Vocabulary dictation for spelling. Class


Vocabulary dictation No. 1. Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of a word

Immediate, assigned, lay, report, state, reported, taxation, salt deposition, enclose, believe, canopy, offer, sentence, adjective, application, decompose, term.

Grow, age, grown, homegrown, thicket, branch, overgrow, grow up, teenage, germinate, plant, grow, vegetable, usurer, branch, grow together.

Vocabulary dictation No. 2. Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of a word

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump off, jump off, jump off.

Ignition, burn out, burner, combustible, burn out, tanned, burn out, burn, burn out, burnt out, burnt, burn, spontaneous combustion, charred, burn out.

Glow, dawn, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, illumination, dawn, dawn, lightning, dawn.

Vocabulary dictation No. 3. Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of a word

bow, lean, steady, deviate, worship, admirer, bow, bow.

Tangent, touching, rigorously, touching, touching, touching.

Shine, shine, brilliant, attentive, burning out, shine, bully, freeze, entertaining, lock, unlock, wash, wipe, spread, spread, inexplicable, measure, shortchange, scold, burning.

Vocabulary dictation No. 4. Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of a word

Soak all the contents, wet in the rain, soaked, dip the pen in ink, wood lice, sputum, waterproof, blotting, blotter, moisten.

Level, level the surface, incomparable, incomparable, trim the edges, trim in the ranks, equate the values, level the bed, level the page, balanced.

Swim, swim, swim, swimming, swimming, beetle - swimmer, buoyancy, swimmer, swimmer, quicksand, float, swim.

Vocabulary dictation No. 5. Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of a word

Sunbathe on the beach, burn on the fire, protect yourself from sunburn, burnt porridge, tanned baby, gas burning, runs like mad, gas burner, remove soot, flare up in the oven, burn out quickly, firewood burned out, burn out to the ground, the fire flares up.

Clean the apartment, clean the closet, wipe the floor, wipe the dust, lock the door, lean on a stick, rub my back, get ready for the cinema, I will choose a song, wipe the windows, lay a tablecloth, pick mushrooms, freeze with fear.

Vocabulary dictation number 6.

Abstract, liquidate, cooperative, loyal, puppet, materialism, drugs, modernize, nominative, bond, opposition, reckless, orator, industry, pamphlet, parliament, liability, patient, vicissitudes, perspective, privilege, principle, project, journalism, ultimatum, phenomenon, electrification, label.

Vocabulary dictation number 7.

Administration, amphitheater, arsenal, artillery, asphalt, auditorium, battalion, mezzanine, disinterested, noble, notebook, future, restore, subsequently, gallery, guarantee, harmony, garrison, hypothesis, hotel, plenum, clinic, potential, proportion, rationalization, reactionary, registration, regression, resonance, reconstruction, reputation.

Vocabulary dictation number 8.

Ideal, ideal, perfect, millennium, column, reactive, reaction, perspective, prototype, etymology, etymological, sketch, communication, original, reproduction, original, panorama, outlook, living room, to accompany, in different ways, a long time ago, differently new, in its own way, after all, as if, future, next.

Vocabulary dictation number 9.

Role, debut, motto, real, decorative, delicate, demonstration, diploma, discussion, discipline, landmark, plank, apologize, pictorial, illumination, illustration, intellectual, natural, catharsis, colloquium, council, sabotage, orderly, segment, senate, separate, simulator, scholarship, sovereignty.

Vocabulary dictation number 10.

Pessimist, argue, pedestal, presidium, premiere, pretend, pretender, claim, join, priority, problem, progress, progressive, searchlight, profession, review, pride, evidence, silhouette, symphony, solidarity, specialty, blackmail, equivalent, copy, exploitation, external, emergency, enthusiasm, epidemic, escapade

Vocabulary dictation number 11.

Novel not yet completed, recently arranged, building not built, incredible experiments, collection of ornamental plants, shoes not made of leather, not a difficult task, not a difficult task at all, completely unexplored area, unnoticed object, about an alien inhabitant, unnoticed mistake, enlightenment despite the bad weather , implacable fighter.

Vocabulary dictation number 12.

Genuine art, reveals the true position, the writer's worldview, is depicted in the work, an enlightened people, the same age as the century, a dumb creature, denunciation of vices, inert views, socio-political, you listen intently, the troops are concentrated on the border, they fight desperately, they look frowningly, you look stealthily.

Vocabulary dictation No. 13. Based on the play by A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”.

Depict, embody, contrast, foreign clients, wordless, gallomania, living room, Decembrist, life ideals, art, low worshiper, serf-owner, office, sister-in-law, project, Chatsky, crazy, socio-political, secretary, gallery, carbonary, character, swindler , spokesman, enlightenment, anemone, sergeant major, silence, vacancy, bribery, calendar, institution, careerism, dignitary, ancient legends, conflict, embody.

Dictation number 14. Punctuation in a compound sentence

1) The sky quickly grew dim, and the first stars began to flash on it. (V. Myasnikov) 2) It suddenly got dark, and he lost his way. 3) Suddenly, the trail jumped onto the track, and I had to slow down. 4) The sun was approaching the horizon, and it became cool. 5) The moon came out again, and short, sharp shadows of the ledges appeared on the stone surface of the slope. (V. Pelevin) 6) Flowers and herbs cover the green hill, and the rays never penetrate here. (A. Blok)

Dictation number 15. Punctuation in a compound sentence

1) Suddenly the sun went behind a cloud, and the panorama of the bay, opened from a height, began to produce an almost fantastic impression. 2) The lights lit up, and the conversation became more audible. (L. Tolstoy) 3) The firefight began to subside, and soldiers animated by the conversation poured out of the side street. (L. Tolstoy) 4) Somewhere in the depths of the apartment, hurried steps were heard, and the door swung open. (A. Adamov) 5) His penetratingly sad gaze was fixed on the window, and with his free hand he stroked the dog sitting next to him. (V. Pelevin) 6) The clouds around were high and rare, with a bright blue edge from the moonlight, and because of this the sky seemed several times higher than usual. (V. Pelevin)

Dictation number 16. Complex sentences and punctuation marks in them.

1) If the cuckoo cuckooed, then it's time to sow flax. (Proverb) 2) When I passed him, he turned away and began to look at the glass door to the street. (K. Evgrafov) 3) He took on any job without even thinking about whether he would be able to cope with it. 4) The next morning, although it was rainy and cold, I allowed myself to walk around my native places. 5) As they moved forward through the silky water, the contours of the island became clearer.

Dictation number 17. Complex sentences and punctuation marks in them.

Make sentence schemes, indicating the type of subordinate clauses.

1) The poplar that he once planted near the school was cut down. 2) It is strange that he did not worry and did not rejoice. (V. Shukshin) 3) It turned out that the poem became, as it were, Pushkin's poetic testament. (E.Mailin) ​​4) The black water of the lake was so heavy that, absorbing sunlight, it did not reflect it. (V. Konstantinov) 5) What I am going to tell will be useful for everyone to listen to. 6) As soon as I was in a crowded, lit place, my fear went away. 7) Until this knot is unraveled, I will not find peace. 8) When this person smiled, he became attractive.

Dictation number 18. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses

1) It is quite possible that we will never know who wrote The Tale of Igor's Campaign unless some unexpected discovery is made. 2) Once I got up before everyone else, because the day before I noticed several figs on the tree, which were supposed to ripen during the night. (F. Iskander) 3) “Good road,” said the uncle and let go of the reins only after the horse set off, so that it would not seem that the owner was in a hurry to get rid of his guest. (F. Iskander) 4) After the travelers went to the lake, it snowed, which very quickly turned into a fierce blizzard. (V.Malov) 5) The foreman went on his own, because the leaders must go first when danger threatens. (M. Semenova) 6) Poems, to which he had not previously had any inclination, shocked him to such an extent that for several weeks he could not think of anything else, and then he began to write himself. (V. Pelevin)

Dictation No. 19. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.

1) After a few tens of meters, when the path turned into a narrow cornice, under which there was nothing but a hundred-meter void and the sea, the remnants of sleep flew off him completely. (V. Pelevin) 2) I closed my eyes again to give myself, without moving, an account of how I found myself here, in the open air, on the bank of a splashing river. (V. Korolenko) 3) I had to compose a long story that did not correspond much to what really happened to him. (R. Belousov) 4) At first I did not delve into the essence of the conversation that reached me, but very soon I involuntarily listened, although I could not determine exactly what exactly alerted me. (E. Yakovleva) 5) Clouds floated silently, which, from their own gravity, descended to the bed of a winding slow river to accompany it to the very ocean. (E. Krestovsky)

Dictation No. 20. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses with conjunctions and allied words standing side by side.

1) He only remembered that when he himself finished his course of study, his father sent him away. (I. Goncharov) 2) It is felt that when he collected material for his story of Pugachev and when he wrote it, in this case he remained primarily a poet. (E. Mailin) ​​3) It is known that when the gentlemen fight, the serfs' forelocks begin to shake. (A. Konstantinov) 4) More than anything else, I wanted to sleep, because I felt that if I fell asleep quickly enough, I would wake up again by myself. (V. Pelevin) 5) However, he understood well that if you don’t get down to business, you still won’t know what the end will be. (O. Pogorelov) 6) Do you really agree that when you are hit on your right cheek, you need to turn your left? (O. Pogorelov)

Dictation No. 21. A comma in a non-union complex sentence.

1) It was quiet, only the splash of waves came from behind the high side. 2) I suddenly felt a surge of strength, my vision became sharper, the distant rocks seemed to move towards me, I discerned all the details of their steep slopes. 3) The same frozen silence surrounded me, not the slightest fluctuation of the air was felt. 4) The mountains were low, their bare peaks rose three hundred meters. 5) Waves from a seven-kilometer height were not noticeable, the shiny surface of the water seemed to be convex. 6) A felled spruce collapsed with a crash, another one fell behind it.

Dictation No. 22. Colon in an allied sentence.

1) Everything was clear: they confused the direction and went in the opposite direction. (A. Ivanov) 2) Look: river waters flow meekly. (E. Baratynsky) 3) The rivers of the North have their own, special smell: they smell like wood, because timber is rafted along them. (F. Abramov) 4) We won't see you tomorrow: I'm leaving before dawn. (N. Gogol) 5) The road that could drive straight to the house was blocked: repairs were underway. (A. Marinina) 6) The weirdo had one feature: something constantly happened to him. (V. Shukshin) 7) The place here is magnificent: a steep cliff descends, a marvelous view of the sea. 8) My expectations were not in vain: on the left flashed a steep cliff of a deep gorge, with grass at the bottom, the same gorge into which we had to go deep. (I. Efremov)

Dictation No. 23. A dash in a non-union complex sentence.

1) If you go into such a hut in winter, it doesn’t smell like a living spirit. (V. Shukshin) 2) You enter the forest on a moonlit night - there will be no count of miracles. (O. Konstantinova) 3) Our happiness, my friend, is like water in a nonsense: you pull - it puffed up, but you pull it out - there is nothing. (L. Tolstoy) 4) They are talking about strength, but push anyone into the water now - it will blow bubbles in one minute. (V. Shukshin) 5) A little light - already on your feet! (A.Griboyedov) 6) I want to go to him - you drag it with you. (A.Griboedov) 7) Philosophize - the mind will spin. (A. Griboyedov) 8) Bow - they will not nod dumber. (A.Griboyedov) 9) Be inferior, but if there are two thousand family souls, that is the groom. (A.Griboyedov) 10) I want to forget - you can't forget. (V. Bryusov) 11) There was a cry - everyone poured out into the yard. 12) A crack was heard - the tree collapsed down. 13) Kick - the ball flies into the net.

Dictation number 24. Punctuation marks in complex sentences with various types of communication.

I. 1) I absolutely could not resist his charm, and when he smiled at me, I involuntarily stretched my lips in an answering smile and felt absolutely happy. (A. Marinina) 2) The bear cub, accustomed to life among people, grumbled a little, but when they gave him a big fresh fish, he took up delicacy and again stopped paying attention to the gathered people. (M. Semenova) 3) Inside the studio it turned out to be quite decent, and judging by the number of all kinds of letters hung neatly on the walls, it was simply outstanding. (A. Adamov) 4) Her eyes were young, shiny, and when she put on glasses while working, her eyes became very round and even a little mischievous, like a teenager's. (V. Lidin) 5) The heat flowed from the stones, and if you look along the beach, it seemed that it was not the air hovering over the stones, but the boulders themselves moving. (A.Konovko)

Dictation No. 25. Punctuation marks in complex sentences with various types of communication.

1) The Trinity began to move towards the exit from the hall, and when it almost approached the doors, two people in blue uniforms entered the room ... (A. Glebov) 2) Some young man without a hat, with a bundle in his hand, stood on the pavement, and when the carriage caught up with him, he suddenly threw the bundle under the horse's feet. (Yu. Trifonov) 3) He generally did not like to read books; and if he sometimes looked into a fortune-telling book, it was because he liked to meet there something familiar, read several times already. (N. Gogol) 4) I thought about her words and, when I again wanted to turn to her with some question, I saw that Tanya was sleeping quietly, her head bowed on her shoulder. (I. Efremov) 5) But this is what is interesting: when you climb from the valley to the deserted snow-capped peaks, you cross many natural areas and at some point you notice that a birch grove begins right at the side of the highway, then birches and lindens grow, it seems that just about in the gap between the trees there will be modest houses of an ordinary Russian village, a couple of cows grazing outside the outskirts, and, of course, the dome of a small log church. (V. Pelevin)

Vocabulary dictation is one of the types of language learning exercises in which students hear words and then reproduce them in writing. This exercise is especially important when consolidating knowledge of vocabulary words.

Before giving a dictionary dictation, the teacher works with the students on each word: the meaning of the words is revealed, the variant of the correct spelling is considered, the words are used in various sentences.

For example, if the topic of the lesson is numerals, the teacher tells the students about the history of numbers, the formation of numerals, in particular, the word “eleven” is considered as formed from the union “one by ten”. Hence the double "H". After that, it is explained that the numerals from 50 to 90 are formed from the phrases: “five tens” - “fifty”, “six tens” - “sixty”. The origin of the numerals "one and a half hundred", "forty", "million", etc. is also explained.

The words used in the dictionary dictation can be offered both separately and in phrases, usually thematically grouped. The peculiarity of this work is that students pay attention to certain spellings. The material used in vocabulary dictations can be further used to compose separate sentences or texts. It is important to consider that the same words must be used in spelling work several times at certain intervals.

The vocabulary dictation is given from 5 to 10 minutes.

This type of work is very relevant and is often used to form spelling vigilance. The text is compiled by the teacher himself, using both the methods described above and new ones developed by him.

As a material for a vocabulary dictation, you can use excerpts from literary works that students get acquainted with in class or on their own, according to an extracurricular reading program. Texts for vocabulary dictations are also given in the methodological literature for teachers, they can be compiled on the basis of the material of the periodical press. True, in the latter case, it should be borne in mind that not every text published in the modern press fully complies with the canons of the Russian language. In any case, the material selected for the dictation should be varied, interesting, broadening the horizons of students, enriching their speech and meeting educational requirements.

Vocabulary dictation will bring results only if this type of work is used regularly, and the material selected for it is interesting and varied. In this case, the teacher should rely on various types of memory and intellectual activity. The result of this painstaking work will be an increase in spelling vigilance, which, together with linguistic flair, becomes the basis for the formation of the skill of literate writing.

Methodology for organizing vocabulary dictation

There are several types of vocabulary dictations:

With a hint. The meaning of this work is that the teacher reminds the students of part of the spelling rule, but the students themselves must write the word correctly. The work looks like this: the word is pronounced, then the part of the word where the spelling is located is called, and several of its identifying features are called. Based on this information, children write a word;

With self check. First, a series of words or a single word is written down, then the teacher calls spellings, students check the word and highlight the spelling;

With continuation. Students must make up their own sentences with the word given by the teacher.

Dictation number 1.
A long time ago, apparently-invisibly, willy-nilly, exactly the same, side by side, little by little, nothing, nothing, not at all, not at all, postman, objection, receipt, genuine, bare, shattered, gallery, concentrated, epidemic, necklace, indomitable, genuine, Russia, rush, as if, somehow, rush, combination, distance, desired, oil pancakes, oil paints, pool, slow, attentive, sacred, unexpected, accurate, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected , uninvited, unexpected, chewed, forged, wounded fighter, driven, striking, stop, claim, be careful, be present, art, skillful, depict, reflect, expose, gate.

Dictation number 2. Case endings of participles.
About the flag fluttering in the wind; falling maple leaf smelling of hay; by the rippling lake; along a river smoked by fog; at the spreading forest swamp; springing from the ground with keys; trunks of birches stretched to the sky; in the stormy sea; a shot that sounded in the forest; walked with a gliding step; a bird floating near the shore; overgrown bush; about birds flying away for the winter; in a moving object; downstream; cleared path; in a sinking haze; in a grove darkened by an approaching cloud.

Dictation number 3. Spelling of participle suffixes.
You will see fog creeping over the river; decision depending on the circumstances; a thought that disturbs you; mercilessly stinging mosquitoes; it will burst like rain sowing through a sieve; thundering waterfall; driven by fear; treated with herbs; rumbling thunder; barely breaking dawn; crying baby; cultivated plants; splashing wave; a ship in distress; leaves swayed by the wind; hoping for help; snowflakes melting on the cheeks; a waterfall gurgling in the distance; about a house under construction; self-adhesive wallpaper; rushing from side to side; worried about exam results; barely visible in the dark; chirping bird; dependent on the weather; recommended book to read; from stinging bees; a ship fighting the waves; barely audible whisper; chasing a hare; at a barking dog; in the mist spreading over the river.

Dictation No. 4. Vowels in the past participles before the suffixes -НН- (-Н-), -ВШ-.
Heard a rustle; hated lies; offending the baby; toiling from the heat; honored; melted snow; dispelled the seeds; sowing fear; dispelling doubts; smelling the beast; pasted posters; rolled out barrel; pumped out oil; hung pictures; hung flour; mixed paints; implicated in a crime; kneaded dough; who ruled the horses; who saw the picture; sowing rye; thawed earth; meeting friends; built a house; stinging a child; barking dog; depending on the circumstances; tied a knot; desperate person.

Dictation No. 5. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in participles and verbal adjectives.
unsalted soup; fresh-frozen fish; freshly frozen pike perch; purchased books; darned socks; sowing flour; torn sleeve; confused answer; patent leather shoes; lightly wounded soldier; a soldier wounded in the arm; fried in oil; woven tablecloth; tangled threads; painted floor; painted floor; uncut meadow; painted with oil paint; golden nuts; washed linen; laundry washed many times; written beauty; butter pancake; the letter is written, read, sent; finished book; noticed errors; loaded with bricks; buttered bread; gold woven suit.

Dictation number 6.
Sucker Punch; divided principalities; ripe gooseberries; arson of a barn; severe burn; set fire to hay; cheap look; coarse hair; thickened place; reed cat; nightingale clicking; small river; pitiful little soul; equipped with new appliances; generalized topic; smoked ceiling; lined with bricks; lead clouds; dejected look; someone else's garden enjoy the scenery baked loaf; dedicated to friends; simplified task; near a large building; barking dog.

Dictation number 7. NOT with participles.
Unopened letter; a letter not opened by the father; the letter is not printed; not written, but printed text; the floors are not painted; not painted with oil paint; not a thoughtful decision at all; never knowing fear; not stopping at any obstacle; an unexplored question; perplexed about the behavior of a classmate; not yet occupied house; uninhabited houses on the outskirts; water is not spilled; irreparable defect; the briefcase is not leather; hated falsehood; was not at school; the jacket is not brown; not wide, but deep river; the fire is not extinguished; things are not collected; the essay is not written; unwritten essay on literature; not yet sown fields; not knowing fatigue; not loud, but quiet conversation; mutters something indistinct; ignoramus in music; not handsome, but simply cute; acted far from nicely; futility of thoughts.

Dictation number 8. Vowels in gerunds and verbs before suffixes.
Cherished a dream; offending the baby; having built a house; built a garage saw a mouse; seeing a fire; sowed peas; sowing the field; taped neatly; upset parents; upset by the news; upset by the news; starting a dispute; offended by a friend; losing hope; relying on a friend; putting emphasis; starting a dispute; started a quarrel; noticing an error; having repented of the deed; quickly calmed down; heard a rustle; hearing noise; noticed a light; noticing the approach of the ship.

Dictation number 9.
Gallery, combination, express, tamp, neat, innovator, chewed, unexpected, sacred, stop, slow, striking, cavalry, silhouette, aligned, claim, as if, bare, unseen, chivalrous, press, unintentional, forged, driven, stop , distance, pool, authentic, true, desired, somehow, silver, adventure, unheard of, distort, generous, sublime, bare, eyelash, oblong, majestic, regal, reflect, arise, be, overcome, black-haired, turquoise, be present , parachute, gate, obstacle, somewhere, art, slay.

Dictation number 10. Н, НН in suffixes of adjectives.
Windy day, valuable thing, earthen rampart, hawk's beak, bee's nest, glass frame, art gallery, duck cry, authentic copy, silverware, courageous deed, solemn day, drum roll, oat field, tower crane, leather bag, wooden horses , moonlit night, long road, state plan, unexpected guest, grass cover, sandy shore, earthen vessel, antique, tin soldiers, windless morning, ruddy baby, windless night, pork ham.

Dictation number 11. The letters E and I in the prefixes NE- and NI- negative adverbs
No time to go to the theater; there is no help from anywhere; nowhere to wait for news; nowhere to stay; there was no light anywhere; not at all afraid; no way to reach; not met anywhere; never receive letters from anywhere; nothing is heard from anywhere; not at all surprised; never denied anyone anything; never offended anyone; not at all confused; nowhere to go; never forget; lie prone.

Dictation number 12. Hyphen between word parts in adverbs.
According to the old custom; jam cooked according to an old recipe; brought up in the old way; approach the problem in a new way; walked along the new bridge; approached the issue differently; they went on different schedules; come close to the shore; wrap in thick paper; wasting time; entered an empty room; according to the new chronology; walked along a visible track in the snow; apparently left; talk in a friendly way; acted comradely; speak English; turned out our way; tie tightly; howl like a wolf; meet someday; do something; barely wandered; repeat exactly; go somewhere; get out the best, hello; moved little by little; warmth in spring; resounded from somewhere; somewhere.

Dictation #13
Be present, column, garland, reflect, gate, package, ferry, silhouette, striking, withered, driven, led, translated, chewed, sacred, inadvertent, watercolor, aquarium, aligned, claim, claim, coach, training, pool, distance, shine, combination, gallery, combine, epidemic, objection, defeat, postman, receipt, stamp, envelope, not at all, not at all, as if, apparently invisible, side by side, exactly the same, subsequently, fantasy.

Dictation number 14. Continuous and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs.
Get close; fold in four; scatter; the three of us stood; sat in pairs; be in a dead end; carry books under the armpits; look straight ahead; say in hearts; move with difficulty; save for centuries; stay in memory forever; shatter into pieces; run a race; roll along; speak in a low voice; back down; learn the rules first; since the beginning of spring; go to a meeting with friends; run towards; come closer; hope for good luck; went at random; during the lesson; do the job on time; have a quick bite; make a mockery; stand on tiptoe; forcefully persuaded; saw nearby.

Dictation number 15.
Rushing away; dotted all over; gallop; open wide; hit backhand; marry; fall on your back, do not disturb your parents; bake pies; burn brushwood; return after midnight; hide from the rain; rush away; wait impatiently; execute exactly; unable to continue the path; kindle a fire; appear from behind the clouds; make a hut; the day is good; appoint an attendant.

Dictation number 16. Spelling of derivative prepositions and conjunctions.
For a long time; changes in the course of the river; during the whole summer; due to heavy rains; an error was made in the investigation; new characters act in the continuation of the novel; new characters are included in the continuation of the novel; find out about the excursion; transfer to the school account; instead of gratitude put in a secluded place; at the end of the report; for many years the Decembrists were imprisoned in Siberia; despite failure; walked without looking around; answered in spite of what was written; in view of the approach of cold weather; Have this in mind; within five years; spoiled due to overload; swim in the sight of the city; expands due to overheating; lagged behind due to illness; within a minute; did not come due to illness; climbed to the top without looking down; answered without looking at the textbook.

Dictation number 17. Continuous spelling of unions also, too, to.
He also came and told the same thing; he is also a talented student; say the same as other witnesses; as boastful as his brother; he is also ready to go; he also had a dog; what would I read so as not to get bored on the road; whatever happens, everyone must remain calm; acted as cunningly as the hunter; at the same time my brother arrived; he also came to the feast; the problem was solved in the same way as the previous one; I will also go on a hike; and he was there at the same time.

Dictation number 18. Distinguishing in writing particles NOT and NI.
There was not a speck of dust; could not stop thinking about his mother; had no doubts of success; not to take into account anyone's interests; nothing to help; he cannot be trusted in anything; did not contact anyone; knew neither rules nor formulas; no matter how difficult, but it must be done; one cannot but be proud of his successes; the building turned out to be nothing more than a library; it could not be anything else; neither a bush nor a twig moves; whatever he does, all is well; no matter how hard you try, all in vain, did not catch a single fish; not a blade of grass in the field; could not hear; not a piece in the house; did not grow a grain; none came; was late more than once; never been.

Dictation number 19. Consolidated and separate spelling NI and NOT.
Ridiculous act; unripe watermelon; no pity for the time; does not reach the bottom; lack of kindness; the sky is not blue; ill-conceived decision; hair is not loose; not having learned the previous one; without feeling any pain; habits are not fox; the briefcase is not leather; no need to say so; the teapot is not porcelain; the branch is not broken; lacking tact; acted uncomradely; the essay has not been verified; not answering the letter; not less than two meters; not yet frozen river; was not interested in anyone; did not share his problems with anyone; nowhere to get strength; good for nothing; do it at any cost; as if nothing had happened; no better than this; did not do it your way; never quarreled; nowhere for an apple to fall; did not agree at all; nowhere to be seen; nothing to measure; did not warn in time; didn't see anything; not at all surprised; shines not like summer; not sorry; no need; there was no time; door not closed by me; without thinking through to the end; prolonged bad weather; messy look; awkward outfit; resent what happened; not a deep, but a shallow lake; small but fast river; not affected by weeds; did no better; uninvited guest; unthinking kid; far from an interesting film; not completed, but only begun work; don't talk nonsense; far from an easy task; all sorts of surprises; hidden dislike; done carelessly; not high, but low.

Dictation number 20.
Real, situation, pitch, in order to, because, as if, traffic light, semaphore, author, classic, mass, cross, champion, preliminary, diligently, caricature, satire, inaccessible, commandant, polished, furious, grown, overcoming resistance , school football team, goalkeeper help, spring-like, red-hot, power plant, early morning, interesting, unseemly act, dislike, innumerable, railway, anyone, for several days, bad taste, beautiful, climb, legendary.

Vocabulary dictations for grade 9


Notebook, triumph, gallery, guarantee, hotel, motto, diploma, discipline, landmark, pictorial, skillful, artificial, implacable, charm, smell, duty, official, organization, optimist, pessimist, project, problem, progressive, presidium, aspirant, claim, priority, reproduction, reputation, certificate, silhouette, transport, tram, trolleybus, certificate.


Belarusian - Belarusian, to glimpse, due to (= due to), within a month, garrison, delicate, division, driven, rattle, plank, natural, cannonade, crystal - crystalline - crystalline, correct, conference, congress, landscape, scale, despite (= due to), despite (= not looking), panorama, perspective, spotlight, propeller, calculation - count, souvenir, pediment, facade, Finn - Finnish, tiled.


Authority, applaud, administration, architecture, gratitude, restore, afterwards, impression, state, decorative, delegation, demonstration, initiative, research, excuse, intensive, qualification, laboratory, mobilization, neighborhood, original, enterprise, obstacle, regulate, rehearsal, innovator, resolution, specialty, member, amazing, university, institution.


Paragraph, agitation, graduate student, assistant, missing, disinterested, universe, comprehensive, cumbersome, valiant, woody, intonation, individual, candidate, compromise, congress, competition, continent, cherish, liberal, militia, orient, follower, process, predict, result, x-ray, peer, peer, stadium, parasite, civilization, patronize (to be the boss)- march (walk, walk) destroyer.


Antenna, certificate, neat, apparatus, swimming pool, mad, bulletin, gallery, hotel, grammar, literate, group, discussion, yeast, burnt, buzz, illumination, illustration, intelligentsia, cannonade, team, colleague, column, colossal, collection, comment, correspondent, metal, occupation, profession, professor, contemporary, telegram, terrace, territory, track, hard worker, express, young.


Appetite, aggression, abbreviation, attraction, ballad, barricades, by installments, graceful, grandmaster, genocide, immigrant, immunity, initials, incident, commission, coefficient, worldview, nothing more, nothing less, opposition, waiter, patient, pacifism, platform, program, rehearsal, social, hospital, tunnel, scraping, cistern, cygica, cynicism, circular, quote, citrus, citadel, dial, emigrant, exposition, encyclopedia, epigram.


Lampshade, agency, hype, adjutant, side by side, squeamish, brochure, felt boots, felted shoes, option, close up, vermicelli, vestibule, herald, anywhere, debut, demi-season, life, obviously, gold-forged, outshine , idyll, illusion, chapel, keyboard, carnival, cardboard, laureate, waste paper, small small less, memorandum, alone, backhand, gluttony, mundane, pavilion, pamphlet, sometimes, disunity, race, effective, self-improvement.


Acclimatization, accumulator, groceries, bacteriological, package, entrusted, subsequently, virtuoso, virtual, hallucination, hygiene, gramophone record, leatherette, diametrically opposite, range, abroad, abroad, identical, as if nothing had happened, colonnade, proofreader, corrosion , philanthropist, miniature, animation, to celebrate, research, interesting, fanned, personification, original, in turn.


Alpha-rays, aluminum, loophole, ammunition, ballast, cylinder, bas-relief, in addition, disheveled, showcase, after all, deserter, disinformation, training, so far, ideology, spent, initiative, campaign (event), air conditioning, corruption, tricky, meat-packing plant, inside out, by heart, backwards, halo, landmark, desperate, swimmer, ubiquitous, equalization, rye, refined sugar, fresh-frozen, sister-in-law.


Battalion, insomnia, impartial, herald, windmill, anemone, hugging, flag flying, day-to-day, staging, stealthily, from time immemorial, uninvited, unexpectedly, under the arm, polyclinic, kind-healthy, confused answer, symptom, word for word, temperament, trend, tennis, slum, confident, federation, fireworks, festival, hockey, cellophane, ceremony, civilization, escalator, obviously, regale, yacht club, yachtsman.


A dowry, in addition, at the same time, a military leader, in connection with ..; incident, intelligence, claims, bizarre, dowry, stumbling block, after school, polyglot, reminisce, transient (temporary) phenomenon coming (to someone) nanny, agitate, save, skepticism, tyranny, immediately, three-tiered, lengthening, philharmonic society, hour by hour, extraordinary, sedate, prim, shock, dandy, expedition, erudition, lizard, vigorous.


Immediate, assigned, lay, report, state, reported, taxation, salt deposition, enclose, believe, canopy, offer, sentence, adjective, application, decompose, term.

Grow, age, grown, homegrown, thicket, branch, overgrow, grow up, teenage, germinate, plant, grow, vegetable, usurer, branch, grow together.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump off, jump off, jump off.

Ignition, burn out, burner, combustible, burn out, tanned, burn out, burn, burn out, burnt out, burnt, burn, spontaneous combustion, charred, burn out.

Glow, dawn, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, illumination, dawn, dawn, lightning, dawn.

bow, lean, steady, deviate, worship, admirer, bow, bow.

Charity, spiritualization, bring to life, close the door, dissolved, creation of the world, creator.

Tangent, touching, rigorously, touching, touching, touching.

Shine, shine, brilliant, attentive, burning out, shine, bully, freeze, entertaining, lock, unlock, wash, wipe, spread, spread, inexperienced, measure, miscalculate, chastise, burning.

Soak all the contents, wet in the rain, soaked, dip the pen in ink, wood lice, sputum, waterproof, blotting, blotter, moisten.

Level, level the surface, incomparable, incomparable, trim the edges, trim in the ranks, equate the values, level the bed, level the page, balanced.

Swim, swim, swim, swimming, swimming, beetle - swimmer, buoyancy, swimmer, swimmer, quicksand, float, swim.

Sunbathe on the beach, burn on the fire, protect yourself from sunburn, burnt porridge, tanned baby, gas burning, runs like mad, gas burner, remove soot, flare up in the oven, burn out quickly, firewood burned out, burn out to the ground, the fire flares up.

Clean the apartment, clean the closet, wipe the floor, wipe the dust, lock the door, lean on a stick, rub my back, get ready for the cinema, I will choose a song, wipe the windows, lay a tablecloth, pick mushrooms, freeze with fear.

Letters and - s after prefixes

Vocabulary dictation

hopelessness; pre-July; find; sum up; overabundance; background; play; find; breathe; search; super resourceful; super interesting; interesting; artless.

Vowels in prefixes pre - - at-

Vocabulary dictations

I. Nail, approach, Baikal, refuge, add, coastal, graft, lean, lead, screw, tie, station, slow down, attractive, affectionate, get used to, bend down, move closer, land, roadside, find fault, arrived, think about it, burn it, apply, roll, stick, Caspian, stick, attach, dress up, dress up, attribute, open, lift, jump, join, shelter, pin, pretend, quiet down, shut up, attach, stomp.

II. Precious, despising, unpleasant, calmly, stop, interrupt, barrier, obstacle, stop, transform, entrust, dangerous, boring, teacher, seduce, successor, superiority, punctuation marks, turn, exalt.

III. Arrive in the city - stay in the mountains, look down on an orphan - despise the enemy, attach importance - betray ideals, bow your head before the banner - bow your head to your mother's chest, make a dream come true - close the door, the poet's successor -radio; privileges, free, adventure, bizarre, exemplary, primitive, decent, whim, principled, ordering, inherent, present; president, pursue, represent.

IV. To land on the shore, fed up with sweets, the lakeside, block the way, interrupt the conversation, become addicted to reading, lift the veil of secrecy, rustle in the coastal bushes, tie to a tree, attract attention, the incessant whisper of the waves, not be afraid of obstacles, a very calm person, the city has changed, an interesting book, a contemptuous look, a bad day, to overcome difficulties, to stand on tiptoe, a transformed land, turned into ice, stop arguing with elders, an enormous acorn, a funny drawing, to chase the beast.

V. Unapproachable peaks, get used to the requirements, diligent student, implacable person, biased attitude, friendly neighbor, fancy pattern, dismissive attitude, attend a lecture, judge impartially.

VI. Give meaning - indulge in memories; arrive at the outpost - stay on vacation; the ultimate dream - a chapel to the house; get to work - break the law; put into practice - close the door; to bow before someone - the tree bowed to the ground; to despise danger is to despise an orphan.

Selective dictation

Write out the words in two columns: 1) at the beginning of the word is writtenpre-; 2) at the beginning of the word is writtenat-.

The president; move; teacher; privilege; legends; conspicuous; priority; bickering; exemplary; vestibule; nice; predilection; hide; stop; burn; wise; predominance; adventure; bickering; assignment; attractiveness; free; belonging; superiority; let; primitive; be present; seduce; entrust.

Dictation 1. Theme "Use and disuse of b and b"

Night watch, look out from behind the clouds, tie down trousers, broken glasses, almost finish, climb the mast, send by mail, light boat, engine power, manual predator, problem solving, vast expanse, blizzard February, write a line, thinner than a hair, better prepare, rule-assistant, scientific achievements, drive to the station, get up early, explain the problem, get news, endless road, folding umbrella, babysit sister, take on the road, desk, illegible handwriting, underline with a pencil.

Dictation 2. Theme "Checked and unverified vowels at the root of words"

Rinse laundry, balcony railing, guitar strings, parquet floor, sit on a bench, purple ink, flutter in the wind, color TV, caress a kitten, a huge cloud, the right route, a telephone directory, a box of chocolates, purple lilac inflorescences, bicycle races, develop perseverance , playing the piano, a heavy basket, turning gray from old age, a soft sofa, a huge library, school classrooms, using binoculars, a neat suit.

Dictation 3. Theme "Letters Z and C at the end of prefixes"

Illiterate work, theater building, useless work, knock down, calculate the time, dawn over the sea, tasteless clothes, compressed air, dry terrain, protect health, flourishing art, pass an exam, timetable, at the fold, accurate calculation, heartless person , starless night, be afraid of mistakes, notorious loafer, unstressed vowel, endless road, hopeless situation, think about the future, visit occasionally, run up the stairs.

Dictation 4. Topic "Spelling of words with alternating vowels in the root"

Adjective, vegetable oil, catch fire from a match, put in a pocket, lock the door, grew up in an aquarium, burns in the stove, plight, orange sprout, tidies up the office, sits on the podium, gets tangled in algae, rely on a friend, rub the parquet, grows in the garden, involves participation in competitions, the sparkle of lightning, shine on stage, the sum of the terms, lined with leaves, prepositional case, lean on the railing, the heart stops, we will write a presentation.

Dictation 5. Theme "Spelling of vowels after hissing and C"

Working as a driver, citrus plants, circus performer, thin perch, fresh cucumbers, with a children's doctor, tortoise shell, jockey cap, leading by the bridle, timid whisper, country highway, a swarm of bees, a mighty hero, a silk dress, a large backpack, a worker's suit, milk chocolate, you look out the window, clear diction, a brood of chickens, put on a hood, rustles are heard, acorns are scattered, acacia flowers, good fellows.

Dictation 6. Topic "Spelling of verbs"

Swim in the river, endure disaster, be indignant and indignant, stick a stamp, not find binoculars, heard from everywhere, jump out of the booth, feel fright, laugh merrily, have to try, rockfall rumbles, softly spreads, melted in the spring, wakes up in the morning, we must strive forward, guard the hut, handle with care, go to the right, sow in the garden, spin in a chair, breathe heavily, go to the station, apologize politely, hear from afar.

Dictation 7. Theme "Check vocabulary dictation"

Bicycle lantern, antique piano, soft sofa, get out of the fire, gypsy outfit, telephone directory, made of ice, grows under the window, prudent businessmen, queen's command, sit in the office, dress tastelessly, lifting machine, accurately calculate, purple flower, get up on tiptoe, swaying under me, vast area, flowering of art, newspaper office, minibus, flying over the lake, guitar case, candy box, leaning on the shoulder of a friend, illiterate speech, father's belt, basket of pies, schedule for tomorrow, cycle television broadcasts, a work of art, a detailed report, a circus performer, we meet the dawn, about to leave.

Dictation 8. Theme "Check vocabulary dictation"

Strive to achieve the goal, give a report, walk along the alley, portraits of Russian heroes, visit a hockey match, occasionally the sun peeps out, oral speech, conduct a dialogue, disappear into the distance, an open parachute, train memory, low barrier, dedicate a poem, look up, soccer ball , gooseberry jam, imaginative, oral story, turn left, drive around, art of ballet, angry beast, feel soon, walking together, reflected in lake, film impression, playing basketball, syntax error, serious jury, landscape sketch, pure substance, silky fur, make a request, measure the volume, heavy backpack, great helper, considerable distance, exclamatory intonation, work carefully, fragrant grass, wonderful aroma, purple clusters of lilacs, festive fireworks, come from everywhere, crimson leaves, Arabic numerals, take you by car, lovely image, river bus, never lose heart, tasteless pi shcha, illustrations for the story, the territory of the zoo, the coach of a famous athlete, an announcement at the station, an expressive face, talking together, carefully holding, a computer mouse.

Dictation 9

Low, hare, rise, october, backpack, run away, football, track, oral, wide, five, boat, far, bicycle, rook, wonderful, to the right, from behind the clouds, sorrel, dangerous, mug, above, play, darkness , hello, coat, illustration, volume, frost, toy.

Dictation 10. Topic "Spellings in the roots and prefixes of words"

Cloak, plate, holiday, hedgehog, population, feeling, blizzard, notebook, path, starry, valley, streams, below, girlfriend, galoshes, slippery, station, game, monkey, left, wonderful, explain, welder, teacher, cork, six tasks, ladder, sun, gymnast, life.

Dictation 11. Theme "Declination of nouns"

On a hoop, on a train, on a stove, in a swamp, to my daughter, across the steppe, in a song, from a notebook, on a river, in danger, near a village, in hoarfrost, on a horse, on the road, in an album, on a poplar tree, in a stove , in turn, on the lilac, on the page, to the car, by the battery, on the tram, in the greenery.

Dictation 12. Theme "Declination of adjectives"

On hot sand, on thorny bushes, in the early morning, with an evening fairy tale, wide expanses, loose products, along a spring street, in a dense thicket, on winter evenings, along the blue sea, with good friends, deep lakes, in a neighboring place.

Dictation 13. Topic "Spelling of verbs"

You don’t know, be frightened, interested, drive away, hate, spread, rush, (they) drive away, whisper, send, brew, open, you can’t hold back, come, (he) wakes up, endures, reads, does not want, studies, separates.