Socio-geographical and economic-geographical characteristics of Africa. West africa

It combines primitiveness and modernity, and instead of one capital - three. Below in the article, the EGP of South Africa, the geography and features of this amazing state are discussed in detail.

General information

The state known in the world as the South African Republic, the local population used to call Azania. This name originated during the times of the segregation policy and was used by the indigenous African population as an alternative to the colonial one. In addition to the popular naming, there are 11 official names of the country, which is associated with the variety of state languages.

EGP South Africa is much more profitable than many other states on the continent. This is the only African country that is included in. People come here for diamonds and impressions. Each of the nine provinces of South Africa has its own landscape, natural conditions and ethnic composition, which attracts a huge number of tourists. The country has eleven national parks and many resorts.

The presence of three capitals, perhaps, adds to the uniqueness of South Africa. They divide various government structures among themselves. The government of the country is located in Pretoria, therefore the city is considered the first and main capital. Judicial branch, represented by the Supreme Court, is located in Bloemfontein. The Parliament building is located in Cape Town.

EGP South Africa: in brief

The state is located in southern Africa, washed by the Indian and Atlantic oceans. In the northeast, South Africa's neighbors are Swaziland and Mozambique, in the northwest - Namibia, the country shares its northern border with Botswana and Zimbabwe. Not far from the Drakensberg Mountains is the Kingdom of Lesotho enclave.

In terms of area (1,221,912 sq. Km) South Africa is 24th in the world. It is about five times the size of the UK. The description of the EGP of South Africa will not be complete without a description of the coastline, the total length of which is 2798 km. The mountainous coastline of the country is not very dissected. In the eastern part is the bay of St. Helina and there are also bays and bays of St. Francis, Falsbay, Algoa, Walker, Dining room. is the southernmost point of the continent.

A wide exit to two oceans plays important role in the EGP South Africa. Along the coast of the state there are sea routes from Europe to Southeast Asia and the Far East.


The EGP of South Africa has not always been the same. Its changes were influenced by various historical events in the state. Although the first settlements appeared here at the beginning of our era, the most significant changes in the EGP of South Africa in time occurred from the 17th to the 20th centuries.

The European population, represented by the Dutch, Germans and French Huguenots, began to settle in South Africa in the 1650s. Prior to that, these lands were inhabited by the Bantu, Coy-Coin, Bushmen, and other tribes. The arrival of the colonists caused a series of warriors with the local population.

In 1795 Great Britain became the main colonizer. The British government pushes the Boers (Dutch peasants) into the Orange Republic and the Transvaal province, abolishes slavery. In the 19th century, wars began between the Boers and the British.

In 1910, the Union of South Africa was created with the British colonies. In 1948 the National Party (Boer) wins the elections and establishes the apartheid regime, which divides the population into black and white. Apartheid deprives black population almost all rights, even citizenship. In 1961, the country becomes the independent Republic of South Africa and eventually eliminates the apartheid regime.


South Africa is home to approximately 52 million people. EGP South Africa significantly influenced the ethnic composition of the country's population. Due to its favorable location and rich natural resources, the territory of the state attracted Europeans.

Now in South Africa, almost 10% of the population are ethnic white Europeans - Afrikaners and Anglo-Africans, who are descendants of colonial settlers. represent the Zulus, Tsonga, Soto, Tswana, Kosa. There are about 80% of them, the remaining 10% are mulattoes, Indians and Asians. Most Indians are the descendants of workers brought to Africa to grow reeds.

The population professes different religious beliefs... Most of the inhabitants are Christians. They support Zionist churches, Pentecostals, Dutch reformers, Catholics, Methodists. Almost 15% are atheists, only 1% are Muslims.

There are 11 official languages ​​in the republic. The most popular among them are English and Afrikaans. Literacy among men is 87%, among women - 85.5%. In the world, the country ranks 143rd in terms of education.

Natural conditions and resources

All types of landscapes and different climatic zones are represented in South Africa: from subtropics to deserts. The Drakensberg Mountains, located in the eastern part, smoothly turn into a plateau. Monsoon and subtropical forests grow here. In the south are located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean is the Namibia desert, along the northern bank of the Orange River stretches part of the Kalahari Desert.

There are significant reserves of mineral resources on the territory of the country. Gold, zirconium, chromite, and diamonds are mined here. In South Africa there are reserves of iron, platinum and uranium ores, phosphorites, coal... The country has deposits of zinc, tin, copper, as well as rare metals such as titanium, antimony and vanadium.


Features of the EGP of South Africa have become a major factor for the development of the country's economy. 80% of metallurgical products are produced on the continent, 60% are in the mining industry. South Africa is the most developed country on the mainland, despite this, the unemployment rate is 23%.

Most of the population is employed in the service sector. The industrial sector employs about 25% of the population, 10% is agriculture. South Africa has a well-developed financial sector, telecommunications, and electricity. The country has huge reserves of natural resources, and the best developed mining and export of coal.

Among the main branches of agriculture are livestock breeding of goats, sheep, birds, cattle), winemaking, forestry, fishing (hake, sea bass, anchovy, mackerel, mackerel, cod, etc.), plant growing. The republic exports more than 140 types of fruits and vegetables.

The main trading partners are China, USA, Germany, UK, Netherlands, India and Switzerland. African economic partners include Mozambique, Nigeria, Zimbabwe.

The country has a well-developed transport system, a favorable tax policy, a well-developed banking sector and insurance business.

  • The world's first successful heart transplant was performed in Cape Town by surgeon Christian Barnard in 1967.
  • The largest depression on Earth is located on the Vaal River in South Africa. It was formed as a result of the fall of a giant meteorite.
  • The Cullinan diamond weighing 621 g was found in 1905 in a South African mine. It is the largest gem on the planet.

  • It is the only country in Africa that does not belong to the Third World.
  • It was here that gasoline was first obtained from coal.
  • The country is home to about 18,000 native plants and 900 bird species.
  • South Africa is the first country to voluntarily renounce its existing nuclear weapons.
  • The largest number of fossils is found in the South African region of Karoo.


The main features of the EGP of South Africa are the compactness of the territory, wide access to the oceans, location next to the sea route connecting Europe with Asia and the Far East. Most of the residents are employed in the service sector. Due to the large reserves of natural resources in South Africa, the mining industry is well developed. The country's population is only 5% of the total population of Africa, however, the country is the most developed on the continent. Due to its economic position, South Africa occupies a fairly strong position in the world.

Geography lesson summary (grade 11)

Theme: Countries of Africa. South Africa: EGP, population, economy.


    Educational: to form in students an idea of ​​EGL in African countries; population and characteristics of the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy; consider the political map; peculiarities of the population.

    Developing: improve the skills of working with a map and with sources of geographic information when compiling a description of industries and regions; continue to develop practical skills for processing and analyzing the information received.

    Educational: to educate the importance of studying geography, curiosity.

Equipment: Map of Africa, atlases, physical map of the world, handouts.

Lesson type: learning new knowledge.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Communication of the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson and motivational activities.

Each region is unique in its own way: for example, Eurasia is the largest continent, North America is the wettest continent, Australia is the driest continent. Africa is a continent of savannah and jungle, hot deserts and mountains with snowy peaks. It is the variety of associations associated with Africa that determines our perception of the "black continent" as something mysterious and indefinite.

3. Learning new material.

Territory - 30 221 532 km²

Population 1.1 billion.

Density 30.51 people / km²

Names of residents - Africans

Includes 55 states

Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. Its area is 30.3 million km 2. Most of the mainland is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Africa, like other fragments of Gondwana, has massive outlines. It does not have large peninsulas and deep bays along its shores.

Africa is the hottest continent. It is home to the world's greatest Sahara Desert, in the north of which, in Libya, the most heat on the planet: + 58 ° С.


EGP features

Natural resources

    It is washed by the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

    Long coastline (30 thousand km).

    Closeness to Europe and the Middle East.

    Location in both hemispheres.

Mineral resources: one third of the world's reserves (2nd place for deposits of gold, diamonds, chromium, mangan; 2nd place - copper, uranium, graphite; 3rd place - oil, gas).

Water resources: distributed unevenly.

Forest and land resources: significant forest resources (10% of the world's forests). The soil is not fertile.




Mechanical engineering



Black: 80% of copper in Africa is South Africa.

Also: Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Zimbabwe.

Colored: aluminum (South Africa, Egypt, Cameroon, Ghana),

Copper (Zambia, South Africa), zinc (Morocco, Tunisia, Libya).

Oil refining (South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Gabon, Algeria, Libya).

Electricity: Africa:

With the exception of South Africa (heavy, agricultural, wagon, ship repair), the industry is almost undeveloped. Machine-tool building (Egypt, Algeria, Morocco).

Mineral fertilizers, organic matter. Rich raw material base. The main production area is South Africa.

Food: many export crops.

Textile: cotton (Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Sudan, Kenya, Algeria, South Africa).

Mining predominates.



Livestock breeding

Plant growing

Poorly developed, the paths are concentrated near the extractive industries. Horse-drawn transport (camels) is developed.

The most developed sea transport is Alexandria, Algeria, Casablanca, Dakar, Lagos, Mombasa.

Beef cattle breeding (Somalia, Djibutti).

Sheep breeding (South Africa, South Africa).

Camel breeding (Sahara, Lesotho).

Fishing (Morocco, Senegal, Mauritania)

Export: cocoa (Cote Divuar, Ghana), coffee (Ethiopia, Uganda, Kit Divuar), peanuts (Sudan, Senegal, Gambia, Nigeria), palm oil (Western and Equatorial Africa), cotton (Egypt, Sudan, Tanzania) , grapes (South Africa), cinnamon and vanilla (Seychelles), etc.

Small-scale sector (for yourself): yams, taro, bagat, millet, sorghum, wheat, rice.


The population of Africa is about 1.1 billion people. Population growth in 2004 was 2.4%. Over the past 50 years, the average life expectancy has increased from 39 to 54 years.

Among the world religions prevail Islam and Christianity(the most common denominationsCatholicism, Protestantism, lessorthodoxy, monophysitism). V East Africa also liveBuddhists and hindus(many of them are fromIndia). Also in Africa there are followersJudaism and Bahaism... Religions brought to Africa from outside are found both in pure form andsyncretizedlocal traditional religions... Among the "major" traditional African religions can be indicatedifa or bwiti.


Har-ki plan

South Africa

State form government

Parliamentary republic

S territory

1.2 million km 2


4.9 million people

Average population density

41 people / km 2

Urban population

Ethnic structure

79.4% African

2.6% - Indians and Asians

Demographic situation

Eating. growth - 0.4%

Mlad. mortality - 43.2% 0

Specific gravity young and old

Unemployment rate

23% on (2010)

Mining industry

The mining industry is well developed. South Africa is a major exporter of mineral raw materials. The country is the world leader in the extraction of platinum, gold and chromium. South Africa is among the leaders in the production of diamonds, manganese, titanium, uranium, iron ores, vanadium, coal (one of the largest exporters). Copper, nickel, antimony, asbestos, lead, phosphorites are also mined.

Manufacturing industry

Electricity (93% - thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants - on the Orange River).

Automotive (BMW, Toyota, Mazda, Hummer).

Mechanical engineering (mining equipment).

Chemical (petrochemistry, production of acids, alkalis, soda, mineral fertilizers).

Light industry, non-ferrous metallurgy (copper smelting), woodworking, production of building materials, food industry.


They grow cereals, sugarcane, citrus fruits, cotton, corn, wheat, oats and sorghum, and grapes.

Bred: small cattle, sheep, goats and cattle.

Grow internationally

Mining, car assembly, metal structures, mechanical engineering.


The densest network of railways and roads. Main seaports: Cape Town, Durban, Port Enuabot, Richards Bane. International airports: Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria.

Non-production sphere

4% - agriculture;

31% - industry;

65% - service sector (tourism, education, art)

Metals, diamonds, cars and transport. equipment, wine, wool, fish.

Oil, food, chemical products.

4. Generalization and systematization of the studied material.

Exercise 1.


    What features of the EGP of individual African subregions affect the development of their economy?

    What explains the uneven distribution of the African population?

    Why is the ethnic composition of the population of most African countries is heterogeneous?

    What factors indicate the economic backwardness of African countries?

    What social and economic problems should African countries face in the near future?

Task 2.

Using the tutorial, define:

    The most developed industries in African countries;

    The level of development of the energy and manufacturing industries;

    Promising industries.

Task 3.

Working with the map.

Use the Population of the World Atlas Map to identify the most and least densely populated areas in Africa.

5. Lesson summary.

6. Homework. Message on the topic: "Culture of Africa".

Features of EGP in Africa The presence of a large number of countries located far from
seas and oceans (sometimes at a distance of 1.5 thousand km).
the equator crosses Africa almost in the middle and divides in two
parts, approximately equally located (north and south) in
near equatorial, tropical and subtropical latitudes;
therefore, a huge amount of heat goes to the entire
the territory of Africa evenly throughout the year, and
the seasons in its northern and southern parts are opposite:
while in the northern hemisphere it is summer, in the southern hemisphere it is winter.
character geographic location provides
the possibility of year-round navigation off the coast of Africa,
since the seas washing it do not freeze

By the size of the territory (more than 30
million square kilometers) and the number of countries (54) Africa -
the largest of the major geographic
regions of the world.
There are three monarchies in Africa:
Africa has 4 federal states:
South Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Comoros

Subregions of Africa

North Africa
West africa
East africa

North Africa

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South
Opens to the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean and
To the red seas
Agriculture is specialized in the production
subtropical crops: cotton, olives, citrus fruits,
Industry related to mining and processing
mineral raw materials: oil, phosphorites
Sometimes North. Africa is called the Maghreb (Arabic- "
Ranked first in terms of area among sub-regions
Africa and the third largest

West africa

Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Benin,
Ghana, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Liberia,
Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia,
Senegal, Zap. Sahara, Togo.
It takes 4th place in terms of territory and the second place in terms of
The modern "face" of the subregion
determined by agriculture (in
mainly crop production) and
mining industry (oil,
bauxite, tin, iron ore)

Central Africa

Chad, Center African Republic,
Cameroon, Gabon, Eq. Guinea, Sao Tome and
Principe, Congo, Democrat. Republic of the Congo,
Ranks second in terms of territory and
fourth largest
One of the richest regions in resources:
oil, ores, col. Metals (copper, tin,
cobalt, lead, zinc)
Occupies the equatorial part of the mainland

East africa

Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda,
Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia,
Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Madagascar,
Comoros, Malawi, Djibouti
Ranked first in terms of number
population and the third by territory.
It is allocated by deposits of coal and copper.

South Africa

Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland.
Takes the last place in terms of territory and
Rich in coal, iron. ores, manganese,
chromites, uranium, gold, diamonds,
South Africa is the only one on the continent
economically developed country with
large population of European


According to the level of socio-economic development, all
African countries, excluding
South Africa are categorized
"developing countries"

11. Conclusions on the endowment of Africa with mineral resources:

Africa has the richest and most diverse reserves
mineral resources. Among other continents, Africa occupies
first place in reserves of diamonds, gold, platinum, manganese,
chromites, bauxites and phosphorites. There are large reserves of coal, oil and
natural gas, copper, iron, uranium, cobalt ores.
Mineral raw materials of Africa are of high quality and low
production cost.
The richest in minerals country in Africa - South Africa
possesses an almost complete set of known fossil resources, for
with the exception of oil, natural gas, bauxite.
Africa's mineral resources are unevenly distributed.
Countries in the region are very resource-poor
countries (Chad, CAR, etc.), which significantly complicates their development.

12. Countries in Africa with the highest GDP (PPP) per capita (2010 USD)

Gabon - 14500
Botswana - 14,000
South Africa - 10700
Tunisia - 9600
Namibia - 6900
For comparison: Tanzania - 1500, Somalia - 600, D.Rep. Congo
- 300
world average - 11,200
African average - 1100

13. Mining industry in Africa

Main producers of the region
South Africa
South Africa, Sierra Leone, Namibia, Guinea, Botswana
Copper ore
Zambia, Zaire
oil and gas
Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Congo, Gabon

14. Conclusions on industry in Africa

In the international division of labor Africa
represented by products of mining
Extractive industry products
has a pronounced export
directionality, i.e. weak link with local
manufacturing industry;
Among the manufacturing industries
industry most developed
got textile and food.

15. Most African countries retain the colonial type of sectoral structure of the economy. Its distinctive features:

prevalence of small commodity,
low-productivity agriculture;
poor development of manufacturing
strong backlog of transport;
limitation of the non-productive sphere
predominantly trade and services;
one-sided economic development


Monoculture - mono-commodity
specialization of the country's economy (narrow
specialization in the production of one,
usually raw material or
food product,
intended mainly for


Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. Its area is 30.3 million km2, population 1, 200 million. Most of the mainland is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

The region includes 55 countries. There are several options for dividing Africa into regions.

There are 5 regions:

    North: Mediterranean coast

    Western: the northern part of the Atlantic coast

    Central: Chad, Congo, Cameroon

    Eastern: Ethiopia Somalia Tanzania

    South: South Africa, Seychelles

Of the features of the economic and geographical position of African countries, one can single out: Lack of access to the sea of ​​most states; Access to international sea routes through the Gulf of Guinea and the Mediterranean Sea. Africa is extremely rich in natural resources. Its main wealth is minerals. The region ranks first in the world in terms of reserves of most types of mineral raw materials. It produces oil and gas (Libya, Algeria, Nigeria), iron ore (Liberia, Mauritania, Guinea, Gabon), manganese and uranium ores (Gabon, Niger), bauxite (Guinea, Cameroon), copper ores (Zaire, Zambia), gold and diamonds (South Africa and West African countries), phosphorites (Nauru). The richest in minerals is South Africa. There are almost all types of mineral resources here (with the exception of oil, gas and bauxite)

Rapid population growth. African countries have the highest fertility and natural increase rates in the world. The highest rates are in Kenya, Benin, Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania. The significant predominance of young people in the age structure of the population is associated with high birth and death rates. Extremely uneven distribution of the population. The average density is 25 people per square kilometer.

At present, the African economy is the most backward part of the world economy (with the exception of South Africa). The countries of the continent act on the world market as major suppliers of minerals and agricultural products. In the sectoral structure of the economy, the leading role belongs to the mining industry. For some types of minerals, Africa accounts for a significant part of world production: diamonds (96%), gold (76%), cobalt and chrome ores (67 - 68%), manganese ores (57%).

The extracted raw materials are mainly exported. Major exporters: Oil - Nigeria, Libya, Algeria; Medi - Zaire, Zambia; Iron ores - Liberia, Mauritania; Manganese ores - Gabon; Phosphorites - Morocco; Uranium ores - Niger, Gabon.

Another branch of the economy that determines the place of Africa in the world economy is agriculture. It employs up to 90% of the population of individual countries. The leading industry is crop production, in particular tropical and subtropical agriculture. It has an export orientation and often defines a monocultural specialization. For example: monoculture of agriculture in Senegal - peanuts, Ethiopia - coffee, Ghana - cocoa beans. Other export goods include dates, tea, natural rubber, sorghum, spices, and cotton.

South Africa (South Africa) is the only African country that belongs to the group of developed countries. In all indicators of economic development, it holds the first place in Africa. It accounts for 25% of GDP and 40% of industrial production. The economy is based on the mining industry. South Africa ranks first in the world in gold mining, second in diamond mining and third in uranium ore mining. Metallurgy and mechanical engineering are highly developed. Monocultural specialization and low level economic development of the African states are manifested in an insignificant share in world trade and in great importance which has foreign trade for the continent itself. Thus, more than 1/4 of GDP goes to foreign markets, and foreign trade provides up to 4/5 of government revenues to the budget of African countries. The developed countries of the West account for about 80% of the continent's trade turnover.

Mark on the economic map of Africa.

1.Largest mineral reserves:

Oil, natural gas - Algeria, Libya, Nigeria;

Phosphorites - Morocco;

Manganese ores - Gabon;

Aluminum ores - Guinea;

Copper-cobalt ores - DRC, Zambia;

Diamonds - Namibia, Botswana;

Coal, uranium and manganese and chrome ores, gold, platinum, diamonds - South Africa.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3

1 General economic and geographical characteristics of African countries ... 4

2 Colonization of Africa ……………………………………………… .... 6

3 Natural conditions and resources of Africa ………………………………. nine

4 Mining regions of Africa ……………………………… .. 11

5 Economy: sectoral and territorial structure, location

Africa in the world ……………………………………………………………………. 12

6 Problems and difficulties of African states ………………… .. 16

7 Integration processes ……………………………………………. 16

8 External economic relations ……………………………………… ... 17

9 Subregions of Africa ……………………………………………… .. 18

9.1.1 North Africa …………………………………………… .. 18

9.1.2 Economic Assessment of Egypt ………………………………… 18

9.2.1 Tropical Africa ……………………………………… ... 20

9.2.2 Economic Assessment of Angola ……………………………… .. 21

9.3.1 South Africa …………………………… ... 24

9.3.2 Economic assessment of South Africa …………………………………. 24

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 30

List of sources used …………………………………. 31


Africa covers an area of ​​29.2 million km². The length from north to south is 8 thousand km, from west to east in the northern part - 7.5 thousand km. A feature of EGP in many countries of the region is the lack of access to the sea. At the same time, in countries facing the ocean, the coastline is poorly indented, which is unfavorable for the construction of large ports. There are 55 states on the territory of Africa, of which three are monarchies, one (Nigeria) is a federal republic, the rest are republics. All countries, with the exception of South Africa, are developing, most of them are the poorest in the world (70% of the population lives below the poverty line).

There is no other continent in the world that has suffered as much from colonial oppression and the slave trade as Africa.

The continent is crossed almost in the middle by the equator and lies entirely between the subtropical belts of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The originality of its form - the northern part is 2.5 times wider than the southern one - determined the difference in their natural conditions. At the base of most of the continent lies the Precambrian platform, 2/3 overlain by sedimentary rocks (at the base in the north). The relief of Africa is characterized by stepped plateaus, plateaus, and plains. The highest uplifts are confined to the outskirts of the continent. Africa is extremely rich in minerals, although they are still poorly studied. Among other continents, it ranks first in terms of reserves of manganese, chromite, bauxite, gold, platinum, cobalt, diamonds, and phosphorites ores. The resources of oil, natural gas, graphite, and asbestos are also great.

1 General economic and geographical characteristics of African countries

The mainland occupies 1/5 of the world's land mass. In terms of size (30, 3 million sq. Km. With islands), it is second only to Asia from all parts of the world. The region includes 55 countries.

There are several options for dividing Africa into regions. V scientific literature the most accepted five-member division of Africa, including the North (the Maghreb countries, the coast Mediterranean Sea), Western (northern part of the Atlantic coast and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea), Central (Chad, Tsar, Zaire, Congo, etc.), Eastern (located east of the African Great Rifts), Southern.

Almost all African countries are republics (with the exception of Lesotho, Morocco and Sutherland, which are still constitutional monarchies). The administrative-territorial structure of states, with the exception of Nigeria and South Africa, is unitary.

Various criteria can be used to assess the EGP of African countries. One of the main criteria dividing countries by the presence or absence of access to the sea. Due to the fact that Africa is the most massive continent, no other of them has so many countries located far from the seas. Most of the landlocked countries are the most backward.

Mineral resources in Africa are unevenly distributed. There are countries in which the lack of a raw material base hinders their development. The land resources of Africa are significant. However, extensive farming and rapid population growth have led to catastrophic soil erosion, which reduces crop yields. This, in turn, exacerbates the problem of hunger, which is very relevant to Africa.

The agroclimatic resources of Africa are determined by the fact that it is the hottest continent; it lies entirely within the average annual isotherms of +20 "C.

By volume water resources Africa is significantly inferior to Asia and South America. The hydrographic network is extremely unevenly distributed.

The forest resources of Africa are second only to the resources of Latin America and Russia. But its average forest cover is much lower, moreover, as a result of felling, exceeding natural growth, deforestation has taken on an alarming scale.

Africa stands out all over the world with the highest rates of population reproduction. In 1960, 275 million people lived on the continent, in 1980 - 475 million people, in 1990 - 648 million people, and in 2000, according to forecasts, there will be 872 million people.

In terms of growth rates, Kenya-4, 1% (first place in the world), Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda stand out. Such high level fertility is explained by the age-old traditions of early marriage and large families, religious traditions, as well as the increased level of health care. Most countries on the continent do not pursue an active demographic policy.

The change, as a result of the demographic explosion, of the age structure of the population also has great consequences: in Africa, the proportion of children is high and still growing (40-50%). This increases the "demographic burden" on the working-age population. The population explosion in Africa is exacerbating many of the regional problems, the most important of which is the food problem. Many problems are associated with the ethnic composition of the African population, which is very diverse. There are 300-500 ethnic groups. According to the linguistic principle, 12 of the population belongs to the Niger-Kordofan family, 13 to the Afrasian family, and only 1% are residents of European origin. An important feature of African countries is the discrepancy between political and ethnic boundaries as a result of the colonial era of the continent's development. A legacy of the past is the fact that the official languages ​​of most African countries are still the languages ​​of the former metropolises - English, French, Portuguese.

In terms of urbanization, Africa still lags far behind other regions. However, the rate of urbanization is the highest in the world. Like many others developing countries ah, there is "false urbanization" in Africa.

After gaining independence, African countries began to make efforts to overcome age-old backwardness. Of particular importance were the nationalization of natural resources, the implementation of the agrarian reform, economic planning, and the training of national personnel. As a result, the pace of development of the region accelerated. The restructuring of the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy began. The greatest successes on this path have been achieved in the mining industry, which now accounts for 14 of the world in terms of production. For the extraction of many types of minerals, Africa holds an important and sometimes monopoly place in the foreign world. It is the mining industry that primarily determines the place of Africa in the MGRT. The manufacturing industry is poorly developed or nonexistent. But some countries in the region are distinguished by a higher level of manufacturing industry - South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco.

The second branch of the economy, which determines the place of agriculture in the world economy, is tropical and subtropical agriculture. It also has a pronounced export orientation. But in general, Africa is lagging behind in its development. It ranks last among the regions of the world in terms of industrialization and crop yields.

2 Colonization of Africa

Colonies of Africa at the end of the 19th century: the most extensive and richest were the possessions of Great Britain. The colonial empire of France was not inferior in size to the British one, but the population of its colonies was several times smaller, and natural resources were poorer. Most of the French possessions were located in Western and Equatorial Africa and a large part of their territory fell on the Sahara, the adjacent semi-desert region of the Sahel and tropical forests. Belgium owned the Belgian Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in 1971-1997 - Zaire), Italy - Eritrea and Italian Somalia, Spain - Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara), Germany - German East Africa (now - the continental part of Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi), Cameroon, Togo and German South West Africa (Namibia).

The main incentives that led to the heated battle of the European powers for Africa are considered to be economic. Indeed, the drive to exploit the natural resources and people of Africa was of paramount importance. But it cannot be said that these hopes were immediately justified. The south of the continent, where the world's largest deposits of gold and diamonds were discovered, began to generate huge profits. But before income was received, large investments were first needed to explore natural resources, create communications, adapt the local economy to the needs of the metropolis, to suppress the protest of the indigenous people and research effective ways to make them work for the colonial system. All this took time.

Another argument of the ideologues of colonialism was not immediately justified. They argued that the acquisition of colonies would open up many jobs in the metropolises themselves and eliminate unemployment, since Africa would become a capacious market for European products and there would be a huge construction of railways, ports, and industrial enterprises. If these plans were implemented, it was slower than anticipated, and on a smaller scale.

The first World War was in no small measure a fight for the redistribution of Africa, but it did not affect the life of most African countries particularly strongly. Military operations were conducted only on the territory of the German colonies. They were conquered by the Entente forces and after the war, by decision of the League of Nations, they were transferred to the Entente countries as mandated territories: Togo and Cameroon were divided between Great Britain and France, German South-West Africa went to the South African Union (SAU), part of German East Africa - Rwanda and Burundi - was transferred to Belgium, the other - Tanganyika - to Great Britain. With the acquisition of Tanganyika, an old dream of the British ruling circles came true: a continuous strip of British possessions arose from Cape Town to Cairo.

After the end of the war, the process of colonial development of Africa accelerated. Colonies more and more turned into agrarian and raw materials appendages of the metropolises. Agriculture was increasingly export-oriented. An increasing number of colonies became countries of a monocultural economy. On the eve of World War II, in many countries, from two-thirds to 98% of the value of all exports came from one crop. In the Gambia and Senegal, such a crop became peanuts, in Zanzibar - cloves, in Uganda - cotton. Some countries had two export crops each: on the Shore Ivory and in Togo - coffee and cocoa, in Kenya - coffee and tea, etc. In Gabon and some other countries, valuable forest species have become a monoculture.

In West Africa, as well as in most parts of East and Central Africa, export products were mainly produced by Africans themselves. European plantation production did not take root there due to climatic conditions difficult for Europeans. The main exploiters of the African manufacturer were foreign companies. Export agricultural products were produced on farms owned by Europeans located in the Union of South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, part of Northern Rhodesia, Kenya, and Southwest Africa.

During the Second World War, hostilities in Tropical Africa were conducted only in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Italian Somalia. Hundreds of thousands of Africans were mobilized in the army of the mother countries. An even larger number of people had to serve the troops, work for military needs. Africans fought in North Africa, Western Europe, the Middle East, Burma, Malaya.

1960 went down in history as the "Year of Africa". 17 new African states have appeared on the world map. Most of them are French colonies and UN Trust Territories.

1960 changed the whole situation on the African continent. The dismantling of the rest of the colonial regimes was already inevitable.

3 Natural conditions and resources of Africa

Africa is a continent of great economic opportunities, which is characterized by a variety of natural conditions, a wealth of mineral resources, the presence of significant land, water, plant and other resources. Africa is characterized by a slight dismemberment of the relief, which contributes to economic activity - the development of agriculture, industry, transport.

The location of most of the continent in the equatorial belt largely determined the presence of huge tracts of humid equatorial forests. Africa accounts for 10% of the world's forest area, accounting for 17% of the world's timber - one of the main African exports.

The largest desert in the world - the Sahara - contains huge reserves of fresh water in its depths, and large river systems are characterized by huge volumes of runoff and energy resources.

Africa is rich in minerals that are resources for the development of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry. Thanks to new discoveries, Africa's share in the world's proven reserves of energy raw materials is increasing. There are more reserves of phosphorites, chromites, titanium, tantalum than in any part of the world. The reserves of bauxite, copper, manganese, cobalt, uranium ores, diamonds, rare earth metals, gold, etc. are of world importance. Democratic Republic Congo through Zambia to East Africa (deposits of copper, uranium, cobalt, platinum, gold, manganese); Guinea part of West Africa (deposits of bauxite, iron ore, manganese, tin, oil); the zone of the Atlas Mountains and the coast of North-West Africa (cobalt, molybdenum, lead, zinc, iron ore, mercury, phosphorites); North Africa (oil, gas of the Mediterranean coast and shelf).

Africa is extremely rich in natural resources. The depressions and coastal areas have a fuel feed. Oil and gas are produced in North and West Africa (Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, Libya). Colossal reserves of cobalt and copper ores are concentrated in Zambia and the People's Republic of the Congo; manganese ores are mined in South Africa and Zimbabwe; platinum, iron ores and gold - in South Africa; diamonds - in Congo, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Ghana; phosphorites - in Morocco, Tunisia; uranium - in Niger, Namibia.

Table 1 - Classification of African countries according to the degree of their mineral wealth

Countries rich in a variety of mineral resources

Countries rich in one or two types of minerals

Countries poor in minerals

South Africa - gold, platinum, diamonds, uranium, iron, chromite, manganese ores, coal, asbestos.

Zaire - cobalt, manganese, copper, tin, zinc-lead ores.

Guinea- gold, diamonds, bauxite, iron ore, oil.

Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Gabon and others - oil and natural gas.

Liberia, Mauritania, Algeria- ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, uranium, diamonds, iron ore.

Ghana- bauxite.

Zambia, Morocco- cobalt.

Zambia- copper.

Nigeria- tin.

O. Madagascar- mica and graphite.

Countries of North Africa- phosphites, lead and zinc.

Botswana- lithium, chromite.

Tanzania, Morocco- manganese.

Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan.

4 Mining regions of Africa

Over the past decades, Africa has emerged as one of the largest producers of minerals. The share of Africa in the world mining industry is 14, but in the production of diamonds, gold, cobalt, manganese ores, chromites, uranium concentrates, phosphites, it is much larger. Much copper and iron ore, bauxite, oil and natural gas are also mined. Africa dominates the market for such "metals of the 20th century" as vanadium, lithium, beryllium, tantalum, niobium, germanium. Almost all of the extracted raw materials and fuel are exported from Africa to economically developed countries, which makes its economy highly dependent on the world market. This is especially true for countries such as Algeria, Libya, Guinea, Zambia, Botswana, where the mining industry provides more than 9/10 of all exports.

Africa has very favorable natural conditions for the development of the mining industry.

In total, there are seven main mining regions in Africa.

1. The Atlas Mountains region is distinguished by reserves of iron, manganese, polymetallic ores, phosphorites (the world's largest phosphorite belt).

2. The Egyptian mining region is rich in oil, natural gas, iron and titanium ores, phosphorites, etc.

3. The region of the Algerian and Libyan parts of the Sahara is distinguished by the largest oil and gas reserves.

4. West Guinea region - rich in oil, gas, metal ores.

6. Zaire-Zambia region - on its territory there is a unique "Copper Belt" with deposits of high-quality copper, as well as cobalt, zinc, lead, cadmium, germanium, gold, silver.

Zaire is a major global producer and exporter of cobalt.

7. The largest mining region in Africa is located within Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa. Almost all types of fuel, ore and non-metallic minerals are mined here, with the exception of oil, gases and bauxite.

5 Economy: sectoral and territorial structure, location

Africa in the world

African countries have not yet succeeded in changing the colonial type of the sectoral territorial structure of the economy, although the rates of economic growth have accelerated somewhat. The colonial type of the sectoral structure of the economy is characterized by the predominance of small-scale consumer agriculture, the weak development of the manufacturing industry, and the lagging behind in the development of transport. The greatest successes have been achieved by African countries in the mining industry. For the extraction of many minerals, Africa holds a leading, and sometimes monopoly, place in the world (for the extraction of gold, diamonds, platinoids, etc.). The manufacturing industry is represented by light and food, there are no other industries, with the exception of a number of areas near the availability of raw materials and on the coast (Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Zambia, Zaire).

The second branch of the economy that determines the place of Africa in the world economy is tropical and subtropical agriculture. Agricultural production accounts for 60-80% of GDP. The main commercial crops are coffee, cocoa beans, peanuts, dates, tea, natural rubber, sorghum, spices. V recent times began to grow grain crops: corn, rice, wheat. Livestock plays a subordinate role, with the exception of countries with arid climates. Extensive cattle breeding prevails, characterized by a huge livestock population, but low productivity and low marketability. The continent does not provide itself with agricultural products.

Monocultural specialization and low level of economic development of African states are manifested in an insignificant share in world trade and in the enormous importance that foreign trade has for the continent itself. Thus, more than 1/4 of Africa's GDP goes to foreign markets, foreign trade provides up to 45 government revenues to the budget of African countries. The developed countries of the West account for about 80% of the continent's trade turnover.

The leading role in the foreign economic relations of African countries belongs to foreign trade. Mining and agricultural raw materials predominate in exports, while imports are dominated by finished products. Oil is exported by Algeria, Nigeria, Libya, iron ores - Liberia, Mauritania, diamonds and gold - South Africa, copper - Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, phosphates - Morocco, uranium - Niger, Gabon, cotton - Egypt, Sudan, Tanzania, coffee - Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Uganda, Angola and others, peanuts - Senegal, Sudan, olive oil - Tunisia, Morocco.

Typical for African countries is a low level of national income, the predominance of commodity-export production in agriculture, and the spread of monoculture. Foreign trade of the continent retains its specialization in mineral and agricultural raw materials.

The following features are typical for the African economy:

a) multi-structure;

b) low level of economic development;

c) the agrarian nature of the economy of most countries;

d) a sharp differentiation in agriculture of commodity-export production, subsistence and small-scale commodity farming, serving local needs;

e) the spread of monoculture in agriculture;

f) predominance in industrial production of the mining industry;

g) preservation of the colonial character in foreign trade.

The essential features of the location of the economy of most African countries are the concentration of economic activity in several centers and a significant gap in the levels of population, development and economic development of individual territories and countries.

Relatively economically developed in Africa are the territories adjacent to the capitals - cities that became important economic centers in the colonial period, as well as to the ports through which raw materials are exported and where they are partially processed (Casablanca region in Morocco, Lagos in Nigeria, Alexandria in Egypt, Mombasa in Kenya, etc.). Significant industrial and economic centers have arisen in the areas of mining of mineral raw materials (centers of the "copper belt" in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, industrial centers associated with oil and gas production areas in Algeria and Libya, industrial regions of South Africa).

Africa is a global supplier of many types of tropical plant raw materials: cocoa, peanuts, palm oil, spices, etc. At the same time, agriculture in developing countries does not provide the local population with food due to the lag in most countries in the production of basic food crops from the population growth rate. Agriculture in Africa uses more than 1/3 of the mainland. Arable land and perennial plantations occupy about 7%, and pastures - 24% of the continent's area. and oil palms (tropics), olive (subtropics). In some areas, coffee (coffee) and chocolate (cocoa) trees are grown. The plantation economy in Africa is quite developed, but less than in Latin America and Southeast Asia. In the tropical zone, only separate scattered plantation areas arose.

On the mainland, the network of communication routes is underdeveloped, especially in the interior regions. Rail transport is mainly represented by single-track lines connecting ports with hinterland or connecting navigable sections of rivers. Modern highways exist only near capital or industrial cities. Transport retains the colonial type: railroads run from the regions where raw materials are extracted to the port of export. Railway and sea transport modes are relatively developed. V last years other types of transport were also developed - automobile (a road was built across the Sahara), air, pipeline.

Most of the mainland states are characterized by the presence of "dirty" industries, as well as fuel and communication (construction of communications, development of communications) problems.

6 Problems and difficulties of African states

A swollen, unprofessional and ineffective bureaucracy has emerged in most African states. When amorphous social structures the only organized force was the army. The result is endless military coups. The dictators who came to power appropriated untold riches for themselves. The capital of Mobutu, President of the Congo, at the time of his overthrow was $ 7 billion. The economy was functioning poorly, and this gave scope for a "destructive" economy: the production and distribution of drugs, illegal mining of gold and diamonds, even human trafficking. Africa's share in world GDP and its share in world exports were declining, and per capita output was declining.

The formation of statehood was extremely complicated by the absolute artificiality of state borders. Africa inherited them from the colonial past. They were established when the continent was divided into spheres of influence and have little in common with ethnic boundaries. The Organization of African Unity, created in 1963, recognizing that any attempt to fix this or that border can lead to unpredictable consequences, called for these borders to be considered unshakable, no matter how unfair they may be. But these borders have nevertheless become a source of ethnic conflict and the displacement of millions of refugees.

7 Integration processes

A characteristic feature of the integration processes in Africa is high degree their institutionalization. Currently, there are about 200 economic associations of various levels, scales and directions on the continent. But from the point of view of studying the problem of the formation of subregional identity and its relationship with national and ethnic identity, the functioning of such large organizations as the West African Economic Community (ECOWAS), the Development Community South Africa(SADC), the Economic Community of Central African States (EKKAS), etc. The extremely low performance of their activities in the previous decades and the onset of the era of globalization required a sharp acceleration of integration processes at a qualitatively different level. Economic cooperation is developing in new - compared to the 70s - conditions of contradictory interaction between the globalization of the world economy and the increasing marginalization of the positions of African states within its framework and, naturally, in a different coordinate system. Integration is no longer seen as a tool and basis for the formation of a self-sufficient and self-developing economy relying on its own forces and in opposition to the imperialist West. The approach is different, which, as mentioned above, presents integration as a way and a way of including African countries in the globalizing world economy as well as an impulse and indicator of economic growth and development in general.

8 External economic relations

Monocultural specialization and low level of economic development of African states are manifested in an insignificant share in world trade and in the enormous importance that foreign trade has for the continent itself. Thus, more than 1/4 of Africa's GDP goes to foreign markets, foreign trade provides up to 45 government revenues to the budget of African countries. The developed countries of the West account for about 80% of the continent's trade turnover.

9 Subregions of Africa

9.1.1 North Africa

North Africa(area - 10 million km2, population - 150 million people). The northern part of this subregion is adjacent to southern Europe and South-West Asia and has access to sea routes, the southern part forms the sparsely inhabited desert and semi-desert areas of the Sahara. The main centers of the manufacturing industry, the main districts of subtropical agriculture, and almost the entire population are concentrated in the coastal zone. Big cities- Cairo, Alexandria, Tunisia, Algeria, Casablanca.

9.1.2 Economic Assessment of Egypt

Nationalization - according to the 1971 constitution, the Egyptian economy is based on the principles of socialism. The main steps towards nationalization were taken after 1961 with the aim of limiting the private sector and weakening the influence of the capitalists. By the early 1970s, almost all important sectors of the economy were already controlled by the government, including large-scale industry, banking, finance, the cotton trade, and foreign trade.

Taxation - the income tax rate is progressive. The goal is to achieve equality in the distribution of income. There is a direct income tax.

Trade unions are mainly run by the government. Workers receive a share of the profits earned by corporations and elect their representatives on the board of directors. Trade unions are also represented in the National Assembly.

Investment Policy - In the early 1970s, the Egyptian government launched a campaign to increase foreign investment in the country's economy and began to receive financial assistance from wealthy Arab states. Although Arab aid was suspended after the 1979 peace treaty with Israel, the subsequent return of several Western and Japanese corporations increased the potential for further foreign investment in the country's economy.

Wages and living standards - general living standards in Egypt are quite low; and the country's economic resources are limited. The rural population, especially the landless agricultural laborers, have the lowest living standards in the country. Industrial and urban workers in general have a higher standard of living. The highest wages are in the oil industry.

Resources - About 96 percent of Egypt's land area is desert. The lack of forests, meadows and pastures increases the pressure on arable land, which accounts for approximately 3 percent of the country's territory. There are natural resources. The country is producing oil, phosphates, manganese, and iron ore. There are also explored reserves of chromium, uranium and gold.

Agriculture - one of the main commodities produced in the country - cotton - occupies more than one fifth of arable land (in summer) and is a significant part of exports. Egypt is one of the world's main producers of "long cotton" (2.85 centimeters and more in length), producing about one third of the world's harvest. Other major crops include grain (corn), rice, wheat, millet and beans.

Industry - after the signing of an agreement with the USSR in 1964, the development of heavy industry became a priority area of ​​development. The main source of electricity is the 12 turbines of the Aswan Dam hydroelectric power station, which have a capacity of approximately 2,000,000 kilowatts and are capable of producing 10,000,000,000 kilowatt hours per year. The capacity of the thermal power plants is approximately 45 percent of the capacity of the Aswan Dam.

The country is producing oil (Morgan, Ramadan), there are deposits of natural gas. Egypt has several oil refineries, two of which are located in Suez. The first of the oil pipelines, which connected the Gulf of Suez and the Mediterranean in the Alexandria region, was opened in 1977. This Suez-Mediterranean pipeline, known as "Sumed", can carry up to 80,000,000 tons of oil per year.

Finance - Egypt's banking system is built around the Central Bank of Egypt. In 1961, all banks operating in Egypt were nationalized, and their activities were concentrated within five commercial banks, created in addition to the Central Bank.

Trade - imports are about one third, exports are about one tenth of the gross national product. Almost two-thirds of imports consist of raw materials, mineral, chemical products and means of production (machinery); more than one quarter - production Food Industry... More than half of the export consists of oil and oil products, cotton and cotton products. Agricultural exports include rice, onions, garlic, and citrus fruits. Italy and France are among the largest sales markets for Egypt. The United States is the main source of Egyptian imports.

9.2.1 Tropical Africa

Tropical africa- located to the south of the Sahara (territory - 20 million km2, population - over 500 million). The most backward part of the entire developing world (there are 29 least developed countries). The population belongs to the Negroid race. The most complex ethnic composition is in West and East Africa. The only sub-region where agriculture remains the main sphere of material production. Industry: there is one large district mining industry - a copper belt in Zaire and Zambia. Transport is poorly developed. Desertification, deforestation, and depletion of flora and fauna are progressing at a rapid pace. Main district droughts and desertification - Sahel zone.

The main branch of the economy of most countries in Tropical Africa is agriculture, designed to provide food for the population and serve as a raw material base for the development of the manufacturing industry. It employs the overwhelming majority of the region's self-employed population, and creates the bulk of the total national income. In many countries of Tropical Africa, agriculture occupies a leading place in exports, providing a significant part of foreign exchange earnings. In the last decade, with the growth rates of industrial production, an alarming picture was observed, which allows us to speak of the actual de-industrialization of the region. If in 1965-1980 they (on average per year) amounted to 7.5%, then in the 80s only 0.7%, a drop in growth rates took place in the 80s both in the extractive and manufacturing industries. For a number of reasons, the mining industry plays a special role in ensuring the socio-economic development of the region, but this production is also declining by 2% annually. A characteristic feature of the development of the countries of Tropical Africa is the weak development of the manufacturing industry. Only in a very small group of countries (Zambia, Zimbabwe, Sinegal) does its share in GDP reach or exceed 20%.

9.2.2 Economic Assessment of Angola

Angola is an agrarian country with a relatively developed African industry based on the oil and mining industries. GNP in 2000 amounted to 3.079 million dollars (5%).

The country's economy is based on agriculture, oil production (it is estimated that the undeveloped fields of Angola contain about 13 billion barrels of oil), gas, diamonds and minerals. The mining industry accounts for up to half of the GNP: oil fields are developed and diamonds are mined.

The gross national product remains rather low due to the civil war that has lasted for more than 20 years.

More than 2/3 of the workforce is employed in agriculture. Kassau, sweet potatoes, corn, beans are grown on the domestic market. For export, they grow coffee, cotton, tobacco, sisal, sugar cane, and produce palm oil. Livestock raising is developed throughout the country, cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, and poultry are raised.

The timber industry is developed, in the eastern regions of Angola (the provinces of South Lunda and Moxico), as well as in Cabinda, valuable species of wood (black, red and yellow wood) are harvested for export. In the Benguela area, eucalyptus trees are grown in tree nurseries.

Before gaining independence, Angola had a fairly developed fishing fleet, but during the war the catch gradually began to decline. Fish stocks in the economic zone of Angola, according to UN estimates, are about 1 million tons. In 1998 national companies and vessels of Spain, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, China and Russia caught 202 thousand tons. fish, in 1999 - 240 thousand tons Light, food and processing industries operate at 20-30% capacity.

The country's foreign exchange earnings are mainly provided by the export of oil, gas and oil products, the share of which in total exports is more than 90% ($ 3.8 billion). In 1998, diamonds were mined for 800 million dollars. Angola's external debt is $ 9.5 billion. (1999), including Russia - 2.9 billion, Portugal - 1.2 billion, Brazil - 1 billion, France - 300 million.

Export composition:

Oil 90%, diamonds, oil products, gas, coffee, sisal, fish and fish products, timber, cotton. In 2000, the volume of exports amounted to $ 8 billion.

Export geography:

USA 63%, Benelux 9%, China, Chile, France.

Import composition:

Machines and electrical equipment, spare parts and components for machines, medicines, food, textiles, weapons and ammunition. In 2000, the volume of imports amounted to $ 2.5 billion.

Import geography:

Portugal 20%, USA 17%, South Africa 10%, Spain, Brazil, France.

Length of roads:

72 thousand km, of which about 6 thousand are paved. Length of the railway: about 3300 km. The country has four railways (mainly owned by British and Belgian companies).

Main ports:

Luanda, Lobito, Cabinda, Namibe. There are national and foreign companies operating ocean and coastal (only between the ports of Angola) transportation. Airports: international - Luanda, 13 local.

A promising export commodity is granite, especially black (export since 1995 amounted to 5 thousand cubic meters per year). Development is underway for the extraction of phosphates and uranium.

In 1998, the balance of payments deficit amounted to $ 600 million. Inflation has exceeded 800%. 60% of the working-age population is unemployed. Annual per capita income - $ 273

In the future, foreign companies with the support of the Angolan government plan to invest about $ 17 billion in the development of the country's industry in the next seven years.

The projects envisage the development of deep-water deposits, the drilling of about 300 mines, the construction of an oil refinery and a natural gas liquefaction plant.

Also, the present government is making efforts to attract potential investors in tourism development.

Industrial projects:

The government plans to sell some of the state-owned enterprises to private hands. The newly acquired cement plant has tripled its capacity and output. The industrial development projects include the acquisition of three pharmaceutical plants in Luanda, Benguela and Dondo and the rebuilding of a fish processing plant in Namib. In the future, there is also the construction of a steel complex, a shipyard, a seaport in the province of Cabinda, an assembly line for military trucks and a brewery.

9.3.1 South Africa

South africa(South Africa) is the only economically developed country on the continent. For all indicators of economic development, it ranks 1st in Africa. South Africa accounts for 2/5 of industrial production, 4/5 of steel smelting, 7 of the length of railway. etc., 1/2 of the car park in Africa. The largest industrial region on the continent is the Witwatersrand, which houses the capital, Pretoria.

In accordance with the racist policy of apartheid, 10 "independent black states" or bantustans were created on the site of the former reservations. Currently apartheid has been officially abolished, but the backwardness of the Bantustans remains.

9.3.2 Economic assessment of South Africa

Today South Africa is one of the most promising markets among all third world countries. The economy of South Africa, this economic giant on the scale of the African continent, contains a unique combination of socio-economic factors inherent in both developed countries and third world countries. The presence of a developed economic infrastructure, a broad technological base, highly qualified management and engineering personnel, as well as an extensive market for a fairly cheap skilled and unskilled labor force have made South Africa extremely attractive and profitable for free entrepreneurial activity and foreign investment. Major international investment companies highlight South Africa as an emerging market with the most favorable conditions for foreign investment.

The recent global financial crisis, which has had such a strong impact on a number of third world countries, has only underlined the strength and dynamism of the South African economy. Among the fundamental factors that determine the socio-economic situation in the country, first of all, the increased attention of the South African government to the issues of supporting the constant growth of the country's exports, investment in fixed assets, dynamics of growth in consumption and real incomes of the population stands out. The South African government is committed to providing the most favorable conditions for external development the country's economy, maintaining a positive balance of payments and foreign trade of South Africa. This is expressed, first of all, in the creation of a legal framework that strongly supports free enterprise and long-term investments.

Thanks to the economic reforms the GEAR program, the economic situation since the end of 1996 is characterized by a constantly increasing GDP growth (at least 3%), low inflation rates, a stable exchange rate, and a tendency to improve budgetary indicators at all levels. Favorable domestic market conditions and increasing investment were factors that stimulate economic growth and stability of the South African economy.

Along with the economic transformation reflected in fiscal and tax reforms, the South African government is encouraging investment and employment through the restructuring and privatization of state-owned enterprises.

Another priority area for the South African government is the solution of issues related to unemployment and the redistribution of income of the population, which is expressed, first of all, in the creation of additional jobs for low-skilled workers and in the implementation of special subsidized programs.

The main components of the South African economy:

  • The richest raw material base;
  • In terms of reserves of a number of minerals, such as gold, platinum group metals, manganese, aluminoglucates, South Africa ranks first in the world;
  • Most of the South African deposits are unique in terms of conditions and extent of resource occurrence;
  • Availability of the widest range of extracted minerals;
  • Large agricultural sector;
  • South Africa is not only fully self-sufficient in agricultural products, but is also one of six countries in the world able to export agricultural products on a permanent basis;
  • Developed financial market, distinguished by the clarity and reliability of banking and insurance services;
  • The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) is one of the 15 largest in the world;
  • Wide use advanced technologies in the banking sector, such as Internet technology;
  • An extensive network of well-organized telecommunication services;
  • Provision of all types of telecommunication services and Internet services;
  • South Africa's mobile services and IP technology market is one of the fastest growing in the world;
  • Telcom, a South African telecommunications company with a backbone network, is constantly increasing the share of fiber-optic components, which allows to increase the speed and quality of telecommunications services;
  • Modern transport infrastructure.

The number of railway and highways exceeds the similar average indicators of other African countries by 15 and 10 times, respectively.

  • The presence of large commercial ports guaranteeing South Africa access to all sea routes: Asia, Europe, America and other countries of the African continent.
  • The presence of a powerful energy base.
  • The constant surplus of generated electricity over consumption guarantees the future supply of an ever increasing number of consumers.
  • The consumption of electricity available throughout South Africa is one of the lowest in the world.
  • Progressive legislation aimed at attracting foreign capital.
  • Attracting investment and introducing advanced technologies occurs in all significant sectors of the South African economy.

The average value of return on investment has been steadily increasing since 1992, which became possible due to a significant increase in average labor productivity (labor productivity growth in 1997 was 4.32%, in 1998 - 4.56%).

South Africa is one of the 25 largest world exporters. Foreign trade revenues reach 50% of GDP, while the volume of exports exceeds the volume of imports.

The main trading partners of South Africa are the USA, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Canada, and the turnover of foreign trade with these countries is increasing.

South Africa is one of the few countries with a unique dual system of property rights (public and private) for minerals. Restructuring of state-owned enterprises, in which there is a redistribution of property rights from the state to private owners of enterprises, is especially noticeable in the mining industry. Another tendency, most noticeable in this sector of the economy, is the amalgamation of the largest companies and the monopolization of the market. Thus, more than 90% of diamond production in South Africa is controlled by branches of the South African monopoly De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd.

South Africa is the world leader in gold, platinum group metals and the world's leading diamond and coal mines. The share of production of enterprises related to the direct processing of minerals, including metal production, is approximately 14% of GDP. The share of exports of minerals in total exports of South Africa, despite a gradual decline, is currently over 33%.

Mechanical engineering is the largest sector of the South African economy, the main constituent of which are the automotive and machine tool companies owned by the largest foreign corporations.

From the conveyors of factories belonging to the leading automotive corporations in the USA, Japan, Western Europe, buses, trucks, trailers and semi-trailers, as well as spare parts for them, a total of more than 200 items, 159 of which are produced by the NAACAM company. Component parts are supplied not only to assembly plants in the country, but also to the US markets, South America, Europe, Far East and Africa.

In addition, in South Africa there are a number of enterprises for the production of sea and river vessels, railway cars and locomotives, aircraft, component parts and some special devices. This sector of the economy is dominated by a group of companies headed by Dorbyl Ltd.


Despite the enormous natural and human potential, Africa continues to be the most backward part of the world economy. Therefore, the main task modern stage is to accelerate socio-economic transformations that contribute to solving complex demographic, food and environmental problems.

List of sources used

1Maksakovsky, V.P. Economic and social geography of the world: textbook. for 10 cl. general education. Institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 16th ed., Rev. - M.: Education, 2008 .-- 398 p.

2 Maksakovsky, V.P. Geographic picture of the world. In 2 books. Book II: Regional characteristics of the world. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drofa, 2005 .-- 480 p.

3 Economic analysis countries [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: // www., free. - Title from the screen.

4 School.LV [Electronic resource] / Lessons / Economic geography- Access mode: http: // www., free. - Title from the screen.