Parting speech to the newlyweds from the mother of the bride. Beautiful congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in verse

Congratulations from moms always sound tender and touching. As the bearer of the family hearth, mom knows what words will warm the hearts of a young couple. With these words, mother can meet young people everywhere at home or with bread and salt.

Our dear birds, so you have become a young husband and wife. Now you have a peaceful and happy road family life... I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps you will have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the most happy couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
To be honest, I have lived a long and happy life with my wife. I want to wish you the same happy life... But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding, which took place just a few hours ago. This is a very short period, but I see that during this period you were proudly able to support a very high level happiness in your young family. Keep it up!

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

I would like to congratulate you on your wedding.
Keep what you purchased warm.
And do your best
So as not to waste everything that you have found.
Live peacefully, amicably, justly,
So that trouble could not sneak up on you,
So that life is fun and beautiful.
Do not part, children, never.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

I want to wish you happiness
And congratulate you on a responsible step.
So that you do not see bad weather in your life,
So that you are next to each other.
Congratulations to my heart
I cannot convey in words.
I will hug you, my hearts,
I will wrap my arms around you.
And what can be expressed in words.
You are so beautiful today.
You are warmed by the rays of love.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
I want to briefly congratulate you,
Wish you many years without parting.
And direct to the true path,
And hold your hands together.
Happiness will be endless
I wish you without any doubts
So that your love and heart
Preserved until the last days.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
Golden you are our children!
Congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude.
Always live in peace only.
Combined by a worldly union,
You took an oath of allegiance.
And do not be a burden to each other,
As you promised today.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
In a solemn and bright hour,
When fanfare and poetry are played
Let us congratulate you
Happy birthday to a young family!
What to wish you at this hour,
Of course, joy and happiness,
Good luck may not leave you
Let all the bad weather sweep past!
So you never know
About grief and sorrow,
So that they don't forget about love,
So that there are holidays!

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
I want to throw flowers at your feet,
So that the road was covered with them.
So that innermost dreams come true,
You ask God for blessings.
I will shower the family with congratulations,
Which is a little over an hour old.
I will sprinkle you with holy water,
I will bless, so that with a margin.
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
After all, the marriage was a combination.
All the congratulations in the world are good
I give them to you with all my efforts.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
My dear children, you have tasted a piece from a loaf. I want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf kept for you. Let your house be always full of guests and everyone will get at least a small piece of food. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
Dear ones (the mother calls the children by their first names), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Protect the warmth of this day all your life. Preserve your happiness and multiply it many, many times.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
Oh, you are my doves. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, smart, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks. Dine on bread and salt, refresh yourself. Oh, joy, well now I am happier than ever. Now my doves will always be together. We propose to say this congratulation if you value old Russian expressions.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
Congratulations, congratulations. Yes, how beautiful and how smart. It is immediately evident - the groom and the bride. Do not hesitate, break the bread and put it in your mouth. Let not only your ears enjoy. After all, you will not be full of congratulations. Help yourself and treat others.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
Taste, Eat
You are a baked bread.
Yes mamma listen
With speeches memorized.
As it is prophesied in a fairy tale,
Advice and love you.
Yes, you want to wish
Merry festivities.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

Dear children, I want to wish you that there will always be peace in your family. Peace of mind, peace and harmony between you. So that your family is friendly and that you solve all problems together. People say: "If the whole family is together, the soul is in place."

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

We wish you happiness and good, After all, the years have no power over the happy ones, So let it always be so from now on: What more years, the more happiness. Our dear children! We raise a glass to your family union, to your happiness, to your friends, who shared your joy with you on this solemn day. Bitterly!

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

We wish the young ones: If there is more land, If the garden is rich, If the house is kind, If the cow is good, If the daughter is beautiful, If the son is strong, If the grief is small, If the happiness is eternal!

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

Today we wish you happiness, May the Lord protect you from storms and bad weather, the Human language, from pain and not, From difficult years, from a vicious circle. And God grant you a lot of passion, ardor, ardor and love! And a lot of happiness!

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

Congratulating you on this bright day, We wish you a long and happy life, You passionate and beautiful Love, So that the shadow does not cover misfortunes. We wish you only success in your worries, So that the house rang from songs, joyful laughter, So that the child's smile warms the heart, So that nothing hurts you And so that adversity does not touch you, Seemed like minutes for many years!

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

Let love to your house enter, Not just by word and sound. Let it live among you, Like salt, like daily bread. May your feelings not be cooled Neither storm nor bad weather, And may Health, peace and happiness reign after entering the family. Let the children be a mutual sign of Love for you. May your marriage be - upper class! Although it is called marriage.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young

Cute (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live - like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Congratulations and toasts on the wedding from mothers to the young
Our dear children, allow us on a happy day, at happy hour to say parental parting word... Live so that there is joy in your home, so that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your very best, kindest, most Magic world... Let your family be a model family happiness and well-being.

(Thanks to our dear readers, MINUTE was corrected)

My children, congratulations
Happy wedding, and I wish you
So that all the sorrows - by
They sailed away like a ship.

So that happiness remains
So that you live beautifully
Were with you forever.

I give my son-in-law daughter,
So that she is happy.

Daughter! Congratulations. You are getting married.
Now you are big and remember that you are
From now on, my wife, and walking through life
Love your beloved you.

Son-in-law! I give you my daughter.
Take care of her, and love her like yourself.
May there be only happiness and joy in your family
And there will be no pain and no quarrels ever.

You are family now.
And we congratulate you.
We wish you success
Love without sorrows!

Our young ones are the most beautiful!
Because their love is on fire!
Let them have life
Bright, boisterous.
May happiness be forever
Will choose their home!
May adversity forever
They will forget the way here.
And we will drink, walk,
Congratulations to my daughter and son-in-law!
We love you two very much
You are the bride and groom!

Now you are a young couple
You are now husband and wife.
And let from now on no
Anxiety doesn't go here.

Give birth to children for our joy,
You love each other with pleasure.
And let from now on every day
Gives you drops of joy!

You are my children! I am very happy
I congratulate you more than once.
No wonder I raised my daughter
And I give it now.

Son-in-law! Love my baby
And take care of her from harm.
She loves you very much
And this is no longer a secret.

To the vastness of an adult's life
Your ship is sailing away.
You are not children anymore
You are now husband and wife.

You take care of each other
And love hard.
And then a blizzard of sorrows
Will not comprehend, children!

You are together in life today
Drive your ship.
So live in happiness, with a song
And so that happiness over the edge!

You are now husband and wife.
As they say - one Satan.
Walk together through life
And never swear.

You will support each other,
And lend a helping hand.
Try to keep love
After all, you can't live without it!

And give us grandchildren!
There are ten heroes!
To babysit babies in old age
And sing lullabies.

Wedding day is happiness.
And I congratulate you.
I wish bad weather
They ran away, ran away.

So that the sun shines
To make children smile
To make everything beautiful
You and the planet.

So that the house is a full bowl,
So that everyone is healthy.
On the golden wedding
Gathered for us again!

My children, congratulations
Happy wedding, and I wish you
So that all the sorrows - by
They sailed away like a ship.

So that happiness remains
So that you live beautifully
So that only love and tenderness
Were with you forever.

I give my son-in-law daughter,
So that she is happy.
And beloved, and such as today -

When all this is over, there comes a moment that awakens a lump in the throat. At the end of the ceremony, at the banquet, they give the floor to the parents. Everyone, of course, held their breath, especially the bride and groom. Mom's toast for daughter and her dove. So, the wedding of the daughter and congratulations on the wedding of the daughter from the mother.

The bride, her mother's daughter, is preparing for the big day. A wedding for a girl who, since childhood, dreams of a prince and his "dowry" in a cute face, whether it be a snow-white or, at worst, black horse, thinks over her ideal day in detail. Which? Undoubtedly, there is not even a grain of doubt: the perfect morning is the one on which you know what you will wear. Dress, playing in the sun with all shades of cut diamonds, milky white, wedding dress.

By the time they prepare in advance, taking care not only of the choice of the future husband for the bride, but also of all sorts of little things. These include the wedding decoration of the hall in which the celebration will take place, the choice of the photographer, the choreography of the first dance, the bridal bouquet is also sought.

Mother for daughter is the most close person in the world, therefore, on the wedding day, the congratulations of the mother of the bride and the order are of great importance. Mommy loving beloved is one of the most important people for the daughter-bride. Her words of congratulations take on a tremendous role before the wedding day. This is a great help for the beginning of a happy family life, being husband and wife, bride and groom, doves, whose relationship reigns love: now and forever.

Despite all the solemnity of the moment, it would hardly occur to anyone to call the wedding ceremony as easy as going to the store for another pair of shoes that the bride collects. It is at this moment that support will come in handy. a loved one- the mother, who was nearby, saw the first smile, heard the uncertain: "Huh?", Held the hand when the first swinging step was taken. Into the unknown. Let your daughter support your words, showing that you are always "close by", into the fire, into the water.

Congratulations to her daughter for a wedding from her mother should sound not only as parting words and instructions that should be followed for the rest of her life, but also as a wish from her best friend, who will always understand and support Hard time.

What should be the mother of the bride's speech? This difficult question, to which there is no unambiguous answer. You cannot prepare a single template suitable for every family of the bride and groom on this important day. Based on the warmth of the relationship between mother and daughter, words should be selected that come from the huge heart of the most important woman in a girl's life.

Do not try to memorize the strained words: the falsity is visible, it cannot be hidden. Least of all, the bride would like, hiding her eyes, to hear from an important person a toast that does not come from the whole the broadest soul... Even two words (brevity is the sister of talent!), Which are dictated by the heart, will mean much more than a report of one hundred and twenty pages in small handwriting. Is not it so?

A special bond between mother and daughter

Bride, altar, signature, "Yes!", Congratulations. No one will argue with the fact that, perhaps, her loving mother is more worried than a girl, because her girl says goodbye to her "bachelor" life when she belonged only to herself. Lunches, socks, borscht. A toast expressing approval and congratulations for the wedding from the mother of the bride is the role of the "first violin". The child will be comfortable knowing that the blessing has been received. Especially when it comes to the representatives of the most beautiful sex - about brides.

Say what you like, the relationship between mother and daughter is usually much closer than with her son. They run like a red thread throughout life. It is not a secret for anyone that for young man crossing the threshold of the beloved's house, it is extremely important to enlist the approval of the people who raised his future spouse. Emphasize that you respect the choice of blood. It will be brand new, unlike any of the existing models in the paternal house of both newlyweds, the unit of society.

Soon, the little son will become a father himself, and the daughter, who is hardly nursing dolls yesterday and putting a bunch of teddy bears to bed, will become a mother tomorrow, meeting face to face with the baby's first tooth. Why not form this thought and express it in your own words, finding a place for it in a solemn toast? Mom remembers.

You can congratulate on your wedding day in different ways, the words of the mother and her approval are extremely important for any child. The wedding speech should concern not only your daughter, but also her husband, that is, your son-in-law. The bride's mother should emphasize that she respects her choice and after the wedding acquires another family member in the person of her daughter's husband. Of course, along with the wedding, the life of the parents changes dramatically, as their child leaves the house and starts building his own family. When making a toast to the bride and groom, emphasize that mom will not always be there, but she will help at any time. Day, night - does not matter.

Of course, many, even the overwhelming majority, will now think about the anecdotal image of the mother-in-law, the mother of the bride, and later the wife - the under-the-water snake poking its nose into something that does not concern her in any way. Is it just such a prototype? Of course not, and the mother of yesterday's bride will prove it. Being the hope and support of a young family, today she will teach her daughter wisdom, unobtrusively and gently, as only mothers can.

Sincere parting words, a couple of pleasant words, moments from the daughter's childhood will come to the fore, forcing the lovely ladies present in the bright hall of the restaurant to shed tears of affection. Advise, using a toast as a way of congratulating, your own blood, teach female wisdom how to keep the comfort in the house, and "so that the husband does not go to another."

Together forever!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride at the daughter's wedding must necessarily focus on the fact that although the mother will not spend most of her time with her girl, she will still actively participate in her life after marriage and will always help not only with advice, but also with deed ... Do you know what you should pay full attention to when looking around? Fantasy. Her spaciousness. No one will limit the mother of the bride, no one will set any boundaries for what speech should be. This is a plus and a minus. The daughter must be convinced of such a difficult moment and day for her that, despite the protection in her face stone wall- her husband, at least two close people are always behind her. Mother and father. The beginning of the beginning, the father's house, the pier to which you can always return, sheltering from outside storms.

The speech of the parents and, in particular, the parting words from the mother should not be too sentimental, since you congratulate your child on the wedding, on the day that should be associated only with pleasant memories, and not with how upset and crying the mother was. Wedding parting words should sound like a toast and be understandable not only to the bride, but also to her chosen one. When pronouncing a toast, a mother should speak simple and understandable words, give advice, guided by her worldly wisdom.

Overflowing emotions have no place in the mother's parting words. Only smiles; not the tears of the mother of the bride in the memory and in the photographs. It is not simple. Try to control yourself so as not to ruin your daughter's makeup, somehow making her sad. Emotions will have to be saved ... Not only the daughter, but also her husband, the bridegroom of her bride, her mother's son-in-law, must make sure that her mother is on their side, yesterday, today, tomorrow and always. Of course, it's worth preparing in advance.

Perhaps you will stop a difficult choice on a poetic format, giving preference to it, as the most suitable option to show all maternal feelings. Even if you suddenly forgot any of the lines, do not be upset and do not interrupt the congratulation: no one will notice. If you have prepared a speech in advance, having learned word by word in a certain order, speak from the heart.

Sincerity is to be

The wedding toast should include those words of support that your girl wants to hear so much, as with this day a new one begins for her. independent life and in the future she will have to become a wife and a mother, that is, to bear full responsibility for her family. You should be creative and say this in your own words, after which the bride will be completely sure that she always has a reliable rear, and parental home- this is the place where she will always be understood and supported.

No matter what anyone says, mom will never advise bad and will not say what would harm her child. Mother will break for blood. It is this thought in prose that the lady's speech should convey: her loved ones, the girl and her chosen one, are now under protection. In principle, it is not at all necessary to memorize the words. Speak sincerely, as you rejoice for your daughter with all your mother's heart, infinitely loving your child. Toast, humor, memories, a couple of tips - mix and serve hot! Certainly: not only will your baby, who has already grown up, appreciate it, but also her chosen one, your husband, and, of course, the whole hall, which is decorated today.

In order to wish your child a happy family life, it is not at all necessary to use hackneyed formulaic phrases or memorize long and vague congratulations. It is important that the words are spoken from the heart, and the feelings are sincere, because for beautiful phrases do not hide the falsity. This option, of course, will be easier if mom reads about prose, and does not take a ready-made verse.

Congratulations options

Poems, prose, song or video congratulations - all these are options for congratulations from the bride's mother on the wedding day of her blood. It is exclusively for her to choose exactly how the speech will sound, the main thing is that the congratulations sound sensual, sincere, as well as beautiful and original.

It all depends on talent and creativity mother of the bride. Congratulations from the mother of the bride at her daughter's wedding in prose can of course be taken from the Internet, but it will be best if it sounds from the heart and sincere. It will not be superfluous to supplement borrowed phrases with personal feelings and experiences, to put into them something quivering and special, because no one except you knows your child so well, and only you can truly understand all that “bouquet” of feelings that your daughter is experiencing.


If the writing does not work out in any way, then the second the best option will learn a beautiful verse and put all the necessary emotions into speech. You can play it safe and write it on beautiful postcard- it will be a kind of cheat sheet if the excitement prevails, since everyone who has gathered as a mother reads it. Young people should remember wedding greetings from the bride's mother for the rest of their lives, so the more sincere and emotional it is, the longer the chosen verse will be remembered.

Also, the manifestation of imagination will be useful. Instead of a postcard, you can choose aged paper or a stamped scroll, where the speech will be recorded. Young people will receive a beautiful souvenir reminiscent of sincere congratulations from the mother of the bride, and guests will appreciate the creativity. In addition, it will be appropriate to say a short wedding toast in verse.

Prosaic wish

Congratulations in prose from the mother of the bride on her daughter's wedding day in her own words is also a good option if you put in it more feelings, emotions and tears experienced at this solemn moment. You can find a suitable speech for parting words or a toast in prose in the videos attached to the article, or in your own words, what comes from the heart. It is best, of course, to prepare a wedding greeting in prose in advance, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. It is best to write a message to the young and to your bloodline on paper.

Many people mistakenly believe that words will come on their own. the right moment... Fatigue and excitement can play a cruel joke. If there was no time in advance, you can turn to the toastmaster, she will certainly help you compose a good speech or will already offer ready-made version.

Song composition

Singing a song is also a great way to congratulate your daughter on her wedding day. You can choose a song by any artist or, if you are a creative person, compose it yourself. The main thing when mom sings at a wedding is sincerity. The song should convey all the feelings that you have for your blood. It is not uncommon that when mom sings or raps, you can’t hold back your tears, so be prepared for that too.
A few words about rap. Rap is when a person does not sing, but reads the text rhymed into verse. It looks very modern and unusual if young people see their parents in such an uncharacteristic role for an older age. Rap is a good option when one or both of the parents do not shine with an ear for music and, accordingly, does not sing, but they may well try and read a verse with musical accompaniment.


Video congratulations are an opportunity to say warm words to the wedding. It can be composed of clips of fragments of life, which are complemented by the speech of the mother of the bride with wishes for her daughter. This option will help avoid excitement, since the video is prepared in advance, and the toasts at the feast may include those warm words that have not been said before.

Poems, prose, song or video - the choice depends on the parents. It is important to convey in the parting words all the sincerity of feelings, kindness, tenderness, love. You can combine several forms of congratulations (for example, dad reads poetry, and mom sings a song, or one of the parents, for example, reads rap (rap)), and what will not be included in the speech right away can be supplemented when you make a toast.

Congratulations basics

It is important to note that a wish or a toast does not have clearly established forms and you can say what you want, but it will be useful to observe the rules of etiquette and respectful attitude towards guests and newlyweds. Even if the mother of the bride does not like the choice of her daughter when congratulating her on her wedding day, one should not say bad things about him and her parents.
Points to consider when drawing up a wish:

  • first, you should thank the assembled people for coming to the celebration. Often wedding guests come from other cities and even countries to share the joy, so it is not known when the opportunity to see them will appear;
  • then there are the important words of the daughter - the bride. You can mention a little about pleasant stories from life, tell about it, tell the assembled guests that you are proud of it. Sometimes memories of funny situations are appropriate, but within certain limits, so as not to embarrass the daughter. It is also important to note how happy, adult and beautiful she is on her wedding day;
  • then say some good things about choosing a daughter - a groom. We can say that you are happy for your blood and happy in the fulfillment of her dreams;
  • you need to wish love and a happy family life to the young;
  • you should give parting words to your daughter from your mother;
  • the end of the congratulation will be appropriate wisdom, proverb, quote or song composition.

You can make a toast in a similar way. All wedding greetings should come from the heart. After many warm words have been said for the daughter and her groom, you can offer to raise their glasses and say a toast to the newlyweds.

Correct compilation of parting words

Touching words for congratulations to the wedding from the mother, pronounced to the daughter at the wedding, carry in themselves great power... Only a mother can give advice that will come in handy in any life situation, since she knows her child better than anyone else.
Two important points when giving a parting speech:

  • positive. It should carry and give the newlyweds and in particular your daughter a surge of strength and energy;
  • advice form. It is impossible to learn family life at school, so the knowledge gained from parents cannot be overestimated.

In Orthodoxy, parting words are accompanied by the presentation of the icon of the Mother of God to the young, since it is she who is the keeper of the hearth.

How to deal with anxiety

Excitement can play a cruel joke. It can manifest itself in different degrees depending on individual characteristics... You need to keep yourself under control at the wedding in order to pronounce all the words that you wanted to say.

  • you need to try to find time and rehearse the performance: not only the text, but also the tone of voice, facial expression, movements;
  • speaking, one should concentrate on the fact that all those gathered are friendly and dear people;
  • you should try to relax and say those words that come from the heart;
  • the pose at the time of speech should be open: arms and legs are slightly apart, head straight.

These tips will help you combat or reduce the excitement and successfully make a wish or a toast for your wedding day to the newlyweds.

Congratulations from mom for a wedding for her daughter is important point at a celebration, for which you should prepare in advance. It is worth understanding that this will not take much time, and a properly constructed performance will remain in the memory of the newlyweds and guests for a long period.

At this moment, the mother's sincere confession of how much she loves her, wishes her happiness, but at the same time fears and worries about her is important for the daughter's bride. Toast and congratulations to parents at such a moment play the role of support. And the mother can note that no matter what happens, her beloved mother will always come to the rescue. Congratulations from the mother as a verse, prose, or if the mother sings, on this day is perceived by everyone with trepidation, and even if it is short, blurry, with tears in his eyes.

The text of the wishes from the parents can be found on the Internet or you can compose it yourself. Be sure to supplement the borrowed words with congratulations from the heart. You can come up with a short toast or make a speech from several wishes. The main thing is to avoid anxiety, although it is, of course, inevitable, but a couple of tips will help to overcome it.

That's all. Now I am a mother-in-law!
My destiny is to knead pancakes
And make sure that the son-in-law becomes thicker
And I didn’t "drive waves" to my daughter.

Well, of course it's a joke!
There is joy and sorrow in my heart -
My baby has grown up ...
Before you all the breadth and distance!

From the birthmark
You go to another house.
Be light your way!
Become a good wife!

Take care of yourself and your husband
Create comfort in the nest.
The main thing that a husband needs:
To know that they are waiting for him at home,

Always ready to listen
Cheer up and caress,
Live in love, not in chains,
Be sure to trust.

And then it won't be stronger
Your young family,
Harmonious and lighter
It will become to you later with children.

Well, I'm always ready
And to pancakes, and to be a nanny.
And I want for you again
Sip this drink!

Congratulating children on the wedding day,
I want to touch on subtle topics:
Starting family life,
Alas, problems cannot be avoided.

And there's nothing you can do about it -
Life is arranged like that
And in a dispute you look for the truth,
And nerves sometimes fail.

Conflicts won't ruin your life
I wish you guys!
Decide everything together, not argue,
Divide worries in half.

Reduce disagreement to a joke
To keep the word of anger in our hearts,
Catching happiness in every minute
On the wings of consent to fly.

To achieve understanding in everything,
Doubts are always resolved.
May these wishes come true!
You are best! Keep it up!

Today you are like from a picture
Daughter, as if gone.
You are now two halves,
You are a young family.

You fit together
There is even some similarity.
Hold hands gently
It does you credit.

You will save for years
Respect and dreams.
Let adversity bypass you
Disputes for the sake of being right.

May there be peace in your house
Let joy always live.
May luck not wane
And let love not die.

What could be more charming for a mother
Why is the shining daughter here happy?
Long forgotten lullaby
But I want to, as before, help me:

To save you from troubles and from misfortunes,
It is sacred to protect with your love.
But now you have another happiness,
Now you and your husband, daughter, will live.

So let this life be a fairy tale
It blooms, sings, and makes you happy!
May happiness be endless sea
Which burns, beckoning with a star.

And you, my glorious son-in-law, remember the advice:
Take care of your daughter like a jewel.
Bread and salt, let prosperity arrive in the house -
And good luck, my beloved!

Dear children, let them be happy
There will be your nights and days.
May it always bloom in a beautiful soul
A fairytale flower of your love.

May the sun always smile at you
And keeps family life and home.
May cherished dreams come true -
With tenderness, smile and kindness.

May people all treat you with soul,
Let children's laughter sound like a bell.
Everything that is in the plans - let it come true.
Be, young, more beautiful than everyone!

My mother's order
Please accept it from the bottom of your heart.
In this life every hour
You idolize!

Enjoy your heart all
With every moment of light.
Let love reign everywhere
Bright summer paint.

May harmony, warmth
They live in the house.
You are lucky with each other,
So live long.

Daughter, dear, are you, dear?
I just remember you as a baby
Brown eyes, smile, freckles.
Since childhood, she was naughty, naughty!
I watered my dolls with delicious tea,
You loved to braid your braids with them,
But the golden time flew by.
You are entering a new life today.
Next to you is your beloved man.
He loves you with all his heart, soul,
Happiness to your family, money in abundance.
Now I will say: "Bitter!", So that life is sweet!

Happy smile, white veil
Dear girl, you are now a wife!
Your beloved son will be for us now,
Life will be wonderful, believe in the future!

We would like to wish you today
Caress and patience, live - do not lose heart!
Walk through life boldly, love dear,
To preserve love for him and loyalty forever.

The road will be long and difficulties will come.
The clouds will cover the sun, and rain and hail will go.
But together you are stronger than bad weather and misfortune,
He is for you protection, love and tenderness - you.

Sweet baby, sunny days!
Joyful moments, star lights!
May this happy day continue forever!
Let your loved one be forever!

Son-in-law, listen to the instructions,
After all, I became the second mother,
I wish you without delay
Happy life, daring.

Son-in-law, love your wife madly
Take care of troubles and gossip.
I know you will be reasonable
And you will live in love!

I congratulate you, daughter,
After all, today you became a wife
Of course I wish my son-in-law
So that he sees only your image.

I looked at you with delight,
I only loved you sincerely
You have lived for a long, long time
And let not a day pass without affection.

Son and daughter, dear,
You are so happy
I wish you patience.

And in family life, happiness,
So as not to be discouraged anywhere,
So that true love
Could keep you warm forever!

A special day today -
Another family was born.
And let the Lord's concern
You will be with you day after day.

Congratulations young
And I want to wish you
So that you love each other
And they tried to understand.

I wish my daughter
So that her husband helps her,
And she, to understand
If you need on business.

Well, I wish my son-in-law
So that he loved his wife,
Everything will grow together, I know it -
You are not alone in the world.

Carry along, my children
You are love through the years.
Become happy in the world
May there always be peace.

Well, I don't need much
If only somewhere in a year.
You would have been given by God,
My beloved granddaughter.

Our dear children!
Let the sun shine over you!
May your union be strong
And your house is very happy,

Let the kids be born -
Both girls and boys
Let there always be enough money
And friends don't leave.

Daughter, stay sweet
Do not swear with our son-in-law!
Be a friendly family
Well, and we are a mountain for you!

We give our daughter in marriage,
And gathered today
To celebrate this holiday,
Let life be happy.

We love you, our relatives,
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Let the family be yours sooner
Will hurry after the child!

Newlyweds are dear!
You have found your halves ...
And from the bride's parents
Please accept these wishes.

So that your life path, we want
He generously rewarded with gifts,
Was strewn with leaves of happiness,
And drove away trouble, bad weather ...

To be respected
They appreciated work, loved, waited.
And so that the mysterious time
There was no reason for doubt.

You keep your spouses true,
Love is omnipotent and immortal!
Let the parting words into your hearts
Take care in the family circle!

Dear young people,
You are so dear to us.
We are giving up our daughter in marriage,
Let's call the son-in-law's son.

Be happy, love,
And take care of each other.
And God give a child
There is a lot of happiness on the doorstep.

Our dear daughter,
Happiness fills the heart
Looking at you today
All our relatives are glad!

This wedding day is wonderful
We wish that together
You and your husband walked the path
And they took care of each other.

Newlyweds, happiness to you!
Thank heavens for
That you met and fell in love
Let life be full of kindness and warmth!

We wish our daughter a good wife,
Respect and value your husband,
Son-in-law of success and male strength,
Let prosperity reign in the house, peace!

You have become a legitimate family today,
Take care of your feelings and your beautiful union,
Be respectful and faithful to each other,
Reach the desired height together!

Son-in-law, dear, love your wife dearly,
Appreciate, substitute your strong shoulder for her,
In the family, be a leader and a stone wall,
May my daughter be happy with you!

Our dear, dear, our children,
Now you have taken the most important step,
You will not find anyone dearer on the planet,
May the marriage be strong and happy.

May happiness suddenly burst into your house,
May luck knock loudly
And let faithfulness remain in hearts,
And let love and passion run through your veins.

The wedding is so beautiful
Two loving looks as one!
We wish you love, hugs, affection -
Let life be like in a sweet fairy tale!

And we have a double holiday today:
We have acquired a beautiful son!
Keep our girl as the apple of your eye
And relax in Bali!

Today our children have become a family!
Take care, value your beautiful union,
Walk together to new shores
And keep the feelings of mutual temple!

May God grant you beloved, desired children,
Harmony, strength, many happy days,
Live with all your heart, wide soul,
A bright, happy, big road to you!

We are happy, because children have a holiday -
Wedding day is the brightest day in life!
Congratulations now,
Carry your love through the years!

Always love and always forgive
Understand and trust each other.
And let my family and I be through the years
Take a walk at your golden wedding!

We are giving up our daughter in marriage,
Be happy together!
We congratulate the young
We wish you understanding.

Live in harmony and love,
Have kids soon.
So that prosperity reigned in the family
And there was order with the work.

Our dear daughter,
You are our beauty and pride.
May everything work out for you
Our children, good hour!

We give our daughter
Into caring hands.
Do not quarrel, children, never
But, do not be bored.

We wish you an easy way
Wealth and good luck
To groom and appreciate each other
And the grandchildren - for us to babysit.

How our daughter has matured!
She now has a family.
Fell in love with your son
Now we are sons-in-law with you.

Let us wish them
So that they live together, do not grieve!
Happy wedding, children, congratulations!
We will drink for you today!

We wish the young
Happiness and luck,
Walking hand in hand
And nothing else.

We raised our daughter
They got married,
You live so that
We were proud of you!

Today we are marrying our daughter!
We wish you a long journey together
Love each other, respect,
Give warmth and affection.

May there be many bright days
Give birth to the children you desire,
Dream and strive for the best,
May happiness be with you!

Daughter's wedding day is one of the most exciting in the life of parents.

Emotions, experiences, tears of joy and sadness - all this is the wedding day for the mother and father of the bride.

And at that moment when you need to say parting words to your child, say important words, excitement can confuse the thoughts of parents.

For such an occasion, we offer several touching congratulations and parting words for your daughter on her wedding day.

Congratulations from parents at their daughter's wedding in their own words in prose

Our beloved daughter! In all fairy tales everything ends with a wedding. But know that the wedding is just the beginning. The beginning of a long and happy family life. This is the very beginning of love, not just passionate love. This is the beginning of your children's life. And for the life of your family to last and please both of you, you, daughter, must be wise, patient and loving. A woman keeps a family, and we wish your family to live happily ever after!

My dear daughter! You are already married. Your own family was born. It will have its own traditions and laws. First, you teach each other, and then pass on to your children. I really want you to be an exemplary hostess, faithful friend, caring mother and reliable support for their children. Try to be wise and compliant. This is the most advantageous option in the family. You will see, having learned to be wise, you will get the desired result in everything. Know that your mother is always there, but your family should become closer to you. I will always wait for you!

Daughter! So this exciting magical moment has come. Remember how little you dreamed of a prince, a ball gown, a veil and a heap of gifts ... Today this dream has come true! Now try to make this children's fairy tale turn into an adult reality and be just as tender, airy and magical. Everything is possible in a family! Just do not allow long sadness, resentment, quarrels, disappointments. Let lies and betrayal never peep through the window of your house. Know - you are one whole and if something happens to one half, the other will definitely feel it. Take care of each other, love each other dearly. May healthy babies be born in your marriage. Daughter, protect your hearth!

Beloved daughter and beloved son-in-law! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish that today's date is celebrated by you every year, and that your love grows stronger every year. Your admiration for each other grew. So that you respect each other more and more. And so that every year on this day your eyes also shine with happiness! Be happy!

Today my daughter gave me a son. Yes! Yes! Having fallen in love with (name), and having married him, she assured me that her husband had become family to me. I fell in love with him and will consider him my son. My dear children! The long road of life stretches before you. It will have different reliefs: plains, mountains, rocks, waterfalls, and maybe cliffs ... If you always hold on to each other, you will be able to overcome all obstacles. Don't forget this. Fate has united you, which means you need to be one team! I wish you a big, friendly family, beauty in your relationships, reliability in your plans. Be happy!

Pretty Girl! You've become very big. You are already a wife! I'm sure you can handle this position with ease. You will be the most beautiful, gentle, devoted and caring hostess, the most affectionate mother, the wisest daughter-in-law and the kindest daughter ever. If you need my advice, I will give it to you at any time. Never make hasty decisions or jump to conclusions, they can be wrong. Listen to your heart, it won't fail. Don't argue with your husband, you'd better shut up. You have chosen a smart spouse, he will not let his wife get angry and grumble. Love each other more and more every day. Bitterly!

Dear daughter! You are the most beautiful bride. And we believe that with today you will be the most beautiful wife. Most beloved wife. The happiest wife. We know how lucky your chosen one is.
And we wish ourselves that over the next long years we will become more and more convinced that you are just as lucky with your husband. We wish ourselves to see happiness in your eyes. After all, if a woman is happy, then her family is strong. So her man is happy. Her children are happy. Be happy, daughter, because this is the guarantee of the well-being of your new family.

Dear daughter! We raised you in love and care.

We tried to make you beautiful woman, a sensitive and decent person, interesting personality and, of course, an excellent hostess.

We know that you, we have raised the ideal wife for your chosen one (name).

Now it's your turn to give birth and bring up ideal people, to preserve your relationships and your family for them.

Be happy, love and take care of each other! Bitterly!

Wedding greetings from the bride's parents in verse

Dear daughter, a beautiful bride,
Be on this day you are insanely happy.
Let this shine of your joyful eyes
It will be a reward and happiness for us.

On this day new life begins,
In happiness, your family is born
Let love and advice live in her
For many years.

May there be peace and joy in your house
There will be no place for bitter grievances
May the first months be happiness and sweetness
Loyalty will prolong for many years.

Putting a signature in the registry office is not a problem.
It's easy to love when it's romantic.
Which veil to take - no, not a dilemma,
When in love and you look wide.
It is more difficult when there are quarrels in the house
And everyday issues weighs heavily on the load.
In love, sometimes there are congestions,
But let it be only for the benefit!
Beloved daughter, you are a bride!
From mom to great-grandmother, your path.
But stay gentle, interesting
Be beautiful, sweet for your husband.
Beloved son-in-law, we wish you strength
And endurance and courage always.
May God keep love and beautiful marriage,
Disagreements - no! Fortunately, the world - yes!


Daughter, be you wise, patient,
Always take care of your husband, understand
And like today, always be beautiful
Don't let your hands drop.

There will be joys, there will be quarrels,
After all, this is the only way the union will get stronger.
Remember that strife is so fleeting
Let them not break the bonds of marriage.

Be happy! Be loved!
Take care of every moment together!
Your hearts will be inseparable
We believe in it! For this we drink!

I congratulate my daughter from my heart
With marriage and wedding day.
I wish her for life today
Burn a beautiful flame in the family.

By the fire of love, hope and fulfillment,
Care, tenderness and joy in the eyes.
So that the husband and children repeat every day:
"Our mom is just super - ah!"

We wish our daughter
To be happy - period!
To win the lottery -
Wish you, son-in-law!
Wedding is a touching holiday
But we don't need to cry
Let the prankster answer us
At least one: why?
Because we celebrate the merging of hearts.
This is forever, which means
The wedding is not the end!
You adore each other,
Give us your grandchildren.
You are a family already, but know:
We must remember dads and moms!

Our girl, I can't even believe
That you became a wife today.
There is no one and is happier and more beautiful,
And so your young husband shines.

Our girl, but as if recently
You were small, cute, funny
Cried loudly, laughed funny
She splashed loudly over the puddles in the spring.

I broke my knees in the summer,
In winter, Santa Claus wrote a letter,
You dragged homeless cats home,
We forbade it, but it doesn't matter.

Well, now in this wedding dress,
You boldly embark on a new path.
Only this happiness today
Save and do not forget in your soul.

In family life, let it be comfortable
Every moment will be warm together
Absolutely all troubles will pass by
It will be light in the house from your eyes!

Our girl, love, be loved!
You were born under a lucky star.
Be necessary for each other!
May it be good for your husband!

Happy wedding! So we stand at the place of honor.
So unusual - we are the bride's parents!
And these people are already relatives to us ...
And matchmaker and matchmaker - we are one family!
We have nothing to share - we have one concern -
So that the young live in peace
Children are born - we will have work,
So that the children, grandchildren are happy ..

Today everything has changed for everyone
Today a couple turns into a family
And a bright feeling turned into a big one,
"Thank God!" I speak quietly
May the children be happy, without grief,
So that they only have good
Let the grandchildren give us "gold",
And we will help to make it easy for them.

Today the sun peeped through the windows,
Illuminating the path into the lives of my children,
And I just looked at you:
God keep the hearth for young families.
We bless you - our kids.
We wish you with parental care:
The foundation is strong, full of a bowl,
But happiness doesn't come without work.
Let life be easier to master,
Let your financial question be easier,
All contentment and peace,
And the babies in time for the stork to bring you.

This day is an added date,
Into the calendar, like a bright number,
We wish that together in life
They walked arm in arm, and they were lucky in everything!
You look so great together
Like doves cooing in your ear,
A perfect decoration - a wedding ring,
Happy wedding! And add together:
“Oh, bitter! Sweeten, young! "
We drink to the bottom for a new family,
Let decisions be made easier
Motherly, I will help you!
We wish you filled hearts to the brim:
To each other, the sun, the light ...
May you give birth to children on the appointed day,
And you will feel double joy ...

My good, dear ones,
I sincerely congratulate you!
Today on this wonderful holiday
I want to give you my order:
Live, you are in peace with each other
And cherish every day.
Save goodness and tenderness
Let success not fade away in him.
Go through all the obstacles together
Learn to forgive pranks
Then in life, as a reward,
You have to know love.
Love is huge, earthly
Where you can't live without each other ...
When and a small decision
You can't decide without a half.
All people are looking for a miracle
Not able to find it all.
I wish you my dear ones
Approach cherished love!

I want to close my eyes and for a moment,
So see little you.
And reality seems to me a dream -
My daughter is getting married.
Happiness to you, may life be dear without a blizzard,
No bumps, bumps or thorns.
It leads you to your goal.
Rewarding with the results of labor.
Let love be a noisy river
Washing, erasing the corners
So that there is always peace in the house,
In the wardrobe - an outfit, on the table - pies ...

I'll pour myself some wine for a toast
And I will say from the two of us:
We are very happy for you - sincerely, in full!
I will multiply this happiness by six:
Matchmaker, matchmaker, my husband and I, young -
Well this is a whole family ...
How can I not rejoice today,
If the family has multiplied.
Let's drink guests to the health of the young,
May our race multiply
Let them give birth to golden children
Let's shout "Bitterly!", Dear people!

A magical day, poured into glasses,
Let it flow into a beautiful evening.
And we want the daughter-bride to know:
With family and husband - no, not everyone is lucky.
Take care of him, because he is priceless,
The treasure is one in a million.
A wonderful husband, he is a precious stone,
And know, I'm in love with you without memory!
Our dear son-in-law, you are our dear son,
We are giving you our daughter today,
She is gentle, our beloved flower,
You surround her with your warmth.
And we wish peace and patience,
Love you as tender as clouds.
In everyday life, as at work, inspiration,
Walk boldly - hand in hand!
Love walked the planet
And no one could resist.
And you are caught in her net,
And your feelings are locked up.
Love has been looking for you since birth,
And finally I found two.
And in tribute to Love and Respect
You, daughter, are the bride, the son-in-law is the groom.
A long and thorny path awaits you,
But the nightingales will sing to you.
Everything can be endured, but with a clean,
By the mutual power of Love!

Oh, daughter, I've already put on a veil.
But it seems that yesterday was still
You're a schoolgirl, squares with white chalk
And I could draw on the asphalt.
Our dear son-in-law, yesterday as a boy
You chased the robbers in the yard,
And the exploits read in the books,
Described in a notebook in September.
You are now husband, wife, family, foundation.
And soon you will have children too.
Let love always be in a new family
But don't forget about us.
Wife and husband, but still you are our children.
We want to bless you for your marriage.
And you will remember these words:
He is happy who is always loved in the family!
Love has two wings, like a song
And the soul is wide open.
Your life is now only together
There is a long way to go.
You, beloved daughter dear,
Take care of your home.
We got the best son-in-law, we know.
He can stand the whole house on his shoulders!
There will be many solutions in the future
And questions, where can we go without them.
Let love, as a guarantee of a relationship,
It will warm you two under the wing!


Husband and wife have lived for more than half a century. Their love was hidden behind everyday reproaches, old age grumbles and age-related diseases. The wife could not resist and went to the witch to harass her husband, but so that everything would come out naturally. The witch gave the woman a bottle of potion and ordered her husband to drip tea in a certain dose every evening, and then to do a massage, knead the shoulders and back so that the husband would not suspect his wife of anything bad. His wife sighed: his shoulders are still crushing his back, and the drugs, look, will be enough for two months! Tolerate how much longer! I paid and went to do everything "strictly according to the instructions." At first, the husband was surprised: he liked the attention of the old woman-wife so much, and then he began to show his wife signs of attention - he would make a sandwich for her, then he would buy his beloved's cookies for tea, then her beloved would switch to the series. Within a month, my wife and husband were unrecognizable! But once the woman noticed that there was almost no medicine left in the bottle with the poison, which means that her husband would soon leave her. She burst into tears, clutched at her heart - and ran to the witch. But the wise old woman reassured her elderly wife: there was plain water... The sorceress added: love can always be saved not by magic love spells, but by ordinary care and a little self-sacrifice. And the sorceress did not return the money. Let science be a woman! Dear daughter! Sometimes it happens that we forget about love. But remember our words with dad: the three whales of family well-being will never let your family go to the bottom. This is respect, care and the ability to give in. Dear son-in-law! Women are sentimental and live with feelings. If you want to be cared for and listened to, arrange for your wife, my daughter, once every couple of months a romantic dinner or a trip to the cinema - and then your married life will never fade!

Once an angel, a messenger of God, asked King Solomon what he wanted. The ruler thought: money - so they will run out anyway, and they do not save from troubles; health - this is how old age comes even to those who have never known disease; respect and power - this is how you can achieve it yourself. The king pondered - and decided to ask for real wisdom. The angel fulfilled the desire of the ruler, and also gave him something that Solomon never pursued: reverence, the favor of women, a state, because wisdom is the most revered human quality. Dear daughter and son-in-law, we wish you to always live and act wisely! And you already have love. Take care of each other!

Beautiful and touching congratulations at the wedding from the bride's parents, you can watch the video (verses to Faza Aliyeva, music by Alexander Zakharenko):

Our dear, sweet, beautiful couple - a daughter and a son-in-law! We wish you a whole alphabet of married life.
In order:
(A) - delicious meals;
(B) - big and small holidays;
(B) - evenings when it is a pleasure to stay at home with your family;
(D) - Dutch roses;
(D) - sincerity;
(E) - the one and only to be for each other;
(Ё) - do not use capacious expressions;
(F) - only welcome guests;
(H) - wonderful family friends;
(I) - diligence in household chores;
(Y) - brevity in requests, infinity - in their fulfillment;
(K) - a flirtatious relationship, but only with her husband;
(L) - love, of course;
(M) - courage to admit your mistakes;
(N) - tenderness;
(O) - adoration;
(P) - friendliness every day;
(P) - rationality when choosing children's names;
(C) - family warmth;
(T) - patience and hard work for the benefit of family and friends;
(U) - respect;
(F) - fantastic vacations;
(X) - thrift;
(C) - commitment to saving money for a new family car;
(H) - honesty towards each other;
(Ш) - sometimes joke, because a sense of humor can save any situation;
(U) - a pinch of jealousy, which, like a good spice, improves the taste of relationships;
(B) - be gentle and condescending to each other's weaknesses;
(S) - so that you have everything in plural: fur coats, plane tickets, awards;
(B) - firmness in their intentions;
(E) - enthusiasm when hands are lowered;
(Yu) - youth in the soul until old age;
(I) - you need to forget about your “I” in married life, but we wish you that soon you will have many small “I”, to whom you, by inheritance, will read this alphabet at the wedding!

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