Dictionary dictation passive participles of the present tense. Spelling "not" with participles

Vocabulary #3

Spelling of real suffixes
and passive present participles

Vocabulary dictations

Indicate the conditions for choosing vowels in suffixes.

I. Falling rain; houses under construction; dozing old man; fluttering in the wind; galloping horse; clearly seeing the goal; whispering bushes; foaming waves; melting snow; breathable cool; creeping fog; bubbling waterfall; crying baby; adhesive boxes; fussing about children; struggling with laziness; whipping rain; boasting of success; listed; holding banners; circumstances under our control; quantity indicated in the list; stabbing object; duty policeman; sawing wood; guarding the borders; hiding in the bushes; hating lies; splashing sea; cutting wood; hearing noise; dependent on the weather; Therapist; rumbling in the distance; heavily breathing.

II. Carried away by the current; swayed by the wind; cleaned by mom; irrigated with water; portrayed by the artist; pursued by the enemy; illuminated by the moon; researched by scientists; supported by father; surrounded by care; sung in verse; recommended reading; tormented by doubts; barely visible clouds; elected by the people; dependent on the circumstances; invisible in darkness; studied at school; driven by the wind; performed by a singer; respected by all; interrupted by a hum; radio controlled; led by a conductor; renewable flight; poorly visible object; piloted by an aviator.

III. You will see fog creeping over the river; decision depending on the circumstances; a thought that disturbs you; mercilessly stinging mosquitoes; it will burst like rain sowing through a sieve; thundering waterfall; driven by fear; treated with herbs; rumbling thunder; barely breaking dawn; crying baby; cultivated plants; splashing wave; a ship in distress; leaves swayed by the wind; hoping for help; snowflakes melting on the cheeks; a waterfall gurgling in the distance; about a house under construction; self-adhesive wallpaper; rushing from side to side; worried about exam results; barely visible in the dark; chirping bird; dependent on the weather; recommended book to read; from stinging bees; a ship fighting the waves; barely audible whisper; chasing a hare; at a barking dog; in the mist spreading over the river.

Explanatory dictation

1) It became hard to see because of the smoke spreading along the ground.(B. Akunin) 2) The fine sowing rain began to gain strength. 3) Complete silence reigned, broken only by the croaking of frogs in the pond. 4) Behind a narrow strip of fine sand lay a spacious backwater, barely disturbed by the breeze.(M. Semenova) 5) The sun, covered with smoke, was still high.(L. Tolstoy) 6) Immediately behind the cottage, a slope began, and through the tops of the trees swayed by the wind, the Gulf of Finland gleamed in the sun.(S. Vysotsky) 7) The high lacy tops of the grass show through the soft mist creeping towards the ground.(P. Dashkova) 8) In May 1827, solemnly escorted by Moscow friends, Pushkin left for St. Petersburg.(V. Kuleshov) 9) The wind blowing from the south brought a wormwood smell. 10) The wolf howl heard from the field was depressing. 11) A dormant reed quietly rustled near the river.

Vowels in past participles
before suffixes-nn- (-n-), -vsh-

Vocabulary dictations

I. Heard a rustle; hated lies; offending the baby; toiling from the heat; honored; melted snow; dispelled the seeds; sowing fear; dispelling doubts; smelling the beast; pasted posters; who ruled the horses; who saw the picture; sowing rye; thawed earth; meeting friends; built a house; stinging a child; barking dog; depending on the circumstances; tied a knot; desperate person.

II. Scattered clouds; planted garden; cut down forest; covered with glory; overheard conversation; fired cartridges; caught mouse; rolled out barrel; pumped out oil; hung pictures; hung flour; mixed paints; implicated in a crime; kneaded dough; glued with glue; shot animal; Lost time; supported by a friend; scattered by the wind; sown in the field; broken chair; built on time; the road has been ridden; the path is trodden; the book has been read.

Warning dictation

1) In the forest that melted, near the trunk, I raised a smooth, wet cone.(V. Tushnova) 2) Blue waves joyfully rush along the river, quietly raising flocks of scattered geese and ducks.(I. Turgenev) 3) Round, low hills, plowed and sown to the top, scatter in wide waves.(I. Turgenev) 4) The remnants of scattered clouds floated to the horizon. 5) There was a sound of horse clatter and a restrained voice of riders.(A. Fadeev) 6) There was a joyful and exciting smell of thawed cedar.(F. Abramov) 7) For his part, Troekurov cared just as little about winning the undertaking.(A. Pushkin) 8) In the middle of the wall, covered with wallpaper with brown bouquets, Petya noticed a gaping hole.(V. Kataev) 9) The sea, dotted with brilliant sparks of lights, opened up to the travelers.

Purpose: To know the conditions for choosing continuous and separate spelling not with participles, adjectives, nouns.

  • be able to write correctly not with participles;
  • graphically indicate the conditions for choosing the correct spellings;
  • delimit a prefix not - and a particle not with participles;
  • determine the types of orthograms associated with continuous and separate spelling not with words of other parts of speech;
  • find and correct errors in grouping examples with continuous and separate writing not with different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, participles).

During the classes

1. Organizing moment.

2. Repetition of what has been learned.

Selective dictation.

1. But Harry had to admit that this cut on his finger still hurt him (not) be saved.

2. Later, I was horrified to learn that another family befell (misfortune- Death of Albus's sister Ariana.

3. Albus even (didn't) try to deny that his father (who was sent to Azkaban) committed this crime...

4. He (Dumbledore) left a lot to future generations, his (not) ordinary wisdom manifested itself when he was the Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot.

5. On the next (not) deed comes a shocking tale of an undisputed genius who was considered by many to be the greatest wizard of his time.

6. Harry spent the morning completely emptying his school chest, which he (didn't) do since I first went to school six years ago.

7. Unfortunately, the loss of Ariana did not lead to the rapprochement of the brothers, but to their greater distance. (Over time it passed, returned if (not) close, family relations, then quite friendly).

8. Readers will have to buy my book, but I can tell what Dumbledore showed to the boy (unhealthy interest.

9. It (not a secret that Potter had a difficult adolescence.

10. - Well, I don't want to give away much - everything will be in the book - but witnesses at Hogwarts Castle saw Potter flee the scene of the incident immediately after Dumbledore fell, jumped or was pushed. He later accused Severus Snape, the man for whom he had a huge (dis)affection.

11. Harry froze, his finger touched again (uneven edge of the mirror.

12. - These cases are not just (un)happy cases ... accidents, explosions, everything that is happening now. People disappear and die, and he's behind it, Voldemort.

13. - And you say - said Uncle Vernon, again running around the room. - What is this some kind of Lord ...

"... Voldemort," said Harry. - And I told you a hundred times that it is (not) guess, but a fact!

14. He thought that all problems would be solved by themselves, but what to say when parting with a person after sixteen years (not) hate?

15. You can't use magic in your house, it can provoke the Ministry to arrest Harry, because he still (minor.

16. But only now Harry realized that a cup of iced tea was completely (not angry joke.

17. But he (Harry) still remembered his dreams, strange, (in)understandable, with green flashes.

18. By (un)known reason he (Harry) felt angry.

19. He looked at Mrs. Tonks, wanting to apologize for the anxiety in which he leaves a woman and for the fact that he feels guilty about this, but words did not come to his mind that (not) showed up would be empty and (not) sincere.

20. Throwing aside already (not) flaming comb, Harry got up, staggering a little, and saw Mrs. Weasley and Ginny running out the back door of the house, and Hagrid, who had also fallen to the ground and was now trying to get to his feet.

Problematic situation.

How do you spell NOT with the word in the last phrase? (student answers)

Determine the part of speech.

Remember what is special about this part of speech? (combines the features of a verb and an adjective)

What do you think, the rule of which part of speech - verb or adjective - will the participle obey if it is spelled with NOT? (student answers with proof of their point of view, which, most likely, will be based on the morphological features of the sacrament)

3. Explanation of new material.

The most popular work of fiction to date is book 7 (Annex 1) Joan Kathleen Rowling Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The other day I met her and discovered that one of the most commonly used parts of speech is the participle. The translation is very competent, and I decided that this work will help us master the topic “Spelling NOT with participles”.

What will be the objectives of our lesson?

Analysis of the sentences will allow us to formulate a rule about the spelling NOT with participles.

Suggestions for analysis.

About to not received in the inheritance of any significant funds Albus ... accompanied me, now there was no question.

Having received the rolled-up number from the mail owl this morning, he only glanced at the headline that adorned the first page and noted to himself that there was nothing about Voldemort in it. not said.

Hermione's eyes sparkled unweeping tears…

One of the conditions for continuous or separate spelling NOT with participles is not illustrated by an example. Which? The rule will help answer this question.

Spelling not with participles

  1. It is written together not with full participles, in which there are no explanatory words, for example: not edited manuscript, not noticed typos, not verified quotes, not stopping pain.
  2. Written separately not with participles that carry explanatory words, for example: not manuscript returned to the author, not misprints noticed by the proofreader, not galleys submitted on time, not versions of individual chapters of the novel published during the writer's lifetime.

Note 1. If there are adverbs of measure and degree as explanatory words not participles are written together, for example: absolutely unread manuscript, completely unverified numbers. But if, in addition to such adverbs, there are other explanatory words with the sacrament, then preference is given to more general rule and not written separately, for example: absolutely not prepared to set the manuscript, quite unresolved still a problem.

Note 2. If the participle is used in the meaning of an adjective, then even if there are explanatory words not spelled as follows, for example: This universal animation, brilliance, noise - all this, hitherto unprecedented and unheard of me, so struck me that in the first days I was completely at a loss(Dostoevsky). Wed: unsuitable conditions for southern cultures(i.e. of little use, in the meaning of an adjective) - writing, not suitable under the rule(participial); on independent editorial circumstances(phraseological phrase with an adjective) - reflexes, independent from the will of man(participial); over the centuries untouched land(as an adjective; cf.: untouched food, untouched nature- in a figurative sense) - Rowan, untouched autumn frosts(participial). The same distinction is made for short forms, cf.: the lies of politicians are so shameless, sometimes so naked (those. obvious, obvious in the sense of an adjective) - Door not covered (participle, see below, item 1); student unprepared (adjective) - report not prepared (participle).

Written separately not with short participles, for example: manuscript not edited , quotes not verified , Work not implemented .

Written separately not with participles in which there is or is supposed to be contrasted, for example: not finished , but only the beginning of the story.

4. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Spelling NOT with participles

2. C brief participles

N-r, Work not implemented

3. With participles in which there is or is expected opposition

N-r, not finished, but only begun story

Who at this stage understood the topic can work independently (Appendix 2). With the rest of the guys, we will make a spelling algorithm NOT with participles. <Figure 1>

I. Task of the 1st level of complexity.

Task 876.

Task 880.

II. Task of the 2nd level of complexity.

Merged or separate? Explain the spelling graphically.

1. For those who know the world is bright, for (not) knowing it is dark. 2. (Un)expected success makes your head spin. 3. (Not) knowing the measure will grieve in wealth. 4. The (un)mowed meadow was full of flowers. 5. The letter remained (un)sent. 6. The error in the work remained (un)noticed. 7. Under the window there was a (not) flown maple tree. 8. I looked away from him (not) wondering. 9. The day of the test was (not) appointed yet. 10. He made a completely (un)considered decision.

Write by choosing the correct spelling. Indicate participial phrases, put the missing punctuation marks.

1. There was (imperceptible) darkness in the garden. 2. The (un)touched snow thickly covering the veranda looked like a cotton pad for a Christmas tree. 3. Now the (un)lit room was very quiet. 4. In the light blue of the sky, still (not) warmer after the night, one thin cloud turned pink.

III. Task of the 3rd level of complexity.

  1. He folded the shard onto the morning edition of the Daily Prophet, which was (un)read on the bed...
  2. "Victor!" Hermione yelled happily and dropped her purse, which fell with a loud thud clearly (not) corresponding to its size.
  3. I'm asking if Skeeter is referring to Dumbledore's brother Aberforth, who caused a scandal at the Wizengamot fifteen years ago for the (in)appropriate use of magic.
  4. A huge hand grabbed Harry by the scruff of the neck and dragged him out of the (not) downhill stroller.
  5. The stars were scattered across the sky, (un) twinkling, indifferent, (un) obscured by flying friends.
  6. Hagrid was still struggling with the door that kept his huge bulk out.
  7. “As far as I understand, you are (not) devoid of intelligence, but suffer from narrow thinking,” Xenophilius told Hermione.
  8. "Arthur did a little magic on this thing," said Hagrid, completely (not) noticing Harry's discomfort.
  9. Harry rummaged through the pouch around his neck with (un)flexible fingers.
  10. “Why aren’t you testing me?” panted Hagrid, who had (not) mastered the door yet.
  11. Harry, angry but (un)willing to quarrel with Hermione, slipped inside.
  12. Around them, the last objects, not yet (not) hit by fire, flew into the air.

5. Summing up.

Name the conditions for the continuous spelling of participles with NOT, illustrating them with examples.

Name the conditions for separate writing participles with NOT, illustrating them with examples.

Correct the mistakes (work in pairs) .

  1. There was a chill in Harry's chest that had nothing to do with ice-cold champagne.
  2. For a whole week they practiced transgression with the invisibility cloak, secretly obtained hair from two unsuspecting Muggles.
  3. Grindelwald, expelled from Durmstrang for attacks on other students that almost resulted in human casualties, flees the country.
  4. Tom Riddle, who distrusted no one and always acted alone, had the audacity to think that he alone penetrated the secrets of Hogwarts Castle.
  5. Crabbe made a quick lunge with his wand towards a tall wall of old furniture, rumpled suitcases, books, clothes and any unrecognizable junk.
  6. Harry's goggles shielded Harry's eyes a little from the acrid smoke, and he dove into the firestorm below, trying to see anything alive that hadn't been blackened by the flames.
  7. Fred stared straight ahead with fixed, unseeing eyes.
  8. Unbeatable masters of death, Grindelwald and Dumbledore!
  9. I didn't want to hear that I couldn't go looking for the Deathly Hallows, dragging my sick, out-of-control sister with me.

Code dictation (mutual verification) .

  1. His companion, not understanding where the spell came from, fired again at Ron.
  2. Another second and it dawned on the dragon that he was no longer tied.
  3. It was all over, Harry knew it, and the only thing left undone was the job itself: death.
  4. Harry finally realized that he wasn't meant to be alive.
  5. Even Ron, who wasn't a Kreacher fan, looked upset.
  6. We were both pretty good at turning invisible without the cloak.
  7. It's about Voldemort, about how to defeat him. Or are you not interested in it?
  8. Voldemort needed a place where he could lie low, undisturbed by anyone.
  9. Harry knew that his body would not be left undefiled in the Forbidden Forest.
  10. Harry, who had never noticed anyone but the couple at the window, recognized his father.

Homework (optional) .

Write out 15 sentences from fiction texts illustrating the spelling NOT with participles.

Make a vocabulary dictation for spelling NOT with participles (25 phrases).

Complete the task according to the textbook No. 877, 878.

Creative task.

Restore the text using participles with the particle NOT.

(Not)… concepts are easily forgotten. You remember the rules well if they are (not) ... but meaningful. You don't need to learn the rules. You just need to understand (not) ..., realize (not) ... And most importantly, part with nothing (not) ... the confidence that everything will happen by itself. (Not)… an interest in the world is your ally in your studies. This way (not)… to anyone.

Key. Ignorant concepts are easily forgotten. You remember the rules well if they are not memorized, but meaningful. You don't need to learn the rules. It is only necessary to understand the incomprehensible, to realize the unconscious. And most importantly, part with the unjustified confidence that everything will happen by itself. An unflagging interest in the world is your ally in your studies. This path is not closed to anyone.

Write an essay based on one of the photographs, using participles with the NOT particle in your work.


My progress in class



Participle as a special form of the verb

Selective dictation

Write out the phrases in two columns: a) with participles; b) with adjectives.

Wet in the rain; weeping willow; graying old man; foamy stream; raging sea; noisy stream; flower bed; padlock; dense forest; darkened horizon; hanging linen; dark cloud; growing shrub; ripe berries; volatile gas; blooming garden; ripe gooseberries; melted snow; flowing liquid; flowing stream; noisy class.

Case endings participles

Vocabulary dictations

I. Quiet spring night; spreading tall oak; winter clear day; bright blue sky; fresh autumn morning; in an old pine forest; in the mysterious wilderness; through the dense dense taiga; under the warm summer rain; in Russian folk song; beautiful melody; badger hole; bird voices; dog fur; a fishing hut; fishing industry; fox coat; Fox's tail; hare footprint; hare trace; childish voices; on a long journey; in the blue sea; fishing boat; hunting accessories; long autumn nights; under low trees; by a calm river.

II. Thick yellowing rye; in the rays of the setting sun; about an approaching thundercloud; at the seething mountain stream; about a fallen autumn leaf; cleared sandy shore; hanging lead clouds; tall growing trees; in the blue expanse of the sea; overgrown thorny bush.

III. At the river flowing in the thickets of reeds; awakened nature; across the plain ahead; in the blue expanse of the sea; in puddles sparkling in the sun; about the drizzling autumn rain; approaching winter cold; with a beating heart; the sun emerging from behind the clouds; by a smoking fire; in the stormy ocean; about the pouring summer rain; under a wet tree.

IV. In the awakened forest; on trembling leaves; whispering bushes; melting snow; clouds engulfed in fire; yellowed leaves; missing votes; roaring sea; in the lightened air; darkened horizon; a raging blizzard; at the built house; sliding step; in the silence that reigned; on a sagging bridge; on a swaying birch; in a smiling baby; about the pouring rain; cleared path; in blue space; along the trodden path; in the darkening forest; raging sea; laughing baby; falling leaf; ripe berries.

V. About the flag fluttering in the wind; falling maple leaf smelling of hay; by the rippling lake; along a river smoked by fog; at the spreading forest swamp; springing from the ground with keys; trunks of birches stretched to the sky; in the stormy sea; a shot that sounded in the forest; walked with a gliding step; a bird floating near the shore; overgrown bush; about birds flying away for the winter; in a moving object; downstream; admire the snowflakes falling to the ground; in a sinking haze; in a grove darkened by an approaching cloud.

Warning dictations

I. After a thunderous downpour, the sun rose even more beautifully. The heat has fallen. The verdant foliage of the trees came out juicier. The world was renewed, flourished, as if a fragrant wave swept over it. Levitan squinted from the sun and deeply drew in the smells of refreshed earth. He loved her in the modest dress of the first days of spring, he loved her withered, exhausted from the July heat, he loved her motley, colorful, in a rich autumn dress, he loved her with menacing thunders, washed by rain. Today she was special, all in the traces of a noisy downpour.

(By I. Evdokimov)

II. Suddenly, loud cries woke me and our entire camp, sheltered by the fire. Screams resounded in the peacefully sleeping backwaters of the river. At dusk, strange groups of some people could be seen on the shore. Not far away stood a cart drawn by a horse, calmly waiting for transportation.
Half an hour later, the loaded ferry rolled away from the shore, and another quarter of an hour later, a steamer sailed from behind the cape, leading a large barge. I settled on the deck and admired the corners that opened up with every turn of the river, still shrouded in a bluish haze.

(By V. Korolenko)

III. It is beautiful to look from the side at the ship, winged with white sails, gracefully sailing along the endless surface sea ​​waves. But look at the number of hands that move it! A sailing ship wrapped in ropes and hung with sails, dozing in a calm and tacking in a contrary wind, cannot move back in an instant or quickly turn around.

(By I. Goncharov)

Spelling of real suffixes
and passive present participles

Vocabulary dictations

Indicate the conditions for choosing vowels in suffixes.

I. Falling rain; houses under construction; dozing old man; fluttering in the wind; galloping horse; clearly seeing the goal; whispering bushes; foaming waves; melting snow; breathable cool; creeping fog; bubbling waterfall; crying baby; adhesive boxes; fussing about children; struggling with laziness; whipping rain; boasting of success; listed; holding banners; circumstances under our control; quantity indicated in the list; stabbing object; duty policeman; sawing wood; guarding the borders; hiding in the bushes; hating lies; splashing sea; cutting wood; hearing noise; dependent on the weather; Therapist; rumbling in the distance; heavily breathing.

II. Carried away by the current; swayed by the wind; cleaned by mom; irrigated with water; portrayed by the artist; pursued by the enemy; illuminated by the moon; researched by scientists; supported by father; surrounded by care; sung in verse; recommended reading; tormented by doubts; barely visible clouds; elected by the people; dependent on the circumstances; invisible in darkness; studied at school; driven by the wind; performed by a singer; respected by all; interrupted by a hum; radio controlled; led by a conductor; renewable flight; poorly visible object; piloted by an aviator.

III. You will see fog creeping over the river; decision depending on the circumstances; a thought that disturbs you; mercilessly stinging mosquitoes; it will burst like rain sowing through a sieve; thundering waterfall; driven by fear; treated with herbs; rumbling thunder; barely breaking dawn; crying baby; cultivated plants; splashing wave; a ship in distress; leaves swayed by the wind; hoping for help; snowflakes melting on the cheeks; a waterfall gurgling in the distance; about a house under construction; self-adhesive wallpaper; rushing from side to side; worried about exam results; barely visible in the dark; chirping bird; dependent on the weather; recommended book to read; from stinging bees; a ship fighting the waves; barely audible whisper; chasing a hare; at a barking dog; in the mist spreading over the river.

Explanatory dictation

1) It became hard to see because of the smoke spreading along the ground. (B. Akunin) 2) The fine sowing rain began to gain strength. 3) Complete silence reigned, broken only by the croaking of frogs in the pond. 4) Behind a narrow strip of fine sand lay a spacious backwater, barely disturbed by the breeze. (M. Semenova) 5) The sun, covered with smoke, was still high. (L. Tolstoy) 6) Immediately behind the cottage, a slope began, and through the tops of the trees swayed by the wind, the Gulf of Finland gleamed in the sun. (S. Vysotsky) 7) The high lacy tops of the grass show through the soft mist creeping towards the ground. (P. Dashkova) 8) In May 1827, solemnly escorted by Moscow friends, Pushkin left for St. Petersburg. (V. Kuleshov) 9) The wind blowing from the south brought a wormwood smell. 10) The wolf howl heard from the field was depressing. 11) A dormant reed quietly rustled near the river.

Vowels in past participles
before suffixes -nn- (-n-), -vsh-

Vocabulary dictations

I. Heard a rustle; hated lies; offending the baby; toiling from the heat; honored; melted snow; dispelled the seeds; sowing fear; dispelling doubts; smelling the beast; pasted posters; who ruled the horses; who saw the picture; sowing rye; thawed earth; meeting friends; built a house; stinging a child; barking dog; depending on the circumstances; tied a knot; desperate person.

II. Scattered clouds; planted garden; cut down forest; covered with glory; overheard conversation; fired cartridges; caught mouse; rolled out barrel; pumped out oil; hung pictures; hung flour; mixed paints; implicated in a crime; kneaded dough; glued with glue; shot animal; Lost time; supported by a friend; scattered by the wind; sown in the field; broken chair; built on time; the road has been ridden; the path is trodden; the book has been read.

Warning dictation

1) In the forest that melted, near the trunk, I raised a smooth, wet cone. (V. Tushnova) 2) Blue waves joyfully rush along the river, quietly raising flocks of scattered geese and ducks. (I. Turgenev) 3) Round, low hills, plowed and sown to the top, scatter in wide waves. (I. Turgenev) 4) The remnants of scattered clouds floated to the horizon. 5) There was a sound of horse clatter and a restrained voice of riders. (A. Fadeev) 6) There was a joyful and exciting smell of thawed cedar. (F. Abramov) 7) For his part, Troekurov cared just as little about winning the undertaking. (A. Pushkin) 8) In the middle of the wall, covered with wallpaper with brown bouquets, Petya noticed a gaping hole. (V. Kataev) 9) The sea, dotted with brilliant sparks of lights, opened up to the travelers.

Writing -n- and -nn- in participles
and verbal adjectives

Vocabulary dictations

I. Pickles; loaded wagon; dried fruits; knitted mittens; Wicker basket; fried mushrooms; sowing flour; torn sleeve; confused answer; patent leather shoes; polished detail; disciplined girl; organized tour.

II. harvested; frightened baby; the girl is frightened; painted painting; salted cabbage in a tub; notebooks checked; the letter is written, read, sent; finished book; noticed errors; loaded with bricks; woven from branches; sifted flour; built building; received letter.

III. unsalted soup; fresh-frozen fish; freshly frozen pike perch; purchased books; darned socks; lightly wounded soldier; a soldier wounded in the arm; fried in oil; woven tablecloth; tangled threads; painted floor; painted floor; uncut meadow; painted with oil paint; golden nuts; washed linen; laundry washed many times; written beauty; butter pancake; buttered bread; gold woven suit.

IV. People are excited about the message; his speech was excited; troops are concentrated on the border; the girl is attentive and concentrated; the dishes are exquisite; funds for the excursion were found by the parents; the assembled are carried away by the story; people are sad and depressed; the berries are crushed in the basket; the girl is spoiled by her parents; the girl is capricious and spoiled.

Explanatory dictations

I. 1) But I stubbornly did not want to open my eyes closed from soapy foam. (O. Fokina) 2) Platforms loaded with coal emerged from the darkness. (A. Kazantsev) 3) The valley, covered with fragments of collapsing exposed rocks, was red-hot like a furnace. (I. Efremov) 4) A narrow steppe path merged into soft dust well-trodden road. (I. Efremov) 5) A bare hillock with rare, recently planted poplars was dotted with low houses plastered with red-brown clay. (I. Efremov) 6) The faces of those conferring were pale and agitated. (L. Tolstoy) 7) The rails polished with dew shone. (M. Sholokhov) 8) The streets were deserted, littered with broken bricks. (V. Krestovsky) 9) Heavily loaded trains went to Moscow from the Urals, from Siberia. (E. Khrutsky) 10) He recalled the frantic roar of hooves through the streets of Rostov. (E. Khrutsky) 11) The meager light barely made its way through the half-curtained windows. (E. Yakovleva) 12) The road ran between two hedges of clipped bushes. (O. Pogorelov) 13) Then there was a sandy road, in some places sprinkled with rubble. (T. Polyakova) 14) They sat down around the polished table. 15) Bare feet tingle a little freshly cut grass. (P. Dashkova) 16) Were you worried about something, alarmed? (A. Marinina)

II. 1) All the walls are plastered with posters. 2) Wonderful Persian carpets were hung here and spread as thick as a plate of freshly cut turf. (L. Kozhevnikov) 3) How strange it was to rustle volumes of unread, uncounted pages. (V. Ustinov) 4) Steep domes of cathedrals and high gilded spiers appeared in the distance. (V. Shklovsky) 5) Bryullov's painting was exhibited in the Antique Hall of the Academy of Arts. (V. Shklovsky) 6) The border of the mountainous country was drawn by a sharp chopped line. (M. Semenova) 7) The little-traveled road is overgrown with thick hard grass. (M. Semenova) 8) The surrounding area was cluttered with broken boxes. (V. Pelevin) 9) The dress, already dried and cleaned, lay next to him. (N. Gogol) 10) In the corner of the room, something like a corner of relaxation was organized. (T. Stepanova) 11) Half an hour later, the loaded ferry pulled away from the shore. (V. Korolenko) 12) The sea was raging in complete darkness, and the mixed cries of the fleeing squall were heard. (V. Korolenko) 13) Everything obeyed the violence of the wind: washed linen hung out to dry, pasted on billboards staggering from sharp gusts of wind, posters, broken wires of trolleybuses, trees planted along the edges of asphalt paths. 14) Light filled the room hung with paintings.

III. 1) The window, hung with a thick carpet, did not give light. (I. Efremov) 2) An oil bowl was burning on the wall, and against the wall stood an amazingly beautiful chest bound with chased copper sheets. (V. Pelevin) 3) The sky is painted with a yellow dawn. (V. Tushnova) 4) A whirlpool covered with powder under an ice crust sleeps, a water one hibernates in an abandoned mill. (V. Tushnova) 5) A faint smell of oil paint rose from below, coming from the tin roof of the annex, painted several years ago. (V. Pelevin) 6) There is a brightened edge of the sky among smoky spots, there the conversation of goose flocks is so intelligible. (A. Blok) 7) Northern summer is compressed into three months. (F. Abramov) 8) What does a rye field smell like on a hot day? Baked bread fresh out of the oven. (F. Abramov) 9) Run-in boulders of the old beach were piled up there. (A. Konovko) 10) A route map was drawn on the wall. 11) The high tops of the firs are studded with a necklace of purple cones. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov) 12) Thin birch branches showered with swollen resinous buds are visible above the head. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Warning dictation

There are many fictional stories about wolves. They talk about attacks of wolves on people, about lonely travelers torn to pieces on winter desert roads. These terrible stories are invented by idle people. Wolves themselves are afraid of man, but a rabid wolf is dangerous to a man, just as rabid dogs are dangerous.
In the tundra, I saw wolves chasing herds of nomadic reindeer. Wolves perform the cruel, but sometimes useful role assigned to them by nature. It is known that domestic deer under human protection often fall ill with contagious hoof disease and die. This disease was not observed in wild deer, because the wolves chasing the deer destroyed the diseased animals.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Letters e and yo after hissing in suffixes
passive past participles

Vocabulary dictations

I. Attracted by light; struck by beauty; naked forest; invited to the exhibition; crossed by a ravine; distorted image; mesmerized by beauty; burned shoulder; muffled whisper; reflected in the rays of the sun; brought to life; resolved issue; carried away by a dream; protected from the wind; hit by a bullet; depicted in the picture; transformed edge; baked loaf; dedicated to friends; simplified task; tamed stream; completed work.

II. Sucker Punch; divided principalities; ripe gooseberries; arson of a barn; severe burn; set fire to hay; cheap look; coarse hair; thickened place; reed cat; nightingale chirping; small river; pitiful little soul; equipped with new appliances; generalized topic; smoked ceiling; lined with bricks; lead clouds; dejected look; someone else's garden enjoy the scenery near a large building; barking dog.

with participles

Vocabulary dictations

I. For reasons beyond our control; unsolvable task; the grass is not cut; uncleaned field; the book has not been read; never knowing fear; not stopping at any obstacle; an unexplored question; perplexed about the behavior of a classmate; who did not arrive in time to help; uncorrected work in mathematics; uninhabited on the outskirts of the house; unsolved problem in physics; things are not collected; the essay is not written; unwritten essay on literature; the path is not lit; the paths are not cleared; not agitated, but a calm sea; far from an unresolved issue; incessant downpour; the task is not solved, but only begun; not met by anyone.

II. Unopened letter; a letter not opened by the father; the letter is not printed; not written, but printed text; the floors are not painted; not painted with oil paint; not a thoughtful decision at all; house not yet occupied; uninhabited houses on the outskirts; water is not spilled; irreparable defect; the briefcase is not leather; hated falsehood; was not at school; the jacket is not brown; not wide, but deep river; the fire is not extinguished; not yet sown fields; not knowing fatigue; not loud, but quiet conversation; mutters something indistinct; ignoramus in music; not handsome, but simply cute; acted far from nicely; futility of thoughts.

Warning dictations

I. 1) Cold April breathed dampness, wide open spaces and the insipid smell of snow that had not yet melted along the banks. (A. Green) 2) The night, which did not portend anything unexpected, broke out into a hurricane in the morning. 3) The wind stirred the leaves on the trees, which had not yet had time to fly around. 4) In winter, icicles here are frozen with unimaginable beards. (M. Semenova) 5) Everything around merged into an inexplicable charm good fairy tale. (V. Gusev) 6) The ships left without a trace into unknown distances. (V. Lentsov) 7) On the highway, loaded cars go in an endless succession. 8) The unforgettable meeting in the alley made a strange impression on him. (A. Malysheva) 9) There is a flower on a mound near the river, not bent by the wind. (A. Sofronov) 10) A warm wind blows across the steppe, which has not cooled down during the night. 11) The valley, not yet illuminated by the sun, was covered with a rare fog. 12) The incessant autumn rain drummed monotonously on the roof. 13) The unlit part of the forest looked gloomy. 14) The autumn rain that did not stop all night made me sad. 15) The sun, which has not yet entered into force, warms carefully and affectionately.

II. Front-line journalists settled in a dilapidated house for temporary accommodation. It was a hut with a spacious hallway. It smelled of some kind of prel, dusty boxes were lying around. In the only room with shattered glass windows, into which the hot smell of sagebrush steppes flowed, there were two unpainted tables, shabby greatcoats were hung on the walls in disorder. On the windowsill was a radio covered by a tattered quilted jacket.

(By A. Ivanov)

Control dictations

By the sea

Petka and Mishka wearily trudged along the deserted seashore, dotted with pebbles polished by the waves. From the barely swaying sea, a strange peace and silence blew over the boys. The rays of the sun, which had not yet set below the horizon, glided over the light waves that ran ashore.
The long steppe road, impregnated with the smell of wormwood, stretching to the sea from a distant city, was left behind, and ahead, the open sea, which had no boundaries, spread all the distance and expanse. And it seemed to the guys that they had reached the very end of the world, that there was nothing further. There is one quietly splashing sea, and above it the same endless sky, only in some places covered with pale pink clouds.
The boys, tired from their long journey, walked in silence. Their heads were hidden behind heaps of dry weeds, collected by them for the future fire. (117 words)

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. They amaze with changing landscapes. Here you will see unconquered peaks, peaks covered with eternal snows, smoking volcanoes. In the west, the Pacific Ocean sparkles with turquoise, in the east, endless jungles, cut by a web of silver rivers, delight.
After a one-day stay in the capital of Peru, we fly out in the direction of the lost city of the Incas. We take the train to a small town and on foot through the eucalyptus forest we get to the village. Clay houses and thatched huts are reminiscent of an ancient civilization. We try not to lose in some places the disappearing path winding up.
A mysterious city appears in the distance, located on a rocky peak. After five hours of ascent, we pass through the heavy gates and enter the fortress, located on the mountain. On numerous terraces, connected by countless stairs, there is a stone world with streets and squares. Ancient city enchants us. (121 words)

(By Ya. Palkevich)


The wind that rose in the morning suddenly died down. The sails hung on a sailboat far out to sea. The worried captain stepped out onto the bridge.
The western part of the sky was getting darker, gradually covered with clouds that did not bode well. The captain ordered the sails to be removed, and the alarmed crew immediately complied with the order.
Soon low-hanging clouds covered the entire sky, and half an hour later a hurricane with furious force brought down furious waves on the ship. Foaming waves of water tossed the ship from side to side, threatened to capsize it. The masts cracked and bent. The largest of them was broken by a hurricane. Another moment - and the raging sea would have swallowed the ship. The unabashed sailors arm themselves with axes and cut ropes, throwing the mast overboard. The ship straightens up. The face of the captain, who has not left his bridge all this time, clears up. Another hour of brave sailors fighting the hurricane carries over the waves. Everyone is tired. The main thing is that everyone is alive. (129 words)


Vowels in gerunds
before suffixes -in-, -lice-

Vocabulary dictations

I. Having built a hut; sowing rye; hearing a whisper; preparing lessons; glued the book; smelling; dependent on the weather; barking at passers-by; noticing an error; having repented of the deed; quickly calmed down; dispelling suspicions; melted in the sun; painting the walls frustrated by failures; drying clothes; rolling out a bicycle; giving pleasure; starting a dispute; offended by a friend; losing hope; relying on a friend; putting emphasis; driving up to the house; getting comfortable; heading towards the forest; spreading their wings; pouring grains; hearing the news; dispelling doubts; washed up until the evening.

II. Cherished a dream; offending the baby; built house; building a garage saw a mouse; sees the dawn; seeing a fire; sowed peas; sowing the field; sow rye; seeded with clover; seal the book; sealed envelope; taped neatly; upset parents; upset by the news; upset by the news; start a dispute; started a quarrel; starting a conversation; an open discussion; hear a rustle; hearing noise; crackling heard; noticed a light; notice negligence in work; noticing the approach of the ship.

Writing not with gerunds

Vocabulary dictations

I. Without checking the essays; without melting in the sun; regardless of faces indignant about what happened; without feeling pain; not sparing himself; not having learned the previous one; without stopping in front of an obstacle; without looking into the future; without extinguishing the fire; perplexed about what happened; without looking back; not knowing the reason; without printing the letter; not having met the father; without sowing even a shadow of doubt; without deleting names.

II. Without breaking the word; not crossed by a line; not finished on time; non-freezing river; was not at the opening; not yet awakened city; small but interesting brochure; shallow, but a fish pond; long non-healing wound; not waking up from the call; the road is not lit; without reading to the end; unsown field; without reducing the period of stay in the mountains; thinking nothing; not looking to the end; dew that did not have time to dry; without noticing a small river; did not dispel doubts; didn't talk about the troubles; without looking around; disliked at first sight; resented hearing the truth.

Explanatory dictations

I. 1) He took off his backpack and slowly walked around the clearing, carefully examining everything. 2) Acrid sweat flowed down the face, washing away the dirt, and the mosquitoes began to become impudent. 3) We sat on a fallen birch, dropping backpacks. 4) Water, spilling three meters wide, briskly murmured over the rocky placer. 5) All three began to quickly descend the slope, pushing the thick branches of the bush with their hands. 6) Everyone likes to be in the center of attention when they listen to you with their mouths open. 7) After a few minutes, we reached the top and, having slightly descended the opposite slope, we came to a landslide.

(V. Myasnikov)

II. 1) The high trunk, swaying, went down obliquely, breaking off the branches. (D. Balashov) 2) Everyone peered into the blinding distance until the pain in their eyes, hoping to see the approaching ship. 3) Outside the window, without ceasing, a blizzard howled. 4) He tightly drew the curtains, as if fencing off a storm, and sat down again, lowering his hands. (V. Pronin) 5) And again the plane rushed into the sky, splitting and crushing the frozen air. (V. Pronin) 6) Going out to the edge of the forest and not seeing his horse, he listened. 7) The sounds of voices, interfering under the vaults, turned into a thick and discordant noise. (A. Kazantsev) 8) He got into the boat and, grabbing its edges, sat looking around and not seeing anything. 9) Wrapped up in a cloak fluttering in a hurricane wind, he stood on the deck, peering into the deserted shore. (A. Kazantsev) 10) The plane went farther and farther, crossing the danger zone. (I. Efremov) 11) The fog thickened and flowed around the ship, covering it slowly. (I. Efremov) 12) Without realizing it, he began to climb the embankment. 13) Slavka slowly began to climb the stairs. 14) And still circling, not finding shelter, an alarmed herd of rooks. (A. Fet) 15) We walked slowly along the forest road. (G. Skrebitsky)

Warning dictations

I. The wolves slowly got up and, with their tails between their legs, went into the field. The young she-wolf sat down in the snow, raising her head, and for the first time in her life howled plaintively, never taking her eyes off the moon. The wolves listened to her howl, and in their hearts, cold fur on their backs, a feeling of evil longing arose. The she-wolf sang her song, holding her head high and looking at the moon. Hearing her, the hares, who went out into the field to dig out the green winter, rose in fright on their paws. The wolves were sad, they stood, looking with twinkling eyes at the snow.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

II. Juicy chips flew onto the dewy grass, and a slight crackle was heard from the blows. The tree trembled all over, bent and, quickly straightening up, oscillated on its root. For a moment everything was quiet, but again the tree buckled, leaned over, crashing on the top of its head to the ground. The sounds of the ax faded. The robin whistled and fluttered higher, catching the branch with its wings. The branch, swaying, froze.

(By L. Tolstoy)

Control dictations

A boy of six years old came out onto the porch. Without taking his enchanted eyes off Dick [the dog], he briskly ran off the porch and found himself near the huge dog that had recoiled back. The boy's thin little hand dug into the thick brown wool, began to stir it up, and the forester called out a warning to the dog, ordering him to sit down. But Dick lost himself in amazement and resentment. Only his upper lip lifted up, wrinkling and exposing strong fangs. Laughing joyfully and loudly, the boy tightly clasped the dog's neck with both hands. Shaking his head dazedly, freeing himself from an unwelcome caress, Dick, with a suppressed grunt, ran off to the side. He sat down, sticking out his tongue, and, embarrassed, shook his head, freeing himself from an unfamiliar smell, causing a desire to sneeze. Fleeing from the uninvited guest, who again rushed to him, Dick reached the fence in two jumps, jumped over it and disappeared into the bushes. (122 words)

(By P. Proskurin)

A young she-wolf walked in the pack that winter, not forgetting her childish amusements. During the day, the wolves, curled up in balls, dozed, and she jumped up, circled, trampling the snow, and woke up the old people. The wolves rose unwillingly, poked their cold noses at her, and she snarled playfully, biting their legs. The old wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, glanced at the young naughty.
One night the she-wolf got up and ran into the field, and behind her, sticking out their tongues, the old men began to shake. The wolves remained lying, then they ran after the pack.
The wolves ran along the road, and shadows glided after them, breaking in the snow. The snow in the rays of the moon shone with diamonds. From the village came the sound of bells. It seemed that the stars that had fallen from the sky rang as they rolled along the road. The wolves, tied up to their belly, withdrew into the field and lay down, turning their muzzles towards the village. (125 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


Under the light breeze of the sultry wind, it [the sea] trembled and, covered with small ripples, dazzlingly brightly reflecting the sun, smiled at the blue sky with thousands of silver smiles. In the deep space between the sea and the sky, the cheerful splash of the waves swept, running up one after another to the gentle coast of the sandy spit. This sound and the brilliance of the sun, reflected a thousand times by the ripples of the sea, harmoniously merged in a continuous movement, full of lively joy. The wind gently stroked the satin surface of the sea, the sun warmed it with its rays, and the sea, drowsily sighing under the gentle power of these caresses, saturated the hot air with the salty aroma of fumes. Greenish waves, running up to the yellow sand, dropped white foam on it, and it melted on the hot sand with a soft sound, moistening it. narrow, long braid looked like a huge tower that fell into the sea. (115 words)

(M. Gorky)

wonderful night

On this night, miracles come uninvited. Late in the evening, sitting at the window, you clearly feel that someone is making his way to the house. Opening the window, you touch the bluish-silver snowflakes falling from the sky and say: “Hello, New Year!”
Whispers, rustles, mysterious chimes are signs of an approaching charming fairy tale.
The moon lights up in the sky, snow falls from the roofs, and a blizzard circling under the window seems to envelop you from head to toe. Forgetting about time, about the holiday, you close your eyes and plunge into sweet Dreams. You dream that you, having taken off the ground, are flying over a sleepy city, a snow-covered forest, a small river covered with an ice shell. Having flown to the starry sky and taking off a bright star, you attach it to your chest.
In the morning, waking up with a light heart and a joyful smile, you remember an unusual meeting with a miracle. (121 words)

(By A. Illuminatorskaya)

The train drove off, picking up speed, and I, merging with the crowd, moved towards the bay. I had to walk along a road crossed by pine roots sticking out of the ground.
We crossed the highway leaving footprints on the hot pavement. Next up was the beach.
Having settled down on the sandy shore and having a little rest, I went to the water. Having taken a few steps along the bottom strewn with stones, he plunged and soon swam to the buoy. Swaying slightly above the water, he exposed his scarlet side to the sun. I swam on, focusing on the clear silhouettes of the anchored ships.
On the water, flickering, wavering shadows trembled from the oncoming clouds. Seagulls screeched by. I swam further and further, happily overcoming fatigue. My heart was calm.
Suddenly feeling an endless thickness of water beneath me, I swam back.
I went ashore with a pleasant feeling of fatigue. (121 words)


Adverbs with suffixes o-a

Vocabulary dictation

Turn left; step right; leave before dark; long before dawn; get dark, wipe dry; occasionally interested; start over; stay up late; look askance; have a quick bite; glowed red hot; remember for a long time; has long been interested in; shone on the right; resounded from the left; wipe dry; start again; think first; went to the right; do it quickly.

Consolidated and separate spelling not
with adverbs for -O - -e

Vocabulary dictations

I. Fly not high, but low; did not come often, but rarely; was not far, but close; to write sloppily, slovenly, carelessly; appear unexpectedly; behave at ease; read quietly, but expressively; speak not loudly, but quietly; not at all difficult to help; acted not at all nicely; went away from home; looked ridiculous; mutter something indistinctly; walk leisurely; meet unfriendly; it is not easy to decide on it; I'm not interested at all.

II. Keep calm; change unrecognizably; was not at the lecture; interesting to note; it is not at all difficult to do this; far from being an easy task; stupid act; not an interesting movie at all; thinking nothing; despite the difficulties; unbearable pain; unenviable position; a rose that has not yet blossomed; violently resist; a very ugly act; the road is not wide, but long; difficult decision; calculate inaccurately; take immediate action; did not solve the problem; did not ask anyone; calculated not exactly, but approximately; leave unnoticed; domestic troubles; not dad's office; unnecessary meeting.

Warning dictations

I. 1) If a sandpiper flies from a swamp into a field and screams incessantly, it will soon rain. 2) I did not think long, but I said well. 3) Before bad weather, kites circle restlessly. 4) Voles dig their burrows near the surface of the earth - for a snowy winter. 5) A little titmouse eats and drinks, but lives happily. 6) The nightingale sings incessantly all night - for clear weather.

(Sayings, folk omens)

II. 1) Thunder rumbled almost continuously. 2) He casually answered questions. 3) I decided to find this book by all means. 4) On the ground, clumsily hunched over, sat a man. 5) The wind was blowing furiously. 6) Today, for the first time, frost licked the grass timidly. (V. Lentsov) 7) The masters and those disappeared instantly and for sure, when they accidentally encroached on the Russian essence of the language. (Y. Smelyakov) 8) Under the rhizomes of oaks, the snow darkens imperceptibly; thick growths of bushes are engulfed in motionless smoke. (A. Sofronov) 9) Writers themselves are reluctant to talk about their work. (K. Paustovsky) 10) The fish pecked reluctantly, intermittently. (K. Paustovsky) 11) Not without reason, since the end of the 19th century, Tarusa has become a city of artists. (K. Paustovsky) 12) In recent days, their path imperceptibly climbed the mountain. 13) We realized that he came for a reason. (F. Iskander) 14) Uncle took the box with one hand and somehow reluctantly carried it home. (F. Iskander) 15) It was not far from here to Pushkinsky Gory and Mikhailovsky. (K. Paustovsky) 16) People around were talking quietly. 17) She shuddered involuntarily.

III. 1) Not far away, along a birch grove, there was a road planted with willows. 2) My head ached a little, and I decided to go back along the seashore. 3) His hands were cold, his pulse beat quickly and unevenly. 4) He sat motionless with his arms crossed over his chest. 5) There, suddenly, a recently collapsed birch blocked the road.

(By I. Turgenev)

Letters e and and in consoles not- and neither-
negative adverbs

Vocabulary dictation

No time to go to the theater; there is no help from anywhere; nowhere to wait for news; nowhere to stay; there was no light anywhere; not at all afraid; no way to reach; not met anywhere; never receive letters from anywhere; nothing is heard from anywhere; not at all surprised; never denied anyone anything; never offended anyone; not at all confused; nowhere to go; never forget; lie prone.

Warning dictation

1) Walking is not at all tiring. 2) I never liked Petersburg nights. (I. Turgenev) 3) I have never seen such evenings. 4) Are you going anywhere today? 5) There is nowhere to go and no time. 6) With an effort, he made an indifferent face and said: "Friends, I have no time today." (A. Vinogradov) 7) In the depths of my soul, I never part with the cherished thought of writing a guide to fishing. (K. Paustovsky) 8) Without water, everything would perish and there would be no life on earth at all. (K. Paustovsky) 9) I can't believe it at all. 10) He never misses an opportunity to play a joke. 11) There were no traces of the detachment camp anywhere. 12) If it starts to rain again, there will be nowhere to hide. 13) There was nowhere for an unkind person to get at the fortress. (M. Semenova)

One and two letters n in adverbs ending in -o- - - e

Vocabulary dictations

I. Rush furiously; act thoughtfully; fight desperately; appear unexpectedly; hit by accident done skillfully; scream in fear; act windy; listen with concentration; listen distractedly; speak excitedly.

II. Excited conversation; children are excited about what happened; the voices were harsh and agitated; behavior is thoughtless and frivolous; plans are not thought out; answered thoughtfully; speeches sounded penetrating; speeches are penetrating and solemn; looked solemn; not sure of victory; spoke uncertainly; the berries are crushed in the basket; asked in surprise; surprised by the behavior of a friend; insult undeservedly; such an attitude towards him is not deserved by them; do on purpose; they intended to arrange a halt; listened with interest; interested in continuing the expedition; the baby is offended by her brother; spoke offendedly; breathe a sigh of relief; care faithfully; consigned to oblivion; risky trick; act risky.

Warning dictation

1) He tried to be confident. 2) Everyone was confident in the victory of the Olympians. 3) I looked at the guys in confusion. 4) The plan that we had devised was now completely pointless to carry out. 5) “Least of all I expected this,” Katya said in amazement. 6) It was necessary to immediately withdraw people. 7) I suddenly had confidence that now I will certainly achieve the goal. (I. Turgenev) 8) Everything that happened to me was so strange, so unusual. (I. Turgenev) 9) The Pacific coast had to be comprehensively explored. (V. Malov) 10) Suddenly, slowly quivering, wide eyelids lifted, dark piercing eyes dug into me. (I. Turgenev) 11) All this information organically, naturally enters the fabric of the story about the expeditions. (V. Malov) 12) Waves ridge after ridge approached the island and boiled furiously at the foot of the rocks. (M. Semenova) 13) It was strange to see these water birds quickly flickering between the pines. (I. Turgenev) 14) He thought about it intensely, excitedly and incessantly. (A. Adamov) 15) He looked sympathetically at a swarthy man with gray temples. (A. Adamov) 16) He smiled restrainedly, and his face again became impenetrable. (A.Adamov) 17) Near the cannons, the soldiers moved more busily and lively. (L. Tolstoy) 18) The sound gradually increased.

Letters O and a at the end of adverbs
with prefixes from-, to-, from-

Vocabulary dictation

Make hastily; turn right; move left; return before dark; reappear; redo; feed your fill; occasionally remember, long before dawn.

Warning dictation

1) The crow croaks long before the rain. (Omen) 2) The forest side feeds not only one wolf, but also a peasant. (Proverb) 3) Mushrooms have reappeared - don't expect snow soon. (Omen) 4) He frowned again and gloomily fell silent. 5) On the left - sheer walls, on the right - trees and darkness, noise and sparkle of foam. (Y. Polonsky) 6) And on the hills, the wind completely tore off dry foliage, circled it and carried it away. (K. Paustovsky) 7) From time to time they [jackdaws] all rose at once and, having flown a little, sat down again in a row. (I. Turgenev) 8) At first he did not notice anything suspicious. 9) He could easily talk to him. 10) These conversations have been going on here for a long time. 11) The lakes alternated: first, fresh water went on the left, and salty on the right, then the lakes changed places - and the salt ones moved to the left. (K. Paustovsky) 12) Dersu was about to leave for the taiga again. (V. Malov) 13) To the right and left, singing thrushes are pouring on their sonorous pipes, and in a deaf spruce thicket a hazel grouse quietly squeaks. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Hyphen between word parts in adverbs

Vocabulary dictations

I. According to ancient custom; jam is cooked old recipe; brought up in the old way; approach the problem in a new way; walked along the new bridge; approached the issue differently; they went on different schedules; come close to the shore; wrap in thick paper; wasting time; entered an empty room; according to the new chronology; walked along a visible track in the snow; apparently left; talk in a friendly way; acted comradely; speak English; turned out our way; tie tightly; howl like a wolf; meet someday; do something; barely wandered; repeat exactly; go somewhere; get out the best, hello; moved little by little; warmth in spring; resounded from somewhere; somewhere.

II. seen in the distance; dive deep; think first; leave on time; look up - at the top of the mountain; completely offended - to the end of the alley; since the beginning of summer; during the lesson; into the depths of the river; at the beginning of the lesson - first learn; attach up - to the top of the tent.

III. Dark green bushes; light blue sky; bright yellow rye; ancient Russian writing; southwest wind; agricultural machinery; convex-concave surface; Russian-English dictionary; broad-shouldered old man; half dead with fear; semi-woolen scarf; semi-literate person; ancient Roman poet; railway transport; The East European Plain; evergreens.

IV. Warm in spring; do it your way; cry like a child; in autumn gloomy days; meet in a friendly way; get settled in a camping; howl like a wolf; really relax; moves a little; go far, far away; make exactly the same; barely swaying; little by little; do something; visible-invisible; settle down somewhere; sparkles somewhere; went somewhere; perceive in your own way; crawl in a plastunsky way; talk in a friendly way; Firstly.

V. Somewhere nearby; burned like yesterday; according to yesterday's schedule; around the festive city; look festive; wander through the autumn forest; along the autumn line of the forest; yearn for the present case; spring pink sky; followed the bear trail; go bearish; still quiet; followed the same route; from somewhere to the left; do it my way; for my project; somewhere on the right; appear unexpectedly; somewhere near; dark-dark.

Warning dictations

I. 1) He taught you all to speak in your own way. (K. Paustovsky) 2) We spoke among ourselves in Russian. (K. Paustovsky) 3) Her thin eyebrows rose like a child. 4) It was raining like yesterday, but I couldn't linger any longer. (I. Turgenev) 5) In some places you can see women with children in their arms. (D. Mordovtsev) 6) The hot summer sun burned a lot somewhere in the steppes. (D. Mordovtsev) 7) Dark walls, once painted red, gave the yard a gloomy look. (K. Paustovsky) 8) On the banks of the rivers there were dilapidated dwellings in some places. 9) Blocking out the light of the fire with his hand, he looked somewhere to the side. (V. Malov) 10) For some reason, the light on the stairs was not turned on. 11) The sonorous voice moved away somewhere and fell silent. (M. Semenova) 12) The old man was crying softly, like a child. (D. Mordovtsev) 13) The horse was barely dragging along the road. 14) Far, far away, the sparks of a tram shower. (V. Lentsov) 15) And at noon there was a lot of sun. (V. Lentsov) 16) From somewhere far away came the soft sound of a flute (V. Pelevin) 17) The ice, slightly darkened, was still strong in winter. (V. Ryabinin)

II. 1) In my opinion, he will not return here again. (Strugatsky) 2) The idea simply stunned me. (E. Yakovleva) 3) His sweater was exactly the same color as his eyes. 4) It was no longer possible to work in the old way. 5) Among the early greenery, people dressed in festive clothes walked the streets. (V. Lentsov) 6) Firstly, I have not seen this film, and secondly, I don’t want to watch it at all. 7) My sympathies were still on his side.

Consolidated and separate spelling of prefixes
in adverbs formed from nouns
and cardinal numbers

Vocabulary dictations

I. Learn the rules first; since the beginning of spring; go to a meeting with friends; run towards; go upstairs; look at the top of the mast; in the distance of the sea; dive deep; into the depths of the river; hope for good luck; went at random; during the lesson; do the job on time; be seen in the distance blue.

II. Get close; fold in four; scatter; the three of us stood; sat in pairs; be in a dead end; carry books under the armpits; look straight ahead; say in hearts; move with difficulty; save for centuries; stay in memory forever; shatter into pieces; run a race; roll along; speak in a low voice; back down; come closer; have a quick bite; make a mockery; stand on tiptoe; forcefully persuaded; saw nearby.

Warning dictations

I. 1) Not far away, a red traffic light flashed from time to time. (V. Pronin) 2) Now you need to be twice as careful. 3) At the beginning of February, spring made its first raid. (F. Abramov) 4) We had to rush to meet the scuba divers. 5) Blue-green grass. This happens only at the beginning of summer. (F. Abramov) 6) A guy in an open leather jacket was hurrying towards me along a gravel path. 7) About two hours we still climbed up. (V. Korolenko) 8) She deftly, but gently picked him up under the armpits, lifted him up, sat him down. (V. Kataev) 9) From both banks, the taiga approached close to the water, shrouded in a violet haze in the distance. (A. Kazantsev) 10) The wind howled plaintively, as if saying goodbye to the earth forever. (A. Kazantsev) 11) People rushed in all directions. 12) Together with an umbrella under his arm, he had some small object clamped. (A. Kazantsev) 13) I took several difficult steps towards the downright brutal wind and went to the very shore. (V. Popov) 14) The boy, squinting like an adult, threatened him with a finger smeared in chocolate. (Strugatsky) 15) He seemed surprised and was silent for a while. (Strugatsky)

II. 1) An asphalt road led into the depths of a small village. (V. Pelevin) 2) All the same, a path leads deeper into it, which winds through the sparkling snow. (V. Lentsov) 3) Dangling their legs, they sat on a high wooden fence at the beginning of the embankment. (V. Pelevin) 4) And immediately a little old woman came out to meet them on the porch. (A. Adamov) 5) It began to rain, at first falling in rare drops. 6) At the beginning of September, an early frost suddenly struck. In the afternoon, puddles began to tighten with ice, the whitened grass crunched. At night, the frost promised to be strong in winter. (By E. Shimu) 7) Subsequently, I had many times to admire the northern lights. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

III. He looked at his friends in a completely new way now. Firstly, a long journey side by side, willy-nilly, tested everyone, secondly, after all, they survived all the difficulties together, thirdly, they became closer to each other in their own way, just like in a song about a friend.

(A. Illuminatorskaya)

soft sign after hissing
at the end of adverbs

Vocabulary dictations

I. Rushing away; dotted all over; gallop; open wide; hit backhand; marry; fall down.

II. Don't disturb your parents; bake pies; burn brushwood; return midnight; hide from the rain; rush away; wait impatiently; execute exactly; unable to continue the path; kindle a fire; appear from behind the clouds; make a hut; the day is good; appoint an attendant.

Explanatory dictation

1) Puddles are completely covered with leaves. 2) A shot rang out, and the bear collapsed on its back. 3) The soldier fell, got up and ran away. (L. Tolstoy) 4) Rivers with lakes froze, high mountains were completely overgrown with blue ice. (M. Semenova) 5) And I see how someone's dreams fly away at the red dawn. (V. Lentsov) 6) For a dear guest and the gates wide open. (Proverb) 7) The windows are wide open, I can’t sleep, and in the garden above the stream all night the nightingale spills and whistles. (A. Fet) 8) Entrance door was wide open like a summer. (L. Zamyatin)

Warning dictation


The song started unexpectedly, as if it was being born somewhere in heaven. The melody flowed melodiously, the soul felt light and good, and the eyes felt hot from the oncoming tears. Now the steppe air was fresh, now clouds were thickening ominously, now light clouds were moving in time with the song, and this made them sing more and more. Willy-nilly, the song poured into the soul, the eyes opened in a new way, in a free way, just like a long time ago in childhood. The melody rose up, up, carried away into the distance, and there was no end or beginning for it.

(A. Illuminatorskaya)

Control dictations

You will see green willow everywhere: in vegetable gardens, in orchards, along the roads. It grows a lot along the banks of forest rivers, along streams. People call willow in different ways.
The forest has not yet turned green in the spring, and the tender willow is already blooming, reflected in the melt water with yellow puffs. The sun will warm a little - hover over the flowering willows, collecting golden pollen, bees flying out of the hives.
willow - unpretentious tree. You can chop or cut off its thin trunk and stick it even shallowly into the ground - it will take root, take root, and begin to grow.

From the beginning of spring, nightingales settle in willow thickets and tirelessly sing their songs. The roots of willows protect dams built by people from erosion by spring water. From time to time, shuddering from the wind, the willow whispers softly, exposing the silvery underside of its leaves.
How beautiful is this willow, hanging down over the water, in which the sky is reflected and clouds floating in the distance. (129 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

The convoy was located away from the village near the river. The sun burned like yesterday, the air was still and dull. The heat had nowhere to go. Several willows stood on the shore, but their shadow fell uselessly into the water. The water in the river, turning blue from the sky reflected in it, passionately beckoned to itself.
Dymov and Kiryusha quickly undressed and fell into the water with a loud cry. The softly murmuring river resounded with snorting, splashing, screaming. Egorushka undressed. Running up, he jumped from a height into the river. Describing an arc in the air, Yegorushka plunged deep into the depths of the river, but did not reach the bottom. Some force picked him up and carried him back up. He surfaced, snorting, blowing bubbles. Egorushka swam to the shore and began to rummage around the reed beds. (112 words)

(By A. Chekhov)


At first they advanced along the plain for a long time. There were no green foothills overgrown with forests. The mountains began unexpectedly on the left, as a sheer wall rising somewhere upwards. Wind, water and just past centuries have worked hard on it. In many places, layers of multi-colored stone were clearly visible, inconceivably warped and broken. In some places they looked like masonry.
The wall faced north, and the sun never shone on it. The border of eternal snows descended low, and long before it the trees thinned, then completely disappeared. A barely visible road ran under the wall. She seemed to be trying not to press herself against the wall. But stubborn life still took it everywhere. Even the wall itself was clambered with tenacious shrubs, grown from seeds brought from afar by wind or birds.
In the distance, the road climbed up the mountain, following the curves of the stone slope. (123 words)

(By M. Semenova)

First thunderstorm

I have long remembered this clear spring and warm summer day. In some places, barely noticeable green leaves have already appeared. The city looked new. Firstly, a breeze blew a little, secondly, almost all the windows were wide open, thirdly, the sun shone royally, but not hotly, but kindly, kindly. The paths were full of sparrows, and they were still scurrying up and down.
But suddenly the sky darkened. Disheveled clouds crept carelessly, carelessly. First, a dull lightning flashed and cut the dark gray sky in two. Then a strong peal of thunder scared the birds away, as if somewhere someone had shattered glassware to smithereens.
And a downpour poured down, just like a curtain fell to the ground and closed everything around. The city disappeared somewhere, and muddy streams of water hurriedly ran through the streets.
It rained for a long time, and in the morning the washed-up city looked festively cheerful. (120 words)

(By A. Illuminatorskaya)

The guys climbed the steep slope of the mountain, completely strewn with stones. To the right and left, black walls rose sheer. Above was a distant streak of blue sky. It was cool in the gorge, but soon the boys got hot. They, breathing heavily, stubbornly walked forward, in a hurry to get to the camp before dark.
"Beware, guys!" Nikita suddenly shouted. A thick snake with shiny scales slithered towards the boys. A few steps away from them, she froze, then wagged her tail a little, tossed her head and, opening her pink mouth, hissed, shaking her head. Her forked tongue darted silently in her mouth.
Nikita threw a stone at the snake. She shot an arrow towards him. He barely managed to run away. The guys, stumbling and falling, rushed in all directions, but it was not easy to run over the stones. And the snake was not going to pursue them.
Catching their breath, friends began to climb up again. (123 words)

(By V. Gubarev)



Vocabulary dictations

I. Rushed towards me; she did not come to the meeting; sail towards the ship; I had to hurry to meet my classmates; splashes flew towards; drove towards the herd; walked towards the travelers.

II. We talked about the excursion; you have to keep this in mind; sponsors transferred money to the school account; in view of the approaching cold weather; swim in the mind of the pier; make arrangements for dinner; stand in sight of the shore.

III. due to bad weather; mistakes were made in the investigation; did not come due to illness; due to rains, the river overflowed its banks; expands due to overheating; due to fatigue; facts were discovered in the investigation of the case; included in the investigation; the lake was formed as a result of an earthquake; no errors were found in the investigation.

IV. During the summer; new characters are introduced in the continuation of the film; new characters act in the continuation of the film; practice throughout the year; the boat fell into the river; there are many turns in the course of the river; absent for a week; improvement during the course of the disease; within a minute; travel for a month; see changes in the flow of the stream; meet the characters in the continuation of the film.

V. Answered without looking at the book; harvested well despite the drought; the ship went to sea, despite the bad weather; climbed the slope without looking down; set to work in spite of fatigue; spoke to his father without looking at him; the competition continued despite the snowfall.

Spelling of derivatives
prepositions and conjunctions

Vocabulary dictation

For a long time; changes in the course of the river; during the whole summer; due to heavy rains; as a result, an error crept in; an error was made in the investigation; new characters act in the continuation of the novel; new characters are included in the continuation of the novel; find out about the excursion; transfer to the school account; instead of gratitude put in a secluded place; at the end of the report; for many years the Decembrists were imprisoned in Siberia; despite failure; walked without looking around; answered in spite of what was written; in view of the approach of cold weather; Have this in mind; within five years; spoiled due to overload; swim in the sight of the city; expands due to overheating; lagged behind due to illness; within a minute; did not come due to illness; climbed to the top without looking down; answered without looking at the textbook.

Warning dictation

1) In the course of the river, water boiled with foam on the rapids. 2) Despite the prohibitions of doctors, he continued to train. 3) The error occurred due to ignorance of the conditions of the area. 4) It rained almost throughout the month. 5) There was no question of continuing the conversation. 6) The heat made itself felt, despite the evening. (A. Kazantsev) 7) He lay like this for several hours, during which the sea receded. (A. Kazantsev) 8) He answered without looking at the plan written on the sheet. 9) Due to deep snow, moose did not walk in the taiga, but stood in those places where bad weather caught them. (V. Malov) 10) In the course of several days, the leaves will still fall off. 11) Due to bad weather, flights were canceled. 12) Will you help me in continuing my search?


Consolidated spelling
unions also, too, to

Vocabulary dictation

He also came and told the same thing; he is also a talented student; say the same as other witnesses; as boastful as his brother; he is also ready to go; he also had a dog; what would I read so as not to get bored on the road; whatever happens, everyone must remain calm; acted as cunningly as the hunter; at the same time my brother arrived; he also came to the feast; the problem was solved in the same way as the previous one; I will also go on a hike; and he was there at the same time.

Explanatory dictations

I. 1) The lines of the mouth were masculine and at the same time childishly naive. (M. Sholokhov) 2) But silence has settled here too. 3) Walked along the corridor, habitually greeted, smiled. They smiled at him too. (V. Shukshin) 4) At that hour he also went out to look at Baikal. (V. Shukshin) 5) He was also an eternal worker and was just as invigorated when it was hard. (V. Shukshin) 6) Everyone who came to St. Petersburg was covered by the same feeling of admiration. 7) Everything was done hastily and at the same time as if through a dream. 8) My investigation didn't progress either.

II. 1) Rustling leaves, trees swayed in the wind, clouds still ran across the dark blue sky. (S. Mayorov) 2) A minute later, he disappeared in a snowstorm as suddenly as he appeared. 3) And his manners were also very majestic and unhurried, and so he spoke. (A. Adamov) 4) Just like yesterday, it was raining outside the window.

III. 1) Every person is inclined to reason what he would do in the place of another. (M. Semenova) 2) The night opened countless eyes to look down until dawn. (M. Semenova) 3) The road was wide enough for two trucks to pass on it. (V. Pelevin)

IV. 1) She silently walked down the corridor and just as silently invited me to enter the room. 2) I also dreamed of going on an expedition. 3) But the taiga came to life when moonlit nights came. 4) Whatever he did, everything turned out badly. 5) The moonlight still poured through the windows. 6) And then I also gathered all my strength to endure at least a minute more. (S. Smirnov) 7) The man thanked me for showing interest in the starry sky. (Yu. Olesha) 8) She smiled, then slowly got up from her chair. 9) The day turned out to be cloudy, but it was not hot. 10) It was still snowing, and nothing was visible either. 11) The sea, just like yesterday, was calm. 12) Here, too, there was once a country road, but it has not been used for a long time, and it is overgrown with bushes and small trees. (V. Myasnikov) 13) He was short, at the same time lean, muscular. (V. Myasnikov) 14) The room also made a strange impression. 15) The arrivals also settled down by the fire. (I. Efremov) 16) At the same moment, a huge column of fire burst out from the top of the hill. (A. Kazantsev) 17) In order to subdue the awakened element, the exertion of all human forces is necessary. (A. Kazantsev) 18) The sea was getting dark, the waves were losing their brilliance, but the sky began to brighten. (I. Efremov)

Control dictations

To study well, one must be a well-organized person. First of all, you need to try to do what is planned during the day. From the beginning of September, accustom yourself to this and try to do it throughout the school year. Advise your comrades to do the same.
It's best to do the most difficult lessons first, because they take longer to complete. But there will be free time for your favorite subjects, hobbies.
If you do not understand something, do not immediately turn to the elders for clarification, but look into the dictionary, into the reference literature. It's difficult, but useful. During the time that you spend reading reference literature, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Read more in your free time. While reading, write down some interesting thoughts, statements. It is also useful to memorize the verses you like in order to enrich your language and develop your memory. (128 words)

For many centuries, millennia, the shape and height of the earth's surface has changed, and where the sea used to roar, land subsequently formed. The same thing happens with rivers and lakes as with the seas. Mountains also do not remain unchanged. Rocks consisting of several components are especially strongly destroyed. Since these parts expand and contract differently, cracks form between them. Water gets into them. When it freezes, it increases in volume and breaks the hardest stones with tremendous force.
Plants and animals also play a big role in the destruction of rocks. The roots of the plants secrete an acid that corrodes the stone. If a seed gets into a crack in the rock, it will grow and, gradually thickening, will push it apart. As a result, weathering occurs. It happens very slowly, but over the course of many years, the most durable rocks are destroyed. (125 words)

(N. Efimova)


Distinguishing on writing particles not and neither

Vocabulary dictations

I. There was not a speck of dust; could not stop thinking about his mother; had no doubts of success; not to take into account anyone's interests; nothing to help; he cannot be trusted in anything; did not contact anyone; knew neither rules nor formulas; no matter how difficult, but it must be done; one cannot but be proud of his successes; the building turned out to be nothing more than a library; it could not be anything else; neither a bush nor a twig moves; whatever he does, all is well; no matter how hard you try, it's all in vain.

II. Didn't catch a single fish; not a blade of grass in the field; could not hear; not a piece in the house; did not grow a grain; none came; was late more than once; never been; out of nowhere; without stopping for a minute; not a soul in the house; about him neither a rumor nor a spirit; not a tear is shed; did not make any model; didn't say a word.

Warning dictation

1) It is impossible not to admire the sunset. 2) No matter what thoughts overcome, I am calm for him. 3) What thoughts did not overcome me! 4) Where has he not been! 5) Wherever he went, everywhere he was greeted joyfully. 6) When you do not come to a friend, she is offended. 7) When you come to a friend, she chats on the phone. 8) Whoever has not read this book should read it. 9) Whoever read this book, everyone liked it. 10) Not a word more! 11) He could not help coming. 12) I could not call. 13) Don't think too much about seconds. (R. Rozhdestvensky) 14) Who hasn't cursed bus crushes! 15) Nothing else can explain it. 16) We have never gone fishing together. 17) There can be no talk of any trips. 18) Nothing else pleased him. 19) No matter how difficult it is, you have to do it. 20) No matter how hard we tried to save food, by the end of the week they ran out. 21) No matter how creaky the frost is, it is not painfully powerful. (Proverb) 22) No matter how much the cuckoo cuckoos, and fly away in winter. (Proverb) 23) No matter how dark the night, the day will surely come. (Proverb) 24) But nothing stirred either around me or ahead. (I. Turgenev) 25) There was not a single bush or tree here. 26) No matter how much I walked, I didn’t meet a bear. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov) 27) Without the past it is impossible to understand well or appreciate the present. (V. Peskov)

Consolidated and separate spelling neither and not

Vocabulary dictations

I. An absurd act; unripe watermelon; no pity for the time; does not reach the bottom; lack of kindness; the sky is not blue; ill-conceived decision; hair is not loose; not having learned the previous one; without feeling any pain; habits are not fox; the briefcase is not leather; no need to say so; the teapot is not porcelain; the branch is not broken; lacking tact; acted uncomradely; the essay has not been verified; not answering the letter; not less than two meters; not yet frozen river; was not interested in anyone; did not share his problems with anyone; nowhere to get strength; good for nothing; do it at any cost; as if nothing had happened; no better than this; did not do it your way; never quarreled; nowhere for an apple to fall; did not agree at all; nowhere to be seen; nothing to measure; did not warn in time; didn't see anything; not at all surprised; shines not like summer; not sorry; no need; there was no time; door not closed by me; without thinking through to the end; prolonged bad weather; messy look; awkward outfit; resent what happened; not a deep, but a shallow lake; small but fast river; not affected by weeds; did no better; uninvited guest; unthinking kid; far from an interesting film; not completed, but only begun work; don't talk nonsense; far from an easy task; all sorts of surprises; hidden dislike; done carelessly; not high, but low.

II. Spoke lies; it was not the truth, but a lie; ugly act; not handsome, but simply cute; went far; gone not far, but close; spoke nonsense; stupid act; looked ridiculous; not a pretty outfit at all; acted far from nicely; difficult task; far from an easy task; fly low; fly not high, but low; ugly cloak; not a cheerful, but a sad look; answered casually; behaved at ease; unrealizable thoughts; inexpensive but beautiful scarf; narrow but deep river; hidden dislike; all sorts of surprises; unsightly look.

III. Wasn't at school; could not; did not tell; do not break; unwell in the morning; immediately disliked; not feeling; not talking; Not understanding; indignant; regardless of faces not remembering; not hoping; do not see; hated falsehood; unopened letter; a letter not opened by the father; the letter is not printed; water is not spilled; not written, but printed sheet; a friend I didn't meet; unmet friend; the floors are not painted; unpainted floors; unpainted floors; the grass is not cut; uncut grass; not yet cut grass; not a thoughtful decision at all; a tourist who does not know fatigue; uninhabited houses; houses not yet occupied; houses are not inhabited; act uncomradely; do not feel sorry for the loafer; no need to be late; the briefcase is not leather; the jacket is not brown; the issue is not resolved; the river is not wide; the path is not long, but short; muttered something unintelligible; cost a lot; is not cheap, but expensive; ignoramus in music; should not lose heart; despite the bad weather; irreparable defect; cross a narrow but deep river; without looking into the future; not loud, but quiet; behave at ease; continuous cry; the fire is not extinguished; an unextinguished fire; ugly figure.

Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles

Explanatory dictation

1) The same gloomy winds blew, the same clouds moved impassively ... (V. Bryusov) 2) It's time to comprehend life, to sum it up. (V. Bryusov) 3) Red sun! Look out the window! (A. Blok) 4) Elder sister, give us some water! (A. Blok) 5) Try to convince him. 6) From four o'clock Nevsky Prospekt is empty, and you are unlikely to meet at least one official on it. (N. Gogol) 7) The hunters are right there. 8) And yet, the feeling of a mystery hovering close, downright scattered in the winter air, did not leave me. (E. Yakovleva) 9) I could not talk about it. 10) The excursion was not included in his plans. 11) He left quickly, but he didn’t find his father at home. 12) We didn't even think about it. 13) If he had done it quickly, we would not have to sit up now until the evening. 14) I would go far, but my shoulders hurt. (Proverb)

Control dictation

S. I. Ozhegov is a famous lexicographer. Who does not know his Dictionary of the Russian Language! Work on a short explanatory dictionary containing about seventy thousand words, the scientist began in 1940. The war began, and many philologists went to the front. Ozhegov is also going to the front, but for health reasons his request was denied. For almost nine years, the scientist worked on the dictionary, without stopping work during the war years.
Probably, there is no person in our country who does not know this reference book, who has never used it in his life, who has not held this voluminous volume of a thousand pages in his hands.
Within one volume, it reflects with sufficient completeness the main composition of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language. This ensured the longevity of the book, which outlived its compiler by far. Ozhegov's Dictionary is a desktop guide for people who love the Russian language. (123 words)

Final control dictations

The sun was rising, melting the September fogs, clearing the sky. Summer has begun again on earth. This went on for a whole week.
Leaning on a stick broken out of an old abandoned fence, he walked through meadows, pine forests, mentally never ceasing to thank the old woman who met him, who had discovered this half-forgotten way of moving around his native land.
The first night he spent near the rapids of the river, but looked too much at the fish playing in the evening dawn. Lodging for the night under the open sky, under the stars, became a habit with him. He ate bread crumbs soaked in a stream, baked potatoes, and berries.
He was truly happy. Never before had such trifles brought him such joy as the smell of smoke, the rustle of a dry last year's cone falling from a tree, a mountain ash blazing in the sun. When he heard the farewell songs of the cranes in the morning, tears came to his eyes. (122 words)

(By F. Abramov)

The house stood a little apart. Its windows were painted with oil paint, and the small porch on the side still smelled of pine. The doors were wide open, but the owners were not in the house. To the right of the door was an unpainted table, and to the left was a massive stove.
Soon Natasha came running from the street, meeting me as if we were old acquaintances. She kindly offered me tea and early raspberries, but I asked her first to show me a garden grown almost under the very Arctic Circle.
We left the house. The garden murmured with poplar leaves. Stepping over the gate, I suddenly saw apple trees, raspberries, densely strewn here and there with ripening berries. Feeling the resinous aroma, I turned my head to the left and saw the cedars. They were blue-black, bear-like gloomy and unfriendly. Natasha affectionately and somehow shyly patted one tree. (125 words)

(By F. Abramov)


Having overcome the rise, Dasha went down to the sea. The water was still clear. Plants could be seen through it in the depths. underwater world. In the thickets of algae, unafraid flocks of fish rushed past, disappearing from sight with lightning speed. To the left, she saw a huge stone hung with seaweed.
A depression filled with water stretched along the shore. It seemed it was the same hole in which the girl had once found a stone of amazing shape.
Being here for the first time, Dasha, shaking her little hands, first lowered one, then the other leg and tiptoed into the water. Without going deep, bending over the stones polished by the sea surf, for several seconds in undisturbed silence she watched the clearly visible underwater life. It was then that she noticed him. The pale blue stone, veined as if by an artist, startled her. (116 words)

I made my way along an unbeaten path through the field. Despite the bad weather, the mood was light. Seeing a haystack nearby, he leaned against the cow-stripped foot, watching the crow flying across the gray sky. Having rested, he walked towards the village and soon found himself in someone else's garden.
The rain swarmed in the fallen poplar leaves that dotted the beds. Strong, icy heads of cabbage were still blue on them. There was a fresh smell of late cabbage and tired earth that had done its work. On a sunflower, forgotten at the boundary, a tit tipped in winter. Clinging to the disheveled head of a sunflower, she fiddled with its bars.
I found a gate in the wattle fence and, fearing that not a small, gentle dog, but a chain dog, would barge at me, I squeezed my way behind a creaking wooden gate. The hostess was walking towards me with chopped brushwood to kindle the still unheated stove. (115 words)

(By E. Nosov)

We settled down on the bank of a small river, having decided to stop here for a while first. But within a short time the sky was completely covered with clouds. I had to find a clearing in the forest not far from the coast, surrounded on all sides by birch trees. We decided to spend the night here, because it was convenient to set up tents and make a fire here.
Meanwhile, the clouds, huddled together, slowly turned into a thundercloud that covered the entire sky. Its edges were as if silvered by some wonderful light. The sky was covered with a heavy veil, frowned in autumn, and a downpour that did not stop for a minute began. It just stopped in the morning. The sky turned blue, cleared of clouds, but the earth still kept traces of bad weather. To the right and left of the tents, puddles glittered in the rays of the sun. (110 words)

Far, far away lived-there were snowflakes. They were born in a cloud flying high, high above the earth, and each of them was beautiful in its own way.
One was like glittering sparks, another was like a silvery-white hoarfrost, the third sparkled, as if gem.
The earth waited impatiently for the snowflakes to appear. She also wanted to dress up for the holidays. But the wind, preventing the snowflakes from slowly descending to the ground, whirled them in the air, tossing them up, forcing them to dance to their restless music.
Despite the efforts of the wind, snowflakes fell to the ground, covering it from above with a white blanket. Behind the snowy stream, neither field, nor forest, nor river was visible. Some travelers lay down on the slopes of ravines, others settled down for the night in the forest. There were also those who inadvertently descended in the middle of the road.
On the earth, magically transformed, a white carpet was spread. (115 words)

(By M. Ilyin, E. Segal)


There were no green foothills overgrown with forests. The mountains appeared unexpectedly. They began with a sheer cliff, rising up. Wind, water during the past centuries have worked hard on it. In many places, layers of heterogeneous stone were clearly visible, sometimes lying flat, sometimes inconceivably skewed and broken. In some places they resembled skillfully made masonry.
The wall facing north was never illuminated by the sun, so the border of eternal snows descended low here. Long before it, the trees began to grow smaller and thinner, then completely disappeared. Beneath the wall was a grassy wasteland, and a road ran along it. She also tried not to press herself against the wall. But nothing can stop life. Even along the wall itself tenacious bushes crawled up, grown from seeds brought here by birds or the wind. (119 words) 5 Talk about a comma.

Vocabulary dictation No. 1. Unpronounceable and doubtful consonants
Agency, assistant, be silent, disinterested, impartial, insensitive, flash, blocky, sad, sad, long live, conscientious, official, plank, cheerful, provincial, intelligent, skillful, fiber, commandant's, grainy, laboratory assistant, landscape, scale, mouthpiece , confidant, fury, ranger, neighborhood, danger, parliamentary, transmitter, defector, cross.

Vocabulary dictation No. 2. Unpronounceable and doubtful consonants (continued)
Scribe, overwhelm, sandy, superficially, subscriber, by the bridle, late, still, fellow traveler, lean, regale, handwriting, festive, harbinger, foreboding, lovely, scout, send out (from send), spread out (from spread), rare , x-ray, eyelash, peer, fisherman, peer, secular, verbal, conscientious, joint, passionate, crazy, edible, reed, tourist, painful, heavy, county, abolish, participate, crunch, private, march (go), patronize ( be the chef), furious, food.

Vocabulary dictation number 3. Words with double consonants
Accompaniment, accompany, accordion, battery, neat, allegory, alligator, abstract, antenna, apparatus, appetite, application, artillery, assistant, assortment, certificate, attraction, affect, score, ballast, ballon, barricade, bacillus, insomnia, diamond, unsuffixed, villa, reins, scorched, gamma, gibbon, hippo, gorilla, gram, flu, diagram, discussion, trained, yeast, scorched, buzz, illusion, illumination, illustration, immunity, intellect, intelligent, art, calligraphy, cassette, classics, colleague, team, collection, colossus (giant).

Vocabulary dictation No. 4. Words with double consonants (continued)
Commission, commentary, compress, compromise, congress, coral, correct, correspondent, corrosion, cottage, crystal, cross, crossword, massage, array, metal, mission, narcissus, short story, occupation, Odessa (Odessa), parallel, passenger, passive , platform, pessimism, press, progress, propeller, profession, process, calculate, director, savannah, shelving, telegram, tennis, terrace, territory, ton, track, trolley bus, troupe, tunnel, hockey, hockey player, hall, cellophane, chassis , highway, express, effect.

Dictionary dictation number 5. Words with double consonants. Words without double consonants
Aluminum, actress, Belarusian, Belarusian (but: Belarus, Belarusian), grumble, volleyball, gallery, living room, hotel, humanism, landing, dessert, amateur, drama, imitation, caricature, column, corridor, crystal, midget, semolina, operetta , official, officer, privilege, producer, race, calculation, prudent, calculated, resource, abstract, three-ton, hard worker, Finnish, elite.

Vocabulary dictation No. 6. PRE- and PRI-
Stay somewhere, arrive somewhere, despise the traitor, despise the orphan, stop, transform, overcome, obstacle, claim, claim, close the door, make dreams come true, plans; get used to, cook, order, adventure, try on clothes, reconcile enemies, acquire, adapt, be present, pretend to be sick, contradict, stumbling block, dowry of the bride, dowry, privilege, priority.

Vocabulary dictation No. 7. O-E-E after hissing
Jockey, juggler, heartburn, major, burn (n.), arson (n.), burned (verb), gluttonous, undershirt, ratchet, slum, thicket, prim, ramrod, saddler, rustle, twine, lit, chewed, gutter , purse, not counting, defect, worthless, liver, hairstyle, millet, lattice, clear, whisper, dandy, alkali, roaming, uprooting, tension, overnight, dissociate, baked, condensed milk, dried, crushed, stew, scientist , camel, vershok, deacon, kumachovy, novice, hacksaw, brocade, little hand, small river, conductor, trainee.

Vocabulary dictation No. 8. Н and НН in different parts of speech
Chewed, forged, windy (man, day), windy (engine, smallpox, mill), silver, wooden, glass, pewter, dowry (bride), attached importance, imprisoned, imprisoned father, desired, cutesy, given, unexpected , desperate, sacred, unprecedented, unheard of, mad, outlandish, ancient, bottomless, insomnia, abandoned, smart, ice cream, nephew, birthday boy, wounded, woven.

Vocabulary dictation No. 9. Н and НН in different parts of speech (continued)
Hobbled, woolen, coming of age, admirer, confusion, punctuation, zealous, calculated, well-worn, beaten, enameled, artificial, dime, debatable, qualified, classified, out of the blue, swindler, hard worker, the above, spoiled, intruder, occupied, lit, length, long, gifted, notorious, unwritten, unbidden.

Vocabulary dictation number 10. Compound nouns
Flight attendant, vice president, military leader, unfortunate, lumberjack, Ivan da Marya (plant), stationery, kilowatt-hour, false prophet, camouflage coat, coltsfoot (plant), miniskirt, museum apartment, nord west, vegetable store, foothold, press conference, prima ballerina, self-love, turnover, fourth-year student, South American.

Vocabulary dictation No. 11. Compound adjectives
Mutually perpendicular, vitamin-containing, highly intellectual, noteworthy, vitally important, ideological and political, green-blue, sweet and sour, tongue-tied, monetary, left-handed, literary-critical, as close as possible, lightning-fast, scientifically substantiated, popular science, mutually beneficial, socially useful, socio-political, official business, slavishly submissive, widely accessible.

7th grade. Words with unchecked spellings (alphabetically)

Vocabulary dictation No. 12. A
Subscription, entrant, adventure, unit, lawyer, adjutant, academy, accompaniment, allegory, amphitheater, analogy, anomaly, anonymous, applause, fittings, artillery, rearguard, astronomy, attraction, applique, appeal.

Vocabulary dictation No. 13. B
Crimson, grocery, beat the buckets, balance, ballerina, ballast, balloon, barometer, velvet, battalion, battery, fringe, concrete, twine, can, binoculars, bisector, blockade, hero, boycott, swamp, burgundy, bracelet, tarpaulin, diamond , brochure, sandwich, newsletter.

Vocabulary dictation No. 14. In
Car, vacancy, vacuum, vaccine, mitten, cheesecake, bicycle, fan, camel, string, spindle, vermicelli, vestibule, veteran, ham, visit, vinaigrette, cello, virtuoso, stained-glass window, showcase, station, volleyball, red tape, fiber, Magic.

Vocabulary dictation No. 15. G
Dimension, harbor, lawn, haberdashery, gallery, garage, wardrobe, harmony, garrison, general, ingenious, geology, dahlia, herbarium, hybrid, hygiene, gymnastics, hyperbole, hypothesis, garland, fee, horizon, preparation, gradation, grammar, literacy, grimace, humanism.

Vocabulary dictation No. 16. D
Motto, deserter, disinfection, recitation, declaration, delegation, delicacy, demi-season, demobilization, democracy, landing, dessert, defect, hyphen, diagnosis, diagonal, dialect, diameter, range, saboteur, division, diet, amateur, diplomat, director, conductor, dispatcher, discipline, donor, thoroughly.

Vocabulary dictation No. 17. E-I
Huntsman, raccoon, jacket, jargon, jasmine, coveted, pearl, token, vest, juggler, marshmallow, ignore, hierarchy, hieroglyph, illumination, imitation, inventory, frost, engineer, initial, intellect, intelligent, interval, interior, incident, true.

Vocabulary dictation No. 18. K
Cable, cabin, cavalry, quotation marks, pun, watchtower, kalach, kaleidoscope, calendar, calligraphy, calorie, tuning fork, closet, campaign (event), ditch, canal, cannonade, chancery, loaf, caravan, quarantine, guard, caricature, carcass , carnival, cornice, cardboard, saucepan, catalogue, catastrophe, penal servitude, scarf, chestnut, cabin, receipt.

Vocabulary dictation No. 19. K
Kangaroo, ceramics, cybernetics, cypress, muslin, clarinet, holster, gingerbread, feather grass, colleague, team, column, color, ear (for cereals), colossus (giant), cap, collective farm, harvester, plant, comedy, comet, commission , chest of drawers, company (society, associations, enterprise), compass, compensation, compliment, composer, component, compress, compromise, comfort, conveyor, conservatory, conspiracy, contingent, continent.

Vocabulary dictation No. 20. K
Contraband, contract, entertainer, confetti, confiscate, burner, concentrate, coral, basket, corridor, yoke, trough, astronaut, pit, head of cabbage, stiffen, poker, purse-lok, coefficient, nettle, credit, crystal, criterion, painstaking, cult trip.

Vocabulary dictation No. 21. L-M
Labyrinth, laboratory, infirmary, laconic, winner, shack, legend, liquidation, limit, linoleum, ankle, hollow, locomotive, shovel, flap, lottery, rags, hollow, mausoleum, highway, pasta, waste paper, mannequin, manifesto, margarine, puppet, median, medicine, mezzanine, melancholy, melody, memorial, meridian.

Vocabulary dictation No. 22. M-N-O
Metamorphosis, meteor, philanthropist, miniature, molecule, monologue, carrot, swindler, obsession, eve, negative, indignant, neologism, short story, charm, obelisk, cloud, swoon, smell, observatory, cologne, overcome, border, occupation, homonym, greenhouse, halo, original, orientation, spelling, officer, official, waiter, numb, stun.

Vocabulary dictation No. 23. P
Pavilion, tent, front garden, panorama, pantomime, paragraph, paradox, parachute, parquet, parliament, parody, partisan, perfumery, brocade, marshmallow, patriot, patient, shroud, dumplings, parchment, railing, perimeter, periscope, periphery, mother-of-pearl, perspective, infantry, pyramid.

Vocabulary dictation No. 24. P
Plantation, plasticine, plafond, controversy, polygon, purse, curtain, pedestal, president, rebuke, premiere, drug, claim, precedent, fastidious, privilege, priority, provisions, province, provocation, forecast, project, proclamation, propaganda, propeller, pseudonym, pedestal.

Vocabulary dictation No. 25. R-S
Ration, revolution, regulations, director, reservoir, residence, resonance, record, relic, cost-effective, repertoire, rehearsal, reporting, restoration, recipe, relapse, rhetoric, saxophone, napkin, locust, pipe, semaphore, sensation, service, sergeant, certificate, silhouette, cute, synonym, syntax, lilac, situation, space suit, shell, solidarity, sonata, rival, sports contest, specialist, standard, chisel, rack, scholarship, bustle.

Vocabulary dictation No. 26. T-U
Customs, plate, television, temperament, trend, axe, brake, torpedo, tragedy, trajectory, springboard, rammer, tram, transformer, trench, stencil, coach, drill, grandstand, pavement, trophy, ultimatum, rapture, hurricane, institution.

Vocabulary dictation No. 27. F-X
Faculty, fanatic, plywood, pharmacist, porcelain, facade, faience, federation (Russian Federation), extravaganza, fireworks, Phenomen, festival, philharmonic, branch, bottle, flannel, folio, phonetics, fountain, format, boost, piano, pediment, chameleon, chaotic, choreography, reader.

Vocabulary dictation No. 28. Ts-Ch-Sh-Sch
Cellophane, cement, mat, cistern, champion, attic, tile, pattern, hut, champignon, blackmail, charade, shy away, hinge, brown-haired, porter, masterpiece, line, rough, chimpanzee, overcoat, casket, barrier, twine, tripod, sorrel, ankles.

Vocabulary dictation No. 29. E-U-Z
Evacuation, evolution, egoist, equivalent, examiner, copy, crew, excavator, expedition, exploitation, exhibit, elastic, elegant, emigrant, encyclopedia, epidemic, episode, epic, escalator, overpass, whatnot, scaffold, echelon, scrambled eggs, fair, dish.

Vocabulary dictation no. 30. Adverbs and adverbs
Without asking, to no avail, incessantly, side by side, near, far, ford, above, plenty, far, doubly, to smithereens, after, locked up, in the end, briefly, at random, to the left, in moderation, in on - a laugh, below, in a draw, again, in exchange, in general, forever, on time, at all, truly, personally, in retaliation, for the first time, in front, in an undertone, subsequently, skipping,

Vocabulary dictation no. 31. Adverbs and adverbs
By surprise, scattered, hardly, seriously, gallop, relish, in the old days, secretly, three of us, until now, to failure, so far, to the full, to the ground, to the point of falling, long, again, at the same time, often, long ago, from afar, from within, occasionally, frowningly, surreptitiously, just, upwards, downwards, by the way, white, sideways, forever, backwards, in plain sight, for a while, forever, towards, by eye, tightly.

Vocabulary dictation No. 32. Adverbs and adverbial expressions
The other day, for a long time, alone, back, out of spite, by heart, on the eve, firmly, lightly, on the fly, for a moment, at random, backhand, flatly, to the touch, vying, racing, in defiance, for show, on the contrary, on a par, in a singsong voice, conscientiously , strictly, on an empty stomach, at random, on the move, on tiptoe, unwittingly, out of place, inopportunely, not on the shoulder, not away, for a reason, from here, from there, from there.

Vocabulary dictation No. 33. Adverbs and adverbial expressions
Partly, nearby, everywhere, at the end, longer, in a row, sometimes, the day before yesterday, in addition to, involuntarily, hearsay, in the middle, therefore, therefore, from the side, in appearance, from behind, outside, early in the morning, waking up, in a big way, immediately, exactly in - that's too much.