Why is the Beloved dreaming? What is the dream of a former lover.

Very often, a loved one comes to girls in a dream.

Such visions carry a psychological meaning, because a person who is close to the heart and soul often becomes the most important thing in life. What is the dream of a beloved, beloved person?

If lovers dream

Situations when a loved one is dreaming say that the dreamer often thinks about him or misses him. But there are other meanings as well. So, if in a dream close person dissatisfied and irritable, then this prediction promises a separation or a temporary quarrel.

When every night a loved one comes in a dream and kisses or hugs a lady, then such circumstances often indicate that everyone is good in love feelings between lovers, they are happy.

1. What is the dream of a loved one with whom there is no serious relationship? This vision means that the girl constantly thinks about her lover, and as a sign of gratitude, he comes to her in a dream every night.

Constant such dreams about him indicate that the girl dreams of mutual feelings, wants reciprocity and the continuation of the relationship. Especially when in a dream she hugs him.

2. When a loved one dreamed, with whom a girl has a family relationship, this is a sign that the feelings of both partners are strong and strong.

  • In a dream, a loved one is indifferent - in real life a quarrel or a small quarrel is planned between lovers.
  • The young man smiles, kisses, hugs and is glad to see his girlfriend in a dream - a romantic meeting or a cozy dinner is coming ahead, smoothly flowing into a perfect night.

Seeing a loved one dead

Good health and well-being promises a vision in which native person died. When a loved one died and a woman cries for him, hugs him, then this is a sign of memories of any events.

The young man died, and this circumstance does not cause sadness in a woman, then this is a warning about possible disputes. If the beloved died, and then resurrects (or look for the deceased), then the vision promises a separation that will end in reconciliation.

  • If the young man actually died, and then returns in night visions, then all this is due to the psychological state of the sleeping woman.
  • Often a dream about a loved one who has died warns of the appearance of ill-wishers, so the deceased wants to point out people who bring negativity into the life of the living.

When a young man died in a dream as a result of an accident, and a woman sees all this, then the vision promises her unusual situations in life.

Emotions in dreams

What does the dream book indicate when a loved one is happy in a dream? Such dreams indicate that in family life everything is peaceful and calm.

But this does not mean that you can relax and let everything take its course. Do nice things to your loved one, romantic surprises, or just listen to his desires, and then family life will really bring only happiness!

When a loved one dreamed of being sad and disappointed, then in real life this circumstance indicates resentment from the side young man. This means that he is waiting for some open and sincere feelings from his partner.

Actions of the beloved

What is the dream of a loved one who leaves by car? A man in a car always symbolizes own feelings. Perhaps you are worried about something and are afraid that your man's feelings are not so strong or strong, and he may leave you.

Do not worry, such dreams do not reflect reality. They only talk about your fears. Just talk to your loved one about what worries you.

  • Search for it - to solve problems.
  • When spouses go somewhere by car together, this is a sign of imminent good luck and happiness.
  • To get into an accident by car - to the advent of unusual situations in life, perhaps the beginning of a new life.

What does the dream book promise, beloved if drunk in a vision?

  • Seeing a loved one drunk - in real life, frivolous situations are likely.
  • A drunk behaves violently - soon a person will have incomprehensible situations, a way out of which will be very difficult to find.
  • A drunk person behaves inappropriately (or hugs a sleeping person) - a person will experience disappointment or become a cause of ridicule.
  • Drunk crying - to comprehend current events.
  • A drunk man goes into the night and disappears - a positive outcome of the problems that have arisen.
  • To see how a drunk gets drunk again, then this is a sign that in life a sleeping person is patronized by a person. If a drunk causes hostility, then it is better to refuse such help.

See treason

What is the dream of a loved one who is cheating or in a relationship with another woman? Seeing your man next to another is always unpleasant and insulting, but such dreams do not portend bad events.

When a man cheated on another, then in real life this is a sign strong love and tender care for his wife. If a man cheats with another in front of his beloved, then the vision portends a journey or good luck in financial matters.

A loved one kisses another - to difficulties in the financial sector. When he cheats in the dark, this is a harbinger of life's difficulties. If it changes in the light of day - to a successful resolution of events.

If a lover cheats and then marries that woman, then this circumstance indicates unreasonable jealousy.

When a strange woman kisses her beloved, this promises deception on the part of the sleeping person. If a loved one kisses his woman, then deception is possible on the part of the man. The lady herself deceives her lover - to unexpected acquaintances.


When a loved one leaves, this is a sign of parting. If the lover deceives and then leaves the woman, but the lady does not feel sadness, then such a vision is a harbinger of numerous admirers.

A dream where a loved one leaves, and a woman cries and worries at the same time, promises getting rid of problems in real life. When the lover kisses first, and then leaves the lady, this is a sign of reckless actions, resentment from others, displeasure in relations with her spouse.

  • If a man leaves, and the lady continues to look for him, then in real life such a dream promises a return to the past.
  • In general, looking for a sweetheart is a search for meaning in life.
  • To look for a person who has long been lost is a return to past relationships, memories of grievances.
  • Looking for an unknown loved one is a pleasant pastime.
  • Search for a lover and find him - to marriage.

Seeing a former lover

If a former beloved is dreaming, then this often speaks of pleasant or negative memories. A dream where a loved one still remains close and dear portends a return to the past and the successful completion of past relationships.

First, the former kisses, hugs, and then cheats on the lady - dreams of a strong passion.

Visions of lovely people bring joy and peace of mind sleeping. In real life, such situations often indicate a person's state of mind.
Author: Tatyana Agishina

I dreamed of a beloved and close person, which means that when you wake up it's time to think about existing relationships.

Love and dreams are two different concepts, but it seems as if they carry a similar meaning. After all, many great minds of the philosophy and psychology of human relations are still looking for the answer to the question of what love is. And it's the same story with dreams. What is a dream? Why do people see them and what are they for? These and other questions torment all kinds of scientists in this field. human life. What does it mean to see a lover in a dream? And here is the answer to this question.

I dreamed of a beloved and close person, which means that when you wake up it's time to think about existing relationships. It is possible that there is a long-standing unresolved problem that requires a quick and immediate resolution. Otherwise, the relationship will not last long. Very often, a lover dreams of a quarrel, especially if he kisses in a dream.

If a girl saw her lover in an untidy and dirty, then perhaps soon he will show his true face, which will ultimately lead to disappointment. When a dream occurs, the beloved in it is not a loved one in reality, then this is a sign that you need to carefully look at this person. Perhaps happiness is just around the corner and you just need to notice it.

If a lover dreams of smiling and happy, this is a good sign, indicating good and joyful news. And it can also denote a pleasant pastime on a romantic date with a loved one. If a man dreams of his beloved in a deplorable state, then this is a sign of a long and happy family life. If a lonely girl wonders why her lover is dreaming, who does not really exist, then this suggests that she experiences a great sense of dissatisfaction with her life. So after such a dream, you should think about what was done wrong and what needs to be worked on.

If a girl dreams that she is dancing with her lover, then this suggests that in reality she will be very popular with the male. If a person sees himself in a dream as a beloved or beloved, then in reality he will not be one for a long time. Seeing in a dream a beloved sick and tormented may be a sign that family life will consist of equal parts of happiness and sorrow.

If a loved one walks with another woman in a dream, then this is a symbol that the girl who had such a dream feels indecisive and doubtful in real life. Either he is very jealous of his lover for all the female representatives who surround him.

If in a dream the beloved is ugly, then in reality this is a sign of a happy marriage. May your beloved dream in dreams that have only positive interpretations and in no case be upset if the interpretation of the dream turned out to be not to your liking. After all, the most important thing is to correctly understand the dream and be aimed only at a positive result. Because the task of dream interpreters is aimed at timely identification of unpleasant factors and warning about them in order to eliminate them instantly.


Former dream lover

Former lover in a dream, a sign of some unresolved issues, not extinguished feelings and nostalgia. To figure out why such an image is dreaming, you should recall your dream in the smallest details, paying attention to the day of the week on which the dream occurred. Form a vision into one meaningful image, correlate it with the circumstances occurring in real life and look into the dream book.

Many girls, having parted with their chosen one, still long time come to their senses and begin to build their lives in a new way. However, the connection with the past still remains, it can be joint plans, memories, or unfinished business and innuendo. The desire to understand your feelings and decide on plans for the future, that's why I dream former lover.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret such a vision, the meaning of which directly depends on the actions of the chosen one and the dreamer in a dream. If a girl dreamed of parting with a past love, then in reality the young lady is afraid of losing someone or something important. If a vision very often comes in a dream, it means that the person herself has not forgotten the abandoned guy and subconsciously wants to return the old relationship.

Seeing in a dream a former lover with a new passion is interpreted by the dream book as a moral and emotional readiness to break ties with an ex-boyfriend. As soon as the dreamer releases her past, she will immediately experience relief and meet her ideal man. It is also interpreted as a real opportunity to leave past feelings in the past and look to the future without fear.

A kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream, interpreted by the dream book as an unexpected surprise, can also warn of a quarrel or quarrel with a current man.

Seeing that a former lover is hugging is interpreted by a dream book as the need for moral support and protection experienced by a sleeping person can push her to the wrong things. It is worth devoting this time to your near and dear people, and not being alone.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

For the interpretation of the dream, the days of the week in which the ex-boyfriend was present remain important.

To see a similar picture from Monday to Tuesday, according to the dream book, means that despite the parting, the young man respects the woman and wishes her only all the best.

The ex-boyfriend thinks about the young lady, remembers the past relationship, regrets the breakup - this is what the ex-lover dreams of from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Seeing such an image from Wednesday to Thursday means that the guy is thinking about a woman and trying to forget her in the arms of other passions.

It is useful to know why a former lover is dreaming from Thursday to Friday. The dream means that love for the dreamer is still burning in the heart of the young man, he still likes the girl, and from this, he suffers greatly and cannot find peace.

What is the dream of a former lover from Saturday to Sunday? The dream interpretation warns that the man, after the breakup, has unexplained cases, resentment and understatement.

I had a dream from Sunday to Monday, a man deliberately seeks a meeting with a young lady, in order to just see or talk to her.


Dreams in which you see a former loved one is a fairly common fact. Perhaps you just haven’t let go of the past yet and are experiencing at the subconscious level. Such dreams can be a clue for you that it's time to go to new stage in life and say goodbye to the past. The dream interpretation offers several interpretations of the pictures seen.

Based folk signs, the person who appears in your dreams certainly thinks about you, which in relation to the former partner cannot but amuse pride.

The dream warns that in real life you will make a rash act that will entail backfire. When a former young man shows warm feelings for you, this is a sign that you should prepare for surprises, and not only good ones. If in a dream you are kissing with a former partner, then expect a strong surprise in the near future. Sex with him promises an aggravation of a long-standing conflict.

Another reason why a former young man dreams is a subconscious comparison of him with his current partner. Try to avoid this idea, as it may cause serious problems in reality. A dream about a former partner can symbolize the presence of fear about betrayal or betrayal by loved ones. When you see a partner from the past married and happy, it is a sign that in reality you will forgive some person for insults. If you see yourself as the wife of a former young man, then you should prepare for anxieties and worries. The interpretation of why a former lover dreams of smiling is the following - most likely, in real life you undeservedly doubt your current relationship.

In a dream, you saw your first love, most likely, this symbolizes that you are tired of adult life, which is filled with responsibility, fatigue, etc. The dream book recommends in this case to be distracted, for example, to go for a walk or arrange a romantic meeting.

To receive a gift from a former lover in a dream is a harbinger of a possible betrayal in the near future. If you beat or kill a partner from the past, then in the near future you will be lucky in all your endeavors. The dream book advises not to be afraid and decide even on dubious adventures. A dream in which you see a former lover in a new relationship portends a new acquaintance that will allow you to create a relationship. When you did not recognize your ex-boyfriend in a dream, this is a symbol of significant changes in life, and not only in yours. Also, a dream predicts a possible meeting with a former partner.

Why do you constantly dream about ex-love?

In this case, you should think carefully and understand yourself, perhaps the feelings and connection between you still exist, and it is still quite possible to fix everything. The ex-boyfriend is constantly dreaming, but at the same time you already have a new love, which means, most likely, you lack romance and passion, so you mentally return to the past. If you constantly dream about the former, and you do not have time to finish the conversation with him, this is a symbol of the fact that there is an understatement between you. The dream interpretation recommends deciding on the last conversation, which will allow you to dot the “and” and finally sort out the relationship.

What is the dream of a dead ex-boyfriend?

In this case, the dream may be a warning that a great danger awaits you. If a dead person in a dream helps you cope with some kind of problem or saves you from serious danger, this is a good sign that tells you that you are under invisible guard, which will allow you to cope with many troubles.


Dream Interpretation former lover in a dream

What is the dream of a former lover. Dream interpretation

Sometimes, seeing a former lover in a dream means nothing but longing for him. But if a woman believes that her personal life is currently developing successfully, then such a dream can say that not everything is so cloudless. Firstly, perhaps the current partner is inferior in something to the previous one. Secondly, there could be some unresolved issues in the relationship.

But in fact, all such doubts are most likely completely unfounded. And any problems or disagreements with a former partner should not overshadow a new relationship. Perhaps a similar image in a dream warns of impending surprises, surprises, possibly unpleasant ones.



Oleg Shishkin

Very often you can hear the expression that dreams are a reflection of our inner subconscious, which models pictures after the information received during the day. During sleep, brain activity is reduced to a minimum, all processes in the body slow down, we rest. And it is at this moment that our subconscious mind is able to give us the information that it has.

But why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming if you haven’t even seen him during the past day, week, month or even year and your relationship is long in the past?

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming?
Our subconscious always “lives a separate life” from our consciousness. That is why very often in dreams we see ex-boyfriends, husbands or lovers, even if we don’t remember them during the day ... What can this mean?

If you dream of an ex-boyfriend, this indicates, first of all, that for you your past relationship has not yet passed without a trace. You, namely your subconscious, still remembers and thinks about this man, and in your heart, even in his most hidden places, there is still a small space where feelings for this person live.
Most often, if a girl or woman has already found her happiness with another man, an ex-boyfriend or husband can dream for various reasons. In some cases, especially if in a dream you constantly swear and argue with your former love, such dreams mean that you simply have not resolved all the issues, have not put an end to your relationship, and your subconscious mind from time to time returns to those events that are not resolved. On the other hand, a dream about an ex-boyfriend can show you that your current love is somehow inferior to the previous one.

I dreamed of a beloved and close person, which means that when you wake up it's time to think about existing relationships.

What if a lover is dreaming?

Love and dreams are two different concepts, but it seems as if they carry a similar meaning. After all, many great minds of the philosophy and psychology of human relations are still looking for the answer to the question of what love is. And it's the same story with dreams. What is a dream? Why do people see them and what are they for? These and other questions torment all kinds of scientists in this sphere of human life. What does it mean to see a lover in a dream? And here is the answer to this question.

I dreamed of a beloved and close person, which means that when you wake up it's time to think about existing relationships. It is possible that there is a long-standing unresolved problem that requires a quick and immediate resolution. Otherwise, the relationship will not last long. Very often, a lover dreams of a quarrel, especially if he kisses in a dream.

If a girl saw her lover in an untidy and dirty form, then perhaps he will soon show his true face, which will ultimately lead to disappointment. When a dream occurs, the beloved in it is not a loved one in reality, then this is a sign that you need to carefully look at this person. Perhaps happiness is just around the corner and you just need to notice it.

If a lover dreams of smiling and happy, this is a good sign, indicating good and joyful news. And it can also denote a pleasant pastime on a romantic date with a loved one. If a man dreams of his beloved in a deplorable state, then this is a sign of a long and happy family life. If a lonely girl wonders why her lover is dreaming, who does not really exist, then this suggests that she experiences a great sense of dissatisfaction with her life. So after such a dream, you should think about what was done wrong and what needs to be worked on.

What portends?

If a girl dreams that she is dancing with her lover, then this suggests that in reality she will be very popular with the male. If a person sees himself in a dream as a beloved or beloved, then in reality he will not be one for a long time. Seeing in a dream a beloved sick and tormented may be a sign that family life will consist of equal parts of happiness and sorrow.

If a loved one walks with another woman in a dream, then this is a symbol that the girl who had such a dream feels indecisive and doubtful in real life. Either he is very jealous of his lover for all the female representatives who surround him.

If in a dream the beloved is ugly, then in reality this is a sign of a happy marriage. Let your beloved dream in dreams that have only positive interpretations, and in no case be upset if the interpretation of the dream turned out to be not to your liking. After all, the most important thing is to correctly understand the dream and be aimed only at a positive result. Because the task of dream interpreters is aimed at timely identification of unpleasant factors and warning about them in order to eliminate them instantly.

Often, a dreaming lover is positioned by girls as an unkind sign, especially if what they saw in a dream has an undesirable ending. What a person dear to the heart dreams of, most dream books offer to interpret quite literally or exactly the opposite.

For correct presentation meanings of a dream, it is necessary to consider what you saw in a dream from several angles: from the position of real circumstances, from the emotional side and small nuances in the behavior or appearance of the character.

Beloved's appearance

Watching a handsome and well-groomed chosen one in a dream - there will be an opportunity to go on a date or receive good news. If this former man- there will be a reason to regret the breakup. I dreamed that the appearance of a person dear to my heart is completely different than in reality, the dream book predicts the occurrence of moments and situations in the future that will greatly surprise you.

Being young, when the beloved is old in a dream, suggests a temporary cooling of feelings or parting with him in a dream book. Seeing your boyfriend very aged suggests that in fact the person is not who he really is.

Young man's behavior

Dancing with a lover in a dream promises active popularity among the opposite sex. I dreamed that the chosen one was dancing with another girl - to fulfill the plan, you need endurance and self-control, any manifestation of feelings threatens to fail.

Feeling in a dream that a loved one is indifferent and suffering from this indicates a choice that has become in real life - living together or parting with the object of love. Some dream books have a different explanation of what an indifferent lover dreams of. Such a plot suggests a sign of the Universe about the lack of real attraction of the character to the dreamer.

A drunken lover identifies the existing delusions of partners about each other. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the new partner thinks stereotypically, comparing the partner with other young ladies, projecting former experience to current relationships.

Many dreamers are interested in explaining why a lover flirts with another woman in a dream. Such a dream, despite the unpleasant moments, points to happy moments in Hosse's dream book.

Betrayal of the chosen one

Why is there a dream in which a lover kisses another young lady? This action is determined by the place of the kiss. If a close guy kisses another (familiar person) on the cheek, then, most likely, these two will become friends. This friendship can greatly affect the relationship of the dreamer with the young man.

The beloved kisses the other on the lips - the dream book warns that hopes for a happy marriage will sink into oblivion. I dreamed that a loved one marries another, is positioned by dream books as a good sign indicating a happy and long life together.

A dear person leaves you - it is quite possible that the missus has a passionate romance on the side. If a lover leaves after a quarrel in a dream, then you should independently analyze your feelings for the guy. Perhaps they are not enough for a serious relationship.

New or past relationships

I dreamed that a former lover was dating another - to total loss connections with past attachments, willingness to gain new experience. He is drunk - to the difficult life period of the character.

Dream Interpretations equally describe what the future lover is dreaming of. This is an occasion to radically change the environment, up to the possibility of falling in love again. A new lover in a dream can predict the inner dissatisfaction of the sleeping person with the current relationship and uncertainty about the sincerity of the partner.

Esoteric dream book

  • Beloved- you are emotionally dissatisfied, but it is better not to throw out your feelings on a pet, but to use it for its intended purpose. Friend as lover- this is the image of your imaginary "prince", which you did not see in reality in your friend.
  • Beloved for life dream- reminds of some unresolved issues with him (her).

Esoteric dream book

  • Unfamiliar - you are emotionally dissatisfied, but it is better not to throw out your feelings on a pet, but to use it for its intended purpose.
  • An acquaintance in the role of a lover is an image of your imaginary "prince", which you did not see in reality in your acquaintance.
  • Beloved in life - a dream reminds of some unresolved issues with him (her).

Gypsy dream book

  • Trouble, quarrels.

Modern combined dream book

  • If a man sees in a dream his future lover as friendly and beautiful- it means that he will woo her, and she will bring him much joy and bring a good dowry.
  • If he dreams of his beloved in the form of an unattractive and gloomy girl- in real life, he will be disappointed on the eve of marriage.
  • Sickly or unhappy lover- promises him married life in which happiness alternates with sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

  • Seeing yourself in a dream like this- in reality leads to the opposite: you should not be like that.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

  • If a woman dreams of her lover in an unsightly way She will be disappointed in him.

To see in a dream your beloved, who, in a black robe, passes by, looking at you reproachfully and sadly, in reality this portends a cooling of friendly feelings.

Dancing in a dream with your lover - in real life, attract the attention of many men. Seeing a lover dancing with another - only endurance and tactful behavior can bring you the desired success.

Weighing your beloved on the scales in a dream - in reality, discover new virtues in him, and most importantly, make sure of his sincerity and devotion.

For a young lady to see her lover in a dream aged - to the possible loss of him in reality, and imagine that you are seeing him off to war, which means that in real life you will recognize him from the negative side.

If he treats you exotic fruits, which means that in reality it will try to completely subjugate you to its influence. If you are waiting for him on a green lawn, then your aspirations for wealth and a profitable marriage will come true.

To see him in a dream in an unsightly form - to a successful marriage, if written handsome - in reality you will be disappointed in your choice before you tie yourself up in marriage. To see him sick or suffering - in your family life, joys and sorrows will replace each other in an endless series.

Seeing him dead - soon a streak of failures and doubts will come in your life, which will drag on for a long time.

If you dream that your lover gives you pearls, then this portends to a young girl that a loving and faithful groom will be completely devoid of jealousy, believing that she is a destructive force; married women such a dream portends fun and a lot of a wide variety of pleasures.

To dream of your beloved in the clothes of a prisoner - you will have reason to doubt the truth of his love for you. To dream that your lover is playing cards means to question his good intentions towards you.

To dream that he is somehow unkindly looking at you - you will be in danger of losing your reputation. If in a dream he seems very sweet and gallant - to a quick and successful marriage. Resting in a rocking chair - heaven on earth awaits you.

Dressed up in lace - fidelity in love and improving your position in society.

If you dream that you are standing with your lover on the porch, then you are implicitly doubting his decency. Consider him a liar at the same time - better take care of yourself, no matter how your behavior leads to the loss of your best friend.

If in a dream he returns the medallion you gave, you will be disappointed: the man you love will in reality upset you with his incorrect act.

To dream that he is taking drugs, explaining that he is disappointed in life, means future business failures and the loss of a friend.

For a young girl, having dinner in the company of her lover means, if not a complete break with him, then a major quarrel.

If he hugs you, this is also a harbinger of a quarrel or illness. If you hug him with a feeling of joy overflowing, such a dream portends happiness to you.

If lovers see in a dream their beloved suffering from paralysis, this means that dissatisfaction in a relationship can destroy their happiness.

Being with your beloved in some mysterious cave - you will fall in love with a dishonorable person and thereby undermine your friends' faith in yourself.

If a young lady dreams that her lover either plows the land, or digs into it with a shovel, she will get a wonderful and worthy husband, and her joy will be deep and lasting.

Kissing your lover in the dark portends danger and flirting with others, and in the light - you will not even give him a reason to doubt your love for him.

To see that a rival is kissing him - you are in danger of losing the respect of your lover.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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You want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Beloved in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why dream Beloved in a dream

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Why does the Beloved dream in a dream?

See Beloved - If you dreamed of your beloved with a beautiful and pleasant appearance - this is good news or a date. If in a dream your lover looks different than usual, then something will happen soon that will surprise you.

If you dreamed of your lover, dressed as before you met, then this is a sign that a big scandal will soon destroy your relationship. To see in a dream that he again puts on the clothes in which you knew him, then he will return to you.

If you dreamed that your lover just started to dress and did not finish, then this predicts that he has not yet made a decision and will stagnate for a long time.

See also: why love is dreaming, why a girl is dreaming, why a guy is dreaming.

Pocket dream book

Beloved you are dreaming, how to understand this?

Interprets the dream book: Beloved - If you dream of a beautiful, friendly and cheerful lover, then you will marry beautiful woman with a good dowry.

If you dreamed that your beloved is ugly and grumpy, then you will be disappointed in your chosen one before the wedding. If the beloved in a dream is sad and tormented by despair, then your life will be like a zebra, in which joyful events will alternate with sad ones.

If you dream of the death of your beloved, then you are waiting for long period failure and doubt.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

If the Beloved is dreaming, what is it for?

If you dreamed of a lover who, in a black robe, passes by, looking at you reproachfully and sadly, then this portends a cooling of friendly feelings. Dancing in a dream about your beloved, then you will attract the attention of many men.

If you dreamed of a lover dancing with another, then only endurance and tactful behavior can bring you the desired success. Weigh your lover in a dream, then you will discover new virtues in him, and most importantly, make sure of his sincerity and devotion.

If a young girl dreamed that her lover had grown old, then this was a sign of his possible loss. And imagine in a dream that you are seeing him off to war - then in real life you will recognize him from the negative side.