The path to truth is the path of knowing oneself (Arguments of the exam). A person's knowledge of the world and himself is the path to a new life

Chapter 11 - "The Way to God Through Self-Knowledge"

The path of knowing oneself is outside religions, directly, alone. Regardless of who said what, get the answer yourself, get to the bottom of it. I tell you that this is possible through knowing yourself, but I am not talking about the superiority of this path, as well as any other. This is the path of many. Why argue? It is not worth comparing mathematics with chemistry, let alone opposing it. I invite everyone who wants to know himself, and through himself and God, ask questions to himself, about himself. And ask them before realizing your divine essence, in order to find one, if any. Do you know how a Master recognizes a disciple? - For questions! It is the questions that speak about the direction of development of the person asking them. Good question the answer itself.
It is said: Man is created in the image and likeness of the Creator himself. So, having cognized yourself as a person, you recognize God in yourself. And, knowing yourself as a Microcosm, you will understand the structural, karmic and other laws of the Macrocosm.
Let's, slowly, bit by bit, discover a new world in ourselves - the World of perfect harmony and predictable regularity. The deeper our penetration into our own sensations and reflexes, the higher our understanding and the more voluminous representation of the process of the Universe and the ways of interpenetration of parallel and cross worlds.

The organism of the Universe is very similar in its legislation to the human structure. It is not for nothing that we are so delighted with the genius of mutual understanding of all systems of our life. While we are healthy, we do not notice this, but in those moments when we are experiencing difficulties, and the body itself copes with them, we realize the divine improbability of its structure. What a genius machine! It self-heals, restoring even destroyed tissues, and even self-replicating. Far from one person multiplies on Earth, this is true, but only he is endowed with a high consciousness. Studying the work of the human body, many scientists believed in God - the only possible Creator of such a perfect structure. Here is a miniature of the Universe - the harmony of all universes that make up Divine existence.
The highest wisdom is traced in everything that happens around us, with ourselves, within us. Billions of individual cells multiply inside us and die, having previously given birth to a replacement. Some cells have a life span of only a few hours. Life is boiling in every millimeter of our body, millions of separate lives that make up a single whole. All systems work smoothly, even when we sleep. Why was all this created? Just for a person to live? Billions of particles barely visible under a microscope, for the sake of one big and important? Why is it so important? It's not just that we are so ingeniously designed for watching TV and eating sandwiches. Then ... What are our bodies? Bearers of something more important? What are we? What is Man? Soul capsule? Souls return to Earth from life to life for the sake of the Creator? Do they keep Him alive? Are they He? Are we He? Just like our cells are we? I don’t know about you, but for me any chain of questions, turned inward, leads to God. The genius of the Higher Order is traced in everything.
Strongest awareness and mutual assistance between separate parts our body is simply amazing in its genius. Even exceptions confirm the pattern. Ever heard of someone else's hand disease? Parts of the same body hardly contact each other, like aliens. Moreover, this "alien hand" always tries to play a trick on its breadwinner, as if it had another master. A huge problem. But in a normal state of consciousness, our nose does not need negotiations with the hand to scratch. And at the moment of danger - the mosquito will just sit down, the hand will automatically slam, the brain will not even have time to figure it out. I think that the interaction of all external worlds and civilizations is no less regulated. You just need to get rid of the alien hand syndrome in your mind, and the feeling of an alien life will disappear.
If you try to get to know your body in this regard, then you begin to understand and feel others, like you, and not only. That is, first you delve into yourself, and then you realize that a similarly arranged, but already on a different scale, opens up to your observation and understanding. All this is created by the higher mind, and we are created in the image and likeness of the creator. What are we capable of? Already breathtaking from such a thought. How can you not try your hand?
Our positions with you, of course, may be different, but the views are not at all opposite. It's just that everyone looks through the prism of their own experiences. One will say: - "My microcosm, upon close examination, breaks up into a million separate pieces, which are something completely random, it is not known how arisen, moreover, created on some illusory basis."
So after all Big world as a whole consists of a huge number of unrelated (at first glance) realities. Many of them are not perceived by humans at all, most remain beyond understanding, only a few are accessible to our mind, and, finally, only a few are involved by us in the process of our own development.
We are outraged by the discrepancy, and even the opposite of something new to what we already know. All delusions from the desire to give an explanation to everything and at once, at the very first moment of acquaintance, instead of just stating and tracking. Cognition is a process, while awareness can be instantaneous, like insight.
In our memory there are many boxes - zagashnikov, with a variety of topics. Every time we learn about something for the first time (not denying, just stating), a new box opens. Then everything that carries the co-directionality of the given theme is automatically added there. Information is sorted and collected. If now you have nothing to substantiate what is true for another, do not rush to conclusions, just accumulate the material of your own knowledge. With enough information and circumstances, there will be a surge of consciousness. Then you will understand what is at stake, you will also understand what is not expressed in words, which somehow connects all the drawers of your pantry into a single intelligent system. No it won't come full world and peace is a fleeting vision. It will become knowledge when you put it into practice. And then you can already build your own theory of explanation of what happened to you, based on inner knowledge and outward manifestation.
Overcoming difficulties involves the reflex of inner freedom. We even need this kind of vaccination so that our life does not pass in deep dormancy. Just as regular exercise strengthens the physical body and overcoming obstacles strengthens our will to win, so spiritual challenges strengthen our spirit and purify our soul, making us more sensitive and wise. By tracking our reactions to what is happening around, we learn to regulate our internal stateapproaching peace in which knowledge of the truth is possible.
So what do we know about ourselves? And how can this serve us in the knowledge of the external (but only at first glance) world? One deal: taking any example from inner life, we become more attentive to ourselves, we look deep into ourselves, we listen to the sensations and watch the reaction. You should not limit yourself to reading other people's thoughts, your own experience is important.
And so, let's take one of the vivid sensations - pain. How to know it? Just like anything else - through questions. Questions, questions and more questions, until the answer is heard. After all, the knocking opens. Each question is a knock on the door, beyond which there is true understanding.
In this case, pain. What is it? Why do we need this? What do we know about her? Does she hinder or help us? Is this a distress signal? This means that it cannot be turned off, otherwise we will not know about the destruction taking place inside us. If physical pain is a consequence, a signal of an aggressive invasion or internal damage, then why did the Creator need such a refined and ingenious system of impulse transmission of information to the outside world? Can pain predict, prevent, and not just state destruction? Do we know how to read her messages? Does full understanding guarantee timely help, or is it needed for something else? If internal, physical pain is a signal to the owner of the body, then to whom does mental pain signal? Maybe the souls of people inhabiting the earth, like nerve endings, transmit signals to the outside world? About what? On behalf of whom? The Creator Himself? Does he listen to our prayers as signals of inner problems? Maybe this is why, after self-indulgence in prayer, peace of mind comes?
Do we get outside help just like our body does a pill? Does this mean that our heartache for the created evil is a call for good? It turns out that deep remorse for what you have done works as a spiritual self-healing? Does pain require an understanding of the pain itself, its cause, or is it a way of transformation? And maybe all this taken together and much more? A very interesting chain. How does it work for you?
Ask your questions. Let the rain of questions pour down the truth on their askers. Ask questions without stumbling in anticipation of an answer, and when you guess most of the correct questions, you will get the key to understanding all the answers at once. You will understand the essence of what is happening without asking any more questions. But in order to transfer this knowledge to another, questions will be required again. History repeats itself with each individual. It is impossible to see collectively, but access to the collective consciousness lies through personal insight. Rely on your subconscious, it knows what you need. Do not come up with questions, let them pour themselves, from the depths of the soul. Take them with your brain, not including the analytical mind, just write them down. You will discover the logical construction of a profound chain later, when the whole meaning is revealed as a whole. Do not be intimidated by the intermediate absurdity. The experiment will be brought to a result if you really seriously care about the questions: What is happening in the depths of myself? How does this relate to the outside world? Maybe this is a reflection of one in the other?
Having cognized yourself, you will know the meaning of your life, the divine plan of all lives. What is the meaning of my life, and is there any? I have asked myself this question more than once.
Oh yeah! Every moment of my life is meaningful. And these are not big words, not pathos and not a simple desire to captivate the interlocutor. Maybe that's why you live happily because there are no meaningless events, meetings, minutes. I like to pour light and chase away darkness (where I can). I am in awe of the rapture when the "signs of God" are understood by others at the same time as me, then the waves of love multiply many times over. Feeling and understanding the creation of the Highest in what I come into contact with, I see how before my eyes it is transformed (healed, awakens, becomes kind). The darkness of ignorance recedes, and earlier only the one who absorbs begins to radiate light and love.
I am never bored because conversation with nature is not interrupted. This is a real forum! You don't need to be a seasoned speaker, everything is clear without words, at the level of feelings and consciousness. Round the clock, without restrictions in space and direction. An endless stream of love and integrity, solidarity and perfection. This can only be transformed to Earth by people, godlike beings endowed with universal consciousness. Our senses are the engine of evolution! Great knowledge is inherent in everyone, you just need to remember. Wake up by any means! This is the meaning of my life. This is the meaning of your life. It's great to be human!

On February 2, my whole family attended the birth of my eldest daughter. A wonderful little one was born - Nicholas! Comfortable hospital ward, twilight. Light, quiet music ... the woman in labor is put on a huge balloonswinging on which helps the child to take the correct position. Sits on it like a goddess on the planet! She does not feel pain because received the strongest pain reliever in the spine. Jokes, memories of childhood and her birth are heard. Then I remember my birth ...
Oh my God! I heard music ... the song "we are not stokers, we are not carpenters ..." and women's voices ... one of them is my mother's ... Then a noise, a whistling in my ears from tension ... a push ... I see a light in the distance. .. bright light ... hard in my chest. New world... shadows and loud voices. And again, my God! .. When I was dying, ... I already went through this ... this is a painfully familiar passage to another world, through a tunnel, to the light, .. to music, voices and ... you are met by lovers and joyfully excited ... Angels and souls of those who left before you. Absolutely the same sensations!
Birth and death - maybe this is the result of a favorable pregnancy! Our soul is nurtured in the human body, impregnated by the Holy Spirit. When she is ready, death comes - rebirth. Then our mature (afterlife) life ends with the dying of the memory of everything we knew and - re-birth, from scratch, stupid manin which the soul is hatched. And such a whirlwind is endless ... This idea captivates and inspires me. What is it? The wheel of eternity? Where is real Christmas? In the birth of a person falling into the hands of a father and mother, or in his death - the return of the soul home, to the Father - Creator and Mother - Matrix? What is the Matrix? Love? One thing is certain - death is nothing more than the continuation of life, but in no way its completion. Created from a single cosmic pollen, like everything that exists in universal space and time, we simply change our substance, with regular cyclicality and enviable constancy.

The paths of all future, not yet arisen, from our point of view, forms exist simultaneously with us, just as real as our Path. Let's assume that a certain ball is able to feel and assess its position. If he is destined to roll straight, and he wants to right or left, and he thinks he can choose and plan, he will feel unhappy. But once he understands and sees what prompted him to move and why his trajectory is such, to feel the ultimate goal of his movement, he acquires the meaning of his being in movement along his path and, devoid of illusions, finds true love and happiness.
The consciousness of each person's personality does not disappear, but becomes sharpened with the understanding of the task assigned to him. We are not a herd of controlled rams. Each represents a bright individuality in brilliant harmony with all the others.
It was said (yes, not once, but only for the sake of completeness of conveying the feeling of God-knowledge in oneself) that, they say, “I” disappeared, and only God remained. But this happens only in moments of enlightenment, when you simply forget about the routine of worldly life. And there is absolutely no need to transfer these sensations as a criterion for the selection of truly advanced to everything that is discussed in the process of the promotion itself (deep inside everyone).
God wants everyone to have their own "I" (reasonable), like a drop in the ocean, carrying in itself all the power of the information of the whole (Reason). In our "I" is hidden and can unfold at any minute all the power of the Macrocosm. An example is the sudden discoveries of "uneducated geniuses." By themselves, "macro" and "micro" are not the same thing, but one does not exclude, but includes the other, and one cannot exist without the other. Simply, it is easier for a person to say: - I don't exist, but there is only God! - how to explain in words that there are both, at the same time, in everything, everywhere, always, so as not to cause a murderous remark: - Who do you think you are? - so they say timidly that they say, there is no me, there is only God. But it was not God who demanded self-denial, but people! (except for the priestly and monastic people) God, we completely belong. It is then that we can rule the world, perform miracles, etc., when not only we dissolve in God, but God also dissolves in us. The appetite would be enough to absorb the immense.
Inside each of us there is a force of attraction that creates vortices of creativity and advancement - this is Spirit. Holy faith, with its strength and selfless prayer, acquires the Holy Spirit in us. He is one for all and lives in everyone who is devoted and faithful. It is He who knows and does the work of the Creator through us and next to us.
It is possible to sum up the results of life by personal affairs. The only outcome that is possible on the path of the advancement of the Spirit is the realization of the next goal. If you saw the scale of what you did not know, then you have passed a good segment of the path. If you see only what you know, you are marking time.
I don't know whose words these are, but you can't say more precisely: While your eyes are capable of crying, you are not able to see. As long as your mind is mad, it cannot understand correctly. Until your heart is unable to contain the whole World in unity, you are not able to cross the threshold of the Eternal.
Impersonality is indifferent to everything that happens, because merging with his consciousness with everything oncoming and transverse, he perceives literally everything as itself. But we are going to this long, thorny path of development of our own consciousness.
Maybe I will repeat myself, but I will still remind you that we can move from the usual, 3-dimensional perception of the world to a more subtle one. To make it clearer what I'm talking about, imagine a box of matches. At first, you perceive only its external signs: size, substance, while not seeing its reverse side. But as consciousness progresses, you will be able to see the inner content of the box. Vision becomes voluminous. Further - more, you will be able to penetrate into the astral flare, learn the background and subsequent use of matches. See the destinies that have come in contact with him in the past and future. If you continue your development, you will be able to merge with the energy of the object and act in its body, changing its structure.
Finally, highest degree advancement, which makes it possible to materialize objects from cosmic pollen by the power of their consciousness. You are a co-creator!

The only way for humanity is to know itself.
Yuri Burlan

begins from the first minute of life and continues until the last breath. Often, due to incorrect upbringing, imposed stereotypes and desires, a person's whole life in the world turns into a mistake. And many leave without finding their place, their meaning. Having lived someone else's life on an alien planet, lost among other people's faces. And having lost hope of finding the very path to a new life ...

"I don't know who you are and what kind of cross you carry ..."

Turn around ... Grandmother leading her granddaughter to kindergarten. A man carefully cleaning the windows of his car from snow. A woman hurrying to a stop. The approaching trolleybus, gloomy passengers. A girl looking at this world through the minibus window with a completely childish look. Car drivers, shop assistants, office workers, housewives and bankers. Unemployed and free artists, rich and poor, happy and not so ...

How many of us are in this world - different people? Lot. Enough to get lost, lost, become invisible, transparent, unnecessary ... Why and why?

Call - know yourself! - increasingly sounds today from the pages of the Internet, magazines, from TV screens. And what does it mean - know yourself, nobody knows. The process of knowing oneself assumes that as a result a person will understand who he is and what his purpose in the world is.

The path to a new life in knowing yourself

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that we are driven by the desire to have pleasure. From food, sleep, communication with others, family relationships, in a couple, from a dream come true and goal achieved, favorite work, from beauty, art and so on. This is how we taste life and find meaning in it. And through pleasure we understand who we are and how we want to live our life in accordance with the principle of pleasure.

Who are we to prevent ourselves and others from getting this pleasure, to develop according to the laws of nature inherent in us? However, this is exactly what we do always, everywhere and every day. Starting with our own children, whom we do not understand, relatives, friends, not to mention strangers on the street. In such a vast world, among people, isn't it strange that we are so lonely and unhappy? The irritation and dislike for each other only intensifies. We hate, take offense, get angry, envy, we wish evil to everyone who somehow, even by accident, got in our way.

Why is this happening?

None of us knows our real self. Without imposed patterns and actually unnecessary desires. We want something and don't get it, strive and fail, day after day. In the end, our shortages accumulate, self-esteem falls, and unfulfilled dreams and plans develop into anger, hatred, despair. And we blame everyone around and life itself.

We are born in physical body, endowed with five senses that help us from the very beginning to know the world around us and our reactions to it. And all our life we \u200b\u200bgo groping, in the dark, stepping on the same rake, multiplying the number of bruises and abrasions. We observe others only with outside, most often without thinking and not distinguishing what is hidden behind the behavior, words and reactions of a person to the world around him.

We really need new way to a new life. We are tired of floundering in the endless night darkness, languishing with incomprehensible pain in our souls. But how to know yourself and your real desires? Guided by the knowledge provided by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, each person has the opportunity to discover his inner world, understand the laws of the external and clearly see your own path to a new life, opening up all the hidden possibilities.

How does a person cognize the world and himself

In this world, a person cannot live and develop outside of society. According to system-vector psychology, cognition of oneself is possible only among other people, being aware of that hidden unconscious that drives all of us. By understanding the properties and desires of others, we can the best way understand others and build harmonious relationships with them. Thus, open the way to a new conscious life among people.

For example, for a person with an anal vector, the main value is family and children. And he finds the meaning of his life in them. It is people with an anal vector that bring up the younger generations, instilling family values. For the skin vector, this is success, career, social status. These are people who bring progress to society. And only the sound vector leads a person along the path to a new life not on earth. All earthly desires concerning the desires of the body are secondary for the sound engineer. He is looking for an answer to the question - who are we all and what are we doing here?

The sound vector is an abstract desire for spiritual search, not expressed in earthly language. It is they who are attracted to various spiritual practices. The sound vector strives for self-knowledge. Trying to independently understand the root causes of all that exists, sound scientists make many discoveries that humanity uses. However, these are all advantages with a plus sign. And in life, most often we gain experience of cognition with a minus sign. And we make our life miserable.

Life is not to blame for anything!
Yuri Burlan

What does a person gain from knowing himself? We live in a civilized world where people do not need to run around the savannah for food, it is easy to buy in stores, and the walls of houses reliably protect us from predators. But today humanity has a different problem - the growing hatred and dislike for each other, engendered by our own shortcomings.

Philosophy and religion no longer provide answers to the questions of who I am and how to live in this world. And a person's knowledge of himself is a very important, if not the main task of a person. The feeling of happiness and pleasure, meaningful living of every day for the benefit of the whole society is the result of a person's knowledge of himself.

Realizing the hidden psychic of every person in this world through the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we can accept him as he is. So, to justify his shortcomings and actions. So, build a new one, better life, in which there will be no place for hatred and crime.

“... Finally, a picture of the world, people and oneself has developed from fragmented puzzles into a clear and precise picture. And the most interesting thing is that I would never have guessed that this picture would be exactly like this. In this regard, I can name System Thinking THE WORLD'S BEST MANUAL FOR OPERATING YOUR OWN BRAIN ... "
Ildus K., psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, Ufa

“… Training fills not only with knowledge. The feeling of life arises - as if the light was finally turned on.
It's hard to believe in this until you go through it yourself and experience it ... but after the realizations that we are led to in the classroom, the world around us appears with an incredible splendor of colors and sensations, filled with harmony of meanings. And all this sounds like a wonderful symphony of states inside.

The imaginary evil and negative of the world begin to be comprehended in a completely different way, they cease to oppress and suppress. A smile of understanding! Finally, you feel and understand the whole and yourself in this whole: man-in-the-world and the world-in-man ... "
Lydia G., teacher, candidate of philosophical sciences, Ulyanovsk

The path to a new life is available to everyone

Can you say you know your real self? Today you have the opportunity to realize your true "I" and see your way to a new life with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
Register for a free online training right now - follow the link

The article was written using materials from online trainings on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

What can be the path to knowing yourself? This is a very philosophical question that can be approached in different ways. Because each person, of course, this very path is individual and not applicable to others. That is why, probably, we can assert that this question is eternal and has been asked from time immemorial, including by the famous classics of Russian literature. Let's consider one of the most famous examples of a multifaceted and long path to self-knowledge, namely, self-knowledge of Pierre Bezukhov from the work of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". Initially, Pierre decided to know himself in the Moral way, having tested the marriage on himself, in the desire to gain the inner enrichment of the spirit, being convinced of the sanctity of marriage and its great spiritual significance. But the hero entered into an alliance with a woman for whom he had absolutely no feelings, and feeling the insincerity of everything that happened afterwards, he realized that this was a mistake and received serious disappointment and turned his attitude towards the transparent and highly moral marriage process that once seemed to him ...

Without giving up, he continues to seek the truth, and enters the Masonic society, imagining that all this carries Lofty and correct goals. However, even there, only once inside, he sees all the falsity and pretense of people, which in fact do not stand for great ideas. Having received new disappointment, he is still ready to continue searching for his inner harmony, and decides to stand up to protect his people in the war with the French, and even prepares to kill the main enemy of the Russian army at that time - Napaleon, to whom he once had sympathy. On the battlefield, Pierre feels close to the people, and that they are all doing a great job. And when captured, he meets the usual Russian soldier Karataev. In Karataev, Pierre sees an unusual simplicity for him, and the dialogue with him endlessly amazes him, and also changes his worldview. Bezukhov understands that human simplicity is the essence of life, something that is always under the nose, but so actively ignored by many.

Finally, he gains peace of mind, he finds the truth thanks to these realizations, starts a family and lives happily, the Hero received exactly what he dreamed of during this long journey. Based on the example I gave, we can assert that everyone has their own path to knowing oneself. What matters is not the person's path itself, but his desire to search for truth. In any case, mistakes in this difficult quest cannot be avoided, but the one who is really burning with the idea of \u200b\u200bknowing himself will always be able to do it in the end and will certainly find peace of mind.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2018-01-31

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Topics for conducting final essays will be available starting from 9-45 local time of the subject Russian Federation on the date of the final essay. Please note that each constituent entity of the Russian Federation has its own set of topics for the final essay.


  • The word WAY, like the word DOM, has many meanings.
  • This is the space between some destinations.
  • This is the path to follow.
  • These are stages in the life of an individual.
  • These are stages in the life of an entire state.
  • This is a journey that allows you to get to know new countries, see new places, meet new people.
  • This is knowing yourself, the world around you.
  • This is the moral life path of a person.
  • Path (topics for February 3, 2016):
  • 421. The path to oneself: ups and downs.
  • 422. Why is it important to comprehend the traversed path?
  • 424. Love as a way of self-knowledge.
  • 425. Do you agree with the statement that there are no hopeless situations?
  • 426. What can be the path to knowing yourself?
  • 427. What does it mean “to go through life your own way”?
  • 428. Choosing a path as a life problem.
  • 429. Is it necessary to be wrong in order to find the right path?
  • 430. Which way does a person go to himself?
  • 431. How does travel enrich a person?
  • 433. What saving guidelines help a person not to get lost on the path of life?

    1. D.S. Likhachev. Following the path of good is the most acceptable and only path for a person.
    2. ND Arutyunov. “The path is a kind of anchor of salvation, thrown to man in the stormy ocean of elements and chaos.
    3. Wayne Dyer. There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.
      Confucius. If you love what you do, this is not a job, this is an exciting journey to a dream.
    4. Steve Jobs. Take a step and the road will appear by itself.
    5. Francis Bacon. The one who waddles along a straight road will outstrip the one who has gone astray.
    6. Paul Valerie. When you reach the goal, you understand that the path was the goal.
    7. Dante Alighieri. Follow your path and let people say whatever.
    8. I. Guberman.
      Two meanings in life - internal and external,
      The outside has family, business, success;
      And the inner one is unclear and alien -
      Everyone is responsible for everyone.
    9. Khayyam Omar (1048 - 1131) - Persian poet, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer
      In this vicious circle - do not do it -
      There will be no end and no beginning to be found.
      Our role in this world is to come and go.
      Who will tell us about the goal, about the meaning of the path?
    10. Anthony Robbins. The road to "someday" leads nowhere. "
    11. Leo Tolstoy. In order for a person to live his life well, he needs to know what he should and should not do.
    12. W. Shakespeare. My honor is my life, both grow from the same root. Take away my honor and my life will end.
    13. O.Henry. It's not about the road we take; what is within us makes us choose the path.
    14. R. Gamzatov.
      Probably not to be found in the world
      People who have never lost their way
      Hearts never shrouded in fog.
      And if your friend is in trouble:
      Said the wrong thing, the wrong one, and the wrong time -
      Do not consider his mistake a deception ... "
    15. Boris Akunin. The main duty of every person before God is to find himself, his own path, to live his own, and not someone else's, fate.
    16. Rabbi Baruch. The world is filled with light for the one who knows this, and covered with darkness for the one who loses his way.
    17. Confucius. The path of a noble person is born in himself, but is tested by the people.
    18. Sergey Dovlatov. The only honest path is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes. Life is the revelation of the boundaries of good and evil by one's own experience.
    19. Lyon Feuchtwanger. The path to the ability to live in peace with the world, but not submit to it, is difficult.
    20. Ilya Shevelev. Life is the path to happiness, but not everyone can overcome all the stages of this path.
    21. Vadim Kulik. Each person is free to choose his own path in life. When it coincides with the vocation, the path is illuminated with the light of providence and makes a person like a lighted candle. Its light can warm, or illuminate, that's not the point. It is important to light it, because a candle without fire is devoid of its original meaning.
    22. Marlon Brando. Only the one who goes his own way will never be overtaken by anyone.

    Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden from you - it will be revealed to you. For there is nothing secret that will not be revealed

    Self-knowledge is perhaps the very first step before starting self-development and self-improvement. For, not knowing yourself, you are doomed to delusion, and you will develop and improve, most likely, not what you need. It is not for nothing that this ancient dictum: Γνῶθι σεαυτ --ν has become the basic rule for all initiates. Yes, and resorting to elementary logic, one can understand that for correct development, perception of the world around you, you must first know yourself. Who you are, where did you come from and where are you going. Why were you born and what awaits you after the death of your body. Of course, for material people with a small soul age, all these questions are insignificant. But actually our site is not for them. And they will not be interested in reading all this, because there is not a word of truth here, but this is exactly what happens. We publish information for those who have already come to the point when they realize that everything is not just that. But for beginners, a natural question arises: where to start? Actually, our entire site is dedicated to this topic, and not only.

    In order not to retell everything that has already been published, I will try to briefly outline the ways of self-knowledge. Of course, better than this was stated by the master and you can't say:

    The first requirement self-knowledge is the feeling of one's own ignorance; feeling with every fiber of my heart of the endless self-deception in which we live.

    Second requirement lies in the deep conviction that knowledge of oneself - intuitive, but quite certain - can be achieved as a result of purposeful efforts.

    The third and most important requirement - an irresistible desire to acquire this knowledge.

    This self-knowledge cannot be achieved by so-called introspection alone. For him, logical reasoning alone or some other mental activity is not enough, for it is associated with the awakening of the consciousness of the Divine nature of man.

    The acquisition of this knowledge is much more important than the ability to control the elements or the ability to see the future.

    But still I will try to describe it a little in my own words.

    First requirement

    At the very first stage, each person needs to understand and realize that he is not yet a supreme being, and that all his knowledge is negligible in comparison with the One who created all this. Hence human ignorance, arrogance and pride, which must be completely eliminated. In some way one must become like an alcoholic who wants to get drunk in the morning in order to alleviate his suffering. With the same zeal, perseverance and perseverance, it is necessary to understand and realize that we live in an illusion. The world around us is not entirely real, it is real only for our body, which is an instrument of cognition of this world. Many will object, saying, they say, how is it not real when I can touch, smell, lick, feel? Quite right, you feel it all, but! Only if you accept the concept that you are not a body, but a spirit and a soul, and each of us is such. And it is precisely they who feel and sense it all thanks to all five sensors of the physical shell. But lower ego , using our brain, builds for us its own illusion of the material world, thereby introducing us daily into self-deception.

    Indeed, in fact, nothing bad can happen to you, only if you have not prepared it for yourself! Thus, realizing the fact that we know absolutely nothing about the world around us, we must put all our knowledge aside for now and begin to find out how everything actually works.

    And the most important point, stop deceiving yourself! As soon as you start to be honest with yourself, it will be easier for you to understand where your lower nature speaks inside you, and where the voice of your higher self sounds. Without a clear definition of these two voices, you will not be able to move on to the second step.

    Second requirement

    Intuition. Yes, yes, this is a miracle tool, which is, do not believe, you! She is called the voice of God, the higher mind, providence, illumination, teacher and many other words. People already familiar with intuition will not let you lie. They know how clearly, always correctly and intelligently this voice prompts. Believe it or not, he never lies and what is most interesting is never wrong! It is hard to believe in a common man in the street, but for people on the way, this will no longer cause the slightest surprise or denial.

    Perhaps the second condition, the ability to work with intuition, will be the most difficult than understanding and realizing that you are living in the illusion of your feelings. And, nevertheless, absolutely every person hears these two voices inside himself. One of whom says one thing, and the second, as a rule, always rereads. Having acted, one way or another, a person then often regrets that he did not listen to that second voice, which, as it turned out, prompted the best way... But even here it is not as difficult as it might seem. Realizing a simple thing that you contain two natures, one of which is divine, the other is demonic. Having understood how they both manifest themselves in you, and where you manifest the qualities of a "white wolf", then a "black wolf". And when you stop lying to yourself, you can easily learn to distinguish these two voices in yourself. And having given the reins of control to your higher "I", your divine nature, your intuition, you will take the path of Evolution.

    Third requirement

    Here, perhaps, no one will help you. Neither Buddha himself nor Jesus will force you to follow the path. For, apparently, this very desire comes with the age of the soul. Can be traced by analogy with people. IN kindergarten you have no desire to drink, go to football or do anything there. You have other desires. But as you grow up, your desires change. And an adult certainly doesn't want what he wanted at 7, 10 or 15. Something similar happens here too. Before the soul matures, it is unlikely that she will want to return home. The young soul has not yet walked up, and has not suffered.

    And only now, adult souls, who have tried all the "delights" of physical life, acquire an irresistible desire to acquire this knowledge. Actually, this is logical. For they do not need to prove those things that are not perceived in any way by young souls. The experience of past incarnations, the voice of intuition become a guiding star for them. Plus, after reading the necessary and correct books, they are able to build the Antahkarana bridge. And start moving forever from the wheel of Samsara.

    And remember, no introspection, no self-esteem, even mental stress will give you the opportunity to know yourself. For the divine man must wake up in you, and the animal must leave. But if you consider yourself a reasonable person, but still material, then it is in your will to begin to correct yourself as an animal, thereby awakening your divine nature.