Kvass from wort for 3 liters. Kvass from wort

Hello! This year, the summer is terribly hot, and the end of spring was also hot, so kvass comes in tons.

About how I prepare this wonderful drink in hot weather and I want to write in this article.

And we cook it very often in the summer, because it removes thirst very well and it becomes easier to live with our kvass. Kvass at home can be prepared from bread or malt, or you can use concentrated kvass wort, which was prepared at the factory and evaporated excess moisture.

It is this method that we will use this time, it is quite fast and tasty, and all the useful substances are also preserved and cannot be compared with a store-bought drink.

So what do we need to prepare kvass in a jar of 3, maybe even 5 liters, and someone like this, I will find just such a bottle for 20 liters at once.

Very convenient, made once and lasts a long time!

So here are the ingredients:

  • kvass wort (concentrate in the store 0.5 - approx-30r.)
  • water who makes how much 3-5-20 liters
  • yeast (for 3 l-5 grams—for 5 l-10 grams—for 20 l-50 g)
  • sugar (for 20 l - 1.3 - for 5 l - 300 grams - for 3 l - to taste)

at the request of a crust of black bread and rye flour, just a few crusts and a spoonful of flour - everything is individually to taste.

We will make homemade kvass from wort concentrate as follows

Let's take pure spring water as pure as a baby's tear - of course, the question may arise if there is none, then what to do.

It doesn't matter that there is always a way out. Let's take the water that we drink in a given area in everyday life.

It’s everyone’s business to boil or not, I boil in the form of self-hypnosis or something, but unboiled also makes excellent kvass.

I will make kvass immediately for 20 liters.

Take a saucepan of a suitable volume, pour the required amount of water and bring to a boil.

Pour into a bottle or jar of a suitable volume, as I mentioned, I have a 20 liter bottle.

I ask you not to find fault with the fact that I don’t have clean water in the bottle, it’s just the remnants of old yeast from the previous batch, there is my own yeast, but more on that below.

Pour the wort concentrate from the can before adding water so that everything mixes better while pouring water.

About the amount of wort added, the proportions are as follows:

For 3 liters - 10 tablespoons as it is written in the recipe on the jar.

for 20 liters I pour the whole jar of 0.5 liters, but it is possible and one and a half will have a more pronounced taste and color.

It's time to dilute the yeast. I use the usual ones for the first start.

Dilute in a small amount of warm water so that the foam does not rise.

We cut two such plates into such a bottle.

And add to kvass.

I add two to three tablespoons of rye flour every new batch.

You can do without it, but the taste is more pronounced.

put in a quiet place to ferment for about a day

From above it is necessary to close the bottle with something loose, but so that flies and other livestock do not crawl through.

Painfully they love this business and breed their own - just say a little.

I use such a gag from a plastic bag, it is very convenient to roll it up, plugged the carbon dioxide out, but no air gets in and take it off to pour a glass, no problems.

After a day, you can try kvass, the sweetness will gradually go away every day, the sharpness is average and will be all the time while kvass is fermenting.

If you need to carbonate more strongly, then on the second day it is necessary to drain into a plastic bottle and leave until the bottle becomes like a stone.

Opening such a bottle with caution pressure is impressive, but the result is also carbonated kvass at your service, it is tastier.

Yes, one more warning in such kvass there is a small degree, but still there is something like driving no-no.

How to cook kvass from kvass wort at home - without yeast

Such kvass can be prepared without the use of pressed yeast, we simply use the sourdough, so to say, a natural analogue.

All other ingredients are the same as in the previous case.

We need rye flour and water and a few crusts of black bread at the final stage, it takes 4 days to cook.

The first day we take a liter jar, add one hundred grams of flour and one hundred grams of water and mix well.

Why a liter jar and not less? It is better to take even more, because the sourdough rises quite strongly on the 3rd day and can simply run away. If it doesn't, then something is not right.

The second day, one hundred grams of flour and one hundred water, again interfere.

The third day 50 grams of flour and 50 water again interfere.

We repeat the fourth day as the third - we interfere.

Fifth in the morning, the sourdough is ready.

As soon as the kvass comes to an end, do not drain the sourdough, but simply add a little rye flour.

For 3 liters 50 grams for 20 liters 150 grams.

As soon as the starter accumulates a lot, you can remove half.

The more turns, the stronger the starter.

That's actually the whole recipe for making kvass from kvass wort concentrate, the process is quite simple.

You can leave crusts of rye bread in kvass, the taste will be more pronounced; raisins will also not be superfluous, but this is an amateur, everyone will choose the best additive for their own taste.

Make and enjoy the great product of your own HOME cooking.

Having done it once, it will be impossible to stop throughout the summer!

Real kvass with a cap of airy foam, gas bubbles merrily shooting into the nose, sweet, but with a slight sourness, can be prepared in only two ways: from rye crackers and from must. How? We'll talk about this.

Attempt at writing

If you decide to try making this drink, prepare it in small quantities to start with. Through trial and error, after a few times you will work out your ideal from kvass wort. Why wort? Because it is easier to deal with it than with sourdough from bread, grains and other components. Just note: kvass from kvass wort concentrate is really tasty. It is from a concentrate, and not from a diluted mixture. It lasts for a long time, and the quality of the original product is high. You want and want to drink such kvass, especially when it's hot. So, let's prepare everything you need first: sugar, water, concentrate, yeast. Boil 3 liters of water and leave to stand. In another container of a slightly larger volume (a five-liter bottle, a saucepan, etc.), we put the ingredients in the amount indicated by the recipe for kvass from kvass wort. You need to pour half a liter of warm (not hot!) Water and dissolve 2 tablespoons of the concentrate and sugar in it. Depending on how sweet you want the drink to be, add sugar from 1/2 cup to 2/3. Stir the mixture so that the ingredients dissolve well. After that, the recipe for kvass from kvass wort prescribes adding the remaining 2.5 liters of water (it should not be cold or warm - normal room temperature) and put a stick of yeast (6 g). An important condition: only fresh yeast is suitable, otherwise the drink will not turn out the way you would like.

And one more thing: many people like kvass not in its pure form, but with berry additives: from raisins, prunes, etc. You can add a handful of dried fruits you have to the blank. The recipe for kvass from kvass wort allows such “freedom”. The semi-finished product should be covered and left aside for several days to ferment. You can try it in 2 days. If the taste satisfies - strain carefully, bottle and drink, keeping the excess in the refrigerator. Or leave it for another day or two to “reach”.

Homemade wort

And now the recipe for those who are interested not only from kvass wort, but also the recipe for the wort itself - homemade. It should be prepared at least a week before you plan to start the drink itself. For this, a glass of rye is taken, washed and soaked for a couple of days (no more) in ordinary boiled water that has stood in the room.

Repeat the procedure every day so that the rye does not disappear. When the grain germinates well, it can be processed further. The water is drained, the rye is sent to the oven and dried, then ground through a meat grinder and a blender. Everything, the wort (dry sourdough) is ready. Collect it in a linen rag and use it as needed. What good can be made of this? Well, for example, such a kvass: pour half a glass of rye flour with a liter of boiling water, stir and let cool. During this time, mince a lemon (with peel), a large apple (preferably sweet), 3 handfuls of raisins and a handful of other dried fruits through a meat grinder. For a better taste and aroma, you can add spicy herbs or currant leaves, raspberries. Everything is mixed and laid in a cooled flour "chatter". More water is added (a liter and a half), a tablespoon of honey and a little sugar are placed. Cover the workpiece, let it ferment for several days. Strain, sweeten if required, and drink to your heart's content! And dry the wort again and you can use more! Happy drinking!

Ready dry mix, or wort in, or even sets, with which it remains to mix the contents of the bags with warm water and let it brew.

Real kvass requires a different approach. You can even say respect, because it takes a lot of time to tinker with the must. First of all, you need - rye, barley or wheat. You need to buy not what is offered for feeding birds, but packages marked “for sprouting”. The grains are thoroughly washed with warm water and soaked in cool water. At the same time, it is not enough just to leave the bowl in a bright, non-hot place - the water must be changed to fresh two or three times a day. In a day or two, sprouts will hatch. Once this has happened, the grains are placed between two layers of gauze on a tray, pallet, baking sheet - any shallow container. The top layer of the fabric is regularly moistened with water, and the grains are stirred. The recommended temperature is 10-18оС. Within a week, the sprouts will be equal in length to the grain itself. At this point, germination is stopped and the product is dried for about 20 hours at a temperature not exceeding 45-55°C. At the same time, the finished malt turns out to be of a light shade and is suitable for light kvass. If you need red kvass, the malt is roasted until dark. Then it is ground in a coffee grinder and used or put away for storage.

Properly cooked and dried, the wort tastes sweet and smelly, and the roots and sprouts are easy to separate from the grains.

Turning homemade malt into wort is a much easier task. The powder is poured with boiling water (the proportions depend on the recipe), let it brew for half an hour and add the rest of the kvass ingredients - water, sugar and yeast.

If kvass ripens in an open container, raisins are added to it for sparkling. If it is closed, then put less sugar so that the gas does not break the bottle or jar.
The fermented liquid is allowed to ripen in a cool place.

Option for dummies

A simpler version of the wort is from crackers. Wheat bread is used for white kvass, rye bread for red kvass. The first is good in okroshka, the second - to quench thirst. Sliced ​​bread is dried in the oven (the degree of roasting will affect the color), pour boiling water and leave for 7-8 hours. The next steps are the same: add sugar, yeast and water, let ferment and ripen.
It is easy to diversify the taste of such kvass if you use cabbage brine, milk whey or birch sap instead of water. In summer, kvass is easy to make from fruits. Then an apple or other decoction is used as the must.

Kvass is prepared in several ways - with black bread, yeast, from ready-made sourdough, wort and others. This drink is very easy to prepare and does not require special knowledge. It can be used both for okroshka and as a soft drink that perfectly quenches thirst.


  • Water - 3 l
  • Kvass wort - 2 tbsp
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Dry yeast - 0.5 tsp
  • Raisins - 1 tsp

Recipe for making kvass from kvass wort

A simple recipe for kvass from wort will come in handy for all lovers of summer refreshing drinks.

  • Water - 3 l
  • Kvass wort - 2 tbsp
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Dry yeast - 0.5 tsp
  • Raisins - 1 tsp

Before making kvass from the wort, you should prepare all the necessary ingredients and utensils.

To prepare kvass at home, it is advisable to use boiled cooled water, or raw, but several times passed through the filter.

Wort can be purchased at a regular supermarket or bakery, so there should be no problems with raw materials. Good must - has a dark, almost black color, and a very thick consistency. It is not worth taking drinks from liquid wort.

Dissolve sugar and wort in 500 ml of water, pour into a three-liter jar or saucepan, add the remaining water.

Add yeast to the solution, do not mix, cover and leave for 1-2 days.

Kvass must be tasted periodically, and when it acquires the desired taste, it must be poured into plastic bottles. Put a few raisins in each bottle, close the lid and leave to carbonate.

When kvass foams well, due to which the bottles become hard enough, they need to be put in the refrigerator.

How to make kvass from kvass wort concentrate

Kvass from kvass wort concentrate is prepared very simply.

  • 1 - 1.5 cups of sugar
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l kvass wort concentrate
  • 6 g - live yeast
  • 3 l - water

Pour the concentrate into a 3 liter jar. Boil a liter of water, cool to about 80 ° C and pour into a jar.

Let the mixture brew for 3 hours.

Add sugar and add water at room temperature up to the shoulders, add yeast. Leave for 3-4 days at room temperature.

Pour the finished kvass into bottles and refrigerate.

The preparation of kvass from the wort does not take much time and you can drink the finished drink the very next day.

How to make kvass from dry wort

Kvass from dry wort is prepared very simply and quickly.

To prepare a drink, the contents of the package are poured into a saucepan and poured with a liter of boiling water, closed with a lid for 20 minutes. If the kvass is not mixed well, and lumps form, they need to be crushed. Then you need to add another 15 liters of boiling water and stir again. Cool down to 35 degrees. Cooking kvass from kvass wort will not take you more than an hour.

Add yeast diluted with water to the wort, you can ready-made sourdough, knead, leave to ferment. Then add sugar and pour the drink into bottles. Close the finished drink tightly.

When the drink has cooled, it must be rearranged in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for several days.

Now you know how to make kvass from kvass wort and you can cook it to your taste.

Wort kvass is a delicious refreshing drink that is perfect not only for drinking, but also for making classic okroshka.

  • 200 g - kvass wort
  • 6 tbsp - sugar
  • 20 g - rye sourdough
  • Raisins - for better fermentation to taste

Boil 6 liters of water. Cool down. In a separate bowl, mix the starter with a small amount of water, stir with a whisk. Pour into a saucepan. Add the wort and stir to disperse the wort throughout the volume.

Leave for 12 hours. Kvass wort is a breeding ground for wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria of the starter culture. After 12 hours, air bubbles will appear on the surface - the primary fermentation process is underway!

Add sugar to the kvass base, stir.

Carefully drain the kvass from the rest into plastic bottles, throw 3-4 raisins into each, tighten the lids and leave for 12 hours. Then transfer to the refrigerator and stand for a week.

Open carefully. You can try kvass from kvass wort.

Recipe for homemade kvass from wort

Homemade wort kvass is a delicious drink that you can prepare at any time of the year.

  • kvass dry - 3 tbsp. l
  • rye malt - 2 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l
  • rye crackers
  • dry yeast

Before preparing kvass from the wort, you can prepare a starter from sugar, kvass and malt.

Pour preferably with warm boiled water, but not to the top, but somewhere to the “shoulders” of the jar, pour a pinch of yeast, mix.

Put 2-3 crackers on top, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature. The next day kvass will be ready.

We filter it into another container and use it for cooking okroshka.

If you need a drink for drinking, then put a little sugar or jam, mix, close with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator. For a sharper taste, you can put a few raisins.

After the drink has cooled, it can be served at the table and drunk.

Attention, only TODAY!


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Recipe for homemade kvass with yeast

In the first option, we will use "raw" yeast, that is, fresh pressed. They are sold in 100 g briquettes and are usually used in classic home baking recipes. You will also need kvass wort - it is sold in jars of 500 ml. Often, the recipe for making kvass is also written on the jars, making it easier for housewives (by the way, the most delicious kvass in our family is prepared by dad). The last ingredient is sugar.

1. We will cook in a glass 3-liter jar. Pour into it WARM boiled water (not hot, but not at room temperature) in the amount of 2.5 liters, leaving room for other ingredients.

2. We put 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of kvass wort, 5-6 g of pressed yeast, 1 cup of sugar. It will be more convenient to first mix the wort and yeast thoroughly in a glass until completely dissolved, while adding a little warm water. And then pour the starter into water and add sugar.

3. Mix everything well and put it in a warm place for a day (the optimum temperature is 25-30 degrees).

4. We cool the finished kvass, drain it from the sediment. You can drink!

Homemade kvass with dry yeast: recipe

First, we act similarly to the first recipe: pour 2.5 liters of warm boiled water into a jar. Then put in the water 6 tbsp. spoons of kvass wort, 1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 cup of granulated sugar. Close the lid and leave for a day in a warm place to wander. Ready kvass (2/3 cans) is bottled and put in the refrigerator. Chilled kvass is much tastier!

Pour 1/3 of the sourdough left in the jar with water, put the kvass wort (this time 4 or 5 tablespoons), sand 2/3 cups, and no yeast is needed. A day later, it merges again and the process repeats again

There are recipes for making homemade kvass without yeast. We have not tried them yet, but if you have a recipe, share in the comments. We will be glad!