Beautiful houses and apartments in the Victorian style. Victorian style in the interior: description and photo examples

The Victorian style in the interior appeared in the UK at the beginning of the 19th century. It combines the most striking historical and exotic styles. Mass production made it available to a large number of people.

The history of the origin and spread of style

The era of Queen Victoria was a golden age for Great Britain.

The development of industry and numerous colonies made it one of the richest powers in the world. The bourgeoisie prospered and wanted to get closer to the aristocratic circle. The puritanical austere style of the Queen Anne era is a thing of the past.

Early Victorian style interiors

Historical and exotic styles have come into fashion.

Neo-Gothic, Neo-Baroque and Neo-Rococo demonstrated the wealth and refined taste of the owner of the house. Moorish, Indian and Chinese alluded to the fact that this man had seen the world and brought out of the world strange gizmos.

Machine tools have made available things that used to be the lot of the aristocracy. Baroque papier-mâché carvings and rococo tinplate stucco work appeared in houses. Ceramic services at first sight were difficult to distinguish from porcelain ones.

The middle period of the Victorian style in the interior

In the 50s, the British began to get tired of mass imitations and fakes.

The first interior companies appeared. One of them belonged to William Morris.

His goal was to find a balance between high art and everyday life. He set up manual production of furniture, stained-glass windows and products in the medieval style.

Especially popular were fabrics, wallpapers and tiles based on Morris's drawings.

In his ornaments, he tried to combine Gothic with naturalism and believed that nature - best source inspiration. On the first wallpaper, Morris depicted rose bushes from his garden.

At Whitewick Manor, curtains and fireplace trim from the designer's sketches have been preserved.

Late Victorian period: Deconstructivism

Deconstructivism is a decomposition into elements: in a Victorian house, rooms were decorated in different styles. Imagine that your bedroom is neo-rococo, your study is neo-gothic, and your living room is colonial. Various styles combined even in furniture. The classic back of the chair was complemented by baroque legs. A combination of different historical and exotic styles- the most bright feature interior Victorian era.

Characteristic features of the style

"Fear of empty space": decorations, furniture and plants completely filled the rooms

The abundance of ornament on the walls, ceiling and furniture upholstery

Paintings in massive carved frames and tapestries

Rich drapery: thick, dark velvet and corduroy curtains

Collections of ashtrays, photographs, porcelain figurines and busts

Color spectrum

During the Victorian era, various color palettes. In the early period, the interior was decorated in rich colors. precious stones. Intense burgundy, ruby, gold:

In the middle period, the interior became more restrained. Preference was given to more elegant colors: from pale sand and beige to shades of dark wood.

In the later period, bright colors came back into fashion. In this living room, an azure fireplace stands out against the backdrop of sand-colored furniture.

Wall decoration

The design of the walls in the time of Queen Victoria was approached in a big way. Factory wallpaper was practical, inexpensive and beautiful solution. Preference was given to bright colors, with patterns and ornaments. Over hung contrasting paintings in massive wooden frames or tapestries.

At the end of the century, the English engineer Walton invented the linkrust. This is a wallpaper consisting of three layers:

  • paper base;
  • a thick solution of natural ingredients from which a pattern is molded;
  • coat of paint

It is these wallpapers that decorate the interior of Buckingham Palace.

These wallpapers look really luxurious, they are used to this day.

Floor decoration

The floor in the era of Queen Victoria was covered with parquet.

Or tiles, if you wanted to embody the colonial exoticism of the East Indies in the mansion. Tiles were commonly laid in corridors, bathrooms and kitchens.

Carpets of light shades with floral patterns.

Fireplace as an indispensable element of English decor

The heart of a Victorian home is the fireplace. decorated natural stone and wood, decorated with carvings, matching the color of furniture and wall upholstery.

And could stand out unusual color solution or catchy design. These fireplaces are eye catching.

Wood - the main element in the decoration of the room

The Victorian-style interior is filled with wood, always matte. Lacquer was not used in the 19th century.

Over the wallpaper, the British often imposed wooden panels one third or half of the wall. The panels were made from expensive types of wood and decorated with ornaments.

Victorian style lighting

In the era of Queen Victoria, lampshades and table lamps came to England from France.

The bases of table lamps were smelted from bronze, giving it the intended shape. Then they were painted by hand and made inserts from semi-precious stones, colored glass and ceramics. It turned out to be a real work of art.

Luxurious lampshades were made by hand from silk, satin and velvet. They were decorated with embroidery, fringe and glass beads.

Victorian jewelry and accessories

Every Englishman considered it his duty to collect a collection. Most often, not one. Items of the collection, which were exhibited on the mantelpiece and special racks. It could be: caskets, snuff boxes, porcelain figurines or mantel clocks.

Victorian style in a modern interior

If you decide to embody the dreams of good old Victorian England in your apartment, do not forget a few important points:

  • Dark tones in interior decoration ask for large windows and natural light
  • Bulky Victorian chandeliers and stucco imply high ceilings
  • A large number of accessories look harmoniously on a large area

Remember, the atmosphere is in the details: large outdoor clocks, chests and ottomans, plants in outdoor pots, sculptures and vases. Choose any style popular in 19th century England and feel free to choose accessories for it. Convenient, right?

If you doubt that you can do it alone, there is always, we,

Victorian style in the interior is a discreet luxury and beauty,

this style gives a person a feeling of comfort, stability - this is the smell of good cigars, strong coffee and fresh morning newspapers. This style corresponds to the notions of prosperity, it conveys a kind of confidence in the future of the person who gave preference to him. Most of the materials used are difficult to replace if you want to save money. And as for the numerous accessories - they must be real, that is, in fact, these are antiques of the appropriate value. But if a person is willing to incur certain costs, in the end he can enjoy a cozy environment in a warm, hospitable home.


Preference for the Victorian style of the interior of the apartment, as a rule, is given by connoisseurs of traditions, bourgeois quality, accomplished middle-aged people, businessmen, cultural figures, university teachers. For young people, interiors in the Victorian style seem too pretentious and "complex", but it often happens that with age, yesterday's lovers of hi-tech and modern sincerely fall in love with massive oak furniture, strict stucco on the ceiling and striped fabric wallpaper


Victorian style implies by no means cheap interior items and Decoration Materials- everything should look expensive, reliable, stable and with dignity. No Victorian interior is complete without indoor plants. They are placed on the floor (in no case on the windowsill or on the table), grouped in one corner. The pots are predominantly clay and plain, in harmony with the general decoration of the room.


In the true Victorian interior of the apartment you will find a lot of flowerpots, ottomans, screens, caskets and ashtrays made of expensive stones or metals, stands for pens and pencils.


Since the early 1980s, neo-Gregorian buildings have re-entered English fashion, with sash windows being the de facto standard. Windows did not have aesthetic appeal, but even the fact that they also imposed certain inconveniences of practical use did not affect the decision of post-modern architects and builders. So, lift-sliding windows are quite prone to “sticking” and are difficult to access for washing. They rattle under the influence of strong gusts of wind. On the other hand, drafts penetrating through an imperfect structure, from a medical point of view, have a beneficial effect on the health of the British nation, because. due to the constant circulation of air in the room, a fresh atmosphere is maintained


Victorian style elements:

Decorative elongated windows

Decorative verandas

Dormer windows

Complex intricate patterns on the ledge

Combination of many colors

The Victorian style is characterized by the richness of the elegant ornament that forms the roof and walls of the house. Being widespread in 1837-1901, neo-Gothic is characteristic of this style - the roofs have elongated multifaceted turrets. The walls are decorated with colorful ornaments.


Roofing is selected here in combination with the colors used on the facade decor. Fit here saturated colors- red, green or mixed gray, which will provide a strong contrast to the exterior of the facades of the house.

The British call the Victorian period briefly: “Victorianism” and believe that in aesthetics it meant the triumph of pragmatism and materialism, which, however, is generally characteristic of “ English style". The Victorian style is characterized by presentability and heaviness of forms, massive decorations, and careful finishing of details. The eclecticism and stylistic diversity of Victorianism is also explained by a natural reaction to the Puritan style, the severity of the previous era of the “Queen Anne style” and the “Georgians”.


Apart from traditional materials used new ones, such as iron and glass, but metal constructions usually hidden by decor. Furniture, as a rule, is heavy, dark, covered with abundant carvings. The mood of “romantic twilight” is created in the interiors, which is enhanced by accessories in pseudo-Renaissance, oriental and other styles.


Characteristic features of the Victorian style is eclecticism, combining Gothic, Rococo, exotic and classic. Exotic at that time meant Indian and Chinese styles. In addition, the Victorian style is a combination of unsurpassed quality and old, classic canons. The Victorian style in the interior has gone through several stages of development. At the dawn of its development, the Victorian style in the interior was a bulky neoclassic, the decor of which was distinguished by the quirkiness and ornateness of the patterns, ornaments and motifs used. And, finally, this style turned into what we now call the English classics, distinguished by a sense of proportion and respectability. This style is known to us from the film about the well-known detective hero Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes


In addition, it should be noted that the Victorian style has some degree of deconstruction. Deconstructivism is a house in which each room is finished and decorated in a separate interior style. Offices and libraries are usually designed in gothic style, ladies' rooms (boudoir) - in the rococo style, and dining rooms and hallways - "oriental style". The Victorian style combines Scottish plaid and floral patterns, which are made mainly on the curtains. A single piece of furniture can be made simultaneously in several styles


The main elements of the Victorian style in the interior:

a mixture of gothic, baroque and renaissance styles;

combination ancient traditions and impeccable quality

main colors: brown, burgundy;

feature lines: straight lines and arcs;

characteristic forms: vertical elongated planes;

characteristic elements of the interior: clutter of the interior with knick-knacks;

window shape: gothic, arched, rectangular;

doors: rectangular massive, with brass trim.

History of the Victorian style

The Victorian style was formed in England during the reign of Queen Victoria, namely in the second half of the 19th century. At this time, thanks to the rapid development of industry and the presence of colonies around the world, the bourgeoisie began to grow rich and take shape as a class that sought to surround itself with the attributes of a “luxurious life”.


Many interior items that were previously not available to everyone and considered a luxury have gained mass popularity. The decoration, arrangement and furnishing of houses acquired a demonstrative character of status and prosperity. The use of certain interior items began to be considered a manifestation of excellent taste, solidity, prestige, prosperity and respectability of the owner of the house. People at this time began to travel a lot, coming into contact with various oriental and exotic cultures, which they began to bring into the interiors of their homes.

In the art of the Victorian period, there are three stages:

Early Victorian, or Neostyle period (1835-1855);

Mid-Victorian period (“Mid-Victorian period”, 1855-1870);

Late Victorian, or "Free Renaissance revivals" ("Free Renaissance revivals", 1870-1901).

The early Victorian period is characterized by the parallel development of the Neo-Greek, Neo-Rococo, Neo-Gothic, Byzantine, Moorish, and Chinese styles. The decline of art was inevitable.

“Gothic for a long time mangled to make it suitable for commercial buildings. The facades of Greek temples were decorated with houses and banks. Roman baths were visible in the guise railway stations". Eclecticism was accompanied by the negative impact of the first results of the industrial revolution. Neo-Gothic forms were used for churches, universities and public institutions. In the construction of residential buildings, they focused mainly on classicism with an admixture of Byzantine, Renaissance and Baroque motifs.

Any “historical decor” could be made by machine quickly and cheaply: “Baroque carvings” from papier-mâché or painted plaster, “gilded rocaille” from tin. Ceramics imitated metal; "Victorian furniture" in the style of "Louis XIV" was combined with "Gothic" decor. And all this against the backdrop of heavy curtains and blackened academic paintings in gilded frames.

The late Victorian period is characterized by a mixture of “historical styles”: “Louis XIV”, Rococo, “Elizabethian Renaissance” and Tudor-Renaissance (“Tudor style”), as well as baroque styles of “King James” and “Stuart Restoration”.

The art of the Victorian era was eclectic and therefore did not constitute a single artistic movement or style. Consequently, the name "Victorian style" should be taken in quotation marks, understanding it figuratively.

In the 1890s, during the Modern period, a critical attitude towards this “style” gave rise to the current of Edwardian neoclassicism.

Features of the Victorian style interior

The main qualities of the Victorian style of the interior of the apartment - comfort and diversity - perfectly meet the needs modern man in a comfortable, solid and at the same time elegant apartment.

The harmony of the apartment in the Victorian style is that everything in it is balanced, symmetrical, imbued with a sense of proportion, but at the same time saturated.

Most often for a Victorian-style room, furniture is chosen in light brown tones or dark red-brown. Accordingly, everything else will be from pale pink, almond, lilac shades to, again, red-brown. An important place is occupied by gilding and rich colors in ruby ​​red or emerald green draperies.

In most cases, the furniture used in the arrangement of rooms in the Victorian style is made from natural wood of valuable species. Often the decoration uses gilding, inlay precious metals and other materials.

For flooring, natural wood parquet is used. Do not forget that the use of natural wood in the design and decoration of premises from time immemorial was considered a manifestation of excellent taste, solidity, prestige and respectability of the owner of the house. Moreover, flooring can serve as a tile that has an original ornament or pattern. Windows are also made of natural wood, lancet in the Gothic style or rectangular, with lintels. Doors are also made of massive natural wood with decorative brass details


All forms are vertical elongated, lines are straight and arcuate.

The walls are decorated with plaster, striped fabric / wallpaper or with round blooming roses, realistically drawn birds, animals. Often the walls are decorated with tapestries or wallpaper with a complex ornamental pattern, often voluminous, reminiscent of a bas-relief. Especially popular are British-made wallpapers imitating fabric. Images of leaves are used - maple, oak and birch, ferns, as well as forest flowers and berries: lilies of the valley, clover, strawberries.

On top of the wallpaper the size of a third or half the height of the wall, panels of precious wood are attached. They do not have carvings, but are decorated with ornaments in classical style. By the way, it is categorically not recommended to varnish the panels: glossy sheen is alien to the Victorian style.


The ceiling can be with dark beams or stucco molding with a ceiling (a reproduction of a painting). Ceiling chandelier with imitation of candle lighting performs a decorative role. The main light is due to table and floor lamps with fabric lampshades.

Furniture - massive, heavy, decorated with carvings. Sofas, armchairs, chairs - voluminous with thick upholstery. The bed in the bedroom should be without a canopy. Chests of drawers, chests and grandfather clocks are popular. An integral part of the living room is a fireplace (even an electric one) and all kinds of accessories for it.


It is allowed to use an unlimited number of "trinkets": Chinese vases, Indian boxes, stuffed animals, paintings, etc. horizontal surfaces should be covered with richly ornamented textiles, the floors are covered with thick carpets depicting birds and plants.

The interiors of the Victorian era are widely used floral patterns, burgundy draperies made of soft plush, in general, everything that helps to recreate the atmosphere of home warmth. Covers, canopies and, of course, curtains play an important role here. As a general rule, Victorian curtains use the finest drape fabrics, expertly gathered and trimmed with soft pom-poms. A typical phenomenon is several cornices for several types of fabric on one window, while the window is, as it were, “wrapped” in curtains. Heavy fabrics are sure to be combined with lighter, tulle or lace curtains.


Indispensable attributes of a Victorian apartment interior are paintings and Wall Clock. Paintings are hung on a special rail made of the same type of wood as the panels, and therefore almost invisible against the background of the wallpaper. Frames in the Victorian style, on the contrary, are selected voluminous, heavy, but by no means gilded. As for the content of the paintings, they should correspond to the atmosphere of the Victorian style - portraits, landscapes, plot sketches and in no case abstractions. And so that they do not get lost against the general background, the tones of the works should be contrasting.


Extremely appropriate in a Victorian interior will look and mirrors in full height, with the same frames as the paintings - as a rule, they are placed in front of the fireplace, windows or doors and are often tinted in yellow, red or green


Another frequent hero of the Victorian interior is a fireplace made of granite, black or red, and always in a classic style, to match the panels. It is better to cover the fire with a screen, and fence off the fireplace itself with a metal fence with Gothic spiers, painted black, 40-50 cm high.






It is first and foremost a luxury. It includes different styles from the Gothic to the Tudor and Elizabethan eras. Regardless of the styles prevailing in it, the uniqueness of this method remains unsurpassed. Today's designers have introduced new elements that transform this style in a modern way.

Rich and deep dark shade

Victorian style in the interior of the living room is not just a show of luxury. This style can be practical and multifunctional. The 25 projects presented in the article will take you back to the past without losing their modernity.

Saturated dark colors

Victorian style always wins visual qualities. The absence of boring tones, the presence of rich and deep colors is a special feature of this style. In the Victorian style, purples, navy blues, and lively yellows can be seen.

Dark purple hue prevails here

Elegant carpet and expensive furniture in the living room from White Pebble Interiors

Alive yellow within the walls of the living room

Carved wood above the fireplace

Intense blue wallpaper

Striking walls

Unlike their contemporary counterparts, Victorian living rooms often feel incredibly cluttered. The walls in the rooms are decorated with old engravings and paintings, which are the center of the living room. Add decorative cutouts meant for arches and relief walls, and a stunning living room is ready.

You will have a living area where every detail is part of the story! Stained glass windows and stone fireplaces complete this extravagant puzzle.

rich painting

The wall is decorated with various paintings.

Picture of two boys framed in gold tones

Painted chest of drawers

Two story Victorian living room

Exquisite chandelier and huge painting

golden approach

Gold in the interior is the epitome of the Victorian era. You can't go wrong if you use a gold ornament. This is a timeless element of Victorian style that even modern homeowners will love. Combining gold with dark shades, your classic living room comes to life before your eyes.

For those who do not like shiny elements, golden shades are a great substitute.

golden atmosphere

Proper use of golden shades in the interior of the living room

Golden curtains and armchairs

Tree in golden colors

Golden painting over the fireplace

White and gold interior design

Intricate and catchy details

Simple things like candles on the mantelpiece (with silver candlesticks if that allows), fresh flowers in a vase and a bowl of fruit can make your living room truly Victorian. Carpets with oriental patterns, soft and velvety curtains and beautiful brass floor lamps, will become finishing touch out of style era.

The presence of flowers in vases prevails here

Interesting chandelier shape

Candlesticks over the fireplace

Modernized version of the Victorian style

Rich dark wood in intricate furniture

Vase with beautiful flowers on the coffee table

Victorian style in the interior, luxurious and full of life, will be an excellent choice if you want to decorate your home elegantly and tastefully. Despite dating back to the mid-19th century, the Victorian style is still extremely popular. So, history reference, which tells about the prerequisites for the birth of the Victorian style in Britain two centuries ago.

First of all, Britain was the epicenter of the industrial revolution, and this boom in industry meant not only that society as a whole became richer, but also that there was new class wealthy businessmen. Money was no longer concentrated only in the hands of the landed nobility, the new class earned large sums that could be spent on luxurious decoration of their mansions in order to flaunt themselves. The nouveau riche of the time often showed off their wealth by decorating their homes with extravagant interiors.

The second important event that had a serious impact on the formation of the Victorian style was the heyday of British colonization. The new colonies meant an additional increase in the income of the merchant class, but not only that, now the inhabitants of Britain suddenly had access to exotic goods from all over the world. The fabrics, colors and styles of British colonies definitely express themselves in the interior design of English homes.

The Victorian era (which spans the 19th century and is centered in Britain) is full of controversy. In terms of cultural values ​​and traditions, people tried to shake off what they considered the excesses of the Romantic era of the previous century, and society as a whole became largely more conservative, and in many ways repressive.

Any manifestation of frivolity and frivolity met the disapproving glances of others, and diligence and discipline were put at the forefront. During the reign of Queen Victoria, practicality and strict moral standards were valued. You won’t think when looking at the Victorian style in the interior.

As society became more humble and submissive, the interior decoration of the house became more opulent and luxurious. A number of events explain this boom in extravagance in interior design. Most historians divide the Victorian era into three periods, early, middle and late era, and each of these periods had a significant impact on the development of the Victorian style. V in general terms The early and middle periods are characterized by floral patterns and bright colors, while the later Victorian period becomes more gothic.

Characteristic features of the Victorian style - a house or apartment in the city.

The Victorian style, the photo of which will allow you to get a clearer and more vivid idea, is distinguished by the following characteristic features:


Color is incredibly important when decorating a Victorian space. In particular, the Victorian style was distinguished by the use of bright colors, but there were some factors that influenced how these colors were selected.

In urban homes, a rich palette was used, and the dirty air of industrial cities was the basis for this, light-colored walls got dirty too quickly. Bright, saturated colors were commonly used for living rooms and bedrooms, while lighter colors were used in libraries and dining rooms. In most cases, a special finish was used along with the paint to bring out the colors and make the surface more textured.


At the dawn of the Victorian era, it was customary to wallpaper the walls throughout the house with floral pattern. The main wallpaper used was red, blue or green with a yellowish brown accent.

In the later Victorian period, floral design gives way to stylized foliage, and earth colors, muted tones of brown, yellow, green, gray and ocher, are used for coloring. Such a change of mood occurs in favor of the gothic fashion, which, by that time, is becoming very popular.


In terms of furniture style, the Victorians often looked to the past or to their overseas colonies. Curved, rounded edges and curlicues a la 18th century French furniture were popular in early and late Victorian period furniture. In the later period of the Victorian era, upholstered furniture made in an oriental style came into fashion.

Characteristic features of the Victorian style in the interior - a country house

What does an English-style interior mean to you? country house? Flower beds around entrance doors? A relaxed, informal setting filled with comfy sofas and windows covered with floral-patterned curtains? In principle, you will be right, the style of a country house includes all these points, but, at the same time, is not limited to only this.

Victorian style interiors, which are used in country houses in England, include the following specific traits:

Victorian style colors in the photo

English country house style calls for a palette of more dark colors than the colors used in most modern houses. For the floor, brown or red colors are predominantly used, while the walls are covered with wallpaper with a pattern, most often these are floral motifs, which are also used as colors for curtains, pillows and tablecloths. The color scheme of the Victorian style is a mirror that reflects the riot of autumn colors.


In English country houses it is not customary to cover the walls with paint. Instead, wallpaper is used, also, one should not forget that more dark wallpaper with flower color.


The most commonly used material for furniture is wood, everything here is wooden, including tables, chairs, bookshelves and cabinets with brass accents. Sofas and chairs are upholstered in soft, comfortable leather or velveteen. Another important point lies in the fact that the furniture should have the appearance of some wear and tear - the house should give the impression of living rooms.

A key element in the design of a country house is a traditional fireplace. cozy atmosphere living room creates a crackling fireplace, a massive leather sofa and an oak bookcase overflowing with expensively bound books. Even if you can't build a real fireplace for yourself, you can consider an electric one as an option, but you can't do without a fireplace at all, as it is an integral part of the atmosphere of a Victorian-style living room.

Paintings and decorations

If you are thinking about decorating your home in this style, firstly, these are the paintings on the walls, and secondly, you should go to antique shops in search of tables, cabinets and sideboards so that you can display your collection valuable items and figurines in the best possible way. It may seem a little cluttered, but remember, your own comfort comes first, if the room is full of porcelain figurines and you are literally afraid to go into it so as not to inadvertently break something, then you overdid it with decorations.

Generally, Vacation home, decorated in Victorian style, gives the impression of coziness and warm atmosphere, where every detail of the interior was chosen with care and love!

If you like Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice movies and books, you've definitely noticed beautiful dresses in Victorian style. Exquisite girls from that era in such luxurious outfits look very impressive. Therefore, many of the fair sex often imagine themselves in a similar way. Making such a dream come true is not so difficult, because some echoes of the Victorian style are present in modern outfits.

Style history

The Victorian style first appeared in the 19th century. Its name comes from the name of Queen Victoria, who at that time ruled Great Britain. It was she who brought into fashion fluffy dresses, corsets and skirts, decorated with lace.

Dresses in the Victorian style allowed the girls to get as close as possible to the canon of beauty of that time. A tight corset, tightening the waist, created the effect of a feminine figure like " hourglass". Such dresses looked equally good on ladies with magnificent forms, and on thin beauties.

Luxurious dresses with corsets could afford only noble ladies. Such outfits were distinguished by exquisite and complex design. For the processing of all small parts It took a lot of time and effort, which justified the high cost.

Dresses in this style were layered and puffy. The fabric of the skirts was decorated with lace, flounces, all kinds of bows and ribbons. Lace-up corsets were obligatory element image. Sometimes they were tightened so tightly that the waist narrowed to thirty centimeters, and it was literally impossible for the girls to breathe.

Velvet, silk, satin, satin and other expensive fabrics were used as materials for tailoring. The colors were chosen saturated and deep - burgundy, dark blue, green or black. The girl in such a dress looked luxurious, so she did not need bright makeup. Ladies complemented their image exclusively with jewelry with natural precious stones.


Victorian style dresses are very easy to recognize. First of all, they are distinguished by femininity. The hourglass style allows you to emphasize the smooth lines of the lady's figure, and the corset lifts the chest. At the same time, due to the closed neckline, dresses in the Victorian style look restrained.

To add splendor to Victorian-style dresses, they were supplemented with crinolines. This is the name of skirts on durable steel hoops that create volume. They also help maintain the straight posture that we see in the girls of that era in photographs and movies.

In addition to dresses, in the Victorian style you can also find spectacular combinations of layered skirts with blouses embroidered with lace or ribbons. In general, lace and embroidery complemented almost all the outfits of the ladies of the Victorian era.

Such luxurious images of the lady were complemented with real jewelry. Jewelry, as a rule, was massive and pretentious. Rings, earrings and bracelets in the form of hearts, birds, snakes or angels were popular. Many women also wore shawls. Decorative capes, like dresses, were sewn from expensive fabrics and decorated in all available ways.

For the modern woman

With the death of Queen Victoria, fashion changed, but some elements of the Victorian style appear in clothing today. Many designers, inspired by this most interesting era, supplement their collections with things that seem to have come to us from the century before last. So, for example, blouses with high lace collars have repeatedly appeared in the collections of such eminent designers as Alexander McQueen and Ralph Lauren. Ruffles, lace, bows and frills today adorn not only dresses and blouses, but also jeans and other denim items.

Spectacular corsets are also often found in various designer collections. Now they are combined not only with dresses, but also with classic-cut skirts and even jeans, creating contrasting, but therefore even more interesting bows.

You can emphasize a thin waist with a corset with lacing. It can be exclusively decorative element as well as functional. In the second case, the corset will not only focus on the waist, but also make it thinner. True, take into account the fact that you can’t wear corsets for a long time so as not to harm your health.

Modern Victorian dresses are also slightly different from their predecessors. They are more comfortable, since they are not complemented by crinolines and a pile of skirts that interfere with a normal walk, and corsets in them play a mostly decorative role.

A Victorian style dress will look spectacular at various solemn events. By choosing such an outfit for graduation, you will definitely stand out among the same type of classmates.

The dress in the Victorian style will also look original at the wedding. If you like this era with its romanticism, then it is quite possible to make a themed wedding.