower organization where they are drawn up.

The document has strict structural requirements. The regulated clauses of the note are:

  • full name of the company sending the document;
  • company details: legal address, telephones, email address, OKPO, OGRN, INN / KPP;
  • the full title of the position of the head of the external organization, where the memo is sent;
  • initials and surname of the manager;
  • the title of the document, revealing its main content;
  • text;
  • the position of the head of the enterprise sending the memorandum, his full name and signature;
  • the name of the performer and his phone number;
  • date of preparation of the document.

An external memo is drawn up if it is sent to a higher or parent organization

Internal memos

Internal memos are prepared at standard sheets A4 or A5 paper. The structure of such a document is less strict than for external use, but the following elements must be present here:

  • the position of the head, for whose consideration the document is sent, his initials and surname;
  • the title of the note, revealing its essence;
  • text;
  • the position of the employee who draws up the note, with the localization of the production site, workshop or department, his initials and surname;
  • employee signature;
  • date.

An internal memo is drawn up for submission to the management of your enterprise

Rules for the preparation, submission and archiving of memoranda

In business life, the following reasons are most common:

  1. Violation of labor discipline.
  2. Bonuses or refusal to issue bonuses.
  3. Failure or improper performance by an employee of his / her official duties.
  4. Employee antisocial behavior.
  5. Theft and damage to property.

For each of these typical cases, there is a common pattern in practice that makes it easier to compose a document.

Submission and registration of memorandums

Registration of external memorandums is the same as for all outgoing documents in the form of letters or certificates.

Registration of internal memoranda is carried out in the Journal of registration of service (memo) notes and incentives, compiled in tabular form. There are no special requirements for keeping or not keeping such a journal in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. However, on medium and large enterprises as well as in government organizations they are usually created for the purpose of accumulating information to reward employees. According to Art. 258 "List of typical management, archival documents", the storage time of such a journal is 75 years.

It includes:

  • serial number of the note;
  • position and surname of the journalist of the employee;
  • the abstract content of the document.

Typically, such a journal is kept by an employee of the personnel department.

The memo, after its registration, goes to the head for consideration and organizational findings... As a result of considering the document, the head makes a decision. It is fixed in the form of a resolution written on the memo itself between the address and the text, or is drawn up in the form separate document attached to the note. It should be noted that it is wrong to write a resolution in the margin of the page.

The chief's resolution is the basis for the implementation of the decision written in it.

Types of memo

The most commonly used memo on violation of labor discipline. The author of such a note informs his superiors about the labor violation that has occurred: absenteeism, being late or not showing up for work, drinking alcohol and other misconduct. Along with the factual material, the memo should contain a proposal on measures to suppress such cases, on the imposition of a penalty on those responsible for their commission.
In the memorandum, all the detailed circumstances of the commission of the disciplinary offense are indicated.

Close in content to a memorandum on a disciplinary violation is a note on the employee's failure to fulfill his official duties. It is drawn up when an employee does not properly comply with his duties and as a result, the company suffers losses. As a supplement to the memo, you can attach, for example, samples of documents incorrectly drawn up by an employee or the results of video surveillance of his workplace. A certain specificity of this kind of report is the need for its approval with the immediate supervisor of the employee who has made a mistake.
It is advisable to add documents to the memorandum indicating the employee's failure to fulfill his official duties

A fairly common reason for writing a memo is inappropriate or antisocial behavior of an employee, expressed in his rudeness, rudeness, ignoring customer requests, and the like.

Writing such a note is usually more difficult than reporting a disciplinary offense. Here it is necessary not only to reflect the fact of the most inappropriate behavior, but also to outline the very personality of the offender.

To avoid accusations of bias or unfoundedness, the author of the memo must have witnesses of the employee's incorrect behavior

The most difficult reason for writing a memo is the facts of theft or deliberate damage to property. Such cases should be carefully documented. And the initial document of establishing the fact of theft is often a memorandum. In this case, the form of presentation is not so important as the exact transfer of all the circumstances. Such a note must be registered in the journal of incoming documentation, since it is the date on the incoming document that is considered the official date of notification of the authorities about the theft or malicious damage of property.
The memorandum must be accompanied by an Act on damage to property, signed by a commission of at least three people

Notification of the employee about the memo received by him and the resulting liability

After the receipt of a note, which cites the facts of violation of labor discipline, theft or other misconduct, an official or even court proceeding follows, depending on the circumstances. However, the note itself is merely a factual report, not a conviction. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain instructions on the need to familiarize the employee with the content of the memo.

If the employee is not at his place for a long period of time, this is considered a disciplinary offense. Usually, for this, the administration can apply a punishment - the dismissal of an employee for absenteeism. But before that, it is very important to correctly document such an absence, and the first step is to draw up a memorandum on the employee's absence from the workplace.

A memo to an employee is a document that is drawn up for a delinquent employee in order to inform the management of his disciplinary action.

Together with this form responsible persons also draw up an act on the absence of an employee at the workplace, which accurately records the time of absence, the measures taken to establish the location of the employee and other information.

After both of these documents are handed over to the manager, he can examine the circumstances of the incident, and make a decision on early termination with the employee due to absenteeism.

But such a step requires a complete and accurate execution of all supporting documents, therefore it is best to draw up a report not "retroactively", but immediately at the time of detection of this violation.

First, you need to make sure that this is not a forced absenteeism, for example, due to illness. Therefore, you first need to try to contact the employee and find out the reason for the failure to appear. And if it was not possible to establish a connection, or the employee cannot reliably explain the reason, proceed to.

The law does not contain a mandatory requirement for the preparation of a memorandum. In this situation, it is just another document confirming absenteeism, and also brings information to the management. If the company is small, then it does not need to be composed, since the director usually has the ability to see and control labor activity each of his subordinates.

On the other hand, registration is desirable in the case when the employee has not been in his place for more than four hours, and the administration has a desire to fire him for violation of labor discipline.

The report can include not only information about the misconduct committed by the employee, but also recommend to the management the degree of his punishment. This is important in large companies, when the administration may not know all employees in person, or the immediate boss wants to mitigate the punishment for him. In this situation, the note will help to correctly assess the situation and choose an adequate punishment.

Attention! Information about the possible punishment should be of an exclusively recommendatory nature, since the final decision on dismissal lies with the manager, and he can make a decision without taking into account the opinions of subordinates.

The importance of drawing up a note increases if, in addition to disciplinary responsibility, the management wants to attract the employee to material responsibility. The report will be included in the package of supporting documents, and may contain all the necessary information.


Important! The memo is an information document, and therefore its preparation is not enough for the correct justification of dismissal due to truancy. The main form that will record the employee's absence is.

Who should draw up the memo

The law does not determine which employee is entitled to draw up a report on the absence of another. In theory, anyone can do it. In practice, however, it is necessary to observe the principle of subordination.

In this regard, usually the memoranda is drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the truant. He knows his subordinates best, and it is he who, first of all, should try to find out why one of the employees did not show up for work.

If the manager is inactive, then any other employee can write a note. For example, the absence of a violator affected the performance of another department (the adjuster did not come out, and because of this, the work of the workshop or the machine stopped). In this situation, the "injured" party can apply to the head with a report.

If the enterprise is small, and there is no division into departments, then a personnel officer or a specialist responsible for maintenance can draw up a report, because, by the nature of his duties, he must record the appearance or non-appearance of each employee in the documents being drawn up.

Sample memo

How to write a memo on the absence of an employee at the workplace

Such a document is usually drawn up in an arbitrary form, but in compliance with the rules for drawing up business letter... It must contain a number of details. The memo can be completed and printed on a computer, or it can be written in pen on a piece of paper.

At the top of the sheet on the right side, the name of the director's position is written, or the person to whom the report is sent, the name of the company, full full name. All information is recorded in dative case.

In the next line under the heading, you can briefly reflect the content of the report, for example, "About Ivanov S. A.'s failure to appear at work."

After that, you need to narrate about the event that happened. This should include the date and time when it was discovered that the employee did not appear at his place, the total duration of the absence, the name of the department in which he worked, personal data.

Next, you need to describe the measures that the compiler of the memo took to find out the current place of residence of the employee. For example, here you can write that calls were made to cellular telephone, landline phone, letters were sent to e-mail, etc.

Next, you need to describe what results were achieved, whether it turned out to find out the reasons for the absence from work. Here you can also describe whether the employee was able to explain or refused, if he has supporting documents, etc.

If attempts to contact have not led to anything, this also needs to be reflected in the memo. Next, you can describe whether the company has suffered any damage due to his absence from the workplace. If the answer is yes, you can indicate the extent of this damage.

Further, the compiler of the memo can advise on exactly what measures should be applied to the offender. This can be either a reprimand or dismissal. It is advisable to justify why it is recommended to do just that. In the same paragraph, you can indicate information about whether this employee was previously involved in disciplinary punishments.

This completes the paperwork. You need to step back a little down, put your signature and date of compilation.

A default Memorandum: a sample form and an example of how to fill out a form is the topic of our review today. Every employer faces such a situation as improper performance of duties by employees. Therefore, you need to know how you can deal with such situations, how to prevent ignorance of labor discipline and maintain a well-coordinated working environment in the team. Indeed, for this it is necessary that each employee fulfills all his professional duties in a quality and timely manner, the result of the common work depends on this.

The most simple and effective method for such problem situations, is an official (memo) note that allows you to expose an employee with reasoned official claims, make him responsible for improper performance of professional duties. This note can help make an employee think about their inappropriate behavior, for example, by issuing a reprimand or reprimand. Also, such a document may be the basis for the dismissal of an employee on appropriate grounds, one of the articles labor code.

The memo serves as a tool for officially informing the head of the organization about the improper performance of a specific employee of his duties, which often has serious consequences for the organization, often in the form of significant material damage, as well as the imposition of disciplinary liability on the employee. In such cases, service checks are often carried out. And if there is damage, someone should be responsible for this, thus, with the help of a memo, you can officially inform the management about the fault of a particular employee for what happened. On the basis of this document, an order is already being issued to impose disciplinary or other liability on the offending employee.

Thus, this paper is the basis for a decision on the responsibility of a particular person who made a serious mistake. Let us consider in detail how to correctly draw up such a memorandum, and what nuances should be taken into account when compiling it.

When hiring a new employee, his immediate supervisor or an employee of the personnel department are obliged to familiarize the employee with all the rules in force in the organization. In addition, some organizations also have additional internal procedures or rules of corporate ethics. In organizations where the hiring was carried out in compliance with all the necessary procedures, in the process of work there are fewer questions and unpleasant situations in relation to the official duties of employees and their compliance with labor discipline.

V job description employee and general rules ah corporate ethics or other similar documents clearly stipulate all the duties of employees and their rights. An employee of the organization must follow the established rules and understand that non-compliance, in the end, can lead to material damage to the organization, for which he will have to be responsible. But such cases, when employees do not pay due attention to their direct responsibilities, still happen, this can negatively affect the activities of some department or division of the organization, the company may incur losses. And then, the immediate supervisor of the offending employee must inform the higher management about the fact that happened, indicate whose actions led to the unpleasant situation, and who should be responsible for the negative consequences.

In such cases, the immediate supervisor submits a memorandum to the higher management, in which he describes the fact of what happened and indicates the person who did not perform his duties properly. There may also be a situation when an employee systematically does not perform his duties properly and other employees must perform part of his duties or correct his mistakes, such cases must also be brought to the attention of the management.

Defaulting Memorandum - General

A memo (service) is, in fact, an information document in which the manager is informed about the improper performance by the employee of his professional duties, and this note is also the basis for imposing a disciplinary sanction on the offender. The memorandum usually sets out the facts confirming the employee's unfair performance of his professional duties and makes a request to apply measures of responsibility to the offender. As measures of responsibility can be: remark, reprimand, and sometimes even dismissal on the appropriate grounds of the Labor Code.

Note that the report is drawn up by the line manager (head of the unit), only if there are good reasons and evidence of the employee's deliberate unwillingness to fulfill his job duties or about the facts of gross repeated failure by him to fulfill his duties and the employee's lack of weighty arguments to justify himself - a weighty reason. It is these evidences that serve as the basis for the preparation of the memorandum.

Therefore, until all the circumstances of the incident are clarified, the report is not drawn up.

And we especially note that only after analyzing all the facts of what happened, it is the immediate leader of the guilty person, and no other person, who decides on the preparation of the report, it is drawn up and submitted to the superior leader or director of the organization, usually through the secretary. On the basis of the report, the offending employee can be punished with a fine, reprimanded or other punishment applied. If an employee already has several reports, he can be fired under an unsightly article of the labor code.

The current legislation does not provide for a unified form for such reports. However, when drawing up a document, you should adhere to general provisions on office work. The note is drawn up manually or on a computer. General rules for registration:

  1. At the top right, first the full name of the addressee is indicated, namely: the position of the person and the name of the organization, full name;
  2. Name and position of the applicant;
  3. Further in the center of the sheet is the heading "Memorandum" and usually the essence is briefly indicated in the second subheading - "on failure to fulfill official duties";
  4. This is followed by a text listing the outstanding responsibilities;
  5. bringing evidence and arguments about the employee's guilt, conclusions;
  6. proposing measures of responsibility for the offending employee;
  7. signature, position of the applicant, full name, date of preparation of the paper.

Since, clearly spelled out and unified uniform form of the document on this moment no, then some deviations from the above template are possible. Such paper can also be considered valid.

Usually, the completed paper is handed over to the secretary, who registers it and puts on it the serial number of the document and the date of acceptance. Then the document is transferred to the director or other senior executive.

Such documents must be registered with the organization, since the note contains official information that has legal consequences. Let's talk about the methods and procedure of registration in a little more detail.

Usually, one of the following forms is used to register important documents in an organization:

  • Journal form. The organization has a special accounting journal, which records information about all internal official documents of the organization. A new document is assigned a serial number, then line-by-line entries are made manually in the journal chronological order with an indication of the brief details of the documents. Automatic form. The document is compiled on a computer and immediately entered into the electronic document management database.
  • Card form. For each document, a separate card is entered with a registration number and an indication of the details of the note. Then the card is placed in the classifier. This method is usually used in departmental institutions.

Specific features of memoranda

The purpose of the memo (service) note is to convey to the higher management a request for the application of disciplinary measures against the offending employee. The report must indicate the confirmed facts, reflecting the improper failure of the employee to fulfill his direct professional duties.

Documents supporting the applicant's arguments may be attached to the note. These can be, for example, papers incorrectly drawn up by an employee, recordings of a video surveillance system and other evidence. An official check can be carried out on the facts specified in the note. Based on the results of consideration of the note and the verification actions carried out, a decision is made on the measures of responsibility of the offending employee, in the form of disciplinary liability (remarks, administrative reprimands) or even dismissal of the employee under the relevant article of the labor code. This decision is formalized in the form of an order from the head of the organization.

As noted earlier, the memo is drawn up and reviewed by the top management of the organization only if the employee has not followed the direct instructions of his line manager or his current professional duties, without any good reason. In the event of a dispute, an internal service audit must be carried out.

If the organization already has developed special forms or templates for such documents, in this case they should be used. The note can be completed by hand on a letterhead, on a computer, or written entirely by hand.

Sometimes in the internal regulations of the organization it is indicated that the report on non-fulfillment of professional duties must be coordinated with certain officials... The prescribed internal procedures must be followed or the note will not be accepted by the director or other superior officer.

As we have already said, the report on non-fulfillment of professional duties, in fact, contains a request to impose measures of responsibility on the offending employee. If a superior manager made a positive decision that an employee of the company should be held responsible for his mistake, then the employee bears a certain punishment for his act, which is assigned to him by the management of the organization in order to prevent such repeated situations.

But it happens that the guilty employee understands and admits the erroneousness of his behavior or the actions he has committed, as a result of which he quickly corrects himself, seeks not to make such mistakes in the future, tries to put more effort into fulfilling his duties, trying to rehabilitate himself and regain trust. In such cases, the line manager (boss) of the offending employee may well file a clerk about the removal of the penalty or other indulgences in punishing the employee. Such a document is drawn up like a report on default.

Let's consider in detail what exactly needs to be specified:

  1. the position of the head and the name of the organization, full name;
  2. position of the compiler of the note, full name;
  3. the title "Memo";
  4. below is a link to the order on the imposition of a penalty from the employee, indicating the date and number of this order;
  5. give facts about the employee's new labor successes and the reasons for canceling the punishment;
  6. a request to cancel disciplinary measures ahead of time or reduce the punishment;
  7. name and position of the compiler of the memo;
  8. date of preparation of the document, signature of the applicant.


At the moment, Russian legislation does not provide for any specific unified form or form for such service notes, but organizations have the right to draw up forms (templates) for such purposes themselves.

When drawing up such documents, one should be guided by the generally accepted rules of office work, indicate all the necessary details. Compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid the emergence of controversial or even conflict situations.

In the text of the document, it is necessary to clearly indicate which job duties the employee did not fulfill, provide evidence of this fact and the existing consequences of his actions, propose measures of responsibility for the offending employee.

Note that not a single team can do without violations of duties or labor discipline, therefore, the management staff should know the basic rules for drawing up such documents, and employees should know about the measures of responsibility, in case of failure to fulfill, their official duties.

We analyzed the basic rules and registration of the report on the improper performance of duties, considered various nuances that arise in such situations. The document itself is not difficult to draw up, one might say, it is drawn up in any form. However, some points need to be known and taken into account. We also told what important circumstances of the incident must be taken into account before even compiling such a service report.

Indeed, in most cases, a simple well-made remark to an employee is enough. Or maybe you just need to figure out the reasons why the employee could not adequately fulfill his duties, this also often happens and the reasons do not always lie on the surface. Sometimes it is necessary to change the scheme of work at a given labor site, to make adjustments to the established order, due to a change in the economic situation, or maybe the production process requires adjustment.

- these are documents that are addressed to the head so that he can solve any issue. The sender should state his findings, and then make his proposals in connection with the problem under consideration. Such documents are not necessarily related specifically to misconduct. Sometimes they are for informational and reference purposes, and can touch on any issues related to production.

Memorandums are classified as types of business documents. They are both informational and advisory in nature, and are addressed to the heads of the entire enterprise or a specific structural unit. Any employee has the right to draw up a document if there is at least one of two reasons:

  1. Personal initiative.
  2. Exercise .

The main thing is to provide as much detailed information on the question of interest. We can say that this is simply the opinion of the employee, which is expressed in the form of a written message. It often happens that the leader himself needs to familiarize himself with the opinion of subordinates in order to accept correct solution in the field of management and production. Then he asks to write the memo. Employees provide reasoned answers, and add specific proposals and recommendations.

Correct design

Any such note has three main parts:

  • Description of the reasons, events and facts that led to the need to draw up the document
  • the current situation, and the options with which the problem is solved
  • Conclusions along with the most appropriate actions for further progress

Compilation begins with specifying the addressee to whom the message is written. Slightly below, the person who drew up the note itself writes his data. The outgoing number along with the date is placed at the top left. This is a required component for so called external scraps. Internal data are indicated if the features of office work require it.

Some types of documents lack the so-called analytical part. The commission of a fact in itself becomes the subject of an investigation. It doesn't matter what the consequences are. For example, if absenteeism is described, it means that the note was written in any case after the violation. There is no need to collect arguments for confirmation.

About memoranda to employees

In organizations, they are most often faced with notes after the fact. On the basis of these documents, any type of penalties can be applied to employees. Therefore, when drawing up the analytical part, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the current legislative norms, and refer only to them.

For example, if a person has not been on the spot for several hours, then absenteeism is not automatically put. If less than 4 hours pass, then the fact is called absence. This means that the penalty is applied more leniently. It is best to ask the employee to explain the situation before writing the note.

  1. The reason for the absence.
  2. Punishments that were imposed before.
  3. General characteristics and importance of the employee.
  4. Consequences arising after absence on site.

All this information is detailed in the essence of the note. After that, conclusions are drawn about which forms of punishment are most suitable, and which decisions will be rational.

The presenter should not rely on his own emotions. It is necessary to state only the facts, and give them an objective legal assessment. The speaker must clearly state which clause or internal order was violated. From the explanations of the culprit, it will already be possible to draw a conclusion from the reasons.

It is likely that the director himself will not see a strong misconduct on the part of the culprit, or think that the explanations are satisfactory. The law does not contain such concepts as valid or disrespectful reasons. Therefore, it remains in the interpretation to rely only on the personal opinion of the leader, his understanding of the situation.

Another situation arises when they refuse to report on their violation. Then it is recommended to draw up a separate act stating that the perpetrator refused to testify. This document can be used as an attachment to your memo. After that, an order is drawn up, which describes the penalty in connection with a disciplinary offense. After absenteeism and alcohol intoxication, it is allowed to fire employees without further explanation. In other cases, reprimands are given first.

I should always have such notes with the secretary of the enterprise. The main rule is a clear statement of the essence of what is happening. The manager should immediately clearly understand what the originator is talking about. It is better to describe facts in chronological order. Then a whole and clear picture will emerge.

If the memo is needed for use within the company, then ordinary A4 and A5 sheets are used. Printing on letterhead is allowed when providing information to higher authorities, other enterprises. The manager's signature on the document becomes mandatory requirement... You can use additional information to confirm your information. They are presented at the same time as the main document.

Typically, memoranda are typed. Documents that are used only for internal circulation can be written by hand.

If the text does not fit on one page, then the subsequent ones must be numbered. In the upper right part of the page, Arabic numerals are used for this. If there are applications, then they are also numbered, depending on the general rules of business practice adopted at a particular enterprise.

Sometimes the compilers admit whole line errors that are related to the main content. For example, it is important to determine which structure is responsible for handling the appeal. But regardless of the content, the presence of emotions and conjectures is unacceptable.

In internal investigations, it is the memoranda that often serve starting points... It should be borne in mind that the blame is often laid not only on the employees themselves, but also on their immediate superiors. It is recommended to draw up documents as soon as a misconduct is discovered. Otherwise, then it will be impossible to find a single trace. The scraps themselves are not proof of guilt.

Each enterprise keeps a standard sample, which is used to fill out the notes. This allows you to avoid when specifying information on the originator and addressee. The manager can compose a response to the note, or he can reject it if he considers that there are not enough grounds for further action. Any such issue is resolved only internal leadership at the enterprise. The recipient must endorse the documents if it is planned that they will go outside the framework of a particular organization. The signature helps to confirm that the other party has carefully studied the note along with its contents.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    In my opinion, a memo is a slightly outdated tool for organizing work with personnel, sometimes there is a need for it, in particular when an employee is fired. But in general, work processes are now more dynamic, and in successful firms, workers do not have time to write job notes on each other.

    To answer