Dream interpretation get married to her husband. Vintage Russian dream book what does it mean when there is a marriage

What dream of marriage? Despite the fact that the interpretations of sleep always have several, the marriage ceremony always testifies about one thing - your life will change. What these changes will be, they will lead to sorrow or joy, depends on the details of the dream.

Despite the fact that sleep interpretations are always a few, the marriage ceremony is always evidence of one - your life will change

The interpretation of what the marriage is dreaming, primarily depends on who had a dream. Most often similar vision We visit unmarried girls, which is not surprising, because every representative of weak gender dreams of the bottom of his wedding.

What dreams wedding unmarried girl? If a young woman in a dream marries a loved one, their relationship will become even stronger, filled with love and care. If the "bridegroom" is a stranger - soon an event will occur, which will radically change the life of the girl. However, these changes will be exceptionally positive. In addition, marriage in a dream warns a young woman about the need to take a serious decision.

The interpretation of what the marriage is dreaming, first of all depends on the one who dreamed sleep

Much less often such dreams will be shot by women in marriage. Repeated married in a dream - a sign that it is necessary to figure out the relationship with the spouse, most likely you are being grown up or misunderstanding. The wedding may mean that a married woman has a fan, ready for a serious relationship.

The vision of the wedding diskeding to a man - rarity. Such a dream is a harbinger of significant changes in work or personal life. In any case, the changes will only for the better. Such a dream means that the man had a chance to correct previous errors and resume lost relationships (business or friendly).

What dream of marriage (video)

Who is the role of the groom?

Completed with Marriage S. former beloved - evidence of a complex stage in life, especially in relations with the opposite sex. The girl needs to rethink all the recent events, say goodbye to negative emotions and switch to the fact that he will give her pleasure. This will be the beginning of a new, happy period.

Completed with a marriage with a former beloved - evidence of a difficult stage in life, especially in relations with the opposite sex

Interpretation of dreams in which you are combined with a marriage with a former husband, a sign that the past is still disturbing sleeping. It is unlikely to resume relationships, it is better to analyze its actions, eliminating the repetition of the same mistakes in the future.

According to Dream Interpretation, marriage with his own spouse foreshadows problems in the family. In order not to lose her husband, a woman will have to stock major patience and learn how to compromise.

What dreams will dream of marriage? Dreams are not served human logic. A girl can dream of a wedding and without a groom - this is a warning of unpleasant incidents in the near future. You need to be extremely careful in all your affairs. In addition, this dream indicates the presence of obstacles to the execution of desires.

It can also be discerning that the ceremony was, but the marriage did not take place. Failed wedding, if it caused the sleeping sadness, promises minor problems and troubles. Rejoice in the interrupted ceremony - to solve the difficult problem, but this will not bring the expected relief.

Prophetic dreams

What dreams predict marriage? If the girl dreams that soon it will marry and prepare for this joyful event, then it will really make an offer. - To the emergency wedding.

For a lonely or divorced woman, a wedding ceremony foreshadows a new acquaintance that may well grow into serious relationships and marriage. In addition, the wedding promises a dream in which the girl is trying on or receives a ring as a gift.

If, in a dream, a young woman accepts the proposal of the beloved of marriage, while being engaged in reality, it means that unforeseen difficulties will appear. It is possible that you will have to postpone the wedding. However, it is not necessary to get upset: with a delay, but the ceremony will take place. If such a dream dreamed of a lonely girl, soon her new love is waiting and, perhaps, the wedding.

In addition, the wedding promises a dream in which the girl is trying on or gets a ring as a gift

For a lady who has a husband, hear the proposal of the hands and hearts or get as a gift wedding ring - To a new twist in a relationship with his spouse.

What dreams wedding (video)

What predicts different dreams

Why dream of being married? Often dreambooks contradict each other. Most of them interpret dreams like a good sign of change in life. However, there are those who claim that dreams need to be perceived in the opposite context, which means that the solemn ceremony does not foreshadow anything good.

By Miller's dream book, the vision with the wedding warns that soon there will be a chance to solve all the disputes and problems that are bothering sleeping, and the result will exceed the most bold expectations.

Vanga perceived such dreams almost literally. She believed that if a man had a wedding, he would soon be invited to some celebration. Having visited the holiday, you change your life because of a fateful acquaintance.

By the dream of Ezopa, the wedding ceremony symbolizes changes in life, and they already occur. But if in a dream, according to other dreams, at the celebration, a train will appear in some miracle, this is a sign that a person is in a state of stagnation and does not develop. Accordingly, changes are impossible.

Freud believed that marriage symbolizes the sexy side of the human life. If the dream dreamed of the one who had a permanent partner, this means complete satisfaction of intimate desires in the current relationship. For a guy or girls who did not have sexual experience, night dreams personify fear of the first closeness.

A pretty specific interpretation has a dream book Hasse. For unmarried people, such a dream foreshadows the real marriage. For spouses - replenishment in the family. If during the celebration you wander among unfamiliar guests - get ready for bustle at work.

ATTENTION, only today!

The plot when I happened to get married in a dream, it has different interpretations. Unmarried, he foreshadows familiarity with a young man, and married - conflicts in the family. Our dream book is considering different interpretationsWhat is the dream of a vision.

Success in affairs, positive changes

The dreamy promises promises: soon things will be put up, problems will be allowed and a dream will not have to worry more.

The unmarried girl saw in a dream, as if he was thinking about marriage? I will get acquainted with a man who will become her husband.

The dream can be the foresight of changes that are not related to the family: an increase in position, change status and adding responsibility.

Interpretation by Miller

What dreams to see seem to make a decision on marriage, but at the same time hesitate? Miller's dream book indicates: surrounding think that you are prone to frivolous actions.

Be careful with your health

Did you get to get married to the dead man? In reality, the dream is waiting for a long ailment, serious illness.

Out of the deadman of the Sulit, by Dream: Due to the hard work or stressful state, nervous exhaustion is possible. You need to take yourself a rest or postpone some time solving a complex problem.

See in the role of the groom in the dream of the late - the forever of some danger. Inheritance and accidents should beware.

Favorable patronage, large purchase

Getting married to the deceased, who is familiar, foreshadows: His spirit is patronized to you, trying to defend.

What dreams to gather again go out for her husband means: Soon you will get a big thing in the house.

Details plot

Interpretation of sleep takes into account details. So, you were going to go out:

  • for her husband - replenishment in the family;
  • for a deceased relative - get a little inheritance;
  • former guy - longing for unfulfilled opportunities;
  • brother - long celibacy for unmarried girl;
  • unknown man - ambulance.

Subtleties of relationships

Did you dream to get married for a deceased friend? Dream interpretation suggests: an event, a memory, an error from the past holds you in place, preventing the goal.

Getting married, choosing a friend in satellites in a dream - he is tested to you by no means friendly feelings, but shy to admit. Consider a person carefully.

What dreams to go out for an unknown young man? Dream Interpretation explains: Mutual love is ahead, but it will not soon be asked.

Married to release in a dream for your own spouse means: a splash of feelings between them, excellent mutual understanding.

Treason, diseases, scandals

A married woman dreamed of going to marry, and someone else was the bridegroom? Vision promises marital treason.

Prepare for the wedding is unknown with whom in a dream promises a married woman in trouble. Dream interpretation warns: ahead of the disease or divorce.

interpretation of sleep marry

Dream that they are offered to marry, and at the same time, give a ring with a diamond or gemstone - Wait, in life you are waiting for a good marriage, both love and well-being.

dreamed married

Get married - you can get into a hopeless position. Therefore, in life you need to be extremely attentive to the correct selection of narrowed.

get married in a dream

In a dream, you get married, it means in life you are dissatisfied with your own material and social Regulations. The search for a partner turns out to be unsuccessful, you are not satisfied with men as chosenses for family life.

get married

Going married - an unkind sign for a young girl, a harbinger of Lukeva love; For a woman in marriage - intrigue at work; For widow - non-optical hopes.
If a woman or a girl dreams, that she married a widowed man, there may be a warning sign - there is a man who is trying to deceive you in your men's environment. Marriage with a foreigner will warn about troubles in the family associated with quarrels and underworkers.
A consisting woman in marriage, if it dreams that she married another can warn a dream about treason.

what dream of getting married

If your own wedding is dreaming, but relatives are unhappy with it with something that means your family against your marriage with your chosen one.
If you dream that you married another, then in life your wedding will take place and everyone will be satisfied with the holiday.

get married in a dream

In general, such a dream does not promise good in life. Such dreams (about marriage and wedding tinsel), warn you that you need to make an overvaluation of your own behavior and otherwise look at yourself from the part. Other people's opinion about you are false and flattering.
If you see a wedding in a dream with your loved one, it means that this choice is not yours. Because you can follow the disappointment in family life.
In a dream, you see yourself a bride, but get married for another - this is your life right choiceYou should not worry about anything.
They came to someone to the wedding, watch the marriage - good dream, succeed success, good luck, good news, well-being.
See yourself in happy marriage - Desires and dreams will come true if you change your opinion about others and rethink your behavior.

interpretation of sleep marry

Reduces: make a proposal of hands and hearts - in life wait for changes (in good direction), there will be peace and stability in affairs.
Didsed the failed wedding (canceled or changed his mind), which means in your life you make a thorough act, which will lead you to a dead end. See yourself in white wedding dress - bad harbinger of diseases.
To try on the wedding ring - we can escape the sorry in the family, and at work, be prepared for unpleasant news, you can quit or downgrade.
Looking for your own marriage festival - in life there may be losses in the material plan.
If a student is dreaming married a good lifeThis means that you will surrender the session or completely complete the training in the educational university. For a woman who works - such a dream is promoted, promotion over a career ladder, success at work or business business.

Slipped in a dream to marry? Dream interpretation is needed to decipher this information, thrust over. By the way, it is always very interesting to know if you get married, what does the dream book say about it?

The procedure to get married Dream Interpretation describes in different ways, depending on the environment and from those sensations in which this sacrament dreams. And not always the surrounding entourage allows you to interpret seen in a dream unequivocally.

If in a dream to see how someone marry leaves or get married, dream interpretation interprets it as mutual love that happens in reality. It may be sincere heart attachments, and very favorable events in general. But if in a state of sleep get married, the dream book is not every given forecast supports, in some it is said that this is just the inner depression, and the person is inherent in the sense of loneliness or hopelessness.

If a wedding is dreaming with a stranger, a young girl, it means that she will have a new young man, and if the wedding in a dream with a familiar guy, it means that she will soon marry. In general, this is an encouraging forecast, meaning a change in personal life in a good direction. If you dream that you have to marry anyone who you do not love, or with whom you meet, it means, to surprise, a strong moral shock either to concerned thoughts about the upcoming wedding soon.

If a similar sleep was given on the eve of a real wedding, there is no important forecast in that. If the lady is confident that her wedding is the result of strong mutual love, it is better for her to pay attention to such a dream, it dreamed only thanks to his own distillation on this occasion, from care about the upcoming wedding process. But if the reflection on this topic in reality was not, it is time to think about it, is it true to marry this person? We will have to intently analyze such a dream, subconscious doubts are possible about the feasibility of this marriage, reflections, whether this marriage will be happy and successful. You need to thoroughly think about the upcoming marriage. If you dream that you get married in other situations, there is something unexpected ahead, which will soon happen in life.

If in a dream to marry the one who today and the husband is so, then it means that loyalty and affection towards each other reigns, the marriage is happy. The sign is very good, talking about the fact that feelings have not yet been faded and fresh is still. Dream wedding with your beloved? Soon he will offer hand and heart. But most often, such dreams are provoked by only their own fantasies, I want to marry very much, and for some reason the beloved does not hurry a proposal.

To marry in a dream for Roma means only one thing, the woman in his beloved is not sure, since the Gypsies are associated with frivolism, windiness and impermanence. Sleep means fear for his fate, if it is related to today's chosen one. If such a dream sees a girl who has no guy, it promises her meeting with a merrycloth, but as a man he will be extremely non-serious. If the wedding in a dream without a groom, you should expect deception, disappointment, or yourself will have to give some very important promises.

If in a dream for the father or brother get married, the dream book speaks of the strong emotional attachment of the girl. Also possible dreams with incets are also possible, this also indicates emotional attachment, by the way, the strongest! It can be dreamed of a healthy, balanced, sexually satisfied person. But getting into a dream married to whom the marriage is already terminated, means nostalgia on the past. Until the end, forget the former satellite of life, it still failed, as and let go. This is an internal melancholy on the youthful beloved person who was once very close.

In a dream, a married man get married Dream Interpretation treats as disappointment, loneliness and a sense of loss in all respects. Emotional condition Such is that the woman married a man in non-free. However, this may mean the emergence of a married man in his life. And the marriage in a dream with the deadman means emotional unhealthy and something life-threatening. It takes to understand yourself, there are psycho-emotional problems.

If you dream that it seems to be married, but in the end it did not happen, then in life you will have to disappoint into something large. It may happen that very much expected from something, but the dreams will not come true, the conceived will not be implemented. To see someone else's wedding - either to a happy future, or to sadness, depending on the context of sleep.

Traditionally, wedding dreams are interpreted to the upcoming positive changes in life, most importantly, remember whose wedding it was. If the plot was your friend, a close enough, or a real girl with which you know well, that means that her happiness you are subconsciously envy, especially if she married earlier than you.

Freud has a demonstration of a wedding dress surrounding as a sense of pride for his naked body. If the lady's dress is considering in the mirror, it means that she strives for self-satisfaction.

By women's dream book It is not necessary to marry with whom the wedding is planned, but for the other, it means that the only right choice is made.

Low in a dream to your wedding - to losses. See your future family life - To enjoyable change and career, and in personal life. The bosses can notice talents and appreciate them, offering a higher wage or a new position. For the one that still learns, such a dream is a forecast for a well-defined session an increased scholarship. To be late for a wedding in a dream - you need to revise the attitude to work, it is very tedious and the main thing about it is not visible, and from this there are experiences. To go in a dream to marry in the fall - to a wealthy and very worthy person, for whom in reality you will marry.

But it should not be so scrupulous to treat dreams, because there is a marriage Dream interpretation regarding all for everyone, but every person is individuality. It is better to devote yourself to a loved one, not the interpretation of dreams.

Each girl dreams to get married, have loving her husband and strong happy family. BUT B. real life To marry is one thing, but to see marriage in a dream - foreshadows changes in personal life. But in what direction? Such a dream has a fairly ambiguous interpretation. It can have both positive and negative interpretation. Consider in more detail what such a dream may mean by Miller's dreams, Vangi, Freud, and others.

Get married in a dream by Miller's dream book

Miller relatively seen in the dream of marriage claims that:

  • going married in a dream means to be unsatisfied from the lack of attention of men;
  • when a girl dreamed that her groom during the ceremony passes by her with an urinary look, it could foreshadow change in relationships with her friends in real life;
  • if the girl marries a man of old years old, she is awaiting trouble;
  • have a beautiful hairstyle during the ceremony - to good news and raising at work;
  • if you choose a ring in a dream, then be careful - you may be waiting for failures and deceptions;
  • when a woman dreams that she is a bride, but is in a sealing form - it is waiting for disappointment in amur affairs;
  • if a married woman was having a married woman, as she married again, this testifies to the refusal of frivolousness, easelessness;
  • if the girl, being a bride in a dream, gladly puts on a wedding dress - she will receive an inheritance;
  • if the pleasure, on the contrary, is not - it is waiting for disappointment and suffering.

Dream Vangu: In a dream, get married

  • When another, someone else's wedding dream, such a dream is considered as a certain verification of feelings for its partner.
  • See your wedding in a dream - not only legally tightly connected with the young man, with whom we will go together, family Uzami., but also spiritually cured with him.
  • When will you dream that you got married, you are most likely to be accepted complex solutionwhich will change in the future your life.

Get married - what dreams of Hasse

Miss Hasse believes that a dream about marriage (marriage) means differently depending on what exactly dreams:

  • if you grant married or marry someone - you are awaiting a happy future;
  • if you marry yourself (marry) - you are waiting for mutual love;
  • if you dream white dress - In the near future, expect a marriage union.

Get married in a dream by Dreamnote Freud

Sigmund Freud argues that

  • if you get married in a dream, then you feel discontent with a personal life;
  • if the girl boasts a wedding dress - it means that she is pleased with his body;
  • when she considers this dress in the mirror - hence, she strives for self-satisfaction;
  • if the girl in a dream is the bride young man, it will soon be waiting for changes (it is possible that it will be to establish contacts with a person with whom it stays in a long quarrel);

In a dream to marry - Dream of Tsvetkova

By Dream Tsvetkov:

  • if the married woman sees in a dream, as he reused married, it is soon awaited not pleasant changes - its competence will question, with which she will have to cope independently;
  • if a man dreams of a bride, then long expectations and prospects are waiting for him;
  • if the girl dreamed that she was a bride, then they were waiting for disappointment and sadness.

Get married - what dreams of Lofflue

Psychologist David Loff believes that the dream of marriage can read whether it is a suitable obligation to you and how important it is for you:

  • when you dream that the process of marriage is successful, then you perceive your union as reliable;
  • if the wedding turns into a catastrophe, then you should revise the obligations imposed on you.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams of the dream about "getting married", but also about the interpretation of the meanings of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to get married in a dream in online dream book Miller.


What dreams, what do you get married?

Own wedding, when it dreams that you get married is an omens to the fact that large changes will occur in life soon. They can concern any sphere of life of a girl who saw such a dream. But most often, the area of \u200b\u200bchange is a personal life.

So why dream that you get married? Usually watch in a dream for your own wedding often means that in the future, in real life will have to accept some responsible and important decisionwhich can change the course of the girl's life.

Also, it can events that are completely unexpected for the very dreams, who will greatly affect her fate and she will not be able to prevent this.

If a wedding is dreaming in a dream, then this is a very good sign, symbolizing that in life the very favorable period begins, in which everything in personal life everything will be wonderful and not overshadowed by any chants.

If a girl sees clearly in a dream, she takes a proposal of hands and hearts, then it foresees a high position in society for her, where it will possess the status and respect. Her reputation will be very positive and in the social sphere of life it is waiting for success and honor.

If the girl dreams that she takes a proposal and marries a person who is already incomprehensible in real life, then this dream clearly makes it clear that the girl can be a hindrance for someone's happiness in life, to cause someone It will not work out something important for him.

If idle person dreams that he marries, or is married, then this is not the most favorable sign for him. There are some troubles in personal life or health problems. Such a dream is a warning. It is worth be careful.

In some dreams, it is said that the girl see himself in a white wedding dress is a non-compete omen. There is no one threat to her health, or her relatives and relatives. Perhaps it concerns not only physical health, but it may be an omnation that some problem in life will cause severe stress.

If the girl dreams that she gets married unfamiliar manThis may be an outset that new acquaintances will soon appear in her life, can expand the circle of communication, or, as an option, it will find the lover.

Another meaning of sleep, when it dreams that you are married to a stranger, this is what is likely to be able to do what I wanted to do it very long ago, but something constantly did not work. This is a good sleep, a forever in any of the life of the dreams. Social, professional spheres, personal life - all this can dramatically improve if the girl sees such a dream. Perhaps, some efforts will be needed from her, so you need to be vigilant and should not miss the right features.

If the girl dreams that she marries an elderly person, then such a sleeping warning that the gap can happen in her personal life and it will be done because of the pressure of loved ones, friends, relatives, or in favor of society.

There are still some options for trying dreams when you dream that you get married. For a girl, it may mean that in real life, she is already very tired of loneliness and is experiencing deep dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere of their lives.

This dream indicates that it is time to take some steps in order to improve your personal life, for example, starting with improving your own life. Also, such a dream gives the hope of this girl, saying that soon in her life these spheres will be filled and a loved one will appear. In principle, such a dream promises a favorable outcome for a dream and for her personal life.

If you dream that you get married for a person who is in real life is a sweetheart, then this dream says that it is possible to expand the circle of communication of this girl, and people will enter her life that will bring only good.

If you dream that you get married for an unpleasant person, then this dream may mean that in real life is to get rid of communication with people, in fact unpleasant. This dream means freedom from them themselves and from their influence on the life of the dreams.

So, almost all famous dreams It is suggested that the dream in which is clearly seen that you are married - this is a favorable sign of what only the best and good changes in the life of a girl who saw such a dream will occur.


Marry out

Dream of Freud.

If a woman demonstrates her wedding dress to other people - She is proud of the beauty of his nude body.

If she considers it in the mirror - It also symbolizes her desire for self-satisfaction.

Female dream book

If in a dream on the eve of the wedding you decide to marry another applicant - You can be finally confident that your choice is the only right.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you have made a sentence in a dream - Wait for change in affairs in best side, rest and stability.

Cancel wedding - suggests that you will make a rash actions that will entail a number of unpleasant changes in your life.

If the girl sees himself in a white dress - She should fear the disease.

See yourself trying on someone else's engagement ring "You will quarrel with someone from relatives, and at work you will be waiting for either a decrease in positions or dismissal.

If in a dream you are late own wedding - Wait in the near future some damages.

If a girl dreams of her future married life - This means pleasant changes in both personal life and career. It is possible that the authorities will notice your talents and will appreciate them (new position, increase wages etc.). If you do not work, and learn, then such a dream means that you will successfully surrender all exams and will become an increased scholarship.

If you see yourself without a wedding ring - Wait for the treason of a close friend or husband. It can also mean a quarrel with friends or relatives.

If you dream that you have become a widow - It warns you that you should not take too much duties. You can not cope with them.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Watch whose marriage ceremony - Good change, joyful news, pleasure from life.

Modern visible dream book

If you make a sentence - Your affairs will be applied and you will no longer worry.

Get from your loved one - Means that you incorrectly distribute your strength, so you will not have time to do everything conceived.

See yourself in a wound dress - It warns that you need to pay attention to the state of health, perhaps. Your body will bring you to the most responsible moment, remind themselves chronic diseases.

See yourself with wedding hairstyle - To good news, raising the salary, won a monetary prize.

If you take someone else's engagement ring - Introduce the failure, be careful, do not allow mistakes, focus on everything that concerns you personally.

To choose bridal bouquet - Means that you lack the attention of the representatives of the opposite sex. You should get rid of unnecessary modesty, give the will of fantasy.

See yourself in a dream late for a wedding ceremony - Means you are loaded technical workwhich tires you, you do not see the main thing and therefore too worry.

Eastern female dream book

If a young woman shortly before the wedding dreamed that she was married to another - She can be calm: she made the right choice.

If a woman dreams that she gets married in the fall - Her husband will be a man worthy and wealthy.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Marry -

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

If you see in a dream, you get married - Get ready for acquaintance with your future husband.


Marry leave - I will not get married: old Virgin - Your goal.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Marry leave for widow - To loneliness.

Marry leave for a girl - To acquaintance.

Give or marry someone - happy future.

Himself to be married - mutual love.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dream that you get married - In reality, it foreshadows mutual love.

Marry widow - You are threatened with a danger from a familiar man.

If your chosen one is a foreigner - Expect trouble in the family.

If having a husband, you get married in a dream - It foreshadows married treason.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Note or marry - happy future.

Himself to be married - You have mutual love

Medieval dream book Daniel

To marry a woman - To the alarms.

Give married - To losses.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Marry - foreshadows a happy life.

Give married your daughter or a native girl - the death sign of someone from close relatives; and to give out an outsider maiden foreshadows this dream - execution of his desires and happy success in the enterprise.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Get married - changes in life; marry young - Disease and death.

Marry widow - Danger.

Marry foreigners - trouble.

Dream of flowers

Get married - stalemate.

Collection of Sonnikov

Marry - to the depression of the psyche with a sense of loneliness and misunderstanding around people; to sexual dissatisfaction; To improving the life situation and to positive emotions.


Dream book get married former

What dreams of marrying former in sleep in dreams?

To marry former - you will have to experience bitterness of frustration or a sense of deep resentment on words or actions of a familiar person. Another interpretation is to give an oath to myself about something.


Offer get married

A woman who saw a loved one in a dream, who makes her an offer to marry, can prepare for grand variables in life. In order to learn more about what you dream about the request of your hand and hearts, it should be remembered as much as possible a dream, its emotional feed and a common mood. Completely restoring your dream in memory, you can watch his interpretation in the dream.

If you have dreamed of a dream in which you made a proposal to get married, then, in a short time, your life is radically changed. For a married woman this Son. Interpreted dream book as a warning - she should be cautious and not attract a lot of attention to his person. Young girls who offer hand and heart in a dream unfamiliar man, Dream interprets promises an ambulance with his narrowed.

Sleep, which dreams that make a proposal to marry a ring, means real feelings and clean love. Dream Interpretation promises that in a short time you will experience a real storm of emotions - the person who will master your attention will appear in his life, and may be a heart. And at first it will seem for you that you are experiencing not quite good feelings for this person (they are more like anger, irritation, indignation), but soon you will figure it out in our emotions and everything will be in place.

What dreams of getting an offer to marry. Such a dream means the offensive of a new stage in life. Dream interpretation interprets such a dream in two values \u200b\u200bbased on the feelings that you have experienced in a dream. If the proposal to tie his fate in a dream caused you a storm of indignation, then the current relationship with your guy will soon come to complete if you are delighted with this proposal - then such a dream by dream book means an unexpected turn in your love relationship.

What else does the offer come out to marry

If in a dream makes an offer to get married a completely outsider man, the dream book promises that in the near future will receive a serious and interesting proposition, which promises not only the acquisition of material wealth, financial independence, but also leads to the emergence of high status.

You can find out more detailed what you dream about the request of a hand and heart, you can remember your reaction in a dream to this question. If you were confused during the recognition and did not know what to answer - this means that the surrounding people perceive you as a frivolous person who is unable to fulfill their promises.

If, in response to the provision of hands and hearts in a dream, the young girl responds positively, which means that the respect and recognition of those surrounding it, because of his personal qualities.

If, in a dream, you ask your hand and heart, the dream book promises that in the near future the small troubles and obstacles will appear on the way that they will not stop you on the way to achieve the goal, but only boost and make it stronger. A man who dreams dream, where he watches, as they ask for the hands and hearts of his far-relative, means that in the next few years he will remain a bachelor.


What could mean if you get married in a dream?



Anna, values \u200b\u200bcan be a lot ..
The most interesting and meaningful dream is to see yourself bride, get married.

In the morning it starts to disturb the thought, what would it mean? We begin to remember and lose in your mind the events that occurred on the eve, connecting everything with a dreamy in a dream.

Get married in a dream:

For young girls, means a favorable offer or a way out of the created complex situation. For an elderly woman get married - interest from the opposite sex.

If we get married in a dream in a white dress, while looking at the mirror, not very good. Even worse see yourself ugly, with a long cheese and long hair. Apparently, the disease lies or sign over - be careful on the road in which we can overtake the danger. For a woman of old age - may foresee a fatal disease.

If we see yourself in a dream by the wheel in a beautiful car, talking about the upcoming marriage with your favorite young man - found the right decision, go B. the right direction, and in the family are "steering". Also in the near future we have a big luck. If you are going in the car, we are not behind the wheel, we are talking about the fact that we are married to the elderly man - then rather are not independent in their judgments. For us, it is important to someone else's opinion, listening to what adults will say we. Perhaps we have a caring, benefit. Warning to us that in the current situation we can make an incorrect step.

Getting married in a dream in a white wedding dress on a white beautiful horse, which the prince leads - the most successful dream: a man will be worse, to protect against dangers, love, read, and foreshadows unexpected wealth and well-being. If I dreamed that at my wedding rushed on the top three thin horses, Zastoku, in front of everyone, the horses are running in different sides, breaks down the harness - bad Son.: Alien Envy will deprive us patrons, all of our well-being, is possible a loss of loved ones.

We get married, we see on your wedding beautiful fresh white flowers in a dream - soon we will visit bright joyful feelings. If you see faded flowers - the end of love.

Getting married in a dream in a torn dirty wedding dress - does not promise anything good: the scandal, gossip and breaking the relationship with your beloved person can not be avoided.

I get married for another person, crying in a dream - not bad. Perhaps we will take another decision in my life, not the one that was thought before. Do not worry - this choice will also be true. Even if we dreamed that the bride was alone at the wedding, there is no bridegroom nearby, then nothing terrible: independence and determination still did not interfere with anyone - finding a way, no matter how difficult for us in reality.

Getting married in a dream pleasant and joyfully, waking up, feel the tide of strength and energy. One thought does not give rest: what would this mean? Most often for a young girl is a fateful meeting with a young man, for an adult woman - meeting with a person from the past.

In a dream and on Java married is a wonderful event!

caramel Strawberry

To try on a wedding dress to the ambulance. See yourself in a white dress on someone else's wedding - to a severe disease. However, if it is a wedding of a friend, a friend (acquaintances) or a wedding of daughter, son, moms (relatives), then the dream you do not promise anything bad.

If the girl dreams passing by her wedding tuple - a secret rival harms her relationship with his beloved. To see himself supporting a veil or a loaf of the bride, - envious of the gossip about it.

If in a dream the girl sees the bride himself, (his own wedding is to see his wedding), it means that the subject of her love is passionate about the other. The bride in a low-bottomed woman foreshadows small household quarrels with a spouse.

If she dreams that she catches a wedding bouquet, then the beloved is faithful to her or, if not, she will soon meet true love. If in a dream you will receive an invitation to the wedding or dreamed of preparing for the wedding, the dreams interpret this dream, as a sign of profitable acquisition. Also an invitation to a wedding or a cooking for a wedding in a dream may impose a valuable gift.

Wedding feast, on which the girl is present as a guest, promises her many merry entertainment. If she is in the wedding party, she is as a bride, in reality it is waiting for a grief because of the beloved. To see a wedding celebration foreshadows a pleasant homemade hassle. Perhaps the spouse will get a promotion, and she will delight his festive lunch.

If a woman dreams that she is talking to the bridegroom, "soon she will get a thing that has long dreamed of. If she considers or encounters a wedding dress, in the near future she will have to listen to the unpleasant news about the behavior of her husband and children. If a girl dreamed of a secret wedding, she should follow their habits. Such a dream says that the traits of her character need adjustment.

If a girl dreamed of his own wedding and parents against her marriage, revealing relatives will not approve of her engagement (marriage).

If a girl dreams that someone in mourning attire is present at her wedding, it means that her marriage will not be successful. A dream in which the girl sees that her beloved marries the other, she promises her anxiousness and not reinforced with fears. Run from the wedding in a dream - means that you are inserted into some kind of dubious thing.
Wedding without a groom in a dream - promises an extraordinary incident that you will remember for a long time.
I dreamed that the wedding did not take place (failed wedding), or cancel your own wedding (torn wedding) - a dream promises difficulties in some kind of to overcome difficulties you have to make a lot of effort.
A young man seeing a wedding tuple in a dream, in reality, there should be false friends. Sleep warns him that someone from his close surroundings hurt him pretty. See yourself with a bridegroom - a quarrel with mother or lover. If he dreams that he takes part in the wedding celebrations and communicates with the fiance, he will easily cope with the opponent. If he talks to the bride - the opponent will tell him with the beloved.
A man seeing a wedding tuple in a dream should prepare that his spouse will be jealous of him. Sleep warns that he tried to not give his wife reasons for jealousy, otherwise the world in the family will not come soon.
Talk with the fiance or just to see him - competitors are trying to ruin him. The conversation with the bride, on the contrary, foreshadows that he will safely cope with the goats of ill-wishers; If he is singing on wedding celebration And he feels ohmel (or drinking alcohol) - he can completely go out.
Such a dream is a warning that it is necessary to take advantage of the fight against competitors. If a man sees in a dream that he is he himself, this is a warning that he threatens serious disease. You should immediately consult a doctor.

Phil Casidi

Get married in a dream by Miller's dream book

Miller relatively seen in the dream of marriage claims that:

Going married in a dream means to be unsatisfied from the lack of attention of men;
When a girl dreamed that her groom during the ceremony passes by her with an urinary look, it could foreshadow change in relationships with her friends in real life;
If the girl marries a man of old years old, she is awaiting trouble;
have a beautiful hairstyle during the ceremony - to good news and raising at work;
If you choose a ring in a dream, then be careful - you may be waiting for failures and deceptions;
When a woman dreams that she is a bride, but is in a sealing form - it is waiting for disappointment in amur affairs;
If a married woman was having a married woman, as she married again, this testifies to the refusal of frivolousness, easelessness;
If the girl, being a bride in a dream, gladly puts on a wedding dress - she will receive an inheritance;
If the pleasure, on the contrary, is not - it is waiting for disappointment and suffering.
Source: http://domsnov.ru/sonnik/sonnik_vyjti_za_muzh.html.

Get married in a dream

Dream interpretation get married in a dream Dreamed, what dreams in a dream get married in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter keyword From your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the dream sleep (if you want to get online interpretation Dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to marry in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

Dream book - marry

Dream book - marry

Dream foreshadows disease.

Dream book - marry

To loneliness, tears, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Marry Someone

Dream book - marry

For widow, a lot of labor.



Dream Interpretation - Exit

Dream Interpretation - Exit

Go to the garden - happiness.

You go out - misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Exit


Married woman get married

Dream interpretation married woman gets married Dreamed what dream of a married woman gets married? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a married woman getting married, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Marry Married Woman


Dream Interpretation - Uninvited Guest attacks and (or) rape married woman

The need to conquer a new stage in relationships with men.

To be prepared for this, you should be independent.

Dream book - marry

To marry in a dream - for the girl soon new changes are coming in her life.

For a married woman, such a dream promises large family troubles, additional financial expenses and physical work.

To marry a widow - to the danger.

To marry a foreigner to trouble.

Marriage with young men - for widows promises annoyance or quarrel.

Dream book - marry

Dream foreshadows disease.

Imagine that you are married not you, and someone else, you're just a girlfriend of the bride. You can imagine that the wedding is suddenly frustrated.

Dream book - marry

To loneliness, tears, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Marry Someone

Watch someone's marriage ceremony - good changes, joyful news, pleasure from life.

Dream book - marry

For idle - fulfillment of desires.

For widow, a lot of labor.

Dream Interpretation - Marry Widow


Dream Interpretation - Exit

Free output - fast problem resolution. Standing in line for the exit - you have to work a lot before the problems are allowed. Search for a way out of some position - you are experiencing a hidden need for a sexual partner change. Do not find exit - problems in relationship with your loved one for you will lead to a complete collapse of family relationships.

Imagine that the opening of the exit was much wider and all people diverged. You go on a wide, sunflowed the road.

Dream Interpretation - Exit

Warriors who have just entered the campaign - your business will not be completed.

Go out to change the mat - misfortune.

Go to the garden - happiness.

You go beyond the gate - happiness.

You go out - misfortune.

It goes to meet with banners and tighteners - foreshadows wealth and knowledge.

The cow comes out of the gate - indicates that this is about to happen good.


Don't want to marry

Dream Interpretation Do not want to get married Dreamed, what dreams in a dream do not want to get married? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream do not want to get married, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream book - marry

To marry in a dream - for the girl soon new changes are coming in her life.

For a married woman, such a dream promises large family troubles, additional financial expenses and physical work.

To marry a widow - to the danger.

To marry a foreigner to trouble.

Marriage with young men - for widows promises annoyance or quarrel.

Dream book - marry

Dream foreshadows disease.

Imagine that you are married not you, and someone else, you're just a girlfriend of the bride. You can imagine that the wedding is suddenly frustrated.

Dream book - marry

To loneliness, tears, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Marry Someone

Watch someone's marriage ceremony - good changes, joyful news, pleasure from life.

Dream book - marry

For idle - fulfillment of desires.

For widow, a lot of labor.

Dream Interpretation - Marry Widow


Dream Interpretation - Marry Married Woman


Dream Interpretation - Exit

Free output - fast problem resolution. Standing in line for the exit - you have to work a lot before the problems are allowed. Search for a way out of some position - you are experiencing a hidden need for a sexual partner change. Do not find exit - problems in relationship with your loved one for you will lead to a complete collapse of family relationships.

Imagine that the opening of the exit was much wider and all people diverged. You go on a wide, sunflowed the road.

Dream Interpretation - Exit

Warriors who have just entered the campaign - your business will not be completed.

Go out to change the mat - misfortune.

Go to the garden - happiness.

You go beyond the gate - happiness.

You go out - misfortune.

It goes to meet with banners and tighteners - foreshadows wealth and knowledge.

The cow comes out of the gate - indicates that this is about to happen good.

Dream Interpretation - Exit

If you can not find a way out and panic, then you have very strong masochist attractions, but you are ashamed and hide them.

If you can not find a way out from somewhere, you retain calm and wait that everything will be resolved somehow, then you are satisfied with your sexual life, but you are laid for the desire for sadistic manifestations.

If you can not find a way out from somewhere and satisfied with the situation, then you have a tendency to incets, instications; This is the manifestation of the Oedipov complex in its pure form.

If you come out from somewhere, then you have a strong striving for changing the types of sexual pleasures, and perhaps a partner.




the certificate of marriage in my arms, the ceremony itself was not, the marriage night was long, he was not so much of his current girl and looked at us. On the morning he is some kind of lost, I cry I sit because he does not respond to my questions


Cape girlfriend went to the park (on some resort I) I played with a boyfriend sister and suddenly saw her former and rushed to explain everything, we sat, I hugged him and suddenly come relatives to her dress and want to arrange a wedding, and I do not flatter, my parents do not know, call me on the phone and I do not raise


Hello! From Monday to Tuesday dreamed of sleep as if it was standing in a wedding dress and goes in a suit with witnesses, parents, and his whole retinue ex-boyfriend with whom we broke up four years ago (together were 5.5). He now has a girl (because of which we dreamed), I have no hate to them, I wish them only happiness. I myself am all this time alone, afraid of a relationship, and there are a lot of friends guys, some would even like to build ones!


I dreamed that I would get married for the former thing I come home and he stands in my apartment with my parents and my parents say that I should marry him, but I feel it myself wanted to marry him, and I was very happy to marry it , we went on the same day and walked, and we were very happy that he was with me again and now he is not going anywhere, then how we sat in some cafe together and just looked at each other))


I had a recently dreamed that I was married for my ex and the wedding was not so much in full swing, some kind of quiet. The former will dream almost every day, we kiss there, they hug, then he returns. I miss him very much and still love. What is it all?


There was nothing special in a dream. There was some kind of building, like an airport, we were going to fly somewhere. But I knew exactly in a dream that I was married to him. I do not remember the nuances of sleep, but the point is that we broke up 2.5 years ago, parted on a very unpleasant note, he found another. Together we were 7 years old, and parting was difficult for me. Now he does not interest me at all, because I got married, I left our city and I live abroad. I have a wonderful spouse. And then on you ... so that it could all mean?


tsієї night Meni "Scho Scho I wiilya Zipizh і I live in my own-minded stuff ... ..plisl vіn mee b" є ((so myself I'm a Bulo climb mіsytsy back)) to whom you can recking such a dream ?? Rove petty caress ..... Inhabitant ...


i got married for former husband. But I remember in a dream I thought why I went out if nothing good would be


I dreamed that I am in wedding dress and A marriage cerimony with a former guy, but was night, and we waited for the other hand, and we were waiting for it. but never waited because I woke up from the alarm


I will dream of a dream in which I and my former guy sit together on one chair (I'm on his hands) and he constantly hugs me. We are constantly together. So for the hand, hold on, then you kiss, they hug, I have a carset dress, with a cut in piles and it makes him strongly .... We take pictures, laugh, we are happy, he says that he loves me and his intoxicated look. We dance with him, he circles me laughs ... And then as if the dream continues our life, we are on the island (hike in St. Petersburg) on \u200b\u200bthe honey month


After a month ago, I had a dream that my favorite person made me an offer. He got up on one knee and put on his finger ring. In a dream, blue colors prevailed. Two weeks ago, he threw me after 3 years life together (before that I was preparing for the wedding). And today (on Saturday, during a day sleep), I will again dream such a dream that an already a former young man puts me a ring on the finger. In this dream, yellow and brown shades prevailed. There was autumn and we were as we went down the street. The ring was made of gold, without stone


i dreamed that I wonder for a former young man and my current young man appeared in the registry office and there was a scandal on this soil. Like a fight. My current young man screamed: "What a fuck do you do? You are not ashamed at all?! What does it mean?!"


I dreamed of a wedding where I go out for my husband for a former guy with whom I met 3 times. In a dream, I had a beautiful white dress on it a chic costume, but we did not go there, I walked under a hand with another person. I do not remember the male genus it was or female. But I for a long time waited when the moment comes when we come to each other and kiss, but it did not happen


In a dream, I wonder for a former guy. On me there is a white dress, and I am happy but at the same time unhappy because I love another person. And I'm looking forward to when he comes and save me from the former guy. What is it?


In my dream I got married for my former in which I am not exactly the finished bride


i love me dreamed that the guy who didn't take me to my jans now, and the former agreed to take my wife, but I didn't want my parents and friends started to ask that I did not cancel the wedding and his mother put me in the dress but I did not see that dresses Only the groom in the castery and woke up


i had a dream. that I reconcile the dress wedding blue and I wonder for a former guy. What is such a dream Although I rolled out not long ago with this person


well, I dreamed of a former guy. We kissed him and then I heard a not very nice conversation for myself between him and some kind of girl, and then sleep changed a little I got married him and I was pregnant for 3 months


Dreamed the former guy. What I got married for him. And we were very happy. And behaved like an ideal family


In the registry office all beautiful. I'm in a beautiful wedding dress, he is in a suit. You already need to register ... How I have a lot of doubts. But with all this I am pregnant from him. And I refuse to marry him


Hello, I dream of my former who treats me to make me with my steamer Rastalas and back with him life no one I don't want to see him yesterday in a dream I saw that I was getting married good and I am not accustomed to him


Tell me please, I was distinguished by Sony, what married for a former boyfriend and in Realni, he fell


Dreamed sleep as if I got married for my former guy, the wedding was not lush, we just painted, and then went home.


in a dream married for the former guy. In this, he has a wife and two children and I have a guy with whom we have been together for many years. And in a dream, in our wedding, people with whom we have not communicated for a long time and our real partners in a dream came together after our wedding. useful-in life We are friends with families.


Hello, at night I dreamed that I would get married a former guy with whom it broke up 1.5 months ago. In a dream, we both were very satisfied and happy, but the wedding was not a lush, not a lot of guests, relatives and friends. Everything happened in the summer.


I dreamed that I got married for a former husband. He came to the registry office, but he did not come. I called him, and he drunk began to justify that I forgot, and t n. And I realized that he again everything is lying and marrying not thinking.


I had to marry my former guy, I was very nice dress. At first I was happy that I would marry, but then I understand that the fiance is my former guy and I run away from him, run and cry. I want to all relatives and to say that the weddings will not be, but at the same time I think that the wedding was invested so much money and there was a lot of guests and would not be decent to refuse on the last day. But there is no desire to marry him. I have been going all this time and crying on the corridor of some kind of room (more like a school) and the former guy fit hugs me and calms me, they say everything will be fine. I tell him that I love the other and I do not want to marry him. He says that he understands me, but I still need to marry him. Later, I find yourself at home to put myself in order (for I cried). And then me comes sms from him "Are you ready?". And then I remembered that he has a girlfriend and ask "And what are you not meeting with your girlfriend? Why did you stick to me again? " He reads SMS and does not answer anything. Then I just sit and think, how I will then look in my beloved guy's eyes with whom I meet at the moment.


I'm married. And in my dream there should be married for a former civil husband, but I was not a vision in a white dress and the bottom of the dress was laid by the cherry threads.