Dream interpretation that means a kiss on the lips. Kissing a man on the lips in a dream

A kiss on the lips that you dreamed may mean that in reality you are expected interesting events, life changes, but they may not be too joyful, but may be accompanied by worries about the future.

If a girl dreamed of a kiss on the lips, and it was very long and memorable, then most likely in love relationship it's going to be a hard time. Maybe your partner will soon start a quarrel that will drag on very long. At the same time, even if you want to make up, nothing good will come of it, a quarrel can even become the cause of a falling out. Do not take drastic decisions, let your partner think it over, allow some time to pass. It will put everything in its place

Dream interpretation: a kiss on the lips with a man

If a man or a guy kisses you passionately in a dream, then this is not a good sign. Such a dream suggests that a disease is approaching. You may not have enough rest in your life.

Sucking in a dream kissing a man on the lips can mean dissatisfaction in sexual life. Such a dream can be dreamed of by girls who do not have enough gentle partners who only care about themselves.

In a dream, kissing a man on the lips, but not knowing who he is is a sign that in reality you are too wasteful recent times and don't keep track of finances.

A kiss on the lips in a dream can mean completely different events, it all depends on who is kissing whom.

If you kiss an enemy in a dream, you will soon find a new friend. Kissing your mother means increasing respect from colleagues and friends. To see how small children kiss is fortunately in family life.

Dream interpretation: a guy kisses on the lips

If you recently broke up with your boyfriend, and now you are puzzled by your dream and do not know why dreaming about kissing your ex-boyfriend on the lips, we dare to assure you that this is not a big deal. When a person recently broke up with another, his energy remains nearby for some time, so you can see an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in a dream for several weeks after breaking up, until the subconscious mind lets go of this person.

Pay attention to the feelings that accompanied the cherished kiss. If you were happy about this event, then a new meeting will await you. If a kiss in a dream confused you, then most likely your thoughts are occupied by your beloved.

Now you know what a kiss with a familiar guy on the lips is about, and you can be ready for a new meeting. Listen to your own intuition, perhaps she will tell you that the person you kissed in a dream is not worthy of you forgetting about him. Perhaps this is a sign to return the old relationship or call him.

What does a kiss in a dream mean for a girl and a guy?

If in a dream you are kissing your beloved girl, then in reality you will definitely quarrel with her, and it is she who will start the quarrel. The girl you kissed in your dream may even leave you. This departure may be forced, but it entails an unpleasant showdown, so guys should be careful after they had a kiss on the lips with a girl.

If a girl dreams of a guy whom she kisses, and they have a love affair in reality, then nothing good should be expected from this dream. IN real life she will quarrel with a guy, and also will not be able to arrange a future with him without clarifying the relationship.

If a kiss is dreamed of by a married couple, namely a husband or wife, then this only testifies to the strength of their union.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov: a kiss in a dream

Tsvetkov interprets that a kiss in a dream is only to betrayal or betrayal. Moreover, it may not necessarily be treason. loved one, maybe a stranger will simply deceive you, or a fraudster will use credulity.

Dream interpretation of Wangi: the meaning of sleep kiss on the lips

The Bulgarian clairvoyant equated a kiss on the lips in a dream with a symbol of reconciliation and friendship. If you dreamed that a man was kissing his woman, then they would be happy together for a long time. But if a girl herself kisses a guy, and even one with whom she is not married, there will be trouble, a quarrel cannot be avoided.

A kiss on the lips with the deceased is to bring trouble on yourself, there will be illness or even death.

Miller's dream book: what does it mean to kiss in a dream?

Miller interprets kissing dreams depending on who is being kissed. If this is a relative, then such a kiss in a dream will only bring joy from friendly relations.

If in a dream you see that your wife is being kissed on the lips, then this is a sign that soon your relatives and friends will no longer respect you. If a girl dreams that she is kissing another, and her husband took her by surprise, then this is a sign that friends are not who they pretend to be, most likely, they will substitute their girlfriend in a very short time.

Sleep theme:,

What do not we sometimes have to do in our dreams!

Sometimes, waking up, you wonder - where do such dreams come from, and most importantly - what do they portend? It is especially difficult to ignore dreams in which we kiss someone.

A kiss is a special, symbolic act filled with deepest meaning... What does he mean in dreams? It often symbolizes feelings, emotional experiences, relationships with people.

Before interpreting what the kiss is about, it is worth soberly assessing the situation. If a girl thinks about her lover both day and night, it is clear that in a dream she is kissing him, because dreams are a continuation of her fantasies.

However, there are dreams in which the kiss is completely unexpected and incomprehensible. For example, you have to kiss not only with your beloved person, but even simply with a friend, classmate, former lover or a stranger!

How to understand such actions in dreams that you could not expect from yourself? Such dreams may not be literal at all, and indicate something important, symbolic.

It is worth remembering all the details of these dreams in order to figure out why the kiss is dreaming - and then find out the truth from the dream book. The scenarios for such dreams can be different:

  • You just saw people kissing from the side.
  • We saw how children kiss each other.
  • They kissed an acquaintance or friend on the cheek.
  • Kiss on the lips with a friend, classmate, or by a stranger.
  • Kiss with your beloved man or just someone you like.
  • You are kissing in dreams with a girl.
  • You see how your loved one kisses a certain girl on the cheek or lips.
  • Kissing someone on the forehead.
  • You kiss a child, relative, brother or sister, mother.
  • You are kissing not a person, but the ground, a stone, an object.
  • Kiss the enemy.
  • Kiss your ex.
  • You kiss a dead person.

"Kissing" dreams are pleasant or not, spicy or mysterious. What will the dream book say - a kiss promises good luck or love, enmity or separation?

Nothing personal

There are dreams in which you either saw a kiss from the side, or you had to kiss something, but not a person. Such dreams are very symbolic, and it is important to know what they portend.

1. If you contemplated another's kiss in a dream - you saw how strangers, strangers passionately or carefully kiss each other on the cheek or lips, passionately or tenderly kiss - this portends you sad days filled with loneliness and sadness.

You will observe someone else's happiness instead of building your own. It may take an effort for you to actively fight for your happiness.

2. If in a dream children kiss each other, this is a bright and kind sign that promises you joy and harmony in your own family. Your life will be filled with pleasant surprises and love.

3. If you contemplated how in a dream some man is persistently kissing a girl, you may feel irritation and anger towards some person. This may be directly related to the fact that someone does not show you the attention that you are waiting for.

4. Quite unpleasant and painful sleep for a girl in which her loved one kisses another. It can be a kiss either on the lips, or on the cheek, even on the forehead - it doesn't matter. He testifies to the infidelity of this person or just your suspicions.

You may have intuitively felt it, and you have such a symbolic dream. Don't wait until the situation gets worse - it's better to figure it out before it's too late and before no one has hurt each other.

5. If for some reason you had to kiss a stone in a dream, it bodes shame. Watch your actions in reality, because they can bring trouble on you, and you will regret it. Don't do anything bad.

6. If you kiss iron, something metallic, this is an unpleasant dream - it portends trouble, an unpleasant surprise or bad news that will break you. Be stronger, do not be afraid of problems - you can handle it.

7. Kissing someone's portrait or photograph in dreams with a stranger, acquaintance or relative, beloved or ex, friend or child - means that you will feel annoyance, resentment, maybe even envy or a desire to take revenge towards this person.

8. And kissing the ground in a dream promises separation from a friend or beloved man. Maybe you can prevent this? Think in advance, it is not in vain that a dream warns you about such a possibility.

Sweet Kisses

More often, we still have to kiss people in our dreams. Who exactly? There are no restrictions, after all, this is a dream - a kiss can happen both desired and pleasant, and unexpected, with a person who is indifferent to you or unpleasant in reality. Why is this dreaming?

1. Of course, it is pleasant to kiss passionately in a dream with a loved one, dear, beloved person. And how pleasant it is in reality! But it is worth understanding why a kiss with a guy is dreaming, especially if he is passionate.

  • If you kissed him in the dark, be careful - such a dream warns of debauchery that can harm you and make you regret. Be discreet.
  • If you kissed a guy in the light, then do not be afraid - your relationship with your beloved is clean, bright, and happiness awaits you. Do not be afraid, you are loved.

2. And if you dream of a kiss with a friend, classmate or just acquaintance, friendly - on the cheek or forehead, this promises, on the contrary, troubles in communication. It is not a fact that troubles will be associated with this very person, but in any case, be careful in communication, watch your words and especially deeds.

3. If you are not you kissing an acquaintance, but he is kissing you on the forehead - expect insult or betrayal from this person.

4. Kissing a girlfriend when meeting in a dream is a good sign, it promises carefree fun, joyful days and happiness in simple everyday life.

5. Kissing your mother in your dreams means that in business and work, everything will work out for you, a period of success and achievements will begin.

6. Kissing in dreams with a stranger is a warning. You run the risk of soon committing an immoral act, or leading a dishonest, dissolute life.

Be careful! If you dreamed that you were kissing a stranger, this is a direct hint - you are living wrong, reconsider your behavior in reality.

7. As the dream book says, a kiss on the lips with your ex-spouse or partner directly hints that you are tormented by the past. Let it go - it has already passed, no matter what. Thoughts of the past are holding you back now, you cannot live fully happily.

8. Curious why a kiss on the neck from a loved one or a spouse is dreaming. This is a good dream, it portends harmony and warmth in your couple.

9. If you kissed a child in your dreams - your own or someone else's, even a stranger - they may laugh at you because of some action.

10. Illness can promise a dream in which you had to kiss an old man or an old woman.

11. If you happen to kiss an enemy, a competitor, or an unpleasant person in your dreams, then in reality you will be reconciled with him.

12. Of a dead man kiss in a dream - dangerous sign, watch your health, it is vulnerable now.

13. But kissing someone's hands in a dream is a sign that you are too proud, arrogant, and this may harm you. Keep it simple.

So different can be "kissing" dreams, and their meanings are great. Note wise advice interpreter, and if trouble is foretold for you, think about how to avoid it.

For this, dreams are dreamed, even strange or unpleasant. Well, if your dream is happy and promises joy - you know, it will be so! Author: Vasilina Serova

Sometimes the plot of dreams surprises, makes you think. It is often not easy to figure out why a guy's kiss on the lips is dreaming, emotions overwhelm. According to some dream books, kissing a guy on the lips can promise both a quarrel, parting, and strengthening of marriage bonds.

What if dreaming about a guy kissing on the lips?

According to Miller's dream book, a guy's kiss on the lips should be interpreted based on the character's personality. If a girl dreamed of a dream, in reality the relationship with her lover will become stronger, their spiritual connection will grow stronger.

When a woman sees herself kissing unfamiliar guy in front of her husband, in reality she will be disappointed. Most likely, a split is outlined in family life, it will be difficult to overcome problems. You should prepare for not the most better times, but if you manage to survive, then nothing will threaten the marriage anymore.

Miller is of the opinion that a kiss in a dream with a guy does not portend trouble or parting with a loved one. However, a fateful meeting may occur that will force you to reconsider your values.

According to a love dream book, a kiss with a guy in a dream portends separation from him. Perhaps the dreamer finds out about his betrayal, or she herself will be carried away by someone. For a woman, such a dream promises disappointment in her spouse. He can do something, the sleeping woman will not like it and she will grow cold towards her husband. She won't want to share the family bed with him anymore.

If a man dreamed that he was kissing on the lips with a guy in a dream, a friend would support him in reality. Something unexpected will happen, and he will help to quickly solve the problem.

When he dreams that a man himself initiated a kiss with a stranger in the land of dreams, in reality he lacks friends, warmth.

According to Medea's dream book, a kiss on the lips with a lover in a dream speaks of mutual feelings, which will grow stronger over time. There is no need to doubt the loyalty of the guy, he does not look at other girls. It is better to give him love, warmth, and not torment him with jealousy.

Freud's dream book has several unusual interpretations of a dream in which a girl passionately kissed a guy. The psychoanalyst assumes that the dreamer is lonely, she lacks male attention. To attract gentlemen, she performs extraordinary deeds. However, this behavior, on the contrary, repels guys.

If a married young woman dreams of a kiss on the lips with a stranger, in reality she is unhappy with her intimate life. She is bored in bed with her husband, so she prefers solitude. Perhaps she even thinks about cheating on her husband, but does not dare to take such a risky step.

According to summer dream book, a kiss with a guy on the lips promises a girl deception. She should not trust new acquaintances and enter into an intimate relationship with one of them.

For a woman, such a dream portends a betrayal of her spouse. It will not be easy for her when she learns of his betrayal. However, she will not file for divorce, but simply accept the situation.

If a girl dreamed that she was kissing in a dream with her ex boyfriend, in reality she did not forget him and hopes that he will call and resume the relationship. However, this will not happen, you should come to terms with the gap and forget the past. In the near future, she will meet a person who will sincerely love her and appreciate her spiritual qualities, not just beauty.

What portends?

According to the 21st century dream book, a kiss with a guy on the lips of a mature woman promises a fleeting romance. She can again feel young, desirable, attractive. However, the relationship will not last long, so you should not count on marriage.

Sometimes such a dream tells the sleeping person that she missed male attention, affection. However, fans do not look at her, they prefer other ladies. In this case, do not be discouraged, it is better to try to take care of yourself and be in public more often.

For a married woman, a kiss on the lips with a boyfriend portends a falling out with her husband. However, the dreamer will not care, since feelings for her spouse have long cooled down and she does not want intimacy with him.

According to Ukrainian dream book kissing in a dream with a guy on the lips is a test. A girl will have to go through a lot in order to marry a man for whom she has romantic feelings.

When a man dreams of a kiss on the lips with a guy, in reality he lacks friendly support. He feels lonely and lost.

For a married woman, a kiss on the lips with a guy portends an interesting pastime. She will be able to forget about family troubles and relax. The dream book does not recommend drinking a lot of alcohol, otherwise you will have to make excuses to everyone for your cheeky behavior.

Most often, a kiss on the lips with a guy in a dream is a harbinger of new acquaintances, relationships. However, sometimes a dream promises a falling out with a loved one, so you should be careful in your words so as not to provoke a quarrel. However, in any case, it is worth remembering that negative omen can be prevented by changing your behavior.

Kissing on the lips is not only pleasant, but also good for health, because it reduces feelings of anxiety and anxiety. But not everything is so simple in dreams. Sometimes the most happy moments in them, these are clues about the problems that threaten waking dreamers. Why dream of kissing a man, and even on the lips?

What will Mr. Miller say?

In a dream, you witnessed that a stranger kissing passionately with your beloved? In this case, Miller warns: your girlfriend trusts you less and less. So take action. In order not to completely lose respect, the location of a friend.

To what married woman dreamed that an unfamiliar admirer was kissing on the lips? The American psychologist does not exclude that the lady will succumb to fleeting passion and start a love affair on the side, which will negatively affect her future future.

Take care of your honor from a young age!

If a girl dreams of passionate kissing on the lips, and even with a stranger, then she behaves extremely imprudently and frivolously. And such behavior can once and for all disgrace her in the eyes of the public. Therefore, the dream book of Lovers warns the young dreamer about the need to seriously behave with representatives of the opposite sex. However, she needs to show a little more prudence in all other matters.

It's time to decide

You need to analyze your desires and priorities, this is what Loff advice gives, to that dreamer who herself in night dream dreamed and sought passionate kiss with a stranger. And such a sleeping beauty constantly doubts: how good is her current boyfriend, and is it worth building further relations with him?

Dr. Freud's "diagnosis"

Without a doubt, the dream with kisses, according to Freud, is associated with the sexual fantasies of the dreamer. If she is familiar with the hero of the dream in reality, then she thinks about how good he is in bed.

But for a young lady, this dream has a completely different meaning. Freud warns that the current gentleman has long dreamed of taking possession of her body and is ready for very decisive action.

Who touched your lips

The sorceress Medea pays great attention to who kissed the sleeping woman? Suppose it was a famous person. In this case, this vision portends an increase in social status and authority. If such a close tactile contact was with the enemy, then in reality, reconciliation is likely, the revival of friendship with a former comrade. In a dream, did you kiss a friend? Alas, this is a harbinger of a quarrel with him in reality. Problems and troubles at work, this is what kisses with the boss dreamed of.

From the Erotic Collection of Interpretations

Oddly enough, but in the Erotic Interpreter of Dreams, kissing on the lips with a man is an alarming signal, suggesting that a loved one in a difficult situation will betray or behave unworthily, ugly.

Tested emotions

In the General Compilation of Sleepy Predictions, the kissing scene foreshadows a sleeping visit from guests or receiving interesting news from afar. Aesop advises to recall in memory: what kind of feelings were experienced in the night phantasmagoria during such close contact with a man.

If the sleeping was pleased with the kiss of a dreamed fan, then changes for the better will take place in her fate, she will become a participant in the most interesting events.

And why did you dream of a disgusting type, communication with whom, even in a dream, caused disgust and awkwardness? Unfortunately, this promises in reality a bunch of unpleasant, but urgent matters and worries.

Straight Talk

The 21st century dream interpretation gives a woman who kissed a stranger on the lips in a dream, valuable advice: urgently have a heart-to-heart talk with your beloved. Otherwise, a misunderstanding that is gradually accumulating in a pair will lead to the separation of the two loving hearts... And the dreamer should also hint to her partner that she needs a little more affection and attention from him.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

The next night is important for those who are interested in personal life more than work. Sleep from Thursday to Friday prophetic. The thing is, ...

In ancient interpretations, almost any kiss in a dream is considered a sacred symbol capable of giving vitality, return from oblivion, open portals to other worlds. Nowadays, it is so difficult to find out what a kiss with a stranger is about in a dream that professional psychologists have connected to modern predictors in an attempt to unravel the secret meaning of the dream.

Some interpreters suggest considering a dream as a shape-shifting dream, where disgust promises joy, and the feeling of bliss should alert you.

The interpretation directly depends on the attractiveness of a stranger with whom a kiss took place in a dream. Cute stranger portends pleasure and entertainment... If you dreamed about a repulsive person, someone from your existing acquaintances in reality can seriously disappoint.

He sees in the symbol a lot in common with reality. Often, the plot serves as a reminder to give the partner more passion and attention.... A lonely kiss with a stranger promises a fateful meeting. It is highly likely that the first love will somehow remind of itself.

Sincere passion in a dream portends a surprise from fortune itself. A slight dislike warns that the long-awaited news will not be at all what it was supposed to.... Complete rejection indicates that personal life fades into the background, leaving the green light to other hobbies. If you dreamed of a kiss with an abstract figure at dawn, in reality you will meet like-minded people.

According to the interpretation of this dream book, an elderly stranger personifies gossip and bad news. A young handsome man in a dream means respect and general sympathy of others.

Counts a kiss unfamiliar man in a dream, a very serious warning... If this was a dream, it is dangerous to trust an existing partner.

It is advisable to beware of experiments in bed, the interest in which may increase dramatically in the near future. The consequences threaten to be disappointing: an indecent illness, pregnancy inappropriate, psychological trauma.

When a guy happens to dream about how his beloved is kissing a stranger, in reality he is saddened by the lack of respect on her part. If a dreamer in night dreams prudently distanced herself from a loving stranger, in reality she values ​​relationships very much and does not dream of anyone else.

Seeing that I am kissing a member of the same gender. The symbol warns a man that a strong rival or competitor will soon appear on the horizon. business sphere... Seeing this happens to women, who often rightly believe that the lack of femininity makes them unattractive to males.

Offers an interesting explanation of what the ex is dreaming of as a stranger. It seems that the dreamer still cannot come to terms with separation and dreams of starting a relationship with this person from scratch. Kissing a photograph of a beautiful stranger in a dream happens to those who experience burning envy of a well-known person.

He claims that the one who saw such a plot in a dream is in reality his own enemy. There is a high probability, due to gullibility, recklessness, a dubious adventure, to fall under the influence of suspicious and very authoritarian personalities. There is a risk of significantly impairing living conditions as a result of negligent bankruptcy. Old tricks can suddenly become public.

From the Noble Dream Book of Nina Grishina, you can learn as evidenced by areas of the face and body kissed by a stranger in a dream:

  • Intimate parts reflect the unseemly undertakings of the dreamer.
  • If you dreamed about a kiss on the lips, the details of the dream talk about strengths and weaknesses.
  • Kiss on the cheek promises an unexpected catch.
  • When he kisses his hands in a dream conceit in reality just rolls over.
  • When the neck is the object of affection, the support of friends will help out a lot.
  • Air kiss reflects a sense of superiority.

Some interpretations of why a kiss with a stranger is dreaming contain direct warnings. A family dream book indicates an increased likelihood of conflicts between household members or in professional circles.

The youngest and most inexperienced English dream book warns against excessive gullibility... Sometimes a disgusting stranger appears in a dream to young ladies who dream of a profitable marriage of convenience, in which there may be no place for love.

If you dream of a kiss with an unpleasant stranger. If the gentleman is persistent, circumstances threaten to get out of control and not develop the best way ... You should also beware of moral pressure and physical aggression.

An erotic dream book claims that in night dreams, the role of a stranger can be played well a famous person who is unaware of your existence. As a rule, dreams in which you had a chance to kiss a celebrity do not contain erotic connotations, they symbolize the area where you would like to succeed. Now is a favorable moment to achieve tangible results, it is important not to miss it.

Kissing in a dream with public persons happens to those who, in reality, are trying their best to hide the crush, considering it inappropriate or shameful.

In order to more accurately interpret why a kiss with an unfamiliar guy is dreaming, it is advisable to remember under what circumstances it took place. If this act took place in a crowded place, Longo's dream book does not recommend confessing with unfamiliar people: talkativeness threatens to do a disservice.

If you dreamed of a kiss as a tribute to tradition, for example, of a witness and witness at a wedding, an unexpected fascinating journey to distant lands awaits. The people you get to know along the way will play a positive role in your future destiny.

It is curious to know why a guy dreams of a kiss with an unfamiliar girl. If you dreamed that a stranger was the initiator, the dreamer risks being in the epicenter of a scandal, of which he himself will be the culprit. It may also turn out that a new passion from reality is not at all who it claims to be.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya considers unfamiliar girl with whom you kissed a harbinger of unexpected profits... The universal interpreter mentions an addictive flirtation, which later escalates into serious feelings. The novel will not last long, but vivid and exciting memories will remain for a lifetime.

An esoteric dream book draws attention to the lighting and the people around it. If the kiss took place in bright light and in front of everyone, the dreamer will have to work for the public to the detriment of his ego, sacrifice his own moral principles for decency.

In the dream book of the sorceress Medea, a frivolous gesture in a dream serves as a call to overcome internal barriers and phobias to enjoy life to the fullest.