Great imagination force. Power imagination

Imagination is the ability to form mental images of something that cannot be perceived by the senses. The ability of the mind to build psychological scenes, objects or events that no, no, and did not happen, in the past. Memory is actually a manifestation of fantasy.

Each person has some imagination ability. Some may be highly developed, and in others it can manifest itself in very weak form. This manifests itself in various degrees W. different people. Imagination allows you to present the whole world in mind.

This makes it possible to look at any situation from a different point of view, and allows you to mentally investigate the past and future. It manifests itself in various formsOne of which is dreams. Although simple dreaminess can make you impractical.

Some dreams, if not engaged in something that requires attention, provide temporary happiness, calm and exemption from stress. You can travel at the speed of light in your imagination anywhere without any obstacles.

This makes it possible to feel free, albeit temporarily, and only in the tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circumstances. Imagination is not limited to the vision of pictures in the head. It includes all five senses and sensations. You can imagine physical sensations, smell, sound, taste, feelings or emotions.

One people are easier to see mental pictures, others are easier to imagine feelings, and some feel more comfortable when they see the feelings of one of five feelings. Learning imagination makes it possible to combine all the senses.

Strong and developed imagination does not make you a dreamer and impractical.

On the contrary, it strengthens its creative skills, as well as this is a great tool for creating and reconstructing your world and life. This is a big power that can change all your life. It is widely used in magic, creative visualization and affirmation. They are the creator and the circumstance of the event.

When you know how to work with him, you can make your desires come true.

Imagination plays a big role and has great importance in the life of each of us. It is much larger than simple dreaminess. We all use it, consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily matters.

We use our imagination when we plan parties, trips, work or meeting. We use it when we describe events, explain how to find a specific street, we write, tell or prepare the cake.

The imagination is the creative force required for the invention of the tool, designing a dress or building, drawing a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination plays a big role in any area to achieve success. What we imagine with faith and feeling comes to us.

Visualization of an object or situation, often a repeated mental image, attracts an object or situation into our lives. This suggests that it is necessary to think only in a positive key of our desires.

Imagination is the most important side of our lives. Imagine for a minute that a person would not possess fantasy. We would lose almost all scientific discoveries and works of art, images created by the greatest writers and inventions of constructors. Children would not hear fairy tales and could not play many games.

Thanks to the imagination, the person creates, it is reasonably planning its activities and manages it. Almost all human material and spiritual culture is a product of the imagination and creativity of people. Images of imagination are not something special, inherent in only art or creative process, this is part of our everyday life.

It's easier to say - deprive the person of fantasy, and progress will stop! So imagination, fantasy are the necessary human ability. It should contribute to the best knowledge of the surrounding world, self-examination and self-improvement of the individual, and not to grow into passive dreaminess, replacement of real life with Gresses. In all these cases, the imagination plays a positive role, but there are other types of imagination. These include dreams, hallucinations, dreams and dreams.

Dream It can be attributed to the category of passive and involuntary forms of imagination. The authentic role in the human life has not yet been established, although it is known that in the dreams of a person find expression and satisfaction many vital needs that, due to a number of reasons, cannot obtain realization in life.

Hallucinations They call fantastic visions that do not seem to have almost no connection with the surrounding person. For example, they are the result of certain impairments of the psyche or the work of the body, many painful states accompany.

Dreams In contrast to hallucinations, this is a completely normal mental state, which is a fantasy associated with the desire.

Dream Call the form of special internal activities, which consists in creating an image that a person would wish to implement. Dream from dreams is different in that it is somewhat more realistic and in more than associated with reality, i.e. In principle, feasible. Dreams in humans occupy quite most of the time, especially in adolescence and for most people are pleasant thinks about the future, although some have and disturbing visions that generate anxiety and aggressiveness. The imagination process is rarely immediately implemented in human practical actions, so the dream is an important condition for implementing the creative forces of a person. The need for a dream is that, being an initially simple reaction to a strongly exciting situation, it is then often becoming an internal need of personality. The dream is very important in the younger school age. The younger than the child's child, the more often his dream is not so much expressing his direction as it creates it. This is the formative function of the dream.

Images of imagination have various aspects that are important to us:

First aspect - All people have the power of imagination. The images represented by man do not come from somewhere, they - the motion, the movement of the human body, the natural manifestation of life.

The ability of a person to create images of imagination pays a chance to create the paintings during therapy about themselves, images of their problems, their reflections, their feelings, their body, social relationships, their fears and desires, as well as change the existing paintings. You can submit the processes occurring in your body, its power and resources, the ability to recover (for example, good blood supply to the sore place). You can present your pain, its shape, color, activity. By changing this image, you can change the intensity of pain and for a while (possibly and for a long time) soothe pain.

Second aspect It is that the imagination deals with both the past and with the present and future. People remember the history of their lives, looking inner eyes to pop-ups from the past.

These paintings are unimpressive - people do, produce them as from their memoirs, from thoughts, knowledge about what happened in the past, so from their emotional memory, from the memory of the body and memories of social contacts. "Memory is a difficult thing, a relative of the truth, but not her twin."

The fact that images of imagination relate to the present - granted daily experience. We see things with our own eyes, but also see things and our inner eyes, we can imagine, for example, the image of our heart, even if we never seen it with our own eyes.

A person can also imagine the picture of his future. Can create in imagination the image of his aspirations and desires, his professional future, the next vacation ... We can imagine a picture of the future, and this picture can help us decide whether I can keep the course for this future, whether it comes to me, it will become for me I am reality or not. At first, a person arises an image, and then he embodies him into life. And this third aspect imagination.

"I do not hurry to start practical work. When my idea is born, I immediately begin to build the device in imagination. I change the design, make up improving and in my brain I bring this device into action. And I absolutely indifferently, if I launch my turbine in my thoughts or experiencing in my workshop. I can even notice that its balancing was broken. In this case, there is no difference in the results. So I quickly develop a new concept and I can improve it, without at the same time without touching. And as soon as I come to such a stage, when all possible improvements that I could come up with, and when I no longer see any deficiencies anywhere, only then I embody the product of my imagination in a particular form. " Nikola Tesla

The Tesla strategy has striking similarity with the strategy described by Mozart, who claimed that at first he composed music in his head, and then, when she was ready, simply "rewritten" her on paper (see "Geniyev Strategy", Vol. 1). Mozart wrote that he saw music with a mental eyes in such a way that she was " almost fully completed and finished in my brain, so I could consider it, as a beautiful picture or statue ... Therefore, the transfer to paper happens quite quickly, because, as I said, by this time everything is already completed; And what is written on paper is very rarely different from what was in my imagination. " (E. Holmes. Mozart's life, including his correspondence).

However, our speech communication - and this fourth Aspect Imagination - always filled with images, countless varieties.

Good literature is characterized by the fact that when we read the novel, a talented poem or listen to some interesting story, we have images. And these are not the images that were invented by the authors, but these are our own images. For example, ate two people are talking about the sea, then both will have an image of a particular sea, and not the word "sea" of four letters.

Each person creates its own image of the sea. This makes communication possible and at the same time complicates it, confuses. When, during therapy, the spouses talk about love and share their ideas about living together, about confidence, about their unrest, strong desires, about sexuality, both often use the same words, but the images standing for everyone behind these words are different ... Everyone is in some other "movie".

One of the tasks of therapy is to try to convey to another person my images - performances, learn to translate them into the language of the interlocutor.

The fruits of imagination everywhere, they are an integral part of our world. They are part of our being.

Imagination, its products need to provide a place, they must be taken seriously and respect. How man expresses its images at the moment: in words, in the figure, in a clay sculpture or dance, is secondary meaningful.

The main thing is that these images find their expression. Imagination and his creative expression is not only a means to achieve the goal, but also by itself the goal.

If customers express images of their imagination, the fruits of their fantasies and relate to them seriously, it means that they perceive themselves seriously.

When a person makes out his fantasies in the drawing, a picture or other object, he pays his attention to the fact that he used to be only on the edge of his attention, he can observe this, to occupy a certain position towards this and change it.

Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force. Take a look at these words again: "Big creative power." Imagination! Not education! Neither money! Not good luck!

Napoleon Hill, the author of the book "Think and Rich," says that fantasy is the most amazing, miraculous, incomprehensible powerful power in the world. Before discarding this thought as a crazy, you should know that Mr. Hill was an adviser to two American presidents, received an order from rich Andrew Carnegie, to teach people to exercise their dreams, and received many thanks from greatest people In the whole world, which he helped to succeed.

Imagination is a force that will lead you to the places where you have never been.

Henry Ford relied on imagination and faith. Walt Disney said that if he had not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not see him on Earth. Bil Gates introduced his products before she became a real softwarewhere we work. It should be remembered that many of the great people in the world began with scratch and built the empire. They dreamed. And the universe embodied experience from their imagination. The universe always creates a real experience from imagination, whatever it is.

Sometimes people come to therapy whose fruits of imagination are weak and unnavatic. Those numerous people who fear or even be afraid to express their fantasies and share them with other people. Some customers have no ability to create internal images, not developed the ability to represent something. She manifests themselves from them, only in night dreams in the form of fragmentary pictures. Sometimes spontaneous phantomy images appear at times, which are elusive and breeding. Customers are very upset when they notice this process attenuation of imagination.

Sources of such fuses are different. But if he (the client) is ready to explore with the therapist new pathways and move forward, then it is possible - often very slowly and gradually - again grow up this ability to create this ability.

How to develop and maintain imagination?

Leonardo noticed that "the gift of imagination is at the same time the steering wheel and the udis for feelings" (B. Volody 2. Leonardo's notebooks) and brought exercises specifically designed to stimulate and mobilize internal cognitive processes against visual impressions. Let's consider the following exercise for example, given in his treatise on painting:

The way to encourage the mind to a variety of inventions

"I will not resist and present to your consideration new waywhich, although it may seem trivial and almost ridiculous, is still very useful to encourage the mind to a variety of inventions.

It consists in the following: if you look at the walls covered with different stains or made of a mixture different species Stones, and if you want to come up with some scene, you can see the similarity on this wall with different landscapes, decorated mountains, rivers, rocks, trees, plains, wide valleys and groups of various hills. You will also be able to see different battles and figures in the rapid movement, and a strange expression of individuals, and costumes from distant countries, and an infinite set of things that you can then reduce individual and well-distinguishable forms. When considering such walls and mixtures of different stones, the same thing happens as when hearing the bells: in their zona you can hear any imaginary name and any word. "

(MS. 2038 BIB.NAT.22 V)

As Leonardo himself pointed out, such as apparent trivial or meaningless mental exercise could be very important.

How to make the imaginary animal seemed real

"You know that you cannot create an animal without it does not have [the features or] parts that would not be similar to the features of other animals. Therefore, if you want some of the animals invented by you seemed real, - Suppose it is a dragon, "take the head of a mastiff or setter, the eyes of the cat, the ears of the dickery, the nose of the hound, the eyebrows of the lion, the temples of the old rooster and the neck of the water turtle .

In this case, Leonardo explicitly uses the identification strategy, internalization and combination of key features in order to construct something in their imagination; This process is opposite to the process of creating information card information coming from sensory sensations. Leonardo uses a strategy highly similar to research human face in their grotesque drawings; he cuts out, inserts and glues different elementstaken from their memory and imagination in order to create a black mosaic that would look like real.

"Apparently, it was a strategy that Leonardo was successfully applied during his artist's career.

Vazari (1550), for example, mentions that when Leonardo was still a young student (in the workshop of the famous Master Vokkio), his father, Sir Piero, gave a shield made one of his peasants. Sir Piero took His Leonardo to Florence and asked to draw something on it. Leonardo "began to think about what he could draw on it such that the enemy would scare, like the head of jellyfish. For this purpose, Leonardo brought to the room to which no one, besides him, was not included, lizards, tritons, crickets, snakes, butterflies, grasshoppers, bats and other strange animals; Of these, he formed an ugly monster, a terrible and frightening, which was empty to poisonous breathing and turned the air into the flame ... "When his father came to pick up the shield, Leonardo" showed a shield on the easel, opened the window so that the bright light fell on it, and then summed up Him father. Sir Piero was very amazed and surprised against surprise, without realizing immediately, he sees a shield in front of him or even a drawn shape; Leonardo, supported his father saying: "This work serves the goal for which she was conceived; Take it and take with you; It has exactly the impact that should be rendering. All this seemed to Sir Pierrot look like a miracle, and he exalted Leonardo for extraordinary ingenuity. "

(Andre Frequent. Genius Leonardo da Vinci. New York, 1961)

If you start from one image, even with a very simple, "blurred and badly distinguishable", you can eventually fix it in such a way that he "did not swim." For example, close your eyes and look at those images that arise by themselves. Maybe it will be easier for you to remember the faces of your favorite people, your favorite movie hero, emotionally loaded experiences of the past, a special place of rest, sunset, your car, or just a household item. If you get such a picture, even if at first it will be very unclear and fuzzy, continue to return to it and try add more depth, details and colors.

I worked with many people, at first arguing that they could not visualize. One of the first questions I asked them sounded like this: "If you could visualize, what would you see?" For example: "If you could visualize a big ball hanging in front of you, how would he look if you could see him?" Most people at the same time begin to respond: "Well, he would be red and round, about this distance from me ..." and so on.

Sometimes, helping a person learn to visualize, I say: "Let's start with something simple, and then" enlarge ". Let's create a ball image. " After he presents a ball or any other simple object, we add another ball, and then another one - until the person can create the image of the garlands of balls in the form of a pyramid or any other composite image. In other cases, I can ask a person to start with an unclear blurry or contour of a person, and then I ask him to look at the details, for example, on the buttons on the shirt.

Then complicate the details themselves, or adding parts to the image. You can say: "Well, if you saw this ball before you, where would there be a shadow? Where would there be a light source? " In order to see something in external reality, light is needed. The same principle is effective for our internal images. When they find a shadow, it becomes much easier to see the object itself.

The following is a record of meditation that will help people apply Tesla strategies when visualizing and creating new visions of the future.

Position your body is convenient and relaxed. Sit in such a pose, which really helps you dream. If your body could immerse you in a state in which you could truly give freedom to your dreamer, how would you sit down then? Where would your head be tilted? How would you breathe? Where in your body you felt the tension of the muscles?

If you could dream of truly, how would your inner voice sounded? Would he be initiated or whispered? Or would it be just some kind of sound? Maybe he would have encouraged you or asked you questions? Or maybe sounded very confident? Adjust your inner voice to that tone that will help you dream, will lead you to dreams.

And then start visualizing the dream of a certain kind. The dream of the entire planet. If you could come up with a wonderful dream of the whole planet, what would it be? And since it's just a dream, you do not need to worry about whether it is possible if it is realized. Dream free. If you could invent your own version of Utopia, what would you see? How could technology fit into this global dream of the entire planet? And what about the war? How would the children taught? How would people of different parts of the world talked to each other? How would we use the tools that we have, ecological and creative way to favor the whole planet and people living on it?

Let your dream lead you to the future. What would be similar to medicine? Will people contact doctors, how do we do it now? Will there be more hospitals? If you could change the world through a simple dream, by visualization, how would you transform hospitals, schools and companies? What will the future office look like? Will there be offices in general? Or will everyone be connected with others right at home? How will people travel in the future? No need to limit yourself to today's technology. Imagine that you live on the planet, where everything you can imagine, automatically becomes reality. The only limitation will be the boundaries of your imagination.

How in the future we will handle animals and plants? Will we need lawyers and psychotherapists? What work in the future will be the most important?

What music will listen to in the future? What are the museums? If you went to the museum, where subjects would be presented today's dayWhich one would be the most fun for the future of the future?

What could you invent such that would change the world to the greatest extent? What parts of our lives have more space for change?

Imagine that you can change the world through something that you have done. Let's notice that you could do this and how it might change the world.

Let your unconscious continue to develop this dream so that it becomes most suitable for you and that this process would bring you an inner feeling of pleasure, joy and hope.

Then, for a minute, let your mind move from the future in the past. Think about your life and find the moment when the dream has become a reality for you. Remember something that before was just a dream for you, and later you found that it became a reality.

Perhaps each of you have dreams that came true. And, perhaps, if you find one such dream, you will begin to understand: "Yes, there is one more!" Maybe there are even such dreams about which you forgot that they were once there were dreams, because today they are a normal reality, just another brilliant day in paradise.

When you look at the world around you, please note that many things you see around is actually dreams that have become reality; The room in which you sit, the electric light, in which you read, a chair on which we relax, the book, which is kept in your hand. All these things were once with dreams, but now they have become a reality.

We live in the world of dreams that come true. Perhaps you yourself helped others make their dreams reality. Maybe you yourself are someone's dream that has become a reality. Perhaps your parents dreamed of you before your birth. Perhaps you entered someone's life at the very moment when it was necessary to appear anyone like you.

Therefore, take care of your dreams. Take care of dreams that have become reality. And, returning to the present with the speed that is most convenient for you, maybe you yourself will feel that you are in a wonderful position - on the threshold of a new dream. Behind you - the dreams that came true. Ahead is new dreams that make the meaning of the whole of your life.

Meditation visualization

Below we give several descriptions of meditation-visualization. Let us give in detail the texts of the immersion in the relaxation state and exit from it only in the first description. In other cases, they are similar.


The psychotechnics cited below has a partly diagnostic character. The image of the vessel born by the participants (a heavy cruiser, flying brigantine, a duck boat or a slippery unstable raft), swimming performed on this vessel, can be considered a metaphorical reflection of a person's ideas about himself and his life path. These images can talk about the actual physical and mental state, about the perception by a person's condition for its livelihoods and ways to overcome them difficulties and obstacles (agree, there is a difference between the vision of the yacht with the spacer below the waterline in the most height of the fierce storm or ray, but the caravel waves in the rays ascending sun). However, it is not worth considering the participants about such an interpretation of visualizations, especially since it cannot be considered more than probabilistic hypothesis.

- Cut it yourself, take such a position that seems to you most comfortable. Close your eyes and until the end of the exercise do not open them and do not move.

Your body begins to gradually relax. You feel how the tension disappears in the muscles. With each spoken word, every muscle of the body is increasingly filled with a feeling of peace and pleasant lethargy. Your breath is even, calm. Air freely fills lungs and easily leaves them. The heart beats clearly, rhythmic. Pay your inner eyes to the fingers right hand. The spacious fingers of the right hand seem to touch the surface of warm water. You feel the ripple in the tips of your fingers. There is a feeling that the hand is gradually immersed in warm water. This magic water is washes your right brush, relaxes it and rises up the hand ... to the elbow ... Even above ... Now all your hand is immersed in pleasant warmth, relaxes ... on the veins and arteries of the right hand runs fresh Updated blood, giving her rest and nourishing with new forces ... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmic ... And now your inner gaze appeals to the fingers of the left hand.

The text above is completely repeated for the left hand. At the end, be sure to install a relative to breathing and heart.

Pay your attention to your feet. The feet relax. They feel a pleasant warm, resembling heat from the fire burning in the fireplace. The feeling is as if your feet are standing on the fireplace grid. Good, affectionate warmth rises upside down, giving giving relaxation and leisure muscles ... The tension disappears ... And now the muscles of the feet relax - from the tips of the fingers to the hip ... Breathing is smooth, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmic ...

There is another source of heat in your body. He is in the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus. Like a small sun impresses your internal organs with your life-friendly rays and gives them health, it helps better function ... abdication, the muscles of the abdomen and chest are relaxing ... A pleasant relaxing warmth is distributed throughout the body, which creates a feeling of rest and rest ... disappears In the shoulders, in the cervical department, at the bottom of the backbone ... You feel how the voltage accumulated here dissolves and disappears ... It goes ... if you lie, then your back feels a good power of the earth through the surface on which you learn. .. This power allows you to relax and pours new, fresh energy into your relaxed body ... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmically ... Now your inner gaze appeals to the face. The muscles of the face are relaxing ... The tension leaves the cheese ... From the jaws ... the lips become soft and puffy ... smoothed wrinkles on the forehead ... eyelids stop taking excit ... they just climb and still ... all muscles face Relaxed ... Lightweight, cool breeze is washes your face ... He is pleasant and kindly, this air kiss ... The air carries you my healing energy ... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmic ...

All your body enjoys full rest ... The voltage falls, dissolves, leaves ... fatigue is destroyed ... you fill with a sweet feeling of recreation, relaxation, rest ... rest filling you with new forces, fresh and pure energy ...

You are relaxed and free. You can be wherever you want to be. Where you are well. For someone, maybe this is his own home, for someone - this is the corner of the yard, where he loved to hide in childhood. And for someone, just a glade in the summer forest, where you can lie in the grass and see the dazzling gluke on it ... Stay a little in this place. Wear a positive energy of this dear place for you ...

And now let's go further ... You are not in a hurry go on the road and now hear the noise of the sea - the waves roll ashore and run away again. And this sound can not be confused with anything. Another turn, and in front of you all shir, in the polio - the eternally moving surface of the sea. The sound of the surf here is heard much more distinct, you feel the salty flaw splashes on the lips and see the port, full of ships. What are the ships here not! Mixed times and countries in this magic port. Here and huge modern ocean liners, and Indian shuttles, swept from the tree trunk, and the ancient Greek pies, and the Galends of Spanish conquistadors, and pirated schooners, and boats, and yachts, and fishing barcasses, and elegant brigantines, and flat-rocks, and catamarans. Up to atoms, aircraft carriers and "Nautilus" Captain Nemo ...

You go along the piers and admire all this variety of forms, paints, snapshot. Know that any of these vessels can be yours. Choose yourself what the most suitable for you, what you like, which meets your needs and ideas about the ship you need ... Look carefully what you have chosen. Is it a huge frigate or ordinary sailing boat? Or maybe a light motor boat? What is the form of this ship? The streamlined, directed forward, designed for speed? Or it is heavy but durable designable to withstand any storm? What color painted onboard your vessel? Does he have anchor? Or maybe he is not needed at all? Read the inscription on board the ship. What is his name? What letters is this name written?

Get up to your ship. Who meets you there? Or there is no one on board? What does the meeting look like? Listen: He tells you something ... Inspect the ship from the inside. If this is a large ship, does not hurry to go around it. Take a look into the cabins and in the cut ... Tempered on the captain's bridge ... Stroll on the decks, go down in the bag ... What did you see in all these parts of your ship? Go to the cabin that you will occupy. Or just define some place for yourself on your ship. Look - here is a cup of paper folded several times. Expand it. This is a map. It indicates the purpose of your first navigation. What is this goal? Is there a name of the destination?

Go to your swimming. Your ship leaves the port ... Further and on the beach ... So I have been hidden behind the horizon of the top of the highest masts of the ships remaining in the port. You are in the sea on your ship, you yourself chose our way in this vast seaside ... You move to your goal ... is it? What awaits you on the way? I do not know ... Now you will see the continuation of your film about your own swimming. See ...

Lead silent. Let the imagination of the participants work without any tips within one or two minutes.

But it's time to stop in our swimming. Direct your ship to the nearest harbor ... So your journey is completed today. You go down the ladder. Before you leave, look back, look again on your ship, remember how you leave it today. Probably, you will more than once will return to it to continue your swimming. Remember that it will always wait for you at the Pier ... You leave further and further from your ship ... and again postpone here, in this room, start feeling your body ...

Now I will begin to count from seven to one. With each next digit, you will become more and more from the state of relaxation - until the moment when I call the number "one" and you will be rested, vigorous, full of new forces and energy.

So seven ... You feel how a feeling of my own body is returned to you ... lethargy and apathy retreat. You start returning to your normal state. Six ... Your muscles are filled with power and energy ... You are still still, but it will take a few moments, and you can easily get up and start moving ... five ... The state of calm is preserved, but it begins to felt the feeling of strength and the opportunity to act ... Relaxation is replaced by the collaboration ... Four. You feel that finally came to yourself and are ready for the manifestation of activity. Cheerfulness and energy are increasingly fill you. Three. Stir the feet. You fully feel your legs and can easily strain muscles. Stir your fingers. Slowly squeeze your fingers into the fist. Two. Without opening the eye, turn over your head. You are cheerful filled with force and energy. Did you have a good rest. You are calm and confident. One. Opened eyes. Stood up. Do not do it too fast.

When discussing the effects of the exercise, in addition to the state reflection, it is good to get answers to such questions:

What ship did you choose for your sailing? Describe it.

What color did it turn out to be painted?

What is it called?

Did anyone meet you on board the ship?

What did you say?

What was the curious discovered during the inspection of the vessel?

What is the purpose of your swimming, fixed on the map?

Did you see the name of the end item?

What was the weather in your exit from the port? What happened to you while swimming?

Stories of participants may be very interesting, saturated unexpected details and bright details. Almost probably on the lead questions like questions like: "What do the words of the captain of the vessel mean? Why was my ship called this way? What is the meaning of events that happened in swimming?". It seems to us that the leading is better to refrain from assessments and interpretations, advising the participants themselves to reflect on the symbolism of images presented by him by the subconscious.

Sage of temple

Psychotherapists are often used in meditative techniques Archetypical images of an ancient elder-sage, temple, candle flames and the like (see, for example, J. Rainawater, (1992), because they allow a person to gain access to their own subconscious resources. In the psychothetics described below, all listed archetypes are applied.

- Imagine yourself standing in the meadow in the summer forest. The thick grass rises to the knees, and the flower petals touch your feet. Around the trees, their foliage rustle a warm breeze. The sun rays create a bizarre mosaic of light and shadow. Birds, Dragonflowing for Cousners

The imagination is traditionally considered an integral part of creative people.

And somehow there was a stereotype that "people serious and successful fantasies are not fond of".

However, as practice shows, it is people who are successful and serious are obliged to their successes perfectly developed imagination,
which intuitively finds a way out of the most difficult situations,
helps them to make sure solutions,
find approach to people
and prevent conflicts and trouble.

Imagination is inherent to each person. True, we do not always realize all of its manifestations as a resource personality and not always consciously use truly limitless opportunities.

Imagination is the ability to represent images, symbols, fantasies, dreams. These are "internal films" and unfolding plots that we are experiencing in a dream or in reality, thinking or noticeing.

During such periods, attention switches from the outside world to the internal world. And our consciousness changes - we seem to be immersed in yourself. And find themselves in inner world, in the space of imagination. In the meantime, this "mental residence" of stories is happening, something unpreveloping changes inside us, the sources of new resources are opened, the state is improved, the voltage and anxiety is reset.

  • The space of imagination is a completely special space,
    in which there is your own landscape, your roads and your own language.

This space is heavily and for the body, and for the psyche. After all, in him, every person can meet with his soul, hear the voice and desires of his heart.

Modern psychotherapy is familiar with the imagination and the laws of its space. It is working with metaphorical cards, and a catimonal experience of images, and work with dreams in the Jungian approach or with the help of Dreamtending and much more. Since the time of K. G. Yung has many scientific research and many effective practices and directions for healing based on strength and space have been created

  • It is very important to understand that simple fantasy
    not work with managed imagination (!)

In order to solve a serious problem, it is not enough just to fantasize about how everything is resolved. Unfortunately, it is generally extremely rarely something happens. All changes and transformations become the result of effort. Inner work, competently and seriously done in the space of imagination, can give significant results.

This is the removal of anxiety and stress, and out of stress, and resolving conflicts, and building a new scenario of life, harmonization of relations in the family, and healing of bodily diseases, and much more.

As a rule, working with images includes:

  • representation of some image reflecting the actual situation or human problem;
  • awareness of the relationship of this situation with the past human experience and with systems in which it is included (family system, generic system, cultural system);
  • identifying scenarios for developing events, patterns of behavior, blocks and restrictions that hold a person inside a traumatic situation;
  • correction of state, situation.

Conditionally, you can allocate three key steps in this work.

one). AwarenessWhat happens and how a person creates this situation in his life.

It often happens that in the situation of stress, a person does not always see what happens in his life in fact. In moments of strong experiences, it is inclined or to remove from what is happening, or to close the eyes to some important aspects, or to outpay what is happening in the unconscious. So the protective reactions that protect against perception are triggered, to cope with which inside a person lacks resources.

Working with the managed imagination allows the symbolic or archetypal level to realize and see the relationship of what is happening. At the same time, the "hacking" of protection does not occur, and work is absolutely safe at the level that comes here and now a specific person.

From this point of view, working with images, symbols and archetypes is most environmentally friendly and comfortable.

2). Understanding connections Situations with other areas of life

There is no situations that arise in life from nowhere. Each person is part of his family system, its generic system, part of the culture. And also, part of your experience, your experiences injuries, mistakes, victories and success.

All events are interrelated and are at the same time a consequence and cause for everything that is happening. In order to change the script, it is almost always important to detect and adjust those connections that led to a negative situation.

3). Correction or changewhat needs to be changed

It is very important that all corrective impacts are conducted at the necessary and sufficient level in terms of the readiness of a particular person to such changes. Professional therapist will always find out which changes a person is ready to take into his life, what is the purpose of this particular work.

Correction - change and harmonization of what is happening - will occur with the help of special techniques that the psychologist recommends. It may be direct work with bodily reactions, and work with drawings, with metaphorical cards. It may be the creation of stories and fairy tales. And maybe direct change of the event in those images that unfold in the imagination.

  • Why when working with managed imagination
    changes then occur in real life?

Open in the early 1990s, mirror neurons help to explain from the point of view of science the mechanism of how and why our brain does not distinguish between events that have realized in reality, from events taking place in the imagination.

For human consciousness Events in the imagination will be equally real and events in the reality that we are familiar to consider "real".

Thanks to the neural mechanisms and the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain, a person can learn through the imitation of the actions of other people, instantly recognize emotions and react to them correctly and so on. And we can use the same brain ability to correct the scenarios of our own life using a managed imagination:

  • complete conflicts that are difficult or impossible to resolve in reality;
  • say goodbye and forgive those who are no more in our lives;
  • build scenarios of harmonious relationships;
  • create career success;
  • work internal barriers and self-conformity.

Two stereotypes interfere efficient work with managed imagination.

    The stereotype that "imagination is not serious." Often, the work of the imagination is associated fairy tales and stories.

    This is not quite so. Nowadays, history often become part of a successful therapeutic practice. After all, how much does human race exist, so much exist and the stories that people tell themselves and others.

    In fact, 2 million fairy tales. And images, symbols that come to us in dreams and Gresses are even more.

    Dr. Stephen Eisenstat, an archetypal psychologist, a student of D. Hillman, believes that he will render all living on the planet. Not only people see dreams, but also all plants, animals, landscapes and planet Earth are found in the overall space of images, in the space of dreams. It can be said that the art of the birth of images in dreams is 2 billion years. So ancient history At imagination and images ...

    Each destiny is the story of life. It has been pressed by the experience of man, his emotions, feelings, experiences. And - its transformation. And on how to tell this story life depends what will happen In her further.

    That is why techniques with fairy tales and metaphorical cards in which people create their stories are working so effectively. They help to reconcile with losses, feel a new challenge, see a new dream and find the meaning to move on.

    And such stories give hope.

    Agree, often we are not enough hope to take yourself in hand and change what poisons life every day ...

    Fairy tales and stories that we tell about ourselves and for ourselves help to overcome the feeling of helplessness.

    After all, creating the history of his life - together with the therapist or independently - a person feels his creator. And sees how the thread of history is born his will and intention. And this experience can be transferred to real life - Creating events in life as well as the story about it.

    So, work with imagination, with images and dreams - not at all the opening of our days.

    The rest is in the so-called region of the unconscious. There are our instinctive reactions, associative communications, injuries, installations, emotional charges. There are also our resources.

    The unconscious is a huge resource warehouse, knowledge, this is the instance that protects us, works around the clock, keeps all our experience and intuition and all our abilities. For each situation, a person has always a resource to cope with her.

    If consciousness communicates with us at the level of speech - thoughts and words, the unconscious communicates with us at the level of images, symbols, sensations, emotions. We get access to there with your imagination.

    The stereotype is that trances, changed states of consciousness are something "frightening and incomprehensible, magicians, shamans and hypnotists are engaged in this.

    In this, of course, there is a share of truth. But the shaman transition is very different from the so-called domestic trance. And no magic in clearly built algorithms for working with archetypes, with dreams, with a manageable imagination and a cathoney experience of images, no.

    These are effective, consistent strategies that help access 100% of their internal resources, synchronize the work of both brain hemispheres. And it is at the expense of this to achieve healing or solving a complex life situation.

Traditionally, the processes of logic and consciousness are associated with the left hemisphere, and the processes of unconscious, emotions, decision-making - are associated with the right hemisphere. Each human hemisphere specializes in his types of perception, perceives the world in his own way.

Left hemisphere works with words and numbers. It has analytical thinking, linear arguments. And the right hemisphere is our images and imagination, these are premonitions, intuition, fantasies and the ability to work. There lives our imagination.

In order for both hemispheres to work synchronously and a person gained access to all its resources and 100% opportunities, it is necessary to go to a special state. Such a state is sometimes called trance.

Trance - the state of the limiting concentration of attention, the maximum immersion in the inner world and internal processes. Trans is a tool that makes accessible resources unconscious.

Transist states are part of natural, biological rhythms, naturally embedded in the functioning of the body in the process of evolution.

IN everyday life We are familiar with such states.

  • It is the dreams in reality, and the sample state in which we are before falling down.
  • This is a state in which we sometimes look at the scenery flashing outside the windows.
  • This is a state of prayer or meditation.
  • These are insights and illnesses, inspiration and the famous "stream state", which I wrote M. Chixentmichia.
  • This is observation of the flame, repeating rhythmic actions (for example, sewing, knitting).
  • This is a state of thoughtfulness during a film or reading.

In science, there is a concept of a 90-minute rhythm of activity, during which approximately 80 minutes is the usual functioning, and 10 minutes - spontaneous trance.

In this biorhythm, each hemisphere takes turns reaches the peak of activity, and then the moment of synchronization occurs, at this moment the intermetrous asymmetry disappears.

And at this moment of sync, all the resources of the body become available. This cycle continues and during sleep, and during wakefulness, it is similar to the internal biological clock of a person who helps the best way Work all over the body.

Some types of work with imagination are associated with the changed states of consciousness and are sometimes called trance. Usually, such states are characterized by:

  • relaxation of the body;
  • calm and deep immersion in your inner world;
  • the brightness and significance of the experienced images and stories that are born in the imagination;
  • concentrations of internal images;
  • reducing the acute perception of external objects.

They are completely safe and healing for the entire human bodily system.

Relaxation is not some kind of occupation. Relaxation is a natural reaction that you simply allow you to occur. When you stop strain - there is relaxation.
Joel and Mishchel Levi. "Meditation without swelling"

When working with a catimonal experience of images, with meditative trance, when working with a managed imagination, customers in 99% of cases note the decrease in anxiety and voltage, the state of inner peace and harmony. Often, during such work, they receive insights, the best understanding of what is happening in their life and awareness of the right solutions.

Psychotherapy gives us more and more confirmations of the impact of internal images on our physical shell.
Rudiger Dong. "Miracle imagination"

According to S. Gilligen, one of the students M. Ericsson, in this state our self-reflection does not require efforts - images and decisions come as if themselves. And we are in a state of experiencing participation, when we are immersed in our real sensations, and not in the idea of \u200b\u200bthem . It is this moment that allows us to change their patterns of behavior, remove blocks and interfering installations from the subconscious.

In fact, during such a work the therapist offers the client to focus on its inner world. And through symbols and images to make a trip in your imagination. With such a work, the brain ceases to process millions of signals from the outside world, switches from "MoneyHoworilki" to solve the actual issue. And this concentration on the main thing is that the man is worried, leads to what is best solution It is for him.

According to Daniel Gowlman, attention is a muscle that requires a permanent training. Working with imagination provides such training.

Changed states of consciousness and work with imagination helps to quickly restore the forces after high loads and in a state of stress, accelerate recovery after operations and severe somatic diseases, exit serious psychological states.

In addition, the state of rest and relaxation, the state of completeness vitality and internal energy Extremely pleasant in itself. There are slightly such medical preparations and psychological tools that would be equally effective and pleasant.

Imagination \u003d pleasure + solution

Training your imagination, mastering the methods of managed imagination with the help of a psychotherapist or independently, you will significantly improve the quality of your life and bring your dream to reality.

- Imagination. Impact on life
- The power of imagination changes reality
- Method of mental training

Imagination is the ability to form mental images of something that cannot be perceived by the senses. The ability of the mind to build psychological scenes, objects or events that no, no, and did not happen, in the past. Memory is actually a manifestation of fantasy.

Each person has some imagination ability. Some may be highly developed, and in others it can manifest itself in very weak form. This manifests itself to varying degrees from different people. Imagination allows you to present the whole world in mind.

This makes it possible to look at any situation from a different point of view, and allows you to mentally investigate the past and future. It manifests itself in various forms, one of which is dreams. Although simple dreaminess can make you impractical.

Some dreams, if not engaged in something that requires attention, provide temporary happiness, calm and exemption from stress. You can travel at the speed of light in your imagination anywhere without any obstacles.

This makes it possible to feel free, although temporarily, and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circumstances. Imagination is not limited to the vision of pictures in the head. It includes all five senses and sensations. You can imagine physical sensations, smell, sound, taste, feelings or emotions.

One people are easier to see mental pictures, others are easier to imagine feelings, and some feel more comfortable when they see the feelings of one of five feelings. Learning imagination makes it possible to combine all the senses.
Strong and developed imagination does not make you a dreamer and impractical.

On the contrary, it strengthens its creative abilities, as well as this is a great tool for creating and reconstructing your peace and life. This is a big power that can change all your life. It is widely used in magic, creative visualization and affirmation. They are the creator and the circumstance of the event.

When you know how to work with him, you can make your desires come true.
Imagination plays a big role and has great importance in the life of each of us. It is much larger than simple dreaminess. We all use it, consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily matters.

We use our imagination when we plan parties, trips, work or meeting. We use it when we describe events, explain how to find a specific street, we write, tell or prepare the cake.

The imagination is the creative force required for the invention of the tool, designing a dress or building, drawing a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination plays a big role in any area to achieve success. What we imagine with faith and feeling comes to us.

This power, creative visualization, positive thinking and affirmations.
Visualization of an object or situation, often a repeated mental image, attracts an object or situation into our lives. This suggests that it is necessary to think only in a positive key of our desires.

Otherwise, we can create life, events, situation and people, what we really do not want. In fact, this happens to most of us, because we do not use the power of imagination correctly. If we do not recognize how important the power of the imagination, even if it is a riot, your life can not be happy and successful, as I would like to see her.

For some reason, most people prefer to think in a negative key. They are not waiting for success. They expect the worst, and when they fail, believe that fate against them. This attitude must be changed, and, accordingly, then life will improve.

Understanding how to use your imagination correctly, and applying these knowledge in practice, for your own benefits and for others, will put you on the golden way to success, satisfaction and happiness.

- The power of imagination changes reality

Scientists have proven: the strength of the imagination does change reality.

Psychologists Christopher Davoli and Richard Abrams from the Washington University in St. Louis (USA) proved that imagination affects the existing reality.

During the experiment, the tests were required as quickly as possible to find the letters previously selected by the experimenter scattered around the screen and mark the task by pressing the button by pressing the button. At the time of passing the test, participants were asked to imagine one of two situations: in the first of these, the test holds the monitor with both "imaginary" hands, and in his second hand are behind his back. The results showed that with a mental change, the volunteers poses spent more time to search for letters.

Thus, the effectiveness of the implementation of a certain type of tasks may increase not only in physically changing the position of the body, but also with a mental change of poses. According to scientists, this proves the truth of the concept that sports psychologists nominated: the power of imagination can indeed be changed by reality. The main thing to believe in what you see. Creates miracles.

Many people pay a lot of time to improving their body - swimming pool, horizontal bar, an athletic hall and much more serve to build muscle, - but it is impossible to increase the gray substance with such means. But meditation classes contribute to an increase in the volume of some brain departments. Scientists from California University (Los Angeles) came to this conclusion.

With the help of high-precision brain scanning, it was found that people regularly practicing meditation, departments related to the manifestation of emotions, are noticeably larger than that of the control group. Louds are systematically engaged in meditation, often show positive emotionshave the ability to save peace of mind And involve outsiders in a caring attitude towards others.

All 22 studied were engaged in meditation for a long time: from 5 to 46 years, the average duration was 24 years. Most of them devotes to this lesson from 10 to 90 minutes a day.

- Method of mental training

The strength of the imagination is the same skill. And it is necessary to pump up, like much more! There is even.

1) Highlight 20 minutes to spend them in a secluded, calm atmosphere. This can be done in the morning immediately after waking up or in the evening, before going to bed. You can work out on a lunch break if there is a park nearby.

2) Relax. And imagine the situation that you want to see, imagine what is so important for you. The picture must be bright and colored. See how successfully develops events and everything is happening to you.

3) Turn on the sound. Revilitate a picture. Hear that people tell you what you are telling them in response. What other sounds are heard next to the car beep, rain noise, clock ticking or, maybe a pleasant melody.

4) Feel yourself in this situation. How are you dressed? What does your hand touch? What is your posture, how do you keep your head like you stand or sit how confidently you feel yourself.

5) Inhale the smells - what smells like your picture - freshly ground coffee, autumn leaves ... What emotions do these smells cause emotions?

6) Feel satisfaction, inspiration and joy from the result obtained.

7) Finish your exercise.

IMPORTANT! Conduct such classes regularly and constantly. Then your consciousness will learn how to quickly process the received request and implement it.

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In one of the one of you can meet an interesting saying: "When nature fasses, it creates the world." So the imagination of a person helps him to some extent to create his own reality.

In childhood, the ability to fantasy manifests itself particularly much - the world seems to be a bright and movable child, mysterious. Unfortunately, growing, many of us lose this ability, forget about how beautiful the power of imagination is. Perhaps it is time to return it.

You ask, why is a practical and pragmatic person to indulge in empty dreams? Yes, it is then to become the creator of his own life. The imagination force helps an athlete to put new records, an artist or musician, it helps to create true masterpieces.

Magu The power of imagination allows you to seem to be conceived. You can explore the grimuars, read the necronomicon, familiarize yourself with the works of Papales, and other mystics, but it will not make you a magician. Only the imagination of a person allows him to achieve what seemed impossible.

Application of the imagination force

To begin with, you should introduce you to some statements:

    The idea is real and it is able to influence the matter (by means of astral and essential energy)

    The thought is capable of taking a stable shape (so-called elemental essence)

    Elemental entity can carry a charge of positive or negative energy

    Elemental essence obeys the will of the magician who created her strength of imagination

Energy attack (). I in no way urge the reader to use this technique to take revenge on my enemy, but I do not see the information to hide the information. The sorcerer is preparing for the ritual - it prepares all the necessary ingredients (salt, land from the cemetery, nails, etc.) in accordance with what results he wants to achieve. In fact, at this time, it concentrates at the object of its impact, pours negative energy to it.

The brighter the person will appear in his imagination, who should harm, the stronger will be the impact. The imagination is decisive, and not the words of conspiracy and ritual actions. Then the sorcerer "releases" the formed elemental - it must completely throw out the image of his enemy out of his head and send a negative thought to him. Otherwise, the reverse strike will be followed - elemental will return to the MAG.

Attract luck. Everything is much more complicated here, because Fortuna is thin. With confidence, one can say one thing if in my imagination a person constantly creates pictures of problems and troubles (difficulties at work, family troubles and other), he will receive them in excessive amounts. Therefore, learn to switch to a positive, and it will immediately be easier to live. So, if you read, then not just pronounce words, and form a bright image of success at this time (I passed the exams, I got good work etc.).

Defeat the disease. Even in this case, the imagination of a person can have invaluable help. Do you know the concept of "placebo"? This term is called a medicine providing exclusively. psychological impact on the patient. In other words, the patient is given a tablet made of chalk or a different substance that does not possess special propertiesHe is told that this medicine and the patient recovers! He helps the power of imagination.

Ahead of the opponent. Who showed the weakness who scared his rival, he already lost. This rule acts not only in boxing, but also in life. Very often, people lose a favorable opportunity simply because they consider themselves unworthy. If a person's imagination draws him ", then there is practically no chance of success. Think, whether you often say yourself: "I can't cope", "is it not for me"? If so, then it's time to urgently change your worldview.

Do you know how you dream?

Exercise that I want to offer you is not a secret occult technique, but rather a game. However, such a game has no less energy potential than all the techniques ever developed by Egyptian priests and other representatives of the occult community.

So, you should stay alone, the perfect time for exercise Early twilight. Cut more comfortably, breathe smoothly and deep. Your task is to clear your mind from extraneous thoughts. Consider every exhalation until you reach hundreds. Then imagine yourself in the dense forest: you are surrounded by century old trees, their crowns are closed above their heads.

Enforce the imagination so much as possible. It is necessary to penetrate the atmosphere of rest and peace. Mentally hug any tree and ask him to give you strength. Over time, you will learn to feel the energy that the universe itself gives you.

Next, clean your consciousness again. Imagine what you want to achieve most of the world. It is advisable to use specific images, imagine that you already have the object of your desire. If you want to move to a more spacious house, you wander mentally at his rooms, dream of a car - imagine yourself driving.

The imagination force does not act so much than more complex taskThe longer you have to wait for the response. Nevertheless, dream, use your fantasy - and perhaps the result will exceed all your expectations!