Children of Oleg Tabakov and Zudina. Anton Tabakov - biography, information, personal life

Anton Olegovich Tabakov. Born July 11, 1960 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actor, businessman, restaurateur. The eldest son of Oleg Tabakov.

Anton Tabakov in the film "Dangerous Age"

He continued to act actively until the late 1980s. He could be seen in the military drama “You Must Live”, the melodrama “Be My Husband”, in the title role of the drama based on the work of J. Priestley “Time and the Conway Family” (Robin Conway), the films “City of Brides”, “Lucky”, "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", etc.

He played several roles in the films of the 1990s - "ABVGD Ltd", "The Lone Player", "The Thief".

Anton Tabakov in the film "The Lonely Player"

He starred in several projects in the 2000s. In particular, in 2015 he embodied on the screen the image of his father in the series "Mysterious Passion".

Anton Tabakov in the series "Mysterious Passion"

Since the late 1980s, he began to do business - first advertising and organizing social events. Then he became interested in organizing banquets and created his own art club "Pilot", where he held parties.

He recalled the beginning of his journey in business: “I parted with the profession gradually. Having already retired from the Sovremennik Theater, I continued to play in the play Nord Ost in the Snuffbox for a long time. Maria Vladimirovna Mironova played with me in it, and I loved her madly and continued to work for her so that the performance would not be closed, because the opportunity to go on stage was vital for her. They call it a business. The acting profession did not bring money, I had to start inventing something, and here the time and my intentions successfully coincided.

In 1996, in collaboration with restaurateur Andrey Dellos, he opened the Beauty Embassy Center for Cosmetology - a branch of the Beauty Embassy from the Champs Elysees.

Later he became a famous restaurateur. He opened the restaurants "Oblomov on Presnya", "Mao", "Kafka", "Antonio", a chain of coffee houses "Ilya Ilyich". In the 2000s, Lounge Shue and Stolz were added to them.

With his financial support, in 2002, the first edition of M.M. Butkevich.

The growth of Anton Tabakov: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Anton Tabakov:

Was married many times.

The first wife is Evgenia, she worked as a nurse in the capital's clinic. He married her at the age of 18. As Anton recalled, at their wedding, the director made a toast "for a training marriage." The marriage lasted two and a half years.

The second wife is Asya Vorobyeva, a philologist, daughter of a professor at Moscow State University, Robert Bikmukhametov. Asya left Tabakov for his childhood friend.

When Asya gave birth, there were rumors that this was a child from Anton. “For some time we were not divorced from Asya. And they already lived with Efremov. Hence the rumors. But it's not my baby." With Mikhail Efremov, they maintained friendly relations.

Asya Vorobyova - the first wife of Anton Tabakov

He was in a civil marriage with an actress. In 1991, their son Nikita was born.

Although in many sources Ekaterina is presented as the second wife of Anton Tabakov, she herself said that he had been married three times before her, and they themselves were not officially scheduled: “At some point, when I raised the issue of official registration of relations, Anton said: "I don't even have a place in my passport for a new seal." By that time, he had already been married three times. It offended me incredibly ... When we went to the registry office to register Nikita, we were told: we'll get married". But I freaked out and stood in a pose: "You don't have a place for me in your passport!" And she left."

Anton Tabakov and Ekaterina Semenova with their son Nikita

In the early 2000s, he met Angelica, who became his next wife. They met at the airport, she then studied at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and was returning from Nice to Moscow. Angelica is 24 years younger than him.

They lived in an actual marriage for about 10 years, got married in 2013.

The couple had two daughters - Antonina and Maria.

Son Nikita is interested in the restaurant business. When he lived in New York, he managed to work with Andrei Dellos in his Pushkin restaurant project. Then he moved to Moscow, began working at the NTV-profit film company.

Daughter Anna has been living and studying in London since the age of 12, she wants to be a producer or promoter.

Daughters Antonina and Maria study and live in Paris. Antonina is fond of chess. Anton Tabakov spoke of Maria as a very artistic girl.

Anton Tabakov with daughters Antonina and Maria

Anton Tabakov bought property in France, in the town of Rocobrune-Cap-Martin, not far from the Italian border, where he spends his free time with his younger daughters and wife.

Filmography of Anton Tabakov:

1968 - The Seasons (film almanac) - Sasha
1970 - Ordinary story (film-play) - episode
1971 - Boys - Zhenya Prokhorov, in childhood
1976 - Timur and his team - Timur
1976 - Once Upon a Time in California (film-play) - schoolboy (uncredited)
1976 - Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt (film-play) - episode
1978 - Last chance - vocational school student (uncredited)
1979 - Crew - friend Bones (not in the credits)
1980 - You must live - Gena Korzhukhin, junior sergeant, air gunner
1981 - Dangerous age - Dima Rodimtsev, son
1981 - Control in the specialty - Gosha
1981 - Last but not least - a "merchant", a speculator in clothes on the market
1981 - Be my husband - savage resort visitor
1982 - Who is knocking on my door ... - Yura
1984 - Tales of the old wizard - Prince (vocals - Vladimir Dyadenistov)
1984 - First equestrian - Alexei Zorin, commander of the first platoon
1984 - Conway Time and Family - Robin (Conway in his youth)
1985 - City of brides - Kotya Reutov, director's son, textile artist
1986 - Your daughter Alexandra (film-play) - Julius
1987 - The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines - Bobby, the usher
1987 - Lucky - Vadim, Boris' roommate in a boarding house
1988 - Step (Step, A / 未来への伝言) - episode
1988 - Echelon (film-play) - Yurka, Nina's son
1990 - Exodus - Andrey Barkhatov (voiced by another actor)
1991 - Show-boy - Shurik, Gorelov's assistant (uncredited)
1992-1994 - ABVGD Ltd
1992 - Anfisa (film-play) - Petya
1995 - Lonely Player - Igor
1997 - Thief (Voleur et l "enfant, Le) - gambler in the bath
2003 - Lord of the Ether - Nikolai Pavlovich
2008 - Unknown version. Crew (documentary)
2010 - A very Russian action movie (was not completed) - an arms dealer
2010 - Oleg Tabakov. Lighting the Stars (documentary)
2012 - Secrets of Soviet cinema. The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines (documentary)
2015 - Mysterious passion - Oleg Tabakov

Voiced by Anton Tabakov:

2002 - Zheltukhin (animation) - the boy's father

Anton Tabakov is a film and theater actor, entrepreneur and restaurateur, known to film lovers for his work in the films: “The Fourth Pope”, “A Dangerous Age”, “Timur and His Team”, “The Crew”, “Time and the Conway Family”.


Anton Tabakov was born on July 11, 1960 in an acting family. His parents Oleg Tabakov and Lyudmila Krylova were on tour in Saratov at the time of the birth of Anton, their first child.

I must say that Oleg Tabakov and his wife were then novice actors of the Sovremennik Theater and spent a lot of time traveling, so almost immediately after birth they sent their son by plane to Moscow, accompanied by a flight attendant. Anton said in an interview that the stewardess was not at all happy with the little passenger, but Oleg Tabakov used all his charm. He convinced the flight attendant that the boy would definitely be met. And so it happened: Anton was met and even, according to him, was not confused with anyone.

Parents-actors did not have time to take care of the child: Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Efremov and Evgeny Evstigneev created Sovremennik at that time, Lyudmila Krylova played a lot in the theater. Little Anton was raised by grandmother Maria Andreevna, grandfather Pavel Kondratievich (on the paternal side) and nanny Maria Nikolaevna, who raised Tabakov Sr. In 1966, another child appeared in the family - the daughter of Alexander.

In the same year, Anton Tabakov starred in his first film, The Fourth Pope. Together with a six-year-old actor, Galina Yatskina and Alexander Yanvarev were involved in the film. In 1971, the picture "Boys" was released, one of the roles was played by Tabakov Jr.

Parents often took Anton to work in the theater and on tour. The boy practically grew up backstage with friends Mikhail Efremov and Denis Evstigneev. Tabakov Jr. studied at an elite school attended by the children of party functionaries, directors and composers. Anton did not differ in a special love for knowledge and exemplary behavior and brought a lot of trouble to teachers and the director. After the eighth grade, he moved to the school for working youth, where Elena Ulyanova, Alexander Vasiliev, Anatoly Mukasey and Denis Evstigneev studied then.


Like many children of actors who consider theater to be their second home, Anton could not imagine any other profession other than acting.

This offended Anton very much, who by that time had already had several film works behind him: in addition to “childish” roles, in the 70s the young actor appeared in episodic roles in TV shows of the Sovremennik Theater: “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and His Aunt” and “When something in California." And in 1976, directors Alexander Blank and Sergey Linkov approved Anton for the main role in the children's adventure film "Timur and his team" based on the work of Arkady Gaidar. It was with this picture that popularity came to the novice actor: all the girls of the Soviet Union were in love with him.

Anton was helped to enter by Galina Volchek, who knew him from childhood: she prepared the guy for admission, and Anton became a student, and then a graduate of GITIS, Andrei Goncharov's workshop.

Actor career

In 1979, the first Soviet blockbuster, the film The Crew by Alexander Mitta, was released on the screens of the country, which had a fantastic success. Anton Tabakov played a cameo role in it. Almost at the same time, the audience saw him in the drama "Last Chance". Anton played another minor role in the film directed by Vladimir Chumak "You must live", where such stars of Soviet cinema as Zhanna Prokhorenko, Igor Kvasha, Irina Muravyova were employed.

In 1981, Anton Tabakov starred in Alexander Proshkin's family drama Dangerous Age. The actor, who at that time was already 21 years old, played the difficult teenager Dima Rodimtsev. Alisa Freindlich and Juozas Budraitis became the screen parents of the protagonist. In the same year, Anton met on the set of the film "Be my husband" with Andrei Mironov, whom he considered his idol.

In 1984, the audience saw a young actor in the drama "Time and the Conway Family" based on the work of J. Priestley. Representatives of acting dynasties were employed in the picture: Anton and Oleg Tabakov, Alena Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva, Andrey and Evgeny Leonov.

In the same year, Anton played the main role of the prince in the children's film "Tales of the Old Wizard" based on the works of Charles Perrault. It is noteworthy that Lyudmila Krylova, Anton's mother, was busy in the role of the queen, the mother of the prince. This tape was very fond of the audience thanks to the wonderful music of Gennady Gladkov and the excellent cast, which included Sergei Yursky, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

After the role of the prince, there were no main roles in Anton's career. In the eighties, viewers saw him only in episodes: "The City of Brides", "Lucky", "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins".

In the 90s, hard times came for Russian cinema. It was very difficult for actors to find work. And although Anton Tabakov appeared in several projects, including the first Soviet TV series ABVGD Ltd, he decided to leave the profession. The main reason for this was financial difficulties. According to another version, he was tired of the high bar set for him by his father, a strict critic. “Listen, what kind of actor are you - so-so,” Anton often heard from him.


Anton Tabakov became a businessman quite by accident and did not study entrepreneurship anywhere. He was engaged in trade in office equipment, advertising, organization of festivals. A company of young people: Stepan Mikhalkov, Fyodor Bondarchuk and Philip Yankovsky, opened an advertising agency that organized the Generation festival.

Such events, as a rule, end with a buffet table, and Anton Tabakov was responsible for it. There was no well-established service system at that time, the public catering ball, which remained from Soviet times, was the rule. Therefore, Anton had to not only buy food, but also act as a waiter and even cook something himself. This experience was very useful to Tabakov in his restaurant business.

In 1993, Anton, together with Andrey Dellos, opened a private club "Pilot" in Moscow. At that time, the so-called "golden youth" in the capital simply had nowhere to go, and the children of actors and diplomats gathered in apartments. So "Pilot" quickly became a popular place.

Well, then Tabakov’s restaurants began to open one after another: Oblomov on Presnya, Mao, Kafka, Stolz, Antonio, the Ilya Ilyich coffee house, the Shu Longe club-restaurant and so on. Over time, Anton united his establishments into the Tabanton group of companies, which he himself headed.

Tabakov does not hide the fact that his famous surname helped him a lot in business, especially in dealing with all sorts of controlling authorities. Restaurant critics note that Anton does not have a professional approach to business, but rather an acting one, but this is precisely what makes his projects so successful. It's all about the artistry and sophistication that distinguish absolutely any Tabakov establishment.

His restaurants attracted not only businessmen who wanted to dine in the same room with bohemians, but also world famous people. Jean-Claude Van Damme and Pierre Richard during their visits to Moscow not only visited Tabakov's restaurants, but even tried themselves as chefs there.

I must say that Tabakov himself always considered the chef to be the key to the success of any restaurant. Anton is well versed in cooking, in 2003 his book "Culinary Stories of Anton Tabakov" was published, where recipes are accompanied by fascinating stories from the life of bohemia and not only.

Anton Tabakov: "I love to cook"

Nevertheless, Anton Tabakov said in an interview that the restaurant business is not such a passion for him as the acting profession was for his father.

I must say that restaurants are not the only area of ​​interest for Tabakov. So, back in 1996, together with restaurateur Andrey Dellos, Anton opened the Beauty Embassy cosmetology center, and in 2002 he financed the first edition of M.M.

Personal life of Anton Tabakov

The first wife of Anton Tabakov was Asya Vorobyeva, a student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, the daughter of Professor Robert Bikmukhametov. Their marriage did not last long. Anton's friend, Mikhail Efremov, being the head of the Sovremennik-2 theater, invited Asya to the position of literary editor and fell in love with her. Tabakov, according to him, was the last to know about their romance and filed for divorce.

With Ekaterina Semenova, a student at a theater university, Tabakov never legalized relations, although in 1991 their son Nikita was born in their civil marriage. I must say that Catherine was not very attracted to the role of his wife. She was an active woman, she played a lot in the Sovremennik Theater, mainly in the performances of director Galina Volchek. Soon Anton and Ekaterina broke up.

With his third wife, Anastasia Chukhrai, Anton lived for 12 years and even built a country house. In 1999, a daughter, Anna, appeared in the family, but this did not help to save the marriage.

In 2003, Anton met Angelica, a student at the Institute of Foreign Languages, on a plane, who was 24 years younger than the man. The age difference did not prevent their romance: the young began to live together. Angelica graduated from high school, but did not work, devoting herself entirely to Anton and the household. Two daughters were born in the family: Antonina and Maria.

Having lived together for 10 years, Anton and Angelica legalized their relationship. In 2013, their wedding took place, to which family friends were invited: Stepan Mikhalkov, Yulia Bordovskikh, Ivan Urgant,

In an interview, Anton Olegovich said that he began his career at the age of six, therefore, with a clear conscience, he can afford to relax and take care of his children. Moreover, he did not pay enough attention to older children at one time. Tabakov's son Nikita has already worked in the restaurant business with Andrei Dellos, daughter Anna entered a prestigious college in London. Anya and Nikita enjoy visiting their father and younger sisters in Paris.

On March 12, 2018, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov died in the City Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Moscow.

In early April 2018, the Soyuzmultfilm studio released a sequel to the famous Prostokvashino. Cat Matroskin, who was voiced by Oleg Tabakov in the Soviet version, was voiced by Anton.

The arithmetic of Oleg Tabakov's life inspires immense respect and subtle awe.

Oleg Pavlovich has 60 years of service in the theater and more than 100 film roles behind him.

At the age of 21, Oleg, aka Lelik, joined the board of the youngest and most revolutionary at that time Moscow theater Sovremennik.

At the age of 29, he had a heart attack.

At 32 - the first State Prize.

At 35, he became director of Sovremennik.

At 39, he began to "teach children", taking his first students.

At 50, he took the helm of the Moscow Art Theater School.

At 52, he created his "Snuffbox", a theater on Chaplygin Street.

Until the age of 82 he went on stage.

When the eldest son was born...

The fact that for Oleg Tabakov the theater has always been in the first place is evidenced by many facts of his biography. Here, for example, the first-born was born: the eldest son Anton. He would have to pay more attention ... Not there it was!

Oleg Tabakov with his son Anton. Photo:

Here is how Anton Tabakov talked about this a few years ago:

- Ironically, I was born in my father's homeland, in Saratov, where Sovremennik toured. I was “deported” from the maternity hospital to Moscow in a cradle with an unfamiliar stewardess. She refused the “gift” for a long time, until her parents swore to her that they would certainly meet the child. Met. And I hope I didn't confuse anyone.

I experienced the delights of the nomadic theatrical life shortly after my birth. Somehow, late for the train, dad and mom (actress of the Sovremennik Theater Lyudmila Krylova. - Ed.) ran along the platform, grabbing me, then still a baby, in an armful. The train was about to start moving, so the child, like some kind of bundle, was handed over to the car. As soon as the parents, out of breath, jumped on the bandwagon, the train moved away from the platform. I think the scene was impressive. In general, at an early age, and then, of course, I did not make life easier for my parents. Once, my father said, not knowing how to appease me, he did not think of anything better than to climb into a wooden crib and thrust his chest into me.

Lyudmila Krylova with her son Anton. Photo:

Father along with Oleg Efremov and Evgeny Evstigneev in those years he worked on the creation of Sovremennik and devoted all his time to his beloved brainchild. There was practically no time left for my own children - me, Misha and Denis.

- But your grandparents probably did. Who were the parents of Oleg Pavlovich?

- Grandfather Pavel Kondratievich was amazing! In his stories, he was amazingly able to combine scientific knowledge with quotes from the classics, he read Averchenko by heart ... Coming to Moscow from Saratov, grandfather each time did not stay with us, but as an independent person he preferred to live in the Beijing Hotel: for him it was kind of chic. For me, going to him became another entertainment. Grandfather was divorced by that time, he was very fond of the female sex, and, naturally, he wanted to impress.

My grandmother was the first or second wife of Pavel Kondratievich, but in general my grandfather had so many wives that it’s even scary to say this figure out loud. In those years, he worked in the sanatorium "Pady" near Saratov, in the summer we went to visit him. Grandfather grew fantastically tasty oxheart tomatoes. Thanks to his knowledge in the field of biochemistry, he fertilized them so much that they were unimaginable in size and weighed 2.5 kilograms each.

Grandmother, father's mother Maria Andreevna lived with us. A radiologist, a secular lady and an aesthete, born in the town of Balta, she was always emphatically polite and correct. I must say, Maria Andreevna (and before her - Baba Katya and Baba Anya, my great-grandmothers) treated with trepidation everything connected with the surname of the Tabakovs. At that time we lived in a communal apartment, we did not have a telephone, and in order to call the machine, we had to go downstairs. Parents endlessly argued who would do it. Father asked: "Lucy, go call me, I urgently need ...". Mom answered: “I can’t, you understand ...” A skirmish began, during which Baba Katya, swinging me in a stroller, said with tenderness: “When Antoshenka grows up, he will run for the folder to call on the phone.”

Artists Lyudmila Krylova and Oleg Tabakov. 1964 Photo: RIA Novosti / Miroslav Murazov

I also had a wonderful nanny. Maria Nikolaevna. She raised my father in Saratov. Then he moved her to Moscow, and she began to nurse me. Having put on my feet first dad, then me, Maria Nikolaevna, a believing single woman, with a sense of accomplishment, decided that it was time to die. Why live on? She did not see the point in this, especially since she was a very sick person: she was tormented by thrombophlebitis and a bunch of other ailments. And so Maria Nikolaevna began to negotiate with her father: here, they say, Olezhek, you bury me there, I have a passbook, everything is ready ... But my sister Sasha was born - and a miracle happened: the nanny was resurrected, although she really was on the verge of death . Having found the meaning of life, she lived for another eight years, forgetting about her sores.

I was five years old when my dad and Evgeny Aleksandrovich Evstigneev allocated small-sized apartments in a new five-story block building in the Aeroport metro area. But very soon we moved to Tverskaya-Yamskaya, to a rather large apartment, however, on the top floor and, as expected, with leaks.

It seemed to work 24 hours a day

- In those years, my father was the public director of Sovremennik, walked with a large portfolio and helped to solve administrative, economic and artistic issues in the theater. He always or almost always did what he wanted, and could not live differently. So a certain cult of him existed at home. If he was hungry, everyone rushed to feed him. If he was full, he had fun, joked, and everyone rejoiced with him. Mom tried to pay attention to the worries associated with her, with the children, with the house, but they worried little about their father.

Actors of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater Yevgeny Yevstigneev, Oleg Tabakov and Andrei Myagkov in a scene from the play Bolsheviks based on a play by Mikhail Shatrov. 1969 Photo: RIA Novosti

It seemed to work 24 hours a day. I think because of this, at the age of 29, he had a massive heart attack. The situation was so serious that friends came to say goodbye to him. Only after that did dad learn to rest. For example, after returning from rehearsal, he always slept before the evening performance. Anything could happen around - a thunderstorm, an earthquake - but the father knew that the body needed to be restored, and he could sleep standing up, lying down, sitting down. This ability has been passed on to me. Although I never thought that I could use it. Moreover, I myself, unlike my father, did not take the theater too seriously. My father did not see talent in me and recommended that I pay attention, for example, to the Caliber plant.

- When did you realize that your father is a famous actor?

- I think I always assumed this, because I saw him not only at home, but also on the screen. Another thing is that I considered it natural. Once such a story happened. We went to see grandfather in the village of Pada near Saratov (we often went there in my father's Volga, always along the same road, past various Russian villages with ancient names like Kon-Kolodets) and somewhere near Voronezh we fell under a wild torrential rain. Imagine: a dirt road, wet clay, loam, the wheels are slipping ... In short, we got stuck completely. Under a terrible downpour, in a nightmare, we are trying to find a tractor in the nearest village. We knock for a long time on the door of some house, until they finally open it for us ... And then - a silent scene. In those days (these were the seventies), the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" was being shown on TV. The villager who came out onto the porch was simply stunned: he, of course, could not assume that the car of “Schellenberg himself” would get stuck in his village of Kon-Kolodets. We were not only pulled out, but also warmed, fed and left to spend the night. Here it is, the magical power of art!

Oleg Tabakov as Schellenberg. 1973 Photo: RIA Novosti

- Did you resent your father?

“I always resented my father. And the fact that he did not take me to his course, and then to the theater, is just nonsense. Another thing, I thought that he paid very little attention to me, that he was unfair, too categorical. Although my father took me to the Tabakerka...

“Well, did you talk to him about anything?”

- I remember that dad said that in his youth he bought 10-15 copies of the supplement to the Krasnoarmeyets magazine, in which Ardov's Mischievous Man, Tolstoy's The Beautiful Lady, and The Golden Calf were printed, and kept these little books until they did not become a shortage, after which he sold them for a lot of money. And at the age of 9, he hid from his parents appendages from a loaf: then bread was given out on cards. When the accumulated pieces amounted to a whole loaf by weight, he took them to a German prisoner of war who was repairing the school, and in exchange he made him a wooden machine gun ...

12 bright roles of Oleg Tabakov in the cinema

Did the father manage to hide his deceit?

- If we return to the topic of insults, then most of all in our family, no doubt, my mother suffered. When dad became the director of Sovremennik, she was actually left without roles. It was easier for her father to tell her than any of the artists: “Lucy, you understand, I am the acting director of the theater. Well how can I? Well, I'll give you a role, and how will I look people in the eye? It’s embarrassing, it’s not correct ... ”Sometimes he was sincere, sometimes he was deceitful ...

- Both you and your sister Alexandra were very offended by Oleg Pavlovich when he went to Marina Zudina. What pain he caused your mother, and there is no need to say ...

The parents didn't get along for a long time. Often scandals arose because of nonsense, because of some trifle, but they could end with anything. Did the father manage to hide his deceit? I understood what was going on, I think the mothers did too. Yes, and Sasha, no doubt, guessed. But we pretended everything was fine. Dad later explained that he was hiding an affair with Marina solely out of unwillingness to hurt us. He experienced it himself when his father, whom he loved very much, left his mother. After returning from the war, my grandfather brought a new family and left home. Dad really suffered a lot then (at that time he was 13 years old), but I'm not sure that the memories of those experiences were the main reason that he hesitated to leave us for so long. In some interview, the father spoke about the episode that put everything in its place. As if once again, returning from filming, tired and annoyed, he asked Sasha and me: “What connects you with me?” We seemed to have evaded the answer, and then something broke in him. It seemed to him that he was not respected at home, especially since the relationship with his mother had already deteriorated for ten years, and in a fit she said more than once: “We need to get a divorce.” His story seems too theatrical to me. Maybe he asked, maybe we answered something. But the wrong words and in the wrong context. Mother allowed her father a lot and did everything to make him feel good, comfortable, so that he could do what he loved.

Oleg Tabakov and actress Marina Zudina with their son Pavel and daughter Masha. Photo: RIA Novosti / BOSCO PR department

It was really difficult to imagine Oleg Tabakov outside the stage. He himself admitted somehow: “Taking up the theater is almost a soldier's job. You don't want to - you have to! Cold - must! It's hot - you must! I was the director of Sovremennik when my mother died. Buried her - and immediately had to go on stage ... A person should be happy with what he does. If they didn’t let me play, I would pay to go on stage ... Not a lot, three hundred rubles, but I would pay ... "

Marina Zudina is a Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2006), widow of Oleg Tabakov, People's Artist of the USSR. The most popular roles of Zudina in the cinema are in the films “Valentin and Valentine”, “After the Rain on Thursday”, “On the Main Street with an Orchestra”, as well as in the TV series “Frozen” and “Deceive if you love”.

Childhood and youth

Marina Vyacheslavovna Zudina was born on September 3, 1965 in Moscow in the family of a journalist and music teacher. Marina spent three years of her childhood with her parents in the city of Inta of the Komi Republic, where her father, a university graduate, was sent after graduation.

Little Marina was not taken to a music school, so her mother studied music with the girl. By the age of 9, Zudina suddenly became interested in opera, and a year later - in ballet. The girl even tried to enter the choreographic department, but did not pass by age.

In the 10th grade, Marina read an interview with Oleg Tabakov in the Soviet Screen magazine and became eager to become his student. To begin with, Zudina directed all her energies to strengthening her voice and began to work with a phoniatrist (a doctor who helps restore her voice - approx. site).

In 1981, 16-year-old Marina, who by that time had not yet managed to pass the final exams at school (later the girl graduated from school with an almost round excellent student), entered GITIS. Zudina was very lucky - she got into an additional set and eventually became a student of the course of Oleg Tabakov and Avangard Leontiev.

Actor career

Marina began acting in films in her 3rd year at GITIS. Her first role became the main one: the actress played the 18-year-old girl Valentina in love in Georgy Natanson's film "Valentin and Valentina", where Tatyana Doronina and Nina Ruslanova also starred.

Then Zudina could be seen in the films of Pyotr Todorovsky "On the main street with an orchestra" (1986) and Mikhail Yuzovsky "After the rain on Thursday" (1985), in which the young actress appeared with her master, Oleg Tabakov. Also in the fairy tale film were involved Semyon Farada, Oleg Anofriev and Valentina Talyzina.

Marina Zudina is one of those students of Oleg Tabakov who were called the “second studio”: thanks to them, the studio continued to work, which in 1980 was not allowed to become a theater. Zudina and her classmates became the "foundation" of the "Snuffbox" troupe, which was given the "green light" for the official opening only in March 1987.

In the early years of the theater, Marina received small minor roles. The turning point in the career of the actress was the participation in the productions of "An Ordinary Story" based on the novel by I. Goncharov, "Mechanical Piano" and "The Last".

Over the years of work at Tabakerka, Marina received several public awards, in particular, two theater awards from the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication, two Oleg Tabakov personal awards and the Oleg Yankovsky Creative Discovery award.

In the cinema in the early 90s, Marina Zudina often played provincial women who came to conquer the capital, despite the fact that the actress herself is a native Muscovite. Such roles went to her in Alexei Rudakov's film "Life on the Limit", Andrei Razumovsky's film "Muzzle" and the film "Confession of a Kept Woman" by Boris Grigoriev. Some films were criticized, for example, "Muzzle" was scolded for pettiness and taste "assumptions", but Marina's work, on the contrary, was appreciated - for her it was a very characteristic role.

Zudina was also lucky enough to star in the Soviet-Japanese adventure film Under the Northern Lights (1990) and the British film director Anthony Waller's Silent Witness, which was filmed in Moscow. In 1995, Marina was recognized as an Honored Artist of Russia.

Marina Zudina in the program "Main Role"

In 2001, the actress made her debut on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov, playing the main role in Temur Chkheidze's production of Antigone. To date, Marina has appeared in 11 performances of the theater, six of which are still going on today. In 2006, Zudina was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

In 2005, Zudina appeared in a small role in the 84-episode historical saga "Adjutants of Love", and also played Zinaida Reich, the first wife of the poet Sergei Yesenin, in the TV serial "Yesenin" with Sergei Bezrukov in the title role. Both series were presented on Channel One.

2008-2010 became very fruitful for Marina's film career. The actress appeared in the lead roles in four film projects at once - the series "Inheritance", "Tango with an Angel", "Frozen" and the melodrama "I Love March 9!".

Personal life: an affair with Oleg Tabakov

In the senior years of the institute, a stormy romance began between student Zudina and teacher Oleg Tabakov, who was 30 years older than the girl.

Already at that time, the newly-minted couple could have had a child, however, according to the actress, she "was still immature and could not take on such a responsibility." In addition, at that time Tabakov was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova, and he had a 25-year-old son, Anton, and a 19-year-old daughter, Alexandra.

Later, on the air of the program "The Fate of a Man" with Boris Korchevnikov, Zudina said that she did not consider herself guilty of Tabakov's departure from his first wife: "When a man is doing well, he will not leave his family."

Marina Zudina in the program "The Fate of a Man" with Boris Korchevnikov

The secret romance of a student and teacher lasted about 10 years, until in 1994 Oleg Pavlovich and his first wife finally divorced. On March 17, 1995, the happy lovers got married. Already on August 1, their son Pavel was born in their family, and in the spring of 2006, their daughter Maria.

In March 2018, Oleg Pavlovich died as a result of a heart attack after a long illness.

“I know that you loved me all my life. I was a happy woman, ”Marina said without holding back her tears at her husband’s funeral.

Marina Zudina now

In 2018, Marina Zudina will appear in the fantasy thriller "Involution" directed by Pavel Khvaleev. Also in the picture-dystopia, according to the plot of which humanity is undergoing a reverse evolution, Alena Konstantinova and American actor Ryan Masson will star.

Trailer of the film with the participation of Marina Zudina "Involution"

In addition, during this period, Zudina starred in the drama series The Good Wife, which brought together such serious actors as