How to improve the old cottage? We decorate the garden area.

What to do if large-scale renovation is not included in the immediate plans, and you really want to change the outdated interior? Thanks to several budget solutions "grandmother's" the apartment will turn into a cozy and original home.

1. Alignment to walls

In many respects, it is the walls with partially peeling plaster and faded wallpaper that give Soviet interiors an outdated and sloppy look. Therefore, you cannot do without updating the wall space. A universal way is to paint the walls white or paste over them with wallpaper. If this goes beyond the budget or seems too complicated, then use the fashionable technique characteristic of the loft style - walls without finishing, for example, concrete or brick. This style allows the use of old furniture, so it will not be difficult to equip a Soviet apartment in accordance with its characteristics. Hang abstract paintings or graffiti on "bare" or white-painted walls.

The appearance of the room will be transformed by numerous open shelves, on which there are books in beautiful bindings and original gizmos. It is not at all necessary to hang them on the walls in a row. Chaotically placed shelves look more interesting.

2. Make room for new

The problem with most old apartments is total clutter. Get rid of all items that you have not used for more than six months without remorse. Throw away the things that don't bring you pleasure to contemplate - it's about decor. Leave only the essentials, and breathing in your old apartment will become much easier! The less random small items there are, the better. If you want to transform a rented apartment, where little things cannot be thrown away, then pack them in boxes and hide them in the sofa, on the mezzanine or under the bed. Sticking wires also create the impression of clutter. Hide them in special boxes, fix them under the countertops ... The original solution is to wrap the wires with twine or tape, but in this case, you must first make sure that the electrical communications are working properly.

3. Remember and realize that furniture is not nailed to the floor

Huge wardrobes and sofas, on which every now and then stops, make a depressing impression. Since the change of furniture does not fit within our budget, all that remains is to rearrange it correctly. Furniture should not block the sun's rays entering the apartment from the street. Also try to place it in such a way that it does not fall into the field of view from positions where you spend the most time. For example, in the living room, you should not place a closet next to the TV, since the person looking at it will always notice massive furniture. It is not at all necessary to arrange furniture along the walls. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, try using it for zoning. For example, a sofa in the central part of the room will allow you to divide the room into several functional areas. You can instantly refresh the interior with a screen or a rack on wheels. At the first sign of interior fatigue, simply move them around and a sense of newness is guaranteed.

4. Not a step without textiles

Speaking about the fact that a cozy apartment cannot be imagined without textiles, we do not mean multi-layer curtains with lambrequins. You will have to get rid of them. But light translucent curtains or roman blinds will effectively refresh the interior. Textile covers and bedspreads will help to hide the worn upholstery of furniture, and bright printed pillows will radically change the perception of an old apartment. But if the interior is overloaded with little things and various details, then it is better to refuse catchy textiles. On the contrary, opt for solid colors, which will help balance the situation and make it more harmonious.

5. More light and shine

After freeing the windows from multilayer curtains, it's time to move on to increasing the degree of artificial light. Most Soviet apartments have only one chandelier hanging in the center of the room. As a result, the room looks gloomy in the evening, and people do not have enough light. Table and floor lamps, candles will help to solve the problem of insufficient lighting. The atmosphere will immediately become more comfortable! Also pay attention to the various interior details with a glossy sheen - gold, silver, bronze ... They are in perfect harmony with the dark wooden furniture, which abounds in apartments, and ennoble the atmosphere. Photo frames, accessories for furniture, lamps, lamps can be shiny ...

6. New life of old furniture

There are a lot of ideas for renovating old furniture. One of the simplest is replacing old fittings with new ones. Sanding the furniture from a layer of old varnish and painting it will be a little more laborious way. You can decorate the surface of the renewed furniture using decoupage or stencil drawing.

7. "Living" interior is always relevant

To make the interior look more dynamic, do not forget to decorate it with fresh flowers. Remember to take good care of your plants. Semi-dried indoor flowers with yellowish leaves will produce the exact opposite effect. Choose large plants with rich leaves.

8. Vivid details create the effect of novelty and surprise

The problem with interiors created during the Soviet period is their monotony. As a result, the apartment looks boring and predictable. Therefore, we recommend enlivening the environment by using a few bright details. Even one piece of a non-standard color can radically transform the Soviet interior. The more contrasting the setting, the less it will be perceived as outdated and unfashionable.

9. Say yes to non-trivial combinations

It is not at all necessary to turn the Soviet interior into a classic one. Firstly, the result is unlikely to be successful, and secondly, there are more interesting options. For example, eclectics. This style allows for a combination of things in the interior, which at first glance seem incongruous. Thus, the eclectic interior allows for a high-tech lamp surrounded by old furniture. But be careful - in order to create high-quality eclecticism in an environment, you need to have excellent taste.

The improvement of a summer cottage implies not only a competent layout and cleanliness, but also a certain decor. Most often, a variety of curbs, original flower beds and garden sculptures are used for this. To avoid unnecessary costs, we decorate the dacha with our own hands, using only available materials.

For the manufacture of garden paths, a wide variety of materials are used: brick, stone, gravel, round wood cuts, and others. In order for the site to look harmonious, all tracks should be of the same material and, preferably, of the same width. The most important thing is that the surface does not slip or collapse under the influence of moisture.

Prices for paving slabs

Paving slabs

For work you will need:

It is more convenient to lay out a path from a whole brick, but a more beautiful surface is obtained from a broken one. So, first mark the boundaries, and then remove a layer of turf 15-20 cm thick. The bottom of the trench is well tamped, covered with a layer of coarse sand. The sand is spilled with water for greater compaction and the brick is laid. Very often the brick is laid out without cement mortar, filling all the gaps with sand, but the use of the mortar will make the masonry much more reliable and durable.

The brick can be laid in any way: in parallel rows along the length or width of the path, in a checkerboard pattern, chaotically, intersperse a whole brick with a broken one, form geometric shapes. Each element must be tightly laid next to the others and hit with a rubber hammer so that it does not protrude above the surface. The denser the packing, the more reliable it is. In a similar way, paths are made of stone or gravel.

Find out step-by-step instructions in our new article.

Wooden walkways

If there are a lot of old unnecessary trees in the country, you can create very beautiful garden paths from chocks and cuts of trunks. The cuts must be of the same thickness, not less than 15 cm; it is not necessary to select according to the diameter of the workpiece. You cannot use too cracked or rotten parts of the tree - they will not even last a season.

For work you will need:

  • cuts of thick branches and trunk;
  • bituminous mastic or waste oil;
  • geotextile;
  • coarse sand;
  • a hammer;
  • shovel;
  • building level.

All cuts must be cleaned of bark and soaked with working off or hot drying oil from all sides. If bituminous mastic is used, the blanks are thickly coated on the side that will be in the ground. While the wood is drying, you can make markings on the ground and remove the top layer of the earth.

Stacking cuts

The depth of the trench should be such that the cuts, after installation on a sand cushion, are flush with the surface or rise slightly above the ground.

The bottom must be compacted well and covered with geotextiles, releasing the edges of the material upward on both sides of the trench. A layer of sand is poured, leveled, the cuts are tightly installed and the gaps formed between them are filled with the same sand or screenings. Use to control the location of the cuts horizontally so that the track has a flat surface.

Beautiful homemade curbs can be located along paths, around flower beds, at the gate, or delimit the site into zones. For the manufacture of curbs, wooden chocks, rods, vines, brick and stone, glass bottles, cinder block, concrete are used. Broken glass, colored pebbles and ceramic chips are used as decoration for concrete products.

Brick, stone and cinder block curbs

To lay out a brick border, you will need:

According to the markings, a layer of earth is selected to a depth of 15 cm and a width of 20 cm. The bottom is compacted and covered with crushed stone to half the depth of the groove, and poured with mortar on top. When the solution sets well, lay out the brick in rows in a checkerboard pattern. The border can be solid or have gaps - it depends on the amount of source material and the imagination of the master. In the same way, they lay out a border of stone or cinder block.

To make the cinder block more decorative, you can use outdoor plaster and paint. After laying the cinder block and drying the solution, a plaster mixture is prepared: the dry plaster is diluted with water and a coloring pigment is added. Now the surface of the curb is covered with a decorative mixture and patterns are created using a spatula. This edging looks very attractive both along the paths and around the flower beds.

For wooden curbs, cuts of small diameter, block blocks from branches, strong rods and an antiseptic impregnated hardwood bar are suitable. The blanks must be of the same size and without bark, otherwise the border will look very sloppy. First, all wooden elements must be impregnated with used oil, drying oil or and dried well in the air.

While the blanks are drying, you can make markings and select the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm. The bottom and walls of the groove should be covered with geotextiles, and then a layer of sand should be poured onto the bottom. The dried blocks are alternately inserted into the groove, knocking with a mallet and checking their height by level. The gaps are filled with sand or screenings, soil is poured on the sides and compacted.

You can make neat and attractive concrete curbs. For this you will need:

Mark the borders of the curb and take out a layer of soil 15 cm thick.On both sides of the groove, formwork from the boards is installed and fixed with jumpers. The inner side of the formwork is upholstered with polyethylene to make the curb surface smooth. For the same reason, the boards should be as flat as possible. As a reinforcing frame, you can lay 2-3 steel rods with a section of 10 mm, connected with a wire at a short distance.

A solution is poured into the formwork, the surface is leveled with a trowel. After 2-3 hours, colored fragments of ceramics, pebbles, glass are pressed into the raw concrete - whatever the fantasy suggests. After a day, rub the irregularities and leave to dry completely. If desired, the finished borders can be painted.

The border is decorated with pebbles and lids

We make garden sculptures

Homemade garden sculptures can not only decorate the cottage, but also give it a special atmosphere and originality. To make sculptures, you can use plywood, tree stumps, clay, gypsum or cement mortar, old car tires, scrap metal, plastic bottles, and even polyurethane foam! The most important thing is that all the figures are combined with each other and in harmony with the surrounding landscape, otherwise the summer cottage will look like a warehouse.

It is easy to make any decorative figure from plywood. In the process of work you will need:

  • template;
  • jigsaw;
  • waterproof plywood;
  • primer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • multi-colored paint.

The figurine can be three-dimensional or flat, depending on the chosen template. Flat is easier to make, and the process itself takes less time. To do this, apply a template to a sheet of plywood, circle it with a pencil and cut off all excess with a jigsaw. Then the sections are ground and the workpiece is treated with a protective primer. When the plywood is dry, all that remains is to paint the figurine and place it in the garden.

Volumetric figures look more original and can perform additional functions, such as this ladybug.

To make it, you will need 4 identical sheets of plywood and several small fragments from which the head of the animal will be made. Additionally, you will need a metal or wooden frame and a container for plants. Plywood sheets are cut according to the template and fastened in the form of a box. The head of a cow is collected from the scraps, the ears are attached to it and everything is screwed to the base together. Then you need to paint the structure correctly, dry it, and then install and fix it on the frame. A container is placed inside, filled with earth and ornamental plants are planted.

Find out how to do with step by step instructions in our new article.

Plaster sculptures

Plaster or cement mortar makes it possible to pour a sculpture of any shape and size. For small figures, the shape is made from plastic containers, and to create a large sculpture, you will need to assemble a strong metal frame. In the absence of experience, it is recommended to start with small pieces of simple shape; Compositions of fresh flowers surrounded by plaster mushrooms with bright hats, figures of gnomes or, for example, a turtle by a homemade pond, look very cute.

To begin with, let's "draw the image of the enemy", that is, we will understand what exactly in a well-worn car repels us.

Dents on the body;

Damaged or missing trim parts;

Broken, faded lighting equipment;

Areas with corrosion or damaged paint;

Untidy wheel rims;

Dirt and dust on the body.

Of course, if your car's body is hopelessly shifting and rust holes alternate with scraps of peeling paint, it will not be easy to make a "candy" out of it (and most importantly, not cheap). But often the appearance of the vehicle spoils the "full set" of minor flaws that are easy to eliminate.

In addition, do not forget that very few people will consider your car, coming up close. Most of the "observers" see other cars from a distance of ten or more meters, which means that the smallest defects in your car can be ignored, while trying to eliminate the most noticeable ones.

Under the ruler

The unevenly sagging suspension of the car creates a catastrophic feeling of untidiness. The upturned "stern", the front end on one side, the wheel rubbing against the wing arch - it seems that with such external data there is a direct road to the disposal site. But it is often enough to change a single spring or spring to correct the car's posture. It is also necessary to deal with this issue because a skewed car is less controlled.

If you have a domestic model of the Soviet period, keep in mind that all cars of that time were drawn by designers under a full load state. That is, the most harmonious and expressive old "our cars" look on a crouched suspension, and if geometric cross-country ability does not matter to you, aligning the car's posture, do not seek to increase the ground clearance.

Also, the impression of a crooked body is enhanced by poorly fitting, unevenly installed doors, a hood, a trunk lid. You can often adjust them yourself, only due to the provided adjustments of the hinges and locks. Bumpers also play an important role, more precisely, the accuracy with which they are docked with other parts of the car, since the border lines are usually long, the slightest skew is immediately noticeable.

As well as broken lines of gaps between body parts, bent, poorly docked trim parts - moldings, linings - are great "bending" the car. Since the original parts of this group are often not cheap, here you can resort to modern tuning accessories - self-adhesive moldings made of soft plastic. By the way, if, thanks to the well-chosen color, size and location, such an overlay is clearly visible on the car, it will not only help to visually align the body, but also partially distract attention from painting defects.

Attention to detail

The image of any "old lady" is positively influenced by the originality of the components available for public viewing. "Native" bumpers, mirrors, optics, even on the most shabby copy, will create such a touch of retro-authenticity, and this always commands respect. At a minimum, try to use external parts, even if not standard ones, but from related models or, at worst, from the same historical period as your car.

Another trifle that will help make the car a little prettier for an inexpensive price is the replacement of aged diffusers of lighting equipment. For most domestic cars, these plastic parts can be found new - both Soviet-made and new-made.

Small foci of corrosion that have damaged the paint in prominent places can be easily eliminated on your own: clean the rust with an emery cloth, and use ... nail polish instead of paint. In dry goods stores, you can, with a certain degree of accuracy, match the tone to most car colors. Of course, such a "painting" cannot be called ideal, but from a distance of ten or two meters, the car will look much fresher.

On an old car, chrome parts always look spectacular (especially if the car is dark): radiator grilles, bumpers, wheel caps, mirrors and lighting fixtures, windshield wipers, moldings, glass frames, headlight rims. Take care of them and, even if there are later versions of these components in black, try to find and mount chrome.

Here, most likely, you will have to face some difficulties. So, well-preserved shiny parts are usually not cheap, but the prices are quite democratic during dismantling. Keep in mind that later years wheel rims often do not have lugs to fix the hubcaps, but the car markets sell kits of fastening brackets that use wheel bolts or nuts.

The role of wheels

Those wishing to make their old car more attractive should pay special attention to the wheels as one of the most visible elements of the exterior. (We are not talking about the fact that there should not be bald rubber on the disks, since this is not only beauty, but also safety.)

The most common visible wheel imperfections are dented rim rims and peeling paint. Crumpled metal can be rolled on a machine in a tire service, but skillful straightening with a hammer gives a completely satisfactory result. Traces of corrosion will have to be removed with a wire brush and sandpaper. You can restore the coating with paint from an aerosol can, and as a very budget option, an elementary brush will do too - the flaws of this method will be visible only from five steps and in our case will not matter.

All the problems of the rims, of course, are hidden in one fell swoop by the large plastic caps of the modern design, but they rarely stylistically fit the cars of older generations and usually seem alien to them. But chrome caps (we repeat!) On cars of the generation up to the early 1980s are much more appropriate. At the car markets, this decor is found in abundance at quite affordable prices.

It is the wheels that allow "little blood" to give a well-worn car some zest. Flippers - white rings for tire sidewalls - were fashionable in the 1930s and 1960s. This accessory gives the car (of the corresponding generation!) A smart look, but the flippers produced today are not cheap, since they are intended primarily for retro cars. However, at various flea markets, these products are found quite often and in a satisfactory condition.

How to update old interior doors, everyone chooses the option himself. I will only talk about some of the methods and decors that can be used in practice.


  • First, remove the door from its hinges and get to work.

Tip: If the door does not give in and does not want to come out of the hinges, then you need to put a lining on the floor, (so as not to spoil and not push the floor), we start an ax, a pry bar or a wooden block under the bottom of the product and, using a little effort, raise it to the top.

Fragments of wallpaper

  • If the door is covered with painted, then the paint must be removed (see). This can be done with a grinder, wearing a large emery attachment or a grinder. It is better to perform work on the street or on a balcony (loggia).

Attention: when working with a grinder and a brush, use a respirator, goggles, pants and long-sleeved clothing.

When working, metal hairs sometimes fly off the brush. After cleaning the paint, the door must be cleaned of dust. Areas where it is not cleaned by hand. We take wood putty and make up dents and chips.

It is shown how to create an original way of drawing on the door using squares.


The drawing can be created using a stencil or masking tape.

Tip: It is better to remove the tape immediately after applying paint, because after drying, the tape can ruin the drawing when removed, chipping off pieces of paint.

This pattern can be found on various posters and calendars. Only glue on the door, we try to remove air bubbles, this can be done with a rubber spatula or roller.

The principle is the same as when wallpapering:

Holes and dents

One way

If there are dents, chips on the door, we additionally clean them and process them with a primer for wood.

You can lightly burn the wood with a blowtorch or gas torch along the edges and in the middle of the door, but do not hold back the fire, but just hold it so that the coating darkens a little. Then wipe the firing sites with a damp cloth, removing carbon deposits.

Second way

There is another way to repair holes and dents:

  • We take small, preferably like flour, sawdust (they can be collected after working on wood with a grinding machine, with a fine emery nozzle) and mix it with PVA glue and seal up cracks and dents.
  • Mix by adding more sawdust.
  • After drying, we go through the places with sandpaper. This is a very good method after sanding with almost imperceptible differences.
  • If we want to preserve the texture of the wood, then we go through the door with a light stain.
  • Lubricate the hinges and put the door in place.

After reading this article, you will no longer think about how to update an old interior door.


If the interior doors are old and their hinges (see) are smeared with paint or rust, this can be easily fixed.


  • We remove the hinges, insert them into a vice, take a grinder with the same attachment with a brush iron and process it, squeeze the vice and turn it over.
  • Lubricate them completely with grease, oil and put in place.

Council. If the old screw sockets are broken and the screws fly in when attaching the hinges, then we take a piece of wood chips out approximately along the diameter of the socket and drive in the end until it stops.


Door without glass

The photo shows how to update an interior door using simple and affordable materials (see).

Decor with fabric and wallpaper:

  • We take not thick cardboard as a basis, cut out a 20 × 20 square and make a window in the middle.
  • Choosing wallpaper and glueing on a square
  • We cut off both the middle and from the edges, only so that the edges can be hidden by gluing on the back.
  • We select pieces of any fabric in this window and glue it into the resulting frame, you can use a thin mirror.
  • We put the finished structure on liquid nails to the door using an ordinary level.

Please note: You can rotate the square 45 degrees and glue with a diamond, you can use any shapes.

Some points that we consider:

Glass door

"Sharing" the door

Here is a way to improve old interior doors with glass. Conventionally, as if to divide it into parts with wooden or plastic strips, sticking them against each other on both sides of the glass with a sealant or PVA, you can use liquid nails.

You will get several artificial windows in place of one glass. And the interior old doors take on a new look, changing the picture familiar to the eye.

Glass painting technology

Glass paints are:

  • acrylic paint on glass.
  • acrylic polyurethane-painting of glass and ceramics.
  • polyurethane water enamels - on glass and drawing on mirrors.
  • industrial enamels - on glass with forced drying at a temperature of 150 gr. FROM.

There are good options for how to update old interior doors so that it would be cheap and look like a million $):

  • Before work, degrease the glass with an ammonia-based agent and rinse with warm water; for wiping it is better to use a microfiber cloth.
  • We prepare the paint, select the shades by tinting, the base polyurethane enamel is stable and can be stored for several months.
  • Before applying, we introduce a hardener and a promoter into the coloration solution.
  • hardener - 10% per 100 gr. Colored solution. Mix everything intensively. at 1000-1500 rpm
  • promoter - 3% per 100 gr. Colored solution, during work the enamel should be filtered, it is best to use a 50-150 micron filter.

The thickening time of the finished mixture is 2-3 hours at 20-28 degrees with increasing temperature, the solution hardens faster. When thickening, the mass can be diluted 3–8% by adding pure water.

A stencil drawing of a tiger: how to decorate or glue old interior doors

The next step is stenciling the old interior doors:

We try to glue it so that there are no folds and the stencil fits snugly to the surface. We use a sponge as a brush, if there is a manual spray, then even better. You can choose the background yourself and update the interior doors.

About paint (specifications)

Here we give way to white, I will explain.

When adding color, white paint can be turned into any color and shade. (cm. ).

Acrylic paint:

  • Dry residual weight - 30-38% by weight.
  • Density of paint from the manufacturer in a container (specific weight) -1.14-1.18 kg / liter.
  • Material consumption -80-100 ml / m². varies depending on the thickness of the applied layer
  • Diluted with water.
  • Hazard class - No.

Attention! You always need to buy paint, with a stock and one batch, if it was not enough, look at the article on the bank and buy the same one (batches may be different and the paint may differ in tone).


I told you how to update the interior doors on your own and significantly transform them. But in the same way it is possible to refine the entrance structures, but this is a different topic. There are many other ways to upgrade your interior door.

Even simpler ones:

  • paste over it with wallpaper, or self-adhesive tape with pictures.
  • It is also permissible to glue the door over with a cloth.
  • You can also use photo wallpapers, 3D drawings or posters.

There are many ways and many opportunities for the flight of imagination, now everything is in your hands, dare!

The owners of country houses or summer cottages have to maintain not only the house itself, but also the area adjacent to it. And almost every summer resident wants to see his land not only functional, but also attractive and original.

How to ennoble a summer cottage without spending large material resources? Some design ideas are so simple that anyone can use them, even if they are not an experienced gardener. Let's take a closer look at the options that can be used to decorate the garden.

Beautiful flower beds, flowerpots, flower beds

Regular potted flowers and small flower beds, unfortunately, do not look original and quickly become boring. But there is a way out: it is necessary to collect all the old utensils, household items that have fallen into disrepair and are gathering dust in attics and sheds. It is antiques that can transform and create a unique style of your site.

These items include:

  • leaky watering cans and wooden barrels;
  • old stools, benches and chairs;
  • broken bicycles, car tires;
  • jugs, troughs and china.

The barrels are successfully transformed into beds for climbing plants. We fill the containers with earth, make holes and plant crops. Extremely unusual, but beautiful flowerpots also come out of sinks or toilet bowls.

Tires stacked vertically on top of each other will perfectly serve as a flower bed. When the flowers begin to curl and grow from top to bottom, you get a beautiful flower fountain.

A broken bike can also be turned into an original flowerpot. Instead of a seat and a steering wheel, we install potted flowers. Just remember to secure the structure.

Chests, grandmother's suitcases, wicker baskets - are there any flower beds? If they look unkempt, you can coat them with a special product to keep the wood from rotting.

Note! The stump that is usually left over from felling trees can become a natural planting pot for a variety of plants. We uproot, clean the core (make a bowl), cover it with earth and plant flowers.

We remove the seat from the old stool or chair, install a container with earth and plant whatever your heart desires.

Metal headboards from beds will be an excellent support for rose bushes, raspberries or climbing plants.

Broken vase, fragments from porcelain dishes will come in handy for creating an original stream. We put a vase or a jug on one side, fill it with soil, spread a kind of small stream around it made of glass or porcelain and plant any plants. You can create the impression that streams of moss, rejuvenation or sedum flow from the jug.

Shoes, torn boots and boots, arranged in a chaotic manner, will create a collection of unusual lawns, with flowers of various shapes planted in them.

Garden figurines and sculptures

The shady areas of the garden, where there is little vegetation, are perfectly complemented by straw stuffed animals, figurines of gnomes and sculptures of brownies. If the site is small, then the figures, respectively, should be miniature. The garden is large and the figurines can be made larger.

Note! Painted round stones look very impressive. From them you can make deer, ladybirds, hedgehogs and much more, the main thing is to show your imagination.

A variety of cartoon characters and fairy tales, all kinds of animals and birds are excellently obtained from car tires.

By the way, ordinary plastic bottles are cheap and affordable material from which you can create an original decor for a summer cottage composition.

Fountains, artificial reservoirs

When the suburban area is large, then you can build a pool or multi-level fountain. But what if the garden is small and you really want to have a reservoir? In this case, it will be enough to dig a hole of the required size and install a bathtub or any plastic container in it. If there is no bath or container, you can simply use polyethylene. We line the bottom with foil and fill it with water. The edges can be beautifully decorated with flower beds or pebbles, pebbles, small cobblestones.

Note! Do not install such a pond in a sunny area, the water will quickly evaporate, and mud will appear in the pond.

An already existing body of water can be transformed perfectly with flower beds floating on the surface. It is very simple to make such a flower bed: we take a plastic container, make small holes in the bottom, line geotextiles and cover them with soil. You can plant your favorite flowers on top and lower the structure into the water.

Note! To prevent the flower bed from going to the bottom, the container is fixed on the foam.

Bright and original garden paths

Paths and paths on the personal plot will look attractive and cozy if they are lined with small hemp, twigs, pebbles, mosaic tiles or from fragments of multi-colored plastic. Any material must be laid on a sand and gravel base.

Note! If your tile is rubbed and does not look aesthetically pleasing, then just remove it and plant small flowers, moss or stonecrops in this place.


To make your summer cottage pleasing to the eyes not only in the daytime, but also at night, it is worth thinking about lighting, but not just installing lights or passing light around the perimeter, you can make the site fascinate and attract attention at night. And simple cans will help with this. We take a jar, draw any interesting drawing, make holes according to the drawing with a nail or an awl. It remains to paint the body a bright color and attach the wire handle. We install a candle inside. You can fasten several cans and hang a garland of them in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. Glass jars are also suitable for decoration. We paint them with acrylics and install candles.

Making an original and attractive garden plot is easy. A little effort and you will want to admire the masterpieces that you made yourself again and again.


Landscaping ideas:

How to fix the shortcomings of a small area using landscape design:
