The game is mute how to attract rare fish. Nemo underwater world tips

The animated film Finding Nemo, which was released in 2003, was very popular with both children and adults. In the story, a small clown fish named Nemo sets out to meet unknown adventures and swims into previously unseen depths of the ocean. His dad, named Marlin, embarks on an equally dangerous journey, together with a royal, a little oddish, blue fish named Dory, in order to save his son. Throughout the journey, they meet various sea inhabitants who help them in their search for little Nemo, and support them in difficult trials. This cartoon so captured the world, because of its history and the colorfulness of the underwater world, that soon little Nemo entered the world as a character in many games. One of these, and in my opinion the only one of the best, is the game Nemo. Underwater world. According to the plot of the game, Nemo and his father decide to go to a wonderful and fabulous reef, where they decide to build themselves a new, happy and full of joy home. In the game, the fish need help to equip the reef and welcome all kinds of colorful fish.

Collect a collection of diverse and exclusive inhabitants of the underwater kingdom, which in the game has over 50 species. In order for the fish to come to visit, you need to collect and grow a variety of plants. And here everything is not so simple, since this must be done in a certain order and combinations, which can be called a kind of underwater bouquets. Also in the game there are friends Nemo and Marlin, and for them you also need to create beautiful, and comfortable seats habitat, build the best reef in all the seas and oceans of the earth. During the passage of the game, you can create exactly the world in which you think everything is perfect, and compare it with the worlds that your friends have created by visiting them. Although it seems that this game is designed only for children under 12 years old, this can be challenged, since playing Nemo Underwater World you can plunge into the world of childhood, learn new types of sea inhabitants and just have a very good and fun time, continuing your journey with good familiar cartoon characters.

Walkthrough Nemo Underwater World

How to complete the game Nemo Underwater World? watch the video:

“Nemo. Underwater World "- a fascinating strategy, the heroes of which are the characters of the famous cartoon" Disney "studio. The Great Barrier Reef is home to many marine life. Two clown fish also live here - Marlin and his inquisitive son Nemo, who loves adventure. Once in school, the clownfish learned that coral reefs can be grown. Nemo got the idea to create the most beautiful and cozy coral reef that one can only dream of. But one small fish cannot cope with such a large-scale task, and Marlin gladly comes to the aid of his son.

The player has at his disposal a small deserted area that needs to be sown with coral seeds and rare plants, decorate with interior items and build houses. The more comfortable and beautiful a growing coral reef looks like, the more new residents it will attract.

Looking for the seeds of rare plants that attract fish, the player receives a lot of interesting information about the underwater inhabitants. There are 50 types of fish in the game, and one of the tasks of the strategy is to collect them all into a collection. A lot of time in the game is devoted to training. There are many tasks to help you quickly understand the gameplay, tips and incentive labels.

“Nemo. Underwater World "- a colorful strategy in which you can build your own unique coral reef, inhabited by amazing underwater inhabitants.

How to download Nemo. Underwater world on the computer

Let's use the Droid4X Android application emulator to install the strategy. Download the installer for your computer. When the installer is loaded on the PC, we activate the installation of the emulator with any in a convenient way... Then click on the "Install" button.

The installer will be minimized on the screen to the notification area. You can check how the installation is going by moving the mouse cursor to the emulator icon on the panel.

Droid4X will start automatically after the installation is complete. Now the program will start configuring its parameters.

At the same time, you can take a little tutorial on how to use Droid4X.

When the Android system is installed, open main screen emulator. To search for a game, we need a tab called AppStore.

Then we go to google page Play. The search form is located at the top of the screen - enter the name of the strategy into it, select desired option from the list of games and go to the application page by clicking on its name or picture.

We click on the inscription "Install". The strategy will be installed on your computer in a few minutes.

Then you can start building your dream coral reef.

Check out the game this week Nemo Underwater World from the publisher Walt disney... Filed under Arcade.

This is what its icon looks like.

Let's start with the Appstore data, the cost of the application is Free rubles, then to download the game Nemo Underwater World you need to spend as much as 53.0 MB of traffic. Languages ​​that the game supports Russian, English, Spanish. This game was last updated on 07/25/2014, quite a long time ago. Probably the publisher Walt Disney scored on the app once she has latest version <<1.7.0>>. As for the permissible age: 8+, but someone is checking it. Well, also the compatibility of the game is as follows: Requires iOS 4.1 or later. Compatible with iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5c.

Now let's see what is written in the description for the game:

The official Disney app is completely in Russian!


Nemo and his father Marlin are going to build the best reef to surprise Nemo's friends. Help Nemo create the best place recreation for the inhabitants of the ocean and learn the secrets of building underwater houses.
* Nemo's adventures at the bottom of the ocean!
* Create your own underwater paradise.
* Build dwellings on the reef for your favorite characters - Dory, Gill, Bubble, Bulk, Crush and many more!
* Choose from different combinations of plants and decorations to delight Nemo's friends and exotic fish.
* Find and plant rare seeds to attract rare and mysterious fish to the reef.
* Collect over 50 species of fish on the reef for your underwater world was even more varied!
* Visit your friends' reefs and see what fish they managed to lure!

"Well, the publisher Walt Disney did their best over the description. But the number of reviews: 2751 reviews is not very impressive. And how can I miss the screenshots of Nemo Underwater World in my review

well, how can it be without additional description

What's new in version 1.7.0

Meet summer in the game "Nemo. Underwater world"! Check out what's in store for the newest update!

Find your way to the top! Complete five new levels, dive into new challenges for levels 51-55!
... Unlock plant combinations, attract fish to the reef and use the explorer's right to name your fish!
... There are new tabs in the collections section - you can finally admire the fish from the treasure chests!
... Give your reef fresh look, decorate your underwater hideaway to your liking by saving the plants in the new vault!
... Come back every day to try your luck with new Rewards of the Day!

But keywords by which they are looking this game:

Let's take a look at the reviews about the game Nemo Underwater World:

Not very
Fuuuu! Don't download!
The toy is so-so, it also costs 1 rub.
After today's update, the error Id 33500 does not load, the server is not available
After downloading the update, the game stopped loading, constantly writes "@ [email protected] server is not available"@ [email protected]!
The game is not intrusive, but at the same time addictive. The tasks are not difficult to complete. And the colorful underwater world and calm music is relaxation

let's see where they donate most often:

  • set of 85 pearls: 66 p.
  • set of 400 algae: 66 p.
  • set of 1200 pearls: 799 р.
  • 1600 sand dollars: 66 p.
  • Family package: 129 rub.
  • set of 1100 algae: 169 p.
  • Paris Girls Item Package: 33 р.
  • set of 200 algae: 33 rub.
  • set of 220 pearls: 169 р.
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    The underwater world has always been interesting to anyone from early childhood. And almost everyone is familiar with a perky and proud fish named Nemo modern man... This orange fish with snow-white stripes is the same star as Shrek and other characters of incredibly popular cartoons. But Nemo has nothing to do with wizards and fairies. Therefore, today the kid will need the help of the participants in an exciting toy. Apparently Marlin, who is the father of the protagonist, again could not keep the boy. Passion for the adventures of an underwater adventurer, again led Nemo to solve new problems.

    But, with such efficient processes, and the father of the asterisk, will agree. Today, players are invited to help a fish, which has only one fin, to build an underwater reef with dignity. In this entertaining process, no one will rush the participants. After all, construction is quite serious, and the main thing here is not speed. So lovers of calm toys can breathe a sigh of relief. This is exactly what they have been looking for for so long! And some secrets of successful construction great houses, every player will find out in an underwater paradise. Beautiful Nemo, loved by the public, like him best friends with other interesting fish, they will be very happy good choice participants in the game.

    This selection of a wide variety of combinations of various plants and intricate decorations can captivate any player for a long time. If you bring together a lot of fish, the underwater universe will be much more diverse and beautiful. By the way, if you plant special seeds in the ground, which the guys will surely come across in this virtual creation, you can attract rare species of fish. I must say that the simplicity of the upcoming actions captivates. Simulators are always interesting for players. Although many people have a passion for such entertainment after the release of the legendary "The Sims", the sea is no worse than simulators real life people.

    The freedom to act is captivating. It is the participants in the process who will decide what kind of corals will grow on their incomparable reef! In addition, the game Nemo Underwater World will give the participants experience and financial resources for growing new vegetation. The beauty of the underwater planet attracts special people. Far from every person would want to become a fish in the next life. But in the game, every sane participant in an entertaining action will want to feel like a resident of an unfamiliar universe. Forward!

    This time we met the heroes of our beloved cartoon in the “Nemo. Underwater world". This entertaining game plunges us into the wonderful world of underwater depths, where Nemo and his dad Marlin are faced with the task of building the most beautiful reef in the entire ocean.

    During the construction process, we have to perform many different tasks, for which a generous reward is due. We must plant corals, algae and other marine plants, fertilize them and collect sand dollars, for which in the future we will need to purchase seeds and decorations necessary for the development of the reef.

    Nemo must build houses for his friends and attract new residents to the reef. To do this, the game provides tips that help create conditions suitable for the most amazing inhabitants of the depths. In total, more than 50 species of rare fish and other mysterious creatures may appear in the collection. Together with Nemo, we gain new knowledge about how the reef grows and develops, and then we test it by completing special tasks from Mr. Scat.

    The game provides the opportunity to travel through the reefs of friends, help them in their daily activities, as well as complete team tasks.
    Of course, the game was originally set for my daughter, but alas, the declared age of 4+ does not correspond to reality. Not knowing how to read, the child is unlikely to be able to understand the essence of the game. Consequently, among the younger generation of our family, the game remained unclaimed.

    But the older generation liked Nemo's adventures. In fact, this is an underwater "farm" that grows and develops thanks to your efforts. Good graphics that convey the depth of the ocean, pleasant music and easy controls create only a positive impression of the game. I was glad that daily bonuses and other rewards allow you not to use in-app purchases. This is a calm and measured game for those who do not like to rush. If you or your child loves simulation games, then this is the one for you!

    official trailer


    In the app there is - In-app purchases