What dream of a woman in a blue dress. Dress blue dress

As everyone knows, dreams, night dreams are the sphere of secrets, mysteries and signs that are not easy to solve.

In dreams, we lose control - in contrast to everyday life, in this mysterious and infinite world, everything happens according to unknown laws. We cannot control strange and sometimes fabulous plots.

However, there are in dreams and familiar, simple things. But even they, unlike real life In reality, are symbols in dreams and indicate something.

Separately, it is worth noting such a bright and frequent symbol like women's dress. It appears in the world of a dream of no accident, and always hints a dream for some coming events.

How to express how to dream of dress - beautiful, new or holes, blue, yellow, red, blue, pink or green, seen in the showcase or on yourself, wedding or old ...

If a girl or woman sees such a dream - it is worth paying attention to him, because these visions are extremely important for interpretation, and have an important meaning. More our great-grandmothers curious, what dreams of a dress, wanting to know what they would be waiting for.

There may be a lot of variants of such dreams, and the value depends on the appearance of the robe, as well as from events and the details of the seen. The most common dreams look like this:

  • See just a kind of dress in a dream.
  • See new, very beautiful outfit in shop window or on a mannequin.
  • Very long, ball attire in Gresses.
  • Green dress in a dream.
  • Dreamed yellow dress or sundress.
  • Sleeper blue.
  • Beautiful pink.
  • Dreamed the dream in which the red outfit appeared.
  • He is in a dream blue.
  • To see in the Gresses dirty, untidy, old or leaky dress.
  • White, wedding.
  • Black.
  • See some unusual, very long, old or carnival robe.
  • Wear a new, good dress.
  • Dress a child or girlfriend.
  • Select outfit in the store.
  • Sew new clothes for yourself in Gresses.
  • Girl stained in a dream dress.
  • Talking outfits
  • Buy clothes in a dream.
  • Enjoy yourself in luxurious closure, spinning at the mirror.

Such a variety of dream options for all colors and styles is not surprising. Dresses occupy a special place in the everyday reality of each girl, lady and ladies, and nothing strange if it flashes in dreams.

But it is worth remembering that every such dream means something else, and in order not to intimidate and get the right answer, what dreams of a dress, you need to remember all the details very carefully and not miss anything.

Just take a look!

Perhaps a girl or a woman in Gresses only saw a dress. To admire them, consider, notice in the showcase, but - not to try, not to sew, not to buy and not touch even a finger - what does such a dream promise?

1. As the dream book says, a dress, just seen in the Gresses, foreshadows the one who saw him, joyful news and pleasant events in the very near future revealed. Know, you will find many joyful moments!

2. Such a dream, the dress in which was new, and was concerned in the Women's Shop Showcase, or on a mannequin, very sign. The interpreter says you have the opportunity quickly and without tremendous effort to fulfill your dream.

Now suitable time And for this there is all the possibilities, but it is necessary to make a decision and make a step. Think how not to miss the chance, you are close to the fulfillment of the cherished goal!

3. A very long dress seen in Gresses promises you a surprise, if you trust your dreams. You will be pleasantly surprised by something - an event, news or someone else! This is exactly what a long dress in a dream.

4. Green outfit - as a dream book says, symbol of hope. She now feeds and strengthens your spirit, and do not lose it - you hope not in vain.

5. As the dream book, dress yellow color - Sign of insincerity. If you saw a yellow dress in Gresses, be alert - perhaps someone deceives you, or not to the end of you honest. Do not be too trusting, look at people.

6. A gentle blue dress foreshadows ambulance and romantic experiences. Dream Interpretation does not say that everything will fall out - only indicates that you have to fall in love.

7. The pink dress symbolizes a strong and sincere friendship, and be sure - you have a very reliable friend (and rather a friend), which can be opened your soul. Take care of this friendship as a treasure!

8. Frequent questionWhy and what is the dream of a red dress - the symbol is the brightest and screaming. Interpreters are somewhat diverged in opinions - and to decipher what a red dress is dreaming, it is worth remembering your own emotions in a dream.

  • If you looked at this dress with joy and feelings were pleasant - the whirlwind of pleasant passions awaits you, big love And unforgettable experiences.
  • But if the dream was unpleasant, you were alarming, looking at a red dress, or even fear - be careful and avoid dubious entertainment.

9. A blue dress indicates your dreaminess. And the interpreter advises to be a little more realistically, not to live in air locks, in order not to get bitter disappointment.

10. Curious, what dreams of a black dress - many are frightened, thinking that it foreshadows a big trouble or even mourning. In fact, all that you after such a dream can threaten - this is sadness and longing.

A period of small apathy, which, most likely, will not have serious grounds, except fatigue. Relax from affairs and stresses, do not let depression overcome you, surround yourself with positive and joyful things.

11. As Dream Interpretation Indicates, dirty dress, lean, untidy or old - warning sleep. Be the most prudent, now it is important to take care of a good reputation and do not risk.

12. Also interesting what dreams of white dress, in particular, the divergent outfit. Do not believe those who claim that it is a bad sign.

Wedding outfit foreshadows all the most joyful and happy dreams! You are waiting for happiness, new acquaintances and a lot of pleasant surprises from favorable fate.

13. As a dream book, a dress in gold is some unusual, such as an old, theatrical or carnival - a wonderful sign. You expect an extraordinary, rare and long-awaited event.

The secular reception, ball or another is a luxurious, large-scale event that will be remembered for a long time and bring the mass of delight.

Can I try?

A completely different kind of dreams - those in which the outfit was not just a vision, and you had a chance to do something. Actions can be mass - and the value of sleep depends on them and your future revealed.

1. If in Gresses you put on a new dress - expect great profits. You can boost at work, or you get a cash gift - the fate itself will decide where the money comes from.

2. Dressing in a dress of someone in a dream - a symbol of very strong and rare friendship. It doesn't matter who it was in a dream that you dressed, Intower you either have, or a true friend will appear soon.

3. Choose clothes in the store - a symbol of new features. You will get a great offer, or just will be revealed before you new way With the mass of prospects. Do not miss!

4. Sew the dress is a good sign, as the dream book says. If you have ever made it in a dream outfit, you are waiting for a new undertaking that brings a brilliant success. So, not doubting, you will try for a new thing, embody the ideas!

5. If you have stapped or poured something in a dream the dress - you are awaiting someone's generous patronage, the help of an influential person.

6. Buy a dress - I will reveal the pleasure. You have to experience pleasure from something!

7. Curious, what dreams of changing the dress is somehow. Dream Interpretation says that it is an excellent sign - the sign is beautiful, he promises admiration from the surrounding.

8. To admire himself in the dress, spinning at the mirror - also a good sign promising to you a great position in society, recognition and honor, an excellent reputation.

You saw a dress or were in it - similar dreams most often promise a good future, full of joys and happiness.

Tips of the interpreter should be perceived carefully, not blindly, but analyzing your own life. A B. good interpretations Believe - after all, your faith and optimism will already become a pledge of a happy future! Posted by: Vasilina Serov

To see or carry in a dream. White dress foreshadows heart joy, ambulance wedding.

Green dress - to exercise hopes; Blue or blue - to go on the road;

A yellow dress is a sign of a lie, envy and gossip;

Red - to an important visit; gray - take care of general cleaning or repair;

Golden - Get help from sponsors; Multicolored and motley - to many entertainment;

Pale - relax in soul in silence and rest; A black dress foreshadows the sad news that will lead you to a strong disorder.

The dream in which it appears too short or close, not the size of the dress, foreshadows the worsening of cases in all spheres. Long, to the fifth dress means condemnation around the non-residential act.

Sewing the dress itself - your hardworking will be marked according to merit, and if you sew it in Atelier - you are waiting for meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will be wrapped with a chagrin.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long breaking.

If in a dream you are trying on the dress - it foreshadows the receipt of a profitable place or classes, which enlisters the side income that will exceed the main one.

A perfectly stitched dress means that I will like that the lifestyle you will bother you, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress and besides very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in a family circle.

To see on some reason, ugly or slamming dress predicts troubles threatening from the rival.

Untid, crumpled or dirty dress means that in real life you have a meeting with a person to whom you feed an insurmountable hostility.

A torn dress - to the glooms and disagreements at work, shaped - large troubles, difficulties and the opportunity to lose property.

Dress with ruffles suggests that they will soon survive a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

Dress with a belt - lose freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other cords - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

Velvet dress in a dream - a lot of fans in real life.

The dress is covered with sparkles, foreshadows familiarity with the smug and arrogant applicant for your hand, which, of course, will immediately be rejected.

Empty or ironing a dress - to the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream interpretation - fee, pay

If you dream that you get a fee for something, sleep foreshadows losses. Than more sumThe more losses will be. On the contrary, if you pay for accounts in a dream - you will find a small, but profit.

If you paid in a dream, imagine that you have spent all the money to pay bills.

Pay for something in the store - to the execution of desires. Bad signIf you do not have enough money to your favorite thing, it means that your dreams are impracticable.

In this case, imagine that you either make a discount, or you find a large bill in the wallet.

If you dream that you get a salary at the box office, - you will find a major financial disappointment: instead of the expected income you will have some losses.

If you have dreamed of such a dream, imagine that you did not receive a penny: the whole salary went on the payment of insurance, fines, etc. Not only: you still had to pay out of your own pocket ...

In the article on the topic: "Dream blue dress"- presented topical information on this issue for 2018.

From a long time, the ladies saw themselves in a dream in new clothes, getting vivid impressions and intriguing material for interpretation. Along with the dream book, they were looking for the meaning of secret signs to understand what was just such an outfit. If you remembered the dress blue or blue, the woman, as a rule, gained calm.

Two images

In a similar dream, two images merged: women's clothing and color. According to Freud, ladies' lads in a dream symbolize a naked female body. Psychiatrist in his dream interpretation treats them as a sensual symbol. He opens the secrets of desires, passions, seduction.

Girls always remember the style of a blue dress, and dream interpreters know its meaning. Many ruffles and Ryush speaks of frivolity. Strict silhouette is interpreted by dreambooks as a successful career. An elegant model of deep discreet color tells about the decency of the dreams. Easy, bright - about dreamy, expansive nature.

A certain color people see not by chance. It makes adjustments to the interpretation of dreams. They depend on shades, and you can expect predictions about hopes or disappointments. For a girl to see on themselves in a dream, a beautiful blue dress, means satisfying yourself. Bright shades Explain the fulfillment of desires.

Prediction, which is dreaming the old, the dark is reduced to the payment warning for perfect errors. The sad thing is to dress in faded-blue, it promises sincere flour. He dreamed of a sarafan in white peas - a sign that the girl appears to cause admiration. In black peas - she will envy her.

Talking and wear

If the girl dressed a new blue dress in front of the mirror, she will meet the ruin. But to get a more accurate interpretation, what is the dream fit, you need to know the value of the details.

Snovedia, remaining in admiration from the approximate update, dream interpreters report that the rivals are not terrible to her. Seeing that it is stitched unsuccessfully, will face the intrigues of the rival and difficult struggle for his beloved. A woman who dressed dirty or dull receives a warning about cooling feelings from a man.

What dreams to wear a blue dress in a dream? Most ladies it promises a journey, but a business woman can dreamed of a business trip. The more spectacular it was, the more interesting there will be a road than the newer - the safer.

Wedding Dress

For a young lady to see a beautiful wedding blue dress in a dream - this is a prediction of the ambulance with a delighted fan having the most noble intentions. If you dreamed that it was perfectly sitting on the figure, the girl would recover from the one for a long time in love.

For a beautiful woman wedding outfit - a sign of success in a male society. If he was torn, in a quarrel with a loved one, wisdom should be shown. Dark, dirty foreshadows the cooling of the senses of the partner.

If wedding clothes put on a lady, absorbed by the business, on the interpretation of dreams foreshadowed with a partner. How superb it looks in a dream, reflects the success of the negotiations and the degree of profitability of the project.

What dreams of a pregnant girl in a blue dress?

What dreams blue dress

Blue color dresses foreshadows travel, joy and fulfillment of desires. If it was a bright shade, then such a dream talks about good relationships with friends, relatives and colleagues. For a married or in love person, this is also a confirmation of the loyalty of his second half.

For a business person, a similar dream is a harbinger of emergency business trip and success at work.

Troubles and tears are waiting for the one who in a dream saw a dress of ugly dirty of blue color. Most likely, the problems will arise in relations with native people. If it was torn, then soon you will find yourself in a very serious material position. Dirty spots on the dress can talk about the unclean of the dream. Worsening of well-being can wait for who saw in a dream crumpled blue dress.

Psychological dream book argues that a blue velvet dress will dream of someone who is tired. You just need to take a little break and relax. This is especially true, do not think about any problems.

If a girl in a dream at the dream of a ball's blue dress with bows and ruffles, then such a dream indicates that her frivolous behavior may have depository consequences.

Wedding dress blue promises girl acquaintance with a guy, the relationship with which will be quite complicated. You for a long time We will not be able to relax, you will constantly overfill the experiences. A short dress suggests that real relationships will not be long.

If the dress is sewn from warm material, then you are waiting for material wealth and well-being. Thin fabric is a harbinger of deception and unreliability.

As a result, it is worth exactly decreasing, and whether there was a dress. If you summarize, you can say with a lot of accuracy to say that the road or the beginning of some kind of activity is awaited by the execution of desires and the achievement of the goals set earlier.

Blue dress in a dream I have not seen, but I am in a 3net. Very interesting interpretation. And with the length of the dress is interesting so everything is interpreted. Thanks Igor!

Yes, you need to do the length.

Today I saw myself in a dream of a bride in a long dark velvet dress, like, blue, someone shed drops of liquid on it, smoked, the stains did not remain. I married a husband, with whom 25 years together, the wedding was similar to the show, Sofita, leading .... The gods were friends, I learned exactly.

In your interpretation, this fatigue. And present complex relations, overflowing with experiences, the inability to relax. Those. This is a reflection of reality, not an omen?

If this is present in a dream, then why not be a reflection of reality?! Perhaps the dream calls on somehow change it to overcome fatigue, remove the experience and establish relationships.

Reality reflection, of course, what you think about the dreams. Unfortunately, in order to change something in life need strength, desire and not only mine, and opportunities.

Hello! Walked in a dream with mom in the market and chose a dress. All were short shiny and bright blue. I did not choose anything. Returned home and pulled out his long-blue dress from the closet.

Alain, it is possible that you will refuse some chance, prospects, because they will seem to you as if unworthy attention. The presence of the same dress in your cabinet is very positive, because the most valuable for you is in reality nearby.

Hello! Very rushing in a dream, gathered at some wedding. There was nothing to wear and then there was a blue dress in the floor, a strict silhouette, only it was not new. And I did not like it. Tried and immediately removed. Then he fussed very, hairstyle wanted to do, called hairdressers, but they did not take the phone. Then she saw a dress once again, he pulled out some item from him and woke up. In a dream, I was alarmed and, probably, even upset.

Anna, fitting the blue dresses on himself can mean really some kind of excitement, anxious mood in reality. Also important your feelings from sleep. The fact that no one has answered on the phone in a dream of sulitis in reality restriction or care.

Hello! I participated in a photo in the photo of the session with classmates (the Institute finished 15 years ago). We were 5 people. I clearly remember myself - insanely beautiful with long haircollected in the tail (now a short haircut) in a long blue (bright cornflower color) is very beautiful dress-fitted dress (my figure, forms that need))). The face is calm, without smiles, photos staged, creative. In a dream, no one rushed a word. Feelings from ourselves in a dream in this dress are very good and positive. I like me, I don't even believe that this is me. Then the photographer makes portrait shooting close-up So, I can consider all the small features of the face, individual cilia. At this point, I understand that this photographer - I am. I see this dream through the eyes of this photographer. That is, in a dream, two of me: I am a photo and model. There was no discomfort from sleep, only some pleasant emotions. The dream was bright and memorable.

Svetlana, it is possible that the dream dreamed you no longer at this life segment. Most likely, his meaning to indicate you that you are now - the Creator of His HAPPINESS. And as shown in a dream, you have everything you need to fulfill all your dreams, take important solutions and take steps forward to meet a happy future. Such a coloring of the dress reflects progress in relationships, good luck and luck. It is possible that something will repeat from the past. It is by the level of emotions, an emotional return.

Hello, help unravel, dreamed that running on his first occupation to the Academy (I was already an adult, 43 years old) and I understand that I forgot the notebook, ran quickly through the field home))))), took notebooks, but for some reason my hair without hairstyles Here I see it comes to the house (where the mother really lives in the village) the fashionable car, black, two guys come out and give mom what they brought. I asked them if they were not at the Academy, yes. I asked me to pick up, they answered both that we were waiting. I broke my long beautiful hair, Splash strand to the hairpin and in a beautiful long bright blue-blue dress came to them to go to the academy. What is it? Thank you.

Natasha, sleep could dreame up to an unexpected travel trip. It is possible that something from the past becomes the reason, some memories. Loose hair can symbolize the rest from the usual routine, in this regard, the events will bring a variety of life.

Thanks for the answer.

Hello, help figure out sleep, please!

I dreamed that I first chose sandals, Merila was different, then I was picked up a blue guipure dress just below the knees with a belt! I really liked him in him, and I still greeted the bosjigrators to choose from, but a haras of smaller size, and it seems I even picked up a dress , knowing that he (bra) is a little, but in general I really liked everything that happened ...

Anastasia, things that approached the size and liked, talk about favorable changes in life.

Hello. Saw in a dream dead grandmother. She gave me a blue dress to wear a long one. His own. I asked her holiday. I also saw how I try on a green bright dress, but it was not enough for me. In the mirror saw that they were not covered by the ass. What is this dream?

Julia is possible that some of your actions have reverse negative side. It is worth paying attention to this in order to avoid adversity.

Hello. I dreamed of a blue dress elegant, as if I once wore him in my childhood, I got it, I tried to wear, but I understand that it was children and fold, saying, the daughter will wear. In this case, the dress became heavenly color. Help, please decipher sleep

Gulnara, blue dress can perform a symbol of successful meetings, dating. Also promising sleep in terms of relationships.

Dream interpretation blue dress

Blue color, on the one hand, is a symbol of mysteriousness, dreaminess, but on the other - it personifies the alarm, excitement, anxiety. It is no coincidence that Dreaming Digested Blue Dress treats bicon.

So, such a piece of clothing may indicate that you are very tired and you just need to take a break and relax, especially if the dress is not only blue, but also velvet.

At the same time, a dream about a blue dress may indicate a chance of traveling and about the surprises that will be waiting for the way. If the dress is dreaming of a heavenly blue color, wait for the speedy of desires.

Freud's dream is the illusory exercise of displaceable desires. In deep psychology and psychotherapy, there is a special meaning of sleep analysis as a method of penetration into unconscious mental processes man. Freud has accumulated a large clinical material characterizing types and patterns of dreams. Freud's dream book is one of the most popular now. It was Freud that the first attempt was carried out to create a systematic psychological theory of dreams in 1900 in the book "Interpretation of dreams". Sonnik is considered to be a brilliant book. Interpretation of dreams can be called whole science. Who is interested in this topic, of course, have to learn and process a lot of information. Well, it is worth it.

"Dreamed" - free online dream book.

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Dreamed blue dress - Nuances interpretation in dreams

Rarely, what kind of man can dream of a dress - and girls and women who love changing outfits and flip fashionable magazines, wardrobe items are seen in a dream constantly. What dream of a different color dress? What will the dream answer, if you put it on a girlfriend or daughter, sewed, was it simple or very catchy?

General interpretation of such a "fashionable" sleep

Since such dreams see mostly women, most of the decodes are addressed to representatives of the beautiful sex. However, if a man dreamed of a stranger in blue, he could remember how her outfit looked like - he was an old or new, with Ryusha or flowers? All these details are important.

Old or new?

  • Not fashionable, but clean. This is a good sleep. He can fill uninvited gueststhat will bring good news. Be welcoming, you should not show coldness to these relatives.
  • New. Sleep promises to you good luck, so if you dreamed of opening your work, change your job, you can do it now. But do not forget the head "Inclusive" - \u200b\u200bthe dream promises good luck, and not a magical "ball."
  • In holes and stains. What dreams of a blue dress seeing views? Your subconsciously warns: you or destroyed your good name, or too often interfere with adventurous business projects. Take a timeout, take a break from too decisive activities, contact.
  • Crumpled: You can bother, not much, but still unpleasant.

Curra and style are also important.

  • Strict, business. Such a blue dress in a dream is to raise at work or to get a premium.
  • Restrained but elegant. You good character - You are decent, and even with a strong power of will. Such a temper will allow you to achieve a lot in life.
  • Very feminine, with ruffles and Ryushiki. You are frivolous, and if not to take up the mind now, very soon you will have to "rake" problems.
  • From the easiest fabric (chiffon, sitz), and also bright color. Remove the pink glasses, because in dreams you can skip half real life.
  • Long style, and even fashionable, expensive, luxurious. Sleep is a pleasant surprise. He can also mean: thanks to you native man Shows himself from an unexpected side.
  • He was wedding? If you are young, you will soon find out that the fan "goes" around you; If the dress was perfectly sitting on the figure, this fan will be the person you love for a long time.
  • For a married beauty to see a blue dress of wedding cut - to the crowd of fans. Dress with holes: arguing with your man, do not overdo the stick. Dress with dirty stains: Your partner almost blocked you.
  • Wedding dress of heavenly shade in a dream of a business woman - to negotiations with a business partner. If you looked great, such will become a deal.

Tint and drawings on fabric

  • Bright color. You respect yourself, but you do not care for loved ones, in every way tossing your love. Also, this dream can promise to come true.
  • Dark. To a quarrel with a girlfriend. The main thing is not to drive a stick, whatever she said to you.
  • Fucking, almost blue. You begin the black band that you will have to overcome yourself.
  • Black polka dot on blue fabric. Middle Friends, showing you signs of attention, in fact, monsterly envy you.
  • White peas. There will be a crowd of fans soon around you. But navigating the external "gloss", do not forget about peaceful beauty, otherwise the rows of the rear is very quickly powered.
  • Decorative dress (ancient, too designer cut, concert): To an amazing eventwhich will be very excited and amazed.
  • Thin, slippery fabric: Your life position is unreliable. The worst thing is the dream, in which in a blue dress from such a fabric, "Guest", who familiar to you in real life - it is she who betray you without a branch of conscience.
  • Winter, durable, warm material: Sleep promises you profit, wealth in the house.

What did you do?

  • They put on themselves, wore. To income, maybe even unscheduled. A dream promises: you will not need anything if you spend this money wisely.
  • They looked into the mirror on themselves in such a dress: people respect you, your good name will come in handy in business.
  • Dressed another person. Soon you will find a faithful friend.
  • We wanted to buy, chose on the market or in the store. Fate will give you a chance - keep it with two hands!
  • Sounded: For some, you are a sample behavior.
  • Bought: You need pleasant little things in which we often refuse themselves.
  • Sewed. The time has come to implement your creative plan.
  • Purred drink, stained: strong man Offer your help to you.
  • They tried to hide from the surrounding stain: in real life your conscience is notchist, although all native and friends consider you an angel heavenly.

Interpretation of famous authors

If the people's dream book a blue dress interprets as typical female symbolWhat will the psychoanalysts with world-famous say?

Dream Miller

  1. Dress of excellent style in a dream of a girl or a young woman shows a real lady. Everyone is admired by your taste, a manner of talking, talent.
  2. Holes on a blue dress: you will do something bad, for which you do not boast close at all.
  3. Have you tried a dress? Perhaps you will have a rival.
  4. In a dream, you thought about diet or sport, because you wanted to buy a blue dress of a certain size (style)? If you have a different one near your favorite and "run", you will quickly handle it.

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

  1. Book a blue dress - envious envy you.
  2. To try on, wear: familiar consider you a personality. Also sleep shows that you are ambition.

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Blue dress: interpretation of the symbol in famous dreams

Drawing a blue dress predicts change in real life. The more beautiful and brighter it seemed sleeping, the more that the interpretation would be. Girls such a dream foreshadows execution cherished desires, a good relationship with people. However, if a blue dress is dreaming, which looked untidy, was remembered, old or torn, the interpretation of the vision will be negative.

If a new blue dress has been hardened, then in a short time a dream will be offered a trip to near man. Married women Vision speaks of love and loyalty of the spouse.

IN business sphere This symbol predicts a business trip. Sleep will receive a worthy fee for it. If a man was harmful beautiful woman In a blue evening dress, then he will be offered a highly paid position.

Watch out the outfit lighter shade - the reality of man respects his circle of communication, and relatives are proud of them. A new blue dress in a dream speaks of a profitable acquaintance with future partners.

The unpretentious outfit of the dark shade promises trouble. Such a vision foreshadows belling with loved ones, insults and tears. If at the same time the clothes were torn, then the quarrel will happen because of money. Sleep, in which a torn new blue dress was chosen, foreshadowed a bad financial position.

Note on a large outfit dark spots - The dreams are dishonest in relation to loved ones, because of this, he can be reprimanded. Bloody spots on beautiful clothes sign about a unpleasant collision with ill-wishers.

Crumpled Blue Dress foreshadows diseases, a sharp deterioration in state of health at the most inopportune moment. Dark blue velvet outfit symbolizes fatigue from work.

A dream in which the unmarried girl was seized wedding Dress Blue, signals about meeting a young man. Relationships with him will be severe and bring many unpleasant hassle.

Frank and short outfit personifies relations with a man who will not be serious from his part. See a blue dress stitched with thin threads - to deception and betrayal in real life.

Sleep, in which the girl dressed in a beautiful blue dress near the mirror, foreshadowed a meeting with a rival. To more accurately express this vision, it is important to consider the value of some details:

  • If the girl admired clothes, he received positive emotions from the process of fitting, the rival would not be able to harm her relationship.
  • To see that the outfit is unevenly sewn, and disappointed - to gossip and intrigues from the rival. The struggle for a loved one will be very difficult.
  • A dream in which the dress did not like the girl is to unpleasant news from the beloved, cooling of his feelings.
  • A luxurious dress in which sleeping looked very attractive, personifies the tears of the rival in the appearance.

If the girl did not like the outfit and followed by Him, she tried on the clothes of another color, she would reject her beloved man in his own will.

By Miller's dream book, wear a blue evening dress in a dream - to a new creative hobby. Suddenly detect dirt on the material - to mockery and misunderstanding from the outside. Hurryly to shoot clothes with yourself - a desire to hide from trouble. Cut the knife into small pieces - to the solution complex task in work.

From a long time, the ladies saw themselves in a dream in new clothes, getting vivid impressions and intriguing material for interpretation. Along with the dream book, they were looking for the meaning of secret signs to understand what was just such an outfit. If you remembered the dress blue or blue, the woman, as a rule, gained calm.

Two images

In such a dream, two images merged: women's clothing and color. According to Freud, ladies' lads in a dream symbolize a naked female body. Psychiatrist in his dream interpretation treats them as a sensual symbol. He opens the secrets of desires, passions, seduction.

Girls always remember the style of a blue dress, and dream interpreters know its meaning. Many ruffles and Ryush speaks of frivolity. Strict silhouette is interpreted by dreambooks as a successful career. An elegant model of deep discreet color tells about the decency of the dreams. Easy, bright - about dreamy, expansive nature.


A certain color people see not by chance. It makes adjustments to the interpretation of dreams. They depend on shades, and you can expect predictions about hopes or disappointments. For a girl to see on themselves in a dream, a beautiful blue dress, means satisfying yourself. Bright shades foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.

Prediction, which is dreaming the old, the dark is reduced to the payment warning for perfect errors. The sad thing is to dress in faded-blue, it promises sincere flour. He dreamed of a sarafan in white peas - a sign that the girl appears to cause admiration. In black peas - she will envy her.

Talking and wear

If the girl dressed a new blue dress in front of the mirror, she will meet the ruin. But to get a more accurate interpretation, what is the dream fit, you need to know the value of the details.

Snovedia, remaining in admiration from the approximate update, dream interpreters report that the rivals are not terrible to her. Seeing that it is stitched unsuccessfully, will face the intrigues of the rival and difficult struggle for his beloved. A woman who dressed dirty or dull receives a warning about cooling feelings from a man.

What dreams to wear a blue dress in a dream? Most ladies it promises a journey, but a business woman can dreamed of a business trip. The more spectacular it was, the more interesting there will be a road than the newer - the safer.

Wedding Dress

For a young lady to see a beautiful wedding blue dress in a dream - this is a prediction of the ambulance with a delighted fan having the most noble intentions. If you dreamed that it was perfectly sitting on the figure, the girl would recover from the one for a long time in love.

What dreams dress

Dream Miller

If a young woman sees a graceful, well-stitched blouse (or dress) - it means that it will cause universal admiration for his art and pleasant manners.

If she sees her dress torn - it foreshadows condemnation for unlawful things.

If a woman is trying on the dress - she will suddenly meet a rival in love, but if she dreams that she follows the figure to buy a dress believed - she will successfully overcome the rival and achieve love chosen.

What dreams dress

Dream of Freud.

Dress - is a naked body symbol.

What dreams dress

Dream Khasse

Dress wearing luxurious - you will be in contentment; Buy - make up with buddies; Black - sad news; Heavenly color or green - your desire will be fulfilled; Yellow - envy, lie; White - soon marriage; sew - hardworking will be rewarded; Torn - slots; In spots - will be affected by your honor; Red - you will be important; Cut - be thrifty; Multicolored - waiting for you roads; gray - the work is waiting for you; Gold woven - happiness and strong protection; dresses a lot - an insult, the reservation; Short - bad things.

What dreams dress

Family dream book

If a young woman saw in a dream nice dress - In reality it will cause universal admiration.

But a torn dress - he foreshadows her condemnation for unauthorized behavior.

A woman who sunmoving the dress in a dream - suddenly colliding with a rival in love. But if she dreams that she lost weight to put on a dress - get rid of the rival and achieve love of his chosen one.

What dreams dress

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

A woman in which she sees himself in a beautiful, elegant dress - foreshadows pleasure and fun.

If the dress is too frivolous - soon frivolous hobbies can turn your head.

Increaming and too closed dress - a sign that your happiness is hampered by an excessive impairment and closure of character.

A man see himself in a female dress - foreshadows shame. Perhaps someone will soon doubt his courage.

What dreams dress

Newest dream book Ivanova

Dress woman if she tries it - promises separation or a quarrel with a beloved man; A man buys - in the near future the wedding will not take place, sees a wedding dress on a woman - a novel with a married thing.

Put on a new dress - to a date; Old - to hard work.

What dreams dress

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To see or wear a white dress in a dream - foreshadows heart joy, a quick marriage. Green dress - to exercise hopes; Blue or blue - to go on the road; A yellow dress is a sign of a lie, envy and gossip; red - to an important visit; gray - take care of general cleaning or repair; Golden - Get help from sponsors; Multicolored and motley - to many entertainment; Pale - relax in soul in silence and rest; Black dress - foreshadows the sad news that will lead you to a strong disorder.

A dream in which it appears too short or close, not the size of the dress - foreshadows the worsening of cases in all spheres. Long, to the fifth dress - means condemnation of those around the unseedy act.

Sewing the dress itself - your hardworking will be marked according to merit, and if you sew it in Atelier - you are waiting for meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will be wrapped with a chagrin. Buy a ready-made dress - means reconciliation after a long breaking.

If in a dream you are trying on the dress - it foreshadows the receipt of a profitable place or classes, which enlisters the side income that will exceed the main one. A perfectly stitched dress - means that the way that you lead will be bored with you, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress and besides very expensive that you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in a family circle. To see on some reason, ugly or slaughter dress - predicts troubles threatening from the rival.

Untid, crumpled or dirty dress - means that in real life you will have a meeting with a person to whom you feed an overwhelming dislike.

A torn dress - to the glooms and disagreements at work, shaped - large troubles, difficulties and the opportunity to lose property.

Dress with ruffles - suggests that they will soon survive a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. Dress with a belt - lose freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other cords - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

Velvet dress in a dream - a lot of fans in real life.

The dress was covered with sparkles - foreshadows familiarity with the smug and arrogant applicant for your hand, which, of course, will immediately be rejected.

Empty or ironing a dress - to the upcoming date.

What dreams dress

Sonner Simon Kananita

Black dress wear - mourning, sadness.

What dreams dress

Dream "Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you are dressed in a rich dress - in the near future your income will increase.

New dress - predicts a new position.

In a dream, you are dressed in a dirty dress - you are waiting for a big profit.

You are dressed in a torn dress - ahead of great trouble.

Mourning dress - means that your affairs will go very badly, and you will play a lot in the money.

If you have dreamed that you have a wedding dress - Beware, you are in mortal danger.

If you dreamed that you wear a white dress is a disease warning.

Buying dresses - means that you make a mistake that hurts your deeds.

Selling a dress - to big trouble with a minor result.

If you dreamed of a woman in a green dress or a lounge, hanging in the closet green dress - your bosses will appreciate your efforts.

If you have dreamed of a woman in a red dress or lying, hanging in the closet Red dress - get ready for a quarrel.

Consider, trying to approx the female dress - to a large family quarrel.

The dream in which you watched how someone from your relatives experienced a female dress - warns: your loved ones will quarrel with each other, and you will have to spend a lot of strength to reconcile them.

If you dreamed that you were watching how someone from your friends tried in a women's dress - you can quarrel with your wife (husband) of your friend.

Drink a female dress - to the careless act, the consequence of which will be the wrath of bosses.

In a dream, you sold a female dress - a possible successful act you bring the trouble on the head of your enemy.

Wash the female dress - to the troubles.

You sewed a female dress - there is a lot to work so that things go to the way.

What dreams dress

Esoteric dream book

Dress new - to profits.

Crumpled - to the coming hassle.

Old, torn, dirty - to trouble, threatening material losses.

Unusual, old - to extraordinary events, bales, presentations.

Alien to wear or take to yourself - strangers to shift on their shoulders.

What dreams dress

Dream of a modern woman

If a young woman sees in a dream a graceful, well-stitched dress - everyone will admire her manners and mind.

If her dress is torn and dilapidated - it will be coordinated for non-resident actions.

Integrate in a dream blouse or dress - to unexpected rivalry in love.

But if a woman dreams that she watches his figure to buy the dress believed - she will get rid of the rival and achieve the love of his chosen one.

What dreams dress

Dream Azara

Yellow dress - envy, lie; Heavenly color or green dress - your desire will be fulfilled; Black dress - sad news.

What dreams dress

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Dress wear - success among familiar, ambitions; Buy - envy.

Dirt on the dress - the sayings of friends (girlfriends).

What dreams dress

School Schiller Dream

Narrow or short - the need, poverty.

What dreams dress

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Dress on the body is good - honor.

Very expensive - envy, trouble.

Dirty - displeasure, shame.

Leaky - trouble, lie.

Loose - the threat to lose a friend.

Very long - surprise.

Short or from Rogodh - annoyance.

From paper - profits.

Wedding dress - the success of the case.

Tarnish - a new friend.

Folding on a dress smoothing - an unsperested sadness.

Too much decollete to have changes in your life.

What dreams dress

Dream Stranger

Dress - woman, image of feminine for a man; mood, state of consciousness, feelings (in color); Plans and hopes in a personal woman.

Wedding - disappointment, hope; Marriage (for a woman).

What dreams dress

Akulina healer dream book

What does the dress mean in a dream - new - to the new clothes, the old one is to meet old love. Imagine that you have a new elegant dress:

What dreams dress

Indian Shamansky Dream Interpretation

If you dream a fat beautiful woman in a dark dress, and you hug her in a dream, then, most likely, the next day you will catch an appetizing beast (in our culture it is to a successful deal, profit, success).

What dreams dress

Star Sonnik

You dreamed of a dress - on a hanger - to poverty. Dress Black - love intrigue, love spell, dreams. Black moon in fish or 12 house.

What dreams dress

Dream name A.Mindel

You dreamed of a dress - a woman dreams new, well-stitched dress - This woman in society will attract universal attention to mind and good manners; But she must be able to adhere to the sense of measure in order not to abuse these attention. A woman dreams that she buys a dress - Soon this woman will suffer envy. A woman dreams that she is trying on a new dress - it is a new way of life to himself trying on - and he will change, because the woman will marry; This woman has a high probability of encountering a rival in love. A woman dreams of a torn dress - in real life, this woman will be condemned after doing something unauthorized.

What dreams dress

Magic dream book

A dream to see about you dreamed of a dress - a new one - the success among acquaintances, the old - embarrassment, a feeling of awkwardness. See yourself in a luxurious dress - to satisfaction, buy a beautiful dress - to make up with a friend, buy a black dress - get a sad message. The dress is blue or green - to the execution of desires, yellow - to envy, white - to marriage, red - be with time an important person, gray - time to do business. Dress with gold jewelry - strong protection. Torn dress - to the squabbles, in stains - humiliation of dignity. Sewing dress - hardworking will be rewarded. Short dress - unfinished work.

What dreams dress

Dream interpretation housewife

Dress - femininity; image.

What dreams dress

Dream Maya.

Good denied you dreamed that you buy a dress, then very soon you will be invited to the party. So that it happened rather, 3 days go in a red dress if you are a woman. If you are a man, then go all buttons on clothes with red threads.

Bad denied you dreamed that you dress the dress, in the near future you will find yourself in an awkward situation. To avoid this, a few coffee beans seal to clothing with black threads.

What dreams dress

Old Russian dream book

wear-sleep among friends, ambitions; Buy - envy.

What dreams dress

Dream interpretation for women

To see in a dream from Thursday on Friday a well-stitched dress - to a meeting with former classmates.

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday or from Sunday for Monday, in which your dress is torn, foreshadows reproaches in unworthy behavior.

If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you are trying on the dress, it suggests that you have a rival that you will learn from people around you.

What dreams dress

Dream interpretation for the whole family

To see in a dream from Thursday on Friday a well-stitched dress - to a meeting with former classmates.

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday or from Sunday for Monday, in which your dress is torn - foreshadows reproaches in unworthy behavior.

If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you are trying on the dress - it says that you have a rival about which you will learn from people around you.

What dreams dress


The dress is beautiful - to the envy of the girlfriends.

Wedding dress - to the ambulance wedding.

What dreams dress

Online dream book

Dress as a separate symbol does not matter much, it should be evaluated only in the context of a specific plot.

Spain dress or leaning - you can get into trouble.

You see a new one - you can soon get rich.

You see holes on it - it means, in real life, your chosen one clearly will not approve something you who have done in latelyHe will openly express your discontent to you.

Wear it - everything will be successful.

Buy in a dream - you will envy someone.

Sell \u200b\u200ba dress - you will be very busy with problems.

Shoot the dress - take care of health.

Wedding dress - risks seriously.

Lose him - someone will fade you.

Long dress - Surprise awaits you.

Short - get a gift soon.

The dress is burning - you will survive difficult times.

Mourning - head of a new friend.

Wedding fan - quarrel with those who love.

Women's dress on a man - will disgrace you.

Sew yourself - your effort will be appreciated.

Gold dress - you will be envy.

Black - news will begged.

White - promotes marriage.

It is an orange "screaming" color - this is the advice, so that you are more restrained and tolerant, you too often have a public and think exclusively about your own gain, ultimately it can play with you a cruel joke.

Dress gray In a dream, it is a warning about whether your surroundings adversely affect you, they use you in their own interests, knock you down from your true path, next to them you will never achieve vital success.

If it is brown - this is a sign that recently you pay more attention to some physical needs, domestic issues, forgetting about high, spiritual development.

Nothing to try on - you have to solve other people's problems.

In a dream, you accidentally put a dress of a collapse-overall - means your judgments about real events in your life or some of those are erroneous, you should review them.

If you are outdable with lace - you will have a reason to fairly be proud of yourself, besides, you will cause admiration for the opposite sex, they will be ready for everything to achieve your location.

According to the dreams, a luxurious dress with a magnificent hemp - a testimony that you are experiencing the strongest internal discomfort about the inconsistency of what you should be, and what you really are. You need to urgently start hard work on yourself.

There was a huge number of outfits - in the near future you will be in constant bustle, routine concerns.

If they are all hanging in your closet

If in a dream there was a dress discharged - you will be forced to communicate with a person who causes you a huge antipathy.

If it is israged

Patchwork on the dress

If a gold shade dress was brought in a dream - it means that I have nothing to worry about any life spheres in all life spheres, which is a person who is your companion in life will always be near and support in any situation.

Outfit purple color - symbolizes that the girl is waiting for increased attention from some kind of man, and it can have both positive and negative.

Dreamed Yellow Dresses - reaping you negative feelings and emotions, try to hold back the manifestations of aggression and envy, otherwise hurt only yourself.

Wear pink color - is a symbol of high and light feelings, sincerity and genuine happiness.

For a girl see yourself in the outfit of this color

The dress of all shades of blue in a dream, moreover, made of velvet - is evidence of your overload with working questions, try to distract and arrange a full-fledged weekend.

The robe of black color - is a warning that something unkind can happen, be vigilant to respond in time and correctly.

If the lady, which is married, dreamed of a black outfit black

Sleep, in which you saw a scarlet dress - in life, you really achieved grandiose success, but still do not consider yourself better than others, your modesty will only be on your hand.

A snow-white outfit is a faithful sign that in the near future you will make a sentence or some other joyful event will occur. You will engage in some common matter with people with whom you will get a very warm friendship relationship.

If it is with a long bee and snow-white color

If it brought the lantern on the issuance

In a dream, wear a dress intended for solemn incidents - your well-being can increasingly worsen, you can also be disappeared by the information that will come from your friends from other countries.

Seen in a dream of themselves in a dress with a short hemp - know, someone has the highest feelings for you and sincerely wants to do something good for you.

Dreamed a dress with a long pea - you will find a happy confluence of circumstances, unexpected luck and success.

In the case when you change long outfit, short

Randomly detect yourself in a transparent robe - a sure sign that you doubt too much, you are afraid of everything new and pass before difficulties, and it is not surprising that life is so poor on really significant events.

Sleep, in which you are ironing the dress - enlisions to you the graceful changes and exclusively for the better, the likelihood of a change of residence is great.

You yourself present someone to someone - be careful, the likelihood that your kind thing will not be appreciated, and will only become a reason to reproach you

Get it as a present - you will need someone's assistance, and ask him to humiliate own dignityor expensive by paying instead.

I dreamed that you are engaged in the sewing dresses - to happen unforeseen and completely unexpected events that make you work out above measure, but in the end, all your efforts will be rewarded to take advantage, you will remove the huge benefit for yourself from all this.

It is dreaming that you acquire it, and the purchase delivers you joy - it means that you will enjoy life, to carry out dreams and not know any concerns, and the surrounding will celebrate your extraordinary attractiveness.

See in a dream how do you go shopping in search of dresses, stop the choice on some one - in real life family happiness It turns out to be threatened, due to the person who will claim her spouse.

In a dream, you try in the store or atelier dress - in real life will achieve the desired, you will swim in the rays of fame and universal recognition.

If at the same time it shakes its luxury and exorbitantly high cost

If at the same time it affects its appearance, you really like - find yourself in a society, where all the attention will be riveted exclusively to you, your attractiveness and beauty will produce an unexpected Furior.

Dream interpretation interprets just the acquired dress - as a symbol of change, some new events, bright meetings that will entail irreversible changes in your destiny.

Sleep, in which you saw a green dress - promises you an incredible luck and a safe embodiment of everything conceived.

If in real life you are already excited about something, the outfit of this color

What dreams dress

Health Dream Interpretation

See or wear an elegant dress - to positive emotions; Black dress - to sadness; Warm - to colds; Rvanis - to conflict situations and diseases.