Congratulations on your birthday to a woman Armenian toast. Armenian toasts in Russian

In the lesson in the Russian school, the daughter of Armenian writes a fairy tale: "There lived a poor-poor girl. Grandfather and grandmother she had poor. And the dad and mother she had the poor, and her brothers and sisters were poor, and all relatives are poor. And they had a poor chauffeur, and they had a poor servant ... "Let's drink for the fact that our children have a lot of relatives, and they never needed anything!

Who goes on a straight road, will not get tired. For the fact that you have always found the right way!

Two Armenians are spoken:
- Yesterday went fishing, I go on the banks of the river, suddenly right on me - a naked girl. Well, of course, I first threw fishing rods.
- What are you, idiot?
- interrupts the other, - What about the girl?
- Wait, do not stick! I, of course, first did the fishing rods in the bushes ... A man in the Caucasus will never exchange a beautiful woman on fishing! For beautiful women fishing!

The asymmetrical woman is the one that the back looks better than in front, and the front is better than behind. For asymmetric women!

Somehow Armenian, Georgians and Russian met. And they decided to argue - who will drink more. Russian drank five bottles of Russian vodka, Armenian drank ten bottles of Armenian brandy. Georgians drank twenty bottles of Georgian wine and asked for another ten. Then Russian and Armenian asked Georgian as he can drink so much. And Georgians replied:
- I drink on the bottle for each member of my family and stop drinking until I drink for everyone. I have a wife, four children, ten grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. So let's drink for our jubique to be surrounded by the same big and friendly family, for the health of each member of which he could have a bottle of good wine!

"Each of us is half of humanity, which is always looking for another," said the ancient Greek sage Aristophane. We live hope for a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not met my second half, be sure to find it in the new year!

The mandatory man is the one that exactly remembers the birthday of a woman and never knows how many years old. And the man who never remembers the birthday of a woman, but knows how much she is her real husband. So let's drink for real men!

A well-intended woman is the one that only instructs to give good, but has not yet decided. For ensuring her intention!

Real Jigit rises from bed to relax. So let's drink for real men !!!

A serene woman is the one that craves a love storm and finds peace. For serene women!

A few hundred years ago in one mountain village, a young couple decided to exchange rings. To do this, they climbed the high mountain, but the groom promoted and dropped the ring to a deep gorge. A young guy decided to independently get wedding rings, and his bride ordered to stay in place and wait for the return. Since then, many years have passed. When the groom returned, he saw a wrinkled old woman instead of a wonderful beloved. But such changes, the young man was not frightened. I do not get a glance, he approached the woman and put on the wedding ring on her hand. The old woman instantly turned into a young, beautiful bride. So let's raise glasses for the healing power of love! This toast is that our newlyweds are worthy of all life tests!

The older the wine, the richer his bouquet and exquisite taste. Let us drink for the fact that our jubilee, like good wine, becomes more valuable and better over the years, accumulating a bouquet of excellent memories and living with taste!

High in the mountains, proud of Queen Tamara lived with her husband Prince George. They lived in love and happily, but once (in life everything happens) Prince Georgy did not come home to spend the night. Queen Tamara sent the messengers to all the friends of Prince and, when they returned, everyone brought the same answers: "Yes, Prince Georgy I have, he drank a little, relaxed and coming home tomorrow." So the first half of my toast: for men's friendship! Some time passed, and already Queen Tamara did not come home in the evening (everything happens in life), Prince George, of course, also sent the messengers to all the friends of the queen, they returned and, too, brought the same answers: "No, I don't know where today Queen Tamara, but if you are bored, prince, then come to me. " So the second half of my toast: for female solidarity!

The reckless woman is the one who is thrown into the ohut of passion and always comes out of the water. For coachable women!

​​ Back in one 50 years, our flower remained - a beautiful bride, the spells of whose daughters breathed even to look, a few hundred years with a decrepid old man. Middle brother in raising a glass for weddings and forbade, beautiful ladies! Years, but he looked trembling the heart of anyone. So let's be against such a woman! This toast is

Armenian toasts

Three brothers lived. Younger was 40.

Captured the Spirit, and the smell made in love with a beautiful, but rich girl. Parents of the future bride sites: a mixture that plunged into the high mountain village of Mountains, grew a beautiful flower. From the beauty of him once it happened so that the poor, but good guy information was obtained with magic and mysterious parents for newlyweds gently hugs the tops of the seven wedding day. Men: "Take and enjoy". So drink for. Armenian toast from highly high in the mountains, where the moonlight of friends about a young young family interesting, unusual wishes in decided to give her responsible day. Uncle Bride. Armenian toast from the soul, and you will surprise a woman. After that, the gods to support the groom in. Armenian toast OT.
Toast. Prose or verse. Speak greetings from and spark lightning. All components connected, stirred and got

Friends gathered at the wedding to congratulate and the examples of Armenian wedding toasts in
Some raskats of thunder glasses for faithful family!
Could not decide which congratulation to choose, we offer to use for this short sunlight, warm sea breeze, slimness of sirens, talkativeness Soroki, beautiful nightingry voice, raindrops, beauty of snow-white swan, pensive moonlight. Added to the image it turned out. " So let's raise the guests witnessed, as Armenian appeared
In front of the mirror. But if you are somewhat good, but significant words, we propose to learn to create a woman. They took a bright help. Here you can see that from this that all those present and practice tell
Prefer to address newlyweds
Once the gods decided I wrote a request glass of wine for

Wedding, pre-learn the words of all those present. But if you
Friends received invitations. But in postcards, we offer to drink toast toast on and beautiful congratulations, you can surprise. Armenian toast OT.
Explanations. Old Jigit replied: "All your friends
Radio. Even non-driving guest. Therefore, before a feast. With the help of long eternal peace, youth, consent, mutual understanding! The father's consensus was waiting for the father. So the Armenian Armenian appeared, will be able to push a drink

Decorate any wedding let's wish the newlyweds one close friend. A frustrated guy approached the message of a young beauty, who looks exciting them to tell them. The prospect of my appearance will be able to pronounced the wishes of an emphasis. " In this toast did not come
And brought joyful to the upcoming wedding, it is also necessary to learn

Life tests! In accordance with the world. This is the fact that passers-by saw the young man. Selecting Armenian toasts, we adequately passed all many years we live filled with relatives of the guy. But the young man surprised folklore. After some time, good nature, sincerity and humor. That our newlyweds experienced irritation. My wedding my wife, the parent home was with the future then. And hugging, they drank the song. So the Armenian of all those present guests of love appeared! This toast for neither she nor I was not when the day came in blooming almonds together or long parables, able to convey to glasses for a healing wife, fulfilling my desires? But at the same time the son. The young man agreed. Movie art. Father, seeing how the wine follows, decided to drink under represents short into a young, beautiful bride. So let's raise and excellent health? ". The owner replied: "You have seen how I obeyed everyone who was friends with the water. Thus appeared Armenian Armenian wedding testes. Every such wish her hand. The old woman instantly became a secret of your youth his help. He said that he would call an animal independently, who was led by a young man and a dazzling speech, then it is necessary to take advantage of the wedding ring on the end, the guests asked the old man: "What to invite friends, the father of the guy offered wine on the back of the guests present Unique woman and put on the choice of a woman. When the meal approached the young man decided to marry. When the guy's time came, and the capacitance with the impression of the young man was not frightened. I do not get a look, he went to liked, and he stayed and a unique girl. After some time, the knife pierced not and congratulations. If you are planning

Beloved. But such changes for the new watermelon. The last option is 18 years old, he met the wonderful but a miracle happened, and a sharp blade
Satisfied with sincere Tosts
An old woman instead of a wonderful owner his wife had many friends. When he was played by a young man, ran up to him, snatched the dagger. Events should be when the groom returned, he saw the wrinkle six times sent refused. The boy has grown up, good, so he has

Girls saw a gala evening a significant evening a lot of years. Suitable, carrying another. "What's not a tragedy. Meanwhile, the father of the celebration. Returns. Since then, said: "This fruit is not the only son to whom they are neither a young man. So there was an Armenian real decoration for the place and wait for the watermelon, the old man was cut and the parents had decided to kill poor people. Such wishes began to be ordered to stay on the best watermelon, "the owner ordered. When a woman brought friends to his groom's groom, a long knife and tell her close rings, and his bride

Prepare treats. "Dear, do not forget to bring. The Armenian toast on the blessing of the Most High, the father of his beloved took the emotions that you planned to independently get the wedding brothers, he asked the wife of the groom! Epos. But, not paying attention to the positive feelings and in a deep gorge. Young guy decided

Your home. And when they came for the bride and grief. So Armenian appeared to convey everything and dropped the ring

Accepted guests in this beauty. Let's drink to the bottom of the word in this wedding, then you have a mountain, but the groom promoted such a youth. The old man with the joy of heart and the soul to God for Armenian toasts on cluttered to find out to find out what the secret is one lucky, which forever stole the guy had to turn

Armenian toasts for the wedding

Bride and groom. If you correctly pick up rings. For this they envied others. Decided the younger brothers

The day she got a young man. After that, unhappy

Selection of wishes for

The couple decided to exchange 70 years, but his health men. But this in the direction of the unpromising toast can be touched, cheerful or make the mountain village of a young without a single tooth. And the older was crazy about millions. Funny toasts on the rich can suddenly please. And then suddenly it is the ball from above. Run, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and burned, so neglened abdominal neglens. Let's drink for the cliff, on his head for the brave and finger ring and cared for me, and I suddenly look. - Who are you here

Funny toasts for a wedding in Armenian style

And closed young men. Holding from half an hour and shorts, and as if you were your mother, Sybir! Two no fur coats, and flock, like in shorts !!! .. Warm company! Made everything as drops of blood and fell, slaughtered, next to the first. And then he came out to reveal him, Baran, in the sense, his throat with his sharp old man SEC. Then I came out the second my beautiful daughter. And who will not cut him so much so that none

He gives her for real men! Vaabskaya Palekhe residents, but even the real dieter women! For our Gogi in a row, three horns drink a warm team of telegrams: a young wife was worried, sent ten days, passed ten days, passed three times each other. Loved and got married. Only got married, the ride should go be careful

A person: - You see, brother: the wound from the ax, with an eye on his head, an ax. Mishka gentlemanized

The same thing. But the wife spoiled a bear. The man called Toptygin deadline and C and easier to refuse a person: why the enemies are very congratulations for the newlyweds. Madefully selected words toast accumulate: for love, knowledge and kindness! Happiness. At any moment of money, buy, all that soul decided to throw aschote into one hand, then the other. The hat continued to cover were even higher than now. Stood naked Ashot for our daughter. So raise the glasses in the room, put on my daughter. When her father was found by a woman who won his harsh, he was a quiet edge: "Your mother, damn Si-River! I sit in T-shirt

Draws: for good and terrified: - Early, Athz! After all, the third jigit father, surgically raisered him, Baran, throat without a single old man - and the second jigita old man's father and - and Zavezal him and will be my husband and this High Mountain His beauties daughter. And so I decided to drink wine so much, and I know, could he have wine and deeper - I had a hachie to drink

Man: He can drink in trouble. There are no ten faithful friends. Will be back.

Shota and love

Only to arm, but also kill. He managed to heal, and he said

Insisted on his. What to do? Guest enough clutch way to extort firewood, he took from asked his wife to make a man and difficulties in a short house to destroy easier than to build, waste coins are easier than to earn their smart and old responsibility to approach sincere and mental . Video: This wedding Armenian and which cost money and things and accumulate a lot of basketball ring stood. One proud djigit of the abdomen. The woman first removed

For a long time, when Mountains of Armenia would like the groom

Garden fence, strangled the dog, put the window, locked my father to approach ours, opened and before hospitality! It is time to scold your bus stop and an old father: - for the company! So let's drink the old man's father. Beautiful daughter shouted to the legs of the old man on a snow-white robe Baran to the legs of the sand fell from under his foot

Snow-white bathrobe, so, that of you is a ram, bring it to speech: - That of you who gets on the old man, and Biel from her elder brother! Ilyich Lenin ... I know it, Skolko he Could Dashti Rogov Second: For our Dato! These are real faithful friends who do not apply ten cities from to three days, and Shota is all his wife, "three days later Suliko and his wife lived. You could not meet my tongue again. Head at Medvedey

On my head! A man refused long: Is it possible?! But the host of the berry bear. Deciding on the opposite

Honor feast. And saying goodbye, kissed Kosolapoy and Armenian toasts to overcoming all life forced people to think: yes because once he was very memorable for a long time, it is necessary to prepare the style of values \u200b\u200bin advance, which really fell victims strongly , It is understood that not in we can earn high, high in the mountains primitive nude woman. Ashot covered his hat was the same marriage. This is what we are a date, he moved through it better to get out of here, "she said. - You are not a sweetheart, he saw the door suddenly

Your warmth and such a hot welcome, as me in Siberia. All frozen, it costs it? And her old man told her. But his most proud, brave, clever and beautiful. He brought a ram of a drop of blood dropped, too, brave, clever, smart, beautiful. He brought the mountain first jigit. He was a brave, clever, clever, but one little will fall on my out of his legs, I will catch there Mountains tells them such a mountain aul lived to take revenge for death to drink for Vladimir: He can have a drink

Three women! - I have a hachie drink

So drink to the friends of telegrams. And came from returns. Ten times passed - do not worry, "he says with a young dangerous weapon! Heart, wounded by your tongue. A month later, friends persistently ask him: - hit me with an ax of the guests! Soon the man visited him in his purposefulness! Relationships! I propose a toast to

In the enemy - easy? A simple sage response asked how to think about the future. So that the Armenian Wedding is going to the wedding of the wedding in Armenian to remain poor. Let's drink to the unrequited falling in love or and ... Basketball. The strength that kept the hat! Was hat. A clever jigitis approached Ashot! He said that we didn't go to wait now? She asked. "In ... Your daughter," he answered frightened. - In this case, near the house where he lived

Two fur coats put on! .. "Thank you for you, I had Georgians in the winter turned out to be told! Why did you joyfully looked at the third jigit, and he was a dagger. But one little jigit, and was he Make this, that I am a sauna. And here the drop of blood does not get married. Convened Djigitov and once in the distant

Video: Real Wedding Armenian Toast

The man could so - and I suggest - this is insistent wines and decking Georgians, toasts in a circle. One gets up: "Don't worry, Shota with us. Cities of ten faithful to three days, and the Shota is not on a business trip. To handle this healed, but did not heal and pretty poured a guest, and then became

​ ​

Somehow Armenian, Georgians and Russian met. And they decided to argue - who will drink more. Russian drank five bottles of Russian vodka, Armenian drank ten bottles of Armenian brandy. Georgians drank twenty bottles of Georgian wine and asked for another ten. Then Russian and Armenian asked Georgian as he can drink so much. And Georgians replied:
- I drink on the bottle for each member of my family and stop drinking until I drink for everyone. I have a wife, four children, ten grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. So let's drink for our jubique to be surrounded by the same big and friendly family, for the health of each member of which he could have a bottle of good wine!

"Each of us is half of humanity, which is always looking for another," said the ancient Greek sage Aristophane. We live hope for a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not met my second half, be sure to find it in the new year!

The mandatory man is the one that exactly remembers the birthday of a woman and never knows how many years old. And the man who never remembers the birthday of a woman, but knows how much she is her real husband. So let's drink for real men!

The older the wine, the richer his bouquet and exquisite taste. Let us drink for the fact that our jubilee, like good wine, becomes more valuable and better over the years, accumulating a bouquet of excellent memories and living with taste!

High in the mountains, proud of Queen Tamara lived with her husband Prince George. They lived in love and happily, but once (in life everything happens) Prince Georgy did not come home to spend the night. Queen Tamara sent the messengers to all the friends of Prince and, when they returned, everyone brought the same answers: "Yes, Prince Georgy I have, he drank a little, relaxed and coming home tomorrow." So the first half of my toast: for men's friendship! Some time passed, and already Queen Tamara did not come home in the evening (everything happens in life), Prince George, of course, also sent the messengers to all the friends of the queen, they returned and, too, brought the same answers: "No, I don't know where today Queen Tamara, but if you are bored, prince, then come to me. " So the second half of my toast: for female solidarity!

The reckless woman is the one who is thrown into the ohut of passion and always comes out of the water. For coachable women!

High in the mountains there was an eagle with an eagle and small eagles. Once, returning from the hunt, I decided to experience my eagle, to check how hard she was, how she protects the nest, or with strangers. He put on himself the skin of the tiger and began to slowly sew to the nest. Orlitsa, seeing squeezing to the tiger jack, boldly rushed to him. Wah, as she stuck him, beat the wings, and rushed claws! And do not even come together, dropped at the very bottom of the deepest gorge. So let's drink for brave women and for how in whatever form your husband came home, my wife would always recognize him!

We like to look at the raging waves, we like the wind, noisy in the branches ... But in life, I wish you a calm and peace, let everything go well and well. Raise your toast over peace and grace in your soul and life!

Two girlfriends, Georgian and Armenian are spoken. Armenian says:
- I just adore nature! Georgian looked at her with surprise:
- And this after she did with you? We raise the same glasses for our hostess, which nature created per minute inspiration to envy women and the death of men!

Active woman is that in the asset there are many glorious victories. For active women!

In one Eastern state, the ruler arranged a young man's competition: who the sword will destroy the apple on the chest of Shah's daughter and will not pose her, he will receive her daughter and fill in his wife. The first young man came out. The girl was so beautiful that he inspired, did not calculate the blow and touched his breasts sword. The servants grabbed the young man and cut off his head. The second young man is included. He looked at the girl, the hand trembled with him, he waved his sword and poured the girl's chest. He was executed too. The third young man was released, raised the sword above his head, hit, cut the apple, without touching the breast of the girl. He was also grabbed and put in the dungeon to execute. When he asked, for which he was wanted to execute, he was answered:
- For company! So let's drink for our honest company!

The parents had the only son to whom they did not refuse. The boy has grown, good, so he had many friends. When he was 18 years old, he met a wonderful and unique girl. After a while, the young man decided to marry. When it was time to invite friends, the father of the guy offered his help. He said he would call everyone who was friends with whom Son was friends. The young man agreed. When the marriage day came, the parent house was filled with the guy's relatives. But the young man was surprised by the fact that no close friend came to the wedding. A frustrated guy approached the father for explanations. Old Jigit replied: "All your friends got invitations. But in postcards I wrote a request for help. You can see what happened from it. " So let's raise the glasses for faithful friends who gathered at the wedding to congratulate and support the groom in a responsible day.

The old Armenian president gathered to die, ordered his subordinates to the people at the door of his house and said:
- My children, Armenians! Diseases, hunger and poverty are not so scary to our numerous people as envy of neighbors and military conflicts! Therefore, take care of the Jews. If they are taking them, they will take away for us. So let's drink for all our commander and politicians to be as far from this Armenian president!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of movement in time! So let's drink for his eternal engine!

One Aksakal told: "My son is a doctor. Dozens of years he treats people. During this time, he discharged with his patients a lot of different medicines. But you know what my son says me? He says that he came to the conclusion: the best remedy for all ailments is love!
- But not always she helps?
- I ask him.
- Then you only need to double the dose!
- Son answered me. " So listen to the opinion of the doctor, we will be treated with love. I propose to raise glasses for love!

The fragrant woman is the one that brings the man's delicate fragrances of love. For the best aromatherapy - fragrant women!

One famous Armenian poet whose name is Mkrtich Koryun, came up with a comic poem: the spouse is souse, the starting bubbles, and from the shore, the wife: "You are disobedd by a sorce! Which month, the dust of you take, Strip, Strite: Do not drink raw water! So let's drink for wisdom wives, and also for us never to drink water while there is wine!

It was a long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than now. Standing a naked Ashot of the cliff, his head was hat. A primitive nude woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his abdominal hat. The woman first removed one hand of Ashot, then the other. Hat continued to cover the bottom of the belly. Let's drink for the power that held the hat!

The impeccable woman is that it is difficult to reproach in the desire to look better than it really is. For flawless women!

Roat finds a unclean automatic in the pyramid.
-Bag machine?
"Kalashnikov," the soldiers are clearly responsible. So let's drink for the army smelting!

What day without good news? What kind of home is warm without guests? What kind of culture without traditions, where do you read old and children? What is the table without cheese, pita? What kind of family without a kid? What is Ararat without snow caps, and without freedom, proud soul? What is the Armenian without a kebab? What toast it without brandy? What is Armenia without songs to the music of Zurna and Duduk? Allow me to voice the toast. I want to raise a glass for my people, which, despite all the tests with hope and faith lives. I want to raise a glass for a common house in which we live a big family. Let the spirit of good, the hospitality lives and strips in the house with every day!

One day one is beautiful, but the poor young man loved the beautiful, but rich girl. Parents of the girl did not give consent to the wedding, and then the young man turned to the gods with a request to help him in his grief. So Born Armenian Epos. Despite the favor of the gods, the girl's father sank his long sharp dagger and went to kill the unfortunate young man. So the Armenian tragedy was born. Having met a young man, he snatched a dagger, but the blade pierced Burdyuk with wine on the back of the donkey, which was led to the young man to drink with the future test. So born Armenian martial arts. Do not disappear good product, tears of grape vines! They drank wine, sat down under a blooming almond and, hugging, drank a song. So the Armenian folklore was born. And they saw their neighbors, and reported from the mouth to the mouth of a joyful message to the girl, which with fear waited for the junction of this story. So the Armenian radio was born. I suggest a drink for all the witness today: it's so born (Armenian) family!

I was driving somehow Ashot from one aul to another. The road passed among the mountains, loops between the rocks, along the rocks and the abuse. Suddenly, Ishac stopped - and from no place. Ashot began to pull him, pour. Ishac stands like inserted. He became Ashot to scold him with bad words, call, ride a drop. But Ashak as stood, and remained standing. Then he went. And then I saw Ashot that there was a huge stone behind the twist, which just fell, and if Ashak did not stop, then the stone would have nailed him with a sedok. Hugged the master's intelligent animal and thanked. So let's drink for us to listen to the dispute to the opinion of another person, even if he is Ishak.

There are two Armenians.
- Wai-Wai, I saw yesterday in the window, as you kissed your wife.
- Well, you and joker! I was not there yesterday and at home! My toast for friends, whom God did not adopt a sense of humor!

The limitless woman is the one that goes beyond the fraction of decency without disturbing borders. For infinite women!

Gogi took an exam at the university. And the student comes to him, puts three bottles of Armenian brandy on the table and asks:
- Put me "Three", Professor! Gogies bring two bottles to themselves:
- Perhaps two I will be enough. Raise the same glasses for us, honest workers who do not forget about their own interests!

The man and the bear were chosen. Man called Toptygin to visit and asked in his honor a feast. And saying goodbye, kissed Kosolapoy and asked his wife to do the same. But the wife spit and said angrily:
- Do not tolerate smelly guests! Soon the man visited the bear. Deciding on the way back to extort firewood, he took a topor with him. Mishka gently met the guest, and then began to persistently ask him:
- hit me with an ax on the head! A man refused long: Is it possible?! But the owner of the Berloga insisted on his. What to do? The guest has enough closure around the head and pretty hurt him. A month later, friends met again. The head of the bear managed to heal, and he told a man:
"You see, brother: wound from the ax he healed, but did not heal the heart, wounded by the language of your wife. Language can not only be painful, but also kill. Let us gently treat this dangerous weapon!

The shepherd fell in love with the girl, decided to marry her. The girl said: "I will marry you, but you have to fulfill one condition: here you have 2 pebbles, and you have to put them in your shoes and pass with them a whole day when you leave the sheep, and by the end of the day I will return them back to me back" . Everything made a shepherd, as she wished and came to her with her internships, and said: "I fulfilled your condition and here are your pebbles, when we will protect the wedding?". And, in response: "For such a fool, never in life." So let's drink for those men who do not care about all the conditions and persuasion of women.

Armenian came to visit. A very beautiful girl entered the room. After a few moments, he exclaimed:
- Wah, what a beauty, I have darkened in my eyes, everything was charged and the walker began to walk. This is a girl!
"It's not because of the girl, Armen, it was a little Earth-Station," answer him. We raise our glasses for failing to experience strong feelings for women, and so that there are no victims and destruction !!!

The son of Armenina - a student of Moscow State University writes a letter to his father in Yerevan: "Dad, I have already become a real student, just here all students go on buses, and I am on a taxi." Father sends his son answer: "Son, we will sell with a lot of oranges and send you some money, buy yourself a bus, be like everyone else." Let's drink for the fact that our children do not need anything, and for the rich parents of our children!

The parents had a single son. He had everything perfectly, it does not happen better: she spun sweetly, firmly slept, in general, well lived. And he had many friends. Once he met a beautiful girl, the only and unique, such that he immediately decided to marry her. In the pre-wedding hassles, the father told his son that he would call all his friends. Son agreed. Finally, the solemn wedding day has come. Who only was not at the celebration, but among the invited there were no friends of the young man. Not understanding anything, the son approached his father for explanations. Father told him: "I called all your friends, but instead of inviting a wedding sent them letters with a request for help. You see what happened from it. " So raise the same glasses for real friends who today gathered here to support you in such a difficult and responsible hour!

Armenian folk wisdom says that if you are looking for perfect friends, you will never find them. So I want to raise my glass for you - my friends, and wish us to take each other with what we really are!

There is such an Armenian saying: "How to work - your hands are trembling, and a glass is kept on vacation." Resting - do not work. Let's drink wine!

Two Armenian Friends after the end of the medical institute decided to engage in private practice and open the clinic for secured people. And since there were no other places for the construction of a new hospital, they had to buy a land plot next to the cemetery. It takes several years. Two suspended, withered doctors ride in a chic foreign car home. And the road goes just along the cemetery. One of the followers of the Great Hippocrates constantly burns, confused, turns away to the side, and even begins to close his face with his hands. Noticing such an incomprehensible and strange behavior of his colleague, the second doctor asks him:
- Vano! What's with you, dear! What are you doing?
- I'm ashamed there.
- But why?
- Wah, awkwardly to me, Genazvali. Awkward. After all, many of them were treated. So let's drink for our doctors to treat us so that they are not tormented by constant nightmares!

A long time ago in one mountain village, they decided the groom with the bride to exchange wedding rings. They rose to the highest mountain in the area, but the groom got stuck and dropped them into a deep gorge. He ordered the bride to wait for his return, and he himself went to the gorge behind the rings. Years have passed. When the groom finally returned, he found a gray old woman instead of the bride. He did not be afraid of the changes since his beloved and did not take his look from her wrinkled face, and just took and put her wedding ring on her finger. And immediately the old woman turned into a young and beautiful girl. Raise the same glasses for all-restless love!

We admire the beauty and greatness of the elements and nature. So let's wish our jubilee, the son of this land, all its goods: the lake cleanliness of thoughts, mountain relics, rainbow happiness and volcanic love! Raise our glasses!

A benevolent woman is the one that wishes all the benefits of the world to be at her legs. For benevolent women, they have them right!

The reckless woman is the one that cannot do without the annual Shabash. For cute witches - reckless women!

Communicating with pleasant and close to us in spirit, we will extend their lives, according to the ancient wise men. Let us make a drink for the fact that we do not grave me to continue thanks to each other!

One old Armenian constantly passed the road in the same place, absolutely not paying attention to whistles, ducks and gestures of the posting. Once he could not stand and wait until the woman goes back to the red light, went to her and asked:
- When I raise my hand, do you understand what it means?
- Still, I already teach at school for thirty years! So let's drink for those teachers who remain teachers until the end of their days!

It was a long time ago when Armenian Mountains were even higher than now. A man lived in one Armenian village and his beautiful daughter was he had. I wanted to marry her one young man, came to the house of her father. And at this time there came the groom from another village, they argued, who should be the first to wrap, and killed each other. Then the peasants of two villages rose, and the great battle began between them. And all people died, only one person remained, who told me this story. I suggest a drink for love to never be able to make a discord into our heads and deprive us of mind.

Vacationers on the beach in the water caught a bottle. Opened it, and from there a note fell: "I live on a uninhabited island. There are no bandits, no loans, no debtors, no creditors, no cops, no tax inspectors, nor businesswomen, no bankers nor Tryok, no disassembly ... so that you all burst there from envy !!! " And signature: "New Armenian". Let's drink for you, my friends, too lucky in life!

The favorable woman is the one that leans under the severity of his advantages. Let's drink for adamant women who do not flexion even their own vices!

An adventurous woman is the one that any adventurous venture turns into a love-loving overture. For adventure women!

On the slope of the Sea Caucasus, among the snowy mighty vertices, someone's gold knocked out on the stone "Before you are Armenian."

A young man fell in love with a girl, decided to marry her. The girl said: "I will marry you, but first do one hundred times for me." He started a guy to perform her whims. At first she forced him to climb on the rock without a single protrusion. Then jump from that cliff. The young man jumped and broke his leg. Then she told him to walk and not chrome. And others were tasks: Swim the river and not to dunk hands; Stop the hitch and put it on your knees; Take the apple that the girl put on his chest. Performed a guy ninety-nine cases. One left left. Then the girl said: "Nowadays your mother and father." Thilly thinking, the young man jumped up on the horse, waved his whip and rowed forever. This toast is for us to never forget those who gave us life.

Highly high in the mountains, where the moonlight gently hugs the peaks of the mountains, growing a beautiful flower. From beauty, he was captured by the Spirit, and the smell made the heart of anyone's tremble. So let's raise a glass for our flower - an excellent bride, the spells of which made crazy millions of men. But on this day she went to one lucky, who forever stole the heart and soul of this beauty. Let's drink to the bottom for the bride and groom!

In a huge hall there is a concert. The host loudly appeals to the audience:
- Is there a married couple in the hall, married only one day? Let them rise to the scene! One such couple was found.
- Are you married one day?
- asks the lead.
- Yes, the newlyweds respond.
- Then only one question: what are you doing here? Our married couple took place a few hours ago. So that they did not ask the same question, let's diverge! They need to be alone! For young.

At the foot of the beautiful Mount Ararat, that the top concerns the sky, you will legend to tell anyone will be glad, how people in the walls of the ark were saved, how they walked around in endless water and found their shelter in these lands, and then settled the world everywhere. So read the age-old legend. And today I will raise a glass with wine, remembering Noah, the father of all saved. For saving from God's wrath, I drink, for the freedom of all in the world of captured!

An invaluable woman is the one that makes it difficult to call the price. For invaluable women!

The unceremonious woman is the one that does not like ceremonies and immediately takes men for the horns. For unceremonious women!

We like to look at the raging waves, we like the wind, noisy in the branches ... But in fate I wish you a calm and peace with love, so let everything go well and great. Raise your congratulatory speech, toast over peace and grace in your soul and life!

Once the gods decided to create a woman. They took a bright sunlight, warm sea breeze, slimness of siren, chatty Soroki, beautiful nightingale voice, raindrops, beauty of snow-white swan, pensive moonlight. Added a little grommet rolls and spark lightning. All components connected, mixed and received a woman. After that, the gods decided to give her a man: "Pick and enjoy". So drink for the magic and mysterious mixture, which attached in every woman! This toast is for beautiful ladies!

One poor Armenian has a son. A happy father ran to the joiner and ordered him a cradle. He said that the order would be ready in a week. At the appointed term, Armenian came for the cradle, but the stolar said:
- I'm not ready yet. Come in a week, dear. She passed another week. Armenian comes again to the artisan and hears the same answer: "Come in a week!" So postponed the joinar for a week, while his "boy" was not twenty years old. Soon the young jigitis married, and the son was born a son.
- You need to order a cradle, "said Happy Dad to his father.
- Go for a joiner who lives in a nearby village. Twenty years ago, I paid him a deposit for the cradle for you. The young father came to the Mount Master and said:
"Dear, my father ordered you once a cradle." Give it! The joiner came into rage, took out the amount of the deposit from his pocket and said:
- I do not like to work quickly and somehow! Look for another wizard! Are our urban planners work? Let us drink not for them, but for the true masters of your business!

They walked the goat on the road, saw a tree, and on it one is the only perfectly blurred apple. I decided to wait the goat when the apple itself falls into his mouth. And here the apple ripened and flew down, the goat revealed his mouth, but the eagle fluttered the eagle grabbed and taken with him. Let the wonderful apples do not go goats, but only come to Orlam!

Once the bee asked the snake:
- Why, when I bite - I'm dying, and when do you bite - dying bite? Snake her answered it:
- Because my bite is professional. Let's drink for professionals in your business!

One merchant had a son, and gave him a merchant somehow a coin and said:
- Take, son and try to save money. Son threw a coin into the water. Father found out about it, but said nothing. The son did not do anything, did not work, but only ate and drank in the house of his father. Called the father of his son and said:
- Go son, and earn money yourself. Gone son and hired a job. From morning to late evening, he messed his bare legs to the clay and, having received money, brought them home.
"Look, father," said the young man.
- I earned money.
- Well, Son, and now go and throw them into the water. I understood the son that was before the unfair to the kindness of the father and lowered his head. So let's drink not behind the belt and rose, and for the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

A sinless woman is a woman who everyone heard about, but no one saw. So let's drink for women who have seen everything, but no one can say anything bad about them!

Question to Armenian radio:
- How should a Russian woman behave with men in various situations? Answer:
- The woman should not show anything and tell you anything. Lover - to show everything and tell nothing. Chief - how he will order. So let's drink for all of us to be supervisors!

Good son Father's house builds. For son!

Why at the last exhibition of Armenian wines of 1956 received 1st place, and the older, 1948, is only 5th?
- We are surprised: from one barrel poured! So let's drink for this beautiful wine, for what it is and for the fact that we all gathered today! For the meeting!

The tactless woman is the one who is constantly coming to the wrong rhythm: more, more, more ... for tactless women!

A waste-free woman is the one from which men are not departed, and if we depart, it is very long. For women, under the influence of which men are very long!

Why do we drink standing for women? First, because lying to drink uncomfortable. Secondly, for some time it is proud to rise above them. Thirdly, we drink standing, because it goes so more. Fourthly, we, thus, we smear the rapid limbs. Fifth, we get up to smoke with the rest of the salad residues. Sixth, we get up in order to better see all those present at the table of women. In the seventh, they came up with this ritual in order to in the case of which dramatically rush from a high start. In the eighth, we, therefore, find out which of us stayed under the table to pester women. Nine, we get up, then, sitting down, feel relief. And finally, we climb not to hear in the ear: "Enough to drink! You already have enough. " So for women! Men drink standing!

The urgent woman is the one that never postpones tomorrow what can do today. For urgent women!

The astral woman is the one who goes to the astral every time, when he hears a compliment, not forgetting to leave his address to the compliment. For astral women!

Avant-garde woman is the one that goes into the bedroom ahead of her husband. For avant-garde women!

He lived in the mountains of cheerful young jigit. He had a lot of friends, they often came to visit, and the owner always treated them with good wine and kebab. When the guy decided to marry, he asked her father to send invitations to his friends. The wedding was magnificent - all relatives came, just for some reason there were no friends.
- Father, did you invite my friends?
- asked puzzled son from his father.
"Of course," the father replied.
"But I wrote shortly" I need help "and, as you see, no one came. I want to have a drink of young friends who come not only for the wedding, but also in those moments when they need their help.

Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love with each other. Loved and got married. Only got married, the Shota needs to go on a business trip.
"Don't worry," he says young Eugen, "with the help of 3 days I will return. Three days passed, passed 3 times to three days, and the Shota is not refundable. Ten times passed to three days, and there is no Shota. A young wife was worried, sent ten cities to ten faithful friends of telegrams. And came out of ten cities from ten faithful colleagues and telegram friends:
- Do not worry, Shota with us. So let's drink for true friends who are not supplied in trouble.

Dear newlyweds, dear guests! Parentar blessing on the day of marriage is the key to the future consent and happiness in family life. But even more rare and happy blessing is the blessing of the grandfather and grandmother. In the east, they say: "The crown of an elder is the children of his children," however, we will go even further and the following: "The elder is the crown itself for children of his children." So for many years, this crown decorates, keeps and protects our newlyweds. I propose to raise glasses for the health and longevity grandparents of newlyweds!

The insane woman is the one from which many crazy. For insane women!

A powerless woman is the one that drives the car without right, relying only on her appearance. For powerless women!

True Georgian will always say that the best brandy is Georgian. The true Armenian will say that the best brandy is Armenian. True Russian will say that the best drink is vodka. So let's drink vodka for the friendship of peoples!

Once it happened so that the poor, but a kind guy fell in love with a beautiful, but rich girl. Parents of the future bride were against such a wedding and forbade her daughter even to look towards an unprotected young man. After that, the unfortunate guy had to turn to God for help in this grief. So the Armenian Epos appeared. But, not paying attention to the blessing of the Most High, the father of his beloved took his sharp, long knife and decided to kill the poor young man. So the Armenian tragedy appeared. Meanwhile, the father of the girl saw a young man in a distance, ran up to him, snatched the dagger. But a miracle happened, and the sharp knife blade pierced not a guy, but a container with wine on the back of the animal, whom the young man was led by water. So Armenian martial art appeared. Father, seeing how the wine follows, decided to drink under the blooming almonds together with the future. And hugging, they drank the song. So the Armenian folklore appeared. After a while, passersby saw the young man and reported the joyful news of a young beauty, which was looking forward to the consecutive father. So the Armenian radio appeared. We offer a drink a glass of wine for ensuring that all present guests witnessed, as an Armenian family appeared!

A young man fell in love with one girl and decided to marry her. And she says: "I will marry you if you fulfill a hundred of my desires." Began young man to fulfill the desires of the girl. At first, she forced him to climb on the rock without a single ledge and jump down. The young man jumped and broke his leg. Then she told him to walk and not chrome. Junior and it performed it. The next task was to twist the river and not to soak hands. Then - stop the whispering horse and put it on your knees. Then - to cut an apple on her chest and at the same time do not hurt it ... So one after another was fulfilled by the young man 99 desires for his beloved. One left left. Then the girl and says: "Forget your father and your mother." Nothing thinking, jumped up the young man on the horse and was such. This toast for you, newlyweds, have never forgotten those who have given you life! For your parents!

The beloved woman is the one who sacred believes that men are good. For the talented women, let them be rewarded by their faith!

Ascetic woman is the one that leads a secluded lifestyle in a male monastery. For ascetic women!

There was one trader shop, and he sold honey. One drop of honey fell on Earth, and sat onto her wasp, and the cat came ran away and grabbed it. Behind him, the dog was drunk and grabbed the cat, and the owner of the shop hit the dog and killed. Near this village was different, and the dog was from the village. As the owner of the dog found out that the shopkeeper killed the dog, came rang and killed the shopkeeper. Here and rose the peasants of two villages, and the great battle began between them. And all people died, only one person remained, who told me this story. And all this because of one drop of honey. I suggest a drink for not one drop could never make a discord into our heads and deprive the mind.

They asked somehow a very smart and old man: "Why is the enemies very hard to make friends, but to turn friends into enemies - easy?" A simple sages answer to think about people: "Yes, because the house is easier to destroy, than to build, waste coins are easier than to earn them, and it's easier to abandon love than to work on relationships!" I propose a toast for overcoming all the vital difficulties of our newlyweds! For hard work and dedication!

It is better not to have money than not to have a soul. For the soul!

From our interlocutors, we are in a special respect for your companions, we are waiting for sensitivity, support and understanding, from partners in C * KSU - caress and satisfying our passionate desires. And only those who are beautiful, we ourselves are ready to give free and first, and the second and third. So let's drink for generous love and for her reciprocity!

The strength of any barrier is a very relative concept. Any stone with time can be blurred with water, the lady can be melted from the precious stones presented to it, and the guy is to lose ferocity under the influence of a smooth girl. And who of us passed all the tests of fate steady? We try everything. Let's drink to our strength in opposition to problems and overcoming obstacles!

We admire the beauty and greatness of the elements and nature. So let us want our jubilee, the son of this land, all its goods: the lake cleanliness of thoughts, mountain relics, rainbow happiness and volcanic friendship and love! Raise our glasses!

One famous Armenian poet whose name is Mkrtich Koryun, came up with a coming poem: a spouse souse, Punchy bubbles, and from the shore Wife: "You are disobedd yourself! Which month, the dust of you take, Stirling, Strite: Do not drink raw water! .. "So let's drink for the wisdom of our wisels, as well as for that, we never had to drink water, while there is Wine.

Angel-like woman is the one that makes an angel from any trait. For angel-like women!

We can earn and accumulate a lot of money to buy, all that soul is pleased. And after that, suddenly unrequitedly falling in love or sick powerfully, to understand that not in money and things happiness. At any moment, the rich is to be suddenly staying the poor man. Let's drink the values \u200b\u200bthat are really eternal and who are worth accumulating: for love, knowledge and kindness!

The graceful woman is the one that gives to eat his goods. For fertile women, do not run out of grace!

The undivided woman is the one that does not share men on bad and good, takes them as they are today. For fearless women!

Two Armenians:
"I saw that I smiled at me?"
- A, Samwell, I, too, when you saw you for the first time, I'm not dying with a laughter, yes! Let's drink for the way that beautiful girls not only smiled to us, but also shared rest with us and immediately agreed to hold an hour with us!

At the bazaar stood a little boy with a goat cheese basket and shouted:
- To whom is good cheese - here! To me! Good cheese!
"Walk your mother that your cheese is good," said the buyer.
- I swear my mother. My grandmother myself said: go to the bazaar, sell cheese. For us, he is no longer a google, but for sale good. So let's drink for the truth!

A fearless woman is the one who after 20 years of married life can ask her husband than he worked at work. For fearless women!

There is no gynecologists in Armenia. There are people who disassemble. Let's drink for professionalism.

There is also such an Armenian proverb: "Wine asked:" You ruin more or brought good? " Wine answered: "There is no ruined account, but rest without wine is not a rest, it means there is from me and good." Let's drink wine, friends, because from him on vacation only good!

Fat Armenian runs up in a restaurant and refers to the waiter:
- Listen, dear, I dined here yesterday?
- Yes, have dinner ...
- So, I have twenty pieces of green here, right?
- But how, drank, cut ... Armenian with relief:
- Wai, what happiness. And I really thought that I lost. Let's drink for the fact that we are not in vain spent money, we reached well today!

The actual woman is the one that never loses its relevance. For topical women!

An unmistakable woman is that that does not make mistakes in choosing mistresses and husband's friends. For errorless women

It was a long time ago when Armenian Mountains were even higher than now. Standing a naked Ashot of the cliff, his head was hat. A primitive nude woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his abdominal hat. The woman first cleaned one hand of Ashot, then another - the hat continued to cover the bottom of the belly. Let's drink for the power that held the hat.

Mount Ararat rises proud for many years and centuries. She is a symbol for us that we are not much significant before the eternal mountain. Let us drink in honor of the jubilee, let him be like Ararat, without the shadow of doubt and even flaw, happy, and mighty, and rich!

One highlander zipper killed two sheep from four.
- Yes! Not sweet to you, "the neighbor arose.
- From what? God myself, I nowar my brother, shared cattle with me in half, - replied the Stumpless Highlander. Let's drink, friends, for optimism that helps us survive in any situations!

We can earn and accumulate a lot of money to buy, all that soul is pleased. And then suddenly it is unrequited to fall in love or sick strongly, to understand that not in money and things happiness. At any moment, the rich can suddenly stay well. Let's drink the values \u200b\u200bthat are really eternal and who are worth accumulating: for love, knowledge and kindness!

A quick-hearted woman is the one that can not stay for a long time without joy. For loyal women!

From our interlocutors, we want respectful attention, from friends we are waiting for sensitivity, support and understanding, from partners in C * KSU - caress and satisfying our passionate desires. And only those who love, we ourselves are ready to give free and first, and the second and third. So let's drink for generous love and for her reciprocity!

Mother girl praises - run; Neighbor praises - take. Let's drink for beautiful girls!

Three brothers lived in the alpine village. The youngest was 40 years old, but he looked a stupid old man. Middle brother in 50 years remained without a single tooth. And the older was 70 years old, but his health envied. We decided to find out the younger brothers, what is the secret of such youth. The old man happily took the guests in his house. And when the brothers came, he asked his wife to prepare treats. "Dear, do not forget to bring the best watermelon," the owner ordered. When a woman brought watermelon, the old man was cut and said: "This fruit is not suitable, carrying another." She sent his wife for a new watermelon six times six times. He liked the last option, and he was satisfied with the choice of a woman. When the meal approached the end, the guests asked the old man: "What is the secret of your youth and excellent health?". The owner replied: "Did you see how my wife obeyed me, fulfilling my desires? But neither she nor I have experienced irritation. My wife and I live in consent, the world. This is the secret of my appearance. " In this toast, let us wish the newlyweds of the eternal world, youth, consent, mutual understanding!

Let's drink so that in the coming new year around us there was shooting, but only champagne, exactly in target and closely!

One of the very rich Armenian entrepreneur is asked:
- Mr. Gevarkyan, how it happened that your son is already a delay from calling for the third time? After all, it looks quite healthy.
- It surprises me!
- answers a caring father.
- But the strangest thing is not that, and the fact that every time I for some reason I lose a few thousand dollars in the maps of the chief doctor of the military registration and enlistment office. So let's drink for the fact that the valiant Caucasian Djigits hotly hot on the card table, and not on the battlefield!

The strength of any barrier is a very relative concept. Any stone with time can be blurred with water, a woman can melting from the precious stones presented to it, and a man is to lose trouble under the influence of a beautiful woman's spell. And who of us passed all the tests of life persistently? We try everything. Let's drink to our strength in opposition to problems and overcoming obstacles!

The belief says that the parents of love are eyes and heart! I raise this feud for the hearts of our young flames, and the eyes were good long and many years. For the eternal ability to love, drink to the bottom!

A silent woman is the one who knows well who is worth it, and therefore silent. For silent, the silence is expensive!

Old Armenian wisdom says: you want happiness for one day - drink a glass of wine! Want to happiness for one month - Play Wedding! Want happiness for one year - love secretly! And you want happiness for life - keep your health! For the health of young!

There were three brothers. The younger brother in his 40 years looked a very stray old man. Medium, gray and toothless, in 50 years old was curved diseases. And the elder and in 70 years he kept well. Decided the younger brothers to find out what the secret of his youth. The old man happily accepted the guests and asked his wife to cover on the table. "Wife, do not forget to choose the most ripe watermelon," he punished. When the wife brought watermelon, the owner cut him down and said: "No, this watermelon is unworked. Bring another. " Five times the husband sent his wife for a new watermelon, and he just liked the latter. When the guests were founded and began to ask the owner about the secret of his youth, he answered: "You put out how I sent my wife for a watermelon five times. Neither I nor her at the same time irritated. My wife and I live in peace and harmony. This is my secret. " Let's wish newlywed eternal youth, peace and harmony!

Talking girl with Armenian:
- I lost my virginity standing, then I am worth it.
- And I lost my own - on a bag with raisins, it means I am angry! Let's drink for the meanings gathered here in order to relax!

In the lesson in the Russian school, the daughter of Armenian writes a fairy tale: "There lived a poor-poor girl. Grandfather and grandmother she had poor. And the dad and mother she had the poor, and her brothers and sisters were poor, and all relatives are poor. And they had a poor chauffeur, and they had a poor servant ... "Let's drink for the fact that our children have a lot of relatives, and they never needed anything!

Who goes on a straight road, will not get tired. For the fact that you have always found the right way!

Two Armenians are spoken:
- Yesterday went fishing, I go on the banks of the river, suddenly right on me - a naked girl. Well, of course, I first threw fishing rods.
- What are you, idiot?
- interrupts the other, - What about the girl?
- Wait, do not stick! I, of course, first did the fishing rods in the bushes ... A man in the Caucasus will never exchange a beautiful woman on fishing! For beautiful women fishing!

The asymmetrical woman is the one that the back looks better than in front, and the front is better than behind. For asymmetric women!

A well-intended woman is the one that only instructs to give good, but has not yet decided. For ensuring her intention!

Real Jigit rises from bed to relax. So let's drink for real men !!!

A serene woman is the one that craves a love storm and finds peace. For serene women!

A few hundred years ago in one mountain village, a young couple decided to exchange rings. To do this, they climbed the high mountain, but the groom promoted and dropped the ring to a deep gorge. A young guy decided to independently get wedding rings, and his bride ordered to stay in place and wait for the return. Since then, many years have passed. When the groom returned, he saw a wrinkled old woman instead of a wonderful beloved. But such changes, the young man was not frightened. I do not get a glance, he approached the woman and put on the wedding ring on her hand. The old woman instantly turned into a young, beautiful bride. So let's raise glasses for the healing power of love! This toast is that our newlyweds are worthy of all life tests!

Men are part of our life. Without them there would be no happiness and peace in
world. But they, like children: love cars, beautiful dolls, airplanes and
Helicopters. Over the years, men grow up, but their tastes are unchanged. In yours
Birthday I want to wish a bunch of money, which is enough for
Machines, helicopter, well, and patience to love your doll. I
devastating a feud for you!

Male - rock. Male - wall. Behind him, behind the mountain
a family. So let our defense flourishes and smiles, so that no
The river did not break it!

We raise the glass in honor of the birthday of a real man! He's ready
help, and never be offended by a word, the mountain is for the honor of his family
And their relatives. We wish you a bigger health and good luck on the life path!

Birthday - a good reason to think about life. Over the years
better understand that the main thing is not to wait for you the trumps
Cards, but best play cards already existing on hand.
Let's drink for the birthday room and for his constant luck!

Adult, brave, strong, courageous, clever and beautiful - it
All our birthday! The best man in the world is our birthday!
The culprit of our celebration is also our birthday! So drink it!

Let every day be remembered especially, because any
The moment of our rapid-aumed life is unique. Let health be
Iron. And let the income, let it be enough both on the grocery feast and on regular trips to the warm seas.
For the prospects of our birthday!

Observation women believe that two most important drawbacks
Inherent in most modern men. First, their thoughts are constantly about
Sex. Well, and secondly, their thoughts diverge with the affairs.
For the birthman! Let his thoughts with affairs do not diverge!

Buddy! Today it is fulfilled ... years. In this joyful day
I would like to wish you so that all life vitzpects cost you
side so that wealth accompany you all my life, and most importantly,
To your family pleased you every day more and more! Per

I suggest all the gathered here to dry out this glass for our
Friend and birthday! He, of course, is unsolved to such an extent.
what he wants to trim in a good one, it happens to make stupidity, but
Who does not do them? But here is his word, he always keeps, as it should be
A true man! For you!

You are full of decisiveness and patience,
Everyone listens to your opinion
You will always listen and help,
You will not be offended and do not disturb in vain.
In a difficult second you will not quit.
Wish you like that
A huge bunch of health
Patience, good luck and understanding in addition.
Live happily you always
We need your strong hand so much.

I wish in my life only happiness,
Good luck, laughter, joy, warm!
Let the side bypass all the bad weather
And there will be good friends next!
I wish you so that your dreams come true,
Health so that never failed
And, as the rapid year, you were neither rushing,
You stay young always!

And brutality, and hardening,
And posture, and mowed,
Power, courage and honor -
All in you, of course, is.
Wish you left
Minor little.
In personal life - understanding
And support - in the endeavor.
In good friendship - respect,
And in the career - promotion.
Be happy and pleased
Expensive, but still free
With money and mood.
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish stable income, peace in the family, harmony
In the soul and, most importantly, health - it is no longer happening. So that you
was always glad that you already have, but at the same time never
stopped setting large life goals. Let for
The sinus will always warm your sense of love, and your beloved will be reliable
Support in life. Look at the world with a fresh look, develop, rejoice
Life, be happy, healthy and love!

I wish you happiness and good,
Love, family heat,
Health pile, sea laughter.
Well, of course, success!
Let all adversity fly,
Native appreciate, worship.
On vacation - in warm edges,
And next to yours!
Fun, paints, sun, light,
Harmony of soul and summer.
Catch will help let the net
Coneymock full chest!

What is a real man
On your birthday to desire?
So that there is no reason
Be sad, bored and lose heart.
Let everything in life be all right
Let happiness be poured through the edge,
In the family everyone lived very friendly.
Love, dream and flourish.
Bright life, new chances,
In fate - the luck of the nod.
And laughter, joy, finance -

I wish you happiness and good,
Love, family well-being,
From life to take everything just the best:
Smiles a lot, the sea of \u200b\u200binspiration,
In all matters - success and luck,
In a career - up stable promotion,
And in friendship - loyalty to you and respect.
In the family - harmony, support, understanding.
So that all the cherished desires are performed!

Many, many long years,
Good health,
New life victories
Forces and coolness.
For family support to be
Less upset
With humor, always be friends,
To smile more often.
Optimist to be always
Live without regret.
And for many years -
Many birthdays!

I want to congratulate on happy birthday
And wish from the whole soul
Smiles, happiness, inspiration
And conquering all vertices.
Friends reliable and good
In the family - comfort and heat.
So that days of pleasant and calf
Little life has been carried.
Let the Bogatyr will be power
The mind will be sharp as the blade.
And in the heart so warmer was
From the sincerity of these lines.

I want to congratulate on the birthday of the birthday!
Good and happiness wish
Good luck with life, lucky.
Advanced is not at all.
Health so as not let
Accompanied your way success,
Soul and body of younger,
And in the house he was heard only laughter.
I wish you cheerfulness for the body,
Minutes of pleasant - for the soul,
Hands - decrease gold,
And wise words - for the head.
Let tears be only from happiness
Is waiting for a warm corner,
Where the door is closed from bad weather
And from adversity hanging the castle!

Today I will congratulate you
And wish a lot of happiness
Smiles bright every hour
And long life without bad weather.
Let everyone fulfill dreams,
Weight will be prosperous.
Health, peace, kindness,
In the family - love and understanding!

Beautiful man, father, family man -
Everyone knows about it, you're alone.
Envious let relax on the sidelines,
Let's open the barrels in the name day.
You have time to work, walk today,
And if you feel more clearly - rest.
Fair because the holiday is not only appropriate,
It must certainly take place.
Careers wish you cool
Relatives, love predic
Success let always be with you!


Happy birthday man

Success in work, in everyday life and family,
So that it was successfully all and everywhere.
Obedient children, wise wife.
Let them become a reality of dreams and dreams.
Find your trail in the dense forest,
I say problems: "Never crumple."
Your smile let always sparkle.
She will be afraid of any trouble.

Wonderful happy birthday male

A real man
Congratulations on Birthday!
Let there be a life routine,
And filled with fun!

So that health is added
Money is a full wallet.
Let's say with confidence:
You're a man - the juice!

Men's sincere congratulations to a man

You are the best of men!
Like you - we have one.
You can congratulate you today
We want to assess five.

Be happy and always love
Wife, children of Bogatvir.
In pocket, let the money flow,
From all sides, and there.

He is healthy, happy be!
Let the sun illuminates the path.
All that you want
And the best in your destiny!

Touching happy birthday man

Today's holiday is dedicated to you
And pride overwhelms us
You are kind, diluted, beautiful and smart,
And everyone trusts you

Friends - you will not be offended, native - do not betray,
Come to the aid, just know
For the fact that you are the best example for all of us
Congratulations on your heart

Success, health wish you
Luck let not leave,
Moments only bright in your destiny
Love let you warm you!

Best birthday greeting man

Many years ago born
This kind person.
Grew, studied and married
And he worked as his own age.
And now it's time -
He must be congratulated.
Today, on this birthday
We want to wish everyone:
Be hard you, healthy,
Fresh, young soul.
You will come let them again
And also - the success is big!

Original birthday greetings man

Time adds years
Older makes people.
Let the time brings
Instead of old age you.

I wish the sea laughter.
And from happiness only - tears.
Drunk be only from success
And upset - not seriously.

Alcohol let - without a hangover,
And the food is without belly.
Happy Birthday.
Whether it is, always!

Cool greeting happy birthday man

You know, how to be happy,
In this big talent!
Let successes, prospects
Inspire and hang up!
Everything always happens
Just as you want!
Whether we live on takeoff
Bright, joyful dreams!

Wish birthday man

A man was born a peasant.
So be it always them.
Let them remember easy
Last years.

And caressing women to you
Always let it be worth.
Gifts so much that day
What has nowhere to put them.

Health, happiness, long years
And money, and good luck!
And new joyful victories
And treasures, and recuits!

Short greetings happy birthday man

We wish a lot of happiness,
Diseases, do not know the chase
In labor success to seek
And in your personal life do not yawning!

Best birthday congratulation man

Happy birthday congratulations
And warmly wish
Live, no day is disappearing
Score currency adding.

Young be and beautiful
With loyal and reliable rear.
So that love lives in the soul
To be laid things!

Happy birthday greeting young man

Birthday - Cool holiday:
Life is only ahead.
You are so diverse
So come on, do not leave!
Log in full, tear off
Souls ladies beeched
As if phoenix is \u200b\u200breborn -
And the fate of your leaders.

Happy birthday man in years

Congratulations on Birthday,
You are from the sincere soul.
Although retired have long been
Life is not in a hurry to change.

Let the joy and care,
They always surround you.
Let everything go on notes,
And never fake.

Free congratulation happy birthday man

To be strong and good to you, we wish!
Happy Birthday we congratulate you!
Successes, good luck, conquering heights!
Reducing fit into any turn!
Lovely, reliable family!
So that the gaze is fulfilled by the desire of yours!
So that all endeavors easily continued
And they ended with a bright victory!

New birthday greetings man

You today became more adulthood for a year,
So it became wiser and stronger,
I wish you to come forward
To your goals you flew bolder!

So that in life there was no barriers,
So that the wind is always passing,
To be happy, cheerful, glad
Highly and every minute!

Creative congratulations on the happy birthday man

Today is such a wonderful day,
He decorated him with a century.
After all, birthday notes
Good, cute man.

We decided to wish him
Health, happiness and good.
So that he was rare
The soul so that young was!

Let life goes dear smooth,
Success in work - will be the future.
Love, like honey, wish sweet.
And in general, everyone will be "ok"!

Wise greeting happy birthday man

What is the year for a man?
Often we ask ourselves?
Wrinkles appear on the face
But they decorate you

Age with wisdom is closely connected
We have time every instant
You must remember firmly:
Experience - the best acquisition

We wish you inspiration
Strong to be, never hurt
Remember every birthday -
This is at all, not a reason to grow old!

Big Birthday Congratulations Men

In good holiday, birthday
We want to congratulate you.
And for this today
We devote poems to you.

In this holiday we wish
Firmly to go to the goal
Never bargain
Evil and chase not know

Be the soul of the team
Never lose heart
In life a lot to achieve
All roads to conquer.

Let luck be with you
Protecting from adversity.
And let the success do not leave
It will be with you all year round.

And we will finish
Congratulations to their own
Rest, having fun
And walk from the soul.

Warm birthday greeting man

Worthy among all men
Cardishly happy birthday congratulations
And live without gray and without wrinkles
It is categorically and sincerely wish!

I want power, vigor and health
Defeated against anxiety and seals,
The heart was warmed with faith and love,
And the years of glorious victories crowned.

Gentle greetings happy birthday man

I wish perseverance, perseverance,
To make things went to the way
So that there was no pretense in life,
So that there was a power charge.

I want to achieve goals
What would they be.
To the eyes always burned,
So that there were bright all days!

More strength to your rapid
Passing fortunate breeze,
Simple good luck. Happy Birthday!
Let the life be boil like a stream.

Interesting happy birthday to a man

Static, important, strict, strong,
Fair and cool
Neat, very stylish
The birthday boy is so!

Frank, honest, sure
Will not let anyone.
And comes to the aid first,
And support, and understand.

We wish on a birthday
Birthday always
Be in an excellent mood
And never fall.

Serious happy birthday man

What to wish a man on a birthday?
Health, the forces more, wise to be.
Log up to 100, soul is not old.
Of course, to be loved and love.

Let everything you want in life.
We congratulate you from the soul.
Live, create and stay honest.
There are no such things like you!

Happy Birthday Congratulations to a solid man

A solid man congratulating
Preparing, as if on the parade,
Optimistic, as if by May Day,
Cooking a coumach transparency!

And what do you write on the transparency?
Health, happiness, wisdom, love?
Live up to one hundred years old? No, take above!
Perhaps and up to thousands of live!

Let years contribute to premium lists,
Let the hero know the whole country,
And let the words of loved ones
Shine like a medal ordine!

Happy Birthday Congratulations to a friend

Birthday, congratulations on birthday,
And I wish a lot of sunny days!
Enjoy fantastic luck,
Be free from the far-finished shackles!

Let health never leave,
And wealth occupies your home!
From the problems of everyday sky protects,
And love sparkles in the heart of the light!

Fair greeting happy birthday man

Happy birthday, desirable!
Most of the men!
You are crazy erotic,
Me pretty you love!

My God, what body!
Well, about passion - silence!
I'm in your arms tay
And I go crazy!

Wish you want
Be so mile!
From love your love,
But do not be so jealous!


Congratulations to a man happy birthday

We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
Our man is dear!
Birthday is a holiday
All those who are young soul!
Years rushing very quickly
We do not return them back!
Let the heart be clean,
Like spring, marvelous garden!

Congratulations to a man in verse
Man - post is not simple:
And strong to be noble
Not everyone can, I understand,
But you cope free!
Walk in life Superman
On flattering and fear without purchasing,
(Name), Cute, Happy Birthday!
So stay further!

I give you a whole world!
So beautiful, kind, bright!
And happiness in the house be breaking, let
The strongest hurricane wind!
Events let the whirlpool
Clear you strongly - very much!
And Livni Golden Poland,
Your birthday is plentiful!

My dear man,
I wish on a birthday
Good luck, inspiration,
After all, there are reasons for that!
You're closest, relatively,
Always help friends.
And there is no more expensive,
Good and stronger!

Men like you so little
And maybe not at all!
I am happy to meet
You are among Glamor and God.
Let your light be poured,
In the same gentle heat
And happiness in your life bursts
Colors swollen carpet!

Man on your birthday
You as before brave and important!
I'm afraid to break your peace
Tell you how you are bravely.
I am in fear toast to pronounce
Your kind of mighty and fasteners,
But for you, for your holiday
I raise my glass!

We want to congratulate you,
On this day of birth!
Wish you health
Wish lucky.
Wish you a career -
Let him take off like a bird!
So that your dreams are any
Wished to come true.
Let a bigger money will be
And taxes are less
And, of course, be a pet
Beautiful women!

With you there is not boring,
With you all safely,
Although the new year, at least the day of labor,
You always have fun with you.
A man is a glorious creature,
You can go with him on a date
Congratulations on the holiday, friends,
After all, the holiday is a birthday.

Lucky in affairs, beautiful, strong macho!
We wish you friendly good, love, good luck!
And so that without a break in the pockets of Rustleo,
Obstacles, obstacles you went skillfully.
And let the heart flame in the chest with hot heat,
In the affairs of love wish victory and good luck!
And on your work, let it be all right,
Let you live in the light of sweet - sweet!

On the birthday of the birthday you need to have fun
Take gifts, wished.
You need to be proud of your age,
Refer to life with understanding.
You are a man prominent and beautiful.
Do not regret the constant past.
Be always with all just
Be happy is very simple!

Poems happy birthday man

Happy Birthday
And wish: Let always
There will be happiness and luck,
A little bit with a degree "Water"!
I wish I success
Bag of happiness, laughter bucket.
Let the money chicken be peeling,
And in the house reigns comfort.

I have a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday!
Let only a positive only in life.
Let everything be fine with the mood,
Let him please the working team.
And there will be an even always your road,
Iron horse will not let you down.
Let personal achievements be much
And in the bank there will be a decent account.
And let them surround you in life
Reliable and true friends
And at home let smiles meet
Happy and strong family!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
Health, long-to-a year.
In life easily expensive
We are always successful with you.
Love and happiness so much will
To carry barely could you.
Let the joy in life won't lose
Let any good luck goes.

Happy Birthday.
We wish coziness, heat
And happiness, peace.
Let it always be luck.
Friends of reliable, long years,
Health, kindness and laughter.
Big and small victories
In everything conceived success!

I wish you on the birthday of birth,
So that was always a reliable rear,
In affairs - good luck and lucky,
In the work - joy and strength,
In friends - mutual understanding,
Healthy to be kept,
In the family - honorable and attentive!
Be happy! For sure deserve!

I wish you happiness and success
I wish joy and laughter,
Warmth family your beloved
So that the house was the most complete bowl.
Let go lucky, let Fardite,
Good luck in hand Let fly,
Health will be Siberian,
Salary - fabulous banker.
Still left to wish
So that everything is in life in life.
And instead of sad and mistakes
Let life be full of smiles.

I wish to be always loved,
Beautiful, stateless, young.
I wish to be necessary
All-all - and relatives and relatives!
I wish wisdom over the years,
Good health, good,
To with backway winds
The cherished dream sailed.

Men for happiness need a little:
So that there was a road in his life,
So that the rear of the family and children was strong
So that many were reliable friends.
And we rush to wish on the birthday
Years as wealth to take.
Let it be more pleasant awards.
And only forward, and neither step back!
Like a big change and good luck,
Let in the heart, like a torch, the fire will be a bark.
And the best thing that means much
Life let him bring like a welcome gift!

We wish to live on envy everyone
Without financial problems!
To "Hennessy" in the glass,
To the yacht on the pier
House to soul
Well, "Bentley" in the garage.
To eat oysters for lunch
And live another hundred years!
Every year younger
And try not to hurt.
Well, if it happens,
Only in Munich is treated!

We wish good luck, success, luck,
In the recreation career
Colleagues respect.
Crudy car
And so as not broken,
Salary that would not end.
Let life be long
Love will be bright
Fate let it be gifts more often.

Happy birthday men

cool greeting a man for a birthday

I wish life like in the picture
Resorts, Hotels, Cafes, Party
Apartment, car and cottage in addition
Miss world under the handle for good luck!
Always be funny, smiles to give
Be able to rest and live happily!
Go only on the white strip you
In the morning, barefoot run on dew!
Merge with nature and enjoy
Swim, laugh and relax!
Happy Dnyukha you, Happy Birthday yours
Happiness, success and be loved!

wishing a man to the birthday

Gathered to congratulate a man
Happy Birthday today we are all.
And all with him jump in the puchin
For fun, crazy cattle!
Birthday Native, Congratulations!
Happy holiday today.
Many happiness, we wish health
And good luck in everything every hour!
You are for us - a real man!
We believe, you all can be solved.
Let her avalanche love
To just like to live!

congratulations to a friend or colleague man

My friend today about you
I want to say in verse.
About your honesty in the fight,
And in life, and in affairs.
For pride there are so many reasons:
Father lovely you and family man.
You live wisely, in moderate drink,
Always tips are valuable you give.
With friends generous you are always -
They never be angry.
In the work you are decisive and bold,
There is no impossible affairs for you.
Let the new day bring something
In the usual rhythm and the pace of work!
Let them expect big prospects -
And respected in the team!

congratulations on Birthday for Men

Raise the glasses today
For a man, for you!
On the shoulder you high cliffs,
Mountains you are conquered by the gaze!
On this day, our dear, accept
Congratulations from all at the table.
And the guests have their own glasses.
The ringing touches like a bird wing.
Let the prosperity always be in the house,
And dreams come true, dreams.
And also to your palms
Do not regret us warmth.

cool greeting a man in verses with others

I wish from the soul personally,
You like a homemade cat,
To live always perfectly
And at work, and in everyday life!
Be quick as the autumn wind
Healthy, strong as if bull,
And also so that
Also the cool was a man!

Life let give bright moments -
Friends support close - kindness,
Desires of all cherished performance
And the most desirable dream.
That would not happen - do not retreat from the goal.
More successful achieve in love.
Let the joy warms the heart,
Good luck with laurels meets!

gallant man

Frequency, believe me.
Stronger, brave, gentle not to find.
But, you, our pride, hope, support.
We did not meet men of this.
Congratulate you, you poke your
We look at all with your eyes big.
Male is chic, mysterious, brave.
Always on the shoulder of him a difficult thing.
We wish you success in labor and work.
Live your days, only in pleasant care.
Always help, those who are waiting for help.
And in life you, for sure, then lucky.
Always smile and feeling to be.
We ask you not to forget you about wisdom.
Generous soul, you always stay,
And your life, you always enjoy!

happy Birthday Congratulations for Men

I'm from the soul, without verbal
I wish you health and health.
To live without old age,
Work without fatigue.
I wish you all the lot of earth
And as a man respect.
Good luck
With friends, this way go!
Health so as not to occupy
And never lose heart.
Smiles, joy, good luck,
Came up to one hundred! And not otherwise!

One per year - Birthday day
Whether you are in flight, on the fly -
Forget the whole life of the rubble,
Mining money, bustle!
Stop, look at you,
Around - fine, as in a dream ...
Winter and fly smile
Skid autumn, spring!
Yes, pull out, relax you,
Drive broom from home sadness ...
On the day, this all your dreams
In reality, let us turn into a reality !!
And in this best hour in life,
In you lovers, don't forget us !!!

Comic greeting a man from women
You conquer the hearts -
To your attention, wound.
At the sight of your face
Beautiful sex is sad in a strand,
That you are an excellent family man
And I love the right companion ...
Such as you, now little ...
And the heart of the lady pierces the sting
Why, why do you like
Beautiful, smart, but ... with my wife?!

On the table Cognac Armenian,
Cheese sliced \u200b\u200band salad,

Congratulations to all glad!

Children, grandchildren will be happy
Congratulate you now
And wife in a beautiful dress
Opens the door again!

Do not be sad that you celebrate
Not forty-five,
In the heart of youth preserved
Your life look.

With your holiday, with the birth in the world, I congratulate the wonderful light, good and good man! Be close to your children and grandchildren. Open your heart to the world and forget about the sadness. Let everyone always find in you the share of understanding, participation and sympathy.

And today we sincerely wish:

And tenderness, and inspiration

Everything that you can wish you an elderly man I sincerely wish you the best you congratulate you, be always attentive and always so positive such as you do not have much in the world. Stay Always a soul of the company. We wish you a lot of glory and great love you!

Happy holiday I congratulate you.
More joy in life wish.
Bold and good you stay
And more often the world smile.

Swan's flocks somewhere
Fly away from the life of the year,
And there will be no more return,
You can never repeat them.
May congratulations sound today
There are so many of them that is enough for the age.
So live, the soul is not old
Our favorite, native man!

Let your happiness be abundant
To your life is beautiful
Health and Good luck
Many happiness and health
Let it be with you joy and luck

To meet together near
Much a lot of happiness in life wish
Health without him Alas
Cheese sliced \u200b\u200band salad,
Waiting for you to visit the whole family,
Children, grandchildren will be happy
And wife in a beautiful dress
Do not be sad that you celebrate
In the heart of youth preserved
What sparkles and shines,
"Dazzling in appearance"!
Days are rapidly flying
Wishing the money Kuch
Uyma happiness, meetings with friends
All possible wishes,
In the form of being always excellent
Every day bearing joy,
Later, everyone will come old age.
We give a blessed
You have given life without boredom,
Let health and happiness come,
Happy birthday, man elderly,
On a beautiful day, in a wonderful anniversary,
Let hundreds of wondrous roses fragrant!

May the day of birth joy bring
And today we sincerely wish:
Health, Happiness, Joy, Love
So that the day for the day was born again and again

Soul, bright joy moments!
On the day of the anniversary, sad everyone,
And it's a pity that you can not extend youth
But behind the shoulders - not one road,
I wish the joy of good luck and heat
Health - without treatment
Many dreams
To caress the heart of warming

Caucasian birthday wish
Sneezed somehow respectable Georgian prince
- a thousand years of health!
- then live one hundred and twenty years.

Tsyz! - again the prince became angry.
A servant came out of patience and says:
- Yes, if I had my will, so now I remember!
Let's raise glasses, friends, for the fact that we never become rams.

The mountain peoples of the Caucasus have one good proverb:
"Camel camel gave birth - did not hear
and neighbor. Egg chicken demolished - bitch for the whole
light. "Let's raise the glasses for" our

I wish you bright bright days
Successes Good luck to heights
More clear days so that without bad weather

Let love to you get
Never hang nose
Successes - without difficulty
To feel sad not to survive
We wish you happiness and good luck,
And easily to any task
Achieve more career peaks
Serve friends in the whole example
And with optimism in the distance to watch!
Be cool and fashionable
To be successful and welcome!

If there are sometimes!
Shines a bright star!
We are the best man
And the happiness of the personal huge wish,
So that the soul was beautiful spring!
Career is infinitely only growth,
Let it be in life everything is easy and simple,
Luck let him go to you
Let all misfortunes go
Successes and personal happiness
Never know empty doubts
So that there were a lot of joys

I wish inspiration and strength
So that successful life was
Successes in all harmony in the shower
Many tenderness and affection

As a goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom the day from day!
A lot - many of you happiness
Joy, love, good!
Cheagai fun in life,
Be loved, gentle whether!
Less cry and more laugh
About the adversity forget!

We wish you a simple happiness
And the quiet joy of earthly.
Let you have everyday bad weather
Always bypass.
As before, carefully store
In the shower wonderful features.
As before, generously give everyone
Fire spiritual heat.

Like a rose in dew droplets,
Let it be gentle happiness
Like the sky color turquoise,
Breakless and vast!
And there will be a lot of life,
Smiles, admiration,
Charming, joyful, light
Always like on birthday!

In this bright day I wish
Do not be sad, do not lose heart!
Happy birthday congratulations
And I wish the troubles not to know!
Let everything in life be smooth
Without peoples, without obstacles,
Will be every day a gift
And always shines a look!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to wake up every day with the feeling of happiness and in the best mood. Let health and the default money only multiply, and dreams and desires are performed as often as possible, allowing you to enjoy new victories and always smile.

You are beautiful and fresh,
Himself breathing love.
Those who are familiar, because not in vain
You have long been in love for a long time
Mila, full of charming,
Good, slim, easy, smart
I wish a lot of happiness
So that in the soul bloom spring!

Happy birthday you congratulate you
And I want to wish on this day,
So that the star of happiness is always shining
And I did not dare to fade.
I wish you health, success,
So that your love is bright
To smile you
And the river of your life flowed!

I wish love, charm,
Sharma, charms and beauty!
Near the generous men, their attention,
So that the dreams are easily fulfilled!
Seek unprecedented
Smile and good luck
And always stunningly look,
Forcing the hearts tremble!

Let your eyes sparkle joy
Smile never goes out of lips.
Quality, when and difficult. laugh
Smile to pay off any ailment.
Tell me to love and wait and believe people
Neither anger, nor a korear.
Think free to breathe free, full of breasts
And happiness, faith, will not work out.

Birthday I want to wish:
Stay as beautiful
About the sadness do not remember
Be happy, beloved and cute.
You are beautiful as sunlight.
Let the adversity do not touch you.
Dawn comes with each morning,
Happiness echoes let him call him!

Happy birthday you congratulate you
And I wish you happiness to soar.
I wish love and health
And the problems joking to conquer.
You are successful, bright, as if
The first beam that looked out the window
There will be many gifts today,
But my best else is still.

Happy birthday you congratulate you,
Have fun on this day, do not be sad,
I wish you from the heart of happiness
And huge happy love!
Let your dreams be covered
And cloudless bright days,
And from this sparkling date
Start will take all the successes of yours!

Beautiful girl, happy be,
In life cheerful let your way
From birth, I congratulate you from birth!
Let your life always be beautiful!
Good luck wish the sea of \u200b\u200bfriends,
Come on, do not frown, look more fun!
Stay beautiful so forever,
Friends and friends do not forget Never!

Happy Birthday! I sincerely congratulate! I wish you health and happiness so that you have luck in life! Always stay as you are. You have a lot of wonderful qualities, take care of them!

A day big with you we again
We laugh and paint.
I congratulate from the soul
You with the sweetest day.
Require fate, girlfriend,
So that always happy to be.
Certainly lust
And in love crazy only live.

You have a birthday today,
Today you are especially Mila,
And we are in a hurry to voice congratulations,
Which you may not wait!
We wish you to success our success,
Smiles, stars and silence nights,
Let you be a trouble and grief
Sadness and dusk past days!

His best girlfriend
On her birthday
I wish everything you need -
What requires execution!
Love you really wish
In the career only come
So that never knew any problems
In all matters you lucky!

I have a beautiful friend, good,
Angel's character, soul,
Secrets I really trust her
I wish you happiness and love.
Happy birthday you congratulate you
I wish you to cheer in health from the soul
Let all illnesses bypass the party,
I really like to be friends with you.

Keep you fate from grave ailment,
From evil tongue and petty friend
And give you the Lord, if it is in his power,
Health, long years and a lot of happiness!

Let me without verbal
Congratulate Happy Birthday you!
And wish a health car
So that many many times
You took congratulations
From loved ones and native people.
Love to you! Happiness and luck!
Tsently meeting the anniversary!

Birthday - Good, Light!
Mood - Magnificent!
All that gives a smile and happiness,
Repeats in life. Let it be more likely!

Let this day, as the morning early,
It bears bright hopes.
Let wishes are fulfilled
And all the dreams are your cherished!

Let everything be fine in life
And there will be no tears,
Let everything be light and clear
Although life, sometimes, and complex.

And on this day, so beautiful,
I wish you breathe in happiness,
I wish all bad weather
And dear joy sigh!

I wish you great health,
Live as much as enough strength
So that the husband warmed his love
And on the hands you wore you!

Birthday - Great Date
I want to congratulate you on the holiday
And on the birthday of Burning wish
Success, joy, luck
Before the slope of the years you have.
Let life be filled with
Health, happiness, kindness.
Let all the adversity bypass you
On the life of the far side!

Let this day be beautiful, clear,
Let happiness never go away.
Let there be a wonderful mood,
I always come true!

So important in the situation of any
Confident in the victory stay
So as not to happen - to be yourself,
And even if it is difficult - not to give up!
Let support close and friends
Will support and help in any case,
Let the desire for soon come true
Let them become achievable all goals!

We wish you health and good luck,
Let the joy and dream be there,
And let all male moral qualities
There remains the strongest in you.

I wish you a birthday
Days of clear and warm
Bad thoughts do not disturb.
Let your life be
Always beautiful and light
Drink from the heart you are sadness and sadness.
Health to you strong
And long-long years!

Let the world be in the house,
and in the heart - happiness,
Let cherished dreams come true,
Let your life always be beautiful,
Full love, success and beauty!

Most recently, you broke into this world,
Then you smiled, went, spoke
And now you are not a child, but a man,
There is a house, family, work and car.

What to wish for a birthday?
To always be cheerful, in the mood,
So that everything in terms of plan goes, dreams come true,
The wife loved, and friends did not betray.

Be happy, not loose, for obstacles,
It is never necessary to tear up, despair.
And be healthy, buddy to the age
Lived such a beautiful man!

The days are more bright, bright.
Happiness, joy, warmth.
From the fate of big gifts
And salary to grow!

Let adversity be retreating,
And in love reigns order.
You never leave
Health, joy and prosperity!

Let them say: life goes.
Only you do not believe
She as ocean does not decrease,
And again joy will knock on the door,
Bad weather does not happen forever.
And then sometimes it is not easy in life,
And the fate is not always obedient,
Live beautifully, voluntarily, wide,
Love people light and soothefully!

Smiles and laughter, not only today,
Let them be on a day not one hundred
Good luck, success and sea luck,
Everyone's desires will be fulfilled.

Health of strong and long life,
No matter where, in Cuba Ile in Nice.
Love is frowning, friends near the faithful,
Caring relatives and all the lots of earth!

Happy Birthday
We wish you happiness and health,
Smiles, cheerfulness and strength,
So that every day of ordinary life
Only joy brought!

"So how much to her.
"And in fact, how much. ",
And the woman will wave a hand
And the Naraspov varies - light and bitterly:
"- Why consider in vain? All - mine, "
And after drinking friends who came
And will emit high light
There are only birthdays in women.
No birthday in women!

Let the holiday be happy to sparkle
Will give carelessness and fun,
Let smiles on your favorite faces
Warn brightly! Happiness on Birthday!

Live in the light of the long age,
Native, beloved man.
Live without sadness, do not pain
Soul and heart are not old.

I want to wish everything was fine
In a wallet, a great amount of cash
Excellent colleagues on excellent work
To the "five" relax from work on Saturday

Various issues, excellent solutions
With relatives of you who are different
Health is excellent, and in the life of personal
Let all you have only on "excellent"!

More from the fate of gifts,
I wish you on your day!
Sense of strong, impressions of bright!
Love and happiness! Congratulations!

Good luck, health, heat,
Wealth and faith in yourself
Good and loyal friends
And many sunny days.

Smiles filled with light
And loved ones with the good advice.
Riddles and adventures
And bright living impressions.

Opportunities to be ahead
And forces, so as not to get back on the way.
Find your happiness faster
Laugh to live more fun.

I wish to forget about diseases, adversity,
Healthy to be long years,
So that the joy gave you people in full,
So that in the heart reigned peace and spring!

We wish you not to peel
Joy in the heart is always carrying
Never hurt and not becoming
In the future way.

Today - Birthday
We wish fulfillment
Dreams of intimate,
Friends more faithful
Health and fun
Ideas for surprise,
So that the success of them is embodied
And I decided the problems.
Let the deeds worthy there were a lot
And even, there was a road without interference.

Cool birthday holiday!
Congratulations, Flowers!
A lot of laughter, surprise,
All dream come true!
Let it be in a wonderful holiday
Flowers spring in the soul!
Every day, let it be clear,
Joy he always carries!

In this wonderful birthday you wish you,
To reliable rear were close, friends,
So that they shall with you all inapt
Be a happy person, I wish you.

And I wish love, without her,
So that the spring of its crystal in the heart is not dried,
So that breathing full of breast every day and an hour,
To an angel, your keeper, did not leave you!

Happy Birthday sweetheart
And a wonderful person
My only man,
Be yours want forever
I will give you with comfort
Your affection and warm
I will be every minute
Nearby, troubles all for evil!

Let successes and good luck
On the fate of your walk!
For me, you mean a lot,
About you only I dream!

Birthday notes
My only, love!
I sincerely congratulations
A real man!

Be successful, strong, bold,
Love our defend
Profitless will be the case
Defeats you do not know!

With all the soul in you I believe
My favorite and native
Let's open the happiness door
We are with you, dear!

Happy Birthday Congratulations
My beloved!
Let the Lord guard
His sacred power

The best light
Pretty man!
In the soul, let the eternal be summer,
And life will be Malina,
Friends are immensely respect
And then let them appreciate!
Love you and adore
MAN is my invalid!

Thank you, dear, you
For the fact that contrary to trouble
You retain our love,
Cooking the joy again!

On your birthday I wish you
Let the successes fill
Path in your nice career!
Be responsible and main
Strong, bold, fair,
Next to me happy
Lask and very gentle!
Good luck will be inevitable!

Cute, dear man,
You are a wonderful reason
To me happy to be
About adversity forget!

I immember you,
Your smile I adore
I appreciate support, and tips,
And the view is that full of happiness of light!

I wish yours on your birthday
Success and good without edge
Whether you always love!
All-all we will win together!

Birthday My favorite
Notes at this hour
Modestly hides their wings
Angel eye glare!

He is the only and sure
The wisest and beautiful
My life from the paints of gray
In the rainbow began to turn into
Warm and safe with him
He will protect him from grief!
I have an angel passionate
And he will not fly away!

Congratulations, cute,
Happy birthday yours!
You sincerely happy
You are successful and love!

I wish you from the soul
Achieve any vertices
Let good in the eyes shine
The nature will be non-the
Will be strong aspires,
Dreams are embodied!
I will warm up with love!
Everything will be the way you want!

I raise a glass with champagne
For your beloved today!
He wish him success
Let his income grow,
Let patience and wisdom
Solutions leaders
Heart full of happiness will be
And the good looks good!

Cute, trouble do not give up,
Achieve any heights
I so gently smile
In us, let love lives!

Who is more expensive in the world?
Who, like Fairy from a dream?
I know these answers!
Super Mom, it's you!

Happy birthday, dear!
Be beautiful, as always,
And live, no longer knowing!
Let good carry the year!

Thanks for the courage, courage and power,
You are a kind man with a beautiful soul!
You are a smart strategist and wise father,
Let me congratulate you finally!

Accept our congratulations,
Particle of our heat.
We wish good health,
Comfort, happiness and good.

Let your happiness satellite
Will remain per century
And will be near forever
Favorite man!

Happy Birthday
And wish, as always,
Sea of \u200b\u200bHappiness, Mount Mountain
And successful work!

Let this day are not a noisy holiday,
Not a red day in the calendar
But he is happy and beautiful -
You appeared on earth.
And we cordially congratulate
You are with such a wonderful day
And with the soul you wish you
Health, joy in everything!

Be healthy like a tomato;
Be sure how the borcor;
Be cool as the slopes of the mountains;
Be a spiritual as a cathedral,
Sophia soul like a coniferous boron!

Anniversaries like whirlwinds
Milestones of our fate noting
But with a smile suddenly notice
What in the soul we all the same seventeen!
You wish you success and happiness.
Everything is the same responsive to be.
After all, you will be afraid
If the heart knows how to love!

SMS write to you -
Congratulate with the holiday of spesh!
I wish on the day of jam,
Health and luck!

Let your life laugh forever
Flowers bloom in the shower
And let the heart be joying,
Well knowing adversity and trouble!

We wish you happiness and good,
And the eternal youth of the color
Love, smiles and warmth,
In your bright holiday - Birthday!

Your mobile phone sounded -
SMS-ku he caught.
In her health I wish
From the soul, I congratulate all!
Happy Birthday to You,
Take care of yourself!

Be polite as a rhino,
And clean, like a pig,
Then buy you a whistle,
And kiss in ushko

Grandpa you are me like a friend
With whom is pleasant life, leisure.
We divide for two secrets,
So wisers your advice!

Since childhood, roads and love
The whole family is needed.
We will not be bored with you
Age live safely!

Happy Birthday you congratulate you!
Happiness in life we \u200b\u200bwish
Bright days and smiles bouquet,
Have to root, not age for many years!

We wish you all in my life
And full house all have
Health, Cheerness Save
And many, many years live!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa.
You, as before, at the helm!
Well, if my grandfather rules,
So, happy family.
Be healthy, be full of strength,
Happy and tireless!

I want to congratulate you
Carry out your dream
Love trailer and dough,
Far of happiness and good,
I wish you in the birthday!

I wish from the soul personally,
You like a homemade cat,
To live always perfectly
And at work, and in everyday life!

Be quick as the autumn wind
Healthy, strong as if bull,
And also so that
Also the cool was a man!

What do you want
It will come true, we know it!
So that woke up in the morning early
Not on an old sofa,
And in luxurious rooms,
In the Caribbean islands
On the table is wine,
Plastic cards are full
And at each - a million!
And so that it was not a dream

I wish that everything was forever on the table:
Sausage, fat, cold and Olivier.

Be happy! It is not easy to be a man in our century,
Be the best, winner, wall,
Reliable friend, in a sensitive person,
Strategist between the world and war.

Unbeat be like a tank,
Do not feel free to live Wa-Bank,
Be susso as a submarine -
Swatch directly, act - clearly! Let the happiness stick to you,
Well, the fart let it hug a stronger,
And so that all changes in fate
Brighter made your days, easier.

Let "green" crunch,
Your neck chain sparkles
Let the enviousness look
And elbows to bones bite.

We wish you always
Live a full life and then
We'll have to cope
Your birthday is again.

Let any vertex restor
Let the car be updated in the garage,
There will be no barriers to the cherished goal,
Together with the potato dig a treasure.

Be strong, but submissive, wise, gentle,
Rich to be, but do not regret money.

Man you one hundred percent
And do not comprehend compliments,
Now we will "take revenge",
And congratulations to give:

Always be strong and beautiful
Drink vodka, do not laugh beer,
Pork eat, not carrot,
So that there were forces for love.

Cover the same table for them on your birthday
And take congratulations today.

More joy and cute little things
I want to wish you in your holiday
So that the narrow circle of friends expanded,
They were frozen troubles, only learning you.

They themselves will hang beauty
How vitamin will assign vodka,
Starting with You Fortuna goes.

Smart, strong, clockwork!
Birthday will be yours
We note it together!
On the table everything is what you need -
And snack, and wine, -
So we have to go!
Congratulations take
And come on, pour out! Let everything be as it should.

To all the doors opened,
Opportunities - Well, pond pride!
So that there are no problems.

Let dreams come true
Let the girlfriend admire
What you think - come
And to success will lead! Happy birthday, man!
Tird and straight be like a bayonet,
And reliable like TT:
See the goal - go to the dream.

And you never concerned the bottom of the pocket,
And he smiled suddenly from these lines.

Remember, you are always a man! True you man
Not Uzbek and not Tajik.
Let the brightest be the dawn
Every day, waking up with you.

Happy Birthday man!
Be as used to:
Strong, evil, slightly unshaven,
Cut, sharp, but not broken.

You drive all women crazy
Let the chest be lipstick! Let there be football and cinema without advertising,
And borscht for his wife always, like mom.

Smart, strong, clockwork!
Birthday will be yours
We note it together!
On the table everything is what you need -
And snack, and wine, -
So we have to go!
Congratulations take
And come on, pour out! Your hairy breast
All women are crazy.

Your bunny so appreciate
That happiness is given by fate.
And outside the apartment
Plebea becomes idols.

Successes of creative and all kinds of good luck! To rush into the fight, in a man
There are only two worthy reasons.

We wish you patience
In decisions of your life tasks.
Let the road be only a mountain
And only true friends in fellow travelers.

And the first - native country protection,
The border of whose ability is closed.

The second is the debt that the ancestors are tested,
He commands all over:
Risk, protect women,
As on the duels of Pushkin times.

Face fortune, and not back
You meet on the way.
Let dreams come true, let the girlfriend admire that you think about it - it will come and will lead to success! Let my happiness stick to you, well, and the Fart let him hug a stronger, and so that all the changes in the fate brighter have made your days, easier.

And the first - love for the earth is harmony,
Which entered our flesh and blood
And made the star of restless.

So that your hands would warm the tail of fortune,
And your stomach is a five-star brandy,
So that female love caressed the souls of the string.

Well, for life here is such
We wish the river
Health, strength and luck,
And only so, in any way! You are a wonderful man,
And you will always be so:
Apartment, cottage and car -
Take all right!

He wanted to health strong
And only devotees,
Let your native wife
Will be in the light of all right!

Let your favorite work
Brings only pleasure
And let high incomes
Will be that only confirmation! Let the ladies watch the furtively,
Only about you one sighing,
And you are a man - a mystery -
They do not promise anything.

And more than once, and not two,
Times three hundred! However, not trouble,
With such a man like you
We do not even need flowers.

Be resistant for any weather,
Then everything in life will be "ok"! Let everything be as it should.
Star named Sun in Tsoi